5G Field Experimental Trials On URLLC Using New Frame Structure

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5G Field Experimental Trials on URLLC

Using New Frame Structure

Masashi Iwabuchi† Anass Benjebbour† Yoshihisa Kishiyama† Guangmei Ren†† Chen Tang††
Tingjian Tian†† Liang Gu†† Terufumi Takada †††
Tsuyoshi Kashima†††

NTT DOCOMO, INC., Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
Huawei Technologies Co., LTD, †††Huawei Technologies Japan K. K.
[email protected]

Abstract — The fifth generation mobile communications transmission delay. A mini slot based LTE-Advanced frame
(5G) system will need to support ultra-reliable and low- structure [6, 7] and a wider subcarrier spacing [8, 9] have been
latency communications (URLLC) to enable future proposed for frame designs of URLLC. The mini slot approach
mission-critical applications, e.g., self-driving cars and uses a shorter slot length than that for LTE-Advanced. It was
remote control. With the aim to verify the feasibility of shown that mini slot with one Orthogonal Frequency Division
URLLC related 5G requirements under real environments, Multiplexing (OFDM) symbol per slot can reduce the user
field experimental trials of URLLC using new frame plane latency [6]. On the other hand, a wider subcarrier spacing
structure were conducted in Yokohama, Japan. In this can also be used to reduce user plane latency. In [8], the
authors proposed to reduce the latency using the subcarrier
paper, we present the trial results and investigate the
spacing of 312.5 kHz in an ultra-dense small cell network. In
impact of 5G new frame structure and retransmission
[9], using the subcarrier spacing of 60 kHz at a base station
method on URLLC performance. To reduce the user-plane (BS) and a set of user equipment (UE), the user-plane latency
latency and improve the packet success probability, a 60- was estimated. On the other hand, the retransmission method is
kHz subcarrier spacing, self-contained frame structure also important to improve the packet success probability. The
and acknowledgement/negative acknowledgement-less conventional method is acknowledgement/negative
(ACK/NACK-less) retransmission are adopted. We test acknowledgement (ACK/NACK)-based (A/N-based)
these techniques in real field using our prototype test-bed. retransmission. The transmitter decides whether or not to send
The field trial results show that the URLLC related the same signal again based on ACK or NACK feedback from
requirements defined by 3GPP are achieved even for a low the receiver. However, this method is not suitable for URLLC
signal-to-noise ratio or non-line-of-sight locations. because it causes longer delay if the channel conditions are
poor and retransmissions are needed. To address this problem,
Keywords — 5G, URLLC, 60-kHz subcarrier spacing, Self- ACK/NACK-less (A/N-less) retransmission was proposed in
contained, ACK/NACK-less retransmission, Field experiment [10, 11]. Since this method always sends the same signal
multiple times even before ACK or NACK signal is received, it
I. INTRODUCTION is possible to increase the decoding rate and to suppress the
The fifth generation mobile communications (5G) system is delay. However, the above-mentioned studies are concept-level
a key component to our future networked society. To proposals or estimations based on computer simulations. In this
accommodate diverse applications, 5G is expected to realize paper, we present results of field experimental trials on
enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) for higher data rate URLLC using new frame structure. In our trial, we adopted a
communications, massive Machine-Type Communications wider subcarrier spacing for low latency and A/N-less
(mMTC) for Internet-of-Things (IoT), and ultra-reliable and retransmission for high packet success probability, and
low-latency Communications (URLLC) for mission critical evaluate the performance over a wide range of locations and
services [1]. In particular, URLLC is expected to enable new conditions.
mobile applications, e.g. self-driving cars, automatic industrial
systems, and virtual reality systems. The requirements for The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
URLLC have been discussed by several organizations [2-4]. In we describe the definition and the requirement for URLLC.
3GPP, 99.999% reliability, i.e., 1-10-5 packet success Section III introduces the frame structure and estimates the
probability, with the user-plane latency of less than 1 ms is latency. A/N-less retransmission is also described in this
required [4]. The estimated user plane latency in LTE- section. The trial environment is shown in the section IV. The
Advanced is longer than 4 ms, so it is difficult to satisfy the results of the field trial are presented in Section V. In this
latency requirement using LTE-Advanced framework. The section, we show the reliability, the packet success probability
user-plane latency is a sum of transmitter processing delay and the latency measured at several measurement locations.
including frame alignment and possible queuing delay, Finally, we conclude the paper in Section VI.
transmission delay and receiver processing delay [5]. Thus, a
new frame structure has been discussed to reduce the

