Lucia Site Plan
Lucia Site Plan
Lucia Site Plan
Summary of Information:
The City is constructing a $2,200,000 Police District Station at the old Lucia Factory site on
Waughtown Street. This station will only utilize a small part of the 10 acre site. Council
Member Taylor has asked that staff evaluate the viability of additional development on the site
that would be composed of a library and commercial space. Under the proposed plan, the City
would acquire the land and prepare the site. This site preparation work would include partial
building demolition, running main utility lines, final grading, parking lot construction, street
extension, etc.
• The final project would have a County built and operated library, and several private
commercial buildings/shops on the City acquired property. Funding for the project could
come from the General Obligation Bonds approved by voters for Economic Development
• City staff consider this a viable project if it is properly structured and properly
designed/constructed. Structure issues include the agreement with the County on the
library and the agreements with future businesses regarding the retail component.
The preliminary estimate for this work is $1,000,000. However, additional due diligence work is
needed to refine this cost estimate and to better understand the project. The attached resolution
would authorize and direct the City Manager to conduct the necessary due diligence to assure that
the Project can be properly structured and designed/constructed.
Committee Action:
Committee Action
For Against