Cord Wood Masonry
Cord Wood Masonry
Cord Wood Masonry
By Tom Barchacky
and to the vertical posts with counter-
sunk 1/2" X 8" lag screws, which helps
maintain a rustic appearance.
To erect the beams and the roof
trusses, I built a 19'-tall derrick so I
could lift the 200-pound beams when
no one was available to help. The der-
rick cost about $60, which was for the
come-along, casters, and hardware. I
got the wood free at the landfill.
I built the roof trusses at a 9/12
pitch, which keeps snow mass from
piling up too high. A lower snow load
meant that bracing wasn’t required on
the inside of the trusses, which allows
for a wide open loft with considerable
storage. The shed is 16' X 16' with an
18' joist at the bottom of the truss to
allow for a 12" overhang along the
front and rear walls. To make this joist,
I had to overlap two 10' 2 X 6s and bolt
them together. I then ran a support
wall down the center of the shed with
two 2 X 4 plates at the top to support other side as the logs are laid into the A stop board placed on the outside of
the spliced sections. The loft is almost mortar bed. post-and-beam frame makes it easy to
6' high along the ridgeline, which al- 7E FOLLOWED 2ICHARDS
maintain a flush finish; in addition it acts
lowed me to install a set of loft doors (sand-sawdust-portland cement-hy- as a form for the exterior mortar joints.
in the gable. I plan to extend a 4 X 4 drated lime) recipe for mortar, and it
about 2' out past the doors and hang a worked perfectly. The mortar consist-
pulley from it to help lift heavier items ency was thick enough to allow us to of our purpose was to repurpose, and
into the loft. mortar an arch above the door without time is an asset as valuable as money.
By the end of 2007 we had the main using permanent boards underneath to What I saved on new purchases and
frame members up as well as cedar hold the mortar in place. This meant other people’s labor essentially bought
shakes on the front side of the roof. that the underside of the logs could be me a cement mixer, a power washer,
The roof was finished in April of 2008. exposed and not completely covered and an electric chain saw that, like the
Another brother-in-law helped me cut with mortar, yielding a more attractive shed, will be used for many years to
notches to fit the 6 X 6 crossbeams in look. I soaked and bent a 1/4"-thick come.
the walls to hold up the windows, at furring strip and nailed it to the top of
which point we were able to begin the the door to hold the logs in place until Richard Flatau’s newest book, Cord-
electrical work. the mortar set. To hold up the other end wood Construction: A Log End View
of the 8" logs and keep them level, I (2009) is available for $22 plus $2
“Formed” Cordwood nailed a second bent strip to the 8" X 8" shipping and handling in the U.S.
vertical posts that framed the door. ($4 to Canada) online at
In August 2008 we began laying We finished the shed this summer, Also available for
and mortaring the cedar logs for the culminating four summers of work on $15 plus $2 shipping and handling is
walls, with help from family and the project. In retrospect I could have his latest full-color book, Cordwood
friends. Instead of using a mason’s line hired people to pour the concrete and Cabin: Best Practices, which details
to keep the walls straight, we used long have it done in less than a week, but the building of the Cordwood Educa-
boards screwed to the vertical support it would have cost four times as much tion Center in Merrill, Wisconsin.
posts to keep the back side of the logs and I wouldn’t have lost those ten The Flataus are teaching a hands-on
perfectly flush as we laid the mortar. pounds. I also could have chosen to use cordwood workshop near Asheville,
Using the board is much faster than new materials for the frame and saved North Carolina, October 10–12,
using a mason’s line because we didn’t myself months of work in cleaning and 2009. For information on the work-
have to check to see if the log was lined preparing the barn beams and pulling shop go to, or
up with the string. As long as the log out screws and nails to ready the deck for further questions contact Richard
was pressed up against the board we boards for ripping, thus doubling the Flatau at W4837 Schulz Spur Dr.,
knew it was straight. The board also yield. Merrill, WI 54452; 715-212-2870, or
keeps the mortar from falling out the But I’ve reminded myself that part [email protected].