04-1 Mbe Part 1 Ted

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By Trần Văn Xuân


The material-balance equation is the simplest

expression of the conservation of mass in a
The equation mathematically defines the
different producing mechanisms and
effectively relates the reservoir fluid and
rock expansion to the subsequent fluid

The material balance equation (MBE) is one of

the basic tools of reservoir engineers for
interpreting and predicting reservoir
performance. The MBE can be used to:
• Estimate initial hydrocarbon volumes in place
• Predict future reservoir performance
• Predict ultimate hydrocarbon recovery under
various types of primary driving mechanisms

The equation can be written on volumetric basis as:

Initial volume = volume remaining + volume removed

Before deriving the material balance, it is convenient to

denote certain terms by symbols for brevity. The symbols
used conform where possible to the standard nomenclature
adopted by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Symbols Terms
Pi Initial reservoir pressure, psi
Δp Change in reservoir pressure = pi − p, psi
Pb Bubble point pressure, psi
N Initial (original) oil in place, STB
Np Cumulative oil produced, STB
Wp Cumulative water produced, bbl

Gp Cumulative gas produced, scf

Rp Cumulative gas-oil ratio, scf/STB
GOR Instantaneous gas-oil ratio, scf/STB
Rsi Initial gas solubility, scf/STB
Rs Gas solubility, scf/STB
Symbols Terms
Boi Initial oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB
Bo Oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB
Bgi Initial gas formation volume factor, bbl/scf
Bg Gas formation volume factor, bbl/scf
Winj Cumulative water injected, STB

Ginj Cumulative gas injected, scf

We Cumulative water influx, bbl
m Ratio of initial gas-cap-gas reservoir volume to initial
reservoir oil volume , bbl/bbl
G Initial gas-cap gas, scf
Vf Pore volume, bbl
Symbols Terms
cw Water compressibility, psi−1

cf Formation (rock) compressibility, psi−1



Let us define the following quantities:

N = the initial oil in place(STB) = VBO(*1-Swi)/Boi
(1) The changing volume of oil
Oil initial = NBoi
Oil at pressure = (N-Np)Bo
The changing volume of oil = NBoi - (N-Np)Bo

Let us define the following quantities:

N = the initial oil in place(STB) = VBO(*1-Swi)/Boi
(2) The changing volume of release gas
Remaining release gas = original soluble gas –
remaining soluble gas – cumulative produced gas
= {[G+NRsi] - (N-Np)Rs – NpRp}Bg
Initial release gas = GBgi
The changing volume of release gas = GBgi -
{[G+NRsi] - (N-Np)Rs – NpRp}Bg

(3) The changing volume of water

Initial water = W
Cumulative water produced = WpBw
Cumulative water influx = We
Water expansion due to pressure drop = WcwΔp
The changing volume of water = - We – WcwΔp +

(4) The changing volume porosity

Initial water = VfSwi
Initial porosity = Vf = initial oil + initial gas +
initial water = NBoi + GBgi+ VfSwi
=> Vf = (NBoi + Gbgi)/(1-Swi)
The changing volume porosity = Vf – (Vf – VfcfΔp)
= VfcfΔp
The changing volume of rock = - The changing
volume porosity = – VfcfΔp


Final formulation

Material Balance
Fluid Volumes

Primary Gas Cap

Initial Fluid Oil + Original Fluid Expansions

Volumes Dissolved Gas Pi to P
at Pi

Connate Water


Pore Volume
Underground Withdrawals (rb)
Initial Pore Expansion of Gas Cap (rb)
Volume Pore Volume + Expansion of Oil + Original Dissolved Gas (rb)
in Pore Volume
at Pi + Connate Water Expansion (rb)
from Pi to P
+ Water Influx (rb)
+ Decrease in Pore Volume (rb)
N p  Bo   R p  R s  Bg   Wp Bw

 Bg  NBoi (1  m)
= N  Bo – Boi   N  R si – R s  Bg  mNBoi  - 1  cf p
B  1  S
 gi  w

