SM-McCormick ZTX230 ZTX260 ZTX280 TRACTOR Service Repair Manual
SM-McCormick ZTX230 ZTX260 ZTX280 TRACTOR Service Repair Manual
SM-McCormick ZTX230 ZTX260 ZTX280 TRACTOR Service Repair Manual
Engine How it Works .................................................................................................2
Fault Codes
Electrical How it Works ......................................................................................... ..4
Electrical Schematics.........................................................................................4001
Instrument Cluster Programming.......................................................................4002
Battery Servicing and Testing............................................................................4004
Steering How it Works ...............................................................................................5
Steering Column and Steering Hand Pump Removal ........................................5001
Rexroth Steering Hand Pump.............................................................................5002
Transmission How it Works ......................................................................................6
Splitting the Tractor .............................................................................................6003
Full Powershift Transmission ..............................................................................6006
MFD Clutch..........................................................................................................6017
Rear Axle.............................................................................................................6018
Power Take Off ...................................................................................................6019
MFD Front Axle - 20.49 Axle ...............................................................................6021
Front Suspended Axle - 20.49 Axle.....................................................................6022
Brakes How it Works .................................................................................................7
Parking Brake ......................................................................................................7001
Hydraulics How it Works............................................................................................8
Hydraulic Troubleshooting and Schematic ..........................................................8001
Left Hand and Right Hand Hydraulic Covers........................................................8005
Hydraulic Priority Valve Blocks ............................................................................8006
Auxiliary/Remote Spool Valves............................................................................8008
SAFETY ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Bearings ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Needle Bearings .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Gears ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Oil Seals, O-Rings And Gaskets .......................................................................................................................... 5
Shafts ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Service Parts ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Lubrication ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
WARNING: Operate the machine and WARNING: When doing checks and tests
equipment controls from the seat on the equipment hydraulics, follow the
! position only. Any other method could ! procedures as they are written. DO NOT
result in serious injury. change the procedure.
WARNING: This is one a man machine, no WARNING: When putting the hydraulic
! riders allowed . cylinders on this machine through the
! necessary cycles to check operation or to
remove air from a circuit, make sure all
people are out of the way.
Cleaning Gears
Clean all metal parts except bearings, in mineral Check all gears for wear and damage. Replace
spirits or by steam cleaning. Do not use caustic gears that have wear or damage.
soda for steam cleaning. After cleaning dry and put
oil on all parts. Clean oil passages with compressed Oil Seals, O-Rings And Gaskets
air. Clean bearings in kerosene, dry the bearings
completely and put oil on the bearings. Always install new oil seals, o-rings and gaskets.
Put petroleum jelly on seals and o-rings.
Check all parts when the parts are disassembled.
Replace all parts that have wear or damage. Small Check all shafts that have wear or damage. Check
scoring or grooves can be removed with a hone or the bearing and oil seal surfaces of the shafts for
crocus cloth. Complete visual inspection for damage.
indications of wear, pitting and the replacement of
parts necessary will prevent early failures. Service Parts
Always install genuine McCormick service parts,
Bearings when ordering refer to the Parts Catalog for the
Check bearings for easy action. If bearings have a correct part number of the genuine McCormick
loose fit or rough action replace the bearing. Wash replacement items. Failures due to the use of other
bearings with a good solvent or kerosene and than genuine McCormick replacement parts are not
permit to air dry. DO NOT DRY BEARINGS WITH covered by warranty.
Needle Bearings Only use the oils and lubricants specified in the
Before you press needle bearings in a bore always Operators or Service Manual. Failures due to the
remove any metal protrusions in the bore or edge of use of non specified oils and lubricants are not
the bore. Before you press bearings into position covered by warranty.
put petroleum jelly on the inside and outside
diameter of the bearings.
Lubricants and Capacities ....................................................................................................................................3
Engine ..................................................................................................................................................................3
Fuel ......................................................................................................................................................................3
Electrical ...............................................................................................................................................................3
Transmission ........................................................................................................................................................4
Hydraulics .............................................................................................................................................................4
Air Conditioning ....................................................................................................................................................5
Engine ..................................................................................................................................................................6
Transmission ........................................................................................................................................................6
Cab and Chassis ..................................................................................................................................................6
Coolant Mix......................................................................................................... McCormick Universal Anti-freeze
Solution of 33% to 50% Ethylene Glycol
(depending on market requirements)
Capacity........................................................................................................................40 Litres (10.6 US gallons)
Oil Type...................................................................................................................................... McCormick UTTO
Capacity......................................................................................................................158 Litres (41.7 US gallons)
Oil Type........................................................................................................... McCormick Multi-Purpose Gear Oil
SAE 85W - 140 EP Gear Oil to API GL-5
or MIL-L-2105 Specification
Differential Oil .................................................................................................................10 Litres (2.6 US gallons)
Axle Planetaries (Each) .................................................................................................1.9 Litres (0.5 US gallons)
Fuel Capacity...............................................................................................................570 Litres (150 US gallons)
NOTE: For the Engine Specifications, refer to the your Engine Service Manual.
NOTE: For the Fuel Specifications, refer to the your Engine Service Manual.
