Davis Joseph H 200712 Mast PDF
Davis Joseph H 200712 Mast PDF
Davis Joseph H 200712 Mast PDF
A Master’s Thesis
Presented to
The Academic Faculty
Joseph Davis
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
December 2007
Approved by:
I would like to recognize and thank the following individuals for their special assistance in the
Dr. Sandeep Agarwal Dr. Han Gil Chae Mr. Emre Gündüz
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................... vi
SUMMARY................................................................................................................................. xiv
6.3 Calibration........................................................................................................................... 93
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 97
Table 3.1 Engine Rating for Unscaled 2007 AHS Design Competition Engine……………….. 32
Table 3.2 Effects of Engine Scaling on 2007 AHS Design Competition Engine………………. 32
Table 3.3 Effects of RPM Variation on 2007 AHS Design Competition Engine……….……… 33
Table 4.1 Sizing Mission for 2007 AHS Student Design Competition………………….……... 55
Figure 3.4 Comparison of XV-15 Power to Predicted Values using Momentum Theory with
Figure 3.5 Power Required vs. Airspeed for a Single Main rotor Helicopter………...……….. 35
Figure 3.6 Power Required vs. Airspeed for a Single Main Rotor Helicopter at Two Different
Figure 3.7 Max Altitude vs. Airspeed for Single Main Rotor Helicopters…..………………... 38
Figure 3.8 Max Dash, Max Range, and Max Endurance Airspeeds……………...………….... 39
Figure 3.11 Drag Divergence Mach Number vs. Section Angle of Attack for NACA 63-015… 45
Figure 3.13 Power Required vs. Airspeed for a Boxed Wing Tail Sitter………………….……. 50
Figure 5.2 RF_1 Output Summary………………...…………………………………………... 64
D’ section drag
D fuselage drag
E endurance
GUI graphical user interface
L’ section lift
QMR main rotor torque
R rotor radius
R range
RF ratio of fuel
S wing area
SR specific range
t time
T temperature
ui induced velocity
up parasite velocity
ur profile velocity
v induced velocity
V aircraft velocity
vd power off rate of descent
W aircraft weight
WE empty weight
WG gross weight
α angle of attack
ηH mechanical hover efficiency
λ’ rotor inflow
ρ air density
σ rotor solidity
Throughout the evolution of rotorcraft design, great advancements have been made in
developing performance analysis and sizing tools to assist designers during the preliminary and
detailed design phases. However, very few tools exist to assist designers during the conceptual
design phase. Most performance analysis tools are very discipline or concept specific, and many
are far too cumbersome to use for comparing vastly different concepts in a timely manner.
Consequently, many conceptual decisions must be made qualitatively. A need exists to develop
a single software tool which is capable of modeling any type of feasible rotorcraft concept using
different levels of detail and accuracy in order to assist in the decision making throughout the
conceptual and preliminary design phases. This software should have a very intuitive and
configurable user interface which allows users of different backgrounds and experience levels to
use it, while providing a broad capability of modeling traditional, innovative, and highly
Design Software (CIRADS) will be presented to prove the applicability of such software tools.
CIRADS is an object oriented application with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for specifying
performance, and airfoil characteristics. Input files from the GUI are assembled to form analysis
and design project files which are processed using algorithms developed in MATLAB but
compiled as a stand alone executable and embedded in the GUI. The performance calculations
are based primarily upon a modified momentum theory with empirical correction factors and
simplified blade stall models. The ratio of fuel (RF) sizing methodology is used to size the
aircraft based on the mission requirements specified by the user. The results of the
analysis/design simulations are then displayed in tables and text fields in the GUI. The intent for
CIRADS is to become a primary conceptual sizing and performance estimation tool for the
Georgia Institute of Technology rotorcraft design teams for use in the annual American
which balances and synchronizes multiple design disciplines in order to provide an optimum
solution which best meets the needs and requirements of the customer. While different design
methodologies may vary in detail, most begin with a conceptual design phase which is focused
alternatives, and comparing alternatives in order to make major conceptual design decisions.
Once a concept is selected, the preliminary design phase begins. During this phase, the designers
continually refine their focus to conduct more detailed analysis in order to refine design
parameters across multiple disciplines. Figure 1.1 shows the Georgia Institute of Technology
Rotorcraft Integrated Product and Process (IPPD) Preliminary Design Process. The upper left
corner of this figure shows the conceptual design iteration loop, while the remainder of the figure
Throughout the evolution of rotorcraft design, great advancements have been made in
developing analysis tools to assist designers during the preliminary and detailed design phases.
Many of these tools are mentioned in Figure 1.1. However, very few tools exist to assist
designers during the conceptual design phase. Most analysis tools are very discipline or concept
specific, and many are far too cumbersome to use to compare vastly different design concepts in
a timely manner. Consequently, many conceptual decisions must be made qualitatively. Figure
1.1 shows that information from the preliminary design loops are fed back into the conceptual
loop making the process iterative. In this way, conceptual decisions may be ratified or rejected
from information gathered during preliminary design. However, a poor conceptual design
decision that is not discovered until the completion of a preliminary design iteration will become
very expensive to change and may jeopardize the critical path timeline of the project. This
In the next chapter, this thesis will establish the need for developing software tools which
are capable of modeling any type of feasible rotorcraft design concept with different levels of
detail and accuracy in order to assist in the decision making throughout the conceptual and
preliminary design phases. Next, the mathematical background for analyzing and designing
rotorcraft based on a modified Momentum Theory and Extended Ratio of Fuel (RF) methodology
will be presented. Then, design considerations, practices, and techniques for developing
conceptual performance analysis and design software tools will be explored. Finally, a general
overview of the Concept Independent Rotorcraft Analysis and Design Software (CIRADS) that
was developed in support of this thesis will be presented. In conjunction with this thesis, an
operator’s manual documenting the source code and describing how to use the software will be
Many aircraft design problems begin with a specified concept configuration from the
customer. For example, a customer may submit a request for proposal (RFP) to design a single
main rotor helicopter with a range of 300 nm and a payload of 1000 lbs with an emphasis on
minimizing life cycle cost. In this case, most of the conceptual design decisions have already
been made. The customer specifically requested a single main rotor helicopter. It would not be
prudent or cost effective to consider other types of configurations (i.e. tilt rotors, coaxial rotors,
compounds, etc.). Engineers could begin with a ratio of fuel (RF) sizing and optimization and
However, some design problems are much more complex and require more thorough
conceptual analysis in order to select a concept configuration. The 2007 American Helicopter
Society (AHS) Student Design Competition is an example. The teams were required to design
two different rotorcraft concepts (manned and unmanned) that are launched from a submerged
submarine (50’ below the water surface). These aircraft would be stored in a retrofitted space
that is currently used to store 20 Triton Missiles (total volume of 44’ tall x 17’ wide x 95’ long).
The manned aircraft would be required to transport exactly two (no more, no less) special
operations forces (SOF) soldiers from the submarine to a tactical objective 140 nm away, and
The RFP implies that the manned aircraft must land to unimproved surfaces at the
objective in order to deploy the two SOF soldiers. Multiple manned aircraft could be stored on
the submarine, and each aircraft could make multiple trips to the objective. The primary mission
metric was the deployment of as many SOF soldiers as possible to the objective in a six hour
window. This drove two major engineering considerations: 1) Make the aircraft as compact as
possible to fit as many on the submarine as possible, and 2) make the aircraft as fast as possible,
The unmanned aircraft was required to escort the manned aircraft to the objective, and
remain at the objective in loiter for at least three hours in support of the soldiers at the objective.
The unmanned aircraft was not required to land to unimproved surfaces (loiter only). Since both
aircraft were acting in support of sensitive covert and clandestine operations, the most important
design objective was to remain undetected throughout the mission. This engineering
consideration of stealth was in direct opposition to the high performance and soldier transport
rate of the primary mission metric. Both aircraft were required to hover OGE, which dictated
some type of rotorcraft, but the RFP did not specify a configuration for either the manned or the
unmanned aircraft. The design of both aircraft, the system used for launch and recovery, and the
The complex design requirements made several concept configurations seem worthy of
consideration. The need for a high dash speed made a tilt rotor seem attractive for the manned
aircraft, but the assumed high disk loading associated with a tilt rotor made it unattractive in
terms of stealth (especially during the approach and landing to the objective, which would be the
most important time). A simple single main rotor helicopter would be just the opposite (best for
noise, but slow). The idea of a coaxial helicopter seemed attractive, because it would not require
a tail rotor, so it could conceivably be shorter and maybe easier to store on the submarine, and if
equipped with auxiliary propulsion, could be faster than a single main rotor helicopter. However,
the blade vortex interaction would make it very unattractive during the descent and landing to the
objective in terms of stealth. Since the unmanned aircraft was not required to land at the
objective, different considerations were necessary. Due to noise directivity, a rotor acting as a
propeller (i.e. tilt rotor or tail sitter) would be perceived as quieter than the rotor of a single main
rotor helicopter because the rotor acting as a propeller would direct noise outward whereas the
rotor of the helicopter would direct noise down towards the objective. Also, a tilt rotor or tail
sitter would be faster which would provide some added advantage even for the unmanned
aircraft (quick reaction time, early reconnaissance, etc). The tail sitter was not considered for the
manned vehicle due to it difficulty in landing to unimproved surfaces, and its poor crewmember
So, several concept configurations seemed like possibilities, and the idea that the two
aircraft (manned and unmanned) would have different configurations also seemed like a
possibility. Several debates among students at Georgia Tech took place about which concept
was best for each aircraft. Though it eventually proved to be untrue, some students even
conjectured that a tilt rotor could possibly have as low of a disk loading as a helicopter if the
wings and rotors were larger. This could help reduce the noise and possibly give it a design edge
over the helicopter. It would, however, reduce the packing density of aircraft on the submarine.
This resulted in more debates about which engineering consideration was more sensitive to
soldier deployment rate – the packing density on the submarine or aircraft speed. The launch
system issues confused the situation even more. The biggest debate was still the trade between
airspeed speed (deployment rate) and noise (stealth). The uncertainty about the sensitivities of
these two engineering considerations drove the desire to produce quantitative calculations of
performance, gross weight, and perceived noise levels of the various configurations.
However, it was quickly realized that there is no known single software tool that is
capable of modeling each of the different configurations. All known software tools are used to
analyze very specific configurations. They cannot model other configurations. In fact, it was not
very easy to find software that could “easily” model any configuration. Georgia Tech’s baseline
software known as Georgia Tech Preliminary Design Program (GTPDP), has been the program
of choice for student design teams for many years. It is an older code that is based on
momentum theory, but it gives values that are reasonable, especially for conceptual design.
