Knoblach ProductionEngineering 98-2 PDF
Knoblach ProductionEngineering 98-2 PDF
Knoblach ProductionEngineering 98-2 PDF
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Fig. 2: Proceeding of Feature-Oriented Quotation Costing Fig. 3: Cost Functions Based on the List of Features
parts [8]. Input data for the feature-based quotation costing (fig. 2) for the particular manufacturing method. For each feature, the most
is extracted from the customer‘s inquiry. These data include profitable manufacturing technology is selected by comparing the
workpiece material, quality of the workpiece and required batch results of the cost functions of the different manufacturing methods.
size. The result of the quotation costing is a supply price, in which A table shows the most profitable choice of the possible manufac-
the product costs are calculated and estimated with relation to the turing technologies.
selected manufacturing technique and lot size, the date of delivery
and the pricing policy.
The determination of the manufacturing costs is performed in three Costing of Progressive Dies:
steps. In the first step the CAD-model is analysed automatically Application of Artificial Neural Networks
with regard to geometric and technical features. For the automatic
recognition of the manufacturing structure of the workpiece, an An important aspect in costing is the consideration of the tool costs
existing analysis and classification system for sheet metal parts [9] for progressive dies [10]. The costs of standard tools and previously
is used. The feature recognition is carried out with analytic geomet- manufactured tools are stored in a database and are applied to the
ric analysis, semantic networks and neural networks. The output of costing. The costs of new progressive dies are estimated automati-
this system is the base for the quotation costing to be implemented. cally by the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) [11]. In con-
The list of recognized features can be completed interactively. The trast to other solutions [12] the manufacturing costs of the tool set
next step is to assign the features to possible manufacturing tech- are calculated on the base of workpiece features not on base of the
niques. In this step the different features are transformed into tech- tool layout.
nique specific base units. These are machining times, profile lengths The aim of the calculation is the consumption of working hours in
or batch sizes. In the third step the base units are transformed into the toolmaker´s shop estimated by ANNs (fig. 4). The input layer is
costs. At this point the internal costing technique is applied, the formed by the information derived from the product model of the
internal key data (workcenter rates, overhead rates, etc.), cost of workpiece, not from the plate sequence. For this purpose, tools
tools and costs for refinishing, transport, and distribution flow into already subjected to statistical cost accounting were investigated in
the cost estimation. two toolmaker enterprises and analysed for use in data systems.
For the representation of sheet metal parts, a specific product model Based on the given spectrum of workpieces and the available data,
with a particular scope in the cost-orientated description of geo- the manufacturing technologies of progressive dies were limited to
metry- and manufacturing-features was defined and implemented. cutting, bending, punching and stamping. Thus, 41 tools were avail-
Various aspects are included in the product model: There are usual able.
details such as objects for components, sheet thickness, expansion For the input layer of the ANN, the following features were ex-
of the developed sheet, information on the material and the exact tracted from the CAD-Model: The number of strokes, the number of
geometrical model. On the one hand, special information on bends, tool stages, the number of border elements and stampings (which
features and joining techniques are included. In addition there are
items for information about extra tools (type and number, costs per
tool, and medium endurance) and costs for indirect functional areas,
e.g. the construction department for production facilities or the
operations scheduling.
The determination of the cost-orientated base units (fig. 3) is based
on the list of features of the piece stored in the product model. In
this list, the possible and internally existing manufacturing technolo-
gies are related to the recognized or defined features. All features
are rated as cost-oriented base units in relation to the possible manu-
facturing methods. This means that the cost drivers are derived
according to the technology. For example, in the case of profile
cutting by nibbling or laser beam cutting the processing time is
estimated depending on the profile length, numbers of holes und the
general process parameters like the velocity. Cost functions depend-
ing on the lot size are formed on the basis of these base units to-
gether with the key data of the processing equipment. The cost
function is discontinuous due to the average tool endurance given Fig. 4: Neural Networks for Cost Estimation of Progressive Dies
generally determine the costs). For the description of the contour specifically trained for each enterprise.
complexity the lengths of boundary and inside contours and the An approximate estimation of direct material costs for progressive
number of inside contours are used. Bends are characterized by the dies by ANNs is impractical, because the possible requirements of
number of the different bending directions, the tolerances of angles the customer for used materials and used components are too nu-
and the number of angles differentiated according to W < 90°", merous. A reliable information base is not available. For the estima-
X = 90°" and Y > 90°". The material used is described by strength and tion of direct materials, a database-based calculation sheet is used
sheet thickness. for the estimation of direct material and vendor part costs. On this
The determination of the ANN´s topology has been done in two sheet the desired components can be selected manually by the cost
steps: In the first step, the network topology was approximated by estimator.
the use of the Z FlexNet" algorithm with separated data sets for each The costing of the tools is finally achieved by the calculation of the
enterprise. The [ FlexNet" algorithm is an option of the applied ANN consumption of hours in the toolmaker´s shop, multiplied by the
toolbox \ FAST" [13] which considers the learning algorithms back- specific workcenter rate and an estimation of the material costs.
propagation, quickprop and resilient propagation. In the studies with Then, the costs per workpiece are calculated using the estimated
] FlexNet", networks with 16 input neurons and three hidden layers costs of tools and the workcenter rate of the press connected with
gave the best results under the application of the quickprop algo- the number of strokes and the costs of materials. Overhead costs are
rithm with a calculation accuracy of ca. 25% (training error index: calculated with the cost estimate sheet described below.
0.004422, validation error index: 0.40297).
In the second step, systematic variations of the number of hidden
layers and of the number of neurons per hidden layer were applied. Cost Estimate Sheet
In this investigations an ANN with three hidden layers of the topol-
ogy 16-15-15-6-1 gave the best results. A training error index of Classic job order costing as it is usually done in small and medium
0.00741855 and a validation error index of 0.21164967 were achie- sized enterprises, has the disadvantage of high overhead rates in
ved with this network (fig. 5). The validation of this network was enterprises with a high degree of automation [14]. Since the ex-
done with four workpieces. The costing results of these tools were penses spent on the introduction of a quotation costing system must
unknown to the ANN. Thereby, calculation accuracies between be kept on a low level, job order costing was retained as a basis. It
2.5 % and 10.8 % were gained (fig. 6, table 1). This accuracy was was then expanded with methods of Activity-Based Costing by
achieved on a base of 16 data sets for the training of the ANN. considering workcenter rates or resource consumption oriented cost
Finally the data sets of the two investigated enterprises were mixed functions to manufacturing steps and to the manufacturing of fea-
together. The same two steps for the determination of an optimized tures. Workcenter rates and cost functions are taken into account as
network structure were executed. The training results with valida- full costing rates and variable costing rates. The different rates are
tion errors of more then 1.0 (fig. 7) show that the networks cannot used for a comparison between fixed and variable costs for a sheet
be trained on the mixed data sets. A comparison between the inves- metal part. This dual calculation strategy allows a simple determina
tigated toolmaker‘s shops showed a lot of differences in methods
and organization structures. The networks are not able to generalize
between the differences of the two enterprises. They have to be