System Type .................................................................................................................... 12 Volt Negative Ground
Batteries....................................................................................... Two 12 Volt, Low Maintenance Hybrid Batteries
Connected in Parallel, DIN Type 60527, Top Stud Terminals
664 770 Amps 515 Amps 465 Amps 105 210 mins
648 810 Amps 545 Amps 490 Amps 120 220 mins
Pinion Shaft Bearing Preload ........................................................................................................0.05 to 0.15 mm
MFD Output Shaft End Play .................................................................................................................0 to 0.1 mm
Number of Clutch Plates
Friction Plates ...............................................................................................................................................8
Separator Plates ...........................................................................................................................................7
Charge Pump
110 l/min ........................................................................................................................... 60 cm3 per revolution
150 l/min ........................................................................................................................... 80 cm3 per revolution
Variable Displacement Pump
110 l/min .................................................................................................................... 0 to 45 cm3 per revolution
150 l/min .................................................................................................................... 0 to 60 cm3 per revolution
Air Conditioning
Type ....................................................................................................................................................... HFC-134A
System Capacity............................................................................................................................................1.9 kg
Boiling Point at Atmospheric Pressure.......................................................................................................... -26° C
Manufacturer............................................................................................................................................ SANDEN
Model .......................................................................................................................................... SD 7H15MD4609
Number of Cylinders ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Displacement Per Revolution........................................................................................................................155 cc
Clutch Voltage ............................................................................................................................................12 Volts
Clutch Ampage Draw at 12 Volts .............................................................................................. 3.6 to 4.2 Amperes
Front Clutch Plate Air Gap ................................................................................................................ 0.4 to 0.8 mm
Engine to Transmission Retaining Bolts
Adapter Plate to Engine...........................................................114 to 128 Nm (84 to 94 lb ft)
Adapter Plate to Transmission .................................................555 to 620 Nm (409 to 457 lb ft)
Torque Dampener Retaining Bolts...............................................74 to 84 Nm (54 to 62 lb ft)
Front Bolster to Transmission Retaining Bolts .........................555 to 620 Nm (409 to 457 lb ft)
Flywheel ..................................................................................108 to 132 Nm (80 to 97 lb ft)
Ring Gear Retaining Bolts .......................................................240 to 340 Nm (177 to 251 lb ft)
Differential Lock Clutch Cage Retaining Bolts .........................110 to 130 Nm (81 to 96 lb ft)
Differential Bearing Carrier Retaining Bolts .............................100 to 130 Nm (74 to 96 lb ft)
Rear Axle Mounting Nuts.........................................................247 to 253 Nm (182 to 187 lb ft)
PTO Housing Retaining Bolts ......................................................480 to 640 Nm (354 to 472 lb ft)
PTO Clutch Pack Retaining Bolt ..................................................25 to 34 Nm (18 to 25 lb ft)
PTO Clutch Assembly Retaining Bolt ..........................................50 to 70 Nm (37 to 52 lb ft)
Bearing Carrier Retaining Bolt.....................................................72 to 96 Nm (53 to 71 lb ft)
Front Wheel to MFD Axle Nuts ................................................530 to 570 Nm (391 to 420 lb ft)
Wheel Hub to Tapered Bushing ...............................................500 to 600 Nm (369 to 443 lb ft)
Wheel to Wheel Hub................................................................640 to 680 Nm (472 to 502 lb ft)
How it Works
Contents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Page
Engine!Description! ................................................................................................4
Engine!electronic!Control!System! .........................................................................5
Engine!Control!Circuit! ...........................................................................................8
Fuel!Pump!Schematic! ...........................................................................................10
Fuel!Pump!Operation! ............................................................................................11
Caps!Fuel!System! .................................................................................................13
Troubleshooting! ....................................................................................................18
Bleeding!the!Fuel!System! .....................................................................................20
number! of! changes! have! been! implemented! when! compared! to! the! previous! C
These! engines! have! 24! valves,! 4! valves! per! cylinder,! to! ensure! optimum! airflow,
the! center! of! the! cylinder! to! provide! a! more! centralized! injection! and! improved!fuel
ECM! (Engine! Control! Module)! to! process! all! relevant! information,! and! make
The! electronic! control! system! for! the! QSC! Engine! uses! input! information! from! a
is!used!to!monitor!the!current!engine!operating!conditions,!and! therefore! allow! the
The! engine! control! module! (ECM)! is! mounted! on! the! left-hand! side! of! the! engine,
the! controller.! All! inputs! and! outputs! use! the! rearmost! 50-pin! connector,! the! foot
Should! there! be! a! requirement! to! download! software! into! the! ECM,! or! to! monitor
data! for! the! aid! of! diagnostics,! this! can! be! achieved! using! the! Cummins! EST
retrieval;! data! monitoring! functions! can! be! carried! out! through! the! diagnostics
Lift!Pump Control!Valve
Data!Bus Rear!Pumping
Connection Control!Valve
Power!Supply Front!Pumping
•! The! accumulator! fuel! pressure! and! temperature! sensors! are! located! at! the! top
engine! and! the! temperature! of! the! fuel! to! be! injected! respectively.! The
accumulator! pressure! sensor! has! a! working! range! between! 0! bar! (0! psi)! and
•! The!engine!speed!sensor!is!located!at!the!left!rear!of!the!timing!gear!housing!and
•! The!engine!position!sensor!is!located!at!the!left!rear!of!the!timing!gear!housing,
next! to! the! engine! speed! sensor,! and! indicates! the! position! of! the! crankshaft
•! The! intake! manifold! air! temperature! sensor! is! located! on! the! left! side! of! the
•! The! intake! manifold! pressure! sensor! is! located! on! the! left! side! of! the! cylinder
•! The! coolant! temperature! sensor! is! located! on! the! right! side! of! the! engine,! just
•! The! engine! oil! pressure! sensor! is! located! on! the! left! side! of! the! engine! block
behind! the! fuel! filter.! This! sensor! indicates! the! actual! engine! oil! pressure! and,
•! The!foot!throttle!(accelerator!pedal)!is!located!in!the!cab!and!is!connected!to!the
•! The!electrically!operated!lift!pump!is!located!at!the!left!rear!of!the!engine!and!is
60! seconds! after! the! key! switch! is! turned! on.! It! draws! fuel! from! the! tank! and
on! position.! The! gear! pump! provides! the! continuous! fuel! pressure! required! for
•! The!Cummins!CAPS!fuel!system!has!two!high-pressure!pumps!to!pressurize!fuel
control! valve! individually! controls! each! pumping! element.! The! engine! control
later! during! the! pumping! cycle! so! that! less! fuel! is! delivered! to! the! accumulator.
