(Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 37) Takayuki Kishi, Mizuo Kudo, Hiromasa Iisaka (Auth.), R. W. Fast (Eds.) - Advances in Cryogenic Engineering-Springer US (1991)
(Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 37) Takayuki Kishi, Mizuo Kudo, Hiromasa Iisaka (Auth.), R. W. Fast (Eds.) - Advances in Cryogenic Engineering-Springer US (1991)
(Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 37) Takayuki Kishi, Mizuo Kudo, Hiromasa Iisaka (Auth.), R. W. Fast (Eds.) - Advances in Cryogenic Engineering-Springer US (1991)
Cryogenic Engineering
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A Cryogenic Engineering Conference Publication
Advances in
Cryogenic Engineering
Edlted by
R. W. Fast
Fermi National Accelerator Laborstory
Batavia, lllinois
(1) Increasing the lubricating oil quantity and decreasing the mass flow
ratio of the helium gas I lubricating oil,
(2) Aceeierating the revolution speed,
(3) Setting the ratio of theoretical volumetric flow rates of the high-and
low-stage machines to 1:4,
(4) Using low density lubricating oil.
Mass Flow Ratio of Heliu• Gas I Lubricating Oil and Volumetrie Efficiency
where Yth = theoretical volumetric flow rate at suction condition.
The internal leakage is a characteristic of screw co•pressor operation;
gas leaks fro• the higher-pressure side to the lower-pressure side through
several sealing lines, as shown in Fig.1.
2 "1("-1)
i)When the pressure condition is (--) ~ ~ 1
p. 2 tr.l (tr.-1)
ii)When the pressure eondition is : 0 < _J_ s (-)
~ ph tr.+1
V· 2 (tr.+lll(tr.-1) 1/2
11L=hA• ( _J_ ) •C (-) (3)
vh tr.+1
where f=eoeffieient of flow rate, A=leakage area, v=speeifie volume of gas,
P=pressure of gas, C=sound speed, tr.=speeifie heat ratio; subseript: j=lower
pressure side at sealing line, h=higher pressure side at sealing line.
(2) Relationship between mass flow ratio "e" of helium gas I lubrieating
oil, and sound speed "C"
e•R a 1/tr. 1 PLA-P 112 -1
[~ (-) + -exp(--)] } (4)
tr. P P K K
(3) Relationship between the mass flow ratio "e" of gas I lubrieating oil
and volumetrie effieieney "Ev"
Aeeording to equation (2). (3) and Fig. 2, if the mass flow ratio of gas I
lubricating oil is redueed by supplyins a larger quantity of oil than
normal, sound speed at eaeh sealing line is deeelerated and volumetrie
effieieney is iaproved. Sinee the total quantity of internal leakage is
proportionate to the sound speed in the gas-lubrieating oil mixture fluid,
the relationship between a standard volumetrie effieieney "Evb" at a
eertain quantity of oil and another volumetrie effieieney "Ev •• when the
quantity of oil is inereased or deereased, ean be determined from the
following equation. Subseript b means standard level.
Judging from Fig.2, if the mass flow ratio of gas I lubrieating oil is
set at 0.03--0.04, our purpose ean be aehieved. The oil quantity was
therefore inereased to 1. 3--1. 8 times the normal amount.
C Nb
Ev = 1- (1 -E b) - *- (6)
v cb N
Aeeording to equation(6), a larger revolution speed results in a signifi-
eant improvement in volumetrie effieieney. But in the experiments, revolu-
tion speed was liaited to a maximum of 4,500 rpa in eonsideration of
inereasing meehanieal loss and going down the durabilities of the bearings
, ,. , ,,
He+OIL ,,
, NH +0I :_,.', ,,
,, 3
,ß ,,
,, ,
, '*',,''
~ 150
cn ,,
Cl 100
P=O. 5CMPal
I 'I I
o. 01 o. 05 0. 1 0. 5 1. 0
Fig.2. Soundspeed in He+ oil and NH3 + oil
Table 2 Co1parison of Experi1ental and Conventional Machines
Low-stage 1achine
Rotor size (11l (> 204x337 (> 204x337
Theo. vol. flow rate (cm 3/revl 6820 6820
Design voluaetric ratio (-) 3.6 3.6
Revolution speed (rp1) 0-4500 0-3600
Oil quantity (1/1) 130 85
High-stage machine
Rotor size (Im~ (>127.5x210 (> 163. 2x269. 3
Theo. vol. flow rate (cl /revl 1660 2330
Design volumetric ratio (-) 3.0 3.6
Revolution ~peed (rpa) 0-4500 0-3600
Oil quantity (1/m) 70 45
1/2 1/m
Yth1 pd2
cp = ( -- ) ~ {( - - (7)
Yth2 Ps1
where m=polytropic index; subscript: s=suction condition, d=discharge
condition, 1=low-stage machine, 2=high-stage machine.
"' 88
~t 88
, ..
~~ ...........
0 , .." '
>w 82
... 1. 2
calculated volu1etric efficiency
calculated sound speed ratio
~ 1. 01--~----1 calculated revolution speed ratio
... 0.8
:z suction pressure 0. 1 (MPa)
o. 8 3. 0 3. 5 4. 0 4. 5 discharge pressure 0.45 (MPa)
x1o3 Cr Pm)
Fig. 3 Relationship between revolution speed ratio, sound speed ratio
and volu1etric efficiency of low-stage machine.
; 280
a: ..
w ~240
ll.. 220
u.. 200
< 160
1- 140
12~0 50 60 70 80
( 1/s l
Fig. 4 Co•parison of total shaft power
suction pressure of low-stage machine 0.1(MPa)
discharge pressure of high-stage 1achine 1.7(MPa).
~ 82.------------,
~ 80
-(.) 58
...J tt 58
I- ...J 54
___ ..
.--- ----
l; 50
50 80 70
OF HELl UM GAS ( &/s l
Fig. 5 Comparison of total isothermal effieieney
suetion pressure of low-stage maehine 0.1(MPa)
diseharge pressure of high-stage maehine 1.7(MPa).
Oil eompression phenomenon and 500 times start &stop running test
The measurements for the oil eompression phenomenon in the low- and high-
stage maehines has been earried out. Oil eoapression pressure in the low-
stage maehine is 1.5(MPa) higher than diseharge pressure of low-stage
maehine at 4000(rpm), and in the high-stage maehine it is only 0.2(MPa)
higher than diseharge Pressure of high-stage maehine at same revolution
speed. Both pressure values are lower level than 4~7(MPa) oil eompression
pressure whieh was measured in the eonventional maehine at 3000(rpm).
This reduetion of oil eompression pressure is also due to use utilizing
low density lubrieating oil.
The experimental maehines performed without any problems through 500
start/ stop running test eyeles. The vibration levels 3~5(~m peak to peak)
were very low, and inereased vibration levels 4~7(~m) after 500 times start
and stop running test eyeles were still low. In this way, the reliability
of oil injeetion type serew eompressor was improved to higher level.
Regarding the oil injeetion type helium serew eompressor, the following
points were elarified in the researeh:
CD Volumetrie effieieney ean be iaproved by aeeelerating the revolution
speed of the eoapressor.
QD A foraula was derived whieh ean be utilized to estimate volumetrie
effieieney when the revolution speed is ehanged and the
effeetiveness of the formula was eonfirmed.
CD Shaft power ean be redueed by setting the ratio of theoretieal
volumetrie flow rates of the high-and low-stage aaehines to 1:4.
aD Shaft power ean be redueed and the oil eoapression phenomenon
deereased by utilizing low density lubrieating oil.
CD Some 60% of total isothermal effieieney was obtained for the heliua
eompressor. an improveaent of 18--25% eompared to the effieieney
(48~51%) of a eonventional aaehine.
Creare Incorporated
Hanover, New Hampshire
The gas springs together with the mass of the shaft form a resonant system. The
compressor can be operated at the frequency of resonance for maximum transfer of
energy to the process gas.
The stroke frequency was chosen to be 6.86 Hz from valving considerations. The
compressor was fabricated with reed valves for intake and discharge porting. However,
it was desired to design the compressor with the flexibility to implement a valving
scheme based on a rotating piston where ports on the wall of the piston rotate past
stationary ports in the wall of the cylinder, and are designed to open and close at the
proper times in the cycle. The axial and angular displacements of the piston must be
synchronized for this implementation. The orbiter magnet is designed to rotate the
shaft at 3.43 Hz, and as it is desirable to have pairs of ports at opposite ends of a
diameter to ensure symmetry, the frequency of reciprocation must be twice this value,
i.e., 6.86 Hz.
The basis for the dynamic analysis is the numerical integration of the equation of
motion for the reciprocating mass, which is
M = reciprocating mass (kg) P1 = pressure in left cylinder (Pa)
x = displacement of piston Pr= pressure in right cylinder (Pa)
Ap = bore area of cylinder (m2) Fax= reciprocator axial force (N)
a.._ P,-
~ P.········
II /
~ X0 x, X2 X3
which is derived assuming friction forces, pressure drop due to porting, and leakage
flow from the cylinder are all negligible.
The pressure in the cylinders as a function of shaft positionwas calculated for the
limiting case of adiabatic compression/expansion. In the prototype, some heat is
absorbed from the cylinders by coolant flowing in the cooling jackets, thereby reducing
the required pumping power for a given flowrate and pressure ratio. We conservatively
neglected this heat removal for the numerical analysis.
Based on these analyses, design specifications were chosen that would both
satisfy design pressure ratio and flowrate requirements, as well as result in a
well-proportioned and manufacturable machine. These specifications are summarize in
Table 1.
compression; the orbiter stator and rotor, which induce the orbital motion of the shaft to
generate the squeeze film lift forces; and the controller and switching circuits, which
control the current to the reciprocators.
The function of the orbiter magnet is to generate a rotaring radial force on the
shaft which causes it to orbit in the bearings. This motion generates the squeeze film
pressure forces in the bearing gap and produces the lift force that provides contact-free
radial support of the shaft. The orbitermagnetalso functions as a stepper motor to
ensure synchronaus rotation of the shaft.
The orbiter stator was constructed from the same Iaminations as the reciprocator
stators, but wound to provide three groups of four AC magnets. The three groups are
mutually spaced 120 degrees. Each group of magnets is connected to a phase of the
3-phase power supply. The magnets generate a radial force on the shaft that rotates at
120 rev/s. The magnitude of the force tends to be proportional to the square of the
current in the coils. The radial force is designed to be about four times the weight of
the shaft.
To rotate the shaft, 35 axial grooves are machined into the rotor. Because the
stator has 36 teeth, the shaft will tend rotate one tooth spacing per rotation of force, or
at 3.43 rev/s. The shaft rotation can be used for porting gas via porting holes in the
cylinder walls and piston if reed valve-less porting is required. The rotation of the
shaft also minimizes the chance of rubbing wear which could be caused by dirt
particles between the shaft and cylinders.
The shaft is 75 cm (30 in.) long and is fabricated from carbon steel. The shaft is
hollow along much of its length to reduce its total mass. As shown in Figure 1, the
shaft includes the pistons, reciprocator rotors, and orbiter rotor.
The two cylinders function as journal bearings, compression chambers, and seals.
The bearings generate their radialload capacity by means of squeeze film forces
produced by the orbiting shaft. A small bearing clearance results in high load capacity
and smallleakage flow. However, fabrication constraints limit the achievable
clearance. It was experimentally determined that a radial clearance of about 25 Jl.m
(0.001 in.) was suitable for this application. The leakage flow at this clearance was
calculated tobe 0.016 g/s for both cylinders at the design 3:1 pressure ratio. This
represents 8% of the design flowrate of 0.2 g/s.
In order to align the bearings with the shaft, the bearings were structurally
supported in the compressor housing by spherical surfaces. In addition, dynamic
alignment is achieved by thin walled, annular webs which structurally connect the
concave spherical surfaces with the compressor housing. This configuration maintains
bearing alignment for small bending deflections of the shaft induced by its orbiting
In order to reduce the pumping power required to achieve the 3:1 pressure ratio,
the cylinder heads are surrounded by coolant jackets. A coiling coil also surrounds the
structural shell which envelops the reciprocator stators.
A domed cylinder provides the pressure boundary for the compressor. All
electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic lines enter and exit the compressor through a 20
cm (8 in.) diameter flange. The free space in the compressor is maintained at the inlet
pressure. The process gas emers the compressor through the flange, and flows in the
annulus between the structural shell and a cylinder which forms the outer pressure
boundary. The flow then passes through the compressor end plates and into the domed
space. The compressed process gas exits the cylinder heads through the discharge ports
and is sequentially ducted into the domed space, through the end plates, through the
flow annulus, and finally exits the compressor by means of the flange.
Initialtests were designed to measure the maximum flowrate attainable with the
compressor fully unloaded, i.e., with Pm=Pout· With the reciprocator controller set for
maximum current, the reciprocation frequency was decreased incrementally from 9.9
Hz. Because the gas spring forces are negligible for a unity pressure ratio, the strake
length should be inversely proportional to the square of the reciprocation frequency due
to the shaft mass if the reciprocator force is independent of strake length. However,
the flowrate is proportional to the product of frequency and strake length. Ideally one
would expect the flowrate tobe inversely proportional to the reciprocation frequency.
The maximum flowrate would be obtained for an unloaded compressor in which the
piston reciprocated with its maximumstrake length. Experimentally, this was
determined to occur at a reciprocation frequency of 6.9 Hz. At this point of maximum
strake, a flowrate of 0.25 g/s (1.55 L/s) was measured.
Performance tests were then run to determine the flowrate versus pressure ratio
characteristics of the compressor for reciprocation frequencies of 7.5, 8.2, and 9.4 Hz.
The results of these tests are shown in Figure 3. At each frequency, three distinct
regions can be observed:
• Inertially-dominated region
• Resonance region
• Pressure-dominated region
In the inertially-dominated region, the flowrate is independent of pressure ratio.
Since the strake length is determined only by the reciprocation frequency, the
flowrate-pressure ratio curve is relatively flat at a given reciprocation frequency.
In the resonance region, the inertial and gas pressure forces acting on the shaft
are of similar magnitude. As the pressure ratio is increased and resonance is
approached, the flow remains approximately constant. Without resonance effects, the
flowrate would decrease with increased pressure ratio as the pressure forces built and
limited the strake length. However, as the compressor approaches resonance, the
o.os o f = 7.5 Hz
• f = 8.2 Hz
"' f = 9.4 Hz
0.00 -1-1-+--+-...-+-+-+-+-+-f--+-+-->-+-+-+-+--+-l
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Pressure Ratio, Pr
transfer between shaft kinetic energy and compression work increases, and the stroke
length remains relatively constant. This is advantageous in that the flowrate is not very
sensitive to system "tuning" about its resonance point.
For pressure rarlos greater than the resonance condition, the flowrate falls off
rapidly with increasing pressure ratio. This is the pressure-dominated region of
operation, where gas compression forces exceed the inertial forces. As the pressure
ratio increases, the compression work increases, and the efficiency of energy transfer
between kinetic energy and gas compression work decreases. Both these effects result
in a decrease of stroke and flowrate with pressure ratio in the region.
Table 2 summarized the resonance points for the three reciprocation frequencies
for which data were obtained.
An endurance test lasting 216 hours (9 days) was performed at the design
pressure ratio of 3:1 and at the resonant frequency of 8.2 Hz. This represents 6.4 x 106
cycles of shaft displacement. For most materials, the fatigue strength does not
markedly decrease after about 106 cycles. The 216 hour endurance test therefore
provides a good indication of the reliability of the compressor.
The compressor operated throughout the endurance test with no detectable change
in performance. At the conclusion of the endurance test, the compressor domes and
cylinder heads were removed for inspection of the bearing surfaces. No observable
degradation of the surfaces was observed. This confirms the no wear aspect of the
squeeze film bearings. No visible signs of wear or darnage were found elsewhere in
the machine.
A contamination-free reciprocating compressor has been developed for reliable
service in helium cryogenic systems. The compressor shaft is supported by novel
"orbital squeeze film bearing", which eliminate wear, sliding friction, and
contaminating lubricants.
The performance and reliability of the concept were demonstrated by testing a
prototype. A maximum pressure ratio of 4:1 was achieved with a helium flowrate of
0.113 g/s. At the design pressure ratio of 3:1, a flowrate of 0.139 g/s was measured.
With the compressor unloaded, a flowrate of 0.254 g/s was measured.
An endurance test was performed to demoostrate the no wear and high reliability
aspects of the compressor. After 216 hours of continuous operation at design
conditions, the compressor exhibited no degradation of performance. Visual inspection
of the bearings showed no signs of rubbing or wear.
Based on these successes, we conclude that the orbital squeeze film bearing
compressor is ideally suited for cryogenic refrigerators. In particular, it's high
reliability and contamination-free characteristics make it ideal for high pressure ratio
cryogenic applications.
The work described in this paper was funded by the Office of High Energy
Physics, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC01-86-ER80335. The
authors would like to thank DOE for their support of this work.
1. H. Sixsmith, U.S. Patent No. 3,523,715 , U.K. Patent No. 1,232,999, Rotaring
Field Gas Hearings.
The initial target for the compressor is to operate for 20,000 hours
continuously using magnetic bearings which enables pure helium without
containing any lubricant to be circulated inside the system. The motors
used for driving the compressor are claw pole type synchronaus motors,
which have achieved the very high speed of 100,000 rpm at an output power
of 25 kW. Since the motor has a sandwich structure in which non-magnetic
material is diagonally placed between the magnetic materials, there exist
a difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion between the two
materials. It has thus been predicted that there would be a substantial
deformation of the rotor when it is exposed to cryogenic temperature.
Development of Eleent
Turbo Compressor
Prototype Co•pressor
Wet Turbine
Development of Refrigerator I
Recovery compressor
Vah·e box Superconductingl
1 genera tor:
1 _!e~~u_0!!~--------j
LHe 4.03g/s(120l/h)
During normal operation of the power generator, the gas bypasses the
purifier and returns directly to the pre-cooler of the main compressor.
The liquid helium for the power generator is supplied from the dewer
having a capacity of 2,600 liters, and the refrigeration system is
contro1led by the liquid level inside the dewer. The amount of helium to
be liquefied is controlled by the speed of the compressor. Bypass control
is provided to avoid possible surging.
The helium gas storage tank has a capacity of 115 cubic meters. It
is capable of accommodating all the returning helium supplied by the dewer
to the generator upon the failure of the refrigeration system. The
compressor for recovery of the helium is of a lubricant free reciprocating
type, and has a capacity of 35 g/s at a discharge pressure of 2 MPa, which
is large enough to cover the maximum flow during the pre-cooling operation.
it is necessary to maintain the temperature of 80 K at the inlet of each
stage and to have very high speed impellers. Figure 4 shows the
construction of the compressor and the specifications for four
compressor. Each stage consists of identical built-in motors, though the
profiles of the impeller and casing differ from one to another. The
peripheral speed of the first stage impeller reaches at 568 m/s. Results
of a stress analysis by FEM indicated that the disk would be tilted by
0.17 mm toward the shroud when it is operated at the speed of 100,000
rpm. The impeller has been machined from the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy.
The calculated maximum stress is 354 MPa at the base of the shaft.
The impeller for the first stage was fabricated to implement the spinning
test. No permanent deformation was observed at the speed of 100,000 rpm.
Its outside diameter increased by 0.15 mm due to the permanent deformation
when it was operated at a speed of 146,000 rpm (peripheral speed of 830
m/s), however, it did not fracture.
Fig. 5 Impeller for spinning test Fig. 6 Magnetic flux path of claw-pole
type synchronous motor
Stress analysis predicted that the stress would not be too high even
at cryogenic temperature. However, there exists a possibility of having a
considerable deformation at cryogenic ternperatures. The rotor revolves at
a very high speed in a given direction around the center of inertia as
determined by the bearing, however, the irnpeller rnight appear to be
rnounted with a certain inclination at cryogenic temperature if the shaft
has been bent. When the bent shaft is running at cryogenic ternperature,
it is likely that there will be vibration. However, we expected that the
vibration rnight be elirninated since the rnagnetic bearing is a non-contact
type and the shaft rotates around the inertia center due to the automatic
balancing function.
, I LN,
, I
' '
tt= 1:> .!!! f::tl
.J ~~ '--------
I''~~~: I
1- - I 1-
cL.-, ~
I ;
500Hz 0 500Hz
Fig. 10 Rotor amp1itude at ambient & cryogenic temp.
Figure 10 shows the comparisons of the amp1itude and vibration
frequency of the rotor between the operation at room temperature and
cryogenic temperature. Though the data represent rather 1ow speeds (upto
30,000 rpm), it c1ear1y shows that the vibration amp1itude at cryogenic
temperature wou1d be many times greater than at room temperature. For
this reason, it is be1ieved that the deformation of the shaft is present
as expected.
1. M. Okano, M. Kawada, s. Togo, N. Saji, Low Temperature Centrifugal Helium
Compressors, ICEC 9,170 (1982).
J.D. Fuerst
Since initial tests were performed with CCI reciprocating compressors and turbo
compressors from Creare, Inc. and IHI Co., Ltd., the scope of the upgrade has broadened
such that these machines no Ionger meet the pressure ratio, throughput, and efficiency
requirements. Therefore new cold compressor development has been funded. In parallel
with the purchase of a new centrifugal machine, Fermilab has developed a reciprocating
unit capable of meeting the new performance criteria. The development history and
operating characteristics of this machine are presented.
Several cold compressors have been tested in the pursuit of this upgrade 1·2. It is
required that the machines pump saturated vapor returning from the magnet strings with
acceptable pressure ratio, throughput, and efficiency. Although a phase separator is to be
installed upstream of the compressor, it is likely that some portion of the liquid fraction
returning via the two-phase circuit will occasionally enter the compressor. Forthis reason,
* Operated by Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy
Normal Operation:
Inlet condition 51 kPa sat. vap.
Outlet condition 126kPa
Flowrate 60g/s
Adiabatic efficiency >60%
(incl. static heat leak)
Off-Design Operation:
Inletrange 41-81 kPa
Flow rate range 40-70 g/s
Minimum efficiency 60%
Standby (compressor off) Operation:
Inlet condition 126 kPa sat. vap.
Flowrate 55g/s
Pressure drop <6.9 kPa
Upset Conditions:
• 275 kPa, 100 ms pressure spikes during operation
Unit must reliably pump or otherwise protect itself from two-phase flow
the machines must toterate two-phase flow as weil as saturated vapor. Finally, a high
degree of reliability is crucial to the smooth, uninterrupted operation of the cryogenic
system and the physics program it supports.
Details concerning the specification have evolved, requiring equipment development
beyond that described in (1) and (2). Current requirements are listed in Table 1.
Single cylinder reciprocating cold compressors supplied to Fermilab by Cryogenic
Consultants, Inc. (CCI) were of insufficient capacity to meet the newest specifications.
Otherwise, performance was acceptable. Given the units' Straightforward design and
uncomplicated operation, it was decided that some sort of upgrade or modification to the
existing machine was appropriate to reach desired capacity. Tests of the CCI compressors
showed that throughput was about half the required Ievel at the new design pressure ratio
and intake conditions. This information was passed on to CCI where they suggested that
the machine's volumetric displacement be doubled. This option implied large pistons,
valves, and associated seal clifficulties. Concurrent with these efforts, an alternative concept
was generated at Fermilab. Given the success of the single cylinder unit, sketches were
prepared showing installation of two CCI units in a conimon cryostat. The resulting idea
described a two cylinder reciprocating compressor based on the CCI cold end/linear bearing
assembly. Benefits included acceptable throughput as weil as proven performance and
smoother operation.
Fermilab has considerable experience with the Koch Process Systems, lnc. (KPS)
expansion engine, utilizing this platform as the ''wet" and "dry" expander in all satellite
refrigerators. However, dry expander operation is not required for normal operation due to
the introduction of LHe into the refrigerator return stream from the Centtal Helium
Liquefier3. Because of increased CHL reliability and space limitations imposed by other
elements of the upgrade, tentative plans include removal of all satellite dry expanders.
Given this imposed surplus of rotating machinery, it was suggested that the new
reciprocating cold compressor platform make use of the obsolete dry expander cryostats,
topworks, and motor/controllers. Compressor construction would amount to scavenging all
useful components from KPS expanders, the purchase of CCI cold end assemblies,
fabrication of a few new pieces, and assembly. Table 2 outlines the parts Iist. Foreach cold
compressor required, there is a corresponding dry expander slated for removaL
The unit is pictured in Figs. 1 through 3. Specific elements of the design will be
discussed in this section. Adaptation of the CCI elements was straightforward, requiring
Table 2. Two Cylinder Reciprocating Cold Compressor Pans List
(2) Cold gaspump cold end assembly with linear bearing assembly
From Existing KPS Expander:
( 1) 7.5 HP electric motor with COntroller
(1) Flywheel
(1) Flywheel frame
(1) Crankshaft with associated bearing assernblies
(1) Jackshaft with bearing assembly
(1) Outervacuum vessel assembly
(1) Bayonet assembly (or FNAL equivalent)
Designed and Fabricated by FNAL:
(1) Top plate
(2) Housings for CCI cold end assernblies
(2) Surge volumes for intake and exhaust, with associated piping
(1) "Subatmospheric" bayonet assembly for intake bayonet
(1) Frame riser
(2) Connecting rod/clevis
(2) Crank wheel
(1) Motormount with brackets
little work beyond accommodations for intake, exhaust, and warm end interfaces. The new
cryostat top plate was machined to accept the CCI assemblies, as well as carry the
flywheel, flywheel frame, and frame riser (required to allow for the increased height and
stroke of the CCI assernblies relative to the KPS arrangement). While the motor/controller
of an expander serves to extract work from the unit, a compressor consumes work. This
switch was easily accommodated by the existing motor/controller package with a few
electrical adjustments. The motor and instrument cluster were mounted on the frame riser to
eliminate all connections to the cryostat. This simplifies maintenance by permitting
unfettered removal of the top plate and attached cold end plumbing from the vacuum vessel.
Warm end design is suchthat the cold end assernblies can be replaced by tilting back the
flywheel and frame on the frame riser, a feature retained from the KPS design. New crank
wheels and connecting rods were fabricated to mate the CCI piston shafts to the KPS
flywheel. Finally, form-fitting aluminum covers with acrylic windows were fit to the
flywheel, crank wheels/connecting rods, and jackshaft. The entire package was designed
with the help of SDRC 1-DEAS, a CAE program. This computer model was useful for
overall component integration and as a visualization tool.
100 100
90 90
.~!!' l111:
60 • 0
:.:; 70 ifi
ox i ti''ill
~ Q
.• .e
"= •~ o•
•. !
'ü" 60
;: Ot!' Dtl'
50 50
ll w
·s."0 •
40 40
30 30
.!l 20
• Cylinder #1
o Cylinder #2
. Cylinder #1
o Cylinder #2
0 0
.., ..,
0 10
....0 10.... 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 ~
.... "l
0 10 0 10 0
"' "' r- r- o:> Cli Cli
o) o) ~
Mass flow rate, g/s Pressure Ratio
Cold end piping was designed similar to that of the CCI single cylinder design.
Braided flex-hose was used where appropriate to limit Stresses induced by thermal contrac-
tion. Appropriately sized intake and exhaust buffer volumes serve to minimize pressure
oscillations induced by the unit. Instrumentation consists of intake and exhaust pressure
taps connected to compound test gauges, intake and exhaust carbon resistor thermometers,
and a helium vapor pressure thermometer on the intake stream connected to a compound
test gauge. There is an independent resistor at the exhaust of each cylinder to facilitate
separate cylinder efficiency measurements. Because of the contamination risks associated
with compressor operation at subatmospheric intake conditions, special precautions were
taken to eliminate non-metallic helium-to-atmosphere seals on the intake side.
As a consequence, gauges are welded or silver soldered directly to their sensing lines. The
intake bayonet assembly is a special Fermilab design using copper gaskets instead of
elastomer 0-ring seals. Finally, rupture disks are used in favor of relief valves for
overpressure protection. Given the inconvenience associated with the opening of a rupture
disk, relief pressures are set well above the nominal system operating pressure.
This prototype unit has performed as anticipated for over 500 hours of operation,
both in a test refrigerator and in an actua1 Tevatron satellite. Efficiency is much the same as
that of the original single cylinder CCI machines. As one would expect, throughput is
double the CCI units. In Tevatron service, the prototype was more than capable of meeting
the compressor specification. Flywheel speeds never exceeded 300 rpm, in part due to the
limitations of the motor/controller and a somewhat inappropriate pulley ratio. CCI single
cylinder units have operated at 400 rpm for extended lengths of time with acceptable
performance; it is reasonable to expect the two cylinder prototype, with its improved
balance, to meet or exceed this speed without difficulty. Therefore the prototype is most
likely capable of well exceeding the specification with regard to throughput and pressure
ratio. Fig. 4 shows performance data, taken independently for each cylinder. Maintenance
requirements are proving to be a cross between those of our CCI compressors and our
KPS expanders. Warm end maintenance is performed identically to our expander schedule,
while cold end behavior is no different from our existing CCI machines.
A successful two cylinder reciprocating cold compressor was fabricated by
combining two CCI compressor cold end assernblies with elements of a KPS dry
expander. Performance is essentially identical to that of two CCI single cylinder
compressors arranged in parallel, except for reduced static heat leak. The KPS platform is
well suited to this modification, with appropriately sized cryostat and flywheel. In addition
to meeting the FNAL cold compressor specification, the prototype is well understood by
FNAL maintenance technicians due to their experience with KPS expanders and the
Straightforward design of the CCI assemblies.
The author wishes to thank the Accelerator Division Cryogenic Systems Expander
Group for their efforts in the construction and operation of this prototype.
1. T.J. Peterson and J.D. Fuerst, Tests of cold helium compressors at Fermilab, in:
"Advances in Cryogenic Engineering", Vol. 33, Plenum Press, New York
(1988), p. 655
2. J.D. Fuerst, Trialoperation of cold compressors in Fermilab Satellite Refrigerators,
in: "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering", Vol. 35, Plenum Press, New York
(1990), p. 1023
3. C.H. Rode, Tevatron cryogenic system, in "12th Inter. Conf. ofHigh Energy
Accel.", 1983
A new high-pressure-ratio steady-ftow cryocooler employing an cryogenic isother-
mal expander has the potential for high reliability and efficiency at a modest cost. A
demonstration test operated the isothermal expander in a test apparatus that simulated a
high-pressure-ratio steady-ftow cryocooler. The design of the expander is described in-
cluding the expander surfaces, the recondenser and the valves. In these tests, the expander
achieved produced 730 watts of net cooling at 78 K with an expander isothermal efficiency
of 60%.
This paper reports the results of a project 1 to demoostrate the feasibility of a cryogenic
isothermal expander. This expander is the crucial component in a high-pressure-ratio
steady-ftow cryocooler that has the potential to combine high reliability, high efficiency
and relatively low cost 2 •
An isothermal e:)f:pander was built and operated in a test apparatus (Figure 1). The test
apparatus simulated a steady-ftow cryocooler consisting of an compressor, counter-ftow
Figure 3: Cylinder Head Figure 4: Folded Cone Structure
model of the expander2 • The expanderbad a 19.1 cm bore and 22.7 cm tall fins. The
piston crown was attached by a 18.7 cm OD tube to the top of the piston where 0-rings
seal the expansion working volume. The cylinder head was attached by the cylinder
tube to the expander flange. A flow passage in the cylinder head (not shown) improved
the distribution of gas from the inlet valve to the three concentric grooves in the cylinder
head. Round-out rings on the outside of the cylinder tube and inside of the piston provided
strength and rigidity to keep the tubes round. The recondenser was a volume under the
cylinder head where nitrogen condensed in cavities on the underside of the cylinder head
and was reboiled by a variable power heater at the bottom of the recondenser (not shown).
The recondenser was charged with nitrogen gas by the single line shown.
The piston motion was stroked sinusoidally at 60 to 120 rpm by an Moog electro-
hydraulic servo-actuator that was mounted on the expander cap plate. This cap plate
was bolted to the expander flange. The inlet and outlet valves are shown with their air
actuators. The Connections from the valves to the surge volumes and the heat exchanger
are not shown.
Expander surfaces
The tapered conical fins seen in Figure 3 were the heart of the isothermal expander.
The triangular cross-sections (Figure 2) produced by the these conical fins provided two
advantages. First, they allowed the expander to be operated with a very small minimum
or dead volume and avoid the possibility of scraping during the rest of the cycle. A
small minimum to maximum volume ratio is crucial to the performance of an isothermal
expander, since larger ratios reduce both the capacity and efficiency. Second, the short
stroke and 1ong triangular-cross-section fins produced a uniform hydraulic diameter D H ,
which minimized the losses due to mixing of gases at different temperature resulting from
expansion at different D H.
The tapered conical fins of cylinder head were hollowed out on the underside to provide
a condensing surface for the nitrogen. The hollow fins minimized the thermal resistance
from the Ioad (condensing nitrogen) to gas in the expansion volume. The resulting shape
of the cylinder head can be thought of as a folded cone (Figure 4). The folded cone
was self supporting, so the only structural connections from the cylinder head and piston
crown to the rest of the expander were at the outside diameter. The single point connection
reduced the conduction heat leak: to the expander and simplified construction. The folded
cone structure was quite stiff. The 0.5 cm walls with 1.25 cm solid tips were analytically
shown not to flex significantly during pressure cycling. The flex was important as small
rotations of the fins would have led to interference between the piston and cy1inder fins.
The manufacturing challenge of the piston and cylinder was mak:ing sure the fins of
these two components fit together with a gap on the order of 0.012 cm. After the roughlog
out the brass cylinder head and piston crown, stainless steel inserts were brazed into the
brass parts before machining to final dimensions. This allowed the brass to warp during
brazing without affecting the final dimensions. The cylinder head and piston crown were
connected to the rest of piston and cylinder by welding the steel inserts of each piece to
the corresponding stainless steel tubes. The thin cross-sections and low conductivity of the
inserts combined with the huge thermal capacitance of the brass head and crown iso1ated
the fins from the high temperatures of the welding process.
The final fit between the assembled piston and cylinder was improved by band fitting.
Initially, contact between the sides of the piston and cylinder fins limited the minimum
clearance length to 0.31 cm. The filing removed the high points on each piece, resulting
in a clearance length (Lc) of 0.058 cm. Clearance length is the minimum axial distance
during the stroke between the piston crown and cylinder head.
Dead Volume
The dead or minimum volume between the cylinder head and piston crown was es-
timated from dimensional measurements. The average gap was measured between the
piston and cylinder fins with Plastigage, which is a plastic wire that deforms easily. Eight
pieces of this plastic wire were taped to the piston: 4 on the fins and 4 on the fin tips.
The piston was forced into the cylinder as far as possible with the hydraulic actuator, then
removed. The deformed Plastigage indicated that the average fin to fin gapwas 0.018 cm
at a clearance length (Lc) of 0.058 cm.
The effective total dead volume is the sum of the individual dead volumes factored
by their average temperatures. The piston/cylinder gap contained 59 cm 3 , at an average
temperature of 165 K, mak:ing the effective dead volume 30 cm 3 . The helium runner in
the cylinder head and the valves contributed 19 cm 3 of dead volume at 80 K. The dead
volume contributed by the fin to fin gap is a function of the clearance length (L c ). At
the minimum clearance of 0.58 cm, the fin to fin dead volume is 59 cm 3 for a total dead
volume of 108 cm 3 . The crucial dead volume parameter is the ratio of dead or minimum
volume to maximum volume, which is 0.10 for a 3.8 cm stroke.
The cold piston crown was insulated by a vacuum cavity and connected by a long
thin-walled tube to the ambient temperature top of piston. The cavity between the crown
and the top was evacuated to at least 20 p,mH g and insulated with aluminized mylar. To
improve this static vacuum and to mak:e up for smallleak:s, an absorbant was placed on
the piston crown to cryopump the cavity. A warm seal system allowed standard buna-n
0-rings to be used, which were inexpensive, reliable and any frictional heating from the
seal occurs at the warm end. On the down side, the long piston/cylinder gap accounted
for 28% of the total dead volume mass.
A micarta sleeve was placed on the piston to minimize friction and avoid galling
between the piston and cylinder. This sleeve bad a 0.025 cm radial clearance with respect
to the cylinder over most of its length. The piston was guided in the cylinder at its cold
end by a 2.5 cm long section of the sleeve that bad a radial gap less than 0.01 cm. This
cold end guide kept the cylinder and piston brass fins, which have a strong tendency to
gall, from contacting during the stroke.
Inlet and Exhaust Valves
The inlet and exhaust valves, shown in Figures 2, were operated by air cylinder
actuators at the warm end. Kel-f plastic washers provided a leak: tight seal and the 1.27
cm diameter flow passages kept the pressure drop through the valves low. A micarta sleeve
between the plunger and body minimized friction. The micarta sleeve was held in by the
cold spring guide, which was threaded on the valve pull rod and was to keep the spring
from rubbing on the tobe wall. Larger goides should have been used since the spring ftexed
sideways and rubbed somewhat during the experiments. A wann spring guide transmitted
the spring force through a micarta tobe to the air actoator piston, which was pinned to the
valve tobe.
It was important to minimize the throttling associated with a slow opening valve to
avoid losses and to make the experiment easier to run. In this design, an electrically
operated spool valve (Numatics Mark 3) was mounted on the custom air actoator piston
to minimize dead volume in the actuator thus maximizing the response time of the air
actoator and the helium valve. The helium valve was opened by air pressure raising the air
actuator cylinder which lifted the valve plunger via the valve pull rod and pull rod clamp.
The air actoator piston and the wann spring guide were Delrin plastic to minimize friction.
Joy Tube Heat Exchanger
A Joy-tobe counter-ftow heat exchanger regeneratively cooled the high pressure helium
from room temperature to near 80 K before it entered the expander. The 350 cm length
was predicted to provide a 6 K difference between the high and low pressure ftow at the
cold end. The experimental temperature difference was closer to 15 K indicating that the
heat transfer correlation needs to be corrected and that the heat exchanger should have
been 1onger.
The isothermal expander was instrumented to characterize its external parameters. The
temperatures of the ftow in and out of the sorge vo1umes were measured with thermal diodes
(Lakeshore DT-471) mounted on the stingers in the lines between the expander valves and
the sorge volumes. A thermocouple was also mounted on each stinger as a backup sensor.
Schaevitz strain gauge pressure sensors (P5041) measured the pressure upstream of the
inlet valve and downstream of the exhaust valve. The volume was calculated from the
dead volume measurements described above and the position of the piston as measured by
the LVDT on the Moog actuator.
The expander temperatures were measured with thermal diodes mounted on the piston
crown, cylinder head andin the recondenser (Figure 2). A Dytran H2300C3 piezoelectric
transducer measured the relative pressure in the working volume. The previously men-
tioned Schaevitz strain gauge pressure transducers (P5041) provide reference pressures for
the piezoelectric sensor data. All the electrical sensor outputs for temperature, pressure,
and piston location were recorded with the Acro-900 data system and transferred to a
personal computer.
The pulsed nature of the low pressure flow made mass measurements with a rotome-
ter impractical. In the following section a method to calculate the mass flow rate from
temperature, pressure and volume data will be presented.
The testing bad two main objectives. The first was to demoostrate that the isothermal
expander could efficiently produce several hundred watts of coollog at liquid nitrogen
temperatores. The second was to map out the performance of the expander for different
speeds, and strokes. In addition, the static heat leak to the expander was determined to be
58 watts.
Performance Experiments at Liquid Nitrogen Temperatures
In these experiments the expanderwas operated between a high pressure of approx-
imately 1.58 MPa and a low pressure of approximately 0.21 MPa producing 276 to 773
watts ot net cooling at 78 K excluding counter-ftow heat exchanger losses. The pressure
ratio was held at 7.75:1, the blowdown pressure was approximately 0.26 Pr and the re-
compression pressure was approximately 0.40 P1 . The blowdown pressure is the expander
pressure just before the exhaust valve is opened. The recompression pressure is the ex-
pander pressure just before the intake valve is opened. The coarseness of the electronic
Table 1: Measured and Calculated Results
Case L, Speed PI Po QLoad Qjndicated !1THE M' T/I ." Q~et
- cm rpm MPa MPa watts watts K gfs - - watts
1 2.55 120 1.53 0.199 441 957 14.9 3.74 0.78 0.597 732
2 2.55 60 1.66 0.213 215 397 8.6 1.36 0.855 0.595 276
3 3.85 90 1.55 0.203 451 924 13.9 3.88 0.725 0.575 732
4 3.85 60 1.61 0.206 347 724 12.8 2.98 0.731 0.552 547
5 5.04 60 1.55 0.199 486 981 13.9 3.95 0.751 0.591 773
valve timing adjustment limited the blowdown pressure to 0.26 PI for the 120 rpm case
(Case 1). This b1owdown pressure was maintained for the slower speed cases, so they
could be compared. A lower blowdown pressure would have increased the efficiency of
the expander with a slight decrease in cooling rate.
The first set of tests varied the stroke length and the speed to maintain a 1450 cm 3 / s
displacement rate while holding the blowdown and recompression pressure constant (cases
1,3,5). The second set of test varied the stroke (2.5, 3.8 and 5.1 cm) at a constant speed
(60 rpm), blowdown and recompression pressure (cases 2,4,5).
Table 1 lists the measured data and calculated results for the 5 cases. QLoad was
the cooling rate measured by the heater in the recondenser. The indicated cooling rate,
Qlndicated• was the cyclic integral ofpressure-volume over the cycle period (J PdV /tau).
PI and Pa were the inlet and outlet pressures. The !:1THE was based on the average exhaust
and inlet temperatures while each valve was opened. For cases 3-5, electrical shorts in the
data acquisition system caused by shock waves from the actuator absorbing the impulse of
the inlet valve opening, cause the temperature measurement in both the inlet and exhaust
temperafures to jump about 10 K. These spurious temperature spikes were ignored. The
large differences between indicated cooling rates and the load cooling rates were primarily
due to the very large temperature differences across the heat exchanger at the cold end.
The calculations for the mass rate (M'), the indicated and expander efficiencies (T/I and
T/) and the net cooling rate (Q~.t) are described in the following sub-sections. The mass
rate was calculated from the pressure, volume and temperature data of the expander. The
indicated efficiency is the isothermal efficiency of the expansion process not including any
parasitic heat loads. The expander efficiency is the isothermal efficiency of the expander
itself including the thermal conductance and shuttle heat leak losses. The net cooling rate
(Q~.t) is the sum of the heater power (QLoad) and net enthalpy flow to and from the heat
exchanger (M'cpl:1THE).
Mass Flow Rate Calculations
The mass rate was calculated from the volume, pressure and temperature of the ex-
pander at the beginning and end of the intake process. The equation for the mass flow rate
M' = [Ve; p(P.;, T.;)- V"; p(Pb;, Tbi)] ~ + [VeR p(P.;, TeR)- VeR p(Pb;, TeR)] ~
where Ve;, P.; and T.; were the vo1ume, pressure and temperature of the expander at the
end of the intake process and Vbi, Pbi and Tbi were the same quantities at the beginning of
recompression, and VeR and TeR were the vo1ume, and mass-averaged temperature of the
piston/cylinder crevice. The density (p) was calculated from the ideal gas law.
The expander gas temperature at both the beginning (Tb;) and the end (T.;) of the
intake process, was assumed to be the average temperature of the cylinder head and the
piston crown since the hydraulic diameter between the piston and cylinder fins was very
small (.06 cm to .26 cm). Computer simulations of the experiments confirmed that the
gas temperature is the average temperature of the piston crown and cylinder head at the
beginning of intake, but drops 1 to 3 K by the end of intake. Since this temperature drop is
small and not known without running a computer simulation for each case, it was ignored.
The recompression and end-of-intake pressures were measured by the piezoeletric
pressure transducer using the Schaevitz sensor data for reference pressures. The volume
measurement was the sum of the dead volume and stroke length as a function of time.
Efficiency Calculations
The isothermal efficiency of the expander was the ratio of actual cooling over the
isothermal cooling potential of the gas entering and exiting the expander.
Tf = M' R Tcy ln lL.
Here P, V, and M' were pressure, volume and mass flow rate of the helium gas in the
expander, R was the gas constant, P1 and Po were the inlet and outlet pressures and Tcy
was the temperature of the cylinder head, which was the structural temperature closest to
the Ioad temperature.
Two efficiencies were calculated for this experiment. The indicated efficiency defines
the efficiency of the expansion process. It is calculated by substituting the indicated power
<J PdV ftau) for Q'. The indicated efficiency includes only the Iosses in the expansion
process, ignoring the conduction and shuttle heat leak of the expander.
The expander efficiency defines the efficiency of the expander itself. It is calculated
by substituting the net cooling rate of the expander (Q~oad + M' Cp t:l.THE) for Q'. The
cooling provided to make up for the t:l.THE was counted as part of the Ioad since the t:l.THE
was due to inefficiencies in the heat exchanger.
Discussion of Results
The cooling capacity and efficiency of the expander are plotted here for both the
constant displacement cases and the constant speed cases.
Figure 5 shows the indicated and expander efficiency vs. stroke and the indicated and
net cooling vs. stroke for the constant displacement rate cases (1, 3, and 5). Both the
cooling rate and efficiency were fairly constant at different stroke lengths. The computer
simulations3 pred.icted a 5% decrease in cooling rate and a 15% increase in efficiency
with shorter strokes over this range of stroke lengths. With only three data points, the
experimental data does not clearly show these trends.
Figure 6 shows the indicated and expander efficiencies vs. stroke and the indicated
and net cooling vs. stroke for the constant expander speed cases (2, 4, and 5). The
cooling rate increases linearly with the stroke length due mostly to larger mass flow rates.
The simulation computer model3 predicted a nearly linear rise in capacity and a linear
decrease in efficiency at Ionger stroke lengths. Again with only three data points, the
experimental data does not clearly show these trends in the indicated efficiency nor the
expander efficiency.
1000 ~~TTT"f"T'M'TTTTT"T"f"T'M'TTTTT"T",..,.,.,
.-. 800
~ ~ • • ;..,
0.8 ~
• •
~ 600
'-' ~ 0.6 ~
• •
...;:: 0.4
I •• lndicated I •• Expander
Indicated I
1: 0.2
Net 1:
0 0~~~~~~~
2.5 3
3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Stroke (cm) Stroke (cm)
Figure 5: Coollog Rate and Efficiency vs. Stroke length at 1450 cm. 3 / s (Cases 1,3,5)
1000 .. 1
:!' 8,00 • 0.8 ~
.... • • •
! 600
~ 0.6 ~
• •
.5 400. ~ 0.4
~ 200 ~
I : Indicated
I 10;1
I: Indicated
o~~~~~~~~~w o~~~~~~~~~
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Stroke (cm) Stroke (cm)
Figure 6: Cooling Rate and Efficiency vs. Stroke length at 60 rpm (Cases 2,4,5)
This work was supported by the International Business Machines Corp.
