Bechay FH
Bechay FH
Bechay FH
CA and CIPRIANO DIGEST occupation rather than the quantity or extent of the
MARCH 26, 2011 ~ VBDIAZ business transacted.” 12 In this case, petitioner
BASCOS vs. COURT OF APPEALS and RODOLFO A. herself has made the admission that she was in the
CIPRIANO trucking business, offering her trucks to those with
G.R. No. 101089 cargo to move. Judicial admissions are conclusive
April 7, 1993 and no evidence is required to prove the same. 13
FACTS: Rodolfo A. Cipriano representing Cipriano But petitioner argues that there was only a contract
Trading Enterprise (CIPTRADE for short) entered into of lease because they offer their services only to a
a hauling contract with Jibfair Shipping Agency Corp select group of people. Regarding the first
whereby the former bound itself to haul the latter’s contention, the holding of the Court in De Guzman
2,000 m/tons of soya bean meal to the warehouse in vs. Court of Appeals 14 is instructive. In referring to
Calamba, Laguna. To carry out its obligation, Article 1732 of the Civil Code, it held thus:
CIPTRADE, through Cipriano, subcontracted with “The above article makes no distinction between
Bascos to transport and to deliver 400 sacks of soya one whose principal business activity is the carrying
bean meal from the Manila Port Area to Calamba, of persons or goods or both, and one who does such
Laguna. Petitioner failed to deliver the said cargo. As carrying only as an ancillary activity (in local idiom,
a consequence of that failure, Cipriano paid Jibfair as a “sideline”). Article 1732 also carefully avoids
Shipping Agency the amount of the lost goods in making any distinction between a person or
accordance with their contract. enterprise offering transportation service on a
Cipriano demanded reimbursement from petitioner regular or scheduled basis and one offering such
but the latter refused to pay. Eventually, Cipriano service on an occasional, episodic or unscheduled
filed a complaint for a sum of money and damages basis. Neither does Article 1732 distinguish between
with writ of preliminary attachment for breach of a a carrier offering its services to the “general public,”
contract of carriage. The trial court granted the writ i.e., the general community or population, and one
of preliminary attachment. who offers services or solicits business only from a
In her answer, petitioner interposed the defense narrow segment of the general population. We think
that there was no contract of carriage since that Article 1732 deliberately refrained from making
CIPTRADE leased her cargo truck to load the cargo such distinctions.”
from Manila Port Area to Laguna and that the truck 2. NO
carrying the cargo was hijacked and being a force Likewise, We affirm the holding of the respondent
majeure, exculpated petitioner from any liability court that the loss of the goods was not due to force
After trial, the trial court rendered a decision in favor majeure.
of Cipriano and against Bascos ordering the latter to Common carriers are obliged to observe
pay the former for actual damages for attorney’s extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the
fees and cost of suit. goods transported by them. Accordingly, they are
The “Urgent Motion To Dissolve/Lift preliminary presumed to have been at fault or to have acted
Attachment” Bascos is DENIED for being moot and negligently if the goods are lost, destroyed or
academic. deteriorated. There are very few instances when the
Petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals but presumption of negligence does not attach and
respondent Court affirmed the trial court’s these instances are enumerated in Article 1734. 19
judgment. In those cases where the presumption is applied, the
Hence this petition for review on certiorari common carrier must prove that it exercised
ISSUE: extraordinary diligence in order to overcome the
(1) WON petitioner a common carrier presumption.
