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LAN301M Fall 2012

Why study groundwater?

Groundwater • Important source of fresh water

• Large portion of the Earth’s
Hydrology fresh water as groundwater
• Important to know the renewal time
– Residence time ~5000 a
Þröstur Þorsteinsson • Self-sustaining use important
Environment and Natural Resources, (slowly renewable source)
University of Iceland

Fresh water on Earth What is groundwater?

• If a hole is dug the water that flows freely
into the hole is groundwater.
Ice – Since the air in the hole is at atmospheric
69% pressure, the pressure in the groundwater must
30% be higher if it is to flow freely into the hole.
• The zone between ground surface and the
top of the groundwater is called the vadose
zone (unsaturated zone).
– Water there is held to the soil particles by capillary
Rivers / forces.
Moisture Lakes
0.7% 0.3%

Water beneath land surface Aquifers / Veitar

• Groundwater-bearing formations
sufficiently permeable to transmit and
yield water in usable quantities are
Ground called aquifers.
water • Two types of aquifers:
(1) unconfined and (2) confined.

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 1

LAN301M Fall 2012

Groundwater system
Source of Groundwater Grunnvatnskerfi

• Atmospheric precipitation is the main

source of fresh groundwater.
• The water may have infiltrated directly
into the ground where it landed, or
been collected via surface runoff and
then seeped into the ground.

Vatn streymir úr hlíðum



Pipe flow – Darcy’s law Darcy’s law

• Demonstration of Darcy’s law Q dh
• Pipe filled with sand q  K
• Water applied under pressure at A A dl
• Discharges at B • q – specific discharge, [L T-1]
• Q – discharge, [L3 T-1]
• A – cross sectional area, [L2]
• dh/dl – hydraulic gradient
• K – hydraulic conductivity [L T-1]

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 2

LAN301M Fall 2012

Hydraulic conductivity Velocity of the water

• Also referred to as the • v sometimes called v
Coefficient of permeability Darcy velocity A
• Intrinsic permeability, Ki = C d2 • Note that is the average velocity
– C – shape factor through the cross section, not the water
– d – grain size (diameter) velocity
• Hydraulic conductivity then, • Average velocity of the
K = Ki * g/m, where g = r g and m is water itself Q
vx 
dynamic viscosity. ne A

Applicability of Darcy’s law Laminar & Turbulent flow

• Only for laminar flow,
not turbulent
• Reynolds number used to determine
whether flow laminar or turbulent

Reynolds number Characteristic Numbers

r qd • If Re smaller than ~2200 the fluid flow
Re  is laminar, if higher then the flow is
• Where
m turbulent.
– r is density
– q is discharge velocity Laminar Turbulent

– d diameter of discharge passageway

– m is the viscosity

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 3

LAN301M Fall 2012

Control Volume



What are Aquifers? Unconfined aquifers

• Groundwater-bearing formations • Are under-ground lakes in porous materials
sufficiently permeable to transmit and • Top of the unconfined aquifer is the
yield water in usable quantities are water table
called aquifers. – Also called phreatic surface,
after the Greek word phrear, ``well''
– Most common are unconsolidated sands
• That is the plane where groundwater
and gravels.
pressures are equal to atmospheric pressure.
• Two types of aquifers:
(1) unconfined and (2) confined.

Confined Aquifer Aquifer types

• A layer of water-bearing material that is
Water table
sandwiched between two layers of
much less pervious material
b h1 h2
• The pressure condition is characterized
by the potentiometric surface, which is L

the surface obtained by connecting Confined Unconfined

equilibrium water levels in tubes, or aquifer aquifer
piezometers, penetrating the confined

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 4

LAN301M Fall 2012

Potentiometric (Piezometric) Surface Gropa / Porosity

• If it is above the upper confining layer, • Hlutfall holrýmis á móti heildarrúmáli
the static water level in a well will be – The percentage that is void of material,
above the aquifer.
• Such a well is called an artesian well, n 100
named after wells bored in Artois (N-
France) in the eighteenth century. • Þar sem Vv er holrýmið, V
heildarrúmmálið og n gropan
– Where Vv is the void space, V the total
volume, and n porosity

Porosity - figure Calculating n

• Vv = V – Vs,
– where v – void, s – solid
• Vs = ms/rs,
– where r – density, ms – dry weight

Porosity of materials Packing

• Well rounded and sorted sediments
have porosity of 26% – 48%
• If well sorted, then porosity depends
only on the packing (not grain size)
Cubic packing Rhombohedral
of spheres packing of spheres

n = 47.65% n = 25.95%

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 5

LAN301M Fall 2012

Porosity – mixed grain sizes Effective porosity, ne

• If a mixture of grain sizes, then porosity • Measured by drying the sample at
will be lower 105°C
– Small grains fill in the void space • Then submerged in known volume of
• Porosity of sedimentary rocks 1 – 30% water
• Plutonic rock ~2% • What goes into sample is a measure of
(+2 – 5% if fractured) the effective void space
• Weathering can increase to 30 – 60%

Conductivity Hydraulic conductivity

• If the voids are poorly interconnected, • Also referred to as the
the rock cannot convey water from one
void to another. Coefficient of permeability

• Intrinsic permeability, Ki = C d2
– C – shape factor
– d – grain size (diameter)

Estimating water content Specific yield and retention

• Specific yield, Sy • The sum of those is,
– Ratio of volume of water drained by gravity to
total volume
• Specific retention, Sr n = S y + Sr
– Ratio of volume of water a rock can retain to total  porosity
• If two rocks have equal porosity, but different
grain size, more water will be retained in the
fine grained rock, why?
– Surface tension

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 6

LAN301M Fall 2012

Aquifer transmissivity Grunnvatnslíkan, Rvk-svæði


• T – transmissivity [L2 T-1]

• b – thickness of saturated layer [L]
• K – hydraulic conductivity [L T-1]

Water withdrawal Saltwater intrusion

• Common to withdraw groundwater but • Saltwater flowing inland into aquifers
too fast or extensive withdrawal (mining) • Sea water has higher density than
can lead to:
– Cone of depression
freshwater - and thus the pressure under
– Wells can go “dry” saltwater is higher than with freshwater
– Lower water table • The withdrawal of freshwater and this
• Serious consequences for vegetation
pressure difference triggers a flow from
– Increased concentration of chemicals in water
– Saltwater intrusion
the saltwater column to the freshwater
– Subsidence column

• Drained soil
• Water table falls,
peat exposed to
• Decomposes
• Subsidence

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 7

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