Hotel Basic Network Configuration - PNP
Hotel Basic Network Configuration - PNP
Hotel Basic Network Configuration - PNP
2. Purpose
3. Procedures
3.1. Cisco Meraki Network Standard Configuration
3.1.1. Network-wide General Traffic Analysis Device configuration Firmware upgrades Alert & Administration Client Monitoring Group Policies Sentry Policies
3.2. Security Appliance
3.2.1. Appliance Status
3.2.2. Addressing & VLANs :
3.3. Bandwidth Management
3.3.1. Traffic Shaping
Web cache content
Layer 3
Layer 7
Daily Task list :
Network Device Naming Convention :
Firmware Update
Factors Affecting the Throughput Test
1. Subject
Cisco Meraki Devices Policy ( MX, MS, MR )
2. Purpose
This guidance applied as a basic network standard configuration for Archipelago’s hotel. In
order the hotel network can be manage and monitor effectively.
3. Procedures
Physical Network and panel
● Data network structure should be : Security Appliance --> Core Switch --> Distribution
Switch --> Client /Access Point --> Wireless Client (Insert picture)
● Network Cascading Cascading switch maximum 3 level
● Electrical Supply : UPS have minimum 15 minutes backup power. In average UPS
power ratio is 60%, which is mean UPS with 1500VA capacity will able to backup
maximum 1500VA x 60% = 900 Watt electronic devices. There are some UPS have 90%
power ratio, kindly check the specifications.
● Electrical Panel must be separated from other installation.
● Working Environment : make sure panel room temperature between 20-24 celcius
degree. Have a good air circulation and proper rack (able to release heat)
● Free from dust and direct sunlight.
● Implementing VLAN.
3.1.1. Network-wide General
Network Name ;
Network Notes (can be used search in dashboard);
Local time zone (using UTC +7/8/9)
Switch Alerts :
A switch goes offline for more than 10 minutes
Any switch port detects a cable error
Any switch port changes link speed
A new DHCP server is seen on the network
Wireless Alerts :
A gateway goes offline for more than 10 minutes
A repeater goes offline for more than 10 minutes
A gateway becomes a repeater
Other Alerts :
Rogue APs are detected
Configuration settings are changed
Ensure that you made a list of emergency contact (IT related vendors) and put it at
No specific firewall declare. This is based on your hotel requirement.
- Deny connection to CLoud server from Other than BOH VLAN
- Isolate Guest VLAN from other VLAN
These configuration should be top of the hierarchy / general network based policy.
By default WAN1 will become the Primary Uplink. Choose the WAN which has biggest capacity
as primary uplink.
When the load balancing is enabled, traffic flows will be distributed between the two uplinks.
The load distribution is based on the WAN 1 and WAN 2 throughput configured under Uplink
configuration above, such that the uplink with more throughput will distribute more flows.
Uplink Statistics You may add the Cloud Server IP address to measure ISP
connection quality.
Global Bandwidth Limits A global bandwidth limit applies not only to outbound traffic,
but all routed traffic on an MX security appliance or MR
access point.
To provide a better user experience when using bandwidth shaping, you may enable
SpeedBurst using the checkbox in the Bandwidth Limits section on the Access Control page. A
user is allowed up to four times their allotted bandwidth limit for a period of up to five seconds.
For testing or troubleshooting client speed you can use JPerf or iPerf
( )
Jperf is a very useful and trustworthy tool to measure throughput and jitter between two devices
in your LAN or WAN. Using Jperf allows to have an unbiased measurement of your LAN and
WLAN throughput with no delays added by uncontrollable variables.
You should create shaping policies to apply per user controls on a per application basis. This
allows the throttling of recreational applications such as peer-to-peer file sharing programs and
the prioritization of enterprise applications such as email apps, ensuring that business-critical
application performance is not compromised.
Layer 3
default should be deny for all traffic. You may add exception rule if you need to open
communication between VLAN.
Layer 7
Content Filtering (jika ada fitur tersebut)
Adult & Pornography
Specific policy will be defined based on group policy. And applied based on its requirements.
I.e. VLAN, group of client, clients, devices.
Topics to be prepared :
Troubleshooting :
● If you find any issues from previous checking.
Tags ( Perlu dibuat minimal naming standard tags,untuk mempermudah identifikasi konfigurasi
),misal tags wajib dari corporate : AI-BOH, AI-Staff, (Department Tags) AI-FrontOffice,
AI-Accounting … selain itu berarti additional Tag yg di buat untuk internal hotel. →
Mempermudah implementasi rule di network
Network Device Naming Convention :
All the network devices should be named following this syntax:
<Floor location>-<Location>-<Detail Location>
Floor Location is 3 char information. For the device located in 1st Floor mention : F01
Function is a description of device functionality; Public, Office, Room, Pool, Lounge, Lobby,
Resto, Function.
Detail Location could be Room Number, Name of Meeting Room, Distribution or Core Switch
● For AP: F03-Room-103; Which means the AP is on 3rd Floor, Room AP and the Room
number is 103.
Or FB1-Public-BOH ; Which means the AP is on Basement 1, Public AP and it is
inside BOH.
● For Switch: F05-Panel-Distribution#2; Which means it is a switch that is located on 5th
Floor inside Panel Room, and it is a Distribution Switch number 2.
or FLB-Control-Core; Which means it is a switch that is located in Lobby inside
Control room, and it is a Core Switch.
Firmware Update
Firmware update should be set to automatic. And set the window update time between 3-6 AM