Buisness Overview Ge H
Buisness Overview Ge H
Buisness Overview Ge H
Letter to Investors
As a registered dietitian, I understand the importance of healthy school lunches. And as a activist for
sustainability I have worked with many recycling programs, community garden and composting efforts as
well as my own personal research and work in waste reduction. This background provides me with a
unique perspective on lunchroom waste. In america 40% of food produced is wasted. The burden of food
wastage and single use items on the environment is destructive and prodigal. The Green eggs & Ham
program provides an opportunity to reduce lunchroom waste and save valuable cafeteria funds, meeting
curriculum standards concerned with ecological and sustainability education, all while providing healthier
less processed options.
The Green Eggs & Ham company is requesting 50,000 to help 5 LBUSD elementary schools implement
sustainable cafeteria practices. Green Eggs & Ham improves school cafeterias by providing education to
staff and student about waste and sustainability practice; reusable lunchtime materials like trays, bowls,
cups, etc, as well as dishwashers, and drink/ condiment dispensers. We partner with 2 other organizations
to create fundamental transformation in lunchrooms. Our partners include LB recycling and compost
center, who provides bins, posters and disposal services for compost procedures and the nutrition center
branch of the LBUSD to provide less packaged foods.
We are able to make fundamental changes that align with the progressive notions the city of Long Beach
demands. This program allows long beach schools to be the leader of transformation in the LA county
school district.
Erin Sevilla
Green Eggs & Ham co-founder, president
[email protected]
Company Description
Green Eggs & Ham is composed of residences of Long Beach, Ca whom are passionate about
the habits we teach our children and longevity of our planets. The Green Eggs & Ham project
teams up with the Long Beach Recycling & Compost Center and the Nutrition Center branch of
the Long Beach Unified School District to reduce the impact of lunchroom waste and teach
elementary school students sustainable lunch room practices. Similar to other school compost
programs, we are able to do all this while meeting many curriculum standard for each grade
(Green Mountain Farm to School, 2010). We target food waste, but also multiple other areas of
waste. Unlike many school lunch programs that just focus on composting practices, our program
also focuses on eliminating disposable trays, utensils and cups for reusable options. We also
work with the Nutrition Center on food items with less packaging and optimum nutrition.
Green Eggs & Ham is a nonprofit organization with a passion for preserving the earth by
reducing waste and consumption. Green Eggs & Ham believes that introducing lifelong
sustainable habits to a younger generation will cultivate a respect for the environment and create
a greener future. We educate students, faculty and staff about less waste practices, organize
cafeterias to supply whole foods (rather than packaged foods), provide lunchrooms with color
coded bins for recycling and composting, and designate reusable cutlery and trays to each
students. We believe small fundamental changes can create a massive impact. By educating
LBUSD elementary schools on techniques to reduce lunchroom waste, the Green Eggs & Ham
program provides the initial platform for schools to transition to a more sustainable state with
As we move into a greener era, the residence of Long Beach are becoming more and more aware
of the increasing waste and pollution. Our program offers the city of Long Beach a way to reduce
lunchroom waste in elementary schools, while also instilling valuable habits to our student who
will one day be the adults of Long Beach. We focus on reducing lunchroom waste for class III
establishments, specifically, elementary school cafeterias. Green Eggs & Ham find it crucial to
combat sustainability in a large establishment in order to make a big impact now and in the
future. We think that enabling our children with the tools and skills of sustainability will bring a
Menu Description
The Class III establishments we will be working with demand a large amount of hot and cold
food, prepared on and off site- as constructed by the LBUSD Nutrition Center. Our menu first
and foremost focuses and bringing optimum nutrition to elementary aged students. During these
years children experience a tremendous amount of growth and energy expenditure (Olsen,
Casavale, Rihane, et al, 2015). By working with the LBUSD Nutrition Center we are able to
endure students get the right ratio of food groups, with an emphasis on fresh, non packaged
foods. Focusing on non packaged food items is also a key element in our program. By
eliminating the packaged food option and replacing it with fresh, whole foods, we are slowly
reconstructing children's views on food, health and eating. Previous cafeteria works will be
trained in sustainability practices and parent volunteers will help monitor student compliance.
Market Analysis
Our aim is to target K-5, elementary- aged students in order to start habits young. We believe
that teaching children the skills of sustainability will promote lasting change for our planet.
Similar schools enacting composting programs have seen positive results in compliance and
student motivation (James, 2016). This shows that many children of this age are concerned with
the planet and interested in sustainability practices. An added bonus is that many principles of
sustainability and the nature of our programs align with many curriculum standards of
elementary school students as laid out by the Green Mountain Farm to School Manual on
composting (2010).
Long Beach California is a unique city located on the border of LA county and Orange county,
this enables it to be a pioneer and example for both counties to follow. The city already has many
restaurants and businesses that focus on a greener tomorrow. Sustainable values run deep
through the veins of Long Beach residences. The city of Long Beach implemented a recycling
program in 1992 (Saltzgaver, 2016) and has been going strong ever since. We want to take that a
step further and implement less waste and greener practices in LBUSD cafeterias. We are hoping
neighboring counties and school districts will look to Long BEach as a role model in leading the
war on waste.
Green Eggs & Ham aims to make fundamental changes in Long Beach elementary school
cafeterias. These fundamental changes focus on creating more aware students with a tool set of
sustainable skills, along with, reducing food and disposable waste production in cafeterias. By
partnering with the Nutrition center of LBUSD and the Long Beach Recycling and Compost
Center we are able to provide less packaged and fresher food to students, replace single-use
disposable lunch room items and whisk away food waste to be disposed of in a healthy way.
Green Eggs & Ham offers a greener tomorrow for the city of Long Beach and a hopeful future to
Work Cited
Green Mountain Farm to School. (2010). A Guide to Starting a Composting Program in Your
Olsen, R., MD, MPH, Casavale, K., PhD, RD, & Rihane, C., MS, RD, et al. (2015, February).
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020. Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Saltzgaver, H. (2016, January 5). Long Beach's Original Recycling Guru Steps Down. The