The Comprehensive Equipment Manual

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Lead Design and Writing: Randall Right of Wraith Wright Productions
Illustration: Cover and interior by Johnathan Good of Johnathan Good Illustration
Cover texture unattributed (CC0 1.0 universal license)
Quality and Development Consultation: Charles Baker, Matthew Skau, Robert Ochs, Scott Szydlo
Production and Publication: a million monkeys with a million typewriters


This product contains many original ideas and game mechanics. It also draws inspiration from earlier editions of Dungeons &
Dragons, including the Arms and Equipment Guide (2nd and 3rd editions), Oriental Adventures (2nd and 3rd editions), untold
numbers of Dragon Magazine articles, myriad Internet articles, and more.

As of this version, no community content was used from any materials marketed in the Dungeon Masters Guild or elsewhere.
As with any product containing translations of prior game editions, there is no guarantee that each translated system will be
materially distinct from anyone else’s. Any resemblance is coincidental.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster
Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive
likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of
America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express
written permission of Wizards of the Coast. ©2016-2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA.
Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

The Comprehensive Manual title, the Wraith Wright anvil, and other related titles and branding are trademarks of Wraith
Wright Productions. All other original material in this work is copyright Wraith Wright Productions 2017 and published under
the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Current: Revised 2.0 (November 16, 2017) – Incorporated full content of what would have been The Comprehensive Treasure
Manual. The merger of these two products, and the addition of Jonathan Good’s illustrations, make this product complete.

On the Cover: A combat-trained elephant bearing chainmail barding and a howdah. The driver wields a great lance
as the passenger aims a polybolos crossbow. All these items are described in this product.
PART 0: INTRODUCTION ........6 Pricing ...................................................... 34
ORNAMENTED ARMAMENTS ........................... 35
The Comprehensive Equipment Manual .... 6 PIECEMEAL ARMOR ........................................ 35
WHAT’S IN THIS PRODUCT? ............................. 6 Coverage ................................................... 35
Part 0: Introduction .................................... 6 Dexterity Modifiers .................................. 35
Part 1: Armaments ...................................... 6 Other Effects ............................................ 36
Part 2: Gear ................................................. 6
Part 3: Exotic Lists ...................................... 6 Miscellaneous Systems ................................ 36
Part 4: Wealth and Treasure ...................... 7 RACE MODIFICATIONS ................................... 36
Part 5: Trinkets ........................................... 7 Dwarven Speed ......................................... 36
Part 6: Magic Items .................................... 7 Racial Features ......................................... 36
Part 7: Investments ..................................... 7 CLASS MODIFICATIONS .................................. 36
Appendix A: Future Products...................... 7 Kensai Weapons ....................................... 36
TRUST .............................................................. 7 Monk Weapons ........................................ 37
Character Power ......................................... 7 FEAT MODIFICATIONS.................................... 37
“Lightest-Touch” Rules ............................... 8 Dual Wielder ............................................ 37
HOW TO USE THIS PRODUCT ........................... 8 Crossbow Master ...................................... 37
Dungeon Master’s Use................................ 8 Great Weapon Master .............................. 37
Everyone’s Use ............................................ 8 Polearm Master ........................................ 37
Exotic List Use ............................................ 8 Sharpshooter ............................................ 37
Use in Printed Form .................................... 8 Shield Master............................................ 37
DM’S CORNERS ................................................ 8

PART 2: GEAR .................................. 38

PART 1: ARMAMENTS.................9 Adventuring Gear ......................................... 38
Armor and Shields .......................................... 9 ADVENTURING GEAR (GENERAL) .................... 38
ARMOR PROPERTIES ....................................... 10 Descriptions ............................................. 38
Getting Into & Out of Armor ..................... 11 EQUIPMENT PACKS ........................................ 52
Descriptions............................................... 12 Swapping Equipment Packs ..................... 52
Descriptions ............................................. 52
Weapons ..........................................................14 CONTAINERS.................................................. 54
WEAPON DAMAGE ..........................................14 Descriptions ............................................. 54
Damage Kickers......................................... 15 Container Capacities ................................ 56
Half Dice (d2, d3, d5) ................................. 15 AMMUNITION ................................................ 57
WEAPON PROPERTIES ..................................... 15 Descriptions ............................................. 57
Descriptions.............................................. 18 MAGICAL IMPLEMENTS................................... 60
IMPROVISED WEAPONS .................................. 32 Descriptions ............................................. 60
ALCHEMICAL BREWS ...................................... 64
Modifications ................................................ 32 Descriptions ............................................. 64
ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS .............................. 32 HERBAL BREWS .............................................. 69
Bronze Armaments ................................... 32 Raw Herbs ................................................ 69
Ersatz Armaments .................................... 33 Descriptions ............................................. 70
Adamantined Weapons ............................ 33 POISONS ........................................................ 73
Silvered Weapons ..................................... 33 Acquiring Poison ...................................... 73
MASTERWORK ARMAMENTS ........................... 34 Using Poison ............................................ 74
Armor........................................................ 34
Weapons ................................................... 34


Tools................................................................ 87 DOUBLE WEAPONS ........................................ 115
SKILLS WITH TOOLS ....................................... 87 Double Weapon Chart ............................. 115
Coaction ................................................... 87 Double Weapon Fighting ......................... 115
Synergy ..................................................... 87 Descriptions ............................................. 115
Lore ........................................................... 87 EXTRA POLEARMS ..........................................116
ARTISAN’S TOOLS ...........................................88 Early Polearm Traditions ......................... 117
Professional Work ....................................88 Hybrid Polearms....................................... 117
Repairs ......................................................88 Descriptions .............................................118
Descriptions..............................................88 FANTASY FLIGHT............................................119
GAMING SETS ................................................. 92 Airborne Vehicles .....................................119
Descriptions.............................................. 93 Descriptions .............................................119
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ................................. 93 FIREARMS ..................................................... 120
Descriptions.............................................. 94 Early Firearms ......................................... 120
MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS ................................. 94 Advanced Firearms ................................... 121
Descriptions.............................................. 94 Siege Guns ............................................... 123
Descriptions ............................................ 123
Mounts and Vehicles ....................................96 MONSTER MARKETS...................................... 126
MOUNTS ........................................................96 Instinct-Level Intelligence ....................... 127
Rider Trained ............................................96 Animal-Level Intelligence ........................ 127
Combat Trained ........................................96 Monster-Level Intelligence ...................... 128
Exceptional Specimen ............................... 97 Dragons ................................................... 129
Descriptions.............................................. 97 VILLAGE MARKET........................................... 131
TACK AND HARNESS ....................................... 97 Using this List .......................................... 131
Descriptions.............................................. 97 Availability ............................................... 131
VEHICLES ...................................................... 101 Descriptions ............................................ 132
Waterborne Vehicles ............................... 101
Descriptions............................................. 102
PART 4: WEALTH ....................... 133
PART 3: EXOTIC LISTS............104 Material Assets............................................. 133
COINAGE ...................................................... 133
Including Exotic Lists .................................104 Standard Coins ........................................ 133
IMPLEMENTING EXOTIC LISTS ........................104 Representative Currencies ....................... 133
Option One: A Touch of Flavor ...............104 Alternate Currencies ............................... 134
Option Two: A Cosmopolitan Realm ....... 105 Coin Names ............................................. 134
Option Three: Native List ........................ 105 TRADE GOODS .............................................. 135
ACCESSING EXOTIC LISTS .............................. 105 Beasts ...................................................... 135
Character Creation .................................. 105 Dry Goods................................................ 135
Proficiency .............................................. 106 Gemstones ............................................... 135
Costs ....................................................... 106 Trade Bars ............................................... 136
MISCELLANEOUS ........................................... 136
Exotic Lists ................................................... 106 Craft Components ................................... 136
ADVENTURES IN THE ORIENT ....................... 106 SALE PRICES .................................................. 136
Cultural Influence ................................... 106 Monster Armaments (Value x0) ............. 137
Native List............................................... 106 Standard Equipment (Value x1/2) ........... 137
Weapon Names ...................................... 106 Inherent-Value Goods (Value x1) ............ 137
Descriptions............................................ 106 Magic Items (Value x?) ........................... 138
AGE OF SAIL .................................................. 114 FINDING BUYERS ........................................... 138
Historical Naming ................................... 114 Automatic Buyers .................................... 138
Waterborne Vehicles ............................... 114 Seeking Buyers......................................... 138
Descriptions............................................. 114


FINDING SELLERS .......................................... 139
Magic Selling Parties ............................... 139
PART 5: TRINKETS ..................... 162
NON-MATERIAL ASSETS ................................140 Using This Chart .......................................... 162
Letters of Recommendation ....................140 ALTERNATE USES .......................................... 162
Medals ..................................................... 141 SELECTIVE USES ............................................ 162
Titles ........................................................ 141 Normal Campaign ................................... 162
Rights ....................................................... 142 High Fantasy ........................................... 162
Favors ...................................................... 142 Primitive Fantasy .................................... 162
Renown .................................................... 142 Alternatives ............................................. 162
TIME AS TREASURE ........................................ 143 New Trinkets ........................................... 162
Downtime ................................................ 143

Expenses ........................................................ 143

PART 6: MAGIC ITEMS ..........169
LIFESTYLES .................................................... 143 The Closed Item System ............................. 169
Descriptions.............................................144 ESSENTIA AND SEEDS .................................... 169
FOOD, DRINK, AND LODGING ........................144 Essentia ................................................... 169
Descriptions.............................................144 Seeds ........................................................ 170
SERVICES ....................................................... 145 Formulas ................................................. 172
Descriptions............................................. 145 NEW SPELLS FOR MAGIC ITEMS ..................... 172
Spellcasting Services ............................... 146 Brew Healing Potion................................ 173
MAINTENANCE COSTS ................................... 147 Disenchant Magic Item ........................... 173
Enchant Magic Item ................................ 174
Starting Wealth ............................................ 147 Repair Enchantment ............................... 175
EXISTING SYSTEMS ........................................ 147 Scribe Spell Scroll .................................... 175
A Note on Starting ...................................148 Transfer Enchantment ............................ 176
Equipment at First Level ..........................148 PHYSICAL ALTERATION ................................. 177
WEALTH BEYOND FIRST LEVEL ......................148 Shape ....................................................... 177
Restricted Magic Items ........................... 149 Veneer...................................................... 178
Restrictions to Magic Items ....................148 Determining Limitations......................... 178
Feature-Dependent Options ................... 149
Option: Whole Party Treasure ................ 150 Magic Item Values ....................................... 178
Option: Large Shared Items..................... 150 VALUATION RANGES ..................................... 178
Additional Costs ...................................... 178
Treasure Distribution ................................. 150 Chart Values............................................ 179
RATES OF DISTRIBUTION ................................151 Chart Deviations ..................................... 183
Official Rates ............................................151
CALCULATING TREASURE................................151 Special Features ........................................... 186
Wealth Bundles ........................................151 SPECIAL FEATURE OPTIONS........................... 186
Wealth Math ........................................... 152 Number of Special Features..................... 186
Magic Items ............................................. 152 Bringing it All Together ........................... 186
Level 20 Treasure ..................................... 152 Special Feature Prices.............................. 187
Wealth Bundles ....................................... 153 Arcana (First Roll)................................... 187
Sample Treasure Chart (partial) ............. 155 History..................................................... 187
Example Objects of Art ............................ 154 Investigation............................................ 187
Magic Items ............................................. 154 Nature ..................................................... 187
GIVING TREASURE ......................................... 155 Religion.................................................... 187
Wealth Bundles and Magic Items............ 155 NEW SPECIAL FEATURES .............................. 187
Treasure Gains......................................... 155 What Historical Detail?.......................... 197
Treasure Losses ....................................... 157 What Minor Property? ........................... 206
What Quirk? ........................................... 215


Part 7: Investments ............... 224 Recruitment ................................................ 244
GAINING MILITARY MIGHT .......................... 244
Crafts ............................................................. 224 Using Wealth ......................................... 244
ALTERNATE HOURS ...................................... 224 Cultural Acquisition ................................245
Pure Focus .............................................. 224 Restrictions to Gains ...............................245
Light Work ............................................. 224 Ancillary Equipment............................... 246
CRAFTING COMPONENTS.............................. 225 LEADING TROOPS ........................................ 246
COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURE ...................... 226 Loyalty Score .......................................... 246
Tracking Loyalty .................................... 246
Investment ................................................... 226 Effects of Loyalty .................................... 246
STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS .................................. 226 CLASHING ARMIES ....................................... 247
Monthly Bookkeeping ............................. 227 Decide Losers and Losses ....................... 247
Business Costs ........................................ 227 Players’ Roles, Pre-Battle........................ 249
Feudal Enterprises .................................. 228 Players’ Roles, Mid-Battle ...................... 250
Treasure Bundles .................................... 228 After the Fighting .................................... 251
Descriptions............................................ 228
OUTSIDE INVESTMENT ................................. 230
NON-PROFIT INVESTMENT ........................... 230 FUTURE PRODUCTS ................ 253
Buying Renown ....................................... 230 THE SECRET PROJECT .................................... 253
Buying Favors .......................................... 231 CREATURE HANDBOOKS ............................... 253
The Creature Faction Handbook ............. 253
Construction................................................. 231 The Creature Template Handbook .......... 253
STARTER KITS............................................... 232 SHORT ADVENTURES..................................... 253
The Gain ................................................. 232 Flashbacks: Volume One ......................... 253
The Land ................................................. 232 Ventures on the High Seas ......................254
Existing Fixtures ..................................... 234 ONGOING DEVELOPMENT .............................254
PROPERTY COMPONENTS ............................. 235 Production Support .................................254
Rooms ..................................................... 235 About the Author ....................................254
Buildings and Other Fixtures.................. 238 About the Artist ......................................254
Growing Parcels ...................................... 238
SHIPS COMPONENTS .................................... 239
Construction and Maintenance .............. 239
Ship Components.................................... 239
SIEGE ENGINES .............................................. 241
Ballista ..................................................... 241
Ballista, Heavy ......................................... 241
Catapult ................................................... 241
Catapult, Mangonel ................................. 241
Catapult, Onager .................................... 242
Catapult, Trebuchet................................ 242
Cauldron, Suspended .............................. 242
Great Claw .............................................. 242
Ram......................................................... 243
Ram, Covered .......................................... 243
Siege Tower ............................................. 243
Siege Tower, Massive .............................. 243
Siphon ..................................................... 243


“Rope!” he muttered. “No rope! And only PART 0: INTRODUCTION
last night you said to yourself: ‘Sam, what Part 0 is exactly what the heading implies, a foreword
about a bit of rope? You'll want it, if you to introduce the entire product and acquaint you with
haven't got it.’ Well, I'll want it. I can't get it its content and design philosophies. It’s the part you’re
now.” reading right now.
-Samwise Gamgee, The Lord of the Rings
Carrying proper equipment is the mark of a successful Part 1 adds new armor and weapons to expand the
adventurer; bringing the right gear is what separates a options given in the core rulebooks, and it incorporates
professional from a hapless seeker who finds only a weapons found in the Monster Manual and other
swift doom. The dilettante trusts his wit and quickly official products.
finds its limits. But a professional adventurer Part 1 also provides a wealth of new armor
anticipates the hazards she will encounter and girds properties and weapon properties, using a conservative
herself accordingly. approach that carefully maintains game balance.
Additionally, this Part adds a lot of variant rules

THE COMPREHENSIVE that a DM can ise om her game for added realism or
drama, including rules for making armor and weapons
EQUIPMENT MANUAL with alternate materials and techniques, and a
balanced set of masterwork rules.
You are looking at the product of many hours (now
about nine months) of consideration, research, creative PART 2: GEAR
writing, and play-testing. Hopefully you like it! Still the largest chapter of this product, Part 2 greatly
This ambitious project was started with the intent expands the selection of adventuring gear, tools, and
to distribute it on the Dungeon Masters Guild as a
vehicles. It provides new ammunition types, a huge
single, truly-comprehensive product. But it kept
number of new equipment packs, rules for crafting and
growing and it had to be divided into separate collecting poisons and other wondrous alchemies, and
products; one for equipment and another for treasure expanded lists of mounts and their tack. It also offers
and ways to use it. a wealth of excellent variant rules.
After several months of exceptional reception and
feedback for this product, a new, REVISED version of
this manual is ready. What you see here, nearly
Part 3 includes “exotic” lists of equipment not native
DOUBLE the length of the previous version, reunites
to traditional medieval fantasy settings. These are the
both equipment and treasure and expands both topics,
sorts of things that not all DMs might want to see in
making this one truly-comprehensive manual.
their games. Exotic lists group such items by theme,
For this revised version, every existing section has
allowing DMs to easily adopt just the equipment that
been expanded and improved. New sections are added
matches the intended flavor of their game worlds.
as well, including several intended mainly for
The revised version of this product includes the
Dungeon Masters. As you have seen from new cover,
following: “Adventures in the Orient” (enough
Johnathan Good has provided over a dozen new
weapons and armor to replace the standard options in
illustrations to grace the revised product.
your campaign), “Double Weapons” (a weapon list
and rules for using double weapons), “Extra
WHAT’S IN THIS PRODUCT? Polearms” (weapons to satisfy a Gygaxian-level
Each Part of this product serves a different function. fondness for polearms), “Fantasy Flight” (expanded
airship options), “Firearms” (expansive rules


separating early medieval versions and advanced weight, usable system for handing mass combat
renaissance versions), “Monster Markets” (for the results.
purchase and sale of monsters, particularly exotic
mounts and guardians), and “Village Market” (a list APPENDIX A: FUTURE PRODUCTS
for regulating equipment availability in a small The appendix talks about the additional releases
village). Wraith Wright Productions has planned, some
currently under development.
Part 4 first addresses wealth generally, its types and
forms. This section details currency, from new coin
types to expanded charts for trade goods in various This product contains unofficial rules!!!
categories. It addresses intangible assets like favors Wow, yeah. The very idea can chill even the most
and expands the rules for expenses, food and lodging, adventurous Dungeon Master. If you’ve played with
and services. unofficial rules in the past, perhaps some of the
This Part also addresses the finding of buyers and Unearthed Arcana offerings, chances are you’ve
sellers for expensive equipment like poisons and regretted it at least once.
magic items. It introduces a population-based option This isn’t an advice column on how to best
to reduce the complication of such commerce. manage custom rules. It’s a forward to let you know
The second half of this Part discusses distribution, that this product works very hard to make sure its
including starting wealth for characters made above custom rules are not the kind you’ll regret. We want
1st level. It also provides a rational system of treasure your trust. Here’s how we’re working to get it.
distribution to aid Dungeon Masters in balancing their
If you are a DM, you have probably experienced
PART 5: TRINKETS players asking for customized or homebrewed rules
Part 5 contains pages of new trinkets and it discusses because of how powerful some of those things appear
the selection, customization, and use of specific trinket to be. This product does not intend to excite such
types. players.
This manual is intended to serve players who are
PART 6: MAGIC ITEMS tired of using the same boring longsword. It tries to
excite players looking for a different weapon to
This Part provides more precise values for magic items
provide unique flavor to their next character, not a
and talks about magic item valuation in general terms.
better weapon. It tries to serve players who want to be
It also discusses construction, deconstruction, and
more methodical in their approaches to adventuring
marketability of magic items.
gear, to help the players who want to be ready for
Part 6 concludes with many pages of additional
whatever’s lurking out there in the darkness.
special features to customize the characteristics of
When it comes to adding power to player options,
magic items, allowing the Dungeon Master to make
this product takes a conservative approach, avoiding
every magical item a unique component of the game.
mechanics that “synergize” too well with existing
game features, or that might end up more powerful
than intended when used in unanticipated ways. The
This Part talks about large-scale uses for characters’
goal for any custom rules should be to make them
wealth. It discusses alternative crafting rules for
slightly weaker than similar, existing rules. This is to
smaller or larger scale production, raw business
give players more options for flavor and functionality,
investments, the acquisition and maintenance of
not better options. To use an industry term, this
various sorts of properties and buildings (including
product wants to add no “power creep” to the game.
ships), and specific upgrades for buildings and siege
This isn’t an attempt to denigrate custom rules or
weaponry to guard them. It also provides a light-
those who use them. Unofficial rules can form an


essential element of many fun games, particularly as Even if the DM does not want to include the new
DMs build their own worlds with unique aspects not items and rules from this product, The Comprehensive
encompassed by the published books. Instead, these Equipment Manual can still be used as a reference,
words are meant to introduce you to the philosophy adding valuable descriptions of every standard items;
behind these custom rules. The intent is to allow DMs where the Player’s Handbook rarely describes the
to trust that they can employ this resource without shape or composition of equipment, this product
having to police it for broken, over-powered parts. attempts to give some accounting to every single entry.
Many of these are not lengthy, but they can aid how
“LIGHTEST-TOUCH” RULES players imagines each piece of gear.
The design philosophy here seeks to change as little as
possible. It calls for elegant, functional systems that EXOTIC LIST USE
enhance existing gameplay rather than reinventing Regardless of whether the DM decides the game will
things. It primarily seeks to create new systems where include The Comprehensive Equipment Manual,
none existed before, or more commonly, to simply certain parts are not intended for general use. Part 3
expand existing rules to provide more options. represent categories of equipment that aren’t part of a
Altering or replacing an existing rule is always a traditional (medieval, Euro-centric) fantasy campaign.
rare, last resort, and will be noted where it occurs. In They are unavailable as a default, unless the DM
the very, very few places where a pre-existing item is particularly designates them as allowed. Each exotic
altered, the System Change label alerts the user, list brings an addition or deviation to the flavor of a
points out the reason for the change, and gives the DM campaign, so DMs are encouraged to adopt them only
a chance to change it back if desired. with care and purpose.


This product has a textured page background, colored
There are many ways to use this product, but several
art, and text in various shades. These things can make
are contemplated here. This manual is built and
the document awkward to print. A second PDF,
formatted to suit the following methods of use.
produced in black-and-white, is bundled with this
product for those intending to print a copy for
DUNGEON MASTER’S USE personal use.
At one end of the scale, the DM can simply keep the
entire product to herself. Even if she doesn’t want to
mix the new items into her campaign, this product can DM’S CORNERS
be an excellent resource for DMs trying to moderate Throughout this product, you will find segments titled
equipment. It also contains some interesting insights “DM’s Corner.” These are meant to provide advice for
into the roles of commerce and the application of DMs on how to get the most out of the existing rules
various standard rules that can be helpful to DMs. in various contexts. In some cases, they suggest new
applications of existing rules or they explain the
EVERYONE’S USE methodology behind rules in this product. (The DM’s
At the other end of the scale is the fully-open option. Corners are absent from Parts 7 and 8 because those
The DM tells her players up front that they can use The topics are already designed for the use of the DM.)
Comprehensive Equipment Manual and informs them To the experienced DM, some of these might be
which variant rules will be used, if any. If the DM is superfluous. That’s why these sections are marked;
on top of things, she’s already provided her players there’s no harm in skipping over them if they’re not
with a list of the variant rules they’ll use from the what you bought this product for. But hopefully they’ll
Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide, so be of some use to some DMs.
this is a simple additional step. This method ought to At the very least, they will provide insight into
use the variant Item Swaps optional rule found in the Wraith Wright Productions’ approach to Dungeons &
sidebar at the beginning of Part 3. Dragons in the Fifth Edition.


This Part expands the rules for armor and weapons.
Certain relevant rules from official source books are VARIANT: EQUIPMENT SIZES
repeated here, although the text often differs. In most campaigns, you can use or wear any
equipment that you find on your adventures, within
ARMOR AND SHIELDS the bounds of common sense. For example, a burly
half-orc won’t fit in a halfling’s leather armor, and
The Armor table shows the cost, weight, and other a gnome would be swallowed up in a cloud giant’s
properties of the common types of armor. elegant robe.
Armor Proficiency. If you wear armor that you The DM can impose more realism. For
lack proficiency with, you have disadvantage on any example, a suit of plate armor made for one human
ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves might not fit another human without significant
Strength or Dexterity, and you can’t cast spells. alterations, and a guard’s uniform might be visibly
Armor Class (AC). The armor (and shield) you ill-fitting when an adventurer tries to wear it as a
wear determines your base Armor Class. disguise.
Heavy Armor. If the Armor table shows “Str 13” Using this variant, when adventurers find
or “Str 15” in the Strength column for an armor type, armor, clothing, and other worn items, they might
the armor reduces the wearer’s speed by 10 feet unless need to visit an armorsmith, tailor, leatherworker,
the wearer has a Strength score equal to or higher than or similar expert to make the items wearable. The
the listed score. The Speed racial feature of dwarves cost for such work varies from 10 to 40 percent of
allows members of that race to ignore this penalty. the market price of the item. The DM can either roll
Stealth. If the Armor table shows “Disadvantage” 1d4 x 10 or determine the increase in cost based on
in the Stealth column, the wearer has disadvantage on the extent of the alterations required.
Dexterity (Stealth) checks. DM’s Corner. This variant rule seems too
Light Armor. If you wear light armor, you add fiddly for normal application. But it does make
your Dexterity modifier to the base number from your good sense when transferring armor and clothing
armor type to determine your Armor Class. between Medium and Small characters. Previous
Medium Armor. If you wear medium armor, you editions assigned percentage cost and weight
add your Dexterity modifier, to a maximum of +2, to adjustments to differentiate between equipment of
the base number from your armor type to determine those sizes. The Fifth Edition uses an easier and
your Armor Class. more efficient system, equating Medium and Small
Heavy Armor. Heavy armor doesn’t apply your equipment, but it makes very little sense when it
Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class, whether comes to costs and weights. Applying this variant
positive or negative. rule selectively (between Medium and Small sizes)
Shields. A shield is carried in one hand. Wielding reintroduces some common sense to the system.
a buckler increases your Armor Class by 1. Wielding
a normal shield, pavise, or tower shield increases your
Armor Class by 2. Wielding a tower shield also adds a later by a skilled armorsmith. In the case of magical
+2 bonus to your Dexterity saves, not compatible with armor, a spellcaster might need to work with an
any bonus granted by cover. You can benefit from only armorsmith to ensure that the desired additions will
one shield at a time. Proficiency in “shields” applies to not destroy any magical properties. See “Physical
any type of shield. Alteration” in Part 6.
Additions. Armor and shields can benefit from
certain additions, to the degree provided in the
description of each addition. Armor and shields can be
created with these additions, or they can be modified


to wipe clean any sharp objects that penetrate it. The
wearer of this armor has resistance to poison damage
Some armors have special properties related to their from poison-coated weapons, but not from the fangs
use, usually designed to foil certain weapon properties. of creatures that inject their venom as they bite.
Armor properties are not standard to any of the Efficient. This suit of armor is cunningly
normal armors, and so are not listed on the armor chart. designed to be much easier to put on or remove. Halve
They are applied through masterwork modifications. the normal time necessary to don or doff such armor.
Absorbent. The armor is padded with thick
batting made from special absorbent fibers. This tends

Item Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Padded 5 gp 11 + Dex modifier — Disadvantage 8 lb.
Leather 10 gp 11 + Dex modifier — — 10 lb.
Leather scale 25 gp 12 + Dex modifier — Disadvantage 15 lb.
Studded leather 45 gp 12 + Dex modifier — — 13 lb.
Medium Armor
Layered furs 5 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 15 lb.
Hide 10 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — 12 lb.
Brigandine 35 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 35 lb.
Chain shirt 50 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — 20 lb.
Scale mail 50 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 45 lb.
Coin armor 100+ gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 50 lb.
Breastplate 400 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — 20 lb.
Half plate (field plate) 750 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 40 lb.
Heavy Armor
Layered hides 20 gp 14 Str 13 Disadvantage 45 lb.
Ring mail 30 gp 14 — Disadvantage 40 lb.
Banded mail 55 gp 15 — Disadvantage 45 lb.
Chain mail 75 gp 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 55 lb.
Splint (plate mail) 200 gp 17 Str 15 Disadvantage 60 lb.
Plate (full plate) 1,500 gp 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 65 lb.
Buckler 15 gp +1 — — 2 lb.
Shield 10 gp +2 — — 6 lb.
Pavise (archer shield) 20 gp +2 — — 9 lb.
Tower shield 45 gp +2 Str 15 Disadvantage 30 lb.
Armor spikes +25 gp — — — —
Great helm +10 gp — — — 3 lb.
Locking gauntlet +10 gp — — — —
Reinforced gorget +4 gp — — — 1 lb.
Shield sconce +5 gp — — — —
Shield spikes +15 gp — — — —
Subtle armor x2 — — — —

10 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
breach property can apply to either one.
Layered. Rather than relying upon a single layer
of protective material, this armor uses multiple
protective layers cleverly constructed to divert and
trap missiles (or their fragments) that would otherwise
stick in the wearer’s body. Attacks with cruel weapons
do not stick in the armor wearer or leave behind pieces
that must be removed. A harpoon requires at least 10
points of damage for it to bind and restrain the armor
Lightweight. This armor is constructed with
expensive, lighter materials. Light or medium armor
reduces its weight by 4 pounds and removes the
disadvantage modifier to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, if
any. Heavy armor reduces its weight by 10 pounds and
removes the Strength requirement. A lightweight
shield halves its weight and removes the Strength
requirement, if any.
Quick-Escape. This suit of armor, or its bulkiest
portions, can be removed with a single action. This is
advantageous when the armor might inhibit the
wearer’s swimming, or it has been affected by a heat
metal spell. Donning the suit is no faster than normal.
Enclosed. This armor’s design mostly encloses Reinforced. This armor redoubles its protection
the body with protective materials that are impervious over certain vulnerable spots. Weapon attacks made
to liquid. The wearer has resistance to damage from against the wearer do not benefit from the deadly or
any liquid splashed on her, including contact poisons, high-critical weapon properties.
defoliant, holy water, and the like. Caustic substances
like acid and alchemist’s fire are not affected because GETTING INTO & OUT OF ARMOR
their damage does not rely on absorption through the Donning and doffing armor takes place in a matter of
skin or a mystical reaction caused by contact with the some minutes, depending on the armor’s category.
flesh. Shields can be made ready or stowed in much shorter
Ersatz. If the wearer of this armor suffers a critical time.
hit, and it was not delivered by a weapon with the
ersatz weapon property, the armor sustains significant DONNING AND DOFFING ARMOR
damage. For every such hit, the armor suffers a
Category Don Doff
permanent and cumulative –1 penalty to the AC it
Light Armor 1 minute 1 minute
offers. Armor reduced to a protective rating of 10 is
destroyed. Medium Armor 5 minutes 1 minute
A crafter using the applicable artisan’s tools can Heavy Armor 10 minutes 5 minutes
repair this armor if it has not yet been destroyed. Each Shield (buckler) 1 bonus action 1 bonus action
–1 penalty applied is repaired at a cost of 5% of the or 1 action or 1 action
armor’s charted value. Shield (other) 1 action 1 action
Hardened. The plating of this armor is
particularly resistant to forceful penetration; the Don. This is the time it takes to put on armor. It is
wearer’s Armor Class is not penalized for attacks also the time needed to make ready a shield, bringing
made with the breach weapon property. To be fully it to a ready, usable position. You benefit from the
protected, a shield-bearing character must have this equipment only if you take the full time to don the suit
property on both her armor and her shield, since the of armor or make ready the shield.

11 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Doff. This is the time it takes to remove armor. It as well as all Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. This does
is also the time needed to stow a shield, freeing up that not apply to small-scale movements of the hands, such
hand for other uses. If you have help doffing a suit of as checks to pick a lock or tie up a prisoner, nor to feats
armor, reduce the time by half. You cannot be assisted of raw strength like checks to force open a stuck door
in stowing a shield. or tip over a statute.
Such armor also reduces the wearer’s movement
VARIANT: QUICKER DONNING speed in water; each foot of movement costs 2 extra
With this optional rule, characters can get into armor feet (instead of the normal 1 extra foot). Even if the
more quickly in two ways. wearer has a swimming speed, such armor means that
First, a character can “hurriedly” don a suit of the wearer must use 2 feet of movement for each actual
armor, taking half the listed time. Doing this means the foot moved.
suit is not fully adjusted and fastened. Reduce the
Armor Class benefit the suit grants by 1 point and DESCRIPTIONS
impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks if Armor suits, shields, and attachments are described
the armor does not already do this. At any time below.
thereafter, the character can use the remaining Armor Spikes. These short, sharp spikes can be
requisite time to finish donning the armor, thus gaining added to any suit of armor.
its full benefits. When you use the attack action to grapple a
Second, a character that has help getting into creature, the target takes 1d3 piercing damage if your
armor, perhaps from her squire, halves the necessary grapple check succeeds. Armor so modified is “spiked
time to don it. armor” for purposes of the Battlerager Armor class
A character can both hurriedly don a suit and get feature but this damage is not additive with that
help donning it, reducing the time used to one quarter feature.
of what is listed on the chart. Neither has any effect on Banded Mail. This resembles leather armor with
the time required to make ready or stow a shield. form-fitted metal bands sewn over important areas. It
represents an improvement in protection over ring
VARIANT: THE RESTLESS REPOSE mail but gaps in the bands provide less protection than
Someone who sleeps in armor does not rest easily. the integrated links of chain mail.
Normal sleep is possible, but a worn-out adventurer Buckler. This small, lightweight shield straps to
will find her sleep less restorative while enclosed in the forearm for ease of use.
the stifling confines of her armor. It takes an action or a bonus action to don or doff
A character that wears medium or heavy armor for a buckler, gripping the interior handle or flicking it
an entire long rest cannot remove exhaustion and back to the forearm to put that hand to some other use.
recovers only one-quarter of her expended Hit Dice This allows you to switch quickly combat styles.
(minimum of one die). A character can safely wear Breastplate. A solid plate covering the chest and
light armor while sleeping. She can also wear medium another on the back, linked with leather straps at the
or heavy armor for up to 2 hours of a long rest, perhaps sides. This leaves the less-vital portions of the body
while standing watch, without invoking this penalty. unarmored, but allows the wearer to retain her full
range of motion and move about with little
Brigandine. A doublet of cloth or canvas, to
This optional rule resurrects the previous editions’
which are riveted a series of oblong, overlapping
preference to constrain armor wearers in areas other
plates. Although variations exist, this type of
than stealth.
brigandine uses a great deal of plates with extensive
With this variant, any armor that provides
overlap for maximum protection.
Disadvantage to Dexterity (Stealth) checks will
Chain Mail. A hauberk and short pants made of
likewise impose Disadvantage on Strength or
heavy, riveted links. A suit of this type includes some
Dexterity checks related to movement. This includes
sort of forearm protection and a chainmail coif. It also
Strength (Athletics) checks to climb, jump, or swim,

12 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
includes a padded layer of cloth underneath. Locking Gauntlet. Built into a suit of metal
Chain Shirt. A suit of light chainmail that covers armor, the fingers of this armored gauntlet are
just the torso. This armor is often worn between layers equipped with locking braces designed to keep the
of cloth or leather. wearer from being disarmed.
Coin Armor. This armor constitutes an While holding a weapon in the gauntlet, the
ostentatious display of wealth. It functions as scale wearer can use an action to lock the braces with a free
armor but is crafted with coins instead of scales. Each hand. Thereafter, the gauntlet wearer automatically
coin is punched with holes used to tie the coin scales keeps hold of her weapon in a disarming attempt (See
together and each coin is backed with steel to offset page 271 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide) or an
the weakness of the metals used in the coins. application of the disarming combat maneuver. When
A suit of coin armor requires 2,000 coins; this a weapon is locked in place, the gauntlet wearer cannot
additional expense (variable based on the coins’ types) put it down or use the hand for anything else.
is added to the cost of the armor but does not affect Unlocking the gauntlet also requires another action
crafting times. with a free hand. A locking gauntlet functions as an
Great Helm. This heavy helmet is more protective armor gauntlet if used with unarmed strikes.
than the head covering that normally comes with a suit Padded. Padded armor consists of quilted layers
of armor. It fully encases the head and neck, while a of cloth and batting.
visor fully protects the face. Great helms often bear Pavise. Also called an “archer shield,” a pavise
decorative plumes, crests, or elaborate figurines on is a convex shield with a prominent central ridge. This
top. shape, and a spike or other balancing post that folds
Wearing a great helm with a suit of medium or out from the bottom, allows the pavise to stand on its
heavy armor provides a +1 bonus to saving throws own and provide cover to someone who crouches
against area spells and effects, like a dragon’s breath behind it.
weapon or a fireball spell. It also grants immunity to Placing a pavise (or picking it up from a placed
the special mechanics of saps and garrotes. Wearing a position) requires an action. Once placed, the user no
great helm imposes disadvantage on the wearer’s longer gets a shield bonus but can claim half cover
Wisdom (Perception) checks. while behind it, or three-quarters cover while prone
Half Plate. Sometimes called “field plate,” this is behind it. Because a deployed pavise is less stable and
a lighter version of full plate armor. Most of the sturdy than a tate or mantlet, this cover bonus does not
wearer’s body is covered in connected metal plates. It protect against melee attacks.
tends to provide less protection at the joints and the The cover from a pavise only applies to attacks
extremities of the limbs than full plate armor. coming from a cone-shaped region expanding in the
Hide. The treated hide of an animal, fashioned direction the device is placed against. When using a
into a protective suit of armor. Hide armor is often battle mat, mark one entire side of the square you are
used in primitive societies. in (corner to corner) when you place the pavise. If a
Layered Furs. Thin or poorly-cured hides, when straight line from either unmarked corner of your
used in layers, provide significant protection to the square to any corner of the attacker’s square touches a
wearer. Layered furs are used in primitive societies or corner of, or passes through, the marked side, the
as ceremonial armor. pavise provides you with cover. Alternately, draw a
Layered Hides. Multiple layers of heavy hides diagonal line through the square you are in
over a hardened leather underlayer. This heavy armor (connecting opposite corners), with a little arrow to
is very difficult to move in, but provides serious indicate which direction the shield is facing (the side
protection without resorting to metal components. you are not on). If a straight line from the unmarked
Leather. The breastplate and shoulders of this corner of your square that is behind the shield to any
armor are made of leather that has been stiffened by corner of the attacker’s square touches a corner of, or
boiling in oil. The rest of the armor is made of softer passes through, the marked line, the pavise provides
and more flexible materials. you with cover.
Leather Scale. A torso and shoulder covering Plate. Sometimes called “full plate,” this armor’s
made of stiff, overlapping scales of treated leather. shaped, interlocking metal plates cover the wearer

13 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
completely. Even the extremities are covered in provides exceptional protection (and weight).
interlocking plates, down to the individual joints Chainmail segments cover some of the wearer’s joints.
covering the backs of each finger. Plate armor is The “plate mail” version of this armor uses larger,
typically worn over an arming doublet, buckled to harder plates over certain sections of the body.
various parts of the doublet to better distribute the Studded Leather. Made from tough but flexible
carried weight across the wearer’s body. leather, studded leather is reinforced with close-set
Reinforced Gorget. A reinforced gorget is a metal rivets or studs.
collar that protects the wearer’s neck and clavicle Subtle Armor. Using various techniques, affected
region. armor takes on the appearance of normal—though
This protective device grants immunity to the sometimes bulky—clothing. Leather padding can be
special mechanics of garrotes. sewn inside canvas tunics and baggy trousers. Chain
Ring Mail. Heavy rings sewn onto a leather can be disguised with quilting. Even narrow plates and
covering, this armor is not as protective (or expensive) splinting can be incorporated into the lining of heavy
as a suit with interlocking rings, such as chainmail. coats.
Scale Mail. This armor consists of a leather This modification can apply to most armors suits,
hauberk and leggings covered by overlapping metal excluding half plate and plate. Heavy or medium
scales. armor with this addition can be identified with a DC
Shield. A one-handed protective device, this flat 20 Wisdom (Perception) check by anyone within 30
or curved plane covers a portion of the body and is feet. Physically handling any kind of subtle armor
actively wielded for blocking attacks. reveals its nature without a check. A suit of subtle
A shield can be made of wood or metal. It armor costs twice its normal price.
provides the protection described in the Armor chart. Tower Shield. A tower shield is much larger and
You can only benefit from one shield at a time. heavier than a standard shield, standing nearly as tall
Shield Sconce. This heat-resistant plate and set of as the person who wields it.
brackets mounts on the front of a shield. In addition to the normal benefit to your Armor
This device can attach to any kind of shield except Class, while carrying a tower shield, you gain a +2
a buckler. It is built to lock in a lit torch or sunrod, bonus to Dexterity saving throws. This benefit is not
allowing the shield-bearer to carry a light source in the compatible with bonuses granted by cover. You can
same hand as the shield. A shield modified with a also perform a special version of the Dodge action by
sconce cannot also bear an emblem holy symbol or hunkering down behind a tower shield. The benefit of
shield spikes. this Dodge is not lost if you are incapacitated because
Shield Spikes. These sharp studs cover the face of of the stunned condition or if your speed is otherwise
a shield, making it into a convincing weapon. reduced to 0.
The spikes can be applied to a shield or pavise,
but not a buckler or tower shield. When the affected
shield is used as an improvised weapon, it inflicts WEAPONS
(1d4) piercing damage instead of bludgeoning Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged.
damage. Additionally, when you use the Attack action A melee weapon is used to attack targets within 5 feet,
to shove a creature, you can inflict the spikes’ piercing whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack foes at a
damage if your check succeeds. (Do not add your distance.
ability modifier to damage when using the spikes in a
shove.) A shield modified with spikes cannot also bear
a sconce or an emblem holy symbol. Lizardfolk are
particularly skilled with spiked shields and can use This publication uses two old traditions for the damage
them to exceptional effect (Monster Manual, page ratings of some new weapons. Not only should these
204). new weapons give players more options to flavor their
Splint. Narrow vertical strips of interlocking characters, the weapons should feel unique in how
metal, riveted together and backed by leather and they operate within the rules. These two systems help
cloth padding. Significant overlap of the plates to accomplish that unique feel.

14 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
DAMAGE KICKERS charging property adds +10/30 while a weapon with
A damage kicker is a small addition to (or subtraction the thrown property adds +5/15.
from) a weapon’s damage dice. For example, a Alternate (B), (P), or (S). Alternate weapons have
weapon might list “1d8+1” to give a range of 2 to 9 multiple effective striking surfaces.
damage or list “2d6–1” to give a range of 1 to 11 This weapon can, with no loss of efficiency,
damage. employ a damage type other than its default. Under
A kicker is a standard part of the weapon’s normal circumstances, you automatically apply the
damage roll and is not considered a “bonus” or a available type that is most advantageous for harming
“penalty.” This means that a critical hit includes the your foe; you do not need to declare which damage
effect of the kicker twice. For example, a weapon that type you are using ahead of each attack. But the DM
is listed as 1d6+1 inflicts 2d6+2 damage on a critical can rule that the alternate type does not automatically
hit, plus any bonuses or penalties to the attacker’s apply in some situations. For example, while fighting
damage roll. skeletons that have been disguised using illusion
magic, your fighter would not know to use the
Alternate (B) damage property and so would not
HALF DICE (D2, D3, D5)
automatically gain the benefit of using bludgeoning
Half dice are standard dice rolled to generate numbers
damage against them.
within half their normal ranges. The Player’s
Ammunition. You can use a weapon that has the
Handbook addresses half dice on page 7. For example,
ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if
to simulate the roll of a d3, the official rules direct
you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each
players to “roll a d6 and divide the number rolled by 2
time you attack with the weapon, you expend one
(round up).” This works equally well for a d2 (halve a
piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a
d4 result and round up) and a d5 (halve a d10 result
quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack. At
and round up).
the end of the battle, you can recover half your
This product attempts to use half dice sparingly.
expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the
The extra calculation needed to halve dice results can
get cumbersome when they are used too frequently.
Weapons with this property have two ranges
For players intending to employ weapons that make
shown in parentheses. The first is the normal range in
use of half dice for damage, it might be prudent to
feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s maximum
purchase special dice that fit these ranges. Such dice
range. When attacking a target beyond normal range,
are available for order from various sources on the
you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can’t
attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range.
If you use a weapon that has the ammunition
WEAPON PROPERTIES property to make a melee attack, treat the weapon as
Most weapons have special properties. (Note that an improvised weapon (see “Improvised Weapons”
some options are only available through the later in this part). A sling must be loaded to deal any
masterwork armament rules.) damage when used in this way.
Accurate. Accurate weapons are typified by Blast. This property is applied to a weapon by its
precise sighting points or aerodynamic features. ammunition, only for the attacks that make use of such
This weapon, when used to make ranged attacks, ammunition. A weapon using blast ammunition can
reduces by 1 point the Armor Class benefit an attack normally or make a blast attack. To make a blast
opponent derives from half cover or three-quarter attack, select a primary target that is beyond the
cover. weapon’s normal range increment (within its long
Aerodynamic. This weapon has features that range), then select 1 secondary target within 5 feet of
improve its ability to fly (or project its ammunition) the primary target. Make one attack and damage roll
over long distances. to apply to both targets.
A weapon with the ammunition property adds Normal and blast attacks with this weapon do not
+10/40 to its range increments. A weapon with the add your ability modifier to damage unless the
modifier is negative. Normal and blast attacks with

15 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
this weapon do not suffer disadvantage to hit due to the object requires an action and a successful DC 8
the targets being in the weapon’s long range Wisdom (Medicine) check, with each failure inflicting
increment. 1 additional point of damage.
Breach. Melee breach weapons have long, For each piece of cruel ammunition currently in a
narrow piercing points while ranged breach attacks target, temporarily reduce its maximum hit points by 1
are propelled with exceptional force. and increase the DC of any Wisdom (Medicine)
If this property is applied to a weapon by its checks to stabilize it by 1.
ammunition, it applies only for the attacks that make Cruel ammunition is always destroyed when used;
use of such ammunition. Breach allows attacks to you cannot recover any intact pieces after a battle as
ignore up to 1 point of a target’s protection from you might with normal ammunition.
armor. The attack recalculates accordingly the target’s Deadly. Deadly weapons often have high-quality
armor benefit (AC points derived from armor, natural blades that hold keen, razor-sharp edges.
armor, and shields). This does not affect AC bonuses With any successful attack, you can reroll up to
derived from other sources like Dexterity modifiers, one of the weapon’s damage dice if it rolls a 1. You
class features, or magical enhancements. If this cannot reroll any die that has already been rerolled
property is noted with a number (as in the case of with another effect (such as the Great Weapon
firearms), the breach effect ignores up to the stated Fighting class feature or the savage attacker feat) and
number of points of the target’s protection from armor. vice versa.
Charging. You can use a firearm to make a Defensive. Defensive weapons are typified by
ranged attack only if it is loaded and charged. Each prominent parrying surfaces or protrusions that
attack with a firearm expends a single load of prevent an enemy’s weapon from sliding down onto
ammunition and a charge of powder, which are the wielder’s hand during a clash.
destroyed upon use. Recharging a firearm requires the If you are wielding a weapon with this property
use of both hands. Recharging with separate loads and and another creature hits you with a melee attack, you
powder from a horn requires an action. Firearms with can use your reaction to add a +1 bonus to your Armor
multiple barrels require each barrel to be reloaded and Class for that attack only, potentially causing the
charged separately. attack to miss you. If you are wielding two weapons
Weapons with this property have two ranges with this property, the bonus is instead +2. This bonus
shown in parentheses. The first is the weapon’s normal to Armor Class is not compatible with the bonus from
range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s a shield nor does it stack with the benefits of the
maximum range. When attacking a target beyond defensive duelist feat.
normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack Disarming. A disarming weapon has one or more
roll. You can’t attack a target beyond the weapon’s entangling sections or small hooked protrusions
long range. designed to snag a weapon and pull it from the
If you use a weapon that has the charging enemy’s grasp.
property to make a melee attack, you treat the weapon The wielder of a weapon with this property gains
as an improvised weapon (see “Improvised Weapons” a +1 bonus on her opposed attack roll to disarm.
later in this part). Increase this bonus to +2 if the weapon is two-handed
Cruel. Cruel weapons have malicious barbs or or is versatile and used in two hands, or if the user is
are built to shatter or splinter in the wound in such a wielding two single-handed weapons that each have
way that a survivor of the attack will suffer additional this property. (These benefits do not apply to a
pains and have difficulty recovering. Such tools are Disarming Attack maneuver, which uses unrelated
the hallmark of evil creatures and are usually techniques to both disarm and inflict damage with the
eschewed by goodly and noble societies. same strike.)
If this property is applied to a weapon by its Even without this weapon property, a creature can
ammunition, then it applies only for the attacks that use a weapon attack to knock a weapon or another item
make use of such ammunition. Each successful attack from a target’s grasp. The attacker makes an attack roll
with a cruel weapon leaves a piece (or the entirety) of contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) check or
the weapon or ammunition in the wound. Removing Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The attacker has

16 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
disadvantage on its attack roll if the target is holding
the item with two or more hands. The target has
advantage on its ability check if it is larger than the
attacking creature, or disadvantage if it is smaller. If
the attacker wins the contest, the attack causes no
damage or other ill effect, but the defender drops the
item. (This system is presented as an optional rule in
the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 271.)
Ersatz. Weapons with this property are made
from materials that are less-effective than what they
are typically crafted from. For example, a dagger
normally made with metal might instead be made with
sharpened bone, obsidian, wood, or stone.
If the d20 for your attack roll with this weapon
produces a 1, the weapon suffers significant damage;
in addition to the attack automatically missing, the
weapon suffers a permanent and cumulative –1
penalty to damage rolls. If the penalty gets to –5, the
weapon is destroyed.
A crafter using the applicable artisan’s tools can
repair this weapon if it has not yet been destroyed.
Each –1 penalty applied is repaired at a cost of 5% of
the weapon’s normal value.
Attacks made using ammunition with the ersatz Heavy. Small creatures have disadvantage on
property have a –1 penalty to damage. Whether it hits attack rolls with heavy weapons.
or misses, such ammunition is destroyed when used; High-Critical. These weapons are the type that
none of it can be collected after the battle. make deep wounds; the injuries inflicted are more
Fine. This weapon is produced from high-quality likely to reach vital organs.
materials using exceptional techniques. Such items are If the d20 roll for an attack with this weapon is a
hard to destroy. Double the weapon’s object hardness 20, your critical hit inflicts significant damage. Any
(if any) and its hit points. damage dice rolled for the attack that come up as 1s
Finesse. Finesse weapons are lightweight, are instead treated as 2s. This benefit does not apply to
designed for fast, precise attacks. critical hits scored on d20 rolls other than 20, such as
When making an attack with a finesse weapon, might occur with the Improved Critical class feature or
you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity similar effects.
modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use Light. A light weapon is both lightweight and
the same modifier for both rolls. short, suitable for use in the off-hand.
Fouling: If the d20 for your attack roll produces When you take the Attack action and attack with
a 1, the weapon’s barrel is fouled; in addition to the a light melee weapon that you’re holding in one hand,
attack automatically missing, the barrel is rendered you can use a bonus action to attack with a different
inoperable and the powder and load (or cartridge) is light melee weapon that you’re holding in your other
destroyed. A fouled barrel must be cleaned and hand. You don’t add your ability modifier to the
recharged before it can be used again. This cleaning damage of the bonus attack, unless it is negative. If
takes 10 minutes (or 1 minute with a gun repair kit). A either weapon has the thrown property, you can throw
loaded firearm is also fouled if submerged, even if it the weapon instead of making a melee attack with it.
does not have this property. Loading. You can fire only one piece of
Handgun. Attacks with weapons that have this ammunition from this weapon when you use an action,
property do not suffer disadvantage when made within bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the
5 feet of a hostile creature. number of attacks you can normally make.

17 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Reach. This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach put on or remove, a task that requires both hands. It
when you attack with it. Some weapons add more cannot be disarmed.
distance, as provided in their individual descriptions. Unarmed devices can be made magical as
Special. A weapon with the special property has weapons can, or can be silvered or otherwise
unusual rules governing its use. Those rules are constructed of exotic materials, increasing the efficacy
detailed in the item’s individual description. and versatility of the user’s unarmed strikes.
Thrown. If a weapon has the thrown property, Versatile. Versatile weapons have longer handles
you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If than needed, or extra handles positioned at critical
the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same points on the weapon.
ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that A versatile weapon can be used with one or two
you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. hands. The damage value in parentheses that appears
Weapons with this property have two ranges in with this property is the damage when the weapon is
parentheses. The first is the weapon’s normal range in used with two hands to make a melee attack.
feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s maximum Wounding. The sharp portions of a wounding
range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, weapon leave viciously-shaped injuries that are prone
you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can’t to bleeding. In addition to normal damage, a
attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range. successful attack with this weapon inflicts a single (1)
Tripping. This weapon is well suited to hook or additional hit point of damage from bleeding, which
wrap around your target’s supporting limbs, causing occurs at the end of the target’s next turn. If the
it to fall. opponent receives any healing prior to that point, the
While wielding this weapon, you gain a +1 bonus bleeding damage is prevented. Likewise, an action
on your Strength (Athletics) checks for shoving a taken to bandage the injuries—a Wisdom (Medicine)
creature (Player’s Handbook page 195) if you are check against a DC of 8 or the expenditure of a
attempting to knock it prone. Increase this bonus to +2 healer’s kit charge—also prevents any then-existing
if the weapon is two-handed or is versatile and used in wounds from inflicting their follow-up damage.
two hands, or if the user is wielding two single-handed
weapons that each have this property. (These benefits DESCRIPTIONS
do not apply to a Trip Attack maneuver, which uses Following are descriptions and special rules for
unrelated techniques to both trip and inflict damage weapons.
with the same strike.) Aklys. A long leather thong attaches at one end to
Two-Handed. This weapon requires two hands to this weighted club and to the wielder’s wrist at the
use. other end. The club can be used in melee but is also
Unarmed (B), (P), or (S). A device with this weighted for throwing.
property affixes to the knuckles, fingers, or the back of It takes an action to attach the thong to the wrist.
the hand. It often takes the form of a glove. Sometimes Once attached, this weapon cannot be disarmed. If
it is a set of finger rings (connected or unconnected) thrown with the thong attached, the wielder may use
that are quite heavy or bear sharp protrusions. an action or bonus action to pull back the thong,
This device modifies the wearer’s unarmed bringing the club back into the hand.
attacks. If this weapon property is noted (P) or (S), Ankus. A long handle with a pointed end and a
unarmed strikes using the device may inflict piercing short perpendicular hook, used to guide elephants.
or slashing damage instead of bludgeoning damage. Atlatl. This tool extends the effective length of the
(Unarmed attacks can be made with various body thrower’s arm, allowing weapons to be hurled to
parts, so the wielder is not restricted to attacking with greater distances. An atlatl is comprised of a handle
this device.) with a cup or spur at the end into which a dart, greater
Devices with the unarmed property are not trident, harpoon, javelin, spear, trident, or yklwa may
gripped in the hand so do not prevent the wearer from be set, either at its butt or at a notched point on the
holding something else or otherwise using the affected shaft.
hand. A device with this property requires an action to

18 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
When such a weapon is launched from an atlatl, This thrown weapon is designed to entangle the limbs
both its range increments are increased by a distance of foes it hits.
equal to the weapon’s normal range increment. A Large or smaller creature hit by bolas must
Alternately, the atlatl can be used to throw grenades or make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained.
vials, doubling their ranges. A bipedal creature that fails the saving throw by 5 or
Using an atlatl requires two hands. Because of the more points is also knocked prone. A creature can use
time required to attach the thrown weapon to this an action to automatically free itself or another
device, you can throw only one projectile with it when creature within its reach. Dealing 2 slashing damage to
you use an action, bonus action, or reaction, regardless the bolos (AC 10) also frees the creature, ending the
of the number of attacks you can normally make. effect and destroying the bolas. Bolas have no effect
Battleaxe. A medium-hafted weapon with a on formless creatures.
perpendicular, rounded blade at one or both ends, Boomerang. A boomerang is a curved wooden
designed for chopping. weapon, thrown end-over-end.
Blade, Hidden. This small, spring-loaded blade When thrown by a proficient wielder at a target
can be hidden in various objects. It is often hidden in beyond its normal range increment, it returns to the
stiff articles of clothing, like a leather bracer or the thrower if the attack misses. The boomerang lands on
sole of a boot, but it can also be hidden at the end of a the ground within 10 feet of the thrower, at a location
staff, at the bottom of a shield, or inside various of the DM’s choosing.
innocuous tools. Bhuj. Also called an “axe-knife,” the weapon’s
A hidden blade can be “drawn” as an action or a blade is affixed to an axe-like haft. Although shaped
bonus action, causing the blade to spring into position like a knife, the large blade is heavy and slightly
attached to the object it was concealed in. This curved, designed primarily for chopping.
typically requires some complex adjustment of the The pommel and last few inches of the weapon’s
containing item to reveal the blade. haft can be removed as a false bottom sheath. (See Part
One classic example of a hidden blade is called a 2, below.) The removeable portion constitutes the
“toe spike.” This blade is concealed in the sole of a handle of a stiletto, drawn from the hollow butt of the
boot and “drawn” by pressing the heal sideways into bhuj.
the ground, causing the blade to appear, projecting Cestus. This battle glove adds weights and spikes
from the toe of the boot. to the knuckles and the back of the hand.
A hidden blade is an improvised weapon that Chatkcha. A triangular or three-pointed throwing
closely resembles a small dagger. It inflicts 1d4 blade. Traditional chatkchas are made of crystal but
piercing damage in combat. The DM decides if a metal serves just as well.
weapon proficiency bonus applies, depending on This weapon is favored by thri-kreen.
where the blade is attached; at the end of a pole, the Clawed Gauntlet. Long, bladed claws extend
weapon might closely resemble a spear, while a from the back of the hand of this gauntlet.
version that projects from a bracer might resemble a Club. A club is simply a heavy stick or rod used
punching dagger. for clubbing. It is typically made of wood. Clubs come
Blowgun. A straight tube of consistent or in many variations.
narrowing diameter, used to project blowgun needles. Crook. A staff with a large blunt hook at one end,
Blowgun needles do little damage but are often used used by shepherds to control flocks of sheep or goats.
in conjunction with poisons. Crossbow (any). A crossbow uses a horizontal
Blowgun, Greater. This longer version of the bow attached to a wooden stock. The internal
blowgun allows the user to project blowgun needles to mechanism allows a bolt to be loaded and the weapon
slightly farther ranges. drawn, held in the firing position for much longer than
A greater blowgun can also be used as a breathing a bow could be held manually. Crossbows are easier
tube, allowing the user to stay submerged in water. to aim and fire than traditional bows.
Bolas. Bolas consist of three round weights at the
end of three cords or ropes, tied together at their tails.

19 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Atlatl 1 gp — 2 lb. Special, two-handed
Cestus 2 gp — 1 lb. Unarmed (P)
Garrote 4 sp — 1/2 lb. Special, two-handed
Gauntlet, armor (3 gp) — (1 lb.) Unarmed (B)
Gauntlet, spiked armor (6 gp) — (1 lb.) Unarmed (P)
Hand razors 5 gp — 1/2 lb. Unarmed (S)
Lasso — — — Finesse, special, thrown (10/30), two-handed
Weighted knuckles 1 gp — 1 lb. Unarmed (B)


Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Club 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light
Crook 5 sp 1d8 bludgeoning 4 lb. Tripping, two-handed
Dagger 2 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown (20/60)
Dagger, poison 30 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, special, thrown (20/60)
Dagger, punch 10 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Deadly, finesse, light
Fustibalus (staff sling) 2 gp 4 lb.
sling portion 1d4 bludgeoning Ammunition (45/180), two-handed
staff portion 1d6 bludgeoning Versatile (1d8)
Greatclub 2 sp 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lb. Two-handed
Hammer, light 2 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Thrown (20/60)
Hatchet 2 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Hook (baling hook or 4 gp 1d3 piercing — Disarming
prosthetic hand)
Javelin 5 sp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Thrown (30/120)
Knobkerrie 4 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 3 lb. Light, thrown (10/20)
Mace 5 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. —
Mace, liturgical 30 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Special
Pick, light 3 gp 1d4+1 piercing 2 lb. —
Quarterstaff 2 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Versatile (1d8)
Sap 4 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Special
Scourge 3 gp 1d3+1 piercing 3 lb. Finesse, light, special
Scythe 5 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Tripping, two-handed
Sickle 1 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Light
Spear 1 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8)
Spear, short 5 sp 1d4 piercing 2 lb. Thrown (30/90), light
Stake, wooden 1 cp 1d3 piercing 1 lb. Ersatz, light
Stiletto 5 gp 1d3 piercing 1 lb. Breach, finesse, light

Crossbow, Blade Driver. The so-called “disk bow or string. Instead, the weapon bears a complex
crossbow” resembles a crossbow except that it has no array of spinning gears.

20 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
In the same turn, prior to making attacks, the magazine contains any disks, the weapon is not
wielder must use a bonus action to pump the stock affected by the loading property. Reloading up to 6
shuttle, spinning up the centrifugal driver. When the disks into the magazine requires an action. If fired with
weapon is fired, multiple sharpened disks are dropped fewer than three disks remaining, the weapon’s
from the three-chamber magazine onto the spinning damage is limited to 1d4 (for one disk loaded) or 2d4
driver, which flings the disks at high speed. Every (for two disks).
attack with the weapon thus expends three crossbow Crossbow, Heavy Double. A double crossbow has
disks. two separate bows, one positioned above the other.
If your attack hits, at least one disk strikes the Separate triggers fire a bolt individually from each.
target and there is a chance that one or two additional You can fire only up to two pieces of ammunition
disks hit as well. If your attack roll, after considering from a double crossbow when you use an action, bonus
all modifiers, exceeds the target’s Armor Class by at action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the number
least 2 points, a second disk hits. If the roll exceeds the of attacks you can normally make.
target’s Armor Class by at least 4 points, a third disk Crossbow, Hand. This small crossbow is light
hits. If one disk hits the target, the weapon’s damage enough to be aimed and fired one-handed.
is 1d4. If two hit, the weapon’s damage is 2d4. If three Crossbow, Hand Repeating. This hand crossbow
hit, the weapon’s damage is 3d4. If your unmodified has a built-on magazine that holds multiple crossbow
attack roll is a 20 (a critical hit), at least 1 disk hits but bolts, facilitating quick loading of the weapon.
you must still compare your attack roll to the target’s The hand repeating crossbow’s magazine holds
Armor Class to determine the weapon’s normal up to 6 crossbow bolts. While the magazine contains
damage dice before doubling them. any bolts, the weapon is not affected by the loading
Regardless of the number of dice, each damage property. Reloading up to 6 bolts into the magazine
roll constitutes no more than a single attack that has requires an action.
hit; do not double or triple the effect of poisoned Crossbow, Heavy. This large crossbow has a
ammunition, class features, or other effects that accrue heavy pull, often drawn with a crank or lever. It
per strike. requires special training to manage and operate.
Blade driver crossbows have a built-on magazine
that holds up to 30 crossbow disks. While the


Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Crossbow, light 25 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (80/320), loading, special, two-
Crossbow, light 50 gp 1d8 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (60/240), special, two-handed
Crossbow, light 125 gp 1d8 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (40/160), loading, special, two-
repeating Handed
Crossbow, light pellet 25 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 5 lb. Ammunition (40/160), loading, special, two-
Dagger, throwing 4 sp 1d4 piercing 1/4 lb. Finesse, special, thrown (20/60)
Dart 5 cp 1d4 piercing 1/4 lb. Finesse, thrown (20/60)
Shortbow 25 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (80/320), two-handed
Shortbow, composite 70 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (100/400), special, two-handed
Shortbow, pellet 25 gp 1d5 bludgeoning 2 lb. Ammunition (40/160), special, two-handed
Sling 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning — Ammunition (30/120)

21 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Crossbow, Heavy Repeating. This heavy magazine contains any bolts, the weapon is not
crossbow has a built-on magazine that holds multiple affected by the loading property. Reloading up to 6
crossbow bolts, facilitating quick loading of the bolts into the magazine requires an action.
weapon. Crossbow, Light. This simple crossbow is
The heavy repeating crossbow’s built-on lightweight and easy to manage.
magazine holds up to 6 crossbow bolts. While the


Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Aklys 2 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light, thrown (10/15), special
Ankus (elephant goad) 6 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Light, tripping
Battleaxe 10 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Blade, hidden 20 gp 1d3 piercing — Special
Bhuj 25 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Alternate (P), versatile (1d10)
Clawed gauntlet 6 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Deadly, finesse, light
Dagger, parrying 6 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb. Defensive, finesse, light
Flail 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. —
Flail staff 12 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 4 lb. Reach, two-handed
Flail, twin 16 gp 2d4 bludgeoning 3 lb. Heavy, tripping
Greataxe 30 gp 1d12 slashing 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Hammer, great 25 gp 1d12 bludgeoning 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Harpoon 6 sp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Special, thrown (30/60)
Kukri 5 gp 1d4+1 slashing 1 lb. High-critical, light
Combat 10 gp 1d12 piercing 6 lb. Reach, special
Combat, light 8 gp 1d10 piercing 4 lb. Reach, special
Great 35 gp 2d8 piercing 15 lb. Reach, special
Jousting 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 6 lb. Reach, special
Jousting, light 8 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Reach, special
Mace, heavy 7 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 6 lb. —
Maul 10 gp 2d6 bludgeoning 10 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Maulaxe 30 gp 1d8 slashing 6 lb. Alternate (B), heavy, versatile (1d10)
Morningstar 15 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. —
Pick, horseman’s war 10 gp 1d6+1 piercing 3 lb. Versatile (1d8+1)
Pick, footman’s war 5 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. —
Boarding gaff 5 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lb. Heavy, reach, tripping, two-handed
Glaive 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Gythka 25 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Two-handed
Halberd 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Pike 5 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Pincer staff 50 gp 1d6 piercing 7 lb. [Disarming, reach, tripping, two-handed]
Quadrens 8 gp 1d3+1 piercing 2 lb. Disarming, light
Ritiik (talon spear) 5 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. Disarming, thrown (15/45), versatile (1d8)

22 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Scissor 8 gp 1d4 slashing 3 lb. Defensive, light, special
Scissor, extended 14 gp 1d4 slashing 5 lb. Defensive, light, special
Slungshot 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Disarming, finesse, tripping
Spear, short hooked 2 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb. [Finesse,] light, [tripping]
Spear, weighted 7 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. Alternate (B), thrown (15/45), versatile (1d8)
Spiked chain 45 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. [Disarming, heavy, reach, tripping,] two-
Bastard sword 25 gp 2d4 slashing 4 lb. Heavy, deadly, versatile (2d5)
Broadsword 10 gp 2d4 slashing 4 lb. Heavy
Claymore 60 gp 1d12 slashing 7 lb. Deadly, heavy, two-handed
Cutlass 15 gp 1d6+1 slashing 3 lb. Defensive, heavy
Epee (small sword) 30 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Defensive, finesse
Estoc 25 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Breach, heavy, versatile (1d10)
Falchion 18 gp 2d4 slashing 5 lb. Deadly, heavy
Falcata 15 gp 1d6+1 slashing 3 lb. High-critical
Flamberge 35 gp 1d10+1 slashing 5 lb. Heavy, high-critical, two-handed
Gladius 12 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Alternate (S)
Greatsword 50 gp 2d6 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Khopesh 15 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. High-critical, tripping
Longsword 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Maca (macuahuitl, 20 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lb. [Alternate (B), ersatz, deadly, heavy,
shark-tooth sword) wounding]
Rapier 25 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Finesse
Saber 25 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Defensive, finesse
Scimitar 25 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, light
Shortsword 10 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Finesse, light
Shotel 20 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Alternate (P), tripping, light
Sword cane 35 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Finesse, light, special
Talwar 20 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Finesse
Tegha 60 gp 1d10 slashing 5 lb. Deadly, Finesse, two-handed
Tail spikes 4 gp 1d3 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light
Tongi 10 gp 1d6+1 piercing 4 lb. Versatile (1d8+1)
Trident 5 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. [Disarming], thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8)
Trident, greater 12 gp 1d6+1 piercing 5 lb. Disarming, thrown (15/45), versatile (1d8+1)
Trombash 8 gp 1d5 slashing 2 lb. High-critical, light, thrown (15/45)
Waraxe 20 gp 2d4 slashing 5 lb. Deadly, heavy, versatile (2d5)
Warhammer 15 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Whip 2 gp 1d4 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, reach
Whip, basic 1 sp 1d2 slashing 2 lb. Disarming, finesse, reach, special
Yklwa (iklwa assegai) 1 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. [Ersatz], thrown (10/30)

23 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Crossbow, Light Double. A double crossbow has guard, sometimes with a basket hilt or a pair of long
two separate bows, one positioned above the other. prongs angling away from the main blade.
Separate triggers fire a bolt individually from each. Dagger, Poison. A well in the handle of this
You can fire only up to two pieces of ammunition weapon is designed to hold liquid poison without it
from a double crossbow when you use an action, bonus drying out; small, hidden channels connect the
action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the number reservoir to various points along the blade.
of attacks you can normally make. As a bonus action, you can depress a subtle switch
Crossbow, Light Repeating. This light crossbow on the handle and flick your wrist, forcing the stored
has a built-on magazine that holds multiple crossbow dose of poison out of the reservoir, through the
bolts, facilitating quick loading of the weapon. channels, and onto the blade.
The light repeating crossbow’s built-on magazine Dagger, Punch. This weapon functions as a
holds up to 6 crossbow bolts. While the magazine normal dagger, except that the handle is set
contains any bolts, the weapon is not affected by the perpendicular to the blade. Thrusts with the weapon
loading property. Reloading up to 6 bolts into the use a punching motion.
magazine requires an action. This weapon is favored Dagger, Throwing. The blade and handle of this
by derro. dagger are flat, without quillons or crossguard, and
Crossbow, Pellet. This crossbow has a cupped balanced for throwing. Because of this shape, carrying
shuttle attached to its string, used to project stones or and drawing multiples of this weapon is easy.
other similar projectiles. Up to 3 throwing daggers can be drawn as a single
A pellet crossbow uses sling bullets instead of interaction with the environment (or a single action)
crossbow bolts for its ammunition. and held in one hand. This allows characters with
Crossbow, Polybolos. The polybolos is a massive Extra Attack or similar class features to throw multiple
repeating crossbow fired by cranking a side-mounted throwing daggers in the same turn (using the other
windlass. The weapon is built onto a collapsible tripod hand) without having to use a separate action to draw
or support frame. each one.
It takes one action to place and set up the support Dart. A sharp spike, about the length of a hand,
frame, making the weapon ready to fire. The polybolos weighted at one end and balanced for throwing.
can only be set up on a stable surface but that can be a Fustibalus. A long leather sling is attached to the
mobile surface like a wagon or howdah. The polybolos end of this staff. The staff affectively adds length to the
will not fire outside of its set-up state. user’s arm, allowing the sling to be used at greater
It takes one action to break down a polybolos, to range.
fold its framework or support legs into a portable The fustibalus can alternately be used as a
configuration. If the polybolos is moved without quarterstaff. For an additional 5 gp, a fustibalus can be
breaking down the supports, double the weapon’s made as a “staff” arcane focus or a “wooden staff”
weight for encumbrance purposes. Once moved, the druidic focus.
weapon will not fire until it is set up again. Flail. A short chain with a handle attached to one
A polybolos can only fire polybolos bolts, larger end and a small weight at the other end.
versions of crossbow bolts that have double the Flail Staff. A flail-headed chain attached to the
standard cost and weight. A polybolos has a built-on end of a short staff.
magazine that holds up to 12 polybolos bolts. Garrote. A garrote is a strangulation device,
Reloading up to 6 bolts into the top of the magazine typically a strong length of cord or a wire with a
requires an action. Loading is performed by the user handle on each end. It is designed to restrict a target’s
or by an assistant. While the magazine contains bolts, intake of air and the flow of blood to its brain.
the weapon is not affected by the loading property. A garrote can be used to make a grappling attack.
Dagger. A dagger is a short blade on a handle, This can only be attempted while you are hidden from
typically with a cross-guard to protect the hand. Most the target or the target is otherwise prevented from
dagger blades are double sided and have a pointed tip. using reactions, such as a round during which the
Dagger, Parrying. This category of daggers is target is surprised. If the initial grappling attack is
typically used in the offhand. It incorporates a wider

24 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
successful with a garrote, the target is grappled. stabilize at 0 hit points if the strangulation stops; if the
Further, on its next turn, the target begins suffocating. grapple is broken or the strangler stops using actions
To maintain the suffocating effect, the grappler to maintain it. But if the strangulation continues, the
must use an action for strangulation on each of her target automatically fails each of its death saves until
turns. If the grappler fails to do so, the count of it dies.
consecutive rounds of suffocation resets to 0. If the Using a garrote requires two hands, both for the
grapple is ever broken, by the target or by some other initial grappling attack and during the entire
means, the garrote is removed from the target’s neck strangulation. A grappler using a garrote cannot
and the strangulation ends. initiate a pin with the grappler feat. Constructs, oozes,
A creature can survive for a number of rounds of plants, and undead are immune to the suffocating
consecutive strangulation equal to its Constitution effects of a garrote. At the DM’s discretion, certain
modifier (minimum of 1 round). During these rounds, other creatures may also be anatomically immune,
the creature acts normally, except that it is grappled. perhaps by having no necks or possessing irregular
At the start of the target’s turn following this period, it circulatory systems.
drops to 0 hit points. It cannot regain hit points until it Gauntlet, Armor. A metal gauntlet formed of
can breathe again. overlapping plates, the type used with metal armors.
Monsters and unimportant character that drop to Any suit of heavy armor or medium armor (other
0 hit points die, or they can be left unconscious at the than hide or layered furs) comes with two of these. The
strangler’s option. Creatures that are normally allowed parenthetical cost and weight are for buying and
death saves take longer to kill. They automatically carrying the gauntlet separately.


Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Blowgun 10 gp 1 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (25/100), loading
Blowgun, greater 15 gp 1 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (30/120), loading
Bolas 4 gp — 2 lb. Finesse, thrown (20/60), tripping
Boomerang 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Finesse, special, thrown (20/60)
Chatkcha 2 gp 1d6 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, thrown (30/120)
Crossbow, blade 300 gp 1d4, 2d4, or 3d4 19 lb. Ammunition (50/200), loading,
driver slashing special, two-handed
Crossbow, polybolos 550 gp 2d8 piercing 41 lb. Ammunition (150/600), loading, special,
Crossbow, hand 75 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (30/120), light, loading
Crossbow, hand 375 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. Ammunition (15/60), light, loading, special
Crossbow, heavy 50 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. Ammunition (100/400), heavy, loading,
Crossbow, heavy 100 gp 1d10 piercing 22 lb. Ammunition (75/300), heavy, special, two-
double Handed
Crossbow, heavy 250 gp 1d10 piercing 20 lb. Ammunition (50/200), heavy, loading,
repeating special, two-handed
Longbow 50 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (150/600), heavy, two-handed
Longbow, composite 125 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (180/720), heavy, special, two-
Net 1 gp — 3 lb. Special, thrown (5/15)
Net, barbed 10 gp — 3 lb. Special, thrown (5/15)

25 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Gauntlet, Spiked Armor. A metal gauntlet formed understanding innately how to manipulate the weapon
of overlapping plates, the type used with metal armors. to free itself.
This version has spikes on the knuckles and the back Alternately, the creature can attempt to pull free,
of the hand. dragging the weapon and rope with it. If you control
Any suit of heavy or medium armor with the the other end of the rope, this is an opposed check of
armor spikes attachment (other than hide or layered Strength (Athletics). If the creature is two or more
furs) already comes with two of these. The sizes larger than you, this check succeeds
parenthetical cost and weight are for buying and automatically. If the rope is tied to an object, the
carrying the spiked gauntlet separately. creature must instead try to burst the rope or drag the
Greataxe. A greataxe is a large, long-hafted attached object.
weapon with an enormous double-bladed axe head. Hatchet. This weapon resembles a handaxe, but
This weapon is so large that it requires two hands to with a smaller blade.
wield. Hook. Hooks are often attached to handles to
Greatclub. A long, large version of a club, so big serve as tools for lifting bales of hay. They can also
that it requires two hands to wield. serve as weapons. In certain cultures, hooks are
Hammer, Great. A great hammer is a large, long- common prostheses for lost hands.
hafted weapon with an enormous double-sided Javelin. A short, light spear balanced for
hammer head. This weapon is so large that it requires throwing with significant range.
two hands to wield. Knobkerrie. A club with a weighty head balanced
Handaxe. A simple weapon with a small handle for throwing.
and a chopping blade at the end. A handaxe is suitably A knobkerrie can be the subject of a shillelagh
balanced for throwing. spell but, if the weapon is thrown, the spell ends before
Hand Razors. A series of rings, sometimes it can affect the attack or damage rolls.
attached to one another, that fit over the fingers of one Kukri. This large dagger has a heavy blade,
hand. Small, sharp blades are affixed to the rings. In curved slightly toward its cutting edge. The weapon is
combat, these are positioned upward, protruding from designed for chopping.
the knuckles or downward, concealed within the palm Lance, Combat (any). You have disadvantage
of the hand. when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of
Harpoon. A harpoon is a thrown weapon you. Also, a combat lance requires two hands to wield
designed to impale its target. A trailing rope restricts when you aren’t mounted.
the target’s movement after the weapon binds in the Lance, Great. A great lance is an extra-long lance
target’s flesh. supported by a swiveling pintle mount.
Despite its standard range increments, a harpoon The weapon is too large to use unless affixed to
cannot be used to attack a creature that is farther away an exotic saddle or howdah on a Huge-size or larger
than the length of its attached rope. These special rules creature. This weapon has a 15-foot reach. You have
apply only if the harpoon is attached to such a trailing disadvantage when you use a great lance to attack a
rope; otherwise treat the weapon in all ways as a target within 10 feet of you.
javelin. Lance, Jousting (any). You have disadvantage
A harpoon attack that inflicts at least 5 damage when you use a jousting lance to attack a target within
binds the target. A harpooned creature is restrained 5 feet of you. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield
except that it can still move its normal speed, provided when you aren’t mounted. A jousting lance has a blunt
it goes no further away from the attacker. This range end and is made to break away on impact. A creature
can be shortened over time if the other end of the rope wearing heavy armor has resistance to damage
is attached to a winch. inflicted by a jousting lance.
A harpooned creature can use its action to make a Lasso. A lasso is a knotted loop of rope used to
Strength check to free itself from the weapon. The DC entangle foes at short range.
is 10, or the damage inflicted by the harpoon attack, A Large or smaller creature hit by a lasso suffers
whichever higher. A creature with an Intelligence of 7 no damage but is restrained until it is freed. A lasso has
or higher automatically succeeds at this check, no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures

26 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to
make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another LONGER LANCES
creature within reach on a success. A creature with an The following optional rules provide interesting
Intelligence of 7 or higher automatically succeeds at complexities to mounted lance use.
this check, knowing innately how to slip out of the
tightened loop.
Alternately, the rope can be burst with a DC 17
Strength check or severed by dealing 2 slashing A successful attack from a charging lancer against
a mounted target has a chance to dismount the
damage to it (AC 10). These options end the effect and
permanently shorten the rope.
To unseat another rider, a lance user must ride
While you hold the other end of the rope to a
restrained target, you can use the rules for shoving a at least 20 feet in a direct line toward the target,
creature (Player’s Handbook, page 195) to pull the doing so during the same turn and immediately
prior to attacking with a lance. The attacker’s
creature 5 feet towards you (instead of pushing it
mount must also be larger in size than the enemy
away) or to knock it prone. If mounted and using a
rider. (It does not need to be larger than the enemy
saddle, you can use your mount’s characteristics when
making these checks. mount.)
Making a lasso out of the end of a rope shortens If the lance attack is successful, the enemy
rider must make a Strength saving throw against a
the rope’s effective overall length by 10 feet. A lasso
DC of 10, or the damage inflicted by the attack,
cannot attack at a range longer than the rope’s
whichever is higher. A rider using a military saddle
remaining length. Because it is not a weapon, it does
not add your proficiency bonus when making attacks. has advantage on this saving throw. A rider with an
When you use your action, bonus action, or reaction to exotic strap saddle succeeds automatically.
If the check fails, the enemy rider falls to the
lasso a target, you can make only one attack regardless
ground suffering 1d6 falling damage and landing
of the number of attacks you can normally make. This
prone in a place determined by the DM. A flying
does not apply to attacks on an already-restrained
target when invoking the rules for shoving a creature, rider instead takes damage based on its actual
described above. falling distance. An underwater rider sinks to the
ground but does not take falling damage.
Light Hammer. This lightweight hammer has a
If two characters are jousting one another in a
long handle to increase the power of its swings.
formal event, rather than during the confusion of
Longbow. This bow is typically as tall as the
wielder. The distribution of tension over such a large combat, both riders roll their lance attacks
distance gives the weapon a smooth, powerful draw. simultaneously. It is possible that both riders fall
under such circumstances.
Longbow, Composite. Composite bows are built
with a composite of materials, each with various
degrees of flexibility. They have exceptionally strong VARIANT: MOUNT SIZES
draws. The standard lance sizes are meant for use with
You can add your Strength modifier to damage Large mounts like horses. Using a combat lance or
rolls with a composite bow, instead of your Dexterity a jousting lance one-handed from the back of a
modifier. (But continue to use your Dexterity modifier Medium size creature (like a mastiff) applies
for rolls to hit.) disadvantage to the weapon’s attack rolls. The size
Mace. A mace is a simple weapon, a blunt weight and bulk of the combat lance and jousting lance
at the end of a handle. The head sometimes bears make them too unwieldy to use effectively from the
flanges or knobs to decorate the weapon or intensify back of such a small mount. This penalty does not
its impacts. apply if the lancer is wielding a light combat lance
Mace, Heavy. This weapon has a longer handle or light jousting lance.
and heavier head than the normal mace.

27 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Mace, Liturgical. This mace has a large, hollow picks have two such spikes, set parallel to one another.
reservoir for holding holy water. The head of the The pointed spikes of picks are ideal for punching
weapon contains dozens of holes that are normally through thin armor.
covered by an internal bladder. When the mace strikes Pick, Footman’s War. This heavy pick is simply
a target, the impact jars and compresses the internal designed and cheaply manufactured for infantry use.
bladder, exposing the holes and dousing the target Pick, Horseman’s War. This double-spiked pick
with liquid. has an extra-long handle, suitable for use from
If filled with holy water, the liturgical mace horseback.
inflicts an additional 1d6 radiant damage against a Pincer Staff. This weapon has a mechanical joint
fiend or undead. If filled with defoliant, the liturgical that the wielder controls, allowing the two opposite
mace inflicts an additional 1d6 acid damage against a claws to clamp down on an enemy’s limb or weapon.
plant creature. A single flask of holy water or defoliant System Change: The weapon on the chart is
provides enough liquid to fill the mace, allowing the modified from its original form as a monster weapon
weapon to be used twice before it is empty. The to include the disarming, reach, tripping, and two-
internal components of the liturgical mace are too handed weapon properties. This is done to bring the
delicate to survive loading it with any harsh or volatile weapon in line with the capabilities available to player
alchemies like acid and alchemist’s fire, or with characters.
poisons of any kind. Kuo-toa whips are particularly skilled with this
Maul. This weapon resembles a large hammer. weapon and can use it to exceptional effect (Monster
Instead of a metal head, the weapon has a much larger Manual, page 200).
wooden head with a huge striking surface. Polearm, Boarding Gaff. A long pole with one or
Maulaxe. This heavy-hafted weapon boasts a more hooks at the end. This weapon is often used in
double-headed combination of an axe blade facing one ship-to-ship boarding actions.
direction and a large hammer head facing the other. When hooked to the top of a wall or gunnel no
Morningstar. A wood-handled clubbing weapon more than 15 feet above the wielder, the pole can be
with a heavy, spiked weight at one end. climbed like a rope.
Net. A net is mesh of interconnected lines Polearm, Glaive. A single-edged blade mounted
designed to entrap targets. on a long haft. The blade curves over at the tip to
A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is increase the cutting area.
restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on Polearm, Gythka. A short-length polearm with a
creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge slashing blade at either end. Traditional gythka blades
or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC are made of crystal, but metal is equally effective.
10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature This weapon is favored by thri-kreen.
within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing Polearm, Halberd. A polearm topped with an
damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature irregular head, forming a chopping surface and a
without harming it, ending the effect and destroying piercing point.
the net. When you use an action, Bonus Action, or Polearm, Pike. And extremely long spear-like
reaction to Attack with a net, you can make only one weapon used primarily in formation fighting.
Attack regardless of the number of attacks you can Quadrens. This resembles a dagger except that in
normally make. the place of a blade, four long, parallel spikes
Net, Barbed. This net has dozens of razor-sharp protrude from each corner of a square crosspiece.
spikes attached at various points. Quarterstaff. A quarterstaff is a long, straight
The weapon functions as a net except that it also stick, about as long as a Medium humanoid is tall, or
inflicts 1d3 piercing damage each time the restrained even longer. Quarterstaffs can be banded with iron or
creature makes a check to free itself. Another creature made with other metals, but they are traditionally
can attempt to free the restrained target without wooden.
inflicting damage. Ritiik. This spear has a forward-facing hook, just
Pick, Light. A pick consists of a handle with a below the spear head.
perpendicular spike affixed across one end. Some

28 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Sap. A sap consists of a heavy weight within a Shortbow. A common weapon in most cultures,
sleeve of leather or other padded material. Its purpose this consists of a springy stock or haft, bent into a bow
is to knock out creatures without killing them. shape by a shorter string connected to both ends.
Once per turn, you can use this weapon to attempt Holding the middle of the bow and pulling the string
a sapping attack if you have not made (and will not back increases the weapon’s tension; when the string
make) a sneak attack that turn. This can only be is released, the recoil can rapidly project a missile
attempted while you are hidden from the target or the attached to the string, pushing it past the bow. A
target is otherwise prevented from using reactions, shortbow has a shorter length relative to a longbow,
such as during a round in which the target is surprised. better suited for mounted use.
If the sapping attack succeeds and the target is not Shortbow, Composite. Composite bows are built
reduced to 0 hit points, roll 2d6 to calculate a sapping with a composite of materials, each with various
number. If you have the Sneak Attack class feature, degrees of flexibility. They have exceptionally strong
roll your Sneak Attack dice and add the result to your draws.
sapping number. If the number generated is equal to or You can add your Strength modifier to damage
higher than the target’s remaining hit points, the target rolls with a composite bow, instead of your Dexterity
gains the unconscious condition. Otherwise, the modifier. (But continue to use your Dexterity modifier
sapping roll has no effect. (Constructs, oozes, plants, for rolls to hit.)
and undead are immune to sapping.) Shortbow, Pellet. The strings of this double-
A sapped creature regains consciousness after 1d4 strung shortbow connect at their centers with a cloth
hours or when it is healed for at least 1 hit point. At the or leather cup. The cup seats its projectiles during the
DM’s discretion, other effects can also relieve this draw.
unconsciousness. A pellet bow uses sling bullets instead of arrows
Scissor. A rare gladiator weapon, the scissor is a for its ammunition.
metal tube with a small, fan-like blade extending from Sickle. An agricultural tool with a hooked blade,
one end. The user reaches into the tube to grasp the used for harvesting plants.
handle, located at the end near the blade. The tube Sling. A long thong of leather with a pouch near
protects the user’s forearm, allowing the wielder to the center of its length. Both ends of the thong are held
block and quickly retaliate with a slash of the razor- in one hand, and the weapon is swung overhead to
sharp blade. build momentum before firing. The weapon’s
You have advantage on any save or check you ammunition is flung from the pouch as one end of the
make to avoid being disarmed of the scissor. thong is released.
Scissor, Extended. As a scissor, except that the Slungshot. A short length of rope tied to a round
tube is built onto an articulated arm piece that extends weight at one end. The weapon can be swung quite
all the way up the arm and over the shoulder. forcefully, and a proficient wielder can make attacks
It takes two actions to strap into an extended with it from unexpected angles.
scissor or to take it off. When employing the defensive A slungshot has a loop at the other end that can be
property, the wielder gains the benefit of having two attached to (or detached from) the wielder’s wrist with
defensive weapons. (This benefit is not cumulative an action. If the slungshot is so attached, it cannot be
with another defensive weapon.) When the extended disarmed.
scissor is strapped on, it cannot be disarmed. Spear. A long-hafted weapon with a simple point
Scourge. This short, multi-lash whip is the sort affixed to one end.
used for administering punishments. It is more Spear, Short Hooked. The backward-facing hook
intimidating than effective when used as a weapon. on this short-hafted spear is designed for tripping
Any creature wearing armor (or with natural opponents.
armor) has resistance to the damage inflicted by this System Change: The weapon on the chart is
weapon. modified from its original form as a monster weapon
Scythe. A two-handed implement with a curled to include the finesse and tripping weapon properties.
handle and a large, perpendicular, sickle-like blade. This is done to bring the weapon in line with the
capabilities available to player characters.

29 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Derro are particularly skilled with this weapon Sword, Estoc. A long-bladed sword that tapers to
and can use it to exceptional effect (Out of the Abyss, a narrow, dramatic point. This weapon is used
page 224). primarily for thrusting.
Spear, Weighted. This spear has a heavy weight Sword, Falchion. This weapon resembles a
at the butt, making it suitable for use as a spear or a broadsword in function, but it has a heavier, slightly-
long-handled club. curved blade.
Spiked Chain. The spiked chain has various Sword, Falcata. The falcata is a larger version of
sharp protrusions at strategic points along its length. the kukri. Its blade curves slightly forward and is
It is designed to entangle foes. wider at the end, providing greater chopping
System Change: The weapon on the chart is momentum.
modified from its original form as a monster weapon Sword, Flamberge. This version of the
to include the disarming, heavy, reach, and tripping greatsword has a wavy blade, sometimes with sharp
weapon properties. This is done to bring the weapon protrusions along its length.
in line with the capabilities available to player Sword, Gladius. This simple weapon is used
characters. primarily for thrusting, like a heavier version of the
Tlincalli are par-ticularly skilled with this weapon shortsword. Its weight is also suitable for heavy
and can use it to exceptional effect (Volo’s Guide to slashing attacks.
Monsters, page 193). Sword, Greatsword. A large sword so big that it
Sword (any). Along with spears, swords are the requires two hands to wield.
most ubiquitous weapons on the battlefield, a weapon Sword, Khopesh. The blade of this sword curves
type used in nearly every culture. A sword consists of into backward-facing sickle shape for the top half of
a handle affixed at the end of a long blade. A cross- its length.
pieced usually separates blade and handle, protecting Sword, Longsword. This iconic knightly weapon
the wielder’s hand. The “longsword” is a features a cruciform hilt. The weapon is light enough
quintessential version, the weapon to which most other for single-handed use, but has a long handle (from
swords are compared in their descriptions and which it derives its name) that allows it to be wielded
functions. two-handed.
Sword, Bastard Sword. This weapon is a cross Sword, Maca. The maca is a heavy wooden
between the longsword and the greatsword. The sword. Sharp pieces of obsidian, shark teeth, or other
additional length makes the weapon useful to wield natural materials line the cutting edges.
from horseback. System Change: The weapon on the chart is
Sword, Broadsword. This weapon resembles a modified from its original form as a monster weapon
longsword but with a shorter handle and a wider, to include the alternate (B), ersatz, deadly, heavy, and
heavier blade. wounding weapon properties. This is done to bring the
Sword, Claymore. This weapon closely resembles weapon in line with the capabilities available to player
a greatsword. The weapon has a heavier blade and it’s characters.
cross-guards are forward-angled with capped with Reavers, the foot soldiers of the Crushing Wave
round balls or quatrefoils. This configuration cult, are particularly skilled with this weapon and can
facilitates some techniques and maneuvers unique to use it to exceptional effect (Princes of the Apocalypse,
the weapon. page 205).
Sword, Cutlass. A cutlass is a heavy chopping Sword, Rapier. A slender, sharply pointed sword,
sword favored by sailors. It has a basket or cupped hilt designed for fast, elegant fighting.
that protects the wearer’s hand in battle. Sword, Saber. A curved, elegant sword with a
Sword, Epee (Small Sword). This small, fast basket hilt to protect the wielder’s hand. The curved
weapon is an evolution of the rapier. It’s lighter blade makes the weapon excellent for fighting from
weight and elegant basket hilt make the sword ideal horseback, where a straight blade might be more likely
for dueling. to catch in a body and be pulled from the wielder’s
grip as she rides past.

30 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Sword, Scimitar. A light, curved sword, excellent Trident, Greater. A longer version of the trident,
for cavalry use. its prongs are wider and are often bladed as well as
Sword, Shortsword. This weapon looks like a being sharp-tipped.
heavy dagger with a longer blade. The weapon is Trombash. A trombash has a large, curved blade,
made primarily for short, vicious thrusts. bigger than a dagger, some with additional prongs. Its
Sword, Shotel. The blade of this sword curves function is ceremonial as well as martial.
dramatically forward into a large hook. The weapon Waraxe. This weapon resembles a large battle
resembles an over-sized sickle. axe. It has an impressive head with two opposite axe
Sword, Sword Cane. This covert weapon appears blades.
to be nothing more than a simple cane until the handle Warhammer. The handle of this weapon is longer
is twisted and the thin sword blade withdrawn from its than that of a work hammer. The head is relatively
length. small but heavy enough to inflict tremendous damage.
Sword, Talwar. This weapon resembles a Weighted Knuckles. Weighted knuckles consist of
scimitar, except that it has an elongated blade. In some a set of connected rings. Sometimes the rings are
versions, the blade widens near the tip for greater connected to a handle, but typically they are just
momentum when swinging. connected to each other in a row. Worn over the
Sword, Tegha. This large scimitar was designed fingers, this device protects the wearer’s knuckles
for use as an executioner’s weapon. It must be wielded when punching and adds tremendous impact to such
with two hands. attacks.
Stake, Wooden. This weapon is a short, sturdy Whip. The business end of this whip typically has
wooden stick sharpened at one end. The other end is tiny metal blades and barbs in its braided leather
typically flat, suitable for hammering into the ground strands, making it a weapon suitable for combat.
or into the heart of a resting vampire. Whip, Basic. This leather whip is too long to be
Stiletto. This long, thin blade is designed to slip functional with the weighty additives that enhance a
between the plates of armor or the links of chain mail. normal combat whip.
Tail Spikes. This is a ring that straps onto a A basic whip is still useful in battle, providing a
creature’s tail and locks into place. The ring boasts an 15-foot reach rather than the normal 10. And in a
array of spikes and can be whipped about to great pinch, a basic whip can substitute for a 15-foot rope.
effect. Creatures wearing armor (or with natural armor) have
This device is only usable by creatures with long, resistance to the damage inflicted by a basic whip.
articulate tails. Applicable player character races Because of the time required to draw back the
include lizard folk, tabaxi, tiefling, and any others as entire length for another swing, you can attack only
determined by the DM. A creature armed with tail once with this weapon when you use an action, bonus
spikes may attack with them using a bonus action as action, or reaction, regardless of the number of attacks
though armed with a light off-hand weapon. Do not you can normally make. Stowing a basic whip is a
add your ability modifier to damage when attacking timely process of coiling, taking an action and
with tail spikes, even if you have a trait or feature that requiring both hands.
would otherwise allow you to add the modifier to off- Yklwa. This short spear has a broad head of
hand attacks. chipped stone or obsidian. The head is up to 18 inches
Tongi. A hafted weapon like a battle axe, but in long and sharp along its entire length. Because of its
place of a blade, the weapon has a fanning crescent of large head, the weapon is not sufficiently balanced to
spikes. throw at the same range as a normal spear.
Trident. A spear with three parallel prongs. A steel-headed version of this weapon loses the
System Change: The weapon on the chart is ersatz property and costs 4 gp.
modified from its original form to include the System Change: The weapon on the chart is
disarming weapon property. This is to distinguish the modified from its original form to include the ersatz
heavier, more expensive martial weapon from its weapon property. This is to reflect the weapon’s
simple cousin, the spear. commonly-primitive composition (as described in the

31 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
source material) and to balance its cost against similar The second type of off-use constitutes a true
one-handed martial weapons. “improvised” weapon attack. Such attacks employ
unintended striking surfaces and are often quite
awkward. A truly “improvised” attack is so far from
the weapon’s intended application that it cannot
An improvised weapon includes any object you can benefit from a proficiency bonus. The damage is
wield in one or two hands, such as a heavy rock, a usually 1d4, bearing no resemblance to a real weapon
writing quill, or a small table. attack, but the DM can increase the damage die size
Often, an improvised weapon closely resembles for a particularly large or clever use. If the weapon is
an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For magical, the DM should usually not allow its magical
example, a table leg is akin to a club. At the DM’s benefits to apply to a truly improvised use.
option, a character proficient with a weapon can use a For example, a longsword most efficiently attacks
similar object as if it were the weapon and use his or with its long, slashing edge. But the weapon also has a
her proficiency bonus. piercing tip intended for use in battle. Improvising
An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon piercing damage is an “intended” use and should
deals 1d4 damage (the DM assigns a damage type include the user’s proficiency bonus. But the damage
appropriate to the object). If a character uses a ranged should probably be reduced to 1d6 (piercing). To make
weapon to make a melee attack, or throws a melee a bludgeoning attack with the longsword’s pommel,
weapon that does not have the thrown property, it also the improvised attack would not benefit from a
deals 1d4 damage. An improvised thrown weapon has proficiency bonus and would inflict a mere 1d4
a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. (bludgeoning) damage.


A handful of monsters are particularly affected by (or MODIFICATIONS
resistant to) different damage types. Likewise, some Some weapons and armor have additional features
situations call for different damage types; if trapped in based on their unique construction or alteration.
a net, you might be better served by having a slashing
weapon in-hand than a bludgeoning weapon.
Sometimes, using a damage type does more than
reduce efficiency, it can be downright dangerous! A These rules address armaments crafted with alternate
black ooze struck by a slashing attack splits into materials or techniques.
multiple enemies!
The improvised weapons rules may apply when BRONZE ARMAMENTS
using a weapon in a way that it wasn’t intended, like Aside from ceremonial uses, bronze weapons and
trying to get a different damage type from it. The DM armor tend to appear only in cultures where iron is
decides which of two forms applies based on the rare, but copper and tin are not. Bronze armor is
weapon and the situation. sometimes worn by poor knights, those who need to
The first use is “intended.” In this case, the keep up appearances by wearing plated armor but
weapon’s intended striking surfaces cover multiple cannot afford the real thing.
damage types; it’s listed damage type simply reflects A suit of splint, plate, half plate, or a breastplate
the most efficient use for the weapon. An “intended” can be made with bronze instead of iron. Bronze is
attack can apply the user’s proficiency bonus on the softer than iron and a bit less protective when used to
to-hit roll because it is “similar to [identical to] an make armor. Bronze manufacture therefore reduces
actual weapon.” Because this is not the most efficient the armor’s protection by 1 point.
use of the weapon, the DM should reduce the damage Any weapon or ammunition normally made
die size by one. Common damage die sizes are, in wholly (or mostly) with iron can instead be made with
descending order: 1d12 (or 2d6), 1d10, 1d8 (or 2d4), bronze. Bronze weapons have trouble holding a sharp
1d6, and 1d4. edge. This applies a –1 penalty to damage rolls with
bronze piercing or slashing weapons or ammunition.