However, it can only model single main rotor helicopter and coaxial helicopters. It does not
model a tilt rotor or tail sitter. Also, it does not have a very good user interface. It uses text
input and output files which must be properly formatted, and the documentation for the software
has not been well kept. So, each year, students undergo a trial and error learning process to
figure it out. VASCOMP is a software tool used to calculate performance parameters of tilt
rotors. Students made attempts to use it, but like GTPDP, its user interface is confusing and the
program is quite cumbersome for new users. During most years, when a single main rotor
helicopter was the obvious configuration choice for the competition, GTPDP was a painful but
nonetheless useful tool, but this was not the case during the 2007 competition. Even if the team
decided to go through the trouble of finding different software tools that could model individual
concepts, it would require great patients in learning the software, and the results would likely be
based on different calculation methods with different assumptions, so their would be some
expected variance between results just based on the software used. There is also a finite amount
of time that can reasonably be allocated to conceptual design during an AHS competition (or any
other design scenario). Time must be allocated for preliminary design to consider areas like
rotor dynamics, structures, aeroelasticity, control, life cycle cost, etc. For the 2007 competition,
the students were also required to allocate time for designing a submarine retrofit and a launch
and recovery system. It became very tempting to select a single main rotor helicopter for both
concepts by default “just to make it easy”. However, the students resisted this temptation and
decided instead to produce their own software which is capable of modeling each of the
previously mentioned configurations. In fact, the software produced for the 2007 AHS
competition is a crude predecessor of CIRADS which will be discussed in detail later in this
thesis. The students were not initially aware of the challenges ahead of them in producing
software of this magnitude. Several of them worked an upward of 50+ hours per week for
months on the AHS competition alone due to the added self imposed responsibility of producing
software to model different concepts. This, of course, took emphasis away from other design
disciplines, so despite winning the competition, the final product was not as good as it could
have been had a decent software tool been available for performance estimation and sizing.
Through countless software iterations, several myths were eventually dismissed such as,
“a tilt rotor could ever have a disk loading or gross weight as low as that of a single main rotor
helicopter.” Also, through additional simulations, it was proven that high dash speed was not
nearly as important as initially suggested, because the launch and refuel logistics would prove to
be limiting factors on the number of aircraft that could be deployed. Due to the emphasis of
stealth, a single rotor helicopter with NOTAR was selected for the manned aircraft while a
tandem rotor boxed wing tail sitter (very unique) was chosen for the unmanned aircraft. Figure
2.1 shows the final configurations for each of these concepts as well as an artistic rendition of the
Figure 2.1: Georgia Tech 2007 AHS Design Solution (Cypher, Dragonfly, and Barracuda)
This AHS Student Design Competition is a microcosmic example of actual aircraft
design. Many of the conceptual challenges faced by the students at Georgia Tech are also faced
by industry engineers. Many conceptual decisions are made on a very qualitative level, because
adequate software tools are not available for quantitative analysis, and there is not enough time
available to produce them. A need exists to develop a single software tool which is capable of
modeling any type of feasible rotorcraft concept using different levels of detail and accuracy in
order to assist in the decision making process throughout the conceptual and preliminary design
phases. This software should have a very intuitive and configurable user interface which allows
users of different backgrounds and experience levels to use it while providing a broad capability
Throughout this thesis, the term “analysis” will be used to describe the process of
calculating the performance of an aircraft that has already been designed. Given all of the
required environmental and aircraft physical parameters such as altitude, temperature, gross
weight, configuration type, number of rotors, rotor diameter, tip speed, airfoil type, solidity,
equivalent flat plate drag, anti-torque parameters (if any), wing parameters (if any), auxiliary
propulsion (if any), engine power available, etc., the full performance envelope of the aircraft
may be determined. The performance parameters determined will be max dash airspeed, max
range, max range airspeed, max endurance, max endurance airspeed, max rate of climb, vertical
rate of climb, hover ceiling, absolute ceiling, service ceiling, power off rate of descent, stall
limitations, etc. This is analysis. While analysis techniques may be iterative in nature (i.e.
Design (in terms of aircraft sizing) may be thought of as systematically varying key
aircraft physical parameters and rerunning analysis over and over until the results of the analysis
“just can’t get any better”, as defined by a set of customer requirements. Before an engineer can
required for different flight modes, is arguably the most fundamental but important part of
aircraft analysis. In the next section, several methods will be explored for determining aircraft
power required. This will form the mathematical basis for most of this thesis.
3.1 Estimating Power Required
Several methods exist for estimating the power required for a rotor or propeller to
produce a given amount of thrust under various conditions. These methods range from simple
computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The major trade to consider when choosing a calculation
method is processing time vs. degree of accuracy. CFD has proven to yield extremely accurate
results, but the processing time for a single iteration can take several hours. In a highly iterative
conceptual design environment, it could take years to reach an optimum solution. Under current
computer processing state of the art, CFD is not a viable solution for most conceptual design
On the other hand, simple Momentum Theory or “back of the envelope” takes very little
time to process but does not produce a high degree of accuracy. As much as 10 percent error
may arise using this method. This can be partially compensated for with empirical correction
factors. For conceptual design, where general trends may be sufficient for making decisions,
Momentum Theory is usually acceptable and definitely preferable to purely qualitative estimates.
Momentum Theory is based on several simplifying assumptions, so caution must be used when
The industry standard today for preliminary design is the use of CBEM codes for
estimating power required. CBEM codes produce more accurate results than Momentum Theory,
but they do not take as long to process as CFD. However, the design of a CBEM which can
model any feasible rotorcraft concept is not a trivial event, especially when the design flexibility
of rotor blade parameters is increased. Allowing high levels of non-linear twist in blades can
result in ill constrained equations. Couple this with the enormous differences in inflow angles
between a traditional helicopter and a tilt rotor and the complexity of the CBEM becomes quite a
challenge. Several traditional CBEM assumptions and iteration schemes break down. Also, the
processing time, while not nearly as restrictive as CFD, is still a hindrance during conceptual
design. The students from Georgia Tech chose to implement a CBEM code into their sizing
software for the 2007 AHS Student Design Competition described in Chapter 2. The processing
time for a single RF iteration for the boxed wing tail sitter configuration was about 30 minutes
just to balance the fuel, not including parameter optimization. So, while CBEM seems to be
appropriate for preliminary design, it is debatable whether or not it is worth the investment for
Due to developmental time constraints, a CBEM was not fully integrated into CIRADS.
However, all of the graphical user interface (GUI) options for the CBEM were completed. A
fully developed and tested MATLAB CBEM code could be integrated into CIRADS with
minimal additional work to the GUI. In the next section, equations based on a modified version
of Momentum Theory will be presented in detail. These equations are used for determining
The nomenclature and techniques described in this section are based primarily upon the
Hiller 1100 Report and the Georgia Tech Rotorcraft Aerodynamics (AE6070) class notes
provided by Dr. Lakshmi Sankar 6,7. For a traditional single main rotor helicopter, the total
HPTOTAL = (ihp + Rhp + php + HPTR + HPACC ) (3.1)
From Momentum Theory, assuming a triangular inflow distribution, with two percent loss due to
nonideal wake contraction and wake swirl, the induced power of a single main rotor helicopter in
1.15 K U T T
ihp = (3.2)
550 B 2 ρA
ρ = air density
The equation for induced power is considerably different for a tilt rotor acting as a propeller.
This will be discussed after the full discussion of the single main rotor helicopter.
The rotor thrust required can be determined from a simple aircraft free body diagram shown in
Figure 3.2. The thrust is a sum of the weight and drag vectors acting on the aircraft.
D= ρV 2 f (3.3)
T = W 2 + D2 (3.4)
The drag is usually considered very small relative to the weight, so some sources disregard it
altogether when analyzing a single main rotor helicopter. However, for concepts that use wings
and tilting nacelle angles (i.e. tilt rotors), the drag component is more significant and should be
included in the thrust equation. The rotor tip loss factor is typically a value of 0.96 to 0.98 for a
B = 1− (3.5)
nondimensionalized by,
CT = (3.6)
2 ρAVT2
Finally, to correct the induced power for forward flight, the induced power correction factor is
given by
2 4
1 ⎛V ⎞ 1 ⎛ V PARA ⎞
K U = − ⎜⎜ PARA ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ +4 (3.7)
2 ⎝ uH ⎠ 2 ⎜⎝ u H ⎟⎠
uH = (3.8)
2 ρA
and VPARA is the free stream velocity parallel to the rotor disk resulting in an asymmetric
flow between the advancing and retreating blades. For a single main rotor helicopter, this
value is assumed to be the aircraft velocity (V). For a tilt rotor, it may be defined as
where θN is the nacelle angle with 0 deg assumed to be helicopter mode and 90 deg
It may be noted that the value of KU = 1 in hover since VPARA = 0. It should also be noted that
KU = 1 for a tilt rotor with θN = 90. In effect, the tilt rotor is acting as a single main rotor in
vertical climb (no asymmetric flow). This gives insight to the purpose of the KU term. Its
purpose is to account for asymmetric flow between the advancing and retreating blades. There is
no asymmetric flow between the advancing and retreating blades of a single main rotor in
Rhp = (3.10)
The average blade drag coefficient is dependent upon the type of airfoil and is a function of
average blade lift coefficient CL, which is typically considered to be a linear function of angle of
attack. The linear scalar multiple of angle of attack is known as the lift curve slope (a) and is
CL = (3.11)
α= = (3.12)
a σa
Experimental drag polar equations for a particular airfoil can then be used to calculate CD. For
AB = N B cR = σA (3.14)
c = blade chord
R = rotor radius
Finally, to correct the profile power for forward flight, the profile power correction factor is
given by
K µ = 1 + 3µ 2 + C 4 µ 4 (3.15)
The value of C4 is mathematically a value of 3/8. However, wind tunnel test results have shown
that C4 should be empirically corrected to a value of 30 for a single main rotor helicopter and 5
for a compound helicopter. The value of 30 is based on an average blade CL between 0.3 and 0.6.
The value of 5 is based upon an autorotative profile (no lift being produced). For the purpose of
scheduling the value of C4 for partial lift and propulsive force of the main rotor the following
C 4 = 25 +5 (3.16)
(DFUSE + DWING )2 + W 2
W = aircraft weight
Notice, that like KU, the value of Kµ is 1 for a rotor in hover and vertical climb. Again, the
forward flight correction factors are used to account for asymmetric flow between the advancing
php = DV = ρV 3 f (3.17)
19 Tail Rotor Power
The tail rotor power required is based on the main rotor power. The tail rotor must
produce the necessary thrust to offset the torque of the main rotor. The torque of the main rotor
is defined as
The thrust required from the tail rotor is that necessary to offset QMR.
TTR = (3.19)
where LARM is the distance between the main and tail rotor shafts.
Like the main rotor, the tail rotor power has an induced and profile power component that are
computed using the same equations. The tail rotor does not have a parasite power component
since it does not produce forward propulsive force. The induced and profile power components
of the tail rotor also have induced and profile power correction terms that follow the same
behavior as those of the main rotor. The tail rotor may simply be though of as a main rotor tilted
90 deg. Some design papers make simplifying assumptions about the power required by the
main rotor and define a hover mechanical efficiency ηH and a forward flight mechanical
efficiency ηF. These efficiency factors are used to replace the tail rotor power making equation
3.1 appear as
HP = (iHP + RHP + php ) (3.20)
In this case, the forward flight efficiency factor has replaced not only the tail rotor component of
power, but also the accessory power, and the transmission mechanical efficiency. During design,
this keeps engineers from being bogged down in the details of the tail rotor which are not really
sensitive enough to be considered in detail during conceptual design. Typical values for ηH and
Sometimes, vertical fins will be used on aircraft to offload the tail rotor during high speed
forward flight. In this case, the vertical fin may be thought of as a wing turned on its side
producing lift to offset the load of the tail rotor in the same way that a wing of a compound
helicopter offsets the load of the main rotor. When the vertical fin completely offloads the tail
rotor, only the profile power component of the tail rotor will remain with a C4 value of 5.
pumps, etc. which are driven by the main rotor. A typical value for accessory power of a
helicopter with digital instruments and a moderate level of electronic equipment is 10HP.
For a tilt rotor in airplane mode and steady level forward flight, the induced power term
will appear as a rotor in vertical climb. From momentum theory, this is given by
⎛V V T ⎞
iHP = ⎜⎜ + + ⎟T
⎟ (3.21)
⎝ 2 2 2 ρ A ⎠
where V is the airspeed of the tilt rotor and T is the thrust required to overcome the
In this case, it is assumed that the wings are producing 100 percent of the aircraft lift to counter
the weight of the aircraft. It should also be noted that the parasite power of equation 3.1 has
been absorbed into the induced power term of the main rotor making it
HPTOTAL = (ihp + Rhp + HPACC ) (3.22)
Again, this is because the thrust of the main rotor includes the parasite drag as well as the drag of
The drag coefficient of the wings may be calculated from the CL of wings by
C L2
CD = (3.24)
πA Re
CL may be calculated by
CL = (3.25)
0.5 ρV 2 S
However, using the equations above, there are no constraints in place to model wing stall at low
airspeeds. Typically wings have a max CL associated with the airfoil type. One method for
C L2 ⎛ CL ⎞
CD = + 0.00001⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (3.26)
πA Re ⎝ C L −MAX ⎠
For CL values less than or equal to CL-MAX, the value of the right hand term will be negligibly
small and have virtually no effect on the value of CD. At CL values of even slightly above CL-MAX,
the value of the right hand term will be very large causing the drag to be very large and the
induced power of the rotors to be very large. While this term works well for a tilt rotor
configuration, it is not necessary for a compound configuration since a compound still has a main
rotor to produce lift. Instead, the lift of a compound wing should be constrained to that of the
max CL, and the remainder of the aircraft weight should be assumed to be applied to the main
One final problem remains with this method of modeling the induced power of a tilt rotor
which stems back to a very fundamental Momentum Theory assumption. The assumption is that
the rotor disk provides no resistive force to the air flowing axially through it. This should not be
confused with the profile drag which is correctly modeled. It is the induced drag component
which is not modeled properly. Figure 3.2 shows the forces acting on a rotor blade segment.
V α
v θ
The induced drag component is not modeled using traditional momentum theory. For a single
main rotor helicopter, this is not a problem because the induced drag force is negligible. It is
negligible because the value of the axial or perpendicular flow (V+v) is very small compared to
the tangential flow (Ωr). This makes the inflow angle Φ very small, which makes the induced
drag very small. Even during max climb, the value of V is very small (≈ 30 ft/sec). However,
during airplane mode, the value of V for a tilt rotor can be as high as 500 ft/sec, making the
induced drag term significant. CBEM codes can account for induced drag accurately, but
Upon investigation of the induced drag term using a CBEM model, it is evident that rotor
tip speed has a significant effect on the induced drag term. This is the reason that tilt rotors
usually have lower tip speeds in airplane mode than in helicopter mode. By slowing the tip
speed, the inflow angle is increased. Also, at lower tip speeds, the blade must assume a higher
angle of attack in order to produce an equal amount of thrust. Together the higher inflow angle
and higher angle of attack cause the value of collective angle (θ) to be higher (the inflow angle
more so than the angle of attack). By looking at Figure 3.2 this might appear to have an adverse
affect, since the total drag component will point more axial (vertical), causing the induced drag
term to increase. However, because of the orientation of the rotor blade relative to the free
stream velocity, the magnitude of the total drag vector is reduced. In this case, the decreased
magnitude in total drag out weights the adverse change in the induced drag vector direction.
Another perspective of this phenomenon is from a position ahead of the rotor looking into
the rotor as shown in Figures 3.3.a and 3.3.b. Figure 3.3.a shows a view of the blades at a higher
tip speed. Figure 3.3.b shows an exaggerate view of the blades at a lower tip speed. The lower
tip speed of Figure 3.3.b cause the collective angle to be higher resulting in less cross-sectional
area when viewed from the front. This lower area equates to a lower total drag vector.
Therefore, the empirical correction factor for induced drag should be a function of collective
angle as well as the total blade area. The XV-15 was used as a calibration baseline in order to
experimentally determine the induced drag correction factor. This results in the modified version
of induced power.
⎛V T ⎞
ihp = ⎜⎜ +
+ [
⎟T + 0.001278 ρV 3σA(cos θ )
2 2 ρA ⎠
] (3.27)
Figure 3.4 shows the comparison of the XV-15 experimental data with simple and modified
momentum theory. Notice that without the induced drag correction term, the error between
simple Momentum Theory and the experimental values increases with airspeed.
Power (HP)
160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
Airspeed (kts)
Momentum Theory w/ Induced Drag Term Actual XV-15 Simple Mometum Theory
Figure 3.4: Comparison of XV-15 Power to Predicted Values using Momentum Theory with and
26 Auxiliary Propulsion
The equations for an auxiliary propeller are the same as those of a tilt rotor in airplane
mode. However, auxiliary propellers are usually more efficient than tilt rotors. This is because
they can be optimized for high speed flight in terms of blade twist and propeller diameter. Their
primary disadvantage is the empty weight that they add to the aircraft and the fact that a main
rotor is still required for vertical takeoff. In fact, the main rotor is a drag hindrance during high
speed forward flight due to it profile drag. So, the efficiency advantage gained from the
auxiliary propeller is usually negated by the profile drag of the main rotor.
The nomenclature and techniques described in this section are taken from the method
presented by Prof. J. Gordon Leishman is his text book Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics 4.
Two primary scenarios exist for calculating power required for coaxial or intermeshing rotors.
The first assumes that the rotors have virtually no vertical gap between them. The second
assumes that the lower rotor is in the far wake of the upper rotor. In either case, the ultimate goal
is to define an induced power overlapping correction factor (Κov). This is the ratio of the induced
power required for a set of intermeshing rotors to the power required for the same set of rotors if
they were not intermeshed at all. For the first scenario, assuming virtually no vertical gap
K ov = 1 + ( )
2 − 1 m' (3.28)
where m’ is the overlapping fraction of the rotors, with 1 being completely overlapped
Notice that in the case of a coaxial rotor (with m’ = 1) that K ov = 2 , meaning that a set of
coaxial rotors would require 1.414 times more induced power than a pair of non-overlapping
For the case of the lower rotor in the far wake of the upper rotor, the relationship between
the induced velocity of the of the lower and upper rotor have the following quadratic relationship
⎛ 16m' 2 ⎞ ⎛ 12m' ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ 2
⎜⎜ − 4m'−2 ⎟⎟vu2 + ⎜ ⎟v u v l + ⎜ ⎟v l = 0 (3.29)
⎝ 2m'+1 ⎠ ⎝ 2m'+1 ⎠ ⎝ 2m'+1 ⎠
This equation can be solved with the known value of m’ to get an equation of the form
v l = G ( m ' )v u (3.30)
G ( m' ) + 1 + 2 m'
K ov = (3.31)
The engines in most modern rotorcraft fall into two major categories: turbo-shaft and
reciprocating. The primary advantages of the turbo-shaft engine are light weight and reliability.
The advantages of the reciprocating engine are low cost and lower SFC in partial power settings.
The reciprocating engines are also made in smaller sizes than turbo-shaft engines giving them a
“nitch” market in smaller helicopters like the Robinson R-22. This prompted the design problem
for the 2006 AHS Student Design Competition sponsored by Bell Helicopter to design an
affordable turbo-shaft driven two place training helicopter. The lower SFC in partial power
settings makes the reciprocating engine attractive for missions that require long loiter times such
as unmanned aerial surveillance systems. However, the added weight of the reciprocating engine
makes it unattractive for most other missions. In the following sections, general performance
1. The power available based on thermal limiting decreases with higher altitude and higher
ambient temperatures.
2. Power available decrease and SFC degrades (increase) with a decrease in engine RPM.
3. SFC degrades (increases) during partial power settings. The effect becomes worse as the
4. SFC is relatively constant with pressure altitude, but it is sensitive to temperature. The
lapse rate in temperature with altitude, the SFC improves with altitude. However, this is
5. SFC values are higher (worse) for smaller engines. However, an engine’s SFC is
degraded more with partial power than it gains with an increase in size, so over-sizing an
The engine power available decreases with power available according to the following equation:
⎡ ⎛ ALT ⎞⎤
HPAV = HPISA / SLP ⎢1 − z1 ⎜ ⎟⎥[1 − z 2 (∆TS )] (3.32)
⎣ ⎝ 10000 ⎠⎦
where z1 and z2 are constants on the order of 0.195 and 0.005 respectively and ∆TS is the
where HPSR is the transient power rating for t minutes and x1 and x2 are constants on the
⎡ 0.135 ⎤
SFC PART = SFC MCP ⎢0.865 + ⎥ (3.34)
⎢⎣ (HPREQ / HPAV )c1 ⎥⎦
where c1 is a constant on the order of 1 to 2.