978-1-5386-3920-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

II. DEFINITION AND REQUIREMENT FOR URLLC + 4 subframes (k = 6 or 7) for the time division duplex (TDD)
In this section, we describe the corresponding definitions mode. Therefore, with one retransmission, the user-plane
and requirements discussed in 3GPP. latency becomes longer than 10 ms in the case of the TDD
LTE-Advanced frame structure.
A. Definition TTI #0 (Normal) TTI #1 (Normal)
User plane latency means a one-way transmission delay
between transmitter and receiver. In 3GPP, it is defined as the DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL

time it takes to successfully deliver an application layer

packet/message from the radio protocol layer 2/3 service data 0.5 ms Subframe
unit (SDU) ingress point to the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU
egress point via the radio interface in both uplink and downlink DL SP UL UL

directions, where neither device nor Base Station reception is 10 ms

restricted by discontinuous reception (DRX) [4]. 3GPP defines
reliability as the success probability of transmitting X bytes
within a certain delay, which is the time it takes to deliver a DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL GP GP UL UL

small data packet from the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU TTI #2 (Special) TTI #3 (Special)
ingress point to the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU egress point
of the radio interface, at a certain channel quality. The packet Fig. 1. TDD LTE-Advanced frame structure.
success probability is defined as the ratio of the number of
correctly received packets and total number of transmitted B. 5G Frame Structure for URLLC
packets. As mentioned in the previous subsection, the user-plane
latency becomes longer than 1 ms and retransmission causes
B. Requirement
longer latency with the TDD LTE-Advanced frame structure.
Given that there will be a variety of URLLC services in the To satisfy the latency requirement for URLLC, we investigate
future with different requirements, in 3GPP as a general target, a new frame structure. The new frame structure is shown in Fig.
the target reliability is set to achieving a success probability of 2. We adopt a wider subcarrier spacing to reduce the
1-10-5 (= 99.999%) for a packet size of 32 bytes within a user transmission time. The subcarrier spacing is 60 kHz, and the
plane latency of 1ms [4]. OFDM symbol duration is 16.67 μs. The frame length is 10 ms
and the frame is divided into 40 slots. The slot duration is 0.25
III. FRAME STRUCTURE AND RETRANSMISSION METHOD ms. The first two slots of each frame are combined in order to
FOR URLLC transmit additional control signals, e.g. a synchronization
In this section, we first review the frame structure of LTE- signal. The duration of this specially designed slot is 0.5 ms.
Advanced. Then, we introduce a new frame structure used in Furthermore, the frame structure adopts a self-contained
our test-bed for URLLC, and estimate the latency of using the structure and A/N-less retransmission method to reduce the
new frame structure. The new frame structure introduced is latency with retransmission. The self-contained structure
expected to achieve shorter user-plane latency and faster includes all radio-related transmissions, which are the uplink
retransmission. (UL) and DL control, data and receiver feedback signals,
within each single slot [14]. Since the structure can feedback an
A. TDD LTE-Advanced Frame Structure ACK or NACK signal using the next slot, it is possible to
In 3GPP LTE-Advanced specifications [12], OFDM is used shorten the delay until retransmission and next transmission.
as the downlink (DL) modulation scheme. The subcarrier Therefore, each slot of the new frame structure is divided into
spacing is 15 kHz, and the OFDM symbol duration is 66.67 μs. the DL and UL part. The HARQ RTT becomes 0.75 ms with
The LTE frame structure for TDD is shown in Fig. 1. The LTE normal slot. If special slot is transmitted when the transmitter
frame duration is 10 ms. The LTE frame is divided into 10 prepares retransmission, the HARQ RTT becomes 1 ms. Thus,
subframes, each of which is further divided into two slots. The the new frame structure can shorten the HARQ RTT to less
subframe and slot duration are 1 ms and 0.5 ms, respectively. than 1ms using the self-contained structure.
Each slot includes 6 or 7 OFDM symbols depending on the
length of cyclic prefix. In resource allocation, a certain number On the other hand, A/N-less retransmission can improve
of physical resource blocks (PRBs) are allocated to a UE. Since reliability. In this method, the transmitter is pre-configured to
the time unit for the PRB is the slot, the DL transmission time always send the transmit signal multiple times irrespective of
is longer than 0.5 ms. Considering the BS and UE processing the ACK or NACK feedback reception from the receiver [11].
time, it is difficult to achieve the user-plane latency of 1ms. Although the A/N-less retransmission reduces the resource
Furthermore, we should consider retransmission delay in this utilization efficiency since the same signal is redundantly
frame structure. As an indicator of retransmission delay, the transmitted, it improves the packet error rate while achieving
hybrid automatic request (HARQ) round trip time (RTT) timer lower latency compared to A/N-based retransmission. In many
specifies the minimum number of subframes, which is URLLC applications, since priority is given to reliability over
expected by the UE, before a DL HARQ retransmission can data rate, A/N-less retransmission can be one attractive
take place [13]. In LTE-Advanced, since it is assumed that the approach to improve reliability for URLLC.
BS and UE require 3 ms as processing time and they are based
on A/N-based retransmission, the HARQ RTT timer is set to k
Initial retrans.
Initial retrans.
TBs or A/N-based retransmission occurs, the URLLC
Control Control requirement is not satisfied.
Normal GP
Latency Typical value Note
0.5 ms 0.25 ms
DL user-plane latency 525 μs =a+t+b
・・・ ・・・
UL user-plane latency 610 μs =c+t+d
10 ms
IP round trip time 1.3 ms
b + IP layer delay
Control Control


