Search Query Worksheet

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MEDICAL FACULTY Name : ______________________

Student ID : ______________________

Search Query Worksheet

1. Define your question using P I C O :

P = Patient/Problem  ______________________________________________________
I = Intervention  ______________________________________________________
C = Comparison  ______________________________________________________
O = Outcome  ______________________________________________________

2. List the main terms (keywords) from your P I C O that can be used for your search :

3. List the EBM resource databases you plan to search :

__________________________________________________ use PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochrane, DARE, etc

4. Reference article that you got from your search :

site with this format : Author. (year published). Title of article. Journal name; volume(issue): pages

5. Type of scenario :
 Therapy  Diagnosis  Etiology  Prognosis  Prevention  Other

6. Type of study :
 Meta-analisis  Randomized Controlled Trial  Cross-sectional study
 Systematic review  Cohort study  Case series/report
 Case control study  Editorial/opinion

7. Critical appraisal :
a. Are the results valid?
b. What are the results and are the findings important?
c. Are the results applicable and helpful for your patients?

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