32 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Bronze-made armaments costs three-quarters of SILVERED WEAPONS
the price of normal, iron-made version. A skilled smith can add silver components to the
striking surfaces of a weapon without degrading the
ERSATZ ARMAMENTS weapon’s performance. Such weapons affect creatures
Some primitive cultures lack the tools and techniques that are normally immune to or resistant to damage
to fashion armaments out of metal, treated leather, and from non-silver weapons.
similar high-grade materials. For others, such You can silver a single weapon for 100 gp (or 1
materials are too rare or expensive to acquire. Such piece of ammunition for 10 gp). This cost represents
societies often turn to alternative—particularly non- not only the price of the silver, but the time and
metal—materials to construct their armor and expertise needed to add silver to the weapon without
weapons. making it less effective.
Ersatz armor materials are often taken from fierce
armored monsters like bulettes or braxats; they include
plate segments cut from armored shells, interwoven VARIANT: SILVER BULLETS
and reinforced with rings of tough cartilage, or hard Sling bullets and firearm loads are simply molded
lacquered scales. Additional connective materials lumps of metal. Although the melting temperature
include bone, cord, and cured plant byproducts. Ersatz of silver is much higher than that of lead, crafting
weapons are made of similar materials as well as silver bullets is mostly just a matter of filling molds
obsidian, bone, wood, horn, antler, stone, and crystal. with molten metal.
Almost any normal armor or weapon can be made With this optional rule, sling bullets and
of alternative materials, even those not normally firearm loads of pure silver can be made for a much
crafted from metal. Weapons that have the charging or lower cost than other silver ammunition. When
ammunition weapon properties cannot be made with silver weapons are really needed, having the
ersatz materials, but their ammunition can be. adventurers collect silver and craft their own
Ersatz armaments cost one-quarter their normal, ammunition can add a compelling element to the
listed prices. Such gear initially performs as well as the story.
real thing, but its fragility is quickly exposed if used Crafting a batch of 20 leaden-type sling bullets
for any significant period. Each piece of ersatz requires 75 silver coins (or 1.5 pounds weight) in
equipment is burdened with the ersatz armor property material, beyond the normal cost to craft the
or the ersatz weapon property. ammunition. Under this system, the added cost
does not increase the ammunition’s market value
ADAMANTINED WEAPONS for the purposes of crafting time. This means the set
A skilled smith with access to this rare material of 20 sling bullets can be made in about half an hour
can add adamantine components to a weapon to using smith’s tools.
improve its ability to break objects. A hit against an Firearm loads are weightier, require more
object with an adamantine weapon is automatically a precise measurement, and are harder to craft. A
critical hit, and the material improves the weapon’s batch of 10 ball or shot loads requires 100 silver
performance against certain construct creatures. coins (or 2 pounds weight) in material, beyond the
Adamantine ammunition does not break in battle; each normal cost to craft the ammunition. A set of 10
piece can be recovered after a fight. early firearm loads can be made using jeweler’s
You can adamantine a single weapon for 500 gp tools in about 5 hours. Using advanced firearm
(or 1 piece of ammunition for 50 gp.) This cost crafting techniques with a gun repair kit, this takes
represents the price of the adamantine and the only 1 hour. (See the Firearms section in Part 3.)
expertise needed to add adamantine to the weapon
without making it less effective.

33 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Masterwork armaments are finely-built examples of
arms and armor, so exceptional that they warrant A skilled smith should be able to add other
special rules related to their enhanced effectiveness. minerals to a weapon for 100 gp, or 10 gp for a
Masterwork armaments each take on a bonus property, piece of ammunition. The process includes
selected from a limited list. replacing, coating, or alloying the existing metal
components. Alternately, a character can perform
Masterwork armaments are originally crafted as the craft herself using smith’s tools, taking 20 days
such; a weapon or suit of armor cannot be made for a weapon or 2 days for a piece of ammunition.
masterwork after its creation. Masterwork armaments This option is useful if the characters encounter
take on a slightly different shape or construction to a source of mystic material. It might also be useful
justify their enhanced features, and are obviously of if you employ monsters with new and exotic
superior craftsmanship. The DM should moderate the immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities. Perhaps
design of masterwork armaments to ensure that the you use fey creatures that are vulnerable to cold
additional modification makes sense as applied. iron or your shadowlands monsters are resistant to
nonmagical attacks not made with jade-infused
Whatever the case, the players should have to
A masterwork suit of armor has 1 additional armor
supply or purchase the raw materials needed, in
property that the armor does not already possess:
addition to the smith’s fee or their own crafting
Any masterwork suit of armor can add the
time. It requires about 2 pounds of the metal (or 20
absorbent, efficient, enclosed, layered, lightweight,
standard gemstones powdered among other
quick-escape, or reinforced armor property.
material) to integrate with a weapon’s striking
A masterwork suit of heavy armor may instead
add the hardened armor property.
The Trade Goods (Trade Bars) chart above
A masterwork buckler, pavise, shield, or tower
shows the value per pound for some well-known
shield can only add the hardened or lightweight armor
metals. (The cost for silvered and adamantined
weapons varies slightly from these calculations.)
DM’s Corner. It doesn’t make sense when an
WEAPONS upgrade uses more weight of metal than the entire
A masterwork weapon has 1 additional weapon weapon. If you wish, you can halve these material
property that the weapon does not normally possess: requirements for any weapon that already weighs
Melee weapons may add the alternate (one type), only 1 pound or less, like a dagger.
deadly, defensive, disarming, fine, high-critical, or Likewise, you can peg the cost of an alternate
tripping property. If it already has the thrown property, material piece of ammunition to its equivalent
it may instead add accurate or aerodynamic. weight in material (plus 10 gp) for each. For
If it does not have the two-handed property, a example, a gold-treated arrow would cost 10 gp for
melee weapon that normally inflicts 1d6 or more the labor and 2½ gp for the material (1/20th of a
damage can instead be made versatile, increasing the pound of gold, the same weight as an arrow).
normal damage die by one size or half size, as You can apply these adjustments to silvered or
appropriate. (A 1d6 becomes a 1d8. A 1d8+1 becomes adamantined weapons too, if you desire.
a 1d10+1. A 2d4 becomes a 2d5. And so on.)
Ammunition or charging weapons may only add
accurate, aerodynamic, deadly, fine, or high-critical. shield of any sort. A masterwork suit of heavy armor
or a masterwork weapon costs an additional 300 gp.
PRICING Crafting a masterwork armament requires
A masterwork suit of light or medium armor costs 150 proficiency with the appropriate artisan’s tools
gp more than a standard version, as does a masterwork (leatherworker’s tools, smith’s tools, or woodcarver’s

34 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
tools) and additional crafting time as indicated by the
item’s increased market value.
Masterwork armaments are recognized as true Sometimes adventurers end up wearing armor of
works of art by skilled warriors and artisans, and as different sorts on various parts of their bodies. More
such can be resold (to the right buyer) for full value. often, this system comes into play with monsters;
perhaps humanoids scavenged armor from the corpses
on a battlefield, or perhaps undead still wear the
shredded vestiges of the armor they had in life.
A previous edition gave masterwork weapons and
armor a mundane +1 bonus, as though they were
A humanoid has five regions of armor coverage: the
magical items. Various homebrew products suggest
torso and four limbs. Armor over these regions
the same.
provides a cumulative “armor grade,” which affects
This product does not use that method because
the wearer’s Armor Class.
of the “bounded accuracy” design of the Fifth
The following armor grades apply to each limb
Edition rules. Doing so makes it too easy for
piece. (A torso provides double these values.)
players to access +1 weapons and armor. Once a
certain wealth threshold is reached, the players
❖ Light: padded (0.2), leather (0.2), leather scale
would make all their armaments masterwork; such
(0.4), studded leather (0.4)
a system would allow players to slightly transcend
the bounded accuracy range on each of their
❖ Medium: layered furs (0.4), hide (0.4), brigandine
weapon attacks and when defending against all
(0.5), chain shirt (0.5), scale mail (0.7), coin
enemy attacks.
armor (0.7), breastplate (0.7), half plate (0.9)
More than this, the ability to customize the
function of weapons or armor is far more
❖ Heavy: ring mail (0.7), banded mail (0.9), chain
interesting than adding a simple +1 bonus.
mail (1.0), splint (1.2), plate (1.4)

A piecemeal suit of armor provides the wearer

ORNAMENTED ARMAMENTS with a base Armor Class of 10 + total armor grade,
Armor and weapons are sometimes ornamented. This rounded down.
might mean the addition of precious metals and
gemstones or intricate inlays and engraving. It takes a DEXTERITY MODIFIERS
skilled smith, one proficient with smith’s tools (and With certain configurations, a character can apply
jeweler’s tools, in the case of adding gemstones), to some or all her Dexterity modifier to her Armor Class:
create such ornamentation without making the A character wearing no more than one medium
armament less effective. limb piece can add her Dexterity modifier to her
The value of ornamentation varies based on the Armor Class. This does not apply to a character
techniques and materials applied. If at least 50 gp of wearing a medium torso or any heavy piece. A
ornamentation is added to a weapon or suit of armor, character wearing this suit is treated as wearing light
the item becomes a work of art and can be resold for armor.
its full value—i.e., the full value of the armament plus A character that does not qualify for the above
the full additional value spent for ornamentation. If benefit can add her Dexterity modifier to her Armor
less than 50 gp of ornamentation is applied, the resell Class, to a maximum bonus of +2, if wearing no more
value is equal to half the armament’s value plus the than one heavy limb piece. This does not apply to a
full additional value spent for ornamentation. character wearing a heavy torso. A character wearing
this suit is treated as wearing medium armor.
A character wearing a heavy torso, or at least two
heavy limb pieces, does not add her Dexterity modifier

35 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
to her Armor Class if it is positive. She does not add a reduces the associated movement penalty by 10 feet.
negative modifier to Armor Class if wearing three This means an encumbered dwarf has no speed
heavy limbs, or a heavy torso and one heavy limb. A reduction and a heavily encumbered dwarf has a
character wearing this suit is treated as wearing heavy speed reduction of only 10 feet. This does not obviate
armor. the other penalties for being heavily encumbered.


A piecemeal armor suit applies disadvantage on Some racial traits provide proficiency with specific
Stealth checks if it includes the torso of an armor suit weapons. This chart updates these traits to include
that normally provides this penalty, or it includes at additional, similar weapons from this product. Note
least two limb pieces that normally provide this that exotic weapons might not be available in your
penalty. campaign.
A piecemeal armor suit has a “Str 13” requirement
if the torso or any two or more of the limbs require any RACE AND SUB-RACE PROFICIENCIES
Strength requirement. The requirement is instead “Str Racial Feature Proficiency Additions
15” if the torso or any two or more limbs have the “Str Drow Weapon Cutlass, epee, hand repeating
15” requirement.
Training crossbow, kotsurugi, koyumi,
Each limb of a piecemeal suit weighs one-sixth of
quadrens, repeating koyumi,
a normal suit’s total weight. A torso weighs twice as
saber, sword cane
much as a limb. Armor pieces can be found piecemeal,
Dwarven Combat Daiono, hatchet, kidzuchi,
but are never sold that way.
Training masakari, maulaxe, nata, ono,
otsuchi, tongi, urgrosh, waraxe
MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMS Elf Weapon Composite daikyu, composite
This section provides updates to the standard feats and Training hankyu, composite longbow,
proficiency availability as they relate to armaments, as composite shortbow, daikyu,
well as some additional variant rules. estoc, gladius, hankyu,
ninjaken, tachi
This section updates racial traits and features. CLASS MODIFICATIONS
This section updates racial traits and class features.
DWARVEN SPEED WITH ENCUMBRANCE Where these provide proficiency with specific
Dwarves in Fifth Edition have a special Speed feature weapons (instead of an entire range of simple or
which says, “speed is not reduced for wearing heavy martial weapons), it makes sense to include similar
armor.” This reflects an important racial quality, found weapons from this product. These are additional
in prior editions too, which allows dwarves to maintain proficiencies for these races and classes. Note that
normal movement while carrying heavy burdens. exotic weapons might not be allowed in your game.
If your campaign uses the optional Encumbrance
rule found on page 176 of the Player’s Handbook, all KENSAI WEAPONS
characters ignore the speed reduction for wearing The Comprehensive Equipment Manual adds many
armor, being instead affected by their total new weapons that were not contemplated in the
encumbrance. This optional rule makes no provision formulation of the kensai’s weapon restrictions. The
to incorporate or translate dwarves’ exceptional carry following rules keep the subclass’s flavor and power
power; that important racial advantage is simply lost. level in line with the kensai’s description.
To compensate while using the encumbrance Despite the standard restrictions, a kensai may
optional rules, make the following modification. A also select any of the following for a kensai weapon:
dwarf that is encumbered or heavily encumbered basic whip, composite daikyu, composite hankyu,

36 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
composite longbow, composite shortbow, deer horn DUAL WIELDER
knife, fustibalus, kunai, kusarigama, kyoketsushoge, The +1 bonus to Armor Class from this feat applies
light shuriken, johyo, sodegarami, tekkokagi, thrown while wielding a dual weapon.
dagger, tonfa, or tsukobu.
Weapon-like devices cannot be selected as kensai
weapons, nor can firearms of any kind.
A repeating hand crossbow qualifies as a hand
crossbow for use with this feat.
The new weapons for monks are the chart below are
considered “monk weapons,” are all useable with the
The damage-boosting use of this feat, the one that
Martial Arts class feature.
requires a heavy weapon, can only be used with a two-
Proficiency with these weapons is gained by a
handed heavy weapon or with a versatile heavy
character that multi-classes into the monk class.
weapon wielded in both hands. It does not apply to
attacks with an off-hand weapon or the secondary
CLASS FEATURES striking surface of a dual weapon, unless used with the
Some class features provide proficiency with specific butt attack feature of the polearm master feat.
weapons. This chart updates these features to include
additional, similar weapons from this product. Note
that exotic weapons might not be available in your
All weapons charted under the term “polearm” and
from the Extra Polearms exotic list (including hybrid
polearms) qualify for both functions of this feat. There
CLASS PROFICIENCIES are a couple of exceptions and modifications.
Class Proficiency Additions The ahlspiess, partisan, pike, and nagaeyari do not
Bard Cutlass, epee, hand repeating crossbow, qualify for the function that allows a butt attack with a
& koyumi, quadrens, repeating koyumi, bonus action, nor do any hybrid polearms based on
rogue saber, slungshot, sword cane them. These weapons are too long for such adroit
Druid Ankus, bo, crook, fustibalus, hanbo, manipulation. Butt attacks do not benefit from a
jisho, kaiken, kama, kunai, knobkerrie, polearm’s alternate, deadly, disarming, high-critical,
liturgical mace, maca, poison dagger, tripping, or special weapon properties.
ritiik, short spear, short hooked spear, When using a bonus action to attack with the butt
shotel, scythe, shuriken, throwing of a getsugasan, gythka, or lajatang (double-ended
dagger, trombash, weighted spear, polearms), the damage is 1d8 slashing rather than 1d4
uchine, wooden stake, yari, yklwa bludgeoning.
Monk Bhuj, clawed gauntlet, flail staff,
fustibalus, spiked chain SHARPSHOOTER
Sorcerer Bo, crook, fustibalus, jisho, kaiken, kunai, This feat cannot increase the damage of new weapons
& light repeating crossbow, poison dagger, with damage ratings of 1 or 1d2, nor with items that
do not normally inflict damage, like the lasso.
wizard shuriken, teppoyumi, throwing dagger,
wooden stake
A buckler cannot support any of the features of this
FEAT MODIFICATIONS feat. A tower shield cannot be used to bash, and it
The following feats get updates in contemplation of cannot add its shield bonus to Dexterity saving throws.
the new armaments available. (It already provides a similar benefit.)

37 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
This Part addresses the equipment that doesn’t fall into DESCRIPTIONS
the armor or weapon categories, the so-called “utility” Adventuring gear from the “general” subcategory is
gear. It covers “adventuring gear” and “tools” as well described below.
as “mounts and vehicles,” expanding these categories Abacus. A rectangular frame with beads that slide
as they are found in the Player’s Handbook. on rows of string or wire. This tool is used for tracking
large sums and performing arithmetical functions.
DM’S CORNER: IS INVENTORY Ascender. A clasp on this small tool attaches to a
MANAGEMENT REALLY NEEDED? harness while the other end is clipped to a rope. A
Some campaigns simply ignore the rules for locking set of gears within the device allow the rope to
encumbrance and the management of equipment. pass through it unhindered in one direction, but will
Overlooking these standard rules is a particularly clamp down on the rope, preventing its movement, if it
useful approach for new players and DMs. moves the other direction. This allows a character to
In such campaigns, characters can tote any climb a rope without fear of falling or sliding back
amount of weight and are only penalized if the DM down the rope. It also allows the character to stop
believes, in some abstract sense, that their gear is too climbing a rope and use both hands for something else
cumbersome. Treasure gets recorded on a list until it without falling.
can be divided, and no one worries about who carries An ascender can be unlocked with an action or
it unless the treasure is particularly bulky. bonus action, allowing the rope to pass freely in either
Likewise, whatever weapons a character wants to direction.
use are automatically in-hand when needed; no time or Ashiaro. These wood-cut soles attach to the
actions (no “interactions with the environment”) are bottom of normal footwear. Each set is carved to leave
required to switch between weapons or to find potions a different set of tracks. The tracks can be that of an
in a backpack. Only the action needed to use the animal or of a larger or smaller humanoid, perhaps a
thing—the weapon or potion—is tracked. child.
When moving at half speed, a character wearing
ashiaro can attempt a Dexterity (Deception) check to
ADVENTURING GEAR leave convincing tracks. (This is a non-standard
pairing of an ability and a skill.) A Wisdom (Survival)
What was previously one category is broken down into
check made to follow or identify the tracks recognizes
several subcategories here. The largest is called
the tracks as fake if it equals or exceeds the wearer’s
“general” adventuring gear. Specific subcategories are
separated out, including equipment packs, containers,
Ball Bearings (Bag of 1,000). Ball bearings are
ammunition, magical implements, alchemical brews,
tiny metal balls spilled to create a distraction and a
herbal brews, and poisons.
hazard in the affected area.
As an action, you can spill the ball bearings from
ADVENTURING GEAR (GENERAL) their pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet
The general subcategory of adventuring gear covers on a side. A creature moving across the covered area
miscellaneous items, things that characters of all types must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or
might want to carry on their adventures, but do not fall fall prone. A creature moving through the area at half
easily into other subcategories. speed doesn’t need to make the save.
Ball Bearings, (Box of 10,000). This wooden box
has multiple compartments with sliding doors, and a
complex internal mechanism.

38 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
The contraption has two functions. Ball bearings must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or
can be distributed from it manually; each action used fall prone. A creature moving through an affected area
can pour bearings to fill a square area that is 10 feet on at half speed doesn’t need to make the save.
a side. The box holds enough balls to cover 10 such Banner, Flag, or Pennant. A cloth square,
areas. Alternately, the contraption can be placed on a rectangle, triangle, or similar shape, often used as a
flat surface and deployed using a plunger. This device for identity based on its color, shape, markings,
requires a single action. Activation by the plunger or other adornments.
opens a series of spouts, sending ball bearings flooding These typically bear complex signs of heraldry,
out in all directions. The ball bearings cover a 15-foot the lore of which can be identified with an Intelligence
radius area around the square that contains the box. If (History) check.
the covered area is level, a creature moving across it


Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Abacus 2 gp 2 lb. Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb.
Ascender 4 gp — Diver’s kit 5 gp 4 lb.
Ashiaro 3 gp 1/2 lb. Doka 1 gp 1 lb.
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) 1 gp 2 lb. Ear trumpet 2 gp 1 lb.
Ball bearings (box of 10,000) 11 gp 21 lb. Earplugs 1 sp —
Banner, flag, or pennant 1 gp 3 lb. Falling sail 85 gp 15 lb.
Bedroll 1 gp 7 lb. Filtered mask 8 gp 1 lb.
Bell 1 gp — Fire kit 4 cp 1 lb.
Bell kit 12 gp 3 lb. Fishing Tackle 1 gp 4 lb.
Blanket 5 sp 3 lb. Glass breaker’s kit 15 gp 2 lb.
Block and tackle 1 gp 5 lb. Goggles 2 gp —
Book 25 gp 5 lb. Grappling hook 2 gp 4 lb.
Book, code 35 gp 5 lb. Grooming kit 5 sp 1 lb.
Book, lore 30 gp 5 lb. Hacksaw 10 gp 2 lb.
Caltrops (bag of 20) 1 gp 2 lb. Hammer 1 gp 3 lb.
Caltrops (box of 200) 11 gp 21 lb. Hammer, muffled 4 gp 4 lb.
Candle 1 cp — Hammer, sledge 2 gp 10 lb.
Chain (10 feet) 5 gp 10 lb. Harness 3 gp 2 lb.
Chalk (1 piece) 1 cp — Hourglass 25 gp 1 lb.
Climber’s kit 25 gp 12 lb. Hunting trap 5 gp 25 lb.
Clothes Ink (1-ounce bottle) 10 gp —
Camouflage 10 gp 3 lb. Ink, invisible (1-ounce bottle) 15 gp —
Cold weather 4 gp 6 lb. Ink pen 2 cp —
Common 5 sp 3 lb. Ladder (10-foot) 1 sp 25 lb.
Costume 5 gp 4 lb. Lamp 5 sp 1 lb.
Disguise 10 gp 2 lb. Lantern, bullseye 10 gp 2 lb.
Fine 15 gp 6 lb. Lantern, candle 2 gp 1 lb.
Peasant 5 cp 2 lb. Lantern, hooded 5 gp 2 lb.
Traveler’s 2 gp 4 lb. Lantern, lighting rig 45 gp 10 lb.
Coin grinder 4 gp 1/2 lb. Loadstone 1 gp —
Cord, weapon 2 gp — Lock 10 gp 1 lb.
Crampons 4 gp 1 lb. Lock, fine 50 gp 1 lb.

39 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Magnifying glass 100 gp — Saw 3 gp 5 lb.
Manacles 2 gp 6 lb. Scale, merchant’s 5 gp 3 lb.
Manacles, fine 50 gp 4 lb. Sealing wax 5 cp —
Mantlet 80 gp 70 lb. Shikaro 6 gp 1 lb.
Map, area 5 gp — Shovel 2 gp 5 lb.
Mess kit 2 sp 1 lb. Signet ring 5 gp —
Mirror, steel 5 gp 1/2 lb. Slate board 5 cp —
Oil (1-pint flask) 1 sp 1 lb. Snorkel 5 cp 1 lb.
Oil (80-pint cask) 8 gp 100 lb. Snow shoes or skis 2 gp 3 lb.
Oil can (pump) 6 gp 1 lb. Soap 2 cp —
Paper (one sheet) 2 sp — Spikes, iron (10) 1 gp 5 lb.
Parchment (one sheet) 1 sp — Sprayer 6 gp 3 lb.
Perfume (vial) 5 gp — Spyglass 1,000 gp 1 lb.
Periscope 8 gp 1 lb. Spyglass, compact 600 gp 1/2 lb.
Pick, miner’s 2 gp 10 lb. Stretcher, folding 6 gp 5 lb.
Piton 5 cp 1/4 lb. String or twine (50 feet) 1 sp 1 lb.
Sheath, concealed 4 gp — Swim bladders 3 gp 1 lb.
Sheath, false bottom 12 gp — Tate 35 gp 35 lb.
Sheath, poison 10 gp — Tent
Pole (10-foot) 5 cp 7 lb. Pavilion 30 gp 350 lb.
Pole, collapsible (10-foot) 5 gp 5 lb. Six-person 5 gp 100 lb.
Raiment repair kit 2 gp 1 lb. Two-person 2 gp 20 lb.
Rain catcher 1 gp 5 lb. Tinderbox 5 sp 1 lb.
Ram, portable 4 gp 35 lb. Torch 1 cp 1 lb.
Rations (1 day) 5 sp [1 lb.] Torch, signal 1 sp 1 lb.
Rations, compact (1 day) 2 gp 1/2 lb. Water clock 1,000 gp 100 lb.
Robes 1 gp 4 lb. Water shoes 4 gp 4 lb.
Robes, fine or silk 50 gp 3 lb. Weaponblack 1 gp —
Rope, hempen (50 feet) 1 gp 10 lb. Whetstone 1 cp 1 lb.
Rope ladder, hempen (50 feet) 3 gp 24 lb. Whistle, animal 2 gp —
Rope ladder, silk (50 feet) 26 gp 12 lb. Whistle, signal 5 cp —
Rope, silk (50 feet) 10 gp 5 lb. Winch 7 gp 5 lb.

Bedroll. Bedding suitable for one person to sleep Bell Kit. A bell kit is a long, thin string to which
on and small enough to be rolled up and tied into a is attached a series of tiny bells and several delicate
cylindrical bundle. A bedroll might also take the form tripods that hold the string about 6 inches off the
of a hammock or other bedding suitable for single ground. Each bell kit is about 20 feet long. A single kit
person. can be strung across a hallway to provide a warning
Bell. A bell is a metal cup, often with a handle or system or a series of kits can encircle a campsite to
hook opposite the open end. When struck, the bell add a ring of security. Alternately, a bell kit can be
makes a resonating note. The typical configuration strung over a pile of equipment to warn of tampering.
includes an internal striker attached to the interior Ideally, the kit is hidden among foliage or otherwise
such that the bell sounds whenever it is moved. disguised.

40 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
It takes one minute to put a bell kit in place. The steps on them. When scattered over the ground, they
resulting trap is triggered when someone crosses the create a significant hazard.
line or interacts with something the bell kit covers, As an action, you can spread a bag of caltrops to
causing the bells to ring gently. The ringing can be cover a square area that is 5 feet on a side. Any
easily heard up to 30 feet away. An intelligent creature creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15
may spot the trap with a Wisdom (Perception) check, Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and
the DC of which is 10, or 12 if the line is somehow take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces
concealed or camouflaged. Success allows the line to the creature’s walking speed by 10 feet until the
be easily bypassed. creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving
Blanket. A heavy blanket, usually made of wool, through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the
often added to a bedroll when sleeping in chilly save.
outdoor climates. Caltrops (Box of 200). This wooden box has a
Block and Tackle. A set of pulleys with a cable hatch on one end and a complex internal mechanism.
threaded through them and a hook to attach to objects. The contraption has two functions. Caltrops can
A block and tackle allows you to hoist up to four times be distributed from it manually; each action used to
the weight you can normally lift. pour the sharpened jacks can cover a square area that
Book. A book might contain poetry, historical is 5 feet on a side. The box holds enough caltrops to
accounts, information pertaining to a field of lore, cover 10 such areas. Alternately, the contraption can
diagrams and notes on tinkerer’s contraptions, or just be placed on the ground, pointed a specific direction,
about anything else that can be represented using text and deployed using a plunger. This requires a single
or pictures. Or it can be blank. action. Activation by the plunger flings open the
Books purchased in this form may be entertaining spring-loaded contraption, spraying caltrops to land in
or informational but apply no game mechanics to a square area adjacent to the box, 15 feet on each side.
benefit the reader. The paper is of insufficient quality Any creature that enters an affected area must succeed
for the book to be used as a spellbook. on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this
Book, Code. This book contains a code necessary turn and take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage
for decoding certain messages. Such books are reduces the creature’s walking speed by 10 feet until
created or purchased in pairs for use in covert affairs. the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature
A letter can be encoded using the code key in one of moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to
the pair of books and decoded elsewhere using the make the save.
other. Often such books are disguised as books of Candle. A wax taper with a wick that provides a
another sort, their code keys hidden among otherwise- small amount of light when lit.
innocuous text. For 1 hour, a lit candle sheds bright light in a 5-
Book, Lore. A book of lore contains a wealth of foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
information upon a specific subject, helpfully indexed Chain (10 feet). A chain is a length of
and often illustrated as well. interconnected metal rings or ovals. It serves many of
A lore book is created in one of several forms: the same functions as a rope, but is much more
arcana, history, nature, or religion. Alternately, a lore durable.
book may pertain to a specific craft or trade. A A chain has 10 hit points. It can be burst with a
character that spends 1 minute consulting a relevant successful DC 20 Strength check.
lore book has advantage on any Intelligence check to Chalk (1 Piece). Chalk is a soft, porous rock,
recall lore of that type, made at the end of the typically sold in the form of 3-inch rods. It readily
consultation. This book does not apply its benefit if the marks rough surfaces with crumbly residue, leaving
DC for the check is higher than 15; higher DCs distinct lines.
indicate information that is too rare or esoteric to be Chalk is normally white, but it can be purchased
found in a reference book. in other forms, its porous material infused with dye to
Caltrops (Bag of 20). These large metal jacks allow for writing in specific colors.
have sharpened points designed to harm anyone that

41 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Climber’s Kit. A climber’s kit comes in a satchel Clothes, Common. A set of common clothes
that includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a includes simple garments like a tunic or shift, trousers,
harness. leggings, a cloak, a belt, simple shoes or boots, and
You can use the climber’s kit as an action to various accessories. Common clothes have no fancy
anchor yourself; when you do, you can’t fall more than stitching or ornamentation.
25 feet from the point where you anchored yourself, Clothes, Costume. A costume is a flamboyant set
and you can’t climb more than 25 feet away from that of clothes, typically used in acting productions to
point without undoing the anchor. portray certain characters. Simple costumes can be
Clothes, Camouflage. Camouflage is the practice interchangeable for various roles, but some costumes
of manipulating the visual cues that allow the eye to are so specific to a character that they cannot be used
perceive variations in the environment. These for any other role. If the role of the costume suits, it
variations are the ones that signal the presence of can also serve as a disguise when impersonating
something out-of-place. Discordant colors and shapes someone of a specific position like a member of the city
particularly draw the eye; camouflage seeks to mute watch.
these effects to maintain concealment. Camouflage Clothes, Disguise. This set of loose clothing is
clothing is designed to avoid detection, but it applies made to be worn over other clothes as a generic
only in environments the clothing is patterned for. For disguise. It usually includes clothing that conceals the
example, forest-colored camouflage clothing has no wearer’s features, like a low-brimmed hat or a hood.
benefit in snowy or desert environment. A disguise is typically reversible, with one side
The following rule applies generally to mimicking the clothing of a beggar and the other
camouflage methods. When a creature would suffer appearing to be the clothes of a person from a
disadvantage on a Dexterity (Stealth) check because middling social class, like a modest merchant.
its appearance starkly contrasts its background, such To fool pursuers, the disguise can be torn away
as while hiding in a snowy field, the use of camouflage with a single action and either stowed in a pack or
can negate this disadvantage. Likewise, if a creature abandoned somewhere out of sight.
attempting a Wisdom (Perception) check would gain
advantage for the same reason, the advantage is
negated by the camouflage. Effective camouflage
operates to prevent game mechanics from penalizing
someone or something for a failure to blend in. It is not
intended to provide additional benefits to a hiding
person for comparisons of Stealth vs. Perception, just
negate penalties (and only penalties related to
discordant background conditions). The exact
application of this effect is left to the Dungeon
Master’s discretion, particularly the question of
whether the camouflage sufficiently matches the
environment and covers enough of the hiding
character to be effective.
Clothes, Cold Weather. These clothes provide
protection from harsh winter weather and cold
environments. The wearer can typically operate
unhindered in cold climes for longer and with less
environmental detriments than could someone
wearing lighter clothing.
These clothes provide the benefits of cold weather
gear, as mentioned on page 110 of the Dungeon
Master’s Guide. Other benefits of cold weather clothes
are left to the Dungeon Master’s discretion.

42 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Clothes, Fine. This set of clothing is crafted with Crowbar. A crowbar is a short, sturdy bar with a
exceptional quality and is probably well-tailored. Fine flat wedge at each end. It is used to apply leverage
clothes can be simple and elegant or flashing and when trying to pry things open.
ornamental. Fine clothes are the type typically worn Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength
by the wealthy class: nobles, prosperous merchants, checks where the crowbar’s leverage can be applied.
and important clergy. Diver’s Kit. This kit contains diving flippers that
Clothes, Traveler’s. Traveler’s clothes are like attach to the feat, a glass-faced rubber diving mask, a
common clothes but made for traveling; cloaks are snorkel, a short knife, and a diver’s can.
warmer and hooded, boots are higher and water- A diver’s can is a metal tube about one foot long
resistant, mittens or gloves are included. with an air-tight breathing nozzle and an internal
Coin Grinder. This small device looks like a metal plunger. The device holds enough air to provide a
cylinder with two halves that can be twisted in diver with a single lungful of air. As the diver’s period
opposite directions. The device is used to shave coins, of breath-holding ends, prior to suffocation, the diver
up to ten at a time. can use an action to manipulate the plunger and breath
It takes one minute to reduce the contained coin in the contained air. This allows the diver to begin
or coins to tiny particles. The resulting shavings or holding her breath again for another number of
powder are suitable for a variety of magical minutes equal to 1 + her Constitution modifier
components. For example, the creation of a dose of (minimum of 30 seconds). The diving flippers each
holy water requires 25 gp worth of silver powder. A require one action to apply or remove to the feet. They
character with 250 silver pieces and a coin grinder allow the swimmer to move more quickly in water
could convert the coins into suitable components in 25 than an unaided swimmer; every 2 feet of movement
minutes. in water requires only 1 extra foot of movement.
Cord, Weapon. A weapon cord is a sturdy hempen Doka. These items come in various forms, from
cord or leather thong tied securely to the handle of a small tin pots (often called “hand lamps”) to the
weapon. traditional bamboo tube, sealed at each end.
The cord is looped at the other end, such that it A doka holds live coals, keeping them viable for
can be secured to the weapon wielder’s wrist using an up to 1 hour. The device is used for lighting fuses or
action, provided the wielder’s other hand is free to candles. It can also provide heat to warm the hands and
secure it. Once secured, the weapon cannot be body in inclement weather. During the hour that the
disarmed by normal means. If the user drops the coals remain live, the bearer of this item gains the
weapon, it hangs from the wrist and can be re-gripped benefits of wearing cold weather gear for the purpose
on the wielder’s turn, requiring no effort or action to of resisting extreme cold. (See page 110 of the
do so. To put the weapon away, the weapon’s wielder Dungeon Master’s Guide.) The device is particularly
must use a free hand to remove the loop from her wrist used to warm the hands prior to performing manual
as an action. dexterity tasks to prevent coldness from inhibiting the
Crampons. These spiked metal frames are action.
designed to be worn over the soles of shoes, one on Ear Trumpet. This small funnel-shaped device
each foot. They help the wearer navigate icy terrain has a small end that fits into the ear and a larger,
without slipping. The toes of the crampons include hollow end to press against a door or wall.
longer spikes that can dig into ice walls to aid in The user of an ear trumpet gets advantage to any
climbing. Wisdom (Perception) check to hear things on the other
Crampons give the wearer advantage on saving side of the door or wall, so long as the sources of those
throws and ability checks to prevent falling on ice. sounds are within 15 feet of the other side of the door
They also allow the wearer to climb icy terrain features or wall.
without applying penalties from the slipperiness of the Earplugs. Earplugs do not completely block
surface; treat this Strength (Athletics) check as an sound, but they can be useful to when attempting to
attempt to climb a normal, non-icy surface. sleep in the presence of disruptive noises. They are
also used to resist certain sorts of magical attacks.

43 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
You can use an action to insert or remove earplugs enough to crawl through. (The glass cutter cannot cut
into your ears. While worn, you have the deafened glass more than 1 inch thick.) Another tool in the kit,
condition, but sounds are not perfectly disrupted. You tarpaper, is a roll of cloth that is sticky on one side and
have advantage on any saving throw to resist attacks used to get through glass quickly and safely. It is a less
that require you to hear them. This includes any charm subtle tool than the glass cutter. It takes one minute to
spells that require you to speak the same language as apply tarpaper to an area up to the size of a large
the caster. window. Thereafter, if the glass is shattered, the
Falling Sail. A falling sail consists of a body tarpaper clings to the glass shards keeping them from
harness and large backpack containing various flying about and being a danger to nearby persons.
components to slow a fall. A silk dome-shaped sail Goggles. Goggles come in multiple types, and for
deploys from the pack, remaining attached to the various purposes. They are typically employed for
wearer by a series of high-strength cords. The sail fills blocking wind from entering the wearer’s eyes.
and creates drag, allowing the wearer to fall through Goggles can also be made to negate the glare of
the air at a safe speed. sunlight, either using lenses of smoked glass or
A falling sail is activated with an action when the vertical slits that cover the eyes and block out excess
wearer is falling. The rush of air through the light.
contraption is necessary for it to deploy; a falling sail Goggles remove disadvantage to Wisdom
cannot be activated prior to falling from a great height. (Perception) checks related to sight if it was imposed
A falling sail deploys at the start of the user’s turn by blowing winds or by bright light. This also helps
following turn when it was activated (after the wearer characters with the Sunlight Sensitivity racial trait,
has already free-fallen 500 feet). The deployed device negating the disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
reduces the wearer’s falling speed to 100 feet per checks, but not on attack rolls.
round. The user suffers only 1d6 falling damage upon Grappling Hook. This device has four opposite,
landing. It takes two actions to extricate oneself from hooked prongs at the end of a short metal rod. At the
the harness, cords, and canopy after landing. A falling other end of the rod is a loop large enough to tie a rope
sail may be reused after taking 1 hour to carefully to. A grappling hook, when properly thrown, carries a
repack it. rope to the top of a wall or other obstacle. It clings fast
Filtered Mask. This layered mask covers the nose to the edge of the impediment, allowing a climber to
and mouth, providing protection against foul air. navigate the obstacle.
The wearer receives advantage on Constitution Securing a grappling hook requires an action and
saves to resist inhaled poisons, dust of sneezing and a Dexterity (Athletics) check against a DC of 5, + 2 for
choking, and similarly harmful particles in the air. every 10 feet of distance the hook is thrown. (This is a
Fire Kit. This primitive fire-starting kit includes non-standard pairing of an ability and a skill.) The
tinder, a wooden block, and a grinding peg. A small maximum height the hook can be thrown is 20 feet, +
bow is used to rapidly turn the grinding peg against 2 feet per point of the thrower’s Strength. (If using a
the wooden block until the heat ignites tinder placed lighter rope, like silk, the maximum height is 30 feet,
at its base. + 3 feet per point of Strength.) Failing the check by 4
It takes 1 minute to light a fire using a fire kit. or less means the hook fails to catch and falls back
Fishing Tackle. This includes a wooden fishing immediately. Failure by 5 or more indicates that the
rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel fishhooks, hook holds initially but comes loose after 1d4 rounds
lead line-sinkers, intricate flies and lures, and small of supporting weight. The DM rolls the Dexterity
net traps. (Athletics) check in secret so the thrower does not
Glass Breaker’s Kit. A glass breaker’s kit is used know if the hook is secure or not; a wise climber, one
to bypass glass barriers like windows. It includes who has enough time for caution, tests the rope for a
tarpaper, a glass-cutting tool, and a rubber suction bit to make sure the hook is secure.
device to quietly remove an incised piece of glass. A caught grappling hook can be dislodged from
It takes 1 minute using a glass cutter to cut and below by flicking the rope. Each attempt requires an
remove a circle of glass large enough to reach an arm action and the same check that would be needed to
through. It takes 6 minutes to create a hole large

44 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
catch the hook at that height. Success indicates that the that steps on the plate must succeed on a DC 13
grappling hook dislodges and falls. Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage
Grooming Kit. This small tin contains combs in and stop moving. Thereafter, until the creature breaks
various sizes, grooming wax, soaps, and various other free of the trap, its movement is limited by the length
tools for maintaining personal cleanliness and of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A creature can use
grooming. its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing
Hacksaw. This small saw is designed to cut itself or another creature within its reach on a success.
through metal, particularly metal bars. Each failed check deals 1 piercing damage to the
This saw ignores the hardness of most objects its trapped creature.
saws through. The saw progresses at a rate of 1 hp per Ink. Ink is a thin liquid that contains dyes. It is
round of sawing. used in combination with an ink pen to write on paper,
Hammer. This mallet has a broad head, more parchment, or similar materials. Ink is available in a
suitable for utility than war. variety of colors, but dark gray or light black is the
Hammer, Muffled. The head of this hammer is most common.
covered by layers of hardened leather or rubberized Ink, Invisible. This ink is visible only for a minute
cloth. or so when applied. Thereafter, it becomes invisible,
The sound produced by using this tool carries only leaving no visual or tactile trace of itself. The ink can
half the distance as a normal hammer. later be revealed by a method that varies depending
Hammer, Sledge. This heavy hammer is used for on its type. This might be the application of heat, as in
demolition rather than construction, particularly for holding the paper near a candle, or the application of
breaking down walls, doors, and other building a chemical wash.
materials softer than stone. A sledge can also break Ink Pen. An ink pen is a type of stylus with a sharp
apart rocks. tip. It is used to create fine lines and writing with ink
Harness. A series of straps that surround the of any sort.
wearer with various rings and loops suitable for Lamp. A lamp is a container that holds oil with a
attaching tools and rope. A character can be wick that is lit like a candle. The simplest versions
suspended comfortably and securely by a harness, appear no more complex than a clay bowl with a wick
allowing her to be hauled up a cliff by her compatriots clamped to the lip. More complex lamps have multiple
or lowered into a well. chambers to channel air, to fuel the wick, and to
With a bit of adjustment, a harness could instead discharge smoke and heat.
be attached securely around an inanimate object of A lamp casts bright light in a 15-foot radius and
about the size of a Small or Medium character. A dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns
harness is included in a climber’s kit, but it can be for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil.
purchased separately. Lantern, Bullseye. A lantern takes the basic form
Hourglass. An hourglass consists of a wooden of a lamp, but with a protective enclosure and glass
frame around two vertically-aligned glass bulbs panels that protect the flame and magnify the light
containing sand. The bulbs are connected by a glass emitted. A set of internal mirrors focuses the light in
tube that restricts the flow of sand such that it takes one direction.
one hour for it to pass entirely from one bulb to the A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot
other. Marks along the bulb measure the height of the cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet. Once lit,
sand at various points, delineating when 1 minute, 10 it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil.
minutes, and 30 minutes have passed since the glass Lantern, Candle. This small lantern holds a
was turned. candle within a protective enclosure of glass panels
Hunting Trap. When you set it, this trap forms a that protect the flame and magnify the light. A set of
saw-toothed steel maw that snaps shut when a internal mirrors focuses the light in one direction.
creature steps on a pressure plate in the center. A candle lantern casts bright light in a 10-foot
Setting a trap requires an action. The trap is cone and dim light for an additional 10 feet. A candle
affixed by a heavy chain to an immobile object, such placed within the mirrored holder, while lit, burns for
as a tree or a spike driven into the ground. A creature 1 hour.

45 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Lantern, Hooded. A lantern takes the basic form glass grants advantage on any ability check made to
of a lamp, but with a protective enclosure and glass appraise or inspect an item that is small or highly
panels that protect the flame and sometimes magnify detailed.
the light emitted. This lantern has a shuttering system Manacles. Two metal shackles that hold the
that covers the glass panels to temporarily block the wrists together, typically behind the back, to prevent
light. the free use of the bound subject’s hands.
A hooded lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot These restraints can bind a Small or Medium
radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, creature. Escaping the manacles requires a successful
it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. As an DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a
action, you can lower the hood, reducing the light to successful DC 20 Strength check. Each set of
dim light in a 5-foot radius. manacles comes with one key. Without a key, a
Lantern, Lighting Rig. A lighting rig is a very creature proficient with thieves’ tools can pick the
large lantern, too heavy to carry affectively in one manacles’ lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity
hand for any length of time. These devices are often check. Manacles have 15 hit points. A double set of
hung from wagons, ships, and lamp poles in villages. manacles includes shackles for the ankles, reducing
This version has three collapsible legs that, when the wearer’s movement speed to 5. The wrist shackles
expanded, stabilize the lighting rig and hold it several and ankle shackles are typically connected by a
feet off the ground. common chain. Double sets double the listed cost and
It takes one minute to set up the tripod legs or to weight.
break them down. A lighting rig casts bright light in a Manacles, Fine. These shackles are a sturdier,
60-foot radius and dim light for an additional 60 feet. better-crafted version of normal manacles.
A lighting rig can hold up to 4 pints of oil at a time. These restraints can bind a Small or Medium
Once lit, it burns for 2 hours per pint of oil. creature. Escaping fine manacles requires a successful
Loadstone. This oblong magnetite is a naturally DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a
magnetized stone, typically tied to a string. When hung successful DC 25 Strength check. Each set of fine
suspended in the air, the loadstone turns to align with manacles comes with two keys. Without a key, a
the magnetic poles. creature proficient with thieves’ tools can pick the
Due to inconsistencies in natural magnetization, a manacles’ lock with a successful DC 20 Dexterity
lodestone is not infallible. But it does give the user check. Fine manacles have 30 hit points. A double set
advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) check to of fine manacles includes shackles for the ankles,
determine which way is north. reducing the wearer’s movement speed to 5. The wrist
Lock. This device comes in padlock form or is shackles and ankle shackles are typically connected by
built into a door, case, or similar closure. a common chain. Double sets double the listed cost
A key is provided with the lock. Without the key, and weight.
a creature can pick this lock with a successful DC 15 Mantlet. A mantlet is a rolling piece of cover
Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check. about the height of a Medium sized humanoid. It is
Lock, Fine. This device comes in padlock form or designed to protect approaching troops from the
is built into a door, case, or similar closure. It is a missile fire of entrenched enemies. This “adventurer’s
higher-quality version of a normal lock. version” consists of two vertical shield planes
Two keys are provided with the lock. Without the attached with tied joints or hinges. The mantlet has
key, a creature can pick this lock with a successful DC small wheels at the bottom to help move it forward in
20 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check. A fine lock has its deployed form or pull it behind you in its folded
twice the hit points of a normal lock. form. When deployed, the two planes of the mantlet
Magnifying Glass. This lens allows a closer look form stand perpendicular to one another, forming an
at small objects. It is also useful as a substitute for flint “L” shape.
and steel when starting fires. Deploying a folded mantlet (or folding a deployed
Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass requires mantlet) requires two actions. Shifting a deployed
light as bright as sunlight to focus, tinder to burn, and mantlet costs 1 extra foot of movement per foot moved
about 5 minutes for the fire to ignite. A magnifying and counts as an interaction with the environment. A

46 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
character behind a mantlet can claim three-quarters Oil Can (Pump). This metal contraption includes
cover. The cover only applies to attacks coming from a squeezable handle or plunger, a pumping tank, and
the other side of the device. a long, thin applicator. Pumping the device forces a
When using a battle mat, mark two contiguous measure of oil out of the applicator, typically to oil
sides of the square you are in, forming a right angle. axles or similar devices. A primary use for adventurers
When attacked, choose any corner of your square is to silence the hinges of noisy doors.
except the corner where the two planes meet, or a An oil can will hold up to 1 pint of oil.
corner that is shared with your attacker’s square. Draw Paper. Paper is a very thin, flat sheet or roll of
a straight line from that corner to any corner of the processed wood pulp, often dyed white, used for
attacker’s square, except a corner that is shared with writing on. Paper is thinner than parchment.
your square. If that line passes through either of the Parchment. Parchment is a thin, flat sheet or roll
marked mantlet lines, or touches a corner of one (not of animal skin, scraped and dried under tension,
counting the corner from which this line originates), suitable for writing on.
the mantlet provides you with cover. Perfume. This collection of essential oils is
Map, Area. An area map usually applies to a formulated for its fragrant properties.
region, like a small kingdom or a large barony. It Applying one-twentieth of the vial to a creature or
might also apply to a similarly sized geographical object causes a pleasant scent to emanate from the
area, like an island or a forest. affected area for 3 hours. Applying double that
In addition to naming various points of interest, quantity makes the scent last for 4 hours, but the
an area map gives the user advantage on any Wisdom strength of the scent can become overpowering for
(Survival) checks to accurately navigate the area and some. Perfumes can be purchased in a variety of
avoid getting lost within it. different scents.
Mess Kit. A collection of cookware and eating Periscope. This tube is bent at right angles at each
utensils suitable for camping or eating with on the end, the ends pointing in opposite directions. A set of
trial. These are usually packaged within a portable, mirrors inside the bends allow the user to look in one
lightweight container. end and see out the other.
Mirror, Steel. This small, glass plate is backed A periscope allows the user to see around corners
with polished steel. Its surface is highly reflective, with or obstacles without exposing herself.
little distortion. Pick, Miner’s. This miner’s tool is good for
Oil (Flask or Cask). Oil is a viscous, flammable breaking stone and hard-packed dirt.
liquid used to fuel lamps. It typically comes in a clay Piton. Pitons are spikes with eyelets at the butt.
flask that holds 1 pint or a cask that holds 80 pints. They are hammered into cracks in walls, natural or
As an action, you can splash oil from a flask onto otherwise, to create secure handholds or attach
a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, climbing ropes to.
shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a Pole. This 10-foot pole is used to test passage
target creature or object, treating the oil as an walls, ceilings, and floors for traps. Warry
improvised weapon. On a hit, the target is covered in adventurers will tap these surfaces as they progress to
oil. If the target takes any fire damage before the oil find hollow areas or hidden pressure plates.
dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 5 Pole, Collapsible. This hollow steel pole is
fire damage from the burning oil. You can also pour a segmented along its 10-foot length.
flask of oil on the ground to cover a 5-foot-square area, As an action, the pole can be broken down into a
provided that the surface is level. Alternately, you can more portable form, about 2 feet long. Another action
unstop a cask of oil, causing oil to flow out onto the is required to extend the pole to its original length and
ground and, within two rounds, covering an area with lock its segments into place.
a 20-foot radius around the cask. If lit, the oil burns for Raiment Repair Kit. This pouch contains sewing
2 rounds and deals 5 fire damage to any creature that needles, patches, scissors, and a variety of different
enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A creature threads. It is used to repair tears in cloth or leather
can take this damage only once per turn. clothes, or other items made of such materials, such as
backpacks or boots.

47 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Rain Catcher. A leather tarp that forms a basin of 2 seems to be a typo; that higher weight it is contrary
when stretched over its collapsible wooden frame. to the rules in other parts of the Player’s Handbook
This simple device is designed to catch and hold rain and the Dungeon Master’s Guide and it deviates from
water. It has a plugged funnel at the bottom for filling the otherwise-identical cost and weight for rations
waterskins and other containers. given in multiple prior editions.
The device can catch 2 gallons of drinking water Rations, Compact. These expensive rations are
per inch of rainfall. The basin holds up to 8 gallons. much like normal iron rations except that they are
Ram, Portable. A portable ram is weighty wooden made with the lightest, most compact foodstuffs to
log with a metal prow and handles on both sides. reduce encumbrance.
You can use a portable ram to break down doors. Robes. A loose-fitting sleeved garment that can be
When doing so, you gain a +4 bonus on the Strength worn over other clothes or worn by itself. Robes can
check. One other character can help you use the ram, be decorative, religious (as vestments), or protective
giving you advantage on this check. (as a smock). Artists sometimes wear robes to protect
Rations. Sometimes called “iron rations,” these their clothing from artistic materials like paint.
consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, A robe can be worn over any other set of clothes,
including jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts. except for cold weather clothes or a disguise, both of
System Change: The weight of a day’s rations is which are too bulky.
changed here to 1 lb. The Player’s Handbook weight


Although both the Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide insist a whole pound of food is necessary each
day, the applied mechanics in the standard rules belie this notion. No penalties apply until a number of days passes
without food. That number is 3 + the character’s Constitution modifier, to a minimum of 1. At the end of the day
following that period, one level of exhaustion is applied.
Remember that a level of exhaustion is removed daily after a long rest, so long as “some food” is consumed.
This means, depending on Constitution, a human only needs a pound of food every 4 to 9 days to operate at peak
efficiency so long as nothing else is giving her exhaustion levels during that period.
If starvation is a serious, important part of your game, consider the following variant rule. If starvation is not
a real danger you employ for serious, dramatic purposes, skip this rule (and maybe don’t track rations at all).


This optional rule only matters if starvation is a serious obstacle in your campaign or if a segment of the adventure
requires the characters to suddenly start tracking their consumption. For example, the campaign takes place on a
barren world where hunting for food is impossible or a part of an adventure has the characters drifting off course
in a storm with no land in sight.
While a creature can survive on a minimal caloric intake, extended periods of starvation are dangerous and can
cause permanent organ damage. The way body physiology changes to adapt to starvation often causes severe
complications after food is reintroduced, requiring careful refeeding for a healthy recovery.
Under this system, two changes are implemented. First, a normal day of eating does not reset a starving
character’s count of days without food to 0. A starving character reduces her count by 2 days for each day she eats
normally (consumes 1 pound of food). Additional food in a day is hard to process and does not reduce the count
any faster.
Second, at any time the character’s count of full days without food is above 0, she has a level of exhaustion
that applies additionally to any other exhaustion derived from starvation. This “hungry” exhaustion level is
automatically removed if the character’s count of days without food is reduced to 0. It cannot otherwise be removed.

48 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Robes, Fine or Silk. This robe is made of of the weapon; they simply cost more based on their
expensive material. It is typically worn for ceremonial additional functionality. Not all weapons are suitable
purposes or as a sign of power or affluence. for sheathes; the DM will determine which weapons
Rope (any). A rope is a twisted braid of strands. are appropriate to have them.
These are typically from a fibrous plant like hemp, or Sheath, Concealed. In a boot, up a sleeve, or
some non-plant alternative source, like silk. within a tunic, this sheath serves to conceal a small
Rope, whether made of hemp or silk, has 2 hit blade like a dagger.
points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check. A weapon hidden in a concealed sheath will not
The effectiveness of placing a knot in a rope can be automatically noticed. Someone examining the
be determined with an Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) wearer must succeed at a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
check. This is a non-standard pairing of ability and check to spot the weapon. A person physically
skill. The result becomes the DC to untie the knot touching (searching) the wearer may substitute an
using Intelligence (Sleight of Hand). The Dungeon Intelligence (Investigation) check. Physically
Master will determine when it is possible or practical searching applies advantage to the check. A concealed
to get at a knot to untie it. Alternately, that DC can be sheath holds a bladed weapon no more than 1 pound
used for an Acrobatics (Dexterity) check to slip out of in weight, like a dagger, kukri, poison dagger, punch
bonds tied from rope. dagger, or stiletto.
Rope Ladder (any). A rope ladder consists of two Sheath, False Bottom. The bottom of this rigid
parallel ropes connected by a series of short rungs, sheath unscrews or otherwise comes apart to reveal a
giving it the overall appearance and functionality of a segment of the sheath that is not taken up by the
ladder. At least half of the rungs are rigid wood or contained blade.
metal, holding the two ropes apart at a set distance. This unused segment holds small objects or
A rope ladder can be ascended or descended at the materials up to 1/2 pound in weight. Alternately, a
same speed as someone climbing a rope, except that false bottom can be crafted to contain a dagger, the
no Strength (Athletics) checks are required. A rope blade drawn out of the bottom of the sheath and the
ladder has 4 hit points and can be burst with a DC 19 removed portion of the sheath acting as the handle.
Strength check. The alternate “dagger” version adds 1 pound to the
Saw. A hard-toothed blade with a handle combined weight of the weapon and sheath.
designed for cutting wood using a repetitive “sawing” Sheath, Poison. This sheath is carefully designed
motion. to close over the shape of the contained weapon’s hilt,
A saw ignores the hardness of wood, cutting forming a tight seal as the weapon is inserted.
through it at a rate of 3 hit points for each action that If a dose of poison is applied to the weapon, and
the user takes to apply the saw. It has no effect on the weapon returned to the poison sheath, the seal
harder materials like metal. prevents the poison from further drying out. Normal
Scale, Merchant’s. This small balance is suitable poisons dry out after one minute (10 rounds) of
for weighing objects or quantities of objects, up to five exposure to air. When tracking this time, only count
pounds. The scale comes with an assortment of rounds that the weapon has not been in the poison
weights to use in these calculations. sheath for the whole round. (See the rules for injury
Sealing Wax. This soft stick of wax melts at a low poisons, described below in this Part.) Each poison
temperature. Scribes use it for sealing scrolls and sheath is designed for use with a specific weapon and
other messages. Apothecaries use it to seal stoppers in crafted to match the unique contours of the blade and
flask and vials. The applications are many and varied. hilt. Another weapon, even of the exact same type, will
Sheath (any). A sheath is a leather, wood, or not fit perfectly and so will not benefit from the poison
metal covering for the blade of a weapon. It is sheath’s effects.
designed to allow the weapon to be stored and carried Shikaro. A hand-cranked drill with a triangular
with ease and safety. head used to drill spy holes. The shape of the drill head
All weapons suitable for sheathes come with means that holes drilled are larger on the driller’s
normal versions, included in their costs. Special side, but leave only a tiny pinhole on the far side of the
sheaths normally add nothing to the combined weight barrier.

49 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
This tool ignores the hardness of wood or material Sprayer. This device has a pneumatic hand pump
of similar toughness. The shikaro requires 1 round of attached to a small drum. It is designed to spray
drilling per hit point of the barrier drilled through, liquids.
though it does not actually remove hit points from the The user can attack a target within 15 feet by
object. When trying to make a spyhole subtly, the user spraying it with the sprayer. Because of the wide,
of the shikaro must make a Dexterity (Subterfuge) predictable dispersion of liquid, this attack roll has
check. (This is a non-standard pairing of an ability and advantage. If it hits, the target is affected by the liquid
a skill.) The check result sets the DC for an contained within as though it had been splashed by a
Intelligence (Investigation) by anyone trying to find flask of the substance. Sprayers can project oil, holy
the spyhole. A person on the pinhole side who looks water, defoliant, and many other liquids. They cannot
for it makes this check with disadvantage. use corrosive or caustic substances like acid or
Shovel. A shovel is a medium-hafted tool with a alchemical fire, as these will destroy the sprayer’s
spade-shaped blade designed to dig in earth or other delicate internal components. (Doses of contact poison
soft material. are too small to be used effectively on this scale.) A
Signet Ring. A ring with a unique design used to sprayer’s drum can hold up to 4 pints (flasks) worth of
imprint sealing wax. A signet ring is a very personal liquid. Each attack uses a single pint.
device. It is often used as a mark of authority, Spyglass. A cylindrical tube containing ground
particularly when given to others to hold on behalf of glass lenses designed to allow the user to see objects
the owner. at a distance.
Snorkel. The user’s end of this breathing tube has Objects viewed through a spyglass are magnified
a comfortable mouthpiece that can be gripped in the to twice their size.
teeth. Spyglass, Compact. This device is half the size
The device allows a user to breathe while and length of a normal spyglass.
submerged, so long as the other end of the tube Objects viewed through a compact spyglass are
protrudes out of the water. A rubberized cloth strap magnified to one and one-half times their size.
holds the snorkel tube in place against the user’s Stretcher, Folding. This stretcher breaks down
temple. into a bundle about 2 feet long.
Snow Shoes or Skis. Snow shoes are pairs of It takes 4 actions to assemble or break down the
circular or oval frames containing sturdy netting. folding stretcher. When carried between two people,
These attach to the soles of the user’s boots, allowing an assembled folding stretcher can support a weight of
her to walk unhindered over snow. Skis are long thin up to 350 pounds, distributing the load evenly between
planks, usually treated with wax or metal skids, that the two carriers.
allow the wearer to slide easily over snow. String or Twine. String and twine are very thin
Wearing either of these devices allows the user to versions of ropes. Ropes are indeed made up of the
ignore the effect of difficult terrain that would be type of strands that constitute string or twine.
applied because of deep snow. Wearing them in other String or twine has 1 hit point and can be burst
terrain types imposes difficult terrain rules. with a DC 8 Strength check.
Soap. Soap is a small brick of oily solid cleanser Swim Bladders. This simple vest has four air-tight
used to remove dirt and grime. It can be used for other bladders attached to it, two in front of the shoulders
purposes such as oiling hinges or greasing a slope. and two behind.
Spikes, Iron. These metal spikes have a variety of While wearing swim bladders, a Small or Medium
purposes, from doubling as extra tent stakes to nailing creature has advantage on any ability checks for
parchment to a door. Iron spikes are most commonly swimming related staying at the surface of the water.
used to spike doors; when hammered into the gap Conversely, disadvantage applies if a Small or
beneath a door, the resulting pressure and friction Medium wearer is purposefully trying to dive or
prevent the door from opening except under great operate below the surface. If unconscious and wearing
pressure. swim bladders, a Small or Medium creature will float
A spiked door can be forced open with a Strength in calm waters rather than sinking.
(Athletics) check against a DC of 20.

50 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Tate. A tate is a heavy, free-standing bulwark. It flint to ignite the tinder. It takes one action to light
consists of a flat wooden plane with a jointed leg something with a tinderbox.
allowing it to be set in a fixed position with the Torch. A torch is a wooden rod with a mass of
protective plane nearly vertical. A strap attached to rags, treated with tow or bitumen, wrapped around
the tate allows it to be slung over the back for carrying one end.
when it is not deployed. A torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in
Placing a tate (or picking it up from a placed a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
position) requires an action. Once placed, the user can If you make a melee attack with a burning torch and
claim half cover while behind it, or three-quarters hit, it deals 1 fire damage.
cover while prone behind it. Torch, Signal. Like a torch, but crafted to burn
The cover from a tate only applies to attacks with distinctly-colored light.
coming from a cone-shaped region expanding in the A signal torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright
direction the device is placed against. When using a light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional
battle mat, mark one entire side of the square you are 15 feet. The light burns as a specific color; this is
in (corner to corner) when you place the tate. If a useful for signaling great distances, but the colored
straight line from either unmarked corner of your light is not good for illumination. If you make a melee
square to any corner of the attacker’s square touches a attack with a burning signal torch and hit, it deals 1 fire
corner of, or passes through, the marked side, the tate damage.
provides you with cover. Alternately, draw a diagonal Water Shoes. These circular flotation devices
line through the square you are in (connecting opposite attach to the wearer’s feat.
corners), with a little arrow indicating which direction Using a pole for stability and propulsion, the
the tate is facing (the side you are not on). If a straight wearer can cross very calm water at a very slow speed.
line from the unmarked corner of your square that is Each foot of movement applied with water shoes costs
behind the device to any corner of the attacker’s square the wearer 3 extra feet.
touches a corner of, or passes through, the marked line, Weaponblack. This sticky, black substance is
the tate provides you with cover. used to dull the sheen of metal blades and armor,
Tent, Pavilion. A pavilion is a large, often camouflaging them for dark environments.
circular shelter with room enough to stand in. Metal armaments can be blackened with this
Hanging curtains separate the interior into separate substance, preventing them from standing out against
chambers, each large enough for a bed or a table. shadows or dark backgrounds. This can help a user’s
A pavilion can sleep up to 30 people in cramped camouflage attempts. (See camouflage clothes,
quarters, but is typically used to house a small group above.)
of important people. This tent can be erected in 24 Whistle, Animal. This whistle produces a sound
minutes by one person, in 12 minutes by two people, of such a high pitch that only certain creatures can
or in 6 minutes by three or more people. hear it.
Tent, Six-Person. A shelter like the two-person Only creatures with the Keen Hearing and Smell
tent, but this version sleeps six. or Keen Hearing trait (or the Keen Senses trait as it
This tent can be erected in 8 minutes by one relates to hearing) can hear the whistle. Those who can
person, in 4 minutes by two people, or in 2 minutes by hear the whistle can hear it up to 600 feet away.
three or more people. Whistle, Signal. A signal whistle is an instrument
Tent, Two-Person. This canvas shelter is carried that produces a shrill sound from the user’s breath.
in a compact form. It consists of a lightweight frame The sound can easily be heard up to 300 feet
of metal rods, several tent states, cords, and the tent away.
itself. Winch. This device consisting of a rotating drum
This tent can be erected in 4 minutes by one around which a rope or chain can be wrapped.
person, or in 2 minutes by two or more people. Turning a crank pulls the rope or chain allowing the
Tinderbox. A small box filled with highly- user to more easily lift or haul anything attached.
flammable tinder, flint, and a steel striker. These tools A winch is attached to one end of a rope or chain
are used to quickly light fires, striking sparks off the and is turned to incrementally shorten the effective

51 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
length of the rope. A single action used to turn the waterskin (5). Also includes glassblower’s tools (5),
winch draws in 10 feet of rope or chain. A winch jeweler’s tools (2), or smith’s tools (8).
allows the user to drag up to double the weight it Builder’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a protective
normally can, so long as the winch is attached to a smock or robe (4), a tinderbox (1), a bulls-eye lantern
heavier object than its burden or is set into stone with (2), 2 flasks of oil (2), 5 days of rations (5), and a
four pitons. When used in combination with a block waterskin (5). Also includes carpenter’s tools (6) or
and tackle, the user can hoist up to eight times the mason’s tools (8).
weight it can normally lift. A winch can draw in a Burglar’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), bag of
maximum of 200 feet of rope or 100 feet of chain. A 1,000 ball bearings (2), 10 feet of string (0), a bell (0),
large winch (double the cost and weight), can draw in 5 candles (0), a crowbar (5), a hammer (3), 10 pitons
twice those lengths. (2½), a hooded lantern (2), 2 flasks of oil (2), a
tinderbox (1), 5 days of rations (5), and a waterskin
(5). The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope (10)
strapped to the side.
Equipment packs provide a solid range of starting gear Chef’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a basket
for characters of various types. Each one generally (2), fishing tackle (4), a mess kit (1), a small box of
includes a carrying container, a light source, rations, spices (0), brewer’s supplies (9), cook’s utensils (8), a
and a handful of other practical and themed contents. brick of soap (0), a tinderbox (1), a hooded lantern (2),
Equipment packs tend to be priced slightly below 2 flasks of oil (2), 10 days of rations (10), and a
the sum of the costs of their individual contents. The waterskin (5).
weight for the individual contents of each pack is Courtier’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a signet
broken down in the descriptions below. ring (0), sealing wax (0), a set of fine clothes (6), a
grooming kit (1), a steel mirror (1/2), a vial of perfume
SWAPPING EQUIPMENT PACKS (0), and a bar of soap (0).
If you use the class-and-background method to Crafter’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a protective
generate starting gear, you can exchange the pack you smock or robe (4), a tinderbox (1), a hooded lantern
start with for another pack of equal or lower value. (2), 2 flasks of oil (2), 5 days of rations (5), and a
The chart below shows the maximum value of waterskin (5). Also includes cobbler’s tools (5),
equipment pack that each class can swap to if using the leatherworker’s tools (5), potter’s tools (3), weaver’s
class-and-background method for starting gear. tools (5), or woodcarver’s tools (5)
Diplomat’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), 2 cases
MAXIMUM PACK COST BY CLASS for maps and scrolls (2), a set of fine clothes (6), a
Cost Class bottle of ink (0), an ink pen (0), a lamp (1), 2 flasks of
40 gp Bard, warlock, wizard oil (2), 5 sheets of paper (0), a vial of perfume (0),
19 gp Cleric, paladin sealing wax (0), and soap (0).
Dungeoneer’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a
12 gp Fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer
crowbar (5), a hammer (3), 10 pitons (2½), 10 torches
10 gp Barbarian, druid
(10), a tinderbox (1), 10 days of rations (10), and a
waterskin (5). The pack also has 50 feet of hempen
DESCRIPTIONS rope (10) strapped to the side.
Equipment pack contents are provided below, with Entertainer’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a
each component’s weight noted parenthetically. bedroll (7), 2 costumes (8), 5 candles (0), 5 days of
Arcanist’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), 5 rations (5), a waterskin (5), and a disguise kit (3).
candles (0), a tinderbox (1), a scroll case containing Explorer’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a
arcane diagrams (1), and a wand (1). Also includes an bedroll (7), a mess kit (1), a tinderbox (10), 10 torches
arcana lore book (5) or a traveling spell book (5). (10), 10 days of rations (10), and a waterskin (5). The
Artisan’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a protective pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope (10) strapped to
smock or robe (4), a tinderbox (1), a bulls-eye lantern the side.
(2), 2 flasks of oil (2), 5 days of rations (5), and a

52 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Arcanist’s pack 35 gp 8 lb. Lockbreaker’s pack 40 gp 33 lb.
Artisan’s pack 38 gp 41+ lb. Merchant’s pack 19 gp 44 lb.
Builder’s pack 25 gp 50+ lb. Messenger’s pack 10 gp 52 lb.
Burglar’s pack 12 gp 42½ lb. Minstrel’s pack 36 gp 29 lb.
Chef’s pack 30 gp 49 lb. Monster hunter’s pack 33 gp 49½ lb.
Courtier’s pack 30 gp 32½ lb. Naturalist’s pack 55 gp 48 lb.
Crafter’s pack 12 gp 47+ lb. Noble’s pack 40 gp 51 lb.
Diplomat’s pack 39 gp 36 lb. Priest’s pack 19 gp 21 lb.
Dungeoneer’s pack 12 gp 51½ lb. Rider’s pack 12 gp 72 lb.
Entertainer’s pack 40 gp 33 lb. Sailor’s pack 32 gp 50 lb.
Explorer’s pack 10 gp 68 lb. Savage’s pack 5 gp 22 lb.
Fabricator’s pack 65 gp 52+ lb. Scholar’s pack 40 gp 11 lb.
Healer’s pack 16 gp 29 lb. Soldier’s pack 10 gp 51 lb.
Illustrator’s pack 25 gp 29+ lb. Spy’s pack 40 gp 30 lb.
Infiltrator’s pack 39 gp 40½ lb. Supplicant’s pack 40 gp 42 lb.
Knight’s pack 39 gp 85 lb. Tracker’s pack 10 gp 36 lb.
Laborer’s pack 10 gp 51 lb. Traveler’s pack 10 gp 44 lb.

Fabricator’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a 10 torches (10), 10 days of rations (10), and a
protective smock or robe (4), a tinderbox (1), a bulls- waterskin (5).
eye lantern (2), 2 flasks of oil (2), 5 days of rations (5), Laborer’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), block
and a waterskin (5). Also includes alchemist’s supplies and tackle (5), a crowbar (5), a lamp (1), two flasks of
(6) or tinker’s tools (10). oil (2), 5 days of rations (5), and a waterskin (5). The
Healer’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a bedroll pack has 50 feet of hempen rope (10) strapped to the
(7), a plague mask (1), a healer’s kit (3), 2 herbal side. It also includes a miner’s pick (10) a shovel (5)
poultices (1), a jar of leeches (0), a candle lantern (1), strapped to the back.
5 candles (0), a tinderbox (1), 5 days of rations (5), and Lockbreaker’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a set
a waterskin (5). of thieves’ tools (1), a glass breaker’s kit (2), a
Illustrator’s Pack. Includes a basket (4), a tinderbox (1), a bulls-eye lantern (2), 2 flasks of oil (2),
protective smock or robe (4), an ink pen (0), 4 bottles 5 days of rations (5), and a waterskin (5).
of ink in various colors (0), a scroll case (1), 5 sheets Merchant’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a lock
of paper (0), a tinderbox (1), a bulls-eye lantern (2), 2 (1), an abacus (2), a merchant’s scale (3), 5 pieces of
flasks of oil (2), 5 days of rations (5), and a waterskin chalk (0), a slate board (0), a lamp (1), 2 flasks of oil
(5). Also includes one of the following: calligrapher’s (2), 5 days of rations (5), and a waterskin (5).
supplies (6), cartographer’s tools (6), painter’s Messenger’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a
supplies (5), or a forgery kit (5). bedroll (7), a satchel (3), a protective case for letters
Infiltrator’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a (1), 3 bags of caltrops (6), a tinderbox (10), 10 torches
climber’s kit (12), an ascender (0), a candle lantern (1), (10), 10 days of rations (10), and a waterskin (5).
5 candles (0), a tinderbox (1), a grappling hook (4), 10 Minstrel’s Pack. Includes backpack (5), a bedroll
pitons (2½), an animal whistle (0), 5 days of rations (7), a lamp (1), 3 flasks of oil (3), 5 days of rations (5),
(5), and a waterskin (5). The pack also has 50 feet of a waterskin (5), and a flask of common spirits (1). Also
silk rope (5) strapped to the side. includes one of the following: a set of birdpipes (2), a
Knight’s Pack. Includes saddlebags (8), a military lyre (2), a lute (2), a pan flute (2), a thelarr (2), or a
saddle (30), a bit and bridle (1), a bedroll (7), a banner viol (2).
(3), a signet ring (0), a mess kit (1), a tinderbox (10),

53 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Monster Hunter’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a Tracker’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a
crowbar (5), a hammer (3), three wooden stakes (3), bedroll (7), a tinderbox (1), 10 torches (10), a
an amulet holy symbol (1), a flask of holy water (1), a lodestone (0), a pair of goggles (0), a loadstone (0), 5
set of manacles (6), a steel mirror (1/2), a flask of oil days of rations (5), and a waterskin (5). The pack also
(1), a tinderbox (1), and 3 torches (3). has a set of cold shoes (3) strapped to the side.
Naturalist’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a Traveler’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a
bedroll (7), a bell kit (3), a map case (1), an area map bedroll (7), a map case (1), an area map (0), a
(0), a mess kit (1), a nature lore book (5), an animal tinderbox (10), a mess kit (1), 5 torches (5), 10 days of
whistle (0), a tinderbox (1), 10 torches (10), 10 days of rations (10), and a waterskin (5).
rations (10), and a waterskin (5).
Noble’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a signet ring
(0), sealing wax (0), a set of fine clothes (6), a
grooming kit (1), a bottle of ink (0), an ink pen (0), 10 Containers are the quintessential adventuring tool.
sheets of parchment (0), a hooded lantern (2), 2 flasks They carry equipment toward the adventure and, at the
of oil (2), a mess kit (1), 10 days of rations (10), and a conclusion, carry treasure away from it!
waterskin (5).
Priest’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a blanket DESCRIPTIONS
(3), 10 candles (0), a tinderbox (0), an alms box (2), 2 Containers are described below. The carrying capacity
blocks of incense (0), a censer (1), vestments (3), 2 of each container is carefully charted above, near the
days of rations (2), and a waterskin (5). start of this Part.
Rider’s Pack. Includes saddlebags (8), a worn-out Backpack. A rectangular leather container with
riding saddle (25), a bit and bridle (1), a bedroll (7), a shoulder straps, worn on the back.
mess kit (1), a tinderbox (10), 5 torches (5), 10 days of Bandoleer. This leather strap is worn over one
rations (10), and a waterskin (5). shoulder and crosses diagonally across the chest and
Sailor’s Pack. Includes a chest (25), a blanket (3), back. It has small pouches or ties that can hold up to
a belaying pin (club) (2), fishing tackle (4), navigator’s 6 tiny objects along its length.
tools (2), a grappling hook (4), and 50 feet of hempen Contained objects must each weigh 1 pound or
rope (10). less. Bandoleers are excellent for holding small
Savage’s Pack. Includes a satchel (3), a blanket thrown weapons like darts and daggers. Any number
(3), a fire kit (1), 5 torches (5), 5 days of rations (5) of such weapons can be drawn from the bandoleer in a
and a waterskin (5). turn, counting only as a single interaction with the
Scholar’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a book environment. Removing any other types of item from
of lore (any) (5), a bottle of ink (0), an ink pen (0), 10 a bandoleer counts as normal, individual interactions
sheets of parchment (0), a little bag of sand (0), and a with an object.
small knife (1). Barrel. A cylindrical container made of wooden
Soldier’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a bedroll slats or staves. The whole container is bound in wood
(7), a signal whistle (0), a healer’s kit (3), a tinderbox or metal hoops. Barrels are water-tight, capable of
(10), 10 torches (10), a mess kit (1), 10 days of rations containing liquids.
(10), and a waterskin (5). Basket. A container available in various shapes,
Spy’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a blanket crafted of woven wood fibers or reeds.
(3), a disguise kit (3), 5 sheets of paper (0), a bottle of Bottle, Glass. A container for liquids, often with a
invisible ink (0), an ink pen (0), an ear trumpet (1), a narrow neck and a water-tight stopper.
lamp (1), 2 flasks of oil (2), 5 days of rations (5), and Box. A square or rectangular container, typically
a waterskin (5). made of wood.
Supplicant’s Pack. Includes a backpack (5), a Box, Map or Scroll. A thin, rigid, rectangular
religion lore book (5), an amulet holy symbol (1), a container for storing stacks of paper or parchment.
tinderbox (10), 10 torches (10), a mess kit (1), 5 days
of rations (5), and a waterskin (5).

54 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Backpack 2 gp 5 lb. Haversack 5 gp 7 lb.
Bandoleer 2 gp 2 lb. Jug or pitcher 2 cp 4 lb.
Barrel 3 gp 70 lb. Ketch 2 gp 3 lb.
Basket 4 sp 2 lb. Lockbox 10 gp 2 lb.
Bottle, glass 2 gp 2 lb. Pot, iron 2 gp 10 lb.
Box 1 gp 1 lb. Pouch 5 sp 1 lb.
Box, map or scroll 5 gp 2 lb. Quiver 1 gp 1 lb.
Bucket 5 cp 2 lb. Rucksack 9 gp 9 lb.
Case, crossbow bolt 1 gp 1 lb. Sack 1 cp 1/2 lb.
Case, map or scroll 1 gp 1 lb. Sack, large 5 cp 1 lb.
Cask or keg 2 gp 12 lb. Satchel 1 gp 3 lb.
Chest 5 gp 25 lb. Satchel, water resistant 5 gp 3 lb.
Compartment, hidden 5 gp — Vial 1 gp —
Crate 2 gp 40 lb. Waterskin (full) 2 sp 5 lb.
Flask or tankard 2 cp 1 lb.

Bucket. A spherical wooden container, open at Flask. A clay container fitted with a tight cork
one end and carried with a rope handle. This stopper. A flask is delicate enough to be thrown as a
container is watertight (except for the open top), missile weapon, shattering on impact and splashing
suitable for transporting liquids. out its contents.
Case, Crossbow Bolt. A rigid rectangular Haversack. A large, rectangular leather
container designed to be slung on a belt and carry container with shoulder straps, worn on the back.
crossbow bolts. Between its greater size and its multiple
Case, Map or Scroll. A cylindrical container used compartments, the haversack carries more gear than
to contain rolled-up papers or parchment. a backpack.
Cask or Keg. A smaller version of a barrel. Jug or Pitcher. A container made of glass or clay,
Chest. A secure, rectangular container, like a box with a carrying handle and a pouring spout. Pitchers
but with thicker sides and durable hinges. A chest has are open-topped, used for frequent pouring. Jugs have
a clasp with interlocking rings that allows a padlock a stopper at the spout that keeps the container closed.
to hold the lid closed. Ketch. This large quiver has a slit running
Compartment, Hidden. Secret compartments can partway down the side. It is designed to carry javelins
be built into many different objects, the heel of a boot, and is typically worn at the hip.
the side of a crate, the end of a pole, and more. The slit allows a contained javelin to be grabbed
A hidden compartment cannot be found without near its center balance point, such that when it is
physically handling the object the compartment is a drawn, the weapon is immediately ready for use. Any
part of and succeeding at a DC 15 Intelligence number of javelins can be drawn from the ketch in a
(Investigation) check. A hidden compartment’s turn, counting only as a single interaction with the
carrying capacity depends entirely upon the object into environment. This allows characters that can make
which it is built. The shape varies as necessary, but the multiple attacks with the Attack action to more easily
total weight contained cannot exceed one-tenth of the throw multiple javelins.
item’s own weight. The handle of a two-handed (or Lockbox. A square or rectangular container
versatile) weapon is a particularly common place to made of hardened metal with reinforced banding and
build a hidden compartment. hidden hinges, designed to resist brute-force
Crate. A very large box, typically used for tampering.
shipping or for long-term storage.

55 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
The number of containers someone can carry is up to Container Capacity
the DM. The following rational limitations are only Backpack* 1 cubic foot / 30 pounds of gear
suggestions. Bandoleer 6 distinct objects, each no larger
than 10 inches long and weighing
An adventurer cannot simultaneously employ
no more than 1 pound
more than 1 backpack, haversack, or rucksack, unless
Barrel 40 gallons of liquid, 5 cubic feet
the additional container is carried in a hand.
Multiple satchels are possible, even multiples Basket 2 cubic feet / 40 pounds of gear
worn over the same shoulder. A character can carry a Bottle 1½ pints of liquid
great deal of gear this way, even to the point of looking Box or 1 cubic foot, 20 pounds of gear
quite ridiculous. lockbox
Any reasonable number of pouches can be worn Box, map or 30 sheets of paper, 15 sheets of
around the belt, on shoulder straps, or on a harness. scroll parchment, or 15 spell scrolls
You don’t need to buy such affixture points separately; Bucket 3 gallons of liquid, 1/2 cubic foot
a belt is intrinsic to any type of clothing, while shoulder solid
straps and other harness points are intrinsic to common Case, cross- 20 crossbow bolts / 5 grappling or
bow bolt inking crossbow bolts
clothes and traveler’s clothes.
Case, map or 10 sheets of paper, 5 of sheets
A character can wear two ammunition-bearing
scroll parchment, or 5 spell scrolls
quivers, ketches, or crossbow cases at a time.
Cask or keg 8 gallons of liquid, 1 cubic foot
Additional containers of this type cannot be readily- solid
enough accessed to allow the smooth drawing and Chest 12 cubic feet / 300 pounds of gear
loading of the contained ammunition. Crate 30 cubic feet / 750 pounds of gear
A character can wear two bandoleers at a time. Flask 1 pint of liquid
Additional bandoleers will interfere with the Haversack* 1½ cubic feet / 45 pounds of gear
character’s ability to quickly access equipment from Jug or pitcher 1 gallon of liquid
every bandoleer worn. Ketch 5 javelins or light spears
A horse or similar beast with a saddle can bear one Pot, iron 1 gallon of liquid
set of saddlebags. A humanoid can also carry one set Pouch 1/5 cubic foot / 6 pounds of gear
/ 20 sling bullets or firearm loads
of saddlebags over the shoulder, but this interferes with
/ 30 crossbow disks / 50 blowgun
other containers carried over the chest or back; the
character cannot simultaneously employ a backpack,
Powder horn 30 charges of gunpowder
haversack, rucksack, bandoleers, or any pouches Quiver 20 arrows / 5 grappling arrows
attached higher than the belt. Rucksack* 2 cubic feet / 60 pounds of gear
A horse, donkey, or mule with a pack saddle can Sack 1 cubic foot / 30 pounds of gear
have attached to it 6 casks or large sacks, or 2 barrels Sack, large 4 cubic feet / 90 pounds of gear
or chests. A Small or Medium beast can pack half that Saddlebags* 2 cubic feet / 60 pounds of gear
amount, while a Huge beast can pack double. Satchel 1/2 cubic foot / 15 pounds of gear
All other containers must themselves be carried in Tankard 1 pint of liquid
a container, strapped to another container that allows Vial 4 ounces of liquid
such things, or carried in a free hand. Waterskin 4 pints of liquid

CONTAINER CAPACITIES * You can also strap items, such as a bedroll and a coil
What a character can carry is determined by the of rope, to the outside of this container. These
capacity of her containers. Check the section below on objects should not exceed half the weight the
container capacity for more detailed information. container could normally carry.

56 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Pot, Iron. This metal container comes with a DESCRIPTIONS
handle for carrying it or suspending it over a fire and Ammunition is described below.
a lid that rests atop the pot to aid in cooking. Arrow, Alchemical. The forward end of the shaft
Pouch. A pouch is a small sack or shaped is a blunt glass tube delicate enough to break on
container typically made of leather and worn on a belt impact, dispersing its liquid contents onto the target.
or a harness. Pouches come in a variety of forms and Any liquid that is affective on contact can be
are designed for a variety of uses. placed into an alchemical arrow, including acid,
Quiver. A quiver is a cylindrical container sized alchemical solvent, alchemist’s fire, defoliant, holy
for carrying arrows. water, and all sorts of contact poisons. When fired
Rucksack. A large, rectangular leather container from a bow, an alchemical arrow halves the weapon’s
with shoulder straps, worn on the back. Between its normal and long range increments and changes its
greater size and its multiple compartments and side damage to 1d4 bludgeoning. In addition to damage, a
pouches, the rucksack carries more gear than a successful ranged attack applies the contained liquid,
backpack or haversack. as though it had been splashed onto the target.
Sack. Sacks are typically made of burlap or Arrow, Barbed. This piece of ammunition has
canvas, the opening equipped with a drawstring or wicked barbs that make it hard to remove from the
other fastening ties to secure it closed. A good sack is target.
often equipped with a small loop near the top to allow This applies the cruel weapon property to attacks
it to be strung on a pack saddle, hooked over a saddle made with it.
horn, or carried in one hand. Arrow, Fire. This arrowhead has a small, bulbous
Sack, Large. A larger version of the standard cage just behind the tip. The cage holds flammable,
sack. fibrous material soaked in an accelerant, like the
Satchel. A thin, rectangular bag with a long material used for torches.
shoulder strap worn diagonally across the torso such An archer may spend a bonus action to knock this
that the container hangs at or just below the waste to arrow and dip the point into an active fire source prior
the side of the body. to shooting. A lit fire arrow adds 1 fire damage to the
Satchel, Water Resistant. This satchel is made of bow’s attack. The arrow might also light highly-
various water-resistant materials and treated to keep flammable materials that it touches, like thatched
the contents dry. It is often used by letter carriers or rooves, dry crops, and the like.
similar couriers when they have important cargo to Arrow, Flight. This arrow is crafted of materials
protect form the elements. carefully selected for their aerodynamic properties.
A water-resistant satchel keeps its contents dry in With lighter heads and superior fletching, flight
any weather. It protects the contents for up to 1 full arrows are tremendously accurate missiles.
minute of submersion before water will penetrate the When using this ammunition, both the bow’s
container. range increments are increased by a distance equal to
Tankard. A large mug, typically used for alcohol. the weapon’s normal range increment. When firing a
Vial. A small glass or clay container. Vials come flight arrow, apply a –1 penalty to the damage roll.
in various shapes. Arrow, Frog Crotch. The head of this arrow
Waterskin. A water-proof bladder or gourd with forms a razor-sharp crescent, points facing forward,
a stopper, typically used for carrying water. theoretically allowing the archer to cut ropes from a
AMMUNITION Targeting a rope is a difficult shot; apply
disadvantage to the attack roll unless made within 10
Bows require arrows, crossbows require bolts, slings
require bullets, and blowguns require needles. This
Arrow, Grappling. The head of this heavy arrow
subsection charts the various types of ammunition
has four opposite claws that form a grappling hook.
available for such weapons.
This arrow allows the user to substitute her attack
roll in the place of the normal check for trying to place

57 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
a grappling hook. Halve the distance of the bow’s Arrow, Smoke. A thin wrap of an alchemical
range increments when firing if the grappling arrow is material encases the shaft of this arrow behind the
trailing a silk rope. Reduce it to one-quarter if trailing head.
a hempen rope. If used as a weapon, the grappling This arrow can be lit with an active fire source as
arrow reduces the bow’s damage to 1d4 bludgeoning. a bonus action, causing the material to smoke
Arrow, Screaming. The head of this arrow makes vigorously. The arrow trails smoke as it flies, and
a screaming noise in flight. creates a 5-foot cube of smoke wherever it hits. The
The sounds this arrow emits in flight can be easily smoke dissipates in 1d4 rounds, or until dispersed by
heard within 100 feet of any point along the arrow’s a wind of at least 10 mph. Smoke arrows are each
path. crafted to emit a specific color of smoke, useful for
Arrow, Sheaf. This is the most common type of signaling.
arrow used in combat, a sturdy shaft of reliable length,
topped by a heavy broadhead or bodkin point.


Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Arrows Crossbow Bolts
Alchemical (10) 20 gp 1/2 lb. Broad-tip (standard bolt) (20) 1 gp 1½ lb.
Barbed (20) 10 gp 1 lb. Disk (30) 5 gp 1½ lb.
Fire (10) 5 gp 1/2 lb. Notch-tip (20) 10 gp 1½ lb.
Flight (20) 2 gp 1 lb. Grappling 2 gp 1½ lb.
Frog-crotch (10) 5 gp 1/2 lb. Inking 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Grappling 2 gp 1½ lb. Stabilized (20) 2 gp 1½ lb.
Screaming (10) 10 gp 1/2 lb. Sling Bullets
Sheaf (standard arrow) (20) 1 gp 1 lb. Alchemical (10) 15 gp 1½ lb.
Smoke (10) 15 gp 1/2 lb. Dimpled (20) 5 gp 1½ lb.
Blowgun Needles Leaden (standard bullet) (20) 4 cp 1½ lb.
Hooked (50) 15 gp 1 lb. Razor glass (20) 10 gp 1½ lb.
Steel (standard needle) (50) 1 gp 1 lb. Stone (20) — 1½ lb.

Blowgun Needle, Hooked. This blowgun needle Crossbow Bolt, Disk. These aerodynamic disks
has several small hooks behind the tip that make it are the only ammunition usable with a disk crossbow.
hard to remove from the target. They cannot be used with any other weapon.
This applies the cruel weapon property to attacks A pouch can hold 30 disk crossbow bolts; disks
made with it. will not fit in a crossbow bolt case.
Blowgun Needle, Steel. This is a lightweight Crossbow Bolt, Grappling. The head of this heavy
needle, about six inches in length, used as blowgun bolt has four opposite claws that form a grappling
ammunition. A puff of downy feather attached to one hook.
end allows the projectile to be fired from a blowgun This bolt allows the user to substitute her attack
with a firm blast of lung power. Steel needles are often roll in the place of the normal check for trying to place
used to deliver toxins, being dipped in a vial of poison a grappling hook. Halve the distance of the crossbow’s
or other substance just before firing. range increments when firing if the grappling arrow is
Crossbow Bolt, Broad Tip. This is the most trailing a silk rope. Reduce it to one-quarter if trailing
common type of bolt used in combat, a short shaft with a hempen rope. If used as a weapon, the grappling
a razor-sharp broadhead at the tip. crossbow bolt reduces the crossbow’s damage to 1d4

58 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Crossbow Bolt, Inking. This heavy crossbow bolt
VARIANT: RECOVERING AMMUNITION bears a large, spongy head soaked in bright ink. The
The ammunition weapon property says that bolt is typically carried inside a wax coating that
characters may recover half their ammunition after covers the head to preserve the ink prior to use.
a combat by searching for 1 minute. Where did the The wax coating on the head of this bolt can be
rest go? This system assumes that the other pieces removed as a bonus action during loading, making it
are harder to find or are broken and unusable. ready to fire. Anything the missile hits is splattered
With this variant, searching for a second 1- with the bright ink. Such bolts are often used by
minute period allows the recovery of the other half spotters in battle to mark certain targets. By
of the ammunition. However, a quarter of all the prearranged agreement, this focuses the attention of
found ammunition is broken. (Some weapon allied ranged units like archers and war wizards. A
properties render all affected ammunition broken crossbow firing an inking crossbow bolt reduces its
after firing.) base damage to 1 bludgeoning.
A mending cantrip is usually sufficient to Crossbow Bolt, Notch-Tip. The long, thin head of
repair each piece of broken ammunition. Without this piece of ammunition has a pair of notches on
magic, broken ammunition can be repaired using opposite sides, about two below the head. These
the appropriate artisan’s tools, as though the weaken the shaft, allowing the tip to break off inside
remnants were craft components. (See Part 4: the target.
Wealth.) This bolt applies the cruel weapon property to
Repairing requires about 1 minute of time per attacks made with it.
copper piece of the product’s value. (This figure is Crossbow Bolt, Stabilized. This bolt is crafted
a distillation of the 8-hour workday which allows with a target tip and some small fletching.
up to 5 gp of total market value production.) This When using this ammunition, both the crossbow’s
means that it takes 5 minutes to repair a standard range increments are increased by a distance equal to
arrow, bolt, or sling bullet (market value of 5 cp the weapon’s normal range increment. When firing a
each). stabilized crossbow bolt, apply a –1 penalty to the
For example, an elven ranger fires 20 standard damage roll. Because of their shape, stabilized
(sheaf) arrows in a battle. Afterward, the elf crossbow bolts cannot be loaded into a repeating
recovers 10 arrows in the first minute of searching, crossbow magazine.
and 10 more (half of which are broken) in the Sling Bullet, Dimpled. These bullets are carefully
second minute of searching. With woodcarver’s molded for symmetry and drilled with dimples around
tools, the elf can repair all 5 broken arrows in 25 the circumference to improve flight characteristics.
minutes. The whole recover process took just under When using this ammunition, both the sling’s
half an hour, a leisure period not often afforded to range increments are increased by a distance equal to
adventurers based on the prevailing threats and half the weapon’s normal range increment.
conditions. Sling Bullet, Leaden. This is the most common
The ability to recover any ammunition assumes type of sling bullet, a simple lump or sphere of molded
the party has time after a battle; that it is not being lead.
pursued or racing after its goal. It also assumes that Sling Bullet, Razor Glass. This piece of
the battlefield is readily searchable; firing from a ammunition is designed to shatter into sharp slivers
boat at a sea monster is likely to make the that imbed themselves in the target.
ammunition totally unrecoverable. A fight in pitch This applies the cruel weapon property to attacks
blackness, which the party can’t see through, is just made with it.
as likely to prevent the recovery of any Sling Bullet, Stink Pot. A stink pot is a clay
ammunition. sphere, larger than a normal sling bullet, designed to
shatter on impact.
Any liquid that is affective on contact can be
placed into a stink pot, including acid, alchemical
solvent, alchemist’s fire, defoliant, holy water, and all

59 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
sorts of contact poisons. When fired from a sling, a hour, uses 50 gp worth of powdered gold, and requires
stink pot halves the weapon’s normal and long range the caster to expend a 1st-level spell slot. [The
increments and changes its damage to 1d2 Dungeon Master may require this effect to be prepared
bludgeoning. In addition to damage, a successful and cast as a basic rite spell.]
ranged attack applies the contained liquid to the target,
as though it had been delivered via its normal means.
Sling Bullet, Stone. In a pinch, a slinger can BASIC RITE
make use of appropriately-sized stones in the place of 1st-level evocation (ritual)
bullets. Casting Time: 1 hour
Stones cost nothing to collect but are less Range: Touch
effective; they apply a –1 penalty to the weapon’s Components: V, S, M (Powdered gold of a value
damage roll. described below)
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
The following are items usable only by spellcasters, or You perform one of several arcane rites. When you
are the products of spells cast. cast the spell, choose one of the following rites. Its
target must be within 10 feet of you throughout the
casting. This spell is particularly useful in societies
where arcane tools are illegal or hard to acquire.
Magical implements are described below.
Etch Weapon. You touch an appropriate
Arcane Focus (any). Although arcane foci come
weapon, empowering it to serve as an etching
in many varieties, rods, staves, and wands,
arcane focus. (50 gp)
particularly when crafted from once-living material
Empower Staff. You can turn a quarterstaff
like bone or wood, make excellent focusing tools for
into a staff arcane focus. (5 gp)
magical power.
Suffuse Ink. You can enchant a once-ounce
A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use these items
vial of ink, dark ink, or glowing ink, making it into
as spellcasting foci, as described in chapter 10 of the
rare ink, sufficient for wizards transcribing spells
Player’s Handbook. A magical rod, staff, or wand can
into their spellbooks. (100 gp)
be used as an arcane focus unless it requires
This spell can be used by eldritch knights and
attunement and cannot be attuned by the character
by any arcane spellcaster with the ritualist feature.
trying to use it as such, or unless the text for the item
says otherwise.
Arcane Focus, Crystal. The crystals of this
Arcane Focus, Orb. An orb is a smooth, polished
arcane focus come in many shapes and colors. The
sphere made of glass, crystal, quartz or another
most popular crystal arcane foci retain much of their
mineral substance. It is 3 to 5 inches in diameter, small
natural shape and coloration.
enough to rest in a Medium humanoid’s palm.
Arcane Focus, Etching. Adding the appropriate
Arcane Focus, Rod. This arcane focus is created
runes and sigils to a weapon can turn it into an arcane
by etching a heavy, two-foot baton with runes and
focus. This is costlier than other weapon-shaped
arcane foci; the techniques are easily applied to rods
A rod functions in all ways as a club in addition
and staffs, but other weapons, those not traditionally
to being an arcane focus. [Note that some magical rods
associated with arcane magic, are harder to convert.
might not function as clubs, based on their design and
The charted cost for this arcane focus represents
the materials from which they are composed.]
rituals and arcane markings applied to an existing
Arcane Focus, Staff. This arcane focus is created
weapon; the cost of the affected weapon is not
by etching a normal quarterstaff with runes and sigils
or attaching a focusing crystal to the top.
An eldritch knight, or any arcane spellcaster with
A staff functions in all ways as a quarterstaff in
the ritualist feature, may create an etching arcane focus
addition to being an arcane focus.
by performing a special ritual. The ritual takes one

60 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
An arcane spellcaster with the ritualist feature popular. A wand is typically shorter than the forearm
may create a staff arcane focus by performing a special of the user and is convenient to store in a sleeve.
ritual. The ritual takes one hour, uses 5 gp worth of Component Pouch. This pouch contains all the
powdered gold, and requires the caster to expend a 1st- material components a spellcaster might need.
level spell slot. [The Dungeon Master may require this The pouch does not contain costly spell
effect to be prepared and cast as a basic rite spell.] components, those with specific costs indicated in
Arcane Focus, Wand. Wands are simple and their spell descriptions.
lightweight arcane foci, making them some of the most


Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Arcane focus Yew wand 10 gp 1 lb.
Crystal 10 gp 1 lb. Holy symbol
Etching 50 gp — Amulet 5 gp 1 lb.
Orb 20 gp 3 lb. Amulet, ornamental 10 gp 1 lb.
Rod 10 gp 2 lb. Emblem 5 gp —
Staff 5 gp 4 lb. Flask (empty, 1 pint) 6 gp —
Wand 10 gp 1 lb. Ordination 100 gp —
Component pouch 25 gp 2 lb. Reliquary 5 gp 1 lb.
Druidic focus Holy water (flask) 25 gp 1 lb.
Ritual sickle 2 gp 2 lb. Ink, rare (1-ounce bottle) 100 gp —
Sacrifice — — Spellbook 50 gp 3 lb.
Sprig of mistletoe 1 gp — Spellbook, travelling 30 gp 2 lb.
Totem 1 gp 4 lb. Spell scroll (1st-level) 60+ gp —
Totem, greater 35 gp — Spell scroll (cantrip) 10+ gp —
Wooden staff 5 gp 4 lb. Torch, everburning 50 gp 1 lb.

trying to use it as such, or unless the text for the item

Rangers normally cannot make use of spellcasting Druidic Focus, Greater Totem. This focus is
foci; they must collect individual components (or prepared in the same way as a normal totem, but the
carry a component pouch) for any spell that has a treatments are applied to a much larger object,
material component requirement. typically a living tree or a log half-buried horizontally.
With this optional rule, rangers can use one or Druidic Focus, Ritual Sickle. Representing the
more types of druidic foci, as determined by the harvest, this tool is typically prepared in a way that
Dungeon Master. This option is suitable for a leaves no obvious markings; to the untrained eye, it is
campaign setting where rangers and druids draw no more than a farming implement.
their magical power from the same natural forces. A ritual sickle functions in all ways as a sickle in
addition to being a druidic focus.
A druid may create a ritual sickle druidic focus by
performing a special sacrament. The ritual takes one
Druidic Focus (any). A druid can use these items
hour, burns 2 gp worth of rare herbs, and requires the
as spellcasting foci, as described in chapter 10 of the
caster to expend a 1st-level spell slot. [The Dungeon
Player’s Handbook.
Master may require this effect to be prepared and cast
A magical staff or wand can be used as a druidic
as a sacrament spell.]
focus if it is made of wood, unless it requires
attunement and cannot be attuned by the character

61 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
intended for repeated use; a druid must simply lay a
SACRAMENT hand on the totem to make use of it as a focus. Often,
1st-level evocation (ritual) multiple druids will stand around the focus to use it at
Casting Time: 1 hour the same time.
Range: Touch Druidic Focus, Wooden Staff. This druidic focus
Components: V, S, M (Rare herbs of a value is created using a length of wood naturally shaped as
described below) a quarterstaff. These are often made from tall
Duration: Instantaneous (see text) saplings.
A wooden staff functions in all ways as a
You perform one of several natural-inspired quarterstaff in addition to being a druidic focus.
sacraments. When you cast the spell, choose one of A druid may create a wooden staff druidic focus
the following effects. Its target must be within 10 by performing a special sacrament. The ritual takes
feet of you throughout the casting. one hour, burns 5 gp worth of rare herbs, and requires
Awaken Sickle. You touch a sickle, the caster to expend a 1st-level spell slot. [The
empowering it to serve as a ritual sickle druidic Dungeon Master may require this effect to be prepared
focus. (2 gp) and cast as a sacrament spell.]
Empower Staff. You can turn a quarterstaff Druidic Focus, Yew Wand. Yew wood comes
into a wooden staff druidic focus. (5 gp) from a small collection of coniferous trees or shrubs.
This spell can be used by druids and, if the The wood is commonly associated with fey creatures
Dungeon Master allows, rangers. and with magical manipulations of life, death, and
rebirth. A yew wand often takes the form of a natural
stick of yew, groomed and then trimmed, but uncarved.
Holy Symbol (any). A cleric or paladin can use
Druidic Focus, Sacrifice. Certain druidic
these items as spellcasting foci, as described in chapter
traditions call for blood sacrifices. These sacrifices
10 of the Player’s Handbook.
can be mere animals, or they can be intelligent
Holy Symbol, Amulet. This hanging icon
humanoids or other creatures. Using sacrifices as
typically bears a small representation of a deity,
magical foci is a hallmark of evil druidic traditions,
pantheon, or philosophy. A typical holy symbol is
not normally intended for use by player characters.
made of silver.
Creating a sacrifice requires one hour of ritual
Holy Symbol, Emblem. The symbol of a deity or
preparation (and a creature to sacrifice). Each druid
pantheon, engraved or inlaid on a shield.
that participates in the full ritual is thereafter
The cost of this holy symbol does not include the
considered to be holding a druidic focus for a certain
cost of the shield it is applied to.
time, even if using both hands for other purposes. This
Holy Symbol, Flask. A container for liquid with a
effect lasts for 1 hour per point of the sacrificed
tight stopper or cap and the symbol of a deity or
creature’s intelligence. Multiple creatures can be
pantheon emblazoned on the side. Flask holy symbols
sacrificed, to a cumulative benefit that lasts no longer
are typically made of metal, not suitable for throwing
than 72 hours. Sacrificed creatures must be restrained
as missile weapons since they do not easily shatter.
during the ritual and are killed at its conclusion. The
Holy Symbol, Ornamental Amulet. This is a
ritual must take place in a natural environment like a
more expensive version of the amulet holy symbol. It
forest or a naturally-occurring underground cavern.
is typically crafted with intricate details, made of more
Druidic Focus, Sprig of Mistletoe. This sprig of
precious materials, and sometimes decorated with tiny
mistletoe is worn on a string or thong around the neck.
It is the most recognizable symbol of druidic power.
Holy Symbol, Ordination. A rare religious
Druidic Focus, Totem. This focus takes the form
ceremony is required to ordain a weapon to serve as a
of a short pole, about three feet long, treated with
holy symbol.
ritual ointments and herbs. Some are carved with
The affected weapon must be crafted with the
symbols of natural power, like animals. A totem is
markings of the appropriate religion, or it must be a
designed for one end to be planted in the ground. It is

62 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
magical weapon whose appearance and history are in Holy Water. This water has a glittery sheen, a
no way offensive to that faith. byproduct of the ingredients used to create it.
A cleric or paladin may ordain a suitable weapon As an action, you can splash the contents of this
by performing a special ritual. The ritual takes one flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up
hour to perform, uses 100 gp worth of powdered to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make
electrum or platinum, and requires the caster to expend a ranged attack against the target creature, treating the
a 2nd-level spell slot. The cost of this holy symbol holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a
does not include the cost of the weapon it is applied to. fiend or undead, and the attack hits, the holy water
[The Dungeon Master may require this ritual to be inflicts 2d6 radiant damage.
prepared and cast as a high ceremony spell.] A cleric or paladin may create holy water by
performing a special ritual. The ritual takes one hour,
uses 25 gp worth of powdered silver, and requires the
HIGH CEREMONY caster to expend a 1st-level spell slot. [The Dungeon
2nd-level evocation (ritual) Master may require this ritual to be prepared and cast
Casting Time: 1 hour as a ceremony spell.]
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (100 gp worth of powdered
electrum or platinum) SPELLBOOKS WITH CONTENT
Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You found a spellbook on your adventure. What is
it worth when sold? As a mundane piece of
You perform one of several religious ceremonies. equipment, a merchant will buy it at half its listed
When you cast the spell, choose one of the cost, 25 gp (or 15 gp for a travelling version). But
following ceremonies. Its target must be within 10 what about the value of any spells within?
feet of you throughout the casting. Spells represent wondrous power that mundane
Bless Water. You touch up to four vials of merchants are hesitant to traffic in and wizards
water and cause them to become holy water. refuse to trade openly. There may even be
Consecrate Ground. You dedicate a temple, government regulations or wizard guild restrictions
shrine, or other area of significance to your religion that inhibit such sales. Whatever the case, buying
or order, affecting an area no more than 100 feet or selling a used spellbook is a rare and often-
across. For the next 24 hours, creatures within the perilous venture.
area can’t be frightened. During this period, the When selling a used spellbook, count the spells
area detects as consecrated to a detect evil and good within a spellbook as a separate item, not affected
spell or a paladin’s Divine Sense feature. by modifiers like adornments to the book cover.
Ordain Weapon. You touch an appropriate The sale value of these spells is a combined 10 gp
weapon, empowering it to serve as a divine focus. per spell level. Since it is nearly impossible to find
This spell can be prepared and used by clerics a used spellbook for purchase, the full market value
and paladins. is too difficult to estimate.

