Customer Delight: Back To Basics
Customer Delight: Back To Basics
Customer Delight: Back To Basics
Customer Delight
Two key elements to ensure customer satisfaction
WE ALL know the basics of customer • Communicate to your employees. • Be involved in your customers’ suc-
satisfaction: on-time delivery, quality perfor- Let employees know what’s happening cess. Know what you do that helps your
mance, customer complaint resolution and at your facility. Have regular meetings customers succeed.
parts per million (PPM). Now that you have with all employees and post informa- • Understand what you can provide
obtained the pinnacle 100% on-time delivery, tion where everyone can see it. Nothing your customers that others can’t,
zero PPM and no customer complaints, can upset a workforce more than not don’t or won’t. Then do it with all your
what’s next? knowing what is happening, or, worse energy.
Customer delight. yet, having incorrect information spread • Know each customer product as if it
This occurs when your name becomes throughout the facility. were yours. When possible, have your
synonymous with your product. What store
Keep communication
comes to mind when you think of shopping?
What brand name comes to mind when
16 QP •