Original Ground Level-Ogl Compaction
Original Ground Level-Ogl Compaction
Original Ground Level-Ogl Compaction
The topsoil, removed and conserved earlier shall be spread over the
fill slopes as per directions of the engineer to facilitate the growth of
vegetation. The depth of the topsoil shall be sufficient to sustain plant
growth, the usual thickness being from 75 mm to 150 mm.
In case where the difference between the sub-grade level (top of the
sub-grade on which pavement rests) and ground level is less than 0.5
m and the ground does not have 97 percent relative compaction for
Embankment 95 percent relative compaction with respect to the dry
density (tested in lab), the ground shall be loosened up to a level 0.5
m below the sub-grade level, watered and compacted in layers to
achieve dry density not less than 97 percent relative compaction or
95 percent for Embankment.