Holy Symbol, Reliquary. A reliquary is a tiny box Ink, Rare. This ink is magically-interactive. Rare
holding an item of religious significance. A common ink is used for the note-taking, diagraming, and
example would be the finger bone of a prophet, or a transcription processes required to write a spell into a
fragment of a larger holy relic. spellbook.
Bigger, less-portable reliquaries are often found Half a bottle (1/2 ounce) is needed for each level
in shrines or temples. These larger versions are of a new spell. If the wizard is writing her already-
typically not available to adventurers. They can be known spells, the note-taking and diagraming are not
used as divine foci while a spellcaster is in physical needed; only one-tenth of a bottle (1/10 ounce) is
contact with them. required for each level of an already-known spell.

63 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
An arcane spellcaster with the ritualist feature Spell Scroll (Cantrip). The contained spell has a
may create rare ink by performing a special ritual. The save DC of 13 and an attack bonus of +5, should either
ritual takes one hour, uses 100 gp worth of powdered of these be required.
gold, and requires the caster to expend a 1st-level spell Torch, Everburning. This item is simply the
slot. [The Dungeon Master may require this effect to product of a continual flame spell. It typically takes the
be prepared and cast as a basic rite spell.] form of a torch, but any viable objects can be affected
Spellbook. A spellbook is a heavy tome with 100 for the listed cost.
pages. A cleric or wizard can create such an object by
Each page is suitable for recording a spell. casting the continual flame spell, which consumes 50
Spellbook, Traveling. This spellbook has only 25 gp worth of ruby dust. As a duty to their faith and as a
pages. It has a water-resistant case and a metal cover method of proselytizing, many clerics make these
that locks closed with a tiny padlock. items available for no more than the cost of their
Each page of the traveling spellbook is suitable material components, just as they do with holy water.
for recording a spell. A key is provided for the lock.
Without the key, a creature can pick this lock with a
successful DC 15 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check. The
water-resistant case protects the book from full Items on the Adventuring Gear (Alchemical Brews)
submersion in water for up to 10 minutes. chart can be crafted using alchemist’s supplies.
Spell Scroll (any). A spell scroll is a single sheet
or roll of parchment that bears the words of a single
spell, written in a mystical cypher. VARIANT: FORMULA
If the spell is on your class’s spell list, you can use As quasi-magic items, the Dungeon Master may
an action to read the scroll and cast the spell without require that Alchemical Brews, Herbal Brews, or
having to provide any of the spell’s components. Poisons need more than just tool proficiency and
Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible. ingredients to craft. To keep some items rare or
If the spell is on your class’s spell list but of a inaccessible, the Dungeon Master may impose a
higher level than you can normally cast, you must requirement for formulas as well, a set of written
make an ability check using your spellcasting ability and illustrated instructions necessary to make such
to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC products. (See Part 6: Magic Items for more details
equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the on formulas.)
spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect.
Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade,
and the scroll crumbles to dust. DESCRIPTIONS
The level of the spell on the scroll determines the
The following items have their own specific rules.
spell’s saving throw DC and attack bonus.
Items described in this section appear magical to the
A wizard spell on a spell scroll can be copied just
detect magic spell but have no school of magic.
as spells in spellbooks can be copied. When a spell is
Acid. This corrosive liquid can burn through flesh
copied from a spell scroll, the copier must succeed on
and inanimate materials alike.
an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 10
As an action, you can splash the contents of this
+ the spell’s level. If the check succeeds, the spell is
vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the
successfully copied. Whether the check succeeds or
vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either
fails, the spell scroll is destroyed.
case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object,
The cost of a spell scroll is increased by the value
treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit,
of any costly spell components the spell might
the target takes 2d6 acid damage.
normally require, even if the component is not
Alchemical Glue. This adhesive is contained in
normally consumed.
two separate chambers of a split vial. When the cap is
Spell Scroll (1st-Level). The contained spell has a
removed, both liquids pour out and mix into a fast-
save DC of 13 and an attack bonus of +5, should either
of these be required.

64 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
drying epoxy that creates a nearly unbreakable bond quarterstaff, is destroyed at the end of the minute.
between objects it glues together. Alternately, the oil may be applied to any Tiny object,
One ounce of the glue can cover a 1-foot square the flames causing damage once per round on
surface. Breaking the bond requires a DC 25 Strength everyone who contacts it. The DM decides what
check. effect, if any, the oil has on a non-weapon object.
Alchemical Silver. This is a viscous oil glitters Bladefire will not work when combined with
like liquid silver. other alchemical substances; only one alchemical
You can use an action to apply this to a weapon effect can apply to the same weapon at the same time.
or up to 3 pieces of ammunition. This application Blastpatch. These granular blue crystals pack a
makes the weapon effective against monsters that have powerful punch.
immunity or resistance to non-silver weapons. The They can be spread on the ground in a 5-foot
application lasts for 1 minute, after which the oil dries square patch. Any creature that moves through the area
out and the applied compound crumbles away as dust. grinds crystals together causing a series of small
On a melee weapon, the application can be used up ignitions. This creates a burst of light that is visible for
sooner, at the third successful strike. quite some distance in the dark and inflicts 1 point of
Alchemical silver will not work when combined fire damage on the creature. Once an affected patch
with other alchemical substances; only one alchemical has triggered three times, there are insufficient crystals
effect can apply to the same weapon at the same time. remaining for any effect.
Alchemist’s Fire. This sticky, adhesive fluid Blend Cream. This creamy gray solution looks
ignites when exposed to air. innocuous upon first inspection, but it begins to
As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 change coloration soon after exposed to air.
feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack The cream requires one action to apply to a Small
against a creature or object, treating the alchemist’s or Medium creature. For the next 10 minutes, the
fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes creature has advantage on Stealth-related ability
1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A checks; the cream shifts color to blend with its
creature can end this damage by using its action to surroundings.
make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the Catstink. This thick, foul-smelling brew is used to
flames. distract watchdogs, tracking hounds, wolves, and
Alchemical Solvent. This clear, thick glue can other canines.
dissolve almost any mundane adhesive. A flask of catstink can be deployed as an action,
One dose of the solvent can cover a 1-foot square covering a square area, 15 feet on each side. Any
surface. It instantly dissolves alchemical glue, canine within 30 feet of the affected area is drawn to
tanglefoot bags, and similar alchemical substances. At investigate it. Controlling a hound within 30 feet of the
the DM’s discretion, the solvent can provide bonuses affected area requires a Wisdom (Animal Handling)
to escape the sticky excretions of certain monsters; for check, made with disadvantage, against a DC of 12.
example, it’s application might give someone Each failure of the check means a minute wasted
advantage on the attempt to escape a cave fisher’s trying to control the animal before another check can
filament. be made. This substance has no effect on non-canine
Bladefire. This oil is black like charcoal and feels creatures.
dry to the touch, though applies like any other viscous Clearwater Solution. These tiny, clear crystals
oil. come in a glass vial.
It takes one action to apply this to the striking One dose dissolves in a container of up to 10
portion of a weapon. At the start of the user’s gallons of liquid. After 1 minute, the solution removes
following turn, the oil bursts into flame. For one any poison or disease that taints the liquid. This has no
minute, attacks with the weapon deal an additional 1d4 effect on liquids that are themselves poisons, or on
fire damage. This does no damage to a weapon that has creatures that have already been affected by a poison
a metal striking surface, but a nonmagical weapon or disease. If dissolved into container holding more
with a wooden striking surface, like a club or than 10 gallons, the substance has no effect.

65 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Acid (vial) 25 gp 1 lb. Ink, dark (1-ounce bottle) 50 gp —
Alchemical glue (vial) 20 gp — Ink, glowing (1-ounce bottle) 30 gp —
Alchemical silver (vial) 10 gp — Instant rope (flask) 25 gp 1 lb.
Alchemical solvent (vial) 40 gp — Lockgrip grease (vial) 10 gp —
Alchemist’s fire (flask) 50 gp 1 lb. Longbreath (vial) 15 gp —
Bladefire (vial) 50 gp — Mirage powder (vial) 20 gp —
Blastpatch (flask) 3 gp 1 lb. Moonrod 1 gp 1 lb.
Blend cream (vial) 30 gp — Motelight (vial) 20 gp 1 lb.
Catstink (flask) 6 gp 1 lb. Oil, slow-burning (flask) 1 gp 1 lb.
Clearwater solution (vial) 4 gp — Potion of climbing (large flask) 25 gp 1/2 lb.
Defoliant (flask) 25 gp 1 lb. Salve of slipperiness (flask) 15 gp 1 lb.
Eggshell grenade Smokestick 1 gp —
Dust 10 gp — Stonebreaker acid (vial) 20 gp —
Flash 15 gp — Sunrod 4 gp 1 lb.
Pepper 15 gp — Tanglefoot bag 50 gp 1 lb.
Smoke 25 gp — Thermal grease (flask) 12 gp 1 lb.
Embalming cream (flask) 6 gp 1 lb. Thunderstone 10 gp —
Fireworks 5 gp 1/2 lb. Tindertwig 1 gp —
Flash powder (paper packet) 8 gp — Torch, alchemical 2 gp 1 lb.
Flash pellet 50 gp — Tracking dust (vial) 15 gp —
Flash rocket 40 gp 1 lb. Whistling box 2 gp 1 lb.
Ghoststrike oil (vial) 50 gp — Vicious bleeder (vial) 35 gp —

Defoliant. Defoliant is a caustic yellow-orange As an action, you can throw an eggshell grenade
liquid that slightly irritates the skin or eyes of a living up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. This requires a
creature. It can bring ruin to any plant matter it ranged attack, treating the grenade as an improvised
touches. weapon.
A dose of this liquid, if splashed out of a flask, can Eggshell Grenade, Dust. This grenade, when it
ruin light vegetation and undergrowth (but not trees) hits the eyes of its target, causes blindness until the end
in up to 4 patches, each about five feet square. The of your next turn. Because the grenade must be
plants shrivel and die within 1 hour, leaving the area targeted so precisely, you have disadvantage on the
barren of life or cover. Alternately, as an action, you attack roll.
can splash a full dose of the liquid onto a creature Eggshell Grenade, Flash. This grenade, when
within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering thrown into a fire, explodes in a brilliant flash of light.
the clay flask on impact. In either case, make a ranged Any creature within 15 feet of the fire must succeed in
attack against a target creature, treating the substance a DC 10 Constitution save or be blinded until the end
as an improvised weapon. If the target is a plant of your next turn. There is no effect if the grenade
creature, it takes 2d6 acid damage. Other creature attack misses the fire.
types are unharmed. Eggshell Grenade, Pepper. This grenade, when it
Eggshell Grenades (all). Eggshell grenades are strikes the face (or near the sensory organs of a
delicate alchemical devices that react dramatically creature), bursts into a cloud of noxious, stinging
when introduced to fire or an enemy’s face. They are chemicals. Because the grenade must be targeted so
a favorite tool of rogues, often used to create precisely, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. If
distractions. you hit, the target must succeed in a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated. If a

66 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
target fails its save the effect lasts for three rounds, but 300 feet. Rockets are typically fired into the air to
the target can attempt to end the effect early. This create a signal visible at a great distance. Each is
requires the victim to spend an action to clear the manufactured to flare with a specific color for this
pepper, allowing another attempt to save. A successful purpose. A rocket can instead be used as an improvised
saving throw ends the effect immediately. weapon with a range of 100 feet. If you make a ranged
Eggshell Grenade, Smoke. This grenade, when attack with a rocket and hit, it deals 1d4 fire damage
thrown into a fire, emits a billowing, toxic cloud in a and may ignite flammable substances. A “repeating”
10-foot-radius. The area is heavily obscured until the version of this device fires 1 missile each round for 6
end of your next turn. Until the cloud dissipates, rounds, but with a range of only 30 feet.
creatures that enter the area (or begin their turn within Ghoststrike Oil. This milky-white oil exudes a
the area) must make a DC 10 Constitution save or faint, ghostly mist.
suffer 1d4 poison damage from inhaling the smoke. A weapon can be coated with the oil using an
There is no effect if the grenade attack misses the fire. action. For one minute thereafter, the weapon’s strikes
Embalming Cream. This thick, blue cream is are not inhibited by the incorporeal nature of undead
used to prevent the dead from rotting. such as ghosts, shadows, specters, and wraiths. For the
The content of this flask, when spread over the duration, the treated weapon ignores any resistance or
skin of a dead humanoid, prevents decay for 10 days. immunity such creatures have against weapon attacks.
It takes 2 minutes to apply this cream to a Medium- Ghoststrike oil will not work when combined with
sized humanoid. Thereafter, time spent under the other alchemical substances; only one alchemical
effect does not count against the time limit for spells effect can apply to a weapon at the same time.
such as raise dead. Ink, Dark. This gray ink dries clear and is
Fireworks. Fireworks are small packets of imperceptible to creatures using normal sight.
explosive powder and other alchemical ingredients, The ink is only readable by someone with
fitted with short fuses. darkvision. Dark ink can be created in “rare” form, the
Lighting fireworks creates a series of pyrotechnic type used when transcribing spells into a spellbook, at
flashes and bangs that are audible up to 300 feet away. a cost of 150 gp per one-ounce bottle. (See rare ink,
Lit fireworks persist for 2d4 rounds. above.)
Flash Powder. This highly flammable powder is Ink, Glowing. The ingredients for this special
course and comes in gray, white, or black. luminescent ink are usually derived from subterranean
A pinch (one dose) burns with a bright flare if plants and fungi.
exposed to fire. A creature within 10 feet that is not Writing made with this ink glows ever so slightly,
deliberately looking away at the time of ignition must not enough to detect under light, but enough to read by
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be in darkness. Glowing ink can be created in “rare”
blinded until the end of its next turn. form, the type used when transcribing spells into a
Flash Pellet. This small clay sphere is designed spellbook, at a cost of 130 gp per one-ounce bottle.
to explode in a flash of light when thrown against a (See rare ink, above.)
hard surface. Instant Rope. This gray substance is stored in a
As an action, you can throw the sphere up to 60 squeezable bladder about the size of a flask. Its
feet, shattering it on impact. Any creature within 10 contents are drained out through a special nozzle that
feet of the point of impact must succeed on a DC 10 shapes the material as it is exposed to air.
Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end It takes one action to open this flask and pour out
of its next turn. the liquid contents. As the substance exits the flask, it
Flash Rocket. This cylinder contains a larger dries into a thin rope, about 100 feet in length. The
firework designed to fire out one end. The device can substance has the same characteristics as a silk rope. It
be held by hand or propped in place when used. dries out and becomes unusably stiff after 30 minutes.
One round after lighting this device, a chemical After 30 more minutes, it disappears, crumbling into
reaction propels a missile from its containing tube. The dust.
rocket shoots forward up to 100 feet, where it bursts in Lockgrip Grease. This tacky white grease is
a brilliant flare accompanied by a bang audible within applied to improve the user’s grip.

67 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
It takes an action or bonus action to apply the Potion of Climbing. This potion is separated into
grease to one or both hands. For the next minute, the brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of
substance applies disadvantage to any attempt to stone. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors.
disarm a person holding something with the treated Drinking this potion gives you a climbing speed
hand or hands. (Alternately, it applies advantage to an equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. It also gives
attempt to hold onto something that might be disarmed you advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you
if not done with an attack roll.) The treated creature make to climb during that period.
requires an extra action, beyond the normal effort Salve of Slipperiness. This pitch-black oil makes
required, to put down any object held with a treated it easier for someone to escape from restraints.
hand during this period. One dose covers enough of a Medium or Small
Longbreath. Longbreath is a sweet-tasting amber creature to give it advantage for the next hour on any
liquid. Dexterity checks to escape from manacles, grappling,
For 10 minutes following consumption of this or other restraints.
liquid, the imbiber can hold her breath for twice as Smokestick. This tiny rod of alchemical
long as normal. Even when out of breath, double the substances smokes furiously when lit or thrown into a
number of rounds the creature can survive while fire.
suffocating. (See suffocating on page 183 of the It creates a 5-foot radius sphere of smoke that
Player’s Handbook.) spreads around corners and heavily obscures the area.
Mirage Powder. The dust in this vial glitters with It lasts for 1 minute. A wind of moderate or greater
an intense array of colors. speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke
It can be tossed into the air, filling a cubic area until the wind stops. Extinguishing the flaming stick
adjacent to the user, 5 feet long on each side. For the ends the effect prematurely. Smokesticks can be
next round, any image in the area that was created by manufactured to emit smoke of specific colors, useful
an illusion spell or effect will glitter as the dust clings for signaling.
to it. Observers get advantage on any saving throw to Stonebreaker Acid. This fizzy, white liquid is
pierce affected illusions during this period. stored in a flask made of hardened animal skin.
Moonrod. This one-foot long rod has a chemical As an action, you can splash the contents of this
reservoir at one end, capped by a small silvery bulb. vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the
The rod is activated by using an action to strike it vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either
against a hard surface. For eight hours thereafter, the case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object,
bulb glows with a cool light. It provides bright light in treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, a
a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. viable target takes 4d6 acid damage; the substance
Motelight. This glass vial contains motes of affects only inanimate stone, stone golems, or earth
glowing light. It is often worn on a necklace to provide elementals. Other objects and creatures are unaffected.
light to the wearer. Sunrod. This one-foot long rod has a chemical
An uncovered motelight sheds bright light in a 10- reservoir at one end, capped by a small gold-hued
foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The bulb.
lights are extinguished permanently if the vial is ever The rod is activated by using an action to strike it
opened or broken. against a hard surface. For eight hours thereafter, the
Oil, Slow-Burning. This potent oil looks perfectly bulb shines with a strong, warm light. It provides
mundane, giving no clue as to its special properties bright light in a 45-foot radius and dim light for an
until used. additional 45 feet.
Made by rare processes of alchemical refinement, Tanglefoot Bag. This delicately-wrapped satchel
slow-burning oil burns five times as long as normal contains a massy of sticky alchemical foam.
oil, providing long-lasting fuel for lanterns and other It is typically thrown as an improvised missile
devices. A target doused in slow-burning oil stays weapon after a supporting tie is removed the device.
doused for 5 minutes before drying out, instead of 1. The user can target a foe up to 20 feet away as an
If poured on the ground and lit, the covered area burns action. On a hit, the alchemical substance bursts out,
for 10 rounds instead of 2. engulfing the foe with a sticky, fast-hardening foam.

68 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
A Large or smaller target hit by a tanglefoot bag is quickly to the ground while other granules float and
restrained until freed. A creature can use its action to spread about.
make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another One does of this dust can be spread over a zone of
creature within its reach on a success. up to six contiguous 5-foot square patches that lasts for
Thermal Grease. This white grease turns clear as 1 hour. The red dust luminesces at the edges of even
it is applied. the subtlest impressions made on any surface. Anyone
It takes 1 minute to apply the grease to a Small or starting a tracking attempt on tracks that exist within
Medium creature. For the next 24 hours, the affected the zone has advantage on that Wisdom (Survival)
creature reduces by 1 point any damage sustained from check. Alternately, in an area where tracking would be
fire or cold sources. At the Dungeon Master’s otherwise impossible, the tracker can attempt a check
discretion, the creature can also operate comfortably at DC 20, but can only follow such tracks within the
in very hot or cold natural climates. established zone (unless they lead to another surface
Thunderstone. This small, jagged stone packs a where tracking is normally possible).
powerful punch. Whistling Box. This tiny box has a fuse that, when
As an action, you can throw the stone up to 20 lit, can create a big distraction.
feet. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, One round after lighting the fuse, the chemicals
treating the thunderstone as an improvised weapon. within create a gas that expands violently, creating an
The shock of impact causes the substances in this ear-splitting, osculating whistle as it exits the
hardened alchemical lump to react violently, contraption’s narrow holes. The sound persists for 1
generating a deafening boom. Any creature hit by the minute and can easily be heard up to 500 feet away.
ranged attack must make a DC 12 Constitution saving Vicious Bleeder. This oil has the look and smell
throw or be deafened for 1 minute. If the saving throw of slightly-coagulated blood.
fails by 5 or more, the creature is also stunned while It takes one action to apply this substance to the
deafened in this way. A creature can repeat the saving striking surface of a weapon. If the weapon inflicts
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect piercing or slashing damage, it gains the wounding
on itself on a success. The sound of a thunderstone is weapon property for 1 minute.
audible to a distance of 300 feet. Vicious bleeder will not work when combined
Tindertwig. A tindertwig is simply a hardened with other alchemical substances; only one alchemical
paste on the end of a tiny stick. It ignites when scraped effect can apply to a weapon at the same time.
against a rough surface.
A tindertwig stays lit for 2 rounds, shedding dim
light in a 5-foot radius. It is typically used for lighting
things on fire. Lighting a torch, lamp, or lantern with Items on the Adventuring Gear (Herbalism Kit) chart
a tindertwig requires only a bonus action. It is more can be crafted using an herbalism kit. Sometimes
reliable than a tinderbox for lighting substances in the herbal brews require no more than the proper packing
presence of wind or rain. and storage of plant ingredients that naturally possess
Torch, Alchemical. An alchemical torch looks magical properties.
like any other torch until lit.
It burns for 3 hours, providing bright light in a 30- RAW HERBS
foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. If Many of these concoctions have effects that are no
you make a melee Attack with a burning alchemical different than the natural, unprocessed plants from
torch and hit, it deals 1d4 fire damage. An alchemical which they are made. When these herbs are found in
torch is not disrupted by wind or water; it functions the wild, “crafting” the raw ingredients into herbal
even if submerged, though its light ranges are halved. brews simply extends their life expectancy. Otherwise,
An alchemical torch can be extinguished by covering those herbal brews can be crafted using the normal
it with dirt or similar material for 1 minute. crafting rules.
Tracking Dust. This red dust contains granules of Raw herbs are craft components, described in Part
varying size, some heavy like sand and others very 4: Wealth.
fine. When thrown into an area, some granules settle

69 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
DESCRIPTIONS Antidote Kit. This satchel holds dozens of bottles
The following items have their own specific rules. containing antidotes and curatives for poison. These
Alertness Draught. This viscous, sweet drink is meant to be used individually or mixed in
often consumed before standing watch to promote combinations.
wakefulness and vigilance. This kit has ten uses. As an action, you can spend
For the next 2 hours, the drinker has advantage on one use of the kit to treat one poison affecting a
Wisdom (Perception) checks and on any saving throws subject. If more than one poison affects the target, and
to resist falling sleep, even against magically-induced you have not identified or differentiated the poisons,
sleep. one poison is treated at random. Roll a Wisdom
Aniseed. This vial contains hundreds of tiny (Medicine) check against the saving throw DC of the
granules soaked with intense-smelling distillations of poison. Success neutralizes that poison. Failure
herbs, including aniseed. The granules can be indicates that you cannot affect that poison with this
scattered across an area to foul tracking attempts that poison kit.
rely on scent. Antiparalytic. A clear liquid that smells of mint.
A vial of aniseed can be deployed as an action, A creature that drinks this vial gains advantage on
covering a square area, 15 feet on each side. A creature saving throws against paralysis effects (including
with a heightened sense of smell must succeed on a poisons that confer paralysis) for 1 hour. It confers no
DC 12 Constitution saving through or lose the benefits to undead or constructs.
effective use of that sense for 10 minutes. What Antipathogen. A chalky, foul-tasting tablet or
constitutes a heightened sense of smell is defined by dust that can be swallowed or can be mixed with food
the Dungeon Master; typically, it includes any creature or drink.
that has the Keen Smell or the Keen Hearing and Smell A creature that consumes this gains advantage on
feature, or that has a similar trait that affects its sense saving throws against diseases for 8 hours. It confers
of smell, or that can track or perceive its environs no benefits to undead or constructs.
through smells.


Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Alertness draught (vial) 2 gp — Meditative draught (vial) 15 gp —
Aniseed (vial) 8 gp — Menga leaves (vial) 2 gp —
Antidote kit 150 gp 3 lb. Nature’s draught (vial) 8 gp —
Antiparalytic (vial) 40 gp — Nightlight (vial) 5 gp —
Antipathogen (vial) 30 gp — Nilhogg’s Nose (vial) 1 gp —
Antitoxin (vial) 50 gp — Ormu paint (jug) 1 sp 4 lb.
Beastbane 5 gp 1/2 lb. Plague mask 5 gp 1 lb.
Burn balm (large vial) 10 gp 1/2 lb. Potion of healing (large vial) 50 gp 1/2 lb.
Candle, focusing 10 gp — Rations, journeybread (1 day) 5 gp 1/8 lb.
Candle, restful 2 gp — Regenerative elixir (flask) 15 gp 1 lb.
Clearbreath smoke (flask) 10 gp 1 lb. Ryath root 50 gp 1/2 lb.
Clearsense powder (vial) 5 gp — Sinda berries (flask) 5 gp 1 lb.
Healer’s kit 5 gp 3 lb. Tongue of Madness 15 gp —
Herbal poultice 6 sp 1/2 lb. Torchstalk 12 gp 1 lb.
Insect repellent (gourd) 1 gp 1/2 lb. Wildroot (vial) 25 gp —
Insect repellent (incense) 1 sp — Wukka nut 1 gp 1/2 lb.

70 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Antitoxin. A mixture of common antidotes and
treated charcoal designed to counteract a wide variety
of toxins.
A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains
advantage on saving throws against poisons for 1 hour.
It confers no benefits to undead or constructs.
Beastbane. This paper package contains slow-
burning herbs and other noxious substances designed
to produce a haze of thin smoke.
Igniting this package creates a persistent area of
foul scent that lasts for one hour. Adventurers in the
wild typically ring their camps with these small fires
to prevent animal or insect attacks; the fumes are
particularly offensive to beasts, which must succeed
on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw the first time
they attempt to come within 20 feet of the burning
substance. On a failed save, the beast cannot move into
that radius. On a success, the beast is not affected by
any beastbane for the rest of the day. A normal
affected beast will be completely deterred and
probably leave the area, but one with an Intelligence
of 4 or higher can try to enter the affected area on each
of its successive turns, re-attempting the saving throw
each time until successful. A wind of moderate or Clearbreath Smoke. Inhaling the gray mist from
greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) negates the this flask deadens the user’s sense of smell.
effect until the wind stops. Extinguishing the flaming For the next hour, this provides advantage on
package ends the effect until it is relit. saving throws to resist smell-based effects like a
Burn Balm. This potion’s blue liquid glimmers troglodyte’s stench. During this period, the substance
when agitated. causes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
By drinking this potion or applying it directly to a that call upon the user’s sense of smell.
burn, you regain up to 10 hit points, but only hit points Clearsense Powder. A white powder meant to be
lost to fire damage. inhaled, providing clarity and vibrancy to the user’s
Candle, Focusing. A small, green candle, entirely perceptions.
mundane in appearance. When inhaled as an action, this powder gives the
A creature that meditates in the presence of this subject an immediate saving throw against any effect
candle for no less than 5 minutes gains a +1 bonus to that inflicts blindness or deafness if that effect allows
Intelligence checks so long as she remains in the saving throws to end it. This is in addition to any
presence of the burning candle. A candle burns for 1 periodic saving throws the effect already allows.
hour. Healer’s Kit. This kit is a leather pouch
Candle, Restful. A small, gray candle, entirely containing bandages, salves, and splints.
mundane in appearance. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend
This candle aids healing during a short rest. one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit
Everyone resting within 20 feet of the candle who rolls points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine)
Hit Dice for healing can treat any rolled 1s as 2s check.
instead, so long as the rolls occur soon after the candle Herbal Poultice. This packet of medicinal herbs
is lit, and the candle is not extinguished prematurely. is applied directly to a wound.
A candle burns for 1 hour, the entire length of the short An herbal poultice can be used as if it was a single
rest. charge of a healer’s kit. Alternately, it can be applied
to assist longer recover; during a short rest, an affected

71 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
character heals 1 extra hit point per Hit Die when Nightlight is made from a tall, tubular
spending Hit Dice for healing. A poultice works for bioluminescent mushroom of the same name that
one application and cannot be reused. grows in the Underdark. A living nightlight emits
Insect Repellant (Gourd or Incense). This herbal bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an
concoction comes in two forms, an odorless salve additional 15 feet. If a living nightlight is touched,
applied to the skin or a block of incense burned as a either by a creature or object, its light goes out until it
fumigant. is touched again.
Either type repels normal insects for its stated Nillhog’s Nose. This small mushroom heightens
duration but has no effect on giant insects or swarms the consumer’s sense of smell.
of insects. Consuming one dose grants advantage on
The salve comes with 20 applications and protects Wisdom (Perception) checks based on smell for 1d4
a single Medium or Small size creature for 24 hours. hours. During this period, the consumer suffers
It is waterproof and will not wash off short of thorough disadvantage on saving throws against harmful effects
scrubbing. The block of incense burns for 8 hours based on smell, like a troglodyte’s poisonous stench.
when lit and affects a 20-foot radius for the duration. One fresh Nillhog’s nose mushroom has the same
Meditative Draught. This oily liquid is consumed effect if used within 48 hours of being picked.
to aid with meditations. Ormu Paint. This green phosphorescent paint is
The imbiber has advantage on concentration crafted from bioluminescent moss harvested in the
checks for 1 hour following the consumption of this Underdark.
liquid. Ormu paint sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius for
Menga Leaves. The dried leaves of this bush can 24 hours after it is applied. This jug holds one gallon
be ground, dissolved in liquid, heated, and ingested. of paint.
A creature that ingests a dose of menga leaves in Plague Mask. This mask covers the nose and
this fashion regains 1 hit point. A creature that ingests mouth with a filtering layer of medicinal herbs. These
more than 5 doses in a 24-hour period gains no provide a pleasant aroma to mask the miasmic stench
additional benefit and must succeed on a DC 11 of plague. A plague mask also covers the eyes with a
Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 set of clear glass lenses.
hour. The unconscious creature awakens if it takes at A plague mask gives advantage to all saving
least 5 points of damage on one turn. throws to resist diseases that are airborne or that enter
Natural, unrefined menga leaves have the same the body through the mouth, nose, or eyes. It has no
effect if consumed within 24 hours of being plucked effect on diseases contracted through injuries or by
from the bush. contact with the skin.
Nature’s Draught. Consuming this musky brew Potion of Healing. This potion’s red liquid
affects the imbiber’s sweat glands, causing her scent glimmers when agitated.
to be less offensive to animals, even calming to them. By drinking this potion, you regain 2d4+2 hit
For 8 hours after drinking nature’s draught, the points.
imbiber has advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) Rations, Journeybread. These rations rely on the
checks. nutritional value of rare herbs to provide exceptional
Nightlight. A dose of this dark liquid is typically levels of sustenance relative to their weight.
prepared in a thick glass vial. Despite their weight, each of these rations is the
The substance is activated by shaking it equivalent of 1 pound of food. Journeybread is suitable
vigorously as an action or bonus action. Thereafter, the to the digestive needs of all creatures, carnivores and
substance emits light for a period of one round, then herbivores alike; it can also be used as an expensive
goes out for a round, then emits light for a round, form of animal feed.
continuing this strobing pattern until it has emitted Regenerative Elixir. This red liquid glimmers
1d6+2 total rounds of light. When lit, the nightlight when agitated. It is often confused for a potion of
produces bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light healing.
for an additional 30 feet. The interval of light and The elixir gives the drinker 1 temporary hit point,
darkness switches at the start of your turn each round. which lasts up to 24 hours. Any time the drinker rolls

72 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
a death save within the coming 24 hours, the save is administered, the creature is alleviated of the poisoned
made with advantage. condition.
Ryath Root. This chalky orange root has Wukka Nut. This fist-sized nut rattles when
fortifying powers when consumed fresh or in properly- shaken.
preserved form. Shaking the nut as an action or bonus action
Ingesting a ryath root provides a creature with 2d4 causes the shell to shed bright light in a 10-foot radius
temporary hit points. A creature that consumes more and dim light for an additional 10 feet. This light will
than one ryath root in a 24-hour period must succeed fade after 1 minute, but the nut can be shaken again to
on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer the reactivate it. If the shell is ever cracked, the special
poisoned condition for 1 hour. properties are lost.
Unprocessed ryath root retains its potency for 10 Fresh wukka nuts have the same effect without
days after being harvested. any preparation or treatment if plucked from a wukka
Sinda Berries. Liquid concoctions of these dark tree no more than 48 hours prior.
brown berries have a bitter aftertaste.
Consuming one dose gives the creature advantage
on saving throws against poison and disease for the
next 24 hours. Poisons affect the physiology of living creatures.
Fresh sinda berries, plucked from the bush less When combined with weapons, even a light cut can
than 24 hours prior, have the same effect without any become a deadly wound. Delivered clandestinely,
preparation or treatment if at least 10 of the berries are poisons can kill effectively while allowing the killer to
consumed. remain separate (in time and distance) from the act.
Tongue of Madness. This concoction has There are over a hundred poisons described in this
delightfully-earthy scent and is designed to be section. They come from three sources. About half are
administered orally. from the Arms and Equipment Guide published for the
Drinking this requires the imbiber to make a DC 3rd Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. For these, a new
12 Constitution saving throw or compulsively speak condition is described here in a sidebar.
aloud its every thought for the next hour. The effect A small portion of the poisons in this section are
can be ended with a lesser restoration spell or similar taken directly from the sample poisons in the Dungeon
magic. Master’s Guide and the Player’s Handbook.
Unprocessed tongue of madness is an edible The remainder of the poisons, those appearing on
fungus that looks like a large human tongue. It has the the second chart, are monster-derived. They come
same effect if used within 72 hours of being picked. from creatures in the Monster Manual and in the other
Torchstalk. A torchstalk is a mass of thin fungal Fifth Edition books. These monster poisons are
fronds about the size a torch bound together around a translated into rules useable for character interactions,
flint striker. provided for players to use after collecting the toxins
The device can be thrown as an improvised from defeated monsters.
missile weapon, targeting a foe up to 20 feet away as
an action. On impact, or if lit, the torchstalk bursts in ACQUIRING POISON
a cloud of fiery spores. Creatures within 10 feet of the In game terms, poisons represent a potent value-added
target (or the square where it lands in the case of a factor that can eclipse the damage of normal weapons
miss) take 1d6 fire damage. and unbalance the effectiveness of attacks in your
Unprocessed torch stalks have a 1-in-6 chance to game. As such, poisons should be treated carefully.
explode when lit. The head of an unexploding frond DMs should not minimize the balancing factors that
otherwise burns like a torch, lasting up to 24 hours. apply to acquiring poisons: the high material cost, the
Wildroot. This pungent, curative liquid is made lengthy production time, the danger of harvesting from
from the juices of a rare root. monsters, and the near-universal illegality of using,
The liquid must be introduced to the subject’s purchasing, or possessing poisons.
bloodstream, poured on an open wound or injected
with a sharp device or weapon of some sort. Once

73 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
harvesting character has accidentally subjected herself
NEW CONDITION: POISONED (LESSER) to the creature’s poison, taking damage or requiring
Normally, a poisoned creature has disadvantage on saving throws as normal. A successful check yields a
attack rolls and ability checks regardless of the single dose.
abilities those rolls are based on. In contrast, this Purchasing. The charts below give prices for
lesser poisoned condition affects fewer abilities, single doses of poisons. Purchasing can be easier and
usually only one. Crafted poisons frequently apply faster than creating or harvesting, but dealing in
this condition. poisons is risky. The DM is the arbiter of what poisons
The lesser poisoned condition is noted by are available, if any, and at what variation to the
listing an ability after the condition parenthetically. standard costs. Poisons can be as difficult to acquire as
For example, a creature affected with the “poisoned magic items; the DM may impose the restricting
(Strength)” condition has disadvantage on attack guidelines for finding buyers described in Part 4:
rolls and ability checks, but only the ones that Wealth. Attempting to purchase such illicit substances
utilize Strength. Likewise, a creature affected by risks running afoul the local authorities.
the “poisoned (Intelligence, Charisma)” condition
would have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability
checks based on Intelligence and Charisma. DM’S CORNER: POISONED BLADES
Lesser poisoned conditions are in all other There is some debate about the rule for coating
ways equivalent to the standard poisoned condition weapons with injury poison found on page 153 of
and can be removed in the same way. If the DM the Player’s Handbook. The debate centers on an
prefers, she can ignore this new condition and use ambiguity as to whether each strike of the poisoned
the standard poisoned condition instead. weapon inflicts poison until the 1-minute duration
concludes, or just the first strike within that period.
A straightforward reading indicates that the
Crafting. Characters can craft the poisons toxin is supposed to remain effective for every
presented on the first poison chart (Crafted Toxins) but strike throughout that period. There are two reasons
not the second chart (Creature Toxins). Crafted toxins for this conclusion. First, nothing in the text says
are created with a poisoner’s kit using various that a successful strike de-poisons the weapon; the
alchemical and herbal ingredients. The DM may application “retains potency” until its duration is
decide that certain poisons cannot be crafted with up. Second, a single dose can be applied to 3 pieces
common ingredients, that the crafter must seek out (or of ammunition. If every arrow hits, that would
randomly encounter) various ingredients in the wild. triple the benefit for archers if a single dose was
Harvesting. Creature toxins are the poisons or only good for a single hit with a melee weapon.
curative byproducts derived from monsters. These There is very little support for the notion that the
substances that can only be acquired by harvesting poison only works for the first successful attack.
with a poisoner’s kit. A character can harvest poison As an alternative, a happy medium, the DM
from any creature that creates its own venom or toxin. might allow that a weapon coated remains toxic for
The creature must be dead or somehow incapacitated up to 1 minute, or until after the 3rd hit with the
at the time. A living creature can only be harvested weapon, whichever comes first. That puts more
from once per day. A dead creature must have died balance into the mechanics and puts melee weapons
within the last day to still have viable poison within it. and ammunition on par with one another.
Curative byproducts derived from creatures can
normally only be harvested from dead creatures.
Harvesting requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) USING POISON
or Intelligence (poisoner’s kit) check. Failure means Poisons come in four types.
the creature had no usable poison remaining or the Injury. A creature whose skin is penetrated by the
dose collected was spoiled in the attempt and is no blade or point of a weapon, trap component, or other
longer effective. If the check fails by 5 or more, the

74 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
sharp object coated with injury poison is exposed to its poisoned for 24 hours before the poison degrades and
effects. is useless.
Applying a dose of injury poison to a weapon (or In some circumstances, the DM might decide that
up to three pieces of ammunition) takes an action. a victim only gets a partial dose, perhaps because an
Thereafter, if the weapon delivering the poison causes entire dish of food or a whole punchbowl was
piercing or slashing damage, the poison is inflicted as poisoned rather than a single serving. In this case, the
well. Once applied to the weapon, the poison begins to DM should allow advantage on any related saving
lose potency, drying out after one minute. throws and inflict only half damage from the poison.
Contact. A creature that touches contact poison
with exposed skin suffers its effects. Contact poison is
also affective if consumed or injected. VARIANT: VISCIDS
As an action, contact poison can be poured or At the DM’s discretion, certain poisons can be
brushed onto a single small object like a doorknob, a acquired as “viscids.” These long-lasting poisons
bed pillow, or the inside of a gauntlet. Once applied, persist until used. This option facilitates certain
the contact poison remains viable for 12 hours. important gaming tropes. Without it, the poison on
Anyone touching the affected object at the point of the spike traps in that ancient tombs will have
application is subjected to the poison. expired long before the player characters get to it!
Inhaled. These are powders or gases that take A purchased or crafted viscid is worth twice the
effect when they are inhaled or when they otherwise listed value for the appropriate dose on the charts
encounter living creatures. Holding one’s breath is below. A dose of creature-derived poison can be
ineffective against inhaled poisons because they also turned into a viscid using a poisoner’s kit and
affect nasal membranes, tear ducts, and other parts of additional materials worth the same listed value as
the body; inhaled poisons will even affect creatures the dose.
that do not breathe. A viscid injury poison does not dry out when
An inhaled dust or gas poison is typically exposed to air; it lasts until the coated sharp object
contained in a glass vial. As an action, you can throw delivers a wound or is otherwise wiped clean.
the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact and filling A viscid contact poison does not expire after
a 5-foot cube. Make a ranged attack against a creature, half a day; it lasts until the affected surface contacts
object, or point of origin, treating the vial as an a single creature. The remainder of the substance is
improvised weapon. On a hit, a 5-foot cube of space not sufficient to inflict the poison’s effect.
around the target is filled with gas. On a miss, the DM A viscid ingested poison does not expire after
determines where the vial lands and whether it shatters a day; it lasts as long as some of the affected food
to release its contents. Alternately, if you pour a dose or drink is consumed. (If multiple creatures partake
of an inhaled dust poison onto the palm of your hand, of the poisoned fare, splitting the dose, each
you can use an action to blow it into an adjacent space, consumer rolls its saving throw with advantage.)
filling a 5-foot cube. Inhaled poisons are, by their nature, thin, light
Normally, the small cloud of gas or particles substances. They are not available as viscids.
persists in the affected area for 1 round before it
dissipates. If a poison is listed as “ingested” with a die,
like “(Ingested 1d4),” the gas persists that many
rounds instead. A wind of moderate or greater speed
(at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the poison Each dose comes in a vial, some of them glass vials
immediately. intended for throwing. Individual doses in vials have
Ingested. A creature swallowing an ingested no appreciable weight.
poison, or consuming food or drink laced with an Adlevine Extract (Ingested). A creature subjected
ingested poison, suffers its effects. to this poison must make a DC 11 Constitution saving
As an action, an ingested poison can be added to throw or be poisoned (Wisdom) for 8 hours. While
a single serving of food or an individual drink poisoned this way, the creature gains 2 points of
container. Once applied, the food or drink remains Constitution, to a maximum rating of 20. A creature

75 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each hour, start of each of its turns, while the condition persists,
ending the effect early on itself on a success. the victim suffers 1 poison damage. A creature can
Alforna (Injury). A creature subjected to this repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving ending the effect early on itself on a success.
throw or be poisoned (Strength) for 1 minute. A Asabi Mist (Inhaled). A creature that enters or
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each starts its turn within the affected 5-foot area must
of its turns, ending the effect early on itself on a succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be
success. poisoned for 10 minutes. The creature can attempt
Anemis (Contact). A creature subjected to this another saving throw at the end of each minute, ending
poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving the effect on itself with a success.
throw or be poisoned (Strength) for 10 minutes. At the


Item Cost DC/Dice Item Cost DC/Dice
Adlevine extract 100 gp 11/— Malice 250 gp 15/—
Alforna 75 gp 10/— Malyss root paste 500 gp 13/—
Anemis 750 gp 13/— Mesmer paste 300 gp 12/—
Asabi mist 1,000 gp 12/— Midnight tears 1,500 gp 17/9d6
Assassin’s blood 150 gp 10/1d12 Nitharit 650 gp 13/—
Banelar essence 300 gp 11/— Oil of taggit 400 gp 13/—
Basic poison 100 gp 10/1d4 Pale tincture 250 gp 16/1d6
Black lotus extract 4,500 gp 12/— Raeliss smoke 2,000 gp 15/—
Bloodroot 100 gp 12/— Redek vine extract 1,500 gp 13/—
Blue whinnis 450 gp 9/— Retch 250 gp 15/—
Brain dust 1,300 gp 12/— Rill leaf 120 gp 14/—
Burnt other fumes 500 gp 13/3d6 Roshon vapor 1,750 gp 11/—
Cretel leaf residue 50 gp 14/— Sassone leaf residue 300 gp 9/—
Crippling vine 300 gp 13/— Scorcher fumes 800 gp 11/—
Culum powder 200 gp 12/— Shadow essence 250 gp 11/—
Dancing monkey fruit 5 gp 14/— Shreef oil 100 gp 12/—
Dark reaver powder 400 gp 13/1d8 Sleeping weed 500 gp 13/—
Deathblade 1,800 gp 20/— Striped toadstool 180 gp 11/—
Dragon bile 1,500 gp 17/— Svirfneblin poison 150 gp 12/—
Drider poison 150 gp —/1d8 Terinav root 750 gp 13/—
Drow poison 200 gp 13/— Thever fumes 3,000 gp 14/—
Essence of ether 300 gp 15/— Thever paste 1,500 gp 12/—
Faralin 150 gp 14/— Timmask 450 gp 14/—
Gray whinnis 3,000 gp 20/— Torpor 600 gp 15/—
Greenblood oil 100 gp 11/— Truth serum 150 gp 11/—
Haluroot 25 gp 9/— Ungol dust 1,000 gp 12/—
Horror weed extract 600 gp 12/1d4 Vapid leaf extract 250 gp 13/—
Id moss 125 gp 11/— Verminous antidote 15 gp —
Insanity smoke 750 gp 12/1d8 Wraith sheen 250 gp 14/—
Lich dust 250 gp 11/— Zabou 10 gp 10/—
Lockjaw 120 gp 12/—

76 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Assassin’s Blood (Ingested). A creature subjected saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature
to this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving poisoned this way has the unconscious condition while
throw. On a failed save, it takes 6 (1d12) poison the poisoned condition persists. A creature can repeat
damage and is poisoned for 24 hours. On a successful the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
save, the creature takes half damage and isn’t the effect early on itself on a success.
poisoned. Bone Devil’s Sting (Injury). A creature injected
Assassin Vine (Injury). A creature injected with with this poison takes 17 (5d6) poison damage and
this poison suffers 21 (6d6) poison damage. must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or
Banelar Essence (Injury). A creature subjected become poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat
to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature the effect on itself on a success.
that fails its saving throw by 5 or more is also Bone Naga Venom (Injury). A creature injected
unconscious while poisoned this way. A creature can with this poison 10 (3d6) poison damage.
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, Brain Dust (Inhaled). A creature that enters or
ending the effect early on itself on a success. starts its turn within the affected 5-foot area must
Basic Poison (Injected). A creature injected with succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be
this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving poisoned (Wisdom) for 1 minute. While poisoned this
throw or take 2 (1d4) poison damage. way, the creature also suffers “confusion.” The
Basilisk Oil. This substance is a curative creature creature can attempt another saving throw at the
component. The gullet fluids of a basilisk, properly beginning of each of its turns after the first. If
collected and preserved, provides a natural reversal for successful on a follow-up saving throw, the creature
petrification. The gullet of a single adult basilisk can act normally that turn. Otherwise, roll a d20. On a
contains 1d4+1 doses, but a separate check is required 1-2, the creature loses its action for the turn and uses
to harvest each dose without spoiling it. A single dose, all its movement to move in a random direction. (To
applied to a petrified creature of Large or smaller size, determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction
allows it to make another saving throw to resist (in this to each die face.) On a 3-14, the creature doesn’t move
case, reverse) the petrification. Multiple doses can or take actions that turn. On a 15-20, the creature uses
allow multiple additional saving throws. It takes one its action to make a melee attack against a randomly
minute to fully apply a dose of the oil to a single determined creature within its reach. If there is no
creature. Revivification with basilisk oil is impossible creature within its reach, the creature does nothing
if a vital part of the creature, such as its head, has been during that turn.
detached. Burnt Othur Fumes (Inhaled). A creature
Black Lotus Extract (Contact). A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13
subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) poison
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned (Wisdom) damage, and must repeat the saving throw at the start
for 3 minutes. While the condition persists, the victim of each of its turns. On each successive failed save, the
suffers disadvantage on saving throws based on character takes 3 (1d6) poison damage. After three
Wisdom. At the start of each of its turns, while the successful saves, the poison ends.
condition persists, the victim suffers 5 (2d4) poison Carrion Crawler Mucus (Contact). A creature
damage. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13
end of each of its turns, ending the effect early on itself Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.
on a success. The poisoned creature is paralyzed. The creature can
Bloodroot (Injury). A creature subjected to this repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving ending the effect on itself on a success.
throw or be poisoned (Wisdom) for 1 minute. A Catoblepas Musk (Inhaled). A creature that
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each enters or starts its turn in, or within 10 feet of, the
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. affected 5-foot area must succeed on a DC 16
Blue Whinnis (Injury). A creature subjected to Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start
this poison must succeed on a DC 9 Constitution of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the

77 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
creature is immune to this stench and the stench of any saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. Until this
catoblepas for 1 hour. poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The target can
Choldrith Poison (Injury). A creature injected repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
with this poison takes 10 (3d6) poison damage. ending the effect on itself on a success.
Chuul Saliva (Contact). A creature that touches
this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution


Item Cost DC/Dice Item Cost DC/Dice
Assassin vine 800 gp —/6d6 Purple wormling poison 250 gp 13/3d6
Basilisk oil 400 gp — Purple worm poison 2,000 gp 19/12d6
Bone devil’s sting 600 gp 14/— Quasit crud 150 gp 10/2d4
Bone naga venom 300 gp —/3d6 Sea spawn quills 175 gp 12/1d6
Carrion crawler mucus 200 gp 13/— Shoosuva poison 350 gp 14/—
Catoblepas musk 250 gp 16/— Spirit naga venom 1,200 gp —/7d8
Choldrith poison 300 gp —/3d6 Sprite spit 250 gp 10/—
Chuul saliva 400 gp 13/— Stench kow breath 200 gp 12/—
Couatl venom 600 gp 13/— Thri-kreen venom 350 gp 11/—
Death dog saliva 300 gp 12/1d10 Tlincalli sting 650 gp 14/4d6
Dretch wretch 250 gp 11/— Tressym tongue 350 gp —/—
Erinyes poison 400 gp 14/3d8 Tri-Flower 300 gp 11/—
Ettercap venom 150 gp 11/— Troglodyte stench 200 gp 12/—
Flumph stench 150 gp —/— Unicorn horn 850 gp —/—
Fungal spore 300 gp 15/3d6 Vegepygmy chief spores 400 gp 12/2d8
Gnoll spittle 200 gp 12/2d6 Verminous Venom
Green dragon breath Flying snake 200 gp —/3d4
Adult 2,250 gp 18/16d6 Giant centipede 175 gp 11/3d6
Ancient 3,100 gp 22/22d6 Giant scorpion 250 gp 12/4d10
Young 1,250 gp 14/12d6 Giant spider 175 gp 11/2d8
Wyrmling 750 gp 11/6d6 Giant wasp 175 gp 11/3d6
Grell venom 350 gp 11/— Giant wolf spider 150 gp 11/2d6
Grung sweat 200 gp 12/— Phase spider 225 gp 11/4d8
Guardian naga venom 2,100 gp —/10d8 Poisonous snake 150 gp 10/2d4
Homunculus saliva 250 gp 10/— Scorpion 100 gp 9/1d8
Imp sting 200 gp 11/3d6 Serpent 200 gp 11/3d6
Iron golem fumes 1,600 gp 19/10d8 Spider 75 gp 9/1d4
Kamadan’s snakes 600 gp 12/6d6 Vrock spores 550 gp 14/1d10
Medusa venom 450 gp —/4d6 Wyvern poison 1,200 gp 15/7d6
Myconid spore Yahcha beetle 1 gp —
Hallucinogenic 250 gp 12/— Yochlol mist 250 gp 14/—
Euphoric 350 gp 12/— Yuan-ti venom
Neogi venom 400 gp 12/4d6 Abomination 300 gp —/3d6
Neogi venom, hatchling 150 gp 10/2d6 Anathema 450 gp —/4d6
Pit fiend venom 4,100 gp 21/6d6 Common 200 gp —/2d6
Pseudodragon sting 300 gp 11/—

78 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Couatl Venom (Injury). A creature injected with initial saving throw, the victim suffers 4 (1d8) poison
this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution damage.
saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours. Until this Deathblade (Injury). A creature subjected to this
poison ends, the target is unconscious. The creature poison must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving
wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes throw or be poisoned (Constitution) for 1 minute.
an action to shake it awake. While this condition persists, the creature cannot
Cretel Leaf Residue (Ingested). A creature benefit from magical healing. A creature can repeat the
subjected to this poison must make a DC 14 saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned (Wisdom) effect early on itself on a success. This substance can
for 1 hour. While poisoned this way, the creature gains be perceived as magical (no school) using a detect
2 points of Constitution, to a maximum rating of 20. A magic spell or similar effect.
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each Death Dog Saliva (Contact). A creature that
minute, ending the effect early on itself on a success. touches this substance must succeed on a DC 12
When the effect ends, the creature gains one level of Constitution saving throw against disease (not poison)
exhaustion. or become poisoned until the disease is cured. Every
Crippling Vine (Contact). A creature subjected to 24 hours that elapse, the creature must repeat the
this poison must make a DC 13 Constitution saving saving throw, reducing its hit point maximum by 5
throw or be poisoned (Strength) for 1 hour. A creature (1d10) on a failure. The creature dies if the disease
that failed the initial saving throw can repeat it at the reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
end of each 10-minute period, ending the effect early Dragon Bile. (Contact). A creature subjected to
on itself on a success. this poison must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution
Culum Powder (Ingested). A creature subjected saving throw or be poisoned (Strength) for 3 hours.
to this poison must make a DC 12 Constitution saving While the condition persists, the victim suffers
throw or be poisoned (Dexterity) for 8 hours. A disadvantage on saving throws based on Strength.
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each Dretch Wretch (Inhaled). This gas spreads
hour, ending the effect early on itself on a success. For around corners. It lightly obscures the impacted 5-foot
each failed saving throw, including the initial saving square and all other squares within 10 feet of it. A
throw, the victim suffers 1 poison damage. creature that enters or starts its turn within the
Dancing Monkey Fruit (Ingested). A humanoid obscured zone must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 14 saving throw or be poisoned until the start of the next
Constitution saving throw or begin a comic dance that turn. While poisoned in this way, the target can take
lasts for 1 minute. Humanoids that cannot be poisoned either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both,
are immune to this magical effect. and can’t take reactions.
The dancer must use all its movement to dance Drider Poison (Injury). A creature injected with
without leaving its space and has disadvantage on this poison takes 4 (1d8) poison damage. The secrets
attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws, and other of crafting this poison are well-known to driders. If
creatures have advantage on attack rolls against it. using the optional Formulas rules, acquiring the
Each time it takes damage, the dancing humanoid can formula requires interacting with driders.
repeat the saving throw, ending the dancing effect on Drow Poison (Injury). A creature subjected to
itself on a success. this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
Once the dancing effect ends, the humanoid saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving
suffers the poisoned condition for 1 hour. throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also
Dark Reaver Powder (Ingested). A creature unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature
subjected to this poison must make a DC 13 wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes
Constitution saving throw or suffer 4 (1d8) poison an action to shake it awake. The secrets of crafting this
damage and be poisoned (Constitution, Strength) for 1 poison are well-known to drow. If using the optional
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the Formulas rules, acquiring the formula requires
end of each minute, ending the effect early on itself on interacting with drow.
a success. For each failed saving throw, including the

79 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Erinyes Poison (Injury). A creature injected with chosen priests. A creature injected with this poison
this poison takes 14 (3d8) poison damage and must must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be take 7 (2d6) poison damage.
poisoned. The poison lasts until it is removed by the Gray Whinnis (Injury). A creature subjected to
lesser restoration spell or similar magic. this poison must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution
Essence of Ether (Inhaled). A creature subjected saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature
to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution that fails its saving throw by 5 or more is also
saving throw or become poisoned for 8 hours. The paralyzed while the poisoned condition persists. The
poisoned creature is unconscious. The creature wakes creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a success.
action to shake it awake. Greenblood Oil (Injury). A creature subjected to
Ettercap Venom (Injury). A creature injected this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
with this poison takes 4 (1d8) poison damage and must saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be Green Dragon Breath, Adult (Inhaled). This can
poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the be harvested from an adult green dragon or a
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the Gargantuan size green half-dragon. A creature
effect on itself on a success. subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 18
Faralin (Ingested). A creature subjected to this Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 56
poison must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw (16d6) poison damage on a failed save or half as much
or be poisoned (Dexterity, Constitution) for 30 damage on a successful save.
minutes. While poisoned this way, the creature gains Green Dragon Breath, Ancient (Inhaled). This
2 points of Strength, to a maximum rating of 20. A can be harvested from an ancient green dragon. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC
minute, ending the effect early on itself on a success. 22 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 77
Flumph Stench (Inhaled). This poison does not (22d6) poison damage on a failed save or half as much
fill an area. Instead, a creature hit by the glass vial is damage on a successful save.
coated with a terrible, sticky substance. The affected Green Dragon Breath, Young (Inhaled). This
creature is automatically poisoned for the duration. can be harvested from a young green dragon or a Huge
Any creature that begins its turn within 5 feet of the size green half-dragon. A creature subjected to this
target is likewise automatically poisoned until it poison must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving
moves away. The substance remains active for 1d4 throw. The creature takes 42 (12d6) poison damage on
hours. A creature can remove this stench on itself by a failed save or half as much damage on a successful
using a short rest to bathe in water, alcohol, or vinegar. save.
Fungal Spore (Inhaled). This poison is collected Green Dragon Breath, Wyrmling (Inhaled). This
as a spore, not stored in a glass vial. When burst by an can be harvested from a wyrmling green dragon or a
impact, the spore fills a 20-feet cube. Creatures within Medium size (or smaller) green half-dragon. A
or entering the affected area must make a DC 15 creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC
Constitution saving throw or take 11 (3d6) poison 11 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 21
damage and become infected with a disease. Creatures (6d6) poison damage on a failed save or half as much
immune to poison are immune to this disease. damage on a successful save.
As a secondary effect, spores invade an affected Grell Venom (Injury). A creature injected with
creature’s system, killing the creature in a number of this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
hours equal to 1d12 + the creature’s Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While
score, unless the disease is removed. In half that time, poisoned, the target is paralyzed. It can repeat the
the creature becomes poisoned for the rest of the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
duration. After the creature dies, it sprouts 2d4 Tiny effect on itself with a success.
gas spores that grow to full size in 7 days. Grung Sweat (Contact). A creature that touches
Gnoll Spittle (Injury). This rare poison can only this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
be harvested from a gnoll that is one of Yeenoghu’s saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A

80 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the Kamadan’s Snakes (Injury). A creature injected
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with with this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
a success. saving throw. the creature takes 21 (6d6) poison
Guardian Naga Venom (Injury). A creature damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a
injected with this poison (45) 10d8 poison damage. successful save.
Haluroot (Injury). A creature subjected to this Lich Dust (Ingested). A creature subjected to this
poison must succeed on a DC 9 Constitution saving poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving
throw or be poisoned (Wisdom) for 1 minute. throw or be poisoned (Strength) for 24 hours. While
Homunculus Saliva (Injury). A creature injected the condition persists, the victim suffers from a flaking
with this poison must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution skin condition; the victim has disadvantage on
saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. If the saving Charisma (Persuasion) checks made against
throw fails by 5 or more, the target is instead poisoned humanoids that can see the victim’s flaking “lich-like”
for 1d10 minutes and is unconscious while poisoned skin. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the
this way. end of each hour, ending the effect on itself with a
Horror Weed Extract (Contact). A creature success.
subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Lockjaw (Ingested). A creature subjected to this
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned (Wisdom) poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
for 24 hours. The creature can repeat the saving throw throw or be poisoned for 12 hours. A creature that fails
at the end of each hour, ending the effect on itself with its saving throw by 5 or more is also unable to speak
a success. Each failed saving throw inflicts 2 (1d4) or use verbal spell components while the poisoned
psychic damage that cannot be healed until the condition persists. The creature can repeat the saving
poisoned condition is removed. This substance can be throw at the end of each hour, ending the effect on
perceived as magical (no school) using a detect magic itself with a success.
spell or similar effect. Malice (Inhaled). A creature subjected to this
Id Moss (Ingested). A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned
throw or be poisoned (Intelligence) for 24 hours. creature is blinded.
While the condition persists, the victim suffers Malyss Root Paste (Contact). A creature
disadvantage on saving throws based on Intelligence. subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13
The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of Constitution saving throw or be poisoned (Dexterity)
each hour, ending the effect on itself with a success. for 12 hours. While the condition persists, the victim
Imp Sting (Injury). A creature injected with this suffers disadvantage on saving throws based on
poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving Dexterity. The creature can repeat the saving throw at
throw, taking 11 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, the end of each hour, ending the effect on itself with a
or half as much damage on a successful save. success.
Insanity Smoke (Inhaled). A creature subjected Medusa Venom (Injected). A creature injected
to this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution with this poison takes 14 (4d6) poison damage.
saving throw or be poisoned (Wisdom) for 1 hour. The Mesmer Paste (Contact). A creature subjected to
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
minute, ending the effect on itself with a success. Each saving throw or be poisoned (Intelligence) for 12
failed saving throw inflicts 4 (1d8) psychic damage hours. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the
that cannot be healed until the poisoned condition is creature is also “dazzled” while the poisoned condition
removed. This substance can be perceived as magical persists; the creature has disadvantage on all sight-
(no school) using a detect magic spell or similar effect. related attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks.
Iron Golem Fumes (Inhaled). A creature The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 19 each hour, ending the effect on itself with a success.
Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 45 Midnight Tears (Ingested). A creature that
(10d8) poison damage on a failed save or half as much ingests this poison suffers no effect until the stroke of
damage on a successful save. midnight. If the poison has not been neutralized before

81 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
then, the creature must succeed on a DC 17 become poisoned. The poisoned creature must repeat
Constitution saving throw, taking 31 (9d6) poison the saving throw every 24 hours, taking 3 (1d6) poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a damage on a failed save. Until this poison ends, the
successful one. damage the poison deals can’t be healed by any means.
Myconid Spore, Hallucinogenic (Inhaled). This After seven successful saving throws, the effect ends
poison is collected as a spore, not stored in a glass vial. and the creature can heal normally.
When burst by an impact, the spore fills a 20-feet cube. Pit Fiend Venom (Injury). A creature injected
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a with this poison must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution
DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 saving throw or become poisoned. While poisoned this
minute. The poisoned target is incapacitated while it way, the target can’t regain hit points and it takes 6d6
hallucinates. The target can repeat the saving throw at poison damage at the start of each of its turns. The
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself poisoned target can repeat the saving throw at the end
on a success. of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Myconid Spore, Euphoric (Inhaled). This rare success.
poison must be harvested from a myconid sovereign Pseudodragon Sting (Injury). A creature injected
that embraces Zuggtymoy. This poison is collected as with this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
a spore, not stored in a glass vial. When burst by an saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. If the
impact, the spore fills a 20-feet cube. Creatures in that saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target falls
area or entering it must succeed on a DC 12 unconscious for the same duration, or until it takes
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 damage or another creature uses an action to shake it
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the awake.
end of each of its turns, ending the effect early on itself Purple Wormling Poison (Injury). A creature
on a success. When the effect ends, the creature gains subjected to this poison must make a DC 13
one level of exhaustion. Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison
Neogi Venom (Injury). A creature injected with damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
this poison takes 14 (4d6) poison damage and must successful one.
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success.
Neogi Venom, Hatchling (Injury). A creature
injected with this poison takes 7 (2d6) poison damage
and must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A target can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success.
Nitharit (Contact). A creature subjected to this
poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw or be poisoned for 12 hours. The creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each hour, ending
the effect on itself with a success.
Oil of Taggit (Contact). A creature subjected to
this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours. The
poisoned creature is unconscious. The creature wakes
up if it takes damage.
Pale Tincture (Ingested). A creature subjected to
this poison must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage and

82 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Purple Worm Poison (Injury). A creature or a successful recuperation check performed in
subjected to this poison must make a DC 19 downtime.
Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) poison Sassone Leaf Residue (Contact). A creature
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 9
successful one. Constitution saving throw or be poisoned (Charisma,
Quasit Crud (Injury). A creature injected with Intelligence, Wisdom) for 10 minutes. The creature
this poison must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage and turns, ending the effect on itself with a success. Each
become poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned target can failed saving throw, including the initial saving throw,
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, inflicts 6 (1d12) poison damage.
ending the effect on itself on a success. Scorcher Fumes (Inhaled). A creature that enters
Raeliss Smoke (Inhaled). A creature subjected to or starts its turn within the affected 5-foot area must
this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be
saving throw or be poisoned (Charisma) for 1 hour. poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned this way, the
While the poisoned condition persists, the victim also creature is also blinded. If the initial saving throw fails
loses 2 points of Charisma, to a minimum rating of 3, by 5 or more, the blindness becomes permanent, until
and has disadvantage on Charisma saving throws. The cured by magic. If the initial saving throw is failed by
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each 4 or less, the creature can attempt another saving throw
minute, ending the effect on itself with a success. at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
Redek Vine Extract (Injury). A creature with a success.
subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Sea Spawn Quills (Injury). A creature injected
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned (Dexterity) with this poison suffers 3 (1d6) poison damage and
for 10 minutes. The creature can repeat the saving must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect be poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
on itself with a success. If the creature fails 3 saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
consecutive saving throws, no more attempts are effect on itself on a success.
allowed; the poison persists for the full duration. Shadow Essence (Injury). A creature subjected to
Retch (Ingested). A creature subjected to this this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving saving throw or be poisoned (Strength) for 2 minutes.
throw or be poisoned (Constitution) for 24 hours. If the The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
initial saving throw fails by 5 or more points, the each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a
creature is also “nauseated” while the poison persists; success. If the creature fails 3 consecutive saving
the victim is unable to use reactions during that time. throws, no more attempts are allowed; the poison
The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of persists for the full duration.
each hour, ending the effect on itself with a success. Shoosuva Poison (Injury). A creature injected
Each failed saving throw inflicts 1 poison damage that with this poison must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
cannot be healed while the poisoned condition saving throw or become poisoned. While poisoned, the
persists. target is also paralyzed. The target can repeat the
Rill Leaf (Injury). A creature subjected to this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
poison must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving effect on itself with a success.
throw or be poisoned (Charisma) for 1 hour. Shreef Oil (Injury). A creature subjected to this
Roshon Vapor (Inhaled). A creature subjected to poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution throw or be poisoned (Dexterity, Strength) for 10
saving throw or be poisoned (Dexterity) for 1 hour. minutes.
The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of Sleeping Weed (Contact). A creature subjected to
each minute, ending the effect on itself with a success. this poison must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
If the initial saving throw fails by 5 or more, the throw or be poisoned (Dexterity) for 5 minutes. While
creature also loses 2 points of Dexterity; the loss is poisoned this way, the subject is slowed; its speed is
permanent until reversed by a greater restoration spell halved, it takes a 2-point penalty to AC and Dexterity

83 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
saving throws, and it can’t use reactions. On its turn, it succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be
can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. poisoned (Dexterity) for 10 minutes. While poisoned
Regardless of the creature’s abilities or magic items, it this way, the creature’s movement speeds are reduced
can’t make more than one melee or ranged attack by 10 feet. The creature can repeat the saving throw at
during its turn. If the creature attempts to cast a spell the end of each of each minute, ending the effect on
with a casting time of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or itself with a success.
higher, the spell doesn’t take effect until the creature’s Thever Fumes (Inhaled). A creature that enters
next turn, and the creature must use its action on that or starts its turn within the affected 5-foot area must
turn to complete the spell. If it can’t, the spell is succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be
wasted. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned this way, the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself after creature is also blinded. If the initial saving throw fails
2 successful saving throws. by 5 or more, the blindness becomes permanent, until
Spirit Naga Venom (Injury). A creature injected cured by magic. If the initial saving throw is failed by
with this poison 31 (7d8) poison damage. less, the creature can attempt another saving throw at
Sprite Spit (Injury). A creature injected with this the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
poison must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving with a success.
throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. If its saving Thever Paste (Contact). A creature subjected to
throw result is 5 or lower, the poisoned target falls this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
unconscious for the same duration, or until it takes saving throw or be poisoned for 10 minutes. While
damage or another creature takes an action to shake it poisoned this way, the creature is also blinded. If the
awake. initial saving throw fails by 5 or more, the blindness
Stench Kow Breath (Inhaled). This gas spreads becomes permanent, until cured by magic. If the initial
around corners, affecting a 5-foot square. A creature saving throw is failed by less, the creature can attempt
that enters or starts its turn within the zone must another saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be ending the effect on itself with a success.
poisoned until the start of the creature’s next turn. On Thri-Kreen Venom (Injury). A creature injected
a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to with this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
this scent and the scent of all stench kows for 1 hour. saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. If the saving
Striped Toadstool (Ingested). A creature throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also paralyzed
subjected to this poison must make a DC 11 while poisoned this way. The poisoned target can
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the
(Intelligence, Wisdom) for 1 hour. While poisoned this effect on itself on a success.
way, the creature has trouble focusing its vision and Timmask (Inhaled). A creature that enters or
distinguishing hallucinations from reality; it treats starts its turn within the affected 5-foot area must
everything farther than 20 feet away as lightly succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be
obscured. The creature can repeat the saving throw at poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned this way, the
the end of each minute, ending the effect on itself with creature suffers “confusion.” The creature can attempt
a success. a follow-up saving throw at the beginning of each of
Svirfneblin Poison (Injury). A creature injected its turns. If successful on a follow-up saving throw, the
with this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution creature can act normally that turn. Otherwise, roll a
saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The target d20. On a 1-2, the creature loses its action for the turn
can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turns, and uses all its movement to move in a random
ending the effect on itself on a success. The secrets of direction. (To determine the direction, roll a d8 and
crafting this poison are well-known to svirfneblin. If assign a direction to each die face.) On a 3-14, the
using the optional Formulas rules, acquiring the creature doesn’t move or take actions that turn. On a
formula requires interacting with svirfneblin. 15-20, the creature uses its action to make a melee
Terinav Root (Contact). Once applied, this attack against a randomly determined creature within
contact poison remains effective for 1 month before its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the
becoming inert. A creature subject to this poison must creature does nothing during that turn.

84 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Tlincalli Sting (Injury). A creature injected with from a dead unicorn and ground into 1d4+1 doses of
this poison suffers 14 (4d6) poison damage and must this powerful curative substance. This harvesting
succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be succeeds automatically without an ability check. The
poisoned for 1 minute. If it fails the saving throw by 5 consumption of powdered unicorn horn, or its direct
or more, the target is also paralyzed while poisoned. application to a wound, heals 2d8+2 hit points and
The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of removes all diseases and neutralizes all poisons
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a afflicting the target. When mixed with food, drink, or
success. other consumables, a dose neutralizes any poisons or
Torpor (Ingested). A creature subjected to this diseases tainting that substances.
poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving Ungol Dust (Inhaled). A creature that enters or
throw or become poisoned for 4d6 hours. The starts its turn in the affected 5-foot area must succeed
poisoned creature is incapacitated. on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned
Tressym Tongue. This substance is a curative (Charisma) for 1 minute. If the saving throw fails by 5
creature component. A single tongue can be harvested or more, the subject loses 2 points of Charisma for 24
from a dead tressym. Placing the whole tongue on a hours. This latter effect is not cumulative across
creature indicates whether the creature is currently multiple attempted saving throws or with other
poisoned or has the natural ability to produce its own applications of this poison.
venom. When placed in contact with a substance (or a Vapid Leaf Extract (Injury). A creature subjected
container holding a single substance) the tongue can to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
determine whether the substance is poisoned or saving throw or be poisoned (Intelligence) for 10
poisonous. The tressym tongue discolors from pink to minutes. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
dark grey to indicate poison, after which it becomes end of each of its turns, ending the effect early on itself
useless. If no poison is indicated, the tongue can be on a success. When the effect ends, the creature gains
preserved and reused. one level of exhaustion if it currently has fewer than 3
Tri-Flower (Inhaled). A creature subjected to this levels of exhaustion.
poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving Vegepygmy Chief Spores (Inhaled). This poison
throw or be for one hour. While poisoned this way, the is collected as a spore, not stored in a glass vial. When
target is unconscious. At the end of each minute, the burst by an impact, the spore fills a 15-feet cube. A
poisoned target can repeat the saving throw, ending the non-plant creature subjected to this poison must
effect on itself on a success. succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be
Troglodyte Stench (Inhaled). This poison does poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, a
not fill an area. Instead, a creature hit by the glass vial target takes 9 (2d8) poison damage at the start of each
is coated with a terrible, sticky substance. At the start of its turns. The target can repeat the saving throw at
of its turn, the affected creature, and any creature that the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
begins its turn within 5 feet of the affected creature on a success.
must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or Verminous Antidote. A creature that drinks this
be poisoned until the start of the creature’s next turn. vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against
On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune poisons for 1 hour, so long as the source is a verminous
to this stench and the stench of all troglodytes for 1 beast (some kind of spider, snake, scorpion, or the
hour. The substance remains active for 1d4 hours. A like). This confers no benefits to undead or constructs.
creature can remove this stench on itself by using a Verminous Venom, Flying Snake (Injury). A
short rest to bathe in water, alcohol, or vinegar. creature subjected to this poison suffers 7 (3d4) poison
Truth Serum (Ingested). A creature subjected to damage.
this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution Verminous Venom, Giant Centipede (Injury). A
saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC
poisoned creature can’t knowingly speak a lie, as if 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison
under the effect of a zone of truth spell. damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Unicorn Horn. This substance is a curative successful one. If the poisoned damage reduces the
creature component. A single horn can be harvested target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned

85 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is Verminous Venom, Serpent (Injury). A creature
paralyzed while poisoned in this way. subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11
Verminous Venom, Giant Scorpion (Injury). A Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison
creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
12 Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) poison successful one.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Verminous Venom, Spider (Injury). A creature
successful one. subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 9
Verminous Venom, Giant Spider (Injury). A Constitution saving throw or take 2 (1d4) poison
creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC damage.
11 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) poison Vrock Spores (Inhaled). This poison is collected
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a as a spore, not stored in a glass vial. When burst by an
successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target impact, the spore fills a 15-feet cube. The toxin
to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 spreads around corners. A creature subjected to this
hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed poison must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving
while poisoned in this way. throw or become poisoned. While poisoned in this
Verminous Venom, Giant Wasp (Injury). A way, the target takes 5 (1d10) poison damage at the
creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC start of each of its turns. A target can repeat the saving
11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a on itself on a success. Emptying a vial of holy water
successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target on the target also ends the effect.
to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 Wraith Sheen (Contact). A creature subjected to
hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed this poison must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
while poisoned in this way. saving throw or be poisoned (Constitution, Dexterity,
Verminous Venom, Giant Wolf Spider (Injury). Strength) for 1 hour.
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a Wyvern Poison (Injury). A creature subjected to
DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) this poison must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save,
damage on a successful one. If the poison damage or half as much damage on a successful one.
reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but Yahcha Beetle. This substance is a curative
poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, creature component. The flesh of this fist-sized beetle,
and is paralyzed while poisoned this way. when eaten, allows the consuming creature to
Verminous Venom, Phase Spider (Injury). A immediately attempt a new saving throw, with
creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC advantage, against the disease known as “mad monkey
11 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) poison fever.”
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Yochlol Mist (Inhaled). A creature subjected to
successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target this poison must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next
hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed turn. While poisoned this way, the target is
while poisoned this way. incapacitated.
Verminous Venom, Poisonous Snake (Injury). Yuan-ti Venom, Abomination (Injury). A
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a creature injected with this poison suffers 10 (3d6)
DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 5 (2d4) poison damage.
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much Yuan-ti Venom, Anathema (Injury). A creature
damage on a successful one. injected with this poison suffers 14 (4d6) poison
Verminous Venom, Scorpion (Injury). A damage.
creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC Yuan-ti Venom, Common (Injury). A creature
9 Constitution saving throw, taking 4 (1d8) poison injected with this poison suffers 7 (2d6) poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a damage.
successful one.

86 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Zabou (Inhaled). This poison is collected as a There are myriad other ways that skills and tools
spore, not stored in a glass vial. When burst by an can overlap in function, thus granting advantage,
impact, the spore fills a 10-feet cube. Creatures within subject only to the (reasonable) imagination of the
or entering the affected area must make a DC 10 player and the moderation of the Dungeon Master.
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. When the abilities called upon for a skill or tool
While poisoned this way, a creature’s skin itches. A use in this overlapping area are not the same, the
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each player determines which ability to use, unless the
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Dungeon Master asserts that a specific ability is
needed for the circumstances.

Proficiency with a tool allows you to add your Often, a successful check that applies to both a skill
proficiency bonus to any ability check you make using and a tool can yield exceptional results. Specific
that tool, and use any special functions of a tool synergy benefits go beyond just applying advantage to
provided in its description. Proficiency also implies a check. These are entirely at the Dungeon Master’s
knowledge of the trade or profession involved in the discretion.
tool’s marketable products. For example, a character using Charisma
Tool checks are not tied to a specific ability; the (Persuasion) to sway a crowd to a certain viewpoint
DM can, for example, call for a Dexterity could synergize the attempt by playing a musical
(woodcarver’s tools) check to carve a fine detail or a instrument with proficiency. A patriotic background
Strength (woodcarver’s tools) check to make tune really jazzes up an inspiring speech. In this case,
something out of a particularly hard wood. the Dungeon Master might decide that the crowd’s
starting attitude is shifted one category before the
SKILLS WITH TOOLS Charisma check is rolled.
For another example, proficiency with cobbler’s
Some skills have overlapping functionality with tools.
tools might let a character roll Wisdom (Survival) to
Sometimes, using both can provide advantages. This
track a specific person across a busy area like a dirt
requires the character to be proficient with the skill and
road through the center of town, doing so when it
the tool.
would not be possible for other characters to
Each tool below indicates one or more skills that
differentiate the similar footwear.
lore, coaction, or synergy may apply to, sometimes
Synergistic benefits might make tests easier or
with examples. Even when not specified, some of
provide better results for successful tests; the Dungeon
these pairings given in the tool descriptions only
Master chooses whether they are the sort that applies
overlap in certain circumstances or applications. The
before or after rolling. Many synergy situations also
Dungeon Master is the arbitrator of when these
benefit from a coaction advantage to their rolls.
advantages apply.
Some synergistic benefits have no effect on die
When deriving Lore from a paring, character need
rolls whatsoever. Many of these are described in
not possess or make use of the tool to claim the added
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, starting on page 80.
knowledge. This is not true of coaction or synergy
between skills and tool.
Any time proficiency with a tool would provide
additional information to the user of a skill, or vice
If a check could be performed with either a skill or a
versa, the information derived is specific to the tool or
tool, the Dungeon Master may choose to apply
skill brought in on the check.
advantage to the roll.
For example, an Intelligence (History) check to
For example, harvesting poison from a creature
determine the origin of a painting might gain
may be done with either an Intelligence (Nature) or
additional insight into the value and age if the
Intelligence (poisoner’s kit) check. Proficiency with
investigator is proficient with painter’s tools. This is
both (and use of the tools) gives the check advantage.

87 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
due to familiarity with the appearance of such crafts using the tools of your craft. Each type requires a
when exposed to the ravages of time. different proficiency.
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything lists a variety of
lore opportunities for specific skills, starting on page PROFESSIONAL WORK
80. During downtime periods, artisan’s tools also let you
craft items for yourself or others, or earn a living.
Any artisan’s tools or miscellaneous tools can be REPAIRS
purchased as a masterwork version for an additional When used in the field, each set of artisan’s tools is
cost of 150 gp. assumed to contain a small quantity of important
The only function of masterwork tools is to negate components useful for repairing and upkeeping
disadvantage imposed by the complexity of a subject, equipment without additional cost. For example, your
project, or product, if it could be offset by higher- smith’s tools might contain extra rings to replace lost
precision tools or by a wider-than-normal array of bits of your chainmail armor.
supplies. This effect applies at the DM’s discretion; Normally, this means that repairing an item
not every situation that imposes disadvantage can be requires only time, not additional costly materials.
offset by masterwork tools. (Repair components are periodically restocked as
For example, as part of a forgery attempt, a incidental, untracked expenses.) The damaged parts of
character is trying to imitate a precise shade of ink the gear itself counts as the materials needed for the
used in military documents. The purpose of this ink, project of crafting the item back to its completed form.
with its odd mixture of pigments, is to deter just this In the case of particularly-ruinous breakage, as
sort of forgery! Normally, the DM would impose suffered by armaments with the ersatz property,
disadvantage, but she decides that the wider array of additional materials might need to be purchased,
inks available in the character’s masterwork forger’s usually costing 5% of the item’s normal price.
kit is sufficient to offset the penalty.
VARIANT: SHODDY TOOLS Artisan’s tools are described below. Unless otherwise
Any type of tools can be acquired in a low-quality noted, artisan’s tools come in a satchel.
form at a reduced price. These are usually poorly- Alchemist’s Supplies. A collection of crucibles
crafted second-hand items, ill cared for or with and glass vials, mortar and pestle, an alcohol-burning
missing components. Shoddy tools cost one-fifth the lamp, and other supplies. These come in a box with
standard market value and apply disadvantage to any velvet-lined cut-outs designed to hold the delicate
attack or check made to use them or made in any way instruments safely in place.
connected with their use. Use alchemist’s supplies to produce a thick puff
For example, the cost of a shoddy lyre is only 6 of smoke (DC 10), identify poison (DC 10) or another
gp. The item is probably cracked so that its sound is substance (DC 15), start a fire (DC 15), or neutralize
never quite right. A user applies disadvantage to any acid (DC 20).
Charisma (Performance) checks made to play the Brewer’s Supplies. Measuring bowls, scales,
shoddy lyre. This does not apply to rolls other than hops bags made of muslin, spices, hoses, a funnel, and
ability checks; if a bard were to use the shoddy lyre as other equipment suitable for brewing alcoholic
a spellcasting focus, spell attack rolls would not be beverages. Depending on the type of beverage crafted,
impeded. kegs, casks, pitchers or other liquid storage devices
may also be required for practicing this trade.
ARTISAN’S TOOLS You can use your tools to purify up to 6 gallons
of water as part of a long rest, or 1 gallon of water as
Proficiency with a set of artisan’s tools lets you add
part of a short rest.
your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make
Use brewer’s supplies to detect poisons or
impurities in a drink (DC 10), identify alcohol (DC

88 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
15), or ignore the effects of alcohol (DC 20). This last with more durable mediums, like the long-handled
roll is a Constitution (brewer’s supplies) check. wood-burning styluses or fine paintbrushes used for
Calligrapher’s Supplies. A set of fine pens, sign-making.
colorful inks, and fancy sheets of parchment. Also Use these tools to identify the writer of
included are sealing waxes of various colors and nonmagical script (DC 10), determine a writer’s state
qualities and an array of wax stamps. These supplies of mind (DC 15), spot forged text (DC 15), or forge a
frequently include a specialized subset of tools used signature (DC 20).

Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Artisan’s tools Musical instruments
Alchemist’s supplies 50 gp 8 lb. Bagpipes 30 gp 6 lb.
Brewer’s supplies 20 gp 9 lb. Birdpipes 10 gp 2 lb.
Calligrapher’s supplies 10 gp 5 lb. Drum 6 gp 3 lb.
Carpenter’s tools 8 gp 6 lb. Dulcimer 25 gp 10 lb.
Cartographer’s tools 15 gp 6 lb. Flute 2 gp 1 lb.
Cobbler’s tools 5 gp 5 lb. Glaur 9 gp 2 lb.
Cook’s utensils 1 gp 8 lb. Hand drum 3 gp 1 lb.
Glassblower’s tools 30 gp 5 lb. Harp 20 gp 3 lb.
Jeweler’s tools 25 gp 2 lb. Horn 3 gp 2 lb.
Leatherworker’s tools 5 gp 5 lb. Lute 35 gp 2 lb.
Mason’s tools 10 gp 8 lb. Lyre 30 gp 2 lb.
Painter’s supplies 10 gp 5 lb. Longhorn 20 gp 15 lb.
Potter’s tools 10 gp 3 lb. Pan flute 12 gp 2 lb.
Sculptor’s tools 15 gp 7 lb. Shawm 2 gp 1 lb.
Smith’s tools 20 gp 8 lb. Songhorn 2 gp 1 lb.
Tattoo artist’s tools 15 gp 2 lb. Tantan 5 sp 1/2 lb.
Tinker’s tools 50 gp 10 lb. Thelarr 35 gp 2 lb.
Weaver’s tools 1 gp 5 lb. Tocken 10 gp 5 lb.
Woodcarver’s tools 1 gp 5 lb. Viol 30 gp 1 lb.
Gaming set Wargong 12 gp 7 lb.
Dart-and-board set 3 gp 2 lb. Yarting 30 gp 1½ lb.
Dice set 1 sp — Zulkoon 50 gp 25 lb.
Dragonchess set 1 gp 1/2 lb. Miscellaneous Tools
Hnefatafl set 2 gp 1/2 lb. Appraiser’s tools 8 gp 5 lb.
Kubb set 5 gp 2 lb. Disguise kit 25 gp 3 lb.
Nine men’s morris set 1 sp — Forgery kit 15 gp 5 lb.
Prophet’s gambit (Tarokka) set 1 gp — Fortune teller’s kit 6 gp 4 lb.
Three-dragon ante set 1 gp — Herbalism kit 5 gp 3 lb.
Trictrac set 2 gp 1/2 lb. ¤Navigator’s tools 25 gp 2 lb.
Playing card set 5 sp — Poisoner’s kit 50 gp 2 lb.
Ring-toss set 1 gp — Thieves’ tools 25 gp 1 lb.

Carpenter’s Tools. Mallets, nails, measuring shape wood on a large scale, crafting furniture,
cords, cutting templates or triangles, smoothing buildings, large agricultural tools, and the like.
planes, and a small saw. Carpenter’s tools are used to

89 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
With 1 minute of work and raw materials, you can During a short rest, you can “prepare” up to 5
make a door or window harder to open, increasing the rations with cook’s utensils to make them more
DC to do so by 5. As part of a long rest, you can nutritious and rejuvenating. Anyone who eats one of
construct a basic shelter that will last for 1d3 days. these rations during the same short rest may regain 1
Until the shelter collapses, it will keep up to six small extra hit point per Hit Die spent.
or medium humanoids dry. Prevailing temperatures Use cook’s utensils to create a typical meal or
within the shelter are 10 degrees more favorable. duplicate a particular meal (DC 10), spot poison or
Use these tools to build a simple structure of wood impurities in food (DC 15), or create a gourmet meal
(DC 10), design a complex structure of wood (DC 15), (DC 15).
find weaknesses in wooden constructions like siege Glassblower’s Tools. This kit contains crimps and
weapons or walls (DC 15), or pry apart a door (DC 20). clamps, a pouring block, shears, and a blowpipe, items
Cartographer’s Tools. This satchel contains used to manipulate glass with a kiln or another source
templates of maps and large, blank parchments of high heat. It also contains rods of glass in various
suitable for map-making. It includes special inks and colors.
writing tools, particularly tools for drawing objects to With one minute of study, you can identify weak
scale relative to one another. Cartographer’s tools points in glass objects such that your successful
also include collapsible surveying rods, the measuring attacks, or the successful attacks of others that you
tools used to calculate overland distances and direct, are automatically critical hits.
geographic features. Use glassblower’s tools to identify a source of
These tools let you map your journeys without glass (DC 10) or determine what a glass object once
slowing your speed of travel. held (DC 20).
Use cartographer’s tools to determine a map’s age Jeweler’s Tools. This kit contains chisels,
or origin (DC 10), estimate direction and distance to a brushes, polish, and other tools used to prepare or
landmark (DC 15), determine whether a map is fake enhance gemstones, plus small-scale metalworking
(DC 15), or fill in missing terrain on a partial map (DC tools used to shape precious metals into jewelry of
20). various kinds. A small jeweler’s loupe is included for
Cobbler’s Tools. These tools come in a box, the examining jewelry and gemstones.
lid of which is reversible and supports a cobbler’s You can identify and appraise the value of
“last.” The tools include a mallet and nails, sturdy gemstones at a glance, applying your proficiency
sewing needles and thread, rolls of soft leather, modifier to any such checks.
stamped pieces of hard leather, molding implements, Turning a raw gem into a standard one is a
and other devices that aid in the construction and crafting project that requires 1 day of work per 5 gp of
repair of footwear. value added, up to (the missing) half of the standard
As part of a long rest, you can maintain up to six value of the gemstone. This is not the same as
pairs of shoes, allowing the wearers to travel 10 hours modifying a gem’s appearance; that task requires a
in the following day before starting forced march Dexterity (jeweler’s tools) check and turns a gemstone
checks. of one shape or cut into a gemstone of another.
You can create a hidden compartment in a piece Use jeweler’s tools to modify a gem’s appearance
of footwear for no cost, taking 8 hours for the (DC 15) or determine a gem’s history (DC 20).
construction. (See hidden compartments, above in this Leatherworker’s Tools. This kit contains cutting
Part.) You can use an Intelligence (cobbler’s tools) and edging tools, grommet setters and punches, a
check in the place of Investigation to find hidden mallet, needles and awls, and other miscellaneous
compartments in shoes. tools used to craft processed leather into clothing and
Use cobbler’s tools to determine a shoe’s age or accessories.
origin (DC 10) or find a hidden compartment in a boot You can automatically determine what animal a
heal (DC 15). hide came from and whether any special techniques
Cook’s Utensils. Pans, knives, bottles of assorted were used to treat it.
seasonings, a journal of recipes, and tools used to
produce food.