1. M.G. Norris, "Deve1opment of An Isothermal Expander for 80 K Cryocoolers",
S.M. Thesis, MIT, 1991.
2. M.G. Norris, J.L. Smith Jr., J.A. Crunkleton, Near-Isothermal Expander for Cry-
ocoo1ers in Superconducting E1ectronics, in: Advances in Superconducting Mate-
rialsand E1ectronic Techno1ogies, AES-Vol.22, ASME, 1990.
3. M.G. Norris, J.L. Smith Jr., J.A. Crunkleton, Simulation of a Near-Isothermal Ex-
pander, in: International Cryocooler Conference, Plymouth, Massachusetts 1990.
Creare Incorporated
Hanover, New Hampshire
Magnetic bearings offer a nurober of advantages over gas bearings for the support
of rotors in cryogenic turboexpanders and compressors. Their performance is relatively
independent of the temperature or pressure of the process gas for a large range of
conditions. Active magnetic bearing systems that use capacitive sensors have been
developed for high speed compressors for use in cryogenic refrigerators. Here, the
development of a magnetic bearing system for a miniature ultra high speed compressor
is discussed. The magnetic bearing has demonstrated stability at rotational speeds
exceeding 250,000 rpm. This paper describes the important features of the magnetic
bearing and presents test results demonstrating its performance characteristics.
This paper focuses on the development of high speed magnetic bearings for
turbomachines used in cryogenic systems. The magnetic bearing work is an outgrowth
of our experience with gas bearings. Over the years, we have developed
turboexpanders, circulators, and compressors for cryogenic systems that vary in size
from small cryocoolers for cooling of spaceborne sensors to large cryogenic
refrigerators for cooling the superconducting magnets used in high energy particle
accelerators. These machines use gas bearings to eliminate contamination of the
process gas stream and to ensure reliable and stable high speed rotation with little or no
Magnetic bearings offer the potential to increase the performance of present and
future machines because they offer the following advantages over gas bearings:
performance independence from process gas conditions, Ioad capacity at low rotational
speeds, and relative ease of fabrication. For medium sized applications, magnetic
bearings in the size range of 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) to 5.0 cm (2.0 in.) have been developed
for pumps and compressors and tested to rotational speeds exceeding 80,000 rpm. The
development of a cryogenic vacuum compressor is currently underway. In this paper,
we discuss the development of a miniature magnetic bearing for use in an ultra high
speed compressor with a shaft diameter of 0.64 cm (0.25 in.) and rotational speed of
about 500,000 rpm.
<§ PLATE(4)
.-- ~
~ I~ ~
[V ,....-- CONTROL
I COIL (4)
1\ i1_
m-- ll ..__
II r--
0: t-
By individually adjusting the currents in the four coils, a radial force may be produced
of a desired magnitude and direction. This magnetic force is used to control the
position of the shaft. The flux emanating from a pole face is composed of two
components--a DC or bias field B0 that remains relatively constant, and a control
component Be that varies with the shaft position.
An active control system is included for each radial axis. The system consists of
the control electromagnets (actuator), a sensor for detecting radial displacements of the
shaft, and control electronics which supply current to the coil in response to the error
signal. One component of the control current is proportional to the shaft displacement
and determines the stiffness of the bearing. Another component of the control current
is proportional to the rate of change of position (velocity) of the shaft and determines
the damping of the bearing. The stiffness and damping can be adjusted within a range
of values via the controller electronics.
A bias flux B0 is included to linearize the relationship between the control current
and force. The bias field can be produced by the control electromagnets, by a separate
bias coil, or by one or more permanent magnets. For large applications where resistive
heating loss in the bearings is not critical, the bias field may be supplied by the control
electromagnets for simplicity. However, the use of permanent magnets to supply the
bias field is preferred for small and miniature applications where electrical heating
would adversely affect the performance of the machine. In the absence of external
loads on the shaft (such as imbalance and acceleration forces), an active magnetic
bearing employing a permanent magnet can be designed to dissipate almost zero power.
The magnetic bearing that was conceived, built, and tested for this application is
shown schematically in Figure 1 and photographically in Figure 2. The four
Table 1 Nominal Design Parameters for Miniature Compressor
Inlet pressure 1.1 a tm
Inlet temperature 300 K
Pressure ratio 1.7
Mass flow rate l. 3 g/s
Design speed 480,000 rpm (8,000 rev/s)
Input shaft power 130 w
Impeller diameter 1.52 cm (0.60 in.)
Shaft diameter 0.635 cm (0.25 in.)
electromagnets that control the flux for each quadrant of the bearing can be seen in the
photograph. In this configuration, the bias flux is supplied by a permanent magnet.
The miniature bearing is designed for low magnetic losses even at high rotational
speeds. Unlike conventional magnetic bearings where the flux paths in the shaft
contain an azimuthat component, the flux paths are purely radial and axial in the
rniniature bearing. As a result, the poles of the electromagnets surrounding the shaft
are of all the same polarity, which substantially reduces the hysteresis and eddy current
losses in the rotor due to shaft rotation.
The other advantage of the tapered pole concept is that this configuration also
provides passive stiffness in the axial direction. This passive restoring force elirninates
the need for a separate thrust bearing for many applications. This is important for
miniature turbomachines where the size envelopes for the bearings are small.
turbomachines in which high resolution and bandwidth are required from a miniature
sensing element small enough to be mounted in close proximity to the stator of the
The signals from a pair of diametrically opposed quadrants determine the radial
position of the shaft along that axis. The sensor circuits are designed to generate a
signal which is proportional to shaft displacement along a diameter, and which is close
to zero when the shaft is centered between the quadrants. Like other capacitance
sensors, a high frequency signal is applied to the electrodes of the sensor to determine
the shaft position. Typically, the output from the sensor circuit consists of a DC
component proportional to the displacement of the shaft from its centered position, and
an AC component, which represents the remnants of the high frequency signal supplied
to the electrodes. The AC component is undesirable--it typically Iimits the achievable
resolution of the sensor. Although the signal-to-noise ratio may be improved with
filtering, this tends to reduce the bandwidth of the sensor, which must be kept high for
high speed applications.
A novel feature of the sensor developed hereisthat high frequency signals 180
degrees out of phase are applied to diametrically opposed sensing plates. By using an
"AC balanced" demodulation configuration for the sensor circuit, the AC components
tend to cancel in the circuit, while the DC components are added. This is
accomplished with passive components (resistor, diodes, and capacitors) for high
reliability and relative simplicity. We are applying forapatent on this sensor.
With no control currents and only bias currents supplied to the bearing coils, the
centered shaft is in a state of unstable equilibrium, i.e., a displacement from the
equilibrium position results in a force on the rotor in the same direction as the
displacement. The unbalance stiffness associated by this effect is denoted Ku and can
be empirically determined for a given bearing geometry and bias flux Ievel. To
stabilize the rotor, control currents are supplied to the stator quadrants. A current
stiffness Ki is used to describe the ratio of control force for a given control current for
the bearing. The equation that describes the dynamics of the bearing-shaft system is
Fd = mx - KUX + K.IlC
where Fd is a disturbance force acting on the rotor, and the frrst, second, and third
terms on the RHS of Eq. (1) are the respective inertial, magnetic unbalance, and
magnetic control forces. In general, Ic will be a function of x. If this function is
properly chosen, stability will be achieved, i.e., the bearing will exhibit positive
stiffness and damping.
The basic concept for the feedback loop is shown in Figure 3, where s=jro is the
Laplace transform variable. The radial position signal(s) is produced by the sensor.
The signal is then conditioned in a phase compensation network, which is essentially a
"proportional plus derivative" (PD) controller. The static stiffness is adjusted by
adjusting the proportional gain Kp and the damping by adjusting ~· Also included in
the block diagram is a frrst-order model for the current amplifier and the current
stiffness. The overall gain G0 is dimensionless and is related to the individual sensor,
compensator, current stiffness, and amplifier gains as follows:
Go =KpK sK aK./K
1 u
where the constants have the following units: Kp(-), K,(V/m), Ka(AN), Ki(N/A), and
K 0 (N/m).
Stability analyses of the overall control system using dassie open-loop techniques
were performed. The analyses indicated that if the controller/amplifier bandwidth is
sufficienüy high, the phase of the open loop system is primarily determined by the
damping constant ~. As such, the stiffness and the damping of the bearing can be
approximated by
These equations allow the performance of the bearing to be easily characterized for a
range of proportional and damping gain settings.
A bearing cartridge was designed, fabricated, and tested to demonstrate the
performance of the magnetic bearing system. A sehemarle drawing of the test rig is
shown in Figure 4. The test rig includes a magnetic bearing, which provides radial and
axial positioning of the shaft at one end, an externally pressurized (hydrostatic) gas
bearing which provides radial positioning at the other end, and a nozzle and turbine for
rotating the shaft.
The magnetic bearing consists of four tapered pole rings, each 0.127 mm (0.005
in.) wide at the stator-rotor gap. The bearing rotor diameter is 0.762 cm (0.3 in.) and
the radial gap is 0.051 mm (0.002 in.), which are prototypical dimensions for the
miniature compressor. A bias coil is also included in the test rig to produce a bias flux
in the bearing air gap. This coil may be replaced by a permanent magnet in the actual
compressor. The important design parameters for the bearing are included in Table 2.
'd (S)
The sensor for the magnetic bearing consisted of four capacitance plates
electrically isolated from the bearing cartridge. The radial clearance between the shaft
and sensor was nominally 0.064 mm (0.0025 in.), and the axiallength of the plates was
7.62 mm (0.3 in.). A 1.0 MHz sine wave was used as the high frequency signal applied
to the electrodes.
Sensor Tests
A high frequency signal of 1.0 MHz frequency and 6 V amplitude was applied to
the sensor electrodes. The sensor detected the shaft position with an average sensitivity
of about 100 V/mm (2.5 V/mil) over the range of allowable displacement range of the
shaft. The circuit was balanced so the amplitude of the radio frequency signal
superimposed on the output signal is only 10 mV. As a result, the sensor can detect
displacements assmallas 0.1 Jlm (4 JL-inch). By comparison, the radial gap in the
bearing is 500 times this value.
The purpose of these tests was to demonstrate the stiffness and damping
characteristics of the magnetic bearing and to validate the simple models that were
developed to predict the bearing performance. These tests were extensively performed
for one radial axis, although several tests were performed for the second radial axis to
confmn similar performance.
First, the unbalance stiffness was experimentally determined tobe 1.32x104 N/m
(75 lbr/in). Next, the bearing stiffness was measured as the gain G0 was varied. As
predicted by Eq. (3), the bearing stiffness was found tobe linear with the gain for gains
between 2 and 8.
The impulse testing was performed at a constant gain setting of 0 0 =3, which
resulted in a bearing-shaft resonance at 300 Hz. Figure 5 compares the measured
response with the theoretical response predicted by Eqs. (3) and (4) for two damping
ratios. The agreement is excellent for '=0.12. For higher damping ratios, we measured
a damping ratio that is higher than predicted due to dissipative forces not included in
4 --- Experimental
.,... 4 ······· Experimental
·a::l - Theorelical ·;:: - Theorelical
>, >,
2 es 2
0 I< 0
..; ..;
c:: c::
e -2
eu -2
"ues u
-4 {=0.1173 -4 ~ = 0.2421
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time, l (msec) Time, t (msec)
Fig. 5. Impulse test results.
the model. These results conftrmed that our simple models were adequate for
predicting the stiffness and damping of the magnetic bearing, and that the performance
of the bearing was suitable for high speed rotation. This was conftrmed by the next
series of tests.
Rotational Tests
In order to verify that the magnetic bearing is suitable for high speed miniature
turbomachinery, we proceeded to demoostrate the bearing stability at high rotational
speeds. For these tests, the shaft was rotationally driven by the turbine located at one
end. The shaft was positioned by the magnetic bearing at one end, and the pressurized
bearing at the other end.
The shaft was stably and repeatedly run up to 4500 rev/s (270,000 rpm). The
runout of the shaft for speeds greater than 3200 rev/s was constant and equal to about
0.3 J..l.ID (12 p.-inch) total indicated runout (TIR). This corresponds to about 0.6% of the
radial gap in the bearings. Based on the stable and accurate positioning at high
rotational speeds, we conclude that the bearing is suitable for high speed
turbomachines. The integration of these bearings in a compressor has just gotten
The present work to develop a miniature magnetic bearing was funded by
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center under contract NAS5-30854. Additionalfunding
for the development of magnetic bearings for medium-sized cryogenic turbomachines
was provided by DOE under contract DE-ACC01-87-ER80477. The authors would like
to thank NASA and DOE for their support of this work.
1. H. Sixsmith et al, Long-life, closed-cycle for space, in: "Proceedings of the
Fourth International Cryocoolers Conference," Easton, MD (July 1987).
2. H. Sixsmith et al, Small turbo-brayton cryocoolers, in: "Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering," St. Charles, IL (1987).
Neutral Loaa an
;jlp ;jlp
-+-=0 (1)
ax2 ai
P=P(l+n)/n (2)
x,y= Cartesian coordinate x,y, n= polytropic exponential, Pcomp=
pressure distribution of thrust bearing, P= solution of equation(1)
P=Pcomp (4)
When the bearing geometry and supply gas pressure ratio Ps are
determined, the restictor exit pressure ratio Po(=Po/Pa) is obtained from
the following equations.
-2 - -2
P 0 =Ci(Aslk)·!p0 • A k1 • P 8 +1 (6)
o= {~(P /P ) 21 r {1-(Po/P 8 )<r-t>tr}}l/2
7_ 1 o 8
forunchokedflow (7)
27 2
!p ={--(--)21( r- 1 > }112 forchokedflow (8)
0 r+1 r+l
0.1 0.1
~-9'>Jlf-~-----f1 'I. 95'-t---r---j
13: - fo' 1.38 I><
- - - P, f 5 •0.0183 ~ 0.0366
0.01 - -- 20.00 - - - n, 18 ~-+--i
--12.50 k•l.66--+--l
5.00 C1•1.0
- 2,QO_
0.001 '--------------------~
O.QI 0.1 10 100 1000 1000
A, A,
Fig.3. Dimensionless load vs. Fig.4. Dimensionless stiffnes vs.
restrictor coefficient of restrictor coefficient of
single thrust bearing single thrust bearing
Cf= the discharge coefficient of a restrictor, Y= specific heat
The variable t 0 changes in accordance with the restrictor nozzle choked
or not. When P0 is obtained, the pressure distribution Pcomp can be
determined from the equation (3) and then the dimensionless load capacity
W,dimensionless mass flow rate Qm, and dimensionless stiffness K of the
single thrust bearing can also be determined from the following equations
(9),(10) and (11).
- 2 n 2 2 aw
K = k 1- -(r -r )(P -P) = 3 -As (11)
3h10s a aAs
~= gas viscosity, R= gas constant, Ts= inlet gas temperature,
h= bearing film thickness, rs= feeding hole radius
Combined Thrust Bearing
A single bearing is rarely used as a thrust bearing and a combined
bearing as shown in Figs.1 and 2 is normally used. Provided that the
collar is in a neutral position under no load condition, the film
thicknesses can be regarded as hn1 and hn2, the total film thickness as
hct and the restrictor coefficient as An 1 and An2, respecti vely, as
shown in Fig.2 in which the different characteristics were provided in
the upper and lower bearings in order to discuss the problern generally.
From the definition of total film thickness hct,
and from the force balance requirement between the upper and lower
bearings, the following equation is obtained.
Table 1. Specifications of Thrust Bearing
where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the lower and upper bearings.
Since hct is a given value, the film thicknesses hnl and hn2 under
a neutral condition can be found from equations (13) and (14).
Consequently, the dimensionless load capacity Wc, flow rate Omc and
stiffness Kc of the combined bearing are expressed by the following
Q mc =(Qm1 + Qm2) I ( n. hct3 . p 2 I 6. P. R . T
8 8 )
_- - 3 - - 3
- Q m1(As1 Hh n1- e) + Q m2(A,2)·(h n2+ e) (16)
=K - -
1 ( A 81 ) I (h n1 - e) + K 2 ( A 82 ) I (h n2 + e) (17)
where, W1, W2, K1, K2, Om1 and Om2 are dimensionless characteristics of a
single bearing and all other symbols used in the above equations are as
defined in Appendix 2.
Characteristics of Single Bearing and Combined Bearing
Characteristics of a single bearing are shown in Figs.3,4 and 5, in
which practical range of As is considered as 0.05< As <5 . Fig.6 shows
the relationship between the restrictor pressure ratio Po/Ps and As. It
is found that the restrictor is in the choked condition when Ps>2 and
As<0.7. Figures 7,8 and 9 show the characteristics of the combined
bearing in the load on position shown in Fig.2. The solid line in the
figure represents the combined chracteristics and the broken line
represents the individual characteristics, respectively.
10,---------------~---------. 10 tllt-11 :
R/P =(....L) =0488--r--~~---
0 s t•l . . hok d .
r = 1. 66 for Helium gos unc e , reglon
0.488 . ~~
.. _ _ ' d,OO ~--~~ =1.95 f 0 =1.38
--~ ~'-·-- r 5 =0.0183~0.03~
n=18 k=1.66
· - - - 20.00 1 ~----c =1.0
0.01 0.1 10 100 1000
A, A,
Fig.5. Dimensionless mass flow rate Fig.6. Restriotor pressure ratio
vs.restrictor coefficient of vs.restrictor coefficient
single thrust bearing of single thrust bearing
0.70 3.50
0.60 3.00
1,:' 0.50 '"' 2.50
0.40 2.00
0.20 1.00 -r:---------=-..:~~~~-...-~~,
------7~~~ ~~7," --
-0.10 0 0.10 -0.50 -0.30 -0.10 0 0.10 0.30 0.50
[ [
P, ·12.5 r 1·1.95 f 0 •138 751 • 0.0366
nI • 18 k •166 Ct•I.O i's 2 •0 0183
040 I - . Ct•06 I Omc, her • 0.08
035 ; Omc, hc 1 •0.04_1 -Omt, hcr•006
0.30 Omc, hcr•0.04
0.05 ... ___
-0.50 -0.30
--- -0.10 0 0.10 0.30 0.50
bearlng SPeed
Fig.10. Heliumgasexpander
Table 2 Design Specifications of the Upper and Lower Bearing
Upper bear i ng Lower bear i ng
f~~y~ng restrictor clearance common clearance restrictor f~~y~ng
X Ia. A,, J\,, h,, h, 2 +4h h,, ~?t~D ' h,, h, t -4h Aot A,t
X Ia.
18x 18x
; 0.3 1. 467 0.820 0. 0166 0.0222 0.04 ; 22.6 . 14 0.0234 0. 0178 1. 467 2.534 ; 0. 6
The lower and upper feeding hole diameters were designed at cj>0.6 mm
and cj>O. 3 mm respecti vely, to increase overall load capaci ty and reduce
the quantity of gas supplied. Table 2 shows the combined bearing
specifications when Cr=0.6
Pslf'a=7 ano 12 5 for uPPer ano 1ower bear i ng
400 1 3
132.5 - - -
turblne lnlet temPerature (KJ
The measured results of load capacity and flow rate for the single
thrust bearing using the experimental machine demonstrated in Fig. 10 are
shown as a plot in Figs. 3 and 5 . Some papers have reported that the
calculation results using the theory of complex veloci ty potential are
reasonably consistent with experimental values when the bearinf. film
thickness and the supply gas pressure ratio Ps( =Ps/Pa) are small ' 2 . On
the contrary, when the supply gas pressure ratio and the bearing film
thickness are !arge, restrictor lo~s 4 is evident due to the inertia effect
of fluid at the restrictor outlet ' . As results of our experiment, the
restictor loss has also been recognized as shown in Figs.3 and 5 . When
counting backward the discharge coefficient of Cf from the results above,
cr~o.6 can be worked out. It is reported t~at the loss can be reduced by
improving the shape of the restrictor inlet .
Design rotetlonel sPeed
.. 4. 0 230. OOOrPm
., 3rd resonence freQuencY
u 3. 0
300. OOOrPm
- 2 0 0
!i 1 0 c
lower bearings and the operating temperature is shown with <' and the
measured load capacity of the combined bearing is demonstrated with 0. It
was clarified that the calculated thrust force A agrees well with the
measured load capacity 0.
Stability of Rotating Shaft
Figure 14 shows the results of shaft Vibration measured by the gap
sensors as shown in Fig.10. Fig.15 shows an example of the results of
frequency analysis. From Figs.14 and 15, excellent stability for all
Operating conditions including starting, rated revolution speed, cooling
down and stopping is observed. No flaws were found on the heat treated
surface of the journal combined with the ceramic tilting pads after 200
start/stop cycles and then it was confirmed that the combination of shaft
and ceramic bearing provides significant improvement in their contact
The conclusions are summarized as follows:
a) The characteristics of the single and combined thrust bearings can be
determined using the theory of complex velocity potential.
c) The combination of TBJB and EPTB showed very stable operation for a
wide range of operating conditions including starting, stopping,
cooling down and rated Operation.
This project was sponsored by the Agency of Industrial Science and
Techonology of MITI, which commissioned NEDO to promote the work and was
carried out by Super-GM and its member companies. The authors would like
to express their appreciation to individuals of the above organizations
for their assistance in the preparation of this paper.
1. H.Yabe, Journal of Japan Society of Lubrication Engineers, 17: page
64, ( 1972).
2. H.Mori, H.Yabe, Journal of Japan Society of Lubrication Engineers,
8: page 11, (1963).
3. H.Mori, H.Yabe, TRANSAGTIONS OF THE JSME, 31: page 1562, (1965).
Appendix 1
2 -2 - n·log (rl r )
K 1comp =K1com / Pa= (P 0 - 1)l A k1 (1 ) A = a (9)
0 2·log (11r 1 )
n·(8+ 2njlk)
K2c omp = K2c omp I Pa = 1.0 (2) B 0= (10)
2·log (11 r 1 )
2- 2-
~ sin A 1 B 0. + sinh
A k1 = L. log { 2 s 2 ~} (3)
i= -"' sin A Os + sinh B Oj
Appendix 2
- - -
n · log {( r a- r 8 ) • r a}
A 1s = ---- --=- --
2 ·log (11 r )
(4) h n1 = h n1 I hct (1)
-r -
-r )Ir }
- hn2 = hn2 I hct (2)
A = a s a (5) E = tlh I hct (3)
2 · log (1 I r 1 )
A 1=12·ll·k 1·rs 1·(R·T s ).lfliPs ·h2nl (4)
n2 · j I k
B Oj = log (1 I; 1) A 2 = 12·11·k 2·rs2· (R·T s )112 I p s . hn2
2 (5)
A !arge helium turbo-expander with variable-flow-capacity mechanism (an
adjustable turbine) has been developed, which will effectively controls
refrigeration power. A type of variable nozzle vane height is selected as the
mechanism. Mechanical performance test of the mechanism was carried out under
cryogenic temperature and fluid-dynamic performancewas measured on connecting
the adjustable turbine with an existing helium refrigerator. Turbine
efficiency was measured by varying nozzle openings from 40% to 100% at the room
temperature, 80 K and 40 K. Smooth operation of changing capacity and
effective turbine power control without any degradat ion were verified.
A thermonuclear fusion experimental reactor, for example, International
Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor (ITER) requires a very !arge helium
cryogenic system with refrigeration capacity of about 100 kW at 4 K region 1 ,
therefore the development of !arger key components of the cryogenic-system is
indispensable. As one of these developments, Japan Atomic Energy Research
Institute (JAERI) and Kobe Steel Ltd. have developed an adjustable turbine,
which is available to directly control the flow rate and to provide effective
control of refrigeration power.
The adjustable turbine corresponds to a 10-kW refrigerator and has the
mechanism in which the nozzle opening can be changed by moving an upper side
wall of the nozzle. Its performance test was done, then the mechanical and
fluid-dynamic performances were determined by changing its capacity at the
equivalent design condition with cold helium. In this paper, the effect of the
adjustable turbine, i ts design and mechanism, and performance test resul ts are
descr i bed.
The operation scenario of the fusionexperimental reactor requires changing
the heat Ioad of the cryogenic system over a !arge range, for example a plasma-
burning operation mode and a standby mode imposes a heat Ioad of about 100 kW
Extermil valve
Nozzle vane
Turbin lmpeller
(a) Type of variable nozzle vane angles (b) Type of partial nozzle admission
'~-'- ~ ~~
'1/. '·
.... ·~ .....
. IJJoti01}
Nozzle fJ
Uooer side wan--~/
(cJ Type of variable nozzle vane heights
Fig. 2. Various systems of variable nozzle opening
Taper cam ring
upper driving
Fig. 4. Inner module
of t he turbo-expandcr
Fig. 1 Structure of a turbine with prolotype with variable no zz le
variable nozzle opening mechanism opening mechanism
~ 2.0 lH.o!
<ll Q)
0 ;:I
111 rl
0. 111
1/l >
"0 "0
rl 1.0 IH.O@
...., ~
• closing motion . 0
~ Ä opening motion
_._.__._._._._. !HO
Operation times
Fig. 5. Corresponding relat ion
between the command value and its actual displacement
Helium V-2
Refrigerator Brakeloop
r--- w·
1 ... ~ ® f
Vacuum insulated vessel (~1.6mX3mH)
Fig. 6. Flow of the test equipment
.. .
lb • .,.P • •••
0.7 . . ..
01 D e
0.6 1 ~ •o a
• I
0.6 ·~. ."
• Type of variable ~ 0.5
0.5 ':30oK
capacity 0.4 • 160K
0.4 0 Type of fixed
• 130K
0.3 • BOK
capacity • 40K
0.3 0.2 :-----;--
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
U/Co U/Co
(a) Comparison of turbine efficiency (b) Performance efficiency
between the adjustable turbine for 100% nozzle opening
and a conventional turbine
0.8 0.8
.... .
.. _,..
0.6 ~
• 65K
.• . '.:
~ 0.5 ~ 0.5
0.4 • 300K
0.4 ... ·.·~·~
0.3 • 65K
• 40K 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.2. 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
U/Co U/Co
( c) Performance efficiency (d) Performance efficiency
for 70% nozzle opening for 40% nozzle opening
Fig. 7. Characteristics of turbine efficiency
Test method and parameters. Measuring the design performance of a helium
turbine generally requires an actual size helium refrigerator. !n the test
stand system mentioned in the previous section, however, the maximum inlet
helium flow and pressure ratio are around 60 g/s and 2.0, rcspectively, which
are much less than the design conditions by araund one sixth in mass flow and
one third in pressure ratio. Thus an equivalent performance lest method is
indispensable~. in which the turbine inlet velocity triangle is set at the same
Ievel as the design specifications by arranging the inlet temperature,
pressure, and pressure ratio. Adopting such a lest method, lhe fluid dynamic
performance test was carried out. As lest parameters, the nozzle openings were
set to three steps of 100%, 70% and 10%, respective!y, the turbo-expander inlet
temperature was controlled in the three ranges of room temperature, 80 K and 40
K, respect ively, for each nozzle opening and the rotating speedwas changed from
700 rps to 1000 rps in s teps of 100 rps.
Test results. Equiping lhe adjustable turbine with a variable-flow-capacity
mechanism increases the risk of leakage lass resulting in a low turbine
efficiency. Checking such a degradation can be carried out by comparing the
efficiency of the adjustable turbine with the efficiency of the convenlional
turbine at the design nozzle opening. Figure 7 (a) shows such a comparison
where each efficiency is plottedas a function of blade-jct speed ratio, U/C •.
Both trends are similar indicating that there is no degradation on the
adjustable turbine. The performance efficiency for several nozzle openings was
measured as shown in Fig. 7 (b), (c) and (d), corresponding with nozzle opening
of 100%, 70% and 10%, respectively. Reducing nozzle opening from 100%. causes
an increasing flow loss due to a !arge steep expansion between the nozzle outpul
and the impeller input. !n practice, the smaller the nozzle opening, thc lower
the turbine efficicncy. Efficiencies of 70%, 64% and 52%, are observcd at
nozzle opening of 100%, 70% and W%. respectively.
The effect of reducing mass flow rate for the adjustable turbinewas
measured. Figure 8 (a), shows the mass flow characteristics as a function of
the turbinepower at several nozz1e openings for 80 K operation. For example,
turbine power of 500 W requires a mass flow rate of 27 g/s at 100% nozzle
open ing. However, at the same turbine power, the mass f low rate can be reduced
to 21 g/s and 16 g/s at nozzle opening of 70%, and 40%. respect ively. The
turbinepower is the same because the smaller nozzle opening gives a !arger
adiabatic head as plotted in Fig. 8 (b). Suchrelations explain the effect of
the adjustable turbine saving the input energy to the refrigerator as menlioned
During for experimental period, total operation time reached araund 46
hours, including 20 times of start/stop and nozzle-moving operation. Through
the experiment, there was no mechanical trouble with the adjustable turbine.
JAERI and Kobe Steel Ltd. have successfully developed the adjustable
turbine. Its performance test was carried out from the point of view of
mechanics and fluid-dynamics. The turbine efficiency was measured in the !arge
range of blade-jet speed ratio (U/C. ) from around 0.2 to 0.85. These results
verified the mooth operation of the variable flow mechanism and effective
turbinepower control. Availability of such a turbinewill advance the
realization of the !arge and efficient cryogenic system required for the fusion
experimental reactor.
0.035 ------- r-
~ 0.030 ..,,.- • 10096
~ 0.025 ~ • 7096
~E 0.020 • 4096
. 0.015 ~ '---
0·010 ----Type of variable capacity
0.005 ----Type o~ fixed capacity
0 o~-0~.1~0~.2~0~.3~0.4~0.~5~0.~6~0.~7~0~.8~0~.9~1.0
L CkW)
X10 4
i 3
_,..-Type of variable capacity
1 ···-Type of fixed capacity
00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
L (kW)
I. ITER CAD magnet group, "'ITER Magnets. ·• ITER Documentation series, No.
26. ( 19901, IAEA, Vienna.
2. O.E. Balje; TURBO MACHINES, John Wiley & Sons, NY (19811. P.:1I7
3. E. Tada et al.. "350-L/h. 1.2 kW Helium Cryogenic System for
Development of Fusion Technology," Proc. ICEC 9, P. 93 ( I!J821
4. T. Kato et al., "A Large Scale Turbo-expander Development and lts
Performance Test Result," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vo1.:35,
P. 1005, ( 1990)
"" " ..
o. 721 "ro" ""
" "
"') "')
"') "')
0. 678 d oi...' ai (()
. Rl
C\i ~
~" 0
+0 5::
<l _j <l
f- T'2. m ~
43. 06 LL
39. 9 T2. m ~u
ü 0702
24. 8 T 2. "· •
23. 3 T2. "·.
C&m :9()"- ete
crm =81' er, =81' ar.s =90' Olm =84. 2' er:, "'81' ns =93. 4"
Hs=O. .46 ru=Hs/p 0. 037 Hs=O. 46 ru=Hs/.t = 0. 033
rs ""-''= 1. 65 rs:-'/r~,, 85
0:c"'18. e·
Table 1 Design Specifications and Experimental Results
ltem Design Result ltem Design Result ltem Design Result ltem Design Result
P', (MPa) 1.50 1.53 T', (K) 80.0 73.8 'llv d 0. 729 0.695 e, 0.238 0.339
P,, (MPa) 0.677 0.467 T,, (K) 62.9 55.0 Rr 0.630 0.409 e. 0.691 0.282
P', (MPa) 0. 0815 0.127 T', (K) 39.9 41.6 Mg(gls) 20.5 24.0 r, (mm) 0.082 0. 05
Ns 0.296 0.284 V 0.642 0. 699 Nr(rpm) 230,000 228,000 r, (mm) 0.05 0.03
n. 18 X 1\- 13 X 'Y (deg.) 6.0 X r, 1. 93 X
v =U1a I Co (5)
Co:{2AH'id,s)1/2 (6)
N =rotative angular velocity (radiS)
Q2 =volume flow rate at rotor exit (m31s)
Co =ideal jet-speed based on inlet-total to exit-static
pressure ratio (mls)
AH'1aid s=ideal specific work based on inlet-total to stator exit-
' static pressure ratio (JIKg)
AH'id,s =ideal specific work based on inlet-total to exit-static
pressure ratio (JIKg)
Ls:V21id·Es I 2 ( 10)
Ld:V22mid•Er I 2 ( 11)
t Outlet
Heat losses exist due to thermal conductivity from the axial high
temperature side to the turbine low temperature side via the driven
shaft, housing wall surface, bolts and spacers, etc. Calculation
estimates of heat conductive amount produced values of 25W, 11W and 8W,
respectively. Since turbine output~4KW, the total heat loss is estimated
at areund 1% of the turbine output.
70 I
Fig.7. nvd vs. u 1a/c 0 with Fig.8. nvd vs. u 1a/c 0 with
various nozzle tested expansion ratio varied
Exducer Shroud clearance ratlo rcr
ror :Cr/CD 2r-D 2n)/2:Q. 03/3. 5:0. 0086 5 0,-----------------------.
re"'Po1P3=1. 5/0. 12==-12. 5 Oe s I g n rot a t I o n a I s De e d
~ 4. 0 230. OOOrPm
~ "' 3ro resonance freQuencY
0 '; 3 0 300. OOOrPm
.; 65~ :.:: 2 0
II .? 1. 0
and due to changes in thrust load from start-up to rated normal
operation. Figure 9 shows the experimental results in this regard.
Referring to the literature7, it is reported that the influence of the
axial clearance Ca is lower than that of the radial clearance Cr and that
the efficiency drops linearly and gradually according to the increase of
axial clearance Ca when the radial clearance Cr is constant. These
experimental results show almost the same efficiency curve as that of the
literature but the efficiency goes down significantly when the axial
shroud clearance ratio Ca/hs reaches the value more than 0. 3.
Consequently, it is essential to pay special attention to keep the axial
shroud clearance ratio less than 0.3 with small-scale, large expansion
ratio and low temperature turbines.
Good stability and highly reliable operation were obtained through
use of a combination of the TPJB and EPJB. Figure 10 shows the
relationship between shaft Vibration and revolution speed while Fig. 11
gives the results of frequency analysis of the turbine shaft from start-
up to rated revolution speed. From Fig.10, the first and second resonance
points based on the stiffness of the EPTB and TPJB are evident just after
start-up. The natural bending frequency of the shaft is 300,000 rpm and
the revolution speed against the third resonance point is more than 30%
higher than the rated revolution speed. Concerned about possible darnage
to the radial bearings when starting and stopping, the authors cycled
through start/stop Operation 200 times with no discernible affect on the
bearings and the satisfactory combination of shaft and bearing materials
was duly confirmed.
The results noted in the above report can be summarized as follows:
1) It was confirmed that the conformal transformation method is effective
in detemining the nozzle setting angle of the helium gas expander for
very low temperature usage.
2) With a high expansion ratio turbine, considerable fluid loss at the
nozzle is inevitable. Consequently, special care must be taken in
design to determine the shape of the nozzle as well as the final
finish of the nozzle passage surface to minimize roughness.
3) It was proved that the axial shroud clearance has a significant effect
on the efficiency of the small cryogenic turbine with large expansion
ratio when the axial shroud clearance ratio reaches the value larger
than 0.3 .
4) It was confirmed in a series of start/stop cycles that the combination
of the EPTB and the TPJB exhibits very stable and highly reliable
performance when used on a high expansion ratio, high revolution
speed, very low temperature gas turbine
5) It was confirmed that the combination of hardened shaft and ceramic
bearing provides significant improvement in reliability when starting
and stopping.
This project is sponsored by the Agency of Industrial Science and
Technology of MITI,which commissioned NEDO to promote the work, and was
carried out by Super-GM and its member companies. The authors would like
to express their appreciation to individuals of the above organizations
for their asssistance in the preparation of this paper.
1. N. Ino,et al,"Proc. Thirteenth Intl. Cryo. Engr. Conf.", Butterworth,
Guilford, UK (1990), p.113.
2. J. C. Villard and F. J. Muller,"Advances of Cryogenic Engineering",
Volume19, F-2, Plenum Press, New York (1973).
3. Carroll A. Todd and Sammel M. Futual, Jr., NASA TN D-5059, 3(1969)
4. Harold E. Rohlik, NASA TN D-4384, 2(1968).
5. Georg F. Wislicenus, "Fluid Mechanics of TURBOMACHINERY", McGraw
Hill Book Co. Inc, New York and London, 1947.
6. Nagao Mizumachi, "A Study of Radial Gas-Turbines", Report of the
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, VOL.8, N0.1,
7. Samuel M. Futral Jr., Donald E. Holeski, NASA TN D-5513, (1970).
The world's largest centrifugal cryogenic helium pump has been developed, which
can circulate the supercritical helium at 4 K and 0.9 MPa of the mass flow rate of 350 gjs
with the pump head of more than 0.15 MPa at the design condition. The induction motor is
adopted as the pump driving system and the pump irnpeller is made of aluminum precision
casting. The bearing system adopts the self-acting gas bearing, which can be free from the
shaft seal mechanism and maintenance for long term. Reducing the heat leak from the
motor part to the irnpeller part, the motor system is cooled at 80-K region by liquid nitro-
gen. And the pump adiabatic efficiency has been attained to be 86% at the rated design
Through the performance test at the room and the cryogenic temperature, the pump
has verified a smooth and stable Operation up to the maximum revolution of 32,000 rpm,
satisfying the design specification. At the cryogenic temperature operation, the maximum
pump head of more than 0.2 MPa and the maximum flow rate of 630 gjs were observed.
Two methods are taken into account for supplying SHe, one is the method supplying
by the room temperature helium compressor in the refrigerator (R!f compressor method),
the other is the method supplying by the cryogenic pump (cryogenic pump method), which
is equipped in the liquid helium bath at the cold end of the refrigerator.
The R!f compressor method requires the !arge helium compressor in the refrigerator
and the control of SHe flow shall be complicated due to the connection to the total heat
balance of the refrigerator system. On the other hand, the cryogenic pump method will
attain easier control due to less effect on the heat balance of the refrigerator and it is verified
by the experience of operating the Demo Poroidal Coil (DPC) system 2l. Though the addi-
tional heat load is applied to the refrigerator as a pumping work, the energy efficiency of the
cryogenic pump method is better than that of the R!f compressor method if the adiabatic
efficiency of the pump is better than 20%3l. Therefore, the cryogenic pump method will be
adopted for the SHe supplying system of the fusion experimental reactor.
Basic Design
The design specifications of the pump are determined as listed in Table 1, corre-
sponding with the requirements for the DPCF specifications 2l. This pump adopts the cen-
trifugal flow pump with a single stage. As a pump driving force, an inductive motor is
adopted, having the 3.5-kVA power supply with high-frequency inverter to produce the
maximum revolution of 33,000 rpm.
The basic design parameters such as impeller diameter and revolution are deter-
mined by applying the similarity method on a turbo-machine. There is generally strong
correspondence between impeller efficiency and specific speed (Ns). Applying such a rela-
tion, the specific speed is determined tobe 345 under the unit of (rpm, m, m3/min), expect-
ing to have high impeller efficiency of more than 80% in the range of 300 - 400. Head
coefficient is also assumed to be around 0.4. Though the rated design mass flow rate is 350
g/s, the mass flow rate of 455 g/s, being larger than the design flow rate by 1.3 times, is
selected as the flow rate at the point of the maximum impell er efficiency in order to main-
tain the high efficiency operation in the large flow region. Assuming that the flow of the
supercritical helium is incompressible in the pump Operating region, the design pump head
is determined. From these parameters, the design revolution and the impeller diameter are
determined tobe around 26,000 rpm and 37 mm, respectively.
The cross-sectional view of the pump and the photograph of the pump rotor are
shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively.
The impeller, which is made by aluminum precision casting, has four blades and is
equiped with a shroud cover to reduce leakage loss.
As shown in Fig. 2, the center part of the rotor is used for the motor part, the both
sides of the motor part are supported by the joumal bearings, and at the both ends, the pump
impeller and the thrust bearing are installed, respectively. The material of the rotor shaft
I! I ~~. ~'ttt'11 lv---'=i"'--~ ....__,...,._..
wI ' LN 2 Tank
Vopor Pressure
Fig. 1. The cross-sectional view of the pump
Spot welding
Bearing foil
Dumping foil
Spring foil
Ladder foil
adopts austenitic stainless steel except the motor part which is martensitic stainless steel.
The shaft diameter at the joumal bearing is 25 mm and the shaft length is 265 mm, respec-
tively. Analyzing the critical speed for the rotor, the third critical speed is calculated to be
around 100,000 rpm, which is enough higher than the design revolution of 26,000 rpm.
The bearings of the pump adopts the foil type of self-acting dynamic gas bearing for
both the joumal and the thrust bearings. A detail of the joumal bearing is shown in Fig. 3,
bringing the stable high speed operation, good durability, and easy adjustment. In the thrust
bearing system, the ring-shaped permanent magnet is used to pull up the thrust disk of the
100-mm diameter, occurring a large frictional torque due to the rotor dead weight when
initiating the rotation.
Pump Casing
The pump casing is designed to separate into two pieces, one is the driving system
section, containing the motor, and the other is impeller section, where the impeller and the
cryogenic communication pipings are located. The driving section is cooled by liquid nitro-
gen and both sections are connected with thin piping; accordingly the heat leak from the
driving section to the impeller section is decreased to be less than 2 W, attaining the high
adiabatic efficiency.
The pump was tested at the DPCF as shown in Fig. 4, where the closed circuit loop
was formed in the pump vacuum chamber, closing the valve (1) and (2) to separate from
the coil system (the existing vacuum chamber) and controlling the pump load such as flow
rate and pump head by the valve (3). In the initial condition, the pressure of the test circuit
was fixed by controlling the valve (4).
In the vapor-pressure thermometer system, the volume ratio between the cryogenic
sensor part and the room temperature pressure gauge part was designed to be around 200 at
the inlet temperature and 300 at the outlet temperature, respectively. The initial filling-up
pressurewas settobe 0.2533 MPa (2.5 atm), paying much attention of leak from the pres-
sure gauges.
The germanium resistance thermometer located in the liquid helium bath was used
for the calibration and the temperature measurements were performed after being agreed
both the germanium and the vapor-pressure thermometer.
An orifice-type flow meter, having the accuracy of ± 5%4l, was used for mass flow
measurement, where the helium density calculation was based on NBS 631. The perform-
ance test was conducted under the temperature of around 4.5 K and the pump inlet pressure
of around 0.5 MPa.
General Performance
The adiabatic efficiency and the pump head characteristics are shown in Fig. 5 as a
function of mass flow rate. The inlet conditions were the pressure of 0.47 MPa and the
temperature of 4.5 Kat both the revolution of 27,000 rpm and 29,000 rpm, respectively.
The design specification was achieved at the revolution of 27,000 rpm which is
larger than the design revolution of 26,000 rpm by 1,000 rpm. And efficiency of 86 % was
achieved at the design mass flow rate of 350 g/s with the designpump head of 0.15 MPa.
When rotating the pump at 32,000 rpm, the maximum mass flow rate was measured
tobe 630 g/s with the pump head of around 0.1 MPa. The maximum pump head is restricted
to be 0.2 MPa due to the thrust bearing design and the minimum controlled mass flow rate
was determined to be around to be 100 g/s with the pump head of 0.2 MPa at 27,000 rpm.
However, surging phenomenon was not observed in their flow ranges.
The pump heat load was also determined as a function of mass flow rate as shown in
Fig. 6. The heat load at the design point was measured to be around 430 W.
Inlet Conditions: 0.4 7 Mf~4.5 K
;f!. /~~-."~
:: 80
j 6, [\
;:;: 70
~ 60
CD ~ 'i
o I
50 1-- -·-<>-·- 2 7000 rpm
--29000 rpm
~ 0.20 -o-.0:---
~ 015 t'\..
Design Point /"'-. ~
a.. 0.10 '\.
0 100 ~0 300 400 500 600
Fig. 5. The adiabatic efficiency and the pump head
characteristics as a function of mass flow rate
Inlet Conditions : 0.47 MPo/4.5 K
r --,
i 500
<( .r-·- IBo·-o' f!;>.-&-
3 400 /
a.. 9r/ -·-<>-·- 27000 rpm f-
I - 29000 rpm
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Fig. 6. The pump heat load characteristics
as a function of mass flow rate
Through the perfonnance test, the start/stop operation of more than 10 times and the
total operation of around 50 hours were conducted. Any instability in the operation was not
Adiabatic Efficiency
The adiabatic efficiency of the cryogenic pump is significant factor when the pump
is adopted in the cryogenic system in the fusion experimental reactor as mentioned in the
11 = ~H/ ~Had
where the ~H indicates the actual enthalpy rise by calculating from the measured inlet and
outlet helium conditions and the ~H d is the isentropic enthalpy rise by calculating from the
inlet helium condition. Accordingly,athe ~H shall include heat leak though the pump motor
part cooled by liquid nitrogen. Such a liquid nitrogen consumption, however, is not consid-
ered in the efficiency.
Through the experiments, the very high efficiency perfonnance was observed,
showing that the efficiency of more than 70 % was attained in the large region of the mass
flow rate from 100 g/s to 500 g/s.The pump efficiency generally depends on the fabrication
accuracy in the impeller shape and its surface roughness because the accurate fabrication
and small surface roughness of the impeller produce the smooth distribution of flow veloci-
ty and pressure through the impeller.
To resolve such a issue, the aluminum precision casting method, in which the cast
was fabricated within the tolerance of 2/100 mm, was used to fabricate the impeller. And
surface roughness could be achieved to be less than 6.3 f.!m. Thus beautiful pump efficiency
perfonnance could be achieved.
JAERI and IHI have successfully developed the large centrifugal cryogenic pump,
which will be available for the large supercritical helium supplying system in the fusion
experimental reactor with scaling up. The pump performance test has given the beautiful
pump characteristics as a function of the mass flow rate, appearing the maximum efficiency
of 86% at the design condition. And the smooth controllability has also been verified.
The authors would like to thank Drs. M. Yoshikawa, T. Iijima, and S. Shimamoto
for their continuous encouragement on this development. The contribution for the computer
data acquisition system from Mr. M. Sato at Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,
Ltd. is greatly acknowledged.
1. ITER CDA magnet group. "ITER Magnets," ITER Documentation
series, No. 26, ITER Vienna {1990).
Proc. MT-11, Tsukuba (1989) p. 1350.
Proc. of 16th Symposium on Fusion Technology, London,
p. 616.
• •
perature and no additional heat Ioad is added to the AMR. The energy added by
the pump is stored as latent heat. The two-phase system provides the highest
pump performance with the lowest impact to the AMR. However, the AMR tem-
perature range must be extended to 4 K to permit two-phase operation. Extension
of the AMR's operating temperature range requires an increase in system
capacity. An analytical model was developed to analyze pump performance for
each configuration discussed.
