Task 2

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Task 2: Managing Learning

CLO 3: Choose, justify and reflect on the selection of appropriate routines and explain practical
aspects of their implementation.

 Reflect on how routines can impact classroom environment (pacing, preventive

"preventing bad behavior" CRM, student engagement)
 Choose and justify the selection of appropriate routines (entering/leaving the class,
transitions, submitting work, resource distribution) in a range of contexts (ages, gender,
class size, school context, class dynamics, parental support)
 Explain practical aspects of implementation (clear instructions consistency)

The task is made up of two activities:
Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Activity 2: Planning for/Developing Routines and

You are to complete BOTH Activity 1 AND Activity 2.

Activity One: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures

Though there are many routines and procedures all over the school such as returning from assembly
or walking in the hallways, this task focuses on what happens inside of your classroom only.
During the first week of your teaching practice observe your MST and her/his classroom. Make a note
of five (5) routines that you see her/him use every day inside of the classroom. Fill in the table below
to describe EACH routine; when and where it is used; and what is the aim of the routine or the
student behavior that it hopes to achieve.
Name/Descri Give the When and where the Aim of the routine How did/do the students learn about this
ption of the instructions that routine is used? routine?
routine. the routine uses (what student How is the routine reinforced?
(e.g. at the end of the behaviour it hopes to
school day etc.; or to achieve) (e.g. mentoring; classroom signs; reminders by the
guide presentations after teacher; use of peer interaction by the teacher to
group work) promote such behaviour etc.)
1 Books Teacher choose Teacher use it after Teacher use this
distribution two students to presentation routine to avoid Teacher gives the instructions clearly and
distribute student's verbally.
students' books distribution,
arguments when Teacher reinforce this routine by reminding
picking up their students to don not move and let the selected
books and to avoid students do their work and distribute the
time consuming. books.
Also, to create an
2 At each time needed The goal of this
Counting to Teacher count to trans from one routing, it is to keep Teacher reinforces this routine by clapping
gather and from five until Between transition students calm to and counting and remind students by saying
retry one, students (from one activity to listen clearly to the when I'm count all of you should stop
attention stop talking and other) next instructions and whatever you do and give me your focus.
set quietly to avoid students to get
hear the next lost. It is also
mission or step. essential, so that
teacher can presents
comfortably, and
lesson walk smoothly
and organized.
Eating time In break time Teacher uses this This routine aims to
teacher call routine before break avoid running and
students' group time about 5 minutes screaming in the Teacher promote the instructions every day,
by group to get in the class. corridor and so students cannot do it without the
their food boxes distributing other permission.
classes. Also, it is
work as a
reinforcement for a
good behave group
who will get the
reward of taking the
break first.
4 Math's In each math's Instructor apply this This routine
routine lessons after routine in each math's intention, is to adapt As well as all the routines teacher reinforce
teaching, lesson after the students to math this routine by reminding students and asks
teacher presents explanation part, in lesson order and them to open their books and write the
the problems the class. system. solutions.
and let students
solve them
individually then
learners share
and evaluate
their answers.
Activity Two: Planning for/Developing Routines and Procedures
Plan the routines for one of your classes. The activity expects that you will teach the
class. It may be a class that you teach for an observation by your MST/MCT or just a
practice class that you teach with the permission of your MST. The lesson can be
incorporated as one of your formal observations if your MST/MCT decides. In order
to complete the activity, you are required (whether the lesson is one of your formal
observations or not) to fill in and submit the planning sheet below.
Before you begin to complete the table talk a little bit about the class/lesson in
which this plan for routines is to be used. Include:

 Lesson objectives: to make a mind map to explain why citizen and non-
citizen in UAE celebrating UAE national day.

 Main activities in the lesson: practicing activity which is finding out the
explanation text language feature (present tense words, time connective and
causal words). Post activity were students should create a mind map to
explain why citizen and non-citizen in UAE celebrating UAE national day.