When! the! engine! is! operating! under! heavy! load! and! additional! fuel! is! required,
the! pumping! control! valve! closes! earlier! to! deliver! more! pressurized! fuel! to! the
•! The! injection! control! valve! is! an! electrically! operated! valve! controlled! by! the
engine! control! module,! which! controls! the! delivery! of! fuel! to! each! cylinder.! The
time! that! the! valve! as! well! as! the! fuel! pressure! stored! within! the! accumulator
The! single! injection! control! valve! ports! fuel! to! each! injector! through! a! rotary
distributor!valve.! As! the! injection! pump! rotates,! the! rotary! distributor! valve! ports
The! gear! pump! is! part! of! the! injection! pump! assembly! and! is! driven! by! the! input
is! integral! to! the! gear! pump! housing! controls! the! output! pressure! from! the! gear
pump.! This! regulator! valve! is! set! to! a! pressure! of! 11.5! bar! (165! psi)! and! is
The! two! pumping! control! valves! are! normally! open! solenoid! valves! and! will! close
11.5! bar! (165! psi)! to! between! 345! 1035! bar! (5000! to! 15000! psi)! required! for
injection.! The! output! pressure! from! these! pumping! elements! is! determined! by! the
that! the! pumping! control! valve! is! closed! controls! the! quantity! of! high-pressure! fuel
the! high! pressure-pumping! unit! returns! to! the! fuel! tank! via! the! pressure! regulator
valve.! When! the! pumping! control! valves! are! closed! the! high! pressure! pumping
elements! will! deliver! the! fuel! flow,! through! one! way! check! valves,! into! the
using! the! Cummins! Electronic! Service! Tool! (EST).! The! parameter! that! should! be
viewed! is! the! Valve! Crank! Angle! (VCA)! and! relates! to! the! angle,! in! degrees! of
injection! control! valve! opens! at! the! required! time! to! control! the! injection! timing! to
the! lower! rear! of! the! injection! pump.! This! rotary! distributor! valve! is! driven! by! the
The! gear! pump! is! mounted! to! the! rear! of! the! fuel! pump! body! and! is! driven! by! the
The! accumulator! assembly! mounts! directly! to! the! top! of! the! fuel! pump! body! and
•! The! camshaft! in! the! fuel! pump! body! actuates! the! high-pressure! pumping! units.
These! units! take! fuel! delivered! by! the! gear! pump! and! increase! the! pressure! to
that! required! for! injection! into! the! combustion! chamber.! The! outlet! pressure! of
these! units! is! typically! regulated! between! 345! to! 1035! bar! (5000! to! 15000! psi).
•! Electrically! operated! pump! control! valves! are! located! on! the! top! of! the
accumulator! assembly.! The! timing! of! the! actuation! of! these! valves! controls! the
quantity! of! fuel! delivered! by! the! high! pressure! pumping! units! and! therefore! the
control! valves! are! installed! and! calibrated! on! initial! assembly! and! cannot! be
adjusted.! Replacement! of! a! faulty! pumping! control! valve! would! require! a! new
•! The! accumulator! portion! of! the! accumulator! assembly! consists! of! drilled
fact! that! diesel! fuel! is! approximately! 8%! compressible! at! 1035! bar! (15000! psi).
These! drilled! passages! are! sealed! with! plugs! that! have! seal! discs! under! them.
•! The! accumulator!fuel!pressure!and! temperature! sensor! is! located! at! the! rear! of
•! The!rate!shape!tube!is!located!at!the!top!rear!of!the!injection!pump!assembly!and
ports! the! high-pressure! fuel! from! the! accumulator! to! the! injection! control! valve.
