App 06

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Appendix 6

Vendors of Hardware, Software, and Academic Applications

(Most Keyword Terms Are Defined in Chapter 0)
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: 35 mm slide
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: 3-D
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: 3-D Graphics
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: 3DO
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: academ
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: accounting
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: activities based cost
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: Amiga
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: animation
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: art
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: astronomy
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: audio
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: audio-activation
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: audio clips
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: authoring
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: behavior
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: AVI
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: board
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: business
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: C
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: Camera
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: capture card
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-3DO
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-I
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-I titles
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-MM
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-ROM
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-ROM drives
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-ROM network
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-R CD-ROM Recorder
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-ROM titles
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CD-ROM tower
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: child
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: civil rights
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: clip
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: clips of animation and video files
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: clips of art, graphics, and font files
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: clips of audio and music files
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: clips of photos and background files
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: clips of mixed media files
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: communication
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: compression
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: cross-platform
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: CMS
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: database
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: desktop presentations
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: development tools
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: dictionary
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: digital photography
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: DOS
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: drawing
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: dry camera
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: DVI
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: education
Appendix 6
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Suggested Keyword for Searching*: edutainment

Suggested Keyword for Searching*: encyclopedia
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: entertainment
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: environment
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: fonts
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: geography
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: government
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: history
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: how-to
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: hyper
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: hypertext
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: hypemedia
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: imag
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: image processing
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: JPEG
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: journalism
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: LAN
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: law
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: LCD
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: learn
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: legal
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: language
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: library
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: literature
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: Mac
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: math
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: media catalogs
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: medicine
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: MIDI
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: model and rendering
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: modem
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: MPEG
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: multimedia
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: multimedia computer
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: multimedia upgrade
For MPC Upgrade kits use the term multimedia upgrade
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: music
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: network
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: netscape
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: Netscape Engine
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: news
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: NEXTStep
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: NTSC
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: optical drive
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: PAL
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: painting
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: panel
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: PCI
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: PCMCIA
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: PDA
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: pentium notebook
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: photo
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: portable
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: presentation
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: print
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: project
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: projection
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: race
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: record
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: reference
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: remote (control)
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: response (for response pads & audience interaction)
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: quicktime
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: OS/2
Appendix 6
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Suggested Keyword for Searching*: scan converter

Suggested Keyword for Searching*: scanner
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: science
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: school
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: SCSI
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: SGI
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: SECAM
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: simulation
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: slide
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: speech recognition
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: statistics
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: symbolics
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: tax
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: teleconf
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: text readingf
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: text recognition
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: touch
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: touch reading
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: training
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: training publications
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: UNIX
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: video
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: video accelerators
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: video camera
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: video capture
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: video card
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: video network
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: video playback
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: videodisc
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: videodisc titles
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: videotape
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: voice-activation
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: video recognition
Suggested Keyword for Searching*: Windows
*: Most of the above keyword search terms are defined in Chapter 0.

*: *: Also search on academic discipline keywords such as French, Japanese, Language, music,
mathematics, etc. Product names and vendor names may also be searched.
Appendix 6
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3DO Company
San Mateo, CA
Phone: (415) 261-3202
This company coordinates the development of CD-3DO titles.
Persons interested in becoming developers of CD-3DO titles should call (415) 261-3000.
Persons interested in becoming dealers or purchasing player units should telephone (817) 685-1029.
Also see Panasonic

3G Graphics
114 Second Ave., Suite 104
Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: (206) 774-3518
clips of art, graphics, and font files ($500 for Images With Impact Mac or PC CD-ROM)
Images With Impact for Windows (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Images With Impact v 2.0 (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

3M Co.
3M Prerecorded Optical Media
3M Center, Bldg. 223-5N-01
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
Phone: (612) 733-2142
Phone: (800) 336-3636
Provides mastering & replication services for CD-ROMs & videodiscs

3MVisual Systems Div.

Building A145-5N-01
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
Phone: (512) 984-1800
Phone: (800) 238-1371

7th Level, Inc.

5225 SanFernando Road West
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Phone: (818) 547-1955
Fax: (818) 246-5198
TuneLand starring Howie Mandel (animation)

A.D.A.M. Software, Inc.

1899 Powers Ferry Rd.
Ste. 460
Marietta, GA 30067
Phone: (404) 980-0888
Phone: (800) 755-ADAM
A.D.A.M. or ADAM (Animated Dissection of Anatomy for Medicine (reference, medicine, animation)
Education, science

48431 Milrnont Dr.
Frernont, CA 94538
Phone: (415) 683-2226
Phone: (800) 444-5321
Scanner 300/Color (24-bit)

Abbate Video, Inc.

Appendix 6
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14 Ross Ave.
Millis, MA 02054
Phone: (508) 376-3712
Phone: (800) 283-5553
Video Toolkit 2.0

ABC News InterActive

7 West 66th St., 4th Floor
New York, NY 10023
Phone: (212) 887-4060
Phone: (800) 524-2481
Powers of the U.S. Government series
Understanding Our World series (geography and other topics)
Instant Replay of History series
Understanding Ourselves series (behavior)
Plus optional Mac software
The Great Quake of '89 (science)
The Kremlin (government)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

130 Cremona Dr.
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Phone: (805) 968-1911
Phone: (800) 422-2546
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

P. O. Box 2440
Eugene OR 97402
Phone: (800) 451-4871
Phone: (503) 342-3030
Fax: (503) 683-1925
SPROUT! (Education)
Mighty Draw (drawing, painting)

AC&E, Ltd.
2875 Towerview Rd.
Herndon, VA 22071
Phone: (703) 318-0556
Phone: (800) 733-2238
System design, engineering & installation for A/V teleconferencing, satellite & fiber-optic multimedia networking

Academic Computing Specialists

2015 East 3300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84109-2630
Phone: (801) 484-3923
Phone: (800) 531-3227
Distributor of multimedia, authoring systems, audio & video editing plus graphics software (hypertext)

Academy Of Art College

79 New Montgomery St.
Third Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415)274-2222
Fax: (415)576-9737
Offers a BFA and FMA. Tuition, $7,200 per year. Focus is on commercial arts; some classes in multimedia
and virtual reality. Training and education.
Appendix 6
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Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences

8444 Wilshire Blvd.
Eighth Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3200
Phone: (213)653-3393
Fax: (213)655-1814
Seminars and demonstrations on interactive arts. Training essions open to non-members

Access Softek
2550 9th Street, Suite 206
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: (510) 848-0606
Fax: (510) 848-0608
DinoMania (animation)
Double Doozy (animation)
CDR Import (image processing)

Ace Software Corp.

1740 Technology Dr.
Ste. 680
San Jose, CA 95110
Phone: (408) 451 -0100
Phone: (800) 837-2692

Acecad, Inc.
8 Hams Ct., Bldg A-100
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (408) 655-1900

ACI US Inc.,
Supertino, CA
Phone: (408) 252-4444
The datatbase software is called 4D First

P.O. Box 254
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Accounting Calulator software to add into Lotus and Quatro Pro

Acoustic Research
330 Tumpike St.
Canton, MA 02021
Phone: (800) 969-AR4U
Powered Partner series of speakers

ACS Computer
260 E. Grand Ave., Suite 18
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Phone: (415) 875-6729
The LaserWave Supra sound (audio) board

121 Freeport Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Appendix 6
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Phone: (412) 828-5480

Phone: (800) 531-3780
American Heart Association CPR/Advanced Cardiac Life Support (self-study courseware)
Other healthcare videodiscs (medicine, science, reference, database)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

ACTV, Inc.
1270 Avenue of the
New York, NY 10020
Phone: (212) 262-2570
ACTV, Interactive TV delivery platform & publisher of ed. programming

Acuris, Inc.
931 Hamilton Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (800) OK-ACURIS
Phone: (415) 329-1920
Fax: (415) 329-1928
3D Clip Model Library 1 Interiors & Multimedia, 3D Clip Model Library 2 Exteriors & Trees, 3D Clip
Model Library 3 Geography, 3D Clip Model Library 4 Human Forms - Male, 3D Clip Model Library 5
Human Faces, 3D Clip Model Library 6 Human Forms - Femal, ( 3-D, clip art, digital photography, audio

Ad Lib Multimedia, Inc.

220 Grand Allee E.
Ste. 850
Quebec City, Canada G1 R 2J1
Phone: (418) 529-9676
Ad Lib PCTV (live video)
Ad Lib Gold
Surround Sound Stereo Module
Other audio cards

Adaptec Inc.
691 So, Milpitas Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (800) 959-7274
AHA SCSI hardware

680 Knox St.
Torrance, CA 90502
Phone: (213) 321-2121
Phone: (800) 253-5226
Adara SQ88, rewritable drives
Adara 9200E multi-function drives

Aditus, Inc.
5756 Royal Mount Avenue
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H40 1K5
Phone: (514) 737-8547
Fax: (514) 737-0922
C.I.T.Y. 2000 CD ROM (entertainment)

Adobe Systems, Inc.

1585 Charleston Rd.
Appendix 6
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Mountain View, CA 94039-7900

Phone: (415) 961-4400
Phone: (800) 833-6687
Adobe Illustrator 5.0 (presentation)
Adobe Photoshop (image processing)
Adobe Photoshop 2.5 (paintbrush)
Other software packages
Photoshop (image editing)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Adobe Dimensions (Mac)
The presentation and video software is called Premiere and Illustrator (Mac)

Adspec Programming
Phone: (216) 337-3325
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Aladdin (Amiga)

Advanced Digital Imaging

Phone: (714) 779-7772
The Quicktime video Digital Magic capture board uses JPEG compression (NTSC and PAL)

Advanced Digital Systems

13909 Bettencourt St.
Certitos, Ca 90701
Phone: (310) 926-1928
Phone: (800) 888-5244

Advanced Gravis Computer

Technology Ltd.
1602 Carolino St.
Ste. D12
Bellingham, WA 98226
Phone: (800) 663-8558
UltraSound (all digital audio)
UltraSound 3D (3D audio)

Advanced Logic Research

9401 Jeronimo
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 581 -6770
The multimedia computer hardware system is called Synergy Electronic Classroom Systems.
Evolution IV

Adventures for Gifted & Talented, Inc.

4636 Battery Lane
Birmingham, AL 35213
Phone: (205) 592-4900
The authoring software is called Click D Mouse-HyperCard (Mac)

AfroLink Software
1815 Wellington Road
Los Angeles CA 90019-0653
Phone: (213) 731-5465
Fax: (213) 730-0653
Who We Are 2.0 (education)

Agency for Instructional Technology

Box A
Appendix 6
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Bloomington, IN 47402-0120
Phone: (812) 339-2203
Phone: (800) 457-4509
Workplace Readiness (videodiscs)
Teaching in Groups inservice package
Non-profit U.S.-Canadian developer & distributor of technology-based instructional resources for K-12 &
professional development
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, training)

Agfa Corp.
One Ramland Rd.,
Orangeburg, NY 10962
Phone: (914) 365-0190
Phone: (800) 288-4039
The scanner is called Arcus Color
The color slide camera is called Focus Color
Arcus color desktop series
Horizon prepress units
Focus color desktop series
Professional-grade film recorders (scan converter)

AGFA Division, Miles Inc.,

Wilmington, MA
Phone: (508) 658-5600
StudioScan (presentation)

AIMS Media
Chatsworth, CA
Phone: (800) 367-2467
Fax: (818) 341-6700
The AIMS Laser Videodisc Catolog of videodisc and CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) for education,
science, medicine, history, music, art, library, mathematics, languages, training programs, etc.
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
Animal Life in a Tidepool, Weather: Air and Action Series, American Chronicles, Atoms & Molecules
How We Classify Animals,
Level III Videodiscs controlled by HyperStax

AIMS Media
9710 DeSoto Ave
Chatsworth, CA 91311-4409
Phone: (818) 773-4300
Phone: (800) 578-8690
Animal Life in a Tidepool (science)
Weather in Action series
Exploring Our Solar System series (science)
American Chronicles (10 disc series in government and history)
Atoms & Molecules (science)
How We Classify Animals (science)
Each is a Level III videodisc controlled by HyperStax software

AimTech Corp.
20 Trafalgar Square
Nashua NH 03063-1973
Phone: (603) 883-0220
Phone: (800) 289-2884
Fax: (603) 883-5582
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called IconAuthor (Windows, UNIX, OS/2)
The presentation software is called CATS MEOW (Windows, UNIX, OS/2)
IconAuthor (authoring)
Appendix 6
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AirMouse Remote Controls

30 Mountain View Dr.
Colchester, VT 05446
Phone: (802) 655-9600
AirMouse Remote Control Mouse
CoPilot Infrared Link

47971 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont,, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 226-8960
Phone: (800) 882-8184
The AVI video Video Surge and WaveWatcher capture boards (NTSC, PAL, SECAM)

AITech International
830 Hillview Court, Suite 145
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (408) 946-3291
Fax: (408) 946-3597
The ProPC/TV Plus and other scan converter options

AJ Software & Multimedia

1036 South Holt, #2
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: (310) 657-4038
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Aldus Corp.
411 First Ave. S., Ste. 200
Seattle, WA 98104-2871
Phone: (206) 622-5500
Phone: (800) 332-5387
Phone: (619) 558-6000
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called SuperCard (Mac)
The presentation software called Persuasion (Mac and Windows)
Freehand (graphics)
Photostyler (image editing)
Other graphics packages
Fetch (image manager)

Alias Research, Inc.

110 Richmond St., E
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1P1
Phone: (416) 362-8558 ext. 428
Phone: (800) 447-2542
Fax: (512)-345-9509
Alias upFRONT (modeling and rendering)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Power Animator (SGI and IBM RISC/6000)
The 3-D rendering software is called Sketch! (Mac)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Upfront (Mac and Windows)

Allen Communication
5225 Wiley Post Way
Ste. 140
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Phone: (801) 537-7800
Appendix 6
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Phone: (800) 325-7850

Phone: (801) 537-7800
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called Quest (DOS)
Quest 5.0 for Windows (development tools)

Allen Visual Systems, Inc.

824 Sunset Ridge Rd.
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: (708) 498-9220
A/V dealer & VAR specializing in OSHA safety, PC training & supervisory skills development; systems
supported include CD-I, IBM Ultimedia, VideoLogic & Sony

Alpha Software
Phone: (800) 451-1018 ext. 117
The presentation software called Bravo (Windows)

Alpha Systems Labs (ASL)

2361 McGaw Ave.
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (714) 252-0117
Phone: (800) 576-4ASL
MegaMotion multimedia video card is a multimedia add-in card for Windows PCs that allows users to edit, store,
and play live video directly from their hard drives. (video card)
JPEG, MPEG, MegaMotion, Video Capture Board

Altimira Software Corp.

150 Shoreline Hwy., Ste. B-27
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: (415) 332-5801

Altech International Corp.

830 Hillview Court, #145
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (408) 946-3291
WaveWatcher-TV (live video windows & built-in TV tuner)
WaveWatcher (without TV tuner)
ProColor (capture)
ProVGA/TV (converts to NTSC)
ACS300 3-piece powered speakers w/subwoofer system (all platforms)
ACS200 MPC powered speakers
ACS100 MPC powered speakers
ACS150 powered subwoofer
AC10 (computer audio monitor & control system with phone interface)
AHS10 Communication Headset
AM10 Communication Microphone

Altec Lansing Multimedia

P. O. Box 277
Milford, PA 18337-0277
Phone: (717) 296-4434
Phone: (800) 258-3288

Altura Software
510 Lighthouse Avenue, Suite 5
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Phone: (408) 655-8005
Fax: (408) 655-9663
Appendix 6
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QuickView (development tools)

Amazing Media
55 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo CA 94960
Phone: (415) 453-0686
Fax: (415) 453-9024
Capital Hill (edutainment, government)
Oceans Below (edutainment, science)
Space Shuttle (edutainment, science)

American Center for Computer Imaging & Animation

School of Communication Arts;
Minneapolis campus: 2526 27th Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Phone: (800)800-2835
Fax: (612)721-6642;
North Carolina campus: 3220 Spring Forest Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27604
Phone: (800)288-7442
Fax: (919)981-0946
Training in computer imaging, animation and multimedia production programs based around six-month modules,
$4,990-$7,770($5,990-$6,490 in Raleigh). Eighteen-month program for associate degree in applied science in
multimedia design, $3,490 per quarter. Training and education.

American Econo-Clad Services

2101 NW Topeka Ave.
Topeka, KS 66608
Phone: (913) 233-4252
Phone: (800) 255-3502
Matchmaker CD-ROM
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

American Film Institute

Advanced Technology Programs
2021 North Western Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Phone: (213)856-7690
Fax: (213)467-4578
Training workshops, seminars and demonstrations exploring digital technology, including desktop video,
animation, interactive design and multimedia presentation. $110 to $350 per class.

American Institute of CPAs

Harborside Financial Center
201 Plaza III
Jersey City, NJ 07311
CD-NAARS database for accounting
TOTAL (Total On-line Tax and Accounting Library)

American Technology Resources

1223 N. Providence Rd
Media, PA 19063
Phone: (215) 565-6434
Phone: (800) 873-3472
Appendix 6
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Systems integrator for optical disc & video imaging technologies; consulting services; supplies & installs all
components of an interactive system; in-house service dept; offers hardware, generic courseware & custom

American Training International

12638 Beatrice
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Phone: (800)-955-5284
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called TourGuide (Windows)

5696 Peachtree Parkway
Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: (404) 242-2626
CD-I Spice Library literature
CD-I Basic TQM Series for business
CD-I SPICE Library for business

AMT Sfotware
1045 Palms Airport Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89119-3714
Phone: (702) 369-4321

413 N. 24th Street, A-120
Phoneix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602)553-8966
clips of audio and music files ($99 for Music Madness Mac CD-ROM)
Sound Factory hypertext stack for auditioning and combining segments

AMX Corp.
11995 Forestgate Dr.
Dallas, TX 75243
Phone: (214) 644-3048
Phone: (800) 222-0193

Analog Devices Inc.

(617) 329-4700

Analysas Corporation
1615 L Street NW, Suite 1250
Washington DC 20036
Phone: (800) 401-5664
Phone: (202) 429-5653
Fax: (202) 331-8578
EXITO (“SUCCESS” in Spanish) enables you to learn Spanish effectively in a fully interactive environment at
your own pace. (education, language)

Anchor Audio, Inc.

913 West 23rd St.
Torrance, CA 90502
Phone: (310) 533-5984
AN-100 Powered Monitor speaker with built-in wireless microphone
Other audio systems available
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Andrews University
224 Harrigan Hall
Berrien Springs, MI
Phone: (616) 471-3450
Fax: (616) 741-6292
Multimedia, authoring, hypermedia, and graphics arts training and education center

P.O. Box 428
Columbia, MD
3-D Choreographer to render animations with layered movements.

Animotion Development Corp.

3720 Fourth Ave. South
Ste. 205
Birmingham, AL 35222
Phone: (205) 591-5715
Phone: (800) 536-4175
MCS Stereo

Anjon & Associates

714 E. Angeleno, Unit C
Burbank, CA 91501
Phone: (818) 566-8551
Phone: (800) 377-9287
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Will Vinton's Playmation (Amiga, Mac, SGI, Windows)

Annenberg/CPB Project
901 E St. NW
Washington, DC 20004-2037
Phone: (800) LEARNER
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

Apollo Audio Visual

60 Trade Zone Court
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Phone: (516) 467-8033
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
ShowPro AVP-300 video
ShowPro AVP-400 video

Apollo Presentation Products

60 Trade Zone Court
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Phone: (516) 476-8033
Phone: (800) 777-3750

Apple Computer, Inc.

20525 Mariani Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: (408) 996-1010
Apple CD150
Apple CD300 (double-speed)
Apple Color Printer (bubble-jet)
Apple Media Tool
Appendix 6
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AppleOne Color Scanner

CD-ROM drives
Centris series
Color Classic
Color PowerBook
Mac Classic II
Macintosh II series
Macintosh LC, LCII & LCIII
Performa 600
Power PC and Tadpole
Quadra series
QUICKTIME for Windows (desktop presentations)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Apple Media (Mac)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called HyperCard (Mac)
The dry cameria is called QuickTake
The multimedia computer hardware systems are called Power Mac, Power PC, Quadra, PowerBook,
Macintosh LC, Apple AV, and others.
The scanner is called AppleOne Color Scanner
Video software is called Quicktime (Mac and Windows)

Apple Computer Systems, Inc.

3060 Johnstown-Utica Rd.
Johnstown, OH 43031
Phone: (614) 892-2100
Phone: (800) 237-5465

Apple Worldwide Multimedia Program

Apple Multimedia Training Guide
20525 Mariani Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: (408)974-4897
Fax: (408)862-7602
Support services, training guides and product directory, plus a video series. Annual fee, new members, $750.
Apple Associates and Apple Partners program members, $650. Training.
Appendix 6
Page 16

AppleTree Technologies, Multimedia Division

Affiliated with New Horizons Computer Learning Center
3020 Mercer University Dr.,
Atlanta, GA 30341
Phone: (404)457-4500
Fax: (404)457-2417
Multimedia division offers supplement to New Horizons authoring software training. Overview to multimedia,
$220. Custom training available.

Application Software
144 Keil Bay
Alameda CA 94502
Phone: (800) 824-9572
Phone: (510) 523-0777
Fax: (510) 522-1157
1994 RVU/CF by CPT, The (reference)
MultiMedia SIC Manual with Fed Spending (reference)

4251 Plymouth Rd.
Box 986
Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-0986
Phone: (313) 995-6016
BRAVO3 Ver. 3.6 on CD-ROM

Applied Computer Systems, Inc.

3060 Johnstown-Utica Rd.
Johnston, OH 43031
Phone: (614) 892-2100
Phone: (800) 237-5465
MAGIC POINTER-250 (works with any analog monitor)
LINK Video LAN System, models for any platform
LINK video LAN System, models for any platform

Applied Optical Media Corp.

1450 Boot Rd., Bldg, 400
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (800) 321-7259
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Approach Software Corp.

311 Penobscot Drive
Redwood City, California 94063
Phone: (415) 306-7890
The database software is called Approach for Windows

Aquiline Inc.
701 River Street
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: (518) 272-0421
The Aquiline Multimedia Notebook portable computers with buitl-in CD-ROM players.

Arbor Software Corporation

3211 Scott Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: (408) 727-7140
Fax: (408) 727-7140
Appendix 6
Page 17

Essbase intergrated accounting and database system (Windows, Mac) that frontends to Excel, Lotus, Visual
Basic, Visual C, and other software through the Essbase Data Analysis Server.

Ares Software Corporation

565 Pilgrim Drive, Suite A
Foster City CA 94404
Phone: (415) 578-9090
Fax: (415) 378-8999
FontChameleon (fonts)

Aris Multimedia Entertainment

310 Washington Blvd., Suite 100
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Phone: (310) 821-0234
clips of mixed media files (series for Mac and PCCD-ROMs) with titles Tropical Rainforest and Deep Voyage
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

7041 Koll Center Pkwy.
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: (510) 426-5355

Arizona State University

Educational Media and Computers
College of Education
P. O. Box 870111
Tempe, AZ 85287
Phone: (602)965-7192
Fax: (602)965-8887
Prepares specialists in the design and production of educational media and computer applications. Training and

Arnowitz Studios
650 E. Blithdale Ave., Ste. A
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: (415) 383-2878
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Art Beats
P.O. Box 1287
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457
Phone: (503) 863-4429
Fax: (503) 863-4547
Backgrounds for Multimedia Vol 1 & 2 (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Appendix 6
Page 18

Art Center College of Design

1700 Lida St.
Pasadena, CA 91103
Phone: (818)584-5035
Fax: (818)405-9104
Master of science, computer graphics, includes photography, illustration, video and new interactive technologies
courses. Approximately $6,500 per term. Community extension program, no degree offered; seven-week class
in interactive media. Training and education.

Artisoft, Inc.
691 E. River Rd.
Artisoft Plaza
Tucson, AZ 85704
Phone: (800) TINY-RAM
ArtiScribe NewMedia Documentation & Dictation System
KIVA NetConferencing System

Arthur Andersen
A-Plus Sales Dept.
2805 Fruitville Rd.
Sarasota, FL 34237
Phone: (813) 265-9469
Tax accounting software programs for Windows are A-Plus Tax and Corporate Tax Solutions

Articulate Systems
600 West Cummings Park
Suite 4500
Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: (617) 935-5656
Sources of information for voice-activated systems:
(text recognition, speech recognition, voice-activation, voice recognition, audio-activation)

9 Furman Place
Delmar, NY 12054
Phone: (518) 439-7785
Services as broker to match firms with scholars & researchers

Aslar, Inc.
1290 Oakmead Parkway
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (800) 877-2745
Fax: (408) 746-0749
Ashlar Vellum 3-D (drawing, painting)

AskMe Multimedia Center

7100 Northland Circle
Ste. 401
Minneapolis, MN 55428
Phone: (612) 531-0603
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
SST 1.1 Presentation Software (desktop presentations)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Ask Me 2000 (DOS)
The presentation software is called SST (DOS)
Appendix 6
Page 19

Associates for Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

P.O. Box 2966
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: (804) 973-3987
Journal of Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia (hypertext)

AST Research, Inc.

16215 Alton Pkwy.
Irvine, CA 92713-9658
Phone: (714) 727-4141
Phone: (800) 876-4278
Advantage! Pro 486SX/33
Other 386 & 486 systems

Asymetrix Corp.
110 - 110th Ave., N.E., Suite 700
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (206) 462-0501
Phone: (800) 448-6543
Compel (desktop presentations, windows, multimedia, video clips, animation, CD-ROM)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called ToolBook and Multimedia ToolBook (Windows)
The presentation software called Compel and Make Your Point (Windows, authoring)
MediaBlitz! (desktop presentations, animation, video, CD-ROM)

1878 West 11th St., Ste. #185
Tracy, CA 95376
Phone: (510) 525-4311

1100 E. Warrenville Rd.
Naperville, lL 60566
Phone: (708) 979-7003
System 3230
3331 Multimedia Learning Station (hypertext)

Atari Corp.
1196 Borregas Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1302
Phone: (408) 745-200C
Atari Falcon030

ATI Technologies, Inc.

33 Commerce Valley Dr. East
Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6
Phone: (905) 882-2600
ATI mach32 multimedia card
Stereo F/X CD
Other audio cards
JPEG, MPEG, Video-It!, Video Capture Board

Audio Visual Group

398 Columbus Ave., Suite 355
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: (617)646-9050
Appendix 6
Page 20

Fax: (617)64608155
Training seminars in graphic design, multimedia development and presentations using Macintosh AV computers
at Wentworth Institute of Technology's Center for Advanced Graphics.

Audix Corp.
24981 Calle Arenal
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Phone: (714) 588-8072
Phone: (800) 966-8261

Audix Corp.
19439 SOFTWARE 90th Court
Tualatin, OR 97062
Phone: (503) 692-4426
Phone: (800) 966-8261
Audix-Powered Speakers

Austin Computer Systems/MediaMagic

10300 Metric Blvd
Austin, TX 78758
Phone: (800) 752-1577
Fax: (512) 454-1357
MediaMagic Multimedia (miscellaneous)

2011 Riverside Dr.
Columbus, OH 43221
Phone: (614) 488-8838

Auto Desk, Inc.

Multimedia Division
2320 Marinship Way
Sausalito, CA 94965
Phone: (415) 491-8440
Fax: (415) 491-8308
3D Studio (modeling and rendering, animations)

Autodesk Retail Products

11911 North Creek Pkwy. S.
Bothell, WA 98011
Phone: (206) 487-2233
Graphic Impact
Instant Artist
3D Concepts
Other graphics packages

Autodesk, Inc.
Multimedia Division
2320 Marinship Way
Sausalito, CA 94965-9910
Phone: (415) 491-8776
Phone: (415) 331-0356
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Autodesk 3D Studio (DOS)
The animation software called Autodesk & Autodesk Pro
The presentation software called Animator & Animator Pro
3D Studio
Appendix 6
Page 21

Multimedia Explorer
Autodesk Multimedia Explorer

Automatic Data Processing

1-T ADP Blvd.
Roseland, NJ 07068
Phone: (201) 994-5000
Payroll accounting software for Windows is Client Server Series

11615 Angus Rd.
Austin, TX 78759
Phone: (512) 346-1919
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Media Squares

Avid Technology, Inc.

Metropolitan Technology Park
One Park West
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Phone: (508) 640-6789
Phone: (800) 949-AVID
The multimedia computer hardware system is called AudioVision/AudioStation.
Media Suite Pro, Complete Desktop
Digital Video Editing System
AudioVision, a multi-track digital audio workstation that sync-locks digital picture w/digital audio

AVTEX Research Corp.

2105 S. Bascom Ave.
Ste. 300
Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: (800) 695-GAME
Phone: (408) 371-2800
Animal Tales (entertainment/K-12, behavior, learn, child, edutainment, graphics, music, CD audio)
Bib Bug Alphabet Book, The (edutainment, animations, child, communication, language)
Scanner service & slide bureau

AXA Corp.
17752 Mitchell, Ste. C
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (714) 757-1500
AXA Animation Series
AXA Cartoon Producer (animation)
AXA Watercolor

Ayumi Software
6907 Norfolk Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94705
Phone: (415) 848-8080
MacKojien Dictionary

Azeena Technologies
P.O. Box 92169
Long Beach, CA 90809-2169
Phone: (310) 981-2771
Fax: (310) 988-7607
ThunderVision, a Windows PCI video capture card with capabilities similar to those of the recently announced
Plum board. (PCI video capture)
Appendix 6
Page 22

Animation Paint Box (drawing, painting, animation)

Aztech New Media Corp.

2255 Markham Rd.
Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2W3
Phone: (416) 298-8190
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Banff Centre for the Arts

Media Arts Program
Box 1020, Station 28
107 Tunnel Mountain Dr.
Banff, Alberta
Phone: (402)762-6180
Fax: (403)762-6345
Programs in audio, video and new media research for qualified professional artists, producers, writers,
composers and performers. Training and education.

Barco, Inc.
1000 Cobb Place Blvd.
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Phone: (404) 590-7900
BarcoVision 700 Large-Screen Multimedia Projector (all leading video & PC standards including HDTV)
BarcoGraphics 1200 Megapixel
BarcoGraphics 801 video/data
BarcoData 5000L light-valve
Other models available
IRIS 800 automatic convergence system for Barco 800 projectors

Barneyscan Corp.
1125 Atlantic Ave.
Alameda, CA 94501
Phone: (510) 562-2480

Barr's Films' School & Library

8170 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048-4513
Phone: (213) 651-0852
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
Videodiscs & videos for education

BayWare, Inc.
1720 S. Amphlett Blvd. #205
San Mateo, CA 94402
Phone: (415) 312-0980
Fax: (415) 578-1884
Power Japanese (entertainment)

BCD Associates, Inc.

128 N.W. 67th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Phone: (405) 843-4574
Device drivers for various VCRs & other multimedia peripherals

BDS, Inc.
Appendix 6
Page 23

105 Carpenter Dr.

Sterling, VA 22170
Phone: (800) 950-3020
Distributor of CD-ROM products in literature, accounting, business, etc.

BeBop Systems
P. O. Box 550363
Dallas, TX 75355-0363
Phone: (214) 320-2723
Phone: (800) 775-5557
Fax: (213) 957-4470
LimeLight Sequencer (music software)

5234 Via Valarta
San Diego, CA 92124
Phone: (619)492-9529
clips of audio and music files ($60 for Zillion Sounds for Mac or PC CD-ROM)
clips of mixed media files ($80 for MultiWare for Mac CD-ROM)

BERMAC Communications, Inc.

4545 Fuller Dr., Ste. 336
Irving, TX 75038
Phone: (214) 255-9007

Best Data Products, Inc.

21800 Nordhoff St.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: (818) 773-9600
Phone: (800) 632-BEST

Best Programs
2700 S. Quincy St.
Arlington, VA 22206
Phone: (703) 820-9300
Integrated accounting software programs for Windows are BestBooks and MYOB
Depreciation accounting software for Windows is FAS for Windows
Payroll accounting software for Windows is Abracadabra

300 Roundhill Drive
Rockway, NJ 07866
(201) 586-2200
The accounting software package is called MYOB Accounting

Better Education, Inc.

George Washington Memorial
Hwy., #205
Yorktown, VA 23692
Phone: (804) 898-4846
The multimedia computer hardware system is called Communication Systems for Macs
Authoring software is available on the hardware platform.

BFA Educational Media

468 Park Ave. South
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 684-5910
Appendix 6
Page 24

Phone: (800) 221-1274

Exploring Human Relations Exploring Science
Exploring History
Exploring Geography
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

Big Hand
4514 Travis, Ste. 220
Dallas, TX 75205
Phone: (214) 748-2888
CD-I World, interactive magazine
Developer of multimedia & CD-I titles in education, literature, art, history, geography, science, etc.
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) and CD-I titles

Bitstream, Inc.
215 First Street
Cambridge MA 02142
Phone: (800) 522-FONT
Fax: (617) 868-0784
TrueType Fonts for Windows (fonts)

Black Belt Systems

398 Johnson Road
Glasgow, MT 59230
Phone: (800) 852-6442
Phone: (406) 367-5509
Fax: (406) 367-2329
WinImages: F/x (image processing)
WinImages: Morph (image processing)

Bloomsburg University
Institute for Interactive Technologies
1210 McCormick Center for Human Services
Bloomsburg, PA 17815;
Phone: (717)389-4506
Fax (717)389-2094
Study in instructional design, interactive technologies, authoring, graphics, communications. Pennsylvania
residents: $1,414 per semester; nonresidents: $2,098. Training and education.

Blue Sky Software Corp.

2375 E. Tropicana Ave., Suite 320
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Phone: (702) 456 6365
Phone: (800) 677-4946
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Professional WindowsMaker
RoboHELP 2 - Help Authoring Tool (authoring)

Booktree Corp.
(619) 535-3273

Borland International, Inc.

1800 Green Hills Road
P.O. Box 660001
Scotts Valley, California 95067
Phone: (408) 461-9000
The database software is called dBASE (DOS) and Paradox (DOS and Windows)
Appendix 6
Page 25

The database software dBASE IV allows users to visually organize information and manage data on a single
screen with the Control Center feature,
The database softwareParadox for DOS has new features such as color highlighting, set and reset, a table
view dialog box, a directory tree browser, and a programmable speedbar.
The database software Paradox for WINDOWS features speedbar icons for frequently used commands,
object inspector menus, form and report designers, and style sheets.

Bose Corp.
The Mountain, #274
Framingham, MA 01701-9168
Phone: (800) 444-BOSE

Boxlight Corporation
17771 Fjord Drive N.E.
Poulsbo, WA 98370
Phone: (800) 762-5757
The presentation hardware is called VideoShow Presenter with unique remote control features

Brass Development
3214 E. 46th Street
Tucson AZ 85713-5215
Phone: (602) 882-9866
Fax: (602) 882-9866

Bretford Manufacturing, Inc.

9715 Soreng Ave.
Schiller Park, IL 60176
Phone: (708) 678-2545
Phone: (800) 521-9614
UCS800-GM Multi-Media Cart for Level III ILS INSTRUCTION

Bright Star Technology, Inc.

40 Lake Bellevue, Ste. 350
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: (206) 451-3697
Fax: (206) 454-1062
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Advanced Spelling Tricks (education)
Alphabet Blocks (education)
Basic Spelling Tricks (education)
Beginning Reading (education)
Early Math (education, math)
Kid’s Typing (education)

Broderbund Software Inc.

500 Redwood Blvd.
Novato, CA 94948-6121
Phone: (800) 521-6263
Just Grandma & Me, one of the Living Book Series (CD-ROM & CDTV) in literature
Just Grandma & Me, one of the Living Book Series in CDTV format
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Brother International Corp.

200 Cottontail Lane
Somerset, NJ 08875
Phone: (908) 356-8880
HS-1P (solid inkjet)
Appendix 6
Page 26

HT-500PS (thermal wax)

Bruce Jones Design, Inc.

31 St. James Ave.
Ste. 1060B
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: (617) 350-6160
Phone: (800) 843-3873
World Maps (clip art, geography)
USA State-by-State
World Hot Spots
Clip Art Maps

BTG Action Systemts

Phone: (703) 641-1200
The 275 MHz ACTion ACP275 lightening fast PC that runs Windows NT

Buckmaster Publishing
Route 3, Box 56
Mineral, WV 23117
Phone: (703) 894-5m
Phone: (800) 282-5628
Front Page News & other CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) (government, behavior, geography,
science, etc.)

Bullfrog Films, Inc.

P.O. Box 149
Oley, PA 19547-0149
Phone: (215) 779-8226
Phone: (800) 543-FROG
Videos in science, literature, government, behavior, history, etc.
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, environment, science, geology)
The Mt. St. Helns Volcano

Bureau Development, Inc.

141 New Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Phone: (201) 808-2700
Phone: (800) 828-4766
Monarch Notes
Great Literature
The Complete Dickens
The Complete Twain
History of the World
Multimedia World Factbook
(geography, reference, library, education)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Bureau of Electronic Publishing, Inc.

141 New Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Phone: (201) 808-2700
Fax: (201) 808-2676
Great Literature Plus for Windows (entertainment, literature, Windows)
Monarch Notes for Windows (entertainment, Windows)
Appendix 6
Page 27

Business One Irwin

1818 Ridge Rd.
Homewood, IL 60430
Phone: (708) 206-2700
Publisher of multimedia books in accounting and business (education, hypertext)

BusinessVision Management Systems, Inc.

5000 Birch Street, Suite 3000
West Tower, Newport Beach, CA 92660-2140
Phone: (714) 476-3770
Integrated accounting software program is called SunSystems Financial Management

Byte by Byte
Phone: (512) 795-0150
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Envisage 3D, Sculptor, and Sculpt 4D (Mac)

Bytes of Learning, Inc.

150 Consumers Rd., Ste. 202
Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1P9
Phone: (416) 495-9913
Phone: (800) 465-6428
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

CAD Institute
4100 E. Broadway
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Phone: (800)658-5744
Fax: (602)437-5695
Bachelor of applied science degrees in CAD and virtual reality. Sites nationwide. Full-time programs 15 to 32
months. Training and education.

Caere Corporation
100 Cooper Court
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Phone: (800) 535-7226
The text conversion software for computing scanner graphics into text and data is called OmniPage Pro

2411 W. La Palma Ave.
P.O. Box 3250
Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone: (714) 821-2000
Phone: (800) 932-1212
Color Master Plus 6603PS & 6613PS

CALI (also see Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction)

CALI, Inc.
526 East Ouail Rd.
Orem, UT 84057
Phone: (801) 226-6886
ELLIs (ESL/EFL package)

CALI, Inc.
Appendix 6
Page 28

734 E. Utah Valley Dr.

Bldg. 1, Suite 200
American Fork, UT 84003
Phone: (801) 756-1011

California State University - Hayward Extension

Hayward, CA 94542
Phone: (510)881-3605
Fax: (510)727-2040
Certificates in videoconferencing and distance learning. Academic credit and continuing education units. $210
per class. Electives include desktop video, instructional design and project management. Training and

California, University of California at Irvine

Irvine, CA 95616
Multimedia, authoring, hypermedia, and graphics arts training/education center
One course of interest is called "Communications in the Professional World' Training and education.
Appendix 6
Page 29

California, University of California at Los Angeles Extension

Department of Entertainment Studies and Performing Arts
10995 Le Conte Ave.
Room 37
Las Angeles, CA 90024
Phone: (800)544-8252
Fax: (310)206-7382
Offers multimedia and digital technologies curriculum as an adjunct to courses in professional studies in the
entertainment industry. Co-sponsors UCLA Extension/IBM Media Lab. Training and education.

California, University of California Extension, Santa Cruz

Video and Multimedia Program
740 Front St., Suite 155
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: (408)427-6620
Fax: (408)427-6608
Taught in Santa Clara, California, classes are available on multimedia presentation, authoring, interface, design,
audio, animation, video, new music. Training and education.

California, University of Southern California (see Southern California)

Caligari Corp.
1955 Landings Dr.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 390-9600
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Caligari Broadcast and Caligari 24
(Amiga and Windows)
trueSpace (3D Graphics, multimedia, video, animation)

Cambium Development, Inc.

P.O. Box 296-H
Scardsale, NY 10583-8796
Phone: (800) 231-1779
Fax: (800) 257-5390
Sound Choice (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Cambrix Publishing
6269 Variel Ave., Ste. B
Woodland Hills, Ca 91367
Phone: (800) 927-7848
Phone: (818) 992-8484
Fax: (602) 902-1181
Adventures (edutainment)
Anglo-Saxons, The (edutainment)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Complete House (edutainment)
Everywhere USA (reference)
Fractal Ecstasy (entertainment)
Learn to Play Guitar (edutainment, how-to, music)
National Parks, The Multimedia Family Guide (edutainment)
Small Blue Planet: The Real Picture Atlas (edutainment, science)
Sound Kitchen (entertainment)

Campus Group Companies

24 Depot Square
Tuckahoe, NY 10707
Phone: (914) 961-1900
Appendix 6
Page 30

Audience Response Systems


Campus Learning Systems, Inc.

One Campus Place, #130
Route A, Box 59A
Bluemont, VA 22012
Phone: (703) 554-2257
The multimedia computer hardware system is called Campus Learning Systems
Various authoring and delivery systems in hypertext and hypermedia

Canon U.S.A.
One Canon Plaza
Lake Success, NY 11042
Phone: (516) 488-6700
Phone: (800) 221-3333, Ext. 313
The photo dry camera models are the RC-360 and RC-570 photo dry cameras for both Mac and PC computers.
Canon RE-650 Video Visualizer (photo)
Hi-8 Desktop Video Production Kit
Hi-8 Desktop Video Editing Kit
Hi8 Desktop Video Production or Video EditingKit
FV-540Video Floppy Disk Drive
Canon 35mm Film Scanner
Various models of video cameras
BJC800 & 810 (bubble-jet)
Canon CJ-10 (bubble-jet, options for color copier & digital scanner)
FP-510 & other color printers
RP-420 & RP-733 video printers\
The film scanner is called the Cannon 35 mm Film Scanner

Caption Connection
1320 Edgewater NW, Ste. B10
Salem, OR 97304
Phone: (503) 370-9721

C.A.R., Inc.
4661 Maryland Avenue, Suite 200
St. Louis MO 63108
Phone: (800) 288-7585
Fax: (314) 454-0105
Clipables the EPS Graphics Library (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Cardinal Technologies, Inc.

1827 Freedom Rd.
Lancaster, PA 17601
Phone: (717) 293-3000
Phone: (800) 722-0094
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called Sensory System
The AVI video SNAplus capture board for Windows (NTSC and PAL)
VIDEOspectrum XL (true color Windows accelerator)
Other multi-function video, audio & A/V cards
SOUNDstudio (16-bit audio)
SOUNDvision (16-bit audio, S-VGA plus joysticks, CD-ROM & MIDI interfaces)
Other sound cards
The dry cameria is called FUJIX
Appendix 6
Page 31

Sunnyvale, CA
Phone: (800) 852-2777
LibraryWorks is integrated library management software that can operate on multiple platforms. (catalog, library)

Castcraft Software
3649 W. Chase Avenue
Skokie IL 60076
Phone: (708) 675-6530
Fax: (708) 675-6563
Optifont (fonts)

CBIS, Inc.
5875 Peachtree Industrial
Blvd., Ste. 170
Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: (404) 446-1332
Phone: (800) 344-8426
CD Connection
CBIS CD Server
CD Connection software (CD-ROM networking)

CD Plus
Phone: (800) 950-2035
CD PLUS 120 Patron Workstation comes with bundled hardware and pre-loaded software for high-speed
database searching. (database)

CD ROM, Inc.
1667 Cole Boulevard, Suite 400
Golden, Colorado 80501
Phone: (303) 231-9373
Business Yellow Pages of America on CD-ROM (business, reference, database)

CD-ROM Strategies
Phone: (714) 453-1702
The CD-Arch software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS and Windows)
The CD-Gen software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS and Mac)

CDRP, Inc.
101 Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142-1049
Phone: (617) 494-5330
Fax: (617) 494-6094
Clipart Warehouse (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Encyclopedia of Sound T/TT (reference)
Too Many Typefonts (fonts)
Windoware (reference)

CD Technology
766 San Aleso Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (408) 752-8500
Fax: (408) 752-8501
America Alive GUIDisc (reference)
Asia Alive GUIDisc (reference)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Appendix 6
Page 32

CD Porta-Drive
CD-ROM drives
Europe Alive GUIDisc (reference)
The MultiMedia HANDisc
World Tour 3-CD Bundle (reference)

Cedrus, Inc.
1428 Buena Vista Ave.
McClean, VA 22101
Phone: (703) 883-0986
Phone: (800) 443-9997
Modumath: The Right Answer (mathematics, child)
Understanding Written and Spoken Japanese (language, education)
Understanding Written and Spoken Spanish (language, education)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

Phone: (415) 591-6617
Several AVI video capture boards for Windows (NTSC and PAL)
Video Clipper
PC Prime-Time
Video Wizard

CEL Educational Resources

655 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 557-3400
Phone: (800) CEL-3339
The Video Encyclopedia of the 20th Century (42 videodisc set ) database, reference
Companion software:
20th Century Navigator or 20th Century Explorer (history, government)
History in Motion: Milestones of the 20th Century (science, referenc)
Set On Freedom: The American Civil Rights Movement (DOS & Mac on same disc)
Rights Movement (civil rights, culture)
Educational videodiscs on languages, history, science, and other education titles
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

Celect Multimedia Products

A Division of Cincinnati Electronics Corporation
7500 Innovatiuon Way
Mason, OH 45040-9699
Phone: (513) 573-6100
Phone: (800) 235-3280
Fax: (513) 573-6888
The Transator Digital scan converter of computer Images into video.

Celer Labs
P.O. Box 6292
Norman, OK 73070
Phone: (405) 321-0708
Fax: (405) 364-2167
Interactive MM Publisher (miscellaneous)

P. O. Box 54366
310 Airport Road
Jackson, MS 39288-4366
Appendix 6
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Phone: (601) 932-1901

Phone: (800) 626-8235
The multimedia computer hardware system is called CENTEC Touch Reading Learning System (ILS) in

Centennial Technologies, Inc.

Phone: (508) 670-0646
Phone: (800) 942-0018
Frame Grabber Video Capture Card lets mobile users capture 30fps motion video clips and 640-by-480
single frames in 16-bit color. The Frame Grabber will accept video input from standard NTSC- or PAL-
compatible sources. (PCMCIA, video, capture card)

Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)

565 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60661-3691
Phone: (312)-906-5307
The CMS hypertext software is called LessonBuilder

Center for Creative Imaging

51 Mechanic St.
Camden, ME 04843
Phone: (800)428-7400
Fax: (207)236-7490
Multimedia classes for college credit and workshops focus on tools and techniques, including authoring,
animation and video editing. Two-day courses, $660. Three-day courses, $930; five-day courses, $1,650.
Training and education.

Center for Educational Technology in Accouning (CETA)

P.O. Box 13677
College of Business Administration
The University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76203-3677
Phone 817-565-3090
CETA Newsletter (business, accounting)
Computer-Supported Cooperative Problem-Solving

Center for Electronic Art

950 Battery St., Suite 3D
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (415)956-6500
Fax: (415)362-1989
Multimedia certificate program covers advanced graphics and animation. Classes from two to 16 weeks (about
$90-per week). Ten-day interactive-media intensive, $2,000. Training and education..

Center For Leadership Studies

230 W 3rd Avenue
Escondido CA 92025
Phone: (619) 741-6595
Fax: (619) 747-9384
Situational Leadership CD-ROM (education, CD-ROM)

Century Design
530 15th Ave. South
Hopkins, MN 55343-7889
Phone: (612) 935-0033
Phone: (800) 800-8688
Appendix 6
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Chesapeake College
P.O. Box 8,
Wye Mills, MD 21679
Phone: (410)822-5400
Fax: (410)827-9466
Community college offers courses in multimedia authoring and programming, QuickTime and presentations.
$50 per credit hour. Training and education.

Chinon America, Inc.

660 Maple Ave.
Torrance, CA 90503
Phone: (213) 533 0274
Phone: (800) 441-0222
535 series (double-speed)
Full range of other drives
DS-3000 color overhead
Other scanner models

Chipsoft, Inc.
5045 Shoreham Place
San Diego, CA 92122
Phone: (619) 453-8722
Tax accounting software for Windows is Turbo Tax

910 Campisi Way
Campbell, CA 94538
Phone: (800) 888-4210

Churchill Media
12210 Nebraska Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025-3600
Phone: (310) 207-6600
Phone: (800) 334-7830
A Closer Look (grades 4-7 science)
Educational videodiscs on languages, history, medicine, science, and other education titles
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, health, medicine, AIDS, drugs, child)

CIBER Training Services

514 Bryant St.
San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: (415)974-7200
Fax (415)974-7210
Courses provide specific job skills, including desktop video, media integration, post-production and presentation.
$195-$295 per day. Training and education.

Westem Washington
MH 204
Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: (206) 676-3516
Western Washington University
The Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse: Educator's Edition (behavior, law)
Appendix 6
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CINAHL Information Systems

1509 Wilson Terrace, P.O. Box 871
Glendale, CA 91209-0871
Phone: (818) 409-8005
Fax: (818) 546-5679

Claris Corp.
5201 Patrick Henry Drive
Santa Clara, Califronia 95052
Phone: (800) 879-4233
Phone: (408) 727-8227
FileMaker Pro 2.0 for Windows
FileMaker Pro 2.1 for Windows and Macintosh
The presentation software called Claris Impact (Mac and Windows)
The database software is called FileMaker Pro (Windows)
From Alice to Ocean (edutainment)

CLEAR Software, Inc.

385 Elliot Street
Newton MA 02164
Phone: (800) 338-1759
Phone: (617) 965-6755
Fax: (617) 965-5310
allCLEAR (desktop presentations)

Cleveland State University

Dept. of Anthropology
East 24th St. & Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216) 687-2381
Dept. of Anthropology (science, behavior, education)
Skeletal Explorer Videodisc (science, medicine)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

Cobb Group
9420 Busen Parkway, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40220
Phone: (502) 491-1900
The former publishing part of this company was taken over by Microsoft Press

Cogent Electronics/ADS
Phone: (415) 591-6617
JPEG, MPEG, Video Wizard, Video Capture Board

Cognetics Corporation
Everett Drive, Suite 103B, P.O. Box 386
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Phone: (609)-799-8555)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Hyperties (DOS)

Cogswell Polytechnical College

10420 Bubb Rd.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Appendix 6
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Phone: (800) 264-7955

(408) 252-5550
Fax: (408) 253-2413
Bachelor of arts in computer and vide imaging. Multimedia authoring, animation, computer graphics, desktop
video, digital audio, MIDI. $3,300 per trimester. Training and education.

4370 Malsbary Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Phone: (513) 891-5444
Phone: (800) 927-VIEW

Collin County Community College

2800 E. Spring Creek Pkwy.
Plano, TX 75074
Phone: (214)881-5647
Fax: (214)881-5629
Workshops and classes in authoring, 3-D graphics, digital photography and Photoshop. $300 for two-day
workshops. $54-$74 for three credits. Training and education.

2525 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Suite 308
Lakewood, CO 80227
Phone: (303)989-9205
clips of photos and background files ($399 for 100 color photos in Sampler One Mac CD-ROM)

2211 S. Hacienda Blvd.
Ste. 100
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
Phone: (818) 855-2784
Phone: (800) 775-1927
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
Executive Presentation PC (transportable 486 DX33 with stand-alone LCD panel display & hand-held pointing
PC Projection System, includes Sharp XG-2000U color projector
Audio/Video Key - PC Presentation Kit

Commerce Clearing House

4025 W. Peterson AVe.
Chicago, IL 60646
Phone: (312) 463-0074
Tax accounting software for Windows is Winfx
Tax research software for Windows is Access

Commodore Business Machines, Inc. (This Company No Longer Exists)

1200 Wilson Dr.
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (215) 431-9100
Phone: (800) 662-6442
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Amiga Vision (Amiga)
Video computing
The multimedia hardware system is called Amiga.
Amiga 4000 Multimedia Computer
Amiga 1200
Amiga 3000
Amiga 3000T (authoring)
Amiga 2000
Appendix 6
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Other Amiga models

AmigaVision Professional, w/built-in extensions for CDTV
CDTV Interactive Multimedia Player

Speciaties, Inc.
89A Cabot Court
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Phone: (516) 273-0404
Scan Do (VGA-to-video)
Scan Do (Mac-to-video)
Scan Do Combo model
Scan Do Genlock

Compact Designs, Inc.

P.O. Box 8535
Gaithersburg, MD 20898-3535
Phone: (301) 869-3919
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

COMPACT Publishing, Inc.

5141 Macarthur Blvd.
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: (202) 244-4770
Phone: (800) 964-1518
1992 TIME Magazine Compact Almanac on CD-ROM
1993 Time Almanac (reference)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
CNN Newsroom Global View (news, journalism, government, history, reference)
Other titles for education (literature, science, child)
Time Almanac of the 20th Century (reference)
Time Man of the Year (reference)

Compaq Computer Corporation

P. O. Box 692000
Houston, TX 77269
Phone: (713) 370-0670
Phone: (800) 345-1518
The multimedia hardware system is called Compaq Multimedia

Comprehensive Technologies International, Inc. (CTI)

1725 Jefferson Davis Hwy.,
Ste. 1200
Arlington, VA 22202
Phone: (703) 413-0222
Phone: (800) 765-7208
CD-ROM drives
CD-I development mastering systems
Offers models of Philips CD-I Players

Compression Labs, Inc.

2860 Junction Ave.
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 435-3000

Compton's NewMedia
2320 Camino Vida Roble
Appendix 6
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Carlsbad, CA 92009
Phone: (619) 929-2500
Fax: (619) 929-2555
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
CD-ROM encyclopedia (reference, database, science, history, geography, medicine, etc.)
Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia for Windows (reference)

12303 Technology Blvd.
Austin, TX 78727
Phone: (800) 627-1967
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called MPC Upgrade Kit
Distributor of full multimedia systems, software, peripherals & add-in bundles

Technology, Inc.
46560 Fremont Blvd.
Ste. 203
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 656-9811
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called MPC CD-ROM Upgrade Kit
Gallant Sound Card series

Computer Easy International, Inc.

414 Southern Avenue
Tempe, AZ 85282
Phone: (602) 829-9614
Fax: (602) 829-9616
3D Design Plus 2.0 (modeling and rendering)
FloorPlan Plus 3D (modeling and rendering)

Computstat (See Standard and Poor's Compustate Services, Inc.)

Computer Associates International, Inc.

One Computer Associates Plaza
Islandia, NY 11788-7000
Phone: (516) DIAL-CAI
Phone: (800) CALL-CAI
The presentation software called Cricket Presents (Mac and Windows)
The database software is called CA-Clipper (DOS)
CA-Cricket Paint
CA-Cricket Image
Integrated accounting software for Windows is CA-Kiplinger and ACCPAC Simply Accounting
Other packages

Computer City Direct (Tandy)

2000 Two Tandy Center
Ft. Worth, TX 76102
Phone: (817) 390-3011
Phone: (800) 538-0586
TANDY Sensation!
Tandy 4833 LX/T
Tandy 4850 EP
Tandy 4825 SX
Tandy 2500 SX/25
Video Information System (VIS)
Appendix 6
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Computer Curriculum Corp.

1287 Lawrence Station Rd.
Sunnyvale, CA 94041
Phone: (408) 745-6270
Phone: (800) 227-8324
The multimedia hardware system is called SuccessMaker.
Authoring software is called ILS System.
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Computer Enrichment
16211 Northlawn
Detroit, MI
Phone: (313) 834-3980

Computer Friends
14250 NW Science Park Dr.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: (503) 626-2291
Phone: (800) 547-3303
ColorSnap PC (capture)
ColorSnap 32 + (32 bit)

Computer Language Research

2595 Midway Road
Carrollton, TX 75006
Phone: (800) FORMS-21
E-Form (Windows)

Computer Modules, Inc.

2350-A Walsh Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Phone: (408) 496-1881
The CD-Recordableh hardware for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder
CD re-recordable hardware

Computer Prompting &

Captioning Co.
3408 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: (202) 966-0980
Phone: (800) 977-6678
CPC-700 CaptionMaker Plus, a closed captioning system

Computer Support Corporation

15926 Midway Road
Dallas TX 75244
Phone: (214) 661-8960
Fax: (214) 661-5429
Arts & Letters AirPOWER; Arts & Letters AirSHOW; Arts & Letters Jurassic ART; Arts & Letters PlanetEARTH;
Arts & Letters EXPRESS! (drawing, painting)
Arts & Letters SpaceAGE;(edutainment, art, science)
MAX-Art/Animals (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
MAX-Art/Corporate Logos (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
MAX-Art/Dinosaurs (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
MAX-Art/Space (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
MAX-Art/Warbirds (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Computer Teaching Corp.

Appendix 6
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1713 S. State St.

Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (217) 352-6363
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called Tencore (DOS)
TenCORE Language Authoring System
TenCORE Producer

CompuVid, Inc.
5455 S.W. 8th St.
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (305) 885-9155
MPEG Card Supports Full-Screen Display (MPEG video playback, MPEG video capture)

Comstock, Inc.
30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (800) 225-2727
Fax: (212) 353-3383
Comstock Encyclopedia of Stock Photography on CD ROM; Vol IV (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Conceptual Systems, Inc.

1010 Wayne Ave.
Ste. 1420
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (301) 589-1800
Summit Authoring System (hypertext)

CONDUIT - University of Iowa

100 Oakdale Campus
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: (319) 335-4100
Phone: (800) 365-9774
Writer's Helper helps students understand the writing process by taking them through all the steps required to
complete a school paper. (language, learn)

Conexus, Inc.
5252 Balboa Avenue, Suite 605
San Diego, CA 92117
Phone: (619) 268-3380
Sound It Out Land (edutainment)

Consolidated Financial
Resources, Inc.
17194 Preston Rd., #123-113
Dallas, TX 75248
Phone: (214) 529-5151
Phone: (800) TAP-MUNI

Consumer Technology
7853 SOFTWARE Cirrus Dr.
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: (800) 356-3983

Conter Software
6170 Cornerstone Ct. East
Appendix 6
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San Diego, CA 92121-3710

Phone: (619) 587-0087
Phone: (800) 801-0040
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Education series in reading, language, art, etc. (child)

Context Systems, Inc.

The Technology Center
2935 Byberry Road
Hatboro, PA 19040
Phone: (215) 675-5000
Fax: (215) 675-2899
Bible Lands, Bible Stories (education)
Family Circus on Vacation in the British Isles, The (education)
Multimedia Environments for Windows (education, multimedia)
Our House featuring The Family Circus (education)
Simon & Schuster D-Day Interactive Multimedia Encyclopedia, The (education)
USA TODAY, the ‘90s Vol. 1 (education)
USA TODAY, the ‘90 Vol. 1 (School & Library Ed.) (education)

Corel Corp.
1600 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1Z 8R7
Phone: (613) 728-3733
Phone: (800) 836-DRAW
Phone: (800) 772-6735
Fax: (613) 761-9176
After Effects (special effects)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Corel CD-AUDIO for Windows
Corel DRAW 4 (drawing, painting)
Corel SCSI hardware
Corel Ventura 4.2 (clips of art, graphics, and font files)
CorelDRAW 3.0 Academic Ver.
CoSA (Company of Science & Art)

Coronet/MTI Film &

108 Wilmot Rd., 5th Floor
Deerfield, IL 60015
Phone: (708) 940-1260
Phone: (800) 777-8100
Distributes videodisc titles from the following publishers:
ABC News InterActive (news, government, history, science, education, reference, database)
Coronet Film & Video
Disney Educational Products (education, animation, CD-ROM, videodisc)
Learning Corporation of America
LucasArts Entertainment Co.
MTI Film & Video
National Audubon Society
The Discovery Interactive Library
Science, art, music, history, library
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

(Company of Science & Art)
14 Imperial Place, Ste. 203
Providence, Rl 02903
Phone: (401) 831-2672
Appendix 6
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Course Technology, Inc.

One Maine St.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: (617) 225-2595
Phone: (800) 648-7450
Fax: (617) 225-7976
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Managing International Business(entertainment)

1725 West 17th St.
Tempe, AZ 85281
Phone: (602) 966-2221
Phone: (800) 638-6104

675 Conger St.
Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: (503) 342-1271
Phone: (800) 733-0420
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called Sound Master MPC Upgrade Kit

Creative Labs, Inc.

1901 McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (800) 998-1000
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called Sound Blaster Edutainment CD
The AVI Video Blaster and VideoSpigot boards with JPEG compression (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
Sound Blaster MPC Upgrade Kit
Sound Blaster MPC Starter Kit
VideoBlaster (capture, manipulate & export digital video from up to 3 sources; comes with Video for Windows,
Action 1.0, Tempra & Creative Labs Video Kit)
RT300 MPEG compression
SoundBlaster Pro (Stereo audio, MIDI, CD-ROM & game ports)
JPEG, MPEG, Video Blaster RT300, Video Capture Board
Speech Assist speech recognition translator of audio speech into computer text
Text Assist text recognition translator of computer text into audio speech

Creative Multimedia Corp.

514 N.W. 11 th Ave., #203
Portland, OR 97209
Phone: (503) 241 -4351
Phone: (800) 262-7668
The Family Doctor
Multimedia Audubon's Birds (science, reference, database)
Multimedia Audubon's Mammals
SHerlock Holmes on Disc (literature)
Other titles (history, education, art, behavior, etc.)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

101 Broadway
Cresskill, NJ 07626
Phone: (201) 894-0660
Phone: (800) 237-2041
Appendix 6
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The multimedia hardware system is called SchoolNet

Network distance learning and database retrieval systems for training and education.

CrystalGraphics, Inc.
3110 Patrick Henry Dr.
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: (800) 394-0700
Phone: (408) 496-6175
The 3-D rendering software is called Crystal 3D Designer (DOS)
The animation software is called Crystal Desktop Animator (DOS)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Crystal Topas Professsional (Mac)
Crystal 3D Designer
Crystal 3D Professional
Crystal Flying Fonts!

CTX International Inc.

Earlgate Street
Salnut, CA 91789
Phone: (909) 595-6146
LCD Panels for Sun, PC, and Mac computers (projection hardware)

Custom Micro Systems/TouchSend Consulting

33 E. Robinson Street
Orlando FL 32801
Phone: (407) 422-2046
Fax: (407) 422-7950
TsTools (development tools)

201 S.E. Main St.
Suite 215
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: (612)649-4641
Fax: (612)331-2230
One-day training sessions in graphics and video production for art and business professionals. Topics include
interface design, computer game design, desktop video, virtual reality and new music. $95-$195.

CyberPuppy Software, Inc.

1956 W. Henrietta Rd.
Rochester, NY 14623
Phone: (716) 436-3570
Phone: (800) PUP-BYTE

Cyber Software International

7555 N Del Mar Avenue, Suite 203
Fresno CA 93711
Phone: (209) 447-0108
Fax: (209)-447-0208
MAVI - Multimedia Manager (media catalogs, animation, AVI)

D.C. Heath & Co. School Division

125 Spring St.
Lexington, MA 02173
Phone: (617) 862-6650
Phone: (800) 334-3284
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, science, language)
Appendix 6
Page 44

Science 1000
Exploring French and Exploring Spanish
D & V Concepts
23123 St. Rd. 7, #305
Boca Raton, FL 33428
Phone: (407) 479-4487

DacEasy Software, Inc.

17950 Preson Rd., Suite 800
Dallas, TX 75252
Phone: (214) 248-0205
Phone: (800) 992-7779
Integrated accounting software for Windows is DacEasy Instant
Integrated accounting software for DOS is DacEasy

DAROX Interactive
7825 Fay Avenue, Suite 200
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: (800) 733-1010
Phone: (619) 456-3577
Fax: (619) 456-2114
Abdominal Stab Wounds (education, medicine)
Antishock Trousers (education)
Auscultation of Normal Breath Sounds (education, medicine)
Basic Life Support - Adult (education, medicine)
Basic Life Support - Infant (education, medicine)
Body Mechanics (education)
Central Venous Pressure (education)
Chest Trauma (education, medicine)
Chest Tube Therapy (education, medicine)
Communication - Achieving Mutual Understanding (education, communication)
Communication - Establishing Rapport & Trust (education, communication)
Communication - Exploring Articulated Feelings (education, communication)
Communication - Identifying Underlying Anxieties (education, communication)
Diagnostic Decisions in a Patient in Shock (education)
Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation (education)
Dysrhythmia Recognition (education)
Hazardous Materials (education)
Identification of Clinical Risk (education)
Infection Control - Fall Release (education)
Initial Assessment of Respiratory Difficulty (education)
IV Solutions; IV Therapy (education, medicine)
Motor Vehicle Trauma (education)
Neurological Status Assessment (education)
Nursing Diagnosis - #1 & #2 (education, medicine)
Pathophysiology of Cardiac Tamponade (education, medicine)
Pathophysiology of Shock (education, medicine)
Patient Hygiene - Fall Release (education, medicine)
Patient with Diarrhea and Vomiting (education, medicine)
Risk Management (education)
Shotgun Wound to the Abdomen (education)
Vital Signs (education, medicine)

DataEase International Inc.

Trumbull, CT
Phone: (800) 243-5123
The database software DataEase provides users with a simple, menu-driven interface and a flexible
development environment.
Appendix 6
Page 45

DataSel Software, Inc.

12526 High Bluff Drive, 3rd Floor
San Diego CA 92130
Phone: (619) 792-3505
Fax: (619) 792-9757
Fitness Reference Guide (reference)

Data Translation
Multimedia Group
100 Locke Dr.
Marlboro, MA 01752-1192
Phone: (508) 460-1600

DataBeam Corp.
Lexington, KY
Phone: (606) 245-3500
FarSite for Windows is a communications tool that allows PC users to collaborate on work via the phone lines.

Datapoint Corp.
8400 Datapoint Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78229-8500
Phone: (800) DPT-MINX

Dataware Technologies, Inc.

222 Third Street, Suite 3300
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: (617) 621-0820
Fax: (617) 621-0307
CD Answer (miscellaneous)
CD Author (authoring)
The CD-Record software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS, Mac, UNIX)

Davidson & Associates, Inc.

19840 Pioneer Ave.
Torrance, CA 90503
Phone: (310) 793-0600
Phone: (800) 545-7677
English Express (literature, education)
Story Club
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Davka Corporation
7074 W Western
Chicago, IL 60645
Phone: (312) 465-4070
Fax: (312) 262-9298
Encyclopedia of Judaism (reference, learn)

DC Heath and Company

Lexington, MA
Phone: (800) 235-3565
Educational videodiscs on languages, history, science, and other education titles

Decision Development Corp.

2680 Bishop Dr., Ste. 122
Appendix 6
Page 46

San Ramon, CA 94583

Phone: (510) 830-8896
Phone: (800) 835-4332

Decision Support Eechnology, Inc.

41 Spruce Run
Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: (201) 934-9259
The accounting fixed assets software is called PRO*: FAS

Dell Computer Corp.

9505 Arboretum Blvd.
Austin, TX 78759-7299
Phone: (512) 728-6349
Phone: (800) 274-7799
New line of 18 different models of 486 machines, each custom-built
A full range of 386 & notebooks
The multimedia hardware system is called Dell Multimedia

DeLorme Mapping
Box 298 Lower Main St.
Freeport, ME 04032
Phone: (207) 865-1234
Phone: (800) 452-5931
Fax: (207) 865-9291
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Geography, maps
Global Explorer (reference)
GPS Mapkit SV (reference)
MapExpert (reference)
Street Atlas USA (reference)

DeltaPoint Inc.
2 Harris Court, Suite B-1
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (408) 648-4000
Fax: (408) 648-4020
The presentation software called DeltaGraph Professional (Mac and Windows)
Graphics Tools (media catalogs)

4810 Forest Run Rd.
Box 7488
Madison, Wl 53707
Phone: (608) 241-1201
Phone: (800) 831-0678
Science CAP
SCIENCE CAP 2.0 (CD-ROM drive optional)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Diamond Computer Systems, Inc.

Graphics Division
532 Mercury Dr.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (408) 736-2000
Graphics Division
TVGA Multimedia Adapter (record to TV or tape)
Appendix 6
Page 47

JPEG, MPEG, VideoStar Pro, Video Capture Board

Diamond Multimedia
Phone: (408) 325-700
Stealth Video2 DRAM (windows, video accelerators go PCI)
Stealth64 Video 3200 (windows, video accelerators go PCI)
Stealth64 Video VRAM2 (windows, video accelerators go PCI)

Diaquest, Inc.
1440 San Pablo Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94702
Phone: (510) 526-7167
DQ-TACO (Video Toaster Animation Controller)
DQ-422 + for serial video devices
DQ-50P for parallel video devices
DQ-Animaq animation controller

DIC Interactive (div. of DIC Entertainment)

303 N. Glenoaks Blvd.
Burbank Ca 91502
Phone: (818) 955-5400
Fax: (818) 955 5696
Inspector Gadget (edutainment)

Digispeech, Inc.
550 Main St., Ste. J
Placerville, CA 95667
(916) 621 -1787
Digispeech Audio Adapter Unit
Digispeech Personal Audio Studio

Ditigal Audio Disc Corporation (Sony)

1800 North Fruitridge Avenue
Terre Haute, IN 47804
Phone: (812) 466-6821
Provides mastering & replication services for CD-ROMs & videodiscs

Digital Creations, Inc.

2865 Sunrise Blvd. S.
Rancho Cordova, CA 95672
Phone: (916) 344-4825

Digital Directory Assistance

161 River Rd., Bldg. 6
Bethesda, MD 20816
Phone: (617) 639-2900
Phone: (800) 284-8353
PhoneDisc Reverse (reference)
PhoneDISC USA (reference, database, business)

Digital Equipment Corp.