90 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Use leatherworking tools to modify a leather applying decorative engraving to the mineral surfaces
item’s appearance (DC 10) or determine its history of walls, doors, and other edifices.
(DC 20). With one minute of study, you can identify weak
Mason’s Tools. This satchel contains the tools points in inanimate sculptures such that your
used to craft masonry. In addition to the trowels and successful attacks, or the successful attacks of others
joint molders, used to apply mortar, the kit includes that you direct, are automatically critical hits.
telescoping pole braces and measuring blocks used to Use sculptor’s tools to modify a statute (DC 10)
measure and precisely align stone and brickwork of or detect hidden messages in the designs engraved into
various kinds. a wall or similar surface (DC 20).
With one minute of study, you can identify weak Smith’s Tools. Hammers, dollies, and tongs of
points in masonry such that your successful attacks, or various kinds used to shape metal, as well as the
the successful attacks of others that you direct, are crimps used for creating rivets or repairing links of
automatically critical hits. chain.
Use mason’s tools to chisel a small hole in a stone With access to a hot enough flame, you can make
wall (DC 10) or find a weak point in a stone wall (DC metal pliable; you can repair up to 10 hp of damage to
15). a metal object per hour of work.
Painter’s Supplies. Small pots of paints in various Use smith’s tools to sharpen a dull blade (DC 10),
colors, alchemical mixtures for paint thinning, a make an item repairable if it was previously too broken
painter’s palette, and an array of paintbrushes. This to have hit points restored (DC 15), or sunder a
set of tools typically includes brushes sized for the sort nonmagical metal object (DC 15).
of work the painter intends, from artistic to functional. Tattoo Artist’s Tools. This set of tools includes a
These include the small, intricate brushes used to put variety of needles and inks as well as ointments and
paint on canvas, or the larger type of brushes suitable various treatments used to create tattoos on the skin of
to painting buildings or murals. animals and humanoids.
As part of a short or long rest, you can produce a You, or another spellcaster you are working with,
painting that accurately portrays or illustrates an object can use these tools to inscribe a spell scroll into the
or landscape you have seen that day. skin of a living creature. Each limb and the torso of a
Use painter’s supplies to paint an accurate portrait humanoid is large enough for a single spell scroll. The
(DC 10) or create a painting with a hidden message costs and time needed for inscription are the same as
(DC 20). for an equivalent spell scroll. A humanoid can read her
Potter’s Tools. These tools are used to craft and own spell scrolls on her body, causing them to
repair pottery. They include molds, knives, sponges, disappear, so long as they are uncovered. Another
and styluses for decorating pottery, alchemical glues spellcaster can read uncovered spell scroll tattoos if
for repairing shattered pottery pieces, and the dyes the decorated creature is cooperative, restrained, or
and glazes for finishing or resurfacing them. unconscious.
Examining two or more shards of a piece of Use tattoo artist’s tools to identify tattooing
pottery allows you to automatically identify its techniques or origins (DC 10) or create tattoos with
original shape. hidden meanings or messages (DC 20).
With one minute of study, you can identify weak Tinker’s Tools. Various tools for used for crafting
points in ceramic objects such that your successful or repairing intricate machines. These look like
attacks, or the successful attacks of others that you smith’s tools or thieves’ tools, but in a tiny scale. The
direct, are automatically critical hits. hammers, chisels, picks, and other implements are
Use potter’s tools to determine what a vessel once typically suitable for application to small projects like
held (DC 10), create a serviceable pot (DC 15), or find clockwork devices. Most tool sets also include an
a weak point in a ceramic object (DC 20). array of mundane materials to repair almost any
Sculptor’s Tools. This satchel contains chisels, simple object.
mallets, files, and finishing polishes for sculpting These tools can be used to repair most portable
statutes out of minerals (typically stone or clay), or items made of metal, leather, or cloth, regardless of the
artisan’s tools needed to craft such things. You can

91 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
restore 10 hit points to a damage object per hour of Tarokka deck). These make wonderful props for a DM
work. You need access to the appropriate materials for looking to have a signature game in her campaign.
this task, and a hot enough flame if you are repairing Characters can use gaming set ability checks to
metal objects. gain insight into an opponent’s personality (DC 15), or
Use tinker’s tools to temporarily repair a disabled catch a player cheating (DC 15) if not using the Fixing
device (DC 10), repair an item in half the time (DC the Game variant rule below.
15), or improvise a simple temporary item using scraps
Weaver’s Tools. A small, collapsible loom and This variant rule introduces complexity into the
shuttle used for weaving, plus various dies and tools playing of games, using gaming sets or otherwise.
used to treat and store wool and other types of thread. Before a game is played, the DM must make several
These materials are suitable to the creation of cloth- determinations.
based of clothing. Gaming Set. The first factor is the gaming set
You can repair a single damaged garment as part involved, if any. This is important because it is
of a short rest. unlikely that a character is proficient in more than one
Use weaver’s tools to repurpose cloth (DC 10), gaming set. And often, a character lacks the charisma
mend a hole in a piece of cloth (DC 10), or tailor an to convince his new drinking buddies to switch from
outfit (DC 15). their favorite game to something new. The use of a
Woodcarver’s Tools. A set of chisels, files, proficiency bonus is often the difference between
carving knives, small lathes, and other instruments for winning and losing.
making fine impressions on wooden pieces. Number of Rounds. The next factor is the number
Use woodcarver’s tools to craft a small figuring of rounds to be played (the number of ability checks to
(DC 10) or carve an intricate pattern in wood (DC 15). be rolled). The number should be an odd one, typically
three or five rounds, but some games are played on a
GAMING SETS single roll of the dice. The overall winner is the player
who wins the most rounds, with ties broken in favor of
If you are proficient with a gaming set, you can add
the one who had the highest total result across all
your proficiency bonus to ability checks you make to
rounds. Players and bystanders can bet on the winners
play a game with that set. Each type of gaming set
of each game, or they can place bets applicable to each
requires a separate proficiency.
Some gaming sets, like dice and cards, belong to
Type of Game. Generally, there are three kinds of
a great many games. Others are designed for use with
games: games of intellect, games of physicality, and
a single, specific game in mind. But even these single-
games of chance.
game sets have myriad modifications and regional
Games of intellect call for Intelligence (gaming
variations. Particularly where betting is involved, new
set) checks each round. These games are the type
uses for old gaming sets are sure to develop. All this
enjoyed by intellectuals and scholars. Typical
means is that nine men’s morris is not played here like
examples are card games, board games, and other
it is over in that neighboring duchy. It pays to ask the
contests of strategy.
rules before you lay your wagers!
Games of physicality call for checks of Dexterity
Sometimes very complex games catch on in a
(gaming set), Strength (gaming set) or, rarely,
community, introducing factors from multiple game
Constitution (gaming set). Games of this nature are
types. DMs are encouraged to introduce a single game
popular in warrior-dominated cultures. Games of
(perhaps with its own game rules) that is incredibly
physicality include such examples as dart-throwing,
popular, something that all the locals are playing. This
log-lifting, and drinking games.
adds one more facet to a memorable game world.
Games of chance are truly random. The DM
Wizards of the Coast has previously published
determines the percentage chance for successful
card games including Three-Dragon Ante, Rock-
rounds and the player rolls percentile dice to see the
Paper-Wizard, and Prophet’s Gambit (using the
outcome. While all games include some random

92 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
probability, games of chance have no element of skill This is a good rule to use in combination with the
to them. (Proficiency bonuses do not factor in.) Coin Playing Games variant rule, described above.
flips, dice throws, and high-card draws are all
examples of games of chance. DESCRIPTIONS
Bluffing. Many games are made more enjoyable Game sets are described below.
by the ability to bluff. If a game allows such dynamics, Dice Set. These polyhedral objects are most
at the outset, each player first rolls a Charisma commonly found in cube form, carved from wood or
(Deception) check and a Wisdom (Insight). These bone. The various faces are marked with numbers or
results determine the potential for bluffing. A other symbols. Many games are played with dice, too
character can only bluff someone if her Charisma many to count.
(Deception) check at the start of the game was higher Dragonchess Set. This game consists of three
than the bluffed person’s Wisdom (Insight) check. checkered boards, arranged in three layers, with a
Once during the entire game, each player can reroll her variety of carved playing pieces that move between
gaming ability check for a round, but only if the squares and boards.
highest check for that round comes from someone the [This game was invented by Gary Gygax and
player can bluff. featured in Dragon Magazine in 1985.]
Cheating. Most games have room for cheating; a Hnefatafl Set. A strategy game played on a
game that seems cheat-proof just hasn’t yet run afoul checkered or latticed board between two unevenly-
of the right con artist. Cheating is mechanically like matched armies of carved figures.
bluffing but very different morally. It is a choice made Kubb Set. Kubb is an outdoor game of skill where
at the outset of each round. The cheater gets advantage players try to toss wooden batons to knock over a
on the appropriate gaming set check, but might get series of blocks.
caught. After the round is played, the cheater must Nine Men’s Morris Set. This simple strategy
attempt a Charisma (Deception) check or a Dexterity game is played with two colors of chits on a small
(Sleight of Hand) check, whichever the DM latticed board.
determines is appropriate to conceal the type of Playing Card Set. These squares of very thick
cheating used. This is opposed by the other players’ paper are each painted with a letter, symbol, or
individual Wisdom (Insight) or Wisdom (Perception) numerical marker on one side. The back sides of all
checks, respectively. Anyone whose roll is higher than the cards are identical, whether blank or patterned.
the cheater’s check has noticed the foul play. Many games are played with cards, including games
of chance.
VARIANT: FIXING THE GAME Prophet’s Gambit (Tarokka) Set. This card game
For an additional expense, most gaming sets can be is played with a Tarokka deck.
crafted to produce biased results. Cards can be [Wizards of the Coast publishes the Tarokka deck,
manufactured with subtle, hidden indicators on their which includes a pamphlet for playing the game.]
backs, identifying each. Dice can be constructed with Three-Dragon Ante Set. This card game is played
varied densities to produce biased results. A dart set with a Three-Dragon Ante deck.
could be built in such a way that one set of colored [Wizards of the Coast publishes the Three-Dragon
darts flies much truer than the other set of colored Ante deck, which includes rules for playing the game.]
darts. Trictrac Set. Each of two players must advance
Whatever the method, using a “fixed” game set their own set of 15 chits across various positions on a
allows a cheater to claim advantage on any check to board using a combination of luck (dice rolls) and
avoid other players noticing the cheating. A fixed strategy.
game set costs an additional 15 gp to acquire. Card-
marking and similar alterations can be accomplished
for a much cheaper price (or without cost), but these
alterations are not good enough to grant advantage to Each type of musical instrument requires a separate
the user’s checks to avoid detection. proficiency. If you have proficiency with a given

93 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
musical instrument, you can add your proficiency other. Horns produce loud, far-reaching notes and so
bonus to ability checks to play the instrument. are used for signaling as well musical purposes.
A bard can use a musical instrument as a Lute. This plucked stringed instrument has a long
spellcasting focus. Spellcasting this way, even without neck and a deep, round back. The hollow portion of
verbal components, creates sound; a musical the body has a circular opening under the part of the
instrument cannot be used as a spellcasting focus strings that get strummed.
within a zone of silence. Lyre. A lyre resembles a harp, but is smaller. Its
Proficiency also allows you to compose original strings are plucked with a pick.
music pieces, with or without lyrics. Longhorn. A flute of very sophisticated make,
Use a musical instrument proficiency to identify a found only in large cities or areas with skilled
tune (DC 10) or improvise a tune (DC 20). artisans.
Pan Flute. This instrument consists of multiple
DESCRIPTIONS closed-pipe flutes of ascending length, attached in a
Musical instruments are described below. row.
Bagpipes. A wind instrument constituting multiple Shawm. A double-reed instrument like an oboe or
reed pipes fed by squeezing an air bag. The air a bassoon. Some versions use attached bellows.
reservoir is replenished periodically by the musician Songhorn. A simple type of flute, like a recorder,
blowing into it through another pipe. usually carved from wood.
Birdpipes. Sometimes called pan pipes, satyr Tantan. An instrument like a tambourine affixed
pipes, or the shalm, this set of parallel pipes is a to a tight drum.
musical instrument popular with creatures that are Thelarr. A simple and wind instrument cut from a
close to nature. reed, sometimes called a whistecane.
Drum. A cylindrical instrument with a flat hide Tocken. This resonating instrument is comprised
stretched taught over each end. The hide produces a of carved oval bells hung parallel on a frame and
hollow resonance when struck. played by light strikes with a small mallet or with the
Dulcimer. A dulcimer is a flat, trapezoidal open hand.
soundboard across which strings of descending Viol. A small, six-stringed instrument held
lengths are strung. The strings can be plucked or can vertically and played with a bow.
be struck with a tiny hammer. Wargong. War gongs are like traditional gongs,
Flute. This tubular reedless wind instrument but usually made from the shield of an enemy.
produces sound when air is blown across the hole at Yarting. This tightly-strung instrument resembles
one end. The other end of the tube has a series of holes a shallow-bodied lute.
that can be covered or left uncovered by the fingers to Zulkoon. This complex pump organ has a
produce different notes. dramatic, sinister sound.
Glaur. This short, curved horn resembles a
cornucopia. If played using its set of valves, the MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS
instrument produces a brassy sound like a trumpet.
Miscellaneous tools differ from artisan’s tools in that
Some versions, called gloons, don’t have valves and
they tend to create no product and they are usually not
produce a more mournful sound.
suitable for generating a stable income.
Hand Drum. A double-headed skin drum fitted
Each type of tool allows a proficient user to add
with handles along its side.
her proficiency bonus to uses of that tool. Where a
Harp. A harp has many parallel strings attached
tool’s use might be ambiguous, some clarity is
within a frame. The frame has an angled soundboard
provided in the descriptions below.
that facilitates shorter strings as it tapers, varying the
notes produced when the instrument is strummed.
Horn. A horn is typically a brassy pipe with a
conical opening at one end and a mouthpiece at the Miscellaneous tools are described below.
Appraiser’s Tools. A satchel containing a multi-
tiered scale with a set of weights, a jeweler’s loupe,

94 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
vials of substances for identifying minerals through Use a fortune teller’s kit to understand someone
alchemical reactions, and a set of thick manuals to you are telling a fortune to, determining a
classify materials and index market values. characteristic or ideal (DC 15), or determining a bond
If proficient, your bonus applies to Intelligence or flaw (DC 20).
checks to appraise valuables. Herbalism Kit. This kit comes in a satchel
Use appraiser’s tools to identify the techniques compartmentalized for storing myriad herbs. It
used to refine a gemstone (convert it from a raw state) includes various tools for safely harvesting plants as
and determine the technique’s origin (DC 10) or spot well as the grinding tools, mixing tools, and additives
costume jewelry or costume adornments to clothing needed to make potions, salves, and similar curative
armor, or weapons (DC 15). products.
Disguise Kit. A box containing cosmetics, hair Proficiency allows you to identify all common
dies, and adhesive-mounted facial prosthetics used to plants automatically and to add your bonus to checks
create a variety of disguises. to identify rare ones. Herbalism kits are used to craft
If proficient, your bonus applies to ability checks several curative products, including potions of
to disguise yourself or others. healing.
You can use a long rest or one day of downtime Use an herbalism kit to find uncommon plants
to create a disguise. Each disguise weights 1 pound (DC 15) or identify herbal poisons (DC 20).
and takes one minute to put on or take off. This ready- Navigator’s Tools. This satchel holds sounding
made disguise uses quite a few of your disguise kit lines, a sand glass, an astrolabe or telescoping back
components; you can only keep one disguise together staff, a ring dial, or similar instruments needed for
at a time. When composing and applying a disguise navigation. It also contains a number of relevant sea
not previously-created, you must use 10 minutes for charts.
one that involves moderate changes to your Proficiency with these tools allows you to chart a
appearance, or 30 minutes for one that involves more- ship’s course and follow navigation charts. It also
extensive changes. allows you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability
Use a disguise kit to cover distinguishing marks check you make to avoid getting lost at sea. It can also
or injuries (DC 10), spot a disguise in use by someone be used in some limited cases of overland navigation.
else (DC 15), or copy a specific humanoid’s Use navigator’s tools to plot a course (DC 10) or
appearance (DC 20). discover your position on a nautical chart (DC 15).
Forgery Kit. A forgery kit is a satchel that has Poisoner’s Kit. A poisoner’s kit blends some of
many of the same components as calligrapher’s the components of alchemist’s supplies and an
supplies, including a variety of pens and inks. It also herbalism kit, the tools needed to create poisons using
boasts a variety of styluses used to impersonate signet alchemical and herbal techniques. It also includes
marks in wax seals. tools for collecting poisons from live (or recently
You can produce a forged document that is up to slain) monster specimens.
1 page long or up to 4 pages long, using a short rest or You may use your proficiency bonus for uses of
long rest, respectively. Your Intelligence (forgery kit) poison (poisoning food, weapons, etc.) and checks to
check result sets the DC for an Intelligence collect or craft poisons. You need not worry about
(Investigation) check to spot the fake. poisoning yourself merely by handling or applying
Use a forgery kit to mimic handwriting (DC 15) poisons.
or duplicate a wax seal (DC 20). Use a poisoner’s kit to spot a poisoned object (DC
Fortune Teller’s Kit. This kit comes in a box. It 10) or determine the effect of a discovered poison (DC
includes a crystal ball, fortune telling cards, and other 20).
tools of the trade. Thieves’ Tools. A complex set of picks and tools
If proficient, your bonus applies to ability checks used to disable locks and traps, rolled into a leather
to tell fortunes convincingly. A fortune teller’s kit can satchel. These tools resemble a highly specialized
be used to generate an income like artisan’s tools, segment of tinker’s tools and can be disguised as such.
provided they are used in a large enough area and in a These tools let you create a trap using parts you
society suitably tolerant of fortune tellers. have on hand. The result of your Dexterity (thieves’

95 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
tools) check sets the DC to discover or disable the trap. RIDER TRAINED
A new-made trap deals damage appropriate to the All creatures listed on the Mounts chart are trained for
materials used to create it, or half the total of your use as mounts. (Untrained versions are priced in Part
check, whichever the DM determines fitting. 4 as trade goods.) An untrained creature will buck or
Additives like poisons, ball bearings, or bells can add otherwise try to dislodge a rider unless it is controlled
additional functionality or warning to these makeshift by magic. Untrained creatures cannot be controlled as
traps. mounts by Wisdom (Handle Animal) checks.
You can also reset a disabled trap if your check Rider-trained mounts require no Wisdom (Animal
meets the original DC to disable it. Reset traps use Handling) checks to ride, except when the rider wishes
their original DCs to discover or disable, along with to perform a risky maneuver like jumping a fence. At
their original damage (unless a vital component is the DM’s discretion, any domesticated animal might
missing, like poison for the spikes). perform an appropriate simple trick, like fetching, with
Use thieves’ tools to disarm traps or open locks, a successful Wisdom (Handle Animal) check.
rolling against variable difficulties (DC 5 - 30).
MOUNTS AND VEHICLES For an additional expense, mounts can be acquired
with special training to make them useful in combat.
The items in this group are split into three types:
A mount that does not have combat training is
mounts, tack and harness, and vehicles.
difficult to control in battle. Each round, the rider must
make a Wisdom (Handle Animal) check with a DC of
MOUNTS 10, or a DC of 15 if the mount is injured. If the check
This section describes animals commonly rated as fails, or if the animal is otherwise left to its own
mundane mounts. Non-mount animals are categorized decisions, it does what its nature dictates. Most
as trade goods and can be found in Part 4: Wealth. animals flee combat, moving away from the loud
Other creatures, those with monster types other than noises and source of pain as quickly as possible. An
“beast,” are deemed too rare for common sale. If the uninjured riding horse might stay near a fallen rider if
DM wishes to make such monsters marketable, an it is not directly threatened. A mastiff will probably
option for that is provided in Part 3: Exotic Lists. defend a downed rider, often aggressively. A giant
The following beasts are creatures commonly lizard might snap up a fallen corpse to consume later
trained to serve as mounts, though anything that as it flees the battle. These decisions are left to the DM.
requires an exotic saddle is found in limited regions. Combat-trained mounts do not require checks to
control in battle. If the rider falls, the mount will
defend the rider until the mount is calmed with a
Wisdom (Handle Animal) check. Combat-trained
Normally, a mount must be at least one size category
mounts gain 1 Hit Die, a bonus of +2 to Strength and
larger than its rider. But a character in a pinch can,
Dexterity, a bonus of +1 to Constitution and Wisdom,
with some difficulty, ride an animal that is of its own
and a special overbearing feature:
size category. For example, a full-grown human can
ride a pony, but with some drawbacks.
Slam. If the mount moves at least 20 feet
A mount with a rider of its own size drops its
straight toward a creature and then hits it with
speed by 20 feet and has disadvantage on ability
one of its natural attacks on the same turn, the
checks, attack rolls, and saving throws that use
target must succeed on a Strength saving
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. This penalty is
throw or also be knocked prone. The DC is
not cumulative with the penalty for being heavily
10 + the mount’s Strength modifier. If the
encumbered if your campaign uses that variant
creature is knocked prone, the mount can
encumbrance rule.
make another natural attack against it as a
bonus action. The mount cannot use this
feature on targets of its own size or larger.

96 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Combat training requires a creature to have been On the list above, the warhorse is already combat-
trained as it was raised; most animals of certain ages trained at normal cost. A warhorse cannot benefit from
are too set in their ways or are too wary of new things, additional combat training; it already has the combat
such that the effort and expense needed for training are training benefits included in its “stat block.”
not justified. Combat-trained animals cost an
additional amount equal to 5 times the listed value of
the animal.

MOUNTS Carrying
Creature Cost Intel. Align. CR Saddle Speed Capacity
Aurochs 100 gp 2 Un. 2 Large exotic 50 ft. 600 lb.
Axe beak 35 gp 2 Un. 1/1 Large exotic 50 ft. 420 lb.
Camel 50 gp 2 Un. 1/8 Large exotic 50 ft. 480 lb.
Dolphin 20 gp 6 Un. 1/8 Medium exotic (60 ft.) 210 lb.
Donkey or mule 8 gp 2 Un. 1/8 Equine 40 ft. 420 lb.
Elephant 200 gp 3 Un. 4 Huge exotic 40 ft. 1,320 lb.
Giant seahorse 300 gp 2 Un. 1/2 Large exotic (40 ft.) 360 lb.
Draft 50 gp 2 Un. 1/4 Equine 40 ft. 540 lb.
Riding 75 gp 2 Un. 1/4 Equine 60 ft. 480 lb.
Fragile 15 gp 2 Un. 1/8 Equine 40 ft. 420 lb.
Warhorse 400 gp 2 Un. 1/2 Equine 60 ft. 540 lb.
Giant lizard 200 gp 2 Un. 1/4 Large exotic 30 ft. 450 lb.
+ hold breath +100 gp — — — — — —
+ spider climb +200 gp — — — — — —
Mastiff 25 gp 3 Un. 1/8 Canine 40 ft. 195 lb.
Pony 30 gp 2 Un. 1/8 Equine 40 ft. 225 lb.


Exceptional specimens are particularly hearty One mount, the fragile horse, is described below.
creatures. Not only have they been bred for their Other creatures use the descriptions and statistics
extraordinary characteristics, they are also the finest given in Appendices A of the Monster Manual and
specimens of the resulting stock. These costly Volo’s Guide to Monsters.
creatures are sought out by those in need of durable Fragile Horse. Fragile horses are mounts of poor
mounts that can better weather the tougher challenges quality. Often, they are older, somewhat swaybacked
routinely faced by higher-level adventurers. creatures. But for starting characters in need of mounts
Exceptional mounts gain 2 Hit Dice, a +1 bonus for their adventure, they might be the only affordable
to Intelligence (to a maximum of 4), and a +2 bonus to option. A fragile horse has a delicate constitution, as
Charisma and Wisdom. This feature is compatible indicated in the stat block below.
with the combat trained feature, above, granting
cumulative bonuses.
Exceptional specimens cost an additional amount
equal to 4 times the listed value of the animal. This equipment is used for managing trained and
Exceptional specimens are not often found for sale in untrained animals.
common markets. To find such creatures, adventurers
usually look to horse breeding experts, markets near DESCRIPTIONS
large cities, or the stables of the local nobility. Tack and harness items are described below.

97 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
the mount. For short-necked creatures, like dogs, this
Fragile Horse typically includes a collar.
Canine bridles typically fit canines of any size,
Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class 9 and equine bridles typically fit equines any size. But
Hit Points 11 (2d10) exotic bridles are made for animals of a specific type
Speed 40 ft. as well as a specific size. For example, despite being
the same size, a Large dragon’s exotic bridle cannot be
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA transferred to a giant seahorse.
14 (+2) 8 (–1) 11 (+0) 2 (–4) 10 (–0) 5 (–3) Blinkers. Blinkers are made for equine creatures:
horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules. They are usual
Senses passive Perception 10
attached to the animal’s bridle and cover most (or all)
Challenge 1/8 (25 xp)
of each eye with a cup-shaped device. Blinkers can
control an animal’s field of vision, restricting the
Unreliable. Apply disadvantage to any Wisdom
(Handle Animal) checks made to control this mount
animal to seeing only what is in front of it.
in battle or to get it to perform tricks or difficult This item prevents distractions and, at the DM’s
maneuvers. discretion, can prevent the handler from having to
make Wisdom (Handle Animal) checks under some
Unstable. Add 1 exhaustion level for each hour of a
forced march; this is additional to any exhaustion circumstances. A creature wearing vision-restricting
gained for failing the Constitution check. blinkers has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on vision. A creature wearing blinkers
ACTIONS that fully cover the eyes automatically fails such
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Blinkers, Exotic. Exotic blinkers are each made
one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
for a specific type of creature. Some animals have
multiple sets of eyes or otherwise require unusually-
Barding (all). Barding is armor designed for constructed blinkers. Some exotic blinkers have
mounts or other animals. It typically covers the head, additional functionality. For example, exotic blinkers
neck, and body, leaving the legs free of impediment might fully cover a creature’s eyes until the rider pulls
(and protection). a special cord to reveal them. This facilitates using
Any type of armor shown on the Armor table in gaze weapons at the rider’s command, like the
Part 1: Armaments can be purchased or crafted as basilisk’s petrification or the catoblepas’ death ray.
barding. The cost and weight are shown as multiples A creature wearing vision-restricting blinkers has
of the equivalent armor made for humanoids. disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
Canine barding typically fits all canines of the on vision. A creature wearing blinkers that fully cover
same size, and equine barding typically fits all equines the eyes automatically fails such checks.
of the same size. But exotic barding is made for Body Harness (any). These sets of secure straps
animals of a specific type as well as a specific size. serve multiple functions. Typically, they allow an
For example, despite being the same size, a Large animal to draw vehicles such as carts or wagons,
dragon’s exotic barding cannot be transferred to a attaching the worn harness to one or two of the
giant seahorse. vehicle’s forward-pointing shafts. The straps are
Bit and Bridle. Most mounts require some sort of placed in such a way as to distribute the force evenly
head harness, something attached to a lead that is held across the most accommodating surface of the
by the rider. In the case of traditionally-trained animal’s body. A body harness can also be re-
mounts, a bit and bridle allow the rider to direct the configured to help lift or carry an animal. In this case,
animal and keep it under control. Animals of various straps are shifted to more supportive positions on the
kinds require different sizes, shapes, and secondary animal’s body, suitable to raise or lower it, perhaps
functions built into these devices for optimal control of via block and tackle. Travelers navigating rough
terrain may find such tools necessary to bring their
mounts across steep hills, cliffs, or similar obstacles.

98 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Cage (any). A cage is large enough for an animal Equines will typically graze in a small area while
of the listed size to stand within it, turn around fully, hobbled and can be left alone for hours. Other
and lie down. (A winged creature does not have space animals, like dogs, are less docile and will chew
to fully spread its wings.) A cage’s size rating must fit through the restraint; such creatures are typically
a contained creature’s size exactly—too small a cage leashed or picketed when left unattended. Some
prevents the creature from fitting into it while too hobbles are built weakly enough that a truly panicked
large a cage might allow the creature to escape creature can break the binding, running away at full
through the spacing in the bars. speed if attacked by a predator or otherwise seriously
Cages are made of iron, with Armor Class 19. threatened. Hobbles are also used as training tools for
These resilient objects usually have hit points/damage animals that will serve as mounts and laborers.
threshold as follows: Tiny (5/1), Small (10/2), Applying or removing a hobble takes an action. A
Medium (18/4), Large (27/6), Huge (39/8), and hobble reduces an animal’s speed to 5 and discourages
Gargantuan (54/12). Because they are constructed to it from traveling far.
resist intentional breakage by their contained Hobble, Exotic. This complex hobble can be used
creatures, cages are typically immune to damage from on docile animals of any size, creatures with multiple
natural attacks. Additional information on the health legs, or creatures with alternative movement modes
of objects can be found at page 246 of the Dungeon like flight. It otherwise operates as a normal hobble.
Master’s Guide. Howdah (any). A howdah is a partially-enclosed
Falconry Kit. This kit comes in a satchel that platform mounted on an animal. It surrounds one or
contains all the tack needed to manage birds of prey. more riders, offering protection from attackers or
It includes a thick glove for the animal to perch on, a from the elements. Most howdahs include a roof.
hood that blindfolds the creature, a 50-foot One Medium- or Small-sized rider can fit in the
lightweight cord leash, and additional equipment howdah of a Large creature. Most Large creatures are
needed to care for, train, and hunt with a bird of prey. not quite big enough for a howdah, but camels are a
Feed (any). The type of food needed for different notable exception. Four Medium- or Small-sized
animals varies significantly. Omnivores can typically riders can fit in the howdah of a Huge creature. Sixteen
eat any kind of feed, as well as rations. Herbivores, Medium- or Small-sized riders can fit in the howdah
particularly equines, can survive on grass, hay, and of a Gargantuan creature. Riders in howdahs have half
other herbaceous plants. Higher valued feed, like oats, cover from the attacks of creatures on the ground if
is simply a luxury and is unhealthy for such animals to those creatures are smaller than the mount.
eat all the time. Dogs and other carnivores require Muzzle (any). Muzzles are each made for animals
meat for most of their diet. As feed, this typically takes of a specific type and size. A muzzle prevents the
the form of dried meat scraps or meat ground up with wearer from biting or eating. It also makes dangerous-
absorbent grains. Such feed lasts for only a week looking animals appear to be safer, meaning
before it becomes spoiled and worthless. bystanders are often less intimidated and more
Most creatures can forage or hunt for themselves, accepting of their presence.
given enough time and left to their own devices. Feed A muzzle takes one action to apply or remove. At
is only needed when animals are kept caged or stabled, the DM’s discretion, this can prevent the handler from
worked or ridden longer than eight hours in a day, or having to make Wisdom (Handle Animal) checks
otherwise prevented from finding their own food for under some circumstances.
significant portions of the day. Tiny creatures need Saddle, Canine (any). Saddles for dogs are
only 1/4 pound of food per day for sustenance. Small lightweight and built to accommodate the greater
and Medium creatures need 1 pound. Large creatures range of motion that dogs have over equine mounts.
need 4 pounds, Huge creatures need 16 pounds, and Such saddles are also suitable for wolves of Large
Gargantuan creatures need 64 pounds of food per day. or Medium size and similar creatures. A military
The DM is the final arbiter of each animal’s needs for version gives the rider advantage on any check to
quantity and type of food. remain mounted. A pack version has no
Hobble. A hobble is a set of manacles for an accommodation for a rider; it simply provides a frame
animal, particularly suited for equines like horses. to which baggage can be tied.

99 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Barding Hobble 2 gp 2 lb.
Canine (Large) x3 x2 Hobble, exotic 5 gp 4 lb.
Canine (Medium) x2 x1 Howdah
Equine (Large) x4 x2 Exotic (Gargantuan) 190 gp 455 lb.
Equine (Medium) x3 x1 Exotic (Huge) 65 gp 235 lb.
Exotic (Gargantuan) x10 x8 Exotic (Large) 35 gp 125 lb.
Exotic (Huge) x7 x4 Muzzle
Exotic (Large) x5 x2 Gargantuan or Huge 8 gp 4 lb.
Exotic (Medium) x4 x1 Large or Medium 2 gp 1 lb.
Bit and bridle Small or Tiny 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Canine (Large) 3 gp 1 lb. Saddlebags 4 gp 8 lb.
Canine (Medium) 2 gp 1/2 lb. Saddle, canine (Large or Medium)
Equine (Large) 2 gp 1 lb. Military 12 gp 25 lb.
Equine (Medium) 2 gp 1/2 lb. Pack 3 gp 10 lb.
Exotic (Gargantuan) 18 gp 8 lb. Riding 6 gp 20 lb.
Exotic (Huge) 10 gp 4 lb. Saddle, equine (Large or Medium)
Exotic (Large) 6 gp 2 lb. Military 20 gp 30 lb.
Exotic (Medium) 5 gp 1 lb. Pack 5 gp 15 lb.
Blinkers 1 gp 1 lb. Riding 10 gp 25 lb.
Blinkers, exotic 4 gp 1½ lb. Saddle, exotic (Gargantuan)
Body harness Military 225 gp 70 lb.
Gargantuan 80 gp 55 lb. Pack 60 gp 55 lb.
Huge 30 gp 35 lb. Riding 120 gp 65 lb.
Large 15 gp 17 lb. Strap 210 gp 70 lb.
Medium 8 gp 8 lb. Saddle, exotic (Huge)
Small 3 gp 3 lb. Military 105 gp 50 lb.
Tiny 1 gp 1 lb. Pack 30 gp 35 lb.
Cage Riding 60 gp 45 lb.
Gargantuan 950 gp 3,800 lb. Strap 120 gp 50 lb.
Huge 300 gp 675 lb. Saddle, exotic (Large)
Large 120 gp 300 lb. Military 52 gp 40 lb.
Medium 40 gp 75 lb. Pack 15 gp 25 lb.
Small 15 gp 60 lb. Riding 30 gp 35 lb.
Tiny 5 gp 25 lb. Strap 60 gp 40 lb.
Falconry kit 3 gp 2 lb. Saddle, exotic (Medium)
Feed Military 26 gp 35 lb.
Grain (oats) 1 sp 4 lb. Pack 8 gp 20 lb.
Herbaceous (hay) 2 cp 4 lb. Riding 15 gp 30 lb.
Meat (scraps) 1 sp 1 lb. Strap 30 gp 35 lb.

Saddle, Equine (any). An equine saddle fits Equine saddles are not suited for equines with
horses and ponies as well as donkeys and mules. It additional limbs or wings like a pegasus. (Such a
also fits similar equine creatures such as unicorns. creature requires an exotic saddle instead.) A military
version gives the rider advantage on any check or

100 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
saving throw to remain mounted. A pack version has normal operation of drawn vehicles does not require
no accommodation for a rider; it simply provides a ability checks.
frame to which baggage can be tied. Horsepower. Animals pulling a drawn vehicle
Saddle, Exotic (any). Creatures not in the shape can move weight up to five times their combined
of equines (horses, mules, etc.) or canines (dogs, carrying capacity. Each vehicle on the chart notes
wolves, etc.), require exotic saddles to use as mounts parenthetically the minimum and maximum number of
or beasts of burden. animals that can be harnessed to the vehicle. If more
Exotic saddles are each made for animals of a than one creature is harnessed, the animals must be
specific type and size. For example, despite being the harnessed in pairs. A single “lead” animal can be
same size, a Large dragon’s riding saddle cannot be harnessed ahead of any pairs, its purpose to serve as a
used on a giant seahorse. A military version of an guide for the paired animals. (A lead animal does not
exotic saddle gives the rider advantage on any check contribute to the vehicle’s total carrying capacity.)
or saving throw to remain mounted when the animal is Other Beasts of Burden. Yaks, water buffalo, and
not in climbing, flying, or moving underwater. A pack similar cattle are often used as beasts of burden to draw
version of an exotic saddle has no accommodation for vehicles, particularly in rural regions. These creatures
a rider; it simply provides a frame to which baggage use the cow (ox) “stat block” from Volo’s Guide to
can be tied. Monsters.
Creatures capable of burrowing cannot do so
without automatically dismounting their riders, WATERBORNE VEHICLES
regardless of saddle type. Creatures capable of other If you have proficiency with “vehicle (water),” you
three-dimensional movement (climbing, flying, or can add your proficiency bonus to any check you make
underwater travel) require strap saddles to keep riders to control waterborne vehicles in difficult circum-
secure. Strap saddles require the rider to use two stances. The normal operation of waterborne vehicles
actions to strap in after mounting. Thereafter, the rider does not require ability checks, but anything other than
cannot be dismounted short of very exceptional a rowboat or keelboat also requires a crew of trained
circumstances (like the mount burrowing). Using a sailors to manage.
strap saddle without strapping in is treated as using a Crew. A ship needs skilled hirelings (crew) to
riding saddle. The Dungeon Master may impose riding operate. Up to halve the crew (round down) can be
checks every round to stay mounted in cases of unskilled, learning as they go. If more than half are
climbing, flying, pouncing, and (particularly) unskilled, reduce the vehicle’s speed by half. Only
underwater travel while not strapping in or while using skilled crew can operate siege weapons mounted on a
another type of saddle. ship.
Passengers. This number assumes Small and
VEHICLES Medium passengers sharing tight quarters. If the ship
is outfitted with private cabins, the ship can
Vehicles improve characters’ speed of travel and their
accommodate only one-fifth of this number.
ability to transport cargo and equipment.
Damage Threshold. The ship has immunity to all
Proficiency with a land or water vehicle allows
damage unless it takes an amount equal to or greater
the operator to add her proficiency bonus to the
than its damage threshold, in which case it takes
vehicle’s AC and saving throws.
damage as normal. Anything less is merely superficial,
Use vehicle proficiency navigate rough terrain or
not reducing the ship’s hit points.
waters (DC 10), assess a vehicle’s condition (DC 15),
Repairs. Repairing requires skilled hirelings or
or perform a difficult maneuver making a tight turn at
crew. For every 5 workers, 1 hit point of damage can
high speed (DC 20).
be repaired each day at a 10 gp cost in materials. (The
labor of any non-crew members must be paid
DRAWN VEHICLES separately.) Ships not berthed at proper facilities for
If you have proficiency with “vehicle (land),” you can
such work can only be repaired at a maximum rate of
add your proficiency bonus to any check you make to
1 hit point per day.
control drawn vehicles in difficult circumstances. The

101 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Carriage (1-4) 100 gp 600 lb. Sled (1-2) 20 gp 300 lb.
Carriage, grand (4-8) 400 gp 950 lb. Sled, dog (1-16) 35 gp 50 lb.
Cart (1) 15 gp 200 lb. Sleigh (1-8) 30 gp 250 lb.
Cart, dog (1) 9 gp 60 lb. Trap (1) 55 gp 65 lb.
Chariot, heavy (2-6) 350 gp 180 lb. Wagon (1-4) 35 gp 400 lb.
Chariot, light (1-4) 250 gp 100 lb. Wagon, covered (1-4) 60 gp 550 lb.


Item Cost Speed Crew Passengers (tons) AC HP Threshold
Canoe 50 gp 2 mph 1 6 — 11 50 —
Galley, palatial 350,000 gp 3 mph 120 300 30 15 800 20
Galley, ironclad 50,000 gp 3 mph 90 — 120 19 550 20
Galley, war 30,000 gp 4 mph 80 — 150 15 500 20
Keelboat, barge 3,000 gp 1 mph 1 6 1/2 15 100 10
Keelboat, cabined 4,500 gp 1 mph 1 10 1 15 110 10
Longship, karvi 6,000 gp 3 mph 16 60 15 15 120 15
Longship, snekkja 10,000 gp 3 mph 40 150 20 15 300 15
Longship, skeid 25,000 gp 3½ mph 60 180 35 15 450 15
Raft 5 sp 1/2 mph 1 3 — 11 10 —
Rowboat 50 gp 1½ mph 1 3 — 11 50 —
Sailing ship, caravel 10,000 gp 3 mph 20 20 100 15 300 15
Sailing ship, cog 8,000 gp 2 mph 15 15 60 15 220 15
Sailing ship, hulk 55,000 gp 1½ mph 55 300 350 15 900 20
Warship, carrack 25,000 gp 2½ mph 60 60 200 15 500 20
Warship, xebec 17,000 gp 3½ mph 30 30 100 15 300 15

DESCRIPTIONS hand- and foot-holds allow a pair of attendants or

Vehicles are described below. soldiers to ride on the back. A grand carriage
Canoe. A lightweight passenger boat, sometimes comfortably seats six passengers.
carved from a single tree trunk. While fast and agile, Chariot, Heavy. A heavy conveyance is drawn by
a canoe’s hull is too narrow to be stable on the open two or four animals, usually horses. Up to three riders
sea in any conditions worse than calm waters. stand on a rolling platform, it’s short front and side
Carriage. An animal-drawn, wheeled conveyance walls sheltering them from the waist down.
designed for passenger use rather than utility. A Chariot, Light. This light conveyance is drawn by
carriage, or “coach,” is typically drawn by two or a single animal, usually a horse. A single rider stands
four horses, but can be pulled by a single beast. A on the rolling platform, sheltered from the waist down
driver usually sits on a front-mounted exterior bench. by the chariot’s front and side walls.
A carriage comfortably seats four passengers. Galley (any). This long, slender warship is
Carriage, Grand. A larger version of a carriage, propelled mainly by rowing, but it has masts and can
built with expensive materials and crafting designed to travel under sail.
show wealth and status. A grand coach is typically Galley, Palatial. This grand galley is designed for
drawn by four, six, or eight horses. A driver or two pleasure cruising. Rather than the tools of war, it
typically rides on a front-mounted bench and a set of contains a host of amenities suitable for

102 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Galley, Ironclad. An ironclad galley is a slower- Sailing Ship, Caravel. A caravel is a small, highly
moving war galley that has sheets of metal to protect maneuverable ship. It is ideal for in-shore work or
the hull from attacks. Despite the name, these armored fishing, but is also safe and capable travelling away
sheets are made of copper alloys or other metals that from shore.
can survive exposure to the sea, rather than iron. Sailing Ship, Cog. Cogs are round, single-masted
Galley, War. A war galley has a ram and several sailing ships. Primitive in design, cogs are still used
mounting points for siege engines. for their reliability and ease of construction.
Keelboat, Barge. A keelboat is a flat-bottomed Sailing Ship, Hulk. This massive, slow sailing
vessel designed for river work in shallow water. The ship can carry a staggering amount of cargo. Hulks
boat can be propelled by oars but is more often poled. have many uses based on their huge size, including
Keelboats typically carry cargo, but they are often being used as floating prisons during wartime.
used as ferries for short crossings. Sled. A flat, narrow conveyance with a smooth
Keelboat, Cabined. This large keelboat has a bottom or borne on a pair of smooth runners. Sleds are
single-room cabin in its center. The cabin can provide designed to be drug across low-friction surfaces like
shelter to the crew or to passengers. snow. Sleds typically have no side or top and are used
Longship (any). This vessel is a long, low ship to carry cargo.
used for trade and commerce as well as warfare. The Sled, Dog. This lightweight sled is designed for a
ship is propelled by a single, large sail or by oars. pilot and no more than a single passenger. Its long,
When used as a warship, the warriors typically mount slender frame is typically drawn by a dozen sled dogs.
their shields along the gunnels of both sides of the Dog sleds usually have a single lead dog ahead of a
vessel to provide additional protection and to series of paired sled dogs.
intimidate foes. The tall prows and aft ends of Sleigh. A sleigh is a sort of a sled, designed to
longships were often carved as the heads of dragons carry passengers like a carriage. It usually has
or other ferocious beasts. pronounced runners.
Longship, Karvi. This small, broad longship is Trap. A trap is a two-wheeled passenger cart
typically used within sight of the shore. Its shallow designed to carry one or two passengers. A trap’s
draft makes it ideal for fishing and other types of in- large wheels, light construction, and high position
shore work. make it ideal for speed.
Longship, Snekkja. The longship is large enough Wagon. A wagon is a, open-topped, four-wheeled
for significant military operations, yet still small vehicle typically drawn by two or four animals. It has
enough that the crew can haul it out of the water, an excellent cargo capacity and is employed in several
dragging it onto a beach. This means makes snekkja utility roles.
ideal for raiding, landing in places without ports and Wagon, Covered. The covered version of a wagon
disgorging large numbers of warriors. has walls and a roof. It is sometimes furnished
Longship, Skeid. The skeid is the largest version amenities sufficient for use as a residence. Primitive
of the longship, too large for the crew to haul out of covered wagons simply stretch a canvas cover over a
the water. Such vessels are used for long-range set of raised bars, forming walls and a roof over what
exploration and large-scale warfare. would otherwise be a large open-topped wagon.
Raft. Rafts are flat planes of floating material, Warship, Carrack. An evolution of the cog, this
square or rectangular in shape. They are typically wide, stable warship is very versatile. It is both
crafted of logs using primitive construction methods. durable in battle and can carry a large amount of
A raft can be built with a short mast to allow cargo.
propulsion by sail. Otherwise, rafts are rowed with Warship, Xebec. This small warship is an
oars or poled for propulsion. evolution of the war galley, more dependent on sails
Rowboat. A small wooden boat fitted with four than oars, with larger masts and more complex sails
oars. Rowboats are used for fishing or utility work, in-
shore travel, or as ship’s boats for larger watercraft.

103 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
This Part includes several “exotic” lists of equipment, but that dwarves in the northern mountains have
lists that a DM can specifically adopt to flavor her invented gunpowder and use firearms as part of their
campaign. tools of warfare. The DM decides to include the
firearms exotic list in her campaign. She might also set
some other parameters to enforce the rarity and
INCLUDING EXOTIC LISTS expense of these items, not wanting them to fall into
If a DM wants to include one or more exotic lists, refer the players’ hands right away.
to these suggested guidelines for implementation.

The class-and-background system for starting

RESTRICTED ACCESS! equipment locks in a standard array of gear. This
option allows other, new equipment to be selected
These items are not native to traditional Eurocentric
instead, not just exotic gear from this Part.
medieval fantasy settings. As such, this Part is not
intended for general use without the DM’s explicit
A DM should only allow access to one or more When a character is created, she can replace any
of these exotic equipment lists if they fit her item given by her class or background with another
campaign’s unique style or if her campaign is item of the same “type” with equal or lower value.
particularly cosmopolitan, with a broad mix of This rule requires the swapped item to be of the
cultures and technologies. same type, according to the guidelines below, so
that the character’s starting equipment package
remains well-rounded.

IMPLEMENTING EXOTIC LISTS ❖ Armor cannot swap between categories (light,

Generally, there are two distinct ways to blend exotic medium, heavy, or shields). A character with a
equipment lists into a campaign. But nothing in these Strength less than 13 might want to swap a suit
examples is intended to discourage a DM from of chain mail for ring mail; this works since
forbidding everything initially and later adding small both are in the heavy category, and the new suit
bits of various exotic lists, piecemeal and at various is no more expensive than the original.
points far into the campaign. The concept of exotic
lists was created to make it easier on DMs when ❖ Weapons cannot swap between the martial and
announcing to their players which items they approve simple categories, nor between the ranged and
of in their games, not to create the impression that any melee designations. A longbow could be
given list should be adopted whole-cloth. swapped for a heavy crossbow since both
weapons are martial and ranged, and the new
OPTION ONE: A TOUCH OF FLAVOR weapon is no more expensive than the original.
The first suggested way to implement exotic lists is the
limited approach; the DM decides she wants to include ❖ Other items should adhere to the function or
a small amount of non-traditional flavor in her concept of their original types; equipment
campaign in the form of one or two of these exotic packs can be swapped for equipment packs,
lists. musical instruments for musical instruments,
For example, the DM sets her campaign in a and so on. Others can only be swapped with the
medieval “European-esque” land. She decides that DM’s guidance.
firearms are not a normal part of her campaign world,

104 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
The second suggested way to implement exotic lists is VARIANT:
the simplest; the DM simply decides that all exotic EXOTIC WEAPON PROFICIENCY
equipment is fair game, even if some of it is foreign to With this optional rule in play, characters may not
the place where the campaign begins. normally apply their proficiency bonuses to attacks
This is appropriate in campaigns were travel has with weapons from the exotic equipment lists.
become safe and inexpensive, and much of the world Although these weapons are categorized as
has been explored by civilized societies. Markets are “simple” and “martial,” and although there is a
filled with the goods of faraway lands, and exotic chart at the end of Part 1 that would otherwise apply
peoples mix on the streets of even small cities. some new proficiencies by race and class, the
Allowing all (or most) of the exotic lists is especially foreign nature of these new weapons makes them
appropriate to campaigns where magical travel is awkward and unfamiliar. This optional rule is only
prominent; perhaps the characters are based out of a appropriate where the DM wants players to
huge city that lies in the center of the multiverse, with encounter various exotic weapons but does not
doors leading to each of the various planes. want them to adopt such weapons wholesale.
To gain proficiency with exotic weapons, a
OPTION THREE: NATIVE LIST character must do one of two things. First,
Two of the exotic lists in this Part (Adventures in the acquiring the weapon master feat allows a character
Orient and Village Market) are designed to serve as to become proficient with four weapons. These four
“native” lists. A native list can replace some of the may include simple and martial weapons from any
normal equipment options available, or it can be used designated exotic equipment lists, so long as the
like any other exotic list. character has possession of (can practice with) each
When using a native list, characters built with the such weapon.
class-and-background method for starting equipment The second way to gain proficiency with exotic
must employ the variant Item Swaps rule in the sidebar weapons is to learn from a trainer. (See the
above to trade starting armor and weapons for items downtime activity rules in the Player’s Handbook,
from these lists. page 187.) Training an exotic weapon takes 100
days of downtime. The character must already be
ACCESSING EXOTIC LISTS proficient with all weapons of that category (simple
or martial) or the exotic weapon must appear on the
Once the DM decides she wants one or more exotic
appropriate line of the class or race proficiencies
lists in her campaign, the next question to answer is
tables at the end of Part 1: Armaments.
how the equipment will get into players’ hands. This
For example, a wizard wishes to become
section describes how the DM can include exotic
proficient with the teppoyumi. This weapon
equipment while still limiting characters’ access to it.
appears on the wizard line of the Class
Proficiencies chart; except when using this special
CHARACTER CREATION rule, the wizard would already be proficient with it.
The default assumption is that players can purchase This means the wizard can become proficient using
equipment from any exotic lists designated by the DM. the training system.
In this case, players who choose the class-and- A character cannot use training to become
background method to generate starting gear can make proficient with an exotic weapon that is not in a
use of the variant Item Swaps rule described above. category she has full access to (simple or martial)
However, the DM might want to say that starting or does not appear on the Class Proficiencies table.
characters don’t have access to exotic gear. This is This system is not intended allow proficiency
particularly appropriate if the DM drops in an exotic additions that are beyond the normal reach of each
equipment list after the campaign is underway. class.
Perhaps the characters encounter an advanced enclave

105 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
of rock gnomes that has developed fantastical flying Dungeon Master’s Guide charts alternate names for
machines; now the players have new options to Chinese and Japanese versions of the same weapons.
acquire that they didn’t have starting out. This is an excellent starting point. The Internet is
likewise a valuable source for equivalent names
PROFICIENCY relative to different cultures.
By default, characters proficient with armor of various
categories are automatically proficient with exotic NATIVE LIST
armor of the same categories. At the DM’s discretion, For this option, the array of armor and weapons in this
this might not also be true of proficiency with exotic list replaces the standard armor and weapons lists.
weapons. The DM might choose this approach for Except for musical instruments, all other types of
settings were the new weapons are available but equipment are available in a campaign using this as a
remain culturally foreign. native list. These standard options occasionally differ
In this case, consider using the new rule variant in that their appearance, composition, or theme will
for exotic weapon proficiency described in the sidebar. match this setting instead. For example, rations may
include significant quantities of rice instead of
COSTS hardtack or bread.
Another way the DM can control access to exotic For additional exotic list options, the “early”
equipment is to alter the prices. The listed costs segment of the Firearms exotic list is particularly
assume that the gear is relatively accessible at market. suitable to an Oriental Adventures campaign type,
For increased rarity (decreased availability) simply adding the bajozutsu (handgonne), bo-hiya (fire
increase the prices to double, triple, or higher their lance), tanegashima (arquebus), and other equipment.
stated values.
Some weapons are noted with parenthetical names or
EXOTIC LISTS descriptors. Where a noted name corresponds to a
Where an exotic list introduces a weapons chart, a standard weapon listed in Part 1: Armaments, the new
parenthetical weapon name following a new weapon weapon may substitute for that standard version in any
indicate that the new weapon is identical to that meaningful way.
parenthetical weapon, and uses the same special rules. For example, the shillelagh spell works on a bo or
hanbo as well as it does on a quarterstaff or club. Such
weapons use the same rules and descriptions provided
ADVENTURES IN THE ORIENT for the standard equivalents.
This exotic list provides rules for an East Asian
themed campaign setting. DESCRIPTIONS
Adventures in the Orient item descriptions are
CULTURAL INFLUENCE provided below. These cover armor, weapons, and
Unlike prior editions of Dungeons & Dragons’ musical instruments.
Oriental Adventures, this selection is based almost Ashigaru. This traditional lightweight armor is
entirely on real-world Japanese culture in the feudal employed primarily by conscripted peasants or
era. The influences from Chinese, Korean, Indian, and auxiliary soldiers. Ashigaru is a “full” traditional suit
Southeast Asian cultures are much diminished of armor because it includes a helmet with face cover
compared to earlier editions. plus sleeve, shin, and thigh protectors.
If the DM wishes to use a different culture as the Bokken. This wooden practice sword can be used
primary influence for her campaign, most of the as a fearsome weapon in its own right.
equipment here can be translated into differently- Chain Coat. A hauberk of light chainmail that
named gear with the same functionality. Page 41 of the fastens up the front, typically without head protection.

106 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Quilted coat 5 gp 11 + Dex modifier — Disadvantage 8 lb.
Manchira 10 gp 11 + Dex modifier — — 10 lb.
Ashigaru 40 gp 12 + Dex modifier — Disadvantage 15 lb.
Nerigawa kozane 55 gp 12 + Dex modifier — — 13 lb.
Medium Armor
Dhenuka 20 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 15 lb.
Kikko 35 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 35 lb.
Chain coat 50 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — 20 lb.
Kozane 60 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 45 lb.
Hotoke 300 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — 20 lb.
Do-maru 850 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 35 lb.
Heavy Armor
Tanko 25 gp 14 — — 30 lb.
Kusari 55 gp 15 — Disadvantage 40 lb.
Lamellar coat 175 gp 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 45 lb.
Haramaki 600 gp 17 Str 15 Disadvantage 55 lb.
O-yoroi 1,200 gp 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 60 lb.
Shield 10 gp +2 — — 6 lb.
Dastana 10 gp +1 — — 3 lb.
Hoshi 10 gp — — — 2 lb.
Sangu 12 gp — — Disadvantage 5 lb.

Chainmail Egawa. An egawa is a padded Deer Horn Knife. This is a short, crescent piece
undershirt often worn beneath clothing or other with a handle in the middle. The crescent prongs point
armor. This version is reinforced with lightweight away from the wielder. A second crescent, prongs
chainmail. pointed back toward the wielder, overlaps the first.
Chakram. This flat metal disk has a razor-sharp The back of the outer crescent, and the crisscrossed
edge around its entire circumference. Used for crescent tips, are bladed.
throwing, the aerodynamic shape makes this a potent If wielded as a pair, the user is considered to be
ranged weapon in close quarters. using two defensive weapons. Wielded singly, the
Chijiriki. Not to be confused with the blunt- defensive property does not apply.
handled “chigiriki” (morning star), this weapon has a Dhenuka. Made from the hide of particularly-
slightly longer shaft with a spear tip at one end. A armored beasts, this suit provides significant
chain connects the other end to a spiked weight. protection while allowing the wearer to retain agility
Dastana. These very heavy bracers cover the and mobility.
forearms and the back of the hands. Do-Maru. This constitutes a portion of a full suit
When worn with a suit of light armor, these of o-yoroi, the “great armor,” particularly minus the
improve your Armor Class by 1 point. Though very heavy shoulder pieces and with a lighter helmet. The
protective, dastana are also stiff and constraining. design intends to allow the wearer a greater range of
While wearing them, your Dexterity modifier’s bonus movement, particularly in the upper body.
to your Armor Class has a maximum of +2. Fukimibari. This collection of tiny, weighted
needles is held in the mouth until used. Only one

107 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
collection can be loaded in the mouth at a time. When This can be swung to make melee attacks against
using the Attack action, the wielder spits the needles foes within five feet or it can be thrown up to 15 feet.
as one attack against an opponent within 5 feet. This is When thrown, the wielder keeps ahold of the end of
done by curling the tongue around the needles in a tube the rope, and can use a bonus action to whip the dart
shape and blowing a short, sharp breath to project the back into the hand after a throw.
needles. The needles can stick into exposed flesh, Kakute. These rings each have two or three sharp,
providing a distraction. No attack roll is required. The sturdy spikes. They are worn in sets.
target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw Kangura Suzu. Fifteen bells of various sizes are
or suffer disadvantage on attacks and ability checks hung by coiled brass wires in three tiers. The shapes
until the end of her next turn due to the distraction. The of the bells are thought to take their inspiration from
target has advantage on this saving throw if wearing the fruits of the ogatama tree.
medium or heavy armor. The needles are not large Kikko. Kikko armor consists of small hexagonal
enough for the “attack” to inflict any kind of damage, plates connected by metal links and sewn over a
nor are fukimibari suited to the delivery of poisons. canvas suit.
Constructs, oozes, plants, and undead are immune to Kokiriki. An idiophone percussion instrument
the distracting effect of fukimibari. with small wooden blades connected by a rope. It often
Haramaki. A series of medium-size lacquered has handles at the ends. By waving the instrument, the
plates, interlocking in a suit that covers the torso, tying strips collide to produce a percussive rhythm.
in the back. Kozane. An armored cuirass and leggings made
Hichiriki. The pitch of this double-reed flute is of lacquered scales, tied together into a coherent
controlled with mouth positioning, allowing a variety protective material.
of bended notes. Kusari. A heavy chainmail suit consisting of a
Horagai. A large conch shell with a metal robe or long hauberk extending below the knees and
mouthpiece, this instrument is used like a trumpet. cinched with a belt, plus a broad hood to protect the
Hoshi. This heavy, elaborate helmet flares widely head, neck, and shoulders.
at the back to protect the neck and parts of the
shoulders. A fearsome mask protects the face and tall
protrusions, or ornamentations complete the
intimidating appearance.
Wearing a hoshi helmet grants immunity to the
special mechanics of saps and garrotes. It provides a
+1 bonus to the wearer’s Charisma (Intimidation)
checks but gives the wearer’s Wisdom (Perception)
checks disadvantage.
Hotchiku. This long flute is made from a single
piece of heavy bamboo, collected from the root-end of
the stalk.
The size and shape of the instrument allow it to be
used as a club.
Hotoke. A solid breastplate and back plate,
typically jointed on one side and tied closed along the
other. A hotoke is made of sturdy lacquered metal.
Hyoshigi. These two wooden clappers are
connected by a thin ornamental rope. The clappers
produce a cracking sound, evoked in a varying tempo.
Jitte. A metal rod tapering to a dull point, with
one curved prong curving forward from the handle.
Johyo. This heavy dart is attached to the end of a
15-foot lightweight rope.

108 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Fukimibari (mouth darts) 4 cp — — Special
Kakute (spiked rings) 3 gp — 1/2 lb. Unarmed (P)
Nekote (finger blades) 5 gp — 1/2 lb. Unarmed (S)
Shimegoroshi (Garrote) 1 gp — 1/2 lb. Special, two-handed
Tekko (knuckle weights) 2 gp — 1/2 lb. Unarmed (B)

Kusarigama. This is a sickle-like weapon with a Because of the time required to draw back the
straight, perpendicular blade. A length of chain entire length of the cord for another attack, you can
connects the bottom of the handle to a heavy weight. attack only once with this weapon when you use an
The alternate (S) weapon property can only be used action, bonus action, or reaction, regardless of the
against targets within 5 feet. number of attacks you can normally make. This
Kyoketsushoge. This is a large dagger with an restriction does not apply when using the alternate (P)
additional hooked blade. A length of rope connects the weapon property. The alternate (P) weapon property
bottom of the handle to a weighted ring. can only be used against targets within 5 feet.
This weapon has a reach of 15 feet. Stowing a If used as a double weapon, the primary end of the
kyoketsushoge is a timely process of coiling, taking an weapon can attack only once when you use an action,
action and requiring both hands. bonus action, or reaction, regardless of the number of
attacks you can normally make.


Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Ararebo (Mace) 5 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. —
Bo (Quarterstaff) 2 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Versatile (1d8)
Deer horn knife 3 gp 1d3 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, light, special
Hanbo (Club) 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light
Jitte 6 gp 1d3 bludgeoning 2 lb. Disarming, light
Kaiken (Dagger) 2 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown (20/60)
Kama (Sickle) 1 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Light
Kanabo (Greatclub) 2 sp 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lb. Two-handed
Kidzuchi (Light hammer) 2 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Kohachiwari (Light pick) 2 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Light
Nata (Hatchet) 2 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Nunchaku 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Finesse, light
Ono (Handaxe) 5 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Thrown (20/60)
Otanto 25 gp 1d4 slashing 1½ lb. Fine, light
Sai 10 gp 1d3 bludgeoning 2 lb. Disarming, defensive, light
Sansetsukon (sectional staff) 4 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 3 lb. Reach, tripping, two-handed
Siangham 4 sp 1d4 piercing 2 lb. Light
Tessen (iron fan) 4 gp 1d3 bludgeoning 2 lb. Defensive, light
Tonfa 1 gp 1d3 bludgeoning 2 lb. Finesse, light, special
Uchine (Javelin) 5 sp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Thrown (30/120)
Yari (Spear) 1 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8)
Yawara (short handle) 2 cp 1d2 bludgeoning 1/4 lb. —

109 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Lajatang. A short polearm with two crescent mallet produces different notes by striking different
shaped blades affixed perpendicularly to each end, points along the ridge.
tips pointed away from the haft. Mukkuri. An idiophone that produces a humming
Lamellar Coat. A common type of armor, the sound punctuated by a pulled or plucked string
lamellar coat consists of bronze or iron plates laced attached to the vibrating reed.
into horizontal rows and reinforced with leather Nekode. Not to be confused with the smaller
backing. “nekote” (finger spikes), this banded glove has
Manchira. The manchira includes multiple pieces several short, firm spikes that protrude from the palm,
of protective material, typically worn under a normal allowing the wearer to make clawing attacks.
suit of armor to cover the gaps and provide padding. If worn in a pair, the user has advantage on
The materials used are not as protective as a separate Strength (Athletics) checks to climb trees. A nekode
sangu. When worn alone, a manchira provides a takes one action to put on or remove. It cannot be
minor degree of protection against attacks. disarmed.
Manrikigusari. A short chain with a small weight Nekote. These “finger claws” are not to be
at each end. confused with the larger “nekode” (hand claws).
Meteor Hammer. A medium chain with large, These small caps fit over the end of each finger with a
heavy weights at each end. sharp, curved claw on each cap.
Mokugyo. This instrument is shaped like a hollow Nerigawa Kozane. A supple set of treated leather
fish, typically crafted of wood, with a pronounced scales, riveted together to provide a flexible protective
ridge running the length of the upper body. A small suit.


Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Hankyu (Shortbow) 25 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (80/320), two-handed
Hankyu, composite 125 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (100/400), special, two-
Jisho (Sling) 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning — Ammunition (30/120)
Kunai (Throwing dagger) 4 sp 1d4 piercing 1/2 lb. Finesse, special, thrown (20/60)
Shuriken (Dart) 5 cp 1d4 piercing 1/4 lb. Finesse, special, thrown (20/60)
Shuriken, light 6 cp 1d3 piercing 1/8 lb. Finesse, special, thrown (10/30)
Teppoyumi (Light 25 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (80/320), loading, special, two-
crossbow) handed
Teppoyumi, repeating 125 gp 1d8 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (40/160), loading, special, two-

Nunchaku. Two handles of wood or metal, Polearm, Getsugasan. A short polearm with a
connected by a chain or cord. crescent shaped blade affixed perpendicularly to one
Otanto. A large dagger of exceptional quality end, tips pointed away from the haft. The other end has
with a single cutting edge. a broad, flat, shove-shaped blade.
Otsuzumi. An hourglass-shaped drum, typically Polearm, Kumade. A long pole with a trio of
used in theater and folk music. hooks at the end, like a claw. This weapon is often used
O-Yoroi. A complex suit of lacquered metal in covert activities. When the hooks are attached to the
pieces, this armor is both ceremonial and functional. top of a wall no more than 15 feet high, the pole can
It provides exceptional protection in all areas. be climbed like a rope.
Padded Egawa. An egawa is a padded undershirt Polearm, Naginata. An iconic weapon, this pole
often worn beneath clothing other armor. Some is topped by a short, high-quality blade with a single
versions are reinforced with other materials. slashing edge.

110 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Ararebo, heavy 7 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 6 lb. —
Bokken (practice sword) 2 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb. Versatile (1d8)
Chigiriki (Morningstar) 15 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. —
Chijiriki (javelin and chain) 18 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Alternate (B), disarming, reach, two-
Daiono (Waraxe) 20 gp 2d4 slashing 4 lb. Deadly, heavy, versatile (2d5)
Daitsuchi (Great hammer) 25 gp 1d12 bludgeoning 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Johyo (rope dart) 2 gp 1d4 piercing 3 lb. Finesse, special, thrown (10/15), two-
Kusarigama 6 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 4 lb. Alternate (S), disarming, reach,
special, tripping, two-handed
Kuwa (Horseman’s war pick) 3 gp 1d6 piercing 1½ lb. —
Kyoketsushoge 5 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 4 lb. Alternate (P), disarming, reach,
special, tripping, two-handed
Magariyari (Trident) 5 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. [Disarming], thrown (20/60),
versatile (1d8)
Magariyari, greater 12 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Thrown (15/45), versatile (1d10)
Manrikigusari (chain) 3 gp 1d5 bludgeoning 3 lb. Disarming, reach, tripping
Masakari (Battleaxe) 10 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Meteor hammer 21 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 12 lb. Heavy, reach, tripping, two-handed
Nekode 2 gp 1d3 piercing 1 lb. Light, finesse, special
No-ono (Greataxe) 30 gp 1d12 slashing 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Okuwa (Footman’s war pick) 5 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. —
Otsuchi (Warhammer) 15 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Bisento (Glaive) 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Getsugasan (monk’s spade) 25 gp 1d8 piercing 6 lb. Alternate (S), heavy, reach, two-
Jumonjiyari (Renseur) 10 gp 1d10 piercing 13 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Kamayari (Halberd) 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Katakamayari (Guisarme) 12 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lb. Heavy, reach, tripping, two-handed
Kumade (claw staff) 5 gp 1d4 slashing 5 lb. Reach, tripping, two-handed
Lajatang 25 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Two-handed
Nagaeyari (Pike) 5 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Naginata 100 gp 1d10+1 slashing 6 lb. Alternate (P), fine, heavy, reach
Sasumata (spear fork) 8 gp 1d6 slashing 5 lb. Reach, tripping, two-handed
Suyari (Longspear) 4 gp 1d10 piercing 9 lb. Heavy, reach, thrown (10/30), two-
Sodegarami (sleeve 6 gp 1d4 piercing 5 lb. Reach, special, two-handed
Tsukobu (pushing stave) 4 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 6 lb. Reach, tripping, two-handed
Sang kauw 35 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. Alternate (S), defensive, two-handed

111 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Butterfly sword 10 gp 1d5 slashing 3 lb. Defensive, light
Katana 100 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Fine, versatile (1d10)
Khanda (Broadsword) 12 gp 2d4 slashing 4 lb. Versatile (2d5)
Kotsurugi (Rapier) 25 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Finesse
Liuyedao (Scimitar) 25 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, light
Nagamaki 75 gp 1d10 slashing 4 lb. Fine, two-handed
Ninjaken (Shortsword) 10 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Finesse, light
Nodachi 125 gp 1d12 slashing 5 lb. Fine, heavy, two-handed
Shang gou (claw sword) 18 gp 1d5 slashing 4 lb. Defensive, disarming, heavy, light,
Shikomizue (sword staff) 25 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Special
Tachi (Longsword) 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Wakizashi 75 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Fine, light, versatile (1d8)
Zanbato (Greatsword) 50 gp 2d6 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Tekkokagi (hand claws) 6 gp 1d3 slashing 2 lb. Deadly, finesse, light, special
Tetsubo (Maul) 10 gp 2d6 bludgeoning 10 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Umayari (Lance)
Combat 10 gp 1d12 piercing 6 lb. Reach, special
Combat, light 8 gp 1d10 piercing 4 lb. Reach, special
Great 35 gp 2d8 piercing 15 lb. Reach, special

Polearm, Sasumata. A polearm used for Sangu. Sangu components supplement existing
nonlethal restraint, the blunt crescent crosspiece is armor by covering all the usual gaps.
used to deflect weapon attacks and hold attackers at These extra components particularly protect the
reach. thighs, shins, arms, and their associated joints.
Polearm, Sodegarami. A polearm used for Wearing sangu gives you a +1 bonus to saving throws
nonlethal restraint, called a “sleeve tangler.” The against area spells and effects, like a dragon’s breath
weapon’s barbs are designed to catch in the enemy’s weapon or a fireball spell.
clothing. Sansetsukon. This sectional weapon is the same
Polearm, Tsukobu. A polearm used for nonlethal length as a traditional staff, but the haft is separated
restraint. A short, perpendicular bar sits atop the long into three or more individual components, each
haft. connected by a very short chain or cord.
Quilted Coat. A thickly-padded coat stitched into Sekkin. This lithophone consists of a small table
small quilt segments to keep the batting from settling of flat stones, each of which produces a different note
into the lower portions of the armor. when struck.
Ryuteki. A bamboo transverse flute, also called a Sho. A set of over a dozen slender reed pipes set
“dragon flute.” in a metal base. This highly-traditional, intricate
Sai. A metal rod tapering to a dull point, with two instrument is said to imitate the call of the phoenix.
curved prongs curving forward from the handle. The reeds sound on the player’s inhaling breath as
Sang Kauw. A short-hafted weapon with a spear well as exhaling.
point at each end. In the center of the haft is affixed a Shuriken, Light. Light shuriken are small,
crescent shaped blade, tips pointed away from the sharpened projectiles suitable for throwing. They are
haft. often made from coins or similar scraps of metal.

112 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Up to 6 light shuriken can be drawn as a single Sword, Katana. A sword with a long handle and
interaction with the environment and held in one hand. a long, high-quality blade. The katana is traditionally
This allows characters with Extra Attack or similar a weapon that represents the noble warrior caste;
class features to throw multiple light shuriken in the commoners are forbidden to bear such weapons.
same turn without a separate action to draw each one. Sword, Nagamaki. A sword with a long, high-
Siangham. This simple thrusting weapon quality blade and a handle of equally long length. This
resembles a metal arrow with a sharp head and a weapon is too long to wear sheathed; it is often rested
handle instead of fletching at the base. across the shoulder to carry sheathed.
Sword, Butterfly. A butterfly sword is a short Sword, Nodachi. A two-handed sword a very
weapon with a broad, slashing blade, about the length high-quality blade. This weapon is traditionally used
of a human’s forearm. The handle is protected by a in an anti-cavalry function; the weapon is long enough
half-circle guard. to attack mounted soldiers from the ground and heavy
enough to cripple a horse.


Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Chakram 5 gp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, thrown (30/90)
Daikyu (Longbow) 50 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (150/600), heavy, two-handed
Daikyu, composite 125 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (180/720), heavy, special, two-
Fukiya (Blowgun) 10 gp 1 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (25/100), loading
Fukiya, greater 15 gp 1d2 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (30/120), loading
Koyumi (Hand crossbow) 75 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (30/120), light, loading
Koyumi, repeating 375 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. Ammunition (15/60), light, loading, special
Oyumi (Heavy crossbow) 50 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. Ammunition (100/400), heavy, loading,
Oyumi, repeating 250 gp 1d10 piercing 20 lb. Ammunition (50/200), heavy, loading,
special, two-handed

Sword, Shang Gou (hook sword). This weapon is warrior caste; commoners are forbidden to bear such
the length of a traditional sword, but the end of the weapons, particularly when paired with a katana.
blade is curved over into a sharp-pointed hook. An Tanko. This armor consists of untreated iron
outward-facing crescent is set over the handle to plates bound together with leather thongs. This is the
guard the hand and to help blocking, trapping, and name for the foot soldier’s version; when worn by
slashing. Only the back of the blade, including the mounted soldiers, the armor is called “keiko.”
outer edge of the hook, is sharpened. Taiko. A generic style of drum built in various
Sword, Shikomizue. This covert weapon appears sizes and for various uses.
to be nothing more than a staff until the handle is Tekko. A short handle with a rounded hand
separated from the haft, drawing forth a deadly sword guard. The hand guard has several knobby
blade. protrusions for striking.
While the sword is sheathed, the weapon can be Tekkokagi. A set of long claws that attaches to the
used as a quarterstaff. Separated, the empty scabbard back of the hand by way of a pair of oval-shaped grips.
can be used as a club and is often wielded in the This weapon requires an action to put on or remove.
offhand. Once on, the weapon cannot be disarmed.
Sword, Wakizashi. A sword with a long handle Tessen. An iron fan, or war fan, comes in two
and a short, high-quality blade. The wakizashi is forms. One is a butterfly-shaped sheet of metal with a
traditionally a weapon that represents the noble handle underneath, used to deflect enemy attacks. The

113 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
other form is a true folding fan that has heavy iron Tonfa. This short club has a perpendicular
ridges and other components, allowing it to be used as handle near one end. If wielded as a pair, the user is
a defensive weapon. considered to be using two defensive weapons.
The subtler version of a tessen costs twice the Wielded singly, the defensive property does not apply.
listed price. It appears to be nothing more than an Tsuchibu. A flute made of baked clay, globular in
ordinary fan, perhaps slightly oversized, unless the shape like an ocarina.
item is handled or scrutinized from a very close Yawara. This small, blunt handle extends no more
distance. than an inch beyond the hand gripping it. The yawara
is used to enhance the user’s hand strikes.

Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Hichiriki (double-reed flute) 3 gp 1 lb. Mukkuri (bamboo idiophone) 2 gp 1/2 lb.
Horagai (conch shell horn) 20 gp 2 lb. Otsuzumi (hand drum) 11 gp 2 lb.
Hotchiku (vertical bamboo flute) 1 gp 2 lb. Ryuteki (transverse bamboo flute) 3 gp 1 lb.
Hyoshigi (wooden clappers) 4 gp 1 lb. Sekkin (lithophone table) 20 gp 15 lb.
Kangura suzu (multi-tiered bells) 35 gp 8 lb. Sho (multi-pipe mouth organ) 40 gp 1/2 lb.
Kokiriki (string of wooden blades) 7 gp 1 lb. Taiko (great drum) 3 gp 4 lb.
Mokugyo (woodblock and striker) 8 gp 1 lb. Tsuchibu (globular clay flute) 6 gp 1/2 lb.

member can read charts and make use of navigator’s

This list brings tall sailing ships of various size, The parenthetical number following the name of
suitable for advanced maritime campaigns. Such ships each vehicle indicates the ship’s capacity for carrying
historically bore a variety of cannons, so this list pairs siege equipment. If the campaign setting does not
well with the (advanced) Firearms exotic list. include the development of gunpowder, these indicate
the number of ballistae the ship can mount. If
HISTORICAL NAMING gunpowder exists in the campaign, the number
Naming conventions for ships are used quite loosely indicates cannon mounts. Most of these weapons are
in this section. The chart below is intended to show a mounted in broadside position, half on each side of the
progression of ships, from largest to smallest. Vague ship. The remainder (depending on the size of the
categories are applied, with regimented distinctions vessel) can be mounted at the prow or stern.
between them, but historically these terms referred to
many variations and sizes of ship, some of them DESCRIPTIONS
interchangeably. Because of the variability in ship Age of Sail vessel descriptions are provided below.
design within each class, do not rely on this list as a Ship of the Line (any). Men o’ war are large,
source for historically accurate ship types! multi-deck ships capable of carrying hundreds of
people. They are built to project national power upon
WATERBORNE VEHICLES the high seas. All ships of the line are built to sling a
If you have proficiency with “vehicle (water),” you staggering weight of cannon shot, slugging it out with
can add your proficiency bonus to any check you make other ships of the line during fleet actions.
to control waterborne vehicles in difficult Unrated Ship (any). Unrated ships do not have
circumstances. The normal operation of waterborne the military designates that determine the roles of navy
vehicles does not require ability checks, but piloting vessels.
anything other than a launch also requires a crew of Unrated Ship, Brig. A brig is a fast, square-sailed
trained sailors to manage. Ships sailing beyond sight ship. It requires a relatively large crew to operate.
of the land also require that the driver or a crew

114 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Unrated Ship, Launch. A launch is a swift boat Unrated Ship, Sloop. A very fast, versatile ship,
with ten oars. Larger ships carry launches to ferry typically long and low on the water.
passengers and equipment between the ship and the Warship (any). These frigates are built for war
shore. Launches also serve as life boats. with multiple decks. They are still small enough to be
Unrated Ship, Lugger. A small sailing ship, moved by oars, but large enough to take place in major
sometimes carried aboard larger ships and deployed engagements. In fleet actions, frigates serve the role of
for scouting or actions in shallow waters. support ships.


Item Cost Speed Crew Passengers (tons) AC HP Threshold
Ship of the line
1st rate man o’ war (95) 320,000 gp 12 mph 400 200 150 15 850 20
2nd rate man o’ war (80) 200,000 gp 12 mph 300 150 135 15 750 20
3rd rate man o’ war (65) 125,000 gp 13 mph 200 100 120 15 650 20
4th rate frigate (50) 65,000 gp 13 mph 150 75 80 15 500 15
5th rate frigate (35) 35,000 gp 13 mph 120 60 65 15 400 15
6th rate frigate (20) 28,000 gp 13 mph 90 45 50 15 300 15
Unrated ship
Sloop (16) 30,000 gp 14 mph 30 65 75 15 120 12
Brig (14) 12,000 gp 13 mph 40 40 100 15 200 15
Lugger (1) 850 gp 10 mph 3 20 1/2 15 110 10
Launch (0) 180 gp 3 mph 11 1 1/2 12 85 —


All double weapons have the two-weapon property in
Double weapons appeared in previous editions but are
addition to those on the chart. When you take the
not standard to the Fifth Edition. These historically-
Attack action and attack with the primary end of a
dubious implements are presented here to lend an air
double weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack
of high-fantasy or bizarre novelty to your game world.
with the secondary end. Unless you have the Two-
Weapon Fighting class feature, you don’t add your
DOUBLE WEAPON CHART ability modifier to the damage of attacks that use the
A double weapon has two ends, a primary and a secondary end, unless it is negative.
secondary. If the ends do not have the same damage A character that can make multiple melee attacks
characteristics and weapon properties, they are shown with the Attack action, such as with the Extra Attack
on the chart with two lines, the first line detailing the or Horde Breaker class features, can choose which end
primary end. of the weapon to make each additional attack with, so
Some double weapons are the very same weapons long as the first attack is made with the primary end.
found on other equipment lists. If your game uses the A double weapon is treated as two distinct
Double Weapons exotic list, use these weapon rules weapons for the purposes of magical enchantment or
when characters wield them as double weapons. being targeted by weapon-affecting spells.
Italicized weapons on this list also belong to the
Adventures in the Orient native list. The DM might
decide that these double weapons are not available in
Double weapon descriptions are provided below.
your campaign (or that only these double weapons are
Dire Flail. A second chain-and-flail head extends
from the butt of this flail.

115 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Chijiriki 18 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Reach
— 1d6 bludgeoning — Disarming, reach
Dire flail 20 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Tripping
Double axe 20 gp 1d8 slashing 7 lb. —
Double hammer 30 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 4 lb. —
Double scimitar 50 gp 1d6 slashing 5 lb. Finesse
Double spear 4 gp 1d6 piercing 5 lb. Thrown (20/60)
Getsugasan (monk’s spade) 25 gp 1d8 piercing 6 lb. Heavy, reach
— 1d8 slashing — Heavy, reach
Gyrspike 30 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lb. —
— 1d4 bludgeoning — Tripping
Gythka 25 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. —
Hooked hammer 20 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 6 lb. —
— 1d4 piercing — Tripping
Kusarigama 6 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 4 lb. Disarming, reach, special
— 1d4 piercing — Tripping
Kyoketsushoge 5 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 4 lb. Reach, special, tripping
— 1d4 slashing — Disarming
Lajatang 25 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. —
Meteor hammer 21 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 12 lb. Heavy, reach, tripping
Quarterstaff (bo) 2 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. This is a simple weapon
Spear, weighted 7 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. Thrown (15/45)
— 1d6 bludgeoning — Thrown (15/45)
Spiked chain 45 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. Disarming, heavy, reach, tripping
Swallow (dire falcata) 36 gp 1d6+1 slashing 8 lb. Heavy, high-critical
Two-bladed sword 30 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lb. —
Urgrosh 20 gp 1d8 slashing 6 lb. Deadly, heavy
— 1d6 piercing — Heavy

Double Axe. A battle axe with a second head at longswords adjoined at the hilts, their blades pointed
the butt of the haft. opposite directions. Most versions have a long handle
Double Hammer. A warhammer with an between the two blades.
elongated handle and a hammer head at each end. Urgrosh. This heavy waraxe has a sharp spear
Double Scimitar. A long-handled scimitar with a point at the butt of the handle.
second blade at the end. The second blade curves the
opposite direction as the primary blade.
Double Spear. A shaft with a point at each end.
Gyrspike. A long-handled sword with a short The polearm is the mark of a true soldier. While
chain and spiked ball attached to the handle. swords are equally common in war, they are also
Hooked Hammer. This long-handled war pick commonly worn by adventurers, nobles at court, and
has a hammer head at the opposite end of the handle. even fortunate free citizens. The polearm, however, is
Swallow. Similar in configuration to a double only trained by military organizations; its function is
scimitar, the swallow uses two opposite falcata blades. not suited to casual use. If you see someone carrying a
Two-Bladed Sword. This weapon looks like two polearm, you will instantly know that the wielder is
someone with professional military experience.

116 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Ahlspiess 6 gp 1d8 piercing 15 lb. Breach, heavy, reach, two-handed
Bardiche 15 gp 1d8+1 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Bill 25 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Alternate (S), heavy, reach, tripping, two-handed
Boar spear 10 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Defensive, heavy, reach, two-handed
Brandistock 12 gp 1d6+1 piercing 5 lb. Disarming, reach, two-handed
Demi lune 15 gp 1d6+1 piercing 6 lb. Alternate (S), deadly, reach, two-handed
Earspoon 15 gp 1d8 piercing 6 lb. Defensive, heavy, high-critical, reach, two-handed
Fauchard 10 gp 2d4 piercing 9 lb. Alternate (S), reach, two-handed
Guisarme 12 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lb. Heavy, high-critical, reach, tripping, two-handed
Longspear 4 gp 1d10 piercing 9 lb. Heavy, reach, thrown (10/30), two-handed
Lucern hammer 25 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 7 lb. Alternate (P), heavy, high-critical, reach, two-handed
Mancatcher 20 gp 1d6+1 piercing 7 lb. Deadly, heavy, reach, special, two-handed
Military fork 15 gp 1d6+2 piercing 6 lb. Disarming, heavy, reach, two-handed
Ox tongue 20 gp 1d8+1 piercing 8 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Partisan 32 gp 1d10 piercing 16 lb. Fine, heavy, reach, two-handed
Poleaxe 15 gp 1d8 slashing 10 lb. Alternate (P), deadly, heavy, high-critical, reach, two-
Renseur 10 gp 1d8 piercing 11 lb. Defensive, deadly, Heavy, reach, two-handed
Sovnya 15 gp 1d8 slashing 9 lb. Alternate (P), deadly, heavy, reach, two-handed
Spetum 18 gp 1d8 piercing 7 lb. Defensive, disarming, heavy, reach, two-handed
Spontoon 40 gp 1d8 piercing 6 lb. Defensive, fine, heavy, reach, two-handed
Voulge 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Alternate (P), heavy, reach, two-handed
War scythe 15 gp 1d8 slashing 10 lb. Deadly, heavy, high-critical, reach, two-handed


One of the quirky hallmarks of the early Dungeons & The guisarme is a useful, common polearm with a
Dragons game was a collection of exotic-sounding sharp hook and a spear point. It has many variants in
polearms. That was at a time when the Internet did not history, including the bill-guisarme, the glaive-
exist, so only hardcore historians (including guisarme, the guisarme-voulge, the fauchard-
wargamers) could figure out the look and function of guisarme, and more. However, only the guisarme
such weapons. appears on the chart above. Where are the hybrid
While this doubtlessly titillated Gary Gygax and versions so popular in the early editions of Dungeons
his contemporaries, these hyper-technical polearm & Dragons?
distinctions were a considerable source of confusion. To make a hybrid polearm, choose two polearms,
The styles of the early edition polearms were hard to designate one of them as the base weapon, and connect
differentiate. Some were simply hybrids of two their names with a hyphen. Any polearm on this list is
different polearms and most were eventually done fair game except the longspear and mancatcher. The
away with. The Fifth Edition Player’s Handbook, for glaive, halberd, and pike (from Part 1: Armaments)
example, includes only three standard polearms, and also qualify but other polearms from that Part do not.
two of them are, from a mechanics-standpoint, Add to the base weapon all the weapon properties
perfectly indistinguishable from one another. This of the second polearm, ignoring any duplicates. If the
exotic list was included to both expand character second polearm inflicts a different type of damage
options and satisfy a nostalgia for the early editions of than the base weapon, add an instance of the alternate
the game. weapon property so that it can inflict that type too.

117 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
The hybrid polearm weighs 1 pound more than attack is successful, the attacker has gripped the
what the heavier of the two polearms normally weighs. opponent’s neck (or similar limb) and the opponent is
For the hybrid’s cost, add the two weapons’ costs restrained.
together. If the second polearm added any (non- A bound creature that has a free hand can use its
duplicate) properties to the first, add another 100 gp to action to make a Strength check to free itself from the
the cost. weapon. The DC is 10 or the damage inflicted by the
Hybrid polearms cannot be made masterwork. mancatcher attack, whichever higher. A creature with
two free hands has advantage on this check.
DESCRIPTIONS Alternately, the opponent can attempt to pull
The extra polearm descriptions are provided below. away, dragging the weapon with it. Unless you
Ahlspiess. A polearm with a very long and thin voluntarily let go of the other end, this is an opposed
point designed to penetrate armor. check of Strength (Athletics). If the creature is two or
Bardiche. A short polearm with a wide axe head more sizes larger than you, this check succeeds
at the end. automatically.
Bill. A short, round-ended blade tops this A mancatcher is not built to be easily escaped and
polearm, ending it a slight hook. Bills are commonly the wielder cannot voluntarily end the binding attack.
combined with other polearm designs to create hybrid The wielder can do nothing else with the mancatcher
weapons. while a foe is caught in it. Nor can she use either of her
Boar Spear. This hunting spear has a hands, unless she lets go of the weapon.
perpendicular cross-bar at least one foot below the Military Fork. This weapon resembles a pitchfork
point. The design is thought to prevent an impaled with sturdy tines set closer together.
target from approaching the wielder by moving up the Ox Tongue. A polearm topped by a long, double-
shaft. edged blade.
Brandistock. A polearm with a small axe head Partisan. A polearm topped by a short, wide,
opposite a short spike. The top is spiked with a long double-edged blade that extends from a forward-
sword’s blade. hooked crossguard.
Demi Lune. A polearm topped with a sharpened
“half-moon” crescent, it’s points aimed upward.
Earspoon. A long-shafted polearm with a
socketed spear head. Two lug-wings behind the head
prevent over-insertion of the weapon to keep it from
being caught or bound inside a target’s body.
Fauchard. A polearm with a long blade at the top.
The blade curves slightly forward over its cutting
Guisarme. The short blade at the end of this
polearm curves dramatically over, forming a hook.
Longspear. A spear whose long haft is light
enough for throwing.
Lucern Hammer. A polearm with a small
hammer and spike combination at the head. The thin
spike is designed for piercing armor.
Mancatcher. A mancatcher is a long-hafted
weapon with a flexible crescent at the end. The interior
of the crescent is hooked, designed capture an
opponent’s neck and hold fast to it.
A mancatcher can be used to attempt a binding
attack. This attack has disadvantage. If the binding

118 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Poleaxe. A blunt-topped polearm with a forces of gravity pulling it from various directions as
perpendicular axe head opposite a spike or hammer the vehicle maneuvers. But these vehicles can take
head. other forms, such as hanging gondolas. Two other
Renseur. A polearm topped with a long, narrow factors are important for the DM to decide.
blade. The blade is flanked by two smaller, angled The first question to address is lift. One common
forward-facing blades or hooks. perception of a fantasy airship is of a naval vessel
Sovnya. A polearm with a slashing blade that suspended from a balloon, or “lift rig.” The balloon
curves slightly, terminating in a sharp point. contains a lighter-than-air gas, naturally or magically
Spetum. An elongated spear with backward- procured. Alternately, the balloon is rigidized by
facing angled blades, designed to wound as the magic, allowing it to sustain a lighter-than-air vacuum
weapon is drawn back toward the wielder. within. Other possible lift methods include magical
Spontoon. A short-bladed polearm with a small, levitation, artifacts that harness and direct the innate
straight crosspiece. power of elementals, or wings that generate lift at high
Voulge. A polearm with a broad axe-like head speeds using complex physics.
that elongates into a spike at the top. The second question is propulsion. Once aloft,
War Scythe. This long-hafted weapon has a heavy what propels the vehicle horizontally? Do gnomish
blade at the end. The slightly-curved shape is designed contraptions spin large propellers that slice through the
for chopping. The weapon’s name comes from the air? Do sails fill with wind or catch ethereal currents
resemblance of its blade to a harvesting implement. from other planes? Or does the same magic that lifts
the vehicle also propel it?
The answers to these questions have a significant
impact on the flavor of the game world. (It is not
The Fantasy Flight exotic list makes magical air travel necessary for the DM to answer both questions the
possible. same way for every air-travelling race or region in the
The typical form of an airship is a literal ship, one campaign.)
of the only common structures that can survive the


Item Cost Speed Crew Passengers (tons) AC HP Threshold
Airship 20,000 gp 8 mph 10 20 1 13 300 —
Airship, greater 250,000 gp 7 mph 45 100 15 15 550 10
Flying platform 175,000 gp 1 mph 10 350 150 15 600 10
Glider 210 gp 3 mph 1 — — 13 20 —
Ornithopter 9,500 gp 8 mph 1 — — 13 50 —
Ornithopter, twin 12,500 gp 7 mph 1 1 — 13 65 —

AIRBORNE VEHICLES involved or to control the creature(s) bound to the

The new proficiency “vehicle (air)” covers the use of vehicle.
airborne vehicles.
If you have proficiency with vehicle (air), you can DESCRIPTIONS
add your proficiency bonus to any check you make to Fantasy flight vehicles are described below.
control airborne vehicles in difficult circumstances. Airship. This vehicle is the size of a sailing ship.
The normal operation of airborne vehicles does not The appearance will vary by culture and by the type of
require ability checks, but an airship or flying platform magic or technology used to power the craft. Because
also requires a crew of trained areal “sailors” to aeronautical travel often develops under the influence
manage it. Depending on the nature of the lift and of marine traditions and with nautical influences, the
propulsions systems used, the driver or a crew member shapes and features of airships tend to resemble sea
might also need magical training to direct the magics vessels.

119 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Airship, Greater. A larger version of an airship, EARLY FIREARMS
this vehicle typically represents refinements in the Early firearms suit a medieval campaign. They are
magical or scientific techniques of air travel. unstable and unwieldly but powerful and frightening
Alternately, a greater airship is simply built for a on the battlefield. These weapons are not particularly
function that requires greater size. powerful compared to other medieval weaponry, but
Flying Platform. A flying platform uses the same they are notable for their ability to penetrate armor.
technology of magical forces that hold airships aloft, Early Firearm Use. Early firearms must be lit for
but it uses dozens of instances of that method. each shot. This requires the user to have a ready source
Sometimes called a “flying island,” a flying platform of flame and apply it to the touchhole. Usually a
typically stays airborne for extensive periods, fusilier carries a coil of slow match with one end
providing a base of operations for other flying ships. burning. In a pinch, the user might apply thin sticks,
Glider. A glider is an unpowered vehicle that their ends having been set in a low fire to become
relies upon air currents to stay aloft. Once in flight, a embers. Alternately, if the user can cast the druidcraft,
glider can only gain altitude by circling an area with produce flame, or pyrotechnics cantrip, she can do so
updrafts or by being towed higher by another flight to fire the weapon as part of the same attack.
machine. Early firearms use a fine powder and large, open
Ornithopter. An ornithopter is a single-person touchholes, making the weapons unreliable in humid
version of an airship. Sometimes airships (and flying environments and worthless in the rain.
platforms) carry scores of ornithopters, launching Early Firearm Costs. These prices assume that,
them at enemy airships or ground targets to engage while available, firearms are still exotic. This early
before the mothership gets within range. An stage of their development means that manufacturing
ornithopter typically mounts a small siege weapon like techniques are unrefined and dangerous, and costs
a ballista. reflect these conditions.
Ornithopter, Twin. This ornithopter is slightly The DM can adjust these prices if firearms have
larger and sturdier than the normal version, with the been available for a significant amount of time and are
capacity to carry both a driver and one other produced in quantities, even though the technology
crewmember; a copilot, navigator, or gunner. has not progressed beyond this stage. To do so, simply
divide the listed costs by 5. This puts them on par with
FIREARMS the prices found in the advanced firearms stage.
This exotic list has two stages of firearm development:
early firearms and advanced firearms. This product VARIANT: MIXED PROFICIENCY
declines to include and expand the modern and Firearms are martial weapons due in part to their rarity.
futuristic firearms from the Dungeon Master’s Guide But historically speaking, even a lay person could
(page 268). make efficient use of a firearm up close. This optional
The intention in dividing this exotic list is to give rule applies variety in homage to the forces that drove
the DM the option to include only part of the firearms early firearms development—their ease of training and
list. A campaign with a classic medieval (pre- operation.
Renaissance) level of technology should not allow Using this rule, a character proficient in all simple
players to have access to the advanced firearms. If the weapons adds her proficiency bonus to firearms used
campaign uses advanced firearms, everything in the within normal range. Characters not trained in all
basic firearms stage is available too, although perhaps simple weapons (druids, sorcerers, and wizards) are so
less common. unfamiliar with such concepts and weaponry as to not
Crafting. Crafting firearms requires tinker’s benefit from this.
tools. Crafting firearm loads requires jeweler’s tools or With this option, long range shooting remains the
a gun repair kit. Crafting gunpowder requires province of characters trained with martial weapons or
alchemist’s supplies. the firearms expert feat; consistency at longer ranges
requires knowledge of bullet physics, trained attention
to environmental conditions, and extensive practice.

120 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Because it is an analogue to pistols, characters both range increments of a firearm that has the
proficient with the hand crossbow (bards and rogues) handgun weapon property.
can add their proficiency bonuses to attacks made in


Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Arquebus 250 gp 1d10 piercing 12 lb. Charging (40/120), fouling, loading, two-handed
Fire lance 150 gp 1d8 piercing 7 lb. Charging (30/90), loading, special, two-handed
Hand culverin 150 gp 1d10 piercing 8 lb. Charging (30/90), loading, two-handed
Handgonne 125 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Charging (20/60), fouling, handgun, loading


Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Bomb 150 gp 1 lb. Fuse (10 feet) 10 gp —
Firearm loads Gunpowder (30 charges) 30 gp 1 lb.
Ball (10) 3 gp 2 lb. Powder horn (empty) 5 gp 1 lb.
Fire dart (10) 2 gp 2 lb. Powder keg (with 240 charges) 250 gp 20 lb.
Shot (10) 3 gp 2 lb. Slow match (2 feet) 1 gp —

Advanced Firearm Use. Advanced firearms use

flint sparkers and similar contraptions to ignite the
powder. They no longer need sources of flame for their
use. This, combined with advances in gunpowder
composition, make the weapons more portable and not
significantly affected by rain.
Advanced Firearm Costs. These prices assume a
reasonable availability of firearms and associated
equipment. They allow firearms to appear in the hands
of player characters with reasonably frequency.
If firearms are available but exotic, only crafted in
faraway places and imported at great expense,
multiply all prices by 5. (The prices in the Dungeon
Master’s Guide assume such rarity; they appear at 5
times the costs given in this product.)
Advanced Firearm Types. Advanced firearms are
divided into three types based on barrel construction.
Several example weapons are presented for each
firearm type, from very small to very large.
Open bore weapons have smooth barrel interiors.
These are the most commonly used firearms. An open
bore weapon is reliable using both ball and shot loads.
The interiors of rifled bore barrels have helical
ADVANCED FIREARMS grooves to impart spin to ball ammunition. Controlled
These firearms fit a post-medieval campaign, set in a spin prevents tumbling, which improves the missile’s
world or a region where tinkering and alchemy have flight characteristics. The precision of a rifled barrel
combined to produce reliable explosive weaponry. combines well with the range and accuracy of ball
ammunition. [Continued below…]

121 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Open bore
Pocket pistol 25 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Charging (20/60), fouling, handgun, light, loading
Pistol 50 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb. Charging (30/90), fouling, handgun, light, loading
Musketoon 75 gp 1d10 piercing 7 lb. Charging (40/120), fouling, loading, two-handed
Nock gun 300 gp 3d10 piercing 15 lb. Charging (30/90), fouling, heavy, loading, two-handed
Musket 100 gp 1d12 piercing 10 lb. Charging (40/120), fouling, heavy, loading, two-handed
Long gun 150 gp 1d12 piercing 12 lb. Charging (50/150), fouling, heavy, loading, two-handed
Rifled bore
Serpent 75 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb. Charging (40/120), fouling, handgun, light, loading
Carbine 100 gp 1d10 piercing 7 lb. Charging (50/150), fouling, loading, two-handed
Rifle 150 gp 1d12 piercing 10 lb. Charging (50/150), fouling, heavy, loading, two-handed
Asp 200 gp 1d12 piercing 12 lb. Charging (65/190), fouling, heavy, loading, two-handed
Wide bore
Dragon 50 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb. Charging (15/45), handgun, light, loading
Blunderbuss 75 gp 1d10 piercing 7 lb. Charging (20/60), loading, two-handed
Coach gun 150 gp 2d10 piercing 11 lb. Charging (15/45), heavy, loading, two-handed
Fowling piece 100 gp 1d12 piercing 10 lb. Charging (20/60), heavy, loading, two-handed
Hydra 150 gp 1d12 piercing 12 lb. Charging (25/75), heavy, loading, two-handed


Item Cost Shot Attack Range Damage AC HP Size
Field gun
Demi-cannon 2,000 gp 12 lb. +6 350/1,400 5d10 bludgeoning 19 60 Large
Howitzer 3,000 gp 18 lb. +6 500/2,000 7d10 bludgeoning 19 50 Large
Mortar 6,000 gp 42 lb. +5 800/3,200 12d10 bludgeoning 19 125 Huge
Ordinance rifle 1,250 gp 6 lb. +7 75/300 3d10 bludgeoning 17 25 Medium
Ship’s gun
Carronade 6,500 gp 32 lb. +5 300/1,200 10d10 bludgeoning 19 75 Large
Cannon 3,500 gp 24 lb. +6 600/2,400 8d10 bludgeoning 19 75 Large
Culverin 600 gp 4 lb. +6 50/200 2d10 bludgeoning 15 15 Small
Long nine 3,000 gp 9 lb. +7 750/3,000 4d10 bludgeoning 19 50 Large


Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Bayonet 3 gp 1 lb. Gunpowder (30 charges) 6 gp 1 lb.
Bomb 30 gp 1 lb. Petard 50 gp 4 lb.
Firearm loads Powder horn (empty) 1 gp 1 lb.
Ball (10) 6 sp 2 lb. Powder keg (with 240 charges) 50 gp 20 lb.
Ball, cartridge (10) 1 gp 2 lb. Weapon attachments
Shot (10) 6 sp 2 lb. Aiming lenses 100 gp +1 lb.
Shot, cartridge (10) 1 gp 2 lb. Second barrel 50 gp +2 lb.
Fuse (10 feet) 2 sp — Second barrel, hand gun 25 gp +1 lb.

122 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
TOOLS (ADVANCED FIREARMS) Like all siege equipment, siege guns are immune
Item Cost Weight to poison and psychic damage.
The ammunition required to fire a siege gun costs
Artisan’s tools
2 gp per pound of the shot’s weight, which includes
Gun repair kit 10 gp 2 lb.
the cost of gunpowder.
Unless using the following variant rule, a siege
gun normally requires one action to load, one action to
VARIANT: aim, and one action to fire, just as with other siege
Having practiced extensively with firearms of
various sorts, you gain the following benefits: VARIANT: SLOW FIRING
Using this variant, firing times depend on gun teams
❖ You are proficient with all firearms and with working in unison to operate their weapons. This
gun repair kits. variant is particularly suited to ponderous siege
warfare or ship battles in the age of sail.
❖ Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t With this rule, siege guns require 250 rounds of
impose disadvantage on your ranged attack labor to prepare and fire. The work can be split among
rolls with firearms, even those without the as many as 5 gunners, allowing the gun to fire at a rate
handgun weapon property. of once every 5 minutes (every 50 rounds). This
contemplates unseasoned crew members performing
❖ If your firearm has multiple barrels, you can the operation. Professional, trained gun crews (skilled
reload two barrels with standard loads and hirelings) each provide double the labor output. This
powder using a single action. Alternately, you means a siege gun fully crewed by trained gunners will
can reload two barrels of an advanced firearm fire, at fastest, once every 2½ minutes (25 rounds).
with pre-made cartridges using a single bonus A siege gun previously prepared for use can be
action. fired by a lone gunner using a single action.

❖ When you use the Attack action and attack DESCRIPTIONS

with a one-handed weapon, you can use a Firearms and their accessories are described below.
bonus action to attack with a loaded firearm Arquebus. An early firearm, the first sort to be
you are holding in your other hand if it has the mass produced for military use. This long-range gun
hand gun weapon property. has a wooden stock. The stock often has a hook to
brace the weapon over a castle’s battlements or a
fixture to mount it on top of a bracing staff.
Wide bore barrels are easy to load and use, and Asp. An extra-long, rifled-bore firearm used for
forgiving of poorly-measured weights of shot or accurate shooting over great distances.
powder. Such firearms are not subject to the fouling Bayonet. This narrow metal spike is designed for
property but have reduced overall ranges. A wide bore attachment to the end of a two-handed advanced
firearm works well with shot ammunition, allowing firearm.
the pellets to spread at a very close range. This can be affixed or removed as an action. The
attached bayonet is an improvised two-handed weapon
SIEGE GUNS that inflicts 1d6 piercing damage in melee. The
Siege guns are divided into two types. Field guns wielder may add her proficiency bonus to attacks if she
typically move with an army, pulled by teams of is proficient with spears. Used on its own, the
horses. Ship’s guns are less mobile, mounted on a ship unattached bayonet makes a convincing but awkward
or a fortification. The distinction is mostly traditional dagger. In this form, the improvised weapon inflicts
as weapons from either type, with some mounting 1d4 piercing damage and can benefit from proficiency
modifications, can be used in either capacity. as though it were a dagger.