NBoi (1  m)
 c w Sw p  We Bw
1  Sw
  Bg  B (1  m) 
 N  Bo – Boi    R si – R s  Bg + mBoi  - 1   oi p  c f  c w Sw    We B w
 B  1  Sw 
 gi 
Eo Ef,w

F = N[E o + mE g + E f,w ] +We Bw Havlena – Odeh

Material Balance - Drive Indicators
Oil Zone Gas Cap Hydrocarbon Water
Expansion Expansion Pore Volume Influx
Replacement Replacement Decrease &
Water Expansion
pore volume water
oil exp gas exp change influx
1 = ------- + --------- + ---------- + --------
production prod. prod. prod.
Examples – Drive Indicators:
Oil Expansion PV Water Influx Strong Water Drive

Oil Expansion Pore Volume Decrease WI Compaction Drive

Drive Indicators
Oil Expansion/ Production NE o
= fraction of ‘voidage’ replaced by oil zone
Gas Expansion/ Production m NE g
= fraction of ‘voidage’ replaced by gas cap
Pore Volume Change/ Production NE f ,w
= fraction of ‘voidage’ replaced by ‘compaction’
and connate water expansion
Water Influx/ Production We
= Fraction of ‘voidage’ replaced by water influx
Detailed Terms
F = Np(Bo + (Rp - Rs)Bg)+WpBw Underground Withdrawal (“Voidage”)

Eo = (Bo - Boi) + (Rsi -Rs)Bg

Eg = Boi(Bg/Bgi - 1) m = GBgi/NBoi
Ef,w = (1 + m)Boi ct Δp ct = (cwSw + cf)/(1 - Sw)
Material Balance and Drive Indicators
Drive indicators (sum up to 1.0):
NE o NmE g
Oil leg Gas cap
F expansion F expansion

NE f ,w We Bw
Reduction in pore Aquifer influx
F volume, and F
connate water

Collecting all terms, the Material Balance

may be written as:
F  N E o  mE g  E f ,w  W e
Material Balance and Drive Indicators

D = Eo + mEg + Ef,w

Which is written as y = b + x. This would suggest that a

plot of F/D as the y coordinate and We/D as the x
coordinate would yield a straight line with slope equal to
1 and intercept equal to N.
Recovery Factors and Reservoir Drive Mechanism
Gulf of Mexico Example


Recovery Factor ~ 30% Recovery Factor ~ 50%







Reservoir: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
High Rock Compressibility: Small Effective Aquifers:
~20-30 + microsips Gas Expansion Water Influx
~ 5-10 x OIIP
Oil Expansion Compaction
Material Balance: Key Issues
Must have accurate production
measurements (oil, water, gas) and long
Estimates of average reservoir pressure (from
formation pressure tests).
Suites of PVT data (oil, gas, water).
Reservoir properties: saturations, formation
compressibility, etc;
Limitations to reliable application of the material balance
equation are both theoretical and practical.
• Theoretical limitations are imposed by the following
assumptions, which are necessary for a tractable
Oil and free gas in the reservoir are assumed to be in
thermodynamic equilibrium.
PVT data, obtained from differential liberation, are
assumed to replicate the liberation process in the field.
Free gas in the reservoir is assumed to have the same
composition as free gas on the surface, differing only in
volume, as expressed by the gas formation volume
Practical limitations are imposed by data requirements
and reservoir conditions. Data required for reliable
application of the material balance equation include :
• PVT analyses of fluid samples representative of initial
reservoir conditions
• accurate static bottom hole pressure history of key
wells in the reservoir,
• accurate monthly production data for oil, gas, and
• depending on circumstances, pore volume
compressibility vs. net overburden pressure
• The accuracy requirements for pressure and
production data usually exceed the routine needs for
many field operations. Reservoir conditions that may
limit the reliability of a material balance estimate
include :
• Strong water drive and/or a large initial gas cap may maintain
reservoir pressure at nearly initial pressure.
• Extensive reservoirs may have different areas at different stages
of development and production. This may lead to wide
variations in gas saturation and reservoir pressure that cannot
readily be averaged.
• Extensive reservoirs with low values of kh/µ may make it
difficult to determine the static bottom hole pressure reliably
and often cause large areal variations in pressure that are
difficult to average.
• Very heterogeneous reservoirs with zones of high
permeability interbedded with zones of low
permeability, or highly fractured reservoirs, conditions
under which the low-permeability zones, or the matrix
blocks, usually pressure deplete slower than the high-
permeability zones, or the fractures, and it is
practically impossible to determine volumetrically
weighted average reservoir pressure.
• Reservoirs with significant spatial variations in initial
fluid properties, especially those with variations in
initial GOR and bubblepoint pressure, may preclude
representing the accumulation with "average" fluid

