What Is Your Emotional IQ?

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What is your emotional IQ?

Who has had ZERO emotions today?

Page 1 The power of emotional intelligence

We have an average of 456 emotions a day

What do you do with your emotions?

Page 2 The power of emotional intelligence
A working definition of EI

“Your ability to recognize and understand your

emotions and your skill at using this awareness
to manage yourself and your relationship with

– Drs. Travis Brandberry & Jean Greaves,

Authors of The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book

Page 3 The power of emotional intelligence

Why EI matters…

•Academic intellect isn’t enough.

•Technical proficiency doesn’t win the prize.

•Self-management (control) and effective

interpersonal relationships have made the
difference between success and failure.

•Managers/leaders have a profound impact

on the organization that they lead.

Page 4 The power of emotional intelligence

EI is not an option.

“Studies are confirming the importance of being

present to our emotions at work. The result has a
greater long-term impact on the bottom line than
quality improvement programs or monetary
incentives. In fact, there is now concrete evidence
demonstrating that interpersonal skills are a
greater predictor of success over technical and
intellectual competencies.”
-Marcia Reynolds,
Author of Outsmart Your Brain!

Page 5 The power of emotional intelligence

Understanding ourselves:
Understanding our brain

Page 6 The power of emotional intelligence

The three brains

Ideas and actions

brain (cortical)
► Feeling identification
► Short-term memory Mammalian/social
► Reflection/creativity
brain (limbic)
► Analysis/planning
► Emotions
► Decisions ► Long-term memory
► Attention/focus
► Movement

brain (autonomic)
► Protection
► Maintenance of body
► Survival of species

Page 7 The power of emotional intelligence
Challenging Descartes

f I feel
f Therefore I think
f Therefore I am.

We feel it first and

then we assign meaning.

Page 8 The power of emotional intelligence

Self awareness and self management
Emotional intelligence: It’s your choice

Curiosity Optimism


Respect 6 Willingness

You have 6 seconds to catch the triggers

going off in your reactive and social
brains before the chemicals
released hinder choice.

Page 9 The power of emotional intelligence

An Amygdala Hijack!!

You know that you’ve been hijacked when…

•Emotions overwhelm your thinking and actions.
•You are thinking and acting against your own will!
•You are unable to accurately read others’ emotions
•You can’t find the right words . . . (stumbling when you try
to speak)
•You are unable to focus your thinking or actions
• Your “fight or flight” response kicks in . . . heart
races, blood pressure increases, sweating profusely,
uneasy feeling in the “gut,” clenched jaw, twitching,
tapping foot, cold extremities as the brain rushes
blood to muscles needed for fighting or fleeing . . .

Page 10 The power of emotional intelligence

Adapted from Dattner Consulting, LLC

Howard Gardner – author originally focusing on

multiple intelligences which is now referred to as
emotional intelligence

Daniel Goleman – internationally known

psychologist and author focusing on emotional
intelligence research

Page 11 The power of emotional intelligence

Understanding others:
Strengthening our relationships

Page 12 The power of emotional intelligence

Daniel Goleman’s EI model

What I see What I do

Personal competence Self-awareness Self-management

Can I accurately identify my Can I manage my emotions

emotions as they happen? and behavior to a positive

Social competence Social awareness Relationship management

Can I accurately identify your Can I manage the interaction

emotions and tendencies as I I have with others
interact with you or a group? constructively and to a
positive outcome?

Page 13 The power of emotional intelligence

The SET-C Method:
improve relationships & influence others
• Tell the STORY:
• What is going on? Who or what would you like to
blame or give credit to? What thoughts are
running through your head?
• Identify the EMOTION:
• Name all emotions triggered by the situation.
• Check your physical emotions.
• Look for more than one emotion (happy &

Adapted fromMarcia Reynolds,

Outsmart Your Brain!

Page 14 The power of emotional intelligence

The SET-C Method:
improve relationships & influence others
• Look for the TRIGGER:
• What do you think you didn’t get that you wanted?
• What did you want to happen or what did you
expect to receive?
• Shift your emotional state to neutral.
• Ask yourself: Is it true that the person is intentionally
depriving you of your need?
• If so, can you ask for what you need?
• If it’s not, can you let it go?
• Focus on how you want to story to end.
Adapted fromMarcia Reynolds,
Outsmart Your Brain!

Page 15 The power of emotional intelligence

Emotions & Leadership
• The ability of a team to deliver quality performance is
determined by how the people FEEL about the task,
each other, and the leader.
• The culture of a team is defined by the overriding
emotional state.
• Emotions are contagious.
• The leaders (at any level) who learned about the values
and priorities of each team member and then aligned
those needs to the business goals creates a culture
where people WANT to work and DO their BEST.
• Focusing on inspiring team members creates a more
productive culture and less burn out for individuals.
• Leaders must acknowledge the human spirit.
Adapted fromMarcia Reynolds,
Outsmart Your Brain!

Page 16 The power of emotional intelligence

Consider this:
• We cannot control our emotions.

• We can control our reactions.

• Understanding our emotions allows us to better

connect with others and cope with stressors.

• If we do not “deal” with our emotions, they can

undermine our perspective, decision making, and

• The key is self awareness! Use the six second rule.

Page 17 The power of emotional intelligence

Now that you know what you know...
What will your next conversation
“feel” like?
► What will your intention be?
► Where will you put your attention?
► What will you create?

Page 18 The power of emotional intelligence

Best wishes in your EI journey!

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