123 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Blunderbuss. This short, wide-bore weapon is a weapon’s range increments by a distance equal to the
favorite of firearms users. The weapon’s size makes it weapon’s normal range increment. Loads not in
convenient and easy to use in close proximity. cartridge form include the weight of paper or cloth
Bomb. A bomb is a mass of gunpowder, packed wadding strips.
into a hard shell pierced by a fuse. As an action, a Firearm Load, Cartridge (Ball or Shot). Firearm
character can light a bomb and throw it to a point up ammunition can be purchased in simple load form or
to 60 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of that in cartridge form. Cartridges are paper packets
point takes 3d6 fire damage (or half with a DC 12 containing both powder and bullets, which are easier
Dexterity saving throw). Alternately, the fuse can be to carry and faster to load.
lit at a length allowing detonation to occur up to 10 Recharging a firearm barrel using a pre-made
rounds later. cartridge requires only a bonus action.
Carbine. A carbine is a lightweight version of a Firearm Load, Fire Dart. Sometimes called a
rifle. It has a shorter barrel for ease of use and “musket arrow,” this short sturdy dart is propelled by
portability. gunpowder from a fire lance.
Coach Gun. This wide bore weapon has three Firearm Load, Shot. Shot loads each represent a
barrels that fire simultaneously, consuming triple the collection of tiny, round pellets that spread out as they
normal shot and powder. Reduce the damage to 1d10 leave the muzzle.
piercing if fired with only one or two barrels loaded. Shot loads apply the blast property to weapons
Dragon. A wide-bore handgun often used for they are fired from. Loads not in cartridge form
peppering close enemies. Dragons are common include the weight of paper or cloth wadding strips.
firearms for horse soldiers, giving rise to the name Fire Lance. The fire lance is an early firearm. It
“dragoon.” consists of a heavy tube, closed at one end. The
Field Gun (any). Field guns are siege weapons weapon is charged as normal and loaded with a fire
mounted on mobile platforms, typically supported by dart. The tube comes attached to a short, light stave
two large wheels and a wooden “tail” section. They for improved aim and handling.
are typically towed by a team of two or four horses. The lance can instead be attached to any long-
Field Gun, Demi-Cannon. The most common hafted weapon like a quarterstaff or polearm.
field piece, this mid-level weapon fires a reliable load Fowling Piece. This wide-boar long arm is
using a relatively low quantity of gunpowder. commonly used for hunting foul.
Field Gun, Howitzer. Larger than a demi- Fuse. Fuse is a type of heavy string treated with
cannon, this field gun throws a heavy ball. a gunpowder concoction.
Field Gun, Mortar. Unlike other field guns, a When lit, it burns at a slow, reliable pace (about 1
mortal is mounted on a heavy frame, much like a ship’s foot per minute). Fuse can be tied onto the existing
gun. Tiny carriage wheels allow the weapon to be fuses of bombs, petards, and similar explosives to
oriented. A mortar is typically transported via wagon. lengthen their burn times. Or it can be used for simple
A mortal can use indirect fire, shooting over arson, to ignite other flammable objects after a set
obstacles like hills and castle walls. Indirect fire time.
prevents the use of many types of cover. Gunpowder. Gunpowder is formed into bombs or
Field Gun, Ordinance Rifle. This lightweight is used to propel bullets out of firearms. It is sold in
weapon can be pulled by a single horse. It is highly water-resistant containers, typically powder horns or
accurate, with exceptional range, though less small wooden kegs.
powerful than other field guns. Setting fire to a charge or two of gunpowder
Firearm Load, Ball. Ball loads are simple lead causes it to flare for 1 round, shedding bright light in a
spheres covered in small dimples and sized to the 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
approximate caliber of the weapon they are meant for. Setting fire to a tightly-packed weight of gunpowder
Ball loads apply the breach (2) property to causes an explosion, affecting creatures in a 10-foot
weapons they are fired from. Advanced firearms from radius. A DC 12 Dexterity saving throw reduces
the rifled barrel category instead receive breach (3). damage to half. A pound of gunpowder, as contained
Using ball ammunition also increases both the in a powder horn, inflicts 3d6 fire damage when it

124 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
explodes. Setting fire to eight pounds of gunpowder, A petard takes one action to unfold and lean
as within a powder keg, inflicts 7d6 fire damage. against a door or wall, and a second action to ignite.
Gunpowder is destroyed when introduced to The included fuse can be lit to burn for any period up
water; the saltpeter content dissolves so that drying the to 1 minute. Upon detonation, the petard inflicts 7d6
powder will not restore it. Gunpowder stored in a damage on any creature or object in contact with it. A
powder horn or powder keg is sufficiently sealed as to typical door has 18 hit points. If the door suffers
avoid being damaged for about ten minutes of damage equal to or exceeding its hit points, the door is
submersion. Submerging a loaded firearm fouls the blown to flinders. In the case of a wall, a 5-foot square
weapon, even if it does not have the fouling weapon section is blown open. A petard ignores the damage
property. threshold of a normal wall or door.
Gun Repair Kit. This set of artisan’s tools has Pistol. A standard sized handgun of simple, open-
tampions, ball pullers, and special cloths and bore construction.
solutions used to clean firearms. It also includes molds Pocket Pistol. This small pistol is easily
and trim cutters for making lead balls, as well as the concealed. It can be carried in a pocket with little
templates, shears, and crimps needed to form paper chance to be noticed.
cartridges. Apply disadvantage to Wisdom (Perception)
If a proficient character spends fifteen minutes checks to find or notice the weapon if carried in a
using a gun repair kit to “maintain” a firearm during a hidden fashion.
short or long rest, within the next 24 hours, the firearm Rifle. An expensive, medium to long-range
ignores the next fouling result it suffers when a natural firearm with a rifled bore.
1 is rolled for an attack. Powder Horn. A hollow horn, typically from a
Hand Culverin. An early firearm consisting of a cow or similar beast, used to carry gunpowder. The
short tube mounted at the end of a metal rod or against stopper in the larger end can be opened to fill the
a long, wooden handle. powder horn, while the stopper in the narrow end is
Handgonne. A shorter version of the hand used to dispense contained gunpowder. A powder horn
culverin, sized for use with one hand. is typically carried by a long strap worn over the
Hydra. The long barrel of this wide-bore weapon shoulder, keeping it handy for quick use.
flares outward at its end. A hydra is most commonly A horn (with gunpowder) is required to charge a
used for delivering a cloud of shot ammunition at firearm, unless using cartridges. A powder horn can
distant targets. hold powder sufficient for 30 shots. Powder stored in
Long Gun. A long-barrel version of the common a horn is better-protected than powder in cartridge
musket, this weapon is suitable for hunting as well as form; it will stay dry even if the horn is completely
warfare. submerged.
Musket. The standard-issue weapon of firearm- Powder Keg. A small cask of gunpowder. This is
wielding militaries, this open bore long arm is very the typical method by which large amounts of
reliable in battle. gunpowder are stored and transported.
Musketoon. A shorter version of the musket, used Serpent. Longer than a standard rifle, this long
for hunting or household defense. arm is made for incredible accuracy at the longest
Nock Gun. A nock gun is a long arm with five ranges.
smooth-bore barrels arranged in a cluster, all of Ship’s Gun (any). Ship’s guns are siege weapons
which fire simultaneously. The weapon is very mounted on squat, heavy frames, typically equipped
expensive and time-consuming to use at full effect. with small, sturdy carriage wheels suitable for
Reduce the weapon’s damage to 2d10 piercing if absorbing recoil.
fired with only three or four barrels loaded, or 1d10 Ship’s Gun, Carronade. This massive gun is
piercing if fired with only one or two barrels loaded. designed to fire a murderous weight of shot over a
Petard. This steel plate has a flat bomb on one short distance. At its longest range, the barrel requires
side of it and a pair of folding legs attached to the a significant upward tilt and the shot flies in a
other. pronounced arc.

125 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
A carronade can use indirect fire at targets within
its long range increment, shooting over intervening
obstacles like other ships. Indirect fire prevents the use The ecology of a standard game includes a variety of
of many types of cover. monsters that haunt the dark and dangerous places of
Ship’s Gun, Cannon. This heavy weapon is the world. What happens when civilized societies
typical of cannon craftsmanship. domesticate such creatures? Many monsters are no
Ship’s Gun, Culverin. This small ship’s gun has more intelligent than animals and can be trained from
no mounting frame. It is attached to a swiveling pintle a young age to serve as guardians, mounts, and
that rests in any number of prepared positions along companions. Why shouldn’t there by a thriving market
the gunwales or on platforms among the masts. A for wyverns and griffon eggs? Why shouldn’t breeders
single strong crew member can lift the weapon out of pay serious coin to characters who bring them any
its position and carry it to a new one. captured monster specimens? The Monster Markets
Ship’s Gun, Long Nine. This gun is longer and exotic list is here to answer those questions.
fires a lighter load than weapons of similar weight. This list is divided into four categories. The first
The additional range makes long nines well-suited for is for instinct-level Intelligence creatures, those
chase work, mounted at the fore or aft of a ship. without real self-awareness or with very alien
Slow Match. A coil of cord dipped in saltpeter intelligence. The second is for animal-level
and dried so that it burns at a steady rate. Long, slow- Intelligence creatures, those smart enough to be
burning match cords allow gunners to light early trained for various duties. Many of these creatures can
firearms or siege guns while operating away from a serve as mounts. The third category is monster-level
source of fire. Intelligence, covering creatures with Intelligence
A slow match burns at a rate of 1 foot per hour. scores of 4 or higher that are self-aware and capable of
Careful gunners light both ends of the match, in case reason. The fourth category is just for dragons.
one end is blown out by the flash of gunpowder in the Qualifications. The Monster Market exotic list
pan. only contains monsters that are notably suitable for
Weapon Attachment, Aiming Lenses (any certain purposes, particularly service as mounts or
advanced firearm). A set of lenses mounted on the top guardians. Creatures (beasts) already noted as trade
of the weapon, aids with accuracy. These lenses are goods in Part 4: Wealth, are not repeated here, nor are
usually enclosed in a tube. the standard mounts described in Part 2: Gear.
By spending a bonus action to sight through the Constructs are too varied and too personal to their
lenses, the user’s next attack with the weapon does not creators to list effectively. Other creatures are too
suffer the normal disadvantage from attacking a target much like humanoids or simply have the wrong
in its long range increment. Claiming this benefit temperament to be bought and sold. The “stat blocks”
requires the user to be proficient with the weapon in of monsters listed here can be found in the Monster
question and to perform no other movement or other Manual, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, and Storm King’s
actions, bonus actions, or reactions between aiming Thunder.
and firing. Templates. The combat trained and exceptional
Weapon Attachment, Second Barrel (any specimen templates described in Part 2: Gear are not
advanced firearm). A second barrel is an efficient way applicable to the monsters described in this section.
to increase the number of shots a user can make in All monsters with Intelligence 2 or higher and entries
quick succession. in the Saddle columns can be rider trained for an
When fully loaded, a firearm with a second barrel additional cost equal to their base values.
can be used for two shots before reloading. Each barrel Prices. Prices for monsters are based primarily on
of the modified firearm is charged individually and is how dangerous they are (Challenge Ratings). Some
fired individually with a separate trigger. A firearm creatures have ability to generate monster byproducts
must be constructed with a second barrel; existing like poison, which significantly increases their value.
firearms cannot have barrels added to them. Coach Likewise, creatures able to serve as mounts, guardians,
guns and nock guns cannot have additional barrels. or in other particularly useful roles are worth more

126 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
based on their ability to be trained. Finally, monster tanks that will keep them isolated. Most creatures in
reputations also play a role in their pricing. this category do not eat animal feed; they require a
Monsters are often hard to buy or sell; the fact that regular diet of small creatures to sustain themselves.
monsters are marketable does not mean they are Prices. Instinct-level monsters fetch full price as
common. The DM should use the rules in Part 4: adult specimens. The young or the infirm are worth
Wealth to determine whether a buyer or seller can be half the listed values; eggs and juveniles have no
found for any specific monster. special potential to be trained so there is no reason to
Selling Monsters. If player characters can capture buy these less effective monsters.
a live specimen, and can find a buyer for the monster,
the standard sale price is one-tenth of the market ANIMAL-LEVEL INTELLIGENCE
values listed here. It takes a lot more overhead to store Animals typically have Intelligence scores of 2 or 3.
and resell live creatures than it does for other used Remarkably cunning specimens have scores as high as
adventuring gear. That translates into merchants 4. Some such creatures can be trained if taken at a
paying much less for them; profit margins are already young age while others are simply too dangerous or
thin for most monster merchants! ferocious to domesticate.
A creature must have an Intelligence score of 2 or
INSTINCT-LEVEL INTELLIGENCE higher to learn how to serve as a mount. Creatures
These creatures either have Intelligence scores of 1 or suitable for mounts are indicated in the Saddle column.
their intelligence is totally alien to humanoids. Care. The care and maintenance of creatures in
These creatures lack the capacity to learn tricks or this category varies based on creature type.
be put to any useful function. Instinct-level creatures Prices. Because they can be trained to a variety of
are valued as simple, unwitting guardians, attacking tasks, eggs and juvenile versions of these creatures are
anything that gets near to them. Only by mind- valued the same as full-grown versions. These prices
controlling magic is such a creature capable of serving assume that the creatures are trained as mounts or
as a mount. guard beasts. Un-trained adult specimens are worth
Care. Creatures in this category require special half the listed value.
measures to store and transport, measures like cages or


Creature Cost Intel. Align. CR Saddle Speed Capacity
Ankheg 1,750 gp 1 Un. 2 Large exotic 30 ft. (30 ft.) 510 lb.
Carrion crawler 2,750 gp 1 Un. 2 Large exotic 30 ft. (30 ft.) 420 lb.
Flail snail 8,000 gp 3 Un. 3 Large exotic 10 ft. 510 lb.
Gas spore 750 gp 1 Un. ½ n/a 0 ft. (10 ft.) 150 lb.
Shrieker 40 gp 1 Un. 0 n/a 0 ft. 15 lb.
Violet fungus 375 gp 1 Un. ¼ n/a 5 ft. 45 lb.
Gibbering mouther 1,500 gp 3 Neutral 2 n/a 10 ft. (10 ft.) 150 lb.
Neothelid 9,000 gp 3 CE 13 Gargantuan exotic 30 ft. 3,240 lb.
Black pudding 2,750 gp 1 Un. 4 n/a 20 ft. (20 ft.) 480 lb.
Gelatinous cube 1,750 gp 1 Un. 2 n/a 15 ft. 420 lb.
Gray ooze 750 gp 1 Un. ½ n/a 10 ft. (10 ft.) 180 lb.
Ochre jelly 1,500 gp 2 Un. 2 n/a 10 ft. (10 ft.) 450 lb.
Piercer 750 gp 1 Un. ½ n/a 5 ft. (5 ft.) 150 lb.
Purple worm 20,000 gp 1 Un. 15 Gargantuan exotic 50 ft. (30 ft.) 3,360 lb.
Purple wormling 1,925 gp 1 Un. 2 Large exotic 20 ft. 480 lb.

127 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Creature Cost Intel. Align. CR Saddle Speed Capacity
Basilisk 2,500 gp 2 Un. 3 Medium exotic 20 ft. 240 lb.
Bulette 3,500 gp 2 Un. 5 Large exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 570 lb.
Catoblepas 6,000 gp 3 Un. 5 Large exotic 30 ft. 570 lb.
Chimera 6,500 gp 3 Un. 6 Large exotic 30 ft. (60 ft.) 570 lb.
Cockatrice 1,250 gp 2 Un. ½ n/a 20 ft. (40 ft.) 90 lb.
Crag cat 1,000 gp 4 Un. 1 Large exotic 40 ft. 480 lb.
Darkmantle 1,000 gp 2 Un. ½ n/a 10 ft. (30 ft.) 240 lb.
Death dog 1,000 gp 3 Un. 1 Canine 40 ft. 225 lb.
Allosaurus 500 gp 2 Un. 2 Large exotic 60 ft. 570 lb.
Ankylosaurus 500 gp 2 Un. 3 Huge exotic 30 ft. 1,140 lb.
Brontosaurus 1,000 gp 2 Un. 5 Gargantuan exotic 30 ft. 2,520 lb.
Deinonychus 500 gp 4 Un. 1 Medium exotic 40 ft. 225 lb.
Dimetrodon 175 gp 2 Un. ¼ Medium exotic 30 ft. (20 ft.) 210 lb.
Hadrosaurus 200 gp 2 Un. ¼ Large exotic 40 ft. 450 lb.
Plesiosaurus 850 gp 2 Un. 2 Large exotic 20 ft. (40 ft.) 540 lb.
Pteranodon 250 gp 2 Un. ¼ Medium exotic 10 ft. (60 ft.) 180 lb.
Quetzalcoatlus 700 gp 2 Un. 2 Huge exotic 10 ft. (80 ft.) 900 lb.
Stegosaurus 850 gp 2 Un. 4 Huge exotic 40 ft. 1,200 lb.
Triceratops 1,000 gp 2 Un. 5 Huge exotic 50 ft. 1,320 lb.
Tyrannosaurus rex 2,000 gp 2 Un. 8 Large exotic 50 ft. 1,500 lb.
Velociraptor 250 gp 4 Un. ¼ n/a 30 ft. 45 lb.
Froghemoth 6,000 gp 2 Un. 10 n/a 30 ft. (30 ft.) 1,380 lb.
Giant strider 1,000 gp 4 NE 1 Large exotic 50 ft. 540 lb.
Guard drake 1,500 gp 4 Un. 2 Medium exotic 30 ft. 240 lb.
Gorgon 3,500 gp 2 Un. 5 Large exotic 40 ft. 600 lb.
Grick 1,500 gp 3 Un. 2 n/a 30 ft. (30 ft.) 210 lb.
Griffon 2,750 gp 2 Un. 2 Large exotic 30 ft. (80 ft.) 540 lb.
Hippogriff 2,250 gp 2 Un. 1 Large exotic 40 ft. (60 ft.) 510 lb.
Hydra 5,000 gp 2 Un. 8 n/a 30 ft. (30 ft.) 1,200 lb.
Owlbear 2,000 gp 3 Un. 3 Large exotic 40 ft. 600 lb.
Roc 10,000 gp 3 Un. 11 Gargantuan exotic 20 ft. (120 ft.) 3,360 lb.
Rust monster 750 gp 2 Un. ½ Medium exotic 40 ft. 195 lb.
Stench kow 750 gp 2 Un. ¼ Large exotic 30 ft. 540 lb.
Stirge 1,000 gp 2 Un. 3 n/a 10 ft. (40 ft.) 30 lb.
Trapper 1,000 gp 2 Un. 3 n/a 10 ft. (10 ft.) 510 lb.

MONSTER-LEVEL INTELLIGENCE following creatures that are well-suited for mounts or

Creatures with Intelligence scores of 5 or higher are guardians, despite having advanced intelligence.
smarter than animals. While they can be purchased, A creature of Intelligence 5 or higher that is found
the older they are and the higher their Intelligence or purchased at a young age, trained as it matures, and
scores, the closer their sale resembles slavery. The treated as a companion rather than a pet can become a
lifelong friend if the “owner” acts in conformity with

128 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
the creature’s alignment. Otherwise, the creature will are too old and intelligent to be trained and are too hard
escape when doing so becomes convenient or it may to keep as inventory; they cannot be bought or sold
turn upon its “owner” at an opportune moment. except in extremely unusual circumstances. A
Mounts with Intelligence scores of 5 or higher often character can still find and ally with adult versions of
act independently in combat. these monsters, assuming she can communicate with
Care. The care and maintenance of creatures in the creature, has the correct disposition (alignment),
this category varies based on creature type. and approaches the creature correctly.
Prices. Only eggs and juvenile versions of these
creatures fetch the listed prices. Full-grown specimens


Creature Cost Intel. Align. CR Saddle Speed Capacity
Behir 8,000 gp 7 NE 11 Huge exotic 50 ft. (40 ft.) 1,380 lb.
Blink dog 750 gp 10 LG 1/4 Canine 40 ft. 180 lb.
Displacer beast 2,000 gp 6 LE 3 Large exotic 40 ft. 540 lb.
Barghest 2,500 gp 13 NE 4 Canine 60 ft. / 30 ft. 570 lb.
Girallon 2,500 gp 5 Un. 4 n/a 40 ft. (40 ft.) 540 lb.
Hell hound 2,000 gp 6 LE 3 Canine 50 ft. 255 lb.
Leucrotta 2,000 gp 9 CE 3 Canine 50 ft. 540 lb.
Manticore 2,500 gp 7 LE 3 Large exotic 30 ft. (50 ft.) 510 lb.
Mimic 1,500 gp 5 Neutral 2 n/a 15 ft. 255 lb.
Nightmare 2,500 gp 10 NE 3 Large exotic 60 ft. (90 ft.) 540 lb.
Otyugh 3,000 gp 6 Neutral 5 n/a 30 ft. 480 lb.
Pegasus 2,000 gp 10 CG 2 Large exotic 60 ft. (90 ft.) 540 lb.
Shadow mastiff 1,500 gp 5 NE 2 Dog 40 ft. 240 lb.
Unicorn 4,000 gp 11 LG 5 Equine 50 ft. 540 lb.
Winter wolf 2,000 gp 7 NE 3 Canine 60 ft. 540 lb.
Worg 500 gp 7 NE 1/2 Canine 50 ft. 480 lb.
Wyvern 8,000 gp 5 Un. 6 Large exotic 20 ft. (80 ft.) 570 lb.
Yeth hound 2,500 gp 5 NE 4 Canine 40 ft. (40 ft.) 540 lb.

DRAGONS makes adventuring with a dragon very impractical.

Dragons are particularly troublesome monsters to The effect its lair has on a surrounding region also
restrain or train. While they can serve as mounts and makes it difficult to live near civilization. These
allies when they want, their personalities are factors make having a dragon ally somewhat
incredibly forceful. Even the good-aligned dragons are troublesome for an adventurer, often just a short-term
very self-interested (particularly treasure-focused). A affair.
humanoid “owner” can quickly find herself relegated Prices. Dragon eggs fetch the same cost as young-
to the sidekick roll, even if she raises the dragon from category dragons. While dragons cannot be truly
a hatchling. trained, acquiring one at the stage of an egg gives the
For these reasons, dragons fall outside of the type “owner” the best possible chance to befriend the
of creatures that would normally be put in this exotic creature before it becomes too dangerous. Prices for
list. Nonetheless, dragons are included because they dragons of young age and older are mostly theoretical.
hold such a prominent role in such a wide variety of A dragon is too proud to be the subject of commerce,
traditional fantasy stories. but certain rare artifacts might bring a dragon under a
Care. Dragons are hard to manage or provide care humanoid’s dominion.
for. A dragon’s tendency to build a permanent lair

129 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Creature Cost Intel. Align. CR Saddle Speed Capacity
Ancient 155,000 gp 16 CE 21 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 3,240 lb.
Adult 60,000 gp 14 CE 14 Huge exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 1,380 lb.
Young 19,000 gp 12 CE 7 Large exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 570 lb.
Wyrmling 6,000 gp 10 CE 2 Medium exotic 30 ft. (30 ft.) 225 lb.
Ancient 230,000 gp 18 LE 24 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 3,480 lb.
Adult 70,000 gp 16 LE 16 Huge exotic 40 ft. (30 ft.) 1,740 lb.
Young 25,000 gp 14 LE 9 Large exotic 40 ft. (20 ft.) 630 lb.
Wyrmling 8,000 gp 12 LE 3 Medium exotic 30 ft. (15 ft.) 255 lb.
Ancient 180,000 gp 20 LE 22 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 3,240 lb.
Adult 65,000 gp 18 LE 15 Huge exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 1,380 lb.
Young 22,000 gp 16 LE 8 Large exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 570 lb.
Wyrmling 6,000 gp 14 LE 2 Medium exotic 30 ft. (30 ft.) 225 lb.
Ancient 230,000 gp 18 CE 24 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 3,600 lb.
Adult 75,000 gp 16 CE 17 Huge exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 1,620 lb.
Young 28,000 gp 14 CE 10 Large exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 690 lb.
Wyrmling 10,000 gp 12 CE 4 Medium exotic 30 ft. (30 ft.) 275 lb.
Ancient 130,000 gp 10 CE 20 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40/40 ft.) 3,120 lb.
Adult 55,000 gp 8 CE 13 Huge exotic 40 ft. (30/40 ft.) 1,320 lb.
Young 16,000 gp 6 CE 6 Large exotic 40 ft. (20/40 ft.) 540 lb.
Wyrmling 6,000 gp 5 CE 2 Medium exotic 30 ft. (15/30 ft.) 210 lb.


Creature Cost Intel. Align. CR Saddle Speed Capacity
Ancient 130,000 gp 16 CG 20 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 3,240 lb.
Adult 55,000 gp 14 CG 13 Huge exotic 40 ft. (30 ft.) 1,380 lb.
Young 16,000 gp 12 CG 6 Large exotic 40 ft. (20 ft.) 570 lb.
Wyrmling 4,000 gp 10 CG 1 Medium exotic 30 ft. (15 ft.) 225 lb.
Ancient 180,000 gp 18 LG 22 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 3,480 lb.
Adult 55,000 gp 16 LG 13 Huge exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 1,500 lb.
Young 22,000 gp 14 LG 8 Large exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 630 lb.
Wyrmling 6,000 gp 12 LG 2 Medium exotic 30 ft. (30 ft.) 255 lb.
Ancient 155,000 gp 20 CG 21 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 3,240 lb.
Adult 60,000 gp 18 CG 14 Huge exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 1,380 lb.
Young 19,000 gp 16 CG 7 Large exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 570 lb.
Wyrmling 4,000 gp 14 CG 1 Medium exotic 30 ft. (30 ft.) 225 lb.

130 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Creature Cost Intel. Align. CR Saddle Speed Capacity
Ancient 230,000 gp 18 LG 24 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 3,600 lb.
Adult 75,000 gp 16 LG 17 Huge exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 1,620 lb.
Young 28,000 gp 16 LG 10 Large exotic 40 ft. (40 ft.) 690 lb.
Wyrmling 8,000 gp 14 LG 3 Medium exotic 30 ft. (30 ft.) 275 lb.
Ancient 205,000 gp 18 LG 23 Gargantuan exotic 40 ft. 3,600 lb.
Adult 70,000 gp 16 LG 16 Huge exotic 40 ft. 1,620 lb.
Young 25,000 gp 14 LG 9 Large exotic 40 ft. 690 lb.
Wyrmling 6,000 gp 12 LG 2 Medium exotic 30 ft. 275 lb.

If your campaign uses the variant rule Dragons as such as the Adventures in the Orient exotic list, she
Innate Spellcasters, double the listed costs for adult might decide that she also wants a basic set of
and ancient versions. Eurocentric fantasy medieval equipment available too.
Speed. All dragons have a flying speed that is Perhaps there is a small but significant crossover of
double the rate of their normal speed. (Fly speed is cultures. This works just like adding any exotic list;
omitted from these charts.) Based on type, dragons the items on the Village Market list become available
may also have climbing, burrowing, or swimming in addition to any others already designated.
speeds. Shopping. The most anticipated use of this list is
to restrict what characters can purchase or have access
to when they encounter a remote village of few
inhabitants. In this case, weapons and armor should
This exotic list describes equipment from a village of have no more than 1d4 – 1 of each type available.
no more than 1,000 residents. Unlike other exotic lists, Anything rare, particularly weapons and armor, is
which have the purpose of adding new equipment, this probably not purchased from a store but from a
list restricts items to a basic array. Therefore, each villager who used to adventure and is willing to sell
item category is given with a list of items that are the item. Inquiring with a shopkeeper is often all that
available, rather than charts of new gear. is needed to determine if someone in such a small
The available equipment tends to be only the most village has such an item for sale.
common and low-value items, not the full range of
options available in this product or in the Player’s
In addition to the new weapons listed below, the
following are available through this list. If an item is
USING THIS LIST followed by a parenthetical cost, use this price for
This exotic list can serve several intended functions. purchasing instead of the standard one. (This does not
Native List. Village Market can be used to restrict affect the resale price of such goods.)
characters to a small array of starting equipment, Trade Goods (Dry Goods). All
suitable for beginning a campaign in a small town. The Expenses. All except wealthy and aristocratic
remoteness and the low population means that few Spellcasting Services. Cantrip, level 1, level 2
people will have need of adventuring gear, so a limited Armor. Banded mail (100 gp), brigandine (50 gp),
variety will be available at the town’s small shops or chain shirt (75 gp), hide, layered furs, leather, leather
directly from locals. For this option, the array of armor scale, padded, ring mail (50 gp), shield (15 gp), scale
and weapons in this list replaces the standard armor mail (75 gp)
and weapons lists, just as with any other native list. Weapons. Basic whip, club, crook, dagger, flail,
Additional List. If the DM uses another native list greatclub, hatchet, light crossbow (50 gp), light
to enforce a non-Eurocentric equipment availability,

131 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
hammer, longbow (100 gp), longsword (30 gp), mace Adventuring Gear (Ammunition). Broad-tip
(10 gp), machete, maul, net, scythe, shortsword (20 crossbow bolts, flight arrows, leaden sling bullets,
gp), sickle, shortbow, short spear, sling, slungshot, sheaf arrows, steel needles, stone sling bullets
spear (2 gp), wooden stake Adventuring Gear (Ammunition). Amulet,
Adventuring Gear (General). Bedroll, bell, component pouch, holy water, potion of healing, sprig
blanket, block and tackle, caltrops (bag of 20), candle, of mistletoe, staff, totem, wooden staff
chalk, cold weather clothes, common clothes, Tools (Artisan’s Tools). All except alchemist’s
crowbar, fire kit, fishing tackle, hammer, hempen supplies, calligrapher’s supplies, cartographer’s
rope, hunting trap, hooded lantern, iron spikes, ladder, supplies, glassblower’s tools, jeweler’s tools, tattoo
lamp, mess kit, miner’s pick, oil, peasant clothes, pole, artist’s tools
raiment repair kit, rations, robes, saw, shovel, slate Tools (Gaming Sets). All
board, sledge hammer, snow shoes or skis, soap, string Tools (Musical Instruments). Birdpipes, drum,
or twine, tinderbox, torch, traveler’s clothes, two- flute, hand drum, horn, pan flute, shawm, songhorn
person tent, whetstone Tools (Miscellaneous Tools). Herbalism kit
Adventuring Gear (Containers). All except
hidden compartment and lockbox


Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Machete 1 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. —
Pitchfork 5 sp 1d4 piercing 5 lb. —
Rake 3 sp 1d3 piercing 4 lb. —
Shears 8 sp 1d3 piercing 1 lb. Alternate (S)
Shovel 5 sp 1d3 slashing 4 lb. Alternate (B)

DESCRIPTIONS Shears. These large scissors can be wielding as a

Village Market weapons are essentially farm piercing weapon. Alternately, the joint can be
implements used as improvised weapons. unfastened, producing two weapons that resemble
Machete. A short, sword-like slashing tool used single-bladed knives with awkward handles.
for clearing dense vegetation. Shovel. A medium-hafted digging tool consisting
Pitchfork. A long-hafted weapon with thin of a broad, slightly rounded blade, suitable for
prongs, vaguely resembling a trident, suitable for scooping earth.
lifting hay and straw.
Rake. A long-hafted weapon with hooked tines at
the end, used for smoothing or cultivating crop fields.

132 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
This Part talks about various aspects of character the platinum piece and the electrum piece. Rare coins
wealth. It talks about wealth generally, its forms, and include the adamantine piece, the mithral piece, and
how to manage and carry lots of it. the iron piece.
Iron coins are only used in poor societies with
very weak economies. Adamantine and mithral are
MATERIAL ASSETS only used in closed societies where these materials are
Material assets constitute the most basic form of relatively accessible, such as dwarven citadels.
equipment. They can be expended to meet a present DM’s Corner. Adamantine and mithral ratings
need for goods and services or for expenses like bridge here are derived from the suggested values for
tolls and taxation. Material assets can also be reserved adamantine and mithral armor in the Dungeon
to meet future needs if they can be effectively carried Master’s Guide. If you are used to the higher implied
and exchanged. Nonmaterial assets tend to be more value of prior editions, feel free to adjust these
portable but less spendable. numbers. For higher values, try multiplying the worth
of each by x10. That puts mithral at double the value
of platinum and adamantine at five times the value.
COINAGE However, the value progression listed above follows a
Coins are minted in various denominations, their value logical order and approximates existing Fifth Edition
nominally based on the value of their metals. The item values, so take care when deviating. If you want
“gold standard” in Dungeons & Dragons is, these two metals to be more valuable, it might be
unironically, the gold piece. enough to simply say they aren’t available as coins, or
that the coin versions are made with alloys or
STANDARD EXCHANGE RATES unrefined material.
Coin sp gp pp
Iron (ip) 1/50 1/500 1/5,000 REPRESENTATIVE CURRENCIES
Copper (cp) 1/10 1/100 1/1,000 Not all nations or societies trade in coinage with innate
Silver (sp) 1 1/10 1/100 material value. Advanced economies often use
Electrum (ep) 5 1/2 1/20 currency that represents a portion of the national
Gold (gp) 10 1 1/10 treasury or that otherwise has value based on the
Mithral (mp) 20 2 1/5 economy. For ease of translation, currency holds
Adamantine (ap) 50 5 1/2 equivalent value to standard coins, unless the DM
Platinum (pp) 100 10 1 determines that fluctuating currency value is a part of
her story.
Because these coins are valued based on their Representative currency tends to be minted from
contained metals, their worth is almost universally common metals that are not themselves of significant
consistent, regardless of origin. Various markets might value. If metals are rare in the game world, alternate
devalue foreign currency based on the current political materials like ceramic can be used for minting. If the
climate; the coins of one realm might be worthless in campaign’s available level of tinkering has advanced
the neighboring realm due to ongoing warfare, or they to the point of printing presses, money might be issued
might require exchanging for local money with a in the form of printed paper.
certain percentage removed as a service fee. Societies that use representative currency go to
great lengths to avoid forgery. Minting and printing
often include subtle or complex counter-counterfeiting
techniques. Detecting fake money could be a matter of
The three common coins are the gold piece, the silver
skilled (or even magical) examination performed by
piece, and the copper piece. Uncommon coins include

133 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
merchants. Societies that use representative currency TRADE GOODS (BEASTS)
punish counterfeiting with death. Value Goods
1 cp Frog or rat, or spider
ALTERNATE CURRENCIES 2 cp Cat or chicken
Some game worlds use different basic currencies, 5 cp Lizard, quipper, or turtle
things other than coins. Perhaps valuable metals are 1 sp Bat, crab, or octopus
hard to acquire. Maybe some other convenient things
5 sp Raven or scorpion
have been used since the beginning of time and no one
1 gp Goat, owl, songbird, or weasel
ever thought to use coins. Or maybe the gods have
2 gp Hyena, jackal, poisonous snake, or sheep
dictated what works as currency and none can gainsay
3 gp Baboon, common dog, giant crab, giant
As examples, certain rare seashells might be used rat, pig, or deer
in an undersea kingdom that has no mining traditions. 4 gp Badger, giant fire beetle, giant sea horse,
A society ruled by necromancers might trade glass untrained donkey, or untrained mule
beads to which are bound minor souls; all merchants 5 gp Ape, boar, giant frog, small parrot,
are trained to identify the power of the souls, which vulture, or wolf
corresponds to different denominations. On a harsh 10 gp Constrictor snake, cow, elk, giant
desert world, wizards may have learned the secrets of centipede, giant goat, giant weasel, or
converting water (in standard measurements) into giant wolf spider
small gelatinous blobs of various sizes, which can later 12 gp Crocodile, eagle, or untrained mastiff
be turned back into water. 15 gp Axe beak, giant badger, giant bat, giant
Whatever the case, the new currency should be spider, hawk, ox, untrained pony, or yak
portable, identifiable as roughly equivalent to other 20 gp Black bear or giant wasp
alike pieces (interchangeable), and should probably
25 gp Giant poisonous snake, untrained camel,
have an innate value based either on material rarity or
or untrained draft horse
a value based on a useful function of the item other
35 gp Blood hawk, brown bear, large parrot, or
than commerce.
untrained riding horse
50 gp Almiraj, giant hyena, giant toad,
panther, or untrained riding horse
Even though players almost universally refer to money
75 gp Dire wolf, giant eagle, giant octopus,
by its material name, i.e., a “gold piece” or “silver
giant owl, giant vulture, lion, reef shark,
piece,” characters should not. Most nations have their
or tiger
own names for coins of each denomination. Following
are some example coin names from real-world 100 gp Giant constrictor snake, flying monkey,
locations and times. These are available for the DM to giant elk, untrained elephant, or
borrow, or she can make up her own: untrained giant lizard
Aaureus, argenteus, dahekan, dong, daric, 125 gp Untrained flying snake
denarius, dinar, drachma, dram, dupondius, elymais, 150 gp Untrained giant seahorse
escudo, farthing, florin, franc, guilder, kartez, groat, 200 gp Giant boar, hunter shark, polar bear, or
lira, mark, metica, penny, peseta, peso, potin, prutah, saber-toothed tiger
qiran, rial, rigsdaler, ruble, rupee, ryo, scudo, sestarius, 250 gp Giant scorpion, killer whale, or
sheqel, shilling, sigloi, stater, sucre, tael, talent, rhinoceros
tetradrachma, tremissis, zaire, zuz. 500 gp Giant ape, giant crocodile, giant shark, or
It is a good idea to research the coins of a mammoth
historical nation to find a set of consistent coin names. 800 gp Hulking crab
To make your set unique, switch up a few to name
them after important rulers or the gods. As an example,
description of coins for the Forgotten Realms
pages 20-21 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide give a full
campaign setting.

134 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Animals on this chart are assumed to be young
enough to train. For beasts that have common uses as
Money is only used by those of middling wealth. The trained specimens, halve the value of an older
very poor and the very rich exchange trade goods specimen that is beyond its functional training age or
instead. When there is no coin to be had, or when useful lifespan. Otherwise the price is consistent,
barter is simply more convenient, people commit regardless of age. Despite being beasts, vermin
commerce by exchanging items with static, widely- (snakes, insects, and arachnids) tend not to be used as
accepted and understood values. trade goods except in less-civilized societies or foreign
For an urchin on the street, trade goods might regions like the Underdark.
consist of captured rats or collected scrap iron, the key For any animal valued based on edibility, like a
to acquiring a hot bowl of soup. For a poor farmer, this crab or a hulking crab, dead versions are valued
might mean trading wheat and livestock for a few equally to live versions, so long as they are fresh.
luxury items. On the other end of the spectrum, a
guild-sanctioned master merchant’s trade goods might
include platinum trade bars exchanged for huge
These common household items are in demand
shipments of raw textiles. For the nobility, trading
everywhere; moving large quantities of them is what
hunting birds or exotic beasts is a matter of fashion as
keeps many merchants in business.
well as expedience.


Value Goods
Value Goods
10 gp Azurite, banded agate, blue quartz,
1 cp 1 lb. of wheat
eye agate, hematite, lapis lazuli,
2 cp 1 lb. of beans, cheese, flour, potatoes, or
malachite, moss agate, obsidian,
turnips; per board ft. of unusual lumber
rhodochrosite, tiger eye, or turquoise
5 cp 1 lb. of coffee, salt, or sugar
50 gp Bloodstone, carnelian, chalcedony,
1 sp 1 sq. yd. of canvas or per board ft. of rare
chrysoprase, citrine, jasper,
moonstone, onyx, quartz, sardonyx,
5 sp 1 lb. of cooking herbs or tobacco or 1 sq.
star rose quartz, or zircon
yd. of cotton cloth
100 gp Amber, amethyst, chrysoberyl, coral,
1 gp 1 lb. of cooking spices, ginger, or honey
garnet, jade, jet, pearl spinel, or
2 gp 1 lb. of cinnamon, pepper, wool, or per
board ft. of exotic lumber, or 1 common
500 gp Alexandrite, aquamarine, black pearl,
pelt (beaver or wolf)
blue spinel, peridot, or topaz
3 gp 1 lb. of cloves or 1 uncommon pelt (fox
1,000 gp Black opal, blue sapphire, emerald,
or mink)
fire opal, opal, star ruby, star sapphire,
5 gp 1 sq. yd. of linen or 1 rare pelt (ermine or
or yellow sapphire
5,000 gp Black sapphire, diamond, jacinth, or
10 gp 1 sq. yd. of silk
15 gp 1 lb. of chocolate or saffron

Gemstones of standard weights and cuts are extremely
From the common and domestic, to the wild and
fungible, and are sometimes used by the very wealthy
exotic, the market for animals varies greatly based on
in the place of coins. Halve the value of a “small”
the accepted purpose of each creature and its
version of any gem and double the value of a “large”
geographical rarity. Of all the trade goods, beasts have
version. A “giant” version will fetch ten times the
the greatest variance in value.
listed value. If a gem is raw—not cut, polished, or

135 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
otherwise treated to enhance its luster—halve its TRADE GOODS (TRADE BARS, 1-LB.)
value. Value Goods Value Goods
DM’s Corner. Loose gemstones should not have
1 sp Iron 50 gp Gold
appreciable weight unless carried in bulk. When it
5 sp Copper 100 gp Mithral
does matter, weights can be difficult to calculate; the
5 gp Silver 250 gp Adamantine
Dungeon Master’s Guide does not provide official
25 gp Electrum 500 gp Platinum
weights for the gems it lists, nor would a standard
gemstone of one type normally be equivalent in weight
to another. As an abstract system, simply assume that MISCELLANEOUS
200 “standard” gemstones weigh 1 pound, as do 100
Certain other materials are like trade goods but do not
“large” versions or 20 “giant” versions.
hold the same value. Craft components sell for half the
amount they would be purchased for.


Many evil races and societies, like the drow of the This category of wealth covers unfinished materials
Underdark, trade in slaves. Most slavers prefer to suitable for crafting specific items. The value of a craft
own members of their own race, but some trade in component is half the value of the item that can be
a variety of races that are less civilized or less crafted from it. Such components could be sold for half
technologically-developed. that amount or instead crafted (with the right tools)
Slaves are used for labor, status, consumption, into whatever whole product the components are
ritual sacrifices, and other, viler purposes. Their suitable for.
values vary widely by race, health, age, training,
innate capabilities, and that slaver society’s exact For example, after raiding the alchemy lab in an
proclivities. It is difficult to create a baseline value abandoned wizard’s tower, the party finds enough
for slaves due to these many variables. leftover ingredients and materials to craft one flask of
For this reason, and because the commercial alchemical fire. (These materials are specific to this
aspect of slavery is rarely a fun focus for a single product.) The craft component is worth 25 gp
roleplaying game, this product does not include (half the value of a flask of alchemical fire) when it
values for using sapient beings as trade goods. It’s comes to offsetting the material cost of crafting
usually better for the game to keep those numbers alchemical fire, but if unfinished will sell for only 12
abstract. gp and 5 sp. With five days of work using alchemist’s
tools, the ingredients could be turned into a completed
flask of alchemist’s fire, ready to use (or to sell for 25
A common alternative to coins, trade bars exist in Alternately, the DM could rule that certain craft
various weights, typically one pound each. (The values components are applicable to a variety of potential
on the chart here are for one-pound bars.) Unlike products. For example, the DM might say there are
coins, trade bars tend to be readily accepted across vast unfinished blade “blanks” in a treasure pile amounting
political and geographical expanses, at least among to a certain value, and that these craft components can
merchants. Trade bars are important to regular high- be made into any type of sword or a bladed weapon of
level commerce because they exist without the similar size.
political implications carried by minting; there are no
marks of origin to offend the peoples of one nation or
another. A merchant who deals in trade bars typically
keeps a merchant’s scale on hand to test the weight of Selling treasure is an abstract process in Fifth Edition
exchanged trade bars. Dungeons & Dragons. Gone are the cumbersome
concepts of appraising and haggling, which only
served to randomize the bottom-line value of treasure.

136 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Instead, there are now four categories of sell value
VARIANT: COMPONENTS BY USEFULNESS described in the Player’s Handbook:
This rule allows more variety in the value of
components for certain crafts. This is particularly MONSTER ARMAMENTS (VALUE x0)
useful for craft components that are gathered in the Weapons and armor pieces used by monsters are rarely
wild, like the plants that can be useful with an good enough to sell. This prevents parties from looting
herbalism kit or poisoner’s kit. absolutely everything, walking around like poorly
With this variant, craft components for a maintained arsenals. It also relieves the DM from
crafting type come in three varieties: those specific having to contemplate mundane monster equipment
to a single product, those specific to a small range values when building encounters and balancing
of products, and those rare components that are treasure. Monster equipment has no resale value.
useful for any product craft-able by the associated
artisan’s tools. In the latter two cases, the Dungeon STANDARD EQUIPMENT (VALUE x1/2)
Master can determine that the components are Undamaged weapons, armor, and other equipment
useable for certain items in different crafting fetch half their sale price when sold at market. DMs
disciplines, like a noxious herb that can be used in balancing treasure can consider mundane items,
any alchemical, herbal, or poisonous concoction. particularly found in bulk, as “loot” valued at half the
Such items make for rare treasure indeed! items’ standard cost.
Using this rule, item-specific craft components
can be sold for one-eighth of the item’s market INHERENT-VALUE GOODS (VALUE x1)
value. Specific-list craft components can be sold for
Art objects, jewelry, and trade goods sell for their full
one-quarter, and perfectly generic components can
noted values. Such items are already listed at their
be sold for one-half. A component that transcends
salable (or tradable) values. So completely static are
a single type of artisan’s tools doubles these sale
the prices for these items that they are often used in the
values. Weights for such materials are left to the
place of currency.
Dungeon Master.


This example of the above rule provides absolute
flexibility to using craft components for alchemist’s
Universal alchemy ingredients weigh 1 pound
and take up about one quart of space for every 50
gp spent. Universal ingredients count as craft
components for making any alchemical brew. As
normal, half the standard price of the item crafted
is deducted from the universal components when
creating the product. As “perfectly generic” craft
components, universal alchemy components can be
resold for half their purchase value.
This rule can be used as a template to apply to
simplify the craft components for other tools like
herbalism kits.

137 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
MAGIC ITEMS (VALUE x?) While some sales might be possible in smaller
Magic items are very valuable assets. Although the locations, they might require the buyer’s life savings.
Player’s Handbook maintains that their value is “far This type of exchange can be harmful; if the buyer
beyond simple gold,” the guidelines of the Dungeon makes a great profit, she might find her local economy
Master’s Guide suggest that they are readily ratable in has just come unhinged by the influx of wealth.
gold pieces, and that some of them are relatively
cheap. Three uncommon magic items, at the maximum SEEKING BUYERS
suggested value, could be had for the same price as a The official version of these rules is titled “Selling
single suit of mundane plate armor. Magic Items” (Dungeon Master’s Guide page 129) but
Magic items normally sell for half their purchase this system can be used for selling other valuable
costs. (The standard rules for finding a buyer suggest assets like powerful doses of poison or deeds to land.
that this value may fluctuate, going as high one and This system relies upon the concept of downtime.
one-half times the value, or as low as one-tenth of the It treats downtime days as a commodity; someone
value.) Alternately, because they are the type of things seeking a buyer must “pay” varied amounts of days for
that interest the very wealthy or important in society, each search conducted. This can get cumbersome, but
magic items can sometimes be traded for rights or it is rare that players need to find a buyer for something
favors, or they can be gifted in the hopes of gaining so valuable as a magic ring or a certificate granting the
renown. right to take lumber in the king’s woods.
If using the standardized item prices in Part 6, the
Dungeon Master may prefer to make magic items sell SELLING A MAGIC ITEM
for their full listed values. Sale Total Buyer Result
20 or lower 1/10 of the base price
FINDING BUYERS 21–40 1/4 of the base price (or a shady
The only obstacle the Fifth Edition provides for selling buyer offering 1/2)
treasure is the availability of a buyer. The Player’s 41–80 1/2 the base price (or a shady
Handbook repeatedly emphasizes the need. buyer offering full price)
81–90 Full base price
AUTOMATIC BUYERS 91 or higher A shady buyer offering 1½ the
For ease of play, it is suggested that buyers can be base price, no questions asked
automatically found in communities of certain sizes.
This system is a nice alternative, particularly for Step One. For each item to be sold, the seeker
campaigns that don’t use downtime actions or where attempts a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check. If
downtime rarely seems to appear. another seeker is assisting, also spending her
This table suggests the maximum value of any downtime days, apply advantage to the check. Buyers
single item that can be sold or traded in variously-sized for multiple items can be sought at the same time, their
population centers. This chart does not distinguish the search times happening concurrently with no
type of item sold, only its ultimate value. additional cost in downtime days. Roll for each search
separately, and track the times spent separately but
BUYING POWER BY POPULATION concurrently. This might require you to reference a
calendar to keep track of the expenditures.
Type Population Max Value
Failure on the check indicates no buyer is found
Small village Up to 300 150 gp
and 10 days are used up in the search. Success
Village Up to 1,000 500 gp
indicates that a buyer is found, and a variable number
Town Up to 6,000 3,000 gp
of days were used in the search. The number of days
Large town Up to 12,000 6,000 gp is 1d4 for a common magic item, 1d6 for an
City Up to 25,000 12,500 gp uncommon, 1d8 for a rare, and 1d10 days for a very
Major city Beyond 25,000 Any value rare magic item. For the sale of things that are not

138 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
magic items, approximate their values to magic items perhaps only to uncommon magic items, cheap
to determine how long a successful search takes. poisons, and the like.
Step Two. If a buyer is found, the next step is to
set the price. Generate a sale total and compare it to BUYING A MAGIC ITEM
the chart below. A sale total is the sum of three values. Buy Total Buyer Result
These include a Charisma (Persuasion) check result, a 20 or lower 10 times the base price
percentile dice roll, and an item rarity modifier. Item
21–40 4 times the base price (or a shady
rarity modifiers are +10 for common items, +0 for
seller offering 2 times)
uncommon items, –10 for rare items, –20 for very rare
41–80 2 times the base price (or a shady
items, and –30 for legendary items. Again, if the thing
seller offering normal price)
being sold is not a magic item, approximate its rarity
and value to determine an item rarity modifier. 81–90 Normal base price
91 or higher A shady seller offering at 3/4 of
DM’S CORNER: HAGGLING base price, no questions asked
Take care when using this random system. There’s a
good reason that appraisal and haggling aren’t made a MAGIC SELLING PARTIES
big deal of; selling treasure is not very entertaining. A magic selling party is an event where a collection of
Once you go down that road, will merchants begin to magic items is for sale by one or more wealthy owners.
charge exchange fees to convert gems to coins or Magic items are so expensive that these opportunities
service fees for handling sales of objects of art? to buy must be found by ingratiating oneself into the
Sometimes it does serve the story for characters upper crust of society in a place no smaller than a large
not to know the true value of something they’ve town. Because these items are held by wealthy
acquired or to have to hunt for a buyer and haggle over socialites, bargains are not subject to as much risk as
a price. Even so, make use of this system sparingly, when finding items sold by those of less repute.
even if a character elects to take proficiency with an This search requires setting a schedule of
appraiser’s tools. If you can’t articulate why you’re important high-society events to attend, requiring 5
rolling for a buyer, switch to the automatic buyer downtime days and 100 gp of expenditures. This cost
system described above or simply let the players sell includes a wealthy lifestyle for the affected time. For
the item without interference. every additional 5 downtime days and 100 gp spent to
enhance and lengthen the seeker’s social calendar, a
+1 bonus will apply on the following roll, to a
FINDING SELLERS maximum of +10 following a 55-day schedule.
Sometimes players need to find a seller instead of a Once the seeker has schmoozed enough high-
buyer. Maybe they are looking for a magic item or an society types (at the end of this social schedule) she
illegal poison. Whatever the case, this system is not can make her bid to get invited to a magic market. The
intended to allow players access to anything they seeker rolls Charisma (Persuasion). In a high-magic
want; instead, the DM should specifically decide if the campaign, add a +10 bonus to this roll. In a low-magic
item is available before allowing them to seek a seller. campaign, apply a –10 penalty to it. If the result is 1 or
To find a seller, use the same system described higher, the character is invited to a private social event
above for finding a buyer of magic items. If the item where magic items are for sale. The higher the roll, the
is illegal, the Intelligence (Investigation) check suffers better the party and the rarer the magic items available.
disadvantage unless the seeker speaks thieves’ cant. A very influential character, one that makes
The DM can remove this disadvantage under other waves in wealthy social circles, can try to arrange for
miscellaneous circumstances too; perhaps if the seeker the owner of a specific magic item to be at a party,
has the Criminal Contact background feature. willing to sell. If the Dungeon Master determines that
Again, this system should not be allowed unless the item sough is suitable to the campaign, it will be
the DM is fully comfortable letting the sought item available if the check result is high enough for the
into her campaign. It is also perfectly reasonable for item’s rarity: 10+ (common), 15+ (uncommon), 20+
the DM to limit this application to various rarities, (rare), 25+ (very rare), or 30+ (legendary).

139 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
MAGIC PARTY ITEMS prospect; while potentially profitable, the use of letters
Check Available to Buy of recommendation is usually noted with formal
1–5 1d6 rolls, Magic Item Table A observation or record-keeping, and they will be
investigated if suspicious.
6–10 1d4 rolls, Magic Item Table B
Here are some common letters and their effects.
11–15 1d4 rolls, Magic Item Table C
Declaration of Authority. This letter typically
16–20 1d4 rolls, Magic Item Table D
conveys the authority of an important person,
21–25 1d4 rolls, Magic Item Table E
instructing and allowing the bearer to act as the
26–30 1d4 rolls, Magic Item Table F issuer’s agent in a limited capacity. For example, the
31–35 1d4 rolls, Magic Item Table G bearer might be empowered to negotiate a certain
36–40 1d4 rolls, Magic Item Table H border dispute on behalf of the duke. Such letters
41+ 1d4 rolls, Magic Item Table I typically come with a mandate to act as well as the
authority to do so. They are distinguished from similar
The Magic Item Tables are found on pages 144 to letters in that they are very narrow in scope.
149 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. A particularly gruesome form of this letter comes
DM’s Corner. These rules flavor the additional from a ruler and obliges the bearer to hunt and kill a
options for finding magic items described in named person, perhaps a political enemy or a spy in
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. As a rule, applicable the court. This letter might come from a ruler who
to any part of this section, do not make a magic item wants the target killed, or granted as a favor to a bearer
available if the rarity would exceed what characters who wants to kill the target. Such letters are expected
should get according to their level. (See Part 6, below.) to be shown only if the bearer is caught and has no
other option.
NON-MATERIAL ASSETS Hospitality. A letter of hospitality allows the
bearer to command room and board at any public inn
Non-material assets must also be mentioned here, as
or eatery within the affected region. The owner may
they can be extremely valuable. The Dungeon
record these expenses and pass them along to the
Master’s Guide calls these “Marks of Prestige.”
letter’s issuer to receive repayment, but often the cost
Some of these assets can be traded, but their value
is not worth the effort. Ingratiating business owners
in use or in trade varies wildly, often based on the
may find it commercially useful to host a famous or
holder’s imagination and ingratiation.
well-regarded patron. Repayment is more commonly
sought if the bearer is requiring several days of
LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION support, and the establishment’s owner may well
An influential person or organization will often show follow up with a complaint to the issuer if the bearer
its favor by granting a letter of introduction (or letter imposes herself for much longer.
of recommendation). This finely-calligraphed letter is Indulgence. This letter is granted by a religious
probably offered in an ornate scroll case or leather authority and can be used to demand forgiveness for a
folio. It is marked with a signature, seal, or coded religious or moral crime, typically the “victimless”
message that confirms its authenticity. sort, or to demand a favor from a member of the
A letter is typically only valuable in a way that faithful. The letter might specify the exact crime, or it
reflects the importance of the person who wrote it; a might be open ended. Such letters typically have no
noble’s favor probably has no value in a neighboring influence on civil authorities, but carry great weight to
kingdom. If a letter is used frivolously, used too often, the followers of that religion.
or otherwise used to the writer’s detriment, a An indulgence is often used to preemptively
messenger might come to revoke it. protect the faithful from the moral weight of certain
A letter of recommendation usually names the duties. When sought out sincerely and issued with the
intended bearer(s) and provides a brief description to proper authority, such a letter can act as preemptive
prevent it from being transferred or stolen. Selling or forgiveness or divine intercession for a cleric or
trading such an item constitutes a fraud, typically with paladin. For example, a paladin who breaks an
dire results. Likewise, forging such a letter is a risky important oath to go undercover and rescue a group of

140 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
innocents may seek out an indulgence from the master This is an appropriate reward for characters who
of her order to salve her conscience and prevent her have repeatedly aided a kingdom by foiling criminal
being an “oathbreaker” in a mystical sense. A cleric enterprises or intrigues.
may have to make a bargain with the clergy of an A “lesser warrant” is a weaker version of this
opposing faith for the good of his congregation, and an letter that grants only the right to bear weapons where
indulgence would grant him the confidence of they are otherwise forbidden.
knowing that a higher authority within the religion
approved of the act; any divine retribution is likely to MEDALS
befall on the issuer, rather than the bearer of the Typically fashioned in intricate forms using precious
indulgence. materials, medals are symbols of favor or
Letter of Marque. This letter grants license to the accomplishment granted by a ruler. They are meant to
bearer, a private citizen, to act as a military agent of be worn prominently.
the issuer. The bearer may enter enemy territory, A medal can provide the wearer with a certain
attack military and commercial interests, and measure of respect. Members of the realm to which the
personally profit thereby. If captured, the law of medal applies are likely to recognize the medal and its
nations probably requires that the bearer be treated as meaning. Under the right circumstances, this can give
a prisoner of war rather than a brigand or pirate. A a character certain social advantages. For example, a
letter of marque can only be given by a person who member of the royal army who recognizes a military
governs an area and has the authority to make war. It medal may approach the wearer with a better starting
is only useful during a time of war. attitude in a social interaction. (See page 244-245 of
Noble’s Favor. This letter explains that the bearer the Dungeon Master’s Guide.)
holds the favor of the undersigned noble. The bearer, A medal sometimes comes with a degree of
and any companions, might receive preferential military, religious, or civil authority. A medal in such
treatment by showing the letter. It can open doors and cases can act as a letter of recommendation, after a
grant access to parties and people who would fashion. For example, a medal in the shape of a star or
otherwise only associate with the nobility. It can also shield is commonly associated with the bearer of a
be used to clear up “misunderstandings” with local warrant, signaling that authority to everyone around
authorities who would normally not take the bearer at without the wearer having to present the paperwork. A
her word. The value of this letter depends on the special pin indicating a lesser warrant could serve as a
importance of the noble who granted it. Some people functional device to let the city watch know the wearer
may react poorly to a letter from a noble based on has the right to carry weapons in public.
politics or past grudges; showing a noble’s favor can A medal can typically be sold for 10 to 50 gp, at
occasionally get the opposite of the desired reaction! least for its material value, but wearing an unearned
Trade Option. Granted by a trading conglomerate medal is often crime.
or merchant’s guild, this letter allows the bearer to buy
and sell goods at standard rates, even when these rates
might otherwise be unfavorable due to regional
Rules can dispense titles, as can many nobles or lesser
shortages, fluctuations in the market, or the presumed
authorities within a government. A title usually comes
foreignness of the bearer.
with a grant of land, if it is a noble title in a feudal
Warrant. A ruler so well trusts the bearer as to
system, but it can instead by the type to merely convey
grant her broad investigative and policing powers. A
the status and authority of a political or military
warrant is proof against retribution or prosecution for
position. Political and military positions often grant
any offense given or minor crimes committed in the
the same benefits as a letter of recommendation, but
course of the bearer’s investigations. It requires all
without having to show the paper. Having a title also
citizens to cooperate with the bearer’s inquiries, under
means the character’s identity is widely known.
penalty law for failure to do so. The bearer of a warrant
Noble titles come with grants of authority,
may also carry weapons in places where normally
nobility, lands, strongholds, or royal stipends. They
disallowed, like in the presence of the issuing monarch
typically come packaged with these and other rights,
or in a city or district where weapons are forbidden.

141 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
but are subject to removal at the whim of the Players should keep track of favors (due and
sovereign. Lands and strongholds are discussed in Part owed) along two axes: who owes (or is owed) the
7: Investments. favor, and what it is owed for. If the king owes you a
A character can hold multiple titles. Some titles favor for saving his life in heroic fashion, that is worth
can be inherited by the holder’s heirs. Some titles quite a bit. If he owes you for returning his fifth-
come with actual duties. Failure to attend to such favorite horse, which you found running wild near the
duties, or acting in a manner not befitting such a title, castle, that is worth much less. Of course, demanding
can result in it being revoked, along with any that the king return (or “cash out”) a favor of any
authority, benefits, or lands that go with it. magnitude is a politically risky tactic.
The more important the person who owes the
RIGHTS favor, the more valuable it is, but the more mercurial a
Rights are typically granted by the maker of the right, result you can expect. Very important people often fail
or its previous holder, often in written form. A right to grasp the true value of money and land, their daily
typically flows from a letter of recommendation, from attentions being drawn to matters of state or religion.
being awarded a medal, from a possessory interest in Nobles often return favors in ways that they
certain land, or from a title. themselves appreciate, such as the lauding of praises
Rights typically flow from a ruler, but they might and acknowledgement, grants of privileges related to
simply be granted by the owner of the thing over which political power, or bestowal of lofty-sounding titles
the right is granted. For example, a deed is normally that otherwise have no associated benefits. While
the written expression of a right to possess and use these will not fill an adventurer’s pockets, they might
land, given by the sovereign. Such writings can help her renown.
describe other rights; a lease is a secondary right to Favors held against skilled persons can be very
possess and use land, given by a deed-holder. A valuable for adventurers. Particularly when such
license is a right to possess and use items, or to operate persons cannot afford a monetary repayment, they
as a franchise or under the banner of a known entity. might craft items for the character (if provided
Mercantile rights can be very important, often materials), train the characters in skill or weapon
acquired as part of a business investment. These might proficiencies (given sufficient time), or otherwise use
let the bearer move inventory along shipping lanes, their time on the characters’ behalf without
trade in select markets, or buy and sell assets regulated compensation.
by the crown. These rights typically have upkeep costs
in the form of annual taxation or dues owed to a RENOWN
trading guild. Interconnected with rights and favors is the concept of
Feudal rights often come with titles. They allow renown. This is a system that abstracts the standing of
the grantee to build a stronghold on select land, raise a character (or an adventuring party) with certain
armies, and tax the peasants living in the bearer’s organizations. It works equally well with national
territory. These rights typically require payment of governments, religious organizations, and similar
taxes upward to higher-ranked nobles or royals, and to institutions.
keep knights or soldiers employed that can be called Renown often plays a role in the value of favors
upon for service by those nobles or royals. as they are cashed in. And having greater renown than
Rights can also come in the form of allowances, someone you owe can provide the social leverage
perhaps to break certain laws or even to worship needed to return favors in unusual or inequitable ways.
certain gods. They are often very campaign-specific. Renown is also a ready prerequisite for rights or
letters of recommendation. The granter of a right is
FAVORS associating with the receiver of the right, and few
Favors are less spendable than rights and are harder to important people want to associate with people who
evaluate the worth of. Characters themselves often have bad reputations. Conversely, having a high
owe favors to others, debts which can be called in at applicable renown makes it easy for a right to be
unexpected times or in uncontemplated ways. granted, such as the right to build a stronghold.

142 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
The optional rules for renown are found on pages reduced if the player characters cannot use downtime
22-23 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Renown is not actions for fear of interference or attack.
a necessary system, and not required in the
contemplation of rights and favors. The DM can
abstract it to determine how effectively rights and EXPENSES
favors can be leveraged with various groups. What could be more exciting in a game of Dungeons
Additional rules for renown are provided in Part 7: & Dragons than charting downtime expenses? These
Investments. rules cover the cost of food, lodging, and various
services like getting equipment repaired.
TIME AS TREASURE DM’s Corner. Many of these expenses are tied to
the economy of downtime days, the time that (in some
Along with gold and magic items, “days off” function
campaigns) takes place during adventures. They exist
like “treasure” awarded by the Dungeon Master. Free
in part to balance the income of characters practicing
time means breathing room for the characters, a few
a trade; their function is not simply to add accounting.
days to do their own thing instead of having to chase
Many campaigns either don’t use downtime (their
down the story.
adventures tend to run back-to-back) or won’t want to
keep track of petty incomes and outlays. This is fine.
DOWNTIME But if your campaign does have downtime, and it does
Time is usually measured in downtime days. It can be add income for the regular artisanal or professional
provided between adventures, or during lulls within activities during downtime days, remember to balance
adventures. Each downtime day represents a potential that income against certain expenses. A person’s cost
wealth amount that characters can earn from crafts or of living typically consumes half of his or her normal
professions. In lieu of converting them to wealth, income.
characters can use these days for other advantageous
activities like training a new proficiency or
researching a new spell.
There is no guideline for how many downtime The official rules provide seven levels of lifestyle
days a Dungeon Master should award, despite the quality, each with an associated daily cost.
inherent value. Too many downtime days will allow To use these rules, choose a lifestyle level to live
the characters to generate excessive wealth, while too at, and pay in advance to cover it. Lifestyle costs can
few will prevent them from crafting or accessing be paid daily, or they can be paid a week or a month in
various other options available in downtime. Often, advance. Ideally, the DM predetermines how many
the pacing of the story will control whether the downtime days will pass until the next adventure and
characters get any downtime or how many days they calls for expense payments based on that number.
get when they do. A character proficient in the Survival skill or
Even when downtime might be available, some possessing the Wanderer background feature can live
players will have no interest in downtime activities. in the wilderness, sustaining a “poor” lifestyle without
Downtime rules call for lifestyle expenses and other paying for it, so long as the land offers berries, small
bookkeeping that players might not want to deal with. game, water, and so forth.
On the other hand, some players might be very Lifestyle choices have no set mechanics that
interested in downtime. It is up to the Dungeon Master affect the game. But the DM may create consequences
to make sure it’s available in reasonable quantities in the form of downtime encounters or plot twists
when the players want it, or to dispose of it entirely related to lifestyles. The lower the cost of your
when they don’t. accommodations, the greater your risk of interacting
DM’s Corner. If using the rules for rivals and with people who are poor, covetous, diseased, exiled,
complications from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, or otherwise dangerous to you. The higher your cost
be aware of the reduced value of downtime days of living, the greater your chance of interacting with
awarded. The reduction is based on the number of the cream of society, the movers-and-shakers who
rivals, as well as their assets and activities. Value is might try to enmesh you in their political intrigues.

143 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
LIFESTYLE EXPENSES (or even excessive) diet. It includes the security and
Lifestyle Price/Day comforts available only to those with significant
Wretched — wealth. This lifestyle is appropriate for successful
merchants, favored servants of nobles, or the owners
Squalid 1 sp
of successful businesses.
Poor 2 sp
Wretched. A wretched lifestyle has no associated
Modest 1 gp
cost. The character must beg, scavenge garbage, or
Comfortable 2 gp
otherwise provide her own food from anything freely
Wealthy 4 gp available. Without a home, the character is exposed to
Aristocratic 10 gp minimum myriad dangers associated with the poorest elements
of society. This lifestyle is appropriate for beggars.
These descriptions also apply to the individual FOOD, DRINK, AND LODGING
components of lifestyles, priced in the sections below.
The nature of meals, boarding, and stabling are of the Characters paying for days of lifestyle have food,
same type, even when acquired piecemeal. drink, and lodging included; the following need not be
Aristocratic. Living among the very well-to-do bought separately.
allows you to rub elbows with the elites of society.
Your food and lodging are top-notch. Servants are DESCRIPTIONS
available to attend your every need. Your clothing is Food, drink, and lodging are described below.
the cutting edge of fashion. This lifestyle is Ale. A sweet, full-bodied beer balanced with
appropriate for politicians, guild leaders, high priests, fermented gruit or hops.
and nobles. Banquet. A bountiful, multi-course meal suitable
Comfortable. Your accommodations allow you to for a noble’s table.
easily maintain your clothing and equipment, keeping Bread. A baked mix of flour and water. Bread is a
them in good repair and proper appearance. You may nearly-universal food staple.
have your own cottage or other living area. This Cheese. A congealed, solid byproduct of milkfat.
lifestyle is appropriate for merchants, skilled Meat. Meat cooked and ready for eating.
tradespeople, and military officers. A chunk is a cut of meat suitable for a single meal,
Modest. You can afford to live in a part of town while a flank is a portion of the animal equivalent to
where violence is not common. Your living conditions 15 cuts.
are clean, but simple. This lifestyle is appropriate for Pastry (any). Pastries are flaky, baked bread
soldiers with families, laborers, students, priests, and pieces containing cheese, fruit, or meat.
hedge wizards. Spirits. An alcoholic beverage created by
Poor. A stable option, this lifestyle provides the distillation and fermentation, usually followed by a set
bare necessities for civilized society. Your threadbare period of aging. The removal of diluting components
clothing still betrays your status as one of the poor like water gives spirits a high alcoholic content by
inhabitants of the area, but you are not kicked out of volume.
shops or denied the protection of the law. This lifestyle Stew. A watery meal of stewed meat and
is appropriate for unskilled laborers, street venders vegetables, served out of a common pot or cauldron,
and peddlers, thieves, and mercenaries. typically one that simmers over a fire all day (or all
Squalid. This lifestyle provides the most basic week, depending on the quality).
form of shelter, a hut, a boarding closet, or a Wine. A common type of alcohol made from
temporary shelter run by a local temple. The food is grapes with little or no additives. The better the
barely palatable and hardly nutritious. This lifestyle is production and the longer the aging, the more
appropriate for successful street gangs and other expensive a bottle of wine will be. Wine is sometimes
unfortunates. made from different fruits, rice, or other sources.
Wealthy. This lifestyle includes spacious
accommodations in a good part of town, with a healthy

144 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Cost
The pay shown on the chart is a minimum; some expert
Ale hirelings require more.
Mug 4 cp
Keg 2 gp
Services are described below.
Banquet (per person) 10 gp Coach Cab. A coach is a passenger cart with
Bread, half loaf 1 cp flexible suspension, designed to provide a smooth,
Bread, loaf 2 cp comfortable ride for passengers. A “coach-and-four”
Cheese, hunk 1 sp or a “coach-and-six” are descriptions that include the
Cheese, wheel 1 gp number of horses (or similar animals) pull the vehicle.
Meat, chunk 3 sp Hireling, Skilled. Skilled hirelings have training
Meat, flank 3 gp with weapons or tools, including artisans,
Pastry, fruit of cheese 2 sp mercenaries, scribes, and so on.
Pastry, meat 4 sp Skilled hirelings typically have proficiency with a
Spirits type of tool and a score of 14 in the related ability.
Common (flask) 1 gp Skilled hirelings have the “stat blocks” of commoners.
Aged (flask) 10 gp Soldiers instead use the details for bandit, guard, or
tribal warrior. (See pages 343-350 of the Monster
Premium (flask) 50 gp
Stew, bowl 2 cp
Hireling, Untrained. Untrained hirelings
perform menial work without noteworthy skill. These
Common (pitcher) 2 sp
include laborers, maids, porters, and similar workers.
Fine (bottle) 10 gp Untrained hirelings have the “stat blocks” of
Exceptional (bottle) 100 gp commoners. (See page 345 of the Monster Manual.)
Hireling, Long-Term (any). Long-term hirelings
ROOM AND BOARD are those to whom you give steady work. You take
Item Cost these people into your household or bring them along
Inn stay (per day) on your adventures.
Squalid 7 cp Long-term hirelings receive less pay because the
Poor 1 sp work is steady and because you are expected to see to
Modest 5 sp their room and board. If you do not supply these
things, double the cost of the hireling’s services.
Comfortable 8 sp
Messenger. Messengers are familiar with the
Wealthy 2 gp
area they work in and pride themselves on being able
Aristocratic 4 gp
to deliver messages quickly and to the right recipient.
Meals (per day)
They are suitably dressed to avoid trouble and to get
Squalid 3 cp into places were the rabble are excluded.
Poor 6 cp Toll, Road or Gate. A common taxation system for
Modest 3 sp civilized societies includes tolls for people passing
Comfortable 5 sp through confined access ways like gates, bridges, and
Wealthy 8 sp the like. Loaded wagons are typically charged an
Aristocratic 2 gp additional toll.
Stabling (per day) Government employees like soldiers and tax
Poor 5 cp collectors are typically exempt from tolls, as are
Comfortable 5 sp members of the nobility and royalty.
Aristocratic 2 gp

145 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
SERVICES spells. Anything higher-level almost always requires
Service Pay looking for the service in a city of some size, or
Coach cab perhaps following a lead to an isolated wizard’s tower
or druid’s hermitage. Sometimes a spellcaster with
Between towns 3 cp per mile
greater capabilities chooses to reside in a place with a
Within a city 1 cp
low population. These anti-social spellcasters tend not
Hireling, long-term
to make themselves available for such services but, if
Skilled (groom, guard) 1 gp per day
you can find one, they might be cajoled into providing
Untrained (porter, valet) 1 sp per day a spell.
Hireling, short-term Cost and Multiplier. The Pay column on the chart
Skilled (physiker, researcher) 2 gp per day below indicates the minimum price that spellcasters
Untrained (laborer) 2 sp per day charge for their services. The formula used here,
Messenger 2 cp per mile adopted from the Adventurers League system, is the
Road or gate toll 1 cp square of the spell’s level, multiplied by 10. For
Ship’s passage example, 4 squared is 16, multiplied by 10 is 160. A
Ferry crossing 4 cp fourth-level spell thus costs 160 gp to have cast. This
Passenger vessel 1 sp per mile value does not contemplate the additional expense of
Shipping vessel 1 cp per mile costly material components.
The multiplier indicates a general rarity for the
Ship’s Passage, Ferry Crossing. Ferries can be spell’s level. If characters don’t have time to seek out
private or government run. For government ferries, the best price, perhaps needing spells cast the same
the fee is typically in the nature of a toll, making some day, multiply the base cost in the Pay column by up to
classes of people exempt. the indicated multiplier number. Spellcasters don’t
Ship’s Passage, Passenger Vessel. On large like to be rushed and are often willing to inflate their
rivers or the open sea, passenger vessels follow set costs to whatever the market will bear. This multiplier
routes between cities or other well-inhabited points. can also be applied for various other reasons. Perhaps
Passenger vessels provide a slim measure of comfort the person seeking spellcasting services annoys the
for travelers, including food. spellcaster, or the spellcaster normally keeps his
Ship’s Passage, Shipping Vessel. Shipping services to members of a specific race or religion.
vessels often ply routes that passenger vessels do not. There are any number of reasons that such a markup
They are sometimes chosen as transport because the could apply; the Pay column simply represents an
fare can be had for a much lower cost. Sometimes ideal cost derived from ideal circumstances.
these lower costs include the understanding that a
passenger will work alongside the crew. The SPELLCASTING SERVICES
accommodations aboard a shipping vessel are often Spell Slot Pay Multiplier Availability
cramped and miserable. Cantrip 2 gp x1 to x2 Small village
Level 1 10 gp x1 to x2 Small village
SPELLCASTING SERVICES Level 2 40 gp x1 to x3 Village
Spellcasters are usually not transactional with their Level 3 90 gp x1 to x3 Town
magic. Nonetheless, it is possible to hire magical Level 4 160 gp x1 to x4 Large town
services under the right circumstances. Level 5 250 gp x1 to x4 City
Availability. The expected availability of a Level 6 360 gp x1 to x5 City
spellcaster varies based on the local population. (See Level 7 420 gp x1 to x5 Major city
also the Buying Power by Population chart, above.) Level 8 720 gp x1 to x5 Major city
Cantrips and 1st-level spells are available in most
Level 9 810 gp x1 to x6 Major city
small villages, but a larger village is needed for a 2nd-
level spell. Towns of various sizes will probably have
Material Components. It is typical for
spellcasters able to manage 3rd-level and 4th-level
spellcasters to use their own material components.

146 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
This ensures that the components are on hand when (In this case, the cleric might cast the spell first, on
needed, and are of the right type and quality for the condition that the party complete the quest, taking this
spell to succeed. If a spell requires a costly material “payment” after casting so they have better odds of
component, the person receiving the service must bear success.)
the cost. This is in addition to the basic price of the Wish Spells. Because there is a 33% chance that a
spellcasting service based on the spell’s level. When spellcaster casting wish will never be able to cast the
looking for spellcasting services, it’s no good bringing spell again, this spell is essentially unavailable for
your own material components; a spellcaster that purchase through spellcasting services. This “finality
makes her casting commercially-available has already effect” does not apply when duplicating other spells,
invested in the components and won’t look kindly on so a spellcaster might be hired to cast wish with the
you trying to reduce the expected fees that way. spell-duplication functionality. This might be useful
If a costly material component is not used up in when only a wizard is available for hire and the party
the casting, the customer must pay one-tenth of the needs a cleric spell cast. Otherwise, the party could
component’s value. For example, the 100 gp pearl simply pay the lower cost to have the lower level spell
required for an identify spell is reusable, so the caster cast directly.
charges only one-tenth (10 gp) of its acquisition price.
After a while, the spellcaster may recoup the
investment cost of having such a component on hand,
and might eventually turn a small profit on it. Among the most notable expenses are the extensive
If the material component is one that is consumed maintenance costs for properties, garrisons, and
in the casting, the customer must pay double the businesses.
component’s value. For example, the 500 gp value in A small chart in the Dungeon Master’s Guide on
diamonds needed for a raise dead spell would require page 127 reflects costs for structural maintenance. But
the buyer to lay out double the expense (1,000 gp). normally, such facilities produce more income or tax
Casters who market their spells invest serious coin to revenues than their maintenance costs, so this chart is
acquire these components, tying up that wealth until only showing half of the picture.
the right customer comes along. They expect to be Properties and other investments, including their
compensated for holding onto these expensive maintenance costs and returns, are more fully
inventories, having them ready at a moment’s notice. addressed in Part 7: Investments.
Gratis Spellcasting. Some spellcasters will
perform these services without collecting the price on
the Pay column. This often means a local cleric who
uses spells to support and assist a congregation. A This section addresses starting wealth for characters
member of a faith who finds the right temple can made higher than 1st level. Poling data indicates that
expect to receive low-level spellcasting assistance for more than half of campaigns start at higher level.
free, the only cost being the basic value of any costly Although most such campaigns begin in the range of
material components consumed in the casting. Many 2nd to 3rd level, there is still a significant number that
clerics see this sort of thing as their duty and don’t start even higher.
mind supplicants who supply their own material Naturally, the question of starting equipment is
components. Some clerics also see this as a great important in such cases. Likewise, when a new player
opportunity to proselytize, not restricting their services joins an existing campaign, or an old player makes a
to worshipers of their own deity. new character, a rational system of starting wealth is
Another way to get free spellcasting is to perform required if these new characters come in at a level
tasks or quests for the spellcaster. This is a higher than 1st.
particularly-appropriate exchange when the spell
needed is a high level and the characters are too low EXISTING SYSTEMS
level to afford it. For example, if a low-level party
Prior editions had robust systems and uniform charts
needs a member raised from the dead, they might need
for starting wealth by level. From this wealth, magic
to go on a quest to repay the cleric who casts the spell.

147 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
items could be purchased. The Fifth Edition takes a But the chart fails utterly where new characters
different approach. The Dungeon Master’s Guide enter an existing campaign. Existing characters will
envisions four “tiers” of character power and, for new likely have wealth and magic items (at least)
characters above 1st level, it provides a chart that conforming with the guidelines on page 37. Those
separates wealth and magic items. treasures will significantly exceed what is held by new
Because this additional wealth cannot be spent on characters made with the chart on page 38. A new
more magic items, readers are left wondering what character with this system can feel unfairly down-
else a starting character could buy with such gold. The powered, and it can be a detriment to the party if not
starting equipment systems in the Player’s Handbook suitably-equipped to face the same challenges.
already tend to ensure that characters have enough Moreover, the breaks at each tier are problematic.
equipment to get by. Imagine a situation where a new character is made at
The chart on page 38 of the Dungeon Master’s level 10 (+525-750 gp and no magic items). Another
Guide has problems, but those can be ignored if your player joins the game only one level later and makes
whole campaign (every player character) is beginning his new character at level 11 (+5,250-7,500 gp and 2
at the same level. Your characters will be relatively uncommon magic items). By coming in one level later,
balanced against one another and, if they are too weak the character many times as wealthy as the early one.
to face the challenges of the game, the Dungeon The chart makes abrupt jumps at each of the tiers,
Master can reduce those challenges to suit. lacking a smooth and useful level-by-level
For the above reasons, we do not recommend that
A NOTE ON STARTING DMs use the chart on page 38! Instead, this Part
provides a more-nuanced chart for new characters
above 1st level. Large jumps still exist between each
The Player’s Handbook provides two methods by
tier, but these are mitigated somewhat by distributing
which to generate “starting equipment” at 1st level.
wealth unevenly through each tier’s levels.
Neither system is described as optional, meaning
each player will choose which method to use unless
the DM mandates one over the other. WEALTH BEYOND FIRST LEVEL
The “class-and-background” method wins the The following chart provides wealth for individual
Wraith Wright official endorsement for two characters made higher than 1st level. A newly-made
reasons. First, characters are guaranteed to have the character adds the wealth listed in the chart, and may
right starting equipment for their class features to buy mundane or magical equipment with it.
function and to fulfill their expected party roles. The listed magic item instances show the
Second, backgrounds often provide interesting, maximum number of items by rarity that a character
flavorful items that cannot be purchased from the may purchase. (A character may forego a higher rarity
equipment lists. to buy a lower-rarity item to fill that slot, but not vice-
If players want to roll the bones for the starting- versa.)
wealth-by-class method, we recommend that DMs Minor magic items can be purchased without
allow them to still get their background’s non- restriction; these include consumable items, common-
valued flavor items for free. From the Player’s rated items, and any permanent magic items found on
Handbook backgrounds, such items include a Magic Item Tables A through E. (See the Dungeon
prayer book or prayer wheel, vestments, tools of a Master’s Guide, pages 144-145.)
con, the favor of an admirer, a letter of introduction
from a guild, notes of studies or prayers, a scroll of RESTRICTIONS TO MAGIC ITEMS
pedigree, a hunting or war trophy, a letter from a If one of the character’s chart-given magic items has
dead colleague, a lucky charm, an insignia of rank, an additional value based on material or special
a small knife, a map of a city, and a pet mouse. features, as explained in Part 6, wealth from this chart
must be used to cover that added value.

148 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Additionally, certain magic items are not
available to starting characters, either as chart-given RESTRICTED MAGIC ITEMS
items or as wealth-purchased items. These magic When players get to select their own magic items,
items are listed in the sidebar here. problematic combinations too often crop up,
particularly with any items that provide exploitable
Level Wealth Magic Exploitation in this sense means gaining an
1st (Tier 1) 0 gp — unfair advantage during character creation or
2nd 15 gp — stacking bonuses to break out of the balanced
3rd 45 gp — ranges intended by the game.
4th 135 gp 1 UN For these reasons, characters may not start with
5th (Tier 2) 325 gp 1 UN an amulet of health, belt of giant strength, gauntlets
of ogre power, headband of intellect, or any similar
6th 1,265 gp 1 UN
ability-setting items. These are too potent when
7th 2,390 gp 2 UN
combined with character-creation ability decisions.
8th 3,765 gp 2 UN
For example, a new barbarian puts a score of
9th 5,515 gp 2 UN
8 in Strength, counting on a belt of hill giant
10th 7,765 gp 2 UN, 1 RA strength to replace that 8 with a 21. The advantage
11th (Tier 3) 10,390 gp 2 UN, 1 RA works out to +6 on to hit, damage, and other
12th 16,015 gp 2 UN, 1 RA Strength-based rolls, and it improves encumbrance
13th 23,515 gp 2 UN, 1 RA calculations. Having such a low Strength, despite it
14th 31,015 gp 2 UN, 1 RA, 1 VR being her most important ability, allows the new
15th 40,390 gp 2 UN, 1 RA, 1 VR character to put much better numbers in her other
16th 51,640 gp 2 UN, 1 RA, 1 VR abilities. This sort of nonsensical arrangement,
17th (Tier 4) 62,890 gp 2 UN, 1 RA, 1 VR building with the knowledge of what items can be
18th 162,890 gp 2 UN, 1 RA, 1 VR, 1 LE purchased, is not be allowed.
19th 262,890 gp 2 UN, 1 RA, 1 VR, 1 LE Neither may characters start with multiple
20th 387,890 gp 2 UN, 1 RA, 1 VR, 1 LE magic items that add to Armor Class or to all saving
throws, unless those bonuses are incompatible.
Such combinations are described later in this Part,
FEATURE-DEPENDENT OPTIONS with characters approaching an untouchable 30
Some class features require wealth expenditures to Armor Class.
fully realize their potential, particularly wizards and Characters may not start with more than one
any character proficient with medium or heavy armor. item that stores spells or spell slots, or that restores
To effectuate the intended versatility of a wizard’s or provides additional spell slots to the user. A
spellbook, allow that character to add additional spellcaster’s daily slots are intended to balance her
starting spells to it at a cost of 100 gp per spell level casting between cantrips and higher-level spells
(double the normal price of adding a found spell to a within the span of various rest periods. Imagine a
spellbook). These spells can be of any level for which sorcerer with a whole necklace of pearls of power,
the wizard can prepare spells. No more than 2 casting as many 3rd-level spells (quickened or
additional spells per wizard class level should be twinned) as she wants during every encounter, or
added this way. infinitely feeding her sorcery point pool.
To allow classes that need expensive armor to Each of these limitations can be overcome with
realize the potential of their armor proficiencies, the explicit permission of the DM, who can moderate
DM may provide any mundane suit of armor from the whether any individual item or combination of
armor table in Part 1 instead of a chart-given items is unbalancing.
uncommon magic item. This suit is mechanically
identical to a normal suit of armor, but is probably old,
battered, or otherwise shabby in appearance.

149 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Alternately, the armor comes with strings require them to make use of the items in question.
attached, like association with a demanding noble These should not call for starting wealth reductions.
patron or membership in a knightly order that imposes On the other hand, with a bit of work, the powerful
strict behavioral standards. merchants could liquidate their inventory and directly
bolster their own wealth. In this case, a shared
OPTION: WHOLE PARTY TREASURE reduction of starting wealth is appropriate.
When a completely new campaign begins, with all
characters starting together at a level higher than 1st,
the Dungeon Master might choose to forego normal
starting treasure in favor of this option. This final asks the question, how much gold should
The Dungeon Master in this scenario pools all the players get as treasure as they level? How many magic
wealth and starting magic items for all the characters items? These difficulties have long haunted Dungeon
and makes one list of it. The players or their characters Masters, regardless of experience level, from new
then select from the list in turn, or through some other fledgling storytellers to seasoned, expert world-
fair system, to divide the pile of treasure. smiths.
This option is particularly suitable for certain How many DMs, a year into a campaign, have
kinds of campaigns. For example, the characters begin discovered that the characters are relatively poor? That
as professional gladiators until, one fateful day, they few magic items or other material rewards were
are ordered to go on an important mission in service to distributed? Conversely, how many DMs discovered
the city. The lord mayor escorts the characters to a that wealth had accidentally become inconsequential
treasure room where they may outfit themselves as in a campaign; that there is very little the player
desired before embarking. characters can’t afford? (Old-timer DMs will probably
This sort of system avoids many of the pitfalls that admit to making both errors, perhaps repeatedly.)
come with players choosing their own equipment and Somewhere between these extremes, there is a happy
magic items for their new high-level characters. medium, and finding that balance can be harder than it
initially appears.
OPTION: LARGE SHARED ITEMS With the publication of Xanathar’s Guide to
Everything, the Fifth Edition now offers a better
New campaigns often begin with a unifying factor for
explanation of the magic item distribution rates hinted
the player characters. And often this takes the form of
at on page 37 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. As for
some shared thing that might otherwise cost a lot of
wealth, almost no guidance is available for DMs.
wealth to obtain.
Regardless of distribution rates used, the game
For example, the characters lead a band of merry
tries to insulate its balance points against too much
men in the king’s forest, stealing from the rich to give
treasure, allowing it to operate within a broad range. It
to the poor. They already have a small band of military
limits characters to three attunements and provides a
hirelings, fully financed, along with some safehouses
lower range of numerical bonuses for items that affect
and a fortification deep in the forest. Similarly, the
rolls. Selling excess magic items for a mountain of
characters might own a ship from which they operate
gold, or finding an excess of gold in a game, does not
their privateering enterprise and employ a trained
unbalance play because there are no gold expenditures
crew. Perhaps the characters begin as powerful
readily-available that increase character power.
merchants and their allies, and they begin the
The Fifth Edition works hard to remove the
campaign with a large merchant inventory for various
impact of treasure on the game, but it only succeeded
story reasons.
in widening the range of treasure that will not break it.
Whatever the nature of the shared item or items,
Too little treasure still prevents some characters from
the Dungeon Master can simply award ownership of it
fully utilizing their class features, and it puts
to the group without any cost, or can reduce each
characters at a severe disadvantage while fighting
character’s starting gold to compensate. The method
certain creatures and in other situations. Too much
used should probably depend on the nature of the item;
treasure (and too much of the wrong kind) still puts
the merry men or the privateers have set goals that
characters at too great of an advantage against

150 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
monsters and can create balance disparities within the standard, rather than the numbers in the Dungeon
party. Master’s Guide and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything,
suddenly there is too much gold and the official magic
item value ranges begin to look very small.
This system is inspired by the one used in prior
editions of Dungeons & Dragons, but it is designed CALCULATING TREASURE
with purposeful flexibility. The treasure bundle system is designed for DMs that
These treasure bundles can be an enormously want a solid baseline for treasure distribution—it may
helpful guideline, so long as the Dungeon Master does not suit the play style of all DMs or groups. It borrows
not feel constrained by their contents and knows how from prior editions to ensure wealth consistency with
to raise or lower their values based on the party’s flexibility, fairness, and game balance.
actions. Clever and heroic deeds call for greater A treasure bundle is a collection of treasure
rewards, while significant bungling might bypass an designed to be found or earned by the player characters
opportunity to find some of the treasure. Tips for all at once. It is designed ahead of time so that the DM
flexible implementation are given later in this section. doesn’t have to roll on charts or spend time imagining
forms of treasure while the players wait to hear what
OFFICIAL RATES they’ve found.
The Dungeon Master’s Guide provides several Dividing treasure into bundles also helps the DM
reference points for interpreting its intended rates of calculate treasure values and distribute it with ease.
treasure distribution. These are reinforced by the Bundles aren’t divided by encounter; most monsters
charts in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, which have no treasure whatsoever, while other encounters
finally separates what are (mostly) consumable might provide pieces of a single bundle or multiple
“minor” magic items from permanent “major” magic bundles at once. Bundles might be found in a
items. monster’s layer, or perhaps given by a noble as a
Although the final numbers are not stated reward for rescuing his grandson, while other
explicitly, we can see the pattern by comparing the tier challenges do not receive such rewards.
descriptions for treasure on page 37, the chart for new Over the course of each character level, the party
character items on page 38, and the hoard roll charts should find 4 to 7 wealth-related bundles and might
on pages 137-138. These have been painstakingly find a couple of magic items. The standard number of
analyzed, here at Wraith Wright Publishing, and out bundles is 5 per level, but characters, through poor or
on the Internet. The fact that these points relate to one exceptional play, should earn fewer or more bundles.
another with relative precision shows the Fifth For each party level, the Dungeon Master should have
Edition’s purposeful design to have a specific treasure 5 bundles written out ahead of time, and perhaps a
distribution rate. The core material is philosophically couple of spare bundles in case of exceptional player
consistent about this treasure rate, right down to the results.
flavor text in the Dungeon Master’s Guide describing
magical items as extremely rare. WEALTH BUNDLES
However, the official published adventure books To get the true wealth value of each bundle, multiply
blow these numbers out of the water. An in-depth the gp number in the wealth column by the number of
analysis of all Fifth Edition adventures published to- party members (the number of characters that will get
date shows a wealth and magic item distribution rate an ostensibly-fair split of the treasure).
more consistent with prior editions (assuming players For example, five 11th level characters should
are diligent and collecting most of it). Not only are collect treasure valued at about 11,250 gp in each
treasure rates doubled or tripled, but characters often bundle, doing so about five times before reaching 12th
get access to magic items of a too-high rarity either level (a total of 56,250 gp).
one or two whole tiers early. DMs should be on guard If characters in the party are different levels, use
to regulate what comes out of the official adventure the average of their levels for this calculation.
books; once players accept those treasure rates as the

151 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Party Level Bundle Magic Items In addition to five wealth bundles, a magic item or two
1st (Tier 1) 6 gp ¼ UN might also be among the treasure. Multiply any ¼
2nd 12 gp — magic item value indicated at a level by the number of
3rd 36 gp ¼ UN party members (the number of characters that will get
4th 76 gp — an ostensibly-fair split of the treasure). At the level
where that value reaches a whole number, one magic
5th (Tier 2) 375 gp ¼ UN
item of the indicated rarity will also be among the
6th 450 gp ¼ RA
treasure for that level. Carry forward any remainder
7th 550 gp ¼ UN
8th 700 gp ¼ RA For example, six 1st level characters should reach
9th 900 gp ¼ UN a total uncommon magic item value of 1½ during 1st
10th 1,050 gp ¼ RA level, meaning one uncommon magic item is among
11th (Tier 3) 2,250 gp ¼ UN, ¼ VR their treasure. The remaining ½ uncommon value
12th 3,000 gp ¼ RA carries forward. Nothing is added during 2nd level. At
13th 3,000 gp ¼ UN, ¼ VR 3rd level, the six characters accrue another 1½
14th 3,750 gp ¼ RA uncommon magic item value, for a total of 2 with their
15th 4,500 gp ¼ UN, ¼ VR prior remainder. The party finds two uncommon
16th 4,500 gp ¼ RA, ¼ LE magic items during their 3rd level, and has no
17th (Tier 4) 40,000 gp ¼ UN, ¼ VR remainder value to carry forward.
18th 40,000 gp ¼ RA, ¼ LE
19th 50,000 gp ¼ UN, ¼ VR LEVEL 20 TREASURE
20th (per 30,000 XP) 30,000 gp ¼ UN, ¼ LE Characters at 20th level continue to earn treasure. The
party finds a level’s worth of bundles for every 30,000
experience points they earn above 355,000.
The party also calculates additional magic items
at those intervals. When the party reaches at least 1
A character that saved every gp in her share for legendary item per member, exchange future-
levels 1 through 19 (an impossible task) would have indicated LE fractions (and any remainder) for VR
775,780 gp as she hit level 20. This figure is based fractions. When the party reaches at least 1 legendary
on average results of the hoard rolls in the Dungeon and 2 very rare items per member, exchange future-
Master’s Guide (pages 136-139). indicated VR fractions (and any remainder) for R
Each table has an anticipated number of times fractions.
a party will roll on it (page 133). The average
wealth roll for each table was multiplied by its
anticipated number of rolls and divided by four, the STOCKING THE TREASURE CHART
number of party members contemplated in those For ideal results, the DM should make a “treasure
rules. chart” of each character level at the start of the
The result for each tier was distributed across campaign, each level having five “bundle” lines, a
each level within it, using a ratio to match each couple of “magic item” lines, and maybe a couple of
level’s XP requirement, rounding off to whole-gp spare bundles charted in case of exceptional play.
figures. The ratio of gp to XP earned is 2:20 in the (Keep these latter bundles separate from the others.)
first tier, 5:20 in the second tier, 15:20 in the third On each bundle line, the DM should write in
tier, and 100:20 in the fourth tier. treasure with a wealth value based on the chart and the
That standard per-level wealth gain was then number of players. If one bundle goes a bit over, toss
divided by five, splitting it among the average the remainder into one of the coin bundles. Likewise,
number of treasure bundles earned at each level. if a bundle goes over a bit, subtract the difference from
one of the coin bundles.

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On the magic item lines, the DM should write in addition, you may occasionally include common-rated
any magic items that will be discovered within that permanent (“simple”) magic items in this bundle.
level. These results are again based on the chart and Simple magic items include all non-consumable
the number of players. common-rated magic items, such as those that only
have special properties (see Part 6), as well as the
WEALTH BUNDLES following “minor” magic items: alchemy jug, bag of
For a balance of items, consider using (2) coin devouring, bag of holding, cap of water breathing,
bundles, (1) simple magic bundle, (1) objects of art chime of opening, cloak of the manta ray, decanter of
bundle, and (1) mundane object bundle. endless water, driftglobe, eyes of minute seeing,
Bundles should probably be themed to make their folding boat, goggles of night, helm of comprehend
treasure seem like a logical collection of items based languages, Heward’s handy haversack, horseshoes of
on the setting and their owners. To help you quickly speed, immovable rod, lantern of revealing, mariner’s
find suitable items for each bundle, you can consult the armor, periapt of health, portable hole, ring of
treasure charts in this Part. swimming, robe of useful items, rope of climbing,
Coins. fill two bundles with “money,” like coins, saddle of the cavalier, sending stones, wand of magic
gemstones, trade bars, and other lightweight highly- detection, wand of secrets. Permanent magic items in
fungible assets. These should be easy for the party to this category should be dispensed rarely, but should
carry and readily spendable. not interfere with the distribution rate for normal
Coins should be described colorfully where (“major”) magic items.
possible. “Loose” coins usually come in purses (tiny Be mindful of party levels when selecting item
pouches with no weight or value beyond their rarity. Do not place consumables that are rare until the
contents), tied together with strings looped through the party reaches level 5, or very rare until the party
coins’ center holes, or kept together by some other reaches level 11, or legendary until the party reaches
simple method. The coins themselves should indicate level 17.
where and when they were minted, sometimes Be particularly careful not to exceed the one-
providing a bit of history to the treasure. Most coins bundle value of simple magic items if you use the
should be local in origin, but you can mix things up by essentia rules found in the next Part. Each character
making some coins foreign or ancient in origin. Where should find, on average 20 simple magic items in the
the source of the coins doesn’t matter, mix in some course of reaching 20th level.
trade bars. If your party has a wizard, be sure to place at least
Letters of credit are also good coin alternatives. one or two wizard spell scrolls, at least one at the
Their value may depend on what banking house or highest spell level the wizard can prepare. Without
financial account they are drawn on. Letters of credit these occasional spellbook additions, the intended
are worth a fraction of their face values unless versatility of that class feature suffers. Finding another
redeemed at the appropriate financial institutions. wizard’s spellbook is a great alternative to scrolls.
Some letters could be for accounts that are overdrawn, Objects of Art. Place objects of art in one bundle.
or they could be expired, reducing their worth or This category covers an endless variety of objects,
making them entirely worthless. A truly ancient letter from sculptures and paintings with value based only
of credit will have no value except to historians. When on the talent and popularity of the artist, to jewelry and
placing such objects, use their true values to fill the other objects manufactured from inherently-precious
wealth bundle, not the amount written on these letters. materials.
Simple Magic. Fill one bundle with potions, Some art objects, like jewelry, are easy to carry.
scrolls, magical ammunition, or any other magic item Others, like a set of gilded antique chairs, are harder to
that is useable once (or a limited number of times) carry away. Provide a range of items with variable
before being completely and permanently expended. portability; don’t always make these too easy or too
This includes limited-use magic items like a necklace hard to carry home and cash in.
of fireballs. It also includes wands if your campaign A list of example objects of art from the Dungeon
uses the rule variant: Wands That Don’t Recharge. In Master’s Guide is provided below.

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Mundane Objects. Use the final bundle to include 250 gp. Box of turquoise animal figures, brass
mundane items into this final one bundle. mug with jade inlay, bronze crown, carved ivory
Armor, weapons, tools, and various non-precious statuette, gold bird cage with electrum filigree, gold
trade goods make up the content, so long as they’re ring set with bloodstones, large gold bracelet, large
worth hauling home to sell. Remember that mundane well-made tapestry, silk robe with gold embroidery,
objects sell for half cost, so build this bundle up to silver necklace with a gemstone pendant
double its normal value in mundane goods. Treat 750 gp. Bottle stopper cork embossed with gold
masterwork or ornamented items as trade goods, worth leaf and set with amethysts, carved harp of exotic
full value when stocking treasure bundles. wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems, ceremonial
Characters proficient with medium and heavy electrum dagger with a black pearl in the pommel, gold
armor will not achieve the full potential of these class dragon comb set with red garnets as eyes, obsidian
features without obtaining expensive suits of armor. statuette with gold fittings and inlay, silver and gold
Considering placing such suits when the party is brooch, painted gold war mask, silver chalice set with
between 4th and 6th level, even if their values would moonstones, silver-pated steel longsword with jet set
take up multiple bundles or would displace future in hilt, small gold idol
levels’ bundles. Alternately, count a good suit of 2,500 gp. A necklace string of small pink pearls,
expensive armor as the equivalent of an uncommon embroidered glove set with jewel chips, embroidered
magic item. silk and velvet mantle set with numerous moonstones,
Mundane objects should be relatively portable; eye patch with a mock eye set in blue sapphire and
eight bleating goats, a 200-pound cask of oil, and a moonstone, fine gold chain set with a fire opal, gold
troubadour’s wardrobe of colorful costumes are circlet set with four aquamarines, gold music box,
valuable things, but they might leave your players jeweled anklet, old masterpiece painting, platinum
wondering why they still play in your campaign. bracelet set with a sapphire
If the players are wholly bent toward commercial 7,500 gp. Bejeweled ivory drinking horn with
endeavors, like running a large mercantile business or gold filigree, gold cup set with emeralds, gold jewelry
collecting taxes as important landholders, treasure box with platinum filigree, jade game board with solid
bundles can be awarded in very different forms. gold playing pieces, jeweled gold crown, jeweled
Instead of dividing treasure among coins, art objects, platinum ring, painted gold child’s sarcophagus, small
and the like, you can award it as rising bank balances, gold statuette set with rubies
notes of debt, and accounts receivable. In addition to these examples, the ornamentation
rules in Part 1 can be used to turn a variety of useful
EXAMPLE OBJECTS OF ART armaments and equipment into objects of art.
While the other categories of equipment are fully
explained and priced in other Parts of this product, MAGIC ITEMS
objects of art are not. Following are some standard Half the magic items you place for your party should
objects from the Dungeon Master’s Guide to place in be generically-applicable, at least somewhat useful to
treasure bundles or to inspire you to create your own. more than one member of the party. The other half
These are provided here so you don’t have to pick up should be tailored to specific characters, either usable
another reference book when making treasure bundles. only by that character, or to a better effect by that
Each object of art is grouped alphabetically with items character. This is not hard to do; an attentive DM
of like value. knows what items would be useful to each character in
25 gp. Black velvet mask stitched with silver the game.
thread, carved bone statuette, cloth-of-gold vestments, The previous edition suggested that Dungeon
copper chalice with silver filigree, embroidered silk Masters poll their players to find out what magic items
handkerchief, gold locket with painted portrait inside, they wanted to find. This approach (and “tailoring” in
pair of engraved bone dice, silver ewer, small gold general) got a poor reception. Players like to think
bracelet, small mirror set in a painted wooden frame they’re earning their magic items through adventure,
discovery, and good fortune, not having them handed

154 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
out in exactly the form desired. Therefore, direct
player inquiries should be avoided when using the
bundles distribution method lest the players acquire a This segment talks about the circumstances that can
sense of inevitability to the magic items they find. To change the distribution of treasure. Running the
avoid that appearance, make sure that most tailored bundle system is quite simple; only managing the vital
items are not exactly to the specifications that a deviations requires the DM’s careful attention.
character might wish. A dwarf that favors a battle axe
might get along just as well with a new magical WEALTH BUNDLES AND MAGIC ITEMS
warhammer. If the DM already knows the number and nature of the
About every eighth or tenth magic item that a encounters a party will face, she can determine how
party encounters should have a curse or some sort of the party will acquire each bundle. Otherwise, the DM
serious quirk or drawback to it. Without tracking this, may consult her campaign’s treasure chart and select
it is easy to go through an entire campaign and not bundles (or parts of bundles) and magic items ad-hoc
remember to include such staples of Dungeons & as players search monster layers, execute heists, or get
Dragons as a sword of vengeance or the old bag of rewards from the king.
devouring! Often characters meet their experience or
Except for cursed items, the Dungeon Master milestone requirements after dramatically changing
should take care to avoid placing magic items that plans or otherwise foiling the DM’s attempt to give out
have little or no use to the party, unless there is a some treasure in a timely, measured manner. The
specific, story-driven reason. After all, if you give an nature of bundles allows the DM to easily catch up if
item that no one can use, have you really given a magic she forgets or is unable to dispense bundles within the
item at all? Or is it just an expensive paperweight? applicable level. Characters don’t have to get
everything on the treasure chart that the DM wishes to
give before they go to the next level.
The suggested number of treasure bundles per
character level is 5 (a “baseline”), but the party should
earn up to 1 less or 2 more in any given level, based
SAMPLE TREASURE CHART (PARTIAL) on their own actions. For particularly-notable deeds or
failures, the DM can also adjust the number or nature
This sample chart is for the first level of a party of
of magic items discovered.
five characters.