Dữ liệu PVT Tính chất chất lưu

Dữ liệu DST

Vùng phía
Bắc: 21.84
Lịch sử khai thác mỏ
Vùng phía
Nam: 20.29

Lịch sử khai thác từng giếng

A combination-drive reservoir contains 10 MMSTB of oil
initially in place. The ratio of the original gas-cap volume to the
original oil volume, i.e., m, is estimated as 0.25. The initial
reservoir pressure is 3000 psia at 150°F. The reservoir produced 1
MMSTB of oil, 1100 MMscf of 0.8 specific gravity gas, and
50,000 STB of water by the time the reservoir pressure dropped
to 2800 psi. The following PVT is available:
The following data are also available:
Swi = 0.20 cw = 1.5×10-6 psi-1 cf = 1 × 10-6 psi-1
a. Cumulative water influx
b. Net water influx
c. Primary driving indexes at 2800 psi
Consider an associated oil reservoir with the following data:
• Stock tank oil-initially-in-place, STOIIP (or N), 106stb 100
• Gas cap size, m 0.3
• Aquifer size
• Initial, average reservoir pressure, pi, psia 4,000
• Abandonment pressure, pa, psia 2,000
• Initial, average aquifer pressure, psia 4,500
• Final, average aquifer pressure, psia 3,000
• Cumulative oil production, Np, 106stb 30
• Cumulative gas production (ratio), Rp, scf/stb 2,500
• Cumulative water production (water-cut)* 0.50
• Average porosity, φ, fraction 0.10
• Connate water saturation, Swc, fraction 0.20
Problem Statement:
• Determine the drive indicators.
• What can you say about the measured water production?
• What is your estimate of the aquifer size assuming a simple pot aquifer?
The MBE as an Equation of a Straight Line
• An insight into the general MBE
Equation Content
Np [Bo + (Rp − Rs) Bg] Represents the reservoir volume of
cumulative oil and gas produced.
[We −Wp Bw] Refers to the net water influx that is
retained in the reservoir.
[GinjBginj +WinjBw] This pressure maintenance term
represents cumulative fluid injection in
the reservoir.
[mBoi(Bg/Bgi − 1)] Represents the net expansion of the gas
cap that occurs with the production of Np
stocktank barrels of oil (as expressed in
bbl/STB of original oil in place).
The MBE as an Equation of a Straight Line
• An insight into the general MBE

• General Havlena and Odeh

F = N[Eo + mEg + Ef,w] + (We +WinjBw + GinjBginj)
• Havlena and Odeh examined several cases of
varying reservoir types can be rearranged into the
form of a straight line.
F = NEo
The Straight-Line Solution Method to the MBE
The applications of the straight-line form of the MBE in
solving reservoir engineering problems are presented
next to illustrate the usefulness of this particular form.
Six cases of applications are presented:
 Case 1: Determination of N in volumetric undersaturated
 Case 2: Determination of N in volumetric saturated reservoirs
 Case 3: Determination of N and m in gas cap drive reservoirs
 Case 4: Determination of N and We” in water drive reservoirs
 Case 5: Determination of N, m, and We in combination drive
 Case 6: Determination of average reservoir pressure, pa
Case 1. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil Reservoirs
• Assuming no water or gas injection, the linear form of
the MBE can be written as:
F = N [Eo + mEg + Ef,w] +We
• For a volumetric and undersaturated reservoir, the
conditions associated with driving mechanism are:
We = 0, since the reservoir is volumetric
m = 0, since the reservoir is undersaturated
Rs = Rsi = Rp, since all produced gas is dissolved in the
• Applying the above conditions on Equation gives:
F = N (Eo + Ef,w)
Case 1. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil Reservoirs
• In general
 ( Bo  Boi ) (cw S w  c f ) 
N p Bo  N p Boi   p 
 Boi 1  Sw 