The analytical model assumes that the helium working fluid behaves as
an ideal gas. The heat capacity for helium is included in the model as a function
of temperature. The system volume was 0.5 L and includes the regenerator, two
heat exchangers, the surge tank and the connecting tubing. The system volume
was assumed to be twice the pump volume. In addition, the volume of the surge
tank was assumed to be large compared with the other components. The mag-
netic field was assumed to be uniform throughout the pump canister, and the
magnetization was assumed to be adiabatic. Thermal addenda for the helium was
included, but thermal addenda for the canister was neglected--a reasonable
assumption for operating temperatures below 20 K.
The model is a thermodynamic description of the process and does not in-
clude heat transfer or pressure drop effects. The temperature difference be-
tween the helium working fluid and the magnetic material is neglected and the
flow resistance is assumed to be negligible. A finite heat transfer coefficient
will degrade the pump performance from that predicted by the model, especially
at a high frequency, when the helium residence time in the pump canister is
reduced. Estimates of heat transfer coefficients and flow resistance and their
effect on the analysis have not been addressed.
The model was used to calculate the helium mass expelled from the canis-
ter during each magnetic cycle. This can be converted into a mass flow rate
(g/s) by multiplying by the cycle frequency in Hertz. Therefore, for a fre-
quency of 0.1 Hz, the flow rate in g/s is one-tenth the mass change for the
magnetic cycle. The pump performance results are presented in terms of mass
change so they will be independent of operating frequency, which is deter-
mined by other factors such as eddy current heating and magnet charging
Figure 2 shows results for the helium pump located on the high-temper-
ature side of the regenerator. In this case the heat Ioad from the pump is re-
jected to the 20-K heat sink, with no additional Ioad on the AMR. Mass change is
given as a function of magnet field strength, with maximum canister pressure
as a parameter. The maximum canister pressure is a measure of the initial
charge of helium in the system. The larger the initial charge, the higher the
maximum pressure, and the larger the mass flow. As shown in Fig. 2, the mass
change is less than that required for 1 g/s at a frequency of 0.1 Hz.
= =
Th 20 K; Tc 7 K; VOL 0.25 L; GGG =
w 2
~ 1+---~--~~~~--~~~--~~~~--_,
2 4 6 8
Fig. 2. Performance of magnetic pump installed at tbe bot end with maximum
system pressure as a parameter.
Pmax = 10
f-- a
f-- /
Pmax=40 /
w 10 - + Pmax=50
Cl / ~
z / ./
J: / _....-c
rn / / ,../
c 5 V / .... /
:I / .//
- --
// / ~
W/ /"_
~ V"'./ ....-
0 2 3 4
Fig. 3. Magnetic pump performance for cold end installation witb pressure
as a parameter.
~. . l...,.J .,...
= 0.25 L
0 2 4 6 8
Fig. 4. Performance of a two-phase helium pump at 4 K.
This study was funded by the Air Force Space Technology Center through
the David Taylor Research Center. We acknowledge the support of Geoffrey
Green, the program manager.
R. Li and K. Aoki
Temperature (K)
In Fig.2 are shown the rare earth element dependence of the factor
(gJ-l)ZJ(J+l) and the experimental results on the rare earth element R de-
pendence of Tc in the RNiz system. This figure clearly shows that the
Curie temperature Tc depends on the factor (gJ-l)ZJ(J+l) in RNiz system.
Therefore, in order to obtain low Tc material, we have used the
(Erl-xYbx)Niz system.
• Previous
0.6 Results
§ 0.4
(ij 0.2 /
,..- :A
-0.2 .___.__..__.__,__.__._....._-'-::..__~-=---:-'::-"
La Ce PrNdPmSmEuGdTbDyHo Er TmYblu
Table 1. Curie Temperature Tc of the (Erl-xYbx)Niz System
Another experiment has been performed. Since a Holmium atom has the
largest J-value which is an indispensable condition for selection of the
regenerator material, the specific heat of the (Erl-xHox)Niz system has
been measured. The results are shown in Fig.4 and are very similar to
those of the (Erl-xDYx)Niz system in concentration x dependence and in the
large specific heat.
- 0.8
:i 0.6
() 0.4
(/) 0.2
10 20 30
Temperature (K)
~ HoNi,
-'2 0.6
~ 0.4
2l. 0.2
10 20 30
Temperature (K)
that the magnetic peak of Er3Ni that appeared in the C(T) curve is very
broad in comparison with a usual peak appearing in a typical magnetic
phase transition temperature, Tc. Second, the lowest temperature is in a
3 K range, but the refrigeration capacity is very small near 4.2 K. This
result could be explained by the fact that the heat capacity of Er3Ni
below 5 K is very small in comparison with that of He gas, and, therefore,
the regenerator cannot operate effectively in this range.
So, first we will consider the or~g~n of two kinds of thigs mentioned
above and then consider how to cope with the small C(T) below ~5 K. When
the magnetic ion, such as Er, whose orbital moment is not zero is put in
the anisotropic crystalline field, the energy states of spins are usually
split. As a result, an anomaly (called the Schottky anomaly) is observed
in the temperature dependence of C(T), which is a very broad peak of C(T)
in comparison with that of the magnetic phase change. Therefore, the
specific heats of those compounds are expressed by the Superposition of
those two kinds of C(T)'s, that is, the specific heat of the Schottky
type Cg(T) and that due to the magnetic phase change CJ(T).
5 I
;[ 4 -24rpm I
;:, ---60'pm I
'ü I
c. I
3 I
c: I
Er3 Ni/
~ 2
. a: 1
Temperature [K]
15 r-----.----,-----.---,--,------,
------25 K
0 o~~--1~o--L-~2o~_L-~3o
T emperature (K)
Fig.6 The magnetic specific heat of ErNi2. The dotted line shows the
Schottky anomaly, where we assume (~/k) is 25 K.
~ 2 il exp(-~/kT)
R(kT) do.[l+(d 1 /do)exp(-~/kT)]2
On the basis of the above discussion, in order to get the large re-
frigeration power in the low temperature range, we have to select the
large C(T) magnetic material which has no Cg(T). However, in these
materials the temperature width of CJ(T) peak is very narrow below ~10 K,
and, therefore, the layer-structural regeneratorl must be used and in this
case the magnetic material whose CJ(T) peak is very large near 4.2 K is
It has been verified that the rnagnetic material is very useful as the
regenerator material below ~10 K. Appling the magnetic material, such as
Er3Ni, to the regenerator in the GM refrigerator, we could reach to a 3 K
range and, however, its refrigeration power at 4.2 K was very srnall (~300
Therefore, the new magnetic materials, Err-xYbxNi2 and Err-xYbxNi, whose
Tc's are ~4 K have been developed and the experimental results are repor-
It has been made clear that ErNi2 has a large Cg(T) in the low tempe-
rature range and, as a result, its CJ(T) becomes smaller than that expec-
ted from J = 15/2 C=J-value of a free Er ion). While, in the Err-xYbxNi
system Cg(T) = 0 and the large CJ(T) have been observed near Tc•
13. R. Li et al., "Magnetic intermetallic compounds for cryogenic regene-
rator", Cryogenics 30 : 521 (1990)
14. T. Hashimoto et al., "Recent advance in magnetic regenerator material",
Cryogenics 30 : 192 (1990)
15. T. Kuriyama et al., "Two-stage GM refrigerator with Er3Ni regenerator
for helium liquefaction", Proc. of the Intl. Cryocooler Conf. tobe
published, (1990)
16. M. Ogawa et al., "Thermal conductivity of magnetic intermetallic
compounds for cryogenic regenerator", Cryogenics 31 :405 (1991)
17. K.H.J. Buschow et al., "Extremely large heat capacities between 4 and
10 K", Cryogenics 15 : 261 (1975)
A. J. DeGregoria
Astronautics Corporation of America
Astronautics Technology Center
Madison Wisconsin
Equations are presented and the numerical procedure used to solve them is
discussed with emphasis on accuracy. The model has been applied to results from an
AMR test device.
A model of the AMR has been developed to aid in the design the above refrig-
erators. It is in the process of being validated.
Figure 1: Schematic of the Active Magnetic Regenerator.
A complete cycle of the AMR is as follows: With the fluid all in the cold reservoir,
the magnetic material in the bed is adiabatically magnetized. The fluid is then passed
from the cold to the hot reservoir. With the fluid now in the hot reservoir, the bed is
adiabatically demagnetized. The fluid is then passed from the hot back to the cold
Figure 2 illustrates the temperature profiles of the bed and fluid as a function of
bed position. For simplicity, the bed heat capacity is assumed to be infinite since the
temperature profiles do not change over the flow periods in that Iimit. The upper
Magnetized State
Bed ~
Fluid ~
Tc· ß Tc
Qc=m,Cpß Tc
0 Bed Position 1
Figure 2: Temperature profiles for the bed and fluid in the AMR in the infinite bed
thermal mass Iimit.
profiles correspond to the flow from the cold to the hot reservoir while the bed is
magnetized. The fluid enters the bed at the temperature of the cold reservoir Tcold
since it has just left the cold heat exchanger. Since the bed temperature rises going
from the cold to the hot end, the fluid temperature rises as it exchanges heat with
the bed and leaves the bed at a temperature greater than that of the hot reservoir
Thot· Passing through the hot heat exchanger, the fluid temperature drops to Thot
giving up an amount of heat
After the flow is complete, the bed is adiabatically demagnetized, achieving the
lower profile shown in Fig. 2. The flow proceeds then from the hot to the cold
end. Upon entering the bed, the fluid temperature is Thot· Exchanging heat with the
bed, it drops to a value below Tcold at the cold end . Going through the cold heat
exchanger, it absorbs heat equivalent to
In analyzing the AMR, we have taken the approach of first writing the general
equations and attempting to solve them. We then implemented approximations as
necessary to obtain a model which is useful as a design tool.
A model which solves the complete physical problern in one-dimension for the
AMR was developed by Barclay3 • The computer code MRRAP integrates the full
one-dimensional time-dependent equations using a finite difference scheme.
where h is the heat transfer coefficient between the fluid and solids in the bed; A is
the total cross-sectional area between the fluid and solids; L is the bed length; Mb
and m., are the bed mass and fluid flow rate; and cb and cp are the heat capacities of
the bed and fluid.
Equations 3 and 4 can be cast into dimensionless form in terms of a reduced
length A and reduced period II, where
II = PhA
P is the time period of the flow in either direction.
Both versions of AMR models have been checked against each other in the ap-
propriated limit. They have also been checked against known results for passive
regenera tors 4 •
The heat transfer coefficient between fluid and bed is obtained from empirical
correlations for packed particle beds. 5 Variations in properties with temperature of
both helium6 and the magnetic material are accounted for. Pumping losses, thermal
conduction losses across the bed and axial dispersion are taken into account separately
using well established empirical correlations from the literature7•8 •9 •
20 40 60 80 100
Temperature (K)
As an example, we show results for the material GdNi 2 . 1 Figure 3 shows the °
measured adiabatic temperature increase for the material in going from 0 to 7 T.
The performance of the AMR is sensitive to the thermodynamic properties of the
magnetic material. We have found that the ideal magnetic material is one which has
an adiabatic temperature change which is linearly proportional to the temperature:
GdNi 2 should be a good material for an AMR below the Curie point of about 75 K.
Temperature profiles over the 4 parts of the AMR cycle are shown in the figure:
Over the field increase (decrease), the lowest (highest) profile shows the bed temper-
ature before the field increase (decrease), and the highest (lowest) profile shows the
bed temperature after the field increase (decrease). Over the positive and negative
~ 70 lw~
e 10
"E' 60 8.
~ I I ~ 60
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative position Relative position
field decrease ~ negative flow
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 E-< 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative position Relativeposition
Figure 4: Bed temperature profiles over an AMR cycle.
0 2 4 6
Mass flow (g/s)
Figure 5: Load curves at 7 T for GdNi2.
flow periods, profiles are shown at equal time intervals. The uppermost (lowermost)
profile shows the bed at the start of the positive (negative) flow. Lower (upper)
profiles in succession show successively later time intervals with the lowest (highest)
profile representing the bed at the end of the positive (negative) flow period.
Figure 5 shows computed load curves for several values of the total period. The
AMR parameters are the same as those described for Fig. 4, except for the variation
in period and fluid flow. Note that the points represent the actual values. The
connecting lines are there for continuity.
The results shown for zero period are from the time independent, zero reduced
period, computations described above. The time dependent computations show con-
sistency with this limiting result.
For non-zero period, the cooling power curves turns over at a particular values of
mass flow. The reason for this is that the heat capacity of the fluid shuttling through
the bed becomes greater than the heat capacity of the bed material. The bed can
no longer "regenerate" the fluid. The zero period curve would also turn over at high
enough mass fiow, but for a different reason. At high enough mass fiow, the heat
transfer between the fluid and bed becomes poor.
2. A. J. DeGregoria et al, Test results of an active magnetic regenerative refrig-
erator, this conf. (1991)
5. S. Whitaker, Forced convection heat transfer correlations for flow in pipes, past
flat plates, single cylinders, single spheres, and for flow in packed beds and tube
bundles, AIChE Journal Vol. 18, No. 2 (1972).
7. I. F. Macdonald et al, Flow through porous media - the ergun equation revis-
ited, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 18, 199-208 (1970).
The principle of the Active Magnetic Regenerator (AMR) is tested with an
experimental refrigerator designed to operate within the temperature range of about 4 to
80 K. Applications, including helium and hydrogen liquefaction and hydrogen slush
generation, are envisioned. The device uses a single moveable superconducting
solenoidal magnet in persistent mode to altemately charge and discharge two in-line beds
of magnetic material. Between magnet motions, a double-acting piston displacer moves
heat transfer fluid in the form of helium gas through the beds, absorbing heat at the cold
heat exchanger and rejecting heat at the hot heat exchanger.
Packed bed of mae. material
There are two Iimits in which the AMR can be shown to work well. In one Iimit,
the heat capacity of the fluid in the bed is large compared to that of the magnetic
material. The magnetic material follows aregenerative cycle in which the fluid in the
bed acts as the regenerator. In the other limit, the fluid heat capacity is negligible
compared to that of the magnetic material. The elements of magnetic material follow
either non-regenerative Brayton or Carnot cycles connected in parallel by the heat
transfer fluid. The former Iimit applies to devices which use either liquid helium or high
pressure helium and is the Iimit in which the device was conceived.l,Z The latter Iimit
applies to the device described here.
There are two other experimental AMR devices designed to operate in the
cryogenic regime.3·4 These devices both use charge-discharge magnets and gadolinium
gallium garnet (GGG) as the active magnetic material and are intended to span
approximately a 15 K to 4 K temperature range. Both devices are designed to have fluid
flow during part of the field change in an attempt to have the elements of magnetic
material follow Carnot cycles.
Figure 2 illustrates the key components of the device. Two AMR beds are
connected to a common cold heat exchanger (CHEX). The beds are connected to
separate hot heat exchangers (HHEX) which are at opposite ends of an aluminum thermal
bus. One end of the thermal bus is connected to the bottom of a Gifford McMahon (GM)
refrigerator. A reciprocating magnet alternately magnetizes one bed while
demagnetizing the other. When the magnet is stationary, a double-acting piston displacer
forces gas through one of the HHEX through one of the beds, through the CHEX,
through the other bed, through the other HHEX and back to the displacer. A heater is
attached to the CHEX.
Rejected .
Heat • Onot . 1o1a1
Hot Heat
Hot Heat
Fig. 2. Key components of the AMR experiment.
guide the magnet on tracks, etc. Separate linear actuators, at room temperature, drive the
magnet and displacer. Two position control systems independently move the magnet and
displacer piston. (Fora more complete description of the magnet system, see 6.)
The displacer uses two circular spring-loaded ultra high density polyethylene
seals mounted on the piston and sliding on a polished cylinder wall, to elirninate leakage.
The hot heat exchangers are made by cutting narrow closely spaced groves in a
cylindrical aluminum bus in the axial direction then placing sleeves over them. By the
appropriate plumbing, helium gas is forced through the groves to effect heat exchange.
The cold heat exchanger presents unique problems. Large low resistance
conduction loops must be avoided to prevent eddy-current heating from the changing
magnetic field. Also, a high heat capacity is necessary at operating temperatures below
10 K. To address both issues, a tube in shell heat exchanger was devised which uses
fluid helium for heat capacity.
The most critical temperature measurements center on the cold heat exchanger,
the hot heat exchanger, and the magnetic material beds. The heat exchanger
temperatures are used as the cold and hot sink temperatures of the refrigeration cycle.
Measurement of the temperature at different points along the regenerator beds is
desirable to show the effects of magnetization and gas flow. The cold heat exchanger is
fitted with a carbon glass resistor and a BRO, both relatively insensitive to magnetic
fields. The hot heat exchanger, consisting of two finned regions, is fitted with PRTs and
BROs on both finned sections. A narrow, streamlined sensor consisting of five BROs
evenly spaced at 3 cm intervals is epoxied along the inside wall of each regenerator bed
during assembly. Gaseous helium provides the heat transfer path between the material
and the sensors during operation.
Ground and sieved magnetic material from the series ErxGd _x0.1 2 is employed
for the initial tests. Bed length is 0.09 m with a cross section of 0.0 0284 m2. Particle
sizes range from 0.0002 and 0.0004 m. The porosity is 0.44.
Figure 3 gives the adiabatic temperature change of the material in going from
zero field to the field indicated and in going from the field indicated back to zero field.
The temperature on the abscissa represents the lower temperature of a magnetization or
demagnetization measurement. These results are obtained from our own 'heat capacity'
apparatus, in which, both heat capacity and adiabatic temperature change data can be
obtained for a sample. 7
Note that the points are typically double valued. The lower of the two points
shown for a given measurement represents demagnetization. A small amount of
magnetic hysteretic heating is consequently indicated by the data. The AMR has been
run with only field change (no flow) on this material. A steady rise in temperature
consistent with the data shown in Fig. 3 is observed, confirming the hysteretic heating
observed in the heat capacity apparatus on a much Ionger time scale.
. . .
.... 4 • 4 •
.... ..·.... .
.... .. ..... .: .· .
.... ..
a: 5T ••
"' .....
I tl I
I- I I I
a: 3T 1
.'. '
11 1
w I I
a. I I
I 0 I
~0 -~r=========~--------,
- - Lowcr Hot HEX (K)
- - Cold HEX (K)
-gu 15
..:J 14
() 50 100 !50
Time ts)
Fig. 4. HHEX and CHEX temperatures vs. time for a 3 T run. Displacer motion is
Figure 3 indicates that the material has an adiabatic temperature change which is
close to 'ideal' over the 10 K to 20 K temperature range. That is, the adiabatic
temperature change is close to being proportional to the absolute temperature. 5
AMR tests were run for discrete values of the magnetic field of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
5.0 and 7.0 T. Figure 4 shows an experimental run at a field of 3.0 T, from startup. The
period for the total AMR cycle is 10 s, here, and for all runs shown in this paper.
Figure 4 indicates the HHEX and CHEX temperatures were bothat about 14.5
K, prior to starting the AMR cycle. After startup, the temperature difference is rapidly
established. The CHEX achieves its bottom temperature of about 9 K after only about 7
cycles. The HHEX is continuing to rise throughout the 14 cycles show. The displacer
motion, per blow, is 0.015 m/s for 3.3 s.
0 20 40
Time (s)
Fig. 5. Temperature vs. time in the bed at the five axiallocations 0.0, 0.0125, 0.045,
0.0675 and 0.09 m from the cold end of the bed. The magnetic field is 5 T and the
displacer motion is 0.018 m/s for 0.5 s.
-O -t--<;)----d.li=+---f---''---+--t--:---+-1---:---1
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Temperature (K)
Fig. 6. Computed ErxGd(l-x)Al 2 1 T load curves compared to experiment. Experimental
flow rate is 0.59 g/s.
It has been demonstrated that the beds and the CHEX are thermally isolated from
the liquid helium dewar. With no displacer motion or magnet motion, the temperatures
in the bed and CHEX remain constant. With displacer motion and no magnet motion, the
beds and CHEX achieve the temperature of the HHEX. The reverse cycle has also been
run, in which, heat is pumped from HHEX to CHEX. The CHEX achieved a
temperatures of 40 K before the cycle was shut down. (Since the CHEX is thermally
isolated, its temperature continues to rise.)
The very rapid approach to steady state, with respect to the number of AMR
cycles, indicates that the heat capacity of the total gas flowing through the bed, per blow,
is comparable to the total heat capacity of the magnetic material in the bed.
Figure 5 shows a 5 T run with no load, after steady state. The five temperature
sensors in the bed are displayed. Note that temperature fluctuations at points in the bed
can exceed the adiabatic temperature change of the magnetic material. Heat transfer in
the bed due to fluid flow can cause larger temperature fluctuations than those produced
by the magnetic field change.
20 40 60
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7. Computed GdNi 2 Ioad curves compared to experiment. Gas flow rate is 0.07 g/s.
A time dependent model of tbe AMR bas been developed. Figure 6 sbows
computed load curves at a 1 T field for different gas flow rates tbrougb tbe beds (mdot).
Tbe cold and bot flow periods are 0.5 s. Tbe field cbange periods are 4.5 s, yielding a
total cycle period of 10 s. Tbe average gas pressure is 0.1 MPa. Tbe bot temperature is
19.25 K. Two experimental points are sbown for comparison. Fluid flow is not well
cbaracterized in tbese test results. Based on tbe fill conditions, tbe gas flow for tbe
experimental points is 0.59 g/s.
Tbe magnetic material GdNi 2 bas also been employed in tbe refrigerator. Ground
and sieved particles in tbe size range 0.0001 m to 0.0002 m are used. The cold and bot
flow periods and the field cbange periods are all 2.5 s. Tbe average gas pressure is 0.1
MPa. Figure 7 sbows modelload curves for tbis material compared to experiment for two
fields. Tbe bot temperature of tbe refrigerator is 77 K.
Figure 7 indicates that the material bas a no load temperature span ftom about 77
K to about 33 K, at 5 T. Tbe model predicts a no loadcold temperature about 10 K
below tbat observed. Additional tests are ongoing to better cbaracterize tbe experimental
load curves. The model appears to fit tbe 7 T data better tban tbe 5 T data. Since only
one experimental point exists at 7 T, this may be fortuitous.
Some possible reasons for tbe discrepancies between model and experiment are
tbe following: The model assumes spberical particles in tbe bed witb a uniform diameter.
Ground and sieved material is actually used. Correlations for beat transfer coefficient,
bed conduction and axial dispersion can, consequently, be in error in eitber direction.
Also, tbe magnetic material beat capacity and adiabatic temperature cbange
measurements are accurate to within about 10 %. Errors oftbis amount can produce
comparable errors in total no load temperature span, for example.
Tbe AMR test apparatus bas been successfully assembled and tested. Tbe
materials used, ErxGd(l-x)Al 2 and GdNi2, were predicted to work well as refrigerants in
the approximate temperature ranges of 20 K to 10 K, and 80 K to 40 K, respectively.
This is verified.
Results using ErxGd(l-x)Al2 indicate the detailed model of the AMR is accurate to
within about 10% in predicting the no load temperature span of tbe refrigerator. Initial
results using GdNi2 indicate the model predicts the no load temperature span witbin 25
%. More testing with GdNi 2 is in progress.
We would like to thank Peter Claybaker for designing the apparatus which
worked the first time. We would also like to thank Tom Stankey, Joe Johnson, Rick
Lubasz, Joe Hertel, Ron Syphard, Randolph Pax, Steve Kral, Coyne Prenger, and John
Barclay for tecbnical and administrative assistance.
1. J. A. Barclay, The theory of an active magnetic regenerative refrigerator, in: "Proc. of
the 2nd Biennial Conf. on Refrigeration for Cryo. Sensors and Electronic
Systems", NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (1982).
2. J. A. Barclay and W. A. Steyert, Active Magnetic Regenerator, US Patent 4,332,135,
Jun. 1, 1982.
3. F. J. Cogswell, J. L. Smith, Jr., Y. Iwasa, Regenerative magnetic refrigeration over the
temperature range of 4.2 K to 15 K, in: "Proc. Fifth Intl. Cryocooler Conf.",
Monterey, California, (1988).
4. P. Seyfert, Research on magnetic refrigeration at CEA Grenoble, in: "Advances in
Cryogenic Engineering", Vol. 35, Plenum Press, New York (1990).
5. C. R. Cross et al, Optimal temperature entropy curves for magnetic refrigeration, in:
"Advances in Cryogenic Engineering", Vol. 33, Plenum Press, New York (1988),
p. 767.
6. J. R. Trueblood et al, A vertically reciprocating NbTi solenoid used in aregenerative
magnetic refrigerator, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 27, no. 2, p. 2384 (1991).
7. C. B. Zimm, P. L. Kral and J. A. Barclay, The magnetocaloric effect in erbium, in:
"Proc. ofthe Fifth Intl. Cryocoolers Conf.", Monterey, California, (1988).
Medium to high power cryocoolers based on the active magnetic regenerative
concept (AMR) are under development for hydrogen liquefaction. Refrigeration
performance is dependent on the temperature dependence of the adiabatic temperature
change upon application of a magnetic field (.!1T s). We report on measurements of .!1T 8
and the field dependent heat capacity, Ca. of the ferromagnetic materials GdPd, Gd.Ni,
Gd.Ni2, an~ (Ero.s6Gdo.14)~12. The binary compounds have sharp ordering transitions
encompassmg all ofthe avrulable magnetic entropy, whereas the temary with two
magnetic rare earths shows a broadened transition. GdNi2 and GdPd have properdes well
suited for use in AMR stages operating from 80 K to 40 K and 40 K to 20 K,
lnterest in development of compact and efficient small scale (1000 kg/day)
hydrogen liquefaction plants has led to the design of a 20 K to 80 K Active Magnetic
Regenerative (AMR) magnetic liquefierl. Our chosen refrigeration cycle consists of two
adiabatic legs in which the magnetic field is (altemately) increased or decreased,
connected by two constant field legs during which a heat transfermedium (He gas)
transfers heat to or from the magnetic regenerator. For the case that the heat capacity of
the heat transfer fluid is constant and small compared to the bed material, it has been
shown2 that optimum refrigeration performance requires a magnetic regenerator bed with
the property that the adiabatic temperature change with change in magnetic field, .!1T S' is
proportional to the absolute temperature, T.
Wehavechosen to use one materialperstage of the AMR to simplify
fabrication and to ensure rapid cooldown. The .!1T~ increasing with temperature is
obtained by choosing a ferromagnetic material with a sharp Curiepoint (the ordering
temperature) equal to the maximum operaring temperature of the stage. Rare earth
intermetallic compounds are good choices because their !arge values of the angular
momentum J tends to produce a !arge product of .!1T8 and Ca, making a high refrigeration
power density possible. Magnetic hysteresis is a potential problern if the material is
operated well below its Curie point in cases where magnetic atoms in the structure have
orbital angular momentum. We have thus chosen the three ferromagnetic gadolinium
compounds, GdPd, GdNi, and GdNi2 for study. Gadolinium is an S-state ion and it has
been shown3 that nickel is non-magnetic in Gd.Ni and GdNi 2. We also compare these
materials with Er0 86Gd0 14AI 2, a pseudo-binary mixture between aluminide compounds
of the two magnetic rare earths gadolinium and erbium. We report measurements on
Figures 1 and 2 show the measured Ca and AT5 of GdPd. Figures 3 and 4 show
the corresponding measurements on GdNi. Limited heat capacity data on these
m+-~--r---~r----+-----+~ 8.0
S2"150 ~.0
~ ~
loo +-----+---1!-J~~---+-----1--1 e
1- ).0
20 40 80 80 0 20 40 80 80
Tamperature (K) Tamperature (K)
Fig. 1. The heat capacity of GdPd Fig. 2. AT5 for GdPd. Data is shown
measured at various applied for both increase and decrease of
magnetic fields. magnetic field.
Gd Ni GdNi
300 8.0 -.-----,,---,--=r-:-.,-- - , - --,
~ ". J.
: ~
• 0 Tesla
• 3 Tesla
0 20 40 60 80 100
Tamperature (K)
compounds from a previous series of measurements has been reported6,7. Figures 5 and 6
show CB and ~T for GdNi2. The data for GdPd, GdNi and GdNi2 each show a sharp
transition, at 38 ß:, 70 K, and 75 K, respectively. Theseare marked by a sharp lambda-
type peaks in the zero field heat capacity and by peaks in the ~Ts curves. The
ferromagnetic character of the transition is verified by the action of applied magnetic
fields in broadening the heat capacity peaks and moving them to higher temperature. The
adiabatic temperature changes shows the desired monotonic increase in temperature
below the Curie point, Tc, although the dependence is not strictly linear.
Figures 7 and 8 show the contrasting behavior of Er0 86Gd_Q14AI2. Note the zero-
field heat capacity anomaly stretches from about 15 K to over 30 K', and the adiabatic
~ !00
0 20 40 60 80 !00
Tamperature (K)
Fig. 5. Measured heat capacity of GdNi 2.
~ 2.0
0 20 40 60 &0 100
Te~ature (K)
Er0.86GdO. 14AI2
... .-IP
•• •
• Jl<
8.0 CH Tesla
• 0·3 Tesla
0·5 Tesla
_100 6.0
6 •.0
- ·•.•• ...
.. ••
J: •• ••
0 Tesla
• 1 Tesla
3 Tesla
w 40 ~ 0 w ~ ~
Tamperature (K) Tamperature (K)
Table 1. Parameters derived from fitting
heat capacity data
the magnetic heat capacity. Only the last term is fietd dependent and is involved in the
magnetocaloric effects of interest here. The C1is conventionally taken to be of the Debye
form which goes as AT3 at low temperature and saturates at a constant value above the
Debye temperature; Ce is normally proportional to '(f. Plots of Ctr versus T2 at low
temperature should be linear with 'Y as an intercept and A as the slope. These plots work
well for non-magnetic metals but for the materials studied here, only 'Y could be extracted
because of curvature in the plots due to the onset of magnetic heat capacity. However,
above the Curie point in zero field, the magnetic heat capacity becomes small, allowing
fitting of the heat capacity to the full Debye form9 plus a linear term yr determined from
the low temperature C{f plot The resulting values of 'Y and the Debye temperature are
given in table 1. The raw heat capacity data were corrected for the presence of 5 at.% of
rare-earth oxides before fitting; the 5% figure was estimated from metallography.
The fits to the lattice and electronic heat capaeitles may now be subtracted from
the total heat capacity in order to extract the magnetic heat capacity. Cm may be checked
using.a relation for the magnetic entropy difference Sm between the completely ordered
and disordered states of a quantized magnetic moment. The relation is S.ffl=Rln(2J+ 1),
where J is the quantum number for the total angular momentum. The GC1-based
ferromagnets studied here attain a fully ordered state at low temperature as seen by
magnetization measurements6,7,10; assuming full disorder is attained a few degrees above
the Curie point, integrating C{f from 0 to above the Curiepoint should give SI!) and
hence 2J+ 1. The values of 2J+ 1 obtained are given in table 1, and are close to the
theoretical value of 8 for Gd. For erbium, the maximum theoretical value of 16 was not
obtained, indicatin~ the persistence of crystal field effects weil above the Curie point; in
ErAl2, the lower-lymg crystal field statesll have a multiplicity of 10, which is close to
the value of 2J+ 1 obtained.
The value of J obtained from Sm depended very critically on the choice of the
Debye temperature; if it was chosen such that the dCn/dT was zero well above T ,
consistently reasonable values of J were obtained, whereas if the mean value of ~m..was
made zero above T~ with non-zero dC",/dT allowed, erratic results were obtained. Part of
the difficulty in fittmg occurs because "ihe Tc's are high enough that the region where
dCtfdT is large is masked, so the Debye temperature fitring is not very sensitive. Another
potential problern is that the Debye form is only approximate, especially for compounds
of dissimilar atoms. For the case of non-conducting (hence Ce=O) magnetic compounds
with low ordering temperatures, successful fitting has been done using a sum of two
Debye functions, one ascribed to each type of atom 12. Another method used to estimate
the lattice heat capacity is to use measured values for an isostructural compound 12, such
as LaNi for GdNi. With the exception of the dialuminides, no data in the temperature
region of interest is available; a previous authorl3 found for the dialuminides that this
procedure did not work well.
Plotring the heat capaeitles of the isostructural compounds GdNi and GdPd in the
reduced coordinates C_mo1ar/R and Tffc produces nearly identical curves (fig 9),
0.0 +-......"'-----.----t---.-----+-----.-----'r..:......>"""'-'
0.0 o.s 1.0 l.S
Fig. 9. The magnetic portion of the zero field heat capacities of GdPd and GdNi, plotted
in reduced units. Tc is the Curie temperature, C_magnetic is per mole, and R is the gas
showing that the ordering phenomena are similar despite the large difference in
interaction strengths. Comparing the reduced heat capacities of GdNi, GdNi2 and
Ero.s6Gdo 14Al2 (fig 10) shows that orderings are of diverse character. Differing
temperatuie dependences of the orderings of GdNi and GdNi 2 are not surprising
considering the structures differ in symmetry, numbers of next-nearest neighbors, etc.
GdNi2 and Ero 86Gdo. 14AI2 have the same structure, but the latter contains two different
magnetic rare earth atoms. lf the Er and Gd atoms are randomly distributed on the rare-
earth sites, the localized nature of the 4f rare-earth electrons would produce a variation in
local magnetic environments and hence a broadened magnetic transition, as observed.
Comparing !1T s among the materials is more difficult because the presence of the
magnetic field introduces another energy, mH, where m is the atomic magnetic moment.
0.0 + --.t.=---..----+----.----1----....-----r
0.0 o.s 1.0 1.5
Fig. 10. The zero-field magnetic heat capacities of several compounds plotted in reduced
Fig. 11. ~Ts for a 0-5 Tesla field change, plotted in reduced units.
Correcting for lattice effects is also no Ionger a simple matter of subtracting a lattice heat
capacity. Plotting ~Ts divided by its maximum value against Tff~; (figure 11) does show
similar trends to that of figure 10. ~T 8 of GdNi and GdPd are simllar; GdNi 2 is slightly
broader and Er0.86Gd0.14Al2 shows a wide peak.
Several ferromagnetic materials have been studied for their utility as magnetic
refrigerants in the 20 K to 80 K range. The binary Gd compounds GdNi, GdNi 2 and
GdPd have been found to have single, sharp ferromagnetic ordering transitions
encompassing all the available magnetic entropy. The mixed rare-earth pseudo-binary
compound Er0 86Gdo 14Al 2 has been found to have a much broader magnetic transition
which we ascnbe to die disordered rare-earth sublattice and the localized nature of the 4f
GdNi2 and GdPd have properties well suited for use in AMR stages operating
from 80 K to 40 K and 40 K to 20 K, respectively. Further work is being done to find
lower cost alternatives to GdPd.
Glenn Kinard
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Design of a two-stage, 1/10 ton/day demonstrarion Acrive Magneric Regenerator
(AMR) Hydrogen Liquefier operaring between 77 K and 20 K is described. The device
uses particle beds of rare earth intermetallic materials as the regenerators in each stage
with helium gas as the heat transfer fluid. A detailed design of the device is described in
this paper, with relevant physical and material properdes considered. The magnetic field
profiles and resulring forces on the particle beds and between magnets during operation are
reviewed. The device is compact, efficient, and operates at slow speed for long life. It is
the first phase of a six year development effort to produce an economical one ton/day
magneric hydrogen liquefier.
During the energy crisis of the 1970's, magnetic refrigeration was identified as a
technology that could conceivably provide highly efficient refrigerarion above 1 K,
perhaps to and above room temperature. The interest in MRs stemmed from the reversible
nature and inherently high energy density associated with the magnetocaloric effect. Ana-
lyses have shown that these properties lead to devices that are potenrially more efficient,
compact, and reliable than convenrional gas cycle refrigerators. For this reason, MR tech-
nology has been steadily pursued since the middle 1970's and has reached the engineering
prototype stage. This paper outlines the design of a large scale Magneric Hydrogen
Liquefier, under joint development by Astronaurics Corporarion of America and the
Department of Energy Office of Industrial Programs.
As a result of the Magneric Heat Pump Workshop sponsored by the DOE Office of
Industrial Programs and related marketing studies, 1 the liquefaction of hydrogen with
liquid nitrogen precooling was selected as a good industrial market sector for inirial com-
mercializarion of MR. Preliminary studies indicate that an MR liquefier system offers
reduced capital and operaring costs over cönvenrional liquefiers. The inirial development
phase focuses on the design of a subscale liquefier. Once fabricated and demonstrated, a
full-scale 1 ton/day liquefier will be developed.
Advarrces in Cryogellic Engineering, Vol. 37, Part B
Edited by R.W. Fast, Plenum Press, New York, 1992 891
A subscale (approximately 1/10 ton per day) magnetic liquefier has been specified to
demoostrate the feasibility of magnetic refrigerators for liquefaction. The refrigeration is
based on the Active Magnetic Regenerator (AMR) cycle already demonstrated at
Astronautics Corporation. 2 Liquefier production is approximately 50 1/hr of liquid para-
hydrogen at 20 K from precooled 77 K gas feedstock. A liquid nitrogen bath provides the
precooling. The gaseous hydrogen feedstock is supplied at 4 MPa (40 atm) and approxi-
mately 41.5% para concentration. Helium pressure within the magnetic refrigerator is 2
MPa (20 atm). The subscale refrigerator incorporates two stages to span between 77 K
and 20 K. A 2 sec. period for the AMR cycle operates on rare earth intermetallic packed
particle beds. Initial performance modeling has been based on GdN~ and Gd.Pd first and
second stage beds, respectively. Superconducting NbTi solenoid magnets cooled by liquid
helium provide a 7 T field for the first stage beds and a 5 T field for the second stage.
AMR operation is characterized by bidirectional flow of a heat exchange gas through
active magnetic regenerative beds. A discussion of the theory and operating principles of
AMR devices is reviewed in "Initial Test Results of an Active Magnetic Regenerative
Refrigerator. "2 The bidirectional nature of the helium flow through the AMR beds necessi-
tates a valving and control arrangement to coordinate the "blow" and dwell periods of the
AMR cycle. The flow schematic is relatively simple, as illustrated in Fig. 1. A helium
circulation pump provides a continuous flow of 2 MPa (20 atm) gas through the refrigera-
tor with 0.14 MPa (20 psi) boost. This accounts for the pressure drops throughout The
liquid Hydrogen
Storage Ta'*
Liquid Hell•
Storage Ta'*
Ortho-Para Hydrogen Equilibrium Curve
!J _____ •
. . . . . . . . . .+. . ,~........
::• ::•
: :
piping, valves, heat exchangers, and beds. During dwell periods (0.5 sec.) the valves are
activated such that all helium ftow is diverted directly to the pump inlet (position 2 in the
schematic), thereby bypassing the refrigerator.
As depicted in the figure, ftow passes through the demagnetized first stage bed and
splits. A portion of the ftow passes on to the second stage demagnetized bed while the
remainder removes heat from the magnetized first stage bed and retums to the pump.
Flow leaving the second stage demagnetized bed is split between the Ortho-Para Heat
Exchanger (0/Phex) and the magnetized second stage bed. These ftows also retum to the
helium pump inlet, and last 0.5 seconds. The ftow is then diverted for a 0.5 sec. dwell
period while the magnets shuttle to the previously dernagnetized beds. Flow through the
refrigerator is resumed in the opposite direction for 0.5 sec. and then diverted while the
magnets shuttle back to the originally magnetized beds. This 2 sec. cycle is continuously
repeated during liquefier operation. This ftow arrangement results in unbalanced mass
ftows through the beds. A larger mass flow passes through the demagnetized beds than
through the magnetized beds because some ftow is diverted to the 0/Phex without passing
through the magnetized beds. This flow imbalance would normally result in warming of
passive beds. The varying heat capacity of active magnetic beds, however, mitigates this
reaction to the ftow imbalance.
The flow diverted to the 0/Phex not only cools the hydrogen gas to 20 K, but also
removes the heat of conversion from ortho-to-para hydrogen. Ortho-hydrogen and para-
hydrogen refer to the two energy states of the diatornie hydrogen molecule. These states
are distinguished by the parallel (ortho), and anti-parallel (para) orientation of their nuclear
spins. The relative equilibrium concentrations of these states varies with temperature, as
depicted in Fig. 2. Conversion of ortho-hydrogen to para-hydrogen is a naturally aceur-
ring exotherrnie reaction. Room temperature hydrogen gas liquefied without ortho-to-para
conversion will boil off at an initial rate of approximately 20% per day 3 as it naturally
converts to 100% para-hydrogen in reaching its 20 K equilibrium state. Catalysts are
incorporated to bring the hydrogen to equilibrium concentrations at intennediate tempera-
tures durlog the liquefaction process, thereby avoiding much of this loss at the expense of
an increased thermal load on the liquefier. Optimum ortho-to-para conversion is accom-
plished in incremental stages to remove the associated heats of conversion at the highest
possible temperatures.
Also, nearly all gas cycle hydrogen liquefiers use LN2 for precooling of the H 2 pro-
cess stream and to extract as much of the heat of conversion as possible before expansion.
The magnetic liquefier incorporates this same feature. The ortho-to-para conversion below
77 K for the liquefier takes place in four steps in the 0/Phex with the first occurring after
the ~ has been cooled to about 61 K and the last after the ~ has been cooled to roughly
20 K. After this last conversion the hydrogen is approximately 95% para-hydrogen in
content. The actual conversion steps are illustrated in Fig. 2.
Fig. 4 Typical regenerator bed assembly.
The LN2 heat exchanger precools the hydrogen process stream prior to entering the
0/Phex heat exchanger. The LN2 heat exchanger also precools the circulating helium gas
after it exits the helium circulation pump to remove the heat of compression. This pump
generates a 0.14 MPa (20 psi) boost to circulate the helium through the two magnetic
refrigerator stages and the 0/Phex. An LN2 reservoir is coupled to the precooler heat
exchanger to continuously replenish the liquid that boils off within the precooler during
the heat exchange with the helium and hydrogen streams. Boiling heat exchange takes
place in the bottom zone of the vertically oriented assembly at a rate of approximately 168
kg/hr (370 lbs/hr). Cold nitrogen boil-off vapor provides initial cooling to the hydrogen
and helium flows in the top zone of the heat exchanger prior to being vented.
The 0/Phex heat exchanger removes the heat of conversion in four stages while
incrementally cooling this stream before and after each stage. Cooling is provided by the
5.0 g/s counter-flow of helium from the second stage of the magnetic refrigerator. The
configuration of the heat exchanger is illustrated in Fig. 3. The hydrogen process stream
is diverted from the heat exchanger for each separate ortho-to-para conversion. Reentrance
of the heated hydrogen gas occurs at a location of roughly equivalent temperature in the
heat exchanger. A relatively linear temperature gradient from 19 K to 80 K spans the 3.4
m (132 in.) length of this assembly. The hydrogen enters the heat exchanger with roughly
a 41.5% para concentration from the LN2 heat exchanger. After the first conversion stage
the para concentration is boosted to 56%. After the second, third, and fourth stages it is
boosted to 69%, 84%, and finally 95% para hydrogen.
The cooling of the ~ process stream below 77 K in the 0/Phex is provided by the
magnetic stages of the liquefier. Helium cooled in the magnetic beds circulates through
the 0/Phex to extract heat from the H2• The helium is cooled in two stages.
Each of the two stages is comprised of a pair of bed assemblies. The assernblies are
composed of a stack of four individual bed modules housed within three concentric thin
wall tubes. The configuration of one bed assembly is pictured in Fig. 4. All structural
components in the assembly are fabricated from G-10 composite material. All joints are
made with cryogenic grade epoxy resins. The first stage bed material is currently
specified as 0.15 mm dia spherical GdNi 2 particles and the second stage is GdPd. These
materials have been selected based on their adiabatic temperature change over the tem-
perature ranges suitable for the first and second stages, respectively. The first stage beds
span the 77 K to 40 K range and the second stage beds span frorn 40 K down to 20 K.
Individual bed rnodules are housed within a split tube. Spacers separate the outer
rnodule wall frorn the inner tube surface. The spacers provide a "bridge" between the two
cylindrical surfaces to seal all ports frorn the annular space they create. This space is eva-
cuated to minimize the heat leak between hot and cold portions of the beds. This
subassernbly is then inserted into a second tube to create two additional 180° annular flow
spaces. Two heliurn ports are located at the end of this assernbly providing for flow into
and out of the beds. Flow frorn a port passes down through the 180° annular space and
enters the side ports in each bed rnodule. Each bed rnodule incorporates a top and bottorn
flow header to distribute flow over the entire bed surface frorn the ports. The flow passes
through the bed and exits the assernbly via the second 180° ftow annulus. Pressure drops
are kept to a rninirnurn by incorporating large cross-sectional ftow areas where practical.
The bed structure rnust accornrnodate large rnagnetic forces and provide for heliurn
flow into and out of the bed rnodules. The peak rnagnetic force on each of the first stage
bed assernblies is approxirnately 285,000 N (64,000 lbs.) The actual net drive loads are
significantly less due to the close proxirnity of the two bed assernblies to one another in
each stage. In general, each bed assernbly is attracted toward the rnagnet, regardless of its
position between thern. Therefore, the attractive force between the rnagnet and one bed is
either partially or cornpletely counteracted by the other bed. The bed structure neverthe-
less rnust support the full rnagnetic loads.
The rnagnetic loads result frorn the pair of superconducting solenoid rnagnets that
generate the rnagnetic fields necessary for liquefier operation. The first stage rnagnet gen-
erates a uniform 7 T field throughout its bore length to altemately rnagnetize each of the
two first stage beds. The second stage rnagnet sirnilarly generates a 5 T field. Both rnag-
nets are of solenoid configuration, using NbTi wire. A large rnagnetic iron flux retum is
provided to contain the stray fields thereby rninimizing the effects of eddy current heating
in adjacent, stationary electrically conducting components. A relatively conservative
current carrying capacity has been designed into the windings to limit the chances for
quenches as the rnagnets reciprocate between beds.
100 -- Bed 1 Drive Force
-- Bed 2' Drive Force
z 80
..,+ 60
:r : \ -- Net Drive Force
z r
-120 +-.-+.....-1--.-+-r-+-.........+--.-+--r-+.....-t-.-+-.-+-..--t-l
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Magnet 1 & 2 Positions (cm)
The magnets are wound on thin wall stainless tubes with iron flanges. After winding,
the coils are encapsulated by an iron jacket that completes the flux retum path between
these two flanges. This assembly is mounted within a liquid helium dewar that is in turn
thermally, but not structurally isolated from both the drive and linear guide system. The
magnet windings, persistent mode switch, and joints remain immersed in liquid helium
during operation. The helium Ievel in the magnet dewar is constantly replenished via a
flexible transfer line connected to a stationary helium reservoir. The heat leak into each
magnet dewar from the drive and linear guides is estimated to be 1 W. Heat leak from
the Ieads does not enter the magnet dewar during operation. These Ieads are demountable
and remain disconnected while the magnets reciprocate. The configuration of a magnetic
stage is illustrated in Fig. 5.