Num. Num. DL user-plane UL user-plane
Fig. 2. Frame structure for URLLC. retrans. TBs latency latency
0 1 525 μs 610 μs
0 3 1025μs 1110 μs
Delay type Typical value 1 1 1275 μs 1360 μs
a BS DL processing time 175 μs 1 2 1525 μs 1610 μs
b UE DL processing time 240 μs 1 3 1775 μs 1860 μs
c UE UL processing time 195 μs
d BS UL processing time 305 μs
t Transmission time 110 μs The trial configuration is described in this section. The field
experimental trial was conducted in an urban area in
Yokohama, Japan.
In Table I, we show the processing time and transmission
time estimated based on our experiment hardware introduced in A. Trial Environment
the next section. Since these processing times include frame Figure 3 is a picture of the trial environment. The picture
alignment time, these values actually fluctuate with time. In was taken from the point where the BS was installed. We
addition, there is a difference between the DL and UL measured the performance at measurement points A, B and C.
processing times because the processing time increases At point A, the distance between the BS and UE (BS-UE
depending on the number of receiver antennas. The distance) is approximately 330 m and the signal-to-noise ratio
transmission time is the sum of the symbol duration and the (SNR) of DL and UL, which was measured using a
propagation delay. The user-plane latency of the frame demodulation reference signal (DMRS), are approximately 26
structure is estimated in Table II assuming no A/N-based dB and 20 dB, respectively. At point B, the BS-UE distance is
retransmission. The user-plane latency in the DL and UL are approximately 880 m and the DL and UL SNR are
525 μs and 610 μs, respectively, so the frame structure can approximately 11 dB and -2 dB, respectively. Only point C is
satisfy the latency requirement for URLLC. In addition, the IP non-line-of-sight (NLOS). The BS-UE distance is
layer RTT is estimated to be 1.3 ms, and the delay in the IP approximately 330 m and the DL and UL SNR are
layer is also kept short by using the new frame structure. approximately 24 dB and 11 dB, respectively.
Table II gives the latency with one transport block (TB). If
a packet exceeds the TB size depending on the selected
modulation and coding scheme (MCS), the packet is divided
into several TBs. Then, several slots are used to send the packet
because one TB is transmitted using one slot. As a result, the
latency increases compared to the estimated values in Table II.
The user-plane latency in the DL and UL is estimated in Table
III for the case of multiple TBs used to transmit a packet. Here,
a normal slot is assumed for transmission. Since the normal
slot length is 0.25 ms, the user-plane latency increases by 250
μs for each additional TB. Furthermore, A/N-based
retransmission also incurs latency longer than that shown in
Table II. When A/N-based retransmission occurs, then the
HARQ RTT, which is 750 μs in the normal slot, is added to the
user-plane latency. From Table III, we find that up to two TBs
without A/N-based retransmission can still satisfy the URLLC
requirement. When a packet is divided into more than three Fig. 3. Trial environment.
spacing is 60 kHz. Throughout this trial, adaptive modulation
and coding (AMC) is applied and the signal is transmitted
using the spatial frequency block coding (SFBC). The number
of antennas in BS and UE are 8 and 2 antennas, respectively.
The trial results are presented in this section and we
evaluate the retransmission performance and the reliability with
the new frame structure. In this trial, we evaluate the decoding
rate or packet success probability by using 1 million TBs or
A. Retransmission Performance
To confirm the performance of A/N-less retransmission, we
evaluate the performance without HARQ, with A/N-less
Fig. 4. Experiment hardware. retransmission, named as retransmission type I, and with the
combination of A/N-less and A/N-based retransmission, named
TABLE IV. EXPERIMENT PARAMETERS as retransmission type II. The total number of redundant
signals is two and four in the type I and type II, respectively. In
Parameter Value
this test, we calculate decoding rate based on number of
Carrier frequency 4.66 GHz successfully decoded number of TBs. Table V and VI give the
Carrier bandwidth 20 MHz (1 sub-band) measured performance of DL and UL, respectively. Focusing
Subcarrier spacing 60 kHz on retransmission type II, the decoding rate is 100% in the DL
Slot length 0.25 ms and UL for all measured locations. The retransmission type I
OFDM symbols per slot DL: 6 / UL: 6 also improves the decoding rate compared to without
Guard period 31.25 μs retransmission. However, the improvement is small, and the
CP length 1.56 μs decoding rate with retransmission type I is less than 99.999%
Waveform f-OFDM at points B and C. Thus, A/N-less retransmission achieves low
FFT length 512 latency, however, the decoding rate cannot be improved
Number of subcarriers 330 sufficiently. Since the redundancy signal is transmitted
Channel coding Polar code
continuously and the OFDM symbol is short in the new frame
List size of Polar code 8
structure, it is possible that the benefit of time diversity due to
sending the same signal is small. Therefore, we find that the
transmission timing of the redundancy signal for A/N-less
Number of layers 1
retransmission is important to improve the decoding rate.
Traffic Periodic packet arrivals
UE antennas 2Tx/Rx AT POINTS A, B AND C
BS sector direction North 0 deg.
BS antenna tilt 16.4 deg. Retransmission A B C
UE cable loss ~ 1 dB w/o retransmission 99.9998% 99.9388% 99.9899%
Number of UEs 1 Type I 99.9999% 99.9906% 99.9948%
Type II 100% 100% 100%