• The component describing the reduction in the

hydrocarbon pore volume, due to the expansion of the
connate water and reduction in pore volume, cannot be
neglected for an undersaturated oil reservoir since the
compressibilities cw and cf are generally of the same
order of magnitude as the compressibility of the oil.
( Bo  Boi )
co 
Case 1. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil Reservoirs
• Since there are only two fluids in the reservoir, oil and
connate water, then the sum of the fluid saturations must
be 100% of the pore volume
 (c w S w  c f ) 
N p Bo  N p Boi  co  p 
 1  Sw 
 co S o  (cw S w  c f ) 
=> N p Bo  N p Boi  p 
 1  Sw 
=> N p Bo  NBoi ce p

co S o  cw S w  c f
ce 
1  Sw
Case 1. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil Reservoirs
Rearrange equation

where N = initial oil in place, STB

F = Np Bo +Wp Bw
Eo = Bo − Boi
Case 1. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil Reservoirs
• A linear plot of the underground withdrawal F vs. (Eo
+Ef,w) indicates that the field is producing under
volumetric performance, i.e., no water influx, and
strictly by pressure depletion and fluid expansion.
Case 1. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil Reservoirs
• Example: The Virginia Hills Beaverhill Lake Field is a volumetric
undersaturated reservoir. Volumetric calculations indicate the
reservoir contains 270.6 MMSTB of oil initially in place. The
initial reservoir pressure is 3685 psi. The following additional
data is available:
Swi = 24%,
The field production and PVT data are
cw = 3.62 × 10−6 psi−1 summarized below
cf = 4.95 × 10−6 psi−1
Bw = 1.0 bbl/STB,
pb = 1500 psi,
Case 1. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil Reservoirs
• Example: The Nameless Field is an undersaturated-oil reservoir.
The crude oil system and rock type indicate that the reservoir is
highly compressible. The available reservoir and production data
are given below:
Swi = 25% Φ = 20% Area = 1000acres h = 70ft
T = 150oF Bubble-point pressure = 3500 psia
Calculate the cumulative oil production at 3900 psi. The PVT data
show that the oil formation volume factor is equal to 1.938 bbl/STB
at 3900 psia.
Case 1. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil Reservoirs
• Determine the fractional oil recovery, during depletion down to
bubble point pressure, for the reservoir whose PVT parameters
are listed
cw = 3.0 × 10-6psi-1 Swc = .20 cf = 8.6 × 10-6 psi-1
pi = 4000 psi Boi = 1.2417 rb/stb
pb = 3330 psi Bob = 1.2511 rb/stb

Cho câu hỏi trắc nghiệm (2 câu)

% trước
Np sau dựa N, co, ce….
Case 2. Volumetric Saturated-Oil Reservoirs
• Simplified to give an identical form to
F = N (Eo + Ef,w)
F in terms of Bo
F = Np[Bo + (Rp − Rs)Bg] + WpBw
Eo in terms of Bo
Eo = (Bo − Boi) + (Rsi − Rs)Bg
Case 2. Volumetric Saturated-Oil Reservoirs
• Example: A volumetric undersaturated oil reservoir has a bubble point
pressure of 4500. The initial reservoir pressure is 7150 psia and the
volumetric calculations indicate the reservoir contains 650 MMSTB of
oil initially in place.
• Swi = 43% cw = 3 × 10−6 psi−1 cf = 3.3 × 10−6 psi−1
Bw = 1.0 bbl/STB
Case 2. Volumetric Saturated-Oil Reservoirs
• The reservoir described will be produced down to an
bandonment pressure of 900 psia.
1) Determine an expression for the recovery at abandonment as a
function of the cumulative gas oil ratio Rp. What do you conclude
from the nature of this relationship?
2) Derive an expression for the free gas saturation in the reservoir at
abandonment pressure.
Case 2. Volumetric Saturated-Oil Reservoirs
Case 3: Gas cap drive reservoirs
• For a reservoir in which the expansion of the gas cap gas
is the predominant driving mechanism, the effect of
water and pore compressibilities as a contributing
driving mechanism can be considered negligible as
compared to that of the high compressibility of the gas.
• The Havlena and Odeh material balance can be
expressed as:
F = N[Eo + mEg] Eg = Boi [(Bg/Bgi) − 1]
Case 3: Gas cap drive reservoirs
There are three possible unknowns in F = N[Eo + mEg]
• N is unknown, m is known
• m is unknown, N is known
• N and m are unknown
Unknown N, known m Equation indicates that a plot of F
versus (Eo+mEg) on a Cartesian scale would produce a
straight line through the origin with a slope of N
Case 3: Gas cap drive reservoirs
• Unknown m, known N can be rearranged as an equation
of straight line