The magnets experience a changing flux during persistent mode operation due to the
changing material permeability in each bore while shuttling between beds. This can result
in AC Iosses in the windings and persistent mode decay. This rnay be largely offset by
adding magnetic material between the bed pairs in each stage with careful attention to
avoid significant eddy current heating. Magnet recharging is initiated when the fields
decay below a threshold value.
The portion of the magnetic Ioad imposed on the beds by the magnets that is not
mutually cancelled must be counteracted by the reciprocating drive. Estimates of Ioads
imposed on the drive system during operation of the liquefier are plotted in Fig. 6. The net
peak drive load is approximately 100,000 N (22,500 lbs). The net drive force is zero at
three distinct locations between the pair of bed assernblies in each stage. During the dwell
periods when the magnets are parked at the centers of either of the two bed assernblies
comprising each stage (ie. at the travel extremes) a net magnetic force must be sustained
by the drive of approximately 8,000 N (1,800 lbs). This force tends to pull the magnets
off the beds and assists the drive in accelerating the magnet at the start of motion. This
force also assists the drive in decelerating the magnet at the end of each travel segment.
It is during the peak Ioads at mid-travel that the drive must generate the most force and
work. The time for one complete cycle of motion is 2 sec. This low frequency Iimits the
inertialloads imposed on the drive as weil as the accumulation of cycles.
The drive system functions as a linear flywheel to recover work during the periods
when the net drive force changes sign. The first peak at 17 cm opposes the drive while
the second peak at 28 cm assists the drive. Energy from the second peak can be stored to
be expended by the drive when traversing this peak on the return trip to the original start-
ing location at 0 cm. The drive horsepower requirements would be significantly larger
without this energy storage technique than with it.
All major drive components are housed outside the vacuum vessel to facilitate servic-
ing and minimize contamination risks within the vessel. A linear motion feedthrough
transfers drive Ioads into the vessel to the reciprocating magnets. Structural composite
tubes transfer the drive Ioads with a minimum of heat leak to the 4 K magnets. The first
and second stage magnets reciprocate 46 cm. These distances are based on the minimum
allowable bed separation resulting in a maximum 0.5 T peak field in the demagnetized bed
with the magnet centered over the adjacent bed. Variations from these distances for either
stage results in an increase in the demagnetized peak field or significant increases in net
drive forces. The increase in net drive force is due to the decrease in magnetic "coupling"
between beds as their separation distance increases.
The subscale hydrogen liquefier design described in this paper is based on a Single-
stage AMR proof-of-principle refrigerator currently under test at the Astronautics Technol-
ogy Center. This device has performed beyond expectations and has clearly demonstrated
viability of the concept. Improvements incorporated in the Hydrogen Liquefier design
have been derived from laboratory test experience with this device. Magnetic materials
testing of regenerator beds has confirmed the suitability of the chosen bed materials. The
next phase of this effort will be to fabricate and test the liquefier in conjunction with Air
Products and Chemieals Inc.
Astronautics engineering staff contributing to the design of the Hydrogen Liquefier at
the Technology Center include: Alex Jastrab, Jerry Kaliszewski, Rick Lubasz, and Kurt
Eckroth. Their contributions are greatly appreciated. Major funding for this effort has
been supplied by the Department of Energy and Astronautics Corporation. The vision of
both organizations has made it possible for this development to proceed.
1. J. A. Waynert, A. J. DeGregoria, R. W. Foster, J. A. Barclay, "Evaluation of
Industrial Magnetic Heat Pump/Refrigerator Concepts that Utilize Super-
conducting Magnets," Astronautics Corporation of America (ATC), Madison,
Wisconsin, Final Report, Prepared for Argonne National Laboratory,
Contract Number: 90232402 (1989).
2. A. J. DeGregoria et al, "Initial Test Results of an Active Magnetic Regenerative
Refrigerator," Proc. 4th Interagency Meeting on Cryocoolers (1990) p. 277.
3. R. B. Scott, "Cryogenic Engineering," D. Van Nostrand, New York (1959), p. 290.
4. S. A. Sherif, et al, "Analysis and Optimization of Hydrogen Liquefaction and
Storage Systems," University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida (1990).
A spaceworthy Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator is under development
at Goddard Space Flight Centeraspart of the X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS), an
instrument on the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF). XRS will employ
an array of 32 microcalorimeters capable of detecting X-rays in the energy range of
0.3- 10 keV. In order to achieve a desired resolution of 12 eV, these detectors must
be operated at a temperature of 0.065 - 0.100 K. An ADR must be used to cool these
detectors in space.
A breadboard model was designed and built less than two years ago, and provided
excellent results. We are presendy at the development stage of the engineering model.
Several changes have been made to the original design in order to improve the efficiency of
the ADR, to reduce its weight, and to strengthen the salt pill suspension system so that the
ADR can survive launch loads and have low sensitivity to microphonic inputs. We shall
report on the results of these changes; what worked and what did not.
The XRS 1 has been selected to be one of the experiments flown on AXAF2. An
array of 32 microcalorimeters will be used to detect X-rays in the energy range of 0.3 - 10
keV. In order to achieve a desired resolution of 12 eV, the detectors must be Operated at 65
mK. The only way this temperature can be achieved in space at the present time is through
the use of an ADR. An ADR development started at GSFC in the early 80's3. In the past
three years, when XRS became a viable experiment for the AXAF, the ADR development
effort has been intensified. Various breadboard model ADR's have been built and tested
extensively4.5. The experience acquired from these test lead to the design of the engineering
model. Due to weight limitations the ADR magnet can produce a maxirnum field of only 1.9
T, which limits the ADR cooling power considerably. This along with the requirement that
the experiment have a long lifetime, dictated that the ADR delivers the maxirnum possible
efficiency. In the engineering model design a lot of attention has been paid to detail, in order
to achieve the desired efficiency. However, efficiency must be achieved at no expense to the
space worthiness of the ADR.
In this paper we are going to present a brief account of the recent history of the
GSFC ADR development. We feel it is irnportant to future ADR development efforts to
pointout various technics used along with what worked and what did not.
The main components of an ADR are the salt pill and the heat switch. The salt pill
consists of the paramagnette salt crystal which provides the magnetic cooling, and the
thermal bus which provides thermal contact to the heat switch during magnetization, and to
the detector cold stage during 'low' temperature operation. The heat switch is used to
remove the heat generated in the salt during magnetization and transfer it to the dewar
cryogen. Once the salt is magnetized and its temperature drops near the bath temperature, the
heat switch is 'turned off thermally isolating the salt pill. For an ADR used to cool very
sensitive detectors in space, a very sturdy suspension is also necessary to protect it from
darnage during lift-off and to minimize microphonic input to the detectors.
As mentioned above, the development of the GSFC ADR started in the early 80's.
However, it was not until XRS became a viable AXAF experiment, that the ADR
development began in earnest. The frrst XRS ADR was built in 1988 to demoostrate the
feasibility of cooling the detectors in space. The salt pill was constructed by sandwiehing
3-mm thick salt crystal slabs and ribbons made with 150 Jliil copper wires. Both the crystal
slabs and the wire ribbons were thoroughly coated with lacquer. The reason for the coating
is to prevent water loss by the crystals, and to protect the copper wires against corrosion. A
cylindrical shape was formed and enclosed in a fiberglass shell. Apiezon J-oil was used to
fill the gaps and to provide better thermal contact between the salt and the thermal bus. Both
ends of the salt pill were sealed using fiberglass disks and Stycast6 2850-FT epoxy. The
wire bundle coming out of the salt pill was cold-welded by electroforrning to a copper plate
on which the modular heat switch was bolted. A gas gap heat switch is used for the XRS
ADR. Figure 1 shows a general schematic diagram of the type of heat switch employed in
the ADR. During the development phase, modularity was used whenever possible, to make
it easier to experiment with various designs. The heat switch employed in the frrst XRS
ADR differed from that shown in Figure 1 in that Stycast was used to attach the Vespel shell
to the two endplates. In the breadboard models the Vespel shell was bolted to the end plates
using indium 0-rings as vacuum seals. Bellville washers were used to maintain pressure on
the indium 0-rings and avoiding vacuum leaks after cooldown.
The frrst XRS ADR served its purposein that it showed that an ADR could be built
which could reach temperatures below 0.1 K and have a reasonable hold time. Yet it became
immediately obvious that considerable improvements were needed to achieve the goals of the
XRS ADR program. The method used to construct the salt pill resulted in the salt occupying
only -80 % of the available volume reducing the cooling power of the ADR. The thermal
contact between the salt and the thennal bus was not very good. This results in a long time
constant and not so fme temperature controlling. Also, the sealing of the salt pill was
questionable. The salt used, ferric ammonium sulfate, undergoes decomposition above
-39·c. Stycast is quite viscous at room temperature, so filling the space between wires in a
bundle of 4000 - 5000 wires is not easy. Less viscous epoxies may provide a better seal,
but their behavior at low temperatures must frrst be studied. Finally, when electroforming is
used to cold-weld the thennal bus wires to the heat switch interface plate, care must be taken
to clean the wire bundle between this plate and the salt pill very thoroughly. Solution from
the electroforming bath will cause corrosion to the copper wires if not cleaned completely.
The results obtained from that frrst XRS ADR pointed out to the need to make several
improvements. The best way to achieve a good thennal contact between the thermal bus
wires and the salt, is to grow the crystal around the wires. However, we were faced with the
fact that ferric ammonium sulfate is extremely corrosive to copper. When the 150-j..Lm copper
wires are placed in the 37"C salt solution they disintegrate in a few hours. Wemade several
wire strips, and gold-plated each with different film thicknesses, ranging from 7 j..lffi to 38
j..Lm, and kept them in warm salt solution for a week. We found that even the 25-j..lm gold
film did not provide 100% protection. Only the 38-j..Lm fllm did that. We proceeded to
construct a cylindrical wire harness, 62 mm in diarneter and 15 cm long, made up of a total
of 6080 wires. On the heat switch end the harness wires were fonned into a cylindrical
bundle -1.5 cm in diarneter and passed through a central hole in an 7-cm diarneter stainless
steel plate. This plate had eight 8-32 threaded studs attached to it protruding -2 cm toward
the heat switch side. The wires were folded and evenly spread around the plate. Silver
epoxy was liberally applied to the wires. A 3-mm copper heat switch interface plate, with a
hole pattem matehing the studs, was used to sandwich the silver epoxy and wires between it
and the stainless steel plate. Even pressure was applied, until the epoxy had cured, with a
12-mm thick stainless steel plate using 8-32 nuts. 90% of the wires were cut at the edge of
the stainless steel and copper plates. The remairring 10% were fonned into four 150-wire
bundles and wrapped around four copper rods which had been welded on the copper plate.
These 15-cm rods serve as the thennal bus to the calorimeter cold stage. The wire bundles
were cold-welded on the calorimeter thennal rods. The whole assembly was plated with 7
j..lm gold film. The wire harness, from the heat switch interface plate on, was then further
gold-plated to a total film thickness of 38 j..lm for protection against corrosion. The salt pill
thennal bus was then inserted into a fiberglass shell and sealed at the bottom with stycast.
Salt crystal was grown around the thennal bus to the desired length and the top was sealed
with a fiberglass end cap and stycast.
The thennal perfonnance of this salt pill was excellent, and in two years it has shown
no deterioration. One minor problern was that with this design, the two copper plates used to
connect thennally the salt pill to the heat switch generate considerable eddy current heating to
reduce the cooling power by 5-7%. This, however can be rninirnized by slotting the two
interface plates. Also, the indium used to provide better thennal contact between these two
plates, traps some magnetic flux further reducing the cooling power of the salt pill. Agairr
this effect can be minimized by using several narrow indium strips placed radially between
the two plates. The biggest disadvantage of this salt pill was its elevated weight and cost.
The extra gold-plating added -650 g to the weight of the salt pill. The extra weight requires a
much heftier suspension system which, in turn, adds to the overall weight of the ADR and
also results in slightly higher parasitic heat load into the salt pill due to the heavier suspension
cords that must be used. Of these two the increased weight is a serious problem, since XRS
is already under pressure to reduce its overall weight.
In an effort to reduce primarily the weight, but also the cost of the ADR, we
experimented using different wire for the thennal bus harness. Our tests showed that
triple-FORMVAR insulated copper wire was not attacked by the salt solution, even when
kept in a warm solution for a whole month. We, therefore, constructed a salt pill similar to
the above, but using FORMV AR insulated wire. The results were disappointing. Our tests
indicated poor thermal contact between the thennal bus and the salt. In order to assure
ourselves that we did not darnage the salt by accident, we melted the salt away and grew a
newsalt crystal using brandnewsalt solution. The results were the same. We, therefore,
concluded that FORMVAR-insulated wire does not make good thermal contact with the salt,
for unknown reasons. We also attempted to build a small salt pill with a thermal bus harness
made out of aluminum wire, since our tests had shown that aluminum was not attacked by
the salt solution. Our tests ofthat salt pill showed considerable trapping of magnetic field
lines. Under no circumstances were we able to lower the temperature o that ADR below
- 140 K. Unfortunately one of the two end cap ofthissalt pill was also aluminum.
Therefore, we do not know whether the flux trapping that caused these difficulties was
primarily in the wires, in the end cap, or in both. If time permits, we are planning to study
this further in the future.
The experiences presented above, in relation to wire harness thermal buses, Iead us to
the decision to Iook for alternative ways to construct the salt pill.The engineering model ADR
is presently under construction, so we have no data on it. A schematic diagram of the whole
ADR is shown in Figure 2. We now present abrief description of the basic features of this
design. The following considerations were very instrumental in arriving at this design.
Copper surfaces, be it cylindrical or flat, could be protected against corrosion with no more
that a 3.5 J.Ull film of gold platingwhich adds much less weight and cost to the salt pill.
Figure 3. Engineeringmodel Thermal Bus and Salt Pill Shell
Also, since ferric ammonium sulfate is a very good thermal conductor, especially when made
up of larger size crystals, this thermal bus design would be as effective, if not more so, than
the wire harness design in removing the heat from the salt during the magnetization phase.
The copper wafers shown in Figure 2 are 0,25 mm thick and are evenly spaced every 9 mm.
They are attached to the central cylindrical copper tube using pure indium solder. The tube is
slit along two diametrically opposite lines. After the wafers are soldered to the tube, they are
separated into two semicircles with a wire Electric Discharge Machine (EDM) so that the
indium attachment will not crack. This splitting accomplishes two things. It elirninates !arge
circular paths for electrons, thereby reducing significantly eddy current dissipation, and it
interrupts the indium rings so as to elirninate magnetic flux trapping. The salt pill end caps
are made out of stainless steel to rninimize eddy currents. Four copper rods 9 mm in
diameter and 16 cm long are press-fitted into four holes in the lower end cap and make up the
thermal bus to the calorimeter cold stage. On the salt end of the end caps these rods are
slotted and 1 cm wide, 0.5 mm thick copper strips are soldered into the slots. These strips
run the length of the salt and are soldered to each copper wafer of the heat switch thermal
bus. Figure 3 shows a photograph of the semiassembled thermal bus.
Also shown in Figure 3 is the fiber,glass shell that encloses the salt pill. This shell is
coated with -2000 Aof copper and 2000 A of stainless steel. The coatings serve two
purposes. They render the fiberglass impermeable to water,to protect the salt from
dehydration, and they provide a path for the heat in the shell to be transferred quickly to the
salt pill rather than slowly leaching into it. The lower end cap is threaded into the fiberglass
shell and sealed with stycast. Solution is then added and the crystal is grown in layers.
When the crystal has filled the space within the shell, the top end cap is threaded into the
shell, and is sealed with epoxy.
The breadboard model of the ADR was a modular design so it would facilitate the
development effort. Each component of the ADR could be redesigned completely, without
affecting the other parts. In the engineering model, some modularity was sacrificed in order
to solve some of the problems observed in the previous models. As mentioned earlier the
two copper plates interfacing the salt pill to the heat switch generated considerable eddy
current heating. Since the eddy current dissipation is proportional to the fourth power of the
radius, the eddy current Iosses can be minirnized by reducing the radius of the high electrical
conductivity metals used in the space where there is a high rate of change of the rnagnetic
field. An enlargement of the heat switch portion from Figure 2 is shown in Figure 4. The
two cylinders of the heat switch nearest the salt pill are welded directly on the copper tube at
the center of the thermal bus. This provides excellent thermallink between the thermal bus
and the heat switch, minirnizing,at the same time, cooling power Iosses due to eddy currents
and rnagnetic flux trapping. The heat switch cylinder - thermal bus tube combination is
threaded into the stainless steel end cap and sealed with stycast. A Vespei7 shell is used
both to contain the helium gas and to keep the interlaced heat switch cylinders from touching
each other. The nominal gap between cylinders is 0,25 mm. The shell is threaded to the
stainless steel end cap and sealed with stycast. On the other end the shell is threaded and
sealed to a brass adapter ring which is bolted to the dewar interface plate and sealed with an
indium 0-ring. The wall thickness ofthe Vespel shell is 1 mm. However, ribs have been
machined at regular intervals to add rigidity to the shell. Vespel, like a1l polymers, is
permeable to helium at room temperature. The permeation rate of- 5X10-6 standard cubic
centimeters per second (sccs), is excessive for a space bound ADR. Wehaveset a
requirement that the gas pressure should be reduced by no more than a factor of 2 when the
heat switch is under vacuum at room temperature for a period of six months. This means we
had to reduce the permeation rate to- 10-7 sccs. To accomplish this we wrap the Vespel
shell with 12-Jlßl thick stainless steel foil. The foil is adhered to the shell with very low
thermal conductivity epoxy and has an overlap of 6 mm. at the two ends of the shell stycast
is used instead. This procedure reduces the permeation rate to less than 5X1Q-8 sccs.
However, it contributes more than 3 J.I.W to the parasitic heat leak. We arestill experimenting
with trying to reduce the permeation rate by coating the Vespel through evaporation or
sputtering. The getter cup is silver brazed on the interface plate. Eight small holes at the
bottom of the cup, offset from eight holes in the interface plate, permit the helium gas to enter
the heat switch when the getter is heated. The getter, after baking, is mounted on the lid of
the cup which is bolted on the cup and sealed with indium. The getter cup assembly
operation is performed in a glove box containing helium gas.
As mentioned earlier, an important component of a space bound ADR is the suspension
system. The system used to suspend the salt pill is shown in Figure 2. Two titanium rings
on either side of the salt pill are kept apart by a titanium cylindrical shell 7.5 mm in diameter
with a wall thickness of 0.75 mm. Each ring is 1.5 cm from the respective end of the salt
pill. Loops made with 445 N test KevlarS cord are hooked on notched bolts screwed into the
stainless steel end caps, pass through holes at lower surface of the suspension rings and then
attached to tensioning bolts. A stack of six Bellville washers, arranged back-to-back for
maximum travel, is used between the tensioning nuts and the ring surface, so tension can be
maintained at low temperatures. There are eight suspension loops at each end of the salt pill,
each at a 45" angle with the end cap surface. Each loop is tensioned to -200 N, Which is the
force needed to flatten the Bellville washers. The tensioning is done gradually so as not to
darnage the heat switch. For this ADR the suspension system serves an additional purpose.
In order to increase the hold time and, therefore, the efficiency of the ADR we extended the
length of the heat switch. The length of the heat switch shell has been doubled to 9 mm
reducing the parasitic heat leak from 11 to 5.5 j.LW. This, of course, has marle it much more
difficult to keep the heat switch cylinders from shorting especially when the ADR is cooled to
Stainless Steel
LHe temperatures. During the suspension procedure an ohmmeter is used to indicate
whether the two ends of the heat switch are shorted , or near shorted. Experience has shown
that, once the suspension is done correctly and the suspension cords, including the ones at
the calorimeter cold stage, are fully tensioned, there is no shorting, even after several thermal
cycles of the dewar.
Finally, we must mention that for space experiments single point failures must be
avoided. A redundant heat switch has therefore been baselined into the ADR design. At
present, we are considering using another gas gap heat switch for redundancy. This,
however, will almostdouble the parasitic heat leak. We are planning to experiment with a
mechanical heat switch. Since, however, a mechanical heat switch, when it fails, it usually
fails closed, no decision will be made to use such a switch unless we can prove total
reliability of the design. As shown in Figures 2 and 3 a copper plug will be used to connect
the salt pill thermal bus to the redundant heat switch. This plug is welded to the thermal bus
tube and is screwed into the stainless steel end cap. In fact, this end cap, is screwed
simultaneously to this plug and the fiberglass salt pill sleeve when the growth of the crystal is
As mentioned earlier the engineering model ADR is currently under construction.
However, a half-sized salt pill with full-sized heat switch has been built and tested with very
good results. We are planning to continue trying to improve the XRS ADR performance.
However, we feel that we already have a sound design. Both the wire harness thermal bus,
and the engiDeering model designs produced ADR's that surpassed the original requirements.
Thorough testing of both designs will continue until we are sure that the flight model will be
the most efficient and reliable ADR we can use on the XRS.
The Goddard Space Flight Center has studied magnetic shielding for an adiabatic
demagnetization refrigerator. Four types of shielding were studied: active coils, passive
ferromagnetic shells, passive superconducting coils, and passive superconducting shells.
The passive superconducting shells failed by allowing flux penetration. The other three
methods were successful, singly or together.
In active shielding, shield coils cancel the fringing field of the main coil. In the
magnets we used, the shield coils were wound in series with the main coils. Active shielding
is relatively light weight, compared to ferromagnetic shielding.. Unfortunately, active
shields slightly reduce the magnet's central field. Also, active shielding may require a
complicated design to reduce the fringing fields as desired. For example, an actively
shielded magnet procured by GSFC has six shield coil sections.
That magnet is one of two actively shielded magnets built for GSFC by
Cryomagnetics, lnc. The magnets come close to meeting AXAF EMI requirements. When
the central field is 1.9 tesla, the maximum field at a radius of 60 cm is 0.1 millitesla.
We tested two slightly different passive superconducting lead shields. Both were
tested on an actively shielded magnets. Both shields consisted of lead foil tape on an
alumirrum support. The tape was 3M Co. type 422, composition 95.5% Pb, balance Sb and
Sn. 3 Seams were made with conventionallead-tin solder. In both shields, the leadtapewas
placed on a cylinder around the magnet. In the original shield, the ends were partly closed
by endcaps with holes in the centers. The second shield had no endcaps.
We do not know why the field penetrated the shields. The unshielded field at the
shield location was below the critical field of lead at the operating temperature. Impurities
alter critical fields4. Perhaps impurities lowered the critical field of our lead foil. Muething et
ai2, found that the supercurrent peaked at the ends of their superconducting shields. Perhaps
the current at the ends of our shields exceeded the critical current.
The other problern , which we measured only with the original shield, is that leakage
flux was concentrated in the endcap holes. We detected this problern by measuring the on
axis field at the outside end of the magnet mandrel. This fringing field decreased when flux
penetrated the shield. In fact, removing the shield reduced the on axis fringing field.
0 5 CM
SCALE - I-- - r- Z=O
Our shield consists of four nesting cylinders, used separately or together. The
smallest cylinder has an outer diameter of 15.2 cm. The largest has an outer diameter of 16.4
cm. The cylinders were made by rolling and welding sheet silicon iron, .157 cm thick. The
cylinders have endcaps at both ends, of the same thickness. The center of each endcap is
pierced by a 3.8 cm diameter hole. The bottom endcaps are welded to the cylinders, while
the top endcaps are bolted to the magnet support rods. Thus the top endcaps are not as
tightly joined to the cylinders as the bottom endcaps are. In one test we detected flux
escaping from the joint at the top of the shield. After preliminary shielding tests, the shields
were heat treated to match the samples measured by Ackermannetal (two hours at 843 C,
furnace cool).
The magnetic field was measured with cryogenic Hall effect sensors. A Lake Shore
Cryotronics model LGHA-321 sensor measured the field on the magnet axis. An F.W. Bell
model BHT-921 sensor measure the fringing field outside the shield, along a line parallel to
the magnet axis but 10 cm from the axis. Both sensors measured the field component
parallel to the magnet axis, which was chosen as the z-axis.
On Axls Fleld:
Frlnglng Fleld: B vs. Dlstance along Axls
Bz vs. Dlstance above Mldplene
I ...• I~
oo~-------------------------, 700
4 Jayer shleld
unshlelded 2 layer shleld
o Ooo 2 Jayer shleld 600
4 Jayer shleld
40 0 0
.. ..
0 500
11 " o 0 o • 11
Ui 0 0 A 0
! A A A 0 ~
400 • 0 A II
e 300
20 ,.o
111 ai A
A A 0
.' ...
0 • • •
. . .o. f • • 200
0 0 A A
OoO 0 0
•10 0 10 - 10 0 10
Z (Distence abova Mldplane), cm Z (Distance along Axls), cm
Figure 2. Measured fringing field profile Figure 3. Measured on axis field profile with
comparing shielded and and without shielding.
unshielded. ·
Shielding improved the homogeneity of the field. Forthis apparatus, the increase was small,
but shielding can improve homogeneity by an order of magnitude.B
Saturation and calculation. Figure 4 shows how the fringing field at z=O varies with
current. Flux penetrates the two layer shield at about 2 amperes and the four layer shield at
about 4 amperes. The shield thickness was chosen with the help of a simple saturation
approximation. The approximation greatly underestimated the required thickness, but the
shield met its goals, thanks to a large safety factor. The approximation assumes that all the
flux from the magnet connects through the shield, with no flux leak:age--assuming, in other
words, that the magnet and shield form a perfect magnetic circuit. To approximate the
required thickness, set the flux from the magnet equal to the cross sectional area of the shield
times the saturation induction of the shield material, then solve for the shield thickness.
,.; 15 ~ 15
10 • 10
• 5
0 c c • • 0 1111 1111
Frlnglng Fleld: On Axls Fleld:
Bz vs. Dlstance above Midplane Bz vs. Dlstance along Axls
Comparlng Measured and Calculated Values Comparlng Measured and Celculated Values
Two Layer Shleld Two Layer Shleld
.. •••
I o measured I 500 I
calculated I
[] []
4 ~
20 4 4
0 0
-.; 400
i 300
,.; ,.;
0 0
• 4
4 ~ 4
-10+----~----~---~----~----1 o+----~----~---~----~~~
- 10 -5 0 5 10 15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Z (Distance above Mldplane), cm Z (Distance along Axls), cm
Figure 6. Fringing field profile, with Figme 7. On axis field profile, with
shielding, comparing measured shielding, comparing measured
and calculated values. and calculated values
This approximation underestimates the shield thickness needed for our shield shape.
For example, the two inner silicon iron shields have an average diameter of 15.24 cm and a
combined wall thickness of .314 cm. At Saturation induction of 1.79 tesla,7 total flux
through the shields would be 2.69 milliweber. Total flux produced by the magnet at 4
amperes is approximately 2.7 milliweber. (This magnet flux was approximated from the
measured on-axis field and the calculated off-axis field.) This shielding approximation
implies that the shield saturates at a magnet current of 4 amperes. However, flux penetrates
for currents above 2 amperes. Sirnilarly, the approximation suggests that the four layer
shield saturates at 8 A, while flux penetrates above 4 A. Thus, while this approximation may
be useful for quick calculations, it should be treated as only a rough approximation.
Poisson. The Poisson Group programs are a series of magnetic and electric field
calculation programs available from the Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group of the Los
Alamos National Laboratory. We used the program Poisson, but not Pandira, the group's
other magnetic field calculation program. Figure 5 compares calculated and measured
fringing fields outside a two layer shield for various magnet currents. Clearly, Poisson is
much more accurate than the simple saturation approximation. Figures 6 and 7 compare
measured and calculated field values for the two layer shield for a magnet current of 5
amperes. Agreement is close, but not exact. Figures 8 and 9 show field profiles at the same
locations for the magnet without shielding. Although the agreement on axis is good, the
measured fringing field profile differs from the calculated profile. The magnitude of the field
maximum is shifted by 2 1/2 rnillitesla, and the position is shifted by about 1/2 cm.
There are a number of possible explanations for the differences between the
measurements and the calculations. First, the computer model of the magnet differs from the
real magnet. The comptlter model has perfect rnidplane symmetry. The real magnet must be
approximately symmetric, because it meets central field homogeneity specifications. Figure
8, however, shows that the fringing field is slightly asymmetric. This observed asymmetry
could easily be produced by winding errors too small to have a noticeable effect on the
central field.l4 When the magnetwas built, no one foresaw this shielding study, hence no
one measured the winding errors.
Second, Poisson requires boundary conditions for the field. Poorly chosen
boundaries distort the field. For example, Figures 8 and 9 were calculated with the
boundaries set more than 50 cm from the magnet. (Magnet coil size is 6.6 cm outer radius, 9
cm length.) The calculated field at z=O and r=10 cm is 53 rnillitesla, close to the measured
value of 49 rnillitesla. Confining the calculated field within 10 cm x 10 cm boundaries
distorts the field lines, raising the calculated field to 176 millitesla. Does the user need to
know the field before using Poisson to calculate it? Not exactly. But the user needs tobe
familiar with the physics of the problem. The user can gain a feel for the problern by using
Tekplot, a Poisson Group program, which plots a two dimensional picture of the field lines.
Applying Tekplot to the AMImagnetshows that the 10 cm x 10 cm boundary confined the
field lines close to the magnet in a most unphysical way.
Third,.the silicon iron hysteresis curve used with Poisson involved some guesswork
(and thus some error.) The curve of Ackermannet ai8 was used below their maximum value
of 1.7 T. For high fields, beyond Saturation, the curve approaches a straight line, whose
slope is given by
For high fields, and for intermediate fields near saturation, the Poisson's internal hysteresis
curve for iron was used. The two hysteresis curves are close each other at the splice. We
feel that the combined curve is a reasonable approximation, in the absence of actual data
above 1.7 Tesla.
The final type of shielding which this paper discusses is passive superconducting coil
shielding. One advantage of passive superconducting coils is their low weight. Another
advantageisthat the passive coils adjust their currents automatically, and that resulting
currents tend to cancel the dipole moment of the applied field. Cancelling the dipole moment
is an an advantage because the dipole moment is the most slowly varying component. The
main disadvantage of passive coils is the complexity of their thermal switches. A smaller
disadvantage is that passive shield coils slightly decrease the central field. In one test,
passive coils lowered the central field by about 1 %. In this study, passive shield coils were
used only in combination with ferromagnetic shields. To make a passive shield coil, single
core NbTi superconducting wire was coiled around a ferromagnetic shield. The ends of the
wire were welded together, forming a continuous superconducting loop.
Flux which leaks from the ferromagnetic shield induces a current in the passive coil.
The induced current produces a magnetic field which opposes the original applied flux. The
current continues to flow as long as the coil remains superconducting. lf the applied flux is
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 0~-~----~--~--~
-10 -5 0 5 10 15
Z (Distence ebova Mldplene), cm Z (Distence elong Axls), cm
Figure 8. Fringing field profile for Figure 9. On axis field profile for unshielded
unshielded magnet, comparing magnet, comparing measured and
measured and calculated values. calculated values
Frlnglng Fleld: Frlnglng Fleld:
Bz vs. Magnet Current Bz vs. Dlstanca abova Mldplana
Comparlng Passive Colls Operating Comperlng Paslive Colls Oparating
end Deactlvated and Deactlvatad
IAo passive colls deactlvated
passive colls operatlng
I 0
6 0
2 ················o···················································-·················
• •
üi 0
Vi 0
4 ~ A A
~ 0
i A A
.; 2 ID
0 -2 .........•...........................•................•.................................
0 A
0 A A A A passive colls deactivated
passive colls operatlng
-2 -4
0 2 4 6 8 - 10 -5 0 5 10 15
Magnat Currant, Amperes Z (Distanca abova Mldplena), cm
Figure 10. Fringing field as a function of Figure 11. Fringing field profiles, showing
magnet current, showing shielding effect of passive coils.
shielding effect of passive coils.
high enough, the induced current exceeds the wire's critical current limit. The wire
transitions to normal, and the current decays. When the applied field is dropped back to
zero, the coils again oppose the change, "freezing" in some of the flux. This "frozen" flux
can be elirninated by heating the wire above its superconducting-normal transition
temperature. In our apparatus, the shield coil was irnmersed in the liquid helium bath that
cooled the superconducting magnet. Instead of heating the entire wire, we heated only a
section that was thermally isolated by a thermal switch. We used two successful thermal
switch designs. One was an aluminum cylinder, sealed by indium 0-rings and epoxy. The
other, and more successful, was a block of plastic with a hole drilled into it. The wire and
heater were inserted into the hole, which was then stuffed with Teflon tape.
Figures 10 and 11 show the effect of passive superconducting coils wound on a two
layer silicon iron shield. The figure compares the fringing field with the coils
superconducting and with the coils deactivated by heating the thermal switch. Clearly, the
passive coils shield effectively. However, the shield coils lost superconductivity at fields
lower than expected. It is possible that the weid joint had a lower critical current than the rest
of the wire and thus triggered the loss of superconductivity.
We have identified three types of magnetic shielding useful at cryogenic temperatures:
active coils, passive superconducting coils, and passive ferromagnetic shells. These
methods can be used separately or together. For example, a study with Poisson suggests
that a lightweight (2 kg) silicon iron shield could bring our present actively shielded magnet
within AXAF EMI specifications. The magnet alone is 14 kg.
All three types of shielding were combined when an actively shielded magnet built by
Cryomagnetics was placed inside a 6.3 kg ferromagnetic shield, made of Netic, an alloy
developed by Magnetic Shield Corporation. Around the ferromagnetic shield were wound
passive superconducting coils. When the central field of the magnet was 1. 9 tesla, the field
on the magnet midplane at 30 cm from the magnetcenterwas less than 0.05 millitesla (0.5
Gauss). With the passive coils disabled, the axial field was 0.2 millitesla. With the
ferromagnetic shield and passive coils removed, the field was greater than 0.4 millitesla.
Thus, these three types of shielding can be used separately or together.
A 2 K He li gap heat switch has been developed as part of a 2-10 K adiabatic
demagnetization refrigerator. Tests have been conducted on a prototype of the 2 K heat switch
to characterize its performance. The prototype heat switch consists of a brass cylindricalload
with an axial-blind-hole drilled through its center. A tube containing He li is placed inside the
hole and maintains a 0.018 cm-wide gap with the brass load. In the on-mode of the heat
switch the gap is filled with He li andin its off-mode the gap is emptied This is accomplished
with an activated carbon pump. With 0.1 mW applied to the load the on/off conductance ratio
of the prototype heat switch is roughly 2500. For the switch to fully turn on, it takes about
three minutes; however, its off-time is on the order of six minutes.
Several future astrophysics missions planned by NASA, such as the Large Deployable
Reflector (LDR), require a 2 K cryocooler. Work is on-going at NASA- Ames Research
Center to develop an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR) which would operate
between 2 K and 10 K and would provide 0.1 W of cooling at 2 K.1 The ADR would be
employed as the last stage of a multistage cryocooler to achieve 2 K cooling. In the design of
the ADR no moving components have been employed to increase reliability. The magnetic
material selected for operating in the 2-10 K temperature range is Gadolinium Gallium Gamet
(GGG). During part of the ADR cycle thermal contact has to be made between the GGG and
the 2 K heat source. A He II gap heat switch has been developed to accomplish this task.
The concept of a He li gap heat switch has been previously tested.2 The 2 K He li gap
heat switch developed for the 2-10 K ADR is designed for placement inside the paramagnetic
refrigerant. The heat switch, shown schematically in Fig. 1, is made up of several He li tubes
which are placed in axial-blind-holes in the GGG, maintaining a small gap with the GGG. The
He II tubes, which contain He II throughout the refrigeration cycle, are connected to the 2 K
heat source. When the gaps are filled with He ll, thermal contact between the GGG and the He
II tubes is made. The GGG and the heat source are isolated from one another when the gaps
are emptied.
SS tube
Fig. 1 Schematic of the 2 K He II heat switch as placed in the GGG.
The He II, which in the on-mode, provides the main heat transfer path between the heat
source and the GGG is divided up into two volumes, i.e., the He II tubes and the He II gaps.
This is to reduce the amount of helium gas that has to be condensed and evaporated during
each refrigeration cycle. To reduce the thermal conductance of the heat switch in the off-mode,
stainless steel extension tubes are used to seal the gaps. These tubes are bonded to both the
GGG and the He II tubes, as illustrated in Fig. 1.
The supply andremoval of helium to and from the gaps are accomplished by an activated
carbon pump (ACP). The ACP adsorbs the helium gas when it is cooled and desorbs the gas
when it is heated. To characterize the performance of the ACP, tests are being conducted on
various activated carbon rnaterials which are commercially available.3
The performance of the 2 K He li heat switch is analyzed by testing its prototype. The
prototype, shown schematically in Fig. 2, consists of a brass cylinder (load) with an axial-
blind-hole drilled through its center. A stainless steel He li tube plugged at one end, is inserted
into the hole. A gap is maintained between the He II tube and the brass load. The thermallink
between the He II tube and the brass load is made by a stainless steel extension tube which
slips over the He II tube as shown in Fig. 2. For the gap width to be uniform the inner
diameter of the extension tube is selected to be the same size as the diameter oftheblind-hole
in the brass load. To seal the gap, one end of the SS tube is soldered to the brass load and its
other end is soldered to the He II tube.
An activated carbon pump (ACP) is connected to the He li gap by use of a stainless steel
pump-out tube. The amount of activated carbon glued to the inner surface of the ACP is 2 g.
The activated carbon used in the ACP is courtesy of Barnebey-Cheney (type PE). A thermal
link is made, between the ACP and the He II bath, by a brass rod to conduct the heat of
Five carbon resistance thermometers monitor the temperature of the heat switch
assembly at different locations. The thermometers Tl and T2 are placed at either ends of the
He II bath
Carbon Pump
brass load. T3 is located where the He li tube and the SS extension tube are joined.
Thermometers T4 and T5 are positioned on the pump-out tube and the ACP, respectively.
Manganin-wire heaters are wound around the brass load and the ACP to control their
temperatures. The heat switch assembly is put inside a vacuum can. The He II tube is open to
the He li bath through a hole in the top flange of the vacuum can.
Results of the tests performed on a 2 K heat switch prototype with a gap size of 0.009
cm were presented in an earlier report.4 The on and off conductances ofthat heat switch
prototype were found to be close to the theoretical predictions and met the requirements of the
ADR. However, the off-switching time of the heat switch was longer than twenty five
minutes. To reduce its off-time the inner diameter of the pump-out tube was made larger and
its length was shortened. This change had no significant impact on the off-time of the switch.
It was concluded that the small gap size was the main reason for the slow off-time of the heat
A second prototype heat switch was constructed having a gap size of 0.018 cm. In order
to compare the off-time of the two heat switch prototypes the gap volume of the second
prototype was made equal to that of the frrst prototype heat switch. The second prototype heat
switch has a 4.13 cm-long brass load. The inner diameter of the blind-hole is 0.251 cm;
whereas, the outer diameter of the He II tube is 0.216 cm. The SS extension tube is 2.0 cm
long and has a wall thickness of 0.025 cm.
At 2 K the off-conductance of the heat switch is tested having no helium gas present in
the heat switch assembly. The off-conductance values obtained in the test are close to the
conductance of stainless steel in this temperature range. This is an indication that there is no
significant thermal contact between the brass load and the He II tube, except through the SS
extension tube.
The heat switch assembly is then charged with helium gas to 5 atm and tested for its on-
conductance at 2 K. The on-conductance of the heat switch is obtained for different values of
power applied to the brass load. In the on-mode, the ACP heater is first tumed on. When the
temperature of the ACP reaches 29 K, sufficient amount of helium is desorbed to initiate
condensation in the gap. With the switch in the on-mode, the power applied to the load is
increased and the change in the temperature of thermometer Tl, above the bath temperature, is
monitored. In Fig. 3, this temperature change is plotted as a function of the power applied to
the load, for both the on-mode and the off-mode of the heat switch. The ratio of these two
temperature changes, for any given power, represents the on/off conductance ratio of the heat
switch at that power. This ratio is about 3000 at 0.07 mW and goes down to about 1000 at 0.6
The on-conductance of the heat switch when it is filled with helium gas is also plotted in
Fig. 3. For this case the conduction across the gap takes place in the continuum regime. The
on-conductance of the heat switch when filled with He II is about ten tirnes higher than its on-
conductance when it is filled with gaseous helium.
To test the on and off switching times of the heat switch, several transient tests were
conducted while monitoring the traces of all five thermometers. In these tests a set power is
applied to the brass load. When the load temperature reaches a desired value the ACP heater is
tumed on. As soon as the ACP starts to desorb the helium, the temperature of the load begins
to decrease. Initially, the heat transfer across the gap is in the free-molecular regime. Once the
ACP temperature reaches about 17 K, the load temperature decreases quite sharply. From this
point on heat transfer across the gap is by the gas in the continuum regime. No further change
in the temperature of the load is observed untilliquid begins to condense in the gap. This
occurs at an ACP temperature of about 29 K. At this point both thermometers on the load ,Tl
and T2, indicate a decrease in the load temperature which is the result of liquid condensing in
the gap. Furthermore, the temperatures of thermometers T3 and T4 start increasing. This is
caused by the heat of condensation given off by the condensing helium gas.
After the gap is filled with liquid, the ACP heater is tumed off and the helium is removed
from the gap. This results in the evaporative cooling of the load and as a result its temperature
is reduced to below the bath temperature. When the pump temperature reaches about 17 K the
load temperature starts rising. This rise continues until the load temperature reaches the value it
had reached just before the ACP heater was tumed on. From the temperature traces of the load
thermometers an on-time and an off-time can be estirnated for the heat switch.
The temperature traces of all five thermometers are shown for two different load powers
in Figs. 4 and 5. In Fig. 4, the loadpower is 0.08 mW; whereas, in Fig. 5 it is 3.0 mW. The
time at which the different events in the tests take place are represented, in the bottom graph of
each figure, by alphabeticalletters. At time a power is applied to the load. At time b, large
35 ~--~-----r----~--~ 35 r-~r-~--~--~--T-~
30 30
25 25
g 20 g 20
f!; 15 ~ 15
lO lO
5 5
3.85 3.85
g g 3.2
2.55 2.55
1.9 F===~-~~=+====1
2.2 2.15
g 2.1
C') 2.1 p
E-< 2.05
g 3.5 g 7.5
~ 3
2.5 4.25
1.5 1-----f---+---4---~
4.5 12
4 10
g 3.5 g 8
E-< 3 6
2.5 4
2 2
a b c a
0 L..---L----1'-------'----L-~---~
450 900 1350 1800 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 4 Temperature traces of Fig. 5 Temperature traces of
thermometers Tl - T5 when thermometers Tl - T5 when
0.08 mW is applied to the 3.0 mW is applied to the load.
temperature drops are noted on the traces of thermometers Tl and T2. At this point T5 is at
about 17 K. Letter c denotes the time at which the liquid condenses in the gap thereby
reducing the Ioad temperature. At d the ACP heater is turned off which results in the
evaporative cooling of the Ioad, noted by a decrease in the temperatures of thermometers Tl
and T2. The time when the temperature of the Ioad starts to increase once again is shown by
the Ietter e.
Some of the events occuring during the on and off cycles of the heat switch prototype
are as follows. First, at time c when the liquid condenses in the gap, the temperature of
thermometers T3 and T4 start rising. This is due to the latent heat of condensation as the
helium begins to condense in the gap. If all the helium in the heat switch assembly were to
condense at 2 K, the heat load on the He li tube would be about 0.18 J. However, when the
helium gas is pumped out of the gap, starting at time d, the heat switch is cooled down by the
evaporating liquid helium. In this event the temperatures of thermometers Tl and T2 decrease
by about 0.2 K below the bath temperature.
Second, with 0.08 mW on the load, at time b both Tl and T2 reach steady state.
However, when 3 mW is applied to the load, at time b, Tl reaches a steady value but T2
continues to decrease. This indicates the gradual filling of the gap as the ACP temperature goes
above 29 K. At a higher heat flux more gas has to be condensed in the gap to reduce the
temperature of the thermometer T2. The heat load on the heat switch from the time the ACP is
turned on until the time it reaches 29 K is estimated tobe less than 0.7 J. In the actual ADR
system the gas desorbed by the ACP will first be cooled by a 10 K cryocooler to reduce the
heat load on the ADR.
Finally, a short while aftertime d, when most of the helium has been pumped out of the
gap and adsorbed by the ACP, a small temperature rise is noted by the thermometers T3 and
T4. This is due to the heat of adsorption being released by the activated carbon and conducted
into the heat switch by the gas remaining in the heat switch. In the ADR this heat will also be
intercepted by the 10 K cryocooler.
From Figs. 4 and 5 an on-time can be estimated for the heat switch. It takes about half a
minute for the gap to be filled with enough helium gas to conduct in the continuum regime. It
then takes another two and one half minutes for the condensation to take place in the gap, i.e.,
time b to time c. This time can be shortened by heating up the ACP at a faster rate.
It takesmoretime for the prototype heat switch to fully turn off. After the ACP heater is
turned off, it takes approximately two minutes for the ACP to go below 17 K. This time can
be reduced by a double stage ACP, delineated in Ref. 1. By the time the ACP temperature is
below 17 K it has pumped out most of the gas from the gap. However, there is enough gas
left in the gap to conduct in the free-molecular regime. The timethat it takes for the remainder
of the gas to be pumped out is estimated based on how fast the brass load reaches the
temperature it had when the ACP heater was turned on. This time is on the order of three to
four minutes depending on the power applied to the load.
The effect of the size of the pump-out tube on the off-time of the heat switch has also
been tested. Initially, the pump-out tube was 20 cm long with an inside diameter of 0.07 cm.
The off-time of the heat switch in that arrangement was Ionger than ten minutes. This time has
been reduced by nearly a factor of two after replacing the pump-out tube with a 10 cm-long
tube, having an inner diameter of 0.14 cm.
The 2 K heat switch prototype with a gap size of 0.018 cm has an on/off conductance
ratio that is close to the prdicted values. This ratio varies from about 1000 to 3000 as the input
power is reduced from 0.6 mW to 0.07 mW. The on-time of the heat switch is on the order of
three minutes. This time can be reduced by heating up the ACP at a faster rate. The off-time of
the heat switch is on the order of six minutes. The ACP can be designed to pump out most of
the gas present in less than one minute. However, the switch continues to conduct for an
additional four minutes due to a small fraction of the gas remaining in the gap.
It is conceivable that the helium gas remaining in the gap gets adsorbed on the surface of
the He II tube which is at 2 K. This would make it hard for the ACP to remove the remaining
helium from the gap. A simple He II gap heat switch has been constructed which minimizes
the 2 K cold surface. The off-time of this heat switch should give an indication as to how
significant is the adsorption of the helium on the cold surface of the He II heat switch.
