Safety: Operation and Maintenance Manual Excerpt
Safety: Operation and Maintenance Manual Excerpt
Safety: Operation and Maintenance Manual Excerpt
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© 2010 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
February 2012
Operation and
D11R Track-Type Tractor
AAF1-Up (Carrydozer)
7PZ1-Up (Standard)
6 SEBU7185-12
Safety Section
Safety Messages
Safety Section
Safety Messages
SMCS Code: 7000; 7405
Illustration 2
Make sure that all of the safety messages are legible. Do Not Weld or Drill the ROPS (2)
Clean the safety messages or replace the safety
messages if you cannot read the words. Replace the This message is located on the ROPS.
safety messages if the illustrations are not legible.
When you clean the safety messages, use a cloth,
water and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline, or
other harsh chemicals to clean the safety messages.
Solvents, gasoline, or harsh chemicals could loosen
the adhesive that secures the safety message. Loose
adhesive will allow the safety message to fall.
Additional Messages
SMCS Code: 7000; 7405
Illustration 3
Machine with access ladder (if equipped)
Replace any message that is damaged, or missing. The film (1) for the access ladder is located next to
If a message is attached to a part that is replaced, the switch on the ladder control box.
install a message on the replacement part. Any
Caterpillar dealer can provide new messages.
Battery Disconnect Switch (2)
Access Ladder (1) (If Equipped)
Illustration 5
Location of battery disconnect switch
Illustration 4
12 SEBU7185-12
Safety Section
General Hazard Information
Illustration 6
Film for battery disconnect switch
This switch controls the machine electrical system. Attach a “Do Not Operate” warning tag or a similar
warning tag to the start switch or to the controls
before servicing or before repairing the machine.
Air Conditioner (3) These warning tags are Special Instruction,
SEHS7332. These warning tags are available from
your Caterpillar dealer.
This film (3) is located on the left side of the dash Keep the machine free from foreign material. Remove
panel near the bottom of the dash. debris, oil, tools and other items from the deck, from
walkways and from steps.
Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers. Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Tools and
Drain all liquids into a suitable container. Shop Products Guide” for the following items:
When you discard a liquid, abide by local regulations. • Tools that are suitable for collecting fluids and for
containing fluids
Use all cleaning solutions with care. Report all
necessary repairs. • Equipment that is suitable for collecting fluids and
for containing fluids
Do not allow unauthorized personnel on the machine.
Obey all local regulations for the disposal of liquids.
Unless you are instructed otherwise, perform the
maintenance with the following conditions:
Asbestos Information
• The machine is parked on level ground. Caterpillar equipment and replacement parts that
are shipped from Caterpillar are asbestos free.
• The attachments are lowered to the ground. Caterpillar recommends the use of only genuine
Caterpillar replacement parts. If any replacement
• The attachment controls are in the HOLD position. parts that contain asbestos are used, the following
guidelines should be used in handling these parts
• The transmission control is in the NEUTRAL and asbestos debris.
Use caution. Avoid inhaling dust that might be
• The parking brake switch is engaged. generated when you handle components that contain
asbestos fibers. If this dust is inhaled, it can be
• The engine is stopped. hazardous to your health. The components that may
contain asbestos fibers are brake pads, brake bands,
• The engine start switch key is turned off and the lining material, clutch plates, and some gaskets. The
key is removed. asbestos that is used in these components is usually
bound in a resin or sealed in some way. Normal
• The disconnect switch is in the OFF position and handling is not hazardous, unless airborne dust that
the key is removed. contains asbestos is generated.
i01359664 i00998454
Unless you are instructed otherwise, never attempt Only check the coolant level after the engine has
adjustments while the machine is moving or while been stopped. Make sure that the radiator filler cap
the engine is running. is cool. In order to remove the radiator cap with the
bare hand, the radiator cap must be cool. In order to
Never jump across the starter solenoid terminals relieve pressure, remove the radiator filler cap slowly.
in order to start the engine. Unexpected machine
movement could result. Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Alkali can
cause personal injury. Do not allow alkali to contact
Whenever there are equipment control linkages the the skin, the eyes and the mouth.
clearance in the linkage area will change with the
movement of the equipment or the machine. Stay Allow cooling system components to cool before
clear of areas that may have a sudden change in draining.
clearance with machine movement or equipment
movement. Oils
Stay clear of all rotating and moving parts. Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
If it is necessary to remove guards in order to perform contact the skin.
maintenance, always install the guards after the
maintenance is performed. At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot
and the hydraulic tank can be under pressure.
Keep objects away from moving fan blades. The fan
blade will throw objects or cut objects. Remove the hydraulic tank filler cap only after the
engine has been stopped. The filler cap must be cool
Do not use a kinked wire cable or a frayed wire cable. enough to touch.
Wear gloves when you handle wire cable.
Remove the hydraulic tank filler cap slowly in order
When you strike a retainer pin with force, the retainer to relieve pressure.
pin can fly out. The loose retainer pin can injure
personnel. Make sure that the area is clear of people Relieve all the pressure in any system (air systems,
when you strike a retainer pin. To avoid injury to oil systems, fuel systems, or cooling systems) before
your eyes, wear protective glasses when you strike any system components are disconnected.
a retainer pin.
Chips or other debris can fly off an object when you Batteries
strike the object. Make sure that no one can be
injured by flying debris before striking any object. Batteries give off flammable fumes which can
Always wear protective glasses when you work with Do not expose the machine to flames, burning brush,
batteries. etc.
Batteries can be installed in separate compartments. • Left, outside leg of the ROPS
When you use jump start cables, always connect
Do not weld the ROPS structure in order to install the
the positive (+) jump start cable to the positive (+)
terminal of the battery that is connected to the starter fire extinguisher. Also, do not drill holes in the ROPS
structure in order to mount the fire extinguisher on
solenoid. Connect the negative (−) jump start cable
the ROPS.
from the external source to the negative (−) terminal
of the starter.
Strap the mounting plate to a leg of the ROPS in
order to mount the fire extinguisher. If the weight of
Note: If the starter is not equipped with a negative (−)
terminal, connect the negative (−) jump start cable the fire extinguisher exceeds 4.5 kg (10 lb), mount
the fire extinguisher near the bottom of the ROPS. Do
to the engine block.
not mount the fire extinguisher at the upper one-third
For specific starting instructions, see Operation area of the ROPS.
And Maintenance Manual, “Starting with Jump Start
Cables”. Ether
Clean all electrical connections and tighten all Ether is poisonous and flammable. Inhaling ether
electrical connections. Check the electrical wires vapors can cause personal injury. Repeated contact
daily for loose wires or for frayed wires. Tighten all of ether with skin can cause personal injury. Use
loose wires before you operate the machine. Repair ether only in well ventilated areas. Do not smoke
all frayed electrical wires before you operate the while you replace ether cylinders. Use ether with care
machine. in order to avoid fires. Do not store ether cylinders in
living areas or in the operator's compartment.
Keep all fuels and all lubricants stored in properly
marked containers. Also, store all fuels and all Do not store ether cylinders in direct sunlight or at
lubricants away from any unauthorized persons. temperatures above 49°C (120°F). Discard ether
cylinders in an approved place. Do not puncture ether
Store oily rags and other flammable material in a cylinders. Do not burn ether cylinders. Keep ether
protective container. cylinders out of the reach of unauthorized personnel.
Carefully check lines, tubes and hoses. Do not Grease or oil under high pressure coming out of the
use your bare hand to check for leaks. Use a relief valve can penetrate the body causing injury or
board or cardboard in order to check for leaks. For death. Do not watch the relief valve to see if grease
details about fluid penetration, see Operation and or oil is escaping. Watch the track or track adjustment
Maintenance Manual, “General Hazard Information” cylinder to see if the track is being loosened.
in the Safety Section. Tighten all connections to the
recommended torque. The pins and bushings in a dry track pin joint
can become very hot. It is possible to burn the
Replace the parts if any of the following conditions fingers if there is more than brief contact with these
are found: components.
• There is evidence of kinking or of crushing of the Personnel should never attempt to mount the
flexible part of the hose. machine during an electrical storm. Personnel should
never attempt to dismount the machine during an
• The armoring is embedded in the outer cover. electrical storm while lightning is striking in the near
vicinity of the machine.
• The end fittings are displaced.
If you are in the operator's cab during an electrical
Make sure that all clamps, guards and heat shields storm, stay in the cab. If you are on the ground during
are installed correctly in order to prevent vibration, an electrical storm, stay away from the machine.
rubbing, and excessive heat during operation.
The following procedures should never be attempted
while lightning is striking in the near vicinity of the
i01258143 machine:
Fire Extinguisher Location • Mount the machine.
SMCS Code: 7419
• Dismount the machine.
Do not weld a bracket on the Rollover Protective
If you are in the operator's station during an electrical
Structure (ROPS) in order to install the fire
storm, stay in the operator's station. If you are on the
extinguisher. Also, do not drill holes in the ROPS in
ground during an electrical storm, stay away from the
order to mount the fire extinguisher on the ROPS.
vicinity of the machine during an electrical storm.
Strap the mounting plate to a leg of the ROPS
in order to mount the fire extinguisher. If the fire i01896223
extinguisher weighs more than 4.5 kg (10 lb), mount
the fire extinguisher low on one leg of the ROPS. Do Before Starting Engine
not mount the fire extinguisher on the upper one-third
portion of the leg. SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
Inspect the condition of the seat belt and mounting Adjust the rearview mirrors (if equipped) for best
hardware. Replace any damaged parts or worn parts. vision close to the machine. Make sure that the
Regardless of appearance, replace the seat belt after machine horn, the backup alarm (if equipped) and all
three years of use. Do not use an extension for a other warning devices are working properly.
seat belt on a retractable seat belt.
Reference: Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Adjust the seat so that full pedal travel can be Manual, “Walk-Around Inspection” in this manual.
achieved. Make sure that the operator's back is
against the back of the seat. Fasten the seat belt securely.
Move all hydraulic controls to the HOLD position Do not allow riders on the machine unless the
before you start the engine. Move the transmission machine has the following equipment:
control lever to the NEUTRAL position.
• additional seat
Engage the parking brake.
• additional seat belt
Diesel engine exhaust contains products of
combustion which can be harmful to your health. • Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS)
Always run the engine in a well ventilated area. If
you are in an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to the Report any repairs that are needed and noted during
outside. operation.
Briefly sound the horn before starting the engine. Carry attachments close to the ground, approximately
40 cm (15 inches) above ground level. Do not go
close to the edge of a cliff, an excavation, or an
Before Operation If the machine begins to sideslip, perform the
SMCS Code: 7000 following procedure:
Clear all personnel from the machine and from the • Discard the load.
• Turn the machine downhill.
Remove all obstacles from the path of the machine.
Beware of hazards such as wires, ditches, etc. Be careful to avoid any condition which could lead
to tipping. Tipping can occur when you work on
Be sure that all windows are clean. Secure the doors hills, banks and slopes. Also, tipping can occur
and the windows in either the open position or the when you cross ditches, ridges or other unexpected
shut position. obstructions.
18 SEBU7185-12
Safety Section
Whenever it is possible, operate the machine up the • Prevent battery discharge that is caused by some
slopes and down the slopes. Avoid operating the of the electrical components.
machine across the slope, when possible.
• Prevent battery discharge that is caused by
Keep the machine under control. Do not overload the vandalism.
machine beyond capacity.
Towing devices and eyes that are not part of machine
must be adequate. Slope Operation
Connect trailing equipment to a drawbar or to a hitch SMCS Code: 7000
Machines that are operating safely in various
Never straddle a wire cable or allow other personnel applications depend on these criteria: the machine
to straddle a wire cable. model, configuration, machine maintenance,
operating speed of the machine, conditions of the
When you maneuver to connect the equipment, make terrain, fluid levels, and tire inflation pressures. The
sure that no personnel are between the machine most important criteria are the skill and judgment of
and trailing equipment. Block the hitch of the trailing the operator.
equipment in order to align the equipment with the
drawbar. A well trained operator that follows the instructions
in the Operation and Maintenance Manual has
Know the maximum dimensions of your machine. the greatest impact on stability. Operator training
provides a person with the following abilities:
Always keep the Rollover Protective Structure observation of working and environmental conditions,
(ROPS) installed during machine operation. feel for the machine, identification of potential
hazards, and operating the machine safely by making
i02862972 appropriate decisions.
Parking When you work on side hills and when you work on
slopes, consider the following important points:
SMCS Code: 7000
Speed of travel – At higher speeds, forces of inertia
Park on a level surface. If you must park on a grade, tend to make the machine less stable.
use blocks to prevent the machine from rolling.
Roughness of terrain or surface – The machine
Apply the service brake in order to stop the machine. may be less stable with uneven terrain.
Move the transmission control lever to NEUTRAL
position and move the speed control to LOW IDLE Direction of travel – Avoid operating the machine
position. Engage the parking brake. across the slope. When possible, operate the
machine up the slopes and operate the machine
Lower all attachments to the ground. down the slopes. Place the heaviest end of the
machine uphill when you are working on an incline.
Activate the implement shutoff control (hydraulic
lockout). Mounted equipment – Balance of the machine
may be impeded by the following components:
Stop the engine. equipment that is mounted on the machine, machine
configuration, weights, and counterweights.
Turn the engine start switch key to OFF position and
remove the key. Nature of surface – Ground that has been newly
filled with earth may collapse from the weight of the
Turn the key for the battery disconnect switch to the machine.
OFF position. Remove the key when you exit the
machine for an extended period of time. Surface material – Rocks and moisture of the
surface material may drastically affect the machine's
Turning the battery disconnect switch to the OFF traction and machine's stability. Rocky surfaces may
position will provide the following benefits: promote side slipping of the machine.
• Prevent battery discharge that is caused by a Slippage due to excessive loads – This may cause
battery short circuit. downhill tracks or downhill tires to dig into the ground,
which will increase the angle of the machine.
SEBU7185-12 19
Safety Section
Engine Stopping
Table 1
“ISO Reference Table A - Equivalent vibration levels of whole body vibration emission for earthmoving equipment.”
Note: Refer to “ISO/TR 25398 Mechanical Vibration - b. Inspect and maintain the seat suspension and
Guideline for the assessment of exposure to whole adjustment mechanisms.
body vibration of ride on operated earthmoving
machines” for more information about vibration. 5. Perform the following operations smoothly.
This publication uses data that is measured
by international institutes, organizations and a. Steer
manufacturers. This document provides information
about the whole body exposure of operators of b. Brake
earthmoving equipment. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, SEBU8257, “The European c. Accelerate.
Union Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive
2002/44/EC” for more information about machine d. Shift the gears.
vibration levels.
6. Move the attachments smoothly.
The Caterpillar suspension seat meets the criteria of
“ISO 7096”. This represents vertical vibration level 7. Adjust the machine speed and the route in order
under severe operating conditions. This seat is tested to minimize the vibration level.
with the input “spectral class EM6”. The seat has a
transmissibility factor of “SEAT<0.7”. a. Drive around obstacles and rough terrain.
The whole body vibration level of the machine varies. b. Slow down when it is necessary to go over
There is a range of values. The low value is 0.5 rough terrain.
meter per second squared. The machine meets the
short term level for the design of the seat in “ISO 8. Minimize vibrations for a long work cycle or a long
7096”. The value is 1.61 meter per second squared travel distance.
for this machine.
a. Use machines that are equipped with
Guidelines for Reducing Vibration Levels on suspension systems.
Earthmoving Equipment
b. Use the ride control system on Track-Type
Properly adjust machines. Properly maintain Tractors.
machines. Operate machines smoothly. Maintain the
conditions of the terrain. The following guidelines can c. If no ride control system is available, reduce
help reduce the whole body vibration level: speed in order to prevent bounce.
1. Use the right type and size of machine, equipment, d. Haul the machines between workplaces.
and attachments.
9. Less operator comfort may be caused by other risk
2. Maintain machines according to the manufacturer's factors. The following guidelines can be effective
recommendations. in order to provide better operator comfort:
a. Tire pressures a. Adjust the seat and adjust the controls in order
to achieve good posture.
b. Brake and steering systems
b. Adjust the mirrors in order to minimize twisted
c. Controls, hydraulic system and linkages posture.
3. Keep the terrain in good condition. c. Provide breaks in order to reduce long periods
of sitting.
a. Remove any large rocks or obstacles.
d. Avoid jumping from the cab.
b. Fill any ditches and holes.
e. Minimize repeated handling of loads and lifting
c. Provide machines and schedule time in order of loads.
to maintain the conditions of the terrain.
f. Minimize any shocks and impacts during sports
4. Use a seat that meets “ISO 7096”. Keep the seat and leisure activities.
maintained and adjusted.
Sources i03656846
• Demolition applications
• Rock quarries
• Forestry products
Additional guards may be required for specific
applications or work tools. The Operation and
Maintenance Manual for your machine or your
work tool will provide specific requirements for the
guards. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for additional