Effects of Discontinuities On Rock Mass Behavior

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The document discusses the impact of discontinuities like joints and faults on rock mass behavior and stability in mining operations, particularly their influence on open pit slope failures.

Discontinuities make the rock mass discontinuous, anisotropic, non-linear, and weaken its deformability and strength. They are crucial to the behavior of the rock mass in excavations like their impact on strength and stability.

Examples discussed include failures at the Chuquicamata mine (Chile) involving shallow failure surfaces, and at the Brenda mine (location not specified) involving rapid, unstable toppling failures.

Intrinsic Rock Defects and Inhomogeneities, a Curveball in Mining

Rock is the fundamental construction material in mining. Geotech and rock mechanics
engineers have a central role in analyzing the stability of rock material and advising on its
response to the mining activities and loads exerted on it. One important occurrence in the
rock material that determines its strength and stability is the presence of discontinuities
namely joints, beddings, faults, etc. The influence of discontinuities on the behavior of rocks
in engineering applications is an area that has seen serious research. Most rock masses
in areas where mines are situated contain planar surfaces of potential or real weakness.
The influence of discontinuities on open pit mine high wall stability is manifested in different
ways, namely, pit wall failures, haul road failures etc. This review paper is intended to
explore and assess various geological discontinuities and their impacts on mining activities
with particular emphasis on open pit mine highwall stability.
Rock Defects and Inhomogeneities is a task that needs to be investigated during and after
the construction of mining structures. It is closely related to the safety of the working space
and the sustainability and economics of the project. Due to the complexities that exist in
the geology, in situ stress field, the engineering constructions, etc., the stability assessment
of mining openings is a difficult task. One requirement to deal with such a problem is the
accurate description of the rock mass. As a natural geological material, the rock contains
pre-existing defects in terms of either the small-scale discontinuities (fissures, fractures,
joints, etc.) or the large-scale ones (faults, dikes, shear zones, etc.). These discontinuities
make the rock mass discontinuous, anisotropic, and non-linear, and highly weaken with
respect to the deformability and strength of the material (Aydan et al., 1997; Jing, 2003). In
recent times, numerical modeling has gained progressive attention due its low cost but
strong capabilities (Jing, 2003) in predicting the behavior of rock mass. Other methods
available are the closed-form solutions, physical modeling methods, and empirical methods
i.e. rock mass classification systems. The goal of this review is to assess the overall effects
of rock defects and discontinuities.
Four specific case histories around the globe will be discussed. In particular, the focus will
be on how discontinuities impact open pit slope stabilities. Open pit mining is a very cost-
effective mining method as it enables large mechanization and thus large production
volumes. It is possible to mine mineral deposits of very low grade which could not be mined
economically using underground methods.
Mining depths in open pits have increased steadily in recent times, and open pits with
mining depths of up to and exceeding 500 meters are a common occurrence. Since
underground mining is in all circumstances significantly more expensive than open pit
mining, it is not likely that such mines will switch to an underground mining operation for
future mining of existing mineral deposits. Instead open pits with even larger depths are
likely to dominate, provided production costs continue to decrease and metal prices remain
at a fairly constant level. A major complication with increasing mining depths is the
increased risk of the pit highwall stability problem. Pit highwall failure could potentially
involve the entire height of the final pit slope. Maintaining pit slope angles that are as steep
as possible is of vital importance to the reduction of mining of waste rock, which will in turn
have direct consequences on the economy of the mining operation.
The design strategy of the final pit limit is thus governed not only by the ore grade
distribution and the production costs, but also by the overall rock mass strength and
stability. The potential for failure must be assessed for given mining layouts and
incorporated into the design of the ultimate pit. On this regard, it is important to emphasis
that the presence of discontinuities on the rock mass dictates the economy and safety of
the mining operation.
Mechanical Properties of Discontinuities
Rock discontinuities have properties which are crucial to the behavior of the rock mass in
mining excavations. The challenge here is accurately estimating these properties. The
mechanical properties of discontinuities can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as
the joint contact area, the joint aperture, the roughness of the joint wall, the relevant
properties of the filling material, etc. (Goodman et al., 1968). Reliable approximation of the
joint properties can be obtained from large-scale in situ tests, however the cost is very high,
and the selection of the appropriate testing size remains questionable to a given problem
(Barton, 1972). On the other hand, a large number of studies has been carried out in
laboratories to investigate the mechanical behavior of joints. The deformability and strength
behaviors of joints depend on the normal stress (Goodman, 1974; Barton and Choubey,
1977; Bandis et al., 1983); the magnitude of the deformability parameters, i.e. the joint