The off-time of the prototype heat switch has been shown to be a function of the size of
the pump-out tube as well as the gap size; though, it appears that it is mostly dependent on the
gap size. Increasing the width of the gap from 0.009 cm to 0.018 cm has reduced the off-time
The on/off conductance ratio ofthe 2 K heat switch is sufficient for the 2-10 K ADR. Its
switching times need to be reduced further in order to meet the timing requirements of the
1. B. P. M. Helvensteijn and A. Kashani, Conceptual Design of a 0.1 W Magnetic
Refrigerator for Operation Between 10 K and 2 K, in "Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering," Vol. 35B Plenum Press, New York (1989), p. 1115.
2. J. P. Torre and G. Chanin, A Heat Switch for Liquid Helium Temperatures, Rev. Sei.
Inst., 55:213 (1984).
3. B. P. M. Helvensteijn, A. Kashani and R. A. Wilcox, Activated Carbon Test Assembly,
in: "Proc. Sixth Intl. Cryocooler Conf.," (1990) p. 103.
4. A. Kashani, B. P. M. Helvensteijn and R. A. Wilcox, Development of a 2 K He II Gap
Heat Switch, in: "Proc. Sixth Intl. Cryocooler Conf.," (1990) p. 355.
PatR. Roach
Space Projects Division
1\U\51\Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, California
Wehave designed and tested a compact heat switch that has a simple design
and a very !arge ON/OFF ratio. The design uses concentric cylinders of copper
that can be fabricated with higher precision and with thinner web thickness than
other designs. It is assembled with a technique that carefully controls the narrow
gap between adjacent segments. These features allow a very large surface area for
conduction to be fitted into a small volume. The conduction medium is liquid or
gaseous 3He which is put into or taken out of the switch by a small nearby
charcoal pump in order to avoid an external mechanical pump and a long pump
Measurements of its performancedown to 1 K show an ON/OFF conduction
ratio of -4000.
We have been developing a 3He-4He dilution refrigerator for space
applicationsl that will require the use of heat switches to couple and uncouple
various chambers from the system heat sink and from each other. In order to
maintain the advantages of no moving parts and of operation by charcoal pumps
which the dilution refrigerator exhibits, we want to have a heat switch which uses
gaseous or liquid helium as a thermal conduction medium that is pumped out by a
charcoal pump when isolation between the two halves of the switch is needed.
For these tests liquid and gaseous 3He was used as the conduction medium.
We felt that the higher vapor pressure of 3He at 1 K would make it faster to pump
out of the switch than 4He. In addition, we wanted to evaluate the suitability of
3He gas in anticipation of needing a switch to operate at 0.4 K where 4He has too
low a vapor pressure to be used.
For our purposes it is necessary for the switch to be very compact and to have
a large ON/OFF ratio. In addition, it is necessary for the OFF conduction tobe
very small. Because 3He is not a very good thermal conductor, it is necessary to
Stainless Steel
Housing (50 IJ.m thick)
Flll Line
copper cylinders is 0.07 cm and their inner diameters are chosen to match standard
reamer sizes with 1/16 inch increments. In this way the inner surfaces can be
accurately reamed and the outer surfaces can be accurately turned on a lathe to
achieve the precision needed to produce the close gap between cylinders that is
desired when the cylinders are assembled.
The copper cylinders are silver soldered into shallow grooves in the copper
end pieces. During this operation and also during the final assembly of the two
halves of the switch the alignment of the parts is controlled by temporarily
inserting a number of 0.01 cm diameter wires into the gaps between cylinders
through small holes in the end caps; the holes in the top cap are later sealed with
epoxy and the holes in the bottom cap become the access holes for helium to flow
into and out of the gap spaces. These details are shown in a cross section view of
the switch in Fig. 2.
When the helium is pumped out of the switch the only thermal path between
the two ends is through the outer housing. Therefore, the housing was made from
stainless steel and its wall thickness was madeasthin as possible. We were able to
make this only 50 IJ.m thick by putting a thick-walled stainless steel tube of the
correct inner diameter onto a tightly-fitting aluminum mandrei and then turning
down the excess thickness on a lathe.
The switch was tested down to 1 K by mounting it on a 4He pot that could be
cooled to 0.9 K with no load on it. Pumping of the helium in the switch was
provided by a large charcoal pump designed for other purposes. It was connected
to the switch by a long pumping tube required in order to expedite the switch
evaluation. These circumstances meant that it took quite a long time to pump the
helium out of the switch and that no meaningful conclusion could be drawn about
the cycling speed of the switch.
Because this switch has a small thermal resistance in the ON state, it is
necessary to be very careful in setting up the measurement in order to be sure that
extraneous thermal resistances outside the switch aren't included in the switch
measurement. In particular, it was observed in preliminary measurements that
the thermal resistances of the bolted joints that connected the switch to the 4He pot
on one end and to a heater on the other end were almost as big as the thermal
resistance of the switch itself in the ON state. For this reason the thermometers
measuring the temperature drop across the switch were mounted directly on the
end caps of the switch, not on the 4He pot or the heater.
Measurements were made at 77 K, 4.2 K, 2.0 K, and 1.0 K. Conduction of the
switch with 3He gas was measured at all temperatures and with 3He liquid in the
switch at 2.0 K and 1.0 K. It was observed that the temperature of the switch
increased as the applied power went up due to a warm-up of the 4He pot. Similar
effects occur at all our measuring temperatures but were most apparent at 1 K.
One effect of this warm-up is shown in Fig. 3. Because the temperature of the
switch is changing as power is applied, AT is no Ionger a linear function of Q. It is
easy to show that if the thermal conductivity of a material is proportional to T,
K(T)=kT (as is nearly true in this case), then the expression for heat flow across a
large temperature difference is:
. kA
Q = -(T22 -Tl) 2 (1)
where T2 and T1 are the temperatures at the ends of the heat flow, A is the area of
the heat flow path and L is the length of the path. Figure 4 shows the good
agreement of the data with the form of Eq. 1. The slope of the straight line is the
factor 2L/kA, so that the conductance of the switch, K(T}A/L, is just 2T I (slope).
The ON conductance of the switch, JC3Ag/Lg, is then 4.37 x 10-2 •T W /K, where 1C3
is the 3He gas conductivity, Ag is the surface area and Lg is the length of the gas
gap (Ag/Lg = 20.7 m for our switch).
g 0.06
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Q (mW)
0.25 +----,--+---r--t--.---i---.----+--.--+-..----t-
T:1 K
ON Conductlon (Gas)
s . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . r. . . . . . . . . . .T'. ..
,_! 0.15 ·············1,,.....................1,,··················
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Q (mW)
At 77 K our calibrated germanium resistance thermometers are rather
insensitive so we obtained only one measurement of the ON state at the maximum
power we could safely apply, 100 mW. This produced a temperature difference of
0.15 K across the switch while causing the temperature to drift up at a rate of 0.06
K/min. We don't feel that this data point is more accurate than ±10%.
By applying pressures greater than 1.2 kPa at 1 K and greater than 20 kPa at 2
K, liquid 3He could be condensed into the switch. The effect of the condensing
helium could clearly be seen as a large load on the 4He pot. We could be sure
when the switch was full by noting when the 3He pressure stayed constant at a
value much greater than the vapor pressure for that temperature, indicating that
both the switch and the filling line beyond the 4He pot were filled with liquid.
Interestingly, the conduction of the switch with liquid was only slightly greater
than that with gas. The time needed to remove the liquid was much longer,
Figure 5 summarizes the measurements at all the temperatures for which we
have data. Between 1 and 2 K the ratio of ON and OFF conductions are ~3600 for
the gas and ~4300 for the liquid. The OFF conductions are just what we would
expect for typical conductivities of our thin-wall stainless steel housing. At higher
temperatures the ON /OFF ratio is not as good because the 3He gas conductivity
does not go up as fast with temperature as the stainless steel conductivity.
The thermal conductivity of both 3He liquid and gas as derived from
our measurements are shown in Fig. 6. For comparison are shown previous
10 100
Fig. 5. Conduction of heat switch in OFFmode andin ON mode with both gaseous
and liquid 3He.
0.1 1 10 100
T (K)
Fig. 6. Thermal conductivity of 3He derived from present experiment.
measurements for liquid5 and for gas6. The points for gas conductivity from 14 to
20 K are derived from viscosity measurements. The relationship7 K = E 11 Cv
relates the conductivity, K, to the viscosity, 11, where E = 2.50 for helium and Cv =
3R/2M = 4160 J/kg·K is the constant volume heat capacity where R is the molar
gas constant and M is the molecular weight of 3He.
Clearly, the conductivity results from our present data are about a factor of 3
too low. Since this discrepancy appears rather temperature independent over a
wide temperature range, it is most likely due to an unexpected thermal resistance
which has a temperature dependence that is similar tothat of the helium. Many
impure metals have conductivities that behave like this. In particular, if one
estimates the effect of the silver solder at the end of the copper cylinders by
assuming it has 1/100th the conductivity of copper and is 0.013 cm thick (much
thicker than we would expect), it has enough thermal resistance to explain the
Wehave demonstrated the performance of a compact heat switch down to 1 K
with both liquid and gaseous 3He. Although it is quite compact, it has a very large
surface area for conduction across a thin layer of helium, it has a very low
conduction when OFF and the design prevents accidental touches between the
conductors from opposite ends of the switch. The ratio of ON conduction to OFF
conduction is -4000 at 1-2 K, and we believe it would be 3 times higher if the
silver solder joints at the ends of the copper cylinders were improved.
The use of this switch with liquid 3He seems to have little advantage over
gaseous 3He at temperatures of 1 K and above. For lower temperatures we
observed that the conduction is quite good with a gas pressure of 3 Pa (measured
at room temperature, - it would be only 1.3 Pa in the switch because of the
thermomolecular pressure dropB in our pressure-measuring tube). This means
that the switch should be very useful with 3He gas down to 0.35 K. At this
temperature the vapor pressure of 3He drops below 1 Pa and the gas conduction
must start falling off rapidly. At temperatures below 0.35 K it would be necessary
to use liquid 3He in the switch. The heat load caused by the condensation of the
liquid into the switch could be a problem, however, and it is not clear from our
present results how easily the liquid could be pumped out of the switch at very
low temperatures. At 1 K there seems to be a problern even pumping gas out of
the switch. The determination of the seriousness of this problern awaits further
measurements with a better pumping geometry.
In zero gravity the use of gas in the switch presents no difficulties. We believe
that liquid could also be used in the switch for arbitrary directions of acceleration
and zero G. Since the switch would be the coldest point along its pumping line,
stray liquid would tend to evaporate at warmer points outside the switch and
condense back into the switch. The most serious problern we would anticipate is
that a refluxing flow could be established where liquid arrived at the hot charcoal
pump, evaporated and the warm gas returned and heated the switch. This is a
problern only if the liquid can flow directly to the pump without collecting in the
pumping line and blocking it. If the pumping line is spirally wrapped around the
switch then for any direction of force on the liquid stray liquid would have to
collect somewhere in the line and the refluxing flow of gas would be blocked. In
zero G the potential for this problern disappears.
The liquid could be pumped out of the switch without difficulty as long as the
switch was at a high enough temperature for the vapor pressure to be able to push
plugs of liquid toward the pump if such plugs were to fill the line.
We would like to thank John Paterson for expert machining of the small parts of
the switch and Harry Dill for proving that a very thin-wall stainless steel tube
could be made on the lathe by making the one we used.
1. Pat R. Roach and Ben Helvensteijn, "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering", vol.
35, Plenum Press, New York, (1990), p. 1045.
2. C.K. Chan, Jet Propulsion I..nboratory Publication 87-7.
3. D.J. Frank and T.C. Nast, "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering", vol. 31,
Plenum Press, New York, (1986), p. 933.
4. J.P. Torre and G. Chanin, Rev. of Sei. Instrum., 55, 213 (1984).
5. D.M. Lee and H.A Fairbank, Phys. Rev., 116, 1359 (1959) and A.C. Anderson et
al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 6, 443 (1961). (as summarized in J. Wilks, "The Properties
of Liquid and Solid Helium", Clarendon Press, Oxford(l967) p. 432.)
6. Below 10 K: K. Fokkens et al., Physica, 30, 2153 (1964). Above 10 K (from
viscosity): E.W. Becker and R. Misenta, Z. Physik, 140, 535 (1955).
7. S. Dushman, "Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique", John Wiley & Son,
New York, (1962) chap. 1.
8. T. R. Roberts and S. G. Sydoriak, Phys. Rev., 102, 305 (1956).
An orifice pulse tube refrigerator has been designed, fabricated and tested. An
hydraulically actuated diaphragm compressor, which allows direct determination of compressor
PV work, dynamic pressure amplitudes and phase shifts, is used to drive the refrigerator. Test
results are presented and compared to analytic predictions and design specifications. Sources of
potential performance improvement are identified and future testing goals are discussed.
The orifice pulse tube refrigerator (OPT}, shown in Figure 1, is the simplest mechanical
gas-cycle refrigerator suited to practical applications at cryogenic temperatures. The essential
components of the refrigerator are a room temperature compressor generating an oscillating
pressure wave in the refrigerator's working fluid; a transfer line ; an aftercooler; a regenerator; a
cold heat exchanger; the pulse tube; a hot heat exchanger; an orifice; and a ballast volume. The
only moving parts in the OPT are in the compressor, at room temperature. There are no moving
parts, no seals of any kind and no high tolerance components within the remainder of the device.
With an appropriately designed compressor, the working fluid volume can be hermetically
sealed, so that there is no possibility of contamination. The OPT has excited particular interest
in those developing space qualified cryocoolers because its mechanical simplicity suggests high
reliability, long operating life and low cost.
The OPT discussed here is part of our OPT program aimed at developing both single
stage and multistage OPTs. The use of multistage OPT refrigerators to accept the heat rejected
by magnetic refrigerators operating at low temperatures is a goal of this work, as weil as the
production of space qualified OPT cryocoolers. Our program includes experimental and
prototype testing and the development of numerical and analytic models.
Anf.2~s of the mechanisms underlying the refrigeration produced by the OPT have been
published. • • A nurober of unresolved issues still exist, including the influence of heat transfer
to the wall of the pulse tube on the performance of the device and the flow dynamics of the
working fluid in the pulse tube. The mechanical simplicity of the OPT belies the complexity of
the fluid flow and heat transfer processes that occur during its operation. Of equal importance to
Table 1 gives the range of OPT test conditions. The dimensions of the OPT are given in
Table 2. All components except the heat exchangers are fabricated of 316 stainless steel (SS);
the heat exchangers are OFHC copper. The screens in the heat exchangers facilitate heat
exchange and act as flow straighteners.
Stainless steel was chosen for the pulse tube and regenerator body because of availability,
ease of fabrication and cost. We estimate that the conduction loses through the regenerator and
the pulse tube walls may be as large as 1.2 W. These Iosses can be reduced by 50% without the
addition of working fluid contarninants by using titanium in place of stainless steel.
The performance of the OPT is dependent critically on the design of the regenerator.
Tests with regenerators fabricated of 220 mesh SS screen and 0.3 mm Pb spheres were less
satisfactory than those with the 400 mesh regenerator reported here. While the 400 mesh SS
screen regenerator gave rise to a significant performance improvement, it has not been
optimized. Performance improvement is expected with optimization because regenerator
ineffectiveness is the largest single source of parasitic thermalload.
Tests of the device near to tbe design conditions were made possible by the use of a
prototype, hydraulicallY. actuated diaphragm compressor. This compressor operated with a fixed
swept volume of 10 cm3. In tbe prototype, a variablespeedpermanent magnet DC motor drives
a piston which oscillates in the oil bath tbat bydraulically actuates the diaphragm. Operation to
about 20 Hz was easily achieved. With this compressor, tbe pressure ratio in the OPT was
somewbat smaller than our design specification. Nevertbeless, because of tbe extreme flexibility
and reliability of the compressor, performance over a very wide range of operating conditions
was measured.
Temperatures are measured witb thin film platinum resistance sensors, calibrated in
our laboratories. A piezoelectric quartz pressure sensor measures the dynamic pressure in
the compressor. Diaphragm displacement is measured wltli a noncontacting capacitance
displacement probe. The dynamic pressure sensor and the diaphragm displacement sensor
permitted direct measure of the compressor PV work. Pressure sensors at the pulse tube bot beat
exchanger and in the bailast gave direct measure of pressure drop across the regenerator,
pressure variations and hence mass flow into the ballast, and pbase shifts across all irnportant
system components.
During performance testing the regenerator, cold and bot beat excbangers, pulse tube,
orifice and bailast are placed in an evacuated vessel at a pressure of 10·6 torr or less. The
assembly is wrapped in severallayers of superinsulation, and the cold heat exchanger and
adjacent tubing are separately wrapped with superinsulation. Temperature and pressure data are
recorded and displayed on a computer controlled data acquisition system. The instantaneous
diaphragm displacement and compressor bead pressure are recorded and stored on a digital
oscilloscope. These data are transferred to a computer to calculate the compressor's PV work.
Tests consist of varying one of the system parameters: compressor frequency, averagepulse tube
pressure, thermalload on the cold heat excbanger, or orifice size, and measuring the remaining
parameters when quasi-steady state conditions are established. Tbe system is easily
reconfigured, and measurements for variations on the component sizes reported bere bave been
Witb pressure sensors in the pulse tube at the bot beat excbanger Gust before tbe orifice),
and in the ballast, pressure amplitude and pbase measurements have been made for OPT
operation during start-up, cool-down and at equilibrium. (The pressure sensor at the bot heat
exchanger is removed when thermal performance measurements are made.) Figure 2 shows tbe
amplitude and pbase relationsbips of the dynamic pressures in the compressor, in tbe pulse tube,
and in tbe bailast volume. The pbase difference between tbe dynamic pressure in tbe pulse tube
and that in the compressor is about 30°. The dynamic pressure in the bailast lags that of the
pulse tube by about 90o. The mass flow rate through the orifice Ieads the dynamic pressure in
tbe bailast by 9Qo and hence it is in pbase with the dynamic pressure in the pulse tube, as
expected. The amplitude of the mass flow rate througb the orifice can be estimated from the
1.80 --b'.......W<:--+---+-----+--.1--=It..--w.----l
~ 1.70 +-----:P""""\l's.-----"'>...d----l-+-J-C--+-----...""""'t-l
~ 1.60 r--1\"";:::r--J~~~::=t==~
1.50 +----+-~--1-J!C..,t---+-~
~ - - r--
~~1.70 '!'---
- """
...___ 1----
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 5
Displacement (cm"3)
Fig. 3. PV work diagram of compressor operaring at 14Hz with 0.0 Watts cooling load.
amplitude of the dynamic pressure in the ballast, the volume of the batlast and the ideal gas law.
For the case described here, the mass flow rate amplitude is about 18.4 mg/sec.
Figure 3 shows the PV diagram for the working fluid in the compressor measured when
the cold heat exchanger is at its minimum temperature, with no externalload, for operation at 14
Hz and a mean pressure of 1.65 MPa. (The peculiar structure in the lower branch of the PV
diagram is thought to result from air in the compressor oil and is of no consequence. The load
curve corresponding to this PV diagram is exhibited in Figure 7.) PV diagrams for the same
frequency and mean pressure have been obtained for external thermalloads imposed on the cold
heat exchanger of 1 W, 3 Wand 5 W. For these externalloads, ranging from 0 W to 5 W, the
compressor PV work remains relatively constant at about 1.86 J. In general, we observe that PV
work is not affected by variations in the extemalload or by changes in the mean pressure in the
OPT. This suggests that parasitic thermalloads dominate the performance of this device. On the
other band, PV work increases with increasing frequency, as shown in Figure 4. This is due to a
1'410 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~70
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 4. Effect of compressor frequency on pulse tube with mean pressure of 1.65 MPa.
~ 1
....... oo·:·-.......... r. . . r. . . .r. . . . . r. . . l. . . . . .
............,.......... .,. ............, ............1 " " " ' " " " ' ' ' ' " " " " ' ' " " " " " "
! ! ! ! ! !
e ! : ! i ! !
11 ........... r----------r -------r------------r-----------r------------~------------
90 ------------1------------t------------[---- ----+ ..----------[-----·--·---]------------
1 1 f •
0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34
Vernier Setting
Fig. 5. Effect of orifice opening on cold heat exchanger temperature with mean pressure of 1.65
MPa and the compressor frequency of 14Hz.
................. \-- 1.79 MPa - - 1.65 MPa --- 1.35 MPa 1----
g 110 -·-- ... -----····------------·--···-----------·-·------------------········-··---------·--
]! 100 ------ --- --·-
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Frequency IHzl
Fig. 6. Effect of frequency on cold heat exchanger temperature at three different mean pressures.
2 3 4 5
Cooling Load IWl
Fig. 7. Effect of cooling load on cold heat exchanger temperature at five different mean
pressures with the compressor frequency of 14Hz.
2 3 4 5 6
Cooling Load I(N)
Fig. 8. Effect of cooling load on cold heat exchange temperature at 3 different compressor
frequencies with a mean pressure of 1.65 MPa.
i~ :~~::1::::::::~~::~ :t~~:~:+~~~::
0 I I
~- ···········-·
·················1'········· ····-~·-················t·················-~·-··········-····
: ! ! !
j J !
7 8 9 10 11 12
Cooling Load rNl
Fig. 9. Effect of large cooling Ioad on cold heat exchanger temperature with a mean pressure of
1.65 MPa and compressor frequency of 14Hz.
The minimum temperatures achieved with no externalload for several operating pressures and
frequencies is shown in Figure 6. Increasing the frequency at a fixed pressure or increasing the
pressure at a fiXed frequency decreases the minimum temperature. Figures 7 and 8 show the
equilibrium temperatures as a function of externalload. In Figure 7, with the frequency held
fixed at 14Hz, the Ioad curves measured at various pressures are shown. In Figure 8, with the
mean pressure fixed at 1.65 MPa, the Ioad curves at various frequencies are shown. Finally, in
Figure 9, the Ioad curve for large externalloads is shown. Data in Figure 9 were tak:en at 14Hz
and a mean pressure of 1.65 MPa.
These data are sufficient for a comparison of the performance of this device with
published analytic models,l.3 Using Radebaugh's adiabatic model, a refrigerator cooling power
estimate can be made from pulse tube pressure amplitude, mass flow rate through the orifice,
mean pressure and hot heat exchanger temperature. For our operating conditions, the cooling
power is predicted to be about 0.93 W. Bak:s discusses corrections to the adiabatic model
resulting from heat transfer to the wall. For the case where the hot heat exchanger is at 293 K,
the cold heat exchanger is at 80 K, the operaring frequency is 14Hz and the mean pressure and
pressure amplitude are as shown in Figure 2, these corrections are about 0.4 W. Wehavemade
measurements of the heat rejected at the hot heat exchanger under the conditions asswned in
these calculations by direct measure of the cooling power of a thermoelectric cooler attached to
the hot heat exchanger when the heat exchanger temperature is maintained at 293 K. The
measured heat rejected is about 1 W, consistent with these calculations. The PV power measured
under conditions where the rejected heat is 1 W is about 26.6 W. In the adiabatic model the
rejected heat is equal to the cooling Ioad. Thus the specific power forthiscooler is 26.6 W/W,
suggesting an efficiency of about 10% of Carnot. These results are preliminary, and additional
measurements are now being made.
We are continuing performance measurements. Additional measurements of the heat
rejected at the hot heat exchanger under Ioad are being made to provide additional information
about the parasitic thermal Ioad. Measurements to determine compressor hysteresis are planned.
Variations in the material of the pulse tube and regenerator body, and optimization of the
regenerator are additional planned activities.
The OPT design described here resulted from a design process based on models we have
developed. The test conditions are somewhat different from those specified in the design,
principally in the compressor. Our design target was 1 W cooling at 80 K and the compressor
swept volume specified was about 12.5% larger than that used here. The measured performance
is consistent with our model's predictions for operation with the smaller compressor. Small
reductions in the total parasitic Ioads resulting from optimization of the regenerator and
minimization of longitudinal conduction heat Iosses will raise the performance toward target
values even with the smaller compressor. Based on the results presented here, we expect that the
target design values can be met with this design; small increases in the pulse tube volume with
accompanying increases in the compressor capability will ensure this result These data are of
also interest in our efforts to improve our design and performance predicting models based on
understanding the OPT's operaring principles.
Mechanical Technology, lnc. is acknowledged gratefully for the loan of its prototype
compressor. Gordon Haupt, Mark Powers and Charles Cross are all recognized for their
We report on measurements of instantaneous velocityinan orifice pulse tobe (O.P.T.), a
hybrid pulse tobe (H.P.T.) and a double inlet pulse tobe (D.I.P.T.). The available power at the
cold end of the pulse tobe is determined by at least three effects :
1)phase shift between volume flow and pressure fluctuations caused by the orifice (orifice
effect), ·
2) surface heat pumping,
3) absorption of acoustic waves by the tobe wall.
The objective of this project istoperform local measurements of velocity and temperature
rather than the conventional collection of global data (pressure, worlcing frequency and the
avemge mass flow rate). From these local measurements we will determine the radial
temperature and the velocity gradients. The results should permit us to obtain information on
the orifice effect. In addition we will estimate the dimension of the thermal boundary layer and
we will calculate the heat amount pumped by the surface heatpumping mechanism. Finally, we
will be able to derive the amount ofheat pumped by the absorption of acoustic waves from the
measurementsofinstantaneous velocity. The understanding ofthe transient phenomena should
give us the optimal working pammeters of a pulse tobe (O.P.T., H.P.T. or D.I.P.T.).
The pulse tobe refrigerator offers the potential ofbeing develoE into a small and reliable
cryocooler1.2 . The most useful types are the O.P.T.3, the D.I.P.T. and the H.P.T.5, shown in
Figure 1.
The purpose of our work is to devise an analytical model with a Lagrangian system.
Therefore, we will try to explain the pulse tube by following different samples of gas during a
cycle. This work is complicated mainly because of two reasons :
1) The system is always in a hydrodynamic transient state. Because of the flow straightener
located at the bottom of the pulse tube, we have assumed that the velocity profile is flat
at the tube entrance. Basedon the theory ofLandau and Liftchitz8, we assume it will have
a Poiseuille profile at a distance I from the tube entrance such that I = aRe where a is the
tube radius andRe the Reynolds number defined by Re= pUa I v where p is the fluid
density, U the fluid velocity and v the kinematic viscosity. Obviously, the I magnitude is
just an order of magnitude, and the boundary layer variation versus the distance covered
by the working fluid is approximately known8. In our case, the average Reynolds number
is 1000 and the tube radius is 19 mm. Consequently 1is larger than the 200 mm tube length.
To the
Re servoir
Regenerator ..~·-·· :
Pulse tubc
·:- .......
Fig. 1. Schematic of different types of pulse tube refrigerator: (a) orifice pulse tube,
(b) hybrid pulse tube, (c) double inlet pulse tube.
It should be noted that this estimate is calculated for a constant velocity whereas the gas
accelerations in the pulse tube are large.
2) The lag between the two gasveloeitles at the two ends of the tube which is induced by the
Local measurements of the velocity should permit us to devise an analytical model more
pertinent than the others and to predict the velocity lags for the three types of pulse tube
refrigerators. The determination of the velocity gradient will allow us to calculate the amount
of heat Q 1 due to the viscosity ; likewise, the determination of the temperature gradient will
allow the amount ofheat Q2, due to the thermal diffusivity, tobe estimated. These two effects
are currently neglected in the theories. Both measurements will be useful to estimate the term
of cooling power Q3 which combines the heat pumping mechanism of Wheatley with an
additional heat transfer to the wall corresponding to the absorption of acoustic waves on normal
reflection at a hard wall described by Baks.
where Vz is the gas velocity, k is the thermal conductivity of the gas, Pthe pressure fluctuation,
f the working frequency, Vt the tube volume, y the specific heatratio, P0 the average component
of the pressure, a is the thermal diffusivity of the gas and G a dimensionless measure for the
temperature gradient along the wall.
where VTwis the temperature gradient along the pulse tube wall, Ax the amplitude of the
displacement of the gas in the tube and AT the amplitude of temperature rise due to adiabatic
compression of the gas.
The two systems currently able to perform local measurements of velocity are laser
anemometry and hot-wire anemometry. Wehavechosen the second system because ofits low
cost and its easy maneuverability. Also, using hot wire anemometer, gas temperature can be
measured. The hot-wire anemometer parameters are as follows:
where I is the current going through the probe, RH the velocity probe compensating
resistance, Re the cold resistance of the velocityprobe and U the fluid velocity. A, B and
I Eb
1 temperature anemometer
________ .JI
-R Temperature
Velnctty H compensating probe
To the Valurne
su pporl
Flow straightener
upcr insulation
Fig. 3. Schematic of the apparatus designed to measure the velocity and temperature of the
gas in pulse tube refrigerator.
n are nearly constant ; Re= RH r0(T) where r0 is the overheat ratio. Because of constant
temperature operation, the anemometer servo-amplifier maintains the probe temperature
and hence its resistance RH constant. Using King's law, Drubka et al9 bad demonstrated
that the most efficient mode to keep the output voltage constant, i.e. independent of
ambient temperature, was through maintaining a constant overheat ratio. Based on the
bridge balance condition of the anemometer circuit in Figure 2, we can write
R1/R2 =RH /R3 =M (6)
where M is the bridge ratio and R3 is the equivalent resistance of the temperature
compensating circuit. The constant overheat ratio condition specifies the compensating
circuit resistance with temperature necessary to maintain a proper operation. This can be
written as:
dR3/ dT =[R 00 ac r0(T)]/M (7)
If we assume that the temperature dependence of Re is such that :
Re =RcoU+ac(T-To)] (8)
where Rco is the cold resistance of the velocity probe when T is equal to the probe
reference temperature T0. Hence, we can calculate the values of the series and parallel
resistances. Finally, it is necessary to check that the current through the temperature
compensating probe is low enough to assure that the probe resistance is independent of
the fluid velocity.
The originality of this method lies in its ability to detennine the parameters of the
temperature compensating circuit without the knowledge of the temperature calibration.
Using this method, these parameters may be detennined knowing only the properties of
the anemometer bridge and the temperature probes (i.e. the resistances and the tempera-
ture dependence coefficient).
2) The volumeof the probe support must be low enough to minimizedisturbance ofthe flow.
3) The hot-wire anemometer must be able to measure quickly variations in temperature and
velocity up to a 8 Hz working frequency. In other words, the thermal penetration depth
D1must be higher than the wire diameter, and the thermalresponsetime Amust be lower
than 1ms. The thermal penetration depth in a thermometer subjected to an oscillating flow
is obtained from the relation :
where V and A are the volume and surface area of the thermometer and h is the heat
transfer coefficient between the thermometer surface and the fluid.
The scheme of the apparatus designed to measure the velocity and temperature of the gas
in the pulse tube is shown in Figure 3. The tube has a 19 mm diameter and a 200 mm length.
The probe support has a 6 mm outside diameter and it is located off-center in the pulse tube so
that the gas velocity and temperature can be measured at different distances from the wall by
simply rotating the probe support. The wires between the probe support and the probes have a
2 mm diameter and a 30 mm length.
50 70 90 TJKI
Fig. 4. The pulse tube performances (cold power versus temperature) versus the probe depth,
(a) without the probe support, (b) the probe support is entirely inside the tube.
To estimate the perturbations due to the probe support, limit temperatures and cold
powers were measured at different depths of the probe in the tube. Figure 4 shows that the probe
support modifies the pulse tube performances, but the results versus the probe depths change
to only a slight extent. When the anemometerwas operaring and the hot-wire heated, the results
were the same as before. For the velocity measurements, we will assume that the velocity profile
will not be disturbed when the gas flows from the cold end to the orifice. The systemwas made
to compare the three types of pulse tube refrigerators and, eventually, the basicpulse tubelO,
i.e. the pulse tube with all the orifices closed. The heat exchangers and connection tubes were
designed to reduce void volumes.
The velocity measurements will be performed according to the previous process, and the
gas temperature will be measured by supplying the temperature compensating probe with a
weak 1 mA current in order to avoid self-heating. The probes are tungsten wires with a 5 IJlil
diameter an a 3 mm length. The calibration curve for the tungsten resistance thermometers is
linear over the range of temperature from 80 K to 400 K. The thermal penetration depth of the
tungsten wires in the worst case, i.e. at the highest temperature and at the highest frequency, is
more than 1 mm. The theoretical time response is always lower than 1 ms. lt was calculated by
using equation (5) and the Nusselt number based on the relation given by Collis and Williams 11
for hot-wires at low Reynolds number (from 0.01 to 140).
2.70 --------· ------------------ ----------+--~~---~
2.60 --------- ----- -~
lt- --
t80 ~= -• - --- ------t----------·-=
t60 f---------- - _____ -_-_-_-_
--~-=--~- ~_:_-
----~----- ==--=--------=-~
0 10 20 JO 40
Velocity (m/sec.)
Fig. 6. Calibration curve of the hot-wire
anemometer for steady-state flow.
For greater Reynolds number, heat exchanges between the wire and the gas are better,
then h increases and 1: decreases. The response of the probe was checked by applying a step
function change in the Wheastone bridge. The higher input voltage caused the probe to self-
heat. The response time, as shown in Figure 5, was lower than 100 JlS. In steady state flow, the
anemometer has been calibrated by a firm with a Iaser anemometer. The curve calibration of
the probe velocity at constant temperature in air is shown in Figure 6. Durability of the probes
was tested by subjected to both oscillating mass flow and oscillating pressure in the test
apparatus shown in Figure 3.
To check the temperature compensating, we have compared the output voltages at room
temperature and at liquid nitrogen temperature for a zero velocity. The difference between the
two output voltages was lower than 10 mV which induced a velocity error lower than
3 1o-2 m/s. At greater velocities, the error due to the temperature compensating is difficult to
evaluate because many gas parameters change with temperature (density, viscosity and, then
the c<>efficient of heat transfer between gas and probe). However, according to DISA, for a
5 J.1ID tungsten wire, the velocity is reduced by 0.025 %fC for a temperature rise. Before
performing measurements inside the pulse tobe, we will check the velocity calibration in an
oscillating helium flow.
A best understanding of the different types of pulse tubes requires the measurements of
the radial temperature and of the velocity gradient of the gas. A hot-wire anemometer with
temperature compensating has been constructed and tested. The velocity probe and the
temperature compensating probe were two 5 J.IID tungsten wires which bad a short response
time, a sma1l thermal penetration depth and exhibited a high durability. The 2 mm diameter
wires-support did not perturbate the gas flow. A test apparatus to perform measurements
inside different types of pulse tubes bad been constructed and successfully tested.
Some parts of the test apparatus were constructed and tested by Guy Jouve and
Christophe Bouvier and they are greatly appreciated.
1. R. Radebaugh et al., A comparison of three pulse tube refrigerators : new methods for
reaching 60 K, "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering," Vol. 31 Plenum Press, New
York (1986) p.779
2. J. Liang et al., Development of a single-stage pulse tube refrigerator capable of reaching
49 K, Cryowücs 30:.49 (1990)
3. R. Radebaugh, Pulsetube refrigeration. A new type of cryocooler, Proc. 18th Int. Conf.
on low temp. phys. (Kyoto 1987), Ipn. J. Ap_pl. Phys. 26:2016 (1987)
4. S. Zhu et al., A singlestage double inlet pulse tube refrigerator capable of reaching 42 K,
CzyoßDicS 30:257 (1990)
5. M. David and J. C. Marechal,How to achieve the efficiency ofa Gifford-Mac Mahon
cryocooler with a pulse tube refrigerator, Cryo~nics 30:262 (1990)
6. P. Storch and R. Radebaugh, Development and experimental test of an analytical model
of the orifice pulse tube refrigerator, "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering," Vol. 33
Plenum Press, New York (1988) p.85
7. Baks et al., Experimental verification of an analytical model for orifice pulse tube
refrigeration, Cryo~nics 30:947 (1990)
8. L. Landau and E. Lifchitz in "Mecanique des fluides", Editions Mir, Moscow (1971)
9. Drubkaetal.,.in ''DISA information", N° 22, (Dec. 1977)
10. W.E. Gifford and R.C. Longsworth, Pulsetuberefrigeration ASME paper n°63-WA-290
11. D.C. Collis and M.J. Williams, Two-Dimensional convection from heated wires at low
Reynolds Numbers, J. Fluid Mech. (1959) p.357
A regenerator for use in a pulse tube refrigerator has been constructed from a
polyimide (polypyromellitimide or PPMI) whose small ratio ofthermal conductivity to heat
capacity make it a good candidate for a regeneratormaterial in cryocoolers. The regenerator
was fabricated using 25 1-'m thick photoresist strips bonded to a 50 /Jm thick sheet of PPMI.
This composite sheet was wound in jelly-roll fashion around a mandrei and inserted into
the regenerator housing. The photoresist strips, formed using a photolithographic technique,
provided a 25 1-'m spacing for the axial flow of gas between each layer of PPMI.
Ineffectiveness results are presented for this material under actual operating conditions in
a pulse tube refrigerator and compared with a numerical model. The numerical model
indicated that a polyimide regenerator would perform much better than one constructed of
stainless steel screen, but the experimental results showed the opposite behavior. Measured
values for the ineffectiveness were 0.003 for the stainless steel screen and 0.017 for the
Regenerator theory indicates that the best geometrical configuration for a regenerator
is a parallel-plate arrangement. 1 Figure 1 from Radebaugh and Louie shows the relationship
0.0 2
0 · 01:,L:
_ 2---~._.l.-="
10- 3 ~
Fig. 1. Ratio of heat transfer and friction factor curves as a function of Reynolds nurober
for several configurations. 1
2/3 I (1)
C( = NSt Np,/ '
N51 and Np, are the Stanton and Prandtl numbers respectively, and I is the friction factor.
A high value of o. is desirable because this provides a high rate of heat transfer for a
specified pressure drop. In spite of this general theoretical information regenerators are still
usually built with packed-screen or sphere geometries. The reasons are twofold. First is the
problern of constructing a parallel-flow geometry with adequate heat transfer area while
keeping the uniform spacing and thickness of intended channels to avoid concentration of
flow in one region. Second, the materials commonly used for constructing cryogenic
regenerators are metals, and the high thermal conductivity of a meta! in a parallel-plate
configuration would result in an excessive conduction loss at the cold end of the
To overcome these problerns a method was devised for fabricating a regenerator with
a parallel-plate geometry and 25 /Jffi thick flow channels from a polyimide (polypyromellit-
imide or PPMI). Polyimideexhibits a thermal conductivity which is more than an order of
magnitude lower than that of stainless steel at 80 K, and has a relatively high heat capacity.
This low ratio of thermal conductivity to heat capacity makes it a good choice for a
regenerator material. To study the feasibility of such a regenerator in a pulse tube
refrigerator the performance characteristics of a stacked stainless steel screen and polyimide
parallel-plate regenerator were compared using a computerprogram (REGEN2) developed
by NIST personnet to aid in the design of regenerators. The results are given in Table 1,
where AP/P is the ratio of the average pressure drop through the regenerator to the average
regenerator pressure; NTU is the nurober of transfer units in a the half cycle; A. is the
ineffectiveness forahalf cycle and is defined as one minus the effectiveness; the thermal
depth is the thermal penetration depth into the matrix divided half the thickness of the
storage matrix; and Oe is the conduction loss.
Table 1 indicates that the parallel-plate geometry has a much lower porosity
accompanied by a lower void volume. lt will thus exhibit higher pressure ratios than packed
Table 1. Results of REGEN2 comparing regenerators constructed from stainless steel
screen and polyimide
Ä 0.00309 0.000617
screens, which will result in higher refrigeration capacities for equivalent systems. The
parallel-plate regenerator is also much more compact for equivalent heat storage capacity.
Table 1 also shows that the calculated NTU is much higher and the ineffectiveness is five
times lower for the polyimide parallel-plate regenerator than for the stainless steel
regenerator. Therefore if such a regenerator was properly constructed it should result in
considerable improvement in the performance of a pulse tube refrigerator.
The regenerator was wound, jelly-roll fashion, from 51 llm thick polyimide film
having 25.4 llm thick photoresist ribs (see Fig. 2) aligned parallel to the flow direction. The
photoresist ribs were formed in a photolithographic process which assured excellent
uniformity in rib dimensions. The rib spacing was 0.40 mm and the rib width was 0.09 mm.
The width of the film Oength of flow passage) was 45 mm. The totallength of film before
being wound into a coil was 6042 mm. One end of the polyimide film was glued to a
6.4 mm diameter mandrei and wound around it with hand tension to a diameter slightly
Polyimide Film \
-j j- 90J..Lm 51J..Lm
- Ir
400 J..Lm
Fig. 2. Schematic of polyimide film with photoresist ribs.
25.4 mm D Fiberglass Epoxy Tube
t59 mm wall
!arger than the 25.4 mm inner diameter of a fiberglass epoxy tube, into which it wastobe
inserted. To ensure a tight fit of the polyimide winding in the regenerator housing the
wound-up film was shrink-fit into the fiberglass epoxy tube by cooling it in LN2 . This
ensured that there would be no channeling of the gas flow through the regenerator at the
tube walls. A winding gap of 2.5 !JID is typical for this method of assembly, which resulted
in a flow passage of 27.9 !JID, a total width of 4701 mm, and a length of 45 mm; see Fig.
3 and 4 for a schematic and photo of the assembly. Because the flow rate is proportional
to the cube of the passage thickness, the gas flow which passed over the ribs rather than
between them was only 0.2% of the total flow.
Before the regenerator was tested with oscillating flow, the pressure drop was
measured under conditions of steady flow at both ambient and liquid nitrogen temperatures
Fig. 4. Photo showing the rolled polyimide film at the end of that regenerator.
"' Unribbed film, 1 layer in fixture, 298 K
o Unribbed film, in vacuum hose, 298 K
0 Unribbed film, shrink fit in fixture, 298 K
~ 60
o Unribbed film, shrink fit, 76 K
v Ribbed film, shrink fit, 298 K
0 " Ribbed film, shrink fit, 76 K
a: ---Ribbed film, calculated from geometry, 300 K
~ 40
n. 20
10 20 30 40 50
(Fig. 5). In addition, to study assembly techniques and winding gaps, a regenerator was
wound from the film without the photoresist ribbing. Measurements of the pressure drop
for this assembly are also given in Fig. 5. For the regenerator with the ribbed polyimide
film the agreement between measured and calculated pressure drops is good, indicating
uniform winding.
1-e (3)
which reduces to
where Oreg represents the heat Ioad on the regenerator. An energy balance for any differen-
tial section of the regenerator shows that the enthalpy flow is constant throughout the entire
length of the regenerator as long as there are no radiative or convective Iosses to the
extemal environment. The numerator of Eq. (4) can be calculated if the heat Ioad at the cold
end of the regenerator can be measured. The maximum possible heat transfer rate can be
calculated from the known boundary conditions.
Table 2. Results from test of stainless steel screen and polyimide regenerators
A. 0.003 0.0172
The test apparatus, which used helium as the working fluid, was operated at a mean
pressure of approximately 2.2 MPa. The warm end of the regeneratorwas cooled with water
to 290 K and the cold end of the regenerator was cooled to liquid nitrogen temperatures.
The compressor supplying the oscillating pressure in the refrigerator had a swept volume
of 25 cm3 and was run at approximately 7.0 Hz. The orifice was an adjustable metering
valve and was opened three tums.
1 .60 ,.........,....,.........,.....,....,.....,...,,........,....,....,...,....,....,....,....,....,.....,...,....,.........,....,....,...,...,...,.......,....,.....,...,..............,....,....,....,.....,......,...,...., 2.55
0.80 2.45
Cl ::;;
~ u..i
0 0.00 a:
u.. :::>
cn cn
cn w
< a:
::;; Q.
TIME, ms
Fig. 6. Mass flow rate and absolute pressure at the cold end of the pulse tube.
investigation is the apparent shedding of particles by the polyimide regenerator. There are
sensors (mentioned in previous work4•5) to measure temperature and mass flow at the cold
end of the regenerator. These sensors are 1.5 mm long tungsten wires which have a
diameter of 4 !Jffi and all were quickly broken at start up, indicating particles may have
been swept out of the polyimide assembly during start up.
K.M. Godshalk
The present work addresses the design rules for miniaturization of a thermoacoustic
pressure wave generator. Devices resonant at -500 Hz have been demonstrated1•2 ; our
goal is to investigate the effects of increasing the frequency to -2kHz, and the resulting
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 37, Part B
Edited by R.W. Fast, Plenum Press, New York, 1992 955
design implications. This will involve examining methods of scaling thermoacoustic
devices in order to gain insight into the relation between various design parameters,
examining the power output possible, and considering the feasibility of manufacturing the
components necessary for miniature thermoacoustic devices.
The design parameters given in the caption of Fig. 1 were arrived at using the
program WAVEQ developed at LANL. This program operates in two modes: 1) given the
geometry, mean pressure Pm and pressure amplitude P., heat flux Q, and hot temperature
Tb, the program will find the cold end (ambient) temperature Tc and the acoustic work W
produced, and 2) given the geometry, mean pressure and pressure amplitude, the targetcold
end temperature Tc, and target work W produced, the program will find the hot end
temperature Tb and heat flux Q required to meet the desired target values of work and cold
temperature. The second operation mode is used in this work.
Since the theory assumes laminar flow, additions were made to the program to
calculate the boundary layer Reynolds nurober Re at several positions along the
thermoacoustic stack; Re is given by1•7 uov /v, where u is the gas velocity, ov is the
viscous penetration depth, and v is the gas viscosity. The transition to turbulence in
oscillating gas flow (for frequencies less than 130 Hz) has been found to occur7 at Re ""
500. The acoustic Iosses of the resonator due to viscous and compressive effects1 were
Figure 1. Sehemarie of a thermoacoustic driver. The overalllength L is one quarter
wavelength, and the resonator bulb is large enough so that the pressure
oscillations in the bulb are negligible. The function of the basic parts, the
thermoacoustic stack and the heat exchangers, is explained in the text. For
a 540Hzresonator with He gas, R = 1.9 cm, x8 = 6.0 cm, ..1x = 8.0 cm,
and L =50 cm. The plates in the thermoacoustic stack are a distance
2yo = 0.078 cm apart and are of thickness 0.012 cm.
..--.. 600
·-·-·- ·-
1 1
-- - -
:::: '•,..., 1.6 ..--..
..... _
1.4 et:
"'-0-~----=4 1.2
:;:: 200 ,..
0 1~
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Frequency (kHz)
Fig. 2. The work W (open symbols) and the radius R (closed symbols)
of the thermoacoustic device as a function of frequency for
the three scaling methods discussed in the text. The circles
are for scaling method 1, the triangles are for scaling 2,
and the squares and diamonds are for scaling 3.
also calculated in an addition to the program, and will be referred to as W1• As pointed out
by Swift1, the losses will be roughly proportional to the surface area of the resonator 2xRL
times the thermal penetration depth ~-
The frequencies investigated were 25, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz; the
driver parameters were scaled to the values for the 500 Hz resonator described above.
Three scaling methods were chosen: 1) rr and W/R2 constant, 2) rr and W constant, and 3)
R and W constant. Seallog method 3 results in IT increasing, since Yo is decreasing while
R remains constant. The work produced and the device radius resulting from each of the
three scaling methods are shown in Fig. 2. WAVEQ is used to find the resulting hot
temperature Tb, the heat flux Q, Re, and resonator losses W1 for each method.
The results of the three scaling methods are shown in Fig. 3. Fig 3(a) shows a
measure of the efficiency, W/Q, and Fig. 3(b) shows the percentage losses ~/W. For all
cases the fractionallosses W1/W decrease as the frequency increases; the losses for 25 and
100 Hz are off the scale. The decrease in W1/W occurs because the dissipative surface area
of the resonator is decreasing faster than the productive area of the thermoacoustic stack
for the seallog methods used. For scaling methods 1 and 2, rr is constant, so the
productive surface area decreases as Ax, or 1/f, while the dissipative surface decreases
faster than 1/f since both R and L are decreasing. For scaling method 3, IT is increasing,
so the productive area decreases at a rate less than 1/f, while the dissipative area is
decreasing as 1/f since R is constant. In Fig. 3(a) we see that the efficiency decreases
a 0 Scaling 1
~ II = 2.5 m
0.1 W/R 2 =constant
r. Scaling 2
II= 2.5 m
w = 200 w
0.3 0 Scaling 3
R = 1.89 cm
~0.2 w = 200 w
0.0 L...-,__J....._,__,__~'-:-~
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Frequency (kHz)
Fig. 3. (a) The ratio of the work W to the heat Q, and (b)
the fractional acoustic Iosses W1 as a function of
frequency for the three scaling methods discussed
in the text.
slowly with increasing frequency, except for case 2 which shows a broad peak in the
efficiency at approximately 1000 Hz.
The hot temperature Tb necessary for the device operation as the frequency changed
for each scaling method was also investigated. For scaling method 1 with I1 constant and
both W and R decreasing with frequency, Tb remains roughly constant at 800 K. For
scaling method 2 with I1 and W constant, which results in W/R2 increasing with frequency,
Th increases linearly as the frequency increases, from 800 Kat 500Hz, to 1600 Kat 4000
Hz. For scaling method 3 with R and W constant, which results in I1 increasing with
frequency, Tb remains roughly constant at 800 K.
The boundary layer Reynolds number was found to depend on the frequency and
to be approximately independent of the scaling method used. For 25 Hz we found
Re - 1500, for 500 Hz Re - 350, and for 2000 Hz Re - 120. High Reynolds numbers
were found at low frequencies primarily due to the fact that Re is proportional to the
viscous penetration depth Bv, which increases as the frequency decreases, while u and v
remain roughly constant. Turbulence does not appear to be an issue in constructing
miniature thermoacoustic drivers, since the critical Reynolds number for oscillating flow
has been found 7 to be -500, although the tests for critical Reynolds number have yet to be
extended to high frequency oscillating flow.
The above scaling methods imply certain design requirements for the
thermoacoustic stack and the heat exchangers. The plate spacing 2y0 of the thermoacoustic
stack for the highest frequency is 0.276 mm; this spacing does not present much difficulty,
especially since other parameters for the stack geometry, such as the radius and length, are
also decreasing. One unknown factor is the ability of miniature heat exchangers to conduct
large amounts of heat. A crude comparison of the required performance of the heat
exchangers is to calculate the heat conducted per unit area of the heat exchanger for the
different frequencies. An order of magnitude estimate of the surface area of a heat
exchanger is the stack perimeter n times the length of the heat exchanger, which we
estimate as one quarter the length of the thermoacoustic stack. The heat conducted per unit
area for the 500Hz case would then be 17 kW/m2; it is 83 kW/m 2 for 4000Hz and scaling
1 above. These numbers are high, especially for the 4000 Hz case. A more reasonable
nurober might be 10 kW/m2, based on a convective heat transfer coefficienf of 200 W/m 2K
and a temperature difference of 50 K. This implies a heat flux Q of -60 W and work W
of -12 W for the 4000 Hz case, assuming 15% efficiency, as opposed to Q - 520 W for
4000 Hz and scaling method 1 above.
In light of the above comments regarding small heat exchangers, a fourth scaling
method was investigated in which the driver radius R was scaled as 1/f, and the acoustic
work output per unit cross sectional area, W/R2, is kept constant. It was found that the bot
temperature Th remained roughly constant, while the acoustic losses increased dramatically,
up to 60% of the work output for the 2000 Hz case. This is due to the fact that with the
rapidly decreasing cross section, the productive surface of the thermoacoustic stack, equal
to ~ = R2Ax oc 1/f3, is decreasing faster than the dissipative surface of the resonator,
which is equal to RL = 1/f2 • 1t is possible to decrease resonator losses 1 by increasing the
mean pressure Pm in order to decrease ok and ov, and increasing n at the same time by
decreasing Yo• while keeping R constant. Calculations with WAVEQ show that this method
is successful in decreasing the losses, but that the necessary hot temperature Th increases
as Pm increases (P. and W were kept constant).
Cardboard spacers 0.02 cm thick are used to separate the plates and GE 7031 varnish is
used to glue the thermoacoustic stack together. The cold and bot heat exchangers are
copper screen with a 0.01 cm wire diameter and a center to center wire spacing of
0.025 cm. The heat exchanger screens aresoldered to Cu tubing, and the tubing sections
with the heat exchangers are epoxied to either side of the thermoacoustic stack with Stycast
2850/Ff epoxy. The device resonated at a frequency of 800 Hz, with a pressure amplitude
of 0.008 psi, or 54 Pa, measured at a distance of 1 cm. The pressure was measured with
Tektronix pressure probe12 having a sensitivity of 5 V/psi. The construction of the
thermoacoustic device was simple, although it was important to have the heat exchanger
screens as close as possible to the thermoacoustic stack.
Several methods of scaling the work produced and the cross section of a
thermoacoustic pressure wave generator to the resonant frequency were examined; the
results provide insight into the relation between the work and cross section and other
design parameters, such as the heat flux Q, Th, and the acoustic losses. The chief design
barrier to constructing miniature thermoacoustic devices is the design and construction of
miniature heat exchangers which can transfer large amounts of heat. The total work
produced by a miniature thermoacoustic device will be limited by the heat flux possible
through the heat exchanger. Progress in the area of miniature heat exchangers is being
made by several groups for other applications, and it is possible that similar design and
construction methods could be used for the heat exchangers in a miniature thermoacoustic
pressure wave generator.
2. J. C. Wheatley, G. W. Swift, and A. Migliori, The natural heat engine, in: "Los
Alamos Science," Number 14 (1986).
6. N. Rott, Thermoaeousties, Adv. Appl. Meeh. 20:135 (1980); N. Rott and G.
Zouzoulas, Thermally driven oseillations, part IV: tubes with variable eross seetion,
Z. Agnew. Math. Phys. 27:197 (1976).
10. W. Bier, et. al., Manufaeturing and testing of eompaet miero heat exehangers with
high volumetrie heat transfer eoefficients," in: "Microstruetures, Sensors, and
Aetuators", DSC-Vol. 19, D. Cho et.al. eds., Ameriean Society of Meehanieal
Engineers, New York (1990), pg. 189.
12. Tektronix pressureprobe P66l0-1P, 1.0 psi maximum pressure, 40kHz bandwidth,
SV/psi sensitivity.
The new cryostat design has now been applied to a variety of systems with
different fluids and special requirements over a range of refrigeration capacities.
This paper discusses some of the interesting situations and problems encountered
in devising new variations of the basic design. Recent applications include use of
liquid cryogen working fluid, modular designs, and variable capacity systems.
Additionallow capacity cryostats have been fabricated for use with gaseous
nitrogen and argon, mixed gases, and liquid methane. Proposed uses have included
deriving refrigeration while venting liquid hydrogen, to replacing a two-gas
cooldown system with a single demand flow cryostat.
The GP cryostat designs are unique in that they feature a clogresistent J-T
isenthalpic expansion nozzle. Additionally, the flow (hence, refrigeration capacity)
is controlled by optional combinations of a demand flow feature and a manual
rnicrometer-like adjuster. As experience has been gained, these and other features
along with the related fabrication techniques have been refined.
GP cryostats have been tested that regulated from an initial cooldown flow
of 18 standard liters per minute (SLPM), measured at the exit, to 3 SLPM after
achieving liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). This corresponds to a change from
5.2 to 0.9 watts of refrigeration based upon a 7% liquid yield. By using thermally
active 304 stainless steel and thermally passive Invar 36 in conjunction with a 15
degree included angle nozzle these cryostats can maintain their heat loaded
temperature well within 1 K.
Micrometer manual flow regulation has been provided on demand flow and
non-demand flow GP cryostats. When combined with the demand flow feature, the
micrometer enables the user to set the initial rate of cooldown flow and then, if
needed, to adjust the lower limit of the flow at the refrigeration temperature.
When used with a non-demand flow cryostat, the micrometer allows for accurate
adjustment of refrigeration capacity over a wide range of heat loads.
Heat Exchangers
The internal diameter of the heat exchanger tube carries the high pressure
flow to the nozzle. The configuration of the external finned low pressure side
primarily determines the effectiveness of the contra-flow heat exchanger.
Effectiveness can be calculated by the equation € = Tc2 - Tc1/Th1 - Tci.3
The pressure differential ( ~P) across the length of the return flow side
affects the temperature at the nozzle. Increasing the ~p increases the temperature.
Considerations that influence the ~p are the return flow area, the size and existence
of a co-winding, the flow rate, the density of the working fluid, and the overall
length of the heat exchanger.
Fig. 4. Common Module Type J-T Cryostat
Fig. 6. Modular J-T Cryostat
The concept of a modular cryostat was proposed by Jack A. Jones of the Jet
Propulsion Labaratory at a meeting in January 1990. It was suggested that a
cryostat could be designed with a precooling boss such that a series of like cryostats
could be linked together, each one precooling the next (Fig. 5). In this
configuration cryogenic temperatures could be reached effectively in low pressure
systems such as multi-stage sorption systems.
The first prototype modular cryostat was produced under a contract with
Aerojet ElectroSystems (Fig. 6) for use in a sorption refrigerator.4 The design
objectives using argon as the working fluid and the initial test results are
enumerated in the following paragraphs.
Refrigeration Capacity
lt was desired that the refrigeration capacity at the cold end of the cryostat
would be approximately 1 watt at 90 K for each 0.01 grams per second of argon
flow over the range of .01 to .07 g/s. For a latent heat of vaporization of 162
Joules/gram, this requires a minimumliquid yield of 61.7 %. Argon enters the
cryostat at 4 MPa and 300 K. It can be shownon a Temperature vs. Enthropy (T-
S) diagram that only 4% liquid yield would be produced by a J-T cryostat under
these conditions.3 Therefore, the modular cryostat was designed to include a
precooling section referred to as the condenser.
The condenser was positioned to divide the finned-tube heat exchanger into
an upper and lower section. The location was determined by an enthalpy balance
analysis and confirmed by the T-S diagram. Argongas enters the condenser at near
165 K having been cooled by the sensible heat extraction of the upper heat
exchanger. Argon leaves the condenser as saturated liquid near 130 K Additional
heat is removed by the lower heat exchanger before the liquid is subjected to
isenthalpic expansion through the nozzle.
Heat Exchan~er
The working fluid passing through the clog resistant nozzle expands to the
pressure of the coldwen producing a mixture of liquid and vapor. The pressure is
dependant upon the outlet tube pressure plus the return flow pressure drop of the
heat exchanger.
The heat exchanger was designed to minimize the return flow pressure drop
to 6.8 KPa (1 psi), thus insuring a refrigeration temperature of 90 Kor less. During
testing the pressure was measured to be slightly more than 6.8 KPa for the
maximum flow rate of .07 gramsfsecond.
lt was determined that the effectiveness of the upper heat exchanger could
be as low as 80%. Any difference between the actual and 100% could be made up
by extracting more heat through the condenser. Furthermore, any inefficiencies in
the lower heat exchanger would pass on refrigeration to the upper heat exchanger
and enhance its efficiency.
Test Configuration
The rate of heat extraction from the condenser was also determined. A
copper bar attached to the condenser by a #6-32 UNC screw provided a heat
transfer conduit to a liquid nitrogen heat sink. The sink was fabricated by silver
soldering a 3.18 mm (.125 in.) diameter stainless steel tube coiled around a 19 mm
(.75 in.) diameter copper rod. A Minco heater buttonwas attached to the copper
bar to balance the heat load of the liquid nitrogen flow through the tube. An RTD
was potted into the #6 screw to monitor the temperature at the condenser. In this
way the heat extracted could be calculated as the heat capacity of the liquid
nitrogen flow minus the heat Ioad of the heater button required to maintain the
desired temperature at the condenser. An invertedben jar was adapted to provide
vacuum insulation around the cryostat and the condenser heat sink.
Test Results
Test results (Table 1) indicated that both the modular cryostat and the test
equipment functioned well. With argon supplied from 300 K at 4 MPa the cryostat
was able to produce additional refrigeration at 90 K in excess of the amount
provided by the condenser at 130 K.
Table 1. Test Results
Mixed Gases
Fig. 8. Production Type J-T Cryostat
Production Design
In most applications the ultimate design of a J-T cryostat must have a very
low thermal mass and minimal parasitic Iosses to provide efficient performance.
This necessitates removal of the manual adjustment feature which is otherwise so
useful in experimental work. A production version of the cryostat design, for a
missile IR detector application, has been prototyped (Fig. 8) and is undergoing
9 71
For the overall cycle and for each step, the followinq
equation should apply:
Q-w. (1)
KJ, which gives an overall heat balance closure within 1% for the
total cycle, and Q-W•0.5 KJ. Thus, the conditions of eqn. (1) are
almest exactly satisfied for the entire cycle in Figure 1.
Temperaturt (K)
5oo 417112 1s1
211 ---=2cr5o=----=2r-27,__-=;2oa
50 -,--r--.----,-
Absorpllonlo 0 I
20. VHx { Dtlorptlonl • •-·-1
LaNisHx '
2.0 '
.. 1.0-
-;; 0.50 -
ti 0.20
Fig. 2. Absorption and
desorption pressures
for the secend plateau
0.01 I_ _ _ L___l::-----:~-~L---:'.~~ regions of VHx and VDx.
2.0 2.4 2.8 ).2 u .u
LaNisHx will produce an equivalent hydrogen inlet pressure to the
JT-expander, vanadiurn should be a more efficient sorbent material
than LaNi 5 . In addition, the va 0 . 9-va 1 . 9 plateau gives a 40%
larger hydrogen storage capacity per gram of sorbent. Since VHx
or VDx are binary hydrides (deuterides), the disproportionation
reactions that have plagued LaNisHx during extended cycling 8 will
not cause problems.
100 i a a
10 ~~~~
i•• ·~·/
, .#~ • H1b1 • 11.1 KJ
D H•b• • 21.01 KJ
• H1b1 =17.11 KJ
o H1b1 •1I.OKJ
Pln/Peq = 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Fig. 3. Hydrogen loading on VHx compressor bed.
51.1 f/_.r·-·-·-·-·-··-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· -·-· -·-·-
51 / . .n-a-o-o-tl-0-ll··<t-u-n-n-o-u-o-.l~~
:: -H~
1: .. /
.. 47
------·~· :\
41 surface
44 )
0 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.11 0.14 8.11
LongHud11181 POIIUon Cml
Fig. 4. Temperature profile after 10 minutes of H2 absorption.
160 Center
Iobs= 10 min.
Tj 0jt=26.85 °C
(?120 Habs= 19.1 KJ/mol H
>- 100
2 6 8 10 12 14 15 0~--~~--~----~-----L---
0 5 10 15 20
keif (W/mK) P,MPa
The effective thermal conductivity of the hydride bed plays a
major role on the time constants of the system. More extensive
evaluations are currently underway and will be reported elsewhere
in detail.
1. H.H. van Mal and A. Mijnheer, "Proc. ICEC", Vol. _i, IPC
Science & Technology Press, Guildford, UK, (1972) p 122.
2. J.A. Jones and P.M. Golben, Cryogenics 25: 212 (1985).
3. K. Karperos, "Proc. 4th Intern. Cryocooler Conf.", Easton,
MD, September 25-26, 1986, p 1.
4. T. Kumano, B. Tada, Y. Tsuchida, Y. Kuraoka, T. Ishige, and
H. Baba, Z. Physk. Chem. N.F. 164: 1509 (1989).
5. W. Luo, J.D. Clewley, and T.B. Flanagan, J. Chem. Phys. 93:
6710 (1990).
6. T.B. Flanagan, Private communication of unpublished data.
7. E.L. Huston and G.D. Sandrock, J. Less-Common Met. 74: 435
8. J.-M. Park and J.-Y. Lee, Mat. Res. Bull. 22: 455 (1987).
9. H.E. Flotow and D.W. Osborne, J. Chem. Phys. 34: 1418
10. M. Moss, et al., J. Chem. Phys. 84: 956 (1986).
11. B.D. Freeman, R.C. Bowman, Jr., ahd J.R. Phillips, Proc. of
1991 Space Cryogenics Workshop, Cleveland, OH, June 1991
(to be published) .
12. L. Wade, P. Sywulka, M. Hattar, and J. Alvarez, "Advances in
Cryogenic Engineering", Vol. 35b, Plenum, New York,
(1990) p.1375.
R. A. Ackermann
General Electric Research and Development Center
Schenectady, New York
Recent developments in the use of low-temperature, high specific heat materials in
Gifford McMahon (GM) refrigerators has produced remarkable demonstrations of ultra-low
temperatures. These materials, consisting of heavy rare earth and ceramics, exhibit a
magnetic phase transition leading to a sharp rise in specific heat at the transition
temperature. From recently published data, it is clear that these materials improve
refrigerator performance, but the key material and operating parameters affecting the
reported performance improvements are not clearly defined. Therefore, with this goal in
mind, the General Electric Research and Development Center has manufactured a number
of high specific heat materials and tested them in two GM refrigerators.
Spheres from 5 materials were fabricated and tested in both pneumatic and mechanical
drive refrigerators. The materials consisted of 4 rare earth materials with transition
temperatures ranging from 7.5 to 14 K, and one ceramic material with a sharp specific heat
spike at 6.0 K. Spherical particles in the size range from 150 to 500 1.1m were produced by a
spark erosion and gas atomizing manufacturing process. The test results identified several
critical performance parameters important to the commercial use of these materials, and
demonstrated a capacity increase of 150% at 10 K. Disappointingly, the ultra-low
temperatures reported by other researchers were not achieved in these studies. We present
the results of this testing, along with a discussion of the difficulties encountered in the
manufacture and use of these materials.
Recently, papers by Kuriyama, Hakamada, Nakagome et al.l, have reported
temperatures below 4.2 K with a GM refrigerator using rare earth regenerator materials. The
startling results reported by these researchers led to the development of a program at GE
which evaluates the potential of these materials to improve the performance of refrigerators
used in magnetic resonant imaging systems. GM refrigerators are now used on all GE
magnetic resonant imaging systems to reduce helium consumption by cooling two radiation
shields surrounding the superconducting magnet. The following objectives were defined for
the program.
1. Evaluate performance improvements at 10 K.
2. Evaluate manufacturability of rare earth materials.
3. Evaluate material endurance in a refrigerator.
To achieve these objectives, a test matrix was established which would provide data on
the effects of the following parameters on capacity at 10 K: material transition temperature,
manufacturing process, and packing volume and density.
Table 1 lists the materials that were tested. The important properties of specific heat and
thermal diffusivity are also presented in Table 1 along with a comparison to Iead and helium
at 10 K. Thesematerials were selected because of their known high specific heat spikes.
The rhodium alloys were later dropped from the list because of their prohibitive cost, and
the noedium was dropped because of its highly reactive nature that would have made it
difficult to machine and handle. The other materials were considered viable candidates for
commercial use and were included in the program.
All of the rare earth materials tested were produced internally and powerized by either a
spark erosion2 or gas atomizing process. The powdered particles were sifted to a size range
of 150 to 500 J.l.m. The regeneratorwas loaded by replacing an equivalent volume of lead
with the test material. Different amounts of material and packing densities were used to
establish an optimum packing configuration. When more than one rare earth material was
used to pack the regenerator, the placement and amount of material was determined by
matehing the material 's transition temperature with the equivalent temperature location in
the regenerator. A linear temperature profile between the first and second stage
temperatures was used to establish the equivalent temperature locations in the regenerator.
The testing was performed in both a pneumatically driven GM refrigerator with a
stationary second-stage regenerator and a mechanically driven refrigerator with a moving
second-stage regenerator. The cyclic rate of the refrigerator, pressure ratio, and displacer
stroke were varied to obtain optium operaring conditions. For each test, a Ioad map was
generated to establish refrigerator performance over a wide range of operaring conditions.
The two manufacturing procedures used, (the spark erosion2 and gas atomizing), are
schematically portrayed in Fig. 1. For each procedure, because of the brittle nature of these
materials, true spherical particles were not achieved. The aggregate of material consisted of
spherical particles and shatters as shown in Fig. 2. The atomizing produced a better
(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Metal power spark erosion cell, and (b) metal powder gas atomizer.
aggregate of spherical particles, bu1 1he yield of spheres in the size range required was much
smaller than thal for 1he spark erosion process. A typical yield of particles in the size range
of 150 to 500 j..Lil1 from 1he a10mizer was only 10 to 15% of the processed material, while the
yield from the spark erosion process was 60 to 70%.
The two manufacturing processes also had a significant effect on the performance of the
refrigerator as shown in the following section.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) Spark eroded Er3Ni, sieved to 125Jlm, and (b) atomized ErNh, sieved to
125 j..LID.
Table 2. Perfonnance Results
A. Two stage pneumatic drive GM refrigerator [ T (Ist stage) = 26 K 1
Material Speed Porosity Fill Factor Capacity at
(rpm) (%) (% byvol.) 10 K (watts)
Lead 144 38 100 2.0
ErNi 144 45 45 3.5
Er3Ni 144 47 45 2.8
ErNi2 144 45 30 2.8
(ErDy) Ni2 144 41 33 3.9
Ceramic * 100 50 17 2.7
Ceramic+ErJNi 100 50/45 15/32 27
Er3 Ni+(ErDy)Ni2 144 48/41 16/38 4.2
With regards to our three objectives, the results obtained clearly showed that major
improvements in capacity at 10 K can be achieved with these materials. A capacity increase
from 2.0 to 4.2 W was achieved with a combination of Er3Ni and (ErDyh.oNi2 material. In
each case the maximum improvement occurred with a porosity of 40 to 45%, and with less
that 50% of the lead replaced with test material. The maximum capacity achieved at 10 K,
along with the optimum porosity and fill factor are given in Table 2. This table also shows
that similar improvements in capacity, as compared to Iead, were achieved with a
mechanical drive refrigerator although it did not achieve the same low temperatures.
The test results also provided clear evidence that the single most important parameter
affecting both performance and endurance was material manufacturability. Because of the
brittle nature of the rare earth materials we were unable to obtain pure spherical particles
from either the spark erosion or gas atomizing processes. This manifested itself in a
variation in performance as shown in Fig. 3, and in the erosion of material from the
regenerator during operation. The curves in Fig. 3 represent a back to back comparison of
(ErDyh.oNiz manufactured from the spark erosion and gas atomizing processes. An X-ray
diffraction and electron micrographic examination of the two regenerator aggregates
showed that the only difference existing between the two aggregates was the quality of the
spherical particles. The atomizing process produced a much more spherical aggregate with
fewer shatters than achieved from the spark erosion process. A similar result was also
achieved for an Er3Ni sample, prepared by both manufacturing processes.
As shown in Table 3, the manufacturing process also had a major impact on the
durability of the material. 200-hour durability tests were conducted to measure performance
changes and material loss. As shown, the spark eroded materials, especially the Er3Ni,
resulted in greater material loss. The weight loss resulted in a black powder that deposited
itself throughout the cold head and eventually resulted in plugging the heat exchanger or the
valve components. Furthermore, the loss of Er3Ni from the mechanical drive refrigerator,
with a moving regenerator, appeared to be more severe than for the pneumarle drive
refrigerator with a stationary regenerator. In the case of the (ErDyh.oNi2 atomized material,
which produced better spherical particles, the loss of material from the regenerator was not
distinguishable in either refrigerator. This observation leads to the conclusion that the
erosion is caused by the movement of the regenerator material, as a result of the inertia and
flow forces acting upon the aggregate. Therefore, the quality of the spherical particles is a
key manufacturing parameter in the use of these rare earths as regenerator materials.
In conjunction with our goal of evaluating the performance of these materials at 10 K,
their low-temperature performance was also measured. Dissappointingly the ultra-low
temperatures reported by other researchers were not reached; however, a temperature
reduction of more than 2 K was achieved. The second-stage load curves for the materials
giving the greatest capacity at 10 K, and the lowest temperatures are shown in Fig. 4. As
shown, the lowest temperature achieved was 6.2 K with a combination of ceramic and
Er3Ni material. Speed and pressure were varied during these tests but had little effect on the
results obtained. In each case, with the exception of the ceramic material, the highest
capacity was obtained at the design speed of the machine. For both refrigerators, the speed
varied by 30%, and the suction pressure from 65 to 100 psia, with a corresponding
14 /
Ceramic + Er3Ni +Pb /
12 /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
discharge pressure variation of 240 to 300 psia. For the ceramic material, the lowest
temperature was achieved at a lower speed, which was attributed to the low thermal
diffnsivity of the ceramic.
The question that arises in achieving these low temperatures with a GM refrigerator is :
"What is the available refrigeration produced and how does this compare to the inherent
thermallosses in the system?" The model used to analyze this is shown in Fig. 5. The model
assumes that gas leaves the regenerator and enters the expansion volume at the refrigeration
temperature. The gas is then expanded adiabatically in the expansion volume and passed
through the heat exchanger were it is warmed to provide the refrigeration effect. The gas
leaves the heat exchanger at the refrigeration temperature and enters the regenerator to
complete the cycle. The maximum available refrigeration was computed from the enthalpy
change of the gas as it is heated from state 4 to state 5. The pressure change considered was
from 6 to 20 bar and the working fluid was helium.
From the model, the maximum available refrigeration as function of the refrigeration
temperature is shown in Fig. 6. Along with the maximum available refrigeration, the figure
presents the conduction heat leak computed for the instrumentation leads, tubing, and
second-stage displacer, assuming a first-stage temperature of 25 K. As seen, the available
refrigeration below 4 K is very small and when heat leaks and a small regenerator
inefficiency ( Ie = 2% ) are included, very little usable refrigeration exist below 6 K.
g 6
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2.5 ( T(l st stage) = 25 K)
.., 2 r -
/;"' -~
1=0.0-; ··-e
u 1.5 e
~ I=o.z+:
u e
!= /
~ ~--0" FREQ=0.5 HZ
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Magnetic rare earth intermetallic compounds have properties of great utility in the
construction of cryocooler regenerators. The magnetocaloric effect observed in these
materials is the basis for regenerative magnetic refrigeration, and large magnetic heat
capacities have been used to enhance low temperature performance of Gifford-McMahon
cryocoolers. Development of reliable rare earth intermetallic regenerators has been
lirnited in large part by poor mechanical properties of these materials and their
consequent breakdown in service.
We report on a new method for producing well formed spherical powders from
the melt in the 0.3 - 0.75 mm size rangevia a low pressure, low velocity jet atomization
technique. The method is adaptable to a wide range of materials and is limited chiefly by
compatibility of the melt with the tungsten crucible assembly. Initial results of
particulation experiments with GdNi 2 and Er3Ni are reported.
has shown that a loosely packed material allows for considerable movement of
particulates. Severe attrition is the predictable result. Secondly, spherical particulates
offer an improvement in packing behavior and stability due to their rotational symmetry,
freedom from sharp edges and asperities, and smaller concentration of internal and
surface cracks. Experience has also shown that classification via sieving is very easily
accomplished with spherical particulates.
IR Pyrometer -.cJ
Stainless Flanges ,_.,c:;:::;:~;::J~,.. Tungsten Crucible
This technique is limited in scope chiefly by two factors; 1) reactivity of the crucible
material and 2) potential for clogging of the orifice under certain conditions discussed
Figure 5. Spherical Er3 Ni formed from the melt. Figure 6. Detail of Er3Ni particle.
Figure 7. Polished section of GdNi2 particulate. Figure 8. Detail ( 1) of GdNi2 polished section.
been subjected to a considerable degree of handling and the surface darnage and cracks
visible are thought to be primarily due to particle/particle impacts. On the whole, GdNi 2
appears to be a far more durable material in this form. Figures 7 - 9 are optical
photomicrographs showing polished sections of GdNi 2 particles at successively higher
magnification. Although solidification voids are present to some extent, we note an
absence of the extremely !arge internal voids seen by other researchers using gas
atomization techniques. At the higher magnifications, the lamellar structure of the
particle is clearly seen, in this case showing the presence of a secondary phase which on
the basis of its smaller reflectivity is most likely GdNi. Figure 10 is a low power SEM
view of sectioned Er3Ni particles, again showing the absence of large internal voids
afforded by this particulation technique.
Figure 9. Detail (2) of GdNi 2 polished Figure 10. Polished section of Er3Ni
section. particulate.
100 100
0 ~
90 Et3Ni w/ 0.006 in. brass shim I
80 0 0 Et3Ni w/o shim J
70 0 0 + 0
0 + + +
.,.. 60 0 0 + ~ 60
!so + 8 ! 50
z• 40.
+ + 40
GdNi2 w/0.006 in. brass shim
20 20
GdNi2 w/o shim
10 10 0 8+ +
0 0
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Diameier (mm) Diameier (mm)
Figure 11. Crushing Ioad vs. particle Figure 12. Crushing Ioad vs. partide
size for GdNi2. size for Er3Ni.
One rather curious aspect of our work to date is that the expected Rayleigh
correlation of mean particle size (MPS) to orifice size is not being followed in this
system. Wehave observed an MPS/orifice size ratio nearly double that expected, which
corresponds to a disturbance wavelength of 8 times greater than predicted. At present we
have no explanation to offer for this unexpected result, although experiments have shown
it to be essentially independent of melt composition, viscosity and jet velocity. This of
some concern in that the particle size range of interest for high power regenerative
magnetic cryocoolers is typically 0.15mm. Thus far, wehavenot succeeded in producing
material with an MPS below about 0.4mm due to nozzle clogging problems experienced
with very small orifices.
A new melt particulation process based upon the natural instability of a laminar
fluid stream has been demonstrated for the rare earth intermetallic compounds Er3Ni and
GdNi2. Analysis of the resulting materials via metallography shows that the materials
are free of large internal voids and defects although in the case of GdNi 2 some relatively
minor solidification voids existed. Significant differences were found in the compressive
Ioad bearing capabilities of particulate formed from these two materials and the very low
crushing strength of Er3Ni corroborates the extensive amount of darnage observed as a
result of normal shipping and handling techniques.
1. C. Zimmet al, Materials for Regenerative Magnetic Cooling Spanning 20K, to 80K,
tobe published in "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering", Vol. 37, Plenum Press,
2. M. Sahashi et al, New Magnetic Material R 3T System with Extremely Large Heat
Capacities Used as Heat Regenerators, in "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering",
Vol. 35B, Plenum Press, New York, (1990), p. 1175.
4. J. Barclay and S. Sarangi, Selection of Regenerator Geometry for Magnetic
Refrigerator Applications, in "Cryogenic Processes and Equipment- 1984",
A.S.M.E., New York, (1984), p. 51.
5. J. Barclay, The Theory of an Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigerator,
NASA-CP -2287, (1983).
6. A. DeGregoria et al, Initial Tests of an Active Magnetic Regenerator Refrigerator,
Proc. Fourth Interagency Meeting on Cryocoolers. Publication
DTRC 91/003, (1991), p. 277.
7. F. Biancanello, Presented at David Taylor Research Center
workshop on processing reactive meta! powders,
November, 1990.
8. I. Anderson, Presented at DTRC workshop, November 1990.
9. J. Perepezko, E. Ludeman and D. Thoma, unpublished.
10. R. Ardizone, Presented at DTRC workshop, November 1990.
11. J. Rayleigh, "Theory of Sound", 2nd edition, MacMillan and Co, Ltd., London,
This paper describes the analysis of regenerators which consist of rare earth compounds.
In a regenerative cycle refrigerator, refrigeration Ioss is larger than useful refrigeration
capacity at liquid helium temperature, and the main loss is regenerator loss. The purpose of
this paper is to establish a numerical calculation method which gives useful information for
designing high efficiency regenerators. The model regenerator consisted of two regenerator
compounds: EnNi, which is hot-side material, and another material such as ErNi2,
Ero.7sDyo.zsNi2, ErNi, or Ero.9Ybo.!Ni. The regenerator efficiency was calculated for various
ratios of the two materials. Regenerator efficiencies for various combinations of rare earth
compounds are systematically discussed. The maximum regenerator efficiency was obtained
at 4 K with the condition that EnNi was 45% and Ero.9Ybo.tNi was 55% of the regenerator
volume. Moreover, it was shown that a refrigerator with this optimized regenerator could
achieve a 52 % !arger refrigeration capacity than one with an all-EnNi regenerator.
Regenerative refrigerators which use magnetic materials for regenerators have been
studied in some papers1-3 . Kuriyama et al4 have succeeded in the Iiquefaction of helium
with a two-stage GM refrigerator. Nagao et al 5 have succeeded in the generation of superfluid
helium with a three-stage GM refrigerator. For the practical utilization of GM refrigerators,
such as shield cooling of superconducting magnets, it is crucial to the improve the performance
of refrigerators in the liquid helium temperature region.
First of all, the model regenerator is elucidated. To derive the governing equations for
the regenerator, a constant convective heat transfer coefficient through the regenerator and
negligible small void volume are assumed.
In liquid helium temperature region, the specific heats of both helium gas and regenerator
matrix are highly dependent on temperature. To analyze the regenerator at this temperature,
we cannot help taking these temperature-dependent specific heats into consideration. The
governing equations areexpressedas (1),(2) from the energy conservation law and equation
of continuity 8:
iJHs=hAwL't (T -T ) (2)
at Ms g s
This pair of equations needs to be expressed in a suitable numerical scheme for computer
calculation. The authors follow the same method 9 to express the partial differential equations
in finite form. The regenerator location and process period were divided into 150 grid
points. The values of Hg and Hs are tabulated in computer memory at every integer value of
temperature as in the Reference 9. The regenerator efficiency is defined as enthalpy efficiency
('11) as follows in,
_ ll Hreal
TJ---- (3)
ll Hideal
where llHreal and llHideal are respectively the actual and ideal enthalpy changes of the gas.
In the region where the gas can be treated as an ideal gas, the enthalpy changes of high
pressure flow and low-pressure flow are equal to each other. But in the region where the
gas cannot be treated as an ideal gas, the enthalpy changes of high-pressure flow and
low-pressure flow aren't the same any more. In the calculating condition discussed below,
the enthalpy change of high-pressure flow is smaller than that of low pressure. When
applying the energy conservation law, it is correct to put the smaller enthalpy change into
the denominator. Therefore, in this paper, we selected the ideal enthalpy change of high-
pressure flow for the denorninator of Equation (3).
A numerical regenerator model is shown in Fig. 1. The gas pressures are 2 MPa for
high pressure and 0.8 MPa for low pressure, and the temperature is fixed at 30 K for the
high-temperature end and 4 K for the low-temperature end. We put Er3Ni in high-temperature
part of the regenerator and the other rare earth compound ( RNix) in low-temperature part.
Th=30K TC'04K
Fig. 1 The model regenerator. This regenerator has a hybrid strueture with EI3Ni and
RNix. EI3Ni is placed in the high-temperature part and RNix in the low-
temperature part of the regenerator.
All matriees are assumed to be spheres of 0.25 mm diameter. The model regenerator is 32
mm in diameter and 85 mm in length, whieh is the same size as the 2nd-stage regenerator
of our GM refrigerator. The mass flow rate ril is 2 g/s, half eycle period "t is 0.5 s, and
eonvective heat transfer eoeffieient h is 0.05 W/em 2-K. In this ealeulation, the parameters
are RNix and k, whieh is the ratio of RNix volume to the total regenerator volume.
In this section the authors diseuss the effect of the temperature-rlependent specifie heat
regenerator effieieney by using ErxDy1-xNi2 for RNix whose speeifie heat ehanges
systematieally with x. The volumetrie specifie heats of ErxDy1-xNi2 are shown in Fig. 2. As
shown in this figure, the temperature at whieh the speeifie heat reaehes its peak inereases
with decreasing x. Moreover, the speeifie heat peak beeomes higher with deereasing x.
The regenerator effieiencies are shown in Fig. 3. This figure shows that the effieieney
of the regenerator inereases with k when x is equal to 1 and 0. 75. The maximum effieieney
= = =
is obtained at kmax 0.15 for x 1 and kmax 0.5 for x = 0.75, respeetively (kmax is
defined as the k value at which the maximum efficiency is obtained). The specific heat of
ErNiz is !arger than that of Er3Ni below 7 K , and the specific heat of Ero.75Dyo.zsNi2 is
!arger than that of EI3Ni below 12 K. Therefore, ErNiz is useful in a narrower temperature
region than Ero.75Dyo.zsNiz, and this causes that the kmax of ErNi2 tobe smaller than that of
Ero.7sDyo.zsNiz. When x is 0.5 the effieieney decreases with k. This is beeause Ero.sDyo.sNi2
has not as !arge a heat capacity as EnNi at liquid helium temperature, as shown in Fig. 2.
Hence, Ero.sDyo.sNiz eannot absorb enough heat from helium gas in this temperature region.
Accordingly, the Ero.sDyo.sNi z regenerator is inferior to the all-EnNi regenerator.
u 0.8
1- 0.6
(.) 0.4
w 0.2
0.0 .___..__.......__.____..~......____,
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0.9975 • .E • N'
•- ro.1sDyo.2s 12
o·o, _. • ,- ·a, ../
I 0 ·•'
0.9965 0 _..,
> '
111 '
ö 0.9955 ; 0
a: \
0,..... ErNi2
' •'
0.9945 '~
111 0.9935
\ 0 .
a: \ ~ro.sDyo.sNi2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Fig. 3 Regenerator efficiencies of the hybrid structure regenerator with EnNi and
ErxDyl-xNi as functions of the ratio of ErxDy 1-xNiz volume to the total regenerator
The volumetric specific heats of ErxYbt-xNi are shown in Fig. 4. This figure shows that
the temperature at which the specific heat has its peak decreases with decreasing x. The
maximum efficiencies are obtained at kmax = 0.65 for x = 1 and kmax = 0.55 for x = 0.9,
respectively. The efficiency of the Ero.9Ybo.tNi regenerator at kmax is 0.55 has the largest
value of all the rare earth compound regenerators discussed in this paper.
Figure 5 shows the temperature profiles of the matrix in the regenerator. In this figure,
line A shows the matrix temperature profile right after the high-pressure gas flowed through
the regenerator. Line B shows the matrix temperature profile of the matrix right after the
low-pressure gas flowed through the regenerator. The specific heat of Ero.9Ybo.JNi is much
!arger than that of EnNi at liquid helium temperature, as shown in Fig. 4. From the Fig. 5,
it can be recognized that the variation of temperature near the cold outlet in the Er.o.9Ybo.tNi
regenerator is smaller than in the all-EnNi regenerator. Hence, in the Ero.9Ybo.JNi regenerator,
helium gas is discharged at a lower temperature from the cold outlet than in the all-EnNi
From the viewpoint of the regenerator matrix selection, the magnitude of the specific
heat at liquid helium temperature has a !arge effect on the regenerator efficiency.
~ x=0.9
u 0.8
oC 0.6
0 0.4
II. 0.2
5 10 15 20 25 30
Hybrid type
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Fig. 5 Temperature profiles of the regenerator matrix at the end of each process. Hybrid
type is the regenerator which consists of 45 % EnNi and 55% Ero.9Ybo.!Ni. The
fine verticalline shows the boundary of matrix in the hybrid regenerator.
Fig. 6 The model refrigerator. This refrigerator consists of a regenerator with high
temperature at 30 K, low temperature at 4 K, and an expander.
cc 4.0
5 6 7
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2
Fig. 7 Temperature- Entropy diagram of helium. This figure also shows the refrigeration
cycle of the model refrigerator.
1 .- 4 : ideal refrigeration cycle
2 ..... 3 .- 4 : real refrigeration cycle
Table 1. Calculated values of kmax, 1], and Qr/Qi for various regenerator rnaterials
First of all, we consider the ideal refrigeration cycle as follows. With the ideal regenerator,
the gas flows to the expansion volurne at 4 K (point 1 in Fig. 7). Then, the gas expands
isotherrnally (process 1 - 4). The area of reetangle 1-4-7-5 represents the ideal refrigeration
capacity (Qi). Next, we consider the real refrigeration cycle. With the inefficient regenerator,
the gas flows to the expansion volurne at a higher ternperature (Tout) than 4 K (point 2). In
our rnodel cycle, the gas expands adiabatically to 4 K (process 2 - 3), then expands
isotherrnally (process 3 - 4). The area of reetangle 3-4-7-6 represents the real refrigeration
capacity (Qr). The reduced refrigeration capacity is expressedas Qr divided by Qi.
Table 1 represents kmax, the rnaxirnurn regenerator efficiencies, and the reduced
refrigeration capacities for various regenerators. lt can be recognized frorn table 1 that
srnall differences in regenerator efficiency rnake !arge differences in refrigeration capacity.
The refrigeration capacity for the regenerator which consists of 45 % EnNi and 55 %
Ero.9Ybo.INi is 52 % !arger than that for the all-EnNi regenerator. Frorn the calculated
refrigeration capacity, it is clear that the hybrid structure regenerator with EI3Ni and
Ero.9Ybo.INi is the rnost effective to increase refrigeration capacity at liquid heliurn
temperature. Moreover, the calculating method discussed above is very useful in studying
the effect of regenerator efficiency on refrigeration capacity.
The efficiency of the regenerator which had hybrid structure with EnNi and RNix
was calculated. The following conclusions are drawn frorn this analysis.
(1) The rnaxirnurn efficiency is obtained when RNix is Ero.9Ybo.JNi and k is 0.55. In this
condition, the refrigeration capacity increases 52 % cornpared with the all-EI3Ni
(2) The rnagnitude of regenerator rnatrix specific heat at liquid heliurn ternperature affects
regenerator efficiency.
(3) A rnethod for analyzing regenerator efficiency and refrigeration capacity is established.
4. T. Kuriyama et al, Two-stage GM refrigerator with EI3Ni regenerator for helium
liquefaction, in: "Proc. Sixth Cryocooler Conf. , 11 to be published.
5. M. Nagao et al, Generation of superfluid helium by a Gifford-McMahon cycle cryocooler,
in: "Proc. Sixth Cryocooler Conf. ," tobe published.
6. R. Li et al, Magnetic material for cryogenic regenerator, in: "Proc. JSJS III," Okayama,
Japan (1989), p. 84.
7. T. Hashimoto et al, Recent progress on the rare earth magnetic regenerator material, in:
11 Advance in Cryogenic Engineering," Vol. 37.
8. P. Rios and J. L. Smith, Jr. ,The effect of variable specific heat of the matrix on the
performance ofthermal regenerators, in: "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering," Vol.
13, Plenum Press, New York (1968), p. 566.
9. R. K. Sahoo and S. Sanragi, Effect of temperature-rlependent specific heat of the
working fluid on the performance of cryogenic regenerators, Cryogenics 25: 583
~ ~
is some concern that the long term operation in the regenerative heat
exchanger of a GM cycle can break the powder down into very fine
particles. These fine particles can escape from the regenerative heat
exchanger and adversely affect other GM cooler components (e.g. the
displacer, sea.ls, and valves).
-o-- Er3NI
-o-- Neodymlum
- - Pb
'e 0.40
0 0.30
:I: 0.20
0 0.10
2 4 6 810121416
Figure 2 . Hea t capacity versus t emperature for lead. neodymium. and Er 3Ni.
Conuneraial sources were used to obtain EraNi in the form of arushed
powder and molten salt bath produced spheres. In addition, the
Gaithersburg branah of the National Institute of Standards and Teahnology
(NIST) produaed spherical powders of EraNi using an inert gas atomization
process. The arushed powder is marle by breaking up a solid bar of Er aNi
illltil powders that will pass a 0.25 nun (0.010 inah) sieve are produced.
The molten salt bath involves melting a supply of EraNi nuggets and
allowing the molten partiales to slowly settle and drift in a aolumn of
molten salt. Inert gas atomization involves evacuating a large
aylindrical ahamber -- 1.6 m (46 inah) inside diameter by 2.7 m (9 feet
tall) -- and then backfilling to one atmosphere of argon. At the top is
a melt chamber with an induation melting arucible supported on a
stainless steel separating plate. A stopper rod is used to aontain the
liquid metal in the aruaible. When the stopper rod is raised the molten
metal flows through a aeramia delivery tube. The liquid forms a sheet at
the nozzle tip whiah is sheared by the atomizing gas into first
ligaments, then dumbbells and finally droplets. The droplets fall in the
main ahamber and solidify into spherical powders whiah are aollected at
the base of the ayclone separator.
A aonunercial source was used to obtain Nd in the form of spherical
powders by the method of rotating plasma eleatrode (RPE). For this
procedure, a bar of Nd, 6.35 am (2.5 inches) in diameter and 25.4 cm (10
inahes) long, is machined from a aonmercially supplied ingot of Nd. The
bar is rotated along i ts long axis at high speed in a ahamber filled wi th
argon. A metal electrode is brought close to the end of the Nd bar and
an electrical arc is struak. The aombination of the heating and the
rotational foraes causes molten partiales of Nd to be SPlffi off and to
solidify into spherical powders.
(An attempt has not been marle to make EraNi by the RPE method.
EraNi is very brittle and would be diffiault to machine with the
dimefkqional toleranaes needed for the electrode in the RPE method.)
Optical and electron microsaopy were utilized to examine the
condi tion of the powders. The powd.ers were embedded in epoxy and then in
bakelite for polishing to a flat surface. This allowed the interior of
the partiales to be examined for voids and allowed for the use of the
electron microprobe to study the composition and microstructure of the
powders. The scanning electron microscope was used to study the surface
topography of the powders and. to measure their size.
Figure 3. ErJNi crushed powder; scanning electron micrograph.
For the following reasons, hollow spheres are not preferred for use
in a regenerator matrix. A powder size of 0.23 mm (0.009 inch) diameter
is considered optimum for a regenerator matrix in a regenerative heat
exchanger. During each cycle the regenerator matrix must alternately
transfer heat to and from the helium that is compressed and expanded in
t he GM cooling cycle . If the powder particles in the regenerator mat rix
are too small or too large, the particle mass is not being used
effectively. Likewise, if the particles are hollow, the mass needed to
optimize the heat flow during each cycle is no langer present.
