Aswanth 2014 Fixed Functional Space Maintainer A Weight Gainer
Aswanth 2014 Fixed Functional Space Maintainer A Weight Gainer
Aswanth 2014 Fixed Functional Space Maintainer A Weight Gainer
Case Report
Restoration of primary maxillary incisors severely damaged by caries or trauma is a clinical
challenge for pedodontist. In the past, the only treatment option would have been to extract
the affected teeth and replace them with prosthetic substitutes. Various therapeutic modalities
from removable partial dentures to fixed space maintainer can be used for replacement
of such lost teeth. The purpose of this paper was to describe the rehabilitation of primary
anterior and posterior teeth in a 5-year-old child using fixed functional space maintainer. It
constituted a design, whereby the maxillary primary second molars were used to support the
appliance through bands and a wire that contained an acrylic flange bearing trimmed acrylic
teeth, both anteriorly and posteriorly. The appliance was both functional and aesthetical.
Key words: Early childhood caries, fixed space maintainer, functional space maintainer
Aswanth, et al.: Fixed functional space maintainer: A weight gainer - A case report
self-esteem and enhance socialization with other children, bands (0.005-inch thickness and 0.180-inch width) were
particularly as they prepare for kindergarten.[1] adapted on teeth 55 and 65 followed by alginate impression
to make the working cast. Casts were poured with dental
CASE REPORT stone. On the upper cast, a stainless steel wire (0.9 mm)
framework was made, spanning from one band to the other.
A four and half years old boy reported to Department of The anterior segment of the wire was soldered with spikes
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, KSR Institute of to reinforce the acrylic segment with teeth. The free ends
Dental College and Research, with complaint of pain, of the wire were then soldered to the corresponding molar
unpleasant look, undernourishment, and alteration in bands. In the anterior region of the upper cast, a trial wax
speech. On examination it was found the upper anterior up was done with trimmed acrylic teeth (B1 shade). The
teeth 52, 51, 61, 62 and posteriors 54, 64 were grossly decayed acrylic teeth were originally of adult size, which had to
(infected root stumps) [Figures 1 and 2]. Child’s mother gave be trimmed to the primary tooth sizes of 51, 52, 54 and
history of night bottle feeding upto 3 years of age. History 61, 62, 64. After cold mould seal application and cold cure
also revealed improper diet and oral hygiene practices with acrylic resin insertion, the appliance was then removed
no previous dental visit. Patient appeared undernourished from the cast. After trimming, finishing, and polishing,
(weight = 11 kg) and was uncooperative during diagnosis. the appliance was cemented on 55 and 65 with luting glass
Overall school performance of the child was only satisfactory ionomer cement (Fuji I) and occlusion was checked for any
and he was less friendly with his fellow classmates. premature contact [Figures 3 and 4]. The patient was advised
to maintain proper oral hygiene. First recall of patient was
On completion of thorough case evaluation, we planned done after 24 h followed by checkup every 3 months. The
to extract the root stumps in the maxillary arch and place child and parent were satisfied with the replacement of his
fixed functional space maintainer subsequently. After lost teeth. The parent was informed that the appliance will be
obtaining written parental consent, preoperative occlusal removed around the age of 6-8 years, to prevent interference
analysis was performed, following that the root stumps
were extracted. Extraction was done as two visit procedure
where each quadrant was done in each visit. Orthodontic
Journal of Indian Academy of Dental Specialist Researchers | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | Jan-Jun 2014
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Aswanth, et al.: Fixed functional space maintainer: A weight gainer - A case report
of erupting permanent successors. The child was also advised plane allows proper sanitation.[10] This type of pontic fulfills
to return immediately in case there was any problem with the most of the needs of the restorative dentist in cases involving
space maintainer, including distortion or breakage. ideal edentulous ridges. However, if it happens, the appliance
can be temporarily debanded until the tissue heals.
On the third review visit, it was noticed that the boy appeared
nourished (weight = 13.5 kg) and cheerful. Child’s mother Aesthetic space maintainer has been found to have a
informed that the overall performance of boy in school had much wider acceptability and compliance of wearing the
improved with better friends circle. Oral hygiene of the patient appliance by the pediatric dental patients. This is indeed
was satisfactory and was informed to maintain it the same way. a solution to pediatric anterior edentulous arches with
compromised speech, aesthetic, and behavior of the child
DISCUSSION including poor social acceptance. In the present case, a
successful placement of fixed functional space maintainer
The aesthetic rehabilitation of primary anterior teeth has a was performed. Limitations like long-term follow-up,
vital psychological impact on recovery of patient’s self-esteem improper oral hygiene maintenance, and frequent breakage
(Slack and Jones).[5] The progress of children in school and can be decreased by proper education and motivation of the
their psychological well being can be adversely influenced child and the parents.
by the condition of their anterior teeth. Space created by
the early loss of tooth in the dental arch also has a desire to CONCLUSION
close by the adjacent teeth. After premature loss of deciduous
maxillary anterior teeth, the permanent successors may be Early intervention can prevent the psychosocial problems
proclined and thus arch length or perimeter is increased. because of early loss of primary teeth. Restoration of anterior
Northway (1984) stated that more space was lost in the aesthetics and function with this appliance gave a huge
first year of extraction than in successive years.[6] Kumari psychological boost for the child. Oral hygiene instructions
(2006) found that the greatest space closure occurs during were given to the child and his parents. The child had been
the first 4 months of the extraction.[7] asked to visit the department at 3-month interval in order
to monitor issues with regards to hygiene and eruption of
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the most commonly used pontic design; the contact of the functional space maintainer: A weight gainer: A case report. J Indian
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pontic with the underlying ridge is maintained only on the
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
buccal aspect of the ridge. This limited contact in only one
Journal of Indian Academy of Dental Specialist Researchers | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | Jan-Jun 2014