The! length! of! this! tube! affects! NOX! emissions.! Do! not! bend! this! tube! during! or
Fuel!Pump Distributor
Body Valve
Gear Coupling
Tri-lobe Pump
The! injection! control! valve! (ICV)! is! located! at! the! rear! of! the! injection! pump.! This
control! valve! is! an! electrically! operated! valve! commanded! by! the! engine! control
module! (ECM),! which! controls!the! delivery! of!fuel! to! each! cylinder.! The! opening! of
total! amount! of! fuel! delivered,! which! in! turn! controls! the! power! output.! The! single
injection! control! valve! ports! fuel! to! individual! injectors! through! a! rotary! distributor
and! is!driven! from!the! gear! pump! shaft;!a! small! internal! coupling! connects! the! two
The! injectors! are! located! at! the! top!of! the! cylinder! head! centered! over! the! pistons.
The! injectors! inject! atomized! fuel! into! the! combustion! chamber! during! the! power
Retrieval! of! fault! code! information! from! the! Engine! Control! Module! can! be! done
•! Inspect!the!fuel!level!in!the!tanks;
•! Check!for!air!leaks!and!restrictions!in!the!fuel!inlet!system;
•! Inspect!for!air!intake!problems;
•! Inspect!for!mechanical!problems;
•! Inspect!for!rotary!distributor!valve!problems;
•! Inspect!for!injector!problems;
•! Check!for!fault!codes!using!the!tractor!instrumentation!or!the!electronic
to! prevent! any! attempt! at! starting! the
If! the! engine! cranks! but! does! not! start! after! running! out! of! fuel,! and! there! is! no
•! Confirm!that!the!fuel!level!is!low!and!fill.
•! Check!instrumentation!for!engine!faults.
•! Confirm!the!electric!lift!pump!run!after!the!key!switch!is!activated.
•! Refer!to!the!relevant!sections!service!manual!as!required.
1.! Loosen!the!fitting!(1/18"!pipe!plug)!at!the!outlet!of!the!fuel!filter.
2.! Cycle!the!electric!lift!pump!with!the!key!switch!until!air!is!purged.
3.! If!air!cannot!be!purged!after!several!cycles!of!the!lift!pump,!an!air!leak
•! If!engine!does!not!start!after!purging!air,!check!for!battery!voltage.
•! Check!Engine!Control!Module!for!6.5!VDC!minimum!during!engine!cranking.
•! Recheck!for!exhaust!smoke!during!cranking!and!go!back!to!appropriate!fault
To reduce the possibility of engine damage, always use the proper torque on
the high-pressure line nuts.
After the pressure-side filter, fuel enters the fuel pump actuator housing. The
fuel pump actuator housing includes an air-bleed fitting and the fuel pump
actuator. Some fuel continuously returns to drain through the air-bleed orifice
fitting. Fuel that is metered through the fuel pump actuator enters the high-
pressure fuel pump head where it is pumped to fuel rail pressure and exits at
the high-pressure outlet fitting.
A lift pump is used for priming the gear pump at start-up. The lift pump runs
for approximately 30 seconds after key-on. Once the engine is started, the
gear pump is able to maintain prime without any assistance from the lift pump.
The ECM and ECM cooling plate must be removed to access the lift pump
and lift pump fuel lines. This is accomplished by disconnecting the engine
harnesses and the quick disconnect style fuel lines first. Removal of the ECM
cooling plate cap screws allows the ECM, cooling plate, lift pump and lift pump
plumbing to be removed as one assembly.
Each of the two pumping plungers is driven by a three lobed camshaft. The
camshaft is located in the cam housing module by tapered roller bearings.
The bearings that support the camshaft, as well as the tappets, rollers and
camshaft itself are lubricated with engine oil. These are the only components
in the pump lubricated with engine oil.
Engine oil to the high-pressure pump is supplied through a drilling in the
engine gear housing. The oil passes from the engine gear housing to the high-
pressure pump cam housing. A small o-ring in a recess on the back of the
engine gear housing seals this passage.
Fuel that is metered past the fuel pump actuator enters the high-pressure fuel
pump inlet drilling, past the inlet check valve and fills the pumping chamber by
pressing the pumping plunger downward. When the camshaft pushes the
pumping plunger upward, fuel reaches rail pressure and causes the outlet
check valve to lift. Fuel then enters the outlet drilling of the fuel pump and
exits the high pressure fuel line to the fuel rail.
Fuel is flammable. Keep all cigarettes, flames, pilot lights, arcing
equipment, and switches out of the work area and areas sharing
ventilation to reduce the possibility of severe personal injury or death
when working on the fuel system.
High-pressure common rail fuel systems use solenoid-actuated injectors.
High-pressure fuel flows into the side of the injector. When the solenoid is
activated, an internal needle lifts and fuel is injected. The clearances in the
nozzle bore are extremely small and any dirt or contaminants will cause the
injector to stick. This is why it is important to clean around all fuel connections
before servicing the fuel system. Also, cap or cover any open fuel connections
before a fuel system repair is performed.
High-pressure fuel is supplied to the injector from the fuel rail by an injector
supply line and a fuel connector. The fuel connector pushes against the
injector body when the fuel connector nut is tightened. The injector supply line
is then connected to the fuel connector.
To reduce the possibility of engine damage, always use the proper
torque on the high-pressure line nuts.