(2) WON the hijacking referred to a force majeure In this case, petitioner alleged that hijacking
HELD: The petition is DISMISSED and the decision of constituted force majeure which exculpated her
the Court of Appeals is hereby AFFIRMED. from liability for the loss of the cargo. In De Guzman
1. YES vs. Court of Appeals, the Court held that hijacking,
In disputing the conclusion of the trial and appellate not being included in the provisions of Article 1734,
courts that petitioner was a common carrier, she must be dealt with under the provisions of Article
alleged in this petition that the contract between her 1735 and thus, the common carrier is presumed to
and Cipriano was lease of the truck. She also stated have been at fault or negligent. To exculpate the
that: she was not catering to the general public. carrier from liability arising from hijacking, he must
Thus, in her answer to the amended complaint, she prove that the robbers or the hijackers acted with
said that she does business under the same style of grave or irresistible threat, violence, or force. This is
A.M. Bascos Trucking, offering her trucks for lease to in accordance with Article 1745 of the Civil Code
those who have cargo to move, not to the general which provides:
public but to a few customers only in view of the fact “Art. 1745. Any of the following or similar
that it is only a small business. stipulations shall be considered unreasonable, unjust
We agree with the respondent Court in its finding and contrary to public policy; xx
that petitioner is a common carrier. (6) That the common carrier’s liability for acts
Article 1732 of the Civil Code defines a common committed by thieves, or of robbers who do not act
carrier as “(a) person, corporation or firm, or with grave or irresistible threat, violences or force, is
association engaged in the business of carrying or dispensed with or diminished;” xx
transporting passengers or goods or both, by land, NOTES:
water or air, for compensation, offering their 1. She cited as evidence certain affidavits which
services to the public.” The test to determine a referred to the contract as “lease”. These affidavits
common carrier is “whether the given undertaking is were made by Jesus Bascos and by petitioner herself
a part of the business engaged in by the carrier and Cipriano and CIPTRADE did not object to the
which he has held out to the general public as his presentation of affidavits by petitioner where the
transaction was referred to as a lease contract. Both not brave such stormy weather and put other
the trial and appellate courts have dismissed them people’s lives at
as self-serving and petitioner contests the risk. The extraordinary diligence required of
conclusion. We are bound by the appellate court’s common carriers demandsthat they take care of the
factual conclusions. Yet, granting that the said goods or lives entrusted to their hands as ifthey
evidence were not self-serving, the same were not were their own. This respondent failed to do.
sufficient to prove that the contract was one of
lease. It must be understood that a contract is what Westwind Shipping Corp. vs. UCPB General
the law defines it to be and not what it is called by Insurance
the contracting parties. Furthermore, petitioner G.R. No. 200289, November 25, 2013
presented no other proof of the existence of the By: Alba, Ma. Angela Beatriz
contract of lease. He who alleges a fact has the Doctrine: The extraordinary responsibility of the
burden of proving it. common carrier lasts until the time the goods are
2. Having affirmed the findings of the respondent actually
Court on the substantial issues involved, We find no or constructively delivered by the carrier to the
reason to disturb the conclusion that the motion to consignee or to the person who has a right to receive
lift/dissolve the writ of preliminary attachment has them.
been rendered moot and academic by the decision There is actual delivery in contracts for the transport
on the merits. of goods when possession has been turned over to
consignee or to his duly authorized agent and a
Cruz vs. Sun Holidays622 SCRA 389 reasonable time is given him to remove the goods.
Facts:In 2000 newly weds Ruelito and his wife Westwind Shipping Corporation – Common Carrier
brought a package tourcontract from Sun Holidays. UCPB General Insurance – Insurer
The tour was scheduled from September 9-11, 2016 San Miguel Corporation – Consignee
inclusive of transportation to and from the resort. Kinsho-Mataichi Corporation – Shipper
On the lastday, due to heavy rains the day before Orient Freight International, Inc. (OFII) – Customs
and heavy winds, the couplealong with other guests Broker
trekked to the other side of the beach wherethey FACTS:
boarded M/B Coco Beach III. Shortly after the boat Kinsho-Mataichi Corporation shipped from the port
sailed, itstarted to rain and when the reached the of Kobe, Japan, 197 metal containers/skids of tin-
open seas the wind gotstronger causing the boat to free
tilt from side to side and eventuallycapsized putting steel for delivery to the consignee, San Miguel
all passengers underwater. Ruelito and his Corporation. The shipment was loaded and received
wifeperished from the accident which, prompted his clean
parents to filed acomplaint for damages against Sun on board M/V Golden Harvest Voyage No. 66, a
Holidays alleging that the latterfailed to observed vessel owned and operated by Westwind Shipping
extraordinary diligence as common carrier Corporation (Westwind). SMC insured the cargoes
inallowing the boat to sail despite a storm warning. against all risks with UCPB General Insurance Co.,
Sun Holidays deniedresponsibility claiming that they Inc.
are not a common carrier hence theyare only The shipment arrived in Manila, Philippines and was
required to observe ordinary diligence and the discharged in the custody of the arrastre operator,
accident wasdue to a fortuitous event. Asian Terminals, Inc. (ATI). During the unloading
operation, six containers/skids sustained dents and
Issue:W/N Sun Holidays is a common carrier within punctures from the forklift used by the stevedores of
the ambit of the lawhence liable for damages. Ocean Terminal Services, Inc. (OTSI) in centering
and shuttling the containers/skids. As a
consequence, the local ship agent of the vessel,
Ruling: YES. Article 1732 of the Civil Code defining Baliwag Shipping
“common carriers”has deliberately refrained from Agency, Inc., issued two Bad Order Cargo Receipt
making distinctions on whether thecarrying of dated September 1, 1993.
persons or goods is the carrier’s principal business, Orient Freight International, Inc. (OFII), the customs
whetherit is offered on a regular basis, or whether it broker of SMC, withdrew from ATI the 197
is offered to the generalpublic. The intent of the law containers/skids, including the six in damaged
is thus to not consider such distinctions.Otherwise, condition, and delivered the same at SMC’s
there is no telling how many other distinctions may warehouse in
beconcocted by unscrupulous businessmen engaged Calamba, Laguna through J.B. Limcaoco Trucking
in the carrying ofpersons or goods in order to avoid (JBL). It was discovered upon discharge that
the legal obligations and liabilities ofcommon additional
carriers.The evidence shows that PAGASA issued 24- nine containers/skids were also damaged due to the
hour public weatherforecasts and tropical cyclone forklift operations; thus, making the total number of
warnings for shipping on September 10and 11, 2000 15
advising of tropical depressions in Northern Luzon, containers/skids in bad order.
whichwould also affect the province of Mindoro. By Almost a year after, SMC filed a claim against UCPB,
the testimony of Dr.Frisco Nilo, supervising weather Westwind, ATI, and OFII to recover the amount
specialist of PAGASA, squalls are to beexpected corresponding to the damaged 15 containers/skids.
under such weather condition.A very cautious When UCPB paid the total sum of Philippine Pesos:
person exercising the utmost diligence wouldthus Two Hundred Ninety-Two Thousand Seven Hundred
Thirty-Two and Eighty Centavos (₱292,732.80),
SMC signed the subrogation receipt. Thereafter, in 2. Whether OFII is liable for the additional nine
the exercise of its right of subrogation, UCPB damaged containers/skids.
instituted HELD:
on August 30, 1994 a complaint for damages against 1. Yes. Cargoes, while being unloaded, generally
Westwind, ATI, and OFII. The RTC dismissed remain under the custody of the carrier. In
UCPB’s complaint and the counterclaims of Philippines First Insurance Co., Inc. v. Wallem Phils.
Westwind, ATI, and OFII. On appeal, the CA ruled in Shipping, Inc., the court held that
favor of “*c+ommon carriers, from the nature of their
UCPB, ordering Westwind and OFII to pay UCPB. business and for reasons of public policy, are bound
Petitioners’ Arguments: to observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance
Westwind - It no longer had actual or constructive over the goods transported by them. Subject to
custody of the containers/skids at the time they certain exceptions enumerated under Article 1734 of
were the Civil Code, common carriers are
damaged by ATI’s forklift operator during the responsible for the loss, destruction, or deterioration
unloading operations. In accordance with the of the goods. The extraordinary responsibility
stipulation of of the common carrier lasts from the time the goods
the bill of lading, which allegedly conforms to Article are unconditionally placed in the possession
1736 of the NCC, it contends that its responsibility of, and received by the carrier for transportation
already ceased from the moment the cargoes were until the same are delivered, actually or
delivered to ATI, which is reckoned from the constructively, by the carrier to the consignee, or to
moment the person who has a right to receive them.”