SFCMCP/ T 2 = SFCMCP/ T1 k1 (T2 − T1 ) + k 2(T2 − T1 ) + 1
) (3.35)
where k1 and k2 are constants on the order of 0.0000218 and 0.000453 respectively
SFC degradation with decreasing RPM follows a polynomial regression that varies between
engines. The scalable engine given in the 2007 AHS Student Design Competition RFP varied
⎡ ⎛ RPM 2 ⎞
⎛ RPM 2 ⎞
⎛ RPM 2 ⎞ ⎤
SFC RPM 2 = SFC RPM 1 ⎢− 1.211⎜ ⎟ + 4.281⎜ ⎟ − 5.104⎜ ⎟ + 3.034⎥ (3.36)
⎣⎢ ⎝ RPM 1 ⎠ ⎝ RPM 1 ⎠ ⎝ RPM 1 ⎠ ⎦⎥
The horsepower of the same engine degraded with decreasing RPM according to the following
⎡ ⎛ RPM 2 ⎞
⎛ RPM 2 ⎞
⎛ RPM 2 ⎞ ⎤
HPRPM 2 = HPRPM 1 ⎢1.143⎜ ⎟ − 3.907⎜ ⎟ + 4.58⎜ ⎟ − 0.816⎥ (3.37)
⎢⎣ ⎝ RPM 1 ⎠ ⎝ RPM 1 ⎠ ⎝ RPM 1 ⎠ ⎥⎦
The SFC of this engine degraded with scaling according to the following equation:
⎡ ⎛ HP 2 ⎞
⎛ HP 2 ⎞ ⎤
⎢ − 0.00932⎜ ⎟ + 0.865⎜ ⎟ + 0.445 ⎥
SFC HP 2 = SFC HP1 ⎢ ⎝ HP1 ⎠ ⎝ HP1 ⎠ ⎥ (3.38)
⎢ ⎛ HP 2 ⎞ ⎥
⎢ ⎜ ⎟ + 0.301 ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ HP1 ⎠ ⎥⎦
Table 3.1 shows the unscaled engine data for the 2007 AHS Student Design Competition for
three different altitudes and temperatures. Notice the decrease of power available with an
increase in altitude and temperature. Also notice, the improvement (decrease) in SFC with lower
Table 3.1: Engine Rating for Unscaled 2007 AHS Design Competition Engine
Unscaled Engine Data 0ft/59F Time Rating (min) Power (HP) SFC (lb/hp-hr)
OEI 0.5 1049 0.36
Max Rated Power 2 1002 0.361
Intermediate Rated Power 30 934 0.365
Max Continuous Power MCP 764 0.379
Partial Power (50% MRP) PRP 501 0.426
Idle Idle 200 0.672
Unscaled Engine Data 0ft/102.92F Time Rating (min Power (HP) SFC (lb/hp-hr)
OEI 0.5 867 0.373
Max Rated Power 2 820 0.377
Intermediate Rated Power 30 758 0.384
Max Continuous Power MCP 619 0.404
Partial Power (50% MRP) PRP 410 0.466
Idle Idle 164 0.784
Unscaled Engine Data 6000ft/95F Time Rating (min Power (HP) SFC (lb/hp-hr)
OEI 0.5 707 0.371
Max Rated Power 2 664 0.376
Intermediate Rated Power 30 611 0.383
Max Continuous Power MCP 504 0.402
Partial Power (50% MRP) PRP 332 0.463
Idle Idle 133 0.777
Table 3.2: Effects of Engine Scaling on 2007 AHS Design Competition Engine
Unscaled Engine Data 0ft/59F Time Rating (min) Power (HP) SFC (lb/hp-hr)
OEI 0.5 1049 0.36
Max Rated Power 2 1002 0.361
Intermediate Rated Power 30 934 0.365
Max Continuous Power MCP 764 0.379
Partial Power (50% MRP) PRP 501 0.426
Idle Idle 200 0.672
Scaled Engine Data 0ft/59F Time Rating (min) Power (HP) SFC (lb/hp-hr)
OEI 0.5 714 0.378
Max Rated Power 2 682 0.379
Intermediate Rated Power 30 636 0.383
Max Continuous Power MCP 520 0.397
Partial Power (50% MRP) PRP 341 0.447
Idle Idle 136 0.705
Table 3.3: Effects of RPM Variation on 2007 AHS Design Competition Engine
Scaled Engine Data 0ft/59F Time Rating (min) Power (HP) SFC (lb/hp-hr)
OEI 0.5 714 0.378
Max Rated Power 2 682 0.379
Intermediate Rated Power 30 636 0.383
Max Continuous Power MCP 520 0.397
Partial Power (50% MRP) PRP 341 0.447
Idle Idle 136 0.705
Scaled Engine Data 0ft/59F Time Rating (min) Power (HP) SFC (lb/hp-hr)
OEI 0.5 532 0.484
Max Rated Power 2 508 0.485
Intermediate Rated Power 30 474 0.491
Max Continuous Power MCP 388 0.509
Partial Power (50% MRP) PRP 254 0.573
Idle Idle 101 0.903
Equations for the performance of reciprocating engines will not be presented in the same
detail as those for the turbo-shaft engines. However, for comparison, Table 3.4 shows data for
an example reciprocating engine that was used by Georgia Tech for the unmanned aerial vehicle
of the AHS 2007 Student Design Competition (reference Chapter 2). Notice that unlike the turbo
shaft engine whose SFC improved continually with power, the SFC of the reciprocating engine
has a bucket SFC at the 50 percent partial power rating. This makes the engine very attractive
for missions requiring extended loiter. However, it should be noted that this engine has a
specific weight of 1.13 lb/HP between 100 and 400 HP. So, without an extended loiter
requirement, the engine will never pay for its own weight in fuel weight.
Table 3.4: Reciprocating Engine Performance
3.3 Aircraft Performance
In the previous sections of this chapter, the mathematical groundwork was laid for
performance analysis. In this section, several key performance parameters will be defined and
major performance trends will be identified. A typical plot for power required (Eq 3.1) vs.
airspeed for a single main rotor helicopter at a given gross weight at sea level pressure ISA is
shown below.
Power (HP)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Airspeed (kts)
Power Available Total Power Required Induced Power Required
Profile Power Required Parasite Power Required
Figure 3.5: Power Required vs. Airspeed for a Single Main Rotor Helicopter
Notice that the induced power is the dominant component of power at low airspeeds and parasite
power is the dominant component at high airspeeds. Also, by looking back at the equations for
induced power (Eq 3.2) and parasite power (Eq 3.3), it should be pointed out that induced power
is inversely proportional to density, while parasite power is directly proportional to density. This
means that it takes less power to hover at lower altitudes and it take less power for high speed
forward flight at higher altitudes. The resulting plots of power required vs. airspeed for two
different altitudes and temperatures are shown below on the same graph.
Power (HP)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Airspeed (kts)
6000ft/95deg 0ft/59deg
Figure 3.6: Power Required vs. Airspeed for a Single Main Rotor Helicopter at Two Different
So, power required at high airspeeds decreases with an increase in altitude. However, it was
mentioned in the previous section that engine power available also decreases with altitude. This
brings out an important question. Which one decreases faster? The answer is the engine. So it
should be expected that the maximum airspeed for an aircraft will decrease with altitude.
However, most aircraft have transmission ratings at sea level which are less than the thermal
engine limits. This results because helicopters usually have high hot hover design requirements.
Since it takes more power to hover high hot than at sea level, and the engine is degrade at high
hot environmental conditions, the engine sizing for a high hot hover requirement results in a
considerable excess power margin available at sea level. In order to reduce transmission weight,
the transmission is usually sized for the high hot hover power required (not the engine power
available at sea level). When the aircraft is brought back to sea level, the engine power available
will increase, but the transmission power available does not, because the transmission is
mechanically limited. It has nothing to do with environmental conditions. So, at sea level, the
aircraft cannot take full advantage of its engine power available, because of the transmission
limit. So initially, with an increase in altitude, the power available remains constant until an
altitude is reached where the engine power available is equal to the transmission power rating.
At higher altitudes, the engine will be the limiting power factor. Therefore, from sea level to the
altitude where the engine and transmission are matched, the maximum airspeed will increase
with altitude. Above this point, the maximum airspeed will decrease with altitude. A typical
max altitude vs. airspeed plot is shown in Figure 3.7 below. Notice that from sea level to
approximately 9000 ft, the maximum airspeed increases with altitude. Above this point, the
maximum airspeed decreases. The highest point of the chart is known as the absolute ceiling.
However, this plot only shows power limiting. It does not depict any stall limitations, so it does
not tell the full story. Due to stall limits, the aircraft cannot fly at the higher points on this graph.
This plot will be revisited in Section 3.5 with stall limitations taken into consideration. Also note
that the point where the curve crosses the y-axis is the hover ceiling.
Altitude (ft)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Airspeed (kts)
Figure 3.7: Max Altitude vs. Airspeed for Single Main Rotor Helicopter
Revisiting the power required vs. airspeed curve (shown again as Figure 3.8), three critical
airspeeds should be mentioned. They are the max dash airspeed, the max range airspeed, and the
max endurance airspeed. The max dash airspeed is the point on the curve where the power
required curve intersects the power available line. The max endurance airspeed is the lowest
point of total power on the power required curve. This is also the point of maximum rate of
climb, maximum maneuverability, and minimum power off rate of descent. The max range
airspeed is shown as the point on the plot where a straight line slope leading from the origin is
tangent to the power required curve. It should be pointed out that the max endurance and max
range airspeeds shown on this figure are only theoretical. They assume an ideal engine perfectly
designed for this particular aircraft. For real engines, as discussed earlier, the SFC values are
non-linear, and in the case of turbo-shaft engines, they degrade rapidly with partial power.
Therefore, the actual values for maximum range and endurance should take into consideration
Max Dash Airspeed
Power (HP)
Max Endurance Airspeed
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Airspeed (kts)
Figure 3.8 Max Dash, Max Range, and Max Endurance Airspeeds
With knowledge of engine SFC vs. horsepower (equation 3.34 may be used as an approximation),
E= (3.39)
By stepping through airspeeds from a minimum to a maximum airspeed value using a reasonable
airspeed step, the actual max endurance airspeed and it associate endurance are found using Eq
R= (3.40)
SR = (3.41)
Another, common airspeed associated with max range airspeed is the 99% max range airspeed.
This is the airspeed just above the max range airspeed where the range is 99% that of the max
range airspeed (or where the specific range is 99% of the specific range of max range airspeed).
This value is generally computed because the top of the specific range curve is relatively flat.
Therefore, with a 1 percent decrease in range, the aircraft can fly up to 10 kts or so faster than the
max range airspeed. Figure 3.9 shows a plot of specific range vs. airspeed with the associated
max range and 99% max range airspeeds. In this case, the 99% Max Range airspeed is 12 kts
Specific Range (Nm/lb)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
Airspeed (kts)
A point of accuracy that should be noted in using equations 3.39 – 3.41 is that while the aircraft
is flying, the weight of the aircraft does not stay constant. The aircraft is burning fuel. For the
purpose of analysis, there are two recommended ways of accounting for this change in weight.
The simplest way is to calculate power required and SFC based on the average weight of the
W= (3.42)
A more accurate way is to use equations 3.39 – 3.41 iteratively by recalculating the gross weight
in small time increments. Starting at max gross weight, HPREQ and SFC are computed. Using
SFC, the fuel burned in a small time increment is calculated. This weight is subtracted from the
gross weight, and HPREQ and SFC are recalculated. The process continues until the fuel weight
is zero. This gives an integrated value of fuel burn. If the fuel weight is relatively small
compared to the gross weight, the accuracy gained is negligible. However, for extremely long
range mission where the fuel weight may be 30 percent or more of the gross weight, the
It was mentioned during the discussion of Figure 3.8 that the max endurance airspeed is
also the airspeed for the max rate of climb and minimum power off rate of descent airspeed.
This is because the max endurance airspeed is the point of lowest total power (or very close), so
it is the point with the largest power margin between power required and power available. At
⎛ ⎞
33000⎜η XMSN −
R / C MAX = ⎝ ⎠ (3.43)
33000 × HPREQ
vd = (3.44)
where HPREQ is the power required for steady level flight at the given airspeed
3.4 Blade Stall and Compressibility
The nomenclature and techniques described in this section are taken from the Hiller 1100
Report 7. To account for rotor blade stall and compressibility, three limitations are considered.
Two of them are associated with compressibility and the other with separation stall based on a
critical angle of attack. Figure 3.10 shows a single main rotor in steady level forward flight.
Due to the free stream velocity (V), there is a dissymmetry of lift between the advancing and
retreating blades. This results in high blade velocities at the ψ = 90 deg azimuth position and
lower velocities at the ψ = 270 deg azimuth position. Also, the inboard region of the retreating
blade develops a reverse flow region which produces negative lift. The lower blade velocity of
the retreating blade and the negative lift of the reverse flow region cause the outboard portion of
the retreating blade to operate at higher and higher angles of attack as the aircraft forward flight
speed is increased. At some airspeed, the retreating blade will surpass its critical stall angle of
attack. This is referred to as retreating blade tip stall. A typical critical angle of attack for a rotor
blade is 12 deg.
Ψ = 180 °
Vtip = ΩR
Vtip = ΩR + V∞
Ψ = 270° Ψ = 90°
Vtip = ΩR − V∞
Reverse R
Flow Region
Vtip = ΩR
Ψ = 0°
Also, both advancing and retreating blades are susceptible to compressibility due to drag
divergence. Figure 3.10 shows the drag divergence mach number vs. section angle of attack for
a NACA63-015 airfoil. The retreating blade is susceptible to compressibility due to its high
operating angles of attack. The advancing blade is susceptible to compressibility due to its high
blade velocity.
Drag Divergence Mach Number
Assumed Stall Limit
0 4 8 12 16 20
Figure 3.11: Drag Divergence Mach Number vs. Section Angle of Attack for NACA 63-015
Drag divergence will occur when the angle of attack of the blade exceeds the angle of attack of
Figure 3.11 (or when the blade mach number exceeds the drag divergence mach number of
Mψ = (3.45)
A1, A2, A3, A1’, A2’, A3’ are constants to be defined below
θT = blade twist angle (or twist angle reflected to the tip for nonlinear twist)
ui + u R + u P
λ' = (3.48)
ui = induced velocity
ur = profile velocity
up = parasite velocity
1 w
ui = Ku (3.49)
B 2ρ
uR = ( Rhp H ) µ 2 (3.50)
uP = ( php ) (3.51)
Constants A1, A2, A3, A1’, A2’, A3’ found through the following derivation
1 ⎛ 1 C ⎞
A1 = ⎜⎜ + 3 ⎟⎟ (3.52)
3a ⎝ K 2 K 2 ⎠
⎛K CK 1 ⎞
A2 = ⎜⎜ 1 − C 2 + 3 1 − ⎟ (3.53)
⎝ K2 K2 1 − µ ⎟⎠
⎛ K C K ⎞
A3 = ⎜⎜1 − 3 − 3 3 + C 4 ⎟⎟ (3.54)
⎝ K2 K2 ⎠
1 ⎛ 1 C3 ⎞
A1' = ⎜ − ⎟ (3.55)
3a ⎜⎝ K 2 K 2 ⎟⎠
⎛K C K 1 ⎞
A2' = ⎜⎜ 1 + C 2 − 3 1 − ⎟⎟ (3.56)
⎝ 2 K 2 1 + µ ⎠
⎛ K C K ⎞
A3' = ⎜⎜1 − 3 + 3 3 − C 4 ⎟⎟ (3.57)
⎝ K2 K2 ⎠
⎛ B 2 µ µ 3 ⎞⎛ 2 µ 3 ⎞
⎜ + ⎟⎜ µB − ⎟
B 2 µ 2 ⎜⎝ 2 8 ⎟⎠⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠
K1 = + − (3.58)
2 4 ⎛ B4 1 ⎞
⎜⎜ + µ 2 B 2 − µ 4 ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 6 ⎠
⎛ B 2 µ µ 3 ⎞⎛ 4µB 3 µ 4 ⎞
⎜ + ⎟⎜ + ⎟
B 3 Bµ 2 4µ 3 ⎜⎝ 2 8 ⎟⎠⎜⎝ 3 6 ⎟⎠
K2 = + − − (3.59)
3 2 9π ⎛ B4 1 ⎞
⎜⎜ + µ 2 B 2 − µ 4 ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 6 ⎠
⎛ B 2 µ µ 3 ⎞⎛ 4 1 5 ⎞
⎜ + ⎟⎜ µB + µ ⎟
B 4 B 2 µ 2 µ 4 ⎜⎝ 2 8 ⎟⎠⎝ 15 ⎠
K3 = + − − (3.60)
4 4 32 ⎛ B4 1 ⎞
⎜⎜ + µ 2 B 2 − µ 4 ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 6 ⎠
µB 2 − µ 3
C2 = 3 (3.61)
⎛ B4 1 ⎞
⎜⎜ + µ 2 B 2 − µ 4 ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 6 ⎠
4 3 1 4
µB + µ
C3 = 3 6 (3.62)
⎛B 4
1 ⎞
⎜⎜ + µ 2 B 2 − µ 4 ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 6 ⎠
1 5
µB 4 − µ
C4 = 15 (3.63)
⎛ B4 1 ⎞
⎜⎜ + µ 2 B 2 − µ 4 ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 6 ⎠
With stall and compressibility calculated, the altitude vs. airspeed plot of Figure 3.7 is shows as
Figure 3.12 below. As mentioned earlier, the absolute ceiling based on power alone is not truly
Altitude (ft)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Airspeed (kts)
Most of the plots in this section have been for a single main rotor helicopter, primarily because
the single main rotor helicopter is the most restrictive case in terms of parameters such as blade
stall and compressibility. The stall and compressibility equations also hold for any other type of
configuration, but they do not always require analyzing the advancing and retreating blades
separately. For example, a tilt rotor does not have a dissymmetry of lift, so the idea of blade
azimuth location is meaningless. The blades will however be susceptible to both tip stall and
compressibility. Figure 3.13 shows the power vs. airspeed plot of the boxed wing tail sitter
configuration designed by Georgia Tech’s graduate rotorcraft design team as the unmanned
aerial vehicle for the 2007 AHS Student Design Competition described in Chapter 2. The
aircraft was designed to fly at different tip speeds for range and endurance. The tip speed was
controlled through the engine RPM, thus the differences in power available for range and
endurance. The aircraft was designed to fly at extremely low tip speeds in order to reduce the
acoustic signature, so the flight envelope is quite small especially at the loiter tip speed. The
spikes in power required at lower airspeeds (~75 kts) are due to wing stall. The spikes in power
Range Power Available Range Power Required Loiter Power Available Loiter Power Required
Power (HP)
65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145
Airspeed (kts)
Figure 3.13: Power Required vs. Airspeed for a Boxed Wing Tail Sitter
The previous chapter established the mathematical background for analyzing rotorcraft
configurations. In this chapter, techniques will be discussed for systematically and iteratively
In Chapter 1, the Georgia Institute of Technology IPPD Preliminary Design Process was
shown as Figure 1.1. It is appropriate to show it again here as Figure 4.1 below. Assuming a
design need has been established (which is the first step in any design process), the next step in
the design process is analyzing the customer requirements as specified in the RFP (or implied as
unspoken requirements). This will be discussed in detail in the next section. “Analyzing the
customer requirements” is the blue box in the upper left hand corner of Figure 4.1. This box
points to the vehicle sizing and performance using the RF method (green box). This will be the
primary focus of this chapter. The goal of vehicle sizing and performance using the RF method
is shown in the next box in Figure 4.1 as baseline vehicle model selection (pink box). This is in
Requirements Baseline Vehicle Manufacturing
Analysis Baseline Upgrade Virtual Product Data
Model Selection Processes
(RFP) Targets Management
Conceptual Design Initial Product Data
Iteration Loop Management Loop Pre Vehicle Vehicle Assembly
Config Geom Processes
Disciplinary Analysis
Vehicl Engineering Vehicle Sizing & Aero Perform
Support Processes
Geometry/Analysis Performance Blade Element
(LCC Models)
(CATIA) (RF Method)
(GTPDP) Propul Perform Product
NEPP Vehicle Operation
Analysis Data Model
Safety Processes
Update (PSSA)
Preliminary Design Characteristics
Iteration Loop Analysis
FAA Certification
Airloads & Trim Dynamic Analysis
Process Design Iteration Loop
Structural Analysis Modeling
Preliminary Cost Analysis
S&C Analysis Design (Life Cycle Cost
(MATLAB) Analysis Models,
Requirements Analysis and Criteria Evaluation
Sizing and Synthesis Rotorcraft Vehicle Overall Evaluation
Disciplinary Modeling & Analysis System Criterion Function
Database Selection & Modeling PLM tools, CATIA & (OEC)
Customer requirements are the drivers of all major design decisions. They may be
classified as three types: 1) Spoken requirements, which are specifically stated in the RFP, 2)
unspoken requirements, which are not specifically stated in the RFP, but they are expected by the
customer, and 3) exciters, which are requirements that the customer may not have thought of, but
usually very specific, leaving very little room for interpretation. However, there are
circumstances, even when dealing with performance requirements, that an engineer must use
judgment to meet the intent of the customer when it is not specifically stated. In the case of the
2007 AHS Student Design Competition (see Chapter 2 for details), it was not specifically stated
that the manned aircraft would be required to land on unimproved surfaces, but clearly it would
be necessary in order for the SOF soldiers to deploy at the object. This is an example of an
unspoken requirement which affects design in terms of performance. The requirement to land on
unimproved surfaces limits the disk loading to about 30 lb/ft2 maximum. Above this, debris and
There are cases where customer requirements indirectly affect performance as well. In
problems that require a system of systems solution, a performance parameter of the aircraft may
be limited by one of the other components in the system. For example, in the 2007 AHS Student
Design Competition, the requirement to store aircraft on a submarine limits the size of the rotor
diameter. Carefully reading the RFP and understanding all of the customer’s spoken and
unspoken requirements are crucial first steps in any design solution. Afterwards, understanding
the full scope of design problem in terms of all of the ancillary coordination within different
components of the overall system of systems is also important. These are practices that will not
be explored in detail in this thesis, but nonetheless, must occur before beginning detailed sizing
Usually, the requirements for sizing an engine will come directly from the RFP. For
most rotorcraft, especially a single main rotor helicopter, a high hot hover requirement (i.e.
HOGE at 6000ft/95 deg F) will be the engine sizing requirement. Sometimes, however, other
requirements such as max dash speed, max rate of climb, max vertical rate of climb, max altitude,
or a specific maneuverability requirement will serve as the engine sizing requirement. The one
requirement which requires the most engine power will be the engine sizing requirement. The
important point to distinguish is the difference between requirements that are used for sizing the
engine from the sizing mission requirements which will be discussed in the next section. The
purpose of the latter is to determine the weight of fuel required (as will be discussed in Section
4.3). The sizing mission requirements are range, endurance, etc. They are not engine sizing
requirements. They simply dictate how much fuel is required on the aircraft. One might argue
that fuel weight determines gross weight which sizes the engine, and they would be correct.
