Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
CLO 3: Choose, justify and reflect on the selection of appropriate routines and explain practical
aspects of their implementation.
The task is made up of two activities:
Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Activity 2: Planning for/Developing Routines and
Though there are many routines and procedures all over the school such as returning from assembly
or walking in the hallways, this task focuses on what happens inside of your classroom only.
During the first week of your teaching practice observe your MST and her/his classroom. Make a note
of five (5) routines that you see her/him use every day inside of the classroom. Fill in the table below
to describe EACH routine; when and where it is used; and what is the aim of the routine or the
student behavior that it hopes to achieve.
Name/Descri Give the When and where the Aim of the routine How did/do the students learn about this
ption of the instructions that routine is used? routine?
routine. the routine uses (what student How is the routine reinforced?
(e.g. at the end of the behaviour it hopes to
school day etc.; or to achieve) (e.g. mentoring; classroom signs; reminders by the
guide presentations after teacher; use of peer interaction by the teacher to
group work) promote such behaviour etc.)
1 Books Teacher choose Teacher use it after Teacher use this
distribution two students to presentation routine to avoid Teacher gives the instructions clearly and
distribute student's verbally.
students' books distribution,
arguments when Teacher reinforce this routine by reminding
picking up their students to don not move and let the selected
books and to avoid students do their work and distribute the
time consuming. books.
Also, to create an
2 At each time needed The goal of this
Counting to Teacher count to trans from one routing, it is to keep Teacher reinforces this routine by clapping
gather and from five until Between transition students calm to and counting and remind students by saying
retry one, students (from one activity to listen clearly to the when I'm count all of you should stop
attention stop talking and other) next instructions and whatever you do and give me your focus.
set quietly to avoid students to get
hear the next lost. It is also
mission or step. essential, so that
teacher can presents
comfortably, and
lesson walk smoothly
and organized.
Eating time In break time Teacher uses this This routine aims to
teacher call routine before break avoid running and
students' group time about 5 minutes screaming in the Teacher promote the instructions every day,
by group to get in the class. corridor and so students cannot do it without the
their food boxes distributing other permission.
classes. Also, it is
work as a
reinforcement for a
good behave group
who will get the
reward of taking the
break first.
4 Math's In each math's Instructor apply this This routine
routine lessons after routine in each math's intention, is to adapt As well as all the routines teacher reinforce
teaching, lesson after the students to math this routine by reminding students and asks
teacher presents explanation part, in lesson order and them to open their books and write the
the problems the class. system. solutions.
and let students
solve them
individually then
learners share
and evaluate
their answers.
Activity Two: Planning for/Developing Routines and Procedures
Plan the routines for one of your classes. The activity expects that you will teach the
class. It may be a class that you teach for an observation by your MST/MCT or just a
practice class that you teach with the permission of your MST. The lesson can be
incorporated as one of your formal observations if your MST/MCT decides. In order
to complete the activity, you are required (whether the lesson is one of your formal
observations or not) to fill in and submit the planning sheet below.
Before you begin to complete the table talk a little bit about the class/lesson in
which this plan for routines is to be used. Include:
Lesson objectives: to make a mind map to explain why citizen and non-
citizen in UAE celebrating UAE national day.
Main activities in the lesson: practicing activity which is finding out the
explanation text language feature (present tense words, time connective and
causal words). Post activity were students should create a mind map to
explain why citizen and non-citizen in UAE celebrating UAE national day.
Where are the transitions in the lesson? What are they: (e.g. moving from
plenary to group work between main activity one and main activity two):
The transitions during this class will be moving from plenary to the individual
work which is from the while to the post.