TP Task 4

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Task 4 – Instructional Planning

What are the components of a learning outcome/instructional objective?

Learning outcomes: Statements that describe what learners have achieved.

Instructional objective: Statement that describe what the learner will be able to do after
getting the instructions.

Formative Summative
Learning Formative Assessment
Assessment Assessment
Outcome Strategy explained
Strategy/strategies Strategy
Science: I used questioning, Using exam at the
Students will be - Activities activities and assessment end of the week to
able to Introduce during the lesson as a check students
- Assessments
the scientific
- Questioning formative assessment to understanding
vocabulary for
the heart: carbon check students about the whole
dioxide, oxygen, understanding during the lesson.
transport, aorta, lesson. Using questioning, I gave students at
valve, right
activities and assessment the end of the week
ventricle, left
ventricle, right will give students the an assessment about
atrium, left ability to practice and the circulatory
develop thinking skills, system (reading
This will also give the task and they should
pulmonary vein, teacher the ability to get highlight and write
vena cava, more idea about students notes)
heartbeat, pulse.
level and what they need
for the next lesson.
- I gave students
activity about real
goat heart to cut it
and see the parts
of it.
- Then I start asking
them questions
after each part.
- I Gave them an
assessment at the
end to check their
Formative Assessment (science)

Summative Assessment

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