However, in the iteration scheme of the RF method which will be discussed in Section 4.3, gross
weight is assumed to be constant in each iteration (it is the step variable). Therefore, with a
constant gross weight, range and endurance will not be engine sizing requirements. This will
become clearer with a better understanding of the RF method. For now, just consider engine
sizing requirements to be those with pass/fail type requirements or “Max” requirements that do
not pertain to fuel burn as part of the sizing mission. If no other performance requirements other
than range or endurance are specified in the RFP, then by default, the engine sizing requirement
will be the power required to hover OGE at the altitude and temperature of the sizing mission (or
sea level pressure ISA if no environmental conditions are given). Good engineering judgment
should also apply in creating a hover power margin of at least 10 percent power in this case.
Missions that do not require hover at all are outside the scope of this thesis.
Engine sizing requirements may be given for a certain length of time (i.e. hover out of
ground effect at 6000 ft and 95 deg F for two minutes). In this case, the short rating engine
equation (Eq 3.33) will be used to equate max continuous power to the short engine rating.
4.2.2 Sizing Missions
Sizing missions are used to define customer performance requirements which are
associated with range, endurance, and hover time. Sizing missions are the inputs needed in order
to balance fuel using the RF method discussed in the next section. An example sizing mission is
shown in Table 4.1 below. This is the sizing mission for manned aircraft in the 2007 AHS
Table 4.1: Sizing Mission for 2007 AHS Student Design Competition
Segment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Units
Type Idle HOGE Cruise HOGE Cruise HOGE Reserve -
Speed 0 0 Vbr-99 0 Vbr-99 0 Vbe ktas
Time 4 2 - 4 - 20 20 Min
Range - - 140 - 140 - - Nm
Altitude 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft
Temperature 102.92 102.92 102.92 102.92 102.92 102.92 102.92 °F
The purpose of the RF method is to find the minimum gross weight configuration for a
given concept. In the most primitive example, the RF method is no more than balancing the
weight of fuel required and the weight of fuel available for an aircraft that has already been
The weight of fuel for each portion of the sizing mission is calculate and summed using equation
4.1. The HPREQ and SFC are found using the methods discussed in Chapter 3. The weight of
In a simple bisection algorithm of the RF method, gross weight is used as the iterative
variable. In other words the gross weight is guessed systematically until WFR and WFA match
within some specified tolerance of say 1 lb. To set this algorithm up, a maximum upper bound
for gross weight needs to be set. This will be based on engineering judgment, but when in doubt,
it should be very big. Using the bisection method, the next iteration will be half that of the first
if the guess is unreasonably large, so a large upper bound guess will not add much processing
time. A convenient lower bound for gross weight is the zero fuel weight or operating weight.
A first guess for gross weight is the average of the upper and lower bound. This first
guess gross weight is used to calculate WFR and WFA using equations 4.1 and 4.2. If the two are
equal (or within the 1 lb tolerance), then the fuel is balanced and the guessed gross weight is the
minimum gross weight. If WFR is greater than WFA, then the guessed gross weight is too low
(more weight needs to be added in the form of fuel). In this case, the lower limit for gross
weight is reset to the current gross weight guess, and the upper limit remains the same. The
second gross weight guess will be the average of the new lower limit and the preexisting upper
limit. Otherwise, if WFR is less than WFA, then the guessed gross weight is too high (weight
needs to be removed in the form of fuel). In this case, the upper limit for gross weight is reset to
the current gross weight guess and the lower limit remains the same. The second gross weight
guess will be the average of the preexisting lower limit and the new upper limit. This process
continues until WFR and WFA are matched within the specified tolerance. In pseudo code this
GWmax = GWguess;
GWmin = GWguess;
GW = GWguess;
The pseudo code in Figure 4.2 is a very simple example of the RF method in its most
primitive form. In this case, it is assumed that the empty weight remains constant and that the
aircraft has already been designed. So, essentially this algorithm is just calculating how much
full to put into the fuel tank of an aircraft in order to fly a certain mission. However, this is not
the purpose of the RF method. This example is just a very simple illustration to get started. The
real purpose of the RF method is to design aircraft to conduct a specific mission. This involves
the systematic changing of design parameters such as disk loading, solidity, and tip speed in
order to find the optimum configuration. Of these, the most sensitive is disk loading, so most RF
example use an RFR vs RFA with varying disk loading plot as the signature example. The terms
RFR and RFA are simply WFR and WFA nondimensionalized by gross weight.
RFR = (4.3)
RFA = (4.4)
Also, it should be mentioned that the empty weight of an aircraft is highly coupled to gross
weight. In the next section methods for estimating empty weight will be explored. However, for
a first approximation of the RF method, it is customary to assume an empty weight fraction (Φ)
for a certain configuration. This method requires the use of “a priori” information that is
representative of the configuration. Table 4.2 shows a table of “a priori” information for various
concepts. Using the value of empty weight fraction, the empty weight is recalculated for each
Table 4.2: A Priori Design Information for Various Concepts
Figure 4.3 shows the Hiller RF example for the design of the Hiller 1100 7. At the bottom of the
figure is a RF vs. gross weight plot with lines for various values of disk loading. The lines that
are somewhat vertical are the curves for RFA vs. gross weight. The lines that are somewhat
horizontal are the curves for RFR vs. gross weight. The intersections for these lines are the
minimum gross weight solutions. One of these solutions, shown by the locus plot and dashed
vertical line, is the absolute minimum gross weight configuration. The same method can be
applied for varying other design parameters such as tip speed, solidity, wing span, wing aspect
ratio, etc. However, processing time increases rapidly with each additional design parameter, so
Figure 4.3: Hiller 1100 RF Design Example
4.4 Weight Estimation
It should be obvious from the equations developed in Chapter 3 that the weight of fuel
required (WFR) changes with disk loading. However, it may not be obvious why the weight of
fuel available (WFA) changes with disk loading. WFA changes with disk loading because the
empty weight changes with disk loading. Estimating empty weight is one of the crudest arts
performed during conceptual design. This is unfortunate, because weight is one of the most
sensitive design parameters. Almost all design efforts are focused around minimizing the empty
weight of the aircraft. Throughout the evolution of rotorcraft design, several empirical empty
weight equations have been calibrated based on state of the art. Most empty weight equations
are usually functions of physical aircraft parameters and gross weight, which means that they
must be recalculated for each gross weight iteration in the RF method. This is similar using an
assumed empty weight fraction, where empty weight is also recalculated for each gross weight
iteration in the RF method. However, with empirical weight equations, the empty weight fraction
will also change with each gross weight iteration resulting in different RFA curves on the RF vs.
gross weight plot in Figure 4.4. For a complete listing of empty weight equations refer to the
The previous chapters have established the background for rotorcraft analysis and design.
In this chapter, actual implementations of the RF method will be presented as practical examples.
will be discuss, and towards the end of this chapter, the major design considerations for the
development of CIRADS and other future conceptual design software tools will be considered.
during the 2007 AHS Student Design Competition. CIRADS is the third iteration is a set of
software tools designed with the goal of being able to model any type of feasible rotorcraft
configuration. The first iteration, titled RF_1, was developed in December 2006 in an attempt to
narrow possible design concepts for the 2007 AHS Student Design Competition. The software
was written in Microsoft Excel with VBA macros for the iteration algorithms. It received the
name RF_1 when a student saved the name of the Excel file by that name. This program was
based on the first RF method described in Chapter 4 which uses “a priori” data and assumes an
empty weight fraction. The methods for calculating performance were based on the equations
presented in Chapter 3, but the more refined empirical correction factors and stall models had not
been determined, so there was a degree of error associated with the software. An example input
A Priori Design Information Units Symbol Single Main Coaxial Tilt Rotor
Rotor Helo Rotor Helo
Mech hover efficiency ηH 0.86 0.96 0.93
Mech fwd flt efficiency ηP 0.89 0.9 0.92
WE / WG Φ 0.55 0.6 0.65
Disk Loading lbs/ftω 6 10 20
Downwash factor (%GW) ed 0.03 0.05 0.08
Figure of Merit M 0.75 0.76 0.7
2 2
Eq Flat Plate Drag ft Aπ (ft ) 5 6 4
Simulation Inputs
Gross Weight (can be optimized with button below) lbs WG 2429.6875 2917.96875 4226.5625
Rotor Solidity σ 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rotor Tip Speed ft/sec VTIP 650 650 650
Rotor Airfoil Selection NACA 0015 NACA 0012 NACA 0012
Wing Span ft L 15
Wing Aspect Ratio AR 5
Aux Prop percent parasite power 100
Aux Prop Radius ft 2.5
Aux Prop Solidity σAUX 0.1
Aux Prop Tip Speed ft/sec VTIP AUX 650
Aux Prop Airfoil selection NACA 0012
Once all of the information was entered into the cells above, the user would press the “Optimize
Gross Weight” button and the information shown in Figure 5.2 would be presented.
Calculate Vbr-99 and Vbe for non-optimized GW
Simulation Output Parameters - Do not manually change these parameters. Changes the one
Minimum Gross Weight lbs WG 2429.6875 2917.96875 4226.5625
Power Available 6000ft/95F (MRP) hp PAHI/HOT 293.4484156 414.985998 999.683685
99% Max Range Airspeed kts Vbr-99 118 132 235
Range SFC at Takeoff SFCR 0.466483075 0.44502747 0.37565066
Range Power Required at Takeoff hp THP 213.6785083 303.621685 1162.89214
Max Endurance Airspeed kts Vbe 64 73 1
Total Endurance Power Required hp THP 134.2727316 190.652953 486.979588
Empty Weight lbs WE 1336.328125 1750.78125 2747.26563
Weight of Fuel Required for Range lbs W FRR 231.4421775 281.538692 501.454333
Weight of Fuel Required for Reserve 114.7293173 155.342378 352.73325
Weight of Fuel Required for Idle and Hover 17.13004721 22.9729724 48.685119
Weight of Total Fuel Required lbs W FR 363.301542 459.854043 902.872702
Fuel Weight Ratio Required RFR 0.149526037 0.15759389 0.21361868
Fuel Weight Ratio Available RFA 0.110770229 0.1154465 0.14745036
RF_1 provided an adequate solution for determining trends for gross weight between the three
considered design concepts. However, it was missing several features that would be required to
finalize the project. It did not use a Combined Blade Element Momentum Theory (CBEM)
model, so the performance calculations were a bit too coarse for preliminary design. Also, it
assumed an empty weight fraction instead of calculating the exact empty weight. This proved to
be a very sensitive parameter that was a bit too important to arbitrarily guess. As a result a much
5.2 RF_2 Design Example
The second iteration, RF_2, was developed in February and March of 2007 in order to conduct
preliminary design for the 2007 AHS Student Design Competition. Several improvements to
RF_1 were made during the development of RF_2. Some of these improvements include:
• A blade element model which allows for blades with nonlinear twist, nonlinear taper,
and changing airfoil sections along the span of the blade.
• An empty weight model using Prouty’s weight equations and several NASA and
military weight models.
• A wing model which allows for different wing and airfoil designs such as box wings
and swept anhedrals
• A better intermeshing / coaxial rotor model
• The ability to change rotor tip speeds at different points during the mission.
