OAF Hello World Tutorial
OAF Hello World Tutorial
OAF Hello World Tutorial
Select OADeveloperMode and OADiagnostic, and move them to selected Options List
3. Create Application Module AM
4. Create a OA components Page
5. Modify the Page Layout (Top-level) Region
Attribute Property
ID PageLayoutRN
AM Definition prajkumar.oracle.apps.ak.hello.server.HelloAM
6. Create the Second Region (Main Content Region)
Attribute Property
ID HelloName
Prompt Name
Length 20
Maximum Length 50
8. Create a container Region for Go-Button
ID ButtonLayout
9. Create a Second Item (Go Button)
Attribute /oracle/apps/fnd/attributesets/Buttons/Go
10. Save Your Work
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;