The torque and sequence for this joint is critical. If the nut or line is under-
tightened, the surfaces will not seal and a high-pressure fuel leak will result. If
the nut is over-tightened, the connector and injector will deform and cause a
high-pressure fuel leak. This leak will be inside the head and will not be
visible. The result will be a fault code, low power, or no-start.
If the injector is not fully seated prior to the installation of the high-pressure
connector, the joint will not seal.
Fuel Filters
The QSC8.3 with CM850 engine, requires original equipment manufacturers
(OEM's) to mount a 10-micron suction filter prior to the OEM fuel supply
connection at the rear of the engine block. The 10-micron filter performs water
stripping and includes a water-in-fuel sensor. The water-in-fuel sensor must
be installed. If not, a fault code warning lamp will be active.
The QSC8.3, with CM850 engine includes a 2-micron pressure-side fuel
filter. The pressure-side filter will be located downstream of the gear pump
The ECM dataplate is located on the front of the ECM. The following
information is found on the ECM dataplate:
• ECM part number (PN)
• Market-specific features.
The CM850 utilizes a 50-pin connector for the OEM harness, a 60-pin
connector for the engine harness, and a 4-pin connector for the un-switched
power supply harness. The ECM power connector must be directly connected
to the vehicle batteries to meet the supply voltage requirements.
• Water-in-fuel sensor
Engine Models included: QSB, QSC, QSL9, QSM11, QSX15, QSK19, QST30, QSK45, QSK60
Fuel Systems included:
The Quantum Diagnostic and Serial Communication Technical Package was written to assist OEMs in integrating
Quantum engines into their equipment. This technical package includes the diagnostic codes supported by the
Quantum engines as well as the J1587 and J1939 messages supported.
Authors: Scott Decker, Michael L. Hill, Brian Landes, Jeffrey Martin, Stewart Sullivan, Tiffany Walker
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Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................. 2
Advanced Diagnostics
Advanced diagnostics are included to make Quantum engines straightforward to repair and service. Diagnostic
examination of a fault or maintenance condition can occur through onboard or offboard systems.
Onboard Diagnostics
Offboard Diagnostics
• INSITE a windows-based PC service tool for Cummins Quantum engines. It is used to help troubleshoot and
repair the Quantum engines. This tool is capable of doing diagnostics and programming.
Onboard Diagnostics
1. Fault Detection
Faults are detected while the key switch is on, during the operation of the machine itself. If a fault becomes active
(currently detected) at this time, a fault is logged in memory and a snapshot of engine parameters is logged. In
addition, certain faults may illuminate the warning lamp (amber) or the stop lamp (red), the maintenance lamp or
WIF lamp depending on the severity of the active fault.
Fault flash out mode can be entered through the use of a diagnostic switch or the accelerator pedal. To enter the
fault flash out the key switch must be on with the engine not running. When a diagnostic switch is used to enter
the mode, the ECM will automatically flash the first fault code after the switch is turned on. The diagnostic
increment/ decrement is used to sequence forward or backwards through the active faults. To enter fault flash out
mode using the accelerator pedal, the pedal must be cycled from 0 to 100% 3 times. Once in diagnostic mode,
cycling the accelerator pedal will sequence forward through the active faults. The diagram below depicts the
pattern of the fault code flash out scheme as indicated by the stop lamp.
3. Fault Lamps
The Quantum systems use up to five indicator lamps with one of the lamps serving two functions: the stop lamp,
the warning lamp, the maintenance lamp/engine protection lamp (all engine families use one of these lamps, but
not both), wait-to-start lamp, and a water-in-fuel lamp. If the key switch is turned on but the diagnostic switch
remains off, the indicator lamps will illuminate for approximately two seconds and then go off, one after the other,
to verify they are working and wired correctly. See illustration below where they are all on and then go off one at
a time.
Warning Lamp - All Quantum Engines - The warning lamp provides important operator messages. These
messages require timely operator attention. The warning lamp is also used to delineate diagnostics fault codes.
P = Pause
Stop Lamp - All Quantum Engines - The stop lamp provides critical operator messages. These messages
require immediate and decisive operator response. The stopP lamp is also used to flash out diagnostic fault codes.
Wait-to-Start Lamp - QSB/C/L, QSM11, QSX15, QST30 - The wait-to-start lamp indicates that the pre-start
intake manifold heater warm-up sequence is active. An OEM-supplied grid heater will automatically heat the
intake manifold when needed prior to engine starting. Intake manifold heating improves engine starting in cold
temperatures and reduces white smoke.
Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Lamp - QSB/C/L - The water-in-fuel lamp indicates there is water in the fuel. When the
lamp is illuminated the vehicle driver/operator should release the water from the fuel filter.
Maintenance Lamp - QSB/C/L, QSM11, QSX15 - Upon ECM power up the maintenance lamp will flash when it
is time to change the oil. It also will illuminate during engine operation when certain lower priority faults are
Engine Protection Lamp - QSK19/45/60, QST30 - The engine protection lamp will illuminate when an engine
protection fault is present. It is possible, through OEM wiring, to configure the system to use the red/stop lamp for
engine protection faults. This is done through wiring the red lamp to both the red/stop lamp input and the engine
protection lamp input on the ECM. If the engine protection lamp signal is being used to control other functions
such as the vehicle propel circuit, a diode must be inserted in the circuit.