normal and shear stiffness (Goodman et al., 1968), and can vary in a range of several
orders (Barton and Choubey, 1977). Knowing these properties and their magnitude will
enhance the design process of mining structures and thus minimize the possibility of
Discontinous Rock in Open Pit Slopes
Open pit slope angles are becoming an important parameter to pay more attention to as
mine depths continue to increase. Changes in the overall pit slope angle, no matter the
magnitude have huge consequences on the overall economy and also safety of the mining
operation. In this review, the stability of pit slopes in open pit mining is conducted, with
special reference to slopes in, jointed, rocks, similar to the rock types found in most mines
around the world. For a typical open pit, mine, several different mining units can be
identified, each of which has an associated slope angle, as shown in the cross-section in
Figure 1.0. The bench face, interramp and overall slope angles must be chosen based
upon an assessment of the stability of each slope unit. In general, bench instabilities are
relatively common occurrences which affect smaller portions of the pit. Single benches and
interramp areas of the pit could also be stable at the same time as the overall pit slope may
be potentially unstable.
The geological structure is obviously one of the most important factors governing the
stability of slopes. The term geological structure includes both rock type and discontinuities
which together form the rock mass. Discontinuities are present on virtually all scales, from
microcracks which have lengths less than 10 mm, to the plate boundaries of the earth crust
with lengths of thousands of kilometers. The strength and stiffness of small scale samples
of rock depend upon the presence of microcracks. For a rock slope, however, microcracks
are of little importance. Different rock types can, however, also have a more or less
developed structure, for example, parallel bedding in sedimentary rocks and schistosity, or
foliation, in metamorphic rocks. Also, boundaries between different rock types and dykes
can be viewed as discontinuities.
Figure 1.0 Definition of slope angles (Adopted from, Sjoberg, 1996).
Bedding and schistosity are of much larger scale than microcracks. Bedding planes can
extend for kilometers and a well-developed schistosity can be several tens of meters long.
Other geological discontinuities include joints which vary in size from less than 1 meter to
over 100 meters and faults which can be anywhere from a few tens of meters to several
hundreds of kilometers in length. Faults are distinguished from joints in that faults have
undergone shear movements. It is also common that several parallel joints or faults form a
shear zone (Nordlund and Radberg, 1995), (Figure 2.0).
From the previous discussion it is obvious that the geometry and orientation of pre-existing
discontinuities can have a large impact on the behavior of a slope. Discontinuities represent
weak links in the rock mass. For cases in which the normal stress is low, pre-existing
discontinuities in the rock mass can more easily open up or be subjected to slip. Under the
assumption of low normal stress, the mode of failure in an open pit slope to a large extent
depends upon the orientation of discontinuities in the rock mass in relation to the orientation
of the slope and the slope angle. Obviously, the frequency and the continuity of
discontinuities are also important in this aspect (Hoek, 1971a).
Figure 2.0 Different types of joints and faults (partly after Nordlund and Radberg, 1995).
Failure Modes and Failure Mechanisms
Based on the geological structure and the stress state in the rock mass, certain failure
modes appear to be more likely than others in mine pit slopes. Structurally controlled
failures dominate most pit highwall failures and there is a chance that more plausible failure
modes for large scale slopes are yet to be discovered. This is not unlikely, considering that
today's deep open pits will be superseded by much deeper pits in the future, particularly in
hard rocks (Sjoberg, 1996). Observed failure modes in rock slopes will be described in the
following section.
Plane Shear Failure
The first class of failure modes refers to various geometrical combinations of discontinuities
which form blocks or wedges of rock which are kinematically free to move. Whether failure
occurs or not depends upon (a) the shear strength of the discontinuities, or (b) the strength
of discontinuity intersections. In a simplified classification of failure modes in rock slopes,
Coates (1977, 1981) gave this type of failure the name "plane shear" failure, (Figure 3.0).
The failure surface, defined as the surface along which failure develops, could be a single
discontinuity (plane failure), two discontinuities intersecting each other (wedge failure) or a
combination of several discontinuities connecting together (step path and step wedge
failures). A common feature of most failure modes is the formation of a tension crack at the
slope crest.
Figure 3.0 Combinations of discontinuities forming a failure surface (after Coates,1977; West et
al., 1985; Call and Savely, 1990).
Rotational Shear Failure
Subsequent to the classification by Coates (1977, 1981), the next group of failure modes
are rotational shear failures (Figure 4.0). These are occasionally referred to as circular
failures which implies that failure takes place along a circular surface. Rotational shear
failure occurs in slopes without critically oriented discontinuities or planes of weakness, it
is the typical mode of failure observed in soils. As Hoek (1970) and Hoek and Bray (1981)
noted, rotational shear failure could also occur in rock slopes if there are no strong structural
patterns in the slope, for example, a heavily fractured slope with no predominate
orientations of discontinuities.