50 Nagog Park
Acton, MA 01720
Phone: (508) 264-7133
Appendix 6
Page 48

Phone: (800) 332-4636

CD-ROM drives
Alpha AXP 64-bit workstations
DECstation 5000/200 workstation
The DVI video authoring development workstations are called NewWorld Developer Kit
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called DEC MediaImpact (authoring and presentation)
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called MM CD-ROM Upgrade Kit
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called PAS 16 Soundcard
The scanner series is called MD Series
DECspin Videoconferencing for DEC OSP/1 AXP (business, communications)
Multimedia Services for DEC OSF/1 AXP (development tools)

Digital F/X, Inc.

755 Ravendale Dr.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 961-2800
Video F/X (hardware system)
Soft F/X (software only)
Education LabPack (curriculum, tools & methodology to introduce students to video)

Digital Media Intemational

352 Arch St., Ste. B
Sunbury, PA 17801
Phone: (717) 286-3011
SPLICE, a DV-I edito (video)r

Digital Media Labs

631 2nd Avenue S.
Nashville TN 37210
Phone: (615) 256-2609
Fax: (615) 256-7719
Digital Trainer Professional v2.0 (authoring)
Interactive Training Shell - ITS (authoring)

Digital Soup, Inc.

P.O. Box 1340
Brattleboro, VT 05302
Phone: (802) 793-7356
Phone: (802) 254-6812
Digital Soup Sound Professional (music software)

Digital Theater, Inc.

5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., #150
Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: (404) 446-3580
Phone: (800) 344-8426
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
The Reading Carnival (education)
Digital Video Arts, Ltd.
Twining Center
715 Twining Rd., Ste. 107
Dresher, PA 19025
Phone: (215) 576-7920
NewWorld, (DVI COMPRESSION-based development video system)
NewWorld Development Kit (development tools, DVI, video, animation)
Appendix 6
Page 49

Digital Vision, Inc.

270 Bridge St.
Dedham, MA 02026
Phone: (617) 329-5400
Phone: (800) 346-0090 (orders only)
The AVI ComputerEyes/RT video PC capture board (NTSC and PAL)
The Quicktime ComputerEyes/RT video SCSI for Mac computers (NTSC and PAL)
The ComputerEyes (capture & convert)
ComputerEyes/RT (real time capture & convert)
The TelevEyes/Pro scan converter for converting PC and Mac images into NTSC video

DigiVox Corp.
991 Commercial St.
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: (415) 494-6200
Phone: (800) 344-4869
Sound Impression

Discis Knowledge Research, Inc.

45 Sheppard Ave.East
Ste. 410
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M2N 5W9
Phone: (416) 250-6537
Phone: (800) 567-4321
A Promise is a Promise (entertainment/K-12)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment, CD-ROM)
Discis Books Multimedias
Kids Can Read series (12 titles) (child, education, literature, history, video)
Northern Lights-The Soccer Trails (entertainment/K-12, child, learn, behavior)
Scary Poems for Rotten Kids (entertainment/K-12, child)
Somebody Catch My Homework (entertainment/K-12, child)
The Night Before Christmas (entertainment/K-12, child)
The Paper Bag Princess (entertainment/K-12, learn, child, behavior)

Disclosure, Inc.
5161 River Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20816
(301) 951-1300
Compact D/SEC

Disc Manufacturing, Inc.

1120 Cosby Way
Anaheim, CA 92806
Phone: (800)433-3472 or 3475
CD-R CD-ROM Recorder and CD-ROM and other CD reproductions.

Discovery Network
7700 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda MD 20814
Phone: (301) 986-1999
Fax: (301) 986-4827
Beyond Planet Earth (edutainment, science)
In the Company of Whales (edutainment, multimedia, video)
Appendix 6
Page 50

Discovery Systems International, Inc.

7325 Oakridge Hwy.
Ste. 100
Knoxville, TN 37931
Phone: (615) 690-8829
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called Course Builder (Mac)

Display Tech
P. O. Box 6722
936 Detroit Ave., Ste. K
Concord, CA 94518
Phone: (510) 676-9362
Phone: (800) 578-8546
Mac DisplayLink VGA-toNTSC & S-VHS converter
Mac DisplayLink (Mac to video)

DiVA Corp.
222 Third St.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: (617) 491-4147
Phone: (800) FYI-DIVA
DIVA VideoShop 2.0

1409 Foulk Road, Suite 202
Wilmington, DE 19803
Phone: (302) 433-2500
Provides mastering & replication services for CD-ROMs & videodiscs

Dolch Computer Systems

372 Turquoise St.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (408) 957-6575
Phone: (800) 538-7506
MACH & PAC portables
Mediamach multimedia portable
The multimedia hardware system is called Dolch Multimedia
Portable computers with built-in CD-ROM drives.

Dorling Kindersley Publishing Inc.,

95 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10016
Phone: ((212) 213-4800
Edutainment CD-ROMs (animation)

Dr. T's Music Software

100 Cresent Rd.
Needham, MA 02192
Phone: (617) 455-1454
Composer Quest on CD-ROM
Sing-A-Long (music)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Dragon Systems, Inc

320 Nevada Street
Newton, MA 01801
Voice: (617) 965-5200
Appendix 6
Page 51

Fax: (617) 527-8372

Dragon Recognition Voice Pilot speech recognition software for Windows
Sources of information for voice-activated systems:
(text recognition, speech recognition, voice-activation, voice recognition, audio-activation)

DSP Solutions
550 Main St., Ste. J
Placerville, CA 95667
Phone: (916) 621-1787
PORT*: ABLE Sound Plus
DOS*: Talk
Show & Tell

duBois Animation
Phone: (405) 348-4670
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Animatrix Modeler (Amiga)

Dukane Corp.
2900 Dukane Dr.
St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (708) 584-2300
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
The multimedia hardware system is called Dukane SmartSystem-Instructional (projection)
Technology Network
Option: MACS II - Modular Administrative Communication Sys.
Audio Visual Division
MagniView 860, 840A & 800, integrated overhead projector & LCD panel products data/video
Models 632A & 622 overhead projectors
MACSII-Modular Administrative Communication System (intercom, public address & time functions)
Model 703 CD & Cassette Player
Models 702 & 701 CD Players

Dun & Bradstreet Information Services

3 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Phone: (800) 624-5669
Dun's Direct Access

Duthie Associates, Inc.

3310 W End Avenue
Nashville TN 37203
Phone: (615) 386-3061
Fax: (615) 386-3063
Interactive Training Shell (development tools)

Dycam, Inc.
9588 Topanga Canyon Blvd.
Chatsworth, CA 91311-9709
Phone: (818) 998-8008
The dry cameria is called Dycam Model

5005 Lincolnway East
Mishawaka, IN 46544
Phone: (219) 255-2044
DYNALINK 100, 200, 300 & 400 multimedia networks
Appendix 6
Page 52

Dynamix, Inc.
1600 Millrace Drive
Eugene, OR 97403
Phone: (503) 343-0772
Fax: (503) 343-1754
Take a Break! Pinball (entertainment)

Dynaware USA, Inc.

950 Tower Lane, #1150
Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: (415) 349-5700
Ballade for Windows (music software)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Dynaperspective (Mac)

EA Direct Sales
P.O. 7530
San Mateo, CA 94403
Phone: (800) 245-4525
Art, entertainment, and education CD-ROM products. (reference, literature, government, history, art, science,
child, business, etc.)

EA*: Kids
1450 Fashion Island Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94404
Phone: (415) 571-7171

125 University Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Phone: (415) 321-5838
Time Treks (history, education science, government)

Eastman Kodak Co.

343 State St.
Rochester, NY 14650
Phone: (716) 724-4000
Phone: (800) 235-6325
Kodak Renaissance (design, Photo CD)
Kodak Shoebox (image manager, Photo CD)
Kodak PhotoEdge (image editing, Photo CD)
Photo CD Player, various models
XL 7700 (dye sublimation)
XLT 7720 (dye sublimation)
Diconix 4 Color (liquid inkjet)
The multimedia hardware systems are called PCD Data Manager, Jukebox, and Image Management.
The dry cameria is called DCS

Ebook, Inc.
32970 Alvarado - Niles Road
Suite 704
Union City CA 94587
Phone: (510) 429-1331
Fax: (510) 429-1394
A Christmas Carol (edutainment, entertainment)
A Survey of Western Art (edutainment, art)
A Zillion Sounds (edutainment, entertainment)
Appendix 6
Page 53

Aesop’s Fables (edutainment, child, literature, entertainment)

Aladdin (edutainment, child, entertainment)
Bacchus & Comus (entertainment)
Beauty and the Beast (entertainment, child)
Billie Holiday (entertainment, history)
California Travel (reference)
Count Bassie (entertainment)
Don Quixote (entertainment)
European & American Painting (reference)
Goferwinkel’ Adventures (entertainment)
Hot Lines (entertainment)
Impressionism and its Sources (edutainment)
Jazz Traditions (entertainment)
Kaa’s Hunting (entertainment)
Louis Armstrong (entertainment, music)
Mosaic Magic (entertainment)
Mowgli’s Brothers (entertainment)
Mozart (entertainment)
Multimedia Trivia (entertainment)
Peter and the Wolf (entertainment, child)
Renaissance Masters I & II (edutainment)
Sleeping Beauty, The (entertainment, child)
So I’ve Heard, Volume 3: Beethoven & Beyond by Alan Rich (entertainment, music)
Star Child, The (entertainment)
Twelve Roads to Gettysburg (reference)
Type Fest (reference)
Vivaldi, The Four Seasons (entertainment)
White Horse Child, The (entertainment)

6460 Via Real
Carpinteria, CA 93103
Phone: (805) 684-4593

Echo Canyon Software

1000 Main Street
Acton, MA 01720
Phone: (800) 828-2268
Fax: (508) 263-4158
WindowCraft (authoring)

Ed Tech, Inc.
1326 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 101
Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: (312) 922-3565
Phone: (800)423-7671

Eden Interactive
1022 Natoma St., Ste. 2
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (415) 241-1450
Phone: (800) 743-3360
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
American Visions: 10th Century Art, the Roy R. Neuberger Collection

Education Express
123 Skokie Valley Rd.
Highland Park, IL 60035
Phone: (708) 831-1281
Appendix 6
Page 54

Phone: (800) 733-3396

Distributor of Pioneer LaserDisc players, CD-ROM & videodisc titles

Education Interactive Software

Institute, Inc.
39833 Paseo Padre Pkwy.,
Ste. G
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 659-7964

Educational Multimedia Concepts, Ltd.

1313 Fifth St. S.E. Ste. 202E
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: (612) 379-3842
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called MacPresents (Mac)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called PCPresents (Windows)

Educational Renaissance, Inc.

2474 Woodchuck Way
Sandy, UT 84093
Phone: (801) 943-0841
CD-LINK, Volume 1: Sounds and Music (sound effects clips)
Pro PC/TV Plus, a VGA-to-NTSC video converter
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Educational Resources
1550 Executive Dr.
Elgin, IL 60050
Phone: (708) 888-8300
Phone: (800) 624-2926
Pro PC/TV Plus (VGA-to-NTSC)
Educational distributor of videodisc & CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment), videodisc players & VCRs, &
other multimedia prods

Educational Software Institute

4213 South 94th St.
Omaha, NE 68127
Phone: (02) 592-3300
Phone: (800) 955-5570

Educational Testing Service

Phone: (800) 919-1991
LearningPlusis an interactive instructional program that was developed specifically for adults who have not
learned from traditional instructional approaches. (learn)

7434 Trade St.
San Diego, CA 92121-2410
Phone: (619) 536-9999
Phone: (800) 843-9497
Dozens of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Dozens of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) for Mac

EduQuest (an IBM subsidiary) See also IBM

P.O. Box 2150
Atlanta, GA 30301-2150
Appendix 6
Page 55

Phone: (800) 769-TEACH

Phone: (800) IBM-4EDU
Phone: (404) 238-3400
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called Linkway (DOS) and Linkway Live ToolBook
LinkWay Live! training materials
Picture Atlas of the World (child, education, geography, photo, library)
LinkWay Picture Gallary (clips of photos and background files on CD-ROM)
EduQuest CD-ROM Sampler k-12 courseware excerpts
Idea Implementation Book for using student-created projects
EduQuest CD-ROM holder (furniture)

EE Multimedia Productions, Inc.

1455 W 2200 S., Suite 100
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Phone: (801) 973-0081
Fax: (801) 973-0184
Introducing WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows (training)
Learning Fly Fishing (education, how to)
Meet The Animals (education)
Mozart Visits Yosemite (education, music)
Music and the Masters Series, The (education, music, geography, how to)
Nature of Hunting, The (education, how to)
Teaching Kids to Fish (education, how to)

E.F.Haskell & Assocs.

1110 E. Missouri, Suite 760
Phoenix, AZ 85014-2706
Phone: (602) 277-2534
Phone: (800) 732-3688
Time and billing accounting software for Windows is TKR/5

5716 Mosholu Avenue
Riverdale, NY 10471
Phone: (718) 884-7095
Fax: (718) 884-1563
Millennium Auction, a new cutting-edge interactive CD-ROM strategy game of bidding, bluffing, buying and
selling, will test your abilities to outsmart the world’s most wily collectors. (entertainment, 3-D graphics, digital
video and audio, clips of animation and video files)

Eiki International, Inc.

26794 Vista Terrace Dr.
Lake Forest, CA 92629
Phone: (714) 457-0200
Phone: (800) 242-3454
LC-5000LCD data
LC-300 LCD video
Other models available

Electric Image, Inc.

117 E. Colorado Blvd, Suite 300
Pasadena, CA 91105
Phone: (818) 577-1627
Fax: (818) 577-2426
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Electricimage Animation System (Mac, SGI)
Electric Image Animation System 2.0 (animation)
Frame by Frame Graphics Animation (animation, graphics)
Appendix 6
Page 56

Electrogig USA
Phone: (312) 572-1515
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Gig 3DGO (SGI and Sun)

Electrohome Ltd.
809 Wellington St. North
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 4J6
Phone: (519) 744-7111
Phone: (800) 265-2171
ECP 3100
Other models available

Electronic Multimedia
Computer Consultants
12 Whipple Dr.
Ledyard, CT 06339
Phone: (203) 572-8454
Multimedia system integrators, specializing in IBM and compatibles

Electronic Presentation Systems, Inc.

11 Atterbury Blvd., #1
Hudson, OH 44236
Phone: (216) 656-2391

Electronic Vision, Inc.

5 Depot St.
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: (614) 592-2433
Medical & educational videodiscs (medicine, science, education)

Phone: (215) 695-8444
The Gear software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder Phone: (DOS, Mac, Windows, Sun, Unix)

Eletech Electronics, Inc.

1262 East Katella Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92805
Phone: (714) 385-1707
DigiCorder PC Voice Board (voice recorder) sound, audio

Elmo Manufacturing Corp.

70 New Hyde Park Rd.
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
Phone: (516) 775-3200
Phone: (800) 654-7628
Fax: (516) 775-3297
EV - Visual Presenter Series (miscellaneous)
EV-274 Portable Visual Presenter
EV-308 Visual Presenter (projection)
EV-368 Visual Presenter
EV-700AF Visual Presenter
Appendix 6
Page 57

Elographics, Inc.
105 Randolph Rd.
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Phone: (615) 482-4100
IntelliTouch touchscreen (projection, monitor)
Accu Touch touchscreens (resistive)
Plus controller, drivers, software & "plug & play" touch monitors

Elsevier Science Publishers (now merged with Pergamon Press)

655 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Phone: (212) 633-3787
Fax: (212) 633-3764
TULIP electronic journal distribution for education and research (science, business, reference)

Emerging Technology
Consultants, Inc.
2819 Hamline Ave. North
St. Paul, MN 55112
Phone: (612) 639-3973
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called CBE MultiMedia Sequencer
Explore Antarctica (science, geography, education, history)
K-12 Planning Guide (child)
Interactive Videodisc Training (a series of inservice workwhops for educators)
Offers titles through its "Videodisc Compendium" publication TCET's K-12 Planning Guide for Videodisc Usage
Publisher of "Videodisc Compendium for Education & Training, 1993 Edition"
Distributes titles found in its "Videodisc Compendium for Education & Training, 1993 Edition"
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, geography, science)

EMpower Corporation
P.O. Box 68125
Raleigh NC 27613
Phone: (919) 847-4667
Fax: (919) 848-0473
Empowered Author (miscellaneous)

Empress Software, Inc.

6401 Golden Triangle Dr., Suite 220
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Phone: (301) 220-1919
Empress Database Server, Report Writer, (4GL & RDBMS multimedia database)
Empress RDBMS/4GL (miscellaneous)

Emulex Corporation
3535 Harbor Blvd
Costs Mesa CA 92626
Phone: (800) 854-7112
Phone: (714) 662-5600
Fax: (714) 513-8266
ECX (development tools)

Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corp.
310 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60604-9839
Phone: (312) 347-7000
Phone: (800) 554-9862
Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia
Appendix 6
Page 58

Brittanica Electronic Index (reference, encylopedia, database, education)

Geopedia for geography and maps
TIME Almanac
CNN Newsroom
Britannica Instant Research System
Other CD-ROMS for education
Brittanica Science System (BSS)
Britannica Science System (BSS)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
The Smithsonian Collection, The Fine Arts Collection, The Music Collection, The Storybook Collection
The Primary Developing Skills Collection, The Primary Learning Activities Collection
Diez Termas Interctivos (mathematics), Britannica Science Videodisc (child)

Environmental Marketing
P.O. Box 141
Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Phone: (203) 637-2698
PROTEX Keyboard Accessory (eronomic furniture)
Release OPTI (VDT screen/optical cleaner)

Epson America, Inc.

20770 Madrona Ave.
Torrance, CA 90509-2842
Phone: (310) 782-5161
Phone: (800) 922-8911
ES-600C (24-bit color 600 dpi)
ES-800C (24-bit color 800 dpi)

475 Gate Five Road, #225
Sausalito CA 94965
Phone: (415) 332-4343
Fax: (415) 332-4433
DeBabelizer (development tools)

3450 yankee Dr.
Eagan, Mn 55121
Phone: (612) 452-8135
Phone: (800) 888-8458

Extron Electronics
13554 Larwin Circle
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Phone: (310) 802-8804
Phone: (800) 633-4876

EyeTel Communications, Inc.

206-267 West Esplanade
N.Vancouver, BC, Canada
V7M 1A5
Phone: (604) 984-2552
Tel-Eye Vision

EZ-Systems, Inc.
Appendix 6
Page 59

24 Graf Rd.
Newburyport, MA 01950
Phone: (508) 465-6060
Phone: (800) 533-4520

Fairfield Language Technologies

122 South Main St.
Ste. 400
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Phone: (703) 432-6166
Phone: (800) 788-0822
The Rosetta Stone, foreign language learning (education)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Falcon Software, Inc.

One Hollis St.
Wellesley, MA 02181
Phone: (617) 235-1767
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
Exploring Chemistry (an interactive laboratory in English and Spanish)
Films for the humanities and science (history, art, geography, religion)

Falcon Systems, Inc.

65 East Palatine Rd.
Ste. 313
Prospect Heights, IL 60070
Phone: (708) 541-3933
The multimedia hardware system is called Falcon.

Farallon Computing, Inc.

2470 Mariner Square Loop
Alameda CA 94501-1010
Phone: (501) 814-5000
Fax: (510) 814-5023
Timbuktu for Windows (business, communications)

FARGO Electronics, Inc.

7901 Flying Cloud Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: (612) 941-9470
Phone: (800) 258-2974
Primera (thermal wax)

Fas-Track Computer Products

7030 Huntley Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229
Phone: (614) 847-4050
Phone: (800) 927-3936
Distributor of multimedia products for Apple II, DOS & Mac

FAST Electronics US, Inc.

5 Commonwealth Rd.
Natick, MA 01760
Phone: (415) 802-0772
Phone: (800) 248-FAST
VM-Studio (software & library of digital effects & transitions for Video Machine card)
The multimedia hardware system is called Video Machine (post-prod. video suite on a card with software)
Appendix 6
Page 60

JPEG, MPEG, Movie Machine Pro, Video Capture Board

Fast Forward Video

Phone: (714) 852-8404
The AVI and QuickTime Bandit SCSI video capture card with JPEG compression (NTSC and PAL)

Fauve Software
875 Walnut St., Ste. 320
Cary, NC 27511
Phone: (919) 380-9933
Phone: (800) 898-2787
Fax: (919) 380-0110
Fauve Matisse (image processing)

Ferguson & Co.

900 East Las Colinas Boulevard
Suite 1150
Irving, Texas 75039
Phone: (800) 929-8277
BankSource (business, reference, database)

Fiber Options, Inc.

80 Orville Dr.
Bohemia, NY 11716
Phone: (516) 567-8320
Phone: (800) 342-3748
Video distribution via fiber-optic cable
*: FiberLite Video Transmission System *: oMHz)
*: 170B-Video Transmission System (10MHz or 35 MHz)
*: 131B-Two-way, video & audio
*: 240-Video & audio
*: 245B-Two-way, video, audio & data
*: Other systems available
312B stereo audio fiber-optic transmission system

Fife and Drum Software

9920 Shrewsbury Ct.
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Phone: (301) 384-8432
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Revolutionary War, clip Gallery of Images, Powers of Persuasion, Archival public domain historical images
History, government, geography

Films for the Humanities & Sciences

P.O. Box 2053
Princeton, NJ 08543
Phone: (609) 452-1128
Phone: (800) 257-5126
Videodiscs, videotapes & films (education, history, history, governemtn, science, art, business)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
Laser Disc Edge Collection
Films, Inc.
5547 N. Ravenswood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60640-1199
Phone: (312) 878-2600
Phone: (800) 323-4422
Laser Disc Edge Collection (education, history, history, governemtn, science, art, business)
Appendix 6
Page 61

First Light Video Publishing

8536 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Phone: (800) 777-1576
(310) 558-7880
Fax: (310) 558-7891
Catalog of instructional videos, including lessons in visual language, video production and animation. $100-
$300. Training publications.
Designing & Building Your Desktop Video System (training)
Educational Videotapes on Multimedia (training, education, multimedia)
Lightwave 3-D Essentials (training, 3-D)
Lightwave 3-D Flying Logos (training, 3-D)
Lightwave 3-D Modeler (training, 3-D)
Lightwave 3-D Surfaces (training, 3-D)
Multimedia in Education (training, education)
Professional Techniques for Toasterpaint & Toaster (training)
Toaster CG Essentials (training)
Toasterpaint Essentials (training)
Video Toaster Essentials (training)
Voyager Videodisc Toolkits PC Version (training, video)
What is Multimedia? (training, multimedia)

Five Pin Press

P. O. Box 550363
Dallas, TX 75355-0363
Phone: (214) 328-2730
Phone: (800) 726-6434
Fax: (214) 328-1092
Instant Drum Patterns (music software)

Holland, MI
Phone: (800) 257-6390
Digiscore is a teaching productivity system that automates the process of test scoring. (teach)

Florida State University

Dept. of Communication
356 Diffenbaugh
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Phone: (904)644-8742
Fax: (904)644-8642
One-year master's degree in interactive communication (42 hours), $4,662. Ph.D. program is also available.
Training and education.

Folio Corp.
2155 North Freedom Boulevard,
Suite 150
Provo, Utah 84604
Phone: (801) 375-3700
The database software is called Folio (DOS)
Folio VIEWS (development tools)

Follett Software Co.

809 N. Front St.
McHenry, IL 60050-5589
Phone: (815) 344-8700
Phone: (800) 323-3397
Appendix 6
Page 62

Alliance Plus, Library of Congress (government, database, reference, education, library)

MARC database
Union CD Plus (searches database of multiple library holdings)
Data & training services

Form And Function

1595 Seventeenth Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94122
Phone: (415) 664-4010
clips of animation and video files ($199 for Wrapture Wheels One Mac Quicktime CD-ROM)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Wraptures, texture magps, geography

Forsight, Inc.
1700 Rockville Pike Ste. 150
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: (301) 816-4900
CD-I: players, software & custom development services
Interactive videodisc: hardware & custom development services
Multimedia: custom software development & authoring tools development (hypertext)

Foundation for Educational Achievement

Technology Training Program
8912 Clairmont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (619)571-1003
Offers 20-week, 200-hour critical skills training program in multimedia and electronic audio at zero cost to
California businesses that contribute to the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Classes in San Diego, Irvine and
Los Angeles. Training and education..

Fractal Design Corp.

335 Spreckels Dr., Ste. F
Aptos, CA 95003
Phone: (408) 688-5300
Phone: (800) 297-2665
Painter 2.0
Sketch 1.0
Painter 2.0 for Windows (drawing, painting)
Painter X2 for Windows (drawing, painting)

Fuji Photo Film USA, Inc.

2904 Orchard Pkwy.
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (800) 626-4686

Full Sail Center for the Recording Arts

3300 University Blvd.
Winter Park, FL 32792
Phone: (407)679-6333
Fax: (407)671-1112
Associate degree in audio, video and film, including MIDI training. Focus on professional video production and
video graphics. Training and education.

Future Domain Corp.

2801 McGaw Ave.
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (714) 253-0400
Appendix 6
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Future Systems, Inc.

P.O. Box 26
Falls Church, VA 22046
Phone: (800) 323-DISC
Multimedia & Videodisc Monitor
Multimedia Monitor: 10th Anniversary Disc (reference)

Future Tel
Phone: (408) 522-1400
Hyundai Electronics of America
Phone: (408) 473-9200
Offers the PrimeView state-of-the art MPEG video compression card for slightly less then $20,000 which makes
it much more expensive than most MPEG hardware options.

FWB, Inc.
2040 Polk St., Ste. 215
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: (415) 474-8055
hammerDisk600s (MO drive)
hammerDisk130 (MO drive)
hammerDisk44 (SyQuest)
hammerDisk88 (SyQuest)

Galileo, Inc.
680 14th Street NW, Suite A
Atlanta GA 30318-5446
Phone: (404) 425-4536
Fax: (404) 892-3504
Media Scheduler (desktop presentations)

Garner Multimedia
P. O. Box 1331
Lanham, MD 20703
Phone: (301) 961-7117

Gateway 2000
610 Gateway Dr.
P. O. Box 2000
North Sioux City, SD 57049
Phone: (800) 846-2042
The multimedia hardware system is called Gateway Multimedia.
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Gazelle Technology
7434 Trade St.
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (619) 536-9999
Phone: (800) 843-9497
Fax: (619) 536-2345
series of Mac and PC CD-ROMs (clips of photos and background files)
$100 for Digital Video Library Mac Quicktime CD-ROM (clips of animation and video files)
$149 for QuickToons Mac or PC CD-ROM (clips of animation and video files)
African Wildlife (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Antique Toys (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Aquatic Art (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Art of Olivia (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Appendix 6
Page 64

Aviation Photo Disc (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)

Best of African Wildlife (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Best of Nature’s Way (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Best of People in Business (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Best of USA Travel (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Best of World Travel Asia (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Best of World Travel Europe (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Boris Vallejo (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Creative Backgrounds/Textures (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Design Toolkit, (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Donatelli Portfolios V. 1 & 2, Donatelli Portfolios V. 1/2 H.R., Donatelli V. 3 (clip art, digital photo, audio
Encyclopedia of Life (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Essential Backgrounds/Textures (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Exotica - ROM (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Font Frontier (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Funny Business (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Graphtec Graphic Designs (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Intl Graphics Library (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Kids (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Nature’s Way (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Ocean Imagery, Ocean Magic (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
People at Leisure; People In Business; People of the World (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Professional Backgrounds; Professional Photo Collection; Professional Photo Collection (clip art, digital photo,
audio clips)
Sound/FX CD (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Sports - ROM (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Swimsuit V. 1; Swimsuit V. 2 (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Winshare (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
World Travel V. 1 Asia; World Travel V. 1 Europe (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

GCC Technologies, Inc.

580 Winter St.
Waltham, MA 12154
Phone: (617) 809-0880
Phone: (800) 422-7777
GCC ColorFast

General Electric, PDPO

Electronics Park7-MD12
Syracuse, NY 13221
(315) 456-2862
Talaria Turbo, SLV, Super MLV & LV12K light-valve video/data
Imager LCD 36 & LCD 15 LCD video
Imager 160 video
Imager 601 Super data
Imager 901 graphics
Geovista LCD 12 LCD projector
VZ10 video document camera

General Parametrics Corp.

1250 Ninth St.
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: (510) 524-3950
Phone: (800) 223-0999 (literature only)
VideoShow HQ, portable multimedia delivery platform (projection)
ACR (Advanced Remote Control) for VideoShow systems
Spectra*: Star Q10e (thermal wax) printer

General Television Network

Appendix 6
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13220 North End Ave.

Oak Park, Ml 48237-3213
Phone: (313) 548-2500
Production, post-production & pre-mastering services of Level I, II & III videodiscs

Genesis Integrated Systems, Inc.

1000 Shelard Pkwy.
Ste. 270
Minneapolis, MN 55426
Phone: (612) 544 4445
Phone: (800) 325-6582
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called GenStar
GenSTAR Multimedia Upgrade Systems, four different packages
GenSTAR 5000i (multi-session Photo CD)
GenSTAR 3000e (external) & 3000i (internal)
GenSTAR 2000 (external, daisy-chain)
Drives & Two- or Six-Title Bundles (30+ titles in stock, customizable)
GenSTAR Stereo CD-ROM Sound Card

Genus Microprogramming, Inc.

1155 Dairy Ashford, #200
Houston TX 77079
Phone: (713) 870-0737
Fax: (713) 870-0288
GX Effects for Windows (development tools)

George Washington University

Office of Marketing and Continuing Education
2003 G St. N.W.
Washington, D.C 20052
Phone: (800)94704498
Fax: (202)994-7044
One-day classes, introduction to interactive multimedia, $195. Two-day courses in multimedia production; video
tools, $575. Three-day classes in Director, $825. Three-day multimedia design project, $1,060. Training and

Georgia Institute of Technology

Department of Continuing Education
613 Cherry St.
Atlanta, GA 30332
Phone: (404)894-2547
Fax: (404)853-0117
Multimedia certificate courses for beginners and professionals from one day ($195) to three days ($795).
Training and education.

53 W James Street
Lancaster PA 17604
Phone: (717) 293-7500
Fax: (717) 293-7577
GeoLocate Technology (miscellaneous)

Glencoe Publishing, Inc.

936 Eastwind Dr.
Westerville, OH 43081
Phone: (614) 899-1111
Phone: (800) 334-7344
Glencoe/Ives Multimedia System (basics of electricity & electronics, physics)
Appendix 6
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Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

TLTG Multimedia (physical science, geology, chemistry)
Science and Technology Series
Focus on Government (politics, histrory, news)
Adult Education and Training
Understanding Computers

Global Information Systems

Technology, Inc.
100 Trade Center Dr.
Ste. 301
Champaign, lL 61821
Phone: (217) 352- 1165
Phone: (800) 327-0565
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called TIE (Training Icon Environment) for Windows

Goal Systems International, Inc.

7965 North High St.
Columbus, OH 43235
Phone: (614) 888-1775
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called the PHOENIX Authoring System

4101 Clayton Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
Phone: (314) 652-1810
Phone: (800) 392-1818
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Goedecke Electronic Textbook

Gold Disk, Inc.

3350 Scott Blvd, Building 14
Santa Clara CA 95054-3107
Phone: (408) 982-0200
Phone: (310) 320-5080
Phone: (800) 465-3375
Fax: (408) 982-0298
Animation Works
Animation Works for Windows 1.0
Animation Works Interactive 2.0
Astound 1.5 (desktop presentations)
Professional Draw
The animation software called Animation Works (Windows)
The presentation software called Astound (Mac and Windows)

Good Software Corporation

13601 Preston Rd., Suite 500W
Dallas, TX 75240
Phone: (214) 239-6085
Phone: (800) 272-4663
Integrated accounting software for Windows is Profit Point

The Graphix Zone

38 Corporate Park
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (714)833-3838
Fax (714)833-3990
Vendor-sponsored training with 10-20 multimedia seminars per month, 1.5 to 3 hours, $49.95. This company
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also offers on-site custom training.Guided Tour of Multimedia, The (multimedia, video, graphics, animations,

GRC Library Systems

5383 Hollister Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Phone: (805) 964-7724
Phone: (800) 933-5383
LaserQuest CD-ROM cataloging system
LaserGuide Patron Access Catalog

Great Plains Dynamics

1701 SOFTWARE 38th ST.
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: (701) 281-0550
General accounting software programs for Windows are General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Financial
Reporting, Invoicing & Payroll, Inventory Control, and Sales & Order Entry

Grolier Electronic
Publishing, Inc.
Sherman Turnpike
Danbury, CT 06816
Phone: (203) 797-3500
Phone: (800) 356-5590
1993 Guinness Multimedia Disc of Records
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Guinness Disc of records (reference)
New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia (reference, education, database, history, geography, science, art)
Prehistoria (reference)

Gryphon Software
3298 Govemor Dr.
San Diego, CA 92122
Phone: (619) 536-8815
Morph 1.0 (morphing) video, art

GVP-Great Valley Products

600 Clark Ave.
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone: (215) 337-8770
CineMorph (morphing) (video, art)
The multimedia hardware video system is called Personal Suite Plus (Windows)

Halcyon, Inc.
1590 la Pradera Drive
Campbell CA 95008
Phone: (408) 378-9898
Fax: (408) 378-9935
Bitmap Graphics Conversion Library (development tools)
Vector Graphics Conversion Library (development tools)

Harcourt Brace Publishing

Media Solutions
301 Commerce St., Ste. 3700
Ft. Worth, TX 76102
Phone: (708) 223-2506
Phone: (800) 782-4479 (orders only)
Appendix 6
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atalog of CD-ROM, CD-I, and Photo CD titles

The Digital Archieves Collection (history)
World War II
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, science)
Biology, chemistry, physics, nutrition, health, earth science, geology, sociology, government, languages)
Business, management, International Business

Hartley Courseware, Inc.

3001 coolidge Rd., Ste. 400
East Lansing, Ml 48823
Phone: (517) 333-5300
Phone: (800) 247-1380
Distributor of videodiscs, CD-ROMs & multimedia titles
(reference, education, database, history, geography, science, art)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Heath Science Consortium
Medical Terminolgy Made Easy (medicine, health)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

Harvard University
Graduate School of Education
Appian Way
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617)495-3414
Fax: (617)495-2968
Master of education degree in technology in education. Emphasis on educational design rather than technical
skills. Doctoral programs also available. Training and education.

Hash, Inc.
948 S. Green Bay Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Phone: (708) 234-8060
Fax: (708) 234-8031
Animation - The 3-D Motion Picture Show (modeling and rendering)

Hauppauge Computer Works

Phone: (516) 434-1600
Phone: (800) 443-6284
The AVI Win/TV Studio video capture board (NTSC and PAL)
JPEG, MPEG, WIN/TV Cinema, Video Capture Board

Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc.