Optional - 2 Lamp Strategy - QSK19/45/60 - The Optional 2-lamp strategy will eliminate the Engine Protection
(white) Lamp. Therefore, the operator will only have a warning (yellow) and stop (red) lamp on the dashboard.
All of the faults that were mapped to the Engine protection lamp will become annunciated through the stop (red)
lamp. This change will only affect the wiring of the fault lamps and not the software or calibration. See wiring
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Engine ECU
Stop Lamp Drive
Warning Lamp
Engine Protection
Lamp Drive
Switch To Vehicle
Propel Circuit
(when used)
To Ground
Power Connection
Offboard Diagnostics
INSITE is the windows-based PC service/programming/diagnostic tool for Cummins Quantum engines. It is used
to help troubleshoot and repair the Quantum engines with extended fault diagnostics and processing power.
INSITE allows the user to view active and inactive faults and clear the inactive faults. It provides a monitor
function that allows the service technician to monitor measured parameters, actuator status and some calculated
values. It also provides the technician with the capability to turn on certain drivers such as the grid heaters and lift
pump as well as running diagnostic tests such as single cylinder cutout. Currently, Insite capability is different per
each Quantum engine. Therefore, the examples mentioned are only applicable to certain engine families.
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Section II – ECM Serial Communications
The intent of this document is to provide information pertaining to application of the Quantum controller’s serial
communications interface to machines. The contents of this document are divided into two broad categories.
The first category caters to OEMs who are involved in building machines; therefore installing datalinks is their
primary concern. This category provides information on cables, connectors and it lists datalink devices that have
been tested by Cummins as being compatible with Quantum controllers. The second category captures
information to be used by OEMs and component suppliers who design datalink devices that will interface with
Quantum controllers. This category has details pertaining to message support, parameter characteristics,
network utilization and diagnostics.
Datalinks provide the means for electronic devices on the machine to interact with each other. Some typical
functions performed are sharing of sensor data, sharing of calculated information, allowing subsystems (e.g.
engine, transmission, etc.) to influence each others operation, communication of subsystem operation state.
Datalinks also provide a means for on and off board diagnostic work to be done.
The Quantum controllers have been designed with two independent serial communications ports. One port
provides access to SAE J1939 and is J1939-11 compatible, while the other is for SAE J1587 and is compatible
with J1708. There is no support for SAE J1922 on Quantum controllers.
SAE J1939 datalink is a high-speed network for machines that operate at 250K baud. It is capable of supporting
control, information sharing, diagnostics, multiplexing and proprietary communications. The J1939 (physical
layer) datalink uses a differential line driver circuit and allows a maximum bus length of 40 meters. The network
can have a maximum of 30 node connections at a given time.
SAE J1587 is a J1708 based network that operates at 9600 baud. It supports information sharing, diagnostics
and proprietary communications. The network can have a maximum of 20 node connections at a given time.
Both J1939/J1587 datalinks on Quantum controllers are active when the machine key-switch is turned on.
This document, along with the SAE specifications listed below, contain the information required to apply the
Quantum datalink interfaces (both J1939 and J1587) to machine applications.
SAE 1939 Recommended Practice for a Serial Control and Communications Network (April
1997). Provides a list of all of the J1939-xx documents that are planned. It provides
a brief tutorial about the overall set of documents and basic operation of the network.
SAE J1939-11 Physical Layer (March 1997). Operates at 250K bits/sec, linear bus with shielded
twisted pair cable with a drain.
SAE J1939-12 Physical Layer (Working draft is ISO 11783 Part 2, May 1997). Operates at 250K
bits/sec, linear bus with twisted quad cable
SAE J1939-13 Off-board Diagnostic Connector (January 1997). Specifies 9-pin Deutsch that will
provide a connection to J1939, J1587, a second CAN network for implements,
unswitched power and ground.
SAE J1939-21 Data Link Layer (July 1998). Specifies CAN 2.0b as the message protocol to be
used. Also defines an interface to the application layer of J1939.
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SAE J1939-71 Vehicle Application Layer (May 1996 plus 1/97 addendum). Defines transmitted
parameter value interpretation rules that allow receiving devices to determine if the
sending device is able to supply all parameters associated with the parameter group,
if any of the parameters has an error condition or if the signal is valid.
SAE J1587 (March 1996 plus 1/97 addendum)–Joint SAE/TMC Electronic Data Interchange
Between Microcomputer Systems in Heavy Duty Machine Applications. Defines
format of messages and data and guidelines for the frequency and circumstances in
which messages are transmitted.
Additional information on the data links can be found in the following Cummins Engineering Standards and
Interface Specification: 1377-9804 - J1939 Multiplexing of Inputs and Outputs. Provides the signal processing
requirements for information that will be supplied to/from engine by the J1939 datalink rather than by discrete
wires (e.g. cruise control switch inputs, lamp outputs etc.).
This section provides information required by those involved in installing J1939 datalinks on their machines.
Please refer to AEB 15.44 - Quantum Installation Recommendations for further details.
There are two required main types of EA options for QSM11 and QSX15 that must be ordered because the
datalink does not ship on either of these engines.