Figure 4.0 Rotational shear failures and combinations of rotational shear and plane
shear failures (after Coates, 1977; Hoek and Bray, 1981).
Block Flow and Toppling Failure
The third group of failure modes identified by (Coates, 1977, 1981) are the block flow
failures. Characteristic for these type of failures is that a successive breakdown of the rock
slope occurs. Failure can initiate by crushing of the slope toe, which in turn causes load
transfer to adjacent areas which may fail (Figure 5.0). Obviously, in situ stresses in relation
to the rock strength are important factors governing this failure mode. The stress
concentration at the slope toe increases with the slope height. These types of failure are
therefore more likely in large scale slopes.

Figure 5.0 Block flow and toppling failures (after Coates, 1977; Hoek and Bray, 1981).
Slab and Buckling Failure
There are other failure modes which have been observed in open pits over the world and
which do not easily group into the above categories. Among these are the thin slab failures,
including buckling failures as shown in Figure 6.0. These types of failures could develop in
slopes with long, continuous bedding planes or joints oriented parallel to the slope face.
Crushing failure of the toe or plane shear failure along cross joints help to initiate slab
failure, but slab failure could also be initiated by hydrostatic uplift due to high groundwater
levels. Buckling could develop if the axial stresses on the rock slab are high and the slab is
very thin in relation to its length.
Figure 6.0 Thin slab and buckling failures (after Piteau and Martin, 1982; Nilsen,1987).

Case Studies
Case studies are a helpful source of information. Investigating existing slope failures can
lead to a better understanding of the failure modes and the governing mechanisms of
failure. Also, if the failure mechanisms can be identified and the geomechanical
environment quantified, the back-analysis of strength parameters is possible.
In this section, a review of some case studies of open pits wall failures is presented. A short
description of the operation itself and the geomechanical environment is given for each pit
along with a description of the encountered stability problems. All cases have been grouped
by geographic location, beginning with North and South America, and then Africa. Asia and
Europe are the only cases not considered. The author chose these mines because of their
suitability to the theme of this report.
Brenda Mine, British Columbia
The Brenda mine is located at Peachland, 40 km west of Kelowna in southern British
Columbia. Copper and molybdenum were mined from the orebody which is part of a
relatively homogenous quartz diorite. The rock also exhibits some schistosity. Numerous
clay gouges exist throughout the mine. The most dominate set of discontinuities strike
approximately eastwest, dip at around 70° to 80° to the south, and have an average spacing
of about 15 to 27 meters. The long axis of the pit is oriented east-west. Two other joint sets
were also identified; one striking north-south and dipping steeply to the northeast and one
striking eastwest and dipping around 30° to the north. Both of these sets are less
continuous compared to the first one but exhibit smaller joint spacing. The uniaxial
compressive strength of the intact rock (for the south wall) was estimated to be greater than
150 MPa. The meteorological conditions are adverse in this location with highly varying
temperatures and high annual snowfall resulting in a heavy spring runoff. Calder, 1982;
Martin, 1990).
Production from the mine started in 1970 with overall wall slopes designed at 45°. The
south wall had experienced instability since the mid-1970's. In the spring of 1978, a failure
initiated in the lower part of the pit, extending from the ramp to the pit bottom ¾ a height of
some 90 meters. The failure was believed to be structurally controlled by the clay gouges,
and the spring runoff was probably the triggering factor. This failure was of relatively limited
During final mining of the south wall, more extensive instabilities were observed. The south
wall was designed at a slope angle of 45° but experienced rockfalls after the first 30-meter-
high bench was mined. Continued mining resulted in movement rates of around 50 mm/day
but increasing up to 750 mm/day immediately after blasting of the benches. Flattening of
the slope angle in the lower portion of the south wall to an overall angle of 40°, and
extensive drainage kept the failure under control. The south wall was then approximately
200 meters high. Measured vertical deformations were significantly larger at the slope crest
compared to the lower portions of the slope, see Figure 7.0. The failure mechanism was
identified as large-scale toppling along the steeply dipping gouge-filled faults in the south