• This relationship shows that a plot of the term (F/N −

Eo) vs. Eg would produce a straight line with a slope of
Case 3: Gas cap drive reservoirs
• N and m are unknown If there is uncertainty in both the
values of N and m, Equation can be re-expressed as:

• A plot of F/Eo versus Eg/Eo should then be linear with

intercept N and slope mN.
• Example: The production history and the PVT data of a
gas-cap-drive reservoir are given below:
• The initial gas solubility Rsi is 975 scf/STB. Estimate
the initial oil and gas in place.
Example: Reliable volumetric calculations on a well
developed gas cap drive reserve show the flowing results:
N = 736 MMSTB, G = 320 Bscf
pi = 2808 psia, Boi = 1. 39 bbl/STB
Bgi = 0. 000919 bbl/STB, Rsi = 755 scf/STB
• The production history in terms of parameter F and the
PVT data are given below: Estimate the gas–oil volume
ratio m and compare with the calculated value
Example: The following data are available on a gas-cap-
drive reservoir

• Calculate the initial oil and free gas volumes.

• The size of the gas cap is uncertain with the best
estimate, based on geological information, giving the
value of m = 0.4. Is this figure confirmed by the
production and pressure history? If not, what is the
correct value of m?
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• In a water drive reservoir, identifying the type of the
aquifer and characterizing its properties are perhaps the
most challenging tasks involved in conducting a
reservoir engineering study.
F = N(Eo + mEg + Ef,w) + We
• Dake (1978) pointed out that the term Ef,w can
frequently be neglected in water drive reservoirs.
• The reservoir has not an initial gas cap Equation can be
further reduced to:
F = NEo + We
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
Several water influx models have been described in
● the pot aquifer model;
● the Schilthuis steady-state method;
● the van Everdingen and Hurst model.
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
● the pot aquifer model
Assume that the water influx could be properly described
by using the simple pot aquifer model as described by
We = (cw + cf )Wi f (pi − p)
ra = radius of the aquifer, ft
re = radius of the reservoir, ft
h = thickness of the aquifer, ft
φ = porosity of the aquifer
θ = encroachment angle
cw = aquifer water compressibility, psi−1
cf = aquifer rock compressibility, psi−1
Wi = initial volume of water in the
aquifer, bbl
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
● the pot aquifer model
Radial aquifer geometries

Example: Calculate the cumulative water influx

that result from a pressure drop of 200 psi at the
oil–water contact with an encroachment angle of
80◦. The reservoir–aquifer system is
characterized by the following properties:
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
We = KΔp where the water influx constant K represents
the combined pot aquifer properties as:
K = (cw + cf )Wif

plot of the term F/Eo as a function of Δp/Eo would yield a

straight line with an intercept of N and slope of K
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• If a gas gap with a known value of m exists, Equation
can be expressed in the following linear form:

• This form indicates that a plot of the term F/(Eo + mEg)

as a function of Δp/(Eo + mEg) would yield a straight
line with an intercept of N and slope of K.
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The Steady-State Model in the MBE
• Schilthuis (1936) proposed that for an aquifer that is
flowing under the steady-state flow regime, the flow
behavior could be described by Darcy’s equation. The
rate of water influx ew can then be determined by
applying Darcy’s equation:

ew = rate of water influx, bbl/day

k = permeability of the aquifer, md
h = thickness of the aquifer, ft
ra = radius of the aquifer, ft
re = radius of the reservoir, ft
t = time, days
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The Steady-State Model in the MBE
Example The data given in is used in this example:
pi = 3500psi, p = 3000psi, Qo = 32000STB/day
Bo = 1.4bbl/STB GOR = 900scf/STB Rs = 700scf/STB
Bg = 0.00082bbl/scf Qw = 0 Bw = 1.0bbl/STB
Calculate the Schilthuis water influx constant.
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The Steady-State Model in the MBE
The steady-state aquifer model as proposed by Schilthuis
is given by

We = cumulative water influx, bbl

C = water influx constant, bbl/day/psi
t = time, days
pi = initial reservoir pressure, psi
p = pressure at the oil–water contact at time t, psi
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The Steady-State Model in the MBE
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The Steady-State Model in the MBE
Example: The pressure history of a water drive oil
reservoir is given below:

• The aquifer is under a steady-state flowing condition

with an estimated water influx constant of 130
• Given the initial reservoir pressure is 3500 psi, calculate
the cumulative water influx after 100, 200, 300, and 400
days using the steady-state model.
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The Steady-State Model in the MBE
Combine the equation F = NEo + We =>

Plotting F/Eo vs.

results in a straight line with an

intercept that represents the initial oil-
in-place N and a slope that describes
the water influx constant C
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The Steady-State Model in the MBE
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The unsteady-state model in the MBE
The van Everdingen and Hurst unsteady-state model is
given by:

With B = 1.119φctr2ehf
• Everdingen and Hurst presented the dimensionless water
influx WeD as a function of the dimensionless time tD
and dimensionless radius rD that are given by:
t = time, days
k = permeability of the aquifer, md
φ = porosity of the aquifer
μw = viscosity of water in the aquifer, cp
ra = radius of the aquifer, ft
re = radius of the reservoir, ft
cw = compressibility of the water, psi−1
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The unsteady-state model in the MBE
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The unsteady-state model in the MBE
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The unsteady-state model in the MBE

Dimensionless water influx

WeD for infinite aquifer
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The unsteady-state model in the MBE
Example: Calculate the water influx at the end of 1, 2, and
5 years into a circular reservoir with an aquifer of infinite
extent, i.e., reD = ∞. The initial and current reservoir
pressures are 2500 and 2490 psi, respectively. The
reservoir aquifer system has the following properties.
Case 4: Water drive reservoirs
• The unsteady-state model in the MBE
Combine equation
Case 5: Combination drive reservoirs
This relatively complicated case involves the determination of
the following three unknowns:
• Initial oil in place, N
• Size of the gas cap, m
• Water influx, We
The general MBE that includes these three unknowns is given
by Equation F = N(Eo+mEg)+We
Where the variables constituting the above expressions are
defined by
F = Np [Bo + (Rp – Rs) Bg] + WpBw
= Np [Bt + (Rp – Rs) Bg] + WpBw
Eo = (Bo + Boi) + (Rsi – Rs) Bg
= Bt + Bti
Eg = Boi [(Bg/Bgi) –1]
Case 5: Combination drive reservoirs
• Havlena and Odeh differentiated Equation with respect
to pressure and rearranged the resulting equation to
eliminate m, to give:

• in which the reversed primes denote derivatives with

respect to pressure. That is:
Case 5: Combination drive reservoirs
• plot of the left-hand side of Equation versus the second
term on the right for a selected aquifer model should, if
the choice is correct, provide a straight line with unit
slope whose intercept on the ordinate gives the initial oil
in-place N. After having correctly determined N and We,
Equation can be solved directly for m, to give:
Case 6: Average reservoir pressure
• To gain any understanding of the behavior of a reservoir
with free gas, e.g., solution gas drive or gas cap drive, it is
essential that every effort be made to determine reservoir
pressures with accuracy.
F = N (Eo + mEg)
Step 1. Select the time at which the average reservoir
pressure is to be determined and obtain the corresponding
production data, i.e., Np, Gp, and Rp.
Step 2. Assume several average reservoir pressure values
and determine the left-hand side F of Equation above at
each assumed pressure. That is:
F = Np[Bo + (Rp − Rs)Bg] + WpBw
Case 6: Average reservoir pressure
Step 3. Using the same assumed average reservoir
pressure values of step 2, calculate the right-hand side
(RHS) of RHS = N[Eo + mEg]
Step 4. Plot the left- and right-hand sides of the MBE, as
calculated in steps 2 and 3, on Cartesian paper as a
function of assumed average pressure. The point of
intersection gives the average reservoir pressure that
corresponds to the selected time of step 1. An illustration
of the graph is shown in Figure
Step 5: Repeat steps 1 through 4 to estimate reservoir
pressure at each selected depletion time.
Case 6: Average reservoir pressure
Case 6: Average reservoir pressure
Example. You have the following data on an oil reservoir

The field has been on production for 1120 days, and has produced 800 000
STB of oil and 60 000 STB of water. Water and formation
compressibilities are estimated to be 3 × 10−6 and 3 × 10−6 psi−1,
respectively. Calculate the original oil-in-place.
Case 6: Average reservoir pressure
Case 6: Average reservoir pressure
Case 6: Average reservoir pressure

- Sử dụng độ tăng thể tích (∆V) và độ chênh áp (∆P).

N = FIP * (1-Sw) / Bo
PP CBVC truyền thống
FIP = ∆V / (∆P * Ct)

Ct = Cf + Sw*Cw + (1 - Sw) * Co

- Xác định phạm vi ảnh hưởng (vùng huy động) của giếng.
PP RLT (Material Balance
- Chỉ áp dụng vào gđ thăm dò và gđ đầu khai thác.
Alternative Method - Reservoir
- Sử dụng lưu lượng (q) và độ giảm áp (m)
Limit Test)
N = (0.041659 * Q * Bo / m * Ct) * (1 - Sw)

F = N(Eo + Ef,w) + WeBw

Tank Model
- Xét giao điểm của đồ thị và trục tung để tìm N.

- Giả định kết quả N, W -> tính Pr

Aquifer Fitting
- Matching Pr và P thực (PP bình phương cực tiểu).

Phần mềm MatBal - Matching các loại vỉa và các dạng tầng nước đáy khác nhau dựa vào lịch sử khai thác.

Dữ liệu PVT Tính chất chất lưu

Dữ liệu DST

Vùng phía
Bắc: 21.84
Vùng phía Lịch sử khai thác mỏ
Nam: 20.29

Lịch sử khai thác từng giếng


Khi khai thác vỉa, trạng thái cân bằng ban

đầu bị phá vỡ, một trạng thái cân bằng mới Sự cân bằng vật chất được
được thành lập biểu hiện bằng sự thay đổi biểu thị như sau:
thể tích vỉa. Sự thay đổi áp suất vỉa tạo ra
các quá trình biến đổi sau:
1. Sự giãn nở của mũ khí (A) Theå tích Theå Theå tích
chaát löu tích chaát löu
2. Sự giãn nở của khí hòa tan ban đầu taïi choã = chaát löu + coøn laïi
sinh ra do giảm áp (B) ban ñaàu ñaõ khai trong
thaùc væa
3. Sự co giãn của dầu (C)
4. Sự giãn nở của đất đá và nước dư
5. Sự xâm nhập của nước đáy (E) Thể tích chất lưu còn lại trong vỉa
= (A) + (B) + (C) + (D) +(E)
Đối với sự giãn nở của chất lưu ta xét từng trường hợp
• Đối với vỉa hoàn toàn chứa khí (non associated gas): sự
giãn nở của chất lưu đơn thuần là sự giãn nở của khí.
• Đối với vỉa dầu chưa bão hòa khí (không có mũ khí-
unsaturated oil): sự giãn nở của dầu và khí hòa tan.
• Đối với vỉa dầu bão hòa khí (luôn có mũ khí-saturated
oil): sự giãn nở của chất lưu chủ yếu là sự giãn nở của
dầu, của khí và khí hòa tan.
Chú ý: Nếu vỉa có nước thành hệ (đáy, rìa) thì cần tính
đến sự giãn nở của nước vỉa.
4.2.1. Thiết lập phương trình cân bằng vật chất Lượng thu hồi
• Thể tích dầu lấy ra khỏi vỉa
Np: Tổng thể tích dầu đã được khai thác
Bo: Hệ số thể tích thành hệ dầu sau khi khai thác

