Counseling Connection: Who Are We?

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ACCHS Counseling Office Newsletter September 2018

Welcome Back!!!
The ACCHS Counseling Office would like to welcome everyone back to a new
school year. We are looking forward to working with you and your children. We
are available to help with academic, career, college and personal concerns. The
ACCHS Counseling Office is continuing to update our part of the website with new
information and resources. Please continue to check the website for information
on College Financial Aid/Scholarships, Naviance and other additional links.

We are also introducing our new monthly newsletter. The purpose of this newslet-
ter is to provide specialized information to the students and families of ACCHS.
This newsletter is a great way to promote the ACCHS Counseling Office, and also
create credibility and build awareness for the services we provide on a monthly

Who Are We?

Mr. Matthew B. Garza, Director of College Counseling

610-437-4601 x130 [email protected]

Ms. Leah Gehris, Counselor (Students A-Goo)

610-437-4601 x128 [email protected]

In This Issue
Mrs. Karen Zellner-Reilly, Counselor (Students Gor-Pat)
 Introduction and Wel-
610-4374601 x129 [email protected] come

Mrs. Susan Perun, Counselor (Students Patr-Z)  Scholarships

610-4374601 x112 [email protected]  Parent Night

 Monthly Events

 College News

 Testing Info.
Parent Night

September 13, 2018

6:00 PM

The ACCHS Counseling

Office will be available on
Parent Night. We will
have information on re-
sources and be able to
answer any questions.
Please stop by and intro-
duce yourself.

Bridging the Dream Scholarship

The Counseling Office

has the opportunity to
nominate a senior student
as our representative for
this $25,000 scholarship.
Any interested senior
should submit a written
statement about a way
that you have inspired or
helped others. State-
ments are due to Mr. Gar-
za by September 21st.
There are no standard-
ized test dates scheduled
by the Collegeboard in

The next scheduled test

date is October 6th. The
deadline to register for
that test is September
8th. ACCHS is a test
center for all SAT Test

Registration is done
online at:

The next available ACT

exam is October 28th.
The registration deadline
is September 22nd. AC- Monthly Events
CHS is a test center for
the October 28th.
- In class information sessions for New International students
Registration for the ACT
and transfer students to provide information on the School
can be completed online
Counseling office and the services we provide as well as an
introduction to Naviance, our mobile friendly comprehensive
college and career readiness platform.

The PSAT will be given to

all 9th-11th grade stu-
-Introduction to freshman year class presentation to introduce
dents on October 10th.
More information will be
the School Counseling office staff and services provided, ways
sent home during Sep-
to request a meeting with your School Counselor, SAP (Student
tember. Assistance Program), how to join clubs and activities, and tutor-
ing information.

-Introduction to junior year class presentation to provide in-

formation on Naviance updates, things to expect junior year,
how to sign up for college visits, complete the Strengths Ex-
plorer and Introduce College and Career Seminar class as
an option.
College Admissions Colleges
Mr. Garza will be presenting in Senior Theology Classes the week of September
3rd to discuss the College Application Process. Visiting
The following topics will be discussed:
ACCHS this
 The Common Application

 Naviance Month
 Letters of Recommendation
University of Pennsylvania
Trinity College Dublin
Dickinson College
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Albright College
Visiting Colleges Messiah College
DeSales University
Mercyhurst University
Seniors are encouraged to schedule visits to colleges for campus Saint Vincent College
tours and admissions interviews. Moravian College
The University of Scranton
It is recommended that these appointments be made when school is Immaculata University
not in session (days off or the weekend). However, we recognize that West Chester University of Pennsylvania
University of New Haven
is not always possible.
West Virginia University
If you schedule an appointment at a college on a school day, it is re- Pace University, New York City
University of Connecticut
quired that seniors fill out a college visit form and return it to Mr. Gar-
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
za prior to going on the college visit. Mr. Garza will then notify the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Attendance Office of the excused absence. College visits do not Moore College of Art and Design
keep students from participating in after school activities. The University of Alabama
Saint Joseph's University
Arcadia University
University of Richmond
Elizabethtown College
Naviance Stevenson University
High Point University
Saint Joseph's College-ME
Naviance is the college/career computer program used for all stu- Niagara University
dents. Each student is given a username and password. Students Muhlenberg College
will be shown how to use the program during classroom presenta-
tions. The program can be used for the following:

 Career Interest Survey

 Resume Building

 College Searches

 Scholarship Searches

 College Transcript Requests

 College Rep Visits at ACCHS (Info. Attached)

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