Lesson Plan Design
Lesson Plan Design
Lesson Plan Design
11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 • Phone (858) 642-8320 • Fax (858) 642-8724 • www.nu.edu
2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)
SWBAT: Rationale:
Students will be able to explain how and why
Analzying and interpreting data is essential
competition takes place in ecosystems through to provide evidence for the effects of
resource availability on organisms and
Students will be able to explain ‘How can change populations of organisms in an ecosystem.
in one part of an ecosystem affect change in other Furthermore, there will be an emphasis on
parts of the ecosystem?’ cause and effect relationships, where a
Students will be able to give at least two examples change in one part of the ecosystem causes
of competition that takes place in a real world the change in other parts of the ecosystem.
ecosystem through activity.
3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students’ abilities to achieve the learner outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )
Students are asked view an image on the promethean board: it
shows a food web and I explain there is a decrease in the main plant
population due to a deadly fungus in a chaparral ecoasystem. They
are asked to analyze and interpret the scenario, and explain what
will happen to other populations of organisms.
ELL (Focus Student): Students will have charts with information Rationale: Modeling and guiding students can
available for them to activitate prior knowledge. ELL studetns help ease their thinking, and can direct them
will need teacher Modeling and guidance throughout the towards the correct understanding. Checking in
activity in order for them to explain why competition happens, on these students will faciliatate their confusion
and how a change in one part of an ecosystem can influence and reduce the probability of disengagement.
other parts of that ecosystem. Teacher will lead a small group
combined with SPED students.
Rationale: Modeling and guiding students can
Learning Challenge (Focus Student) Students will have charts help ease their thinking, and can direct them
with information available for them to activitate prior towards the correct understanding. Checking in
knowledge. SPED studetns will need teacher Modeling and on these students will faciliatate their confusion
guidance throughout the activity in order for them to explain and reduce the probability of disengagement
why competition happens, and how a change in one part of an
ecosystem can influence other parts of that ecosystem. Teacher
will lead a small group combined with ELL students.
Upper 1/3 of Class Students need higher scaffolding and more Rationale: These student’s quickly analyze a
challenging questions. The teacher will undergo the I do, We situation and reach the correct conclusion. They
do, You do, system and relinquish them after the We do with need higher level questions that will push them
occasional check ins. to critically think.
Lower 1/3 of Class The teacher will undergo the I do, We do, Rationale: These students might have
You do, system and relinquish them after the We do with trouble staying on task or need little
occasional check ins. These students will be combined with the assistance to get them on the right track.
Upper 1/3.
Learning Challenge (Focus Student): Put students in a group with Rationale: Prioritizing these students with the
ELL’s and keep Co-Teacher with them at all times. Use Co-teacher gives them undivided attention,
Modeling (I do, We do, You do), Read alouds, and and allows students to push towards the
Maniupulatives. lesson. In addition, using those SDAIE
strategies gives students the ability to apply
their prior knowledge to the new concept and
ultimately answer the objective.
Lower 1/3 of Class: Provide students with opportunities to Rationale: Providing opportunities to
interact with Upper 1/3. Provide more time for answering interact with the upper third in search of
questions. accomplishing a task can expand critical
thinking skills and create new social-
educational opportunities.
5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill level)
6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, model, demonstrate, check for
Teacher Will (TW): Students are to understand the significance
Discuss the interdependency of Abioitic and Biotic things in of limited resources in an ecosystem, and
an ecosystem (as a class; students will be asked to Think, the effects of resource competition on
Pair, Share) populations.
TW: Review Key Vocabulary Terms (as a class; students Students receive manipulatives and a
will be asked to Think, Pair, Share) printed out graph paper to help them
- Use slides to show the vocab. understand the types of resources available
TW: Ask students to choose an animal they want to be from in an ecosystem.
the set choices of: Deer, Rabbit, Elk, Fox, and Turkey
Vulture Student’s will personalize the activity by
- Use slides to show pictures of the animals with becoming one of the organisms in the
personal stats! ecosystem, and will see if they survive the
- Write the animal on a piece of tape and place it on hunger game.
their shirt.
TW: Explain Instructions (2 groups):
- Group 1: Students will grab a handful from a brown
lunch sack, and graph in the fruit loops. When done,
they are to silently read.
- Group 2: Student’s be going outside to a designated
area marked as an ecosystem. Teacher will explain
rules and procedures for being outside, and spread
the fruit loops from the brown lunch sack.
- Students will grab all the fruit loops and as many
fruit loops as they can (being cautious not to crush
them because the ones broken will not count).
- As soon as they are done, they will count the fruit
loops and graph them.
TW: Announce the HUNGER GAMES:
- If Deer, Elk, or Rabbit, they are to put away Orange
and Red because those are meat resources, and they
are herbivores and that resource is not useful to
- If Turkey vulture, remove green and red. Red is for
a resource for predators, and they are scavengers.
- Purple is pollution. For every purple, students lose a
water resource as it contaminates it.
- All organisms need 3 waters, 3 food, and 3 shelters
to survive one day of the hunger games. How many
days did you survive in this ecosystem???
- How many days could you have survived in this
ecosystem if you did not compete with others?
7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)
Students Will (SW): Think, Pair, Share about previous
vocabulary. Student’s read the graphs and reinforce
their understanding resources in an
SW: independently construct their own graphs based on the
two scenarios. ecosystem. Resources are limited, and thus
resource competition will ensue.
SW: Collect Fruit loops from the marked ecosystem outside.
SW: will analyze and interpret their graphs and with their
I will also use this as a way to check for
table partners answer the questions.
their understanding.
8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note: Independent
activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to work on their
9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students’ learning.
Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly
achieving students and low achieving students.)
Independent practice: Exit Ticket Rationale:
The questions will allow me to quickly see
what concepts the student’s understood,
and what I need to review the next day. It
will also shape the next day’s lesson.
10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
11. Lesson Reflection/Assessment: (Collect student learning data to determine: What went well?
What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes met? What activities will you add, change,
modify in the future? What can be done to follow up on the learning from this lesson? Who needs
additional help? Who needs enrichment or higher level work?)
Revised: 4/22/10
Note: An electronic copy of the Lesson Plan Design may be found on the Nu-Fast website:
http://www.nu-fast.com . Links: Browse Folders - SOE – TED – TED 629 – Student Resources Unit 4