• Thể tích khí tự do lấy ra khỏi vỉa

Thể tích khí tự do = Tổng thể tích khí khai thác – Thể tích khí hòa tan tách thoát khỏi
dầu trong quá trình khai thác.

= Np.(Rp - Rs). Bg

Trong đó:
Np: Trữ lượng dầu khai thác cộng dồn, stb
Bg: Hệ số thể tích thành hệ của khí sau khi khai thác, rb/stb
Rp: Tỷ số của khí khai thác/ dầu khai thác, scf/stb
Rs: Tỷ số khí hòa tan/ dầu, sau khi khai thác, scf/stb Sự tác động của các thành phần trong vỉa (ở đk vỉa)
Sơ đồ hình thái vỉa
Trường hợp 1: Vỉa chỉ bao gồm hoàn toàn dầu, không có mũ
khí và nước đáy (m = 0; We = 0)
Trường hợp 2: Vỉa dầu có mũ khí, không có nước đáy
(We = 0)
Trường hợp 3: Vỉa dầu không có mũ khí, có nước đáy xâm nhập
(m = 0)
Trường hợp 4: Vỉa dầu vừa có mũ khí vừa có nước đáy xâm nhập

4.4.1. Nước xâm nhập trong cả vỉa dầu và khí 4.4.2. Thuyết nước xâm nhập ở trạng thái
không ổn định của Hurst và Van
Everdingen Tầng nước đáy có giới hạn Tầng nước đáy dạng tròn Tầng nước đáy dạng tuyến tính (linear)

L : chiều dài của tầng nước đáy (tính

từ ranh giới tầng nước đáy – vỉa)
w, h : bề rộng, bề dày của tầng nước
đáy Tầng nước đáy không giới hạn
4.4.3. Phương pháp tính gần đúng lượng nước xâm nhập của
Phương trình dòng chảy Phương trình cân bằng vật chất cho
tầng nước đáy đơn giản

Phương trình cân bằng vật chất tương đương

  

Giá trị chỉ số sản phẩm của tầng nước đáy J phụ thuộc vào cả
hình dạng của tầng nước đáy lẫn điều kiện dòng chảy
Ngoài ra, đối với vỉa có hình dạng không
tương xứng với hình dạng của tầng nước
đáy thì ta có thể dùng mô hình theo Dietz
để tính J ở điều kiện dòng tựa ổn định:
4.4.4. Công thức tính gần đúng lượng nước xâm nhập của
Carter - Tracy
- Sử dụng độ tăng thể tích (∆V) và độ chênh áp (∆P).

N = FIP * (1-Sw) / Bo
PP CBVC truyền thống
FIP = ∆V / (∆P * Ct)

Ct = Cf + Sw*Cw + (1 - Sw) * Co

- Xác định phạm vi ảnh hưởng (vùng huy động) của giếng.
PP RLT (Material Balance
- Chỉ áp dụng Trong GĐ thăm dò và GĐ đầu khai thác.
Alternative Method -
- Sử dụng lưu lượng (q) và độ giảm áp (m)
Reservoir Limit Test)
N = (0.041659 * Q * Bo / m * Ct) * (1 - Sw)
F = N(Eo + Ef,w) + WeBw
Tank Model
- Xét giao điểm của đồ thị và trục tung để tìm N.

- Giả định kết quả N, W -> tính Pr

Aquifer Fitting
- Matching Pr và P thực (PP bình phương cực tiểu).
- Matching các loại vỉa và các dạng tầng nước đáy khác nhau dựa vào lịch sử khai
Phần mềm MatBal

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