Figure 7.0 Vertical section through the Brenda mine south wall (from Pritchard and
Savigny, 1990)

Observations and numerical modeling indicated that the base of the toppling movements
was relatively deep seated in the slope and that "graben" toppling (downward movement
of blocks at the crest resulting in an outward thrust on the other blocks) occurred at the
slope crest. (Martin, 1990; Pritchard and Savigny, 1990).
An uncontrollable failure event occurred in 1990. At that time, the slope height was 335
meters and the slope angle 45°. The failure involved around 5×10 6 m3 of rock
(approximately 15 Mton). An interesting aspect of this failure is that it occurred without prior
warning in terms of cracks or displacements. The failure had an estimated velocity of 175
km/h. The Brenda Mine is now closed.
United States
Bingham Canyon, Utah
Kennecott Copper Corporation operates one of the largest open pit copper mines in the
world in Bingham Canyon, Utah. The rock mass consists mainly of quartz monzonite (an
intermediate igneous rock) along with some quartzite and limestone. Four different rock
units were identified ranging from very competent to very weak rock. Intact rock strengths
vary widely from 1 to 140 MPa. The rock mass is in general very fractured with both minor
joints and larger fault structures. The mine has experienced several large-scale instabilities,
most notably in the Main Hill area in the NW corner of the pit. A large failure involving some
2 Mton of material occurred in 1967. This was followed by another slide in 1968 and one in
1974. The 1974 slide was partly stabilized by successful dewatering. Slope angles in this
portion of the pit were around 29°. The large failures in the Main Hill area were believed to
be a combination of rotational shear failure initiated at the weak toe by excessive water
pressure, and plane shear failure along pre-existing discontinuities in the upper portions of
the slope.
The overall slope height, as at the time of this review, is 2800 ft (850 meter) with an overall
slope angle of 37°, but the upper 600 ft (180 m) has an angle of 50°. Rotational shear failure
has occurred in the lower portion of the slope, whereas the upper, steeper portion show no
signs of instability. A classification scheme developed by Call & Nicholas Inc. has been
used to estimate friction and cohesion of the rock mass. Friction angles range from 28° to
46°, and average cohesion is around 0.1 MPa. The stress state is characterized by
horizontal stresses being slightly higher than the vertical stresses (K=1.1). Furthermore,
the water table is believed to be almost parallel to the slope and about 200 ft (60 m) behind
the slope face, going from the toe to near the crest of the slope.
Codelco operates the world’s largest metal mine and open pit at Chuquicamata in northern
Chile. This copper mine currently produces around 140 Mton of rock annually, of which
around 56 Mton is ore. Future mining plans call for a pit depth of 788 meters in the year of
2012 and a final depth in excess of 1000 meters. The Chuquicamata mine is divided by a
fault zone into two distinctly different geomechanical environments. The East Sector is fairly
competent (granodioritic rock) with compressive strengths for the ore of the order of 60 to
80 MPa. This rock mass tends to behave elastically, and stability problems are governed
by failure along pre-existing joint planes. Joints are also more persistent and continuous in
the East Sector compared to the rest of the pit. The West Sector also consists of
granodiorite, but of lower strength. The fault zone is much weaker and exhibits plastic
behavior. In the West wall, there is also a very continuous joint set dipping at around 70°
into the wall. Compressive strengths vary from around 30 MPa for the ore and the fault
zone to 100 MPa for the granodiorite. The West side of the pit displaces continuously
(stable failure), sometimes as much as 100 mm per day. Consequently, the slope angles
differ in the East and the West Sector of the mine. In the West wall an overall slope angle
of 37° is used, whereas slope angles ranging from 40° to 46° are used in the East wall
(Rapiman, 1993). A cross section of the pit is depicted in Figure 8.0, in this case the west
section of the pit.
The mine has experienced several large-scale slope failures during the years. One of the
most famous was the large failure of the East wall in 1969. The total amount of failed
material was around 1 Mton, but the volume of rock which experienced substantial
movements corresponded to somewhere between 12 and 15 Mton of material (Broadbent
and Zavodni, 1982). The complex failure surface was composed of pre-existing fractures
and major structures. Careful monitoring and a relatively slow failure process (up to the
point of collapse) resulted in a minimum of production delays due to this failure. The East
wall is still experiencing wedge failures both on the bench scale and multiple bench scale.