the goods were taken into the latter’s custody. There is actual delivery in contracts for the transport
Westwind adds that ATI, which is a completely of goods when possession has been turned
independent over to the consignee or to his duly authorized agent
entity that had the right to receive the goods as and a reasonable time is given to remove the
exclusive operator of stevedoring and arrastre goods.
functions in In this case, since the discharging of the
South Harbor, Manila, had full control over its containers/skids, which were covered by only one
employees and stevedores as well as the manner bill of
and lading, had not yet been completed at the time the
procedure of the discharging operations. damage occurred, there is no reason to imply
OFII - It is not a common carrier, but only a customs that there was already delivery, actual or
broker whose participation is limited to facilitating constructive, of the cargoes to ATI.
withdrawal of the shipment in the custody of ATI by 2. Yes. A customs broker has been regarded as a
overseeing and documenting the turnover and common carrier because transportation of goods is
counterchecking if the quantity of the shipments an integral part of its business. Thus, for undertaking
were in tally with the shipping documents at hand, the transport of cargoes from ATI to SMC’s
but warehouse in Calamba, Laguna, OFII is considered a
without participating in the physical withdrawal and common carrier. As long as a person or
loading of the shipments into the delivery trucks of corporation holds itself to the public for the purpose
JBL. of transporting goods as a business, it is
Assuming that it is a common carrier, OFII insists already considered a common carrier regardless of
that there is no need to rely on the presumption of whether it owns the vehicle to be used or has to
the actually hire one.
law — that, as a common carrier, it is presumed to As a common carrier, OFII is mandated to observe,
have been at fault or have acted negligently in case under Article 1733 of the Civil Code,
of extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the
damaged goods — considering the undisputed fact goods it transports according to the peculiar
that the damages to the containers/skids were circumstances of each case. In the event that the
caused by goods are lost, destroyed or deteriorated, it is
the forklift blades, and that there is no evidence presumed to have been at fault or to have acted
presented to show that OFII and Westwind were the negligently, unless it proves that it observed
owners/operators of the forklifts. It asserts that the extraordinary diligence. In the case at bar, it was
loading to the trucks were made by way of forklifts established that, except for the six
owned and operated by ATI and the unloading from containers/skids already damaged, OFII received the
the trucks at the SMC warehouse was done by way cargoes from ATI in good order and
of condition; and that upon its delivery to SMC,
forklifts owned and operated by SMC employees. additional nine containers/skids were found to be in
Lastly, OFII avers that neither the undertaking to bad order, as noted in the Delivery Receipts issued
deliver nor the acknowledgment by the consignee of by OFII and as indicated in the Report of Cares
the Marine & Cargo Surveyors.
fact of delivery makes a person or entity a common
carrier, since delivery alone is not the controlling Calvo v. UCPB General Insurance Case Digest
factor Calvo v. UCPB General Insurance
in order to be considered as such. G.R. No. 148496 March 19, 2002
1. Whether Westwind, and not ATI, is responsible for Facts: Petitioner Virgines Calvo, owner of
the six damaged containers/skids at the time of Transorient Container Terminal Services, Inc. (TCTSI),
its unloading. and a custom broker, entered into a contract with
San Miguel Corporation (SMC) for the transfer of 114
reels of semi-chemical fluting paper and 124 reels of irrigation system, gas, electric light, heat and power,
kraft liner board from the port area to the water supply and power petroleum, sewerage
Tabacalera Compound, Ermita, Manila. The cargo system, wire or wireless communications systems,
was insured by respondent UCPB General Insurance wire or wireless broadcasting stations and other
Co., Inc. similar public services. x x x”