The user interface for this program became very complex, and it spanned several input pages, so
no screen shots of the interface will be presented here. The flow block diagram is shown as
Define Aircraft Mission with Guess Gross Weight Define Aircraft Configuration
Waypoints and Functions with Attributes and Functions
Iterative Range and Calculate Performance Size Engine Based on Determine Empty
Endurance Airspeed at each Waypoint and Hi/Hot Hover Weight from Weight
Subroutines Profile Requirement Equations
RF_2 was successful in modeling almost any type of feasible rotorcraft design concept, including
the two design solution for the AHS Student Design Competition. A comparison of the rotor
model of RF_2 and the TURNS CFD software was conducted, and the results were consistently
within 5 percent of each other for both the single main rotor helicopter and the tail sitter concept,
so confidence was achieved for the performance algorithms being used. RF_2 became a very
useful tool during the design competition, but it was designed for just that purpose. Some
consideration was given to other applications of the program, but when time grew short,
compromises were made to tailor the program to the specific requirements of the design
competition. Also, because it was written in Microsoft Excel with a CBEM, the processing time
was significant. In the case of the box wing tail sitter, a single RF fuel balance for a given rotor
The developments of RF_1 and RF_2 provided several insights into the design goals of
CIRADS. RF_1 has several draw backs in terms of accuracy and modularity. However, it is
quite simple to use. A first cut approximation of aircraft sizing can be made with less than 20
design parameter inputs. This made the program usable by almost anyone on the Georgia Tech
rotorcraft design team. Also, the processing time is not very long. All three concepts (single
main rotor helicopter, coaxial helicopter, and tilt rotor) are sized in under a minute under most
RF_2 has a significant level of accuracy and modularity, but towards the end of its
development, it became extremely cumbersome. Very few people are proficient at using it. Also,
the processing time is significant. It would not be very attractive for a user wanting to see
general trends or a quick estimate of a configuration on a purely conceptual scale. The program
requires multiple inputs for detailed physical aircraft parameters as well as weight component
breakdowns. No options are available to choose a less detailed method of calculation. So, while
the capability of RF_2 is impressive, it has fallen into the trap of several other software tools
Based on the lessons learned in developing RF_1 and RF_2, three overall high level goals
1. CIRADS should have the capability of modeling almost any type of feasible
b. Coaxial Helicopters
d. Tilt Rotors
e. Compound Helicopters
f. Tail Sitters
accuracy for different levels of conceptual and preliminary design. This includes
being able to model aircraft with general efficiencies and figure of merit values with
assumed empty weight fractions to modeling aircraft using CBEM codes with
3. CIRADS should have a very intuitive graphical user interface which allows user of
These three goals are almost as conflicting as any three goals could be. This is evident in many
commercial software applications. The desire for maximum capability often leads to
applications which are very difficult to use and require significant formal training and experience.
Also, the first goal implies breadth whereas the second implies depth. Balancing these three
5.4.1 Object Oriented Applications
The nature of rotorcraft analysis and design lends itself to an object oriented environment.
An aircraft is made up of multiple components (i.e. rotors, engines, fuselage, wings, tail rotor,
etc). These components may be considered as objects which may be used on other aircraft. Also,
the rotor itself has subcomponent features (i.e. diameter, solidity, airfoil type, number of blades,
etc). It would be convenient to be able to apply features, such as airfoil type, to a different rotor.
An airfoil type also has subcomponent features (i.e. lift curve slope, drag polar equation, drag
divergence information, stall angle of attack, etc). Also, in the case of design, the aircraft itself is
a subcomponent of the overall design project. The mission that the aircraft must fly would also
aircraft to the project to see how well it performs the specified mission of that design project. So,
in essence, rotorcraft analysis and design are object oriented problems that require object
oriented solutions.
Each of the components (or objects) of a project should be able to be saved in such a way
that they can be archived and applied to other projects. It would be overly demanding on a user
to have to specify everything about every component of a project for each project. It would also
be overly cumbersome to expect a user to have to have a separate copy of the entire software
package for each project. This was the case with RF_2. The Excel spreadsheet could only
handle one aircraft and one mission at a time. During the 2007 AHS Student Design
Competition, there was a separate spreadsheet for the manned and the unmanned aircraft. In this
sense, RF_2 was not an application. It was just a spreadsheet. CIRADS should have the ability
to access libraries of objects, and it should be able to save and open these objects one at a time or
as a subcomponent of a larger component in the hierarchy. For example, the user should be able
to input engine data and save it as a file which can be opened later for viewing and editing. Then,
the user should be able to specify an aircraft configuration and be able to choose the engine file
that was saved as a component of the aircraft (possibly by choosing it from a combo box). An
entire design project should be one file which can be saved and opened later for viewing and
editing. Within that file, should be a link to other files (i.e. Mission and Aircraft). Those files
should also have links to other files (i.e. the aircraft file should have a link to the type of engine
used). All of this should be done within the graphical user interface of one copy of the software.
tools available and recommended for developing the project. During software selection, the
7. future modifications and experience levels of those most likely to perform the
70 Microsoft Excel
RF_1 and RF_2 (the predecessors of CIRADS) were both written in Microsoft Excel.
Excel provides a very good development environment for small programs. Iterative calculations
can be performed within the spreadsheet cells with no initialization (the iterative calculations box
must be checked in the options window). Also, a simple graphical user interface can be designed
in Excel quite easily. For advanced programming, the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
programming modules within Excel provide all of the necessary capability required for a
program like CIRADS. However, the processing speeds of code developed in Excel are quite
slow compared to other environments such as C, Java, FORTRAN, or MATLAB. Also, Excel
does not lend itself well to the objected oriented environment described in the previous section.
There is a feature for building graphical forms in Excel, but the capability is limited. Also, when
a spreadsheet becomes very large and complicated, it is quite difficult to debug, because the code
is usually not in one place. The programmer must go from cell to cell trying to find the problem.
Due to these set backs, Microsoft Excel was not chosen for CIRADS development.
Both C++ and Visual Basic have extensive graphical user interface development
capability and both are capable of meeting all of the programming goals for developing CIRADS.
In fact C++ provides exactly the type object oriented programming environment for developing
an application like CIRADS. The major disadvantages of C++ and Visual Basic are their
inherent attachment to only the Windows Operating System and the lack of C++ programming
experience within the Georgia Tech Aerospace Department. As a result, C++ was strongly
71 Java
Java also provides an extensive graphical user interface development capability and
object oriented programming environment. Also, Java is capable of running on virtually all
operating systems with minor code linking changes when switching from one operating system
to another. Almost all computers are shipped with a Java Runtime Environment preinstalled.
Additionally, there are members in the Georgia Tech Aerospace engineering department familiar
with Java. Java’s drawbacks are that it is not extremely fast in terms of processing speed, and it
is not very convenient for conducting complex calculations like those described in Chapters 3
and 4. Therefore, Java was chosen for the graphical user interface development software, but it
was not chosen to be the developmental software for the iterative analysis and design software MATLAB
Almost all Aerospace Engineering students and faculty at Georgia Tech are at least
familiar with MATLAB, and many of them are very proficient. MATLAB is shareware and not
MATLAB can be compiled into a stand alone executable that can be run on a computer that does
not have MATLAB installed. So, from the perspective of a user, no special software is required
to run a graphical user interface written in Java linked to a stand alone executable. MATLAB
also provides a very user friendly programming environment with easy to learn syntax. In fact,
later versions of MATLAB are capable of designing graphical user interfaces that also may be
complied as stand alone executables. So, the entire CIRADS program could have been written
using just MATLAB. However, experience with developing graphical user interfaces using
MATLAB is somewhat limited at Georgia Tech, and it is not quite as well documented with user
blogs on the internet to the degree that Java is. Therefore, MATLAB was not chosen to be used
for developing the graphical user interface, but it was selected for developing the iterative
During the development of CIRADS, the development of the graphical user interface
(GUI) spearheaded the design effort. It was 85 percent completed before any processing
algorithms were started. This has often proven to be a best practice in developing software.
Considering the use of the software from the perspective of the end user prior to getting bogged
down in the details of complex algorithms gives the software developer a more objective
perspective. It is also a good practice to have peers not involved in the development of the
software (or focus groups) evaluate the user interface prior to beginning detailed code
development. The GUI will be briefly presented in the next chapter for the purpose of
illustrating design theory. For a detailed description of the GUI and instructions for using
CIRADS, refer to the CIRADS user’s manual. The primary purpose of this thesis is to document
the design practices and considerations for developing the software. So, illustrations will be
given in the next chapter, but not to the degree to teach the software.
All of the design goals mentioned in the previous chapter were successfully completed
with the exception of completing the CBEM. It was not completely integrated due to time
constraints. The two methods available for calculating power required are 1) based on efficiency
factors and figures of merit, and 2) based on a modified momentum theory model with drag polar
equations and empirical correction factors as described in Chapter 3. However, through testing,
the accuracy of this model has been very surprising. The equations were calibrated against the
Hiller 1100 and the XV-15, so those aircraft model almost perfectly. Trial runs for other
configurations have shown remarkable accuracy definitely appropriate for conceptual design.
Also, the graphical user interface was developed for future integration of a CBEM. A rotor
airfoil design module was created with a rotor CBEM testing platform. The aircraft
configuration pages are equipped with options for selecting CBEM based rotors, but they are not
yet active. So, when a CBEM has been developed and properly tested, it should be integrated
The general architecture of CIRADS is shown in Figure 6.1 below. At the highest level
of the architecture are CIRADS.jar, CIRADS.exe, and the lib folder. CIRADS.jar is the Java
GUI. Double clicking on it will launch CIRADS. CIRADS.exe is the program developed in
MATLAB but compiled as a stand alone executable for processing the iterative analysis and
design equations presented in Chapters 3 and 4. Double clicking on it will have no useful effect
without intricate knowledge of text file exchanges within the CIRADS architecture.
CIRADS.exe is intended to be launched from within the GUI for general users, so double
clicking on it is not recommended. (Note – it will not harm anything if a user double clicks it. It
just will not do anything useful without other text file features setup artificially. For information
on how to do that, see the CIRADS user’s manual. Otherwise, CIRADS.exe is launched
The “lib” folder is a folder created automatically by Java during compile time. It is
intended to store libraries such as the swing.jar library which Java references for certain objects
such as text fields, combo boxes, labels, etc. This folder is also used to store the “Database”
folder which contains the architecture for all of the data input files and folders necessary for
CIRADS to operate. The files stored within all of the folders subordinate to the “Database”
folder are simple text files with all of the necessary object oriented data discussed in the previous
chapter. The four folders in the “Database” folder are “Analysis”, “Design”, Engines”, and
The reasons for this architecture will become clearer after the GUI has been introduced.
For now, “Analysis” is used to find the full performance envelope of an aircraft that has already
been designed. “Design” is used to size a new undefined aircraft based on a set of mission
requirements. For example, if a user wanted to see all of the performance parameters of a UH-60,
the user would use the analysis module. If a user wanted to size an aircraft based on the mission
requirements for the 2008 AHS Student Design Competition, the user would use the “Design”
module. Then, if the user wanted to see the full performance of the newly designed aircraft for
the 2008 AHS Student Design Competition, he would use the analysis module. As might be
expected, the “Design” module is more complex than the “Analysis” module in terms of user
input. Distinguishing between analysis and design is very appropriate. It makes the user
interface much more intuitive, and it allows the user to focus on one piece at a time.