The first option consists of the datalink and backbone being supplied by the OEM as a part of the OEM harness;
therefore, the engine will ship without a 9-pin datalink connector. The other option consists of the datalink and
backbone being supplied by Cummins; therefore, it will ship with the datalink connection installed on the engine.
When using the second option the OEM will have a 47-pin Deutsch connector as the interface instead of
connecting directly to the 50-pin OEM connection on the ECM. This option will include a 9-pin connector, 3-pin
connector, a 50-pin connector and a 47 pin round connector. The 3-pin connector is setup as a termination with a
120 ohm terminating resistors supplied. Please refer to AEB 15.44 for wiring this option.
2. J1939
To install J1939 datalink on a machine, it is important to understand the requirements relating to cabling and
connectors. The following section provides details on both. It also provides information on some suppliers to
procure cabling and connectors.
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3. Cabling
Backbone - It is a linear bus with a maximum length of 40 meters (approximately 131 feet). At a given time, the
maximum number of nodes (electronic controllers) that can be connected to the backbone is 30. Note that B and
B MATE (STYLE 2 Keying) is the backbone and termination connector keying, where B is the receptacle and B
MATE is the plug.
For J1939-11 compliance, the backbone is a twisted shielded pair with a drain and requires passive termination
resistors at each end of the network. The J1939-11 topology is typically used for automotive/ on highway
applications. Please refer to Figure 1.
For J1939-12 compliance, the backbone is a twisted quad and requires an active termination and bias circuit at
each end of the network. This physical layer eliminates the need for shield required in J1939-11. The physical
layer also uses a transceiver circuit design, which allows J1939-11 nodes to exist on the same network as the
J1939-12 nodes.
Stub - The connection from the backbone to each node (electronic controller) is called a stub and it can be a
maximum of 1-meter (approximately 3.3 feet) in length. Please refer to Figure 1.
Shield - Electrical connection to the shield is achieved by the drain wire at bus connection points for the nodes
(electronic controllers) and at the main bus interconnects. Also note that the shield should be grounded only at
one point with a connection to the battery negative. Although the shield does not provide coverage in the area
where connections are made to the linear bus or at the stub connector (read section below for details) locations, it
is connected electrically to the next segment of the shielded cable, and provides sufficient coverage to provide the
necessary electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) improvements.
4. Connections
Engine Connections - The Quantum controller may be connected to the backbone by a 3-pin unshielded
connector called a stub connector. This is illustrated by the manner in which ECU 1 is connected to the backbone
in Figure 1. The stub connector has a special keying (STYLE 1 Keying) and is shown in Figure 1 as A and A
MATE, where A MATE is the mating half. For a connection type as shown for ECU 1 in Figure 1, one of the three
pins will be used to pass the drain wire through to the mating half (A MATE) of the stub connector, in order to
allow the electrical continuity of the shield to be maintained. Two other alternatives for connecting electronic
controllers to the backbone as supported by SAE J1939 are shown in Figure X. It should be noted that the
connection of ECU 2 provides the best case EMC improvement (i.e. shortest possible stub).
Note: The OEM must supply a J1939 service connection on engine when creating a backbone harness.
Diagnostic Connections - The diagnostic connector is a 9-pin Deutsch and will provide a connection to J1939, a
second CAN network for implements (for Agriculture/Construction Application), unswitched power and ground.
The maximum allowed distance of the diagnostic connector from the backbone is two-thirds of 1 meter (0.67
meter). The remaining one-third of 1 meter (0.33 meter) is the maximum allowed distance between the diagnostic
connector and the interface circuitry of the tool that is connected to the diagnostic connector.
For the automotive/ truck industry the SAE preferred location of the connector is in the cab area on the operator’s
side and should be accessible from the ground on the operator’s side. For a 6-pin installation for J1587 the
Deutsch HD10-6-12P connector is recommended. A 9-pin installation for J1939 and J1587 is suggested to use
the Deutsch HD10-9-1939P connector - Please refer to AEB 15.10 section 4.0 for more details.
Bulkhead Connection - The J1939 datalink may be routed through the OEM bulkhead connector. To reduce the
chance of electrical noise affecting the datalink, it is recommended that the wires not be placed adjacent to
circuits with extremely high current loads or switching currents. It is recommended that the installer design
flyback diodes on all relays to prevent system noise issues.
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5. J1939 Cable and Connector Suppliers
J1939 compatible connectors and cabling are now available through many local and national distributors. For
application information and to locate distributors in your area, contact the following companies:
Deutsch Industrial Products Division Packard Electric
37140 Industrial Avenue P.O. Box 431
Hemet, CA 92543 Warren, OH 44486
Phone: (714) 929-1200 1-800-722-5273
(909) 765-2250
Fax (714) 652-9784
Deutsch Distributor
Ladd Industrial Sales
Belden Wire and Cable Company Champlain Cable Corporation
2200 U.S. Highway 27 South 12 Hercules Drive
P.O. Box 1980 Colchester, Vermont 05446
Richmond, IN 47345 Phone: 1-800-451-5162
Phone: 800-235-3361
Fax: (765) 983-5737
1). Backbone-twisted shielded pair with a drain wire and a maximum length of 40 meters (approx. 131 ft)
It has termination resistors at each end. The figure illustrates a linear topology.
iii. ECU n has the stub cable wired directly to the OEM connector
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1). Backbone-twisted quad with a maximum length of 40 m (approx. 131 ft). Both the tractor bus and implement
bus is examples of twisted quad backbone. The backbone is both cases have active termination resistors.