5835 Peachtree Corners East
Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: (404) 840-9200
Fax/modem products for multimedia

Health Sciences Consortium

201 Silver Cedar Court
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1517
Phone: (919) 942-8731
SOFTWARE & videodiscs for health sciences
Distributes software & videodiscs for health science instruction
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, health sciences, medicine, psychology, language)
Assessment of the Respiratory System
Spanish for Medical Professionals
Appendix 6
Page 69

The Psychiatric Interview

Nursing Care of the Cancer Patient

Heifner communications, Inc.

4451-70 Drive NW
Columbia, MO 65202
Phone: (314) 445-6163
Phone: (800) 445-6164

Hercules Computer Technology

921 Parker St.
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: (510) 540-6000
SuperStation 3D
Other graphics boards

Hewlett-Packard Co.
3000 Hanover St.
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: (303) 229-6043
Phone: (800) 752-0900
The multimedia hardware system is called HP MPower for network workstations.
HP 9000 Series 700 Workstation
HP MPower (media-enriched environment for workgroups) HP 9000 Series 700 Workstations
HP DeskJet 500C & 550C
HP DeskWriter C
HP PaintJet
The scanner series is called HP Scanjet

High Performance Systems, Inc.

45 Lyme Road, Suite 300
Hanover NH 03755
Phone: (603) 643-9636
Fax: (603) 643-9502
ithink (development tools)

Highlighted Data
4350 N. Fairfax Dr.
Ste. 450
Arlington, VA 22203-1620
Phone: (703) 516-9211
Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (reference, education database)
Electronic Map Cabinet 2.0 (geography, government)
Footage '91 (history)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Hitachi Multi Media

Systems Div.
401 W. Artesia Blvd.
Compton, CA 90220
Phone: (213) 537-8383
Phone: (800) HITACHI
CD-ROM drives
CD-R CD-ROM Recorder
Various color printers offered
The dry cameria is called VKC
Appendix 6
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Multimedia Systems Division
3890 Steve Reynolds Blvd.
norcorss, GA 30093
Phone: (404) 279-5600
Phone: (800) 241-6558

Hitachi Home Electronics

3890 Steve Reynold Blvd.
Norcross, GA 30093
Phone: (404) 279-5600
Phone: (800) HITACHI
CDR Series
CD-ROM data prep, pre-mastering, mastering & replication services
VY170A & 300A video printers

Homrich Communications
175 N. Old Wausau Rd.
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Phone: (715) 341-1829

Hopkins Technology
421 Hazel Lane
Hopkins, MN 55343-7116
Phone: (612) 931-9376
Fax: (612) 931-9377
Herbalist Version 2, The (reference)

Horizons Technology, Inc.

3990 Ruffin Rd.
San Diego, CA 92123-1826
Phone: (619) 292-8331
The multimedia video hardware system is called PowerVideo
Video compression workstations.

Houghton Mifflin Co.

222 Berkeley St.
Boston, MA 02116-3764
Phone: (800) 758-6762
HRB Systems
800 International Dr.
Linthicum, MD 21090
Phone: (410) 850-7890
Phone: (800) 598-7890
Interactive videodisc-based foreign films for language learning (education)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, language, English, reading)

HSC Software
1661 Lincoln Blvd., #101
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: (800) 363-3400
Phone: (310) 392-8441
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called HSC InterActive (Windows)
Kai's Power Tools (image editing & effects)
Appendix 6
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Humongous Entertainment
13110 NE 177th Place, #180
Woodinville, WA 98072
Phone: (206) 485-1212
Fax: (206) 406-9494
Fatty Bear’s Birthday Surprise (entertainment, child)
Fatty Bear’s Fun Pack (entertainment, child)
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon (entertainment, child)
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (entertainment, child)
Putt-Putt’s Fun Pack (entertainment, child)

Hyperception, Inc.
9550 Skillman, LB 125
Dallas TX 75243
Phone: (214) 343-8525
Fax: (214) 343-2457
Hypersignal for Windows RT-4 (development tools)

HyperGlot Software Co.

505 Forest Hills Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37919
Phone: (615) 558-8270
Phone: (800) 726-5087
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Learn to Speak Series (education, reading, speech)
LinguaROM II (language)
Learn to Speak Spanish 4.0 (education, language)

Hyundai Electronics of America

Phone: (408) 473-9200
Offers a MPEG video compression card

HyperBole Studios
1756 114th Avenue SE, Suite 204
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (206) 451-7751
Fax: (206) 451-7844
Quantum Gate

HyperGlot Software Co.

505 Forest Hills Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37919
Phone: (615) 558-8270
Phone: (800) 726-5087
LinguaROM II ESL Series
Other CD-ROM-based software for foreign language and ESL instruction

HyperGraphics Corporation
308 N. Carroll Road
Denton, TX 76201
Phone: (800) 369-0002
Fax: (817) 565-0959
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called tbt Author (DOS and Windows)
Hypergraphics also sells student response pads and remote control devices

IBM Corp.
Appendix 6
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ACIS Division
472 Wheeler s Famm Rd.
Milford, CT 06460
Phone: (203) 783-7000

IBM Corp. EduQuest

P.O. Box 2150
Atlanta, GA 30055
Phone: (800) IBM-4EDU
Phone: (404) 238-3400
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called Linkway (DOS)
IBM Corp. (see also EduQuest)
Multimedia Division
4111 Northside Pkwy.
Atlanta, GA 30327
Phone: (800) 887-7771
Phone: (404) 238-2000
IBM offers over 20 different multimedia computers (Ulitmedia, Level2-Compliant, ValuePint's MVP Series, etc.)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Ultimedi Builder (OS/2)
The presentation software called Storyboard Live (DOS)
The ActionMedia video capture board (NTSC and PAL)
The OS/2 video capture and editing software is called Ultimedia Video
Ultimedia M57 SLC (education)
Ultimedia M77 SLC
Power PC and Tadpole
PS/2 Model Thirty (EduQuest)
PS/2 Model Forty (EduQuest)
PS/2 Model Fifty (EduQuest)
Various academic bundles (ACIS)
Various PS/2 models
Multimedia Division
Audio Visual Connection
IBM LinkWay
PhotoMotion (full-motion video)
PS/2 Action Media II cards (DVI COMPRESSION)
M-Motion Video Adapter/A
Video Capture Adapter/A
Person to Person/2
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, history, science, government, law, literature, language)
Illuminated Books and Manuscripts on videodisc and CD-ROM titles, Columbus, Bill of Rights
Evolution/Revolution, Intechnica Intenational, Advanced English Language

Phone: (800) 241-1620
JPEG, MPEG, ActionMedia II, Video Capture Board

ICOM Simulations, Inc.

648 S. Wheeling Rd.
Wheeling, lL 60090
(708) 520-4440
Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective Volumes I and II (Mac, DOS, VISm CDTV, Sega)
(literature, education, hypertext)

Ideal Learning, Inc.

8505 Freeport Pkwy.
Irving, TX 75063
Phone: (214) 929-4201
Phone: (800) 999-3234
Appendix 6
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The multimedia hardware system is called Learning Expedition for network training and education.
K-8 grade level education curriculum for math, reading, languages, and others.

IEV International, Inc

3595 South 500 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone: (801) 263-6042
Phone: (800) 438-6161
The AVI ProMotion video capture board with various compression options (NTSC)
Revolution 1.0
ProMotion Multimedia Engine
ProVision (video on VGA)
VIP-8800 (NTSC & PAL versions)
Other cards available (video)

Image Entertainment
9333 Oso Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: (818) 407-9100
Licenses & distributes to education market; videodisc titles include NOVA: The Astronomers series,
Shakespeare, etc. (science, literature, history, government, geography, child, art)

Image Management Systems

239 W 15th Street
New York, NY 10011
Phone: (212) 741-8765
Fax: (212) 243-2344
Document Management Systems (development tools)
Document Scanner Systems (development tools)
Electronic Picture Systems (development tools)
Litigation Visual Presentation (desktop presentations)

Image North Technolgies

North Technologies
180 King St., Suite 360
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 1P8
Phone: (519)-570-9111
Phone: (800) 363-3400
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Image-Q or ImageQ (Windows, desktop presentations)

The Button Factory
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone: (603) 427-2500
Fax: (603) 427-0555
Macromedia Authorware Professional (miscellaneous)

Image Smith, Inc.

1313 W. Sepulveda Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90501
Phone: (310) 325-1429
Phone: (800) USNOOPY
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Yearn 2-Learn (education, child, reading)

Image-ln, Inc.
Appendix 6
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406 East 79th St.

Minneapolis, MN 55420
Phone: (612) 888-3633
Phone: (800) 345-3540
Image-In Color (24-bit color photo-retouching)

Imaging Automation
7 Henry Clay Dr. Merrimack, NH 03054 (603) 598-3400
Docutrieve, document management solution (whole system)

7200 Bollinger Rd., #802
San Jose, CA 95129
Phone: (408) 252-5487
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
ImageCDLS, texture maps (geography, maps)
ImageCELs Textures (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

ImageWare Software, Inc.

15373 Innovation Dr. Ste. 120
San Diego, CA 92128
Phone: (619) 673-8600
Phone: (800) 842-4199
Image Wizard (image processing)

Imagine Tomorrow, Ltd.

141 Kinderkamack Rd.
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
Phone: (201) 307-0066

Imagitec Design
3850 Royal Avenue
Simi Valley, CA 93063
Phone: (800) 775-4200
Fax: (805) 526-9300
Air Combat Classics (entertainment)
Daemonsgate: Dorovan’s Key (entertainment)

Impulse, Inc.
8416 Xerxes Ave. North
Brooklyn Park, MN 55444
Phone: (612) 425-0557
Phone: (800) 328-0184
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Imagine (Amiga and DOS)

1900 California Street #26
P.O. Box 391674
Mountain View, CA 94040
Phone: (415) 967-1788
Fax: (415) 967-8614
FULLSHOT 2.0 for Windows (image processing)

Incat Systems
Phone: (508) 443-5950
The Easy-CD software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Windows and Mac)
Appendix 6
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In Focus System Inc.

7770 Mohawk St.
Tualatin, OR 97062-7231
Phone: (503) 692-4968
Phone: (800) 327-7231
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
TVT-6000 active-matrix LCD video
LitePro & LitePro LS, portable video/graphics (projection)
System 6000 LCD
PanelBook 550 active-matrix color
1600GS mono (16 grays)
1600LC (16 colors)
5000FX+ (4,193 colors)
7000FX+ (24,389 colors)
TVT-3000 active (full-motion video)
7600XGA hi-res color

In-Motion Technologies
Phone: (415) 968-6363
JPEG, MPEG, Picture Perfect Pro, Video Capture Board

Individual Software, Inc.

5870 Stoneridge Dr., #1
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: (510) 734-6767
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Professor Multimedia, a primer (training)

InfoAccess, Inc.
2800 156th Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
Phone: (206) 747-3203
Fax: (206) 641-9367
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Guide (Windows, desktop presentations)
Guide Professional Publisher (development tools)

887 S. Orem Blvd.
Orem, UT 84058
Phone: (800) 657-5300
Fax: (801) 225-0817
Government Giveaways for Entrepeneurs (reference)
Information USA (reference)
Job-Power Source (reference)
Mega Movie Guide (reference)

InfoPro Technologies
8000 Westpark Dr.
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: (703) 442 0900
Personal MEDLINEs on CD-ROM (medicine, reference, database, education, science)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Informatics Group, Inc.

100 Shield St.
Appendix 6
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West Hartford, CT 06110

Phone: (203) 953-4040
Phone: (800) 348-1377
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called ACT II (Windows)
ACTIII Multimedia

Information International
Phone: (310) 390-8611)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Ark Geometry and Dynamics Rendering (SGI and

Information Management Research

Phone: (303) 689-0022
The Montage software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS and Windows)

Information Technologies
Group, Inc.
7315 Wisconsin Ave.
Ste. 1100W
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 961-8580
Creates customized training systems; offers IVD courseware

Inline, Inc.
1901 E. Lambert Rd., Ste. 110
La Habra, CA 90631
Phone: (310) 690-6767
Phone: (800) 882-7117
V-NET, video network
Other video enhancement products
V-NET, single-cable video network
Other video-enhancement & networking products

Inner Media, Inc.

60 Plain Road
Hollis NH 03049
Phone: (603) 465-3216
Fax: (603) 465-7195
Collage Complete (image processing)

InnoVision Technology
1933 Davis Street, #238
San Leandro CA 94577
Phone: (510) 638-0800
Fax: (510) 638-6453
PrimeTime with Animation (animation)

Insignia Solutions Inc.

1300 Charleston Road
Mountain View, CA 94943
Phone: (415) 694-7600
Cross-platform SoftWindows
Cross-platform SoftPC
RapidTrak caching utility for speeding up video and audiow

Insite Peripherals, Inc.

Appendix 6
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4433 Fortran Dr.

San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 948 8080
Floptical disk drives

Instant Replay Corp.

P. O. Box 1750
St. George UT 84771-1750
Phone: (800) 388-8086
Fax: (801) 634-1054
Caption Writer VCR (connects to IBM printer)
Instant Replay Professional 3.0 (miscellaneous)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Instant Replay (Windows)
Visual FX (development tools)

Interactive Communication & Training

3300 Cahaba Road, Suite 205
Birmingham AL 35223
Phone: (205) 879-5251
Fax: (205) 879-4572
Staff Introduction to Orthodontics (education, medicine)

Interactive Papyrus
1115 Elkton Drive, Suite 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: (719) 590-7338
Fax: (719) 592-1465
Authorware Training Course (training)

Interlink Electronics
Phone: (805) 484-1331
The RemotePoint cordless remote mouse for presentations.

Institute for Academic Technology (IAT)

2525 Meridian Pkwy., Ste. 400
Durham, NC 27713
Phone: (919) 560-5031

Institute for Advanced Technology

The University fo North Carolina
P.O. Box 12017
RTP, North Carolina 27709
Phone: (919) 405-1942
IAT Briefings
Publications, videos, workshops, and conferences are available for training educators for authoring and/or using
hypermedia learning materials. For example, the Institute of Advanced Technology has course materials,
training workshops, the INFOBITS Electronic News Service, videotapes, satellite broadcasts, the Express
Author front end to Multimedia ToolBook, and prepared hypermedia learning materials.

Instrument Society of
67 Alexander Dr.
Research Triangle Park,
NC 27709
Phone: (800) 334-6391
Videodiscs for industrial education & training (business)
Appendix 6
Page 78

Intechnica Intemational
P.O. Box 30877
Midwest City, OK 73140
Phone: (800) 788-8730
CD-ROM drives and CD-ROM tower
Advanced English Language Acquisition Program, for second-language acquisition
I Speak English Program (education)
VoxBox2 CD-ROM Client Server (holds six discs)

Integrated Circuit Systems

(215) 630-5300

Integrated Learning Systems

218 Main St., #438
Kirkland, WA 98033
Phone: (206) 827-4668
Phone: (800) 457-2101
Progressive Science Multimedia Learning Materials (education, library)

Integrated Multimedia Systems

924 Brookline Blvd., 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15226
Phone: (412) 343-9335
Phone: (800) 284-6640

Integration Information Technolgy

(408) 727-1885

Intel Corp.
2200 Mission College blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95952
Phone: (800) 538-3373
The AVI Smart Video and Recorder video boards (NTSC)
Multibus and iRMX operating system products
JPEG, MPEG, Smart Video Recorder Pro, Video Capture Board

Intelligent Resources
Integrated Systems
3030 Salt Creek Lane, Ste. 100
Arlington heights, IL 60005-5000
Phone: (708) 670-9388
The Mac Video Explorer video capture board with Digital Magic Compression (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)

130 Cremona Dr.
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Phone: (805) 968-2291
Phone: (800) 346-8355
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called InterText (Mac)
PreView CD-ROM reviews of over 300 hypermedia software packages.
The Maths CD (science, education, mathematics, child)
Planet Earth: Intro to Gaia Theory
Insights for Teachers and Student Teachers
Tools for Multimedia (video)
Other educational CD-ROMs & multimedia software for Mac
To Kill A Mockingbird (literature)
Appendix 6
Page 79

Art Adventures at the National Gallery of Art

Teaching, Learning and Technology: A Planning Guide (3 vers: basic, interactive & QuickTime)
Other educational videodiscs & multimedia software for Mac
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) for the Mac
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

IntelliMedia Corp.
455 Riverview Dr.
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Phone: (616) 925-3675
Phone: (800) 706-0077

Interactive Health Network, Inc.

6425 Powers Ferry Rd.,
Ste. 300
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: (404) 850-1000
US' largest publisher of interactive health instruction (medicine, science, education)

Interactive Image Technologies, Ltd.

700 King St. West, Ste. 815
Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2Y6
Phone: (416) 361-0333
Phone: (800) 263-5552
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Authority (DOS)

Interactive Knowledge, Include.

1100 S Mint Street, Suite 209
Charlotte, NC 28203
Phone: (704) 344-0055
Fax: (704) 344-1505
Getting Ready For A Good Job (entertainment)
I Know Math Disc, The (entertainment, math)
Parenting Disc, The (entertainment, child, how-to)

Interactive Media Corp.

P. O. Box 0089
Los Altos, CA 94023-0089
Phone: (415) 948-0745
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Interactive Multimedia-Getting Started
Special Delivery (media integrator)
"Interactive Multimedia - Getting Started" (CD-ROM)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Interactive Multimedia Edutainment, Inc.

433 California Street, Suite 912
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 393-1470
Fax: (415) 393-1488
The Singing Safari (entertainment/K-12, learn, child)

InterActive Publishing Corp.

300 Airport Executive Park
Spring Valley NY 10977
Phone: (914) 426-0400
Fax: (914) 426-2606
Appendix 6
Page 80

1000 of the World’s Greatest Sound Effects (clips of art, digital photography, audo clips)
250 of the World’s Greatest Music Clips (clips of art, digital photography, audo clips)
A Million Laughs (reference)
How Things Grow (Science, plants, botony, agriculture, education, child, edutainment)
Beethoven's 5th - The Multimedia (music, education)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Supersonic is the ultimate companion CD to any flight simulator. (entertainment, CD-ROM, videos)
Supersonic - The Atlas of Modern Military Aircraft

Interactive Solutions, Inc.

1720 S. Amphlett Blvd. #107
San Mateo, CA 94402
Phone: (415) 377-0136
Phone: (415) 726-0280
Animation and Video software called MovieWorks (Mac)

Interactive Training in Business,

Industrial and Health Care Applications
Edited by Rockley Miller
Pioneer Communications of America
Phone: (800)LASER-ON
A free introduction to interactive training. Training publications.

Interactive Video Solutions, Inc.

P. O. Box 1280
Media, PA 19063
Phone: (610) 891-6777

5225 Katy Freeway, #615
Houston, TX 77007
Phone: (713) 862-9800
Fax: (713) 868-2622
Authorware (authoring)

Interlink Electronics
546 Flynn Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93102
Phone: (805) 484-8855
Phone: (805) 484-1331
The ProPoint remote control device

The Marketplace, Bldg. 5
Manilus, NY 13104
Phone: (315) 682-8714
Designers Work Bench (CD-I authoring)
ABCD-I system (CD-I production)

International Business Machines

1507 LBJ Freeway
Dallas TX 75234
Phone: (800) TALK2ME (825-5263)
Sources of information for voice-activated systems:
(text recognition, speech recognition, voice-activation, voice recognition, audio-activation)
Appendix 6
Page 81

Intermetrics, Inc.
733 Concord Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138-1002
Phone: (617) 661-1840

International Data
Engineering, Inc.
7727 Washington Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55439
Phone: (612) 946-4100
IDE Personal Library System (up to 10 drives, accomodates WORM, rewritable & multi-function)
Micro Library System (magazine of 5 rewritable discs & autochanger)

InterOptica Publishing
300 Montgomery Street, Suite 201
San Francisco CA 94104
Phone: (415) 788-8788
Fax: (415) 788-8886
Multimedia Dictionary of Knowledge (reference)

InterPlay Productions
17922 Fitch Ave.
irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (800) 969-4263

InterSystem Concepts, Inc.

P. O. Box 1041
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: (410) 730-2840
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Summit Authoring System

P.O. Box 244
Twin Peaks, CA 92391
Phone: (909) 337-7507
Tel-A-Train multimedia authoring tool & other software for multimedia
GVR-810 time-code VCR

540 University Ave., Suite 50
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Phone: (415) 322-0573
Integrated accounting software programs for Windows are Quickbooks and Quicken for Windows

Intuit, Inc.
155 Linfield Drive, PO Box 3014
Menlo Park CA 94026
Quicken for Windows CD-ROM Deluxe Edition

Iomega Corp.
1821 West 4000 South
Roy, UT 84067
Phone: (801) 778-1000
Floptical II 21MB 3.5" drive
Lasersafe PRO 1GB
Bernoulli 90 MB systems (SCSI auxialiary storage)
Appendix 6
Page 82

Bernoulli 150 MB MultiDisk sys

IRIS Technologies
692 East Pittsburgh St.
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone: (412) 832-9855

Ironstone Technologies
1175 Sherwin Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0V1
Phone: (800) 268-1197
Fax: (204) 697-0159

ISM, Inc.
2103 Hamnony Woods Rd.
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Phone: (410) 560-0973
Presenting Now...3.0

13515 Dulles
Technology Dr.
Hemdon, VA 22071-3416
Phone: (703) 471-1414
Phone: (800) 638-3757
Activ, an interactive self-paced multimedia training system comprising over 1200 hours of training on subjects
ranging from adult literacy to information engineering (PS/2, M-Motion, DVA 4000 & Sony VIEW, ElDS-Matrox)
Activ "Reading and Writing Enhancement" training program
An IBM business Partner, offers custom design applications, training, management services & consulting
Activ Multi-User Network Software, for use with ITC's Activ system
(education language, reference, database)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, reading, language, English)
Activ "Reading and Writing Enhancement" training Program
Laser Learning Technolgies, Multimedia Guides for use with the Smithsonian Laserdisc Series

ITC, Comsell Division

13515 Dulles Technology Drive
Herndon, VA 22071
Phone: (800) 638-3757
Phone: (703) 425-3646
Fax: (703) 713-0065
Using 1-2-3 Basics & Intermediate (training)
Using Access Basics & Intermediate (training)
Using Ami Pro Basics & Intermediate (training)
Using cc:Mail (training)
Using Excel Basics & Intermediate (training)
Using Freelance (training)
Using Lotus Notes (training)
Using Microsoft Mail (training)
Using Personal Computers (training)
Using PowerPoint (training)
Using Windows Basics & Intermediate (training)
Using Word Basics & Intermediate (training)
Using WordPerfect Basics & Intermediate (training)

IVI Publishing, Inc.

1380 Corporate Center Curve
Appendix 6
Page 83

Eagan MN 55121
Phone: (612) 686-2700
Fax: (612) 686-2601
Mayo Clinic Family Healthbook (reference, medicine)
Mayo Clinic the Total Heart (reference, medicine)

IVID Communications
7220 Trade St., Ste. 201
San Diego, Ca 92121
Phone: (619) 537-5000

Jasmine Multimedia Publishing

6746 Valjean Ave., Suite 100
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Phone: (818)780-3344
Fax: (818)780-8705
clips of animation and video files ($100 for Nature in Motion Library Mac or PC CD-ROM)
Windows-based CD-ROM training course in producing Asymetrix Compel presentations.
Training publications.
How to Create Multimedia (training, how-to, CD-ROM, video, clips of mixed media files)

J.J. & K Enterprises

5012 Whitsett Ave., Ste. 104
N. Hollywood, CA 91607-3372
Phone: (818) 985-9407
The AVI MR RAM GRAB/AT video capture board (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
MR VV Plus (VGA-to-S-VHS & composite video converter)
MR Shot1/LC (motion capture)

Phone: (818) 993-4801
CD-ROM towers (Jukebox)
713-493-9942 CD50 or 5CDD

Jostens Leaming Corp.

6170 Comerstone Court East
San Diego, CA 92121-3710
Phone: (619) 587-0087
Phone: (800) 521-8538
The multimedia hardware and software system is called Jostins Learning First.
InterActive Media ILS
(education, reference, database)
Jovian Logic Corp.
47265 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 651-4823
SuperVIA (real time capture)
VIA (frame grabber)
SYLVIA (still video capture)
GLORIA (digital stereo record & playback)
Appendix 6
Page 84

JVC Information Products

19900 Beach Blvd., Ste. l
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Phone: (714) 965-2610
The JVC Personal RomMaker hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS, Mac, and
The JVC Personal Achiever hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS, Mac, Windows, and
Series of CD-ROM drives
Full-color image scanner
JVC manufactures a color scanner

JVC Professional
Products Co.
41 Slater Dr.
Elmwood Park, NJ 07407
Phone: (201) 794-3900
Phone: (800) JVC-5825
BR-S822U deck/editing recorder

Kaleida Labs
Mountain View, CA
Phone: (415) 966-0400
The ScriptX hypertext/hypermedia software is designed to be a UNIX CROSS-platform software.
Script X (development tools, multimedia)

718 University Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Phone: (800) 354-6150
Phone: (415) 399-9992
Fax: (415) 354-1033
Club Kidsoft CD (entertainment/K-12, child, education)

Killer Tracks
6534 Sunset Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: (213) 957-4455
Fax: (213) 957-4470
Killer Tracks Multimedia Music Library

Kinetic corporation
240 Distillery Commons
Louisville KY 40206
Phone: (502) 588-1679
Fax: (502) 583-1104
Kinetic Art Portfolios (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Kintronics, Inc.
3 Westchester Plaza
Elmsford, NY 10523
Phone: (800) 431-1658
Distributor of all types of optical drives & removable media systems

Knowledge Adventure, Inc.

4502 Dyer St.
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Appendix 6
Page 85

Phone: (818) 542-4200

Phone: (800) 542-4240
Fax: (818) 542-4205
3-D Body Adventure (edutainment)
3-D Dinosaur Adventure (edutainment, science)
America Adventure (edutainment)
Bug Adventure (edutainment)
Dinosaur Adventure
Discoverers, The (edutainment)
Floppy disk-based programs (history, governement, literature)
Isaac Asimov's Science Adventure
Kid’s Zoo (edutainment)
Knowledge Adventure
Space Adventure (science, education, edutainment)
Speed (edutainment)
Undersea Adventure (edutainment)

Knowledge Engineering, Inc.

3060 Peachtree Rd., NW, #1025
Atlanta, Ga 30305
Phone: (404) 364-2001
Phone: (800) 548-7947
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
The Multimedia Express

Knowledge Revolution
San Francisco, CA
Phone: (800) 766-6615
Interactive Physics II (simulation)

Koala Acquisitions
Phone: (408) 776-8181
The Mac MacVision video capture board (NTSC)

Phone: (800) 852-6284
The PCD 200 Writer CD-R CD-ROM Recorder hardware and software (DOS, Mac, and Windows)
PhotoCD hardware and software for transfer of 35mm slides onto a CD compact disc
Assorted other imaging and color printing productrs

Koss Corp.
4129 N. Port Washington Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Phone: (414) 964-5000
Phone: (800) 872-5677

Kratek Corp.
196 Holt St.
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Phone: (201) 487-6340
Phone: (800) 631-0867

Kurzweil Applied Intelligence

411 Waverly Oaks Road
Waltham MA 02154
Phone: (800) 380-1234
Appendix 6
Page 86

Sources of information for voice-activated systems:

(text recognition, speech recognition, voice-activation, voice recognition, audio-activation)

Labtec Enterprises
11010 NE 37th Circle
Unit 110
Vancouver, WA 98682
Phone: (206) 896-2000
Seven models of amplified speakers

LaCie, Ltd.
8700 S.W. Creekside Place
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: (503) 520-9000
Phone: (800) 999-0143
Silverscanner flatbed

Lake Compuframes, Inc.

P.O. Box 890
Briarcliff, NY 10510
Phone: (914) 941-1998
ShowScape (scripwriting, hypertext)

Lanier Worldwide, Inc.

2300 Park Lake Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30345-2979
Phone: (404) 496-9500
Phone: (800) 708-7088
Lanier 4320V, active-matrix (video) projection
Lanier 4320, active (24,000 hues)
Lanier 4315, passive (24,000 hues)
Lanier 4310, passive (16 shades)
Lanier 4230 (thermal wax)
Lanier 4230HD (w/50MB hard disk)
Lanier 4230HD/FR (hard disk & film recorder) scan converter

Lantern Corporation
63 Ridgemoor Drive
Clayton , MO 63105
Phone: (314) 725-6125
Fax: (314) 725-6125
MOVIE Animation Utility 4.0 creates exceptional animations by capturing frames from all your Windows
applications. This add-on animator bridges the gap between today’s powerful Drawing, Charting, GIS & CAD
packages and the multimedia future witout requiring expensive video hardware. (Animation)
Movie Development Kit (development tools)

Lapis Technologies
1100 Marina Village Pkwy.
Ste. 100
Alameda, CA 94501
Phone: (510) 748-1600
Phone: (800) 43-LAPIS
L-TV, NTSC interface card for Macs (video)
L-TN (NTSC interface card for Mac)

Laser F/X, Inc.

314 North Main St.
Appendix 6
Page 87

Mt. Carroll, IL 61053

Phone: (815) 244-3500
Full-service dealer & distributor of videodisc & optical disc players
Maintenance plans & repair services for videodisc & optical disc hardware
Videodisc & optical disc player full-service dealer & distributor

Lasergraphics Inc.
20 Ada
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 753-8282
The LFR-X 35 mm slide maker for Amiga, Mac, and PC graphics

Laser Image Systems, Inc.

1451 W. Fullerton Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: (312) 528-5552

Laser Learning Technologies

120 Lakeside Ave., Ste. 240
Seattle, WA 98122-6552
Phone: (206) 322-5085
Phone: (800) 722-3505
The presentation software is called Report Generator (for making slide show presentations
from videodiscs(

LaserSoft Multimedia
947 Lewis Ave.
Salina, KS 67401
Phone: (913) 827-6483
Phone: (800) 432-3239

Lavondyss, Inc.
615 Hidden Valley Drive, Suite 317
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-6777
Phone: (313) 665-6887
Fax: (313) 665-6887
Memories Alive (miscellaneous)

Leading Edge Products, Inc.

117 Flanders Rd.
Westborough, MA 01581-5020
Phone: (508) 836-4800
Phone: (800) 874-3340
The multimedia hardware system is called WinPro Educator and Wintower Multimedia.

Leading Technology, Inc.

10430 S.W. Fifth St.
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: (503) 646-3424
Phone: (800) 999-LEAD
Various MPC MULTIMEDIA UPGRADE (BOARD) computer systems (video, audio, multimedia)
AudioWare Sound Sysem

LeadingWay Corp.
15375 Barranca Pkwy.,
Ste. A-203
Appendix 6
Page 88

Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 453-1112
Phone: (800) 355-4888

LearnerFirst, Inc.
1075 13th Street S
Birmingham, AL 35205
Phone: (205) 934-9182
Fax: (205) 975-7424
“Benchmark 1.0” Software (education)

Lenel Systems International, Inc.

290 Woodcliff Office Park
Fairport, NY 14450-4212
Phone: (716) 248-9720
Fax: (716) 248-9185
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Media Developer and MultiMedia Works (Windows)
Media Organizer (media catalogs)
MpcOrganizer (media catalogs)
MultiMedia Works lets Windows users play multimedia objects in over 30 different file formats, including
graphic, audio, animation, and video. (multimedia, authoring)
MultiMedia Works Developer’s Toolkit (development tools)

Lexmark International
740 New Circle Rd., NW
Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: (800) 358-5835
IBM Color Jetprinter (liquid inkjet)

Library Video Co.

P. O. Box 1110
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Phone: (215) 667-0200

Lightning Computer
Phone: (408) 957-6575
Phone: (800) 347-4486
ThunderBox Portable PC

LightSpeeed Media, Inc.

16 Deer Path, #5
Maynard, Ma 01754-1485
Phone: (508) 897-5046

Lindy Enterprises, Inc.

3411 Cedar Knolls Dr., Ste. C-1
Kingwood, TX 77339
Phone: (713) 359-3647
Phone: (800) 937-8227
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Adventures Unlimited, Higley's Schoolhouse, Mouse Tales, HeartBeeps
Education, entertainment, child

Logitech, Inc.
6505 Kaiser Dr.
Fremont, CA 94555
Appendix 6
Page 89

Phone: (415) 996-1010

Phone: (800) 231-7717
ScanMan series
SoundMan 16 (16-bit & SoundBlaster compatible)
The dry cameria is called FotoMan Plus
The scanner series is called ScanMan

Looking Glass Software, Inc.

11222 La Cienega Blvd., #459
Inglewood, CA 90304
Phone: (310) 348-8240
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Cheetah 3D Studio (DOS, animation, modeling and

Lotus Development Corp.

55 Cambridge Pkwy.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: (617) 577-8500
The presentation software called Freelance Graphics (Windows)
The presentation audio and animation software caputuring screen sequencing is ScreenCam Recorder
Lotus 123
Lotus Agenda
Lotus Notes

Lotus One Source

55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
Phone: (800) 554-5501
CD/Corporate: U.S. Private+

Lucas Arts Entertainment

3850 Royal Avenue
Simi Valley, CA 93063
Phone: (800) 775-4200
Fax: (805) 526-9300
Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle (entertainment)
Rebel Assault (entertainment)
Sam & Max Hit the Road (entertainment)
X-Wing (entertainment)

LucasArts Learning
P.O. Box 2009
San Rafael, CA 94912
Phone: (415) 721-3300
Phone: (800) 777-8100 (Coronet/MTI)
Paul Parkranger & the Mystery of the Disappearing Ducks (videodisc 8 CD-ROM pkg.)
(child, education, video)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
Paul Parkranger & the Mystery of the Disappearing Ducks on videodisc and CD-ROM titles

Lunar Graphics
Phone: (303) 526-2553
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Realize Rendering Tool (DOS)

477 S. Nova Rd.
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Appendix 6
Page 90

Phone: (800)527-1914
Fax: (904)677-6717
VHS training programs for Macromedia Director, Photoshop, PowerPoint ($49 each). Holds nationwide
workshops on Photoshop and PowerPoint (five days, $479). Training publications.

Macmillan New Media

124 Mount Auburn St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 661-2955
Phone: (800) 342-1338
Beacon CD- Multimedia Guidance Resource (science)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Firefighter (training)
Firefighter! (edutainment, CD-ROM, audio, video)
The College Handbook - CD-ROM Edition (database, education)
The Macmillan Dictionary for Children
The Macmillan Dictionary for Children - Multimedia Edition (reference, child, learn, games, animation)

Macola, Inc.
P. O. Box 485
181 S. Main St.
Marion, OH 43302
Phone: (614) 382-5991
General accounting software for Windows is Envision

Macromedia, Inc.
600 Townsend St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (800) 288-4797
Phone: (415) 442-0200
Fax: (415) 626-0554
Action! (desktop presentations)
Action! Bundle (desktop presentations)
Authorware Professional (authoring, graphics, animation, video)
clips of mixed media files (series for Mac and PC CD-ROMs) includes Business & Industry and Industry at
Director has a Netscape Engine
MacRecorder (input & playback)
MacRecorder Sound System Pro (digitizer, editing software, etc.)
MacroMedia Action!
MacroMedia MediaMaker
MacroModel (3D Graphics)
MacroModel for Windows (modeling and rendering, 3D)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called MacroModel With RenderMan (Windows)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Three-D and Swivel 3D (Mac)
The animation software called Action (Mac and Windows)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Director (Mac andWindows)
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called Authorware (Windows)
Windows Player
ClipMedia 1, Business & Technology; ClipMedia 2, Industry at Work; ClipMedia 3, Perfect
(clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Magic Quest, Inc.

