Pressure Air Gun
Pressure Air Gun
Pressure Air Gun
Inventor: Valery
IL (Us) 61401 Locust St” RE32,144
4,526,520 A
E * 5/1986 Keefer
......... .......
. . . .. 210/637
16 16a
U.S. Patent Jul. 15,2003 Sheet 1 of4 US 6,592,343 B1
U.S. Patent Jul. 15,2003 Sheet 3 of4 US 6,592,343 B1
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U.S. Patent Jul. 15,2003 Sheet 4 of4 US 6,592,343 B1
US 6,592,343 B1
1 2
Referring to FIGS. 1, 2 and 3, the ?rst embodiment of the
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED invention has a cylinder 11, a loWer end of Which is inserted
APPLICATIONS in a base block 14. Movable in the cylinder 11 a piston 12
rigidly attached to a loWer end of a piston rod 13. Secured
Not applicable. in an upper end of the cylinder 11 a guide block 15 serves
as a guide for the piston rod 13. An upper portion of the
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY guide block 15 formed as a bracket for pivot connections 21
SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT and 21a of operating levers 18 and 18a respectively.
Not applicable. An upper end of the piston rod 13 is provided With an
anchor 17. Alink 16 is connected With one of its ends to the
REFERENCE TO SEQUENCE LISTING, A operating lever 18 by a pivot 20. The other end of the link
TABLE, OR A COMPUTER PROGRAM LISTING 16 is pivoted to the anchor 17 at 19. Alink 16a connects the
COMPACT DISK APPENDIX 15 lever 18a by a pivot 20a to the anchor 17 With a pivot 19a.
Operating levers 18 and 18a, links 16 and 16a preferably
Not applicable. are U-shaped in cross-section. Links are Wider than levers so
that portion of the lever can come inside of the link When
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION they fold along the cylinder.
The invention relates to a manually operated air compres
Preferably, all construction is symmetrical With respect to
sion device.
the cylinder axis.
ShoWn additionally (FIG. 3) by phantom lines position of
Known devices of this type generally are employed for the device intermediate open and closed positions illustrates
pressuriZing pre-compressed air guns, Wherein at least one an advantage represented by the device to the user in
operating lever, sWingably mounted With respect to the overcoming hyperbolically increasing air pressure through a
cylinder of compression assembly, connected to the piston 25
compression stroke. As seen, initial rotation of operating
via articulated linkage. Traditionally, some elements of this levers at approximately 60-degree angle causes excursion of
linkage occupy space, additional to the length of the the piston (piston rod) at 3A1 of entire travel; last 1A of the
cylinder, increasing length of the compression device. piston travel is performed by further rotation of operating
levers at almost 90 degrees. This Way forces exerted on the
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION operating levers being loW through the stroke.
An object of the present invention is to provide a compact Length relationships of elements in present embodiment
air compression device, Wherein piston travel is maximal are taken for instance. Practically, dimensioning of the
relatively to the device length. device can be done only as based on or limited by folloWing
According to the invention, an improved symmetrical 35
air displacement,
lever assembly is employed With tWo operating levers piv
oted on the cylinder of compression assembly. A ?rst compression rate or air pressure,
embodiment represents a high-pressure pump, Which may be sWinging angle of operating levers,
employed for pressuriZing containers of so-called pre forces on operating levers,
charged air guns. Said pump also can be used outside of air total Weight and
guns class, Where high air pressure is needed. A second total length,
embodiment of the invention is a pre-compressed air pistol, therefore cannot be disclosed here.
Wherein one of operating levers is associated With a pistol Present air compression device can be integrated in dif
frame. ferent types of pre-compressed air guns. In this case, parts of
Loading device, valve and trigger mechanism arrange 45 the device may be associated With parts of the gun and have
ments are out of the scope of this invention, and are not different con?guration.
disclosed hereafter. An air pistol, Wherein one of the operating levers asso
ciated With a pistol frame, represents the second embodi
Referring to FIGS. 4, 5 and 6, the second embodiment has
FIG. 1 is a side vieW of the ?rst embodiment of the a cylinder 31 mounted on a pistol frame 38 by a pivot 36. A
invention in closed position; breech block 34 is secured in a rear end of the cylinder 31.
