Lesson Plan - 5
Lesson Plan - 5
Lesson Plan - 5
• Students will be able to identify the cause and effect of flooding by watching the video.
Students will be able to explore what is the impact of flooding by completing the village experiment.
-The stages that the students will use to investigate the problem:
Stage What it Means/What What are some questions Process skills that Literacy skills that
students do at this stage What students will do at this Aim of this section of that I will ask students students will use at students will use at
of any inquiry lesson stage of my lesson the lesson during this section? (at what this stage (name, and this stage (name,
level of Bloom’s are these say how and where) and say how and
questions?) where)
The teacher will Students will explore the Apply:
give the students impact of the flood by Through doing the Observation: Writing:
instruction about the doing the experiment. Let the students experiment and explore Through observing write the notes
experiment to let the explore the main what is the impact of the what will happen when they observe
students explore the They will have specific concept of the flood. when we pour the the experiment.
impact of the flood in materials to do the lesson (what is the water (the
the village that they experiment. impaction of the impaction of the
will be creating. flood). flood).
Students will have to Foil tins
build their villages Small houses Prediction:
using small houses, Trees What will happen
three, soil, sand, and Sand to the sea when
water to present the Soil they pour the water
sea. A big bottle of water (increase the
Gloves amount of it).
Water to present the
sea. Communication:
Cups to pour the water Discussing what
on it and present the are the result of the
rain. experiment.
Instruction paper had
the steps for the
At first, they will have a
group of three and four
and they will all build
the village together.