125 University Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Phone: (415) 321-5838

MAGNI Systems, Inc.

Appendix 6
Page 91

9500 S.W. Gemini Dr.

Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: (503) 626-8400
Phone: (800) MAGNI-OK
VGA Producer Pro (VGA-to-video encoder with video overlay & graphics pan/zoom)

Major Educational Resources Corp.

10153 York Rd., Ste. 107
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
Phone: (410) 628-9200
Phone: (800) 989-5353
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called PEAK (Mac)
PEAK (Personal Education Authoring Kit)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Brandenburg (music)
Biology, paleontology, science, botony, microscopy

Mammoth Micro Productions

1700 Westlake Avenue N, Suite 702
Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: (206) 281-7500
Fax: (206) 281-7734
StudioXA (development tools)

Management Graphics, Inc.

1401 E. 79th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55425
Phone: (612) 854-1220
Sapphire Precision

Manzanita Software Systems

2130 Professional Dr., No. 230
Roseville, CA 95661-3899
Phone: (916) 781-3880
Integrated accounting software for Windows is Manzanita Software Systems

Marconi Simulation
12424 Research Pkwy.
Ste. 101
Orlando, FL 32826
Phone: (407) 273-8862
Mandarin For Windows (training)

Maris Multimedia Ltd.

99 Mansell St.
London, England
E1 8AX
Phone: (800) 821-9881
Phone: (800) 336-2947
RedShift is a CD-ROM to teach astronomy. It allows students to stimulate a voyage through space.
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Appendix 6
Page 92

Marshall Cavendish Corp.

School & Library Division
2415 Jerusalem Ave.
North Bellmore, NY 11710
Phone: (516) 826-4200
Phone: (800) 821-9881
School & Library Division (education, reference, history, government, art, science)
The Electronic Encyclopedia of World War II
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Language, education, travel, child

15225 Alton Pkwy.
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (800) 366-4620
MacAngello II color

Mar-Tec International
105 Charles Street, #180
Boston MA 02114
Phone: (617) 560-3158
Fax: (617) 560-3176
Interactive Brochure for Windows, The (miscellaneous)

Maryland Interactive
Technologies (MITEC)
P. O. Box 1054
Reisterstowen, MD 21136-1054
Phone: (410) 526-0502
Phone: (800) 526-0526
How To Start and Run a Small Business (accounting, business, reference, education)

Masque Publishing
7200 E Dry Creek Road, Suite F-103
Englewood, CO 94949
Phone: (415) 883-3000
Fax: (415) 883-0298
Chessnet Single User 3.0 (entertainment)
Masque Blackjack (entertainment)
Masque Video Poker (entertainment)
Solitaire Antics (entertainment)

MASS Microsystems
810 West Maude Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (800) 522-7979
QuickImage 24 Ver. 2.0 (capture)
HitchHiker Portable series
Various optical drives (laser, videodisc, CD)

Master Clips, Inc.

5201 Ravenswood Road, Suite 111
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312-6004
Phone: (305) 983-7440
Fax: (305) 967-9452
Master Clips Art of Business (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Appendix 6
Page 93

MasterVision, Inc.
969 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10028
Phone: (212) 879-0448
MasterVision Library of educational videotapes & videodiscs
(education, science, history, government, art, library)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

See Wolfram Research

101 Main St.
Cambridge, Ma 02142-1521
Phone: (617) 577-1017

Math Works (The Math Works)

24 Prime Park Way, Natlick
MA 01760-1500
Phone: (508) 653-1415
MATLAB = mathematical computing software

Matrox Electronic
Systems, Inc.
1055 St. Regis Blvd.
Dorval, Quebec, Canada
H9P 2T4
Phone: (514) 685-2630
Fax: (514) 685-2853
Phone: (800) 361-4903
Phone: (800) 249-6476
The AVI Marvel video capture board with JPEG and MPEG compression (NTSC< PAL, and SECAM)
Matrox Personal Studio (desktop video production)
The multimedia hardware system is called Matrox Studio
Matrox Animation Xpress (animation)
MGA Millenium (windows, video accelerators go PCI)
Matrox Personal Producer (combines video, digital audio, graphics, titles, DVE & transitions, storyboard
interface & automatic record to videotape)
Illuminator-PRO (32-bit, broadcast-quality encoder)
Matrox Marvel (multimedia controller & live video windows up to 1,024 x 768)
Matrox Studio (broadcast-quality desktop video post-production suite for EISA PC)
Matrox 1024
Software included with most packages
JPEG, MPEG, Marvel II, Video Capture Board

Matsushita Electric Industrial Company

Osaka, Japan
The Phase Change Dual PD rewritable CD recorder (The recorded discs will not play on standardCD-ROM
players and hence this recorder is not a true CD-ROM recoder.) Panasonic Communications Systems
Co. of Secaucus, NJ has licensed the PD technology.

Orinda, CA
Phone: (800) 33-MAXIS
SimCity 2000 is entertainment and educational software that simulates the development of a city of the future
using 3-D graphics with an intuitive interface. (simulation)
Appendix 6
Page 94

Maxoptix Corp.
2520 Junction Avenue
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 954-9700
Tahiti II 650 MB/1GB systems
Tahiti family of rewritable drives
RXT-800HS high-density WORM

24225B Channing #592
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: (510)-540-5508
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software includes MaxThink (DOS)

Maxwell Multi Media, Inc.

4820 Riverbend Rd., #200
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 440-0669
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) and CD-I titles on language instruction, travel, storybooks,
(education, library, geography, government, history, art)

Mazar Software Corp.

1801 NE 197 Terrace
N. Miami beach, FL 33179
Phone: (305) 936-9290
World Render 3D (modeling and rendering)

McGraw-Hill, Inc. Professional Book Group

11 West 19th St.
New York, NY 10011
Phone: (212) 337-4097
Phone: (800) 262-4729 (orders only)
Professional Book Group
McGraw-Hill Science & Technical Reference Set, Release 2.0
Multimedia Encyclopedia of Mammalian Biology (with DVI COMPRESSION clips)
(education, library, geography, government, history, art, reference, database, library)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Mead Data Central, Inc.

P.O. Box 933-NR
Dayton, Ohio 45401
Phone: (800) 544-7390
LEXIS/NEXIS (database, business, accounting, education, library)

Meca Software, Inc.

327D Riverside AVe.
Westport, CT 06880
Phone: (203) 222-9150
Tax accounting software for Windows is TaxCut

6160 Summit Dr. North
Minneapolis, MN 55430
Phone: (612) 569-1500
Appendix 6
Page 95

Phone: (800) 685-MECC

The Oregon Trail (education, history, geography)
World GeoGraph II
USA GeoGraph II
Other titles (science, art, history, reference, library, training)
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
Producer & distributor of multimedia courseware; distributor of videodisc players, LCD panels & other
multimedia hardware (projection)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

340 Townsend Street, #408
San Francisco CA 94107
Phone: (415) 243-8785
Fax: (415) 243-8630
Critical Path (miscellaneous)

Media Architects
1075 NW Murray Road, #230
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: (503) 297-5010
Fax: (502) 297-6744
MediaKnife/VBX (development tools)

Media Cybernetics
8484 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (301) 495-3305
Phone: (800) 992-4256
HALO Desktop Imager 2.0
Dr. Halo IV Paint & Imaging Pak

Media Magic
P.O. Box 598
Nicasio, CA 94946
Phone: (415) 662-2426
Distributes titles from its "Computers in Science & Art"
(education, science, art, library, reference, video, CD, history)

Media Resources
640 Puente St.
Brea, CA 92621
Phone: (714) 256-5048
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called Studio Pro
MediaKits, full line of MPC MULTIMEDIA UPGRADE (BOARD) kits
T.J. Finds a Friend (education, child, safety)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Media Vision, Inc.

3185 Laurel View Ct.
Fermont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 770-8600
Phone: (800) 845-5870
The AVI Pro MovieStudio video capture board with Video 1 compression (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
Fusion CD & Fusion CD 16 kits
CDPC XL (subsystem with 16-bit audio NEC CD-ROM drive & speakers
Others available
Pro AudioSpectrum (16-bit)
Appendix 6
Page 96

CD-ROM drives

766 San Aleso Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (408) 752-8500
AmericaAlive GUIDisc
The authoring software is called NavigaTour software
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
World Tour (edutainment)

Media Graphics
8175-A Sheridan Blvd. Suite 355
Arvada, CO 80003
Phone: (800) 598-2037
Fax: (303) 427-7833
Publisher’s Paradise Multimedia Background (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Publisher’s Paradise Professional CD-ROM (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Media-Pedia Video Clips, Inc.

22 Fisher Avenue
Wellesley MA 02181
Phone: (617) 235-5617
Fax: (617) 237-3440
Media-Pedia Video Clips (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

MediaShare Corporation
2035 Corte Del Nogal
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Phone: (619) 931-7171
Fax: (619) 431-5752
Presto! (entertainment)

MediaSourcery, Inc.
1055 Joquin Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 390-9890
Phone: (800) 228-ULTI
IBM Ultimedia Tools Series
Distributor of IBM's Ultimedia Tools Series, service & support

Media in Motion
P.O. Box 170130
San Francisco, CA 94117
Phone: (800)395-2547
Fax: (415)621-1724
Disk-based training for Macromedia Director, $199. Training publications.

Media Synergy
105 Carlton Street, Suite 302
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5B 1M1
Phone: (416) 593-0647
Fax: (416) 593-8772
Genesis: The 3D Models Collection (modeling and rendering, animation)
Appendix 6
Page 97

Media Synergy
20 Rosemont Place
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (415) 241-9999
Fax (415) 241-9998
On-site individual and group training in multimedia and interactive communications, 3-D animation and graphics,
video and post-production, audio, photography and digital imaging.
Explore the Exotic (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Explore the Harmony (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Medio Multimedia, Inc.

2703 152nd Ave. NE
Redmond WA 98052
Phone: (206) 867-5500
Fax: (206) 885-4142
JFK Assassination - A Visual Investigation (education, history)

Mega Drive Systems, Inc.

489 S. Robertson Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: (310) 247-0006
Phoner (800) 322-4744
Millenium series

Meridian Data, Inc.

5615 Scotts Valley Dr.
Scotts Valley, CA 95066-3454
Phone: (408) 438-3100
Phone: (800) 767-2537
The Netscribe 1000 hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS, Mac and Windows)
The Personal Scribe hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder options
CD-ROM drives and CD-ROM network tower server

Phone: (503) 690-1550
The AVI Video Zipper video capture board with ZPEG compression (NTSC and PAL)

Metro ImageBase
18623 Ventura Blvd., Suite 210
Tazana, CA 91356
Phone: (800) 525-1552
$146 for Mac or PC CD-ROM (clips of art, graphics, and font files)
$80 for Food Mac or PC CD-ROM (clips of art, graphics, and font files)
Alphabets (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Art Deco (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
ARTrageous! Beyond the Border (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Borders & Boxes (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Business Graphics (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
CD-ROM (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Computers & Technology (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Exercise & Fitness (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Food (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Four Seasons, The (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Headings (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
HealthCare (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Holiday Basics (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
ImageBasics (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
NewsletterMaker (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Nine to Five (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Appendix 6
Page 98

People (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Religion (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
ReportMaker (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Team Sports (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Travel (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Weekend Sports (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Metrolight Studios
5724 W. Third Street, #400
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Phone: (213) 932-0400
Fax: (213) 932-8440
Metrocel “Annie” (drawing, painting)

Meyer Software
616 Continental Rd.
Hatboro, PA 19040
Phone: (215) 675-3890
Phone: (800) 643-2286
The presentation and animation software called On the Air (Mac)

Miami-Dade Community College

North Campus- Florida Center of Excellence in Film and Video
11380 N.W. 27th Ave.
Miami, FL 33167
Phone: (305)237-1478
Fax: (305)237-1367
State-supported production-oriented courses with emphasis on technical and artistic aspects of film and video,
video-graphics, animation and digital video. Two-year associate of science degree.
Prod Development & Distribution
Bedside Care: ABC's of Nursing
Basic Nursing Skills series
(medicine, science, education, reference, library, training)
Training and education in hypermedia authoring and video editing.
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, medicine, nursing)
Art of Bedside Nursing and other videodiscs for nurses

Miami-Dade Community College

Pord Development & Distribution
11011 S.W. 104th St.
Miami, FL 33176
Phone: (305) 347-2158

Michael Jackson Software, Inc.

22 N. Morgan, #111
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: (312) 850-1818

Michigan State University

Department of Telecommunications
409 Communications Arts and Sciences Bldg.
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517)355-8372
Fax: (517)355-1292
Offers course in hypermedia. Has a new multimedia lab under construction. Training and education.
Appendix 6
Page 99

Micro Associates, Inc.

2349 Memorial Blvd.
Port Arthur, TX 77640
Phone: (800) 448-MICA
Fax: (409) 983-5106
The integrated accounting system is called MICA Accounting Series (DOS)

Microcomputer Publishing Center, Inc.

4 West 20th Astreet
New York, NY 10011-4203
Phone: (212) 463-8585
Fax: (212) 924-8018
Complete Multimedia Product Lines (miscellaneous)

Micro Data Base Systems Inc.

Lafayette, IN
Phone: (317) 447-1122
The database softwareKnowledgeMan includes modules for asynchronous communcations and business

Micro Design
International, Inc.
6985 University Blvd.
Winter Park, FL 32792
Phone: (407) 677-8333
CD-ROM drives and CD-R CD-ROM Recorder and CD-ROM tower
OaserBank 600 CD
LaserBank 940 WORM systems
LaserBank Library jukeboxes
LaserBank 600R rewritable
LaserBank 600M multi-function
LaserBank 1000M multi-function

Micro Express
1801 Carnegie Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone: (800) 642-7621
Phone: (714) 852-1400
The multimedia hardware system is called MicroFLEX Multimedia
Regal/Multimedia Portable PC

Microboards, Inc.
308 Broadway, P.O. Box 130
Carver, MN 55315
Phone: (800) 225-4414
Phone: (612) 448-9800
FAX (612) 448-9806
The CopyWriter at $9,950 is a CD-ROM recorder and CD replicator (duplicator) in one unit.
CopyWriter Model CDD-80 (miscellaneous)
DataWrite $14,995 (miscellaneous)
The PlayWrite software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS, Mac and UNIX) using a Ricoh CD-ROM recorder

1303 Arapaho
Richardson, TX 75081
Phone: (214) 234-1769
Phone: (800) 733-3729
Fax: (214) 994-6475
Appendix 6
Page 100

ABC FlowCharter 3.0 (miscellaneous)

Charisma 4.0 (desktop presentations, 3-D, multimedia, video, photo, animation)
Graphics Works (miscellaneous)
Micrografx Designer (drawing, painting)
PhotoMagic (miscellaneous)
Picture Publisher (image editing)
Picture Publisher (image processing)
SnapGrafx (miscellaneous)
Windows Draw Value Pak (drawing, painting)
Windows OrgChart (miscellaneous)

MicroNet Technology, Inc.

20 Mason St.
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 739-2244
Phone: (800) 468-8832
CD-ROM drives
EPS subsystem (parallel port -to-SCSI external plug-and-play conversion)
EPS 750MB WORM subsystem
EPS 44 or 88 MB systems

21211 Nordhoff St.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: (818) 709-3300
Phone: (800)395-DRIVE

MicroProse Software
180 Lakefront Drive
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
Phone: (410) 771-6700
Fax: (410) 771-1174
Civilization (entertainment)

MicroRetrieval Corporation
101 Main Street
Cambridge MA 02142
Phone: (617) 577-1574
Fax: (617) 577-9517
re:Search (authoring)

Microrim Inc.
Bellevue, WA
Phone: (206) 649-9500
The DOS database software is called R:BASE 4.5 Plus.

Microsoft Corp.
One Microsoft Way
Bldg. 13
Redmond, WA 98052 6399
Phone: (800) 426-9400
Phone: (206) 882-8080
Bookshelf Multimedia Edition (library, reference, education, history, science, literature)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) and book titles
Creative Writer is a writing and desktop publishing program just for kids. (education)
Fine Artist (art, education)
Hypermedia Authoring software for the Internet is Blackbird
Integrated accounting software programs for Windows are Money and Profit
Appendix 6
Page 101

Microsoft Access (Windows)

Microsoft Access 1.1
Microsoft Bookshelf (reference, CD, multimedia, library, learn
Microsoft Cinemania ‘94 (entertainment, video, music)
Microsoft Complete Baseball (entertainment, modem)
Microsoft Dinosaurs (entertainment, history, education, science)
Microsoft Encarta (encyclopedia, reference, database)
Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia
Microsoft Multimedia Mozart (entertainment, music, history, communication)
Microsoft Multimedia Stravinski (entertainment, music)
Microsoft Multimedia Viewer is a multimedia publishing toolkit for developing online publications.(authoring,
graphics, video, CD-ROM, multimedia)
Microsoft Musical Instruments (entertainment, music, how-to)
Microsoft Publisher v 2.0 CD-ROM (desktop presentations)
Microsoft Sound System
Microsoft Works 3.0 for Windows, Multimedia Edition
Multimedia Beethoven: Ninth Symphony (music, art, history, hypertext)
Multimedia Shubert (entertainment)
Musical instruments
Sources of information for voice-activated systems:
(text recognition, speech recognition, voice-activation, voice recognition, audio-activation)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Multimedia Viewer (Windows)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Visual Basic (Mac and Windows)
The database software is called FoxPro (DOS and Windows)
The database software that interfaces Oracle Sybase servers is called Access.
The presentation software called PowerPoint or Power Point (Mac and Windows)
Video software is called Microsoft Video for Windows (Windows)

Micro Speed, Inc.

5005 Brandin Court
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (800) 232-7888
Fax: (510) 490-1665
Win TRAC (miscellaneous)

Micro Technology Unlimited

6900 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: (919) 870-0344
Fax: (919) 870-7163
MicroSound & MicroEditor (music software)

Microtek Lab, Inc.

680 Knox St.
Torrance, CA 90502
Phone: (800) 654-4160
ScanMaker 45T

4747 N 22nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (800) 526-9675
Phone: (602) 952-6400
Fax: (602) 952-6401
Discport (miscellaneous)

MicroTouch Systems, Inc.

300 Griffin Park
Methuen, MA 01887
Appendix 6
Page 102

Phone: (508) 659-9100

TruePoint Touch Monitors (touchscreen)
ClearTek Touch Screens
QuikPoint Touch Screens
All platforms

Micro Vision Software, Inc.

366 Veterans Memorial Hwy.
Commack, NY 11725
Phone: (516) 543-1040
Phone: (800) 829-7354
Tax accounting software for Windows is TaxRelief

Microvitec, Inc.
4854 Old National Hwy.
Ste. 800
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: (404) 767-0706
DAVID, Digital Audio Video Interactive Device (video overlay)

MICS Computers, Inc.

23505 Crenshaw Blvd
Ste. 201
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: (310) 325-4520
MediaMatch Powered Stereo Speakers

MIE Systems
Phone: (404) 921-6167
Offers a MPEG video compression card

Millennium Software
1970 S. Coast Hwy.
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Phone: (714) 497-7439
Integrated accounting software for Windows is Dominion

Mind Over Macintosh

600 Corporate Pointe, Suite 1170
Culver City, CA 90230
Phone: (310)216-4000
Fax: (310)216-4001
Offers multimedia Apple computer training focusing on authoring, design, programming, video editing, graphics
and system troubleshooting. Two-day classes, $595. Eight days, $1,400.

Mind Path Technologies

12700 Park Central Dr.
Ste. 1807
Dallas, TX 75251
Phone: (214) 233-9296
Phone: (800) 634-7424
Mind Path IR90, computer remote with mouse control

Mind Training
Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 7462
Appendix 6
Page 103

Alexandria, LA 71306
Phone: (318) 445-7811
DigiSpeech adaptor (speech, voice)
Applied Mathematics (68 lessons) (with Digispeech)
Applied English & Composition (54 lessons)
Essential Skills I and II (640 lessons) (no audio)
(education, science, child, literature, history)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Minicom Advanced Systems

195 W. 8th St.
Holland, MI 49423
Phone: (616) 392-3707
Phone: (800) 922-8020
The multimedia hardware system is called CLASSNET for network education and training.

Minolta Corp.
101 Williams Dr.
Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: (201) 825-4000
Full line of camcorders (video camera, photo)

(408) 720-1700

Miro Computer Products

Phone: (800) 249-6476
Phone: (415) 855-0940
JPEG, MPEG, miroVIDEO DCI tv, Video Capture Board
miroVIDEO 20PV avi (windows, video accelerators go PCI)

Mirus Industries Corp.

758 Sycamore Dr.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (408) 944-9770
Phone: (800) 942-9795
FilmPrinter Turbo II
Filmprinter turboPC (miscellaneous)
The Film Printer Turbo will make 35 mm slides of PC screens.
Galleria (miscellaneous)
Turbo II (miscellaneous)

Mitsubishi Electronics America, Inc.

Display Products
5665 Plaza Dr., Box 6007
Cypress, CA 90630-0007
Phone: (714) 220-2500
Phone: (800) 843-2515

Mitsubishi Professional Electronics Division

800 Cottontail Lane
Somerset, NJ 08873-6759
Phone: (908) 302-2855
Phone: (800) 733-8439
HS-5600U time-code S-VHS VCR
Appendix 6
Page 104

Other VCR models available

VS-1202 & 2202 video projectors (projection)
Other video & data projectors
DX-2000U analog video recorder stores images on DAT
CP-52U color video printer
P-40U monochrome video printer
P-68U autoscanning video printer
Other video printers
S3600-30u (dye sublimation)
G650 (thermal wax)
S-3410 (thermal wax)
Shinko ColorStream DS series

MKS Compu-Group, Inc.

1730 Cunard Street
Laval, Quebec, CANADA H7S 2B2
Phone: (514) 332-4110
Fax: (514) 334-6043
20-20 Sound Editor (miscellaneous)

405 North Henry St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 684-2911
Phone: (800) 426-2710
The multimedia hardware system is called KIDSWARE2 Learning Center for pre-K to kindergarten
(education, child)

500 Park St. North
St. Petersburg, FL 33709
Phone: (813) 541-7571
Phone: (800) 237-8388
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called MPG (Multimedia Presentation Generator)
TV Link (converter to NTSC), works with all computers
TV Link (all to NTSC)
Modern Educational Video Network & the Multi-Cultural Collection of videos
Offers turnkey multimedia systems & specific components, plus software & peripherals
ACTV-interactive classroom TV system
(education, art, history, government, science, language, geography, race, reference)

Modern Medium, Inc.

6601 NE 78th Court, Suite A-8
Portland, OR 97218
Phone: (503) 343-4281
Fax: (503) 343-4325
Modern Medium Material Library, The (modeling and rendering)

Modern School Supplies Inc.

P.O. Box 958
Hartford, CT 06143
Phone: (203) 243-9565
Phone: (800) 243-2329

Modgraph Inc
6 Gill Street
wobutn, Ma 01801
Phone: (617) 938-4488
Appendix 6
Page 105

Fax: (617) 938-4455

Portable multimedia workstations

Monotype Typography
150 S. Walker Drive, Suite 2630
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: (312) 855-1440
Fax: (312) 855-9475
Monotype Font Packs (fonts)

Moon Valley Software

21608 N. 20th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Phone: (602) 375-9502
Fax: (602) 993-4950
Do It On Your Desktop CD-ROM Version (desktop presentations)
ROMaterial (desktop presentations)
ROMaterial Again! (desktop presentations)

Moonlight Computer Products

5965-711 Pacific Center Blvd
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (619) 625-0300
Fax: (619) 625-0199
Soft VTR (animation)

Mosaic Communication, Inc.

Mountain View CA
Phone: (415) 254-1900
Interface software for Internet network communications

Motion Works
300-1334 W. 6th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6
Phone: (604) 685-9975
The animation software called ADDmotion (Mac)
Motion Works MediaShop (development tools, video, animation)

Motorola Inc.
(408) 982-0400

MPI Multimedia
15825 Rob Roy Dr.
Oak Forest, IL 60452
Phone: (708) 687-7881
Phone: (800) 323-0442
Archives of History, The (reference, AVI, history)
Cars! Cars! Cars! (reference, AVI, windows)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Honeymooners’ Funniest Moments, The (entertainment, CD-ROM, Windows)
Living Heritage of Native Americans, Kids in History, Changed During the last 100 Years
The Archives of History
Touring Indian Country (travel, geography, map, entertainment, history, child)
Wild, Weird & Wacky (reference, CD-ROM, AVI)
Appendix 6
Page 106

MTC/New Horizons Computer Learning Centers

2999 Oak Rd., Suite 230
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (800)999-9654
Fax: (510)932-6562
Hypermedia training sessions in San Francisco, San Jose, Walnut Creek. Full day: $225.

Multicom Publishing
1100 Olive Way, Suite 1250
Seattle WA 98101
Phone: (206) 622-5530
Fax: (206) 622-4380
Americans in Space (reference, history)
Astrology Source (reference)
Better Homes and Gardens Healthy Cooking CD Cookbook (reference, how-to, CD-ROM)
Better Homes and Gardens The Complete Guide to Gardening (reference, how-to)
Dandy Dinosaurs (edutainment)
Journey to the Planets (reference)
Legends of Oz, The (edutainment)
Multicom Various Titles (reference, audio, video, animation)
National Parks of America (reference)
Wines of the World (reference)

Multi Media Catalog Corporation

300 N Corporate Drive, Suite 270
Brookfield, WI 53045
Phone: (414) 792-9350
Fax: (414) 792-9370
Facilities Management (media catalogs)

MultiMedia Imaging & Compression Services

275 Comstock Road
Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA M1L 2H2
Phone: (416) 288-8784
Fax: (416) 285-4395
Show-Me/Pro (development tools)

Multimedia Seminar Group

P.O. Box 957856
Duluth, GA 30136-9531
Phone: (800)562-2921
Fax (404)995-5667
Conducts multimedia training seminars through local dealers. One day, $295.

Multi-Ad Services, Inc.

1720 W. Detweiller Dr.
Peoria, lL 61615-1695
Phone: (309) 692-1530
Phone: (800) 447-1950
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Multi-Ad Ad-Builder PC (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Multi-Ad Creator 3.5
Multi-Ad Search 1.0
ProArt Professional Art Library

Multi-Media Technologies
1855 Intertech Dr.
Appendix 6
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St. Louis, MO 63026

Phone: (314) 349 4444
Phone: (800) 866-8584
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called PictureLink Authoring System for Bravado (video)

Multi-Video Services, Inc.

24 Depot Square
Tuckahoe, NY 10707
Phone: (914) 961-4200
Phone: (800) 959-MVSI
Fujix P701 video projector (projection)

MultiLink, Inc.
6 Riverside Dr.
Andover, MA 01810
Phone: (508) 691-2100
Phone: (800) 685-8454
System 70 (teleconferencing system that facilitates multi-point audioconferencing)

MultiMedia Communication
8707 Skokie Blvd.
Skokie, IL 60076
Phone: (708) 673-8488
Multimedia Authoring Tool Kit (hypertext, hypermedia)
PC Audio Playback Device Model MP 1500 (output thru parallel port)

Multimedia Design Corp.

801. N. Fairfax St., Ste. 310
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (800) 921-0403
IMPAC-T, Integrated Multimedia Presentation and Control Transportable (stand-alone)
mPower presentation software

Multimedia Library
37 Washington Square West, #4-D
New York, NY 10011
Phone: (212) 674-1958
Phone: (800) 362-4978
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Royalty Free Series (clips)

Multimedia PC Marketing Council

1730 M St. NW, Ste. 707
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 331-0494
Publishes the Multimedia PC specification & licenses the MPC trademark to manufacturers whose systems &
upgrade kits meet MPC specs

Multimedia Store
5347 Dietrich Road
San Antonio, TX 78219
Phone: (800) 597-3686
Photo Factory 2.0 Photo CD software
Appendix 6
Page 108

MultiSpan Productions
1028 San Gabriel Street
Henderson NV 89015
Phone: (702) 564-6624
Fax: (702) 381-2537
Introduction to Idiomatic Sign Language (education, language)

The Music Bank

CD-ROM clips of audio and music files ($99 for Stringers PC or Mac CD-ROM)

Mutoh America Inc.

500 W. Algonquin Rd.
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
(708) 952-8880
LCD panels for Mac and PC computers (projection hardware)
Appendix 6
Page 109

National Animation and Design Centre

Computer Graphics Design for Television and Cinema
3510 Boulevard St-Laurent
Bureau 314
Montreal, QC
Phone: (514)288-3447
Fax: (514)288-5799
Classes and workshops focus on computer graphics, animation and video graphics design. Diploma authorized
by Quebec's ministry of education. Training and education..

National Center For Authomated Information Research (NCAIR)

165 East 72nd Street
New York, NY 10021-4335
Phone: (212)-249-9760
Invites proposals for funding from accounting and law professors.

National Credential Clearinghouse

444 Pearl Street, Suite B-2
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (408) 646-5490
Fax: (408) 646-8607
Test Maker (miscellaneous)

National Geographic
Society Education
Services Division
1145 17th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 857-7378
Phone: (800) 368-2728
The Presidents
Picture Atlas of OUr World
Wonders of Learning Library: A world of Animals, Our Earth, The Human Body, A World of Plants, Animals and
How They Grow
Other CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
GTV: A Geographic Perspective on American History
GTV: Planetary Managers
(education, history, art, photo, science, geography, journalism, medicine, encylopedia, reference)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Publish Yourself on CR-ROM (CD-R CD-ROM Recorder distributions)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, art, science, environment, astronomy, botony)
American History & Planetary Manager, STV: Solar System, Restless Earth, Rain Forest Plants, and others.
Nautilus/Metatec Corp.
7001 Discovery Blvd.
Dublin, OH 43017-3299
Phone: (614) 761-2000
Phone: (800) 637-3472
Nautilus Multimedia (CD magazine & products compilation)
(education, science, history, art, library)
200 Commerce Dr.
Rochester, NY 14623-3589
Phone: (716) 359-4000
Phone: (800) 828-6778
VideoMate 2100 (slide to video transfer)
Other similar units
Appendix 6
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NCR Corp./AT&T Global Information Solutions

7240 Moorefield Hwy.
Liberty, SC 29657
Phone: (803) 843-1500
Phone: (800) 241-1356
The multimedia hardware system is called Information Solutions
NCR Model 3333 Multimedia

NEC Technologies, Inc.

1255 Michael Dr.
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Phone: (708) 860-9500
Phone: (800) 632-4636
NEC MultiSync Multimedia Theatre (800-366-0476) projectors (LCD projection equipment).
The multimedia hardware system is called Image Series featuring Image video technology, local bus II, SCSI-2
on mainboard, Overdrive socket, built-in CD-ROM drive and more
CD-ROM drives and CD-ROM recorders
MultiMedia Gallery, (NEC CDR-74 MultiSpin drive with CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment))
NEC MultiSpin series (double-speed)
MultiMedia Gallery, (NEC CDR-74)
MultiSpin drive with titles
MultiSpin 4X Pro CD-ROM for development and professional applications, with a transfer rate of 180
milliseconds and the ability to transfer data at a rate of 600 kilobytes per second. (CD-ROM)
MultiSync 6PG & 9PG projection systems & other projectors
MultiSync Video/RGB Switch
MultiSync IDS (Improved Definition Converter)
MultiSync MacFG display interface cards
Colormate PS (thermal wax)
(CD-ROM, video)

NEC Technologies, Inc.

Computers Div.
1414 Massachusetts Ave.
Boxborough, MA 01719-2298
Phone: (508) 264-8000
Phone: (800) NEC-INFO

North Coast Software, Inc.

P.O. Box 459
Barrington NH 03825
Phone: (603) 664-6000
Fax: (603) 664-7872
Conversion Artist 7.0 (image processing)

Phone: (708) 825-7278
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Frontface (NEXTStep)

Phone: (800) 473-4875
Netscape Navigator Personal Edition (Authoring Software, Netscape Engine)

Network Music, Inc.

11021 ViaFrontera
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: (619) 451-6400
Phone: (800) 854-2075
Sonic Graffiti, runs with the Microsoft Windows Sound System
Appendix 6
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Network Technology
7401-F Fullerton Rd.
Springfield, VA 22153
Phone: (924) 478-4500
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Media Script and MEDIAscript (DOS, OS/2)

Neumade Products Corp.

200 Connecticut Ave.
P.O. Box 5001
Norwalk, CT 06856
Phone: (203) 866-7600

New Century Education Corp.

220 Old New Brunswick Rd.
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (800) 833-NCEC

New Horizons Computer Learning Center

14115 Farmington Rd.
Livonia, MI 48154
Phone: (313)525-1501
Fax (313)525-1401
Graphics, media integration and presentation training courses. Continuing education credit courses.

New Horizons Computer Learning Center

1231 E. Dyer Rd., Suite 140
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone: (714)556-1220
Fax: (714)755-6952
Publishes courseware, manuals and interactive multimedia training materials. Training publications.

New Media Corp.

Barranca, Bldg. 8101
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (800) 453-0550
PCMCIA -to-SCSI adapter card for CD-ROM drives

New Media Graphics Corp.

780 Boston Rd.
Billerica, MA 01821
Phone: (508) 663-0666
Phone: (800) 288-2207
The Mac ClipIt! video capture board (NTSC and PAL)
The AVI Super VideoWindows capture board (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
Super TV Tuner (video)
Super VideoWindows
Super Motion Compression
Super Still-Frame Compression
Super TV VideoWindows
WatchIt! TV

NewTek, Inc.
7836 2nd Ave. South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: (800) 368-5441
Appendix 6
Page 112

The 3-D rendering and animation software is called LightWave (Amiga)

Video Toaster (video)
Video Toaster, (broadcast-quality video post-production suite)

New Video Corp.

1526 Cloverfield Boulevard
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: (310) 449-7000
Phone: (310) 449-0132 fax
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called EyeQ (Mac)
The Mac Eye-Q video capture board using DVI COMPRESSION compression (NTSC and PAL)
EyeQ Delivery (DVI COMPRESSION, playback)
EyeQ Authoring (with MacDVI authoring software)
EyeQ Delivery Board (DVI Video)

NewTek, Inc.
7836 2nd Ave. South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: (800) 368-5441

New York University

Tisch School of the Arts
Interactive Telecommunications Program
721 Broadway, Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 998-1880
Fax: (212) 998-1898
Master of professional studies degree. Courses in production and design, markets and policy, systems and
applications. Emphasis on aesthetics and humanistic concerns. Training and education.

NeXt Inc.
9020-II Capital of Texas Highway, Suite 400
Austin, TX 78759
Phone: (800) 848-6398
NeXTSTEP operating system

Nikon Electonic Imaging

1300 Walt Whitman Rd.
Melville, NY 11747-3064
Phone: (516) 547-4200
CP-3000 (dye sublimation)
The scanner series is called CoolScan (fits in a computer drive bay)

Northern Telecom, Inc.