1000 pro
a. Scanning electron micrograph.
particles are much smaller than this. As currently designed, the NIST
gas atomizer favors the production of finely size particles. However, it
can be modified to produce a higher yield of larger particles. Such a
modification is being planned.
The Nd powder was visually bright and shiny and could be handled in
room air for brief periods without violent or excessive oxidation.
Scanning electron microscope examination showed the Nd powder to be very
smooth in surface texture and to have a high proportion of spherical
particles (Fig. 6). Electron microprobe examination showed that the
a. Scanning electron micrograph.
partiales did not have an excessively thick oxide layer and were solid
throughout their cross-section. The yield (approximately 15 %) was
acceptable in the size range 0.12 to 0.25 rnm (0.005 to 0.010 inch).
Since this yield was obtained on the first run, we believe that
continuing efforts will further improve the yield.
2. Due to the combined brittle and highly reactive nature of EraNi,
only the inert gas atomization process was able to produce spherical
powder without excessive oxidation. However, more process
experimentation and system modifications are needed if the yield of solid
partiales with sizes greater than 0.25 mm (0.005 inch) is to be
The Low Temperature Performance of a Three Stage Gifford-McMahon Cryocooler
P. Gifford
Cryomech Inc.
Syracuse NY. 13210
In an effort to produce compact, reliable and easily operated cryocoolers which can provide
refrigeration below 10 K, an experimental investigation oflow temperature regenerators
was undertaken. As part of this pro gram, a three stage G-M cycle refrigerator was designed
and constructed. This apparatus was designed so that the whole length of its third stage
regenerator operates at temperatures below 10 K. Instrumentation was included which
provided temperature, pressure and volume data for each stage. Test results for Pb, Nd and
Er3Ni regenerators are presented. These test results include cool-down performance as weil
as refrigeration power at various temperatures.
The United States Navy has an ongoing program to develop superconducting motors and
generators for possible use as propulsion systems in ships and submarines. The work
presented in this paper is part of this effort and is sponsored by The Office of N aval
A superconducting propulsion system which can withstand the demands of long sea
voyages and combat conditions will require an extremely rugged and reliable cryogenic
refrigeration system. The Gifford-McMahon (G-M) cycle refrigerator is a possible
candidate for such a refrigeration system because of its relatively small size, simplicity,
good reliability and ruggedness. Walker provides a description of the G-M cycle
refrigerator1• Traditionally however, the lowest temperatures which G-M cycle machines
could achieve have been limited to approximately 10 K. This poses adefinite problern
since the most widely used superconducting magnet systems operate at temperatures
between 4 and 5 K. Thus in order for G-M cycle refrigerators to be a viable option for the
Navy, they must be able to achieve temperatures below 5 K.
The primary goal of this researchwas to find ways which allowed the G-M cycle
refrigerator to operate at lower temperatures. The most apparent factor which Iimits the
The focus of this paper is on the effect which matrix materials have on the temperature and
cooling power performance of low temperature regenerators for G-M cycle refrigerators.
This paper presents the test results of several matrix materials (i.e. Iead, Er3Ni and
Neodymium). Thesetests compare the performance of regenerators which differ primarily
in thermal properties (i.e. total heat capacity, thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity,
etc.). The overall geometry (volume, length and diameter), material geometry (particle size
and shape) and operaring conditions (pressures and temperatures) of these regenerators
were kept as consistent as our apparatus and budget allowed.
A considerable effort was placed on the material development work which was done in
conjunction with the regenerator testing and is being presented and published
simultaneously at the 1991 Cryogenic Engineering Conference4.
For this research, a special apparatus was designed and built by Cryomech Inc. to test the
low temperature regenerators in a G-M cycle refrigerator. This apparatus is essentially a
three stage G-M refrigerator which was designed so that the third stage regenerator could
be interchanged easily. Three separate third stage regenerators were constructed by
identical methods, the only difference being that each used a different matrix material.
The apparatus was fully instrumented so that temperatures, gas pressures and displacer
motion could be monitared for all three stages. In addition, a variable speed drive motor
and a throttling valve plate were installed for more flexible control of the operating
Refri &erator
The frrst two stages of the three stage apparatus were based on a commercial G-M
refrigerator design which produces cooling power at 10 K. It was anticipated that the full
length of the third stage regenerator would operate below 10 K.
In this apparatus, all three regenerators were stationary, and each was paired with its own
displacer. Figure 1 is a schematic of the apparatus. The displacers were operated
pneumatically, and their motion was controlled by a rotary valve which also controlled the
flow of gas through all three regenerators. The sizes and strokes for each stage of the
apparatus is presented in table 1.
The use of a small D.C. gear-motor allowed the speed of rotation of the valve tobe varied
from about 100 RPM to less than 5 RPM. The valve was designed so that for each
revolution, the refrigerator experienced two full cycles. Thus the cyclic speed of the
apparatus could be varied from about 10 cycles/min. to 200 cycles/min. Although the rate
of revolution of the valve could be changed, the timing between the motion of the
displacers and the flow of gas in and out of the apparatus was fixed by the rotary valve.
After the initial Operation of the apparatus, it became apparent that fine tuning the
pneumatic drive system so that all three displacers moved in unison would be difficult. To
aid in this fine tuning process, an additional valve plate, which placed a throttling valve in
the flow path for each displacer control port, was installed. This valve plate gave a small
amount of control and aided in balancing the motion of the displacers.
I nstrurnentation
Several instruments were added to the apparatus which are not normally used on
commercial G-M refrigerators. The location of the instruments are schematically shown in
fig. 1. The purpose of these instruments were to provide information helpful in
understanding the processes which occur in the refrigerator during operation. The
instrumentation consisted of silicon diode temperature transducers on each of the three
stages, piezoresistive pressure transducers located at the cold regions of each stage and
linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) which measured the motion of the three
The pressure transducers and the LVDTs were used to display pressure vs. volume
diagrams for each stage as the apparatus was being operated. Figure 2 is a typical P-V
diagram for the third stage. These data were recorded with a Nd regenerator operating at a
Fig. 2 P-V plot for third stage with Nd regenerator.
cyclic speed of 120 cycles/min. and a pressure ratio of 13.5:1. Diagrams like this provided
a way to quickly assess ifthe apparatus was operating properly. The temperature
transducers provided a quantitative method in assessing the performances of the various
regenerators. They also gave some insight into how the temperature varied over a cycle.
Figure 3 is a plot of temperature versus time for the cycles shown in fig.2. As can be seen,
there is a significant variation in temperature during a cycle.
The interchangeable character of the third stage regenerator permitted the comparative
testing of different regenerator materials specifically selected to operate at temperatures
below those which conventional G-M regenerators operate. The material typically used in
these regenerators is either Iead or Iead alloyed with small amounts of antimony. In
addition to this regenerator material, we tested Neodymium (Nd) and Erbium-3-Nickel
intermetallic compound (Er3Ni). All three regenerator materials were in spherical powder
form, each with a diameter of approximately 0.15 to 0.23 mm. The packing factor (i.e. the
ratio of the actual volume of matrix material to the total volume available for matrix
material) in the Pb regeneratorwas 66.9% , that in the Nd regeneratorwas 66.2% and that
for the Er3Ni was only 54.8%. The low packing factor in the Er3Ni was attributable to
hollow and irregularly shaped spheres and the use cotton fabric to prevent the leakage of
material from the regenerator.
w 6.50
w 6.26
o.o 0.1 0.2 o.a o.4 o.5 o.& 0.1 o.a u 1.0
Fig. 3 Temperature history for third stage with Nd regenerator.
Figure 4 shows the volumetric heat capacities of the different low temperature regenerator
materials as functions of temperature . This figure illustrates the fact that as the temperature
falls below 10 K the heat capacity of lead diminishes rapidly. Both the Nd and the Er3Ni
materials have a greater heat capacity than lead below 10 K and they also have a relative
peak in their heat capacities at about 8 K. The peak is somewhat !arger for the Er3Ni than
for the Nd.
The three low temperature regenerators were evaluated under several circumstances. First,
their cool-down characteristics were recorded. Second, the no-load temperature
performance was measured as a function of cyclic speed, while keeping the pressure ratio
constant. Third, the cooling power characteristics were measured while keeping both the
speed and the pressure ratios constant.
Figure 5 shows a typical cool-down curve for the apparatus. As can be seen, the firststage
cools down the quiekest, followed next by the second stage and then the third stage.
Complete cool-down occurred in about 90 minutes irrespective of which material was used
in the third stage regenerator.
Tests were performed to measure the lowest achievable temperatures in this apparatus with
the different regenerator matrix materials. These tests were performed using a constant
pressure ratio of 13.5:1 while keeping the low pressure at 116.5 kPa. The results of these
tests are shown in fig. 6. As can be seen, the Er3Ni regenerator was able to produce the
lowest temperatures, about 6.0 K, and did so at about 104 cycles/min. The Nd regenerator
was able to achieve the next lowest temperatures, around 6.5 K, at speeds around 120
cycles/min. The coldest temperature the lead regenerator could produce was about 7.1 K at
120 cycles/min.
Tests were also performed to measure the cooling power of the three low temperature
regenerators. Figure 7 presents the data. The apparatus was operating at a pressure ratio of
13.5:1 with the low pressure fixed at 116.5 kPa and the cyclic speed at 130 cycles/min. As
was expected from the previous tests, for zero input power, the Er3Ni regenerator produced
0.50 ----· -·
() 0.40 ...
w 0.20
::;: 0.10
3 5 7 9 11 13 15
g 200
I!! 100
Fig 5 Cool-down history for three stage G-M apparatus with Pb regenerator.
the lowest temperatures, followed by Nd and then Pb. At 1 watt cooling power, both the
Er3Ni and the Nd regenerators operated at about 7 K while the Pb regenerator operated at
about 8.2 K. At 2 watts cooling power; the Nd and Er3Ni regenerators again operated at
similar temperatures, slightly under 8.0 K, and the Pb regenerator operated at araund 9.0 K.
The low temperature regenerator tests showed that Nd and Er3Ni perform better than Pb
thermodynamically. We attribute this increase in performance to the higher volumetric heat
capacities of these materials. These increases in performance in our apparatus were modest
however, and the achieved temperatures and refrigeration powers were not sufficient to
fulfill the Navy's needs. Other researchers have shown better performance (lower
temperatures and higher cooling powers) using powder Er3Ni matrix materials for their
low temperature regenerator. The results of our tests indicate the improvement which these
researchers achieved is due only in part to the material used in the low temperature
regenerator. There must be other significant factors which are critical to improving the low
9.0 ~Er3NI
a: 8.0
::::1! 7.0
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
g 11.0
1- 10.0
:Ii 8.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Fig. 7 Cooling power performance of the three stage G-M apparatus.
temperature performance and these factors need to be investigated in the future. The most
likely of these factors include cyclic speed, displacer speed, external pressure drop,
regenerator geometry and excess void volume.
The results of our tests did indicate that cyclic speed had a strong effect on regenerator
performance. However it affected the higher temperature regenerators differently than the
low temperature regenerators. The apparatus did not operate weil at very low cyclic speeds
because the first and second stages were designed to operate at relatively high speeds (144
cycles/min.). As the speed in our apparatus was lowered, the temperatures of the first and
second stages climbed. This meant that the warm end of the third stage regenerator had to
operate at non-optimal temperatures and it had to operate across increasing temperature
differences. The ability to vary the cyclic speed, without seriously affecting the upper stage
temperatures would be very helpful in evaluating the effect of cyclic speed on low
temperature regenerators.
The speedat which the displacers moved may have reduced the performance of our
apparatus. We were not able to measure the effect of displacer speed with our apparatus
because it used a pneumatic drive system for displacer motion. While this type of drive
system had many advantages, the ability to carefully control the speedwas not one of them.
We also had indications that our apparatus may have had pressure drop problems in the gas
lines between the compressor and the cold head, especially on the low pressure side. If this
was the case, the pressure ratio that the refrigerator operated at was effectively diminished.
This problern could be solved with larger diameter gas lines and a large accumulator on the
low pressure side.
Other factors which need to be studied are the effect of the void volume in the expansion
space and regenerator geometry . A large increase in heat capacity could be achieved
simply by using a larger regenerator. Forming the matrix material into other configurations
(e.g. perforated plates, ribbon gap, stacked screens, etc.) may also have significant benefit.
While the thermodynamic performance of the Er3Ni regenerator was superior to the other
regenerators tested, there are several reasons why this material may not be the most suitable
for use in G-M cycle refrigerators. The primary disadvantage is the matrix rapidly abrades
and breaks down into finer and finer sizes. This is due to the extremely brittle nature of this
material and the fact that many of the particles are hollow and erratically shaped. When this
breakdown occurs, the regenerator begins to "leak" the matrix material. As the matrix
materialleaves the regenerator, it flows to various parts of the refrigerator which causes
premature wear in the seals and bearing surfaces. In addition, the material which remains in
the partially full regenerator breaks down even more rapidly. Another majorproblern with
this material is its high cost which is attributable to the costs of the raw material, the
difficult manufacturing processes, and the low percentage of usable powder which results
from these processes.
The regenerator constructed with Nd matrix material did not perform as well as the Er3Ni
regenerator but the differences were modest. The mechanical properties of the Nd are
superior to Er3Ni and somewhat similar to Pb in the fact that spheres are solid and resistant
to abrasion. This produces a much more reliable regenerator. While the cost of the raw
material is high, there does exist a commercial process for the relatively inexpensive
manufacture of good quality spheres. This process yields a reasonably high percentage of
usable powder. Nd does have a tendency to oxidize, especially when exposed to the high
temperatures in the manufacturing process. However our experience shows that the
material will not break down significantly if stored in an environment where the presence
of oxygen is minimal.
A number of near-term precision space-science instruments have baselined the
use of mirnature long-life space Stirling-cycle cryocoolers. In support of these
instruments, JPL is conducting an extensive cooler characterization test and analysis
program focused at developing special sensitive performance measurement tech-
rnques and identifying means of improving cooler performance. This paper provides
a summary overview of the vibration characteristics of split Stirling cryocoolers of the
Oxford type and describes means being developed to achieve vibration levels
consistent with the exacting requirements of sensitive infrared spectrometer
instruments currently under development for NASA applications. A key emphasis of
the paper is on exploring both active and passive means of reducing the residual
upper harmorncs of the drive frequency that remain with nulled back-to-back
compressor and displacer urnts. Vibration supression results, measured with JPL's
urnque 6-degree-of-freedom force dynamometer, are presented for the 80K Stirling
cooler manufactured by British Aerospace.
The ernerging line of second generation mirnature Stirling-cycle cryocoolers,
which are building on the successful Oxford University ISAMS cooler1•2, are ideally
suited to meeting the cryogernc cooling demands of a growing number of NASA
space-science instruments. To satisfy the demanding application requirements, these
ernerging Stirling cryocoolers are successfully addressing a broad array of complex
interface requirements that critically affect successful integration to the sensitive
instrument detectors. Low vibration and EMI, and improved cooling performance at
lower temperatures (55 to 60K) are particularly important parameters.
In January of 1990, JPL took delivery of one of the first long-life 80K Stirling
cryocoolers manufactured by British Aerospace (BAe) 3, and began an extensive
characterization activity designed to learn from and build upon the Oxford-heritage
in a collaborative program with industry to meet the demands of NASA's near-term
space-science instruments. Research has focused on all aspects of cryocooler
performance including vibration\ EMI5, thermal performance4•6, and reliability4 •
F~g. 1. JPL's force dynamometer facility with BAe coolers undergoing vibration characterization
u 10 u
a: a:
~ ~
z z
> 0.01 0.1
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
Fig. 2. Vibration force spectra for single and back-to-back BAe 80K compressors
Figure 3 illustrates similar data obtained for single and back-to-back BAe Stirling
displacers that mate to the above compressors. Notice that the displacer vibration
Ievel is similar to that of the compressors despite its significantly (20X) smaller
moving mass. It is hypothesized that this greater relative noise Ievel in the displacer
is the result of the displacer being predominantly driven by the gas pressure wave
from the compressor, and only secondarily modulated by the displacer drive
electronics for accurate phase and stroke control.
Although these vibration Ievels for back-to-back coolers are near the 0.05 lb goal,
the Ievel of vibration cancellation displayed is highly dependent on careful manual
nulling with the visibility provided by the force dynamometer and spectrum analyzer.
In a flight instrument, means must be found to actively provide this nulling function
over the life of the instrument, and hopefully to additionally lower the remaining
vibration through incorporation of advanced vibration control techniques.
u 10 u
a: a:
u.. ~
z z
> 0.01
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
Fig. 3. Vibration force spectra for single and back-to-back BAe 80K displacers
In the last five years a variety of powerful adaptive vibration control techniques
have been developed, generally based on digital signal processing techniques. These
techniques 7 have been addressed to applications as widely varied as autornative noise
control and control of vibration of rotating machinery. The general concept is to
drive a servo-mechanism in such a manner as to cancel the objectionable vibration
as measured by appropriate transducers at one or more important locations.
The back-ta-back space cryocooler is ideally suited to these advanced control
techniques because it inherently contains the required balancing mechanism (the
second cooler) and generates vibration at a limited set of time-invariant frequencies;
thus only amplitude and phase control at each important harmonic is required, and
adaptive frequency response is not required.
As shown in Fig. 4, the feasibility of selectively nulling individual harmonics has
been demonstrated4 using a technique whereby the fundamental oscillator drive to
one of the two back-ta-back coolers is modified slightly with the addition of low-level
phase-locked signals at multiples of the drive frequency. The amplitude and phase
of each of these harmonics is manually adjusted to cancel the residual vibration
between the two coolers at the selected frequencies. With the assumption that this
nulling condition is stable, one first-order method of vibration control is to
permanently incorporate this modified sine-wave into the cooler drive electronics; to
deal with operational dependencies, a separate set of nulling parameters can be
stored for each important cooler operating state. A recognized limitation of this
approach is that, in the post-launch thermal-vacuum space environment or as the
cooler ages, the required nulling parameters may change.
One approach to assuring long-term vibration cancellation is to incorporate some
form of adaptive selection of the nulling parameters based on continuous or periodic
feedback of real time vibration data. Such methods7 and other digital control
techniques under active development elsewhere within the cryocooler communiif
are showing considerable promise in early feasibility demonstrations. The possible
-~ 0.1
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
Fig. 4. Low-level residual forces achieved with back-to-back compressors nulled at three harmonics
(40, 120, and 160Hz)
100 180"
. 120°
::J 10
(/) 0
0 0.1
0.01 L.--....._-t---L.......L....l-L...L......_~=--......L..---L.-.l...-....__.J-.JL...J.....1.1----:::IW
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
Fig. 6. Effect of damping on lateral force generated by a single BAe compressor mounted on a
structure with 160 Hz resonant frequency
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
Fig. 7. Effect of offsetting structural resonance to 140Hz so as not to couple with BAe compressor
harmonic at 160 Hz
w \ l
0.75 ..... 0.05~
Q g-~
!:) 3.0 c;.
:::J 0~10 6 90" ------ ~1.0
:2 I 3!0 A.
o( .t::.
z1- 0.25
w 2.0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
w ~
\. Frequency rotio l:in
a. ~~~
Q 1.0
i:: ~V ..."...- -N~o
5w V
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
with near-constant relative movement between the two as described by Fig. 8. For
low damping, the transmitted force with such a system reduces to the spring constant
of the suspension system times this relative movement; the force thus falls off with
increasing frequency ratio as shown in Fig. 5.
The challenge with passive vibration isolation is to achieve both vibration
isolation and launch load survivability without requiring latches during launch. To
prevent excessive coupling to launch vehicle resonances, many spacecraft (eg. the
NASA Eos platforms) prohibit instrument resonances below 50 Hz; this greatly
restricts low-frequency vibration isolation on such systems, or may necessitate
complex latching systems. For the displacer, passive isolation is further complicated
by the need to minimize motion of the cold fmger tip with respect to the remainder
of the detector cryostat assembly so as to minimize vibration conducted directly
down the cold plumbing to the detector. This is discussed further in the next
Fig. 9. Example cryostat assembly integrating cooler cold finger to infrared detector
To assess the expected level of cold-tip vibration with a rigid displacer mount,
rnicro-accelerometers were attached to the tip of the BAe 80K cooler cold finger.
Displacement spectra, computed from the measured acceleration spectra, are
presented in Fig. 10 for both the lateral and longitudinal (finger-axis) directions.
The larger 2.5 J.!ffi motion in the finger-axis direction at 40 Hz agrees well with the
computed dilation of the cold finger in response to the 40 Hz fluctuating pressure of
the Stirling cycle.
Meeting the performance goals of near-term space-science instruments places
demanding requirements on long-life space Stirling-cycle coolers. One of the most
challenging requirements is achieving acceptably low levels of vibration of the
instrument detector and sensitive optical and electronic elements. Advanced
development efforts have begun to address these challenges with a broad spectrum
of both passive and advanced active control techniques. Major reductions in cooler
generated vibration are expected as these concepts mature into flight hardware for
the ernerging space-science instruments such as the Eos AIRS.
:::i 100 ur
• • • •
11. 0 c
< ~ 5
D 0
D • D
10 11.
• •
0 z
ID i 0
> 0.01 ~
0 0
0.1 >
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
Fig. 10. Measured vibration amplitude at BAe cold finger tip with rigidly mounted displacer
The work described in this paperwas carried out by the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. The financial support of JPL's Eos-AIRS
instrument is graciously acknowledged.
1. S.T. Werrett, et al., "Development of a Small Stirling Cycle Cooler for Space
Applications", Adv. Cr.yo. En~:in., Vol. 31 (1986), pp. 791-799.
2. G. Davey and A. Orlowska, "Miniatme Stirling Cycle Cooler", Cr.yo~:enics,
Vol. 27 (1987), pp. 148-151.
3. C.A. Lewis, "Long-life Stirling-cycle coolers for Applications in the 60-110K
Range: Vibration Characterization of Thermal Switch Development", SAE
Paper 891496, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA (1989).
4. R.G. Ross, Jr., D.L. Johnson and R.S. Sugimma, "Characterization of Miniatme
Stirling-cycle Cryocoolers for Space Application", Proceedin~:s of the 6th
International Cr.yocooler Conference. Plymouth MA. October 25-26. 1990,
David Taylor Research Center Document DTRC-91/002, pp. 27-38.
5. D.L. Johnson and R.G. Ross, Jr., "Electromagnetic Compatibility Characteri-
zation of a BAe Stirling-cycle Cryocooler for Space Application", Proceedings
of the 1991 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Huntsville, AL, June 11-14,
6. V. Kotsubo, R.G. Ross, Jr. and D.L. Johnson, "Thermal Performance Characteri-
zation of Miniatme Stirling-cycle Cryocoolers for Space Application",
Proceedings of the 1991 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Huntsville, AL,
June 11-14, 1991.
7. L.A. Sieversand A.H. von Flotow,"Comparison and Extensions of Control
Methods for Narrowband Distmbance Rejection", Active Noise and Vibration
Control--1990, ASME Winter Annual Meeting Proceedings NCA-Vol. 8,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, pp. 11-22.
8. J-N. Aubrun, et al., "A High Performance Force Cancellation Control System for
Linear Drive Split Cycle Stirling Cryocoolers", Proceedings of the 1991
Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Huntsville, AL, June 11-14, 1991.
This paper describes the analysis, development, and Iabaratory test of a unique hybrid
analog/digital control system that can reduce residual forces to the millipound range. The con-
troller utilizes digitally synthesized waveforms that have no harmonic distortion and whose
phase and amplitude can be controlled with exceptional stability and precision. A proprietary
Lockheed-developed algorithm is used to force the cooler reciprocating masses to follow this
waveform virtually without error. Laboratory data from force/torque Ioad cell instrumentation
that verifies system performance down to millinewton residual force Ievels will be presented.
Numerous passive and active methods have been used to reduce this vibration. In some
cases, such methods can reduce the vibration at the drive frequency to nearly acceptable Ievels.
Higher harmonics, however, generally become predominant and exceed allowable Iimits. This
paper describes the development of a unique hybrid analog/digital controllerwhich has demon-
The main purpose of the cooler is to provide adjustable cryogenic refrigeration. The heat
pumped is a function of the compressor piston amplitude, the displacer piston amplitude, and
the relative phase between compressor and displacer motion. Because of the nonlinear nature of
the fluid dynamics involved, both compressor and displacer motions must be actively con-
trolled. In addition, to provide vibration cancellation, the motion of one compressor/displacer
system must be precisely compensated by another system. Inertial and gas forces generated by a
single compressor can be as !arge as 70 N, and up to 13 N for the displacer.
Because of the dynamic Iaws of action and reaction, the forces responsible for the piston
motion are also reacting on the body of the cooler, thus creating an important source of vibra-
tion. The most important component is the electrodynamic force Fe created by the linear motor
driving the piston. A second force results from the compression of the gas, creating an effective
springthat reacts on the cylinder top. Less important components are the spiral spring support-
ing the piston (usually 20 times softer than the "gas" spring), the motion of the mass of gas
through compressor output, and the piston/cylinder gap or friction effects.
Preliminary studies have Iead to a simplified model for the compressor dynamics. The
basic dynamic equations of the system are:
Mp may include the moving mass of the spiral springs and the gas. The force Fv that moves
the piston is in general a function of the relative displacement x = (xp- Xe) and is the same force
that moves the whole cooler, producing the undesired vibration. Since the mass Mc of the cooler
is usually much !arger than the piston mass Mp, the cooler displacement Xe is much smaller than
the piston displacement Xp, and the inertial displacement Xp can be equated with the relative
displacement x.
The piston dynamics can be approximated by a mass-spring system in series with a damp-
er to reflect the gas dynamics. The flexural support of the piston is modeled by Ks. the gas com-
pressibility is modeled by Kg. the gas viscous properties are modeled by Dg. and the gas dynam-
ics are represented by the state variable x1. With these assumptions, Eqs. (1) and (2) become:
These equations show that the vibration is entirely determined by the motion of the piston
given by Eq. (3). Thus, Eq. (3) offers a clue about how to reduce this vibration: if another mass is
moved in exactly the opposite way, except perhaps for a scale factor, the total force on the system
can be zeroed out.
The performance requirements of the system are dictated by both thermodynamic and
vibration considerations. In the system described in this paper, the piston has a mass of 0.167 kg
and a maximum stroke of ± 3.5 mm. Assuming an Operating frequency of 55 Hz, the inertial
force required to aceeierate the piston is approximately 70 N. Additional force is required to
compress the gas and overcome viscous friction. The current design assumes an actuator capa-
ble of producing a maximum force of about 80 N.
Temperatureisa strong function of the compressor stroke. Under normal operating con-
ditions, the sensitivity of temperature to stroke is about 28.6 Kimm. If the temperature output of
the cooler is required tobe held to ± 1 K, then the control system must control the stroke to ± 35
11m, or about 0.5% of full stroke.
Temperature is also a function of the displacer stroke. Under normal operating condi-
tions, the temperature sensitivity is about 36 Kimm. Thus, the displacer control system must be
able to maintain the stroke amplitude to better than 28 !Jlll, or about 1.8% of full stroke.
In addition, the temperatureisalso sensitive to the phase difference between compressor
and displacer motion. Experiments have shown that optimal efficiency is obtained with a phase
difference of 65 o. lf the phase varies by ±5o, the resulting change in temperature is 0.5 K. Thus,
the displacer must be properly phased to within ± 10° of the reference sine wave applied to the
The most stringent requirements placed on the control system come from the vibration
cancellation requirements. Dynamical analysis of a system of two identical masses of mass M,
moving in opposite sinusoidal motion, show that the residual root mean square (RMS) force Fr
acting on the supporting structure is a function of the maximum stroke x, the driving frequency w
= 21rf, the amplitude error dx, and the phase matehing error between the two masses dq,. The
amplitude and phase of a matched pair must be controlled with enough accuracy to satisfy the
following condition:
Table 1. Control System Accuracy Requirements
lf the temperature must be held to within 1 K, the compressor residual force to within 0.22
N, and the displacer residual force to within 0.027 N, then control must achieve the position
accuracies shown in Table 1.
The control system performance is clearly driven by vibration cancellation. The required
Ievel of performancewill be difficult to achieve using a conventional controller. In addition, the
nonlinear nature of the system tends to produce harmonics which increase the vibration. The
uncompensated contribution to vibration force of the nth harmonic is:
where Fo is the maximum force applied to the piston, and Hn is the relative amplitude of the
harmonic. Thus, the force produced by the first harmonic is 4 times greater than that of the
fundamental jf they both have the same amplitude in position. This places additional con-
straints on the control system.
Long-term changes in the systems dynamics and the electronic components can alter the
amplitude or phase relationship between two back-to-back mass systems, and the original set-
ting for commanding the moving mass motions may no Iongerbe optimal. The ultimate closed-
loop technique for vibration cancellation is to directly sense the vibration and adjust the motion
of the compensating system accordingly. In this case, the residual vibration as measured by an
accelerometer or a Ioad cell is used to correct the motion of one of the masses to exactly null the
measured vibration.
All of the vibrationexperimental data were taken from cryocoolers working under normal
refrigeration conditions. The compressor residual force data were obtained from a pair of com-
pressors mounted back-to-back on an aluminum fixture suspended by springs. Three piezoelec-
tric accelerometers were mounted around the perimeter of the compressor flange with 120°
spacing. The two displacers were mounted on a similar platform, with only the two transfer
tubes connecting the assemblies. Figure 2 shows the setup, including the instrumentation and
power cables as weil as the vacuum shrouds that allow cryogenic operation.
Some of the tests were repeated on a single-axis dynamometer using three load-cell force
transducers. Figure 3 shows the back-to-back compressors installed on the dynamometer. The
dynamometer could not accommodate the compressors and the displacers simultaneously, and
was therefore less convenient to use. As a result, it was used only to confirm the data from the
accelerometer test stand. For future work, we plan to build a six-axis dynamometer.
The forceinformationwas based on the analog average of the outputs of the charge ampli-
fiers for each of the three accelerometers. This averagewas passed through a simple noise filter
and analyzed by a Hewlett Packard 3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer. This device measured the
force amplitude at the motor fundamental frequency and the first six harmonics. It also for-
matted the data for digital plotting and floppy-disk storage.
12.5 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
0 3rd
z 5th 1st HARMONICS
Q -50
Motor axialforcewas measured with the accelerometers mounted directly to the alumi-
num fixture. Transverse force was measured by mounting the accelerometers on aluminum
blocks that held the accelerometers normal to this first axis. Torque measurements about the
common piston axis were made by rotating the accelerometer mounting blocks.
The dynamom.eter outputwas processed in the same way as the accelerometer output by
the same electronics. The dynamometer, however, was used only to measure axial forces.
Laboratory data were gathered to demonstrate the effect of the hybrid analog/digital con-
trol system on the motor piston position and the degree to which residual vibration can be re-
duced by tight piston position control. Figure 4a shows the stroke amplitude spectrum of com-
pressor piston position with the analog control system operating, but with the digital section
turned off. The total harmonic distortion is -25 dB or 5.6%. Figure 4b shows the same situation
with the digital section turned on. Here the total harmonic distortion is -59 dB or 0.11%. This is
a 50 to 1 reduction in total harmonic distortion.
Vibration reduction was measured by first operating a single, uncompensated compres-
sor. Figure 5 shows the results from a compressor running with a 4.0-mm stroke. The resulting
axial force is 37.7 N. In Fig. 6, two compressors were operated back-to-back using only the ana-
log control system to control the piston position, but with the second compressor stroke set for
minimum vibration. The largest-amplitude frequency component has been reduced by 164 to 1,
and the root sum square (RSS) of the fundamental and the first six harmonics has been reduced
by 151 to 1. The largest frequency component is 0.23 N.
Thble 2. Summary of Vibration Experimental Results (RSS of Fundamental and
First Six Harmonics)
w 0.14
0 100
2nd 6th
0 400
~ 0.014
FREO. (Hz) 0
HARMONICS FUND. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
0.0140 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
~ 0.0070
With the addition of a digital control system, the residual force is further reduced as
shown in Fig. 7. Now the largest-amplitude frequency component has been reduced by 864 to 1,
and the RSS of the fundamental and the first six harmonics has been reduced by 752 to 1. The
largest frequency component is 0.044 N.
The residual transverse forces are shown in Fig. 8 for the compressors with full hybrid
analog/digital control system operatingandin Fig. 9 for the displacers with hybrid system oper-
ating. The hybrid system does not directly affect these forces and thus reduces them at most by a
factor of 3.7. These forces, however, aresmall to begin with; with the hybrid system operating,
they are only 0.03 N for the compressors and 0.002 N for the displacers.
The torques were measured about the common piston axis and found tobe very low. Table
2 shows the results of these tests. The residual torques from the compressors were not reduced
by the hybrid control system, but those from the displacers were reduced by 19 to 1. In each case,
the results are the RSS ofthe contributions at the fundamental frequency and the first six har-
monics. In addition to the forces and torques, the force reduction ratio or torque reduction ratio
compared to the uncompensated case is given.
The experimental results demonstrate that the hybrid analog/digital control system meets
the thermodynamic and vibration requirements with a good margin. The analog system almost
meets them, but even if it were improved, there would be little or no margin. In an environment
where consistant operation is required for long periods of time, the hybrid system is clearly su-
For redundant miniature Stirling-cycle cryocoolers in space applications, the
off-state heat conduction down the coldfinger of one cooler is a parasitic heat load
on the other coolers. At JPL, a heat flow transducer specifically designed to
measure this load has been developed, and measurements have been performed on
the coldfinger of a British Aerospace 80 K Stirling cooler with the tip temperature
ranging between 40 and 170 K. Measurements have also been made using a tran-
sient warmup technique, where the warmup rates of the coldtip under various
applied heat loads are used to determine the static conduction load. There is a
difference between the results of these two methods, and these differences are
discussed with regard to the applicability of the transient warmup method to a non-
operating coldfinger.
A series of experiments have also been performed using the transient warmup
technique6 commonly used in the cooler industry. In this method, the cooler is first
operated to cool its coldtip to its base temperature. The cooler is then turned off,
and a known heat load is applied to the coldtip. By measuring the warmup rates
with several different applied heat loads, the off-state conduction load can be deter-
mined. These measurements were made on the same BAe cooler used in the static
conductance experiments in order to make a comparison of these two techniques.
The second section of this paper presents these measurements, and discusses the
differences in the results between this method and the static conduction method.
The heat flow transducer, shown in Fig. 2, is a thermal shunt made of a short
section of german silver, a high thermal resistivity material. By measuring the
temperature drop (.t.T) across the shunt, the heat flow QP can be determined from:
QP = ~e.t.T
where ~e is the thermal conductance of the resistive element. Two copper end-
pieces were silver soldered to the ends of the german silver, insuring isothermal
boundaries to create uniform heat flows across the resistive element. Diode
temperature sensors (Lakeshore DT-470) were epoxied into each end cap, and an
alurninum radiation shield enclosed the transducer. The radiation shield was heat
sunk to the side of the transducer thermally anchored to the GM cryocooler so that
the radiation heat load did not pass through the german silver shunt. The
transducer was calibrated by thermally anchoring only one end to the GM
cryocooler, applying measured heat loads with a resistive heater to the other end,
and recording the resulting temperature differences.
Fig. 2. Schematic of the absolute heat flow transducer as mounted on the BAe coldtip.
cording the temperature drop across the transducer. Fig. 3 shows the static conduc-
tion Ioads as a function of temperature; the results range from about 340 mW at
40 K to about 210 mW at 170 K The data on this plot were taken both stepping
up and steppin_g down in temperature, and a few of the points were taken after
allowing the system to remain at the same temperature overnight. The repeatability
indicates that temperature gradients within the coldfinger were well stabilized.
The data were taken by first running the cooler until the coldtip reached 50 K,
stopping the cooler, then timing the warmup over set temperature intervals with a
measured heat load applied to the coldtip as it warmed up to 95 K The results,
heat load vs. 1/t.t, are shown in Fig. 4, where t.t is the time required to warm the
tip over a 10 K temperature range centered about the temperature of interest. For
example, for the 80 K curve, t.t corresponds to warming from 75 K to 85 K Extra-
polating to 1/t.t = 0 gives the off-state conduction load, and the results are plotted
in Fig. 3. The Ioads ranged from 390 mW at 60 K to 320 mW at 90 K, and are
significantly higher than that using the static conductance technique.
To understand the difference between these two results, a simple model of the
warmup technique can be made. The warmup time, t.t, for a given coldtip tempera-
450.-------------------------------------- -.
3: D
! .. D
.... D
w 300 ••
250 ••
0 50 100 150 200
• 60 K
o 70 K
!:>. 80 K
o 90 K
• 90 K
-500 '--------'--------'------_...JJ
0 0.004 0.008 0.012
where Qh is the applied heat load, and QP is the parasitic heat load given by:
Here K.:rr and dTf dx are the thermal conductance and temperature gradient of the
coldfinger near the coldtip. The heat capacity of the coldtip, C, is provided by the
copper heater block and a copper mass soldered onto the end of the coldfinger.
Because of the cold-finger MLI, the radiation heat load is assumed tobe small. If
dT/dx is constant within the 10 K timing intervals, independent of the applied heat
load, then 1/t:.t should be linear in Qh. This linearity is apparent in Fig. 4. As a
further consistency check, the slopes of the lines, which should be equal to C t:.T,
agree with estimates of the heat capadty of the copper masses and have the same
temperature dependence as the specific heat of copper. These arguments suggest
that dT/dx is being measured correctly with this method, and that dT/dx is higher
in the coldfinger of a running cooler than in a non-operating cooler.
To investigate this, two different data sets were taken, timing the warmup
between 85 K and 95 K, but with one set starting with the coldtip cooled to 50 K,
and the other cooled to 80 K These two sets of data are shown as the 1 and o in
Fig. 4, and the resulting measured heat loads are shown in Fig. 3. The run starting
with the tip initially cooled to 80 K gave the higher load, while the run starting with
the tip cooled to 50 K approached the static conductance values. This suggests that
in warming up from 50 K to the 85 K - 95 K timing interval, the coldtip has relaxed
into a temperature profile more similar to that of a non-operating cooler.
The steeper temperature gradient in a running cooler may be due in part to
the higher temperature of the ambient end of the coldfinger. Measurements of the
displacer body temperature near the base of the coldfinger indicate that it is 10 K -
15 K above the ambient temperature of 295 K, and the temperature of the warm
end of the regenerator may be even higher. Orlowska and Davef estimate that the
average gas temperature within the compressor is 320 K, so if this is also the
regenerator warm end temperature, the running cooler would have temperature
gradients that are 10% steeper corresponding to a 10% increase in the parasitic
heat load. This would account for a significant fraction of the difference between
the results of the transient warmup and static conductance methods.
This work was carried out by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. The support of JPL's Eos-AIRS instrument is gratefully acknow-
1. S.T. Werrett et al., "Development of a Small Stirling-Cycle Cooler for Space
Applications," Adv. Cryo. En~n.. Vol. 31 (1986) p. 791.
2. G. Davey and A Orlowska, "Miniature Stirling-Cycle Cooler," Cr.yogenics,
Val. 27 (1987) p. 148.
3. R.G. Ross, Jr., D.L. Johnson and R.S. Sugimura, "Characterization of Miniature
Stirling-cycle Cryocoolers for Space Application", Proceedings of the 6th
International Cr.yocooler Conference. Plymouth MA October 25-26. 1990,
David Taylor Research Center Document DTRC-91/002, p. 27-38.
4. R.G. Ross, Jr., D.L. Johnson and V. Kotsubo, "Vibration Characterization and
Control of Miniature Stirling-Cycle Cryocoolers for Space Application,"
Proceedings of the 1991 Cr.yogenic Engineering Conference, Huntsville, AL,
June 11-14, 1991.
5. D.L. Johnson and R.G. Ross Jr., "Electromagnetic Compatibility Characterization
of a BAe Stirling-Cycle Cryocooler for Space Application," Proceedings of the
1991 Cr.yogenic Engineering Conference, Huntsville, AL, June 11-14, 1991.
6. AH. Orlowska and G. Davey, "Measurement of lasses in a Stirling-Cycle
Cooler," Cr.yogenics, Val. 27 (1987) p. 645.
switching power supply (having switching rates in the tens of kHz) using a synthe-
sized sine wave to provide low distortion, low vibration operation. Electromagnetic
position sensors (having excitation frequencies in the kHz range) are used to
monitor the position of the linear drive assemblies.
All tests were made at the JPL EMC test laboratory. This laboratory is used
for testing all JPL instruments for Deep Space rnissions. The magnetic field
measurements were made in a DC magnetic measurement facility (Fig. 1). Utiliz-
ing three sets of Helmholtz coils, this facility is capable of suppressing all back-
ground magnetic fields to the 1 nanoTesla (nT) level over a volume of 1m3• The
radiated ernissions measurements were performed in a steel RF-shielded room
(Fig. 2) with the facility electronics and cooler support electronics located in an
adjacent room. The EMI data were obtained both with and without the cooler
operating to measure cooler-contributed EMI relative to the ambient background
DC Magnetic Field
Both the compressor and displacer units use permanent magnets with iron
pole pieces to provide the magnetic circuit for the drive coil. The resultant DC
magnetic dipole field of each component has a 1/R3 dependence. Measurement
of this field was made with the cooler placed on a rotating platform within the
DC magnetic field measurement facility. Three-axis global mapping of the cooler's
DC magnetic dipole field was performed by rotating the platform through 360°
while 1) the cooler was lying on each of its three orthogonal surfaces, and 2) the
cooler was repositioned through various angles relative to one surface. The mea-
surements were repeated for both a nonoperating and operating cooler, with nearly
identical results. The maximum DC field strength measured at 1 m from the cooler
was 2.6 JLT (0.026 gauss); this is half the allowable 5 J.IT magnetic field strength as
specified for an Eos instrument. Additional field measurements were made at the
compressor and displacer casings using Hall generators and yielded 13000 JLT and
9400 JLT maximums, respectively (Fig. 3).
103 10 4
The cryocooler was placed in the steel RF shielded room for radiated emis-
sions testing. Low distortion drive electronics were placed outside the shielded
room and connecting cabling was fed through a bulkhead plate to the cooler. The
cabling consisted of twisted pairs of leads and was sheathed in aluminum foil and
grounded to the copper laminated table top to minimize any contributing radiation.
The cooler was placed on the copper table top and also grounded to it. The cooler
was operated at nominal compressor/displacer amplitudes (7.2 mm/2.6 mm, respec-
tively) for the radiated magnetic field emission measurements.
Ci 40
~ 100
102 103
106 107
The 7-cm measurements were made using the same loop detector, but at a
distance of 7 cm from the casing of either the compressor or the displacer unit.
Measurements of each component were made with the other component not run-
ning so as not to contaminate the electromagnetic environment during the tests.
The results for both the compressor and the displacer are shown in Fig. 5. Radia-
ted EMI discernable above ambient levels are limited to the frequency harmonics
below 1000Hz.
Radiated Electric Field Emissions
Radiated electric field emissions were measured using the same general
procedure as used with the magnetic field emissions. The antennas used for
measuring the emissions at the different frequency bands were set up at a 1-m
distance (Fig. 2). The narrowband and broadband measurements were made from
14kHz to 500 MHz. The results are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 and have been com-
pared to the MIL-STD-461C RE02 curves and the more stringent, modified RE02
requirements for Eos. Discontinuities in the data are changes in the antennas,
amplifiers, and bandwidths used to cover the different frequency bands.
Low frequency electric field emission data were also measured for sake of
completeness. These data are of interest because of the low frequency operation
of the cryocooler. Fig. 8 shows the results for the low frequency narrowband emis-
sions of the cryocooler as measured at 1m. No MIL-STD specification for this
frequency range exists, and while not called out in the Eos ·guidelines, this fre-
quency range is commonly called out by individual spacecraft, each with their own
specifications. The NASA CRAF-Cassini mission specifications have been included
in Fig. 8 for comparison. The 40, 80 and 120-Hz harmonics in the data are at
levels above ambient background; the remainder of the data, including the odd
harmonics of the 60-Hz line frequency, are all at the background levels. As in
previous data, the breaks and discontinuities in the data represent amplifier, band-
width, or antenna changes. The frequency range between 3 and 10 kHz represents
a range where the best available antenna was not well matched to that frequency
Conducted Emissions
103 104
Fig. 8. The cryocooler low frequency radiated electric field emissions measurements
(the NASA CRAF-Cassini specifications curve is shown for comparison).
the power supply drive current determined the conducted emission spectral purity
in the data. What was representative in the data was the 3 ampere level of the
40-Hz harmonic, as this is the drive current required for the compressor using a
28 V power supply. The Eos requirements for the conducted emissions are for
3 amperes (at 120 V) for frequencies below 2 kHz.
The instrument interface requirements for Eos state that a science instrument
on the platform shall not produce a magnetic field whose strength is in excess of
5 J.lT when measured a distance of 1 m from the perimeter of the instrument. The
5-J.IT value is an order of magnitude lower than the earth's magnetic field strength
and two orders of magnitude lower than the magnetic field strength of the magnetic
torquers used on the spacecraft platform. This value insures that the magnetic field
does not interfere with the operation of other spacecraft instruments, nor produce
significant magnetic torques on the overall spacecraft.
The 2.6-J.IT DC magnetic field strength measured for the cooler depicts a
worst-case scenario because of the alignment of the magnetic dipole fields of the
adjacent compressor and displacer. Even so, the measured value for the single
cooler falls within the Eos requirement. The use of multiple coolers on the AIRS
instrument will necessitate the revisiting of the DC magnetic field measurements
when the cooler configuration on the instrument is established.
The results of the magnetic field measurements indicate that some level of
shielding with mu-metal (perhaps 0.7 to 1.4 mm thick) will be required to lower the
AC magnetic field levels to below the Eos specification. The thickness and geom-
etry of the shielding will depend on the number of coolers required on the Eos
instrument and how they are configured. A modest mass penalty may be imposed
on the instrument by the requirement that the shield be made thick enough to
facilitate the necessary shielding and have a fundamental vibration frequency high
enough not to couple into the cooler vibration harmonics.
emissions at the 40- and 80-Hz harmonics. If required, electrostatic shielding can
be placed around instrument electronics to reduce the Ievel of capacitive coupling
of the electric field to the electronics.
These initial measurements of the cooler's radiated magnetic and electric field
emissions provide the needed data to make estimates of the Ievels of induced
voltages that may be coupled into the detector signal. These estimates can be
made using near-field, common-mode coupling equations6• Assuming two Operating
coolers located 20 cm from a detector, the 40-Hz magnetic flux density and 40-Hz
electric field intensity at the detector are 1 ~T and 0.06 V jm, respectively. If, for
example, these field Ievels are imposed on a 10-cm long unshielded twisted pair of
Ieads having a separation of 1 mm, the induced voltages will be 10 nV for the mag-
netic field emissions and 0.001 nV for the electric field emissions. These order of
magnitude values for the induced voltages are small compared to the 1-mV Ievel of
the detector signal, and do not raise any immediate concern for the initial instru-
ment design. Future integrated detector/cooler tests will have to be conducted to
determine final shielding requirements and insure electromagnetic compatibility.