The figure illustrates a linear topology.
ii. ECU2 through ECU n are J1939/12 compatible nodes and their connections to backbone are show.
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J1587 Installation Information
This section provides information on cabling and connectors for installing J1708/1587 datalink on a machine.
1. Cabling
Backbone - This terminology does not apply to J1708/J1587. The bus can have a maximum length of 40 meters
(approximately 131 feet). At a given time, the maximum number of nodes (electronic controllers) that can be
connected to the bus is 20. The bus is a twisted pair cable. Termination resistors are not needed.
2. Connections
Engine Connections - The J1587 connections to a Quantum module are shown in Figure 1. Please note that the
J1587 interconnect pins for Quantum must be gold. No stub connector is needed to connect an electronic
controller to the J1587 bus.
Bulkhead Connection - The J1587 datalink may be routed through the OEM bulkhead connector.
J1587 compatible connectors and cabling are now available through many local and national distributors. For
application information and to locate distributors in your area, contact the following companies:
Deutsch Industrial Products Division Packard Electric
37140 Industrial Avenue P.O. Box 431
Hemet, CA 92543 Warren, OH 44486
Phone: (714) 929-1200 1-800-722-5273
(909) 765-2250
Fax (714) 652-9784
Deutsch Distributor
Ladd Industrial Sales
Belden Wire and Cable Company Champlain Cable Corporation
2200 U.S. Highway 27 South 12 Hercules Drive
P.O. Box 1980 Colchester, Vermont 05446
Richmond, IN 47345 Phone: 1-800-451-5162
Phone: 800-235-3361
Fax: (765) 983-5737
J 1708 bus
ECU n-1
1). The J1708/J1587 network topology. As can be seen, it is a free topology vs. being a J1939 linear topology.
This section details the J1939 and J1587 industry standard messages that are supported by the Quantum
controller. Parameter characteristics for messages sent on J1939 and J1587 are also listed.
• Powertrain Control (PT) - The powertrain control category comprises of parameters exchanged between the
engine and devices such as transmission, ASR and ABS.
• Information Sharing (IS) - This category has parameters pertaining to general engine operation. These
parameters can be broadcast as well as be provided upon request from a remote system, e.g. engine coolant
temperature, engine oil pressure, etc.
• Diagnostics (DG) - This category comprises of parameters that are used to convey fault information, have
capability to command system tests, access test results, clear active and inactive diagnostic trouble codes
and access emissions related active diagnostic trouble codes separately from other diagnostic trouble codes
• Multiplexing (MX) - What is Multiplexing - J1939 Multiplexing is sending or receiving of input and output
control commands using J1939 datalink instead of individual hard wires. The enables for multiplex
parameters are service trims and can be adjusted with VEPS. The source address from which the parameter
is multiplexed is also VEPS trimmable. Please refer to 1377 – 9804 – J1939 Multiplexing of Inputs and
Outputs (Interface Specification) for details. All parameters that help accomplish multiplexing fall in this
• General (G) - All other nonproprietary J1939 requirements that are not covered in the other 5 categories are
grouped under General. For example: Acknowledgment (ACK/NACK), Transport Protocol.
• Service/Proprietary (SP) - This category comprises J1939 messages that can be used to convey proprietary
information, e.g. PGN for Proprietary A.
Table 1 lists all J1939 PGNs and parameters that are supported on all Quantum engine platforms. Please read
the following notes in order to understand the contents of the table.
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Notes to Aid Understanding of Table 1:
Also, SA/DA refers to the Source Address/Destination Address and listing of SAE defined PGN numbers is given.
As an example, the combination of PGN 00000–TSC1 and Trans(3)/Engine(0) should be interpreted as TSC1 is
sourced from the Transmission (J1939 address 3) and received by Engine (J1939 address 0). Also note that any
PGN can be requested by any source with a J1939 address. Where this is not true, the specific addresses have
been listed.
Some PGNs are not completely defined in SAE J1939-71 and -73. They are denoted with a superscripted
asterisk “*”. Please refer to the notes at the end of the table for details.
Column 4 indicates which Cummins defined category the parameter falls in.
Please note that there are cases where the parameter may belong to more than one category. For example -
Parameter “engine Derate Switch” belongs to both IS/MX. Also read Note 6.
TX means that the parameter is transmitted from the engine, RX means that the engine receives the parameter,
an entry no means that the parameter is not supported. Support of a J1939 parameter listed as both TX/RX,
means the following:
Under a non-multiplexed case, the parameter value is transmitted (TX) from engine.
The broadcast of certain J1939 Parameters shall be dependent upon the override trims for those parameters.
These trims can only be changed (enabled/disabled) prior to the powerup sequence. When the overrides have
been enabled, J1939 Parameters for those System Names shall be broadcast with N/ A (112 for switches & FF16
for analog values.)
Note: Multiplexing – if the hardwire is still attached to the ECM for that particular switch/sensor and the
parameter is set to be multiplexed, the ECU will ignore the hardwire input.
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