Northern Telecom Plaza
200 Athens Way
Nashville, TN 37228-1397
Phone: (800) NORTHERN
VISIT (teleconferencing hardware & software package)

Northgate Computer Systems

7075 Flying Cloud Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: (612) 943-6009
The multimedia computer hardware system is called Northgage Multimedia.
ZXPortable color notebooks
Appendix 6
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Northpoint Software
2200 West Eleven Mile Rd.
Berkley, Ml 48072
Phone: (313) 543-1770
CompassPoint (image manager, media catalogs)

Northwest Multimedia
4061 Winema Place NE
Salem, OR 97305-4404
Phone: (503) 399-8390
Fax: (503) 399-8875
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Textbook Toolbox (Mac)

Nova Officie Furniture, Inc.

421 W. Industrial Ave.
Effingham, IL 62401
Phone: (217) 342-7070

NovaCorp International, Inc.

1250 Scottsville Rd., #3
Rochester, NY 14624
Phone: (716) 436-5370

Now What Software

2303 Sacramento
San Francisco, Ca 94115
Phone: (415) 885-4080
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Small Blue Planet, Atlas, Maps That Move (geography, maps, education, child)

Ntergaid, Inc.
2490 Black Rock Turnpike
Ste. 337
Fairfield, CT 06430
Phone: (800) 254-9737
Phone: (203) 380-1280
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called HyperWriter (DOS and Windows)

Number Nine
Phone: (617) 674-0009
Imagine 128 Pro (windows, video accelerators go PCI)
9FX Motion 531/771 (windows, video accelerators go PCI)

nVlEW Corp.
860 Omni Blvd.
Newport News, VA 23606
Phone: (804) 873-1354
Phone: (800) 736-8439
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
Luminator LCD video/data
nSIGHT mono LCD data
MediaPro, multiple sources
ViewFrame Spectra C, active-matrix (optional adapter for video)
ViewFrame SpectraMini
ViewFrame 11+2
Appendix 6
Page 114

P.O. Box 280700
San Francisco, CA 94128
Phone: (800)404-6287
Fax: (415)344-3998
Training in system configuration, video capture and clip art courses. Continuing education credits. One-day
classes, $95-$195. Interactive tutorial on disk, $69.95.

OEC Systems
4646 North Shallowford Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30338-6304
Phone: (404) 394-1000
Phone: (800) 444-2424
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Computer Magic

Olduvai Corporation
9200 S. Dadeland Blvd, Suite 725
Miami FL 33156
Phone: (800) 548-5151
Fax: (305) 670 1992
Art Fonts (fonts)
Brush Fonts (fonts)
Cool Fonts (fonts)

Olympus Image Systems, Inc.

15271 Barranca Pkwy.
Irvine, CA 92718-22011
Phone: (800) 347-4027

Omnicomp Graphics Corp.

1734 W. Sam Houston
Pkwy. N.
Houston, TX 77043
Phone: (713) 464-2990
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called MM Multimedia Subsystem
The AVI M&M Pro video capture board with JPEG compression (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
M&M Multimedia Subsystem
ViVA (video, VGA & audio mixer)
Others available
JPEG, MPEG, M&M Pro, Video Capture Board

One Mile Up, Inc.

7011 Evergreen Court
Annandale, VA 22003
Phone: (800) 258-5280
Fax: (703) 642-9088
Federal Clip Art (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Online Computer
Systems, Inc.
20251 Century Blvd.
Germantown, MD 20874-1196
Phone: (301) 428-3700
Phone: (800) 922-9204
FAX: (301) 428-2903
CD-ROM drives and CD-ROM tower
Appendix 6
Page 115

Various titles from 3rd party vendors

Full line of single- & multi-drive units
OPTI-NET (CD-ROM networking software)
OPTI-WARE (search & retrieval software)
Online introduces CD-ROM Tower
Network CD-ROM Tower
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Games, education, history, encyclopedia

Opcode Systems, Inc.

3950 Fabian Way
Palto Alto CA 94303
Phone: (415) 856-3333
Fax: (415) 856-3332
Studio 5
Audio 3
Assorted MIDI hardware
EZ Vision
Book of MIDI, HyperCard stack
EZ Music Starter Kit
Opcode MIDI System
Vision (MIDI sequencer)
Studio Vision (integrated MIDI & digital audio record/edit)
Allie’s Playhouse, Composer Quest (edutainment)
Musical World of Professor Piccolo, The (edutainment, music)

Open Media Framework/Avid Technology

Metropolitan Technology Park, One Park West
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Phone: (800) 949-6643
Fax: (508) 640-9768
OMF Toolkit (development tools, video, animation, audio)

Optibase, Inc.
4006 Beltline Road, Suite 200
Dallas TX 75244-2329
Phone: (214) 386-2040
Phone: (800) 451-5101
Fax: (214) 386-2295
Audio (daughter board)
Cards are for DOS, HP & Apollo
ImageWorkshop 2 (image processing)
MPEG video compression playback boards and developers tools
Offers a MPEG video compression card
Optibase Model 100 video
Optibase Model 500 video
The AVI JPG-2000 video capture board using JPEG compression (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)

Optical Data Corp.

30 Technology Dr.
Warren, NJ 07059
Phone: (908) 668-0022
Phone: (800) 524-2481
Windows on Science series (education, history, library, reference)
Coastlines (geography)
The Living Textbook series (optional software)
Appendix 6
Page 116

Literally Science
The Adventures of Jasper Woodbury series (optional software)
Distributor of Educational videodiscs
(literature, art, reference)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, geography, science)
Windows on Science Series, Coastlines, The Living Texttbook Series, and others.
Kinderventures (child), The Adventures of Jasper Woodbury

Optical Disc Corp.

12150 Mora Dr.
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Phone: (310) 946-3050
Phone: (800) 350-3500
The DVD 7100 digital videodisc
Makes recordable laser videodiscs (RLVs)

Optical Media International

180 Knowles Drive
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Phone: (800) 347-2664
Phone: (408) 376-3511
FAX: (408) 376-3519
The MacTopix hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Mac)
The pcTopix hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS)
The QuickTopix hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Windows) that was not spoken of kindly
in PC Computing, November 1994, p. 144.
Eric Haya
Disc-To-Disk allows users to record directly from a CD-ROM drive to a hard disk over the SCSI bus, without a
sound board. (Sound)

Optilearn, Inc.
Park Ridge Dr., Ste. 200
Stevens Point, Wl 54481
Phone: (715) 344-6060
Our Environment videodisc
Companion software for HyperCard or HyperStudio or IBM LinkWay
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment, medicine, science, health, anatomy, language)
Our Environment videodisc and interactive HyperCard software for the Mac, HyperStudio for the PC, and IBM
PICS Project for International Communications Studies (International Business)
Lanuage ijnteractivevideodiscs with PICS Listening Tool Software

Optima Technology Corp.

17526 Von Karman
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (714) 476-0515
Concorde 600MO rewritable subsystems
DisKovery 45R & 88R systems

Optimage Interactive Services

1501 50th St., Ste. 100
West Des Moines, IA 50322-7077
Phone: (515) 225-7000
Phone: (800) 234-5848
FAX: (515) 225-0252
The CD-IT authoring hypermedia software for CD-I and CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Mac)
MediaMogul 1.2 (CD-I authoring) for $5,000
Balboa CD-I hypermedia CD-I for $4,000 (hypertext)
Script2disc imaging software for $2,500
Appendix 6
Page 117

MediaStockroom Windows-based graphics, video, and audio asset database and conversion ($2,500)
Delta-V Windows version of VideoCD CD-I real-time MPEG video & audio encoding $50,000
Delta VX UNIX version of VideoCD CD-I real-time MPEG video & audio encoding $50,000
MPEG Digital Video Authoring software for CD-I and CD-XA.

Optivision Inc.
Phone: (415) 855-0200
Offers a MPEG video compression card

Oracle Corporation
20 Davis Drive
Belmont, CA 94002
Phone: (415) 598-8000
The Oracle relational database that may account for half of the Unix database market before the end of the
century (see Information Week, December 1993, p. 72).

Orange Cherry New Media

Box 390, Westchester Ave.
Pound Ridge, NY 10576-0390
Phone: (914) 764-4104
Phone: (800) 672-6002
Time Travel CD, Talking Jungle Safari, Talking Schoolhouse CD, Talking Classic Tales CD
Super Star Science, Swiss Family Robinson, , Time Traveler
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea and other "talking storybook" titles
(education, child, science, literature, library)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Orchid Technology
45365 Northport Loop West
fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 683-0300
Phone: (800) 7-ORCHID
Fahrenheit ProVideo 64 (windows, video accelerators go PCI)
JPEG, MPEG, Vidiola Premium Pro/D, Video Capture Board

Orion Computer Systems Inc.

10907 Technology Pl., Suite 215
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: (619)675-0811
Fax: (619)675-9181
Consulting and training company for educators offers classes in animation, QuickTime, 3-D modeling,
Macromedia Director and desktop video production. Two-day interactive media integration curriculum project,

Owl Guide (see InfoAccess)

Oxford Software
1001 O’Brien Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94026
Phone: (415) 617-1920
Fax: (415) 327-3649
Personal Assistant for Windows (multimedia, video clips)

Pacific CD
P. O. Box 31328
Honolulu, HI 96820
Appendix 6
Page 118

Phone: (808) 949-4594

Fax: (808) 949-4594
Pacific 3CD, Vol. I & II (edutainment)

Pacific Gold Coast

15 Glen Street
Glenn Cove, NY 11542
Phone: (516) 759-3011
Fax: (516) 759-3014
Turbo Browser (media catalogs, video, animation)

Pacific HiTech
4530 Fortuna Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84124
Phone: (801) 278-2042
Fax: (801) 278-2666
Info - Mac CD-ROM (reference)

Pacific Motion
3145 Geary Blvd, Box 265
San Francisco CA 94118
Phone: (800) 208-1515
Fax: (408) 655-6171
PC Animate (desktop presentations, animation)

Pacioli International Centre for Accounting Education using Computers and Multimedia
Loyola College in Maryland
4501 North Chales Street
Baltimore, MD 21210-2699
Phone: (410)617-2478
Fax: (410)617-2006

Palo Alto Software

2641 Columbia Street
Eugene, OR 97403
Phone: (800) 229-7526
Fax: (503) 683-6250
Various types of business, accounting, forecasting, planning, and personnel management software

Panacea, Inc.
24 Orchard View Dr., #4
Londonderry, NH 03053
Phone: (603) 437-5022
Phone: (800) 729-7420
TurboDLD Classic
Other Display List Drivers

Panasonic 3DO
See 3DO Company

Panasonic Broadcast & Television Systems Co.

One Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Appendix 6
Page 119

Phone: (404) 594-7449

Phone: (800) 524-0864
AG-775 S-VHS, hi-fi VCR
Other S-VHS & VHS VCRs
Full line of D-3 3.5" digital VTRs
AU-410 & other MII analog VTRs
AG-LD-30 (industrial multi-disc)
PT-B1010U & 2010U video/data
PT200, PT-101Y
PT10L & PT301L LCD
WE-160 Video Imager
AG-460U & AG-455U
AG-195U & AG-185U
Other S-VHS & VHS camcorders
Broad rante of products including A/V mixers, edit controllers, switchers, effects generators, etc.
AG-EP60 video printer
Various models of video cameras
The scanner series is called FX-RS

Panasonic Co.
Communications & Systems Co.
Two Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: (201) 348-5200
Phone: (800) 742-8086

Panasonic Co.
Office Automation Group
Two Panasonic Way, 7F1
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: (201) 392-4603
FX-RS series

Panasonic Co. Audio Video Systems Group

Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: (201) 348 9090
Phone: (800) 524-0864
CD-3DO interactive television player
Audio Video Systems Group
InfoLaser LX-121 Level 1 player
InfoLaser LX-150 Level 3 player
LY-B155 Barcode Reader

Panasonic Communications & Systems Co.

One Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: (201) 348-5200
Phone: (201) 348-7010 CD-ROM and WORM drives
CD-ROM drives and CD-ROM recorders
LQ-4000 rewritable optical disc video recorder
TQ-3000 series, optical disc recorder/players
LF-Series of rewritable, WORM & multi-function drives
EPL-8000 series (thermal wax)

Panasonic Industrial Co.

Memory Systems Division
1600 McCandless Dr.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Appendix 6
Page 120

Phone: (408) 262-2200

Memory Systems Division
LK-MC500 Series
(CD, video)

Panasonic Office Automation

Secaucus, NJ
Phone: (201) 348-7000
Panaboard are whiteboards that can make standard letter-sized copies of any information drawn or written on
them. (board)
Panasonic FX-RS307U is a 256-level gray-scale scanner with up to 600 dpi resolution, suitable for scanning
desktop publishing images. (scanner)
FX-RS506U supports 16-level gray-scale halftone or bi-level scanning with a resolution of up to 400 dpi for
accurate text conversion from a scanner.

Parallax Graphics
2500 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Phone: (408) 727-2220
Videoview (Sun & workstations) UNIX
VIPER (Sun & workstations)
XVideo (Sun & workstations)

Parameter Driven Software, Inc.

359 Enterprise Court
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Phone: (313) 335-7475
Fax: (313) 225-7346
Integrated accounting software program is called Preferred Series in Accounting

Paramount Interactive
700 Hansen Way
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: (415) 812-8200
Fax: (415) 813-8055
Lenny’s Music Toons (edutainment, music)

ParkerVision, Inc.
8493 Baymeadows Way
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Phone: (904) 737-1367
Phone: (800) 532-8034
*: CameraMan, robotic control device for video camera & camcorders
*: Wand Tracking Unit, remote command center & wireless microphone
*: Lavalier Tracking Package, wireless devices allows hands-free tracking
(photo, video, remote)

Parsons Software
1230 W. Sixth St.
Loveland, CO 80537
Phone: (303) 669-3744
Integrated accounting software for Windows is MoneyCounts

Passport Designs, Inc.

100 Stone Pine Rd.
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Phone: (415) 377-0136
Appendix 6
Page 121

Phone: (415) 726-0280

Phone: (800) 443-3210
Master Tracks Pro (sequencer, music software)
MusicTime (authoring)
Passport MIDI Interface
Passport Producer (audio/video editing & integration, media integrator)
Passport Producer Pro (desktop presentations)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Producer Pro (Mac)
Various animation and video software products

Paul Mace Software

400 Williamson Way
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: (800) 944-0191
The animation software is called Grasp (DOS)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Multimedia Grasp, Visual Grasp and Grasp (DOS)

PC CompoNet, Inc.
1201 S. Beach Blvd., Suite 204
La Habra, CA 90631
Phone: (310) 943-9878
Fax: (310) 947-1131
Fingers for Windows (edutainment, windows, multimedia, language, how-to)
Art of Picking Up Girls, The (entertainment, how-to)

PC Micro Dealers
3042 Remington
Baltimore, MD 21211
Phone: (301) 889-1000
Phone: (800) 448-8892

PCR Personal Computer Rentals

2557 Route 130
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Phone: (609) 395-6828
Phone: (800) 922-8646

Pearlson Development Corp.

8960 S.W. 87 Court
Miami, FL 33176
Phone: (305) 598-3918
Multimedia kiosks

Peachtree Software, Inc.

1505 Pavillion Pl.
Norcross, CA 30093
Phone: (404) 564-5800
Integrated accounting software for Windows is Peachtree Accounting
Integrated accounting software for Windows is Peachtree Accounting for Windows

Pentax Technologies
100 Technology Dr.
Appendix 6
Page 122

Broomfield, CO 80021
Phone: (303) 460-1600
Phone: (800) 543-6144
Pentax IQ Scanner, DS6 and DS10document scanners
Watermark software for converting scanned images into computer text and data

Penton Overseas, Inc.

2470 Impala Drive
Carlsbad CA 92008
Phone: (619) 431-0060
Fax: (619) 431-8110
Lyric Language (edutainment, language)

PERC Consulting
4774 Bogie Road
Duluth GA 30136
Phone: (404) 447-1876
Fax: (404)-416-6567
People Who Lead People (education, training)

PERC Interactive Learning

4774 Bogie Rd.
duluth, GA 30136
Phone: (800) 822-7372
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
People Who Lead People (management, business, education, training)

Performance Software, Inc.

100 Shield Street
West Hartford, CT 06110
Phone: (800) 348-1377
Fax: (203) 953-7407
Act III Multimedia Authoring (authoring)

Peripheral Land, Inc.

47421 Bayside Pkwy.
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 657-2211
Phone: (800) 288-8754
CD-ROM drives
PLI Series
Infinity 6.3GM rewritable jukebox
Infinity 88 or 44 Turbo
Infinity Optical rewritable systems

234 Ballardville Street
Wilminton, MA 01887
Phone: (800) 658-0040
The database system for accounting is called Monarch

2820 Honolulu Avenue, Suite 268
Verdugo City, CA 91046
Fax: (818) 248-9417
MusicBytes CD-ROM (reference)
Appendix 6
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Philips Professional Products

2200 Sutherland Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37919
Phone: (615) 521-4438
Phone: (800) 223-4432

Philips Consumer Electronics

Interactive Media Systems
One Philips Dr., Box 14810
Knoxville, TN 37914-1810
Phone: (615) 521-4438
The multimedia computer hardware system is called CD-I
The CDD hardwaretware for CD-ROM and CD-I recording
The MacOnCDsoftware for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Mac)
The WinOnCD software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Windows)
The Imagination Machine (CD-I)
CD-I 220 CD-I player
CDI 350 portable CD-I player
CD-I authoring hardware

Philips Interactive Media of America (PIMA)

11111 Santa Monica Blvd.
Ste. 700
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (800) 945-4061
Phone: (310) 444-6600
Tell Me Why (CD-I)
Educations Label Group development of CD-I discs for education.
Time-Life Photography
Arts of The Czars
Cartoon Carnival (entertainment/K-12, animation, child)
Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia
Private Lessons: Jazz Guitar
85 CD-1 titles as of Feb. 93
(education, library, reference, entertainment, video, art, music, literature, etc. products)
A library of CD-I titles available (government, history, photo, geography, etc.)

Philips Professional Publishing Intemational

4820 Riverbend Rd., Ste. 200
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 440 0669
Free Time! (ESL product) & CD-I
Hello, U.S.A. (ESL) CD-I
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) and CD-I tiltles
Free Time CD-I, Hello, U.S.A.
Education, entertainment, geography

Philips Semiconductor
(408) 991-4577

PhoneDisc USA Corp.

8 Doaks Lane
Little Harbor
Marblehead, MA 01945
Phone: (800) 284-8353
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Appendix 6
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Phonic Ear
3880 Cypress Dr.
Petaluma, CA 94954-7600
Phone: (707) 769-1110
Easy Listener personal FM system (audio, sound)

PhotoDisc, Inc.
2013 4th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98121
Phone: (800) 528-4372
Phone: (206) 441-9355
Fax: (206) 441-9379
clips of photos and background files (series of Mac and PC CD-ROMs)
PhotoDisc (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

Physics InfoMall
Kentucky State University
Physics Dept.
116 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2601
Phone: (913) 532-1612
Phone: (800) 232-0133, Ext. 7167
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Physics InfoMall

PICS, Project for International

Communication Studies
University of Iowa
270 International Center
Iowa City, IA 52242-1802
Phone: (319) 335-2335
Phone: (800) 373-PICS

Picture Tel Corp.

222 Rosewood Dr.
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: (508) 762-5000

Pierian Spring Software

5200 S.W. Macadam Ave., Suite 250
Portland, OR 97201
Phone: (503) 222-2044
Phone: (800) 472-8578
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called The Digital Chisel (Mac)

Pinnacle Micro
19 Technology Dr.
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 789-3300
Phone: (800) 553-7070
CD-ROM drives
The RCD-202 hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Mac and Windows)
PCD-100 family
RCD-PC CD-ROM Recorder rated best if the CD-R options by PC Computing, 11/94, p. 142.
REO-6500 & 36000 jukeboxes
REO-130 3.5" rewritable
Appendix 6
Page 125

REO-650 5.25" rewritable

REO-1300 dual 5.25" rewritable subsystem
CD-R CD-ROM Recorder devices
The Pinnalce RCD-1000 (CD-R)

Pinnacle Software Corporation

954 E. 7145 S, #B205
Midvale, UT 84047
Phone: (801) 562-5900
Fax: (801) 562-4418
Learning Processor, The (authoring)

Pioneer Communications of America, Inc.

3255-1 Scott Blvd.
Phone: (408) 988-1702
Phone: (800) LASER-ON
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Provides mastering & replication services for CD-ROMs & videodiscs
CD-ROM drives, videodisc drives, and other optical drives
LD-V2000 & V2200 players
LD-V4400, with LD-ROM capability
LD-8000 player
LC-V330 Level III AutoChanger System
UC-V109BC Laser Barcode Reader
UC-V108BC, Autoscan Reader scanner
DA-V1000, an LD-ROM adapter
Bar'n'Coder Version 3.0
LaserBarcode Tool Kit 2.0
Videodisc recording and mastering

Pioneer Communications of America Optical Memory System Division

600 E. Crescent Ave.
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
Phone: (201) 327-6400
Phone: (800) LASER-ON
Optical Memory System Division
DRM-604A CD-ROM Minichanger (6-disc magazine)
CLD-V2400 (multi-format, videodisc/CD)
LC-V330 Level III videodisc
AutoChanger System
DRM-604X CD-ROM 6-disc Minichanger
DE-UH7101, 5.25" multi-function, all platforms

Pioneer New Media

Technologies, Inc.
Laser Optical Systems Group
2265 East 220th St.
Long Beach, CA 90810
Phone: (310) 952-2111
Phone: (800) LASER-ON

Pixel Perfect
10460 S. Tropical Trail
Merritt Island, FL 32952
Phone: (800) 788-2099
Fax: (407) 777-0323
Dr. Schueler’s Home Medical Advisor (reference, medicine)
Dr. Schueler’s Home Medical Advisor - Pro (reference, medicine)
Year Medical Records (reference, medicine)
Appendix 6
Page 126

Pixel Semiconductor
(214) 985-235-2340

1001 West Cutting Blvd.
Richmond, Ca 94804
Phone: (510) 236-4000
Phone: (800) 888-9856
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) (education, entertainment)
Pixar 128, texture maps (geography, maps, education)
Pixar Typestry 1.1 (fonts)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Showplace (Mac)

PixelCraft, Inc.
130 Doolittle Dr.
San Leandro, Ca 94577
Phone: (510) 562-2480
Phone: (800) 933-0330
An assortment of document, 35 mm, and color transparency scanners

PIXL Laboratories
4225 Phil Niekro Pkwy.,
Ste. 107
Norcross, GA 30093
Phone: (404) 717-9955
TAP Touchscreen Monitors (projection)

Pixoarts Corporation
2570 W. El Camino Real
Mountain View, CA 94040
Phone: (415) 949-2578
FAX: (415) 949-1359
PixoFoto Pro (image processing)
PixoNova (image processing)
PixoScript (image processing)

9025 N. Deerwood Dr.
Brown Deer, WI 53223-2437
Phone: 414-354-8559
File compression software known as PKZIP and PKUNZIP
Compression of files for networking and disc storage

Plasmon Data
Systems, Inc.
1654 Centre Point Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (408) 956-9400
RF-11JM (11GB multi-function jukebox)
RF-50JM (50GB multi-function jukebox)
RF-7010 (multi-function, internal)
RF-7010X (1 GB multi-function, external)

Platt College
6250 El Cajon Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92115
Appendix 6
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Phone: (619)265-0107
Fax: (619)265-8655
Career-oriented technical trade school specializing in graphic design and CAD. Multimedia curriculum adds
audio and video design. Fees total $4,000 for four months. Training and education..

Polaroid Corp.
575 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 577-2000
Phone: (800) 225-1618
Professional Presenter DP-2000 (computer & video sources)
CS-500 Digital Photo Scanner
Digital Palette CI-3000S
Digital Palette CI-5000S
Polaroid CI-700 Digital PhotoPrinter
The Polaroid CD-500 color scanner

Ponlix Multimedia
4002 Sheppard Avenue E., Suite 303
Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA M1S 1S6
Phone: (416) 609-2083
Fax: (416) 609-1571
Better Windows Better Works (reference)
Brain Drain (entertainment)
CD-ROM Audio Tester (reference, CD-ROM, audio)
Green Environment (education)
Multimedia Sing-n-Story Time (edutainment)
Music Read Write Play (education)

Technologies, Inc.
335 Bryant St.
Palo Alto, Ca 94301-1408
Phone: (415) 390-8507

Power Engineering
717 Wood St.
Albany, KY 42602
Phone: (800) 874-1795
The mulimedia computers are called Power Engineering Multimedia
MPC multimedia upgrade (board) kitsUpgrade
Videokey PC video converter

Power R, Inc.
1606 Dexter Ave. North
Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: (206) 547-8000
Phone: (800) 729-6970

Practitioners Publishing Co.

3200 Collinsworth Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Phone: (817) 332-3709
General accounting software for Windows is Perfect Balance

Pratt Institute
295 Lafayette St.
Appendix 6
Page 128

New York, NY 10012

Phone: (212)925-8481
Fax: (212)941-6397
Certificate programs in computer graphics, video animation and CAD. Classes in media integration and
presentation. Adding multimedia track in 1994. $150-$525 for extension classes, $410 per credit for degree.
Training and education.

Prescience Corp.
San Francisco, CA
Phone: (800) 267-6583
MicroExpressionist is a mathematics visualization application that enables users to incorporate technical
equations and symbols. (math)

Presenta Technologies
12806 Schabarum Ave.
Unit F
Irwindale, CA 91706
Phone: (818) 960-0420

Electronics, Inc.
4320 Anthony Court #8
Rocklin, CA 95677-2100
Phone: (916) 652-9281
Phone: (800) 888-9281

Prima Storage Solutions

3350 Scott Blvd., Bldg. 7
Santa Clara, CA 95054-9961
Phone: (408) 727-2600
Phone: (800) 288-TAPE
CD-ROM drives
PDQ CD-ROM drive
PDQ Floptical Drive
PDQ Removable Winchester disk (44MB or 88MB) subsystems

Printz Electronic Design

340 Townsend St.
San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: (800)591-1100
Fax: (415)543-5994
Videotape teaches Macromedia Director, $49.95. Also sells tapes for Adobe Photoshop, Premiere and
SwivelMan. Training publications.

Procom Technology, Inc.

2181 DupontDr.
Irvine, CA 92715
Phone: (714) 852-1000
Phone: (800) 800-8600
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called PCDS-Ds Bundle
The multimedia computer hardware system is called Multimedia Station Pro
Procom Multimedia Upgrade kit (board) (audio, video, multimedia, CD-ROM)
MacCD Station and MacCD Station II
PICDL Sx drives
Appendix 6
Page 129

Mac CD Player
MEOD 650, 128 rewritable
MRD 40, 80, 80C Series
CD-R CD-ROM Recorder
CD-ROM towers that hold up to seven CD-ROM players.
CD-ROM network
PCDR-4X CD Recorder is a complete recording/authoring solution for producing CD-ROMs on a Macintosh
desktop system. (CMAC, CD-R, CD-ROM recorder)

Technologies, Inc.
1540 Market St., Ste. 425
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 621-1399
Audio Canvas Box (external unit reproduces 16-bit audio from hard disk)
Audio Canvas XA-16 (16-bit)

2820 honolulu Ave., Ste. 268
Verdugo City, CA 91046
Phone: (818) 766-5221
Phone: (800) 999-6191
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Clips of audio and music files

Phone: (404) 623-1111
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Overtex Pro Hi-Res (DOS)

11126 Weddington St.
No. Hollywood, CA 91601
Phone: (818) 766-5221
Phone: (800) 999-6191
MusicBytes (audio clips, video clips)

Proxima Corp.
6610 Nancy Ridge Dr.
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (619) 457-5500
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
DV 3000 LCD video/data
ColorWorks Series
Ovation (projection)

Putnam New Media

11490 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 130
Reston VA 22091
Phone: (703) 860-3375
Fax: (703) 860-3620
Anno’s Learning Games (entertainment/K-12, child, CD-ROM, learn, math)
Big Anthony’s Mixed-Up Magic (edutainment)

Q-Media Software Corporation

312 East 5th Street
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V5T 1H4
Appendix 6
Page 130

Phone: (604) 879-1190

Phone: (604) 879-0214 fax
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called EyeQ (Windows). It is quite inexpensive and is
designed more
for multimedia authoring than hypertext authoring.
Q/Media for Windows CD-ROM Version (desktop presentations, animations, audio, video)

QMS Inc.
One Magnum Pass
P.O. Box 850296
Mobile, AL 36685-0296
Phone: (205) 633-4300
Phone: (800) 235-0782
QMS ColorScript series

Quadra Interactive
701 Palomar Airport Road, 3rd Floor
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Phone: (619) 931-4755
Fax: (619) 931-0660
Journeyman, The (entertainment, 3-D, CD-ROM, music, quicktime, video)

Quality Computers, lnc.

20200 Nine Mile Rd.
Box 665
St. Clair Shores, Ml 48080
Phone: (313) 774-7200
Phone: (800) 777-3642
How to Multimedia (education, training)

QualTech Inc.
10116 Walker Lake Dr.
Great Falls, VA 22066
Phone: (703) 759-4472
VCR-Commander, an interactive VCR controller system for multimedia learning stations and professional
education and presentations. (presentation)

Quanta Press
1313 Fifth Street SE, #223A
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: (612) 379-3956
Fax: (612) 623-4570
About Cows (entertainment, education)
CIA World Factbook, The (education
Civil War (education, history)
Coates Art Review: Impressionism (entertainment)
Complete Guide to Special Interest Videos, The (education)
Desert Storm (education, history)
Endangered Species (education)
European Monarchs (education, history)
Fresh Arte (entertainment)
John Schumachers’s New Prague Hotel Cookbook (education)
KGB World Factbook, The (education, history)
Middle East Diary (education)
North American Facsimile Book, The (education)
North American Indians (education)
Prescription Drugs (education, medicine)
Publique Art (entertainment, art)
Roger Ebert’s Movie Home Companion (entertainment)
Appendix 6
Page 131

Seals in the Governments (education)

Space Series: Apollo (education)
Tao of Cow (entertainment)
Terrorist Group Profiles (education)
U.S. Civics (education)
U.S. Presidents (education, history)
USA State Factbook, The (education)
USA War Series: Korea (education, history)
Vietnam (education, history)
World War II (education, history)

Quantitative Technology Corporation

9305 SW Nimbusu Avenue
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: (503) 626-3081
Fax: (503) 641-6012
Software Libraries/615 Products

Quark Inc.
Aurora, CO
Phone: (800) 788-7835
QuarkXpress 3.3 for Windows (Cross-platform, Mac, Unix, Windows)

Queue, Inc.
338 Commerce Drive
Fairfield, CT 06430
Phone: (203) 335-0908
Fax: (800) 232-2224
A World of Fun (entertainment)
Adventures in Fern Hollow (entertainment)
Alice in Wonderland (entertainment)
Animal Fun (entertainment)
Children’s Treasury of Stories, Nursery Rhymes and Songs (entertainment, child, school)
Christmas CD, The (entertainment)
Favorite Fairy Tales (entertainment, child)
Fun Around the House (entertainment)
Fun Around Town (entertainment)
Fun At Work (entertainment)
Greatest Childrens Stories Ever Told, The (entertainment, child)
Three Faces of Evil: Frankenstein, Dracula & Mr. Hyde (entertainment)
Velveteen Rabbit, The (entertainment)
Willowbank Tales (entertainment)

R+R Creative
Concepts, Inc.
28W 039 Commercial Ave.
Ste. 9
Barrington, IL 60010
Phone: (708) 304-4000

Rad Technologies
745 Emerson
Palo Alto CA 94301
Phone: (415) 968-4800
Screen Player (authoring)

Radius, Inc.
1710 Fortune Dr.
Appendix 6
Page 132

San Jose, CA 95131

Phone: (408) 434-1010
Phone: (800) 452-5524
The Mac VideoVision Studio capture board using JPEG compression (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
VideoVision Presentation System
DigitalMedia Studio system
Offers a MPEG video compression card for Mac computers
Other cards available
Scan converter
Radius Video Vision Studio (video)

Rainbow Educational Media, Inc.

170 Keyland Court
Bohemia, NY 11716
Phone: (516) 589-6643
Phone: (800) 331-4047

Rainbow Educational Video, Inc.

170 Keyland Court
Bohemia, NY 11716
Phone: (516) 589-6643
Phone: (800) 331-4047

Rainbow Technologies, Inc.

9292 Jeronimo Road
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 454-2100
Fax: (714) 454-8557
Vendor System - Desktop Delivery Technology (desktop presentations)

Rainbow Technology
5585 Ridgewood Drive
Fremont, California 94555
Phone: (510) 790-3152
Fax: (510) 790-0388
Animation Tour (entertainment/K-12, animation, music, child)

Random House Electronic Publishing

201 E. 50th St.
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 751-2600
Phone: (800) 733-3000 (orders only)
Multimedia Power Tools book and CD-ROM
Multimedia upgrade called Multimedia Toolkit
Random House Word Menu is a reverse dictionary option that allows searching for any unknown word by
entering a single related word, partial word, or a descriptive phrase in the dialogue box. (dictionary)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Publish Yoursel of CD-ROM (CD-R CD-ROM Recorder)

RasterOps Corp.
2500 Walsh Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
The Mac 24STV, MediaTime, and MoviePak video capture boards (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
Phone: (408) 562-4200
Phone: (800) SAY-COLOR
Appendix 6
Page 133

Rational Data Systems

1050 Northgate Dr.
Ste. 200
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 499-3354

Ray Dream
1804 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (800) 846-0111
Fax: (415) 960-1198
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Ray Dream Designer (Mac)
JAG (Jaggies Are Gone) (image processing)

RCET, Inc.
13480 S. Outer Forty Rd.
Ste. 101
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Phone: (314) 851-0085
Distributes videodiscs & CD-ROMs (education, library)

Reactor, Inc.
445 W. Erie
Chicago, IL 60610
Phone: (312) 573-0800
Fax: (312) 573-0891
Spaceship Warlock CD-ROM (entertainment, CD-ROM)

Realsoft Inc.
Phone: (407) 539-9752
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Real 3D (Amiga, Mac, Windows, SGA, DEC Alpha)

RealWorld Corp.
282 Loudon Rd.
P.O.Box 2051
Concord, NH 03302-2051
Phone: (603) 224-2200
Phone: (800) 678-6336
Integrated accounting software for Windows is RealWorld Spectrum

Redlake Corp.
15005 Concord Circle
Morgan Hill, CA 95307
Phone: (408) 779-6464
SPECTRUM-NTSC (video-overlay controller & frame digitizer)
SPECTRUM-NTSC+ (adds PAL video input & hw compression
TapeCaster (record combined video & VGA to NTSC or PAL tape

Reference Media, Inc.

