Two Exercises About The is-LM Model
Two Exercises About The is-LM Model
Two Exercises About The is-LM Model
Ex 1
Consider the following economy:
Ex 2
To protect the domestic producers from international competition, the government of the Republic of Maradagàl
decided to cease all economic relationships with the rest of the world. However, current national output is 8%
below its potential and the government wants to increase spending in order to bring the economy to full
employment. Consider that:
a) The central bank has the following balance sheet (in real terms):
Assets Liabilities
Gold 20 Currency 400/3
Bonds 160 Required reserves 200/3
Credit 20
b) The required reserve ratio is 0.1, while the amount of free reserves is negligible.
c) The real demand for money is Ld = 0.25Y − 500i .
d) The labour force is 7000 and average labour productivity is 0.5.
e) The income multiplier is equal to 2 while investments increase by 2 units if the interest rate falls by 1%.
1) The interest rate associated with the initial equilibrium.
2) The variation in government spending that is required to reach full employment.
Solution 1
a) At equilibrium income is 3600, the interest rate is 8%, the budget deficit is 40.
b) In this case the central bank cannot manage the money supply independently. At the new equilibrium
income is 3726.31, the interest rate is 4.63%, the budget deficit is 14.73.
Solution 2
1) The initial interest rate is 0.01%.
2) ∆G = 168.