LIMBO From The Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology
LIMBO From The Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology
LIMBO From The Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology
E. Doronzo ed 1951
limbo (Lat. limbus border, hem of a garment). According to the present teaching of the
Church, it is a place adjoining hell, where the just who died in the grace of God before
Christianity dwelled until they were liberated by Christ, and where babies who die without
baptism dwell and remain forever.
Holy Scripture speaks of Abraham's bosom as sojourn of the just (Luke 16:22), but not of a
place for babies who died without baptism. Tradition begins, especially with the Greek Fathers,
to differentiate between adults who die in personal sin and infants who die with only original
sin, who cannot enter the heaven of the blessed and yet cannot share the fate of the damned in
hell. In reacting against Pelagianism, which denied the transmission of original sin and its
consequences, St. Augustine, endeavouring to defend this truth, held that babies who die
without baptism will be subjected to the pain of fire, of original sin. This opinion later on
influenced some theologians, but did not hinder the course of the other more correct and more
benign opinion, according to which babies who die without baptism will suffer only privation
of the beatific vision. This opinion was defended and developed by St. Thomas, and from then
on prevailed in the schools. We find it in a letter of Innocent III to the archbishop of Arles, and
in the Constitution Auctorem fidei with which Pius V1 condemned the Synod of Pistoia (DB,
The babies in limbo will not enjoy the vision of God, but will not be unhappy on this score,
since the beatific vision is a supernatural good of which they have no knowledge. Some
theologians (Billot) think that limbo is the eternal residence not only of babies and abnormal
adults who did not have the use of reason, but also of certain classes of men of low-grade
civilization, who are comparable to babies in the lack of development of moral consciousness.
A strange opinion has recently gained favour in the theologies of Protestants and Orthodox
Schismatics who, by abusive interpretation of some gospel expressions (Matt. 12:32; i Pet.
3:18; 4:6), hold that all pagans are evangelized in limbo after their death and given the
possibility of conversion and salvation. This opinion is critically untenable.
ST. THOMAS, Summa Theol., Ill, Suppl.,
q. 69, a. 4 7; Quaest. Disp. De Malo, cl. 5.
BILLoT, several articles published in Etudes
(1920 1922). CAPERAN, Le problime du salux
des infidNes (Toulouse, 1934). GAUDEL, "Limbes," DTC. TONER, "Limbo," CE.
See under descent of Christ into hell.