2427 Presidential Way, Suite 1101
West Palm Beach, FL 33401-1360
Phone: (407) 697-9412
Fax: (407)-697-9402
Health Reform Information Viewer (reference)
Appendix 6
Page 134

Republic Office Integration (ROI)

5103 34th St.
Lubbock, TX 79410
Phone: (806) 792-8565

Research Institute of America

90-T 5th Ave.
New York, NY 10011
Phone: (212) 645-4800
Tax research software for Windows is OnPoint

Research Institute of America

111 Radio Circle
Mount Kisco, New York 10549
Phone: (800) 431-9025
OnPoint CD-ROM Tax Library (business, accounting, education, database)

Research Publications International

12 Lunar Dr.
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Phone: (203) 397-2600
Phone: (800) 444-0799
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Broadcast News database of news (journalism, history, education, entertainment)

Resource Dynamics, Inc.

1825 E. Plano Parkway, Suite 280
Plano TX 75074
Phone: (214) 881-7122
Fax: (214) 881-7456
World Class (authoring)

RGB Spectrum
950 Marina Village Pkwy.
Alameda, CA 94051
Phone: (510) 814-7000
Phone: (510) 848-0180
RGB/Videolink scan converters (turn PC graphics into composite video)
RGB/View (live TV/video in window)
HRVM (High Resolution Video Mixer) (combines video output from 2+ workstations up to 1280 x 1024)
Others available (scan converter)
RGB/View 6000-4, a video windowing system for VME workstations designed to display up to four realtime
video signals. (video)

Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc.

P.O. Box 748
Woonsocket RI 02895-0784
Phone: (401) 767-3106
Fax: (401) 767-3108
RISS TrueType Font Paks (fonts)
RISS Wallpaper Collections

Richard Austin & Associates

P.O. Box 1870
Edgewood, NM 87015
Phone: (505) 883-7220
Appendix 6
Page 135

Multimedia Project Manager (development tools)

Ricoh Corp.
File Products Division
5150 El Camino Real
Ste. C-20
Los Altos, CA 94022
Phone: (800) 955-FILE
Phone: (415) 962-0443
The RS-9200CD hardware for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder
HyperSpace Shuttle (3.25 GB rewritable optical jukebox for Novell)
RJ-5330E (33GB rewritable library unit)
HyperSpace 3600 5.25" rewritable
Transporter 3000 3.5" rewritable

Ridgewood Software
P.O. Box 409
Glenview, IL 60025
Phone: (708) 272-7559
Phone: (800) 243-4724
The authoring, CMS, and hypertext software is called PC-Interact (DOS) and Ridgewood Authoring

Phone: (800) 445-8288
The Personal Pre-Mastering System hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS)
The CD-Maker hardware for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder

RISO, Inc.
300 Rosewood Dr
Ste. 210
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: (508) 777-7377
Phone: (800) 876-7476
RC Series Digital Duplicators
RC6300 (digitally scan & print up to 130 cpm in up to 7 colors) printer
RISO Publisher (spot color printer & scanner for high-volume needs)
M/60 & S/60 60-bin online sorter
TM2400, 24-bin online sorter

Robert McNeel & Associates

3670 woodland Park Ave. N
Seattle, WA 98103
Phone: (206) 545-7000

375 Mac Arthur Dr.
Buffalo, NY 14221
Phone: (716) 633-5910
Phone: (800) 333-4322

Rochester Institute of Technology

Technical and Education Center of the Graphic Arts
Frank E. Gannett Bldg.
66 Lomb Memorial Dr.
Rochester, NY 14623
Phone: (716) 475-2737
Fax: (716) 475-7052
Appendix 6
Page 136

Sample seminars: introduction to electronic imaging, $1,175; five-day digital imaging and video processing,
$1,295. Photoshop workshop, three-day, $895. Photo CD, three-day, $745. Training and education.

Roland Corp.
7200 Dominion Circle
Los Angeles, CA 90040-3696
Phone: (213) 685-5141
MA-12C Powered Stereo Speakers (audio, sound, music)
Sound Canvas, SC-7 MIDI Sound Module
PC-200mkII MIDI keyboard
PC-150 MIDI keyboard
CS-10 Stereo Micro Monitor
Super MPU (intelligent MIDI processing unit)
SCC-1 music synthesizer card
Audio Producer TAP-10 sound card

Roth Publishing, Inc.

185 Great Neck Rd.
Great Neck, NY 11021
Phone: (516) 466-3676
Phone: (800) 899-7684
POEM FINDER on CD-ROM (database of poetry, literature, history)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Sampson MIDI Source

P.O. Box 550363
Dallas, TX 75355-0363
Phone: (214) 328-2730
Distributor of music & MIDI hardware & software for Mac, DOS & Windows

Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Corporation

1875 S. Grant Street
San Mateo CA 94404
Phone: (800) 872-3518
Fax: (415) 578-6344
Hawaii High: The Mystery of the Tiki (edutainment)
Oscar Wild’s The Selfish Giant (edutainment)
Shelley Duvall’s It’s a Bird’s Life (edutainment)
Victor Vector & Yondo: The Hypnotic Harp (entertainment)
Victor Vector & Yondo: The Last Dinosaur Egg (entertainment)
Victor Vector & Yondo: The Vampire’s Coffin (entertainment)

Sandy Enterprises, Inc.

P.O. Box 1
East Northport, NY 11731 -0001
Phone: (516) 266-5767

San Francisco State University

Extended Education
Multimedia Studies
The New Downtown Center
425 Market St., Second Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415)904-7700
Fax: (415)904-7760
Continuing education units including introduction to multimedia, career opportunities, business development,
interactive design, authoring, Director, digital photography, computer graphics and video game design. $195 to
$700 per class. Training and education.
Appendix 6
Page 137

Sanyo Industrial Video

1200 W. Artesia Blvd.
Compton, CA 90220
Phone: (310) 605-6527
Other VCR models available
PLC 200 NS LCD video

Sanyo Business
Systems Corp.
52 Joseph St.
Moonachie, NJ 07074
Phone: (201) 440-9300

SAS Institute Inc.

SAS Campus Drive
Cary, NC 27513
Phone: (919) 677-8200
Fax: (919) 677-8123
The statistical tabulation, graphing and analysis software is called the SAS System (statistics, mathematics)

Satellite Education Resource Consortium (SERC)

P.O. Box 50008
Columbia, SC 29250
Phone: (803) 252-2782
Phone: (800) 476-5001
Delivers range of curriculum over satellites for distance learning

Sayett Group, Inc.

17 Tobey Village Office
Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone: (716) 264-9250
Phone: (800) 678-7469
Mediashow XC
Datashow Premier (262,000 colors)
Datashow 512C (512 colors)
Video Interface 2000 (compact video decoder)

SBT Corp.
1 Harbor Dr.
Sausalito, CA 94965
Phone: (415) 331-9900
Integrated accounting software for Windows is Professional Series

Scala, Inc.
2323 Horse Pen Rd., Ste. 202
Herndon, VA 22071
Phone: (703) 713-0900
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Scala Multimedia (Amiga)
The multimedia computer hardware system is called InfoChannel Master Workstaion for video authoring and
video editing.
Appendix 6
Page 138

ScanView, Inc.
1175 Chess Drive, Suite A
Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: (415) 378-6360
Fax: (415) 378-6368

Scenario, Inc.
3 Bridge St., 1 st Floor
Newton, MA 02158
Phone: (617) 965-6458
The multimedia computer portable hardware system is called DynaVision IV notebook with active-matrix color
LCD and built-in CD-ROM drive
Other DynaVision models available

Science For Kids

9950 Concord Church Rd.
Lewisville, NC 27023
Phone: (919) 945-9000
Phone: (800) KSCIENCE
"Cell" ebration, K-3 science
Forces & Motion, grades 3-5
(child, education, library, science)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Scienta, Inc.
657A Somerville Ave.
Somerville, MA 02143
Phone: (617) 776-3427
Phone: (800) 453-4725

SciTech International Inc.

Chicago, IL
Phone: (800) 622-3345
MENOSAUR uses graphical approach to perform tasks such as parametric modeling, decomposition and
smoothing, and building multivariate time series models of data. (math)
VectorVision is a Windows tool for editing and converting images into usable files. (image, video)

Scott Foresman
1900 E. Lake Ave.
Glenview, lL 60025
Phone: (708) 729-3000
Phone: (800) 554-4411
Discover the Wonder (grades 1-6)
Visual Archives of American History
Catalog of videodisc titles (child, education, science, library, history, literature, reference)

Screaming Tiki
P. O. Box 515
Cocoa FL 32923-0515
Phone: (416) 609-2083
Fax: (416) 609-1571
Guitar Mentor: The Multimedia Master Guitar Teacher (education, music)

Script Media
115 Metropolitan Dr.
Appendix 6
Page 139

Liverpool, NY 13088
Phone: (315) 451-1622
The CD-ROM authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Script Media ( Windows)
The CD-I authoring hypertext/hypermedia system is called Designers Work Bench (Windows)
CD Cinemal video authoring
CD Motion MPEG video authoring
CD-Media Cross Paltform authoring and CD-R CD-ROM Recorder
Sense 8
4000 Bridgeway, Suite 101
Sausalito CA 91364
Phone: (415) 331-6318
Fax: (415) 331-9148
WorldToolKit for Windows (3D Graphics, entertainment, education, library)

Sense Interactive Corporation

1412 W Alabama
Houston TX 77006
Phone: (713) 523-5757
Fax: (713) 523-3057
Media Rights Stock Photography CD-ROMs (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

15717 Crabbs Branch Way
Rockville, MD 20855-2634
Phone: (301) 977-2222
Phone: (800) 422-SETS

Sharp Electronics Corp.

LCD Products Group
Sharp Plaza, MS 1
Mahwah, NJ 07430-2135
Phone: (201) 529-8731
Phone: (800) BE-SHARP
LCD Products Group
XV-P10, extremely portable
XG-2000 hi-res
XG-1100 portable
XG 1500U ceiling-mount
Sharp XG-H440U LCD Projector (projection)
XG-E800U hi-res, large screen
LCd Products Group
QA-1050 color TFT active-matrix
Other presentation products
Sharp QD-100MM is a 10.4-inch, 16 million true-color display, designed for full motion video multimedia
presentations. (projection)
The dry cameria is called ViewCam
Various models of video cameras
The S320 flatbed color scanner

Sharp Electronics Corp.

Professional Products
Sharp Plaza, MS 35
Mahwah, NJ 07430-2135
Phone: (201) 529-8731
Professional Products Division
XA-400, 405 & 410 Professional Series VHS VCRs
Other VCR models available
Appendix 6
Page 140

XG-50 video document camera

VL-L380UP Slim Cam VHS camcorder with 12X zoom lens
Other Slim Cam models
GZ-P21U Color Video Printer
Various color printers offered
(photo, video)

Shipley Associates
390 North Main, Box 460
Bountiful, UT 84011
Phone: (801) 229-4700
Phone: (800) 343-0009
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, training, writing)
Effective Business Writing videodisc
Shure Brothers, Inc.
222 Hartrey Ave.
Evanston, IL 60202
Phone: (708) 866-2200
Shure ST6300 (audioconference system for videoconferencing
Shure ST3000-AR (audioconference system with Additional Receive Capability)
Shure Consensus ST2500 (portable, full-duplex digital audioconference system)
Shure AMS voice-activated microphone systems

Sierra On-Line
P. O. Box 485
Coarsegold, CA 93614
Phone: (209) 683-4468
Fax: (209) 683-3633
Daggar Of Amon RA, The(entertainment)
Gabriel Knight (entertainment)
Gobliins, Gobliins 2, Gobliins 3 (entertainment)
INCA, INCA 2 (entertainment)
King’s Quest VI, King’s Quest V (entertainment)
Leisure Suite Larry 6 (entertainment)
Lost In Time (entertainment)
Outpost (entertainment)
Police Quest IV (entertainment)
Quest For Glory IV (entertainment)
Space Quest IV (entertainment)

Sigma Designs, Inc.

47900 Bayside Pkwy.
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (800) 845-8086
Phone: (510) 770-0100
The Mac MovieMovie video capture board (NTSC and PAL)
The AVI WinMovie video capture board (NTSC)
Reelmagic video and audio board that has MPEG technology for video compression
WinStorm (24-bit true color & 16-bit CD audio)
Legend GX (Windows accelerator & 1024 x 768 in 16 colors)
Legend 24LX (true color & Windows accelerator)
Offers a MPEG video compression card

Silicon Graphics, Inc.

2011 North Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94039-7311
Phone: (415) 960-1980
IRIS graphics workstations
Indigo2 graphics supercomputer (Indy)
Appendix 6
Page 141

IndigoXZ mid-range super

Information Systems
4660 Kenmore Ave., #1018
Alexandria, VA 22304
Phone: (703) 823-0553
Phone: (800) 343-0064
ERIC & other databases on CD-ROM (business, education, accounting, library)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

SilverPlatter Information, Inc.

100 River Ridge Drive
Norwood, MA 02062-5026
Phone: (617) 769-2599
Medical Convention on Multimedia CD-ROM (medicine)

Sirius Software, Inc.

345 West Second Street, Suite 201
Dayton, OH 45402-1443
Phone: (513) 228-4849
Fax: (513) 228-1159
Sirius Business Accounting for DOS, Windows, and Windows Networks ($1,100)

Skill Dynamics
3100 Windy Hill Rd.
Marietta, GA 30067
Phone: (800)426-8322
Fax: (800)426-9006
Training courses from multimedia basics (two-day course, $600) to advanced graphics, video and audio. Four-
day course in techniques, $1,200. Teaches Ultimedia tool series and other products. Available at more than 30

Smartek Software
2223 Avenida De la Playa, #108
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: (619) 456-5064
Phone: (800) 829-1900

Smith System Mfg. Co.

P .O. Box 64515
St. Paul, MN 55164
Phone: (612) 482-0260
Phone: (800) 328-1061
Smith System technology consoles (furniture)

Society for Visual

Education, Inc.
55 E. Monroe, 34th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5803
Phone: (800) 829-1900
The Geography of the U. S. series
The Five Senses
Be Smart, Be Safe: Drug Education
Other videodisc titles
(education, child, geography, history, library, science, medicine, training, reference)
Appendix 6
Page 142

Soft Craft
Phone: (608) 257-3300
The presentation software called Presenter (Windows)

Phone: (514) 845-1636
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Softimage Creation Environment (SGI)

SoftKey International, Inc.

201 Broadway
Cambridge MA 02139
Phone: (617) 494-1200 ext. 346
Fax: (617) 494-1219
1994 Sports Illustrated Multimedia Sports Almanac (reference)
American Heritage Dictionary III, The (reference, dictionary)
Key Action Traveler (reference)
Key Clip Master Pro (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Key Clip MasterPro 3003 (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Key Fonts Pro 2002 (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Key Map USA Plus 151 Cities (reference, geography)
PFS: WindowWorks CD-ROM Tutorial (education, multimedia)

Softkey Software Products

4800 North Federal Highway
3rd. Floor, Bldg. D
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Phone: (800)377-6567
clips of art, graphics, and font files ($40 for ClipMaster Pro for Mac PC CD-ROM)

Software Academy
9574 Lamar Street
Spring Valley, CA 91977
Phone: (619) 464-2500
Fax: (619) 463-2500
Professor 3T Computerized Tutorials (entertainment, how-to)

Software Mart, Inc.

3933 Spicewood Springs
Rd., Ste. E100
Austin, TX 78759-8648
Phone: (512) 346-7887
The CD-ROM authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called CD-ROM Developer's Lab
Design techniques and sample production tools for CD-ROM developers
Vital Signs: The Good Health Resource (reference)

Software Publishing Corp

3165 Kifer Road
Santa Clara, CA
Phone: (408) 986-8000
Phone: (800) 772-2225
The presentation software called Harvard Graphics (Windows)
The database software is called Superbase.
Superbase 2.0 (development tools)

Software Solutions
Appendix 6
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Evansville, IN
Phone: (812) 477-381
QuickStudy is on-line testing software for the Macintosh. (teach)

Software Toolworks
60 Leveroni Court
Novato CA 94949
Phone: (415) 883-3000
Phone: (800) 283-8499
Fax: (415) 883-0298
1993 Guinness Disc of Records, The (reference)
20th Century Video Almanac The Best of Our Century,The (reference)
20th Century Video Almanac The Century in Depth, The (reference)
Adventures of Nikko, The (edutainment)
CD Game Pack, CD Game Pack II (entertainment, CD-ROM)
Chessmaster 3000, The (entertainment)
Dragon Tales (entertainment)
Loom (edutainment)
Mario’s Early Years! CD Collection (entertainment)
Mario is Missing! CD Deluxe (entertainment)
MegaRace (entertainment)
Miracle Piano Teaching System Software, The (entertainment, music, how-to)
Miracle Piano Teaching System, The (entertainment, music, how-to)
Miracle Song Collection I & II, The (entertainment, music, how-to)
Newsweek InterActive Special Effects/What Ails Us (reference)
Newsweek InterActive Special Life of Animals (reference)
Newsweek InterActive Mending the Earth/Bye-Bye Baseball (edutainment)
San Diego Zoo Presents The Animals, The (entertainment)
Secret of Monkey Island, The (entertainment)
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (entertainment)
Software Toolworks’ Star Wars Chess, The (entertainment)
Software Toolworks CD-ROM Challenge Pack, The (entertainment, CD-ROM)
Software Toolworks CD-ROM Discovery Pack, The (entertainment, CD-ROM)
Software Toolworks CD-ROM Fun Pack, The (entertainment, CD-ROM)
Software Toolworks CD-ROM Sampler, The (entertainment, CD-ROM)
Software Toolworks Presents Capitol Hill, The (edutainment)
Software Toolworks Presents Oceans Below, The (entertainment, science)
Software Toolworks Presents Space Shuttle, The (entertainment, science, history
Software Toolworks U.S. Atlas Version 4, The (reference)
Software Toolworks World Atlas Version 4, The (reference)
Toolwoorks Reference Library (reference)

Solomon Software
P.O. Box 814
1218 Commerce Parkway
Findlay, OH 45839
Phone: (419) 424-0422
Fax: (419) 424-3400
The integrated accounting software is called Solomon III (DOS) and Btrieve (for Novell networks)

Solsource Computers
5928 Pascal Ct., Ste. 201
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (619) 929-7800
UNIX-Based Presentation Systems (projection)
The SPARKbook portable workstation (notebook) for UNIX
Sony Corp. of America
Computer Peripherals &
Prods Co.
655 River Oaks Pkwy.
Appendix 6
Page 144

San Jose, CA 95134

Phone: (408) 432-0190
The multimedia computer hardware system is called Language Learning Systems for network labs
The CDW-900E hardware for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder
The Multimedia Formatter software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS and Mac)
The Hybrid Formatter hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS)
Computer Peripherals & Products
CD-ROM drives, videodisc drives, and other optical drives
CVD 1000 Vdeck
Computer Peripherals & Prods Co.
Internal, external & portable drives
Vbox computer/video interface
Various color printers offered
RMO-S350 & S550 rewritables
(library of CD-MM titles for education, science, library, etc.)
The dry camerias are called QSEPS and CatsEye
Various models of video cameras
The color scanner series is called SUY-T55 and UY-T35V (video scanner)

Sony Corp. of America

Electronic Publishing
3 Paragon Dr.
Montvale, NJ 07645
Phone: (201) 930-1000
Phone: (800) 472-SONY
Powered speakers (audio, sound)

Sony Corp. of America

Education Systems
10833 Valley View St.
Cypress, CA 90630
Phone: (714) 229-4434
Phone: (800) 326-SONY
SVO-160 counter-based VCR
SLV-R54C counter-based VCR
EVO-9650 Hi8 VTR
SVP-9000 & SVO-9600 VTRs
LDP-1550 player
LDP-2000 Series
LVA-3500 CRV player
MDP-1150 (multi-format, videodisc/CD)
Other multi-format disc players

Sony Corp.
Video Products
Sony Drive
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
Phone: (201) 930-7573
LLC-2000M and other models of complete language labs
Sony PIX-100 (self-contained portable multimedia player with build-in LCD screen; plays CD-ROM, XA, audio
CDs & own format MMCD)
IVO-V11 portable CD-I Viewer
HDL-5800 (hi-def, write-once videodisc recorder)
Projection Systems Division
VPH-1000Q & 1042Q, multiscan
VPH-1251Q & 1271Q, multiscan
VID-P11 Video Presentation Stand
EVO-150TR Handycam
Appendix 6
Page 145

Other camcorders (photo)

UY-T55 color video scanner
Various video printers offered (printer)

Sony Education Systems

3 Paragon Dr.
Montvale, NJ 07645
Phone: (800) 472-SONY

Sony Electonics
1 Sony Drive
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
Phone: (201) 930-1000
ISO Formatter for the PC (development tools, CD-ROM)
UP-1000 series of video printers
Multimedia Formatter for the PC, The (development tools)

Sony Electronics, Inc.

Computer Peripherals
Products Co.
3300 Zanker Rd.
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 894-0555
Phone: (800) 352-7669

Sony Electronics, Inc.

Accessory Products Group
One Sony Dr.
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
Phone: (201) 368-9272
Phone: (800) 342-5721

Sony Institute of Applied Video Technology

2021 North Western Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Phone: (213)462-1982
Fax: (213)462-3559
Advanced digital video training. Workshops, two to five days, $799-$1,699. Training and education.

Sound Ideas
105 W. Beaver Creek Road, Suite 4
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Phone: (800) 387-3030
SFX on CD-ROM Vo. #1 (audio, sound)
clips of audio and music files ($70 for SFX PC)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

1 Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 354-4189
3D Models V, I-III (modeling and rendering)

Sound Minds
Technology, Inc.
Appendix 6
Page 146

1600 Dell Ave., Ste. S

Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: (408) 374-7070
Twin Sound, installs in drive bay

3384 Hill Drive
Duluth, GA 30136
Phone: (404) 623-0879
Fax: (404) 623-3054
JAMMER for Windows, The (music software)
Jammer Professional for Windows (music software)
Jammer Standard for Windows (music software)

Southern California, University of Southern California

School of Cinema-Television
Student Affairs
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Phone: (213)740-2911
Fax: (213)740-7682
Multimedia classes integrated into cinema school curriculum, graduate and undergraduate. MFA in computer
animation. Training and education.

Southwestern Bell Corp.

Interactive Technologies
635 Maryville Centre Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: (314) 878-6600
Interactive Technologies
Consulting, design, development & project management services for videodisc, CD-ROM & DVI projects
(video, teleconferencing, education, training, video compression)

Solutions, Ltd.
6395 Black Water Trail
Atlanta, GA 30328-2756
Phone: (404) 250-0805
Phone: (800) 779-5166
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Troubadour

Speech Systems
2945 Center Green Court South
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 938-1110
Sources of information for voice-activated systems:
(text recognition, speech recognition, voice-activation, voice recognition, audio-activation)

Technologies Corp.
3673 Enochs St.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Phone: (408) 736-7832
VIDCOM board (real-time image compression)

Specular Inc
Appendix 6
Page 147

Phone: (800) 433-7732)

The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Infini-D (Mac)

Spinnaker Software Corp.

201 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (800) 323-8088, Ext. 555
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Spinnaker Plus (Mac andWindows)

Spry Inc.
Seattle, WA
Phone: (206) 447-0300
Mosaic interface software linking Windows users to the Internet.

Chicago, IL
Phone: (312) 329-2400
SPSS Collegiate Starter Version is a statistical data analysis software package. (statistics)

Spyglass Inc.
Savoy, IL
Phone: (217) 355-6000
Spyglass Transform is a surface plot, contour plot, and image visualization tool for manipulating 2-D matrices of
data or image data sets. (Image)

St. Anthony Publishing

500 Montgomery Street, Suite 700
Alexandria, VA 22314-1561
Phone: (800) 623-0123
Fax: (703) 706-5700
Code*Smart For Physician’s (miscellaneous)

Standard & Poor's Compustate Sevices, Inc.

1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Phone: (212) 512-4236
A series of financial databases (some on CD-ROM and some on tape) such as PC Plus Corporate Text
(Annual Reports, 10Ks, 10Qs, 20Fs, and Proxy Statements), Compustat Tapes (one of the most
comprehensive databases on over 14,000 companies), Global Vantage (financial data of foreign companies),
Stock Reports (financial analyses of selected companies), and other databases.

Stanford Alumni Association

Bowman Alumni House
Stanford, CA 94005
Phone: (415)725-1083
Fax: (415)723-3145
Workshops in multimedia production and design offered per year for $250 to $700 per class. Training and

Starlight Networks, Inc.

325 E. Middlefield Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 967-2774
Mountain View, CA
Offers the StarWorks digital video networking software that supports 40 simultaneous DOS, Windows, and
Mac users accessing video and audio over local area networks (LANs).
Appendix 6
Page 148

State of the Art, Inc.

3545 Howard Way
Costa Mesa, CA 92629
Phone: (714) 850-0111
General accounting software for Windows is MAS90-G Line

STAT Media
7077 East Shorecrest Drive
Anaheim Hills CA 92807-4506
Phone: (714) 280-0038
Fax: (714) 280-0039
Instant Buttons & Controls (development tools)

Tulsa, OK
Phone: (918) 583-4149
STATISTICA is an integrated statistical data analysis, graphics, and data management system for science,
business, and engineering purposes. (statistics)

STB Systems
1651 N. Glenville
Richardson, TX 75081
Phone: (214) 234-8750
Phone: (800) 234-4334
TV/GRX (live video on VGA)
Evolution (Windows accelerator)
Horizon (Windows accelerator)
PowerGraph X-24 accelerator
Velocity 64V

Steck-Vaughn Co.
P. O. Box 26015
Austin, TX 78755
Phone: (512) 343-8227
Phone: (800) 531-5015
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
World of dinosaurs (palentology, history, science)

Stirling Technologies, Inc.

172 Old Mill Drive
Schaumburg IL 60193
Phone: (708) 307-9197
Fax: (708) 307-9340
DemoSHIELD (development tools)

Stokes Imaging Services

7000 Cameron Rd.
Austin, TX 78752
Phone: (512) 458-2201
Digital imaging services for DOS, Mac, Windows, CD-I & DVI COMPRESSION

Stone Design
Phone: (505) 345-4800
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called 3D Reality (NEXTStep)
Appendix 6
Page 149

Storm Software
Mountain View, CA
Mossberg (1995a) reviews the EasyPhoto system for scanning photographs into a PC

Phone: (800) 869-6855
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called StrataVision 3d (DOS)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Studio Pro (Mac)

Strategic Cost Systems

255 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02154
Phone: (800) 554-3233
Phone: (617) 684-0844
The Activities Based Cost (ABC) accounting software is called Profit Manager Junior

Straylight Corp.
150 Mount Bethel Rd.
Warren, NJ 07059
Phone: (908) 580-0086
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called PhotoVR (virtual reality engine, DVI COMPRESSION)

Studio Magic Corporation

1690 Dell Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: (408) 378-3672
Fax: (408) 378-3577
Studio Magic (miscellaneous)

Sumeria, Inc.
329 Bryant St., #3D
San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: (415) 904-0800
Fax: (415) 904-0888
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
OceanLife (science, geography)
Oceanlife Vol 1: Western Pacific (education, science, geography)
Oceanlife Vol 2: Micronesia (education, geography, science)
Quicktime - CD 1992/1993 (education)
Space: A Visual History (education)

Sun Country Software, Inc.

7102 Ilfield Road SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
Phone: (505) 873-2220
Fax: (505) 877-4443
Showcase (media catalogs)
Showcat (media catalogs)

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

2550 Garcia Ave.
MS MTV 2341
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 960-1300
The multimedia computer hardware system is called SPARCstation and SPARCserver
Appendix 6
Page 150

CD-ROM drive for Sun Workstations

The video capture board is calleed.VideoPix
Other expansion boards are available for Suns
CD-ROM drives and other optical drives
SPARCprinter (Sun) (printing)

Sun Moon Star

1941 RingwoodAve.
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: (800) 545-4SUN
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called MPC Upgrade Kits

Sunburst/WINGS for Learning

101 Castleton St.
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Phone: (800) 321-7511
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called MediaText (Mac)

SunSystems Financial Management Software

The integrated accounting software programs

SuperMac Technology, Inc.

485 Potrero Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (408) 245-2202
Phone: (800) 334-3005
The Mac DigitalFilm, Spigot, and VideoSpigot video boards (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
PhotoSpeed Photo CD Starter Kits
ProofPositive Full-Page

Swan Technologies
P.O. Box 1006
State College, PA 16804-9959
Phone: (800) 533-1131
Full line of 386 and 486 systems built for multimedia
The multimedia upgrade kit (board) is called MPC Upgrade Kit (audio, video, CD-ROM)

SWL, Inc.
Multimedia Products Div.
5383 Hollister Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Phone: (805) 964-7724
Phone: (800) 933-5383

6475 Chrisy Ave
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: (800) 879-2273
GainMomentum hypermedia cross-platform authoring software

6501 Park of Commerce Blvd., #110
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Phone: (407) 998-5400
Phone: (800) 43 SYDOS
Appendix 6
Page 151

Symantec Corp.
Cupertino, CA
Phone: (800) 441-7234
Norton Desktop 3.0 for Windows is an improved desktop interface for the Windows GUI environment.

SyQuest Technology
47071 Bayside Pkwy.
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 226-4000
Iota Series, for notebooks
Alta Seires (5.25" 44 or 88MB)
SCSI auxialiary storage

Syracuse Language Systems, Inc.

719 East Genesee St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: (315) 478-6729
Phone: (800) 688-1937
Playing with Language Series: Introductory Games (Spanish, French, German, Japanese, English)
Goldilocks & The Three Bears (Spanish, English) for second language education
(education library, child, reference)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Goldilocks & The Three Bears (Spanish, French, English Versions) (edutainment)
Introductory Games (Spanish, Japanese, French, English, German Versions) (edutainment)
TriplePlay (Spanish, French or English Versions) (edutainment)

TAC Systems
1031 Putnam St., Ste. A
Huntsville, AL 35816
Phone: (205) 721-1976

Tadpole Technology
Phone: (800) 232-6656
Phone: (512) 219-2200
Tadpole P1300 was designed for data-intensive or graphics-intensive applications such as 3-D modeling,
presentations, and complex multimedia work. (3-D, multimedia, pentium notebook)

Tallgrass Systems, Ltd.

15222 S. LaGrange Rd.
Orland Park, lL 60462
Phone: (708) 349-2212
Phone: (800) 475-3434
Turnkey systems based on Zenith Data Systems' computers
Lights Sound Action!, MPC MULTIMEDIA UPGRADE (BOARD) upgrade kit (board) for Zenith Data System
Full-service systems integrator & VAR for MPC MULTIMEDIA UPGRADE (BOARD) systems

Tandberg Educational, Inc.

Orchard Ridge Corp. Park, Bldg. 2
Fields Lane
Brewster, NY 10509
Phone: (914) 277-3320
Phone: (800) 367-1137
The multimedia computer hardware system is called Multimedia Learning System for language labs.
TLH 90 Learning Headset
Portalab 90 Portable Audio Center
Appendix 6
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System 200 & Minilab 90 Fixed Language Laboratories

Luckentext TLT & VoiceCart (editing software for language labs)
Voicecard 1000/2000 cards
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment, language)

Tangent Design/Communications, Inc.

(203) 221-1013

TAO, Inc.
P.O. Box 912
Topanga, CA 90290
Phone: (310) 455-1711

TEAC America, Inc.

7733 Telegraph Rd.
Montebello, CA 90640
Phone: (213) 726-0303
Line of double-speed drives (CD-ROM)
Recordable Videodisc Prods Group (videodisc recording)
TEAC OD-3000 3.5" rewritable drive

Tech Electronics, Inc.

6420 Atlantic Blvd., #100
Norcross, GA 30071
Phone: (404) 446-1416
Tech Commander RGB-200

Technidisc, Inc.
2250 Meijer Dr.
Troy, Ml 48084-7111
Phone: (313) 435-8540
Phone: (800) 727-8700
Programming, pre-mastering & replication services for videodiscs

Technologia Systems, Ltd.

155 N. Michigan Ave., #700
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 938-1919
DigiTalk (adds voice to screens)

Technology Applications
Group, Inc.
675 E. Big Beaver Rd.
Ste. 207
Troy, Ml 48083
Phone: (313) 689-8600
Phone: (800) 659-5214
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called SAM Authoring System
Knowledge Center Library of CBT Courses: Schools, Business & industry
BLS Seven Through Adult Training (STAT)
Basic Math & Reading Skills CBT

Technology Works Inc.

Austin, TX
Phone: (800) 846-9741
GraceLAN Server Manager (network)
Appendix 6
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P.O. Box 895
Port Huenemi, CA 90344
Phone: (805) 985-4370
Phone: (800) 4BITMAP
Fax: (805) 985-7221
Backgrounds and Elements (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Leaves and Things (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Pop and Politics (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
World Scenery Disc (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Rock, Tree, and Water V. 1-3 (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

P.O. Box 151085
Altamonte Springs, FL 32715
Phone: (407) 695-9000
Phone: (800) 347-3224
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
Job City videodisc

Graphics Printing & Imaging
Box 1000
26600 S.W. Parkway
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Phone: (800) 835-6100
Graphics Printing & Imaging Division
Phaser 200e & 200i (thermal wax)
Phaer IIsd (dye sublimation)
Phaer III PXi (phase-change inkjet)

Telebyte Technology, Inc.

270 East Pulaski Rd.
Greenlawn, NY 11740
Phone: (516) 423-3232
Phone: (800) 835-3298

Teletraining Institute
Stillwater, OK
Phone: (405) 744-7510
Offers fellowships for educational development

Television Associates, Inc.

2410 Charleston Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 967-6040
Video production & post-production for interactive videodiscs
A Philips CD-I & Pioneer video disc hardware dealer

Telex Communications, Inc.

9600 Aldrich Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55420
Phone: (612) 884-4051
Phone: (800) 828-6107
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
Appendix 6
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MagnaByte 3000 & 300V LCD (projection)

MagnaByte series of LCD panels
Telex MagnaByte M1x LCD Projection Panel (projection)

Tempra, Inc.
402 S. Kentucky Ave., Ste. 210
Lakeland, FL 33801
Phone: (813) 682-1128
Phone: (800) 852-MATH
The animation software called Tempra Turbo (DOS)
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Tempra Media (DOS, Windows, OS/2)
The presentation software called Tempra Show (DOS)
The Tempra CD-Producer software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Windows)
TEMPRA Media Author (with video editing)

Texas Caviar
3933 Spicewood Springs
Rd., #E-100
Austin, TX 78759
Phone: (512) 346-7887
Fax: (512) 346-1393
Annabel's Dream of Ancient Egypt, a CD-ROM Gateway Story
Whale of a Tale
Vital Signs: The Good Health Resource
(education, medicine, science, history, literature, child, library)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Annabel’s Dream of Ancient Egypt (entertainment)
Annabel’s Dream of Midievil England (entertainment)
Whale Of A Tale (entertainment)

Texas Learning Technology

Group (TLTG)
7703 North Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78752
Phone: (512) 467-0222
Phone: (800) 866-8582
TLTG Chemistry
(science, education, library, child)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)

Texas Instruments
P.O. Box 202230-2230
Ausin, TX 78720-2230
Phone: (800) 848-3927
High speed processors and computer systems
The TravelMate M notebook portable computer with a built-in CD-ROM option

The Blue Ribbon SoundWorks Limited

1605 Chantilly Drive, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30324
Phone: (800) 226-0212
Phone: (404) 315-0212
Fax: (404) 315-0213
EasyKeys (music software)

The Douglas Stewart Co.

