Kelly 2003
Kelly 2003
Kelly 2003
Fig. 1. Maxillary arch that has supported complete upper denture against 6 natural lower anterior teeth and Class I partial
denture for 14 years shows changes that this combination often effects.
Fig. 2. Mounted diagnostic casts show bony loss and rolled Fig. 3. With loss of anterior maxillary bone, overgrowth of
(hyperplastic) soft tissue in upper anterior region, enlarged tuberosities, and upward migration of lower anterior teeth,
tuberosities, and extruded lower anterior teeth. patient shows no upper anterior teeth but does show upper
posterior teeth because of dropping of distal end of occlusal
plane of dentures.
enlarged tuberosities. These enlarged tuberosities are Excessive bony resorption under the lower removable
usually made up of fibrous tissue, but in some patients partial denture bases occurs to permit these changes, and
the bone height seems to have increased also. With these often inflammatory papillary hyperplasia develops in the
changes, the occlusal plane migrates up in the anterior palate (Fig. 4).
region and down in the back. After a time, the natural The histopathology of the hyperplastic anterior
lower anterior teeth migrate upward, the anterior teeth ridge tissue, and the fibrous tissue which develops
on the complete denture disappear under the patient’s over the tuberosities is revealing. Microscopic exami-
lip, and both dentures migrate downward in the poste- nation of these tissues shows that the flabby tissue and
rior region. The esthetics are poor with the patient show- the hard tissue over the tuberosities are indistinguish-
ing none of the upper anterior teeth and too much of the able. They are made up of mature, dense, fibrous
lower anterior teeth, and the occlusal plane drops down to connective tissue. This tissue in both locations has
expose the upper posterior teeth (Figs. 2 and 3). dense bundles of collagen fibers, with relatively few
Fig. 5. Histologic sections of lesions: A, Flabby (hyperplastic) anterior ridge (⫻100); B, fibrous tuberosity (⫻100); C, inflam-
matory papillary hyperplasia (⫻40); D, the same (⫻100). The similarity of A (hyperplastic ridge tissue) and B (fibrous tuberosity)
is discussed in text. Papillary hyperplasia shows (a) fibrous core, (b) hyperplastic epithelium, and (c) inflammatory cells.
anterior section of the immediate denture had been re- All of the patients showed a loss of 1 to 3 mm, of ridge
fitted with cold-curing acrylic resin. This was unsually height in the anterior region. All of the subjects showed
about four weeks after insertion of the dentures. a loss of the underlying bone as well. All of the subjects
A second radiograph was made after six to eight showed an increase of 1 to 2.5 mm. height of the tuber-
months. The patients were seen regularly over the first osity with all but one having a corresponding increase in
few months, and the dentures refitted and serviced as the height of the underlying bone. One subject had an
needed. After the first year, the third radiograph was increase in the height of the tuberosity but a slight loss of
made. At this time, the maxillary denture was relined underlying bone. All of the subjects show a 1.0 to 1.5
or a new denture was constructed. After this, the pa- mm. extrusion of the lower anterior teeth.
tients were called annually for examination and radio- This is significant since the measurements are very
graphs. accurate because of the stability of the bony landmarks at
Measurements were made directly on the radio- the midline.
graphs, using the sella-nasion line as a base. The results One patient is beginning to show signs of the deteri-
are expressed as millimeters of increase (plus) or milli- oration of the anterior part of the upper ridge which we
meters of decrease (minus) in the residual ridge height. attribute to trauma from the lower anterior teeth. This
Table I shows these data for the maxillary bone and soft patient has a flabby thickening of the tissue, inflamma-
tissue. tion of the incisive papilla, and the beginning of a fold
Tracings were made from the cephalometric radio- forming the labial surface of the ridge (Fig. 10).
graphs. These show the changes graphically but not as All of the subjects have been successful denture wear-
accurately as the measurements directly on the radio- ers, well satisfied with their prosthesis. They have re-
graphs (Fig. 9). ceived better than average follow-up treatment in refit-
Fig. 9. Cephalometric tracings of each of the 6 subjects. They were made 3 years apart and show changes that have occurred.
Solid lines show initial outline of bone and soft tissue; dotted lines indicate these outlines 3 years later (Table I).
Almost inevitable degenerative changes develop in
the edentulous regions of wearers of complete upper
and partial lower dentures. We have followed six patients
Fig. 10. One subject, although given follow-up treatment,
over a three-year period with cephalometric radiographs
shows the beginning of degenerative changes. Soft tissue in
anterior part of maxillary ridge is thickened and soft. Note
to determine if these changes could be detected. In all
characteristic horizontal fold on labial surface of maxillary six subjects, early changes that could become gross
ridge. changes were apparent. In one of them degenerative
clinical change is beginning to appear.
This problem might be solved with treatment plan-
ning to avoid the combination of complete upper den-
dentures. Surgery can do much to rehabilitate these pa- tures against distal-extension partial lower dentures. The
tients. The flabby (hyperplastic) tissue can be removed, alternative of complete maxillary and mandibular den-
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