DXN Ganoderma Lucidum English

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RED MUSHROOM gros KING op a COFFEE 2in 1. Ganozhi GANO PASTE A RANGE OF HEALTH PRODUCTS: Teformation gateredin the book i taken from web ste pages and all telted to Canodera “ENJOY A LONG & HEALTHY LIFE" THROUGH GANODERMA (LINGHZI/REISHI) INTRODUCTION: In the madern days, we are exposed to increased toxin levels dueto highly polluted environments, bad eating and sleeping habits, sedentary living, lack of exercises, Increased use of drugs and ‘medicines, great mental and physical strain etc, all leading to weak immune system and resulting n he overall poor health. Te overcome this decay in health, GANO is a God given gift which produces normalizing effect on the body by removing all the toxins from the body cells. Its well known that Chinese have been leading @ healthy ona life since centuries. What is their Secret ? Researchers have established that they have been using a type of a herb known as Ganoderma (Mushroom) which is a high quality Herbal medicine and is an excellent Food Supplement. Chinese regard this Herb as a" King of Herbs" for its excellent effects in maintaining the health in total. Itnot only improves one's constitution, but also strengthens the Immune system, enhances the stamina and promotes over-all health and longevity. It helps in normalizing the function of various organs ofthe body by detoxityingall the body cells, It makes person physically, mentaly, socially and spiritually healthy. Itisa wonderful herb toachievethe goalofa goodand soundhealth. Researchers have also found that there are about 38000 ‘varieties of mushrooms in whale of the world of which only 2000 are edible. Of these, only 200aresuch, which have some medicinal value Dut six ofthese are of high medicinal importance. Dr. Li Shin Chen of China has, in his book" Oulline of Hei bal Medicines" classified these Sik varieties by their colours. This also includes Red Ganoderma variety. Research scholars of China and other foreign countries, after, a lotof research work and clinical experiments, have established its tefficacyinthe over all maintenance of good health. "These products are of high quality which ensure sound health to a healthy person by preventing diseases and assisting a sick person in combating his illness and achieving quick recovery. Since these are only "Food Supplements” the patientis advised to continue his normal medicines along with these food supplements till he finds improvement in his sicknes and siowly reduce medicines in Consultation with his doctor. ‘GANORERWA CHANGES LIVES... NATURALLY cy REISHI GANO (RG) Fruit Part kind of mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) containing. Polysaccharide, Organic Germanium, ‘Adenosine, Triterpenoids, Protien and Fiber, newer ‘ACTIONS. ‘BENEFITS. Senger nual healing aly + Reduces dependence on drugs “Reeetrlprgam | elses ‘Reson pees kc coe + Reduces Bod sgar vl Tae are aPC Lislooroases ie span CEE THewmsongmcovenotony, | Pron cl en Enos anger ‘Renta dere oes on Heat "ar *Renows apd dt chrpes | « Golf Els and Heart problems round the abscess col - Hastens healing process of wounds. LOSS ~Roaeascoetel el ndood | Petes ea sanes dew, *Prevers 1 | Pree at sesss cue “Preven piel aqyeaton | “res haat dso Mamas edie bins: | reer amon rtd problens Ld ~ Prevents acidity and stomach ulcer Riise Sed Ingroves digestve system = Betor abst of Ntonis Prevanisisamin release + Excelent fr alergy and Asta patents Recces chest lod + Rduces Blood pressure SSS eels Rejuvenates body tssues| + Overcomes shin disoasos Beauties skin + Uselul for open wounds ‘Supplementation of RG can offectively help + Improve general health ‘Activate body resistance & smaothen ski GANOCELIUM (GL) Root Part The mycelium of Ganoderma Lucidum containing Polysacchride, Organic= Germanium, Vitamins, Minerals and Amino acids. Contents of Organic- Germanium in Ganoceliur is three times more than that of Relshi Gano. Bianco » WUE ‘© Excellent brain tonic. © Prevents growth of abnormal cells, © strengthens body resistance. © Revives Pancreas function and reduces sugar level in blood. ‘© Prevents cell tissue degeneration. © Cleanses toxin in Body. ‘© Provides ful vitamin and mineral supply. ‘Supplementation of GL can effectively help © Improve general body function '# Improve blood circulation. REISHI GANO (RG RG works on the body directly and helps a healthy person to keep the disease away from the body as well it helps a sick person to achieve a quick recovery of his ailments. Tt is known as the king of Adaptogen and is superior to Ginseng. Being adaptogen, it performs three main functions: v It ts NonToxic and is therefore free from all side effects. v Itis Non Speafic, thereby meaning that its action is not limited to any part of the body but it acts on whole body. v Tt normalizes physiological functions of the body as a whole and keeps one healthy inall respects. ( PREVENTION 1S BETTER THAN CURE [wo soe peers AT ALL —eo9

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