Sometimes the characters acquire additional bits of
- Coins (34): A sack of 18 gp, a stack of 6 ep, a
treasure, often things not planned by the Dungeon
string of 27 sp, a purse of 30 cp, one azurite (10
Master and not on the five bundles of the treasure
- Coins (15): Three silver trade bars (5 gp each)
Allowing a gain to exceed what is on the chart
- Magic (50): A potion of healing
encourages the utilized treasure-collecting method.
- Art (25): A gold locket with painted portrait
Likewise, not rewarding an attempted gain will instead
inside (25 gp)
discourage that specific behavior.
- Mundane (26): Calligrapher’s tools (5 gp) and
All gains made within a level should be recorded
three additional vials of bright purple ink (5 gp
by the DM to ensure that total values are no higher
each) within a velvet-lined box (5 sp), thirty
than twice the wealth value of that level’s treasure
sheets of clean paper (1 sp each) in a scroll box
(25 sp)
Here are the primary ways treasure gains occur,
- Uncommon: A +1 morning star, with ¼ UN
and the recommended ways to handle them, whether
you wish to encourage them or not.

155 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Earned Reward. Earned rewards should be the rational basis for treasure to be there. If your players
most common deviations from the treasure chart. They truly enjoy scraping, you can decide when and where
occur when characters go above and beyond what is to lay additional treasure and what means are needed
expected, using bravery, cunning, or just excellent to collect it or carry it back to town. (You can often
dice-rolling, to earn rewards the DM would not recognize a scraping party by the mules or wagons
normally have provided. Earned rewards (and earned they bring to the dungeon, intending to haul away even
deficits, described in the next section) are critical for the cheap, goblin-made furniture.)
tying treasure to player deservedness. Without these, If you wish to discourage scraping, do not reward
treasure rewards will feel too automatic or predestined searching random locations at all, let alone providing
to satisfy the players’ sense of reward. gains from the treasure chart. (And make sure that
Investment income is one example of earned local merchants have no desire to buy things like
rewards. Successful business ventures should earn battered equipment, used furniture, or chunks of wolf
rewards that exceed the treasure chart. Otherwise, why meat.) Conversely, where a thorough search is a
would anyone bother? The various degrees of rational activity, perhaps in response to clues, feel free
deviation are discussed more in Part 7: Investments. to reward the characters with something valuable. As
At the same time, investments should not be allowed a quick guide, a find of incidental treasure should be
to exceed the chart by so much as to unbalance the no more valuable than the level-appropriate Wealth
game. After that point, it’s likely that the focus of the rating on the Treasure Bundles chart, above. This
game has shifted into whatever activity is causing the deviation from the treasure chart rewards successful
additional gains. For example, if the characters’ rolling and proper interpretation of environmental
investments are so lucrative as to exceed the suggested signals. But it should not be successful very often.
limitation for bundle gains, the characters have (Nor should permanent magic items be awarded so
probably stopped adventuring to focus on banking. fickly.)
The DM should therefore strike future rewards from Stealing. Like scraping, stealing is an activity
the treasure chart to balance; the characters start traditionally encouraged through the various editions
getting normal game rewards, doing so by investment of Dungeons & Dragons. But it is also one that
instead of adventure. distracts from the game and defies the Dungeon
Whatever their form, earned rewards should flow Master’s usual plan for treasure.
from competence and diligence, heroism and risk. But Stealing often takes the form of pickpocketing. A
they should not become commonplace. Even if the random person’s incidental possessions should rarely
players are constantly playing well, you should only include more than a few silver pieces in a “purse” (a
reward the very best instances of play. tiny pouch with no weight or value of its own). Purses
Scraping. Scraping is any distracting activity that should also include random tidbits like a handful of
intends to scrape every ounce of “treasure” out of the ammunition pieces, a few small mundane items,
game. When players spend all their time thoroughly personal letters, or anything else likely to be found in
searching every corner of every room in the dungeon, pockets. Roll on the charts in Part 5: Trinkets, for
or stopping to collect every fallen enemy’s weapons additional inspirations. (Picking every pocket in the
and armor to drag back to town for sale, the focus of market is another form of scraping.)
the game shifts from fast-paced adventure to slow- Stealing becomes problematic when the plunder
paced logistics and unnecessary dice rolls. (To reduce is an important magic item. Sometimes a powerful
scraping, the Players Handbook provides that NPC ally will possess a legendary magic item, one you
“weapons and armor used by monsters are rarely in did not intend the characters to possesses. Or perhaps
good enough condition to sell.”) an important temple houses some powerful religious
Some games encourage scraping. Historically, relic in its halls, the pride of the whole city. However,
published Dungeons & Dragons adventures hid against all odds, through a series of clever, lucky, or
important treasures in places characters would not brutal maneuvers, the characters manage to take the
normally think to look. This created the tradition of magic item. If the item can be kept by the party without
rolling checks to search every nook and cranny, every being too disruptive or unbalancing, the DM should
deep ravine or icy riverbed, despite there being no strike a magic item of the same rarity from a later

156 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
position on the treasure chart. If it is unbalancing or to clever play, feel free to allow the characters to keep
maybe just because it is of a rarity for which the a greater measure of it. Whatever the case, wealth
characters are not high enough level, it can be removed reductions toward the baseline should be spread out
from the party’s grasp using the methods described in over time, perhaps several levels, so as not to create
the next section. Alternately, the magic item’s powers the impression of “balancing” or invalidating the
can be diminished or negated by various quirks or party’s victories.
requirements that the party cannot (yet) fulfil.
Possessing the item might also attract additional
danger comparable to what would be involved with
finding such an item in the normal way.
If the DM wishes to encourage or reward stealing
from NPCs, the DM should feel free to apply no
penalties or additional risks due to the players’ daring
or ingenuity, and let them have their ill-gotten loot as
an addition beyond the treasure chart. A good DM will
recognize when such an acquisition was a significant
and fun part of the story, to be rewarded rather than
Story Treasure. Treasure that the party acquires
that is dictated by important story events can
sometimes be disruptive to the game. This often
happens when utilizing pre-made adventures. For
example, Curse of Strad provides your party with
legendary magic items (albeit it weak ones) while they
are still within the first two tiers of character power.
Some such items are necessary for the advancement of
the story, but the characters might be left over-
powered if they play those same characters beyond the
end of the adventure.
As with stealing powerful magic items, if the item
is of a rarity for which the characters are not high TREASURE LOSSES
enough level, it can be removed from the party’s grasp Sometimes the characters get too much treasure; for
using the methods described later or the magic item’s whatever reason, they end up with a great surplus of
powers can be diminished or negated when its story- wealth or magic items. This section talks about simple,
need has concluded. If the item is not too disruptive or organic ways to diminish a too-potent advantage on
unbalancing for the party to keep, the DM should the treasure front. It also talks about reducing baseline
simply strike a magic item of the same rarity from a treasure rewards based on party failures.
later position on the treasure chart. In this way, certain The first question the DM must ask is whether the
unique magic items, particularly weapons, can become excess treasure should be removed or left in place. The
“signature” items for characters, carried the rest of game is designed so that a surplus of magic items will
their careers. not break it. (The balance will not break down within
When the story treasure is a massive amount of a certain range of magic item distribution.) This
wealth, perhaps because the characters recovered the resilience allows the Fifth Edition to boast that a DM
king’s stolen treasure but then kept it for themselves, can fairly apply her own rate of magic item
it is best to use a couple of the treasure loss techniques distribution, although that claim fails when the rate
described below before eventually striking enough of goes above or below certain points.
the treasure chart’s lower wealth bundles to get the Likewise, having essentially nothing to spend
characters’ treasure back toward the baseline. Of excess wealth on in the core rules means that character
course, if some imbalance was particularly earned due

157 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
power is not disrupted by too much treasure. (Even rewarded. But this technique is different. It exists
when magic items can be purchased, the costs and item because of the notion that treasure bundles and magic
availability are explicitly DM-controlled.) item finds are not guaranteed rewards. The treasure
Moreover, the problem of magic items isn’t chart exists so the DM doesn’t have to continually
always too many, it’s often the wrong combination. calculate the balance of existing treasure in the party
Certain of the game’s balancing points can be thrown each time she goes to distribute new treasure. (Doing
off with the wrong equipment. (Some of these the DM that would also discount the times where players
will not notice until the characters already have the earned the right to have less or more treasure than
wrong combination in-hand, thus these rules address expected.) Nothing says the characters must accrue
diminishing previously-given rewards.) Particularly everything on the chart. When the characters operate
treacherous terrain includes any items that give particularly poorly, miss multiple or obvious clues, or
numerical bonuses. Armor Class ratings, to-hit simply refuse to correctly perform the tasks that would
bonuses, saving throw modifiers, and DCs for all types otherwise be rewarded, the DM should feel free to
of rolls are carefully balanced within this edition. reduce the value of a bundle, or to strike off a whole
Particularly, the bounded Armor Class of the Fifth bundle or magic item instead of distributing it.
Edition is subject to disruption. A character wearing For example, the characters agree to bust a ring of
armor +3 (legendary) and using a shield +3 (very rare) bandits operating out of the nearby forest. They
can have an Armor Class as high as 26. Throw on a discover that the mayor has been in on the operation
ring of protection (rare) and a cloak of protection the whole time, tipping off the bandits and collecting
(uncommon), and the value jumps to 28. This doesn’t half of their take. Fearing political reprisal, the
count additional character-specific features like the characters decide not to confront the mayor, despite
Defense Fighting Style or a shield of faith spell. their good alignments. The town is safe again (and
If the Dungeon Master allowed the party to get experience points or milestones thus earned) but the
these items, perhaps believing that the players would party does not get the cut of ill-gotten plunder that the
spread out the wealth instead of putting everything on mayor stored in his basement. The DM strikes a whole
their “tank-like” fighter, this might be a time to employ bundle of gold coins from the treasure chart for that
some treasure loss mechanisms to restore the balance level.
of the bounded accuracy system. However, if different Foregoing treasure can often come with other
characters each wore only one of the items, the effect rewards. Sometimes a gain of reputation or influence
of too many items (or too-powerful items) might not might occur instead of treasure bundles. If the bandit-
be unbalancing and might not call for any magic item busting party reported the mayor to the religious
removal. These analyses tend to be fact-specific and authorities and left them the simple task of bringing
cannot all be avoided by DM foresight. the mayor to justice (and collecting his ill-gotten
When deciding whether existing treasure should gains), the characters might find themselves in the
be reduced, one of the most important questions to ask favor of that temple despite being poorer than the DM
is whether it has made other treasures worthless. expected. If the party did nothing about the mayor, the
Having the legendary sword means the fighter no mayor may see them as potential allies who are owed
longer cares about most other magic items. If she has an important favor. See the Miscellaneous Assets
17 more levels of advancement ahead of her in the section of Part 4 for more ideas about non-material
campaign, that can be disincentivizing. Likewise, rewards.
having a vault of endless gold means that characters Importantly, poor results on Wisdom (Perception)
lose all sense of material worth, putting them out of or Dexterity (thieves’ tools) checks, the failure to
touch with how the rest of the world operates and decipher a treasure map, or other disasters of the dice
approaches problems. These issues rob the DM of might also lead to the reduction of a treasure bundle.
important character motivators, the enticement of It is important to enforce that the characters’ own
future gains and the satisfaction that comes with successes and failures are what drives their rewards,
achieving them. and to let players know that such rolls are not
Earned Deficits. The other techniques in this list meaningless. However, luck-based results (poor
are used to remove treasure that was improvidently rolling) should not be used too frequently or to reduce

158 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
treasure too much. It is usually better to reward good Chart balancing, striking later rewards off the
rolls than punish bad ones. This reduction is best left treasure chart, only works if excess treasure has not yet
to wealth bundles—the extreme step of striking off a become a problem. A reduction later is often enough
permanent magic item should be based on player to take care of a similar increase now, but sometimes
decisions rather than a few die rolls. the DM must take more immediate balancing actions.
Chart Balance. The easiest way to balance having This is particularly true when a glut of treasure is
given out excess treasure, whether intentional or demotivating the players.
unintentional, is to simply mark off an equal value of Diminished Magic. A quick-and-easy way to
gains for later levels from your treasure chart. Did the reduce the excess of magic items or the power of
players get an extra magic item because they let an magic items held by characters of too low levels, is to
NPC ally die in battle, hoping to get his enchanted reduce the power of the item.
armor off him? Simply mark off the next magic item For example, the party destroys Count Strahd von
the party would have found of the equivalent rarity. In Zarovich and escapes Barovia (see the Curse of Strahd
this way, keeping a treasure chart is an incredibly adventure book). Now they have a handful of
useful system, not just to distribute treasure in a legendary items, which rarity they should not be using
balanced way, but to cure imbalances that naturally for another 7 to 10 levels. The DM can reduce the
occur. Without a point of reference, a DM will find power of these items to bring them in line with rare
that it is nearly impossible to keep track and magic items (they’re already very close, much lower
accordingly reduce a treasure award as it is being in power than standard legendary items), saying that
crafted later. This is particularly easy to do with wealth their legendary powers were tied to the realm they
bundles, since the amount of gold given at each level were found in. This works for almost all legendary
in the higher tiers is much greater than what is found magic items (and artifacts) that are story-provided, and
in the previous tiers. The wealth-to-earned-XP ratio is it also works for items acquired in other ways.
50 times higher in the 4th tier than it is in the first! Incompatibility is another way to reduce magic
Chart balancing is a great way to use published item power, particularly items that give numerical
adventure modules designed by others. Instead of bonuses. If the party in our Armor Class-stacking
changing where magic items are found, or changing example above surprised the DM by putting all the
the treasure these adventures award, the DM can magic items on one character, it is a simple matter to
maintain balance by simply crossing off equivalent rule that the bonuses provided by these items (or all
wealth and magic items from the treasure chart. Only magic items) are not cumulative. “Incompatibility”
when the chart is being fully depleted at its levels will can also apply between an item and a certain character
the DM need to reign in what the published adventure who wants to use it. Perhaps an NPC’s artifact only
is providing. Likewise, an adventure that gives too works for members of her bloodline, thus foiling the
little treasure will be evident by the remaining wealth characters’ dastardly intentions for it.
and magic items on the treasure chart. If this is the Adding new power to an item seems counter-
case, the DM can easily add in some or all the leftovers productive to this goal, but it can work. If the new
from the chart to keep things fair, particularly if the magic necklace turns out to be sentient, and it won’t
party is playing well. let its powers function under many circumstances, the
This technique is also appropriate if a player DM is positioned to allow or prevent overpowered
character dies, leaving her equipment to the party. effects on a case-by-case basis. Similarly, a character
Either the replacement character should come in with might discover that certain powers or + ratings of a
no equipment, trusting the new party to equip her, or it magic item will only function for characters of a
should come in fully-equipped and the old character’s specific power level, reputation, religious rank, or
gear should be divided up and offset by striking other mutable restricting factor. This can bring the
equivalent treasure from later in the chart. This item back into balance and allow the item to grow in
prevents a series of new characters from being an power as the character grows to be worthy of it.
endless source of additional wealth and magic items If the question is one of too many magic items,
for the party. hidden curses or side-effects (like the Possessive
special feature), can work to diminish the owning

159 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
character’s inventory of other magic items. Perhaps Too much gold? Well, that ship the characters
one item demands the periodic consumption of wanted to purchase as a home base just happened to
essentia or the sacrifice of other magical items, and go on sale. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and
will lose its power if the owner does not comply. the characters can convert their wealth into something
The Tax. Taxation, guild dues, upkeep costs for that isn’t overpowering them and doesn’t diminish
fortifications and similar properties, the cost of their desire for future treasure. In fact, the ship might
diamonds to raise trusted retainers from the dead, and need additional repairs and upkeep, motivating
other unexpected expenses can serve to diminish additional adventuring.
unintended excesses of party wealth. When converting wealth to magic items or vice
Such direct methods should be used carefully. versa, the opportunity that presents itself often comes
Players will notice if these costs come due exactly at a steep price. The wizard that can cast the enchant
when they get their excess treasure. It is usually better magic item spell, described in Part 6, wants a steep fee
to have a debt growing or simmering in the in addition to the material costs. It’s a small price to
background just in case of such an error, a debt that pay since he’s the only one who knows how to make
can keep getting put off until the characters find this special magic item. This might mean double or
themselves with too much wealth. Then, having heard triple the standard price for an equivalent magic item.
of their amazing good fortune, the debt holder Likewise, the young noblewoman willing to pay
suddenly decides to press her claim and pressure the good money for that unbalancing magic item, despite
characters to settle the debt now, even in part. Perhaps its now-evident flaws, only wants to put the item in a
the bank calls in the mortgage on a beloved ally’s museum. She’s not worried about the item’s curse, but
farm, and the characters decide to pay the loan. Or she’s not going to pay the full price because of it. She
perhaps they loan the ally enough to pay the bank, knows no one else wants to buy.
letting the ally yearly pay the party small portions of The simplest form of the trade is exchanging an
the loan. By holding such a debt, the characters item for cold, hard cash. You can reduce the value of
theoretically still own an asset of the stated amount, an item at its sale point by limiting the number of
but the DM now controls the rate at which the players people willing to pay full price. An object of art that
can access it. has no use except for its sale value might only get
Another form of the tax is when the rightful owner offers for half its worth, or even less. The players are
of the treasure (or anyone who disputes ownership) left to decide if they want cash or if they want to hold
comes to collect. If an item was stolen from an NPC on to it, waiting for a better buyer. And while they’re
(or taken from an allied NPC’s corpse after a battle), holding the item, its value is not disrupting the
the item’s true owner or the NPC’s heirs might come economy of your game.
looking for it, and they might enlist the aid of local DM Confession. Most players will understand if
authorities to enforce their claim. If the party found the DM admits that the treasure award had a negative
great wealth in the bandit camp, the clergy might press impact on the game and informs the players that some
them to distribute a certain amount back to the local changes will be made. Many players will have already
peasants from which it was originally stolen, and noticed they are receiving an unfair advantage if their
failure to do so might earn a reputation as just another characters have something too potent. Most players
band of thieves, hunted or hassled by the authorities. prefer a balanced game (although some will not).
When using this technique to reduce wealth, never After a DM confession, the Dungeon Master can
make the taxed amount the same as the treasure the simply remove the item from play with no in-game
party just found; doing that makes it look like they explanation, or she can employ one of the other
never actually found anything, and it degrades the techniques described on this list, using the DM
sense of agency and reward that most players desire. confession to reduce any sense of arbitrary punishment
The Trade. With this option, the characters the players might feel because of the loss.
participate in their own reduction of treasure. Once the A DM confession is not a necessary tool. But it is
characters accrue too much wealth, or a valuable a useful one, particularly for new DMs with
magic item, a commercial opportunity shows itself understanding players. Even if a DM uses a removal
that wasn’t previously available. technique with no explanation, preferring to keep it

160 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
“organic,” she can later employ a DM confession if the
players complain that the loss was orchestrated to
depower the party.

161 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
A trinket is a character-building device, something PRIMITIVE FANTASY
that sparks the imagination and helps bring a character Where technology and formal magic are rare, perhaps
to life by enriching its history. a goblinoid society or metal-poor world, roll 2d100 for
your trinket. The first 100 trinkets particularly are the
USING THIS CHART type that won’t offend such a campaign setting.

The chart below presents 300 trinkets, over half of

which are completely new. While trinkets are included
from the Player’s Handbook and Curse of Strahd,
Even in normal campaign worlds, the DM may opt
some modifications were made.
to let players narrow the range for their trinket rolls:
Notably, some of the “joke” items, like Michael
Jackson’s sequined glove, were removed or altered.
• For a “primitive fantasy” trinket, roll 1d100.
These particularly carried the baggage of real-world
• For a “standard” trinket, roll 1d100 + 100.
popular culture, which can inhibit the player from
using the trinket for its inspirational value. • For a “high fantasy” trinket, roll 1d100 + 200.
Also removed were references to specific races or
monsters; some DMs run games that don’t have
dragons or elves. A player that rolls a trinket that ALTERNATIVES
depicts a creature (or is a part of a creature) should As an alternative to these limited dice rolls, the DM
decide exactly what race or monster is implicated may allow players to alter trinkets to conform with the
based on those available in the campaign world. campaign requirements. For example, a result of a
silver spoon that feels warm to the touch could, in a
ALTERNATE USES game world where magic effects are rare, become just
a silver spoon with no other effect. In a game world
The DM can use the trinket chart to help stock a room where metal is rare, the spoon could be made of bone.
in a dungeon or spice up the loot in a creature’s DM’s Corner. A truly effective trinket challenges
pockets. Anywhere that might have “stuff” could be a player to build a story for it that enhances her
served by a roll on the chart, from the king’s bedside character background. If you let players alter their
table to the rubbish heap behind the castle. trinkets too much (or choose trinkets instead of rolling
for them), you risk your players narrowing the trinket
SELECTIVE USES to fit into the character’s existing story rather than
To facilitate trinket selection for campaigns set in non- expanding the story to encompass the trinket. A trinket
standard game worlds, the chart is arranged to allow that conforms to the player’s narrow, preexisting
some control over trinket results. notion of her character isn’t doing its job.


Normal campaigns provide the widest array of If you’ve already played in quite a few campaigns in
possible trinkets. Most players will simply roll 3d100. the Fifth Edition, you’ve probably seen many of the
normal trinkets already, in the possession of your own
character or other players’ characters.
If you want to ensure that rolls produce new
Where clockwork devices or magic items are trinkets, round down your roll result if the number is
common, and fantastical doodads are the order of the odd. (The even-numbered trinkets tend to be the new
day, roll 2d100 + 100. The “tinker” trinkets and ones.)
magical effects are placed in the top 100 options.

162 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Roll Trinket Roll Trinket
001 A mummified hand 028 The feathery crest taken from a helmet
002 A clay tablet identifying a personal debt to a 029 A lizard’s bony talon hanging from a plain
local noble leather necklace
003 A dead beetle the size of plum 030 A tiny box containing bright fishing lures
004 A ceramic bead necklace 031 A set of bone pipes
005 A small box filled with different-sized 032 A woolen winter blanket that once belonged to
buttons a close friend
006 A set of gaming tokens with the faces 033 A mosaic tile with a multicolored, glazed surface
scratched off
007 A pair of knucklebones, each shows a skull 034 A dried or pressed flower of a unique variety;
symbol on the face that should show “6” the type is unknown in your area
008 A scarlet crest from a military helmet 035 A vest with one hundred tiny pockets
009 A rope necklace from which dangles four 036 A necklace strung with small sharp teeth, about
mummified fingers the size of a cat’s
010 A pair of infant’s sandals 037 A vial of what looks like blood
011 A glass eye 038 A tiny, white-leafed vine planted in a glass vial
012 A belt with a hidden interior pouch that is 039 An empty glass vial that smells of perfume when
sewn shut opened
013 A large tooth from an unknown beast 040 A diagram of the plantings in a complex garden
014 A one-pound carved marble monster 041 A scrap of cloth from an old banner
015 A bright green feather 042 A tiny wooden harp
016 A petrified insect 043 A petrified mouse
017 A pyramid of sticky black incense that smells 044 Six glass coins with square holes in their centers
very bad
018 A vial of lubricating oil that smells like honey 045 An executioner’s hood
019 A tiny chest that opens from the top or from 046 A miniature lizard carved from flint; its body can
the bottom be struck with steel to create sparks
020 A perfectly round, perfectly smooth stone 047 A glass vial filled with nail clippings
021 A 1-inch cube, each side painted a different 048 A tiny box of delicious spices that can’t be
color identified
022 A pouch of tiny stone idols 049 A pouch made of flesh, with a sinew drawstring
023 A small packet filled with pink dust 050 The dried-up poison gland of a poisonous beast
024 A short scepter, the sigil of a former 051 A black pirate flag adorned with a skull-and-
townmaster’s authority crossbones from a “dragon” or another beast
025 The shell of an egg painted with scenes of 052 An iron coin that can be shown to prove
misery in disturbing detail membership in a secret organization
026 An intricate ebony coat button 053 Pallid gloves crafted with ivory fingernails
027 A pair of old socks 054 Seven small, multicolored glass marbles

163 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Roll Trinket Roll Trinket
055 A switch or other implement that was used 078 A map tattooed on an old piece of human skin,
to discipline you as a child rolled tightly and stored in a scroll tube
056 A decorative ceramic plate 079 A small wooden statuette of a smug child
057 An old little doll made from a dark, dense 080 A letter in child’s script, promising revenge on a
wood and missing a hand and a foot foster parent and signed in blood
058 A leather case (pouch) holding 20 intricately- 081 A glass jar containing a weird bit of flesh floating
carved leaden sling bullets in pickling fluid
059 Dice made from the knuckles of a notorious 082 An eyepatch that seems to be designed for
charlatan wearing over the middle of the forehead
060 A set of high-quality steel sewing needles 083 A single caltrop made from bone
061 A mummified bird claw 084 A comb carved from seashell
062 A woven sun hat that doubles as a basket 085 An old divination card bearing your likeness
063 An urn containing the ashes of a hero or a 086 A quiver with a cap that, when closed, keeps the
politician (or a hero politician) contents dry even while submerged
064 The shattered pieces of a small jade statue 087 An alabaster mask
065 A dead insect or unidentifiable winged 088 A wooden practice sword with the carved
creature inside a clear glass bottle autograph of a famous gladiator
066 A 10-foot string, incrementally-knotted for 089 A small cloth doll with sewn-on features,
use as a measuring tool skewered with needles
067 A military patch or other rank insignia from a 090 A sharpened hovel with twenty-six notches
lost legionnaire carved along the handle.
068 A note of thanks from an unknown person 091 A tiny cage with no door
069 An ancient arrow or crossbow bolt of 092 A flute on which every note played sounds the
delicate design same
070 A journal recording every lie that the original 093 A bag containing forty-seven humanoid teeth,
owner ever spoke, from small white lies to one of which is rotten, the rest of which seem to
grand fabrications have been removed while healthy
071 A knife that belonged to a relative 094 The first half of the best novel you’ve ever read
072 A receipt itemizing a wealthy noble’s dowry 095 An old chess piece made from glass
073 A fan that, when unfolded, shows a sleeping 096 Two heavy iron boot inserts designed to protect
dog against caltrops
074 A one-pound iron trade bar. On the back is 097 Two wooden toy soldiers, one with a missing
carved “The king’s ransom.” head
075 A candle that can’t be lit 098 A doll built for a shaman’s ritualistic purposes
076 A wood carving knife with an intricately 099 A whistle made from gold-colored wood or bone
carved wooden handle
077 A multicolored disk made of stone, clay, or a 100 A sturdy, ten-foot chain made of copper rather
similar material than iron

164 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Roll Trinket Roll Trinket
101 A gold coin minted in an unknown land 128 An old leather-bound ledger from a brothel
102 A book of pleasant memories written by 129 An ornate scabbard that fits no blade you have
someone who was suffering memory loss found so far
103 An empty wine bottle of a very rare and 130 A merchant’s scale designed to give bias to one
expensive vintage side, about five percent
104 A religious icon with a hidden compartment 131 Nails from the coffin of a murderer
105 A brass orb etched with strange runes 132 A horseshoe bent into an odd shape
106 The signet of a banished noble 133 A ring of keys for forgotten locks
107 A blank book that refuse to hold ink, chalk, 134 A sealed envelope marked as containing the last
graphite, or any other substance or marking will and testament of a fallen soldier
108 A metal drinking flask, beautifully engraved 135 A flag from a ship lost at sea
109 A silver spoon with an M engraved on the 136 A taxidermized cat with a collar and tag that says
handle “familiar”
110 A tiny, gruesome box containing dozens of 137 A book that tells the story of a legendary hero’s
fingernails taken from humanoids rise and fall, with the last chapter missing
111 A diary written in a language you don’t know 138 A bracelet-sized chain, its links made of many
different non-precious metals
112 2 electrum coins minted by a usurper before 139 A small, worn book of children’s nursery rhymes
her demise, illegal to use as currency
113 The deed for a parcel of land in a realm 140 An exceptional-quality horse bridle, its leather
unknown to you components tooled with intricate designs
114 A book-sized case displaying 22 pinned 141 An empty silver snuffbox bearing an inscription
butterflies of exotic origin on the surface that says “dreams”
115 A tiny silver icon of a raven 142 An old bridal veil
116 A set of intricate schematics for large, 143 Half of a floorplan for a temple, castle, or some
elegant siege weapons other structure
117 A silver badge in the shape of a five-pointed 144 A hound’s collar with a metal tag; only you can
star read the inscription
118 A bloody canvas pouch, the type of which is 145 A bronze pentacle with an etching of a rat’s head
carried only by the royal dispatch service in its center
119 An old key 146 The baron’s missing signet ring
120 A book of lore containing entirely wrong 147 A wolf’s head wrought in silver that is also a
information whistle
121 A hilt from a broken sword 148 A lady’s decorated parasol
122 A receipt for purchase of a child-size coffin 149 A key to the family crypt
123 A silver skull the size of a coin 150 The unopened letter from your dying father
124 A flamboyant hat that is not in fashion 151 An unfinished painting on rolled canvas
125 A four-leaf clover pressed inside a book 152 A pouch made of intricate lace folds out into a
discussing manners and etiquette beautiful shawl
126 A gold tooth 153 A fancy monogramed ink pen made of electrum
127 A receipt of deposit to a foreign city 154 A cameo with the profile’s face scratched away

165 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Roll Trinket Roll Trinket
155 A small box of old ink pens, their tips worn to 178 A tiny silver bell without a clapper. The bell has
useless nubbins a tiny loop, allowing it to be strung on a string.
156 A necklace formed of the interlinked holy 179 Half a copper icon of clasped hands; the right
symbols of a dozen deities hand was given to a childhood friend
157 An unfinished weapon pommel crafted for a 180 Half a copper icon of clasped hands; the left
royal heir prior to the child’s untimely death hand was given to a childhood friend
158 An indecipherable treasure map 181 A note from a secret admirer
159 A glass cylinder, open at each end. When 182 A purple handkerchief embroidered with the
placed over a candle, the flicker of distorted name of a powerful archmage or otherworldly
light casts shadows of moving creatures being
160 A rabbit’s foot 183 A silver ring with empty gem settings
161 An invitation to a party where a murder 184 A tiny sketch portrait of an ugly person or
happened creature
162 A cameo carved in the likeness of a hideous 185 A weightless decoy purse that appears to bulge
person with coins but cannot be opened
163 A string of multicolored ceramic beads 186 A diary with seven missing pages
164 A winter coat stolen from a dying soldier 187 A scroll bearing an earnest marriage proposal
165 A felt scarf with fine, lightweight chainmail 188 An iron holy symbol devoted to an unknown god
sewn in, covering one side
166 A set of silverware used by a king for his last 189 A wooden block with an ornately carved face
meal designed to serve as an ink stamp
167 A set of bronze scissors shaped like two 190 A brooch of ornate design made from an
feathered wings crossing themselves unknown, bluish metal
168 A gold monocle frame without the lens 191 A well-worn loincloth
169 An ornate saw with no teeth on the blade 192 A wig from someone executed by beheading
170 A crystal knob from a door 193 A taxidermized bird
171 The laces from a corset or similar type of 194 A picture you drew as a child of your imaginary
clothing friend
172 A fragment of a beautiful song, written as 195 A list of innocuous ingredients with notes on
musical notes on two pieces of parchment how to make a poison from them
173 A dead sibling’s military medals 196 Clothes stolen from a scarecrow
174 A teacup from a child’s tea set, stained with 197 A small door plaque engraved with a family
blood name
175 A set of glass spheres designed to cause 198 A spinning top carved with four faces: happy,
fishing line to float on a watery surface sad, wrathful, and dead
176 A hand mirror backed with a bronze 199 A pair of boots made with unbelievably good
depiction of a monster quality, the envy of any noble
177 A mold for pouring 1-pound silver trade bars 200 The necklace of a sibling who died on the day
you were born

166 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Roll Trinket Roll Trinket
201 A jar of pickled tongues 225 A one-of-a-kind crystal goblet
202 An ivory bell with a silver interior lining 226 A bottle of invisible ink readable only at sunset
203 An urn with the ashes of a dead relative 227 An ivory ring that makes you invisible to sheep
204 A set of six brass buttons taken from an 228 A pocket watch that runs backward for an hour
unknown piece of clothing every midnight
205 A lepidopterist’s box filled with dead moths 229 An iron coin that makes you feel slightly happy
with skull-like patterns on their wings when you squeeze it tightly
206 A black wooden pipe that creates puffs of 230 A wineskin that refills when interred with a dead
smoke that look like skulls person for a night
207 The prosthetic hook or wooden hand of a 231 A complex hour glass that counts down various
notorious pirate or outlaw times: 1 minute, 1 hour, 8 hours, and 1 day
208 A gemstone that looks like a lump of coal 232 A spyglass that always shows the world suffering
when examined by anyone but you a terrible storm
209 A silver-haired wig 233 A history book written in a long-lost language
210 A compass that points to the user’s nearest 234 A lantern with a black candle that never runs out
blood relative and that burns with green flame
211 A 1-pound egg with a bright red shell 235 A golden walnut
212 A magnifying glass that only magnifies dirt; 236 A little black book that records your dreams, and
everything else is blurry yours alone, when you sleep
213 A nightcap that, when worn, gives you 237 A bouquet of funerary flowers that always looks
pleasant dreams and smells fresh
214 A flask that refills with a pint of oil every 238 Porcelain doll’s head that always seems to be
sunrise. The oil burns with a terrible stench. looking at you
215 A 1-ounce block of an unknown material 239 A ring that gives the wearer fresh breath
216 An anatomical diagram of the inside of a 240 A broken pendent of a fantastic beast that’s
monster with detailed notes always cold to the touch
217 A giant glass eye 241 A 2-inch gold wire coiled around a finger bone
218 A piece of crystal that glows in moonlight 242 A tiny spool of black thread that never runs out
219 A ceramic lamp that once held a djinni 243 A 1-ounce bottle of gold-colored ink
220 A metal can that has no opening but sounds 244 A pocket-sized picture of a landscape that
as if it is filled with liquid, sand, spiders, or depicts tomorrow’s weather. It reads correctly
broken glass (your choice) only half of the time.
221 A pouch of black sand that radiates warmth 245 A pouch containing fancy scented soap bars
222 A glass jar containing lard with a label that 246 A tiny clockwork figurine of a dancer that’s
reads, “Griffon Grease” missing a gear and doesn’t work
223 An inkwell that makes one a little nauseous 247 An itchy bedroll that keeps the user warm while
when staring at it sleeping, even in the coldest weather
224 A lock that opens when blood is dripped in its 248 A small locked box that hums a lovely melody at
keyhole night but you always forget it in the morning
249 A tiny brass cube, always cold as ice, useful 275 An immortal candle, one that can be used
for chilling drinks repeatedly but never burns down
250 A small mirror that shows a much older 276 A birdcage into which small birds fly but once
version of the viewer inside never eat or leave

167 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Roll Trinket Roll Trinket
251 A jar containing a tiny frog that, if removed, 277 A hooded lantern with an internal sparker that
reappears in the jar within a week. can light its oil without an outside fire source
252 A vial of black liquid labeled “unholy water” 278 An unusually heavy hangman’s noose
253 A tiny glass jar with an unidentifiable brown 279 A 10-foot string that can be strung across empty
lump of dried material stuck to the bottom. air; the string will hover as placed until pulled
The label reads “demon heart.” down by even a slight weight
254 A vial of perfume, the scent of which only 280 A small idol of a nightmarish creature that gives
certain creatures can detect you unsettling dreams when you sleep near it
255 A silver teardrop earring made from a real 281 A satchel that preserves contained food,
teardrop keeping it fresh for up to three weeks
256 A needle that never bends 282 An enormous scale, perhaps from a giant lizard
257 An ink pen with an internal ink well that 283 A tiny wooden sphere that, when dropped on
never runs out. The pen is engraved with a the ground, wakes every sleeping creature
name in an unknown language. within 20 feet
258 A ledger that changes each time it is read 284 A glass orb filled with moving smoke
259 A wooden box that holds a living worm with 285 A bronze laurel that gleams even in the weakest
a head on each end of its body light
260 A bit of folded cloth that, when unfolded, 286 A tiny tinker-built music box that plays a song
turns into a stylish cap you dimly remember from your childhood
261 A glove with a prosthetic finger replacement 287 A packet of purple dust that that instantly dries
that closes when the other fingers close small objects it is sprinkled over
262 A sheet of parchment upon which is drawn a 288 A shard of obsidian that always feels warm to
complex mechanical contraption the touch
263 A tiny padlock that opens when the right 289 A chain of with links made of different non-
sequence of numbered dials is displayed precious metals and alloys
264 A brass ring that never tarnishes 290 A small, weightless stone block
265 A child apprentice’s spellbook containing 291 An invitation to a séance for an unknown future
incomplete notes about cantrips date; only the dead may attend
266 An electrum top that, when dipped in ink, 292 A rectangular metal device with two tiny metal
draws beautiful patterns as it spins cups on one end that throws sparks when wet
267 A cog or gear from an intricate machine 293 A hand puppet with articulating facial features
268 A pipe that blows bubbles 294 A mechanical canary inside a tinker’s lamp
269 A clockwork bumblebee that buzzes and 295 A jar of spices that make consumers of affected
flops about when wound and released food feel nauseous two hours later
270 A walking cane with an iron ferule that 296 A tiny mechanical crab or spider that moves
strikes sparks on stone about when it’s not being observed
271 Several scales from a suit of armor that look 297 A pair of spectacles once owned by a woman
iridescent, like mother of pearl who was killed by a lightning strike
272 A tin of exceptionally-bright boot polish 298 A glove that hums softly while worn outdoors
273 A jack-in-the-box that weeps salty tears 299 A ring that feels warm while potions are active
when it opens on the wearer
274 A music box that plays by itself whenever 300 A glass orb filled with water, in which swims a
someone holding it dances clockwork goldfish

168 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
This Part is entirely optional. It is intended for use by are typically insurmountable. While common or
Dungeon Masters. This Part focuses on magic items’ uncommon items can be made within the suggested
value and interchangeability after they are acquired. It spans, rare is the campaign that allows enough
provides precise values and it talks about methods to downtime for a rare magic item, and almost no
construct, deconstruct, and otherwise alter magic campaigns provide enough time for a very rare or
items. The final section adds a wealth of new special legendary creation.
features to better individualize magic items. A closed system addresses this problem
succinctly. It keeps the party’s two treasure metrics
(wealth and magic items) in separate tracks, as the
THE CLOSED ITEM SYSTEM game strongly suggest. Astronomical costs are no
These rules keep magic items within a closed system. longer required for balance, even if the wealth track is
A closed system expands only at a set rate. Any potentially infinite, because there is no effective
intrusion into the system beyond its expected growth crossover of wealth into magic items. The Dungeon
requires a balancing expulsion from the system. This Master can adhere to the original magic item value
philosophy allows the party to gain new, specific ranges in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (or the more-
magic items that they are willing to work for according precise costs in this supplement) without fear that the
to the Dungeon Master’s requirements, while keeping party will buy 10 of everything. Even when using the
their total magic items to a regulated rate of growth. measured distribution methods of the prior Part, this
Astronomical prices for magic items are the separation insulates the campaign from unexpected
product of a game where (A) magic items can be windfalls or errors in wealth calculations.
purchased or crafted with gold, and (B) gold is not Using a closed system means magic items cannot
formally limited or regulated. Likewise, time, another be purchased unless part of the Dungeon Master’s
unregulated asset, is required in high quantities to craft normal plan for distribution. Beside this, characters
magic items, but this can only hope to deter crafting, can transmute random or mismatched magic items into
not balance it. Because the levels of a party’s wealth ones more suitable to their class features and personal
and free time are unknowable to the rules designer, preferences. The cost exchanged is two-for-one, but
being effectively unlimited, these two costs are set this does not really reduce value; players will likely
very high, up in the stratosphere of mere imagination. select items that better synergize with their character
For example, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything sheets, improving the potency of their item collections.
suggests that creating a one-use spell scroll of mass
heal (level 9) might require a quarter-million gold ESSENTIA AND SEEDS
pieces and 240 days of work. That’s five times the cost
This closed system allows transmutations of magic
to craft a permanent legendary-rated magic item.
items into others only within the limits set by the
That’s half what it cost to build the emperor’s palace!
Dungeon Master. These limits take the form of
That’s a third of the amount of gold a character should
essentia and seeds, two new concepts, influenced
see across her entire 20 levels of adventuring! For that
heavily by several prior editions. Essentia is a magical
cost, there is no need to get the scroll—you could pay
substance created by destroying magic items. Seeds
a handful of high-level clerics to follow you your
are exotic components that shape the power of essentia
whole career and cast that spell at your every whim.
into the form of specific magical items.
As far as time goes, that system is a vast
improvement over the Dungeon Master’s Guide,
which suggests a whopping 10,000 days (27 years) to ESSENTIA
craft such a scroll. This is beyond the adventuring Essentia is created by destroying magic items using
lifespan of most characters. The system creates an methods like the disenchant magic item spell. It is the
illusion of player-made magic items, but sets costs that marrow of magic items, the vital life force required for

169 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
their creation and continued function. The techniques Essentia has several functions. First and most
for creating raw essentia in other ways were lost long importantly, it is an ingredient to the creation of
ago. magical items. A magic item crafter must incorporate
Essentia is a dark brown mass of pulpy fibers that an amount of essentia into her process, the value of
cling together in physic-defying ways. This material which equals the full value, or half the value, of the
resembles wet wood pulp but is dry to the touch. item being built, depending on techniques and
Sometimes tiny tufts of the material will break off a outcomes. Details for this process are described below.
mass of essentia and float away in a non-existent Second, essentia can be used in the place of costly
breeze. For safe storage, spellcasters will diffuse the spell components that are expended when casting
fibers into a container of water. Essentia is typically spells. For example, a raise dead spell requires a
carried in one-pound flasks, each holding up to 1,000 diamond worth at least 500 gp, which the spell
gp in essentia value. The material can be easily consumes. The spellcaster could expend essentia in
identified by its unique smell, like ozone. place of the diamond or to make up the difference in
Wealthy spellcasters sometimes trade essentia value if she only had a smaller diamond on hand.
with one another in exchange for important favors. But Because essentia is so valuable, this function of the
they almost never sell it. The substance remains magical pulp is rarely employed. For example, a cleric
incredibly difficult to acquire without destroying a needing to raise someone from the dead right away,
magic item; it is found rarely, and only then in very but having no diamonds nearby, might choose to
valuable treasure hoards. Essentia can be detected by disenchant a magic item to make use of its essentia.
such spells as detect magic, but it shows no specific This function of essentia works for any spell with
school of magic. costly, consumed components. It does not work for
spells whose costly components are not consumed.
Essentia in the right amounts can also be mixed
VARIANT: MAGIC BREWS with ink to duplicate the effects of “rare ink,” and is
Common-rated potions (the potion of healing and used to create spell scrolls or to scribe spells into a
potion of climbing) are considered “quasi-magical” wizard’s spellbook. The amount of essentia within the
items. These can be crafted either with normal ink must be worth at least 50 gp per level of the spell
magical methods, or they can be created with to be inscribed.
mundane methods, even by non-spellcasters. Because essentia is detectable as magic, there are
Likewise, the brews and poisons that can be many other uses to which it can be put. An amount
created with alchemist’s supplies, herbalism kits, mixed with lacquer and coating a wooden box might
and poisoner’s kits are quasi-magical. These too foil a detect magic spell, masking the magic of
can be crafted mundanely, or by magical means as contained items, so long as the essentia used was
common-rated magic items. This means that costlier than the value of any single item within. A trail
mundane or truly magic versions are both available, of essentia could be left through a forest, sprinkled too
each with the same effect, except that a magic lightly to notice with the naked eye, but clear to
version could be faster to make but will not function someone using detect magic. Additional uses, and
within an area of antimagic. their exact parameters, are left to the Dungeon Master.
For example, if you find an antitoxin or potion
of healing, the Dungeon Master will determine if it SEEDS
was created with an herbalism kit using mundane The Dungeon Master’s Guide instructs that a magic
means or by a spellcaster with the enchant magic item may require special materials or locations for
item spell. Usually, the difference is obvious; an crafting. Just as a spell might need a material
antitoxin made mundanely looks like a dark liquid component—a mundane items whose essential nature
with a foul smell, while a magical antitoxin might helps a spellcaster conjure and shape the magic of a
be a clear liquid, or one made of visibly-magical spell—so too does a seed help an artificer conjure and
material. shape the magic for her creation.

170 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Every magic item requires a seed to create, except and arcanists. A character intending to craft a magic
for spell scrolls and certain potions. Unlike most spell item can automatically determine what seeds would be
components, which are purchased in a comprehensive suitable if the creation is a standard magic item or the
pouch, seeds tend to be difficult to acquire. creator possesses a formula. (See below, or page 141
When acquired, a seed had some tangible physical of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.)
form, or it is held representationally in some sort of
container, or it is a location where all enchantment SAMPLE MAGIC ITEM SEEDS
must take place to infuse certain properties. Once the Rarity Example
seed’s power is transferred into an object to create a Common An uncommon type of fur, as from
magical item, the seed became a formless essence
a wolf; sweat from the artificer’s
within the magic item, the “spirit” that defines it power
brow, collected while working in a
and direction. (Its physical form remains, but unable
garden; moss taken from a temple
to be used as a seed in future creation.) A seed is also
the foundation for a sentient item’s temperament or the
personality behind an item’s minor properties and Uncommon Rainwater collected in a silver
quirks. The proclivities of such items reflect the pieces basin on the night of the full
from which they were fashioned. A seed that required moon; oak leaves from a tree that
evil deeds to harvest gives an evil mien or alignment. grows over a grave; the signet ring
Seeds take many forms. Usually, they are not of some minor-ranked noble; a
“magical” and cannot be distinguish by detect magic laboratory or library where great
spells. The one thing common to all seeds is that they learning takes place
need some level of challenge to acquire. The rarer the Rare The ashes of a very valuable
magic item to be crafted, the harder it will be to find painting; mushrooms from a faerie
the right seed, although seeds gathered from evil deeds ring; a bone from your distant
or sources tend are a little easier to acquire. ancestor; the site of a recent ritual
When characters wish to create magic items, the sacrifice of a sentient being
DM decides the nature of the seed required. This
Very Rare The blood of a hanged person who
information is contained in a formula. (See below.)
was sentenced and executed but
Sometimes an outlay of gold is all that is needed to buy
innocent of the crime; a flower
such a seed. Sometimes a journey to the neighboring
that grows only in the distant and
city, handled in downtime, is the only requirement.
But more often, the crafter will need to go somewhere treacherous fire swamp; the teeth
distant and do something dangerous to get a seed. As of a powerful beholder; a platform
with finding a magic item by delving into a monster’s built of rare materials high above
layer, crafting a magic item probably requires a similar sea level and etched with runes
level of risk-to-reward. The DM should also allow the Legendary The petals of a rare cactus that
character to seek out one of several seed options for flowers only once in a decade;
the same item. This is particularly important when roots of a rhyme tree which grows
describing esoteric or non-concrete items to collect. only in the haunted forest from
The seed used has deep implications for the flavor or which no one returns; ore from
special features of the new magic item, so the player the heart of a volcano; the forge of
should have some choice in the matter. a primordial creature located in a
The exact form of a seed must match key deep fissure in the ocean floor
parameters of the item; not just the magical effect, but
Artifact (for The tears of an ancient dragon;
also its shape. Such conformity is decided by the
illustrative the brain of a creature that will
Dungeon Master. This requirement explains why some
purposes) become extinct when you kill it;
magical effects are limited to certain forms. A
the severed voice of a powerful
different form would be possible with a different seed,
but only a few seeds are well known among arcanists emperor

171 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
For example, an oathbow is always a longbow Alternately, the Dungeon Master may allow that
(Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 183). It is never any minor properties and quirks themselves have their own
other type of bow. If someone wanted to make a distinct formulas, a combination of these with a
shortbow into a version of this magic item, a different normal formula allows the spellcaster to customize the
seed would be required, one not commonly known to craft of a magic item. (Purposefully adding quirks to
magic item crafters. Discovering the right seed might an item is useful because these reduce the amount of
require a significant amount of exploration, research, essentia needed for an item’s creation.) An item with
or invention. only minor properties or quirks is a common-rated
If the seed requires defeating a monster, the magic item.
challenge rating (CR) of the creature should adhere to Depending on the rarity of magic items in your
this range: 1-3 (common item), 4-8 (uncommon item), game world, formulas can be purchased from certain
9-12 (rare item), 13-18 (very rare item), 19+ sellers, experts in their fields, or they can be found as
(legendary item). treasure. A formula typically has double the value of
If the Dungeon Master that does not wish to the magic item it provides directions for crafting.
regulate what magic items the party turns its essentia While not magical itself, the formula can be used to
into, she can make seeds for standard magic items combine essentia and seeds to make the magic item in
available from local spellcasters for a nominal price, question, doing so as often as time and resources
or otherwise make seeds easy to acquire. This still allow.
allows the DM to impose special seed requirements if A formula might be discovered in a hoard in the
a character wishes to create a magic item that varies place of a magic item. Or it could be pieced together
from the standard options. from multiple discoveries using downtime activity for
research. Sometimes these notes or activities simply
FORMULAS give the ability to craft the sought formula with
The very first requirement for crafting a magic item is calligrapher’s tools, using the normal crafting rules.
acquiring a formula. Spellcasters do not automatically The copying or creation of formulas might be
intuit the complex methodology of stuffing magical beyond the ability of player characters, particularly
power into mundane items and producing specific legendary formulas. Remember that the default setting
results. Controlling access to formulas is another way makes these techniques rare, essentially nonextinct.
the Dungeon Master can control what magic items the
party has access to. NEW SPELLS FOR MAGIC ITEMS
A formula imparts the various techniques needed
The following 1st-level spells make use of the seeds
for a specific magic item. A formula is a cross between
and essentia system to manipulate magic items. They
ritual directions and the notes for a science
are particularly useful in campaigns that do not
experiment. It is usually written in a book or on a loose
provide years of downtime so cannot use the optional
sheet of parchment, often accompanied by complex
magic item crafting rules in the Dungeon Master’s
diagrams. When not in a book, formulas are typically
Guide or Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.
kept safe in protective scroll cases.
These spells can be learned or prepared by any
Importantly, a formula describes at least one, but
spellcaster, but not automatically. They represent one
typically several, seed options. Two formulas for the
set of methodologies for creating and manipulating
same item can have a great deal of variance in the
magic items. At the Dungeon Master’s option, these
methods and materials used; just like seeds, the nature
spell effects can be produced (as if they were not
of the formula, or the deeds needed to follow its
spells) by spellcasters with the ritual casting feature.
instructions, can have an impact on the flavor and
To keep these systems rare or mysterious, the
special features of the resulting magic item.
Dungeon Master may restrict them to non-player
A formula, particularly one not created from
characters. Alternately, the Dungeon Master might
scratch, may or may not include minor properties or
only allow access to the Brew Healing Potion or
quirks. This is determined by the Dungeon Master, and
Scribe Spell Scroll spells, designating them as using
may affect the value of the formula.
different, more common techniques.

172 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Another approach to limit these spells is to At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
prevent them ever being learned or known by a caster, a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can spend up to
while distributing a limited number of them on spell 25 gp worth of rare herbs with each casting and you
scrolls, just as many instances of these effects as the can create a potion of healing or greater healing.
Dungeon Master desires. In this case, whichever When you use a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you
classes the Dungeon Master wants can cast the spells can spend up to 100 gp worth of rare herbs with each
as though they were available on that caster’s class casting and can create potions of healing, greater
spell list. healing, and superior healing. When you use a 9th
level spell slot, you can spend up to 1,000 gp worth of
BREW HEALING POTION rare herbs with each casting and can create potions of
1st-level transmutation (ritual) healing, greater healing, superior healing, and
Casting Time: 4 hours supreme healing.
Range: Touch When you use spell slots of higher levels, you can
Components: M (rare herbs valued at up to 5 gp) split the rare herbs of this spell into multiple targets
Duration: Instantaneous with each casting. This allows you to brew multiple
potions at a time, and potions of various potencies.
You cast this spell to infuse healing power into the Additional Options. A character can already
contents of a small container, a liquid or salve that will create potions of healing just like any mundane crafts.
take on curative properties and become a potion of This requires an herbalism kit, the right amount of
healing. ingredients, and no magic whatsoever. Because
You must have proficiency with an herbalism kit Xanathar’s Guide to Everything suggests simpler
and construct the target substance out of the material methodologies for creating healing potions; the
components. Alternately, you must have a spell that Dungeon Master may allow healing potions of any
heals hit points known or prepared during the casting rarity to be crafted with this same mundane method.
of this spell on a target item. In the latter case, you do This allows a direct transfer of wealth to magic items;
not need any proficiency to get the material it would potentially spoil the separation of the party’s
components to mix sufficiently for the item. two treasure tracks, were healing potions not so
After the first casting of this spell, the material innocuous. Regardless, this choice is left to the DM.
components are subsumed into the object, which is
then detectable as magic. Often the potion has no DISENCHANT MAGIC ITEM
curative benefits after just one casting. To finish the 1st-level transmutation (ritual)
magic item, this spell must be cast repeatedly until the Casting Time: 10 minutes
total value of the rare herbs expended equals half the Range: Touch
market value of the healing potion. Each individual Components: V, S
spellcaster can only cast this spell on the same item Duration: Instantaneous
once per day, but multiple casters can contribute to
speed up the process. Additional casters must have You maintain contact with the target common or
proficiency with herbalism kits or have a spell that uncommon magic item for the duration of the spell’s
heals hit points known or prepared while casting. casting, at the end of which its magic is destroyed,
With a spell slot of sufficient level (see below), along with its seed, turning it into a quantity of
this spell can add rare herbs to enhance an existing essentia equal to half the magic item’s value. The
healing potion, turning it into a more potent version. pulpy, magical substance appears on the ground at
Use the same process of enchantment described above, your feet or in one or more indicated containers on
but subtract the item’s existing value from the total your person at the spell’s completion. The physical
value of the rare herbs required for the item’s new form of the item remains unharmed but is now
rating. The resulting healing potion must be of a type completely non-magical.
that the spell slot’s level can affect. When calculating essentia, do not count an item’s
additional value based on its physical form, like the

173 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
cost of plate armor or the gold value of a magical by the number of possible daily uses, or 10, whichever
crown. Only the base magic item value, plus the value is lower. If an item is consumed after only one use, you
added by special features, affects the resulting amount need only use enough costly consumed components
of essentia. for a single casting. These components are additional
This spell cannot recover essentia from any magic to that of the enchant magic item spell.
item that did not use essentia in its crafting. This After the first casting of this spell, the seed and
typically applies to quasi-magical items, healing any material components are subsumed into the object,
potions, and some artifacts. which is then detectable as magic. Usually such an
If this spell is used on a sentient magic item, the item has no magical capabilities or effects after one
magic item has the option to cause the spell to fail, casting. To finish the magic item, this spell must be
depending on its own interests or whims. cast repeatedly until the total value of the essentia
This spell will not work on an item that has a expended equals the value of the magic item. Each
mystical connection with a creature, whether by individual spellcaster can only cast this spell on the
attunement, the bond of a warlock’s pact weapon, the same item once per day, but multiple casters can
magic of an active curse, or some similar effect. The contribute to speed up the process.
connection must be severed before the spell can have If the mundane item this spell targets is being
any effect. crafted from raw components (perhaps using the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using crafting rules), this spell can be cast on the materials
a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can affect a rare even before the mundane object is fully constructed,
magic item. When you use a spell slot of 6th level or so long as the seed is present at the first casting.
higher, you can affect a very rare magic item. When Simultaneous crafting and enchanting is a revered
you use a 9th level spell slot, you can affect a method for creating magic items, particularly among
legendary magic item. artisanal races like dwarves.
With a spell slot of sufficient level (see below),
ENCHANT MAGIC ITEM this spell can instead be used to increase the power of
1st-level transmutation (ritual) an existing magic item. The item must be one that has
Casting Time: 4 hours a variable numerical bonus, with a current rating less
Range: Touch than +3. Use the same process of enchantment
Components: V, S, M (essentia worth up to 5 gp, described above, but subtract the item’s existing value
which the spell consumes) from the total value of the essentia required for the
Duration: Instantaneous item’s new rating. The resulting rarity must be one that
the spell slot’s level can affect.
You cast this spell to infuse power into a mundane This spell does not normally give a magic item
object with the intent of creating a common or any magical special features or sentience. However, at
uncommon magical item. You must begin with an the Dungeon Master’s discretion, a specific formula or
appropriate mundane object as the target and the right particularly rare seed may allow a magic item to gain
formula and seed to define the resulting magic. These one or more useful special features or sentience. If
parameters are determined by the Dungeon Master on these have associated values, the total amount of
a case-by-case basis. essentia required for the enchantment is likewise
You must also be able to cast any spells that the increased.
item produces (or that it replicates in a way that is For any of these processes, do not count an item’s
nearly identical to spells). You must have these “item additional value based on its physical form, like the
spells” known or prepared at the same time you cast cost of plate armor or the gold value of magical crown.
this spell. If the item spells have material components, Only the base magic item value, plus the value added
these must be used in the first casting of this spell as by special features or effects, determines the required
well. If the item has the charge-capacity or the natural amount of essentia.
ability to use the spell more than once per day, At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
multiply any necessary costly consumed components a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can spend up to
25 gp worth of essentia with each casting and you can

174 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
create or affect a rare magic item. When you use a spell spend up to 500 gp worth of essentia with each casting
slot of 6th level or higher, you can spend up to 250 gp and you can repair a very rare magic or remove its
worth of essentia with each casting and you can create quirks. When you use a 9th level spell slot, you can
or affect a very rare magic item. When you use a 9th spend up to 5,000 gp worth of essentia with each
level spell slot, you can spend up to 2,500 gp worth of casting and you can repair a legendary magic item or
essentia with each casting and you can create or affect remove its quirks.
a legendary magic item.
REPAIR ENCHANTMENT 1st-level transmutation (ritual)
1st-level transmutation (ritual) Casting Time: 4 hours
Casting Time: 4 hours Range: Touch
Range: Touch Components: V, M (essentia-infused ink valued at up
Components: V, S, M (essentia worth up to 10 gp, to 5 gp)
which the spell consumes) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous
You cast this spell to create a spell scroll of a cantrip
You can use this spell to repair the enchantment of a or 1st-level spell. Spell scrolls are not properly magic
common or uncommon magic item whose magic has items; their method of creation is completely divorced
been destroyed. The item’s physical form must have from that of other magic items. Instead, they are spells
survived or been repaired, and the Dungeon Master partially-cast and hung in time with mystic rites,
must determine that the item’s seed was not destroyed, bound to a physical object. A spellcaster with the
as happens with the disenchant magic item spell. potential to cast the hung spell may read the written
After a single casting, the object is once more symbols of unbinding to unleash the stored magic.
detectable as magic. Usually, a single casting is not You must have proficiency with the Arcana skill
enough to allow any of the item’s magical effects to and target a single sheet of parchment, using a pen to
work yet. To finish the repair, this spell must be cast write mystic symbols with the rare ink component.
repeatedly until the total value of the essentia You must also have the spell to be scribed known
expended equals half the value of the magic item. Each or prepared at the same time you cast this spell, and
individual spellcaster can only cast this spell on the the scribed spell’s material components are added to
same item once per day, but multiple casters can the casting of this spell. If a costly material component
contribute to speed up the process. is normally consumed in casting the scribed spell, you
For this calculation, do not count an item’s need only expend it during the first casting of this spell
additional value based on its physical form, like the to affect a single target.
cost of plate armor or the gold value of a magical After the first casting of this spell, the rare ink is
crown. Only the base magic item value, plus the value absorbed into the parchment, which is then detectable
added by special features, affects the required amount as magic. Often the spell scroll is not complete in one
of essentia. casting. To finish it, this spell must be cast repeatedly
Alternately, this spell can repair (remove) one or until the total value of the essentia-infused ink
more quirks from a common or uncommon item, so expended equals half the market value of the spell
long as the Dungeon Master does not rule that the scroll, not counting increases for costly material
quirk is essential to the item’s function. The cost in components. Unlike other items, a spell scroll cannot
essentia is 10 times the value reduction for the quirk. be collaborated on to hasten its creation process.
(See the expanded special features section, below.) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell with a
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using higher-level spell slot, you can create a spell scroll
a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can spend up to scribing a spell of the same level. Alternately, you can
50 gp worth of essentia with each casting and you can create a lower-level spell scroll more quickly, taking
repair a rare magic item or remove its quirks. When advantage of the ability to spend more essentia-
you use a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can infused ink at a time with higher-level spell slots. As a

175 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
third option, you can create a lower-level spell scroll the target item magical and leaving the previously-
but infuse it with the power of the spell slot used. magical item unharmed but non-magical.
This latter option treats the resulting spell scroll in Because of the peculiarities of seeds, the physical
all ways as having a level that matches the spell slot form of the new item is somewhat restricted. It must
used, not the spell’s level, including for the scroll’s be one that matches the original if a form is suggested
save DC and attack bonus, as well as any modified by the name or by other parameters of the magic item’s
effects within the spell’s description that may result description. For example, the magic of a shabby old
from using a higher spell slot. This also raises the cloak of protection could be transferred into the
essentia-infused ink requirement to match the level of exquisitely-made cape or mantle that is your symbol
the spell slot used. Once you begin scribing a scroll of office, but it could not be transferred into a belt.
with a higher spell slot, you must finish by using spell Magic item effects that are flexible allow for more
slots of levels at least as high. Spell scrolls made with differences in the new item. For example, the
spell slots of higher levels may still be transcribed into description of armor of resistance says it can apply to
a wizard’s spell book; transcription costs the same 50 any kind of armor, so you could shift its enchantment
gp per level of the spell (not the spell slot). from a suit of studded leather to a suit of half plate with
By casting this spell with a spell slot higher than no difficulty.
1st level, you can spend more essentia-infused ink, as In rare instances, the Dungeon Master may allow
follows: 2nd-level (10 gp), 3rd-level (25 gp), 4th-level you to transfer an enchantment to a wholly different
(40 gp), 5th-level (65 gp), 6th-level (180 gp), 7th-level (or otherwise disallowed) physical form. Doing this
(210 gp), 8th-level (360 gp), 9th-level (675 gp). requires the discovery and use of a new seed, one
When you use spell slots of higher levels, you can previously unknown to magical artificers.
split the writing to cover multiple parchments with If using the Rare-Material Armor variant rule (see
each casting. This allows you to scribe multiple spell below), adamantine armor and mithral armor derive
scrolls at a time, and scroll spells of various potencies. their effects from mundane material, and are thus
Additional Options. Xanathar’s Guide to unaffected by this spell.
Everything suggests simpler methodologies for scroll If used on an item that has special features, this
spells than the normal item creation techniques, but spell transfers each effect that is attributable to
that allows a direct transfer of gold to magic items, magical power, but not the portions of special features
spoiling the separation of the party’s two treasure that simply describe the magic item’s original physical
tracks. At the Dungeon Master’s option, the essentia- form or history.
infused ink used for spell scrolls can be replaced with If this spell is used on a sentient magic item, the
normal rare ink, the type that can be purchased from magic item has the option to cause the spell to fail,
shops. If doing so, consider using the higher costs per depending on its own interests or whims.
spell scroll given in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. This spell will not work on an item that has a
mystical connection to with a creature, whether by
TRANSFER ENCHANTMENT attunement, the bond of a warlock’s pact weapon, or
1st-level transmutation (ritual) some similar effect. The connection must be severed
Casting Time: 1 hour before the spell can have any effect.
Range: Touch At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
Components: V, S, M (essentia worth 25 gp, which a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can transfer the
the spell consumes) enchantment of a rare magic item. The material
Duration: Instantaneous component for this rarity is essentia worth 125 gp.
When you use a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you
For the duration of the spell’s casting, you maintain can transfer the enchantment of a very rare magic item.
contact with an uncommon magic item. You also The material component for this rarity is essentia
maintain contact with a mundane item into which you worth 1,250 gp. When you use a 9th level spell slot,
wish to transfer the magic item’s power and seed. At you can transfer the enchantment of a legendary magic
the end of the spell, the magic is transferred, making item. The material component for this rarity is essentia
worth 12,500 gp.

176 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
In all prior editions, adamantine armor and mithral In Tolkien lore, Bard of Laketown owned an
armor were mundane items with special properties excellent (perhaps magical) arrow, forged by Thrór,
derived from the rare metals of which they were son of Dáin, King under the Mountain. Despite
constructed. many uses, Bard never lost this arrow, and it served
With this rule, adamantine armor and mithral him faithfully, even against a dragon.
armor are treated as magical only for dispensing These rules follow a similar concept; magical
them as treasure. They are otherwise completely ammunition, instead of becoming nonmagical after
mundane. They will not indicate to the detect magic being fired, remains magical. Contrary to the terms
spell unless they have other magical enchantments of the ammunition weapon property, all these
on them (something now allowed by this variant). ammunition pieces can be found and reused after
Under this option, adamantine armor and the battle.
mithral armor do not require magic techniques to When using this rule, double the value of
craft. They require only their rare metal affected magic ammunition because it is no longer
components, valued at half the cost of these items a “consumable” item.
as provided in the next section. Due to rarity, some The Dungeon Master may apply this rule
crafters may have to pay several times this value to selectively to some ammunition and withhold it
acquire the metals. from others. It should not be combined with effects
Just as essentia requirements prevent the that require the ammunition to be destroyed upon
simple exchange of gold for magic items, so too use, like the cruel weapon property. The difference
should the inaccessibility of these rare metals between consumable and non-consumable
prevent the ready exchange of gold for mithral or ammunition is apparent when the item is identified.
adamantine from which to make weapons or armor.
The Dungeon Master may relax this requirement in
places where these materials are commonplace. SHAPE
Shape is the general form of a magic item. An item’s
shape must generally remain unaltered, though it can
PHYSICAL ALTERATION be resized or have small modifications. A belt must
remain a belt, not a bracer. A breastplate must remain
You found a magical bronze shield carved with the
a breastplate, not incorporated into a larger suit of plate
face of a leering demon. You want to use the magic
armor. So long as the item remains generally intact,
item, but the appearance doesn’t suit your goodly
and most of its major components remain, the magic
clerical demeanor, nor is there room to properly
should remain unharmed.
emboss the emblem of your holy symbol upon it! Can
For example, if it doesn’t already resize itself
you just… grind the demon face flat? How much
magically, a suit of magical armor made for a dwarf
alteration or damage to a magic item will destroy its
might have the interior padding replaced, the straps
altered, or other adjustments made to fit a gnome. (See
Most magical items will allow some minor
the Variant: Equipment Sizes sidebar in Part 1 for
alterations. The two changeable factors to consider are
suggested costs for such an enterprise.)
shape and veneer. Alterations on either scale might be
Freestanding magical gemstones are particularly
limited by the nature of the magic item’s seed, or
adaptable, and can usually be set into jewelry or to
simply by the physical integrity of the item itself.
adorn armor or weapons without damage. Despite a
These restrictions are determined by the Dungeon
great alteration in overall shape, the luster and gravitas
Master or by the magic item’s own limitations to form,
of a gemstone sets it noticeably apart from the
found in its description.
combined item. At the DM’s discretion, certain other
magic items might likewise be adaptable to significant
changes in overall shape.

177 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
VENEER In this product, each item is priced individually
These alterations are done by painting, engraving, using rarity ranges as base-lines. However, these
embossing, gem-encrusting, spike-attaching, and the prices are not restricted by their rarities—rarity is only
like, or by removing such decorations. Alterations to one of two factors by which magic items are rated.
veneer almost never disrupt the magic of an item, Pricing is more faithful to the power of an item, as
unless the item’s veneer has a specific purpose calculated by a categorizing system developed in-
intertwined with its magic, or the veneer is somehow studio at Wraith Wright Productions. This system also
dependent on the limitations of the seed itself. reflects, the second official rating factor, the
For example, an evil item might be built so that stratification of magic items in the magic item tables.
decorating it with good-affiliated holy symbols will While artifacts are charted in this product, they are
interfere with its power. Likewise, a sentient magic valuable beyond any mundane wealth rating. They are
item might reject a new coloration as a defiance of its not assigned prices in the official materials or in this
identity and cease allowing its powers to function. product. Artifacts should only enter the game for
specific story reasons and should typically have a
limited function outside the confines of story-based
applications, or a limited time that they spend in the
A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, made after
player characters’ hands.
examining the item for an hour, is usually sufficient to
determine the limits of alteration that a magic item will
bear. The DM should make this roll in secret; a failure
will yield a false result as to the degree of alteration Some magic items are version of expensive mundane
permitted. Because of the importance and rarity of items, like intricate coin armor or rare firearms. A suit
magic items, a wise owner might try to get several of +1 plate armor is far more valuable than a suit of
second opinions from other skilled arcanists before +1 leather armor, so why should magical plate and
making any sort of change. magical leather cost the same?
The Dungeon Master’s Guide simply pushes +1
plate into a higher rarity category on the magic tables.
MAGIC ITEM VALUES The Comprehensive Equipment Guide tries to take a
more nuanced approach, something needed when
This section assigns reasonable, individualized values
suppling valuation for all types of +1 armor. The
to the magic items that appear in the official, published
remedy for the plate/leather disparity is to simply add
Fifth Edition game materials.
the mundane value of the item to the value of an
enchanted version to determine its final value.
VALUATION RANGES Because mundane item values within a certain
Each magic item fits into a broad valuation category. range are too minor to quibble over, you may wish to
The chart below combines two charts found in the do this only if the item’s value is above 50 gp.
Dungeon Master’s Guide, providing the general power However, avoid this if the magic applied to the item is
level, costs, and restrictions on items of each type. itself already quite cheap; you don’t want an item to
be made cheaper by applying a tiny magic effect to it.


Rarity Rating Value Range Max Bonus Max Spell Min Character
Common (CO) Minor [1] – 100 gp – 1st level 1st level
Uncommon (UN) Major or minor 101 – 500 gp +1 3rd level 1st level
Rare (RA) Major or minor 501 – 5,000 gp +2 6th level 5th level
Very Rare (VR) Major or minor 5,001 – 50,000 gp +3 8th level 11th level
Legendary (LE) Major or minor 50,001 – [250,000] gp +4 9th level 17th level
Artifact (AR) Major Priceless (n/a) +4 9th level n/a

178 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
overall cost. However, since these are the item’s only
THE SECRET SYSTEM magical effects, it would be a common-rated magic
Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons has two item, valued at the minimum cost of 50 gp. An item is
systems of power and value for magic items, one still considered common-rated if it costs more than
shown and one not. 100 gp, so long as it has only minor powers and quirks.
The first, visible system is the set of value Sentience. This alone does not generally increase
ranges provided for items by rarity. Rarity should the value of a magic item; although having an extra set
reflect power, and thus cost. As expected, the value of “eyes” (or other senses) to keep watch at night can
ranges increase as rarity increases. But a close be valuable, the potential for conflicts more than
examination reveals that items are not well- makes up for the added value. However, if the
classified within their rarities based on power. sentience has some additional power that can be
Equivalent items like the ring of protection and brought to the wielder’s aid, the Dungeon Master
cloak of protection are in different rarity categories. should feel free to modify the item’s value
Sometimes weaker items like a frost brand (+1d6 accordingly.
damage) are rarer than more powerful ones like a Scrolls. For spell scroll costs, remember to add
flame tongue (+2d6 damage). Rarity, it would the value of any costly material components that the
seem, means just that… how rare the item is. There spell needs to consume; these are “baked in” to the
is a correlation with power, but it is not exact. scroll at creation so that the spellcaster does not need
The second system, the “secret” one, is hidden them on hand to use the scroll.
in the stratification of the magic item tables in the
Dungeon Master’s Guide. The nine tables separate CHART VALUES
items by escalating value categories and by “minor” The charts below set base prices for each standard
and “major” categories. Minor items (Tables A magic item, to be modified as described above. Each
through E) represent consumable items and a chart addresses one tier of rarity.
handful of permanent items of low power. Major Prices. The Fifth Edition has multiple official
items (Tables F through I) give normal, permanent examples of exact values for certain magic items.
items. The stratification of these charts by power However, these are not meant to be “true” values; they
deviates from rarity ratings. conflict with one another, with the values in the
Any attempt to give precise values to magic Dungeon Master’s Guide, and with values used in
items, as this product does, must be aware of (and Adventure League games. As a result, it is best not to
work within) both overlapping systems. Prices rely on any official price examples.
cannot simultaneously conform to rarity and power. The following prices are pegged to functionality
and work within the original ranges given in the
Dungeon Master’s Guide. Their costs are internally
Added Costs. Certain special features applied to consistent with one another; using a closed system for
magic items are so useful or powerful as to be worth magic items, their costs remain reasonable regardless
an additional increase in cost. The expanded rules for of the amount of gold a party has. If any value is
magic item special features (below) addresses these “wrong” for your group, feel free to adjust it to match
added costs in detail. If a magic item has additional the usefulness your players will get from it.
powers or benefits that are not represented in these Key. Magic items include those from the Dungeon
rules, the Dungeon Master should feel free to modify Master’s Guide and other sources. Other books are
the overall value of the magic item to suit. noted as follows: Lost Mines of Phandelver [LMoP],
A permanent item that only has minor powers or Hoard of the Dragon Queen [HotDQ], The Rise of
quirks is a common-rated magic item. Regardless of Tiamat [[TRoT]], Prince of the Apocalypse [PotA],
the balance of costs, such an item has a minimum Out of the Abyss [OotA], Curse of Strahd [CoS], Tomb
value of 50 gp. For example, a magic item with a of Annihilation [ToA], Xanathar’s Guide to
minor power rated at 15 gp and a quirk rated at -75 gp Everything [XGtE].
would normally apply a -60 gp modifier to the item’s

179 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Value Item Value
Common (level 1+) Potion of gaseous form 150 gp
Arrow of walloping [XGtE] 15 gp Potion of heroism 200 gp
Bead of nourishment [XGtE] 6 gp Potion of invulnerability 1,500 gp
Bead of refreshment [XGtE] 2 gp Potion of mind control, beast [TotYP] 640 gp
Candle of the deep [XGtE] 1 gp Potion of mind control, humanoid [TotYP] 1,000 gp
Perfume of bewitching [XGtE] 50 gp Potion of mind reading 100 gp
Pot of awakening [XGtE] 25 gp Potion of superior healing 500 gp
Uncommon (level 1+) Quaal’s feather token, anchor 200 gp
Ammunition, +1 25 gp Quaal’s feather token, bird 270 gp
Bottled breath [PotA] 160 gp Quaal’s feather token, fan 110 gp
Dust of disappearance 30 gp per use Quaal’s feather token, swan boat 165 gp
Dust of dryness 75 gp per use Quaal’s feather token, tree 75 gp
Dust of sneezing and choking 110 gp per use Quaal’s feather token, whip 110 gp
Keoghtom’s ointment 200 gp per use Scroll of protection, any 250 gp
Oil of slipperiness 150 gp Spell scroll, 4th-level 320+ gp
Philter of love 75 gp Spell scroll, 5th-level 500+ gp
Potion of animal friendship 75 gp Very rare (level 11+)
Potion of fire breath 100 gp Ammunition, +3 2,500 gp
Potion of greater healing 150 gp Arrow of slaying, any 7,505 gp
Potion of giant strength, hill 150 gp Candle of invocation 550 gp
Potion of growth 100 gp Nolzur’s marvelous pigments 525 gp
Potion of poison 150 gp Oil of sharpness 2,600 gp
Potion of resistance 150 gp Potion of flying 1350 gp
Potion of water breathing 150 gp Potion of giant strength, cloud 550 gp
Seeker dart 55 gp Potion of invisibility 210 gp
Spell scroll, 2nd-level 55+ gp Potion of longevity 4,800 gp
Spell scroll, 3rd-level 135+ gp Potion of mind control, monster [TotYP] 7,200 gp
Storm Boomerang [PotA] 65 gp Potion of speed 370 gp
Rare (level 5+) Potion of supreme healing 950 gp
Ammunition, +2 250 gp Potion of vitality 1,100 gp
Bead of force 500 gp Spell scroll, 6th-level 1,800+ gp
Elixir of health 150 gp Spell scroll, 7th-level 2,100+ gp
Necklace of fireballs 270 gp per bead Spell scroll, 8th-level 3,600+ gp
Oil of etherealness 1,500 gp Legendary (level 17+)
Potion of clairvoyance 150 gp Potion of giant size [SKT] 7,600 gp
Potion of diminution 100 gp Potion of giant strength, storm 950 gp
Potion of giant strength, fire 500 gp Sovereign glue 1,000 gp
Potion of giant strength, frost 200 gp Spell scroll, 9th-level 8,100+ gp
Potion of giant strength, stone 200 gp Universal solvent 1,000 gp

All consumable magic items (on the chart above) are “minor” magic items, as are any below noted with an asterisk
(*). For details, see the Secret System sidebar on the previous page and the wealth distribution rules in Part 4.

180 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Value Item Value
Adamantine armor 300 gp Mask of the beast [ToA] 60 gp
Alchemy jug* 125 gp Medallion of thoughts 165 gp
Amulet of proof against
detection and location 350 gp Mithral armor 270 gp
Bag of holding* 400 gp Necklace of adaptation 200 gp
Bag of tricks 425 gp Night caller [TotYP] 1,350 gp
Balance of harmony [TotYP] 100 gp Pearl of power 500 gp
Balloon pack [PotA] 30 gp Periapt of health* 105 gp
Blood spear [CoS] 410 gp Periapt of wound closure 150 gp
Boots of elvenkind 115 gp Pipes of haunting 165 gp
Boots of striding and springing 105 gp Pipes of the sewers 120 gp
Boots of the winterlands 750 gp Piwafwi [OotA] 105 gp
Bracers of archery 400 gp Quiver of Ehlonna 350 gp
Brooch of shielding 200 gp Ring of jumping 150 gp
Broom of flying 1,350 gp Ring of mind shielding 300 gp
Cap of water breathing* 250 gp Ring of swimming* 125 gp
Circlet of blasting 110 gp Ring of warmth 115 gp
Cloak of elvenkind 165 gp Ring of water walking 175 gp
Cloak of protection 1,300 gp Robe of serpents [SKT] 10 gp per serpent
Cloak of the manta ray* 950 gp Robe of useful items* 10 gp per item
Decanter of endless water* 435 gp Rod of the pact keeper, +1 300 gp
Deck of illusions 7 gp per card Rope of climbing* 110 gp
Driftglobe* 215 gp Saddle of the cavalier* 105 gp
Elemental gem 1,000 gp Sending stones* 210 gp
Eversmoking bottle 250 gp Sentinel shield 200 gp
Eyes of charming 60 gp Shatterspike [TotYP] 450 gp
Eyes of minute seeing* 100 gp Shield, +1 225 gp
Eyes of the eagle 150 gp Slippers of spider climbing 115 gp
Figurine of wondrous
power, silver raven 55 gp Spell gem
Gauntlets of ogre power 1,500 gp Obsidian [OotA] 50 gp
Gem of brightness 300 gp Lapis Lazuli [OotA] 100 gp
Gloves of missile snaring 250 gp Staff of the adder 350 gp
Gloves of swimming and climbing 150 gp Staff of the python 250 gp
Gloves of thievery 100 gp Stone of good luck (luckstone) 1,500 gp
Goggles of night* 220 gp Stone of ill luck [TotYP] 50 gp
Hat of disguise 200 gp Sword of vengeance 450 gp
Headband of intellect 1,500 gp Trident of fish command 530 gp
Helm of comprehending languages* 200 gp Wand of entangle [TotYP] 225 gp
Helm of telepathy 1,210 gp Wand of magic detection* 115 gp
Immovable rod* 175 gp Wand of magic missiles 175 gp
Insignia of claws [HotDQ] 300 gp Wand of secrets* 115 gp

181 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Instrument of the bard Wand of the war mage, +1 350 gp
Doss lute 900 gp Wand of web 225 gp
Fochlucan bandore 570 gp Weapon, +1 250 gp
Mac-Fuirmidh cittern 560 gp Weapon of warning 275 gp
Javelin of lightning 160 gp Wind fan 110 gp
Lantern of revealing* 220 gp Winged boots 400 gp
Mariner’s armor* 150 gp Wingwear [PotA] 135 gp


Item Value Item Value
Amulet of health 1,500 gp Figurine of wondrous power
Amulet of protection from turning [TotYP] 4,600 gp Bronze griffon 905 gp
Armor, +1 525 gp Ebony fly 605 gp
Armor of resistance 600 gp Golden lion 1,510 gp
Armor of vulnerability 4,500 gp Ivory goats 3,000 gp
Arrow-catching shield 1,575 gp Marble elephant 905 gp
Bag of beans 505 gp Onyx dog 505 gp
Banner of the krig rune [SKT] 4,500 gp Serpentine owl 505 gp
Belt of dwarvenkind 3,545 gp Flame tongue 4,525 gp
Belt of giant strength, hill giant 5,000 gp Folding boat* 840 gp
Berserker axe 1325 gp Gavel of the venn rune [SKT] 950 gp
Blod stone [SKT] 2,200 gp (+5,000 gp gem) Gem of seeing 1,080 gp
Boots of levitation 200 gp Ghost lantern [ToA] 1,200 gp
Boots of speed 550 gp Giant slayer 750 gp
Bowl of commanding water elementals 1,000 gp Glamoured studded leather 725 gp
Bracers of defense 5,000 gp Gulthias staff [CoS] 560 gp
Brazier of commanding fire elementals 1,000 gp Hell hound cloak [TotYP] 3,250 gp
Cape of the mountebank 640 gp Helm of teleportation 3,150 gp
Censer of controlling air elementals 1,000 gp Heward’s handy haversack* 350 gp
Chime of opening* 550 gp Horn of blasting 540 gp
Claws of the umber hulk [PotA] 3,200 gp Horn of Valhalla, brass 2,700 gp
Claw of the wyrm rune [SKT] 4,200 gp Horn of Valhalla, silver 1,890 gp
Cloak of displacement 3,300 gp Horseshoes of speed* 550 gp
Cloak of the bat 3,120 gp Instrument of the bard
Cube of force 4,200 gp Canaith mandolin 1,094 gp
Daern’s instant fortress 4,100 gp Cli lyre 2,010 gp
Dagger of venom 525 gp Ioun stone
Dimensional shackles 2,000 gp Awareness 750 gp
Dragon slayer 1,250 gp Protection 850 gp
Dragontooth dagger [TRoT] 5,675 gp Reserve 1,000 gp
Eagle whistle [TotYP] 405 gp Sustenance 200 gp
Elven chain 625 gp Iron bands of Bilarro 3,300 gp

182 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Value Item Value
Loadstone [TotYP] 50 gp (+150 gp gem) Scorpion armor [ToA] 850 gp (+1,500 gp plate)
Opal of the ild rune [SKT] 2,720 gp Shield, +2 2,250 gp
Orb of the stein rune [SKT] 1,070 gp Shield of missile attraction 2,200 gp
Periapt of proof against poison 2,400 gp Spell gem
Piwafwi of fire resistance [OotA] 705 gp Quartz [OotA] 550 gp
Portable hole* 3,000 gp Bloodstone [OotA] 1,350 gp
Ring of animal influence 950 gp Spider staff [LMoP] 715 gp
Ring of evasion 2,700 gp Staff of defense [LMoP] 1,100 gp
Ring of feather falling 75 gp Staff of charming 1,200 gp
Ring of free action 3,200 gp Staff of healing 1,800 gp
Ring of protection 1,300 gp Staff of swarming insects 1,890 gp
Ring of resistance 600 gp Staff of the woodlands 5,000 gp
Mace of disruption 800 gp Staff of withering 110 gp
Mace of smiting 825 gp Stonespeaker crystal [OotA] 550 gp
Mace of terror 860 gp Stone of controlling earth elementals 1,000 gp
Mantle of spell resistance 2,500 gp Sun blade 4,500 gp
Mirror of the past [TotYP] 3,800 gp Sword of life stealing 1,050 gp
Necklace of prayer beads 0 gp (+additional beads) Sword of wounding 1,450 gp
Bless bead (per bead) +20 gp Tentacle rod 1,100 gp
Curing bead (per bead) +110 gp Vicious weapon 275 gp
Favor bead (per bead) +1,000 gp Wand of binding 1,550 gp
Smiting bead (per bead) +110 gp Wand of enemy detection 770 gp
Summons bead (per bead) +2,600 gp Wand of fear 950 gp
Wind walking bead (per bead) +2,600 gp Wand of fireballs 1,490 gp
Ring of spell storing 5,000 gp Wand of lightning bolts 1,490 gp
Ring of the ram 810 gp Wand of paralysis 5,000 gp
Ring of x-ray vision 2,400 gp Wand of the war mage, +2 2,600 gp
Robe of eyes 1,480 gp Wand of viscid globes [OotA] 3,300 gp
Robe of summer [TotYP] 750 gp Wand of winter [HotDQ] 940 gp
Rod of rulership 600 gp Wand of wonder 810 gp
Rod of the pact keeper, +2 3,000 gp Weapon, +2 2,500 gp
Rod of the Vonindod [SKT] 550 gp Weird tank [PotA] 1,600 gp
Rope of entanglement 2,200 gp Wings of flying 2,450 gp
Saint Markovia’s thighbone [CoS] 650 gp

CHART DEVIATIONS The horn of Valhalla comes in three rarities. All

Deviations in price-to-rarity occur because these versions summon berserkers (CR 2 creatures) but in
prices track to the usefulness of items instead of their slightly different quantities. Each progressively-more
true rarities. While the calculated values for various potent horn simply summons, on average, three more
effects are informed by the categories they belong to, berserkers at a time. Because the effects are so similar,
there is no way to make every price match both the these items have similar costs, despite being spread
item’s usefulness and its rarity category. For example, across the rare, very rare, and legendary item
some items have identical, or near-identical effects. categories.

183 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Value Item Value
Amulet of the black skull [ToA] 7,200 gp Manual of bodily health 48,000 gp
Amulet of the planes 42,000 gp Manual of gainful exercise 48,000 gp
Animated shield 5,250 gp Manual of golems 6,000 gp
Armor, +2 5,250 gp Manual of quickness of action 48,000 gp
Bag of devouring* 150 gp Mirror of life trapping 50,000 gp
Belt of giant strength Navigation orb [SKT] 35,000 gp
Fire giant 25,000 gp Nine lives stealer 38,950 gp
Frost giant 10,000 gp Oathbow 8,730 gp
Stone giant 10,000 gp Pennant of the vind rune [SKT] 610 gp
Bracelet of rock magic [TotYP] 9,560 gp Ring of regeneration 12,000 gp
Carpet of flying 5,500 gp Ring of shooting stars 1,260 gp
Cloak of arachnida 2,400 gp Ring of telekinesis 10,000 gp
Conch of teleportation [SKT] 36,000 gp Robe of scintillating colors 5,100 gp
Crystal ball 10,000 gp Robe of stars 20,140 gp
Dancing sword 5,300 gp Rod of absorption 22,000 gp
Demon armor 325 gp Rod of alertness 14,900 gp
Devastation orb [PotA] 7,200 gp Rod of security 21,000 gp
Dragon scale mail 5,275 gp Rod of the pact keeper, +3 30,000 gp
Dwarven plate 5,400 gp Scimitar of speed 7,750 gp
Dwarven thrower 27,950 gp Shard of the ise rune [SKT] 1,890 gp
Efreeti bottle 16,660 gp Shield, +3 22,500 gp
Figurine of wondrous
power, obsidian steed 1,280 gp Spear of backbiting [TotYP] 5,250 gp
Frost brand 5,150 gp Spell gem
Helm of brilliance 5,250 gp Amber [OotA] 3,200 gp
Diamond (per gem) +6,300 gp Jade [OotA] 5,000 gp
Fire opal (per gem) +405 gp Topaz [OotA] 18,000 gp
Opal (per gem) +405 gp Spellguard shield 7,000 gp
Ruby (per gem) +906 gp Staff of fire 5,040 gp
Horn of Valhalla, bronze 3,780 gp Staff of frost 13,430 gp
Horseshoes of a zephyr 6,000 gp Staff of power 49,850 gp
Ingot of the skold rune [SKT] 1,150 gp Staff of striking 26,500 gp
Instrument of the bard, Anstruth harp 12,300 gp Staff of thunder and lightning 3,650 gp
Ioun stone Sword of sharpness 1,675 gp
Absorption 8,000 gp Tome of clear thought 48,000 gp
Agility 5,600 gp Tome of leadership and influence 48,000 gp
Fortitude 5,600 gp Tome of understanding 48,000 gp
Insight 5,600 gp Wand of polymorph 2,160 gp
Intellect 5,600 gp Wand of the war mage, +3 25,100 gp
Leadership 5,600 gp Weapon, +3 25,000 gp
Strength 5,600 gp

184 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Item Value Item Value
Apparatus of Kwalish 55,000 gp Korolnor scepter [SKT] 34,060 gp
Armor, +3 52,500 gp Lost crown of Besilmer [PotA] 4,400 gp
Armor of invulnerability 11,600 gp Luck blade 50,050 gp
Belt of giant strength, cloud giant 55,000 gp Moonblade Varies based on effects
Belt of giant strength, storm giant 95,000 gp Orcsplitter [PotA] 5,300 gp
Blackrazor 225,000 gp Plate armor of etherealness 52,000 gp
Bookmark [ToA] 26,430 gp Ring of djinni summoning 28,800 gp
Cloak of invisibility 6,400 gp Ring of elemental command
Crystal ball Air 9,570 gp
+Mind reading 12,200 gp Earth 8,450 gp
+Telepathy 12,500 gp Fire 5,570 gp
+True-seeing 17,200 gp Water 10,780 gp
Cubic gate 61,200 gp Ring of invisibility 1,100 gp
Dawnbringer [OotA] 4,750 gp Ring of spell turning 4,500 gp
Deck of many things 100,000 gp Ring of three wishes 48,600 gp
Defender 51,250 gp Robe of the archmagi 70,000 gp
Dragon mask, black [HotDQ] 16,850 gp Rod of lordly might 31,295 gp
Efreeti chain 76,600 gp Rod of resurrection 25,200 gp
Elemental weapons Scarab of protection 7,900 gp
Drown [PotA] 7,750 gp Spell gem
Ironfang [PotA] 10,900 gp Star ruby [OotA] 21,000 gp
Tinderstrike [PotA] 12,900 gp Ruby [OotA] 36,000 gp
Windvane [PotA] 10,850 gp Diamond [OotA] 81,000 gp
Gurt’s greataxe [PotA] 810 gp Sphere of annihilation 75,000 gp
Hammer of thunderbolts 89,550 gp Staff of the magi 109,950 gp
Hazirawn [HotDQ] 27,500 gp Sunsword [CoS] 4,700 gp
Holy avenger 101,500 gp Sword of answering 55,000 gp
Holy symbol of ravenkind [CoS] 17,200 gp Talisman of pure good 177,850 gp
Horn of Valhalla, iron 4,590 gp Talisman of the sphere 15,000 gp
Icon of Ravenloft [CoS] 4590 gp Talisman of ultimate evil 169,750 gp
Instrument of the bard, Ollamh harp 12,540 gp Tome of the stilled tongue 2,500 gp
Ioun stone Vorpal sword 65,500 gp
Greater absorption 30,000 gp Wave 64,000 gp
Mastery 10,000 gp Waythe [TotYP] 1,495 gp
Regeneration 2,640 gp Well of many worlds 200,000 gp
Iron flask 60,500 gp Whelm 52,500 gp

In further examining price deviations from rarity Spell duplication is another common source of
ratings, note that consumable (single-use) magic item deviation. Items that duplicate spell effects, or allow
values are often significantly less than multi-use or the user to cast spells, are costed based on the level of
constant-effect effects, particularly as their rarities the spell, the number of times the effect is usable per
increase. Consumables therefore have costs lower than day, any restrictions on who can use it, any
their assigned rarities would suggest, usually lower enhancement or reduction of the effect compared to
than that of a similar permanent item. the standard spell, whether there is a particularly-high

185 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
saving throw DC, and a host of other factors. These
factors are applied consistently across all items to give
uniform costs relative to actual value, meaning that
some item prices fall outside their rarity categories.
This problem is particularly true of legendary
magic items. Although most come close, very few of
the incredibly-scarce items have powers sufficient
justify costing over 50,000 gp. Many are comparable
in power only to rare or very rare items. This proves
the minor/major (magic Item chart) rating system to be
superior to the rarity rating system for gauging value.
For example, the legendary ring of invisibility
only duplicates a 2nd-level spell, despite being usable
by non-spellcasters and functioning any number of
times per day for any duration. While the item is
incredibly rare, it is listed in the legendary item
category for 1,100 gp, not 50,000+ gp.
In the opposite direction, some items’ powers are
too potent to fit the value of their rarity categories. For
example, uncommon magic items typically provide
only a small (+1 or +2) numerical advantage to one or
two types of roll. However, the uncommon gauntlets
of ogre power can far-exceed this, situationally
granting up to +6 or higher, and doing so for every roll
that includes Strength.
In each case where price falls outside rarity range, Non-consumable magic items can have special
rarity still functions in its literal sense, to make some features. The more an item has, the more unique its
items rarer than others. The legendary iron horn of flavor.
Valhalla remains much rarer than the uncommon
silver horn of Valhalla, and it shouldn’t normally be NUMBER OF SPECIAL FEATURES
accessible to the player characters until they reach Not every item should have a special feature from each
17th level. of these four categories. Some should have less or
Level restrictions play an important role in rarity none. Some might have more than one special feature
balance. Look at the cloak of protection and the ring in one or more of the categories.
of protection, which fall into different rarity The DM can randomly determine an item’s
categories. Even where these have similar effects, the features, or can select them herself, or a combination
fact that one object is rarer than the other serves to of the two. The higher the item’s rarity category, the
keep the party from acquiring and combining certain more likely it is to have a special feature in each
items until they can access the higher-level rarity category. However, lower rarity items particularly risk
category. For example, a character may acquire a +1 making magic items commonplace, so each should
shield before a suit of +1 armor, preventing these have at least one special feature.
cumulative pluses from applying at 1st level.
SPECIAL FEATURES The hardest part of using special features, and the most
rewarding part, is getting each feature to fit into a
Special features are the individual traits that serve to unified theme. Whatever method of special feature
give each magic item a unique feel and range of selection, the DM should use some creativity to ensure
capabilities. This is a powerful tool to keep magic that all of them work together in a unifying manner;
items from feeling dull or commonplace.

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these extra peculiarities should give the item a logical If this standard check fails, some information
and interesting flavor, not a disparate or incongruous might be gleaned from an alternate source of lore,
one. using the same DC. A character should only get one
While fully possible, it can be challenging to meld additional check, choosing one of the following
some of the roll results. A DM should not feel Intelligence-based skills that the DM decides are
obligated to adhere to roll results, or even to roll at all. applicable:
If a feature doesn’t make sense, roll again, select
something else, or just don’t have a special feature HISTORY
from that category. In fact, rolling should probably This check can reveal an item’s special feature(s) from
only be done if the DM is not already inspired, and the the history chart. This roll might also reveal the creator
DM should switch to just selecting features as soon as or intended user if the item is something of historic
she gets an idea for the item’s theme. significance.


Special properties and quirks are too useful or harmful This check can reveal any special feature, so long as
to be considered incidental to the item’s normal value. there is a physical detail to the item that suggests it.
Where a special property or quirk has a parenthetical For example, this skill might interpret an abstract
value listed, positive or negative, add or subtract that etching on the item to be a hint to a minor property’s
amount directly from the value of the magic item. activation command phrase, or instructions for a
sinister ritual to use the item in, or the unique signature
Magic item identification, whether by the identify spell
or by a focused examination during a short rest, reveals NATURE
only the item’s properties and how to use them. This check can explain features related to druidic
However, the item’s special features typically remain magic or origins, a creator race in tune with nature
obscure short of casting a legend lore spell. (like elves), or quirks that effect or replicate natural
This system allows characters to identify the phenomenon.
special features of magic items with only a cursory
examination, allowing quick recognition of its general RELIGION
details. This check can reveal any of the item’s special features
The following rules call upon Intelligence-based that are directly related to religion or the divine. This
“lore” checks. Because bards have traditionally been applies if the item was created by a deity, produces
the purveyors of such rumors and folk lore, a character divine magic, has a history of religious significance,
with the Magical Secrets or Additional Magical or the like.
Secrets class feature has advantage on any of these lore
ARCANA (FIRST ROLL) The following charts expand the special features found
The Player’s Handbook describes this skill as the one on pages 142-143 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide,
covering lore about magic items. An arcana roll is from 60 options to 400 options. Additionally, these
therefore the first roll made when using this system. new features are more nuanced, many providing more
To assess a magic item, a character that scrutinizes it than one option or effect. These can be used as
(even for a moment) makes an Intelligence (Arcana) inspiration to create more special features of any given
check against a difficulty of 15 to determine the nature type.
and scope of all the item’s special features. This check
also determines whether an item is cursed, something
that normal identification methods will not reveal.