 Grouping of students during each main activity:

Students will be setting in whole class and the main activities are an
independent work even the students will be setting in groups, but they will
work individually when answering on the board or when creating the mind
map and that don’t include teacher assistance.

 Behaviour expected during each activity (e.g. sharing resources; changing

stations; presenting):
The behavior expected during the activities time and at the practicing activity
students should write the answer on the board and spell it, were for the post
activity's students should keep a low voice tone, do it independently and
raise their hands for teacher help.

 Where are the transitions in the lesson? What are they: (e.g. moving from
plenary to group work between main activity one and main activity two):
The transitions during this class will be moving from plenary to the individual
work which is from the while to the post.

Class/Year Routine Routine Routine

Learning Objective of
the routine/procedure Clapping Writing objective Repeating
(what it hopes to instructions back
achieve) This routine is writing at the begging of each to me
about clapping lesson the learning intention. Teacher askes
three times to some students
attract attention. orally during the
This routine aims to maintain lesson what is the
This routine hopes students focuses to the next step, or can
that students will expected outcome. you repeat what
listen and stop any you should to do
form of now?
distribution that
obstruct the class This routine goal is
walk. to check if my
instructions were
otherwise it is to
confirm for the rest
students what to
Anecdotal Evidence
(e.g. pictures of your To reinforce this To reinforce that I used to
class during the routine, I used to write the objectives on the
routine; posters of clap when board and repeat it different
rules etc.) to reinforce students began to times during the class, so
this routine for disrepute the students are aware of it.
example what is the class, so children
routine when you want knows that they
them to stop for must give me their
instance a bell. attention.

Objective is written on the top of the


Place in today’s class Promote this

(when will you perform I perform clapping I perform this routine at the routine after
the routine) routine after an beginning of each class and modeling and
activity and time repeat the goal while giving the
when I lose explaining the activities and instructions of
students attention during the post part. activities,
for example after transitions or any
group work or expected
transition. procedures from
the students
Importance to the This routine works
smooth functioning of to smooth the Writing the objective and Repeating the
today’s class lesson and calm repeating it would avoid instructions
students and feeling lost therefore students smooth the class
return the normal would not interrupt and show and prevents
voice during misunderstanding. students call for
teaching part. loss.
How well did this During class this
routine work in today’s routine worked Informing students about the This routine
class but not for all objective and writing it during worked in the and
students, so it lesson was impactful, were decreased
cannot be a main when I've repeat and asked questioning about
managing strategy students about the objective what to write or
where I used it and the reason why to learn instructions.
after transition different methods to divide,
from mat to the students responded and
tables and showed understanding of the
students most of objective and the lesson.
the students did
not respond to it.
In the other hand
it is work when I
just begin to lose
If you had to teach this Next time I would Next time I would try to
class over, how would make it a choose a student to write the If I had to adjust
you adjust this routine cooperative objective as a changing and to this routine next
and why clapping between maintain them in teaching, so time, I would
me and students, it is tending to be more prefer to choose a
it will be effective students center. student to repeat
because students and write the
will be involved instructions that I
and complete gave on the board
clapping after me or having one
in a simple and student from each
short pattern, group to repeat
because when I them.
clap not all the
students heard it
but when all of
them are
participating it will
help to attract all
the children.

After the Task - Reflection

After applying different routines, I founded that even if the students were in high
grades, they should have some routines to maintain them in an order learning
environment. I've selected clapping and repeating the instructions routine first
because of the MST advise and the impact of it to prevent excepted behavior and
misunderstanding instructions. These routines are practical because they can be
changed, and they are flexible, so I can change them to fit the lesson or the class
mode for example letting students to participate and write the instructions or
changing the clapping pattern from time to time, so students are involved and don’t
fell bored about it. These routines are easy to understand and apply because they are
simple and used widely (many teachers I've observed used these routines) at the
same time they are clear.

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