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Awareness of breast cancer and breast self-examination
among female undergraduate students in a higher teachers
training college in Cameroon
Carlson-Babila Sama1,2,&, Bonaventure Dzekem2,3, Jules Kehbila2,4, Cyril Jabea Ekabe2,4, Brice Vofo2,5, Naomi Liteba Abua2,
Therence Nwana Dingana2,6, Fru Angwafo III7
Bambalang Sub-Divisional Hospital, Northwest Region, Cameroon, 2Galactic Corps Research Group (GCRG), Cameroon and Faculty of Health
Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon, 3Clinical Research Education, Networking and Consultancy (CRENC), Douala, Cameroon and Health
Services Partner Cameroon, 4Grace Community Health and Development Association (GRACHADA), Kumba, Cameroon, 5Ntam Medicalised Health
Centre, Kumba, Cameroon, 6Catholic General Hospital, Njinikom, Northwest Region, Cameroon, 7Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital and
Department of Surgery, University Teaching Hospital, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Corresponding author: Carlson-Babila Sama, Bambalang Sub-Divisional Hospital, Northwest Region, Cameroon
Key words: Breast cancer, breast self-examination, knowledge, practice, female students, Cameroon
Introduction: The incidence of breast cancer (BCa) in Cameroon is on the rise and accounts for a leading cause of mortality. An understanding of
the knowledge and practices on breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE) among teachers are important first steps which will guide the
designing of interventions aimed at raising awareness across the general population. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in April 2016
involving 345 consenting female undergraduate students in the Higher Teachers Training College, Bambili, Cameroon. Data was collected using a
pretested self-administered questionnaire and analysed using descriptive methods. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 22.5±3.2years
and a vast majority (n = 304, 88.1%) had heard about BCa primarily from the television/radio (n=196, 64.5%). Overall, less than a quarter (n=65,
21.4%) of respondents who had heard about BCa had sufficient knowledge on its risk factors and signs/symptoms. A plurality (53.3%) thought
BCa can be prevented via vaccination while over a third (38.7%) opined that BCa can be treated spiritually. Less than half (47%) of respondents
who had heard about BCa had heard about BSE amongst which only 55 (38.5%) had ever practiced it. Conclusion: Though most students are
aware of the existence of breast cancer, their overall knowledge on its risk factors and clinical presentation is insufficient with a concomitant low
practice of BSE. These highlighted gaps warrants intensification of sensitization campaigns and educational programmes in order to raise
knowledge levels and enhance prevention strategies that would aid in reducing the burden of breast cancer in Cameroon.
© Carlson-Babila Sama et al. The Pan African Medical Journal - ISSN 1937-8688. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
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Table 3: Perceived attitudes regarding development of breast cancer of 304 female undergraduates from HTTC, University of
Bamenda, Cameroon, April 2016
Variable Frequency Percentage (%)
Will be scared 242 79.6
Will consult to a doctor 273 89.8
Will use traditional medicine 58 19.1
Will go to a prayer house 145 47.7
Will agree to perform mastectomy if necessary (removal of the
105 34.5
Table 5: Knowledge, practice and perceived importance of breast self-examination among female undergraduates
from HTTC, University of Bamenda, Cameroon, April 2016
Knowledge/Practice Response Frequency Percentage (%)
Ever heard about BSE
Yes 143 47.0
No 164 53.0
Frequency of BSE
Daily 14 9.8
Weekly 14 9.8
Monthly& 37 25.9
Every 3 months 18 12.9
Every 6 months 8 5.6
Yearly 5 3.5
Don’t Know 47 32.9
Appropriate time of BSE
Few days before menses 7 4.9
Few days after menses& 10 7.0
During menses 8 5.6
No specific time 48 33.6
Don’t know 70 49.0
Impression on importance of
Important 133 93.0
Not important 10 7.0
Ever performed BSE
Yes 55 38.5
No 88 61.5
Previous training on BSE
Yes 25 17.5
No 118 82.5
Desire training on how to do
Yes 136 94.4
No 8 5.6
&Correct answers