B. Experimental Hardware AT POINT A, B AND C
Figure 4 shows the experimental hardware. On the BS side,
Retransmission A B C
the radio frequency unit (RFU) and the inter-frequency unit
w/o retransmission 99.9999% 99.9589% 99.9871%
(IFU) are installed on the roof of a building, and the antenna
Type I 99.9999% 99.9996% 99.9921%
height is approximately 108 m. The baseband unit (BBU) is
Type II 100% 100% 100%
placed indoor and an optical fiber is used to connect RFU and
BBU. On the UE side, the experiment hardware is installed in B. Reliability
the test vehicle. The UE antenna is set on the roof of the test Next, we evaluate the reliability using the new frame
vehicle and the antenna height is approximately 3 m. We structure for URLLC. In this test, we use IP packet to evaluate
measured the performance with the vehicle stopping at each reliability. The tested IP packet sizes are 32, 50, 100 and 200
measurement point. bytes. Reliability, the packet success probability and the
The experimental hardware supports the TDD mode. The average latency are measured at each measurement point. The
parameters for this trial are summarized in Table IV. The packet success probability is defined as the ratio of the number
experimental hardware transmits and receives signals in the 4.5 of the correctly received packets, while reliability is the ratio of
GHz band and the bandwidth per sub-band is 20 MHz. In this the number of the correctly received packets within 1 ms user-
trial, the carrier frequency is 4.66 GHz and the subcarrier plane latency.
TABLE VII. RELIABILITY AND PACKET SUCCESS PROBABILITY DL reliability of over 99.999% is achieved with packet sizes
less than 100 bytes. Since the user-plane latency with the 200
Packet DL (SNR = 26 dB) UL (SNR = 20 dB) bytes packet is longer than that with other packet sizes and is
size Success Success shorter than the latency with the A/N-based retransmission, the
Reliability Reliability
[bytes] prob. prob. 200 bytes packet is divided and is transmitted using two TBs.
32 100% 100% 99.9997% 100% However, the reliability is less than 99.999% although the
50 99.9995% 100% 100% 100% packet success probability of 99.999% is achieved for any
100 99.9999% 100% 100% 100% packet size. Therefore, the degradation in reliability
200 99.9997% 100% 99.9999% 100% performance is caused by A/N-based retransmission of some
packet transmissions. When measuring the channel impulse
response at this location, we observed the existence of multiple
UL U-plane latency [us] DL U-plane latency [us]

paths unlike at the other locations. These paths have almost the
same power, and one path with approximately 1.3 μs delay was
observed. Therefore, it was concluded that retransmission was
522 516 517 520 caused by instantaneous channel degradation or other
phenomena due to multipath, which leads to degradation in the
reliability performance. The UL packet success probability is
also decreased. This is also considered to be caused by the
instantaneous channel degradation.