FIG. 2 is a cross-section of the ?rst embodiment in plane A guide block 35 mounted in a front end of the cylinder 31.
I—I of FIG. 1; Upper portions of said blocks 34 and 35 serve as brackets for
FIG. 3 is a side vieW of the ?rst embodiment in open and 55 a barrel 50, and also for a rear sight 54 and a front sight 55
mid-closed position; respectively.
FIGS. 4 and 6 are side vieWs of the second embodiment An operating lever 39 sWingably mounted on the cylinder
of the invention in closed and open position respectively; 31 by a pivot 37. Apair of links 41r and 41l is connected to
the operating lever 39 With pivots 45r and 45l. As seen,
FIG. 5 is a cross-section of the second embodiment in
plane II—II of FIG. 4;
(FIG. 5) the operating lever 39 is formed With brackets 39r
and 39l serving as supports for pivots 45r and 45l. Pivoted
FIG. 7 is a draWing of the connection betWeen the piston on the pistol frame 38 at 46, U-shapped in cross-section link
rod and the anchor of the second embodiment; 42 may have a slot 42a for a trigger guard in open position
FIG. 8 is an isometric vieW of the front portion of the of the pistol.
cylinder of the second embodiment; and 65 A front end of a piston rod 33 is provided With an anchor
FIG. 9 is an isometric vieW of the guide block of the 40 for pivot connections of the link 42 at 44 and pair of links
second embodiment. 41r and 41l at 43.
US 6,592,343 B1
3 4
Thread connection between the anchor 40 and the piston Third, great air displacement and high pressure afford
rod 33 can be used for adjustment of the piston position in utiliZing big caliber projectiles With suf?cient velocity.
the cylinder. Referring to FIG. 7, the front end of the piston I claim:
rod 33 is formed With a polygonal socket 33s so that piston 1. An air compression device, comprising:
rod 33 With the piston 32 can be rotated about their axis with
a Wrench. This feature alloWs loosening up length tolerances a cylinder having a ?rst end and a second end;
of parts of compression assembly and in certain limits a piston movable in the cylinder from the ?rst end toWard
adjustment of compression rate Without disassembly of the the second end thereof for compressing an air therein;
a piston rod a ?rst end of Which is rigidly attached to the
Referring to FIG. 8, the front end of the air cylinder 31 is 10
piston and a second end of Which piston rod is extend
formed With tWo ?at mounting brackets 31r and 31l so that
ing from the ?st end of the cylinder; and
guide block 35 (FIG. 9) can be secured betWeen said
brackets With pivots 36 and 37. In comparison With the ?rst a lever assembly, comprising tWo operating levers fold
embodiment, this type of connection alloWs saving some able along the cylinder length on the opposite sides
space to increase piston travel for given length of the 15 thereof; said operating levers With their ?rst ends are
cylinder. The guide block 35 can be fabricated out of pivoted With respect to the cylinder, each of Which
lightWeight synthetic material, since it is not loaded by air operating levers at a point, intermediate the ?rst and the
pressure. second end thereof, is connected to the second end of
Although apparent to those skilled in art, some advan the piston rod by means of at least one link.
tages of present air pistol should be mentioned here. 2. The air compression device of claim 1, Wherein the ?rst
First, unusually big sWinging angle of the operating lever end of the cylinder is formed With tWo mounting brackets for
helps to achieve high air pressure With loW force even in pivot connections of the operating levers to the cylinder.
very compact pistols. 3. The air compression device of claim 1, Wherein the
Second, compressed air force is equally divided betWeen links are connected to the piston rod via an anchor, and a
tWo articulated linkages, positioned symmetrically With 25 thread connection betWeen the piston rod and the anchor
respect to the cylinder. This advantage positively affects affords adjustment position of the piston in the cylinder.
pistol accuracy and gives a good opportunity in utiliZing
lightWeight materials for lever assembly and pistol frame. * * * * *