Kim Patrick O. Malano: Bloomberg Function Resulting Data
Kim Patrick O. Malano: Bloomberg Function Resulting Data
Kim Patrick O. Malano: Bloomberg Function Resulting Data
16 Which stock in the PSEi has the highest 12-month PCOMP-F10-MEMB GLO 660
dividend yield?
17 What is the difference between the industry SMPH-PM-F8-RV SMPH 35.46 median
median P/E ratio of SMPH with its industry peers 17.08= 18.38%
in the Philippine Stock Exchange?
18 Should dividends are considered reinvested in the SMC-PM-F8-TRA 88.6981%
security, then what should be the average annual
total return for 5 years for holding the stock of
San Miguel Corporation?
19 What is the volume weighted average price as of
the last trading day for ECP?
20 Name at least 2 other companies where the CEO GTCAP HOLD-F8- ARTHUR VY TY
of GTCAP is also either a board chair or board MEMB
21 What is the tracking error/volatility difference FMETF PM F8 PORT 2.87%
between the First Metro Exchange Traded Fund TE
(FMETF) with the PCOMP Index?
22 Looking at the portfolio mix of First Metro Save FMSLEQT PM F8 24
and Learn Equity Fund, how many securities PORT
except cash and bonds are in the holdings of the
23 Among peso-denominated open-end funds in the SECF-OPEN END- 120
Philippines, how many funds are equity-focused DOMICILE
and are primary issues?
24 Among all peso-denominated government issued SRCH 2040
bonds in the Philippines, what is the maturity
year for the one with the longest tenure?
25 How many government issued bonds in the SRCH 24
Philippines are USD denominated?
26 What is the forecasted bond yield for 2020 for BYFC 3.47
the Philippines referring to the Central Bank
Policy Rate?
27 What is the probability for the exchange rate of FXFM 76.8%
SGD-PHP to fall between 32 and 47 by the end of
Quarter 4 of 2018?
28 Name at least 2 stocks in the holdings sector of EQS,RRG
the Philippine Stock Exchange which will fall in
the improving quadrant of its relative rotation
29 Which business segment contributes the highest MPI-PM-F8-ECST POWER DISTRIBUTION
income for Metro Pacific Investments?
30 What is the cross-exchange rate for EURUSD? FXC 1.2308