Ultra Wideband Radar Systems: Advantages and Disadvantages
Ultra Wideband Radar Systems: Advantages and Disadvantages
Ultra Wideband Radar Systems: Advantages and Disadvantages
ProJ Igor. I. Immoreev, PGS Dmih?) V, Fedotov
Moscow Aviation Institute. Gospitalny Val, Home 5, block 18, apt 3 14. 105094, Moscow, Russia,
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Therefore the antenna pattern construction based on The following condition shall be met for to operate
the energy is accepted for the UWB signals (Fig. 3). such IPC system:
These antenna pattems have fundamental distinctions CT < 2VRT,
from the similar antenna pattems of antennas emitting where VR - the radial velocity of a target. This system
harmonic and quasi-harmonic signals. They do not of selection lacks “blind“ velocities and does not
feature a lobe nature. impose special requirements on the coherence of
radiated signals. The target velocity is aicvays
unambiguously measured. The target radial velocity V,
can be determined in the selection system by the
variation of the range to a target. The minimum
determined velocity of a target will be equal to:
V R m i n =I ~2T.
Over the pulse repetition period, however, the quantity
of interferences entering into and leaving a small pulse
volume may become comparable with the quantity of
interferences residing in this pulse volume. This may
lead to a significant decorrelation of interferences and
the decrease in the efficiency of the alternate-period
compensation equipment. Thus; two opposite
RI 4 tendencies are emerging with the decrease of the pulse
Fig. 3 length and the reduction of the radar pulse volume,
namely, the reduction of interference power and the
increase in their interperiod decorrelation. Fig. 4 shows
The other difference is that varying the ratio the signal-to-interference ratio QIQo dependence on the
between cz and the radiator spacing d of an antenna pulse length Z. This Figure has the following notations:
array may change the width of the main lobe of the - Doppler frequency of interference;
antenna pattem of an array. With the decrease of T or
the increase of d, the antenna pattem width for both the
UWB signal and the narrow-band signal is decreasing.
However, in contrast to the latter its structure does not
become multilobe owing to the absence of the
interference of the oscillations of individual radiators. Trod 402
Theoretically, this method may be used to make the
antenna pattem of an antenna emitting the UWB signal 20
as narrow as is wished.
Thus, the antenna pattern for the UWB signal
depends not only on angular coordinates, but also on 10
the time-dependent wavefomi which is designated as S.
Therefore the expressions for the UWB signal antenna
pattem will take the form:P (O,cp,S, t) and W (O,cp,S,t). -
integration time Ti equal to 22, 102, and 202 were taken Conference on Radar Systems (RADAR’99).
for modeling. This Figure also shows the detection France, Brest, 1999.
characteristic for a conventional correlator. It is shown [j] Immoreev, I.; Taylor, J.D.; Selective Target
from the picture that with increasing the target length Detecting Short Pulse Ultra- wideband Radar
the IPCP detection characteristic for a stationary target System. Euro Electromagnetics (EUROEM 2000),
approaches more and more the conventional correlator Scotland, Edinburgh, 2000
characteristic when it detects the fully known signal. [6] Immoreev, I.; “Main Features Ultra-Wideband
The reason for this is that distribution function for the (UWEi) Radars and Differences from Common
product of normally distributed noises approaches the Narrowband Radars” in book ((Ultrawideband
normal distribution, while integrating noise samples. Radar Technology)), Edited by James D. Taylor,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New Work,
Washington, 2000.
[7] Immoreev, I.; “Features of Signals Detecting in the
UWB Radars” in book ((UltrawidebandRadar
Technology), Edited by James D. Taylor, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, London, New Work,
Washington, 2000.
[8] Immoreev I., Wu Shunjun, “Use Ultra Wideband
Radar Systems for Increase Information About
Target,” 200 1 CIE International Conference on
Radar: RADAR 2001, Beijing, China, October 13-
Fig.7 18, 2001.
1. Traditional correlator for fully known signal for T,=21:
2. IPCP for a stationary target for Ti=201:
3. IPCP for a stationary target for Tj=lOc
4. 1PCP for a stationary target for T;=ZT: