Effect of Acupressure Therapy Point HT 6 and LI 4 On Post Cesarean Sectio's Pain
Effect of Acupressure Therapy Point HT 6 and LI 4 On Post Cesarean Sectio's Pain
Effect of Acupressure Therapy Point HT 6 and LI 4 On Post Cesarean Sectio's Pain
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20151531
Research Article
Effect of acupressure therapy point HT 6 and LI 4
on post cesarean sectio’s pain
Desiyani Nani1*, Susio Maryati2, Rizka Rahmaharyanti3
Nursing Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Jenderal Soedirman. Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia
Department of Nursing, Margono Soekardjo Hospital, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia
Puspita Ardelia Institute of Complementary and Alternative Healthcare, Indonesia
Desiyani Nani,
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Stimulation at acupressure point can activate three centre of body control, there are spinal cord,
midbrain, and pituitary to release neurochemical such as endorphin, serotonin, and norepinephrine effect to blockage
pain. Cesarean sectio’s pain begins since decreasing of the effect from anesthetical medication. Acupressure therapy
at point HT6 and LI4 can activate these three centre of body control. So it is possible to reduce pain sensation when
stimulated both. This study was carried out to identify the effects of HT 6 and LI 4 acupressure on sectio cesarea’s
pain in post-partum periods.
Methods: A single blind randomized clinical trial is performed on seven eligible women who are at the beginning of
post-partum periods. The participants are matched duration after sectio cesarean before 24 hours, nulliparas and
multiparas. There is no additional administration of analgesics during the study period. The women receive
acupressure at HT 6 and LI 4 for 20 minutes. The severity of pain is measured by using the Visual Analogue Scale for
pain. Intensity of pain are measured before and immediately after the intervention. Statistical analyses are perform
using SPSS 20.
Results: the rate of pain intensity’s scale before and after treatment are ( 84,29 ± 15,65) and (64,57 ± 15,80). There
are significant differences between both of groups. The pain intensity after the intervention was significantly decrease
than pain intensity before (p = 0.04). There are significant differences between the groups in subjective pain scale
before intervention and immediately after intervention. The pain intensities after the intervention are significantly
decrease than pain intensities before the intervention (p = 0.04).
Conclusions: Acupressure at HT6 and LI4 point reduced the severity of pain at the beginning of post partum periods
after cesarean sectio. These findings show that combination HT6 and LI4 acupressure are effective for reducing
esarean sectio’s pain. HT6 and LI4 acupressure can be an effective nursing management for women in post partum
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Nani D et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015 Dec;3(Suppl 1):S119-S122
think that they know what the pain is like. They may of pain, and the resultant parameter value has been
have experienced pain in the same part of the body, or shown to correlate highly with the level of pain as
possibly due to a similar cause, in the past. measures with verbal and numerical rating scales.
Alternatively, they have witnessed or even provided
care for a number of people and think they know what a RESULTS
person who is experiencing this form of pain looks like.
All of these people, whether they are experienced or Maternal characteristics in Table 1 showed that most of
whether they are witnesses, are mistaken. They are cesarean delivery women (57.2%) are in age group of
making assumptions which are either weakly founded between 26-325 years. Multiparas (57.2%) are the most of
or totally unfounded. Obviously, such unfounded maternal parital state. Middle socioeconomic group
assumptions carry serious implications for the person (42.8%) as well as low socioeconomic group of
actually experiencing the pain.2 Assessing pain using participants. None of participants had history of abortion
visual analogue scale (VAS) in the postoperative period and previous fetal deaths. 57.2% are in before 6 hours
is essential to improve pain management. after CS delivery.