2402 Advance Rd.
Madison, WI 53719
Appendix 6
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Phone: (608) 221-1155

Phone: (800) 279-2003
Distributes multimedia products from Adobe, Aldus, Logitech, Lotus, Symantec, etc.
(education, library, distribution)

The Follet Software Co.

809 N. Front St.
McHenry, IL 60050-5589
Phone: (815) 344-8700
Phone: (800) 323-3397
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Sneak Previews Plus
The Highsmith Co., Inc.
W5527 Hwy. 106
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Phone: (414) 563-9571
Phone: (800) 558-2110
LCD Panels for PC and Mac computers (projection hardware)
Distributor of multimedia products, videodiscs & CD-ROMs, videodisc players & VCRs, plus LCD panels
(education, library, distribution)

The Holocaust
c/o Dr. Saul Friedman
402 Hickory Hollow Dr.
Canfield, OH 44406
Phone: (216) 533-0703
c/o Dr. Saul Friedman
The Holocaust
(education, library, distribution, history)

The JLR Group, Inc.

214 Lincoln Street, Suite 104
Allston MA 02134
Phone: (617) 254-9109
Fax: (617) 254-9170
Music For Multimedia (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

The Multimedia Library

37 Washington Square W.
Ste. 4D
New York, NY 10011
Phone: (212) 674-1958
Phone: (800) 362-4978
Art of Ancient Egypt (edutainment)
Other multimedia CD-ROMs
Royalty-Free Image and Sound Series (audio clips, clip art, video clips)
The Barlow-Morganseern Electronic Dictionary of Musical Themes (MIDI database)
(education, library, distribution, music, art, history, science, geography)
Holy Land, The (edutainment, religion)
Russia and China (edutainment, geography, history)
South Pacific, Tropical, CA Coast (edutainment, education, geography)

The Perfect Vision

2 Glen Ave.
Sea Cliff, NY 11579
Phone: (516) 676-2830
Phone: (800) 222-3201
the absolute sound, a high-end audio magazine
Appendix 6
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The Perfect Vision, a high-end video journal

The San Francisco Canyon Company

150 Post Street, #620
San Francisco CA 94108
Phone: (415) 398-9957
Fax: (415) 398-5998
Canyon Clipz (edutainment)

The Voyager Co.

578 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
Phone: (212) 431-5199
Phone: (800) 446-2001
Fax: (212) 431-5799
A Hard Day’s Night, The Beatles (entertainment, music)
A Silly Noisy House (entertainment/K-12, child, audio)
Amanda Stories (entertainment/K-12, animation, child, behavior, learn)
Baseball’s Greatest Hits by Jeff Kisseloff (entertainment)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment, music, art, history, literature, science)
Catalog of videodisc and CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment, art, literature, theatre, music, history,
CD-Companions for music education
Circus (entertainment/K-12, music, child)
Criterion Goes to the Movies (entertainment)
Ephemeral Films: 1931-1945: To New Horizons by Rick Prelinger (entertainment)
Ephemeral Films: 1946-1960: You Can’t Get There From Here by Rick Prelinger (entertainment)
Exotic Japan by Nikki Yokokura (entertainment)
I Photograph to Remember by Pedro Meyer (entertainment)
Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine (education)
Paws (entertainment/K-12, child)
Poetry in Motion by Ron Mann (education)
Quicktime movies
Rodney’s Wonder Window by Rodney Alan Greenblat (entertainment/K-12, art)
The authoring hypermedia software is called Expanded Book Toolkit
Wonderful CD-ROMs such as Shakespeare’s Macbeth

ThinkWare Corp.
130 9th St., #303
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (800) 369-6191
Distributor of music & MIDI software & hardware products (CD-ROMs, etc.)

Thomson Digital Image

Phone: (310) 649-3358
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Explore (SGI and IBM RISC/6000)

Timeslips Corp.
239 Western Ave.
Essex, MA 01929
Phone: (508) 768-6100
Phone: (800) 285-0999
Project management software for Windows is TimeSheet Professional
Time and billing accounting software for Windows is Timeslips 5

Time Warner Interactive Group

2210 W. Olive Avenue
Burbank, CA 91506-2626
Appendix 6
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Phone: (818) 955-6480

Fax: (818) 973-4552
Hell Cab (entertainment)

TimeWorks, Inc.
625 Academy Dr.
Northbrook, lL 60062
Phone: (708) 559-1 300
Publish It (CD-ROM, etc.)

TMM, Inc.
299 W Hillcrest Drive, Suite 200
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: (805) 371-0500
Fax: (805) 371-0505
PRO Frac Producer Station (development tools)
SoftVideo Toolkits 1-3 (development tools)

Toronto, University of Toronto

Information Technology Design Centre
230 College St.
Toronto, M5S 1A1
Phone: (416)978-0631
Fax: (416)971-2093
Degree certificate offered in graphics design, multimedia, animation and modeling. Certificate program, 15
weeks, $5,000 (Canada). Training and education.

Toshiba America, Inc.

Consumer Products
1010 Johnson Dr.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-6900
Phone: (708) 541-9400
Phone: (800) 253-9400
Consumer Products
CD-ROM drives and CD-ROM tower
TCS-200 with Decklink (3 CCD-Hi8 multi-format camera/recorder)
(photo, portable, audio, video, CD-ROM)

Toshiba America, Inc.

Disk Products Division
9740 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 583-3000
Phone: (800) 253-9400
Disk Products Division
TXM-3401 series (double speed)
TXM-3301P portable
TXM-33301A4 (houses 2-4 drives)

Toshiba Video Information Systems

82 Totowa Rd.
Wayne, NJ 07470
Phone: (201) 628-8000 Ext. 3750
Phone: (800) 253-9400
T4400C portable
T6400MM (w/DVI COMPRESSION and options)
T6600 Portable PC
Appendix 6
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KV-5024A & 6110 time-code VCRs

Total MultiMedia
299 W. Hillcrest Dr.
Ste. 200
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: (805) 371-0500
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called TMM Producer
TMM Play (delivery only)

Totem Graphics, Inc.

6200-F Capitol Blvd S.
Turnwater, WA 98501-5288
Phone: (206) 352-1851
Fax: (206) 352-2554
18 Subject CD-ROM (clips of art, digital photography, audo clips)
18 Subject Diskette Sets (clips of art, digital photography, audo clips)
Birds (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Borders & Accents (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
Business #1 and Business #2, (clip art, digital photography, audio clips)
CD-ROM Upgrade from 13 Subject CD-ROM and CD-ROM Upgrade from 15 Subject CD-ROM (clip art,
digital photography, audio clips)
Deluxe Travel (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Domestic Animals (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Education (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)Fish (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Flowers (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Food (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Health Care (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Holidays (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Insects (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Nautical (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Sports (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Tools & Hardware (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Wild Animals (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Women (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

TouchVision Systems, Inc.

1800 Winnemac Ave.
Chicago, IL 60640
Phone: (312) 989-2160
Phone: (800) 8DVISION

Phone: (408) 437-3380
The disComposer software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (Windows)

Trebas Institute
Multimedia Program
451 St. Jean St.
Montreal, Quebec H2Y 2R5
Phone: (514)845-4141
Fax: (514)845-2581
Courses on interactive cinema, telecommunications, game design, 3-D animation, multimedia production and
virtual reality. Facilities in Hollywood, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal. Multimedia training facility is located only
in Toronto. 45 weeks, $10,000. Training and education.

Trinity Software
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Campton, NH
Phone: (603) 726-4641
Speech Works is an interactive application designed to help non-native English speakers understand English.

500 N. Orleans
Chicago, IL 60610-4188
Phone: (312) 329-1777
ISOBAR ULTRA surge suppressors

Triumph Logistic Computers

Phone: (818) 858-5700
JPEG, MPEG, Triumphony Visual Forge, Video Capture Board

Troll Touch
25020 W. Ave. Stanford
Valencia, CA 91355
Phone: (805) 295-0770

Truevision, Inc.
7340 Shadeland Station
Indianapolis, IN 46256-3925
Phone: (317) 841-0332
Phone: (800) 344-8783
The AVI Bravado/16 video capture board (NTSC and PAL)
The AVI Bravado/24 video capture board (NTSC and PAL)
Truevision TIPS (imaging)
TIPS TypeRight (titling)
Video Maker + (video production)
VideoScript (video transition)
Truevision Slide Scanner (35mm to videotape)
Bravado (multimedia engine)
NuVista (video production
Truevision 1024-32 (32-bit, Windows accelerator)
VideoVGA (VGA w/NTSC video overlay & output)
Software offered for most cards

TT2D, Inc.
505 Springer Dr.
Redding, CA 96003
Phone: (916) 222-8009
Phone: (800) 900-8009

Turtle Beach Systems

P.O. Box 5074
York, PA 17405
Phone: (717) 767-0200
Phone: (800) 645-5640
Turtle Tools
Wave for Windows
MultiSound (stereoaudio, DSP, sampled sounds onboard & MIDI input/output)
(audio, sound, music)
Twelve Tone Systems
P.O. Box 760
Watertown, MA 02272-0760
Appendix 6
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Phone: (617) 926-2480

Phone: (800) 234-1171
Cakewalk 4.0 (MIDI requencer)
Cakewalk Professional 4.0
Cakewalk Prof. for Windows 1.0
(audio, music, sound)

ULead Systems, Inc.

970 W. 190th St., Ste. 520
Torrance, CA 90502
Phone: (310) 523-9393
Phone: (800) 858-5323
Fax: (310) 523-9399
ImagePals 2 (media catalogs)

Unicorn Multimedia Corp.

6000 S. Eastern, #9A
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Phone: (702) 597-0818
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
3001: A Reading and Math Odyssey (science, mathematics, child)

Univenture, Inc.
6145 Scherers Pl., Ste. A
Dublin, OH 43017
Phone: (614) 761-2669
Phone: (800) 992-8262
Safety Sleeves, protective sleeves for storing compact discs
ROM RAK, for storing CDs on desktop
(CD-ROM, furniture)

Universal Four-Pair, Inc.

11420 Bluegrass Pkwy.
Louisville, KY 40299
Phone: (502) 266-9901

University of Michigan Software

Ann Arbor, MI
Phone: (313) 936-0435
Netmod 1.1 is a network modeling tool for PC- and Macintosh-based computers. (network)

Velocity Development
4 Embarcadero Center, suite 3100
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (415) 274-8840
Fax: (415) 982-3299
Spectre VR (entertainment)

Ventura Software, Inc.

15175 Innovation Dr.
San Diego, CA 92128
Phone: (800) 822-8221
Picture Pro

Verbum, Inc.
2187-C San Elijo Avenue
Appendix 6
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Cardiff CA 92007
Phone: (619) 944-9977
Fax: (619) 944-9995
Multimedia Powertools Book/CD-ROM Bundle (development tools)
Verbum Interactive 1.0 CD-ROM (education, CD-ROM)

Vertigo Technologies
Phone: (604) 684-2113
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Vertigo (SGI)

Vertigo Development
58 Charles Street
Cambridge, MA 02141
Phone: (617) 225-2136
Fax: (617) 225-0637

V_Graph, Inc.
P.O. Box 105
1275 Westtown Thorton Rd.
Westtown, PA 19395
Phone: (215) 339-1521
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Virtual Video

VIC Hi Tech
Phone: (310) 643-5193
The AVI VideoPacker video capture card using Motion JPEG compression (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
JPEG, MPEG, Video Packer, Video Capture Board

VI&C Technology, Inc.

128 Wheeler Road
Burlington, Ma 01803
Phone: (617) 270-5231
Fax: (617) 270-5217
Great National Treasury (education)

Vicarious Entertainment
2221 Broaddway, Ste. 205
Redwood City, Ca 94063
Phone: (415) 261-1900
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
CNN Time Capsule (news, communication, journalism, education, history)

Video Associates Labs, Inc.

4926 Spicewood Springs Rd.
Austin, TX 78759-8434
Phone: (512) 346-5781
Phone: (800) 331-0547
MicroKey/A (digital audio/video)
MicroKey/DigiView (capture)
Others available

Viedo/Film Associates
1020 Fitzwater St.
Philadelp[hia, PA 19147
Phone: (215) 923-0105
Appendix 6
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Video Mail, Inc.

5684 Weddell Dr.
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Phone: (408) 747-0223
Video Seven
46221 Landing Pkwy.
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (800) 238-0101
Multimedia CD-ROM Kit (audio, video)
Media FX (8-bit)
SoundEngine (16-bit MIDI upgrade to Media FX)

Videodiscovery, Inc.
1700 Weslake Ave. N.
Ste. 600
Seattle, WA 98109-3012
Phone: (206) 285-5400
Phone: (800) 548-3472
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called MediaMAX (authoring software for Level III videodisc
Various CD-ROMs for education
STS Forum
Science Sleuths
Science Discovery,Elementary
Bio Sci 11
Chemistry at Work
(education, library, science, history, child, geography)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
Anatomy and Pysiology, Math Sleuths, Physics at Work, Science Discovery, Understanding Earth, and others

VideoFusion Ltd.
1722 Indian Wood Circle
Ste. H
Maumee, OH 43537
Phone: (800) 638-5253
VideoFusion (special effects)

VideoLabs, Inc.
5270 West 84th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55437
Phone: (612) 897-1995
FlexCam/Document is a desktop color camera for scanning documents, transparencies, and 3-D objects.

Videolinx, Inc.
540 N. Santa Cruz Ave.,
Ste. 284
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Phone: (408) 395-9593
Phone: (800) 245-0930

VideoLogic, lnc.
245 First St.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: (617) 494 0530
Phone: (800) 578-5644
Appendix 6
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GrafixStar 500/700 (windows, video accelerators go PCI)
JPEG, MPEG, DVA-4000, Video Capture Board
M.I.C. Sysem, (hw & software) platform
MediaSpace (digital video comp/decomp board)
Mediator Video Compression
Other products offered
Rapier XTV, full-motion video daughter card
The AVI Captivator and MediaSpace video capture boards using JPEG compression (NTSC and PAL)

Videomail, Inc.
568-4 Weddell Dr.
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Phone: (408) 747-0223

Videomedia, Inc.
175 Lewis Rd., #23
San Jose, CA 95111
Phone: (408) 227-9977
Phone: (800) YES-VLAN
OZ (CV-LAN compatible)
Animax & Animax 2 (animation & desktop video controller cards for professional videotape/disc devices)
Alix and Alix 2 (animation & desktop video controller modules for professional videotape/disc devices)
MCI-VLAN Driver - Videomedia developed the MCI-VLAN driver to support the Microsoft Windows Media
Control Interface (MCI) specifications. (animation, video)

VideoTelecom, Inc.
1901 West Braker Lane
Austin, TX 78758
Phone: (512) 834-2700
Media Conferencing (two-way a/v)
MultiMax unit (multi-point codec)

Video Workshop - Multimedia World

8133 Leesburg Pike, Suite 380
Vienna, VA 22182-2706
Phone: (703)903-9090
Fax: (703)903-9092
Training classes in multimedia production, video editing, Video Toaster camcorders, graphics and animation.

Phone: (818) 358-3936
The 3-D rendering anand animation software is called Presenter Professional (Mac & IBM Risc)

Viewpoint Datalabs
870 W. Center
Orem, UT 84057
Phone: (801) 224-2222
Fax: (801) 224-2272

Viewpoint Systems, Inc.

2247 Wisconsin, Suite 110
Dallas, TX 75229
Personal Viewpoint (business, communications, Windows)
Appendix 6
Page 164

Virtual Learning Lab

1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd., No. 352
manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Phone: (310)370-3733
Correspondence training courses and self-study materials covering interactive design, theory and techniques,
with personal instruction and evaluation. Monthly tuition, $39-$325.

Virtual Reality Laboratories, Inc.

2341 Ganador Court
San Luis Obispo CA 93401
Phone: (805) 545-8515
Fax: (805) 781-2259
Distant Suns (edutainment)

Virtus Corp.
117 Edinburgh S., #204
Cary, NC 27511
Phone: (919) 467-9700
Phone: (800) 847-8871
Fax: (919) 460-4530
Virtus WalkThrough (modeling and rendering)
The 3-D rendering software is called Walkthrough Pro (Mac and Windows)

VIS Development
Phone: (617) 890-7777
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Avenue (Windows)

Visage, Inc.
1881 Worcester Rd.
Framingham, MA 01701
Phone: (508) 620-7100
Digital audio cards

Vision Imaging
10231 Slater Ave., Ste.112
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Phone: (714) 965-7122
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Media Master

Visionetics International
21311 Hawthorne Blvd.,
Ste. 235
Torrance, CA 90503
Phone: (213) 316-7940

Visual Circuits
3309 83rd Ave.
N. Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Phone: (612) 560-6205
The VTV-2000 video scan converter

Visual Engineering
San Jose, CA
Offers the Ovation $795 presentation software option for UNIX operating systems.
Appendix 6
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Visual Software
21731 Ventura Blvd, #310
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Phone: (800) 669-7318
Phone: (818) 883-7900
Fax: (818) 593-3750
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Renderize Live (SGI, Sun, and Windows)
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called Visual Reality (SGI, Sun, and Windows)

Vividus Corp.
651 Kendall Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Phone: (415) 321-2221
Phone: (415) 494-2111
The presentation software called Cinemation (Mac)

Vocaltec, Inc.
157 Veterans Dr.
Northvale, NJ 07647
Phone: (201) 768-9400
CAT, portable audio record/playback device for notebooks

The Voyager Co.

1351 Pacific Coast Highway
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Phone: (310) 451-1383
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called Expanded Book Toolkit (Mac)
CD Companions series (music ed)
Images, Sounds, Emotion series
QuickTime Movies on CD-ROM
Educational and entertainment videodiscs on languages, history, education, literature, music, art, history, library

VRex Inc.
8 Skyline Drive
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Phone: (914) 345-8877
The 3-D rendering software is called CyberBook
LCD panels for Mac and PC computers (projection hardware)

One Foundation Circle
WaunaKee, WI 53597-8914
Phone: (608) 849-2424
Phone: (800) 821-6313
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, training, child)
ModuMath Arithmetic and Algebara (mathematics)
Basic Electricity and Circuits

VTEL Corp.
108 Wild Basin Rd.
Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 314-2700
Phone: (800) 856-VTEL

Waite Group Press

200 Tamal Plaza
Corte Madera, CA 94925
Appendix 6
Page 166

Phone: (415) 924-2575

Multimedia Creations
The Virtual Playhouse
Other disk/book combinations
(education, library, reference, child)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Walker’s Western Research

1650 Borel Place, Suite 130
San Mateo, CA 94402
Phone: (415) 341-1110
Fax: (415) 341-2351
Corporate Directory of US Public Companies, The (reference)
Walker’s Manual of Western Corporations (reference)

Walnut Creek CD-ROM

1547 Palos Verdes Mall
Ste. 260
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (510) 947-5996
Phone: (800) 786-9907
CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) and joint developers
How-to CD-ROMs (Using Windows, Usint NeXTSTEP, DOS shareware, C, Internet network, Unix, Spanish,
science, etc.)
Clips of art, graphics, and font files CD-ROM (GIF images)
CD-ROM on Internet literature
Clip files for Amiga video computing (audio, art, graphics, and photos)
CICA Windows

Walt Disney Software

500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521
Phone: (818) 841-3326
The animation software called Animation Studio (DOS)

Warner New Media

3500 W. Olive Ave., #1050
Burbank, CA 91505
Phone: (818) 955-9999
Phone: (800) 593-6334
Clinton: Portrait of Victory (Mac & DOS on one disc)
Other Time-Life CD-RIMs
The Magic Flute, The String Quartet
Essence of Music & other music education titles
Lifemap series: Organic Diversity, Animals With Backbones, Animals
How Computers Work & other science education titles
Creation Stories & Other titles
(library, geography, history, art, chilid, science, medicine)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Warren-Forthought, Inc.
1212 N. Zalasco
Angleton, TX 77515
Phone: (409) 849-1239
Fax: (409) 849-1278
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called LINX Test Factory (Mac and Windows)
Test Factory (authoring)
Appendix 6
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Wave Technologies Training, Inc.

11 West Port Plaza Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63146
Phone: (314) 878-2050
Phone: (800) 828-2050

Wavefront Technologies
Phone: (800) 545-9283
The 3-D rendering and animation software is called The Advanced Visualizer (SGI)

Wayzata Technology, Inc.

P.O. Box 807
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Phone: (218) 326-0597
Phone: (800) 735-7321
World FactBook 1992
MACnificient 7.0 Ed. & Games
The Washington Times & INSIGHT on the News Volume 2
SpaceTime Art
ocean in Motion (QuickTime clips)
Other titles for education, science, history library, geography, history, art, government, video
clips of audio and music files ($79 for Sound Library Mac CD-ROM)
clips of art, graphics, and font files ($349 for 3,300 images of Quick Art Deluxe for Mac or PC CD-ROM)
clips of art, graphics, and font files ($199 for 750 EPS images of epsPRO for Mac or PC CD-ROM)
clips of photos and background files (series of Mac and PC CD-ROMs)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

West Publishing Co.

610 Opperman Drive
Eagan, Minnesota 55123
Phone: (612) 687-7000 or
(800) 328-9352 (for orders)
West CD-ROM Federal Taxation Library
(business, accounting, law, database, reference)

Westland Education
RVisionetics International
21311 Hawthorne Blvd.
Ste. 235
Torrance, CA 90503
Phone: (310) 316-7940
VIGA-VGA (S-VGA with S-VHS & NTSC output)
VGALink (overlay)
Genlock VGA (combo of above
VIGA-16 (capture)
Others available
MPC multimedia computers, MPC upgrade kits, external CD-ROM drives & titles specifically to schools &
libraries (education, science, history library, geography, history, art, government, video)

Westwind Media
RR#5, Box 5833
Lake Ariel, PA 18436
Phone: (717) 937-3000
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Heroic Tales (literature, games, science)

Wheeler Arts
66 Lake Park
Appendix 6
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Champaign, Il 61821-7101
Phone: (217) 359-6816
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
Quick Art Deluxe and Quick Art Lite

Will Vinton's Playmation

P.O. Box 7956
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Phone: (818) 998-2871
Phone: (800) 377-9287
Playmation (spline-based character animation)
(child, education)
Wilson Learning Corp.
Interactive Media Group
7500 Flying Cloud Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3795
Phone: (612) 944-2880
Phone: (800) 328-7937
Interactive Media Group (business, education, management, leadership, organizations)
Management Skill Development Series & other training packages
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, business, management)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, business, management)
Management Skill Development Series

WinWay Corporation
5431 Auburn Blvd., Suite 398
Sacramento CA 95841
Phone: (916) 332-2671
Fax: (916) 332-2529
WinWay Job Interview for Windows (entertainment)

Wisconsin Foundation for

Vocational, Technical &
Adult Education, Inc.
2564 Branch St.
Middleton, Wl 53562
Phone: (800) 821-6313
Technical & Adult Education, Inc.
Interactive AC/DC Electronics
Interactive ModuMath: Arithmetic & Algebra
(science, engineering)

Wolfram Research, Inc

100 Trade Center Drive
Champaign, IL 61820-7237
Phone: (217) 398-0700
Fax: (217) 398-0747
The mathematics computational and graphical software is called Mathematica.

Wonder Corporation
51 Winchester Street
Newton Highlands, MA 02161-1704
Phone: (617) 965-8400
Fax: (617) 965-6817
Wonder Desktop Studio/Trainer (development tools)

WordPerfect, Corp.
Appendix 6
Page 169

1555 N. Technology Way

Orem, UT 84057
Phone: (800) 451-5151
Phone: (800) 526-5198
Fax: (801) 222-5077
Clip Art 2.0 for Windows (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
The presentation software called WordPerfect Presentation (DOS and Windows)
Wallobee Jack (animation)
WordPerfect Presentations 2.0 for Windows (desktop presentations)

World Book Publishing

525 W. Monroe, 20th Floor
Chicago, IL 60661
Phone: (708) 290-5300
Phone: (800) 621-8202
Information Finder by World Book
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Word Library, Inc.

12914 Haster St.
Garden Grove, CA 92640
Phone: (714) 748-7197
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)
The Shakespeare Study Guide (literature, art, history, poetry, library)

Telecommunications Inc.
BCE Place
181 Bay St., #350
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T3
Phone: (416) 890-2773
Phone: (800) 263-9673
VIS-A-VIS Systems

Wizardware Multimedia Limited

918 Delaware Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Phone: (800) 548-7969
Fax: (215) 691-8258
Animation Film Festival (entertainment)
CD CAD v3.7 (entertainment)
Color Magic Clip Art (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Desktop Magic (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
GIF Galaxy (desktop presentations)
Mega Mix (edutainment)
Pixel Perfect graphics (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)
Presentation Magic (desktop presentations)
Wizpak 6-Pak (edutainment)

1010 Huntcliff, Suite 1350
Atlanta GA 30350
Phone: (404) 992-7500
Fax: (404) 993-9215
Magiclips Music (music software)

WordPerfect Novell Applications Group

1555 N. Technology Way, Suite 308
Appendix 6
Page 170

Orem, Utah 84057

Phone: (810) 225-5000
Fax: (801) 228-5077
Kap’n Karaoke (entertainment/K-12, multimedia, music, child)

The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called CraftMan (Windows)

Xing Technology Corp.

1540 W. Branch Street
Arroyo Grande CA 93420
Phone: (805) 473-0145
Fax: (805) 473-0147
The AVI XingIt! video capture board featuring MPEG compression (NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)
JPEG, MPEG, XingIt!, Video Capture Board
Picture Prowler 1.1 (clip art, digital photo, audio clips)

P.O. Box 8156
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: (612) 378-2464
XYXIS rewritable subsystems in 128MB, 600 MB & five-cartridge subsystems

Yamaha Electronics Corp.

981 Ridder Park Dr.
San Jose, CA 95131
Phione: (408) 437-3133
Phone: (800) 543-7457
The CDR100 for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder rated very high by PC Computing 11/94, p. 142.
CDV-870 combo player
Audio subsystems for MPC systems

YARC Systems Corporation

975 Business Center Circle
Newbury Park, CA 91320
Phone: (805) 499-9444
Fax: (805) 499-4048
PowerCard (modeling and rendering)

Young Minds, Inc.

1910 Orange Tree Lane, #300
Redlands, CA 92375
Phone: (909) 335-1350
Phone: (800) YMI-4YMI
The CD Studio hardware and software for CD-R CD-ROM Recorder (DOS and UNIX)
Makedisc (CD-ROM premastering)
CD Studio (premastering) CD-R CD-ROM Recorder

Zakros InterArts
614 York St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone: (415)282-5497
Fax: (415)282-4228
Non-profit center with courses in multimedia design and production, electronic music and digital imaging.
Students learn from team of working artists. Three-day sessions, $125-$250. Training and education.
Appendix 6
Page 171

Zebra Express
4710 Eisenhauer Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33634
Phone: (800) 401-0060
Fax: (813) 249-8767
The integrated accouting software is called Zebra Express Accounting System for Windows

Zenger Media
10200 Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232
Phone: (310) 839-2436
Phone: (800) 421-4246
Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment)

Zenith Data Systems

2150 E. Lake Cook Rd.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Phone: (708) 808-5000
Phone: (800) 427-3699
The multimedia computer hardware systems are called Z-Select Multimedia Workstation and Z-Station
Full range of 386SX, 486 and notebook systems for multimedia
Zenith Z-NOTEFLEX (800-533-0331) multimedia portable computer with a built-in CD-ROM drive.

Zero Stantron
12224 Montague St.
Pacoima, CA 91331
Phone: (800) 821-0019
Phone: (818) 890-3445
Furniture systems for multimedia & video editing & production

Ztek Co.
P.O. Box 1055
Louisville, KY 40201-1055
Phone: (502) 584-8505
Phone: (800) 247-1603
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called VideoJuggler (for interactive videodisc authoring)
Other videodisc titles for education
Distributor of CD-ROMs, videodiscs, hardware & software to education
(education, science, library, history, geography, art, music)
Catalog of videodisc titles (education, entertainment)
Interactive chemistry and physics labs

Zuma Group, Inc.

6733 N. Black Canyon Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85015-1050
Phone: (800) 332-3492
Phone: (602) 246-4238
Fax: (602) 246-6708
The presentation software called Curtain Call (Windows, miscellaneous)

100 Lexington Drive
Buffalo Grove IL 60089
Phone: (708) 459-8000
Fax: (708) 459-8054
ZyIndex and ZyIndex Toolkit (development tools)
ZyImage (image processing)
Appendix 6
Page 172


Academic Computing Specialists
2015 East 3300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84109-2630
Phone: (801) 484-3923
Phone: (800) 531-3227
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Agency for Instructional Technology

Box A
Bloomington, IN 47402-0120
Phone: (812) 339-2203
Phone: (800) 457-4509
Distributors (education)
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Allen Visual Systems, Inc.

824 Sunset Ridge Rd.
Northbrook, lL 60063
Phone: (708) 498-9220
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Anthem Technology Systems

P.O. Box 60000
San Francisco, CA 94160
Phone: (408) 453-1200
Distributors of auxialiary hard drives and tape drives

2105 S. Bascom Ave.,
Ste. 300
Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: (408) 371-2800
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

BDS, Inc.
105 Carpenter Dr.
Sterling, VA 22170
Phone: (800) 950-3020
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Campus Learing Systems, Inc.

One Carmpus Place
Appendix 6
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Box 130
Bluemont, VA 22012 (703) 554-2CLS
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Computer Friends
14250 NW Science
Park Dr.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: (503) 626-2291
Phone: (800) 547-3303
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Coronet / MTI Film & Vldeo

108 Wilmot Rd., 5th Floor
Deerfield, lL 60015
Phone: (708) 940-1260
Phone: (800) 777-8100
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Education Express
123 Skokie Valley Rd.
Highland Park, IL 60035
Phone: (708) 831-1281
Phone: (800) 733-3396
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Educational Resources
1550 Executive Dr.
Elgin, IL 60050
Phone: (708) 888-8300
Phone: (800) 624-2926
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Educational Software
4213 South 94th St.
Omaha, NE 68127
Phone: (402) 592-3300
Phone: (800) 955-5570
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

7434 Trade St.
San Diego, CA 92121-2410
Phone: (619) 536-9999
Phone: (800) 843-9497
Appendix 6
Page 174

Catalog of CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) for the Mac

Electronic Presentation Systems, Inc.

11 Atterbury Blvd., #1
Hudson, OH 44236
Phone: (216) 656-2391
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Electronic Vision, Inc.

5 Depot St.
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: (614) 592-2433
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles
Custom Software (development tools)
Interactive Video Design Toolkit (desktop presentations)

Emerging Technology
Consultants, Inc.
2819 Hamline Ave. North
St. Paul, MN 55112
Phone: (612) 639-3973
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Fas-Track Computer
7030 Huntley Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229
Phone: (614) 847-4050
Phone: (800) 927-3936

Hartley Courseware, Inc.

3001 Coolidge Rd., Ste. 400
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: (517) 333-5300
Phone: (800) 247-1380
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Health Sciences
201 Silver Cedar Court
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1517
Phone: (919) 942-8731
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Image Entertainment
Appendix 6
Page 175

9333 Oso Ave.

Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: (818) 407-9100
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Library for the Macintosh
P.O. Box 1530
Santa Barbara, CA 93116
Phone: (800) 3-lNTELL
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Interactive Video Solutions, Inc.

P.O. Box 1280
Media, PA 19063
Phone: (610) 891-6777

Kintronics, Inc.
3 Westchester Plaza
Elmsford, NY 10523
Phone: (800) 431-1658
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Laser F/X, Inc.

318 North Main St.
Mt. Carroll, IL 61053
Phone: (815) 244-3500
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Laser Image System, Inc.

1451 W. Fullerton Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: (312) 528-5552
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

LaserSoft Multimedia
947 Lewis Ave.
Salina, KS 67401
Phone: (913) 827-6483
Phone: (800) 432-3239
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Library Video Co.

P.O. Box 1110
Appendix 6
Page 176

Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Phone: (215) 667-0200
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

6160 Summit Dr. North
Minneapolis, MN 55430
Phone: (612) 569-1500
Phone: (800) 685-MECC
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Media Magic
P.O. Box 598
Nicasio, CA 94946
Phone: (415) 662-2426

Media Resources
640 Puente St.
Brea, CA 92621
Phone: (714) 256-5048

MediaSourcery, Inc.
1055 Joquin Rd/
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 390-9890
Phone: (800) 228-ULTI
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Modern School Supplles Inc.

P.O. Box 958
Hartford, CT 06143
Phone: (203) 243-9565
Phone: (800) 243-2329
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Optlcal Data Corp.

30 Technology Dr.
Warren, NJ 07059
Phone: (908) 668-0022
Phone: (800) 524-2481
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

PC Micro Dealers
3042 Remington
Baltimore, MD 21211
Appendix 6
Page 177

Phone: (301) 889-1000

Phone: (800) 448-8892
Distributor of CD-ROM & videodisc hardware & software
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Quality Computers, Inc.

20200 Nine Mile Rd. #665
St. Clair Shores, Ml 48080
Phone: (313) 774-7200
Phone: (800) 777-3642
The authoring hypertext/hypermedia software is called How To Multimedia
Distributor of videodisc & CD-ROM titles (education, entertainment) to education

RCET, Inc.
13480 S. Outer Forty Rd. Ste. 101
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Phone: (314) 851-0085
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Sampson MIDI Source

P.O. Box 550363
Dallas, TX 75355-0363
Phone: (214) 328-2730
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Sandy Enterprises, Inc.

P. O. Box 1
East Northport, NY 11731-0001
Phone: (516) 266-5767
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

The Douglas Stewart Co.

2402 Advance Rd.
Madison, Wl 53719
Phone: (608) 221-1155
Phone: (800) 279-2003
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

The Highsmith Co., Inc.

W5527 Hwy. 106
Fort Atkinson, Wl 53538
Phone: (414) 563-9571
Phone: (800) 558-2110
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

ThinkWare Corp.
Appendix 6
Page 178

130 9th St., #303

San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (800) 369-6191
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Walnut Creek CD-ROM

1547 Palos Verdes Mall, Ste. 260
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (510) 947-5996
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

Wayzata Technology, Inc.

P.O. Box 807
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Phone: (218) 326-0597
Phone: (800) 735-7321

Westland Education Resources

2899 Agoura Rd., Ste. 300
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Phone: (805) 379-1635
Phone: (800) 543-1707

Ztek Co.
P.O. Box 1055
Louisville, KY 40201-1055
Phone: (502) 584-8505
Phone: (800) 247-1603
Catalog of CD-ROM titles and CD-I titles
Catalog of videodisc titles

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