P 78 Assessment Criteria
P 78 Assessment Criteria
P 78 Assessment Criteria
Beginning I can answer the question “What is your name?” using a full sentence.
(3) 5 I can use subject pronouns to say short sentences about the topic related vocabulary but I forget to use articles, and sometimes make
mistakes when using He/She/It.
I am beginning to use simple singular and plural demonstrative pronouns as a way to talk about topic related items.
I am aware of possessive adjectives and can sometimes apply the rule when making sentences related to the topic.
The student is developing his/her language skill (using articles, adding ‘s’ to plural nouns) although mistakes are sometimes made.
I can introduce myself (name, class, seat number) using full sentences.
I use the correct subject pronoun, and insert an article, when saying topic related sentences. However, I sometimes make mistakes
Developing with the a/an rule and I sometimes forget to add ‘s’ to plural nouns.
(4) 6 I am aware of possessive adjectives and mostly apply the correct term when saying sentences related to the topic.
I can use interrogative questions to enquire about family, jobs and school although I may use the incorrect form of the be verb and/or
add an article when saying the plural form.
I can use demonstrative pronouns to enquire about topic related items and choose the correct word (this, that, these, those).
However, I sometimes make mistakes changing the ‘be’ verb or forget to add ‘s’ when saying the plural sentences.
The student has secured their language skill and is now applying their learned grammar into their spoken English.
I can introduce myself (name, class, seat number) using full sentences.
I use the correct pronoun, article, and possessive adjectives in my sentences.
Securing I confidently use the correct form of the ‘be’ verb.
(5) 7 I remember to add ‘s’ to plural nouns.
I can ask interrogative questions to enquire about family, jobs and school and use the correct form of the ‘be’ verb each team.
I can use singular and plural demonstrative pronouns to make statements about topic related vocabulary.
I can ask interrogative questions using both “What” style questions and yes/no questions.
(6) 8
(7) 9