Figure 8.0 Conceptual sketch of the failure behavior of the west wall at Chuquicamata
(after Board et al., 1996).

South Africa
The Palabora Mining Company Ltd. operates a copper open pit in the north-east corner of
the Republic of South Africa. Mining started in 1966 and current annual production amounts
to around 29 Mton of ore and a total of 92 Mton of material (ore and waste rock). The
orebody is about 1440 meters long and 800 meters wide and the pit is thus slightly elliptical
in shape. Current mining is planned for a final pit depth of 836 meters which would be
reached in year 2000. The interramp slope angles used in the pit vary from 37° at the crest
to 58° near the pit bottom (Leroy and Lill, 1990).
The igneous rocks at Palabora are dominated by carbonatites (ultra-basic igneous intrusive
dykes) of various types, such as banded carbonatite and transgressive carbonatite. There
are also zones of foskerite (coarse-grained basic rock) as well as dolerite dykes. The
copper content varies from 0.3 to 1.0% in these rock types. The rocks are generally
unweathered with uniaxial compressive strengths of the order of 70 MPa for the foskerite,
130 MPa for the carbonatites and up to 300 MPa for the dolerite dykes. Weaker and more
weathered rocks are found near the ground surface. Four major faults have been identified
in the pit and several sets of joints have been delineated. Slopes with heights of up to 370
meters have performed very well and without major instabilities for interramp slope angles
in excess of 50°. Monitoring of movements have shown displacements of up to 200 mm in
these slopes with movement rates of about 25-35 mm/year.
In recent operations at the Palabora Mine, the transition to caving 400 m below the bottom
of the 800 m deep pit resulted in a slope failure of the North wall that began in 2003 and is
still mobile. This failure can be explained by the daylighting into the cave zone of a
prominent joint set.
In the world of mining, rock discontinuities play a major factor in most failures encountered.
These structures present safety and economic dilemma for mining operators. In one hand
they want to strip waste as little as possible and on the other hand they want to avoid
decisions that will lead to failure of the pit highwall. The most important failure modes to
consider in large scale slopes are rotational shear failures and the secondary failure modes
associated with these. Large scale toppling failures have also recently been observed in
high pit slopes and need to be considered. Plane failure or wedge failure could develop if
major faults of very large dimensions are present in the rock mass. Judging from the relative
dimension of high slopes and most discontinuities, the actual failure surface for a rotational
shear failure is probably to a large extent composed of pre-existing discontinuities, with
only smaller portions of intact rock failure. The Chuquicamata mine had failures with fairly
shallow failure surfaces, running almost parallel to the slope outline. In these cases,
movements have been relatively slow. The rocks are quite weak in these cases and the
slope angles generally less than 40°. The Brenda mine has slightly stronger rock types one
and have suffered from what is believed to be large scale toppling failures. The failure
behavior is rapid, unstable failure. One predominantly interesting finding from this review is
that a slope exhibits significant displacements (several decimeters or more) before a base
failure surface is fully developed.
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