187 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
WHO CREATED IT? overlarge and crudely-crafted. A merfolk’s armor will
This chart describes the origins of magic items, be made of foreign materials collected from below the
typically their creators or intended users. Usually these waves. While such items may look out of place, they
are the same, but sometimes they are not. Sometimes are well enough suited for any humanoid.
both the creator and intended user are known, Other Creature. These are either non-humanoid
sometimes only one or neither is discernable. creatures, or are much larger or smaller than humans.
Although magic items can come from many Most magic items that player characters will find were
sources, some are more prevalent than others. The made for or by humanoids of some kind, thus having
chart below gives a hundred options, but each should sizes and shapes suitable to be worn, wielded, carried,
not be equally represented. Rather than randomly and otherwise manipulated by player character races.
rolling a source, it is recommended that the Dungeon However, creatures of other sizes and shapes are often
Master choose one that will make sense for the perfectly capable of creating magic items.
campaign and inspire the rest of the item’s features. When such items can be used by players, they
When in doubt, the source is probably related to the have sometimes been made for the creature’s own use
prior holder of the item, the most prevalent intelligent but are adaptable to humanoids. For example, a ki-rin
race or creatures in the region, or the most magically- might craft a narrow metal band to be worn on its horn.
gifted race or creatures in the region. This item might fit a humanoid as a normal ring or a
Generic. The first entries are of various classes, bracelet, depending on its size. A cloud giant might
vocations, political positions, or even states of health. craft a suit of armor that magically resizes itself to the
They are assumed to be of whatever race or subrace of person who attunes it.
intelligent creatures dominates the area. For many More often, magic items made by these creatures
campaigns, this will mean humans. were crafted for humanoid allies or servants. For
If the campaign’s focus is not on lands dominated example, an aboleth might favor its most powerful
by humans, use something more appropriate. For slave champions with psionic weapons to aid them in
example, a campaign that takes place in the depths of conquering drylanders. A sphynx might craft a divine
a high elven empire would have more items that were item as a reward for a humanoid who completes a great
made for and by high elves, so an entry of “Arcanist” quest, resolves an epic conflict, or answers a riddle for
would refer to a high elf arcanist. the ages.
If the Dungeon Master finds the following The Planes. The final entries represent the
categories to be too simplistic, she can use the various various planes other than the Material Plane. These
roles and states suggested here to expand upon the refer to the generic planes described in the Dungeon
details for any of the chart’s later entries. Master’s Guide. The Dungeon Master should feel free
Civilized Humanoid. The next choices include to adapt these to any planes, sub-planes, or other
humanoids of societies with levels of culture and mystical realms unique to her campaign.
civilization like humans. These are the other races Items of the planes can be made by or for any race
typically suitable for player characters, regardless of or creatures that would dwell there. Their makeup and
social proclivities. These intermingle with humans and purposes typically reflect the plane rather that the
with each other in many fantasy settings, as will their creator. For example, a halberd associated with the
magic items, but most worlds assume they will not Plane of Fire might have been built for the elite
dominate the landscapes that player characters interact soldiers of various races that guard the Charcoal
with as humans do. Palace in the City of Brass. This allows the physical
Monstrous Humanoid. These entries represent makeup to resemble a weapon associated with azer,
the humanoids that are not the typical allies of even though the azer were not the creators or intended
civilized humanoids. They might be quite hostile, or wielders.
they might be neutral and simply have very few Items with this feature might also be crafted
intersections of commerce and culture. directly by a unique denizen of the plane, a deity,
Items from these creatures stand out when elemental lord, or similar immortal. The planes are
wielded by player characters. An orc’s weapon will be described on pages 46-68 of the DMG.

188 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Creator or Intended User
001 Arcanist. The item was created by or for an order of spellcasters and bears the order’s symbol or various
runes of power. The order may be a secret society, a public group with a good or bad reputation, or a
government agency or ruling body.
002 Champion. The item was made for an important champion of some group. This could be the best fighter
in a noble’s stable of gladiators, the head of a knightly order, or it could be the queen’s executioner or
her champion for trials of combat. Alternately, a champion could represent a group in a non-martial
capacity, like the legal advocate for an alliance of merchants. The appearance of the item will reflect the
nature of this champion’s advocacy.
003 Clergy. The item was created to serve the needs of a religious administration. Note that the
administrators are not necessarily the “faithful” of a religion, but serve their own bureaucratic goals
within the context of their religious offices. Clerical items tend to be ostentatious expressions indicating
the importance or rank of the bearer.
004 Entertainer. A well-regarded entertainer or group of entertainers were once the intended users of this
item. Wealthy patrons or nobles, perhaps of the infatuated variety, might finance such a creation. Items
of this nature are always flashy or lustrous, intended to impress.
005 Hunter. This item was built for an important hunter. In a primitive society, this might be a hunter of the
mundane variety who provides food for her kinfolk. More likely, it is a hunter of spies, religious
dissidents, escaped slaves, or some other dangerous role backed by affluent forces. Items with this
origin are likely to appear mundane or be disguised as other items.
006 Merchant. Merchants span a broad gamut of prosperity, some rivaling nobles in their ability to
command the creation of magic items. The nature of this item reflects the intentions and proclivities of
the merchant for which it was made. Because the merchant class tends to emulate nobility, items made
for its members are often ostentatious but sometimes gaudy or made with costume baubles.
007 Mystic. This was crafted for a person of solitary wisdom, one who knows various secrets and deliberates
upon their importance. Mystics are typically scholars, like magic-users, but just as often mundane, like
monks. Usually ascetic individuals, mystics tend to prefer items of plain appearance.
008 Noble. Nobles particularly desire items with a fashionable purpose and appearance. Such items tend to
be ones with a variety of effects, often visually-impressive, often needlessly grandiose.
009 Primitive. A society’s level of civilization or technology has little effect on its magical capabilities. Items
made by or for primitives serve the needs of their societies. The physical form of the item probably
reflects a low level of technological or artistic refinement; simple materials, uncut gems, and rough
crafting are common.
010 Secret Society. This item was made by or for a group that keeps itself secret. The defining characteristic
of this feature is the purpose for which the group clandestinely gathers and acts. The secret society may
be one intent on overthrowing the imperial family, foiling the slave trade in the local market, or
mystically drawing an ancient evil from the Far Realm into the Material Plane.
011 Scum. This broad category covers broad, underprivileged segments of society, the type that can rarely
afford magic. The item might have been created for a powerful master of a thieves’ guild, a peasant
hero who saved a wizard from drowning, or cobbler who impressed an artificer with her craft. The item
is either mundane-looking or overtly flamboyant, but rarely anywhere in the middle of that range.

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d100 Creator or Intended User
012 Undead. The item was made for or by a powerful undead like a lich or vampire. This creature might
linger within a society, known or unknown, or be a solitary creature that exists apart from society. The
item incorporates imagery of death, such as bones and skulls, and it might be crafted from parts of
corpses. It may feel cold to the touch.
Civilized humanoid
013 Aarakocra. This feathered, winged race builds items that are light-weight and usable by flying creatures.
These items are often decorated with features or imagery of feathers, or incorporate aspects of the
plane of Elemental Air, from which many aarakocra originate.
014 Dragonborn. This item was built for or by a clan of dragonborn. Its appearance and functions typically
reflect the innate abilities of a specific dragonborn color: black, blue, brass, bronze, copper, gold, green,
red, silver, or white.
015 Dwarf (Azer). Denizens of the plane of Elemental Fire, these flame-haired dwarves are renowned for
their craftsmanship. Such items tend to be heat-resistant. They are often colored bronze or built with
some bronze components. Azer-origin items might be built to battle efreeti.
016 Dwarf (Derro). Items made for or by derro are small and often intricate. Their functions tend to serve
the mad aims of this race, often related to warring with other races.
017 Dwarf (Duergar). Gray dwarf magic items are often suited for life underground. They are finely-crafted
works, perhaps less so than those of other dwarves, but they are well-shaped none the less. Many
duergar items can resize themselves to be useable in a magically-enlarged state.
018 Dwarf (Hill). The item is durable and has Dwarven runes worked into its design. It might be associated
with a clan that would like to see it returned to some ancestral hall.
019 Dwarf (Mountain). This sturdy dwarven-crafted item might be ornamented with jewels or inlays of
precious metals. Mountain dwarf artisans each build their crafts to be peak-level quality relative to their
crafting abilities.
020 Elf (Drow). This item is black and inscribed with spiders and webs in honor of the Spider Queen. It may
have an evil purpose or history, used for subjugation or enslavement of others.
021 Elf (Eladrin). This elven race dwells primarily in the Feywild. Its items are often adorned with
moonstones or made with silver or mithral components. Decorations tend to reflect powerful features
of nature, like great trees and mighty rivers.
022 Elf (High). High elves prefer items with lustrous colors, often in shades of brown and green that emulate
wilderness settings. While the colors are reflective of a natural state, ornamentation or fashions are
typically suited for urban environments.
023 Elf (Wood). An item made for or by this race is probably adorned with symbols of nature: leaves, vines,
stars, and the like, and made of organic materials found in nature.
024 Firbolg. Firbolg items are a bit larger than those built for humans. They are simply-crafted, often crude,
usually making use of unrefined materials found in nature.
025 Gnome (Forest). This small item is crafted to appear ordinary, and it might look worn as if from constant
use or labor. When decorated, the item might have images of mushrooms, berries, pinecones, and other
small forest edibles, or the tiny animals who eat them, like mice, foxes, and voles.
026 Gnome (Rock). Such items incorporate tiny gears and mechanical components when they can, even if
these aren’t essential to the item’s function. A rock gnome item with moving parts is never built as
simply as it could have been, often with strange and useless additional features.

190 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Creator or Intended User
027 Gnome (Svirfneblin). Items made by or for Svirfneblin are often associated with mining. Items that are
not tools might be decorated or engraved to reflect mining activities. These items are frequently
ornamented with gemstones.
028 Goliath. Goliath society is competitive and isolated from other races. Their magic items are frequently
the sort that aid with survival or combat. Goliath magic items are often built larger than a normal human
would be comfortable handling.
029 Halfling (Lightfoot). A small, practical people, halflings tend to build and use magic items for personal
comfort, agricultural professions, and to improve the nature of food and drink. Lightfoot items are small
and well-suited to carry on long journeys.
030 Halfling (Stout). Stout halflings tend to make and use items that heighten their natural endurance. Stout
halflings value longsuffering character and make magic items to suit. Like other halfling items, these
tend to be sized for Small creatures. Armaments look slightly less threatening, as though made for
031 Kenku. A kenku likes any item that is a beautiful, sparkling piece of treasure. When not overly glitzy,
magic items made for or by kenku are subtle enough to avoid notice. Above all, kenku like magic items
that let them fly.
032 Lizardfolk. Lizardfolk are natural crafters of crude-yet-effective tools. Their magic items tend to reflect
these crude qualities and materials. Items crafted for or by lizardfolk are typically made of animal hides
and bones, or other creature body parts. Above all, such items are rugged and utilitarian.
033 Tabaxi. Magic items built for or by tabaxi tend to be simple and unadorned. These creatures prefer
magic that enlightens or illuminates a mystery, or that provides new experiences. Tabaxi frequently
trade the magic items of their people, quickly losing interest in things that are “old” in favor of acquiring
things that are new.
034 Tortle. Tortles favor items that are small and easy to carry; despite their strength, their physical form
makes it hard to wear clothing or containers like backpacks. Unless it is a weapon or shield, a magic item
made for or by a tortle typically fits into a pouch. Beyond that, such items can look like any other.
035 Triton. This race’s crusade against the evil denizens of the depths causes them to prefer ornamented
weapons and armor, particularly those conferring a noble bearing. Decorations tend to feature undersea
materials like pearls, nacre, or shaped seashells rather than traditional rare metals or gemstones.
Humanoid monster
036 Celestial. Celestials beings include couatl, devas, pegai, planetars, solars, and unicorns and others. This
item, made for or by celestial beings, is inscribed with feathered wings, suns, and other symbols of good.
Fiends find the presence of such items repulsive.
037 Centaur. Centaurs use items that fit both humanoids and horses, their tops and bottoms, respectively.
They are particularly fond of magical horseshoes. Other items made for or by centaurs tend to celebrate
speed and freedom, and are often marked with symbols like arrows, lightning, and fast creatures.
038 Darkling. These dark fey creatures wear the colors of night and carry nothing that would betray their
presences in shadows. The only exception they allow for is weaponry; their blades come out of sheathes
as bright, shiny, and deadly. Like many other fey, darklings prefer their weapons to be silver or mithral,
rather than iron or steel.

191 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Creator or Intended User
039 Demon/Devil/Yugoloth. Demons include babau, balors, dretches, glabrezus, hezrous, mariliths, maw
demons, nalfeshnees, quasits, shoosuvas, and vrocks. Devils include barbed devils, bearded devils, bone
devils, chain devils, erinyes, horned devils, ice devils, imps, lemures, and pit fiends. Yugoloths include
arcanaloths, mezzoloths, nycaloths, and ultroloths. The item is made of black iron or horn inscribed with
runes, and any cloth or leather components are crafted from the hide of fiends. It is warm to the touch
and features leering faces or vile runes engraved on its surface. Celestials find its presence repulsive.
040 Drider. Although driven quite mad, these transformed drow retain their cunning and magical
capabilities. They make magic items as well as many other creatures. Drider items resemble those of
regular drow make, but are somehow crueler in construction and intent, often barbed or adorned with
sharp, tiny blades in ways that make no practical sense.
041 Dryad. Dryads craft items deeply linked to natural forests. They more often bestow items on those who
protect their homes than use such things themselves. An item crafted by a dryad is made of natural
materials found near its home.
042 Githyanki/Githzerai. The gith create and use items that hone or enhance their psionic power. Githyanki
prefer martial items like armaments, while githzerai revere simple magic compatible with their ascetics.
These items often inflict psychic damage or impose mind-effecting conditions like charmed, frightened,
and stunned.
043 Gnoll. Gnolls make and use items of feral cruelty that reflect their demonic origins. Most are poorly-
maintained, rough-handled, or dilapidated in appearance. The sigil of the demon lord Yeenoghu appears
on many gnoll-made magic items.
044 Goblin. Goblin magic manifests with that race’s cowardly, opportunistic nature as evident. Items crafted
for or by goblins have no art to them, only crude efficiency. Such items tend to enhance stealth, mining,
or groveling. Their appearance is universally shabby, unadorned and unkempt.
045 Grung. Grung magic items are rare. They take the form of things that cannot be ruined by contact with
the water that these creatures frequently immerse themselves in. Grung prefer weapons and tools to
hunt with or capture slaves. Decorative items tend to be painted with colorful natural pigments.
046 Hag. Items made by hags are typically made for others, and typically carry a curse of some kind. Most
such items appear to be pristine platonic versions of whatever form they take. Occasionally, the user or
someone around the item will get a brief whiff of some awful smell, although it won’t apparently come
from the magic item. A true seeing spell or similar magic reveals these items to be stained, cracked, or
otherwise corrupted versions of whatever forms they take.
047 Hobgoblin. Items made for or by hobgoblins tend to be armaments and typically signify rank or martial
prowess. Such items boast bold colors associated with the original user’s tribe.
048 Kobold. These little creatures each have a spark of magical power in them, a drop of dragon’s blood,
they like to say. Kobolds prefer items that require complex triggers or with traps built in for those who
activate them incorrectly. Above all, kobolds like items that have to do with dragons.
049 Kuo-Toa. Items made for or by this aquatic race tend to be divine in origin. This mad race has little of the
cunning needed for arcane crafts, and plenty of the devoutness needed for the divine. Kuo-toa don’t use
armor and prefer weapons of the type designed to capture, like nets. Otherwise, these magic items can
be any made of material that will not suffer from submersion in water.
050 Medusa. Items made by medusas tend toward the splendorous, serving as monuments to their vanity.
Every such item is decorative in appearance, except that none of them will be mirrored or have any sort
of reflective surface.

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d100 Creator or Intended User
051 Merfolk/Merrow. These items are suitable for use in aquatic environs. Merfolk items are decorated
with scales and seashells, and are sometimes made from materials salvaged from shipwrecks, beaches,
and dead undersea creatures. Merrow magic items appear cruel and war-like, made of the same
materials but without decoration.
052 Mind-Flayer. These alien beings make items steeped in psionic power. Their effects tend toward
domination and enslavement of others. While having no form particular to that race, mind-flayer magic
items are often marked with Qualith bumps, a braille-like language that mind-flayers read (four lines at a
time) using their tentacles. Other creatures cannot decipher these alien meanings short of magic.
053 Orc. Like the magic items of goblinoids, orc items tend to be crudely-built. They have the martial natures
of hobgoblin items, but the dilapidation and poor craftsmanship of goblin items. Many bear markings of
tribute to Gruumsh One-Eye, a god to whom orcs give regular sacrifice.
054 Rakshasa. Magic items created for or by rakshasa tend to be anything fitting the temperament and
prestige of the influential people they masquerade as. These items are frequently associated with
illusions or shifting appearance.
055 Sahuagin. Armor and clothing are ill-suited for sahuagin. They prefer weapons of any kind and anything
made of a material that will not suffer from submersion in water. Some sahuagin know how to craft
delicate magic items that duplicate the cultural arts of aquatic elves. Sahuagin who look like aquatic
elves (malenti) use these items to aid in infiltrating the homes of their bitter enemies.
056 Satyr. These fey use magic items that serve their carnal, raucous natures. They crave rich experiences
above all, so items that have or give strong flavors or scents, have bright and colorful appearances, or
produce sweet sounds are common among them.
057 Thri-Kreen. Thri-kreen magic items are simple things, suitable for a nomadic lifestyle. They are often
crafted of, or adorned with, dasl. This crystalline substance is created by mixing thri-kreen venom with
various herbs. Thri-kreen sometimes use this substance in the place of metal when creating weapons,
giving their creations the ersatz weapon property.
058 Yuan-Ti. Because they worship a host of snake-shaped gods, yuan-ti magic items are often adorned with
snakes of various shapes and sizes, often concealed among images of jungle scenery.
059 Aboleth. Many of the items created by these aberrations were made in ancient times, most for the use
of favored humanoid thralls. These items are utterly alien in material and have weird effects. For
example, when seen from the corner of the eye, an item might to be moving.
060 Beholder. Beholders sometimes make magic items for their own use, but their xenophobic natures
mean they never employ servants or craft magic items for others. A beholder’s magic items might be
rings that fit over eyestalks (suitable for a humanoid to wear as a bracelet), or they might be a free-
standing apparatus of some sort. Beholders are very intelligent and magically powerful; their magic
items tend to reflect a high level of skill in artificing and craft.
061 Dragon. Dragons often make magic items for themselves, but are typically too vain to make items for
anyone else. When they do, typical to their vanity, such items are made from the dragon’s own shed
scales or claws. Dragons typically have many precious metals and coins from which they can also craft
adorned magic items, but they tend to save such magic for themselves.

193 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Creator or Intended User
062 Elemental. Only the most powerful elementals have the magical arts needed to craft magic items. When
they do, these tend to be incredibly potent, of legendary of cataclysmic might. Elementals powerful
enough may be of the air, earth, fire, or water types, or of the ash, ice, magma, or ooze subtypes.
063 Faerie Dragon. The magical craft of these creatures often reveals a whimsical sense of humor. Such
items are often merely enchanted objects that can be found in a forest; sticks, rocks, pinecones, and the
like, but these might have incongruous bright colors.
064 Genie. Genies are elemental spirits, more refined and less primal than found elsewhere on this chart.
Items with this origin are often made for the genie’s favorite mortal slaves. These magic items often
have a spark of the element of which the genie is born; air for djinni, earth for dao, fire for efreeti, and
water for marid.
065 Giant. Many items made for giants will resize themselves for smaller humanoids. Others with this origin
might be made by giants for their “smallfolk” allies and servants. Hill giants do not craft magic items,
wholly lacking the necessary intellect to channel magical forces. Fire, frost, and stone giants each craft
magic items suited for battle. Cloud and storm giants make a variety of items, usually more potent than
can be created by their lesser kin. Giants make items that resemble or illustrate their preferred habitats.
066 Lamia. Lamia surround themselves with sycophants and might reward such creatures with magic items
crafted for their use. Occasionally a lamia will create a magic item to lure a goodly adventurer to its lair
for seduction, corruption, or consumption. Such items are often cursed. A lamia-made item will usually
bear a tiny, secret mark of the demon lord Graz’zt, betraying its true nature.
067 Naga. With their hordes of arcane magic and lore, naga make items that are truly frightening in power.
Many are directed at dominating or ruling other creatures, and items made for a bone or spirit naga’s
servants tend to help those servants enforce the naga’s will. A guardian naga will make items to aid its
servants in protecting the weak and the innocent. Naga-made items are often of the type that do not
require hands to use.
068 Oni. Oni covet magic items; any they manage to craft are usually kept for themselves. Oni prefer items
of demonic or frightening appearance, like terrifying masks. They also make items that can masquerade
as innocuous tools, or resized to match their various disguises.
069 Sphinx. The magic items that a sphinx guards (or allows access to after sufficient testing) are usually
made by gods rather than the creature itself. Although they can take any form, these items are of the
type that grant such important lore or mystic insight that the creator deity deems them worthy of
placing in a sphinx’s guardianship.
070 Treant. Some treants can harness the primeval power of the forest and channel it into the creation of
magic items. As they imbue the power, they grow the items as branches of their own bodies or from
carefully-cultivated trees. A treant-made item is always wooden in form.
071 Unicorn. Unicorns are sometimes set in place by gods to guard certain artifacts. But they are also
sufficiently magical and intelligent in nature to craft items on their own. These items are often gifts for
those who have helped the unicorn protect its territory from an evil threat. Such items almost always
have healing or protective properties. When used in moonlight, unicorn-made items glow with pale
radiance, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius.
072 Ki-Rin. A ki-rin is a bestower of gifts and omens, some of which take the form of magical items. These
items are typically crafted, with the aid of the ki-rin’s servants, to serve any number of goodly causes.
Such items tend to sparkle or glitter with unrestrained majesty.

194 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Creator or Intended User
073 Neogi. Neogi build magical enhancements and items for their most useful slaves. These items are
marked with dyes or crafted in such a way as to indicate which neogi owns the intended bearer of the
item. By these signs, each neogi can identify the slaves of its betters, which it will leave in peace, or the
slaves of its lessers, which it may harass if it desires.
The Planes
074 Acheron. Items that hail from this realm are often made of pitted iron. They are almost always tools of
warfare, usually savage weapons and battle-scarred armor. This origin is well-suited to items that
provide temporary hit points or other short-term defenses.
075 Arborea. Items from Arborea are finely crafted, often decorated in ways that evoke a sense of strong
emotions. They are typically dedicated to fighting evil. An item of this origin that came from Arborea
within the last year gives the holder a vague sense of longing to seek out tranquil places in nature.
076 Arcadia. The magic of Arcadia is ruled by balance. Physical items are usually symmetrical in shape and
decoration. They often resemble regular dwarven crafts and are dedicated to the fight against evil. This
origin is particularly suited to items that resist fear, poison, and disease.
077 Astral. Items that come from the astral plane are often things that have been adrift untold ages in its
silvery void. Items in this plane do not age, so anything taken from this place might have come from any
era in history. Items made for use in this plane tend to assist with navigating between color pools.
078 Beastlands. This land of primal animal power produces magic that is in harmony with nature and beasts.
The physical forms of these items are never made from leather or animal byproducts. They are often the
type to protect or enhance animals, or to deal favorably with them.
079 Bytopia. Items of Bytopia reflect the unbridled fertility and productivity of the land. They are often
decorated with scenes of tranquil farmland or unspoiled nature, but are never made of wood or plant
080 Carceri. Magic items from this plane rarely escape it. They are often the sort that aids in survival in
rough climates or in conflicts with the monstrous “inmates” of that realm. Many are cobbled together
from broken pieces of other items and have a makeshift appearance about them.
081 Elemental Air. The item feels lightweight, as though hollow. If it’s made of fabric, it feels diaphanous.
White and light-blue are common colors for such items.
082 Elemental Chaos. This item blends the characteristics of two of the elemental planes, implicating the
plane of ash (air and fire), ice (earth and water), magma (earth and fire), or ooze (air and water). This
item appears as a hybrid of the two or something more precisely representing that plane.
083 Elemental Earth. This item might be crafted from stone. Any cloth or leather elements are studded with
finely polished rock. Its colors are earth tones.
084 Elemental Fire. This item is warm to the touch, and any metal parts are crafted from black iron. Sigils of
flames cover its surface. Shades of red and orange are the prominent colors.
085 Elemental Water. Lustrous fish scales replace leather or cloth on this item, and metal portions are
instead crafted from seashells and worked coral as hard as any metal. Portions of this object are deep
blue or sea-green.
086 Elysium. Items from this plane are often decorated with the images of guardinals, the anthropomorphic-
animal celestials native to this plane, or with images of the animals they resemble. The known
guardinals are called avorals, cervidals, equinals, leonals, lupinals, and ursinals. These items are built for
good purposes. Fiends feel uncomfortable touching such items.

195 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Creator or Intended User
087 Ethereal. Items made for use in the ethereal plane or by ethereal travelers tend to have properties that
allow movement through solid objects, or that can interact with such incorporeal creatures as though
they were solid. Such objects may produce a thin, white wisp of smoke or haze.
088 Far Realm. These items are alien, reflections of the cosmic horrors that exist beyond the multiverse.
They are likely found in the hands of mind-flayers and their ilk. These items are likely to have features or
curses relating to madness. Their shapes tend to include tentacles, eyes, or other disturbing features.
089 Feywild. This item is beautiful, infused with the glittery power of Faerie. It is a more-vibrant version of
whatever form it takes. Metal components gleam like silver. Wood parts are rich and lustrous. Colors are
intense. Merely holding the item conveys a sense of mystery and hidden power.
090 Gehenna. Items from this noxious realm rarely have helpful or curative effects. They tend to help only
the user and are likely to include special features or curses related to selfishness, like the Possessive
quirk. The physical form of such things is likely to include once-molten minerals.
091 Hades. These items are marked by misery, either in physical form or otherwise. The physical shape of
such a magic item inspires despair or a loss of hope, perhaps a thieves’ tools set with half the picks
missing, or a cracked musical instrument.
092 Limbo. Items from this plane have physical forms that defy the natural order. For example, steel is soft
and flexible while cloth holds a sharp cutting edge. Effects from this plane are likely to relate to fast
movement or teleportation. Objects that can change shape or appearance are also common.
093 Mechanus. Items wrought in the plane of clockwork precision are usually dependent upon complex
mechanisms, complete with tiny gears and pneumatic joints. These items are often reliable or precise,
helping with character rolls of various kinds.
094 Mount Celestia. Items from this realm are often celestial crafts intended to bestow blessings or
preserve the righteous. Objects are graceful and elegant in form, whatever their composition.
095 Negative Energy. Items from this plane are cold to the touch and dark in color. They are often
associated with darkness, shadows, or necrotic energy. They are never bright, and never associated with
healing or radiant energy.
096 Nine Hells. This object was probably crafted as part of some evil bargain, perhaps related to the original
owner’s soul. The secret terms of that deal may affect how or when the item’s powers can be employed.
Each item is associated with the ruler of one of the plane’s nine layers, currently Zariel (Avernus),
Dispater (Dis), Mammon (Minauros), Abriymoch (Phlegethos), Levistus (Stygia), Glasya (Malbolge),
Baalzebul (Maladomini), Mephistopheles (Cania), and Asmodeus (Nessus).
097 Pandemonium. Items from this plane were certainly created by mad creature of some sort. Their
purposes and forms are dark reflections of the madness inflicted by that plane. Often, the combination
of magic effects and physical item shapes are incongruous, like a knife that mends torn clothing.
098 Positive Energy. Items from this plane are warm to the touch and vibrant in color. They are often
associated with light, healing, or radiant energy. They are never dark, and never associated with
shadows or necrotic energy.
099 Shadowfell. This item is dull in coloration, shades of gray, regardless of what its colors should be. If the
item is already black or dark-colored, it’s tint takes on a deeper, inkier darkness. This item gives the user
a vague sense of apathy or dread.
100 Ysgard. Items of Ysgard are useful in battle, are tools to glorify battle, or serve as remembrances for
those who fell in battle. Such items are suitable to resurrection or healing magic; anything that allows a
hero to return to the fight.

196 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
WHAT HISTORICAL DETAIL? Great Deed. A great deed may be a heroic or
A better question for this category might be, what is sinister act, typically both, depending on the side the
the item’s purpose? Historical details give the manner deed is viewed from. Sometimes the deed is one of
of the item’s use, building upon the item’s creator or historic significance performed by the item’s former
intended user. owner. In other cases, the item is made so that no one
Alternately, a historical detail better describes the will forget the deed, for good or ill. Alternately, it may
group that made the item or for which it was made, be a deed that never happened; a prophesied event
combining with the prior special feature. For example, relating to the magic item, one that has yet to occur or
the Unicorn origin and the Archfey history together that failed to occur when it should have. Whatever the
tell a tale of a unicorn-made object built to serve a case, those who recognize the item probably expect
forest-born fey alliance. These features are frequently great (or terrible) deeds from the new owner.
the same as character options (subclasses). Minor Event. In the span of history, these events
Finally, this list might simply provide a specific might be minor. Items made for them commemorate a
incident involving the item that made history. monarch’s birthday, a victorious border dispute, or
Arcane Concord. The weave of magic is divided some similar event. The event can be one that occurred
into arcane and divine methodologies for controlling in a long-ago place and time, unusual or odd to the
magical power. Arcane magic directly channels the item’s new owner. Or it can be of local importance to
weave without the assistance of divine mediation. the campaign, really bringing home the nature of this
An arcane tradition makes a great default origin special feature. Items that commemorate minor events
for this special feature; the item’s history need not be are often ornate and expensive, used to decorate
any more specific than its common creation method. important places or used for ceremonial purposes.
An item with an arcane historical detail probably Unfulfilled Mission. This item was built for a
bears arcane markings or symbols to indicate this fact. single, specific purpose that has yet to be achieved.
It might be associated with bards, sorcerers, warlocks, Some of these purposes are no longer relevant. For
or wizards, or even lesser practitioners of arcane magic example, an item has no true remaining if made a
like arcane tricksters or eldritch knights. thousand years ago to drive fomorians away from the
Divine Concord. This historical feature could be maker’s village, but that village was consumed by a
something as simple as divine magic being used to volcanic eruption many generations ago. Other
create the item, but more likely it refers to the creation missions might still be relevant, and those hoping to
by a specific religion, sect, or even the direct product carry them out might come looking for the item.
of a deity’s blessing.
Such items might be associated with clerics,
druids, paladins, rangers, or other practitioners of
divine magic.
Baleful Origin. Banes apply either to a type of
creature, as defined in the Monster Manual, or to a
specific creature within that type. Because humanoids
are so varied in their purposes, places, and histories,
humanoids are always a specific race or humanoid
creature. Banes often apply to the same race or
creature type as the creator or intended wielder; evil
creatures use such tools to settle territorial disputes,
end civil wars, or advance other power struggles.
Symbol of Power. Symbols are used to
commemorate people or events, serve as symbols of
office, represent deities in religious rituals, or simply
as a decoration meant to adorn a place or person.

197 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 History
Arcane Concord
001 College of Lore. This item is intended to advance the political or artistic goals of the college. The goals of
this mostly-formal organization include collecting lore from diverse sources and proclaiming truth even
in the face of political opposition
002 College of Glamor. This item is intended to advance the political or artistic goals of the college. These
bards have strong alliances with fey patrons, sometimes forged directly in the Feywild. Most use their
power to gladden the downtrodden and undermine oppressors.
003 College of Swords. This item is intended to advance the political or artistic goals of the college.
Members of this secretive group often act as loners, using alter egos to perform nefarious, self-serving
deeds, or to strike at the wicked and inflict justice on the cruel and powerful.
004 College of Valor. This item is intended to advance the political or artistic goals of the college. The goals
of this group include gathering and preserving tales of heroism and valor, often traveling great distances
to find and preserve these historic tales.
005 College of Whispers. This item is intended to advance the political or artistic goals of the college. These
scions of intrigue use their power to collect secrets and wield them as weapons to whatever individual
ends they seek.
006 Divine Origin. This item was made to aid a sorcerer or a cabal of a related sorcerers. These goals are too
unique and varied based on the individuals to be named here. These divine-origin sorcerers held a
destiny related to their celestial ancestor, the identity of whom may or may not be known.
007 Draconic Origin. This item was made to aid a sorcerer or a cabal of a related sorcerers. These goals are
too unique and varied based on the individuals to be named here. Dragons are long lived; it is likely that
the one who made a pact to grant blood power to the sorcerer’s ancestor counted that sorcerer and its
descendants as bound by the pact. The item may still be part of the pact, subject to a dragon’s demands.
008 Shadow Origin. This item was made to aid a sorcerer or a cabal of a related sorcerers. These goals are
too unique and varied based on the individuals to be named here. This origin implies a still-existing
source for the sorcerer’s magic, a creature like the Raven Queen acting from her throne in the
Shadowfell and who may lead the sorcerer into its own dark goals.
009 Storm Origin. This item was made to aid a sorcerer or a cabal of a related sorcerers. These goals are too
unique and varied based on the individuals to be named here. The abilities of this sorcerer allowed it to
influence seafaring people, merchants, or navies, its purpose tied up in those affairs.
010 Wild Origin. This item was made to aid a sorcerer or a cabal of a related sorcerers. These goals are too
unique and varied based on the individuals to be named here. The sorcerer’s goals were probably
pursued intensely but then changed abruptly, which might be why it no longer possesses the item.
011 The Archfey. This item was made to serve the Archfey, an otherworldly patron from which arcane
power flows to its followers. This whimsical lord or lady of the fey holds secrets from the time before
mortal races were born.
012 The Celestial. This item was made to serve the Celestial, a creature from the higher planes that provides
radiant might to its arcane followers. This couatl, ki-rin, solar, or other celestial entity grants power for
altruistic reasons, though its followers often serve their own aims.
013 The Fiend. This item was made to serve the Fiend, an otherworldly patron and source of fiery arcane
power. The followers of this archdevil, demon lord, ultroloth, or yugoloth strive to achieve their patron’s
evil machinations.

198 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 History
014 The Great Old One. This item was made to serve the Great Old One, an otherworldly patron,
incomprehensible even to the beings that draw arcane power from it. This creature lives in the space
beyond reality where it hordes ancient, long-lost lore.
015 The Hexblade. This item was made to serve the Hexblade, an otherworldly patron that manifests in the
sentient weapons used by its followers. This being gives power in the form of sharp blades and shadowy
magic. Some think the Hexblade to be the Raven Queen, ruling from her icy throne deep within the
Shadowfell, whispering directions to her many servants in the Material Plane.
016 The Undying. This item was made to serve the Undying, an otherworldly patron that reveals arcane
secrets to its followers. This being holds the power of life and death, extracting a heavy price from all
who would know its mysteries.
017 Abjurer Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of customs.
Abjurer goals usually relate to protecting the weak, banishing evil influences like baleful spirits, closing
fell portals to distant planes, and the like.
018 Bladesinger Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of customs.
Bladesinger goals run toward the protection of community and kin, a specific community that may not
be known to the item’s new owner.
019 Conjuror Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of customs.
Conjurors are utilitarian wizards, often motivated by greed to summon power and wealth, but
frequently by a curiosity to experiment with summoned materials, or a desire to defend others with
summoned servants.
020 Divination Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of customs.
A diviner’s goals for her magic items may be to aid her in discerning shifting political terrain, or scout
literal battlefield terrain on behalf of noble patrons.
021 Enchantment Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of
customs. Many enchanters are peacemakers, intent on settling important disputes, while others use
power to bind and subjugate the weak.
022 Evocation Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of customs.
Evokers seek to channel and control raw power, usually for very personal ends. Some join military
efforts or seek to destroy concrete threats to a region.
023 Illusion Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of customs.
Illusionists are subtle spellcasters, their political and research goals often indecipherable by others. The
purpose of this item might be no more revealed than this.
024 Necromancy Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of
customs. Most necromancers seek to gain knowledge and power over the dead, a goal more important
than exercising that power. Necromancer goals are often misunderstood, their arts taboo in many
025 Transmutation Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of
customs. Transmuters might have lofty goals, seeking to change themselves or the world around them.
026 War Tradition. Wizard traditions are never unified organizations, despite a similarity of customs. War
mages are typically trained in the context of large-scale, generational conflicts, their goals matching
whatever political or military aims are held by the side that trains them.

199 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 History
027 Arcane Tricksters. Arcane tricksters typically make magic items with the intention of furthering their
pursuits of wealth and power, monetary and arcane alike. The purpose of the item is as varied as the
methods by which arcane tricksters achieve these aims.
028 Eldritch Knighthood. Like war wizards, eldritch knights focus on abjuration and evocation spells to aid in
war, but do so as secondarily to, or supportive of, traditional service at arms. The purpose of these
magic items is always to dominate the battlefield.
Divine Concord
029 Arcana Domain. Clerics of this type make items to guard arcane knowledge or to guide and shepherd
users of arcane power. Such items may conceal secrets or inspire spellcasters to goodly acts.
030 Death Domain. Clerics of this type are concerned with the forces of death, some to aid them, a few in
opposition to those fell powers. This item may have the purpose of inflicting death in a rare or
particularly-cruel fashion.
031 Forge Domain. Clerics of this type seek to support artisans who work with metal. This is typically for an
important aim, like furthering a war effort or subsidizing fine plows for the farmers of a kingdom.
Usually there is a higher purpose to these efforts. Items that forge domain clerics craft reflect the fruits
of this support, or are themselves designed to aid in them.
032 Grave Domain. Clerics of this type seek to put undead to their final rest. Items with this purpose might
have powers that particularly harm the undead.
033 Knowledge Domain. Clerics of this type seek to promote knowledge, protect its storehouses, and seek it
out from the dark places of the world. Their items share that purpose, helping the cleric in whatever
specific method she uses to advance those aims.
034 Life Domain. Clerics of this type promote health and vitality through healing for the sick, caring for those
in need, and driving back creatures of negative energy or undeath.
035 Light Domain. Clerics of this type promote ideals of rebirth, renewal, truth, vigilance, and beauty. Their
purpose, and that of any items they craft, is to stand vigil against the darkness, metaphorically speaking,
seeking to guard and enlighten righteous souls.
036 Nature Domain. Clerics of this type might guard natural places, hunting the monsters or humanoids that
would despoil them. They might instead have the purpose of blessing harvests or withering crops to
reflect the beneficence or ire of their patron deities.
037 Tempest Domain. Clerics of this type keep the flock on the path of righteousness, seeking to encourage
them, or perhaps just to warn them away from evil with swift justice.
038 Trickery Domain. Clerics of this type serve the under-represented forces in the world. They might
champion the downtrodden while mocking tyrants, puncturing the emperor’s pride, or feeding the poor
with an unwitting noble’s grain.
039 War Domain. Clerics of this type seek out battlefields, offering their services to whatever causes they
find just. They tend to have purposes in alignment with whatever military force they are serving, and
craft items to match.
040 Circle of Dreams. Druids of this circle seek to bring the magic of the Feywild to the natural world, in
dreams and reality, bringing rest, joy, and healing to the downtrodden.
041 Circle of the Land. Druids of this circle are mystics and sages who safeguard ancient knowledge and
rights of their orders through vast oral traditions. They tend the ancient magic sites in the wilderness
and practice magics to protect them. An item crafted for or by this circle is pertinent to one type of
terrain: arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, or Underdark.

200 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 History
042 Circle of the Moon. Druids of this circle seek to find enlightenment in becoming one with the beasts of
nature. They are fierce guardians of the wild and they enforce natural cycles, keeping predators and
prey in balance.
043 Circle of the Shepherd. Druids of this circle focus on protecting the beasts and fey creatures of the
natural world that have difficulty protecting themselves. They particularly act to prevent civilization
from encroaching on certain habitats to prevent threats to the population levels of these creatures.
044 Paladin’s Craft. Paladins craft magic items to pursue their noble ends and uphold righteous oaths. The
exact oath a paladin takes dictates the purpose of her magical crafts. Examples range from protecting
the innocent, to avenging them.
045 Ranger’s Craft. Rangers are silent hunters who stalk the wild places, particularly seeking to support or
cull (perhaps even exterminate), one or more creature types. Their items are created to serve these
goals in whatever method the ranger best approaches them.
Baleful Origin
046 Aberration Bane. This item was created by the foes of aberrations, generally or a precise kind. Creatures
of this type might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
047 Beast Bane. This item was created by the foes of beasts, generally or a precise kind. Some creatures of
this type might instinctually sense the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
048 Celestial Bane. This item was created by the foes of celestials, generally or a precise kind. Creatures of
this type might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
049 Construct Bane. This item was created by the foes of constructs, generally or a precise kind. Constructs
will typically not recognize the item unless particularly intelligent, in which case they might single out
the bearer as an enemy.
050 Dragon Bane. This item was created by the foes of dragons, generally or a precise kind. Creatures of this
type might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy. A weapon intended as the bane of
a precise metallic type is likely to offend all good dragons. Chromatic dragons are less considerate of
their fellow evil dragons.
051 Elemental Bane. This item was created by the foes of elementals, generally or a precise kind. Powerful,
particularly-intelligent creatures of this type might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an
052 Fey Bane. This item was created by the foes of fey, generally or a precise kind. Creatures of this type
might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
053 Fiend Bane. This item was created by the foes of fiends, generally or a precise kind. Creatures of this
type might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
054 Giant Bane. This item was created by the foes of giants, generally or a precise kind. Creatures of an
affected precise type might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy. An item built as
the bane of one type of giant is not likely to offend giants of the other types.
055 Humanoid Bane (Specific). This item was created by the foes of a precise kind of humanoid. (Humanoids
are too numerous and diverse for this to apply generally to all of them.) Humanoids of this type might
recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
056 Monstrosity Bane. This item was created by the foes of monstrosities, generally or a precise kind.
Creatures of this type might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.

201 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 History
057 Ooze Bane. This item was created by the foes of oozes, generally or a precise kind.
058 Plant Bane. This item was created by the foes of plants, generally or a precise kind.
059 Undead Bane. This item was created by the foes of undead, generally or a precise kind. Intelligent
undead might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
Symbol of Power
060 Office in a Dictatorship. This item serves as a symbol of government office, a position situated at high
levels, or at the very the top of it. A single creature, whether a politically-powerful individual, or a
physically-powerful monster, dominates this society.
061 Office in a Republic. This item serves as a symbol of government office, a position situated at high
levels, or at the very the top of it. At some point in history, this government threw off prior leadership,
probably in revolt, and instituted systems and offices based on the desires of the backers of that change.
062 Office in a Magocracy. This item serves as a symbol of government office, a position situated at high
levels, or at the very the top of it. A magocracy is rules by magic-users at most levels of government,
typically of a certain sort, perhaps necromancy-practicing noble houses or a warlock cabal of a single
063 Office in a Monarchy. This item serves as a symbol of government office, a position situated at high
levels, or at the very the top of it. This item symbolizes an appointment by the monarch to a position
somewhere in government below the level of the crown. Alternately, it is a symbol of the monarch itself,
perhaps literally the crown of a kingdom.
064 Office in an Oligarchy. This item serves as a symbol of government office, a position situated at high
levels, or at the very the top of it. A small society or group rules this government, the item symbolizing
membership in that secret cabal or anointed family.
065 Office in a Plutocracy. This item serves as a symbol of government office, a position situated at high
levels, or at the very the top of it. A plutocracy requires that only those of a certain degree of wealth
may lead, often being composed of a council of equally-affluent merchants or guild masters.
066 Office in a Technocracy. This item serves as a symbol of government office, a position situated at high
levels, or at the very the top of it. Political office is held to high standards of scientific ability; expertise
and critical thinking are key to the various posts and duties within this government.
067 Office in a Theocracy. This item serves as a symbol of government office, a position situated at high
levels, or at the very the top of it. The government is led by the clergy of a specific religion or pantheon.
The item is a symbol of the government office, though it may serve a dual role as a badge of religious
068 Prophecy (Ambiguous). This item symbolizes an important or widely-known prophecy, potentially
marking the user as one who supports or looks forward to it occurring. The terms of the prophecy are
ambiguous, but the event is highly anticipated, and its symbols are easily recognized. Such prophecies
often mean different things to different people.
069 Prophecy (Fulfilled). This item symbolizes an important or widely-known prophecy that has recently
occurred. The lead-up to the momentous event only reinforced the importance of the prophecy. The
bearer of this item is marked as one who anticipated the event fondly, like the coming of a new imperial
dynasty, or one who opposed it and seeks to reverse it.
070 Prophecy (Unfulfilled). This item symbolizes an important or widely-known prophecy. The user of this
item demonstrates her support for the event to occur or declares her place in it, perhaps as the hand
that will bring about this important change.

202 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 History
Great Deed
071 Military Victory/Treacherous Massacre. The item was used in, or built to commemorate, a particularly
heroic or sinister deed in history. This deed ended a large or long-running military conflict, to the benefit
of one side and the ruin of the other.
072 Political Alliance/Betrayal of the Revolution. The item was used in, or built to commemorate, a
particularly heroic or sinister deed in history. A political peace was reached in this momentous event
between diametrically opposed philosophies. As with many compromises, the nature of this decision
seems deeply heroic or terribly sinister.
073 Religious Revival/Religious Persecution. The item was used in, or built to commemorate, a particularly
heroic or sinister deed in history. An individual or group led a great religious movement that stamped
out worship of other deities, or delegated them to lesser status in the territory. The individual or group
is revered or reviled, based on religious affiliation.
074 Sanction/Assassination. The item was used in, or built to commemorate, a particularly heroic or sinister
deed in history. The targeted killing of an important public figure brought massive changes to society,
removing an evil influence or martyring a good one.
075 Scientific Breakthrough/Death of Tradition. The item was used in, or built to commemorate, a
particularly heroic or sinister deed in history. Some single act of an individual artificer, alchemist, or
arcane researcher came to a discovery that changed the world, or at least the surrounding kingdom,
changing how people earn a living or subsist, and putting aside many societal traditions based on it.
Perhaps farmers no longer need to rush grain to market before it rots, or a major illness was cured,
displacing religious and medical industries that treated it.
076 Social Equality/Upheaval of the Natural Order. The item was used in, or built to commemorate, a
particularly heroic or sinister deed in history. Some single act of an individual or government imposed
sweeping change on society and the place of certain members within it. To some, this is a great event,
no more than the elevated group deserves. To others, it is a triumph of anarchy and a loss of societal
077 Taming of Nature/Destruction of Habitat. The item was used in, or built to commemorate, a
particularly heroic or sinister deed in history. In this case, an individual or force finally conquered the
beasts or monsters of a land, opening it for settlement or making existing settlers safe once more. The
territory will never be the same, and civilization will quickly come to dominate it, displacing native
creatures, intelligent and unintelligent alike. Alternately, some non-violent method was used, like the
construction of a mighty dam that flooded the region or the creation of a plague that affected only the
enemies of the conquering group.

203 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 History
Minor Event
078 Holiday (Civil). The item was made to commemorate a civil holiday, a day of remembrance for an
important battle, the birthday of a renowned scholar, or any other event the society marks as
important. These typically relate to events that affected the public good. Civil holidays sometimes mark
civil duties, like the week wherein all citizens must report their taxable activities and holdings.
079 Holiday (Religious). The item was made to commemorate a religious holiday. These events are marked
by ceremony and ritual. This item might be an important part of those rituals or just a sign of the user’s
passive participation in it or observance of it.
080 Holiday (Royal). The item was made to commemorate an event like the emperor’s ascension or the
designation of a royal heir. These holidays are common in places where the population is very invested
in the person of the monarch and the royal family.
081 Holiday (Seasonal). The item was made to commemorate a seasonal shift. These are typically the oldest,
best observed holidays of any society. These events are often combined into religious celebrations or
civil observations to borrow the popularity of the seasonal holiday.
082 Birth in the Family. An item of commemoration for this event is typically reserved for the birth of a child
that fills an important societal position based on birth, like the eldest child as one who will inherit the
wealth of the noble house, or the seventh son of a seventh son who will hear the call of the Elder Song.
Often the item’s purpose is related to the newborn’s intended role.
083 Death in the Family. The death of a clan matriarch or a new child can set an artisan to forging an item to
remember the life of the deceased. Such items bear the names and the dates of important events in the
remembered person’s life. The quintessential purpose for such items is to be interred with the dead. In
some cultures, this is meant to empower the spirit of the deceased in whatever afterlife she goes to.
084 Marriage between Families. Particularly important unions of powerful or wealthy families, those that
birth dynasties (or hope to) might be commemorated with a magic item of this type, or the item might
be built as payment for part of the marriage contract.
085 Schism in the Family. Schism of this sort are often born of feuding siblings, each bent on controlling the
destiny and fortunes of a noble house or merchant dynasty. A schism divides a powerful political entity
and creates a long-lasting feud between its divisions. Such items might have a purpose of reuniting the
house. Or they might simply serve as vectors for one side’s revenge against, or escape from, the other.
086 Rise of a Kingdom. A kingdom is established by conquering land, usually occupied by political enemies
or unsuspecting denizens of that land. Most kingdoms begin small but will later grow through alliances,
political and marital, to become larger, unified entities. An item commemorating the kingdom’s origin,
or perhaps used in its founding, may speak to the pride of that kingdom after being subsumed in such a
merger. Secessionists might seek it out as a symbol to return the kingdom to its former independence.
087 Ruin of a Kingdom. When a kingdom is utterly destroyed, by cataclysm or war, its people slain or sold
into slavery, a fire of revenge or rebirth may grow in the hearts of those who loved that kingdom. From
this fire, magical artisans may build magic items that will return the kingdom’s former glory or will
encapsulate the kingdom’s power or wisdom to prevent its total loss.
088 Secession of a Kingdom. By war or by politics, governments sometimes fracture. A queen might split her
realm into two kingdoms, one to be ruled by each of her two children. Rarely do such divisions occur by
the agreement of all parties. An item that commemorates this event might symbolize a promise of
peace and cooperation between the divided lands. It might also be paid as part of the settlement
agreement or the price for one ruler to relinquish power over the disputed territory.

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d100 History
089 Union of Kingdoms. The natural state of small kingdoms is fluid. As monarchs marry, their children
inherit unified realms. Military conquests or political alliances may likewise create empires, joining
kingdoms that once squabbled. An item that commemorates this sort of event may symbolize great
hope for a unified future while simultaneously symbolizing oppression to those forcefully included.
Unfulfilled Mission
090 Assassinate the Ruler. This is a strangely-common purpose for which magic items are made. The item
probably has effects that assist the user with infiltration, whether by stealth or by disguise, or perhaps it
simply aids with killing. The ruler in question might have (or might have once had) protective magics in
place that can only be broken by special materials or crafts, those reflected in the item’s construction.
091 Awaken the Master. One or more members of a secret cult made this item to assist in a grand ritual,
something intended to bring a powerful entity into the Material Plane. Perhaps the Master is an ancient
fiend, seeking to wreak havoc. Whatever its nature, this creature is not likely to be benevolent, given the
secretive nature of this item and the cult it belongs to.
092 Deliver the People from Bondage. The maker of this item hoped it would be used to free her people
from oppression or slavery. The item might have been built in secret, or it might have been built far
away from the struggle and sent there clandestinely.
093 Destroy the Edifice. Something important was built, mundane or magical, and it needed to be
destroyed. This item was built to aid that goal. Perhaps a strategic dam was constructed, flooding an
important religious site. Maybe a magical tower started spilling sickness across the land, and heroes
were called to tear it down.
094 Discover the Secret. This item was made to help explore a wild area, looking for a lost relic. Or perhaps
it was meant to assist a researcher in discovering the cure to a plague. Whatever its nature, the item
was meant to assist with a difficult task; not just any secret is worthy of a magic item to seek it out.
095 Forge the Alliance. The item’s purpose is to forge an alliance between two powerful factions or
creatures. The item may have effects that assist with diplomacy, or it may itself be an example of
harmonious craftsmanship of multiple types of materials.
096 Lead the Army. The court magician crafted this item to aid the kingdom’s general in leading its noble
army. Or maybe an evil wizard made it to equip the hobgoblin commander of her hungry goblinoid
army. This item is probably ostentatious or inspirational in form.
097 Protect the Asset. This item was built for the guardians of the great life-sustaining tree at the heart of
the empire, or perhaps for use by the king’s elite bodyguards. It might have been built to fend off a
prophecy that would destroy something. An item like this probably has protective effects to it.
098 Recover the Heir. A lost or kidnapped child required a perilous quest to rescue. This item was made to
aid with that mission. Perhaps the item has an identifying illustration, like an exact duplicate of the
child’s birthmark.
099 Slay the Dragon. Unlike the baneful origin, this item’s purpose is to kill an individual creature. It is
probably designed to work against that creature’s specific weakness. For example, a weapon made to
slay the night hag that lives in the heart of the neighboring swamp probably has a silvered blade.
100 Stop the Wedding. The maker of this item wanted to foil an important social event, perhaps a wedding.
The method of stopping the event is probably reflected in the effects and composition of the item. This
is an excellent feature for limited-use or charged items.

205 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
WHAT MINOR PROPERTY? Basic. These effects can apply despite the form or
Minor properties are small magical effects that either function of the item in question. Most quirks that affect
give the user a utilitarian benefit, or are of no practical mood or motivation fall into this category.
use. Many affect the mood of the user or provide Apparatus. This item operates without being in
unnatural motivation toward certain acts. contact with the user, or being only in nominal contact.
Special features that give a beneficial power Alternately, it is a device that is not portable despite
should be no more potent than a cantrip. Unless the wielder interacting directly with it during use.
otherwise noted, minor properties will not provide a Daern’s instant fortress, mirror of life trapping, and
benefit cumulative with any similar effect. For any the apparatus of Kwalish are examples.
special feature that gives a useful benefit, an Wielded. A wielded item is typically carried in a
equivalent gp cost should be added to the item’s value. “put away” state and drawn into the hand when used.
These additions are typically +50 gp or +100 gp. By Weapons are prime examples, along with wands,
costing these effects, magic item balance is improved staffs, and rods. Magical ammunition is included.
even when multiple minor properties apply, or when Examples include an oathbow, a wand of polymorph,
an item has more than one. and an arrow of slaying.
Some magical effects are specific to the way the Worn. Worn items are usually worn as clothing,
user interacts with the item. To ensure that these armor, or shields. These powers often enhance or
effects apply to the correct types of item, minor protect the wearer. Worn examples include a belt of
properties are grouped into four categories. The giant strength, armor of invulnerability, and a shield
Dungeon Master is not limited to applying these of arrow-catching.
special features as indicated if she can rationalize how
the mechanics work on a different type of item.


d100 Minor Property
001 Audible. This item has 10 charges dedicated to this minor power and regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
daily at dawn. (If the last of these charges is ever expended, the item has a 5% chance to lose this minor
property.) As an action while contacting the item, the user can spend a charge can generate a precise
sound from a set of 10 similar sounds. The sounds can be heard up to 60 feet away. It could all be wolf
barks of different sorts, bird calls of different birds, or curse words in a foreign language. Each version of
this item has its own set of sounds it can produce. (50 gp) A louder version can be heard up to 500 feet
away. (75 gp) A more adaptable version of either minor property creates multiple, simultaneous sounds,
like the chorus of wolves or the music of an orchestra. A single charge creates enough sound to last
while the user is concentrating (+25 gp)
002 Beacon. The bearer can use a bonus action to cause the item to shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and
dim light for an additional 10 feet, or to extinguish the light. (15 gp) An alternate version provides light
of up to triple these radiuses but requires specific circumstances, like an object that glows brightly to 15
feet and dimly to another 15 feet, but only underground. (20 gp)
003 Blood Beacon. The item can be used as a spellcasting focus for sorcerer spells. The wielder can use an
action to cast any unknown sorcerer cantrip by making a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check
fails, the spell fails, and the action is wasted. Such a casting cannot be attempted again until after
finishing a long rest. (75 gp, requires attunement by a sorcerer)
004 Clear Hearing. The item’s user can suppress the effects of the deafened condition while holding the item
to her ear. If the item is worn, the wearer need simply cup one ear with a hand. (50 gp)

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d100 Minor Property
005 Collapsing. With an action, the user can shrink the item to one-tenth of its normal size or return it from
its shrunken state. The item’s weight remains unchanged. It will not revert from a shrunken state if in an
area with insufficient room to do so. (50 gp)
006 Compass. The wielder can use an action to learn which way a specific direction is, usually north. This
could be the direction toward a specific location, from which the user may orient herself. This power
only functions on the Material Plane. (15 gp) A version that also works in the Feywild, Shadowlands, or
Border Ethereal is worth more. (+25 gp per additional plane)
007 Conscientious. When the bearer of this item contemplates or undertakes a malevolent act, the item
enhances pangs of conscience. The wearer gains advantage on saving throws to resist any magical
compulsion that would force the user to undertake such an act. (25 gp)
008 Dark Shard. The item can be used as a spellcasting focus for warlock spells. The wielder can use an
action to cast any unknown warlock cantrip by making a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check
fails, the spell fails, and the action is wasted. Such a casting cannot be attempted again until after
finishing a long rest. (75 gp, requires attunement by a warlock)
009 Delver. While underground, the bearer of this item always knows her depth below the surface and the
direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leading upward. (25 gp) A stronger version can
determine the direction to the nearest underground planar portal if within half a mile. (100 gp)
010 Detecting. The item indicates the presence of a general creature type, or a specific member of that
creature type. Humanoids are too numerous and varied to be affected generally; they can only be
detected as specific races. The range of the effect is 120 feet, and the indicator is a glow, a sound, or a
smell when one or more of the offending beings are within the range. (50 gp) A version that alerts only
the user is available, perhaps warming to the touch or issuing a sound heard only by the user (+25 gp),
as is a version that extends the detection range to 180 feet (+25 gp).
011 Doppelganger. While the user maintains concentration, she can change herself to match the last person
she touched of the same creature type as her, like the spell alter self, affecting only appearance. She can
use this for 10 rounds, but the rounds do not need to be consecutive. A bonus action activates or
deactivates the effect. Once 10 rounds of imitation have been used, the power ceases working until the
user finishes a long rest. (75 gp)
012 Dormant. With an action, the user can transform this weapon or tool into a wooden object of basic
shape and roughly similar proportions, usually cylindrical or rectangular, or transform it back. For
example, a spear or fishing pole becomes a 10-foot wooden pole. A crossbow becomes narrow,
rectangular block of wood. A backpack (and its content) becomes a wooden cube. (35 gp) A more
valuable version turns into something with more detail to its form; something utilitarian but equally
innocuous. For example, a longsword might turn into a walking cane and vice versa. (55 gp)
013 Dread Visage. The item’s user takes on one or more dread aspects like sharp teeth or glowing red eyes.
(15 gp)
014 Earth Warded. The item can be used as a spellcasting focus for druid spells. The wielder can use an
action to cast any unknown druid cantrip by making a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check
fails, the spell fails, and the action is wasted. Such a casting cannot be attempted again until after
finishing a long rest. (75 gp, requires attunement by a druid)

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d100 Minor Property
015 Eavesdropping. While the user maintains concentration on this effect, she can hear all speech taking
place within 25 feet of her as though it were spoken at normal volume right next to her. This power
allows the user to hear whispering as normal talk; even thick walls won’t keep her from hearing what is
said. The power does not allow comprehension of languages or codes not already understood. It has no
effect on speech that comes to the user at a volume already as loud as normal. (75 gp)
016 Enduring (Basic). This item is the sort that might normally be damaged by fire or water, but these
elements no longer hurt it. Clothing or other protective gear does not convey this benefit to the wearer;
only the item is protected. (35 gp)
017 Expression Making. This item has one humanoid facial expression associated with it. The item has 3
charges dedicated to this minor power and regains all its expended charges daily at dawn. (If the last of
these charges is ever expended, the item has a 5% chance that the associated expression changes to
another determined by the Dungeon Master, usually an opposite expression.) While in contact with the
item, the user can use an action and expend 1 charge to make a humanoid target within 30 feet take on
the facial expression associated with this minor power for 1 minute. The target can avoid the effect with
a successful DC 10 Charisma saving throw. (50 gp)
018 Expressing. This object has a face carved or painted on it. As a bonus action, the user can touch the
object and change its expression to portray any emotion or no emotion. (15 gp)
019 Flowering. This item has 10 charges dedicated to this minor power and regains 1d6 + 4 expended
charges daily at dawn. (If the last of these charge is ever expended, the item has a 5% chance to lose this
minor property.) As an action, the user can touch a patch of soil (or indicate one within 5 feet) and cause
a flower to instantly sprout there. The item has a default type it will create, unless the user specifies a
different flower. The flower is harmless and nonmagical; it grows or withers as normal. (35 gp)
020 Fortifying. The worn item holds the wearer together and reduces the amount of blood it loses if reduced
to 0 hit points. The wearer counts any death save result of 8 or 9 as a success. (50 gp) A stronger version
also gives resistance to all damage suffered beyond the point where the user reaches 0 hit points,
making her less vulnerable to the instant death rule. (100 gp)
021 Gleaming. This item always appears clean; dirt and detritus fall off within moments of coming into
contact with the item. (15 gp)
022 Glittery Hope. The item can be used as a spellcasting focus for bard spells. The wielder can use an action
to cast any unknown bard cantrip by making a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check fails, the
spell fails, and the action is wasted. Such a casting cannot be attempted again until after finishing a long
rest. (75 gp, requires attunement by a bard)
023 Guardian. The item whispers warnings to its bearer, granting a +2 bonus to initiative if the bearer isn’t
incapacitated. (75 gp) A more potent version also grants the wearer a +2 bonus on any Wisdom
(Perception) check that, if failed, would result in the user being surprised during the first round of
combat. (100 gp)
024 Harmonious. Attuning this item takes only 1 minute. (50 gp) A more potent version of this item simply
“borrows” an attunement the user selects from among her attuned magic items. The selected item is no
longer considered attuned after the 1-minute attunement process for this item. It is automatically and
instantly re-attuned when this item is unattuned using the same 1-minute process. (100 gp) This item
cannot be attuned more than once within a 24-hour period.
025 Hidden Message. A message is hidden somewhere on the item. It might be visible only at a certain time
of year, under the light of one phase of the moon, or in a special location. (15 gp)

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d100 Minor Property
026 Icon. The item can be used as a spellcasting focus for cleric spells. The wielder can use an action to cast
any unknown cleric cantrip by making a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check fails, the spell
fails, and the action is wasted. Such a casting cannot be attempted again until after finishing a long rest.
(75 gp, requires attunement by a cleric)
027 Illusion. The item is imbued with illusion magic, allowing its bearer to alter the item’s appearance in
minor ways. Such alterations don’t change how the item is worn, carried, or wielded, and they have no
effect on its other magical properties. For example, the wearer could make a red robe appear blue, or
make a gold ring look like it’s made of ivory. The item reverts to its true appearance when no one is
carrying or wearing it. (50 gp)
028 Jinxing. The user can spend a reaction to impose a 1-point penalty on an attack roll made against her.
Once this effect is used, it cannot be used again until the next sunset. (25 gp) A stronger version gives 1
temporary hit point the item’s user if the attack fails. (75 gp)
029 Juggling. The user can place up to 3 small objects into close (1-foot) proximity with the item. The objects
will stay in place, hovering, until the user removes them. Viable objects weigh less than 1 pound; they
are things like a dagger, a potion, or a deck of cards. Usually this juggling effect only applies to one area
in relation to the magic item; the space at the top of a staff or the front of a breastplate. This can be a
useful way to hold and change tools while working on a project, or to carry something the user doesn’t
want to keep touching. The user can cause the objects to slowly move in place, orienting them however
desired. (35 gp)
030 Key. This item is a key or an item that a key is part of. Using the key has a 5% chance to open any lock.
Once the key’s match is found, it no longer has the potential to open any other lock. (20 gp) Alternately,
the item’s match has already been found and it is an important lock that has some valuable meaning or
use in the story. (25 gp)
031 Language. The bearer can speak and understand a specific language. (50 gp) A more potent version also
allows reading and writing of that language. (75 gp)
032 Lightweight. The item’s weight is reduced to no more than half its normal, within certain limits. The
reduction is no greater than: 3 lbs. (15 gp), 10 lbs. (45 gp), or 25 lbs. (95 gp)
033 Limited Darkvision. This lets the user see areas of darkness as dimly lit within 30 feet. (50 gp) A stronger
version also lets the user see areas dimly lit as brightly lit within 30 feet. (100 gp)
034 Locked. The item has a case or a collapsible portion that prevents itself from being used until unlocked.
The item has either a key (35 gp) or a password (70 gp) to whisper while holding it. A keyed item can be
picked with a successful DC 30 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check. Either kind can be opened with a knock
035 Mechanaut. This item contains tiny interlocking gears that create faint whirring and clicking sounds. It
draws power from Mechanus, the plane of clockwork predictability. When the user makes an attack roll
with the item, she can forego rolling the d20 to get a 10 on the die. (50 gp) Alternately, the effect can
apply to any attack the user makes. (100 gp) Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next

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d100 Minor Property
036 Mending. This item constantly repairs itself, offsetting the wear and tear of normal, daily use.
Exceptional damage cannot be repaired thusly. (15 gp) A more potent version allows the object to repair
itself even after reduced to 0 hit points or otherwise destroyed, so long as the pieces are held together
and commanded (as an action) to reknit. If any portion of the item is lost, that part can never be
repaired. (55 gp)
037 Mimic. This item allows the wearer to vary her voice to better mimic others. The wearer has a +2 bonus
to Charisma (Deception) checks to pass off her disguised voice. (50 gp)
038 Natural. Once per day, when the wearer touches a dead or malnourished mundane plant of Tiny size,
the plant is restored to full health, so long as it is still whole and planted. Once used, this power cannot
be used again until after a long rest. (25 gp) A stronger version will restore plants up to the size of full-
grown trees. (75 gp)
039 Opposing. The item protects the user against the supernatural powers of a general creature type (100
gp), or a specific member of that creature type (50 gp). Humanoids are too numerous and varied to be
affected generally; they can only be the subject of this special property as a specific race. The user gets
advantage on saving throws against the affected creatures’ powers. This does not affect spellcasting, but
it does affect supernatural powers that duplicate spells. For example, a wearer would receive advantage
to saving throws against a dragon’s breath weapon and fear aura, but not its spellcasting. After this
power has been invoked twice, it cannot be used again until after a long rest.
040 Planar. The wearer or bearer of the item automatically passes any saving throws imposed by the
otherworldly qualities of a particular plane. (25 gp) Alternately, the item’s user can apply this bonus to
all planes of existence (100 gp) or avoid all penalties of a particular plane, not just those that require
saving throws (100 gp).
041 Proficiency. This weapon grants proficiency with itself to any wielder. It can be a simple weapon (50 gp)
or a martial weapon (100 gp). Alternately, this is a very small device or object that can be transferred
between weapons, stuck to one with a 10-minute process of attachment or installation. Only the item’s
user can detach it (as an action); the connection even survives an area of antimagic. The item’s user is
proficient with whatever weapon is attached to. (100 gp; this version requires attunement)
042 Projected Illusion. The item can create a harmless, illusory visual effect within 5 feet of the user while
the user maintains concentration. Some versions create a specific illusion like an owl familiar on the
user’s shoulder. (15 gp) Others produce multiple illusions of anything the user desires within the area.
(55 gp) If the item is a musical instrument and used by a bard, the radius is increased to 15 feet while
the instrument is played. (45 gp or 85 gp; these versions require attunement by a bard)
043 Proud. The item instills feelings of great pride in the user. She has advantage on saving throws to resist
magical compulsions that would force her to yield her pride, including surrendering or dropping her
weapons. (-25 gp)
044 Pyrotechnical. This item has 7 charges dedicated to this minor power and regains 1d6 + 1 expended
charges daily at dawn. (If the last of these charges is ever expended, the item has a 5% chance to lose
this minor property.) While holding it, the user can spend an action to expend 1 charge and create a
harmless burst of multicolored light at a point that can be seen within 60 feet. The light is accompanied
by a crackling noise that can be heard up to 300 feet away. The light is as bright as a torch but lasts only
a second. (25 gp) A more potent version can reach a point within 120 feet, has a noise that can be heard
450 feet away, and spreads bright and dim light twice as far as a torch. (40 gp)

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d100 Minor Property
045 Restorative. The user can spend an action to heal 1 hit point to herself or a touched target. Once used,
this power cannot be used again until after a long rest. (50 gp)
046 Scribing. This item has 3 charges dedicated to this minor power and regains all expended charges daily
at dawn. The user can write a message on a nonmagical object or surface within 30 feet by using an
action and spending charges. The message is up to six words long per charge. The writing is magical and
can be erased by a dispel magic spell. It otherwise disappears after 24 hours. (25 gp) Another version
provides 13 words per charge and can make faintly-glowing writing. (65 gp)
047 Secondary Sensory. This item has 10 charges dedicated to this minor power and regains 1d6 + 4
expended charges daily at dawn. It produces puffs or pinches of a magical substance that changes the
flavor or sent of a Tiny inanimate target for 1 hour. For example, an odor of a rotting bouquet of roses
could be covered by the smell like fresh lilacs, or a bland stew could be spiced up with pepper. The user
determines the flavor or scent to apply as the charge is expended. (20 gp)
048 Silent Sounds. This item has 4 charges dedicated to this minor power and regains 1d4 expended charges
daily at dawn. It can produce a sound audible only to a creature of the user’s choice, so long as that
creature is not deafened and is within 600 feet. (40 gp) A version that can be heard by up to 10 selected
creatures is available. (80 gp)
049 Smoker. This item puts off smoldering wisps of harmless, odorless smoke while in use. (15 gp) A version
that produces smoke in a controllable way is possible, allowing the user to turn the effect on or off as a
bonus action. (20 gp) Another version is sufficiently controllable as to create complex forms no larger
than 1 foot across, like animals or ships, that lose their shape and return to ordinary smoke after 1
minute. (35 gp)
050 Sober. This object prevents the wearer from becoming intoxicated by mundane alcoholic beverages.
Alternately, it is a container in which alcohol might be served, and it removes the ability of such
contained mundane alcohol to inflict intoxication. The device has no effect on magical liquids or any
harmful substances like poisons. (25 gp)
051 Strange Material. The item was created from a material that is bizarre given its purpose. Its durability is
unaffected. (15 gp) Alternately, the object is made of a costly material. (Additional value determined by
the weight of material made from this costly component; see the Trade Bars chart in Part 4: Wealth.)
052 Sure Blood. The user can spend 1 Hit Die to end the poisoned condition on herself if it was magically-
imposed. Once this power has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. (75 gp)
053 Sure Breath. The user can spend 1 Hit Die to end the diseased condition on herself if it was magically-
imposed. Once this power has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. (50 gp)
054 Sure Joints. The user can spend 1 Hit Die to end the paralyzed condition on herself if it was magically-
imposed. Once this power has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. (75 gp)
055 Sure Sight. The user can spend 1 Hit Die to end the blinded condition on herself if it was magically-
imposed. Once this power has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. (75 gp)
056 Sweet Dreaming. The item allows the user to gain the benefits of a long rest with 1 less hour than she
would normally require. Neither is the user subject to the ravages of nightmares; while she does dream,
it will not affect her rest or her state of wakefulness the next day. (50 gp)

211 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Minor Property
057 Talking. This item can be “trained” in the course of a short rest to produce up to six phrases, each no
longer than six words, each of which it speaks in response to a condition the user selects. The condition
must be an event that occurs within 5 feet of the item. Another short rest can be used to retrain the
item to different phrases and conditions. The item’s phrases are forgotten if it loses attunement. (70 gp,
requires attunement)
058 Temperature-Controlling. The bearer suffers no harm in temperatures as cold as –20 degrees or as
warm as 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Treat temperatures as 20 degrees milder for her. (35 gp)
059 Timekeeper. With an action, the user can learn whether it is morning, afternoon, or evening in her
current location. This power only functions on the Material Plane. (10 gp) A version that tells the precise
time is costlier (+15 gp), as is a version that also works in the Feywild, Shadowlands, or Border Ethereal.
(+15 gp per additional plane)
060 Unbreakable. This object of Medium size or smaller has a hardness of 10 and twice as many hit points as
normal (minimum 10). (75 gp) Alternately, it is an object of Tiny size like an arrow or club, which cannot
be broken. (100 gp) Neither of these benefits applies in an area of antimagic.
061 Unseen Stand. The user can become invisible with an action, remaining invisible for up to 1 minute so
long as she maintains concentration and she doesn’t move or use actions of any kind. Once this power
has been used, it cannot be used again until the next day at dawn. (100 gp)
062 Vermin Friend. This item has 3 charges dedicated to this minor power, all of which are regained daily at
dawn. The user can expend 1 charge and speak a command word to produce a bat, frog, or rat. (Monster
Manual pages 318, 322, or 335.) The animal appears in contact with the item and acts naturally
thereafter; it is not under the user’s control. It disappears after 1 hour or when reduced to 0 hit points.
(35 gp)
063 Waking. The user’s Wisdom (Perception) checks are not penalized due to being asleep. (50 gp) The user
of a more potent version can choose to wake up if any creature of Small or larger size moves next to her
sleeping form; she wakes instantly, as though shaken, and is not surprised if this is the first round of
combat. (100 gp)
064 Walloping. This melee weapon knocks prone a Medium or smaller creature when it hits, unless the
target succeeds on a DC 10 Strength saving throw. (100 gp)
065 War Leader. The bearer can use an action to cause her voice to carry clearly for up to 300 feet until the
end of the bearer’s next turn. (25 gp) A better version projects the user’s voice into the minds of all
persons within 300 feet who consider themselves to be under the user’s command in a military sense,
preventing eavesdroppers or allowing orders to be issued stealthily at night. (100 gp)
066 Waterborne. This item floats on water and other liquids. (15 gp) A stronger version also gives its bearer
advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim. (45 gp)
067 Wicked. When the bearer is presented with an opportunity to act in a selfish or malevolent way, the
item heightens the bearer’s urge to do so. The wearer gains advantage on saving throws to resist any
magical compulsion that would force the user to act in a selfless, gracious, or overly-beneficent way
toward someone else. (25 gp)
068 Wizardly. The item can be used as a spellcasting focus for wizard spells. The wielder can use an action to
cast any unknown wizard cantrip by making a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check fails, the
spell fails, and the action is wasted. Such a casting cannot be attempted again until after finishing a long
rest. (75 gp, requires attunement by a wizard)

212 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Minor Property
069 Charlatan’s Device. This gaming set lets you control the outcomes you produce. A dice set comes up
with whatever results you want. A card deck provides whatever card you want. You automatically win
any “games of chance” played with this gaming set. (See Part 3.) (75 gp)
070 Prosthetic. The item replaces a finger, hand, arm, nose, eye, ear, toe, foot, leg, or other discreet portion
of the user’s body that is otherwise missing. While in place, the item cannot be removed by anyone
other than the user, and it functions in all ways as a normal body part. This magical item is one that
must make sense being useable while serving as a prosthesis. (25 gp) A version that takes on the
indiscernible appearance of a normal body part is costlier. (75 gp)
071 Stopping. This device is of a type intended to block movement, like a padlock, manacles, hunting trap, or
a handful (bag) of caltrops. Anyone attempting to disarm the trap, pick the lock, step past the hunting
trap, or safely navigate the caltrops has disadvantage on any ability check or saving throw required to
bypass or escape it. (75 gp)
072 Chromatic Mess. After a successful hit with this weapon, the user may roll 1d6 and change the
weapon’s damage to inflict damage of the following type based on that result: 1 = acid, 2 = cold, 3 = fire,
4 = lightning, 5 = poison, 6 = thunder. After using this effect twice, it may not be invoked again until the
next dawn. (50 gp)
073 Ember. This weapon can be used to light small fires with a touch, as one might with a tinderbox. (25 gp)
With the stronger version, the wielder can use a bonus action to send a little tendril of flame along the
striking surface of the weapon. The next attack made with it that round inflicts 1 additional fire damage.
(75 gp)
074 Etching. The wielder can use the touch of this weapon to etch thin lines or writing onto a variety of
surfaces. (25 gp) With the stronger version, the wielder can use a bonus action to cause the striking
surface of the weapon to sweat a small amount of acid. The next attack made with it that round inflicts
1 additional acid damage. (75 gp)
075 Ghoul Claw. This weapon can be used to spoil food that it touches. (25 gp) With the stronger version,
the wielder can use a bonus action to send a creeping necrosis across the striking surface of the weapon.
The next attack made with it that round inflicts 1 additional necrotic damage. (75 gp)
076 Hobbling. A target hit by this weapon reduces its land speed by 5 feet the next time it tries to move
before the weapon wielder’s next turn. (50 gp) A stronger version affects any movement type the target
might have, like burrowing, climbing, flying, or swimming. (75 gp)
077 Marking. The user of this weapon may cause a glowing halo of light to appear above a target she can
see if she attacks it with this weapon, whether the attack hits of misses. Until the start of her next turn,
the halo follows the creature, indicating its approximate location even if it becomes invisible. (100 gp)
078 Sickening. Unless they are swarming, Tiny rodents and insects (CR 0) will not come within 5 feet of the
wielder while this weapon is in hand. (25 gp) With the stronger version, the wielder can use a bonus
action to cause the striking surface of the weapon to exude a drop of venom. The next attack made with
it that round inflicts 1 additional poison damage. (75 gp)

213 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Minor Property
079 Silent Shriek. While the wielder has the weapon in hand, she can project any emotion a short distance;
any creature with Intelligence 2 or higher can sense what emotion she is trying to convey while it is
within 5 feet of her. (25 gp) With the stronger version, the wielder can use a bonus action to infuse the
striking surface of the weapon with a fragment of raw emotions. The next attack made with it that
round inflicts 1 additional psychic damage. (75 gp)
080 Snow Touch. The touch of this weapon can be used to chill surfaces or extinguish fires no larger than a
torch. (25 gp) With the stronger version, the wielder can use a bonus action to chill the striking surface
of the weapon. The next attack made with it that round inflicts 1 additional cold damage. (75 gp)
081 Song Craft. Whenever this item is struck or is used to strike a foe, its bearer hears a fragment of an
ancient song. (15 gp) A rarer version sings a song of warning, describing details of the foe. The user gets
advantage on any lore role to remember information about the target’s weaknesses. (85 gp)
082 Sound of Fury. The wielder can discharge the weapon’s built-up power to generate a loud booming
noise, audible to 300 feet or more. (25 gp) With the stronger version, the wielder can use a bonus action
to cause the striking surface of the weapon to hum with power. The next attack made with it that round
inflicts 1 additional thunder damage. (75 gp)
083 Sparker. The wielder can issue tiny electric arcs from this weapon, reaching to find small metal objects
within a five-foot area, so long as they are not concealed by more than 1 inch of dirt. (25 gp) With the
stronger version, the wielder can use a bonus action to build a static charge in the striking surface of the
weapon. The next attack made with it that round inflicts 1 additional lightning damage. (75 gp)
084 Spectral Energy. This weapon always stays clean of any dirt, blood, or other blemish. (25 gp) With the
stronger version, the wielder can use a bonus action to project a ripple of power over the striking
surface of the weapon. The next attack made with it that round inflicts 1 additional force damage. (75
085 Acidic Guard. Acid damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
086 Billowing. Typically applied to a cloak or cape, this clothing is always in motion, always billowing as
though to imply a wearer in constant, dynamic motion. The effect is sufficiently subtle to avoid over-
dramatization. This dramatic apparel has no game effects; it can be turned on and off at a whim. (15 gp)
087 Cast-Off. The item can be put on or taken off as an action. Clothing is most likely to have this effect. (15
gp) If the item is a suit of armor, this feature is more powerful. (100 gp)
088 Cold Guard. Cold damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
089 False Tracks. This item is worn, at least in part, on the feat. With an action, the wearer can change the
tracks she leaves, altering the appearance of her footwear, as well as the size and a bit of the shape of
her tracks. Tracks created must remain humanoid. (50 gp) Alternately, the item creates tracks from
humanoids or beasts. (100 gp)
090 Fashion Fluid. The item’s wearer can use a bonus action to change the fashion component of the item,
including its style, color, and apparent quality. The item must remain essentially unchanged from its true
form and function, including its original weight. It does not gain any magical properties if used to
duplicate the appearance of a magical item. (15 gp)
091 Fire Guard. Fire damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
092 Force Guard. Force damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
093 Lightning Guard. Lightning damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)

214 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Minor Property
094 Moving. The wearer can use a bonus action to move 5 feet. (50 gp) If the wearer can already use a
bonus action for some sort of movement, doing so increases the distance by 5 feet. (+25 gp) The user
may ignore difficult terrain for this movement (+25 gp)
095 Necrotic Guard. Necrotic damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
096 Poison Guard. Poison damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
097 Psychic Guard. Psychic damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
098 Radiant Guard. Radiant damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
099 Thunder Guard. Thunder damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. (40 gp)
100 Toughening. While wearing the item, you have an Armor Class of 11 + Dexterity modifier, as though you
had natural armor. (50 gp)

WHAT QUIRK? To end the effects of a quirk, the user must leave
Like minor properties, quirks are small magical the item behind, and unattuned. The effects of the
effects. However, instead of being useful, these tend to quirk on the user end 24 hours later. A remove curse
be detrimental, like trivial curses. spell will suppress the lingering effect for this
Any quirk applies its penalty from the moment it duration.
is attuned, used, worn, or wielded, whether the user Generally, quirks are significant enough to
remains in contact with the item or not. warrant a reduction in the value of the magic item.
A remove curse spell can suppress most quirks on Quirks use the same four categories as minor
a magic item for 24 hours, unless the Dungeon Master properties: basic, apparatus, wielded, and worn, to
rules that the quirk is integral to the function of the reflect the type of items they can apply to. (See Minor
item. Properties, above.)


d100 Quirk
001 Arcane Befuddling. The user is inhibited in any magical research. She requires 2 hours to investigate the
properties of a magical item. Any downtime research into magic items requires double the normal
number of days. Although the material cost is not increased, a wizard needs twice as long to transcribe a
new spell into her spellbook. (-25 gp)
002 Beast Triggering. Domestic animals are uncomfortable in the user’s presence. Dogs bark at her as she
passes by and horses shy away from her. The user has disadvantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) rolls
to interact with domestic animals. (-25 gp) A more potent version of this quirk applies even to wild
animals (-35 gp)
003 Binding. This item requires attunement if it was one that previously did not. If it would already require
attunement, it counts as two attuned items against the user’s maximum. (-100 gp)
004 Blissful. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate and optimistic about what the future
holds. Butterflies and other harmless creatures might frolic in the item’s presence. The user has
disadvantage on saving throws to resist spells of the enchantment school and similar effects. (-100 gp)
005 Carnivorous. The user cannot gain sustenance from plant matter. She can only eat the jerky and cheese
portions of standard rations; two of them are sufficient to provide one day’s food for her. (-15 gp)
006 Confident. The item helps its bearer feel self-assured. The user has disadvantage on saving throws to
resist magical compulsions that would force her to attempt brave or dangerous acts. (-25 gp)

215 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Quirk
007 Covetous. The item’s bearer becomes obsessed with material wealth. She prefers her wealth in coin
form and tries to carry it with her always. The user must succeed in a DC 10 Charisma saving throw each
time she wishes to invest wealth or place wealth into the safe hands of a financial institution like a bank
or lending house. She must also make the same saving throw each time she wants to pay back a debt.
Failure indicates that the character refuses to part with the wealth and cannot try again for another 24
hours. (-35 gp)
008 Daring. The item’s bearer is overcome with adventurous feelings, leaving concerns of danger far behind.
The wearer suffers disadvantage on saving throws to resist any magical compulsion that would force her
to undertake a daring act. (-25 gp)
009 De-Fortifying. The worn item thins the user’s blood, allowing it to more easily bleed out if the wearer is
reduced to 0 hit points. The wearer counts any death save result of 10 as a failure. If she stabilizes
without healing, it takes 2d4 hours (instead of 1d4) to gain 1 hit point and become conscious. (-75 gp)
010 Directionless. The user has disadvantage on all ability checks made to determine her location, navigate
terrain, or avoid getting glost. (-25 gp)
011 Disagreeable. The user has disadvantage on Charisma ability and skill checks with people who otherwise
have a friendly starting attitude toward her. (Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 244.) (-25 gp)
012 Discordant. Attuning this item takes 8 hours and can be done during a long rest. (-25 gp) There are
several more potent versions of this quirk, each with added penalties. One requires a week’s worth of
long rests to attune. (-50 gp) Another can never be re-attuned to the same user if attunement is ever
lost. (-50 gp)
013 Ex Lingua. The user cannot speak or understand a language of the DM’s choice that she previous could.
This will not affect Common. (-50 gp) A more potent version removes the user’s ability to speak
Common. (-75 gp) If either version includes removing the ability to read and write the language, the cost
offset increases by 25 gp. Note that spell scrolls and wizard spell books are not written in a “language,”
and therefore cannot be excluded by this quirk. If the user un-attunes and re-attunes this item, the
affected language originally selected by the DM will be the same one affected for that character.
014 Ex Naturalis. If the user completes a long rest, a nearby mass of one or more living plants of a volume
about 1 foot-square withers and dies. The plant or plants must be currently-growing or have been
harvested within the last day and must be within 60 feet of the item user to be affected. The user of this
item may earn the ire of gardeners, farmers, druids, and others who care about the local flora. (-25 gp)
015 Fashionably-Awkward. The item’s appearance changes to match old, even offensive, fashions used in
whatever region it enters. Fashion-conscious people will begin social interactions with the wearer at one
step closer to hostile than they would otherwise. (Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 244.) (-15 gp)
016 Fell Beacon. The item will shed bright green light in a 10-foot radius and dim green light for an
additional 10 feet, whenever it wants. Often this occurs at annoying times. If the item is covered to
reduce the light, it may begin to strobe frantically, as though trying to warn of something. (-15 gp) A
version that shines brightly for 30 feet and dimly for another 30 feet is more annoying. (-45 gp)
017 Fell Knitting. The user is weakly affected by magical healing. At the end of her own turn in any round
where the user has received magical healing, she loses 1 hit point for every full 3 hit points she was
healed in that time. (A user healed of only 1 or 2 hit points is thus not affected.) This is not “damage” to
the item user; from a magical standpoint, part of the healing simply doesn’t hold together. (-100 gp)

216 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Quirk
018 Fell Locking. All opening objects that have mechanical locks, like doors, chests, and locking spellbooks,
lock themselves when the user is trying to open them, but only while the user is trying. If the user gives
up, the item unlocks itself if it was previously unlocked. In most cases, this item’s user must simply allow
others to open doors for her. This does not prevent the user from breaking down a door or smashing
open the lid of a chest. However, using a key or picking a lock will not work; the item instantly relocks
itself after such tools are applied. (-75 gp)
019 Fell Muttering. The item grumbles and mutters. A creature who carries the item grows paranoid and
distrusting of others, particularly magic-users. The item’s user must make a Wisdom saving throw
against a DC of 10 to allow any beneficial spell to be cast upon her. The user rolls with advantage for
spellcasters she has known more than a year. If the saving throw fails, the spellcaster may not target the
item user unless the spell could be cast on an enemy, nor consider the user an “ally” for a spell’s
purposes. (-75 gp)
020 Fell Seeing. The item creates a harmless but disturbing visual illusion with 5 feet of the user at random
times. The illusion is usually something specific, like a deadly snake that appears to be following the
user. (-15 gp) Other types produce multiple illusions, doing so more frequently, like a silent, swaying
choir composed of slaughtered children. (-35 gp) Those unused to such disturbing sights may think the
item user cursed or haunted by the ghosts of her terrible sins.
021 Fell Voiced. This item changes the wearer’s voice, making it sound hollow, metallic, sing-song, or
otherwise altering it to include any other annoying trait. This applies a –1 penalty to any Charisma check
the user attempts for social interactions. It can also draw unwanted attention or ridicule. (-50 gp)
022 Fleetingly-Veneered. Every round, at the start of her turn, the character loses any temporary hit points
she may have. This effect occurs before any other effect that would add temporary hit points at the
start of her turn, like a heroism spell. (-50 gp)
023 Foiling. This item affects one of the six ability scores. For any saving throw calling upon that ability, the
Dungeon Master may roll 1d4 and subtract the result from the saving throw roll. After the Dungeon
Master has used this effect, it may not be invoked again until the next dawn. (-25 gp)
024 Frail-Hearted. The user has a maximum number of hit points she can heal to from natural healing. This
includes, but is not limited to, automatic recovery from a long rest, Hit Dice spent during a short rest, or
charges of a healer’s kit applied by someone with the healer feat. The highest hit point total that a user
can heal to naturally is a number less than her normal hit point maximum: 1 less if this is a common
magic item, 3 less for an uncommon item, 6 less for a rare item, 10 less for a very rare item, and 15 less
for a legendary item. This has no effect on magical healing. (-80 gp)
025 Heavy. The item weighs twice as much as normal, within a certain range. An item that is normally
carried or worn by a Medium or Small creature gains no fewer than 10 lbs. and no more than 50 lbs. (-25
026 Heroic-Standing. The user cannot choose to take cover. Further, she cannot benefit from the bonuses
for half or three-quarter cover. (-50 gp)
027 Hungry. This item’s magical properties function only if fresh blood from a humanoid has been applied to
it within the past 24 hours. It needs only a drop to activate. (-10 gp). A hungrier version requires more
blood, and only from the user. To keep the item working, once after each long rest, the user must spend
a Hit Die to feed her own blood to the item rather than healing herself. (-60 gp)

217 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Quirk
028 Metamorphic. The item periodically and randomly alters its appearance in slight ways. The bearer has
no control over these minor alterations, which have no effect on the item’s use. The item sometimes
likes to mimic the appearance of other, important items just as the user leaves their presence, like the
king’s scepter or goods from a store shelf. (-15 gp)
029 Mien-Revealing. The user cannot conceal her feelings. Other creatures have advantage on Wisdom
(Insight) checks used against her, and she suffers disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. (-50 gp)
030 Night-Blinding. A user with darkvision has its range halved. If the user lacks darkvision, it treats areas of
dim light as darkness where those areas are 30 feet or more away from her. (-75 gp)
031 Non-Threatening. The user cannot make opportunity attacks. Neither do creatures within 5 feet of her
suffer disadvantage on ranged attack rolls. (-100 gp)
032 Obedient. The item’s bearer is overcome with obedient tendencies. She suffers disadvantage on saving
throws to resist any magical compulsion. (-100 gp)
033 Over-Large. Like many magic items, this one re-sizes itself to fit its user. Unfortunately, it sizes itself to
be just a bit too large. Increase the item’s weight by half again. The user may look a bit ridiculous when
using this item. (-15 gp)
034 Planar Syncing. The user of the item has disadvantage on any saving throws imposed by the
otherworldly qualities of a specific plane. (-25 gp) Alternately, the penalty applies in all planes of
existence (-50 gp).
035 Possessive. The item demands utter loyalty; it doesn’t allow its user to attune any magical items, but it
does not require her to remove existing attunements. (-50 gp) A more possessive version requires the
user to unattuned every other magic item the user has attuned. (-75 gp) Failure to adhere to these
requirements means that none of this item’s magic will function for the user.
036 Poor Charisma. The user has disadvantage on Charisma checks. (-85 gp)
037 Poor Constitution. The user has disadvantage on Constitution checks and her maximum hit points are
reduced by 2. (-100 gp)
038 Poor Dexterity. The user has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and when she suffers falling damage,
treat all results of 1 on the damage dice as 2s. (-100 gp)
039 Poor Intelligence. The user has disadvantage on Intelligence checks. (-85 gp)
040 Poor Strength. The user has disadvantage on Strength checks and her Strength score is treated as 2
points lower for purposes of carrying capacity. (-100 gp)
041 Poor Wisdom. The user has disadvantage on Wisdom checks. (-85 gp)
042 Predicable. The item’s bearer becomes simplistic and predictable in her planning, unable or unwilling to
take a complex approach to most subjects. Nor can she anticipate that others will use such tactics. The
item user suffers disadvantage on any Wisdom (Insight) checks she makes, and others have advantage
on Wisdom (Insight) checks against the item user. (-50 gp)
043 Revealing. The item reveals the presence and exact location of itself and its bearer to any member of a
general type of creatures, or to a specific member of that creature type. Humanoids are too numerous
and varied to be the subject generally; only a specific race can be the subject of this effect. The range of
the effect is 120 feet, and the alerted creature is warned without any clues detectable by those around
it. (-25 gp)

218 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Quirk
044 Repulsive. The bearer feels a sense of distaste when in contact with the item, and continues to sense
discomfort while bearing it. She suffers disadvantage on all skill checks not related to physical
movement or skill checks attempted in combat, the two activities that tend to distract from such
discomforts. (-100 gp)
045 Scourging. The Dungeon Master can apply a 1-point bonus to an attack roll made against the user,
choosing to do so after the roll. Once the DM uses this effect, she cannot invoke it again until the next
sunset. (-25 gp) A stronger version inflicts 1 additional point of damage if the attack hits. (-75 gp)
046 Short Hearing. The item’s user gains the deafened condition for one round after using the item. If the
item is constantly “in use,” as something worn or something that provides a perpetual effect, the
deafness fades after 1 round of constant use. However, the item’s user still cannot hear well, imposing
disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to hearing. Full deafness returns for one round if
the user activates a power or otherwise makes use of the item as part of an action, such as attacking
with an affected weapon. (-50 gp)
047 Skill-Stopped. This item penalizes the user’s attempts to use a single skill. Any time an ability check is
rolled for that skill, roll 1d4 and subtract that from the total result. The offset value of this quirk depends
on the skill affected: athletics, acrobatics, perception, or stealth (-60 gp); insight, investigation,
medicine, or survival (-40 gp); all others (-20 gp).
048 Sleeping. The item whispers confusing warnings to its bearer, imposing a -2 penalty to initiative. (-75 gp)
A more potent version also imposes a -2 penalty on any Wisdom (Perception) check that, if failed, would
result in the user being surprised during the first round of combat. (-100 gp)
049 Slothful. The bearer of this item feels slothful and lethargic. While attuned to the item, the bearer
requires 10 hours to finish a long rest. (-25 gp) A more potent version makes the user sleep deeply as
well; she had disadvantage on any Wisdom (Perception) check to wake from sleep in response to
stimuli. (-45 gp)
050 Slow Moving. Any additional movement the user receives by spending a bonus action or reaction is
reduced by 5 feet. (-25 gp) A more potent version also causes the user to treat as difficult terrain all
terrain beyond the first 30 feet traversed in a turn. (-75 gp)
051 Soiled. This item always appears dirty and disheveled. Weapons appear to have stained blood on them.
Clothes include grass stains or mud. Whatever the item, it appears to be poorly kept. (-15 gp)
052 Submitting. The item makes the user vulnerable to the supernatural powers of a general creature type
(-50 gp), or a specific member of that creature type (-25 gp). Humanoids are too numerous and varied to
be affected generally; they can only be the subject of this quirk as a specific race. The user suffers
disadvantage on saving throws against the affected creatures’ powers. This does not affect spells, but it
does affect supernatural powers that duplicate spells. For example, a wearer would receive
disadvantage to saving throws against a dragon’s breath weapon and fear aura, but not its spellcasting.
053 Sunlight-Vulnerable. This item might function poorly (-50 gp), or partially disintegrate (-100 gp), if
exposed to sunlight for more than 1 minute. In its poorly-functioning state, the item imposes
disadvantage on attempts to use it (or gives advantage to saving throws rolled by creatures it is used to
target). A poorly-functioning item returns to normal after one minute out of sunlight. A partially-
disintegrated version requires repairs before it will work again, usually half the cost as whatever
mundane item best resembles this magic item’s physical form.