603 610 607 606 AT POINT B

Packet DL (SNR = 11 dB) UL (SNR = -2 dB)

size Success Success
Reliability Reliability
[bytes] prob. prob.
IP layer RTT [us]

32 99.9408% 100% 86.5136% 100%

50 99.9701% 100% 71.2481% 100%
1266 1267 1265 1266
100 99.9128% 100% 18.5628% 100%
200 99.9386% 100% 0% 100%
UL U-plane latency [us] DL U-plane latency [us]

Fig. 5. User-plane latency and IP layer RTT at point A.

575 562 832 856
Table VII and Fig. 5 show the measured results at point A.
The reliability of 99.999% is achieved in both the DL and UL.
The average user-plane latency and IP layer RTT are almost
the same as the estimated latency shown in Table II.
However, the reliability slightly decreases despite of 100%
success probability. This is because A/N-based retransmission 836 994 1249 2877
occurs for a few packets and as a result the DL user-plane
latency exceeds 1 ms. Thus, we find that the reliability may be
degraded by A/N-based retransmission even for high SNR
locations. Table VIII and Fig. 6 show the measured results at
point B. The reliability is less than 99.999% in both the DL and
IP layer RTT [us]

UL. At point B, the reliability decreases further compared to 1567 1753 2326 3991
point A despite of 100% success probability. This is because
SNR is lower and A/N-based retransmission occurs more often
and as a result the DL user-plane latency exceeds 1 ms with
higher probability. The average user-plane latency with packet
size larger than 100 bytes is longer than that for the other
packet sizes. This is because the packet size is larger than the
TB size, and one packet is divided into several TBs. In the UL, Fig. 6. User-plane latency and IP layer RTT at point B.
although the packet success probability is 100%, a larger
packet size decreases the reliability because of the increase in Finally, we describe the performance with fixed MCS index.
user-plane latency. In addition, the UL user-plane latency is At point B, we measured the reliability, packet success
longer than the estimated value and a larger packet size probability and latency with a fixed MCS and a packet size of
increases latency. Therefore, the A/N-based retransmission and 32 bytes. The MCS index is 5 and 4 in the DL and UL,
the packet segmentation both caused a longer delay at point B. respectively. The results are shown in Table IX. The reliability
Table IX and Fig. 7 show the measured results at point C. The
with a fixed MCS is improved compared to that with AMC, TABLE X. DIFFERENCE IN PERFORMANCE BETWEEN AMC AND FIXED
and is 99.999% in the DL and UL. The average DL MCS index
is 10 when AMC is used, and the fixed MCS index is lower DL UL
than the MCS index selected by AMC. Since a lower MCS Fixed Fixed
generally achieves more robust transmissions, the number of (MCS 5) (MCS 4)
retransmissions is reduced in this case. Therefore, the
Reliability 99.9998% 99.9408% 99.9995% 86.5136%
reliability is improved and the average user-plane latency is
shortened in the DL. On the other hand, the reliability is Success
100% 100% 100% 100%
improved in the UL although the fixed MCS index is higher prob.
than MCS 2 selected by AMC. Focusing on the average user- U-plane
539 μs 575 μs 547 μs 836 μs
plane latency, the latency with fixed MCS is lower than that latency
with AMC. For AMC case, packet segmentation may occur IP layer
1226 μs 1567 μs 1226 μs 1567 μs
according to the selected MCS. When a higher MCS is selected, RTT
the user-plane latency increases. Since the TB size of MCS 4 is
much larger than the size of the 32-byte IP packet, there is no VI. CONCLUSIONS
packet segmentation in the fixed MCS case. The degradation is In this paper, we presented a field experimental trial to
mainly caused by the packet segmentation in the AMC case. verify the feasibility of URLLC in real environment. To meet
Thus, when applying AMC, it is necessary to consider the reliability requirement defined in 3GPP, we applied 60-kHz
retransmission probability and packet segmentation at the same subcarrier spacing, self-contained frame structure and A/N-less
time. Therefore, AMC design is important to satisfy URLLC retransmission. The trial clarified that the reliability of
related requirements. 99.999% within 1 ms user-plane latency can be achieved for
certain IP packet sizes. Meanwhile, the trial also clarified that it
TABLE IX. RELIABILITY AND PACKET SUCCESS PROBABILITY is important to overcome multipath and improve AMC for
URLLC in order to maintain reliability over a wide area.
Packet DL (SNR = 24 dB) UL (SNR = 11 dB)
size Success Success REFERENCES
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[bytes] prob. prob. [1] Recommendation ITU-R M.2083-0, “IMT-vision – Framework and
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