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Nani D et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015 Dec;3(Suppl 1):S119-S122
Pain intensity outcome is tabulated in Table 2 which results of study conducted by Kotani et al., which
showed that before acupressure treatment 85.7% featured abdominal surgery patients, indicated that
participants report above 75 point scale. After acupressure acupuncture could effetively alleviate patients’
treatment only 28.6% participants report the similar scale. postoperative pain.10
Table 3 shows the rate of pain intensity’s scale before and Goddard et al. reported on 18 patients who were
after treatment are (84.29 ± 15.65) and (64.57 ± 15.80). randomly assigned to one of two experimental groups,
There are significant differences between both of groups. 10 patients receiving acupuncture and eight receiving
The pain intensity after the intervention was significantly sham acupuncture.11 These investigators found that
decrease than pain intensity before (p = 0.04). both acupuncture and sham acupuncture reduce the
intensity of pain evoked by stimulation at masseter
DISCUSSION muscles among myofascial patients.
High-quality pain relief is important after cesarean This study shows the effectiveness of acupressure to
section to promote early recovery and optimize mothers’ relieve pain. Seven respondents that given acupressure
ability to care for their newborns. Surveys have shown therapy demonstrated the decrease at pain scale. The
that parturient consider pain during and after cesarean decrease of pain intensity through physiologically
section as their most important concern.8 Despite processes during acupressure treatment. Stimulation at
advances in postoperative pain management, acupressure point activated three centre, spinal cord,
postoperative pain relief and satisfaction are still midbrain, and pituitary. Neurochemical is released, such
inadequate in some patients because of individual as endorphine, serotonin and norepinephrine for the use
variability and limitation from side effects of analgesic to blocked pain messages. Acupessure stimulation also
drugs or techniques.9 could release adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH)
from pituitary. Three mechanism to explain acupressure
This present study finds that acupressure is able to work to decrease pain sensation that is: Neurotransmitter
effectively reduce the intensity of pain at periods of theory, autonomic nervous systems and gate control
post-operative cesarean section deliveries. Similarly, the theory.12
Table 3: Intensity of pain’s rate scale before and after acupressure treatment.
Acupressure enhance post-operative physiologis inces disease, revealed that acupuncture at Neiguan point
(respiration, pulse, systolic blood pressure, and siastolic reduces subjects’ heart rates, and increased
blood pressure.6 The results of this study suggest that parasympathetic nerve activity.14
significant differences in the levels of postoperative
anxiety and pain existed between subjects who did and The results of our study suggest, however, a contrary
did not receive acupressure, indicating that postoperative result compared to Hinze trial, who assigned 48 healthy
acupressure may effectively reduce postoperative anxiety women to one of four different study groups, namely a
and pain. Over the recent years, researchers have control group, a transcutaneous electrical nerve
investigated the use of the endogenous opioid system to stimulation (TENS) group, a placebo group and an
explain the pain-alleviating mechanism. When people are acupressure group.15 Hinze’s study showed no significant
under pressure, endorphin is produced, which elicits difference in anxiety and pain awareness between any of
interferential obstruction at the nerve fibers. This the four groups. The reason for this may associate to the
endorphin property provides a pain- alleviating effect. different medical situations for different study
When an individual’s skin is stimulated, e.g. by massage participants, sinceit would appear that for women
or acupressure, endorphin levels are increased, which undergone surgery and for those women who are still in
elicit a pain-alleviating effect. The therapeutic effect on labor, both groups of women face high levels of anxiety
postoperative anxiety elicited by acupressure was also and pain, level that given appropriate therapeutic
reported by Ip who used a descriptive cross-sectional techniques, could effectively be reduced.
study to investigate the conditions under which patients
consult an acupuncturist.13 From Ip’s results, there was a Acupressure therapy could decrease pain at 71.4%
mean effectiveness rating of 74.4%. Similarly, Chen and respondents. Information given to family about
Huang, in their study of patients with coronary artery acupressure procedure could be accepted. 100 % family
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Med Sci. 2002;18:68-73.
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Mathusamy AD, Macario A. Patient preferences for
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effective for reducing cesarean section’s pain. from published data. Br J Anaesth. 2002;89:409-23.
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Conflict of interest: None declared 2001;95:349-56.
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