219 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Quirk
054 Swearing. This item was “trained” by its maker to utter a handful of phrases based on conditions or
events that occur within 5 feet of it. Sometimes these phrases give useful information, provided in
response to certain questions. But usually they are foul curses uttered to insult or shock the listener.
These might be manifestations of the creator’s malignant whims, or phrases that were corrupted over
time with the item’s exposure to evil influences. (-15 gp)
055 Temperature-Suffering. The bearer suffers harm from exposure even in otherwise-survivable
temperatures. The user treats temperatures of 20 degrees Fahrenheit or lower as being below 0. She
treats temperatures of 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher as being above 100. (-15 gp)
056 Unholy. The user radiates a palpable evil, regardless of alignment. She appears to be a desecrated to the
gaze of a paladin’s Divine Sense feature or a detect evil and good spell. Devout good creatures,
particularly those connected with the divine, are uncomfortable in the user’s presence. (-30 gp)
057 Unmendable. This item cannot be affected by the mending spell. Any repairs made to it cost double the
normal repair costs and take double the standard amount of time. (-15 gp) A more consternatious
version has a weak physical form, with only half its normal item hit points. (-25 gp)
058 Vulnerable to Evil or Good. This item makes the user vulnerable to a single creature type, one of the
following: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead. All creatures of the indicated type
have advantage on attack rolls against the user of this item. The user also suffers disadvantage on all
saving throws to resist such creatures’ attempts to charm, frighten, or possess her. (-100 gp)
059 Water Ballast. This item sinks in liquids. It gives the user disadvantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to
swim at its surface, or through it unless the user is already at the sea floor. (-25 gp)
060 Weak Blood. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the poisoned condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the
next dawn. (-30 gp)
061 Weak Breath. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the diseased condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the next
dawn. (-25 gp)
062 Weak Concentration. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in
her receiving the unconscious condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until
the next dawn. (-25 gp)
063 Weak Courage. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the frightened condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the
next dawn. (-25 gp)
064 Weak Flesh. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the petrified condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the next
dawn. (-25 gp)
065 Weak Hearing. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the deafened condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the
next dawn. (-25 gp)

220 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Quirk
066 Weak Jaw. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the stunned condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the next
dawn. (-25 gp)
067 Weak Joints. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the paralyzed condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the
next dawn. (-25 gp)
068 Weak Legs. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the prone condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the next
dawn. (-20 gp)
069 Weak Muscles. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the restrained condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the
next dawn. (-25 gp)
070 Weak Sight. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the blinded condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the next
dawn. (-25 gp)
071 Weak Will. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw of the day that would result in her
receiving the charmed condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply again until the next
dawn. (-25 gp)
072 Weak Wrestler. The user has disadvantage on the first saving throw or ability check of the day that
would result in her receiving the grappled condition. Once this penalty applies to a roll, it does not apply
again until the next dawn. (-30 gp)
073 Weighty Presence. This item wants its wearer to be known. Anyone following her by tracking her or
trailing her receives additional visual cues. These heavy footprints, eye-attracting cloak billowing, or
other effects help the wearer remain detectable by those intent on catching up. This quirk does not
affect checks for stealth where the wearer is hiding in place. (-25 gp)
074 Whisperer. The wearer cannot shout or speak in a loud voice. This means she cannot make her voice
heard more than 100 feet away, nor address large crowds unless they are particularly quiet and
respectful. (-15 gp)
075 Acidic Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of acid damage each time she suffers acid
damage. (-50 gp)
076 Attracting. While wearing the item, the user’s Armor Class is reduced by one point against one type of
damage specific to this quirk: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. (-50 gp)
077 Awkwardly-Strapped. The suit of armor or clothing takes ten additional minutes to put on or take off.
(This quirk should only apply to an item that one might want to take off or put on at strategic points.) In
the case of armor, this time is added to the times to don or doff it found in Part 1. (-15 gp)
078 Cold Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of cold damage each time she suffers cold damage.
(-60 gp)
079 Fire Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of fire damage each time she suffers fire damage.
(-60 gp)
080 Force Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of force damage each time she suffers force
damage. (-40 gp)

221 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Quirk
081 Lightning Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of lightning damage each time she suffers
lightning damage. (-60 gp)
082 Necrotic Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of necrotic damage each time she suffers
necrotic damage. (-50 gp)
083 Poison Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of poison damage each time she suffers poison
damage. (-60 gp)
084 Psychic Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of psychic damage each time she suffers psychic
damage. (-40 gp)
085 Radiant Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of radiant damage each time she suffers radiant
damage. (-40 gp)
086 Thunder Exposed. The wearer suffers 1 additional point of thunder damage each time she suffers
thunder damage. (-40 gp)
087 Bard’s Lament. Whenever this weapon is used to strike a foe, it sings a song revealing the wielder’s
name. The longer the battle, the longer the weapon sings, going on to reveal other pieces of the
wielder’s identity and history, including past deeds, both heroic and ignominious. Somehow, the song is
never flattering, and it seems to reveal information the user would prefer to be private. (-50 gp)
088 Blighter. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of necrotic damage. After a
battle, roll 1d10. On a result of 10, one pound of food within 60 feet of the weapon becomes spoiled
and is useless. This usually means a day’s ration, but it can affect crops or other food stores. (-50 gp)
090 Burner. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of fire damage. After a
battle, this weapon will occasionally spark a small fire in a nearby flammable area, within 30 feet of any
creature (or corpse) that suffered damage from the weapon. The user must be vigilant lest a larger
conflagration grow from these random ignitions. (-50 gp)
091 Chromatic Biter. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user must roll 1d6 and suffer 1 point of
damage of the following type based on that result: 1 = acid, 2 = cold, 3 = fire, 4 = lightning, 5 = poison, 6
= thunder. (-50 gp) If the damage cannot be reduced or mitigated, the item is worse. (-100 gp)
092 Duplicator. If the user’s attack results in a 1 on the d20 roll to hit a creature of the same size, she takes
on the appearance of that creature in addition to missing it. This effect lasts for 1 round, until the start
of the user’s next turn. Her allies have trouble distinguishing her from her target; any attack against the
same creature will target the user instead during this period on a d100 roll result of 51 or higher.
Unfortunately, the user’s enemies seem to have no trouble distinguishing her from her target. (-75 gp)
093 Enervator. A target damaged by this weapon finds its land speed improved by 5 feet the next time it
tries to move before the weapon wielder’s next turn. (-50 gp) A stronger version prevents the item’s
user from making opportunity attacks against a damaged target if it moves out of reach before the
wielder’s next turn. (-100 gp)
094 Etcher. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of acid damage. Items worn
or carried by someone harmed by this weapon will bear the etched outlines of the weapon’s strikes. This
means such gear cannot be resold unless some effort is made to repair the cosmetic damage. (-50 gp)
095 Froster. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of cold damage. In areas of
extreme cold (Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 110), the user cannot protect herself by wearing cold
weather gear or similar warming techniques. (-50 gp)

222 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
d100 Quirk
096 Poisoner. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of poison damage. Anyone
carrying the item takes 1 additional poison damage each time she suffers poison damage from any
source other than this weapon. (-50 gp)
097 Roarer. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of thunder damage. Once or
twice per day, while not in battle, this weapon will generate a loud booming noise, audible to 300 feet
or more. This particularly seems to occur in quiet periods or places, while the user is attempting to sleep
or sneak, or while in a quiet temple or library. (-50 gp)
098 Shrouder. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of force damage. Anyone
carrying the item takes 1 additional point of damage each time she suffers damage from any incorporeal
undead, including ghosts, specters, wraiths, and the like. (-50 gp)
099 Sparker. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of lightning damage. Once
or twice per day, while not in battle, this weapon will generate an electric arc, reaching out up to 15 feet
to touch a metal object or metal-clad person. This inflicts no damage, but the mild shock can be
alarming or offensive. It can occasionally foul attempts at diplomacy or stealth. (-50 gp)
100 Weakener. After each successful hit with this weapon, the user suffers 1 point of psychic damage. The
user has disadvantage on sanity checks or any saving throw to resist fear or horror. (Dungeon Master’s
Guide, pages 265-266.) At the Dungeon Master’s discretion, this might also apply to monstrous powers
that inflict madness. (-50 gp)

223 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
This Part talks about how characters can use their or return to the normal crafting rate for one day before
wealth to generate more treasure. It covers crafting for safely using pure focus again. If the character instead
fun and profit, market and business investments, wishes to press on with pure focus without a break, she
returns and maintenance costs for fortifications, the accrues one level of exhaustion per additional day of
building and upkeep of military forces, and more. pure focus. This exhaustion cannot be removed by
non-magical means until the character goes at least
one day without crafting or at the reduced crafting rate.
The crafting rules are addressed in the Player’s LIGHT WORK
Handbook on page 187. To summarize, a character A character can perform light work, crafting for 4
proficient with the appropriate tools may use them to hours and completing only 2.5 gp worth of effort
craft items. The material cost is half the total value of toward the completion of the project that day. This
the item, and the project requires a number of eight- allows crafters to some crafting even when the
hour days of crafting equal to one-fifth of the item’s Dungeon Master rules that not enough time is
standard gp value. (Items cheaper than 5 gp can be available for a full 8 hours of work.
manufactured in less than a day.) Multiple proficient Light work is particularly suited for characters
crafters can contribute to the project, reducing the time who are travelling or adventuring. Normal travel
requirement proportionally. While crafting, a assumes 8 hours of movement and 8 hours of sleeping,
character can maintain a modest lifestyle at no cost or eating, and other personal maintenance. This leaves 8
a comfortable lifestyle at a cost of 1 gp daily. hours for standing watch, sharpening blades, grazing
The following optional rules allow Dungeon the horses, greasing wagon wheels, and other activities
Masters to add variety and alternatives to the crafting that adventurers perform daily. As part of this non-
process. traveling, non-sleeping time, a character who has her
artisan’s tools and sufficient raw materials can
ALTERNATE HOURS perform light work to craft.
To perform light work while out on the trail, a
The creation system assumes that a character uses only
character must carry with her the appropriate artisan’s
8 hours a day crafting. This option allows characters
tools and materials. Even before it is complete, the
to spend more time or less time daily on crafting.
item being created has the same weight as a complete
version, making some projects impractical to work on
PURE FOCUS outside of a workshop. While adventuring (not in
Providing that 8 hours are used for sleeping, eating, downtime) it is easier to track passing days in the form
and other personal maintenance, a character still has 8 of long rests. (See the Uptime sidebar, below.)
available hours after a day otherwise filled with For example, a dwarven fighter wants to craft a
crafting. A character that has nothing else to do can glaive during her upcoming adventure. She buys the
choose to craft during this period too, working almost raw materials needed, spending 10 gp (half the market
every waking hour. Using pure focus allows a value of a glaive). These materials already weigh 6
character to complete 10 gp worth of effort toward the pounds, the full weight of a glaive. In addition, she
completion of the project in a day. However, this must carry her smith’s tools with her, requiring
intense activity can be fatiguing, mentally and another 8 pounds in her pack. Because the market
physically. value of a glaive is 20 gp, and each uptime day of
A character can safely use pure focus for a number crafting contributes 2.5 gp toward that total, the glaive
of days equal to her Wisdom modifier or her requires 8 long rests before the project is complete.
Constitution modifier, whichever is lower (minimum DM’s Corner. Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
of 1 day). Thereafter, the character must cease crafting provides an optional rule for Dungeon Masters to

224 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
allow small craft projects to occur during adventures.
The book suggests that a single dose of acid, VARIANT: UPTIME ACTIVITY
alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, oil, perfume, or soap could Downtime is an important part of the Fifth Edition
be crated with alchemist’s tools as part of a long rest. of Dungeons & Dragons. But many campaigns
Likewise, a character proficient with weaver’s tools provide no breaks between adventures, preventing
can craft a whole outfit within a single long rest, and a players from accessing a wealth of character
character proficient with woodcarver’s tools can craft options and opportunities. This variant system
5 or 20 arrows in a short or long rest, respectively. allows players to access the downtime rules, even
The timing suggested for such small crafts is while adventuring.
completely divorced from the cost of the product, Instead of spending downtime days, characters
totally upending the crafting system. Use that pursue “uptime” activities, anything that can be
alternative only if you want to alchemical brews to be done while out on the road. After traveling and
made with a totally different crafting system to adventuring, sleeping and eating, and performing
everything else. miscellaneous related duties, characters typically
have about four hours available during a day, half
CRAFTING COMPONENTS the time needed for a normal downtime activity.
Every crafting project requires raw materials that cost Uptime activities are therefore half as time-
half the item’s market value. Sometimes, these craft efficient as downtime activities. For every day of
components themselves can be crafted, requiring no uptime activity, the character accrues only half a
wealth outlays for the entire project. Crafting raw day’s worth of downtime results. (For crafting, this
materials requires time and a ready source to build means light work.) The character must have paid all
those materials from. Some such conversions also associated costs and have all necessary tools,
require various tools on hand. (When artisan’s tools materials, research books, trainers, or similar
are called for, the character must possess them and be resources with her while attempting uptime.
proficient with them.) This system applies only to activities that could
To create craft components for an item, a be performed while on the road, activities like
character must spend 2 days of work per 5 gp of the crafting, researching, training, and gathering craft
finished product’s market value. This effectively components, so long as conditions are appropriate.
triples the time it takes to craft an item when doing so This is also an appropriate time to use the enchant
from scratch. Crafting components is often difficult to magic item spell described in Part 6.
do in uptime since it is likely that the natural source of Record uptime activities at the same time the
raw material is less-portable, as will be the tools to party takes a long rest. This is the usual time players
process it. But some activities, like gathering plants for record healing, mark off rations, and resolve other
herbal brews, require nothing in the way of tools or incidental bookkeeping. If the party can’t take a
processing equipment, simply a location where the long rest on a specific day, it is probably because
right ingredients grow. the characters are too busy, and such distractions
For example, our dwarven fighter wishes to craft tend to get in the way of uptime activity as well.
a glaive but she does not wish to pay for the processed
lumber for the haft or the blade blank to make the head.
Instead, she mines and smelts ore in her ancestral halls ket value of 20 gp for a glaive, this pre-crafting
below the mountain, shaping the materials to prepare collection process takes 8 days. At the end of this
for the “crafting” portion of the project. For this, she period, the character has a haft suitable for making a
uses a miner’s pick, smith’s tools (with which she is glaive, and a blade blank of the right size for its head,
proficient), and her grandfather’s forge. Next, she ready to be shaped, attached, and sharpened.
collects lumber with a saw and shapes it with Unfortunately, needing to collect and process the raw
woodcarver’s tools to build the haft. (Because materials from specific places and needing to use non-
woodcarver’s tools are artisan’s tools, our dwarf portable tools means that this example of gathering
fighter must also be proficient with them.) With a mar- cannot be performed on the road.

225 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
The necessary tools and sources of materials for the product to order. After a four-day wait, the dwarf
gathering craft components are left to the Dungeon has her new glaive, which cost her only 90% of the
Master. The DM can also rule that a character is only market value.
able to manufacture some portion of the materials, and Usually, up to two people can use the same set of
must pay the gp cost to acquire the rest. These artisan’s tools at the same time if they are working on
percentages are also determined by the DM. the same project. This allows for skilled characters to
For example, a woodworker wants to craft 400 employ a skilled hireling to assist and speed up the
arrows as a gift for his liege lord’s soldiers, products crafting process. For example, the dwarf wishing to
with a 20 gp total market value. The craft components commission a glaive is also proficient with smith’s
would normally cost half the market value (10 gp), but tools. She stops at the local town and gets the smith to
the woodcarver wants to process them himself. The agree that they will both work in his forge to make the
DM rules that the woodworker must still pay for half item. The dwarf needs only to linger long enough for
of the craft components because he lacks the skill, two days’ hire (4 gp) and provide the cost of materials
tools, and raw materials needed to craft metal (10 gp), getting her new glaive for 70% of the market
arrowheads. The woodcarver spends 4 days cutting the value.
right tree limbs for the arrow shafts, pays 5 gp to a Under ideal circumstances, characters should be
local smith to get the arrowheads, then spends 4 more able to employ multiple artisans to mass-manufacture
days crafting the finished arrows. items. A skilled hireling employed on a long-term
Craft components can only be used to make a basis requires only half the pay of a short-term
particular item, determined before the gathering and hireling, so long as the employer is providing room
shaping of components begins. At the DM’s and board. Such operations require a lot of investment.
discretion, very similar items of equal or lesser value This normally means a 30% profit, but there are
could also be made from them; a blade blank for a one- “overhead” considerations! The entrepreneur must
handed sword can be fashioned into almost any type find and hire multiple artisans and must secure worker
of one-handed sword. lodging, workspace, and multiple sets of artisan’s
Most craft components can be sold for half their tools. This also requires a supply line for incoming
value (one-quarter of the market value for the finished craft components or raw materials as well as
product). If the craft component requires no transportation to get the resulting products to various
specialized equipment or tool proficiency to gather, markets. The logistical efforts include finding
and if the raw materials are readily accessible to merchants who will agree to sell those wares in their
anyone, the DM can adjust this price downward to half shops and negotiating their cut. A great deal of wealth
again (one-eighth of the market value for the finished is required up front, and most of the profit is quickly
product). eaten up in these efforts. If characters truly wish to
invest in mass manufacturing, the DM is encouraged
to simplify things with the investments rules,
discussed below. Otherwise the game will quickly
Characters often want to have items manufactured by shift away from adventure to focus on the everyday
others. This means paying skilled hirelings, which cost hassles of business ownership.
an additional 2 gp each per day of the crafting process
in addition to the cost of the materials. This assumes
the availability of a skilled hireling trained in the right INVESTMENT
artisan’s tools. This might also require that the
This section includes an expansion of the normal rules
character provide tools and a workspace for the
for investing wealth, along with a tune-up of those
hireling to craft in, depending on the circumstances.
rules designed to simplify running them.
For example, our dwarven fighter wishes to
commission a glaive. She stops at a small town where
the local smith owns the town forge and has his own STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS
tools. For four days’ hire (8 gp) and the cost of Each of the properties on the maintenance table forms
materials (10 gp), this skilled artisan is willing to make the basis of a business. While a property is typically

226 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
directed by a steward or castellan, allowing the owning If the roll generates a profit, this accrues
character to go out adventuring, the profits and losses immediately to the owner(s), although characters
are better managed if the character sticks around to would be wise to keep enough of the profits on hand
direct things. to cover losses made in future months.
Where a structure includes or implies additional
buildings, like the area around a palace or the boarding LOSSES AND PROFITS
house for a shop’s workers, these costs are included in d100+
the building’s construction and maintenance cost. days Result
01-20 You must pay one and a half times the
MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING business’ maintenance cost for the
Every month, a business checks for losses or profits month.
and pays its expenses, referring to the two charts 21-30 You must pay the business’ full
below. To check for losses and profits, roll d100 and
maintenance cost for the month.
add the number of downtime days the owning
31-40 You must pay half the business’
character or characters have contributed to the hands-
maintenance cost for the month. Profits
on running of the business (maximum of 30 days total
cover the other half.
among all contributors).
If the roll result generates a maintenance cost 41-60 The business covers its own
(half, full, or one-and-a-half), this must be paid out of maintenance cost for the month.
the owners’ pocket. Failure to pay immediately creates 61-80 The business covers its own
a “debt” for the unpaid portion. Debts not paid maintenance cost for the month. It
immediately can sometimes be wiped out or reduced earns a profit of one-quarter the
by exchanging favors or services to whatever source maintenance cost.
or supplier owns the debt. Each debt still existing at 81-90 The business covers its own
the time of the next month’s losses and profits roll maintenance cost for the month. It
imposes a –10 penalty to the roll. Failure to pay off a earns a profit of one-half the
specific debt within 12 months typically ends the maintenance cost.
business; properties and inventories are seized and 91+ The business covers its own
sold at auction (at half the value of the original maintenance cost for the month. It
investment), debts are paid from that amount, and the earns a profit of three-quarters the
remainder reverts to the owner.
maintenance cost.

Private land to build on can be purchased for 100 gp
When players want to exercise downtime options,
to 5,000 gp, or even higher. Once land is acquired, a
and the story limits the amount of days available,
property needs significant wealth and time to build.
the Dungeon Master can use this variant to adjust
Construction may continue without direct oversight by
what can be accomplished in the time allotted. The
the owner, but each “day” of construction in her
DM can allow multiple downtime activities each
absence requires the passage of 4 actual days.
day; two, three, or more activities that would each
If the opportunity presents itself, an available
normally take a full day.
property can be purchased for an amount equal to its
Alternately, the Dungeon Master can increase
construction cost. If a property is in a run-down state,
the number of days required for each downtime
the Dungeon Master will assign a percentage of ruin,
activity. This can regulate results when characters
usually 25%, 50%, or 75%. Repairing the property
have too much downtime on their hands. In this
requires the equivalent percentage of the property’s
case, the DM should reduce the costs of lifestyles
construction cost and construction time. A property
purchased in a run-down state will have its priced
reduced by the same percentage to compensate.

227 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Each property is staffed by a number of hirelings, TREASURE BUNDLES
including a steward who can take charge of almost If the Dungeon Master employs the wealth bundles
everything, freeing up the owner to go adventuring. system from Part 4: Wealth, any business profits or
Hirelings’ wages are included in the property’s losses made within a character level should be limited
maintenance cost. Garrison members are skilled to about + or – 1 level-appropriate bundle, give or take
hirelings trained and equipped to fight; they use the a bit, calculated as an addition or subtraction from the
guard statistics in the Monster Manual. For every full treasure chart.
10 members of a garrison, replace one guard with a If the Dungeon Master wishes to further simplify
veteran. things, she can peg the property’s maintenance cost to
the half the value of a level-appropriate bundle for the
FEUDAL ENTERPRISES party. As the characters grow, the business grows and
Sometimes property is acquired as part of a feudal expands, thus the losses and profits automatically
system. Likely examples include a noble estate, adjust accordingly. This is an excellent way to abstract
fortified tower, outpost, fort, keep, small castle, large the process of developing and diversifying an existing
castle, or palace. While these enterprises can be built business. A fortified tower might grow into a keep and
privately, they more often represent a grant of land and then into a large castle. A small temple might become
title from a powerful sovereign. a large one, and eventually grow into the regional hub
Grants of this nature typically come with a noble for administrators and pilgrims of that religion. A
title. Sometimes the grant is for land and permission to roadside inn might grow in popularity, with a small
build on it, but more often it includes lordship over an town springing up around it, becoming a town inn.
existing estate or fortification. In the latter case, no Pegging maintenance to wealth bundle values also
construction costs or times are required for the owner lets the Dungeon Master keep profits and losses
to take up residence, but some spring cleaning might reasonable if the characters somehow acquire a
be in order. Sometimes a sovereign will assign title to property that is not level-appropriate. A party of 4th-
a property that has been overrun by orcs or trolls, on level characters might normally have no business
condition that the new lord or lady of the land can trying to run small castle, for which the losses and
secure it successfully. profits would otherwise seem staggering to them.
Although these properties use the standard rules
for businesses, they are non-commercial in nature. DESCRIPTIONS
They earn income in the form of taxes collected from Buildings and fortifications are described below.
the surrounding peasantry and merchant class. They Abbey. This building complex houses members of
pay expenses in the form of upkeep for soldiers, a religious order. It typically exists in a remote setting
maintenance and security for the surrounding land, and has barracks, gardens, and other facilities
and taxes tendered to higher-ranked nobles or royalty. sufficient to support several dozen monks, mystics, or
In the case of a failed “business” for unpaid debts other residents.
in the feudal system, where there has been no up-front Cottage. This building resembles a large family
purchase of the property by the “owner,” the whole dwelling. It has two floors and about seven separate
enterprise simply reverts to the possession of the rooms. It can house a family of up to 10, or some other
sovereign. The original grantor will pay the close-knit group of people, so long as bedrooms are
outstanding debts and then assign a worthier trustee to shared.
manage things the future. If the owner has invested Farm. A farm includes a farmhouse, like a
construction costs, these might be lost or reimbursed cottage, and several fields to cultivate. It also has a
on the whim of the sovereign, or other things of value barn, warehouse, or grain silo for housing livestock or
might be given instead. Losing a business like this storing crops.
almost always means the character is stripped of any
accompanying noble title.

228 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Construction Construction Maintenance Garrison Skilled Untrained
Property Cost Time Cost Strength Hirelings Hirelings
Abbey 50,000 gp 400 days 600 gp — 5 25
Cottage 50 gp 10 days 2 gp — — —
Farm 100 gp 30 days 15 gp — 1 2
Guildhall, town or city 5,000 gp 60 days 150 gp — 5 3
Inn, rural roadside 400 gp 30 days 300 gp 4 1 10
Inn, town or city 800 gp 40 days 150 gp — 1 5
Keep or castle 50,000 gp 400 days 3,000 gp 45 5 50
Lodge, hunting 500 gp 20 days 15 gp — 1 —
Noble estate with manor 25,000 gp 150 days 300 gp 2 1 15
Outpost or fort 15,000 gp 100 days 1,500 gp 18 2 40
Palace or large castle 500,000 gp 1,200 days 12,000 gp 180 20 100
Shack 10 gp 3 days 0 gp — — —
Shop 2,000 gp 25 days 60 gp — 1 —
Temple, large 50,000 gp 400 days 750 gp 4 4 10
Temple, small 1,000 gp 25 days 30 gp — 2 —
Tower, fortified 15,000 gp 100 days 750 gp 8 2 —
Trading post 5,000 gp 60 days 300 gp — 4 2

Guildhall, Town or City. This nice building is Lodge Hunting. This building is strategically
several stories tall. It contains offices, operational located in useful hunting grounds. It has bare
facilities (like an adjacent warehouse or workhouse), accommodations for a half-dozen hunters, including
accounting facilities, a secure vault for wealth and living facilities. It also provides the tools and room
business records, small-but-comfortable rooms for necessary to butcher and preserve meat, process hides,
visiting guildmembers, and a variety of other things. and perform other tasks common to hunting.
The ornamentation of a guildhall particularly reflects Noble Estate with Manor. A noble estate serves
the success and prosperity of the guild. much of the same function as a keep or castle, but
Inn, Rural Roadside. A roadside inn is an all- without the military fortification. In settled lands, far
encompassing stop-off point for travelers. It includes from the frontier, a noble estate is
a stable for horses, a bevy of cheap rooms, a small but Outpost or Fort. This construction resembles a
functional kitchen, and a small assortment of drinks primitive castle, built mostly of wood with walls made
available at the bar. of log palisades. It otherwise includes military
Inn, Town or City. This inn serves a higher fare lodgings and other logistical facilities to serve the
than a roadside inn. It offers no stabling, but does same functions. A fort or outpost is often a precursor
provide a wide array of food and beverage qualities, as to a castle, built to be operational while a real castle is
well as rooms in various qualities. Services and constructed nearby, or simply upgraded bit-by-bit until
accommodations are more expensive not just for their it turns into a castle.
quality, but also because of their proximity to a Palace or Large Castle. This is a larger version of
population center. a normal keep or castle. The term “palace” generally
Keep or Castle. This stone building or set of denotes a lower level of military security, as a place
buildings is constructed for security and to project situated deep in the heart of a kingdom or empire, but
military power over the surrounding countryside. It is a great deal more luxury.
probably built on a high point, perhaps with natural Shack. The simplest of buildings, this wooden
barriers protecting it, and commonly boasts a high one-room construction provides bare shelter from the
curtain wall capable of repelling a siege.

229 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
elements, a few sticks of furniture, and a single A character that owns a share of a business
fireplace or cookstove. receives a percentage of the net profits equal to the
Shop. This facility is an attractive building percentage of the initial set-up costs that she provided.
arranged to welcome customers, display wares, and This ownership share, or “investment percentage,” is a
store excess inventory. Most shops have a small living valuable commodity that can be traded or sold in the
facility above them or in the back. future.
Temple, Large. A large temple is suited to the size Savvy investors often buy shares with associated
of congregation one might find a large city. There are terms. Depending on the exact terms of investment, a
offices for clergy, a large worshiping room or hall, character (or coalition of characters) holding shares
nooks and alcoves for quiet meditation, and valued at a certain percentage of the set-up costs (often
decorations appropriate to the deity or pantheons 51%), often have a say in how the business operates,
patronized. wresting absolute control away from the founder. Such
Temple, Small. A smaller version of the temple, maneuvers can add intrigue to certain types of
this building usually has living facilities for a single campaigns.
priest and a congregating area for a couple of dozen
worshipers at most.
Tower, Fortified. This tower is a small facility,
often used to project military might into distance areas Not all monetary outlays are made intending to gain a
like mountain passes, places where conflicts are profit. Sometimes characters give gifts or attempt to
unlikely, but a military force or set of watchful eyes influence others with donations. (This section does not
are important. Fortified towers are also a favorite with describe bribery in a commercial context—that is
reclusive wizards and the like. considered a normal expense for a business.)
Trading Post. A trading post is a collection of
shops, usually basic construction, and often erected BUYING RENOWN
near frontier areas. These facilities usually have some Renown with an organization is typically gained or
measure of security like a log palisade. Trading at lost based on great deeds. But characters can also gain
these posts is usually lucrative, often exchanging basic renown with purposeful strategies designed to raise
goods for valuable frontier resources, including rare their profile within the organization. The Dungeon
furs or minerals. Master’s Guide suggests that incremental gains are
possible during downtime activity, when characters
“undertakes minor tasks for the organization and
socializes with its members.” However, organizations
A simple form of investment requires no purchases, almost universally value strategic donations just as
relying upon intermediaries to handle set-up and well as donated time.
maintenance. The investing character simply provides A character (or party) wishing to gain renown
an amount of wealth to assist in the initial enterprise, may donate wealth in various forms. Temples may
or re-pays a portion of set-up costs to gain access to notice the giving of alms on a large scale. A small town
the profits. may appreciate infrastructural investments that will
The Dungeon Master can track outside not need to be paid back. And any organization that
investments abstractly, or can make rolls using the has the potential for corruption may appreciate bribes
structural investment systems above. In the latter case, given directly to its members.
the DM should apply a consistent bonus somewhere The amount of wealth needed to gain renown
between 1 and 20 to the profits and losses roll. This within an organization depends on the giver’s current
should reflect the strength of the investment rating. Typically, the cost is 50 gp multiplied by the
opportunity and it replaces any bonus from the current renown rating. The Dungeon Master may
participation of the “owner.” Profits are usually paid adjust this requirement up or down, depending on the
out at the end of the year, dispersing percentages of the size of the organization. A small organization with few
net gain across all 12 of the prior months. assets is easier to influence, whereas a large group with

230 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
plentiful resources might be less impressed by additional discussion of favors can be found in Part 4:
monetary gifts. Wealth.
While renown does not grant direct monetary
rewards, it is sometimes just as good. The perks at low
rank often include such things as access to reliable CONSTRUCTION
adventure leads, a safe house, or a trader willing to The Dungeon Masters Guide suggests that player
offer a discount on adventuring gear. At mid-rank, characters might acquire land and fortresses after 10th
adventurers might gain a follower, access to level, while in the “Master of the Realm” character
consumable magic items, or military backup for a tier. This is a method for the characters to make their
dangerous mission. At the highest ranks, a renowned mark on the world, which is an underlying theme to
party might be able to call upon a small army, take this character tier. This approach reflects the general
custody of a rare magic item, gain access to high-level expectation for early editions of Dungeons &
spellcasting, or be able to use lower-ranked members Dragons. Particularly, warrior classes would acquire
as agents to assign tasks to. title, land, and a following of soldiers upon reaching
certain character levels. However, owning property
BUYING FAVORS should not be inherent to warrior classes or character
Favors are more abstract than renown and they can be levels, nor should every property be a fortress or
owed or owned by individuals or groups alike. military outpost.
Exchanging wealth for favors requires a more strategic The advantages of having a party-owned property
approach than buying generalized renown. Because are multiple and the benefits are useful at any level. As
the entire renown system constitutes optional rules, a the characters develop the location and build its
Dungeon Master who does not use them might facilities or capabilities, the construction becomes
consider favors to be an easier, more-abstract something like a character in its own right, one that is
alternative. shared among all the players. It can serve as a unifying
Using wealth to get a favor is a tricky endeavor. factor for party members that might otherwise have
Randomly gifting wealth usually improves the little reason to stick together, particularly after their
receiver’s attitude toward the giver and may create a early quests or storylines have resolved. Having a
generalized sense of obligation corresponding to the shared home means characters are less likely to go
gift’s value. But the sense of obligation is easily cured their own way. The location can also serve as a ready
by a gift of equal measure or simply repaying the gift. source of replacement player characters if a party
The trick to turning wealth into favors is capitalizing member is lost, killed, or a player simply wants to try
on opportunities where an existing need for money something new; the NPCs employed in (or associated
plays upon the receiver’s emotions, honor, or even his with) the fortification often share interests with the
life. party and some are suitable to begin adventuring
For example, a young baronet has just inherited careers.
his father’s lands and titles, and the new baronet Unlike the earlier section that describes abstract
discovers that taxes on the familial estate weren’t paid rules for fortifications as investments, this section
for the last five years. At stake is the young man’s drills down to the minutiae of construction projects. If
noble title and the dignity of his house. A strategic gift these rules are to be used, they should apply only to
here is a good way to be owed a favor. When that favor one location in a campaign, a single place to which the
is called in, the baronet remembers what the wealth party frequently returns and spends their time, perhaps
provided for (the salvation of his very identity); he using it as headquarters. It constitutes too much
doesn’t just remember the number of gold pieces that bookkeeping to be used on any larger scale. It might
were handed to him in a sack. also fail to capture the interests of the players; a DM
The Dungeon Master must determine ad hoc what should poll the players to see if land ownership suits
degree of favor results from a gift of this nature, them, or perhaps introduce one of the starter kits to the
performing her own calculus to weigh the impact of characters in the course of play and see if they have
the specific opportunity + the wealth expended. An any interest in using it and growing it into something

231 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
or ambitions for the game. There is rarely any sense of
obligation involved.
Starter kits are fleshed-out introductions to property Right of Possession. Depending on the nature of
ownership, a description of land and how it is local government, or if there is none, land can
acquired. Often, the most difficult hurdle for players sometimes be owned by those who move in and build
to explore this aspect of the game is finding a starting on it. Perhaps free land is being offered to anyone who
point and determining the nature of initial investments. is willing to settle the wild frontier in the eastern
A kit pre-defines three factors to make things easier on reaches of the kingdom. In some territories, like the
the players. The nature of each component in a kit is Underdark, possession of land is down to pure
determined by the Dungeon Master. conquest, but this ownership “right” does not include
any protection from others conquering the same
THE GAIN territory in return.
This component determines how the players get Taking by right of possession usually means the
ownership or use-rights to property. These are just land is undeveloped. Wilderness must be cleared and
examples; the DM is free to make up her own versions tamed for its intended use and construction must begin
of how the characters might acquire ownership. from scratch. Alternately, ancient ruins may provide a
Grant. To begin a property-owning endeavor, the basis for construction. In some cases, hostile natives
Dungeon Master’s Guide proposes that land might be resent the idea of having new neighbors and work
deeded to the party by a local ruler. This is a classic against the party.
method to gain ownership of property. It usually Sale. The simplest way to acquire land is to
comes with a knighthood or some noble titles, purchase it. Most deeds can be bought for as little as
depending on its value. 100 gp or as much as 1,000 gp, depending on the
A grant is appropriate for characters that have location of the property. A very large property might
performed great deeds and gained recognition from be bought for 5,000 gp or more, if it can be bought at
noble or royal benefactors. Significant grants are all. The presence of buildings or other fixtures
appropriate for characters in the Masters of the Realm increases a deed’s cost accordingly.
character tier (11th-16th level); the locations tend to In feudal societies, all land is truly owned by the
have strategic significance, the buildings tend to be crown. Land “owners” simply have a right to use the
fortified for military use, and the political nature of the land for their lifetimes, a right which passes down to
grant tends to embroil the new owners in warfare and their heirs. This persists until the sovereign revokes
court intrigue. These are factors probably not suitable that right or an owner dies without heir. In addition,
to lower-level campaigns or characters. the crown allows temples and political orders to hold
Inheritance. An inheritance requires nothing large tracts in various locations suitable for their
from the players to initiate. It simply happens to one important works. In such societies, characters may
of the party members; the agent of a banking house, lease property from a landholder such as this if they
small town, or local lord finds the affected character have no opportunity to earn a grant from the sovereign.
and presents her with a deed to the property. An Leases are cheaper than deeds; a 20-year right to use
inheritance is a good way to move a party to a new will usually cost half the value of purchasing the land.
area, making them travel to investigate the property
and giving them a base to operate from once they THE LAND
arrive. The next kit component is the nature and location of
Inheritance is appropriate for any type of property the land, including any existing occupants. To define
or character level. A low-level character might inherit this component, the Dungeon Master should compose
a small farm or an inn that the party can work in their a brief description after contemplating the following
downtime. For a higher-level character, the land might factors.
include a noble estate and a noble title to go with it. Size. The first thing to determine is the size of the
Inheritance is also useful in that characters can usually property. This basically breaks down into one of two
walk away from it if it does not suit the players’ goals categories, personal parcels and landholder parcels.

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The nature of this division can have a significant build on should be have convenient positioning, if not
impact on how the property interacts with the a valuable location.
campaign. Accessibility. Similar to the question of location
Personal parcels are suitable for building a single is the question of accessibility. While this has
house, fortified tower, shop, temple, or the like. They something to do with location, it is more dependent on
often include enough land to support the operation of the presence of roadways, navigable rivers, and
a small business, whether that’s access to a roadway passable terrain around the property. A riverside or
for an inn, proximity to the king’s forest for a seaside property is quite high in accessibility,
leatherworker that has a hunting right there, or a few particularly land with its own harbor.
hills rich in minerals for a mining operation. Personal A poorly-accessible property is good for an owner
parcels are often found amid other such small parcels, that values security and solitude. However, it detracts
near or within a town, city, or population center. For from the owner’s ability to engage in commerce or
logistical reasons, a personal parcel is unlikely to be attract wanted neighbors (or supportive peasants for a
found in a remote region. In some cases, personal feudal property). Natural resources lose value as the
parcels can be expanded to the size of landholder methods of getting them to market are costly.
parcels. Natural Resources. This factor indicates the
Landholder parcels are large enough to allow presence of timber, minerals, arable land, fishable
subordinate residents, members of a town, farming rivers or oceanside, or other resources that can be
community, or similar enterprise. Landholders parcels relied upon to aid subsistence or trade. Natural
are typically the type given to noble title holders. resources are the main source of “profits” from a land
Nobles may tax the income of peasants living on their investment. A range of craggy mountains above the
land but are obliged to see to the peasants’ protection tree line, with no significant mineral resources, is a
and just rulership, and further obliged to give taxes to desolate and valueless place indeed.
the crown and maintain soldiers for the security of the Most natural resources are beyond the means for
realm. But landholder parcels can also apply in the a party alone to access. The skills, tools, and free time
case of private ownership, perhaps in a wilderness land needed to harvest lumber, mine minerals, farm the
conquered by new owners and opened for friendly land, or fish the sea are best employed by subordinate
settlement. occupants. In some cases, this might mean importing
Landholder parcels take a lot of work and hirelings. If the surrounding region is also rich in the
authority to hold. They are usually acquired by a grant same resources, such skilled hirelings are likely to be
but can be taken by right of conquest or similar gain. more available. In feudal societies, a large landowner
Holding these properties (or growing a personal can rely on peasants to render the property’s resources.
property into this size) is something best reserved for The presence of natural resources on the land
characters of 11th level or higher. The “Masters of the almost always comes with the right to harvest it. Even
Realm” tier is when characters are expected to make a leaseholder can typically take timber or game from
their mark on the world and receive recognition for the forest. Particularly when appropriate fixtures are
their great deeds. See page 37 of the Dungeon already present on the land, such rights are
Master’s Guide. contemplated as part of the property’s gain. The king
Location. Perhaps the most important factor for a would not grant land including a hunting lodge
piece of land is its position relative to other important without including the right to hunt dear in the nearby
locations. Is the land in the capital city, thus in high forest.
demand and with high value? Is it far from any major Residents. Existing residents generally come in
roads or trade routes, thus low in value but high in one of two categories, hostile or friendly.
positional security? Land particularly rises in value as Hostile residents can be roving monsters,
it approaches population centers, the sources of unwelcoming squatters, or the newly-conquered
government, commerce, and learning. citizens of a rival kingdom. In most gain scenarios, the
Unless there is a reason for some other type of new owners are expected to clear out or pacify any
property, a kit intended for the player characters to hostile residents. But it is possible that certain
unintelligent monsters could be safely avoided by the

233 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
new owners who stay behind their high walls, the Degradations. This refers to any problems with
monsters kept around to discourage trespassing. Smart the land. Are the cliffsides eroding into the sea? Does
landowners find a way to turn hostile residents into the swamp deepen each year, eating away at the arable
friendly ones, or at least ones they can coexist with. land? Have wildfires burnt away all the forests? Is the
Friendly residents include families or whole harbor too shallow for significant use?
villages that are obliging and useful to the new owners, In most cases, degradations simply operate to
helping them move in and serving as sources of decrease the value and usefulness of the land and have
security and support. These might instead be no other effect. But they can also be opportunities to
intelligent races who can coexist on the land, like fey improve the value of the property. Usually, time or
that hide in the forests or lizardfolk that inhabit the effort may remove a degradation; the forests regrow to
otherwise-unusable swamps. Friendly residents can harvestable levels in a decade or so, the swamp can be
sometimes become hostile, based on the characters’ drained, the harbor can be dredged, or the crumbling
interactions with them or with the land and its cliffside can be reinforced with engineering works.
resources. Felling the whole forest or draining the
swamp might not be appreciated by those who live EXISTING FIXTURES
there. In terms of property, a “fixture” usually refers to a
In a feudal grant, friendly residents are usually the building on the property, but could also include such
landholder’s subjects, the people who will work the constructions as a dam, watchtower, bridge, or
land and provide taxes. These peasants are the source something similar. Pre-existing fixtures go a long way
of the landholder’s strength; they are the people that toward defining the character of the land and giving
produce taxable farming and crafting, and from whom clues as to its best possible uses.
new soldiers are trained. The number and prosperity of Ideally, for a personal parcel, a fixture is a generic
a feudal parcel’s peasantry directly correlates to the building or the intact foundation of a ruin, upon which
landholder’s wealth and power. the player characters can impose their own designs for
growth and fortification. A fixture like the remains of
a saw mill on the river could suggest a relatively
successful use for the land.
For landholder parcels, existing fixtures often
follow the military and administrative needs of the
sovereign. A fortification is usually central, where the
landholder will reside. Bridges might have guard
houses for the collection of the queen’s tax on
travelers. A dam might manage the flow of waterways
and need protection and maintenance. While a
landholder can improve these out of her own pockets
or profits, they must not be neglected.
The Dungeon Master should include any fixtures
in her description of the land after contemplating the
following factors. It is entirely possible that a piece of
land has absolutely no fixtures, allowing the DM to
ignore these things initially. Depending on the nature
of the grant, the characters might be obligated to
construct or rebuild some fixtures, either from their
own resources or using a stipend from the sovereign.
The Homestead. Every parcel must, at its outset
or after some construction, have a place to house the
characters (or from which to run the land’s operations
if the characters live elsewhere). This is the parcel’s

234 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
defining structure. A tall castle defines the parcel as is the vast and interconnected network of buildings
one ruled by a noble, a tyrant, or some other military within a century-old city, well developed and thickly
leader. A farmhouse means the parcel is a farmstead. occupied.
The Dungeon Master should take some care to Security Features. Security-oriented fixtures
make any existing homestead building one that can be include walls that surround a property, watchtowers,
modified or expanded to suit the characters’ taste. This fortified military outposts, and similar constructions.
piece is one of the most personal land features for the They might also include “negative features” that are
party and they should be given reign to remodel as not buildings at all but are designed to aid security, like
desired. It is also the building to which various a deep dredging of the border river to create a strategic
“building components” will apply. (See the following barrier.
section for details.) Security features typically require some effort to
Rights-Fixtures. To prevent rights of land use garrison and maintain; they are rarely found on
from becoming too complex, these features, if already properties owned by only an individual or adventuring
existing, include the right to their use. Their costs or party.
required royal declarations are assumed to be included
in the gain. Depending on the nature of the gain, these
features might also require use (and maintenance) on
behalf of the true landholder. Once the nature of the property is determined, and the
A dam on the river means the property owner has characters decide they want to keep (and invest in) that
the right to take some significant measure of water parcel of land, these rules allow the players to modify
from the river, despite the complaints of farmers on the their home environment to suit their tastes and budget.
arid land downstream. Note that this is not a construction sub-game or
A bridge, ferry dock, or tollhouse contemplates village-building simulator. Only the interesting or
the right of the landholder to collect taxes from useful features are described here. Mundane
travelers, probably remitting a portion to the components like sewer systems, cottage lodgings, or
sovereign. dining halls are purposefully omitted.
Warehouses near the waterfront or an inn within
the city walls means the landholder has the right to ROOMS
operate those respective business; any mandatory Every homestead should come furnished with enough
guild dues or operational taxes are included in the cost rooms and accommodations to allow the party, and
of maintenance. perhaps a few additional characters, to live there
A saw mill on the river carries with it the right to without having to expand or build new features.
take timber from nearby land, process it, and sell it. This section is only for characters that want to
Depending on the grant, a sovereign may demand the personalize the homestead (or the surrounding
right of first purchase for such goods, getting the buildings on a landowner parcel), typically gaining
option to buy the lumber before it is offered for sale specific game-related benefits. If an existing building
elsewhere. does not seem to have enough free area to add or
A fortified structure like a tower or keep means modify a room, the building can simply be expanded
the landholder has the right (and the duty, if in a feudal to make space.
setting) to house and equip men-at-arms. If a room can be constructed as a standalone
Common Lodging. For landholder parcels, those building, suitable for a landholder’s parcel, the room’s
with subordinate residents, this means the type of description will say so at its conclusion. Additional
housing already available. The existence or expansion types of building are described in the next section.
of housing is critical to maintaining a viable, happy Armory (50 gp + 10 gp per set). This room holds
population. a wealth of extra simple weapons and light armor. It
Common lodging at its simplest might be as little allows non-garrison hirelings, up to the number of
as a tent camp suitable for the early operation of a contained armament sets, to deploy as semi-competent
mine, which will eventually become a mining town soldiers when necessary. For these non-martial
with permanent structures. At the other end of the scale

235 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
hirelings, use the cultist statistics from the Monster found at page 246 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Manual (minus the Dark Devotion feature). The cell’s door comes with a lock, for which a single
Building: A freestanding armory is situated to arm key is provided. Without the key, a creature can pick
a number of non-martial residents living in various this lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check.
portions of the parcel. Such a building costs 100 gp + Building: A freestanding jailhouse can be built for
10 additional gp per set of armaments. 100 gp plus another 100 gp per contained cell. This
Barracks (25 gp). This small, simple room building has stout doors and thick walls, and other
contains ten bunks, cots, or hammocks, and space for security features suitable for maintaining prisoners.
ten personal trunks or chests. Armor stands and Library (250 gp + 50 gp per expansion topic).
weapon racks are typical features as well. A barracks This room is dedicated to the save and efficient storage
is typically used to house additional soldiers, but of books. A mere collection of books does not make a
player characters used to “living rough” might enjoy library in this sense; a library is a coordinated
making use of barracks too. collection designed to cover a range of topics
Each barracks adds 10 to the number of soldiers important to adventurers.
that can comfortably reside in the building. These A character that researches in the library has
additional soldiers are not included in the maintenance advantage on any Intelligence check to discover lore
cost for the property, nor does this room increase a within the range of the arcana, history, nature, or
structure’s garrison rating. religion skills. If the question of lore does not relate to
Building: A barracks hall is designed to house a any specific skill, or it relates to a skill the researcher
larger number of soldiers. The cost is 50 gp for the first is not proficient with, the library allows the user to
ten soldiers, and 25 gp per additional ten soldiers it can benefit from half her proficiency modifier, rounded
house. A typical barracks hall houses about a hundred. down. Advantage does not apply if the DC for the
Gardens (10 gp). Gardens are typically housed in check is higher than 15; higher DCs indicate
a courtyard, rooftop, or along the perimeter of a information that is too rare or esoteric to be found in
building or property. They can be used to grow food most reference books.
or other plants. For adventurers, they are most often A library can be stocked or expanded to
used to grow the exotic herbs that are the necessary encompass additional, more-specific topics. Examples
components of herbalism. A cultivated garden is of such topics include specific trades or skills, a
particularly useful when arable land is not freely particular deity or religion, plants of a curative variety,
available on the land parcel. the history of a single kingdom, or necromantic lore.
A garden is particularly useful if the characters The covered topic is typically a small slice of what
find a rare plant that the Dungeon Master determines would otherwise be covered by the arcana, history,
to be the necessary component for a certain herbal nature, or religion skill. While researching a question
brew. (See Part 2, above.) Cultivating the plant allows of lore within an expansion topic, advantage applies to
the characters to harvest periodically and craft the the Intelligence check for a DC as high as 20. A book
brew, though they must return home to the garden each or set of books that constitutes an expansion might be
time they do so. The Dungeon Master will dictate the found while adventuring or purchased during a trip to
amount of ingredients available in a garden at any a large city. The Dungeon Master should make sure to
given time. At the Dungeon Master’s discretion, track any expansion topics added to the library.
maintaining an herb garden may reduce the cost for A short research attempt, about 10 minutes, tends
ingredients to craft a variety of herbal brews. to answer only simple questions, like whether the plant
Holding Cells (100 gp per cell). Cells are made your cattle ate is poisonous or whose noble house that
with iron bars, which have 19 Armor Class, 6 red-and-gold pennant belongs to. More complex
hardness, and 27 hit points. They are each made to questions require about eight hours (or one day of
house four medium creatures or one large creature. downtime), as the researcher references multiple
Because they are constructed to resist intentional sources and draws conclusions by cross-referencing.
breakage by their contained creatures, cages are Using a personal library to research in downtime is
typically immune to damage from natural attacks. simpler than doing so in a city, but the questions of
Additional information on the health of objects can be lore that might be answered tend to be more limited.

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Up to two characters can use a library to research they regularly frequent. The chance of accidents is just
at the same time, so long as they are not researching too high. But the particularly paranoid may throw in a
the same question of lore. false door with a trap or put extra security around a
Building: A library building costs an additional vault.
100 gp at the outset. This is about twice what a normal Because traps are so varied in size and
freestanding building would cost; preservation of functionality, the Dungeon Master must determine the
books requires excellent insulation and environmental cost for each individually. As a very lose guide, traps
control. Up to six characters can use a library building that can be reset (reused without repairs) cost about 30
to research at the same time, so long as none of them gp per die of damage they inflict. Traps that must be
are researching the same question of lore. rebuilt or repaired each time have a per-damage-die
Secret Door or Passage (110 gp). A room can be cost 20 gp to install and 10 gp to repair. Traps that do
concealed behind a secret door with some additional no damage count as having 1 damage die for cost
expense. Detecting and opening secret doors is purposes. Traps that use poison require doses of the
something discussed on pages 103-104 of the substance to be purchased separately. (See the Viscids
Dungeon Master’s Guide. The DC for this door is 15. variant rule for long-lasting poisons suable to traps,
Alternately, the DC can be raised to 20 for double the described in Part 2.) Magical traps do not follow these
construction price, or 25 for four times the guidelines.
construction price. Secret doors are often used to hide Example traps are discussed on pages 120-123 of
questionable areas like a necromantic laboratory or a the Dungeon Master’s Guide and on pages 113-123 of
hidden holding cell. Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.
A secret passage requires a door at both ends, Workshop (Variable Cost). This room is
though only one of them needs to be secret. If both are designed for crafting in. A workshop is made
secret, simply pay the cost for two secret doors. specifically for the type of crafting to be done within;
(Passages themselves are too incidental to cost there is one version for each type of artisan’s tools and
anything under this system.) If the doors at both ends certain miscellaneous tools. Crafting in a workshop of
are secret, they need not be of the same quality. Secret the appropriate type allows a character to work on
passages are sometimes used to create a clandestine large projects that are too large to carry around. It also
entrance to the building, to link rooms, or to provide a provides the benefits of masterwork tools, described in
hidden escape tunnel that exits a stone’s throw away Part 2. Up to three crafters can make use of the
from the building. workshop at a time.
Shrine (35 gp). A shrine is a small room with The variable cost for a workshop room is as
ritual trappings and iconography dedicated to a follows: Alchemy Laboratory (300 gp), Brewery (240
specific deity, alliance of deities, or pantheon. It has gp), Calligraphy Table (220 gp), Carpentry Shop (216
room for a character to worship privately. At double gp), Cartography Studio (230 gp), Cobblery (210 gp),
the cost, a shrine can be large enough for religious Expanded Pantry (202 gp), Glassblowing Chamber
services to be held involving a dozen participants. (260 gp), Jeweler’s Vault (250 gp), Leatherworking
Building: A temple costs 150 gp to construct Shop (210 gp), Mason’s Yard (220 gp), Painting
properly; the interior and exterior must be sufficiently Atelier (220 gp), Pottery Hall (220 gp), Smithy (240
decorated to honor the deity to whom it is dedicated. gp), Tattoo Parlor (230 gp), Tinkering Laboratory
The true cost of a temple can be far more extravagant. (300 gp), Weaver’s Shop (204 gp), Woodcarving Shop
Depending on the wealth and piety of the builder, a (202 gp), Forgery Den (230 gp), Herbalism
temple might be built and decorated using many Laboratory (210 gp), Poisoner’s Retreat (300 gp).
thousands of gold pieces. Building: For a separate building dedicated to a
A temple includes room for about 100 worshipers, craft, one of the same name as the room, increases the
plus several offices for clergy to operate out of and cost by 100 gp. Up to ten crafters can make use of a
several utility rooms. freestanding workshop at a time.
Traps (Varies). Players a may wish to construct Vault (550 gp). A vault is an armored room about
traps in their residence. This is a bad idea on several the size of a 10-foot cube. It is surrounded by hardened
levels; intelligent creatures rarely put traps anywhere metal like steel. Steel walls of this thickness have a 19

237 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Armor Class, 54 hit points in each 10-foot surface Industrial Complex (1,250 gp). This developed
area, and 12 hardness. Vaults are often hidden behind area and its attending buildings are suited to the
secret doors and locked with multiple locks. advancement of a single industry, like mining and
Building: A bank or freestanding vault costs 850 smelting ore, logging and processing lumber, or
gp to construct. The storage area is about twice as large fishing and packing fish. A setup of this type is usually
as a vault room. needed to extract natural resources from a parcel. Each
such construction supports the efforts of up to 50
The following are suitable for construction as free- Market (60 gp). This construction encompasses
standing buildings on a parcel. Ancillary buildings, multiple shop buildings or an array of stalls in the case
like a stable or coach house, can be built on a personal of an open-air market. This much infrastructure
parcel, but most of these are suitable only for a supports a populace of up to 200 residents,
landholder parcel. contributing to their convenience and happiness. A
Most of these have no effect on the mechanics of market rarely brings in the type of goods or services
the game; they are provided simply to allow characters that player characters are interested in purchasing.
to fill out their parcel if that suits their interests. In Security Features (200 gp). This expensive
many ways, a land parcel is like an additional character upgrade adds a surrounding wall, watchtowers,
that the players share; the more details, the more alive warning bells, strategic moats, and other security
and compelling it will be as a fixture in the game. features. This expense is suitable for a parcel
The costs given here are for “simple” or “frontier” containing no more than 25 residents. For every
versions of buildings, built with processed lumber, additional 50 residents, or part thereof, you must pay
some stone and mortar, and various construction this upgrade cost again or find that there are significant
techniques that are somewhere between “crude” and holes in the security.
“semi-refined.” For a higher quality building, add 50 To increase the level of security, perhaps
gp to improve foundations, allow precise stonework, replacing the wooden palisades with stone walls and
and build with the smooth lines of expert construction. building the watchtowers with extra height, double
Coach House (15 gp). A simple building for cost of each upgrade.
housing vehicles, suitable for keeping wagons and Stables (30 gp). This structure is large enough to
coaches out of the elements when not in use. A similar house a dozen horses, mules, or similar creatures.
construction adjacent to a waterway can create a Alternately, this building may be constructed for
shelter to cover small watercraft. different types of animals, like a rookery or a goat run.
Entertainment (80 gp). This building typically
takes the form of a festhall or drinking establishment. GROWING PARCELS
More “refined” versions may include a performance A parcel can grow in both size and population,
theater, a gallery to display crafts, or a museum of art. depending on the investments of time and wealth
Good Byways (25 gp). This represents good provided by the owners. A personal parcel can
roads, small bridges, docks, or other improvements eventually become a landholder’s parcel. A
that allow access throughout the parcel, as well as to landholder’s parcel can grow to swallow neighboring
and from it. A singe upgrade of good byways supports territory.
an area that has up to 50 residents. Most growth occurs organically over time.
Housing (25 gp per family of five). Happy Residents have families, outsiders are drawn to the
residents need reliable housing. These expenditures presence of industry and available work, and the
represent a set of common buildings suitable for potential residents feel that their interests are safe in
multiple families, or a collection of cottages. Families the care of the land’s owners. Unless the players are
need more living space than soldiers and cannot be actively trying to grow their land, taking substantial
happy for long if crammed in ear-to-ear somewhere steps in that direction, the Dungeon Master should
like a simple barracks. simply have growth occur at whatever pace she

238 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Some forms of growth require additional ship may support more passengers than its base rating,
adjudication, particularly if the land parcel abuts but its cargo capacity is decreased. For each ton of
another claimed parcel. This is common in cities, cargo capacity removed, add 2 to the ship’s passenger
where buildings are built closely to one another. rating. Cost: 5% of base ship cost.
Sometimes neighboring land must be purchased. In a Armor Plating: By attaching metal plates to the
feudal system, two barons might have a land war (or ship, the vessel’s DT increases by 5. For every 10 hp
feud) to resettle a boundary line or petition the of the vessel, remove any combination 2 from its
sovereign to make such a change official. passenger rating or 1 from its cargo rating. If there is
insufficient capacity, this modification cannot be
added. Armor plating slows the ship by 1/2 mph. Cost:
30% of base ship cost.
Ships share many of the features of fortifications. They Broad Rudder: A wide rudder makes a ship
can easily serve as headquarters for a band of intrepid nimbler, granting advantage to some maneuvers. Cost:
adventurers. They can be large or small, in size or 3% of the base ship cost.
capability. They can be armed with siege weapons and Corvus: A ramp or set of ramps that can be
garrisoned with soldiers, or they can be simple lowered from a ship to facilitate boarding. A corvus
mercantile vessels. has hooks on its end to secure it fast over the other
Ship statistics can be found in Parts 2 and 3. ship’s rail. The ramp has its own handrails, so sailors
can safely rush into a boarding action. These bulky
CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE devices reduce a ship’s cargo capacity by 15 tons. If
Ships are built mostly of the same materials with the there is insufficient cargo capacity, this modification
same methods as one another, just on differing scales. cannot be added. Cost: 3% of the base ship cost.
A ship’s maintenance cost is 1% of its construction Concealed Weapon Ports: Concealed weapon
cost. It’s construction time is 1 day per 150 gp of its ports are carefully crafted and disguised; they can only
construction cost. Similarly, ship upgrades and be recognized on a successful Wisdom (Perception)
modifications are a pegged to percentage values of the check made within 1/2 of a mile. Cost: 5% of the base
vessel they effect. ship cost to conceal all ports.
During a naval engagement, all crew members are Extended Keel: The ship’s keel is longer than
required to operate the ship. Otherwise, the crew can usual for a vessel of its type. The ship’s measurements
deploy as a semi-professional fighting force of sailors from bow to stern are 10% longer than normal, though
(bandits). These can be skilled or unskilled hirelings. cargo capacity is not appreciably affected. The ship is
A military ship may also be garrisoned by marines more stable and, at the Dungeon Master’s discretion,
(guards) equal to its passengers rating. For every full provides advantage to certain maneuvers or ability
10 marines, replace one with a veteran. As all soldiers, checks that call upon water vehicles proficiency. This
marines are skilled hirelings. Statistics for these improvement must be installed at the time of the ship’s
warrior types can be found in the Monster Manual. construction and cannot be added later. Cost: 10% of
base ship cost.
SHIP COMPONENTS Figurehead: Some ships sport fanciful carvings
Not all ships are created equally. Players looking for a on their bowsprits. This modification is strictly
ship that is faster, tougher, or more agile might cosmetic, with very little impact on game play. Players
consider adding modifications to their vessels. Each of are encouraged to design their own custom
the following ship improvements must be planned, figureheads such as dolphins, mermaids, and other
built, or installed (as appropriate) by a group of skilled creatures of myth. A proud figurehead adds 1 to crew
shipwrights. Creation of anything larger than a loyalty while they are aboard (or within sight of) the
keelboat must be done by a skilled team, not ship. Cost: 3% of the base ship cost.
individuals employing the downtime crafting rules. Glass Bottom: The bottom of the ship is inset
Additional Crew Quarters: This translates into with a metal lattice supporting an array of windows.
more space for a ship’s sailors to sleep and eat. The These permit the crew to gaze into the water below and
around the vessel. The glass is thick enough and the

239 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
individual panes small enough, that they don’t affect usually at the waterline. With this upgrade, add 10 to
durability or performance. In a world with monstrous the ship’s DT for ramming maneuvers. (See ramming
and magical perils, these windows help the crew see rules in the sidebar.) Cost: 5% of base ship cost.
threats that come from below or identify terrain Skirting: For protection during naval maneuvers,
features immediately under the vessel. The limitation this ship has a raised “bumper” rail running down the
of these windows is the range of the crew’s vision into front of its keel and around the front and sides of the
the water, which is often dark. Cost: 25% of base ship hull just above the waterline. When resisting a
cost. ramming action, the operator of this vessel has
Improved Sails: The ship’s rigging undergoes advantage on the Intelligence (water vehicles) check.
wholesale changes. Rigging configuration and careful The vessel adds 5 to its DT when calculating other
engineering enable the sails to function more reliably. effects of being rammed. This feature cannot be added
The ship’s captain or operator can attempt an to a ship with a ram. Cost: 20% of base ship cost.
Intelligence (water vehicles) check against a DC of 15
to prevent a non-combat mishap related to losing sails
or rigging. Cost: 6% of base ship cost. RAMMING
Increased Cargo Capacity: The ship undergoes To ram another, a ship must move toward its target
an efficient remodeling of its layout to provide more at a rate fast enough to move into it. It must have a
room for the ship’s stores. For every 2 persons that are base speed no less than 2 mph, and cannot have a
removed from passenger capacity, add 1 ton to the speed less than half the target ship. The Dungeon
cargo rating. Cost: 5% of base ship cost. Master determines when or if the conditions are
Movable Deck: The features of the ship’s decks ever right for a ramming attempt.
are designed to be moved to disguise the ship as an A ramming attempt requires the operator to
altogether different vessel. After pulling up dozens of make an Intelligence (water vehicles) check
bracing pins, the crew can slide the stern castle opposed by the other ship operator’s same check.
forward on hidden rails, rearrange the position of the Whether or not the ramming operation succeeds,
masts, extend the gunwales, lower the poop deck, the action inflicts damage on both vessels.
transfer the ship’s wheel, and make other cosmetic A successful ram inflicts damage to the enemy
changes such as a new figurehead and different- vessel equal to double its own DT, but can inflict
colored sails. Identifying the ship at a distance based no more damage than its own current hp. This is the
on its profile or appearance is impossible when the ramming action’s “base damage.” If the ram was
configuration is modified. A ship not currently in its not successful, the action inflicts shearing damage
natural formation reduces its speed by 1/2 mph. Cost: equal to half the base damage. If the Intelligence
40% of base ship cost. (water vehicles) check of the other operator is equal
Narrow Hull: The ship has been intentionally to or higher that the DT of the ramming vehicle, the
designed with a slenderer hull, enabling it to slip base damage is halved (or shearing damage is
through smaller spaces. The ship applies a +2 bonus negated).
on all opposed checks made for a chase an almost any The ramming vessel in a ramming maneuver
scale, be those ability checks for navigator’s tools or suffers great shock from the impact, also taking
for water vehicles proficiency. The ship’s beam damage. This is equal to the rammed ship’s DT, but
(width) is decreased by 20%. Because of the reduced no greater than that vessel’s current hp. If the
space needed for this shape, remove any combination operator’s Intelligence (water vehicles) check was
2 from its passenger rating or 1 from its cargo rating equal to or higher than the enemy ship’s DT, this
for every 10 hp of the vessel. If there is insufficient secondary damage is negated.
capacity, this modification cannot be added. This The damage inflicted by ramming is not
improvement must be installed at the time of the ship’s reduced by either ship’s DT. A successful ramming
construction and cannot be added later. Cost: 15% of attempt will lock the ships together as though they
base ship cost. are grappled.
Ram: The ship bears a standard ram, usually
sheathed in bronze or iron, mounted on its bow,

240 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Smuggling Compartments: The ship is modified Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
so that gaps in its construction can serve as hidden 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing
cargo areas. This does not change a ship’s cargo damage.
capacity. A smuggling compartment can hold anything
that fits within a 5-foot cubic space. A difficulty 20 BALLISTA, HEAVY
Wisdom (Perception) check is required to locate Huge object
smuggling compartments in a search of the ship. Cost: Armor Class: 15
2% of base ship cost. Hit Points: 10
Sturdy Hull: The ship’s body has had additional Crew: 6
supports and layers of wood added to it, making it Cost: 1,750 gp
thicker and more resilient. The ship’s base hit points
are increased by 10%, but the ship’s speed is reduced A larger, slower version of the ballista that fires an
by 1/2 mph. Cost: 10% of base ship cost. even more massive crossbow bolt. Before it can be
fired, it must be loaded and aimed. It requires two
SIEGE ENGINES actions to load the weapon, two actions to aim it, and
one action to fire it.
These massive engines of war are designed to protect
Heavy Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
or assail heavy targets, fortifications or large groups of
range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) piercing
enemy soldiers.
Each siege engine provides a description of its
size, Armor Class, and hit points, as well as an outline
of its functions and attack capabilities. Every siege CATAPULT
engine is immune to poison and psychic damage. Large object
Siege engines are moved under the power of Armor Class: 15
groups of soldier or minders, or pulled by teams of Hit Points: 75
animals or domesticated monsters. As part of the Crew: 3
variant rule below, each siege engine is also noted with Cost: 500 gp
a crew requirement to operate it.
Additional siege engines (siege guns) can be A catapult hurls a heavy projectile in a fast, forward
found in Part 7. Cannons are particularly suited for arc. Before the catapult can be fired, it must be loaded
adventures that include tall sailing ships. and aimed. It takes two actions to load the weapon, two
The following siege engines in this section can be actions to aim it, and one action to fire it.
mounted on ships of sufficient size: ballista, catapult, A catapult typically hurls a heavy stone, although
heavy ballista, and mangonel. The others require it can hurl other kinds of projectiles, with different
fixtures or stability not available on ships. effects.
Catapult Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
BALLISTA hit, range 175/750 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (5d10)
bludgeoning damage.
Large object
Armor Class: 15
Crew: 4 Large object
Cost: 1,000 gp Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 100
A ballista is a massive crossbow that fires heavy bolts. Crew: 3
Before it can be fired, it must be loaded and aimed. It Cost: 1,125 gp
requires one action to load the weapon, one action to
aim it, and one action to fire it. A mangonel is a type of catapult that hurls heavy
projectiles in a high arc. This payload can hit targets
behind cover. Before the mangonel can be fired, it

241 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
must be loaded and aimed. It takes two actions to load Trebuchet Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
the weapon, two actions to aim it, and one action to hit, range 300/1,200 ft. (can’t hit targets within 60 feet
fire it. of it), one target. Hit: 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage.
A mangonel typically hurls a heavy stone,
although it can hurl other kinds of projectiles, with CAULDRON, SUSPENDED
different effects. Large object
Mangonel Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to Armor Class: 19
hit, range 200/800 ft. (can’t hit targets within 60 feet Hit Points: 20
of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage. Crew: 2
Cost: 50 gp
Large object A cauldron is an iron pot that is suspended so that it
Armor Class: 15 can be tipped easily, spilling its contents. Once
Hit Points: 50 emptied, a cauldron must be refilled—and its contents
Crew: 2 must usually be reheated—before it can be used again.
Cost: 200 gp It takes three actions to fill a cauldron and one action
to tip it.
An onager is a smaller, short-armed catapult that hurls Cauldrons can be filled with other liquids, such as
a heavy projectile in a fast, forward arc at the level of acid or green slime, with different effects.
infantry. Before the onager can be fired, it must be Boiling Oil. The cauldron pours boiling oil onto a
loaded and aimed. It takes two actions to load the 10-foot square area directly below it. Any creature in
weapon, one action to aim it, and one action to fire it. the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
An onager is small enough to be carried on the taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
back of a wagon. much damage on a successful one.
An onager typically hurls a heavy stone, although
it can hurl other kinds of projectiles, with different GREAT CLAW
effects. Gargantuan object
Onager Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Armor Class: 15
range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) Hit Points: 200
bludgeoning damage. Crew: 8
Cost: 2,750 gp
Huge object This weapon operates from a fixed point, it’s long,
Armor Class: 15 crane-like arm extending up to a hundred feet to end
Hit Points: 150 in several chain flails or a chain with a large claw. The
Crew: 5 weapon is generally mounted on a curtain wall. It is
Cost: 2,500 gp used to overturn covered rams, misalign approaching
siege towers, or rake away the sails and rigging of
A trebuchet is a powerful catapult that throws its nearby ships. It can also be swept through the enemy
payload in a high arc, so it can hit targets behind cover. ranks to disrupt approaching formations.
Before the trebuchet can be fired, it must be loaded and A great claw that inflicts cumulative damage on a
aimed. It takes two actions to load the weapon, two siege tower or covered ram equal to half its total hit
actions to aim it, and one action to fire it. points pulls the engine apart or tips it over, making it
A trebuchet typically hurls a heavy stone. useless. The same damage to a ship destroys enough
However, it can launch other kinds of projectiles, such sail and rigging to halve the vessel’s wind-powered
as barrels of oil or sewage, with different effects. speed, but the great claw’s damage to sails and rigging
can be repaired at half the normal cost.

242 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Claw Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach walls up to 40 feet high. A creature in the tower has
100 ft., one object. Hit: 16 (3d10) bludgeoning. total cover from attacks outside the tower.
Large wooden wheels or rollers allow the tower to
RAM be pushed or pulled by soldiers or beasts of burden. A
Large object total combined Strength rating of 100 or more is
Armor Class: 15 required to move the tower while empty. Triple that
Hit Points: 20 number if the tower is full of soldiers as it advances.
Crew: 8
Gargantuan object
A ram is an iron-shod log with handles, used to batter Armor Class: 15
through doors and barricades. The operators of a ram Hit Points: 350
lack the fortifying gallery of a covered siege ram, and Crew: Varies
are fully exposed when they approach and attack. Cost: 3,500 gp
Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one object. Hit: 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage. A massive siege tower is a larger wooden structure
with a beam frame and slats in its walls. Medium or
RAM, COVERED smaller creatures can sue the siege tower to reach the
Large object top of walls up to 65 feet high. A creature in the tower
Armor Class: 15 has total cover from attacks outside the tower.
Hit Points: 100 The massive siege tower is too large for wheels
Crew: 4 and can only be propelled on rollers. The monstrosity
Cost: 750 gp is pushed or pulled by a great many soldiers or beasts
of burden. A total combined Strength rating of 200 or
A covered ram consists of a movable gallery equipped more is required to move the massive tower while
with a heavy log suspended from two roof beams by empty. Triple that number if the massive tower is full
chains. The log is shod in iron and used to batter of soldiers as it advances.
through doors and barricades.
It takes fewer creatures to operate a covered ram SIPHON
because the operators have a supporting gallery to Large object
suspend the weight from. Because of the gallery roof, Armor Class: 15
ram operators have total cover against attacks from Hit Points: 30
above. Crew: 4
Covered Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, Cost: 3,500 gp
reach 5 ft., one object. Hit: 16 (3d10) bludgeoning
damage. This device is designed to pump oil in a high-velocity
stream at an enemy. The oil is lit as it leaves the
SIEGE TOWER siphon, creating a flaming stream that can ignite
Gargantuan object flammable objects.
Armor Class: 15 Flaming Oil. The siphon projects flaming oil onto
Hit Points: 200 a 10-foot square area to a point within 100 feet of it.
Crew: Varies Any creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity
Cost: 2,000 gp saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
A siege tower is a mobile wooden structure with a Wooden structures and vessels in the area are likely to
beam frame and slats in its walls. Medium or smaller catch on fire.
creatures can sue the siege tower to reach the top of

243 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
This initial cost is staggering, about the amount of
VARIANT: SLOW FIRING wealth a whole adventuring party can expect to earn
Each siege engine requires a number of workers to by the time they reach 20th level. On top of this, expect
fire and reload it, noted in its crew entry. to pay an additional 4,000 each day to maintain the
When an engine says it requires an action to do fighting force.
something, under this rule, it requires the actions of Of course, this assumes a ready source of soldiers
all crew operators. in the area to recruit. And this just contemplates
If an engine is operated with few crew infantry; it doesn’t include the weapons, armor, and
members, the total number of actions contributed to horses of more specialized soldiers, nor the siege
each activity must equal or exceed the product of equipment, transportation methods, or supply train
the required number of crew member, multiplied by needed to maximize the army’s usefulness.
the required number of rounds (loading, aiming, Certain factors operate to downplay these costs.
and firing). First, by providing food and lodging, the daily cost of
This rate of firing also assumes that the skilled hirelings is cut in half. Economies of scale
operators are siege engineers (trained hirelings typically allow that providing these benefits for a
devoted to this skill). If any of the engine’s crew are whole army is cheaper than paying them full price to
not skilled in siege craft, these crew members find their own food and lodging, but this requires a
contribute only half an action to the required totals place to put the army. Lodging is relatively simple if
each round. the recruiter owns a sufficiently large fortification.
A siege weapon can be prepared for Such a landowner needs only find food for her army,
instantaneous use by accruing the actions of all which might be managed by the hirelings included
three phases (loading, aiming, and firing). It can with the property. So long as the army has a base of
thereafter be fired by a lone crew member, skilled operations to return to, lodging is not a concern for the
or unskilled, using that individual’s single action. army while it is on campaign. A fortification can, with
cramped conditions, house an army equal to 20 times
it’s garrison rating. By encamping around the
fortification, the infrastructure can support 100 times
RECRUITMENT its garrison rating for a period of about a month.
Second, by finding the right recruits, like the
This section covers two aspects of recruitment, the
members of fierce warrior cultures or the veterans of a
methods and costs to hire and maintain military forces,
recently-ended war, the would-be war leader can find
and the game systems to deploy them against other
soldiers that already own a fair bit of armaments. Such
military forces.
soldiers require only half the normal cost to equip. In
rare cases, some soldiers come fully-equipped.
GAINING MILITARY MIGHT Third, costs can be reduced by hiring less-skilled
This section covers the systems by which player soldiers, a peasant army or force of raw recruits. This
characters can gain control over military forces. For halves the maintenance costs for the army (or that
these purposes, an army has at least several hundred portion of it), but using untrained hirelings has obvious
members; these rules do not pertain to smaller groups drawbacks when it comes to fighting.
of warriors, the personal following of a competent Fourth, soldiers are typically paid only
warrior like her band of Merry Men. periodically. Sometimes they are paid a signing
amount up front and the remainder at the end of the
campaign or various periods within the campaign. An
army that captures a wealthy objective might suddenly
To acquire an army, characters with sufficient wealth
have more money to pay the troops. And if the army is
can simply hire soldiers (long-term skilled hirelings),
active, the soldiers that die represent outlays that do
purchase equipment for each, and pay their food and
not have to be paid. (In some societies, fallen soldiers’
lodging. A typical army of 2,000 soldiers would
wages are paid anyway, going to the families or
require an initial outlay of 120,000 gp to equip them.
designated heirs.)

244 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Fifth, some armies are founded on the notion of campaign, although they usually have the cheapest
pure plunder. Such soldiers receive no pay (see weapons and armor, denoting their station.
cultural acquisition, below), but expect to loot the Reputation also serves a role in gaining soldiers.
wealth of their enemies if successful in battle. In this Characters with martial capabilities, and who have
way, the army leaders pay little or nothing to maintain accomplished heroic deeds suitable get to about the
the soldiers, but the soldiers might get greater rewards 11th character level, often acquire the service of
anyway. This sort of method generally prevents the itinerant soldiers. These warriors recognize the
army from any policies that prohibit pillaging or cunning, honor, or accomplishments of a like-minded
mistreating civilians, which will very much color the person and seek to be a part her enterprises. Such
reputation of the army and those involved with it. soldiers fight for honor. They do not require pay nor
Although the maintenance costs of a property stipends for equipment, but their leader must have a
include the financing of a number of soldiers, these way to feed and house them.
troops alone are not sufficiently numerous to be Characters in feudal systems with high noble titles
considered armies. can, if they have subordinate nobles underneath them,
call upon the men-at-arms their subordinate nobles
CULTURAL ACQUISITION maintain. There is no cost to employ, equip, or
Cultural acquisitions occur when members of the army maintain these soldiers; that duty falls to the nobles to
work without pay. Sometimes this is the result of whom they belong. For example, in addition to her
social pressures, cultural expectations, laws of own men-at-arms, a countess going to war may call
conscription, slavery, or other methods. Whatever the upon the militaries maintained by each of the barons
case, the cost to maintain these soldiers is halved. If within her county. In the same way, the duke may call
the army’s leaders provide the food and lodging, there upon the countess’ armies, along with those of the
is no cost for such soldiers. In any cultural acquisition, other counts in the duchy, as well as all their barons’
the Dungeon Master must determine ad hoc the armies.
number of soldiers that can be acquired.
Conscription is the tool of civilized societies. RESTRICTIONS TO GAINS
When threatened, civilians are legally pressed into the In many circumstances, characters will not be allowed
army for a set term of service or the length of a war. to freely raise armies. Local leaders get nervous about
Such civilians count as unskilled hirelings. They growing military forces that are not under their own
almost never have their own equipment, but some control.
might bring farm implements or the leftover weapons The exact point in which a military force becomes
from their grandparents’ time at war. too large to tolerate is determined by the Dungeon
In war-like or raiding societies, healthy adults are Master. Of course, what the leader is doing with her
expected to fight to maintain the society’s way of life. army also plays into how tolerant of it a ruler will be.
To organize an army, the leader must have a certain Additionally, the nature of the army plays some
reputation and a specific goal. Tribes of martial role in how large it may grow before others seek to
barbarian or goblin-kin might rally to the banner of a interfere. A character raising a force of orcs and
strong leader, seeking to take territory from rivals or goblins near to civilized lands may find that their
plunder a nearby city. These soldiers typically come presence alone is enough for other armies to march
with their own equipment; maintaining gear for war is against it, or adventurers come and assassinate the
an expected part of adulthood in such warrior leader or otherwise thwart the army’s expected
societies. intentions.
Slavery is another approach that armies use to get Even when militaries are generally approved of,
cheap troops. Unless a society raises their warrior there are often set limitations. If two barons have
slaves from a young age using exceptional techniques frequent feuds, the countess is not likely to allow one
for their control and conditioning, the slave portion of of them to begin recruiting a massive army, fearing
an army is never good for anything more than fodder. instability in the county.
Slaves must be provided with gear suitable for the

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The previous costs only contemplate the investment of The loyalty score of an army (or sub-division of an
simple soldiers. More specialized warriors require army) is measured on a scale from 0 to 20. Scores can
significant additional funds to equip initially. never exceed this range. The maximum effective score
Infantry and archers cost about the same amount is equal to the Charisma score of the leader. It’s
to equip, about 60 gp each. Infantry have cheaper starting loyalty score is half the leader’s Charisma
weapons than archers, but make up for it with heavier score. If leadership of the army changes hands, adjust
armor and shields. the loyalty score accordingly.
Elite soldiers cost about 250 gp each to equip. If the Dungeon Master tracks the army with sub-
These typically wear more-protective chainmail or divisions, and gives a leadership score to the officers
splint armor. They use professional weaponry like in charge of those divisions instead of the divisions
polearms and often have more than one back-up themselves, those divisions might instead of a loyalty
weapon. score applicable to their officers. This can create
True knights cost 2,000 gp each to equip. they scenarios where a harsh and overbearing officer tries
wear plate armor, carry shields, and ride powerful to follow the army leader’s orders but the soldiers in
warhorses. Each is also accompanied by a squire or his sub-division revolt.
servant. Despite the heavy investment cost, knights
typically fight for causes, not gold, so they can be TRACKING LOYALTY
maintained by simply paying room and board. The Dungeon Master should track army loyalty scores
Another consideration for a would-be war leader secretly so that players won’t be fully conscious of the
is the cost ancillary equipment. Catapults, siege exact score. However, an army’s morale is usually
towers, wagons for the supply trains, professional notable to astute officers, meaning the leader might
logistician charts to track army movement and have some general notion of the loyalty rating, perhaps
supplies, and other costs may also apply. Refer to the within a few points.
earlier section in this Part for the costs of siege Increase an army’s loyalty score by 1d4 points
engines. Part 2 covers the cost of wagons and other each time the leader successfully achieves results
vehicles. favorable to the army. This typically means each
Finally, depending on the terrain, an army might success in battle, whether to gain plunder or to defend
need access to ships, either to transport soldiers to their homeland. But do not apply this bonus if the
foreign shores, or to convert the army to a navy. The army’s casualties were greater than 30%.
cost for individual ships is provided early in this Decrease an army’s loyalty score by 1d4 points
product, in Parts 3 and 5. each time the leader fails to meet the army’s
expectations. This means each month of failure to pay
LEADING TROOPS wages after the point when they are owed, failures in
battle, or forcing the army into poor conditions like a
The Dungeon Master’s Guide presents an optional
grueling desert march or camping in rotting
loyalty mechanic on page 93. This mechanic is
swampland. Decrease the loyalty score by 2d4 if the
intended for individual NPCs, but with some
army has reason to suspect that their hardships are the
adaptation, it works just as well for a whole army, sub-
result of the leader’s selfish desires for personal gain.
groups within an army, or the officers that control
portions of an army.
Army loyalty can be roleplayed, or it can be EFFECTS OF LOYALTY
controlled by this rule. Using this system, troops that An army with a loyalty score higher than 10 will march
are poorly-paid, ill-equipped, made to suffer terrible to the death for its leader, fighting through terrible
conditions or humiliating losses, are more likely to odds to achieve the leader’s goals.
abandon their service. Troops that are treated well and An army whose score is within the range of 1
paid well are more likely to fight to the death for their through 10 is only tenuously loyal and might be
cause. willing to leave service and enter another leader’s

246 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
army (though typically not a rival’s army) or might player characters should play no leadership role in the
resist undertaking extreme activities. battle, or cannot have heroic encounters within the
If the army’s score drops to 0, it is no longer loyal space of clashing armies, just that these scenes should
and will soon abandon the leader. Its members might not be relied upon to determine the outcomes of a
even take service in a rival or hostile leader’s forces. battle between armies. When warring kingdoms take
If the army was treated badly enough, it might actively to the field, the entire fabric of the campaign shifts in
sabotage the leader’s efforts, leaving service as the ways that should be controlled by the Dungeon
enemy’s army is forming up to charge. Master, not by the presence of a few individuals or the
caprice of some die rolls.
The history of Dungeons & Dragons is littered with
The Dungeon Master should refer to the following
the corpses of failed or little-used mass-combat
factors to determine the outcomes of the battle. These
systems. In today’s environment of third-party
results are best determined at the outset, perhaps
publications and homebrews, that boneyard has
during pre-game preparation, so that the story does not
become much broader.
get paused while the DM figures things out. Keep the
The original Battlesystem game (republished for
war as the important backdrop for the campaign while
Second Edition) used modifications of normal
the game focus stays on the player characters.
character-scale rules, implemented with figurines and
Determine Winner. In any clash of armies, the
built as an introduction to true war gaming. It was a
certain winner will usually be obvious. Two forces
full standalone game that received great reviews by its
meet, one with vastly superior numbers and position.
owners and creators, but suffered a mixed reception
The lesser of these two forces will lose, leaving only
from the public. The Battlesystem game never really
the question of how badly.
caught on as a standalone or a system to use in
Officially deciding the winner is the first thing for
combination with Dungeons & Dragons, and the line
the Dungeon Master to do. This is the opposite
has been discontinued for several decades.
approach of many mass-combat systems out there,
Later mass-combat rules have tried to be lighter,
systems that want to decide winners only following a
simpler, and more abstract. They moved away from
long series of awkward rolls. While this makes for a
full-scale miniatures and war gaming, seeking only to
touch more drama, it more often produces improbable
address clashes of armies as a “side-game” or “mini-
results and takes the focus away from the players.
game” within a Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
When determining the winner, the DM should
Most of these systems, including contemporary
consider the numbers on both sides, their training,
versions, take a fairly-standardized form. They have
equipment, quality of tactics, leadership, morale,
units of various sizes with a handful of ratings
presence of disease in the camp, use of special warfare
dissimilar from normal game statistics, some units
equipment, access to combat and healing magic, and
boasting unusual capabilities. Dungeon Masters
any other factor that may play a role in the outcome.
control the clash of armies with new roll types,
Particularly note interactions where one side is heavily
incorporating various modifiers for terrain, tactics, and
favored, such as archers showering a slowly-
other factors. To keep things interesting, these systems
approaching army without response; these can defy the
invariably incorporate (1) random outcomes based on
simple calculus of attrition in equal numbers.
die rolling, and (2) altered outcomes based on player
The Clash. A clash of armies is typically a whole
character activities. However, as the size of clashing
battle from start to finish. It takes place within a single
forces increases toward the scale of true armies, these
day. If a battle proves indecisive, an additional clash
two factors should, in every realistic sense, become
may take place on the following day or the next, with
less important to the point of irrelevance.
additional clashes continuing until the outcome is
The storied scene where a single hero turns the
certain. The Dungeon Master can decide that a battle
tide of an entire battle simply lacks credibility, and it
of multiple clashes has different winners on different
can rob the conflict of an important sense of scale that
clashing armies should bring. This is not to say that

247 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
The winning side of the conflict obtains its
nominal goals. It forces the enemy to retreat, takes
control of the contested village, or isolates the army
from its reinforcements. Usually a parlay and peace
are worked out following the clash, depending on the
larger context of the battle. Whatever the
circumstances, the Dungeon Master should decide the
nature of the victory including any shift in army
composition, territorial positioning, or political
upheaval that results.
Each clash determines a casualty number, as
described below. The Dungeon Master can impose
these strict numbers or just decide losses based on
what makes the most sense.
Field Losses. Both sides suffer casualties in war.
These losses are based on two calculations.
First, the losing side suffers 20% casualties.
Speaking from a historical medieval perspective, this
is a staggering percentage. Second, the winning side
suffers half that number of casualties, to a maximum
of 50% of its total forces.
For example, two armies clash, one with 500
soldiers and one with 1250 soldiers. The larger force
losses, suffering 250 casualties (20% of its fighters). In a siege assault against fortified walls, the
The winning force suffers half that number (125 besiegers will lose each day’s clash until the Dungeon
casualties). Master determines that a significant event removes the
Had the smaller force lost, it would have suffered effectiveness of the fortifications. This might be the
only 100 casualties (20% of its fighters) before things failure of a wall after weeks of trebuchet attacks,
turned so decisively against it as to require a surrender sapping, or magical weakening. Or it could be a band
or retreat. The larger force would have lost only 50 of traitors within the fortification opening the gates to
casualties. the attackers.
An army composed of multiple troop types In losing a clash, the force assaulting the walls
applies their loss percentage proportionally to each suffers 30% casualties, to a maximum of 1 fighter per
type. For example, a losing army of 300 veterans and active defender. (Most civilians within a fortification
1700 raw recruits will suffer 20% casualties, meaning are not counted as part of the army.) The defenders
60 veterans and 340 recruits cease to be viable in will suffer 1% casualties, to a minimum of 1 per 50
battle. But the Dungeon Master may apply these attackers. For fortifications weaker than a full castle
percentages unevenly based on tactics; perhaps the with curtain walls, or with run-down defenses, the
veterans used the recruits as simple fodder to protect Dungeon Master can adjust the defenders’ casualties
their positions, shifting many of the veterans’ expected to as high as 5%.
losses onto the recruits. For example, a besieging force of 3,000 assaults
Siege Losses. Sieges are one of the few situations the walls of a well-fortified stronghold defended by
when conflicts are drawn out for a much long period only 300. The assaulters suffer 300 casualties that day.
than a few clashes. In a siege, the defenders are at a They could have lost up to 900 (30%), but their losses
great advantage due to their defensive fortifications. were reduced for the small size of the defending force.
Rarely will besiegers clash, preferring to wait out their The defenders lose 6 casualties. Normally the loss
enemies. Sieges typically resolve when the defenders would have only been 3 (1%), but the minimum loss is
surrender of starvation or when allied reinforcements one-fiftieth of the attacking number. Had the Dungeon
scare off the besieging force. Master determined that the walls were not very high or

248 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
were in severe disrepair, she could have set the loss PLAYERS’ ROLES, PRE-BATTLE
percentage as high as 5%, in which case the defending While player characters essentially never turn the tide
force would have suffered 15 casualties. of battle while within it, there are certain activities they
Absent an intervening event like the collapse of a can do ahead of time to tip the scales. In a close
curtain wall or betrayal from within, the besiegers will scenario, any one (or multiple) of the following events
eventually win with brute force assaults. This occurs may be decisive.
at the point when the Dungeon Master determines The scenarios here are just examples; the
there are not enough defenders to effectively man the Dungeon Master should alter these or make up new
walls and the attackers still have sufficient numbers to encounters to suit. Remember, these events will only
mount significant assaults. change the outcome of a clash of armies if the odds are
Use field loss rules instead of siege loss rules if a already very close.
fortification is completely ineffective, as in the case of Assassinate the General. This scenario probably
the entire attacking force being able to fly over the plays out at night. The player characters sneak into the
walls unhindered. enemy camp and assassinate a war leader whose
Exceptional Attacks. In a fantasy setting, armies tactical cunning might otherwise be decisive to the
may include spellcasters or ferocious monsters with battle. This conflict emphasizes stealth; if the
amazing and decisive capabilities. Often, these factors characters remain hidden, they escape easily. If they
will play into the Dungeon Master’s determination of are discovered, before or after the assassination, they
who wins the conflict. Particularly, large-scale must fight their way out or otherwise escape.
spellcasting can be decisive when the other force lacks Alternative versions include stealing a war banner
the ability to counter that magic or respond in kind. or other important icon to affect morale, burning siege
Additionally, exceptional attacks apply a modifier engines or poisoning wells during a siege scenario, or
to the enemy’s casualty count, doubling, tripling, or sabotaging important works like a floating bridge.
quadrupling it at the Dungeon Master’s whim, Develop a Plan. Smart, tactical characters might
reflecting the nature of those attacks. If both sides be able to turn the tide by coming up with an
possess such means, a single clash can be devastating impressive plan to win the battle. The strategy might
to both armies. include deceptive feints or timely maneuvers that
Recover Casualties. Half of casualty numbers contemplate the peculiarities of the terrain. The
represent deaths in the army; the remainder are Dungeon Master can determine the effectiveness of
“simple casualties.” Simple casualties will recover and these plans with an Intelligence (History) check
be able to fight again in about seven days. against a DC that reflects the difficulty of the
The armor or other protections used by an army upcoming fight or is opposed by the same roll made
will modify its casualty numbers. Those with “inferior by the enemy commander.
armor” (AC 12 or lower) double their applied casualty Alternately, if the players come up with an actual
percentages. Those with “good armor” (AC 16 plan, one that is impressive from a tactical or dramatic
through 19) halve their applied casualty percentages. standpoint, the DM may forego any rolls simply
Those with “superior armor” (AC 20 or higher) halve decide how effective the plan is for the army.
their applied casualty percentages and convert half of Impassioned Speech. The historic significance of
their dead casualty numbers to simple casualties. inspiring speeches ahead of battle is dubious. A war
Magical Recovery. An army with significant leader’s words cannot carry to more than a small force
magical healing resources can convert half of its daily of the larger army. However, boosting morale this way
simple casualties back into viable soldiers, ready to is a time-honored dramatic device that enhances the
fight the next day. story and keeps the focus of the game where it should
In very unusual circumstances, powerful magics be, on the players. Therefore, the Dungeon Master
or deific intervention can bring dead casualties back to may give one character the opportunity to make an
life or, more disturbingly, raise them as undead, ready impassioned speech before each day’s clash. If
to fight the next day. multiple characters are leading multiple groups of

249 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
soldiers, each such character can attempt to affect her are most likely to change the outcome of the war if the
own troops’ morale. original forces are not nearly equivalent.
The speaking player should take some effort to Usually, this encounter requires the characters to
roleplay the speech, or at least to provide a written treat with some other force, like convincing a
outline of what is said. The content of the speech is neighboring duke to bring his soldiers to their aid.
important to the drama of the scene. This event should However, this scenario could also be turned on the
not be reduced to mere die-rolls, although dice do have enemy, attempting to hire away some of their
a say in it. mercenary companies. This encounter may require
An impassioned speech is typically followed by a roleplaying like the “impassioned speech” encounter,
Charisma (Persuasion) check. Under certain rare as well as require complex diplomacy and bribery.
circumstances, the Deception or Intimidation skills Skill checks using Charisma and Wisdom are often
might substitute. There is no DC to match for this appropriate.
check; the Dungeon Master determines its general Sometimes getting aid takes efforts beyond mere
effectiveness for morale based on the height of the persuasive talk. Perhaps the Queen of the Elves will
result and the details of the speech provided by the not be swayed unless the party can find her missing
player. heir or solve the mystery of her murdered lover. This
Certain characteristics can give the speaking technique allows the characters to have a profound
character advantage on this roll, reflecting training in effect on a battle while invoking the real Dungeons &
oration or leadership. A character may gain advantage Dragons rules instead of the cumbersome army
by spending a bardic inspiration die or, if she mechanics suggested by many mass-combat systems.
possesses the rally maneuver, a superiority die. A Play progresses on a character-scale, keeping the focus
character with the inspiring leader feat automatically of the game on the players, where it should be.
claims advantage on this roll. If the characters are
leading their own army, one with an established PLAYERS’ ROLES, MID-BATTLE
loyalty score, the Dungeon Master may apply Sometimes characters get involved directly in a battle.
advantage if the army’s loyalty score is above 15 (or For better or worse, they must now try to defeat the
disadvantage if its score is below 6). The DM may also enemy, achieve military objects, or just plain survive
apply advantage for other characteristics or active in their small section of the conflict.
spells, depending on her own discretion. A few mid-battle scenes like these can create a
Scout for Weaknesses. With the right sense that the player characters are doing their part as
combination of capabilities, the characters may be able the conflict unfolds. Two or three such battles will give
to provide crucial intelligence to one of the armies, players the right sense of scale, whether fought during
information about their opponent’s numbers, a single clash or across multiple days.
defensive works, general health, or likely strategies. Alternately, turning one of these encounters into a
While this might mean sneaking into the enemy camp single, larger-scale conflict might capture that feel in a
in the dark of night, it could just as easily involve case where allied soldiers fight alongside the player
infiltration using magical or mundane disguises, or the characters. In that case, give all players control of one
use of scrying spells. to three soldiers each (probably using the guard
Like the “develop a plan” encounter, an intelligent statistics in the Monster Manual) in addition to their
character might be able to determine weaknesses just own characters. The players determine the actions for
from latent clues, performing arithmetic to estimate their assigned soldiers and make their various rolls for
enemy numbers based on the number of camp fires or them. This method can increase the players’ sense of
determining how long a siege can hold out by correctly connection with the army, having fought (rolled dice)
estimating its reserves of supplies. side by side with them. However, when using this
Win Over Allies. This sort of encounter is technique, it is best to limit the mid-battle encounters
typically performed long before the armies meet, when to just one, lest the game bog down.
there is still time for additional forces to take the field.
It is also the encounter type where player characters

250 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Following are some example encounters. The Just make sure to vary the groups and not overdo
Dungeon Master can alter these or make up new things; this should be draining to the characters, not
encounters to suit. tedious to the players.
Capture the Position. An important event, the Straight Fight. A simple event, the characters go
characters seek to capture a small but important thing. head-to-head with enemy forces for a set period, until
The thing is typically a strategic location, but it could the thick of the fighting shifts away from the
be the pennant of an important enemy, a mobile siege characters’ position.
weapon, a cage-wagon full of prisoners, or the like. This event allows the characters to experience
This event probably gives the characters an combat with a variety of enemy forces they might not
opportunity to plan their assault, but they will have to otherwise encounter. Do the foes have manticores?
contend with larger forces or overcome the What about organized phalanxes? Whatever unique
entrenchments and fortifications laid by the enemy. quality the enemy has, this is a good time to put it on
Hold the Position. As with “capture the position,” show.
the characters oversee the holding of something This event is also useful for dramatic clashes
important while enemy forces try to take it away. The between important characters. Does a certain baron on
characters probably benefit from various fortifying the opposing side have a grudge with the characters?
efforts prepared in advance to control the area. Perhaps the swirl of melee sweeps that baron and his
This is a good event to run consecutively with the honor guard into direct confrontation with characters,
“hold the position” event, perhaps a day later. bringing to a head several years of acrimony and
Close the Gate. The characters must fight back a political machinations in one swift, brutal encounter.
mass of charging enemies long enough for the
defenders to close the main gain. Perhaps the AFTER THE FIGHTING
mechanisms have jammed, by sabotage or simple ill- A clash of armies is a significant event. It involves
use, and the engineers need a minute to fix it. The large numbers of individuals, sweeps up the local
enemies keep coming, but the characters cannot retreat peasantry, ruins field drainage and crops, affects
until the mechanism is fixed and the gate closes. (The politics and commerce for decades to come, and lives
characters should have some way to retreat when this in the hearts of the citizenry for generations. A century
event concludes, like a hoist ready to lift them swiftly later, that muddy hillside might still be remembered
over the crenels at the top of the wall.) for the battle that took place there on a cold autumn
Variations of this event include protecting the day so long ago. Effects on the player characters
sappers from an enemy counter-charge until they can should be significant and meaningful.
position their petards for detonation against the castle Background Changes. If the characters’ side will
wall, guarding the wizard from an enemy throng until lose the battle, the Dungeon Master should have a
she can finish casting her spells, or holding the dock prepared series of ways to demonstrate the importance
until the queen’s ship can cast off and bear its royal of the loss. Perhaps allied cities are sacked, their
cargo to safety. peasants beggared or taken as slaves. Perhaps the
Fighting Retreat. The player characters are borders between kingdoms shift and the new lords
overwhelmed and must fight their way out of a tight impose their culture, religion, or trade practices on
spot. Perhaps their position was isolated by the enemy their new holdings.
and overrun, and the characters must make it into the If the characters’ side wins, the Dungeon Master
nearby forest or across the river to get away. Whatever should take care to mention how this effects the locals,
the case, the characters fight a series of running battles particularly individual NPCs the characters are
as pockets of enemy forces catch up to them, either on familiar with. In addition to raising national pride,
foot or mounted. The characters may have minutes or economies are often bolstered by war. The local baker
only a few rounds between waves. and the innkeeper known to the player characters may
This is an excellent event to emphasize the long, have expanded their businesses by preparing food en
slogging nature of a war being lost. The Dungeon masse for the army, reaping great profits.
Master can throw group after group at the party until,
regardless of character level, they are very worn down.

251 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Whatever the case, the clashing forces probably If the characters were aligned with a region,
consumed every bit of crops and game within a broad faction, or government that rates renown, each well-
range of the army, leaving the poor to starve for a year handled encounter in the Pre-Battle and Mid-Battle
or two following any conflict. Locals or their adult phases might be worth a whole point of renown.
children may have been pressed or hired into military Ignominy and Rebuke. Similarly, if the
service, and never returned. These can have a characters fare poorly in the events leading up to the
profound effect on the characters’ world. clash, even if their side won, the characters might
Accolades and Recognition. Win or lose, if the suffer some sort of penalty.
characters distinguish themselves in war, the rewards This could be a stripping or reduction of military
are potentially quite high. Depending on the power and rank or noble title. More likely, it simply comes with
resources of the side to which the characters were a long-term reputation as incompetent; it will be a long
aligned, successful actions in the Pre-War and Mid- time before the authorities entrust the characters with
War phases can earn certain recognition. future endeavors or resources.
Low-level characters might be granted gentle If the characters were aligned with a region,
status, knight or the equivalent. For providing far- faction, or government that rates renown, each poorly-
reaching assistance, particularly if the characters’ side handled encounter in the Pre-Battle and Mid-Battle
is victorious, higher titles and grants of land may be phases might cost a whole point of renown.

252 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
Wraith Wright Productions has additional releases product will seek to tell which monsters logically
planned, some currently under development. belong to such encounters and accurately describe just
how dangerous those encounters are. For example, it
is incredibly likely that an aboleth, given its ecology
and capabilities, will be encountered with an army of
We’re working on something promising, yet difficult. minions. Where the Monster Manual fails to suggest
It’s based on our recent market research, a product we what those minions might be, the Creature Faction
think the community is looking for. We’re not Handbook would detail that army and their
forecasting the details because this isn’t the type of capabilities, explain how they interact and why, and
project that we can easily plan a development cycle index the group according to its overall challenge
for. rating.
The Secret Project will create a platform for other On the other hand, a beholder is an isolationist
creators to build upon, inviting others to use the creature that would never have minions or allies. It
material, without pay, to create similar products. would not appear in this product because this
After stepping in to spice up The Comprehensive product’s factioning efforts seek to conform with
Equipment Manual, illustrator Johnathan Good has monster ecologies, not defy them.
again agreed to collaborate, this time taking a larger
role for our upcoming Secret Project.
This product will provide monster “templates” to
CREATURE HANDBOOKS modify creatures into unusual forms, like the army of
Wraith Wright studios is committed to providing tools spore-riddled animals that are dominated by an
that help players and DMs create richer, more intelligent plant creature. This is like factioning, but it
interesting game worlds. These two products are serves to unify otherwise-unlikely combinations of
designed to enhance the feel of monsters, providing monsters based on a handful of what are called
ecologically consistent mixes with rational reason for “templates.”
grouping together. For example, the shadow dragon from the
Monster Manual is a template. But it applies only to
THE CREATURE FACTION HANDBOOK dragons; that book is mysteriously silent about how to
Another product in development is dedicated to make shadow versions of other creatures that were
“monster factioning.” It is intended as a handy similarly born in the Shadowfell or transformed after
reference for Dungeon Masters that will do several years of living there. Nor does the Monster Manual
things. First, it will provide monster “groups” for address the proclivities of shadow creatures or their
reasons for working together in groups that might
various challenge ratings, along with some details of
their interactions. threaten a party of adventurers.
These are interesting combinations of monsters This monster-enhancing product seeks to remedy
that make sense ecologically and help provide variety such deficiencies, providing details and a handful of
to encounters. For any DM who is tired of throwing X templates along those lines.
number of Y monsters at their party, it can be useful to
have ready-made groups of different foes whose SHORT ADVENTURES
association makes sense and whose variety of Two product lines are in early development.
strengths and weakness can provide challenges
suitable to a variety of different character classes.
Where a single monster might surround itself with
Flashbacks are small adventures for two or three
allies, minions, guardians, and ferocious pets, this
players. They are designed to be played in the middle

253 | T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E E Q U I P M E N T M A N U A L
of existing adventures and completed in a single PRODUCTION SUPPORT
session. Flashbacks primarily serve to fill a night when This production schedule depends heavily upon the
a couple of players can’t show up. If moving forward reception of this initial product and on the consumer
with the campaign doesn’t make sense, perhaps feedback it receives, particularly as it relates to the
because critical events or huge fights are looming, a viability of future products.
DM can insert a flashback to entertain the group while If you are interested in providing comments, the
putting the main campaign on hold. most expedient method is to email directly, at
Flashbacks are more than just short adventures for [email protected].
small parties. This volume provides the DM with a Comments in the form of playtesting feedback or
series of narrative tools. These help to make the corrections is especially welcome, given that this
flashback meaningful and relevant to the current product underwent a number of final edits and
campaign while building closer historic ties between alterations just before publication. Such changes tend
player characters. to generate errors, so any assistance is appreciated.


Also planned is a series of adventures related to a
favorite setting, the high seas! This yet-unnamed
product will include rules for shipboard combat and
expand the rules in Dungeon Master’s Guide for ABOUT THE AUTHOR
chases to include naval actions. Its main content will The main author and editor is Randall Right, known
be a series of small, interesting encounters suitable for in some gaming forums as the Wraith Wright. He
a sea-based campaign. has over thirty years of experience running various
This Ventures line might be expanded to develop editions of Dungeons & Dragons and other
additional products placed in various other settings, roleplaying games.
bite-sized adventures or encounters that can be easily At the time of this release, Randall is a
dropped into existing campaigns. These are likely to practicing attorney and is involved in five regular
follow consistent themes, like desert encounters. Fifth Edition games. He has worked as a freelance
writer off-and-on for several roleplaying game
ONGOING DEVELOPMENT companies. Randall lives in Seattle, Washington.
And finally, Wraith Wright Production’s production
queue includes… this product. You are reading a
version of The Comprehensive Equipment Manual that
is not final, one that is never final. As Wizards of the ABOUT THE ARTIST
Coast releases additional material that affects the The sole illustrator is Johnathan Good of Johnathan
various sections of this manual, we expect to release Good Illustrations. He lives in Massachusetts and
updates to this product to reflect those new additions. graduated from the Montserrat College of Art with
Likewise, as the terms of the Dungeon Masters Guild bachelor’s degree in fine arts, concentrating in
expand to allow additional intellectual properties that illustration.
have their own unique gear types, such as those found Johnathan is a fan of history, architecture, and
on Athas or Eberron, we intend to update with game design. He is a general artist with a broad
additional exotic rules. range of proficiency in various mediums, but
To maintain clarity for its use, curation of these currently focusing on his technical skills with
products will include plainly labeled updates, with a digital painting and 3D modelling.
version number and a brief description of the update.

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