The “Engines” and “Airfoils” folders are at the same echelon as “Analysis” and “Design”
in the overall directory architecture, because they are common to both modules. An engine may
be used in an aircraft in the “Analysis” module, and the same engine (scalable or not) may be
used in an aircraft in the “Design” module. Therefore, for the purpose of directory hierarchy,
“Engines” and “Airfoils” are at the same level as “Analysis” and “Design”. This architecture
should not be confused with the file linking hierarchy shown in Figures 6.2 and 6.3 below.
Figure 6.2: CIRADS Analysis File Linking
For the purpose of configuration hierarchy, it should be obvious that an engine is a
“Project” file is the name of the “Aircraft” file, and one of the lines in the “Aircraft” file is the
name of the “Engine” file. During runtime, CIRADS will go to those appropriate directories and
The highest level of the file structure is the “Project” file. In the “Analysis” module, the
2. The type of analysis to perform (i.e. hover power vs. hover height, power required vs.
airspeed, max airspeed vs. altitude, max airspeed vs. gross weight) and the variable step
For the design module, the format is the same, but with the addition of the “Mission” name (a
The overall layout of the graphical user interface (GUI) is a tabbed pane hierarchy that
resembles that of the CIRADS architecture. After double clicking on the CIRADS.jar file, the
GUI will launch and the “Main” page of CIRADS will be displayed as shown in Figure 6.4.
Figure 6.4: CIRADS MAIN
Notice that the tabs at the top of the GUI match the architecture shown in Figure 6.1.
An example screen shot of the “Engine” Module is shown in Figure 6.5 below. Notice that the
user has the option of choosing a default engine or one that is based on actual engine data. Not
seen on this screen shot are sections to specify equations for SFC correction factors with engine
scaling and SFC and HP corrections with RPM variation. If the user selects the “Default
Turboshaft Engine Definition” option, the MCP at sea level ISA and associated SFC are required
inputs. The degradation of power required vs. altitude and temperature will use the default
constants mentioned in Chapter 3. The same is true for SFC degradation with partial power and
temperature. If the “Advanced Engine Definition” option is selected, the engine constants will
Once a user has specified all of the required engine information, the “Save Engine…” button
may be pressed to save the engine file and a save dialog box will appear.
Figure 6.6: Engine Save Dialog Box
Figure 6.7 shows the “Airfoil and Rotor Blade Design Module”. Here, the user may specify
airfoil data. Under the current CIRADS capability, only drag polar airfoil definitions may be
used with the information shown in the figure. However, the C81 Based Airfoil Definition
(CBEM) GUI has been completed. It is not completely shown in the screen shot. The “Save
Airfoil…”, “Open Airfoil…”, and “Delete Airfoil…” buttons all work the same way as shown
for the “Engine Design Module”. This way, the user is never required to navigate through the
architecture folders.
Figure 6.6: Airfoil and Rotor Blade Design Module
The “Aircraft” configuration tab for the analysis module is shown in Figure 6.7 below. Most of
this tab is not shown in the figure due to size. There are several sections for specifying
components such as main rotor, engine and fuselage, anti-torque, wing, and auxiliary propulsion.
Notice, that there are two general vertical columns denoted with blue labels at the top. The
column to the left is the most basic information needed to define an aircraft. Most of the fields in
this column for all section are based upon general efficiency factors and figures of merit. The
second column allows for more detail. Radio buttons are used to distinguish between which
method is being used. This way, the user has the freedom to specify as much or as little detail as
desired. Also notice that toward the bottom of the figure is a combo box for selecting the type of
airfoil drag polar. The airfoils displayed in the combo box represent the files that are saved in
the “Airfoil” folder shown in Figure 6.1. An option is available for specifying a custom rotor
blade using a CBEM, but this method has not yet been implemented.
The setup tab for the “Analysis” Module is shown in Figure 6.7 below. Notice that just under the
“Run Simulation” button is a combo box for selecting the “Aircraft”. This combo box contains
every file that is saved in the “Aircraft” folder in the “Analysis” folder. Also notice that below
the aircraft combo box are sections for specifying the type of analysis to conduct. If the check
box at the top of each section is checked, the analysis will be performed. Clicking the “Run
Simulation” button will begin the simulation. During this time a command window will open.
This shows that the CIRADS.exe has been called. Upon completion of the simulation the
command window will close, and the output from the simulation will be presented on the
“Output” tab as shown in Figure 6.9. Most of the tables are not shown in the figure, but they
Figure 6.9: Analysis Performance Output
In order to conduct an analysis simulation of a UH-60A helicopter, the following steps would
need to occur:
1. Use the “Engines” input module and define the T-700 engine using the fields required on
2. Use the “Airfoils” input module and define the UH-60 airfoils (SC1094 and SC1095)
using the fields required on that page, and save the airfoil files.
3. Go to the “Analysis” module, select the “Aircraft” tab, and enter all of the necessary data
for the UH-60 (choosing the T-700 and SC1094/SC1095 airfoil from combo boxes on
4. Go to the setup tab, select the desired aircraft to perform analysis on (the recently saved
UH-60 file) and specify the type of performance information desired using the fields on
5. Press the “Run Simulation” button. Once the file has completed processing, go to the
The “Design Simulation Setup” tab is shown in Figure 6.10 below. Notice that there are
now two combo boxes below the simulation button. One is for the mission, and the other is for
the aircraft. These are linked to the appropriate directories of Figure 6.1.
Notice that there are not nearly as many setup parameters for the design module as there are for
the analysis module. This goes back to the difference between analysis and design. The purpose
of the design module is to size the aircraft that best completes the design mission. So, the design
module focuses on the “Mission”. All other ancillary calculations are not conducted. Those may
be performed in the analysis module. Besides, as shown in the figures that follow, the design
module inputs for the other tabs get busy enough that other ancillary calculations are neither
wanted nor required. Figure 6.11 shows the “Engine Sizing Requirements” section of the
“Mission and Sizing Requirements” tab. One or all of the requirements may be given. The
engine is sized based on the one that requires the most installed power.
The “Sizing Mission” for the “Mission and Sizing Requirements” tab is shown in Figure 6.12
below. This mission shown is the one provided in the 2007 AHS Student Design Competition.
Notice that buttons are available to add and delete waypoints. Up to 10 waypoints may be used
The “Aircraft Configuration” tab for the Design module is shown in Figure 6.13 below. Notice
that this page is very similar to the “Aircraft” tab in the Analysis Module. However, some of the
parameters have a checkbox associated with them that allows for varying the parameter during
flight. These checkboxes allow for changing the profile of the aircraft at each mission waypoint
along the mission. For example, a tilt rotor may be in helicopter mode at one waypoint and
airplane mode at another. The checkboxes also allow for rotor morphing during flight. Several
parameters such as rotor diameter, solidity, airfoil type, and tip speed may be changed at each
Also added to the bottom of the Design Aircraft Configuration tab is an “Advanced Mission
Settings” section as shown in Figure 6.14. For all of the parameters that have a check box beside
them, the “Advanced Mission Settings” section may be used to specify these parameters at each
waypoint. This allows for rotor morphing as well as flight profile changes. The “Advanced
Mission Settings” section has virtual visibility of the “Mission” tab. So, the same number of
waypoints will be visible in the “Advanced Mission Settings” section as is used on the “Mission”
tab. If another waypoint is added to the “Mission” tab, another one will appear in the “Advanced
Figure 6.14: Advanced Mission Settings Section
Also notice from Figure 6.13 that a “Weights” tab appears next to the “Configuration” tab. This
did not appear in the Analysis Module because it is not necessary to calculate empty weight
when analyzing an aircraft. The aircraft has already been designed, so the empty weight should
already be known. However, in the Design Module, a major parameter to be determined is the
empty weight of the aircraft. As mentioned in Chapter 4, there are two primary methods for
determining empty weight when using the RF method. The first assumes an empty weight
fraction. That method is available in the Design Module as well. The second uses empirical
iterative weight component calculations to estimate an empty weight for each iteration of gross
weight. When the second method is desired, the “Weights” tab in the “Aircraft Definition” panel
will be used. Figure 6.15 shows a screen shot of the “Weights” tab. This tab is very extensive so
only part of it is shown here. Notice that for each component weight, there is a checkbox for
specifying an iterative equation. Most of these equations are taken from Prouty’s Helicopter
Performance and Aerodymanics 1. For some components, others equations are available as well.
Also notice that for each component, there is a “Tech Factor” and a “Bias”. These are used to
Finally, the Design “Output” tab is shown in Figures 6.16 and 6.17. Figure 6.16 shows the
overall design summary and part of the engine sizing summary. Each of the engine sizing
requirements listed on the “Mission” page is listed again here with the power required for that
maneuver at the specified environmental conditions as well as the power required reflected back
Figure 6.16: Sizing and Performance Summary (Top)
Figure 6.17 shows part of the summary of the sizing mission. Key performance parameters at
each waypoint and enroute segment are summarized. The “Output” section is also dynamically
linked to the “Mission” tab so the number of waypoints visible here will match the number
Figure 6.17: Sizing and Performance Summary (Bottom)
6.3 Calibration
The calculation methods of CIRADS were calibrated against the Hiller 1100 and the XV-15 with
very accurate results. Figure 6.18 shows a max altitude vs. airspeed plot created with data from
CIRADS for the Hiller 1100. This plot can be compared to the one of Figure 3.12 which is also
for a Hiller 1100. Despite the jagged appearance (which is due purely to step size), the values
Altitude (ft)
-50 0 50 100 150 200
Airspeed (kts)
A similar plot was created for the XV15 (Figure 6.19) and compared to the manufacturer’s plot
of Figure 6.20. Despite the obvious transition area between the helicopter and airplane mode
(which CIRADS is not designed to model), the endpoints and critical values on the plot match
considerably well.
XV-15 Alt Airspeed
A lt
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Based on the comparison of CIRADS results to the Hiller 1100 and XV-15 data,
CIRADS is successful in modeling multiple rotorcraft configurations. The design cases for the
2007 AHS Student Design Competition (manned and unmanned) were also estimated with the
Design Module and the gross weights were matched within 100 lbs for both cases which also
demonstrates good correlation. There are still several features that can be added to CIRADS to
make it more robust and user friendly, but this demo version gives a strong argument to the
2. Maisel, M, Giulianetti, D, and Dugan, D (2000), The History of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor
Research Aircraft: From Concept to Flight. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration Office of Policy and Plans, Washington, DC
6. Sankar, L (2006) Rotary Wing Aerodynamics (AE6070) class notes. Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, Ga.
7. Hiller Aircraft Corp (1960) Engineering Report Number 60-92: Proposal for the Light
Observation Helicopter (Hiller 1100) Performance Data Report
8. 24th Annual AHS Student Design Competition 2007 Request for Proposal (RFP) for
Advanced Deployable Compact Rotorcraft in support of Special Operation Forces
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