The results of the conducted emissions measurements with the ground support
electronics show Eos requirements can be met. The whole issue regarding power-
line conducted emissions, voltagejcurrent ripple and powerline voltage transients
using the flight qualified electronics must still be considered. However, powerline
transients due to the cooler operation should be of minimum concern because
normal cooler operation uses soft startups whereby the cooler is powered up slowly
until the piston stroke is increased to its operating amplitude. In addition, the
drive power required to operate the cooler increases slowly from about 50% of full
power to full power as the displacer cools from ambient temperature to 55 K. 1
Early EMC testing provides a sensitivity check on the generated EMI Ievel
and indicates whether mu-metal shielding or electrostatic shielding is required and
sufficient to insure EMI Ievels are compatible with spacecraft instruments. The
measured EMI of the BAe 80 K cooler meets specifications as set by the General
Instrument Interface Specifications for Eos with the exception of the 40- and 80-Hz
frequency harmonics of the radiated AC magnetic field emissions. Here mu-metal
shielding will be required to reduce the emission Ievels to those specified for Eos.
Even though the low frequency radiated magnetic field emissions are above the
Ievels set by Eos, the estimated coupling of the cooler EMI to the detector indicate
the EMI-induced voltages are orders of magnitude below the detector signallevel
and should not cause a degradation of the detector signal quality.
The work described in this paperwas carried out by the Jet Propulsion Lab-
oratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Particular credit is due P. Narvaez and
A Whittlesey of JPL, who conducted the EMC measurements. The financial
support of JPL's Eos-AIRS instrument is graciously acknowledged.
The classical analysis of the ideal Stirling cycle has been given by
Schmidt2 (first order approach) . He assumes an isothermal process with no
pressure drops in the system. A steady state process is also assumed
together with a perfect regenerator. The basic Schmidt analysis is not
too useful for designing refrigerators because it lacks information about
the irreversible losses.
= -(lffi anih a ar
-T)- - ( - ) + -(kg-) (4)
~ LAg ax Ag a ax
o'l;n E h1 A d o'l;n
Pmem- = (-)-(T-'lffi) +-(km-) (5)
~ 1-eLAg ax ax
are solved at each node until the solution converges. This method also
requires equations of state, empirical fomulaes for heat transfer and
friction factor which will be discussed in the following sections.
displacer housing through the clearance gap, or it can flow into the
expansion space via the regenerator or the displacer gap (between the
regenerator and the coldfinger tube) . Heat transfer takes place throughout
the system by enthalpy transport. Heat transfer also occurs between the
gas and regenerator matrix or the walls of the refrigerator. Figure 2 is
a nodal diagram of the Lucas refrigerator. The majority of the nodes are
located within the regenerator where the temperature gradient is large.
Unlike most of the second order analysis, the present model does not
assume isothermal or adiabatic compression. Heat transfer takes place
between the gas and the wall according to the thermodynamic conditions of
the system. Kornhauser and Smith 9 found that the heat transfer during
compression and expansion is out of phase with the wall-bulk gas
temperature difference, that the Newton's law of convection is inadequate
in describing this phenomena. They express the heat transfer between the
gas and the compressor (or expander wall) wall as a function of a complex
Nusselt number.
~ Oc~vo<,
~ CHGR20
TGR20 OW20
~ CHGR\9
~ QCVR\9
~ TDG20
~ TMR\9 "' TDG\9
CHGR\8 - QCVR\8 § QCNV\8
TGR\8 DW\8
CHGR\7 c TMR\8 "' TDG\8
~ QCVR\7 § OCNV\7 ~
~ TDW\7
~ TMRI7 ~ TOG\7
~ CHGR\6 - QCVR\6 § QCNV\6
~ TDW\6
§ TMR\6 ~ TOG\6
~ CHGR\5 Qe\'R\5 § OCNV\5
~ TDW\5
§ TMR\5 !!! TOG\5
TGR\4 ...~ CHGR\4 QCVR\4 § QCNV\4
~ TDW\4
CHGR\3 ~
c; TMR\3
"" TDG\4
!:! TDG\3
QCNV\3 ä TDW\3
~ CHGR\2 - QCVRI2 § QCNV12 ~ TDW\2
~ TOG\2
!!: TMR9
~ TDW9
~ CHGR8 i;j OCVR8 § TDG9 OCNV8 fi
TGR8 !:! TDW8
8 TMR8
§ 8 TMR7
~ TDW6
l!l TMR6
~ TDW5
§ l!lTMR5
~ TDW4
2!! TMR4
8 TMR3
a TDW3
~ TDW2
gj TMR2
~ TDG2
.OPLNM ~ ooG 1 TA
. kA Nui dT
Q = -[Nur(T-1\v) + - -] (6)
.1:.\i Ci) dt
With PeDh/L 5 larger than 100, the real and imaginary parts of Nusselt
nurober are approximately equal and can be expressed by a power law
regenerator. Radebaughll combined their results for various geometries in
a single plot. Fora given Reynold's number, the model calculates the
Stanton nurober which in turn calculates the heat transfer coefficient.
As for the pressure drop, we elect to use the Amour and Cannon's
expressionll over that of Kays and London's. The main reason behind this
isthat Amour and Cannon's equation can correlate moretype of screens
(e.g. plain square, full twill, Fourdrinier, plain Dutch and twill Dutch).
It also contains more characteristics of the screen (e.g. porosity, area
to volume ratio, pore size etc.). According to Armour and Cannon, the
friction factor across screens can be written as
f= -+ß (8)
M>t:2Dp pv
f = Lpv2 ' NRe = 77a2Dp
kx=kX·e (9)
(1+V) km
X = (1 - v) ' v = kg
S3Dtr pM>
Iil = - - - - (11)
12 77L
Frequency = 58 Hz
Radial Piston Clearance = 7.5 pm
Phase Angle = 80°
Compressor Housing = 320 K
Cold Tip Heat Load= 0.5 W
220 •.......•.
·I I· · I · .1 i 0.001
. . . :· .\. .- . . I\ .. :~ . . \:.. . :.
: : :I .
I• ... : ,. ·: ...
120 - .. :- .. -: •.. ; .• -:- - • -.· .. ~ •.. ; . - -:- .. ·> ..
100t-~~~~~~~T-~~~~~~~ o~~~~~~~~T-~~~~~~~
0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1
-'. . ~ ... . . . .
~ . ..· i<
' ' ' 7250 - . . •. . . -· . . - = . . . •. . . . • . . . -· . - . ~ . . . ·- . . . • . . .
.•. . . . . . . . . . •.. :·t·~·-·:-···:
• EXPANDER · ~200 . . .
- - · ' · • • • • • • • J • • • •• • • · ' · • • _._.
. . . . . ,\., --·- •• ·'· ••
~0.3 -r·· ... r··· .... :.. l'l:. ~.: ,_:___ ~-- ~
1 : I : I:\ : V : I : I ~ 150 . . . . .
• • • '· • • •' • • • I • • • '• • • •' • • • J • • • ~ • • • '• • • .• • • •
' ·,
According to this equation, the mass flow in the gaps is proportional to
the cube of the gap size.
The model can be run on a VAX 8600, IBM 6000 workstation or CRAY.
The output from the computer program consists of the following groups of
The third order nodal network computer model described in this paper
realistically simulates the behavior and the characteristics of a split-
cycle Stirling refrigerator. It computes the performance of the machine
without any fudge factors or scaling. Although a nurober of third order
analysis are available in the literature, unfortunately most of them are
neither well documented nor have they been validated by experimental
results. The present model has been validated extensively by the
experimental results of a Lucas built Stirling refrigerator 7 · Thus, it
allows one to perform parametric studies to optimize the efficiency of
the Stirling refrigerator by selecting various structural designs
(dimensions and materials) and operating conditions (frequencies, phase
angle, .strokes etc) with great degree of confidence.
Dh hydraulic diameter Greek
Dp pore size of screens
f friction factor a constant 8.61
k thermal conductivity p constant 0.52
h enthalpy E porosity
ht heat transfer coefficient 11 viscosity
L length p density
Ls stroke length (I) angular frequency
m mass flowrate
NRe Reynold's nurober for screen flow Subscript
Nu Nusselt nurober
p pressure E expansion space
Pe Peclet nurober g gas
QR refrigeration capacity i imaginary
s gap size MEAN mean value
T temperature m matrix
t time r real
w wall or matrix
Integration of a Stirling cycle cryocooler into a flight system will require careful attention to
the thermal, structural, and electrical interfaces between the cryocooler, the instrument and
the spacecraft. These issues are currently under investigation by National Aeronautics and
Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center (NASNGSFC) personnel in laboratory
tests of representative longlife cryocoolers.
An 80K British Aerospace cryocooler has been instrumented as a testbed for vibration
control systems characterization. Initialvibration data using a new six degree-of-freedom
force dynamometer is presented in this report. Interface forces from the cryocoolers will be
measured for different open-loop and closed-loop control systems. A 65K cryocooler
manufactured by Stirling Technology Inc. will also be instrumented and undergo similar
testing. Cryocooler characteristics will be categorized as either generic or design specific.
Control systems methodologies to minimize vibration will be evaluated.
A thermal-vacuum test facility has been refurbished to characterize the performance of the
cryocoolers in a simulated space thermal vacuum environment.
A flexible thermal strap which can be used to interface a cryocooler to a detector assembly
has been designed and is currently undergoing manufacture. This flexible strap will be
characterized thermally and mechanically.
Many space flight instruments, particularly those operating in the infrared spectrum, require
cooling at cryogenic temperatures. Past NASA experience has demonstrated the useful
lifetime of these space flight instruments to be limited in most cases by the lifetime of the
refrigeration system. Systems such as the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, the Cosmic
Background Explorer, and the Broad-Band X-Ray Telescope used expendable stored
cryogen systems, for which the maximum demonstr\!ted on-orbit lifetime was only eleven
g 0.6
0 2 4 6 8
An issue of critical concern to the designer of an optical instrument is the amount of
vibration that is introduced by a cryocooler when integrated into a flight instrument
assembly. Mechanical cryocoolers which are most likely to be used for flight instrument
applications in the next decade are Stirling cycle machines, which typically have two or
more pistons reciprocating at a frequency between 20 to 60Hz. These reciprocating masses
could potentially produce a force on the instrument structure on the order of 50 Newtons. I
Counterbalanced pistons moving in Opposition, powered by simple drive electronics
typically can reduce this force by an order of magnitude. General consensus in the
cryocooler community is that flight instruments will require vibration Ievels perhaps
another order of magnitude lower, or about 0.2N.
6 0.3
E4 0.2 z
AXIAL .§. 0
0.1 i=
1- 2 ()
z w
w a:
X :E 0 0 l5
w >
:5 ·2 -0.1 ~
a. ()
.g Cf)
o-4 -0.2 g;u..
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
TIME (msec)
pistons. The flexures are initially very stiff in-plane, but when they are flexed out of the
plane, the in-plane stiffness falls off very rapidly (Figure 2). When this cyclically varying
stiffness is introduced into a simple dynamic model, as in Figure 3, we find that the mass
will be set into motion, and will produce forces on the same order of magnitude as the
instrument requirements. Note that damping significantly reduces the high-frequency
response of the mass, but does not significantly reduce the magnitude of the maximum
force in this model. We are adding additional detail to these simple models in small
increments to assist in understanding details such as the role of squeeze film damping, gas
spring effects, and asymmetric loading of the spring stacks.
The second part of this effort is to characterize existing Stirling cycle machines. An 80K
British Aerospace cryocooler has been instrumented as a testbed for vibration control
systems characterization. A six degree-of-freedom force dynamometer has been
constructed for the BAe cryocooler (Figure 4), with the intent of using the dynamometer
as a full-time test fixture. Initial data from the BAe cryocooler in a vertical orientation
(Figure 5 & 6) shows similar characteristics to the machine characterized at JPL.l The
same ftxture has also been rotated 90° to collect vibration data on the cryocooler while it is
horizontal. A comparison of the lateral force on the cryocooler when it is running in each
orientation shows some increase in the peak values (Figure 7), and shows some of the
characteristics seen in Figure 3. Completion of this characterization is expected during
e 4
~ 2 2
c !: 0
CD 0
E >-
u u..
·2 ·2
20 0.2
0 0.1
!: ·20 !. 0.0
-40 ·0.1
·60 -0.2
0,01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09
Time [sec] Time [sec)
Figure 5 Axial displacement and axial Figure 6 Radial force on cryocooler, and
force produced by the BAe 80K torque about piston axis.
z ,
:a 0
~ _,
~ ·2
::;i5 ..·•
0.01 0.02 0.03
• ·-. -·· --·-- • --·. ·-··
0.04 0.05 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.08 0.10
i: ~
~ 0
a:: _,
0 -2
~ =
u.o1 0.02 o.o3 o.o.c o.os o.oe 0.01 o.oa o.oe <1.10
~ _,
0 -2
... ·3 ----------. ----- -- - - - - - - - ------ ----
u.o1 o.o2 o.o3 o.o4 o.os o.oa o.o1 o.oe o.oe 0.10
TIME [aec]
Figure 7 A comparison of the lateral force on the cryocooler when it is running in vertical
and horizontal orientations.
.75mm COPPER
NASA/GSFC's long term goal is to design and to verify a flight control system which will
reduce cryocooler fundamental and harmonic vibration levels to acceptable levels over
extended mission operationallifetimes. Information and experience gained from the BAe
and Stirling Technologies cryocooler characterization studies support this long term goal.
The thermal interface between the cryocooler and the instrument structure is very important
in establishing proper operation of the cryocooler. Between 30-SOW must be removed
from each of these machines while it is operating, with the cryocooler body typically at a
temperature between 0-20°C. A thermal-vacuum test facility has been refurbished to test
the performance of the cryocoolers under simulated space conditions. Both the temperature
profile and the vibration characteristics of the cryocooler will be monitored while it is
operating under vacuum.
A second thermal interface, between the coldfinger of the cryocooler and the instrument's
detectors, must be constructed with a tradeoff between thermal conductance and structural
flexibility. Both the coldfmger and the detector components exhibit changes in dimensions
as the components cool down to their operaring temperature. The cryocooler Coldfingers
are typically intolerant to any appreciable side loads, so loads from this thermal contraction,
as well as loads from assembly misalignment, must be isolated from the coldfinger.
A flexible thermal strap for a detector interface has been designed (Figure 8), and will be
characterized thermally and mechanically. The strap is constructed from pairs ofthin
copper foils, with adjacent pairs separated by spacers. Friction between the two foils in
each pair is expected to add sufficient damping to avoid any high-amplitude resonance of
the strap. The strap will be covered by a blanket of multi-layer insulation (MLI) to reduce
the parasitic heat Ioad.
Thermal characterization of the strap will be carried out in a liquid nitrogen dewar with
simulated cryocooler and detector interfaces. The thermal conduction and parasitic heat
Ioad on the thermal strap will be measured in the temperature range of 70-90K. The
stiffness of the strap will be measured under vacuum at room temperature as a function of
the forcing frequency. The effects of damping in the MLI blanket and from friction
between adjacent foils will be examined.
Characterization of currently available cryocoolers through analysis and test is important to
establish interface characteristics, as well as reliability, of cryocoolers. It is equally
important that this information be supplied to cryocooler manufacturers so that cryocooler
technology can be improved. NASA/GSFC has started an analysis and test program to
achieve these cryocooler characterization objectives, with the goal of improving the
performance of cryocoolers for use in space flight instruments.
W. Burt, R. Orsini
The approach used for the present work was to judiciously select the
data set near the manufacturer ' s suggested operating point and hence
limit the nurober of data points. Displacer stroke was fixed at 2.6 mm
peak-to-peak with 70 deg relative phase shift between compressor and
displacer. Displacer motor input power is typically less than 100 mW and
is generally determined by the other settings. The nominal compressor
stroke was set at 8.0 mm peak-to-peak to characterize the constant stroke
data. Despite these limitations, considerable application information is
generated from this smaller data set.
Figure 3 shows the constant stroke cooler load line of cold tip
temperature versus applied heater load versus input power and is of use
to perform scaling comparisons. The data are straightforwardly obtained
since all of the input parameters are independently adjustable. Namely,
fixing the strake S, the reject temperature Th and the load Ql determines
the temperature of the load, Tl, and the motor input power, Win. The
strake is maintained constant at any set point by a position feedback
loop (roughly stable to within ~0.06 mm). As operating conditions
change, the DC center positions of the moving piston and displacer vary
slightly which was manually compensated during the initial settings.
160 40
300K 280K 320K
g 120 ~
w w
a: 3:
~ 100
30 2
a: 1-
---- --
w ll.
~ ~
0 0.5 1.5 2
Fig. 3. BAe cooler load lines for constant nominal strake.
Figures 4 through 7 present parametric results in fonns more often
of interest to users evaluating point design applications. Figure 4
presents constant input power load lines of 20, 30, and 40 W into the
compressor. For applied loads below 1 W, the curves are essentially
linear with a slope of about 33 mW/K. These data are slightly more
difficult to accumulate than constant stroke data because input power is
not independently adjustable but rather a function itself of Ql, S, and
Th. However, given a large enough data map, these data could be
extracted from a three-dimensional stroke plot.
100 100
95 95
90 90
gas 85
w 80 80
:::> 75 75
70 70
0.. 65 65
w 60 60
55 55
50 50
45 ~----------~----------~----------~----------~~--------~ 45
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
~ ~----~----~----~-----L----~----~~----~----~----~----~ ~
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
~ L_____. _____~----~-----L----~----~------~--~~----~----~ ~
0 U M M M
Sd: 2.6 mm, Phase: 70 deg, Sc: varies
Fig. 4. Constant power load lines.
90 90
a: 80 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ ~· ~· ~· ~· ~· ~·~• ~· ~-~·~·~ ;;~ ·~ ·~ ·;·;:;:;,;V- 80
w 70 ...................~-~-~-~-~-~-~ -~·~·;:: ·; ·; ·.:[.)-- ~""':::: ~- ~- ~- ~- ................................................ 70
60 -. ~- ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~- .......................... -~·.·.·. ·.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ," .......0.·.·:::::::::::::::::::.. 60
g 80 80
··················ö:äw LOAD
9 50 .. :::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.·.··--"ö'::
....................~······~~-!~~·.·····.·.~:·~~1<!.~·. 50
40~--~----~----~---L----~--~~--~----~--~~--~ 40
260 270 280 290 300 310
80 80
,... .............................................. n....................... .
75 ······································- 75
g 70 ,.................. ...............................................................................................• 70
w t:-
a: ~
65 f-························································································································ 65
~w 60 1-.· ~· ~·:: ::e;;~·:::.: :·:: ~·:.; ~· ~· ~·~· ...... ----•~·M.~. ~. ~. .: .:.:.:.: .: .: .: .: .: .: -~ •~ -~ -~ .~.~ •~ •~ •~ •~ •~ •~ .•• 6Q
55 ........................................................................................................................... 55
f-·· ................................................... ·::::::::::::::::::::.·.···----~·-·.·.·:::::::.<?.::::::::::::::: ::::::: 50
9 50
45 r.::::::••••8•••n:oo:::::::::·.:·.·.·.·.:::·.:·:.·.:::·.::.·.·.·.·.·................. ~-.~~:~.. ~:~~~~- ..~~i~~~- 45
I I -= ··:rt_··· ·····0····· 40
260 270 280 290 300 310
2 r--------------------------------------------------------------. 2
1.8 ..........!~.~. 1 .0.0..~........................... ···················· ································:::::""-.-.-::::::Q:::::: ... .-.. ::.~:::·:·:. 1.8
.............._._, ... :: ...
Q ... ··········
1.6 1.6
~ ....... ---····
1.4 .-··
. --
--- 1.4
... ···· -o···
1.2 1.2
h I~ ---~~~-- h---~~---··
0.8 '--'-......."'---'--'--'--'--'-~--'---'--'---''-'---.L-.L-.1--'--'--'---'--'--'--'-~.......L--I.--'---''---' 0.8
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
-........ .12'------
..... d:r::·:··
--- ---
0 0.8 .-···· 0.8
0.4 0.4
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0 0.3
265K 0.1
0.1 ···:::::::t):·:·:
0 0
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
90 ····-····· ········• 90
g 80 80
w ···------1>.• _____ _
~ 70 70
::2 ·················.·.·.·.·.··.·.-.-'_,_'.
~ 60 ..,;) ·::.-::::::.-.- ..... .,, ········-· 60
50 : : ;
350 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 350
NO LOAD aoomw
. [] ........ [>
.... . 300
a: 200 200
w 150 150
w 100 100
50 .. U DDD 50
0 ~~~~~~~~~~-L~~~~~-·~LL~~~~-L~~~~~o
0.04 0.04
~ 471 mWat65K
w 0.03
a: 0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
(400) (200) 0 200 400
~ 2 w
(2) (5)
(4) (10)
~ ;;; ;;; ;;;
., ~ ~ ~ .;, q>1ii ~"'<)/
~ ~ ... ~"'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
9 $ ~ c;> c;> $ ~ "'
~ ~ 0
To = 80K To = 295.6K Po= 33.08W 0o=671 mW
of a steady-state effect, we are concerned about errors from thermal time
lags caused by thermal resistance and temperature dependent diffusivity
of the regenerator matrix. Unfortunately, this technique is quite
sensitive to the temperature bandwidth used, the initial temperature
stability, and the distribution of selected heater values. A potentially
better alternative steady state technique proposed by JPLS uses a second
cooler with a calibrated load line to cool the cold tip. The drawbacks
of this alternative technique are hardware complexity and the requirement
to know that the parasitic load to the first cooler is reproducible
independent of load connection.
A third feature was the trip-off that did occur on 01 May. This was
indirectly related to the removal of a defective ion gauge controller
from the cooler instrument rack on 30 April. This removal had the
unintended effect of substantially cooling the rack interior by providing
a large front panel opening. The unexpectedly large thermal coefficients
in the test set's control electronics resulted in the cooler's subsequent
trip off. This also led to the recognition that ambient temperature
stability of this set of nonflight, laboratory drive electronics can
significantly affect operation. Following the trip-off, the cooler was
restarted and returned to operation.
Table 1. Flexure Stirling life te!:t summary for ISAHS class coolers
Start date Jan 1986 Jan 1987 April 1991 July 1991
Cryogenic Lab.
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou , China
Yi Long
Department of Materials
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Beijing , China
In this paper, a liquid nitrogen-cooled Vuilleumier cryocooler has been described. At-
tempts have been made to improve the regenerator efficiency and operating parameters. The
cryocooler achieved a no-load temperature of 14. 85 K using lead and phosphorbronze as the
regenerator matrix. Magnetic material Er (Ni 0. 79 C0o.21)2 whose volumetric specific heat is
very high at low temperature was partially substituted for lead, whose specific heat is very
small in the temperature region below 15 K. In comparison with the results of the former test,
it was found that a terminal temperature under no heat load condition of 11. 72 K was reached
this way, and the refrigeration capacity was improved considerably. A comparison between a
theoretical evaluation and the experimental data is discussed in this paper.
The Vuilleu mier cryocooler is a heat -driven machine, having the potential advantages of
long life operation , small vibration , compactness and low weight. In our experiments1, ambi-
ent is regarded as a heat source and liquid nitrogen is used as an intermediate cold source. In
this case, it can attain a terminal temperature of 14. 85 K at no Ioad and cooldown time is
about 42 minutes (from ambient temperature) and the consumption of liquid nitrogen is
3 L/h. Tn low temperature region, particularly below 15 K, in conventional material used for
the regenerator, Iead, only the lattice vibrations and the conduction electrons make a contri-
bution to the specific heat. Tts specific heat decreases rapidly with decreasing temperature, so
it is impossible to produce satisfactory refrigeration efficiency at these temperature using lead.
Some investigations show that the rare earth-3d transition meta! intermetallics which undergo
magnetic transition or Schottky anomalies at low temperature possess extremely high peaks and
broadened large peaks in specific heat. Hence, we used magnetic material Er (Nio. 19Coo. 21 )2
instead of lead in the low temperature side of the regenerator. Under these circumstances, a
n()-load temperature of 1 1. 72 K was obtained, and refrigeration capacity was increased con-
siderably at the same temperature.
Figure 1 shows a schematic of the V-M cryocooler which was tested as an experimental
machine. The working medium of this cryocooler is helium whose purity is 99. 99% , and
charge pressure is 2. 0 Mpa. Helium absorbed heat from ambient and cold end while desorbed
heat at liquid nitrogen tank by means of the movement of the cold and the hot displacers at a
proper phase angle. The cryocooler was drived by an electric motor whose speed could be ad-
justed by the electric potential. The reciprocating speed could be varied from 50 to 160 rpm.
In the ambient temperature chamber, a manometer was assembled to determine the working
Both the cold and the hot displacers are made of epoxy glass. The cylinder material is
stainless steel. The hot dispacer is 95 mm in diameter, 162 mm in length, and with a stroke
20 mm. The matrix materials of the internal regenerator inside the hot displacer are approxi-
mately wire screen disks of 400 mesh stainless steel. Outside the regenerator was filled with
glass wool for insulation. We used four seals which are made of glass loaded Teflon to assure
gas flow wholly through the regenerator. The cold displacer is 26 mm in diameter, 195 mm
in length, and also with a stroke of 20 mm. Tt was designed with a 0. 1 mm radical clearance
between the displacer and cylinder , and at the end of the skirt of the cold displacer there were
three seals made of epoxy glass. The regenerator with stainless steel sleeve was located within
the cold displacer, its diameter is 23. 8 mm, length is 116 mm. Various matrix materials were
stacked in it. In these experiments, a three part repenerator matrixwas used, consisting of
400 mesh phosphorbronze wire screens, 0. 2 mm Iead shot (whose porosity is 0. 33), and
0. 15-0. 3 mm magnetic material of porosity is 0. 46.
0. 42
0 L..-..0.:......-1-~---l..__._..___~_,
0 10 20 30 40
Temperature (K)
As mentioned above, the temperature range across the cold regenerator was 77 K to
about 1 4 K. To improve the regenerator efficiency and thus achieve lower no load tempera-
ture below 15 K, a hybrid structure with Er (Nio. 79Coo. 21 )2 grains ( 0. 15-0. 3 mm in size),
lead shot and phosphor bronze wire screens was adopted for the cold regenerator. This is be-
cause the specific heat of phosphor bronze is higher than that of lead in the temperature region
above 53 K. But as shown in Figure 2, Er(Nio. ;gCoo. 21 )2 has larger specific heat than that of
lead below 1 5 K.
In this cold regenerator, Er(Nio. 79Coo. 21 )2 grains occupied the volume of the lower tem-
perature part, phosphor bronze wire screens ( 4 00 mesh) occupied the upper part, and lead
shot ( 0. 2 mm in diameter) were filled in the other part of the regenerator.
According to an earlier analysis, the proportion of Er(Nio. 79Coo. 21 )2 in the matrix, which
has a great effect on the no-Joad temperature, must be optimized. ln these experiments, we
kept the amount of phosphor bronze constant, about 450 disks, and changed the ratio of
Er(Nio. 79Coo. 21 )2 to Iead. Table 1 gives the speeifications of our test. No-load temperature and
refrigeration capacity at 20 K for the primary tests and the theorical evaluation data are shown
in Table 2.
As shown in Table 2. the optimum ratio exists for the regenerator which has Iead (about
200 g) and Er(Nio.79Coo.21)2(45 g). A no-load temperature of 11.72 K and refrigeration ca-
pacity at 20 K of 1. 25 W was obtained with this combination. These data illustrate that in the
temperature range around 20 K, the specific heat of the matrix is not the only factor which
influence the performance of the cryocooler.
In accordance with the basic equation of the regenerator, we also developed a computer
program for roughly calculating the efficiency of the regenerator operating in the region where
the specific heat of the matrix and helium gas varies with time along the regenerator, so as to
provide the basis for selecting the proportion of the magnetic material.
Figure 3 shows the regenerator efficiency as a function of the ratio of Er (Nio. 79 Co0• 21 ) 2
to Iead. In comparison with the experimental results, we could find that the regenerator effi-
ciency of Test 2 is located in the second wavecrest, and Test 4 approaches the optimum value.
From the theoretical prediction, with a further proper reduction in the ratio of Er (Nio. 79
Coo. 21) 2 to Iead, lower no-load temperature could be expected.
As we know, helium gas deviates from the ideal gas below 50 K, because the interaction
among the molecules becomes great. If the helium gas is still assumed to be ideal at such low
temperature regions, the deviation increases. So we accounted for the compressibility factor
for the working fluid. The refrigeration capacity for VM cryocooler is given by the following
expression 2.
Figrue 4 shows the comparison of the refrigeration capacity dependence of the tempera-
ture for the calculation and the experimental results. Figure 5 gives the results of cooldown
performance. From Figures 4 and 5, we can find that after using the Er (Nio. 19Coo. 21) 2instead
of Iead, lower no Ioad temperature is obtained and refrigeration capacity of the cryocooler is
99. 25.-----=---------,
99. 00
~98. 75 2: test 3
cc 98. 50 3: test 4
-~ 98. 25
~ 98. 00 Fig. 3. Regenerator efficiency as a
function of a ratio of
97.75 Er(Nio. 79Coo. 21)2
97. 50 L..__~_--l...J...._.J......__l_~____J
0. 0 10. 0 20. 0 30. 0 40. 0 50. 0
Ratio of Er (Nio. ;gCoo. 21) 2 ( vol%)
'-" 4. 00
0 1~ 1:
gross cooling capacity
net cooling capacity
3. 00
test 4
test 2
c 5: test 1
.... 2. 00
·~ 1. 00
Fig. 4. Refrigeration capacity
~ performance
o. 00 +--,-<..L-...<~-,--r---.----'
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Temperature (K)
80· 00 ~------------:-1-:-=T=-es_t_4:o
2: Test 1
"...._ 60. 00 3 1 Test 2
....Q,) 1
B 40.
oo 2
~ 20.00
0. 00 +-----.-----,..-------1
0. 00 10. 00 20. 00 30. 00
Time (min)
Fig. 5. Coldfinger temperature histories
The primary test of the V-M cryocooler achieved a no-load temperature of 11. 72 K and
refrigeration capacity at 20 K of 1. 25 W by partially replacing lead with Er(Nio. 79Coo. 21) 2 in
the cold regenerator. It shows that no-load temperature and regenerator efficiency below 15 K
can be improved by adopting magnetic materials which possess large specüic heat in this tem-
perature region instead of the conventional materials e. g. lead, and the no-load temperature
with a hybrid material regenerator are greatly influenced by the ratio of the magnetic matrix.
material to lead.
A 3-stage Vuilleumier refrigerator was used to measure the performance of various third
stage regenerators. The refrigerator operates between 2.5 and 5.0 Hz and, depending on the
material used in the third stage regenerator, achieves temperatures of 8 to 20 K at the cold
end of the third stage. This paper presents a comparison of regenerator performance for
four regenerator materials: 229 ).Im diameter spheres of Pb+5% Sb, 229 ).Im diameter spheres
of brass, 216 ).Im irregular-shaped GdRh powder, and a mixture of 229 ).Im and 762 ).Im
diameter spheres of Pb+5%Sb. The experimental results are compared with a first-order
model that neglects the void volume within the regenerator and with a third-order model
that considers the effect of pressure oscillations in the regenerator void volume.
Experimental results indicate that regenerator Iosses are dominated by the pressure
oscillation in the void volume rather than the mass flow through the temperature gradient
in the regenerator. These results are consistent with the third-order numerical model. This
model shows that the heat capacity of the gas in the void space as weil as the heat capacity
of the matrix influences the regenerator performance.
Cryocoolers such as the Stirling and the Vuilleumier (VM) refrigerators, employing
regenerative heat exchangers (regenerators), are commonly used for temperatures down to
about 10 K because of the potential of the cryocoolers for high reliability. Lower
temperatures are difficult to achieve with these regenerative cryocoolers because of the low
matrix heat capacity in this temperature range compared with that of the helium gas passing
through the regenerator. Figure 1 shows the volumetric heat capacities of various
regenerator materials as weil as that of helium gas. Because regenerators operate by storing
the heat transferred from the gas during a half cycle, they must have a sufficiently high heat
capacity. Qualitatively, materials with higher volumetric heat capacities, such as GdRh,
heat energy
transfer storage
'7 \
He, Cp ( \
..,·~ 0.8
0 0.4
Fig. 1. Volmnetric heat capacities of common regenerator materials.
c,tc 1 =o.s
1- Cvoid/C1= 0
() 0.01
Fig. 2. Regenerator ineffectiveness as a function of N1u and C,IC1 for a first-order
In these equations x is the position along the regenerator in the axial direction, t is time, h1
is the heat transfer coefficient, A is the heat transfer surface area, L is the regenerator
length, Tm is the matrix temperature, T is the gas temperature, in is the mass flow rate, h is
the specific enthalpy, p is the gas density, u is the specific internal energy, and P is the
pressure. The equations for conservation of mass and conservation of momentum complete
the description of the regenerator behavior. Models of Hausen1 and of Kays and London2
assume the void volume in the regenerator, V,8 , is zero, thus the last term in Eq. (1) is
ignored. These are referred to as first-order models in this study. A second-order model
is one where V,8 is finite but pressure is assumed to be constant. A third-order model, as
defined in this study, is one that encompasses oscillations in time of both gas pressure and
temperature. Enthalpy change (mass flow through a temperature gradient) is the only gas
heat source (sink) in a first-order model, whereas the gas energy storage term in the third-
order model gives rise to an additional gas heat source (sink) that can exist even with no
temperature gradient. A third-order model similar to that used in this study was described
by Gary, Daney, and Radebaugh. 3
Figure 3 shows how the ineffectiveness varies with C,IC1 at N1u = 84 for both the first-
and third-order models. In most regenerators C,IC1 > 2, in which case the third-order model
predicts a higher ineffectiveness than does the first-order model. The higher ineffectiveness
is a result of the greater heat flow between the gas and the matrix caused by the changing
pressure in the void volume. For C,IC1 < 1, the third-order model predicts a lower
ineffectiveness than does the first-order model. The reason for that behavior is best
explained by combining Eqs. (1) and (2) with the conservation of mass equation to obtain
- mC ___!!___ + V aP (3)
P a(x/L) '8 at
where cvoid is the heat capacity of the gas in the void volume of the regenerator and cp is
the gas specific heat at constant pressure. For large h,A and small C, the matrix temperature
follows very close to the gas temperature, i.e., Tm "' T. For that case
(C id + C)-
ar - mC _!!__ + V oP (4)
vo r ot P o(x/L) rg ot
For small C, the heat capacity of the gas in the void vohnne dominates the behavior of the
regenerator ineffectiveness, as shown by the curve for the third-order model in Fig. 3.
Equation (4) shows that the temperature oscillation of the gas, which gives rise to the
ineffectiveness, is determined by the sum of Cvoid and C,. Thus, regenerator materials with
very low volumetric heat capacities, such as brass at low temperatures, are assisted by the
void volume gas in absorbing heat. The resulting ineffectiveness is not as low as that
predicted by the first-order model, which neglects the void volume. For C, » Cvoid the only
effect of the void volume is the extra heat flow caused by the pressure oscillation (second
term on the right hand side of Eq. (4)) which causes a higher ineffectiveness. The purpose
of the measurements made here is to show that the void volume significantly affects the
performance of a regenerator at low temperatures, and that only a third-order model can
explain the results.
Until recently there has been little opportunity to compare calculated regenerator
performance with experimental results from an actual refrigerator operating in the region
of 10 K. The refrigerator used for these measurements was a three stage Vuilleumier
cryocooler, as described by Walker. 4 lt was designed for the cooling of infrared sensors in
satellite applications and as a result was fitted with a minimum of sensors. Temperatures
and net refrigeration powers at the three stages could be measured, along with the operating
speed and the average pressure.
If the various low temperature Iosses are relatively small, they may be treated as
independent (decoupled) losses. The gross refrigerationpower can then be expressedas
N1u= 84
w Pmax /Pmin =1.6
§ 10" 1
w \
w \
- /
' '7--- -----
Cvoid IC,- 0
Fig. 3. Ineffectiveness as a function of the ratio of C,!C1 for the first-(dashed line) and
third-order (solid line) models.
Table 1. Regenerator Materials
where Q net is the net refrigeration power, Q c is the conduction lass, Q s is the shuttle loss
due to the oscillating displac~r, Qreg is the lass due to regenerator ineffectiveness, Qrad is
the radiative heat flow, and Q h is the lass caused by an excess enthalpy flow through the
regenerator brought about by non-ideal-gas effects. In accordance with Eq. (4), Q reg can
be separated into two components,
where Q reg,T is the heat Ioad on the expans~on space due to the flow of fluid through a
temperature gradient in the regenerator, and Q reg,P is the heat Ioad on the expansion space
due to the pressure oscillations in the regenerator void volume.
The instrumentation on the VM refrigerator is such that only Q net can be measured.
Because the geometry and material properlies are known, Qc and Qs can be calculated with
fair accuracy. It is possible to reduce the temperature at the warm end of the third stage
regenerator to that at the cold end by reducing the input power on the second stage. This
increases the net refrigeration of the third stage by an amount equal to Q c + Q s + Q rtg,'l'
According to Eq. (5) the resulting net refrigeration power, which shall be referred to as lJzet''
is given by
A radiation shield attached to the second stage makes Q rad negligible for the third stage.
Because Q c and Q s can be calculated, the value of Q reg,T is determined by
As lang as the void volume does not change more than about 50%, Q and Q h will not
change as various regenerator materials are tried for the third stage regenerator. If all the
other operating conditions are kept the same, the change in the net refrigeration power with
a zero temperature gradient, for a change in regenerator material, becomes
This equation shows that it is not possible to measure the value of Qre?,P' but its change
from one material to the next can be measured. This change can then be compared with
that predicted by the third-order model. Only the model can provide the absolute value of
o.s ,---~-~~-~:-~s-e;...,:g-t:-r~-:-~m-,s-:-n:-:-~-~;-K----~-.?-. .--.__-.___---~---:._-.-_
=5 Hz. 1
; 0.6 Frequency / / ',
0.2 . / -
0.0 ----
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 4. Net refrigeration for single size Pb+5%Sb with the regeneratorwarm end
at 20K.
Four different regenerator materials were tested in the third stage of the VM refrigerator.
These materials are listed in Table 1. The GdRh consisted of irregularly shaped powder
with sizes ranging from 178 !Jffi to 254 !Jffi, whereas the other materials consisted of
spherical powder with a size variation of ±25 !Jffi. The brass powder had a few small
nodules on the otherwise spherically shaped particles. As a result its porosity was higher
than that of the Pb+5%Sb powders. By reducing the porosity of the powder a greater mass
can be inserted into a fixed volume regenerator, resulting in a larger C,. This was
accomplished using a mixture of two sizes of the Pb+5%Sb powder. The third stage
regenerator had a total cross-sectional area of 1.48 cm2 and a length of 6.0 cm.
Figures 4 through 7 show the measured Qnet and Qnet' for the four different regenerator
materials for an operating frequency of 5 Hz and an average pressure of about 3.7 MPa.
<( <"··
0_J /
0.4 ./
<( ß'·
1- .·/
6rc .·/
J: .. ·/ 0 Onet'
1- 0.2 ['j./ Qnet • •
• Onet + Oe+ Osh
0.0 '-'--'"'--'-.C..........~~~-'---"~-'-'-~~~...L...._~--~~'-'-'-~~~'-'
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 5. Net refrigeration for two size Pb+5%Sb with the regeneratorwarm end
at 20 K.
Regenerator: Gd-Rh 21 6 Jlm avg.
Third-Stage warm end at 20K . /_.·--:-:~··;::.:.-:-:'·;.~··..-···
Frequency = 5 Hz.
3: ./. .....
c:i ··
1- /.
cn /
6 c Onet'
a: 0.2
:r1- ::: Onet
• Onet + Oe+ Osh
0.0 '-'-'-"'-'-"-'-""-~.....w..L...~'-'-'-'-'-'-~.W.C.~~.....w-'-'-"...w...~...w..~"-'-'-"-'-'-.....W..W
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 6. Net refrigeration for GdRh with the regenerator wann end at 20 K.
The Q net curve is for a second stage temperature of 20 K. The third curve in each figure
shows the expected Qnet when the conduction and shuttle losses are absent. According to
Eq. (8) these figures show that Qreg,T is very small and nearl~ undetectable within the
measurement accuracy. In some cases the curves suggest that Q reg,T is negative, but the
value is less than the overallexperimental uncertainty. Thus, it can be concluded from the
figures that Q reg is dominated by Q reg,P for the temperature gradients used in these
Table 1 shows the mtmmum temperature reached, Tmin• and Q net at a cold end
temperature of 10 K, while the wann end was maintained at 20 K for the four different
regenerator materials. As expected, GdRh achieved the lowest temperature due to its higher
volumetric heat capacity below 20 K. Table 2 shows how Q net" varies with C,IC1 for the
four materials with a third stage temperature of 15 K and a second stage temperature of 15
0.4 r - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Regenerator: Brass 229 )!m
Third-Stage warm end at 20K
3: 0.3 Frequency =5 Hz.
~ 0.2
~ 0.1 c ÖNet'
. /
2 QNet , .
• ONet+ Oe+ Osh
0.0 '-----""---"--'--~------~-~~---'
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 7. Net refrigeration for Brass with the regeneratorwarm end at 20 K.
Table 2. Net refrigeration, Qnet'' at 15 K
Tc= Th = 15 K Tc= Th = 20 K
K. The 2-size Pb shows the greatest refrigeration power, presumably because of its smaller
void volume, which reduces Qreg,P· Conversely, GdRh has a greater void volume than the
single size Pb which counteracts the effect of the higher C,JCt
As stated previously, only changes in Qreg can be d~termined_ from the experimental
results. Experimental values for the differences between Q reg and Q reg(Pb) (single size Pb
was used as the standard due to its common usage) as a function of C,JC, at a temperature
of 15 K are shown in Table 3. Shown for comparison are the values calculated from the
third-order model. Because the second stage temperature was held at 15 K for these data,
Qreg consists only of Qreg,P· Table 3 shows data for a third- and second-s~age temperntute
of 20 K. These data show two points: (1) significant changes in Q reg,P from the
experimental data suggest that the absolute values must be comparable to or greater than
these changes, and (2) the chang~s in Q reg,P predicted by the model are about twice the
experimental values. Values of Q reg calculated from the t~rd-order model are listed in
Table 4. The last column shows the calculated values for Q reg,T with the cold end at 15
K and the wann end at 20 K. The Qreg,T values are only about 10% of the total Qreg'
which is in qualitative agreement with the experimental results. Table 4 shows that the
calculated value of Qreg,P for the 1-size Pb is 1.0 Wand that of brass is only 2.1 times
higher even though the C,JC1 value for brass is about 15 times smaller than that of Pb. This
behavior shows that cvoid is dominating the perfonnance of the brass regenerator, which is
expected because C,JCvoid = 0.05. The experimental results show an even smaller change
in Q reg,P for the brass. The difference between the experimental and the theoretical values
may be due to the use of perfect isothennal boundary conditions in the model that do not
occur in practice. A first-order model is entirely unsatisfactory for these results since it
predicts Qreg is zero for the case where the two end temperatures are equal.
Lawrence A. Wade
Aerojet Electronic Systems Division
Post Office Box 296
Azusa, California
JT t
Fig. 1. Sorption Refrigerators Consist of a Sorption Compressor and Expander.
Table 1. Typical Operating Conditions for Multistage Sorption Coolers
Stage 1 2 3 3 4 5
ColdTemp. 200-150 150-110 100-70 90-65 60-19 12-5
In 1975, Hartwig2 initiated an effort to develop an adsorption cryocooler
that used zeolites as the sorbent material. He demonstrated the first
physisorption cooler.3 It achieved 3 Wand 185 K using N20 as the refrigerant.
In addition, he proposed adsorption systems to operate as low as 4.2 K.4 Due to
the low efficiency of these zeolite-based designs, physisorption research
languished until 1986 when Bard5 demonstrated a 100 K Barneby-Cheney
charcoal cooler. While this type of charcoal substantially out-performed
zeolites, the specific power ofthiscooler was still over 300 WIW. Also in 1986,
Chan6 reported on a 27 K hydrogen cooler which incorporated gasgapthermal
switches on the compressor.
After studying alternate sorbents, Bard7 determined that activated saran
charcoal offered substantial performance benefits based on isothermal
adsorption capacity measurements by Quinn8. A saran/krypton compressor9
was fabricated and has accumulated over 7,000 hours of operation. A
continuous operation life test is currently underwaylO. The specific power of
this machine is approximately 200 WIW.
Analysis of physical sorption cryocoolers demonstrated that over 98
percent of the inputpower went towards heating the compressors. This energy
was then dumped, in its entirety, to the heat rejection radiator when the
elements were cooled down. Regeneration of the waste heat would clearly lead
to substantial performance benefits. Several practical methods for regenerating
this energy were independently developed. The use ofthermal switches tobring
opposing compressor pairs into thermal equilibrium can reduce the required
inputpower by nearly half. In addition, for some systems, the waste heat from a
chemisorption PCO stage can be used to power physisorption saran carbon
stages. A detailed analysis of a cooler incorporating these regenerative
techniques was performed by Wadeil in 1987. Practical concept designs
implementing these concepts were developed and analyzed by Bard and Jones12.
In 1987, Sywulkal3 proposed that an active valved regenerative cooler
could substantially improve refrigerator performance. These claims were
validated by a regenerative testbed experiment14 which demonstrated 76
percentregenerative efficiency with a simple compressor design. Basedon this
work, a 137 K, 2 W net refrigeration cooler was built and is currently under-
going endurance tests15. As of 1 June 1991, the compressor has accumulated
over 1,800 hours, and as a cooler it has operated over 500 hours. Although this
machine uses a relatively low performance Andersor. charcoal for the sorbent, it
demonstrated 75 WIW specific power. An advanced regenerative cooler using
saran charcoal is currently under development at Aerojet and is expected to
require less than 30 WIW. This cooler will be discussed later in this paper.
Analytical sturlies indicate that the regenerative thermal swi tch
compressor system is the most efficient sorption design for low cooling capacity
applications. The regenerative fluid loop design is the most efficient for loads in
excess of0.5 W.
Two other sorption coolers of note for very low temperature applications
were developed by Roach et all6 and Duband et all7. Bothofthese systems use
charcoal sorption compressors. The system demonstrated by Roach is a dilution
refrigerator which achieved temperatures below 200 mK. The cooler
demonstrated by Duband is a helium 3 refrigerator which achieved 100
microwatts net cooling capacity at 346 mK.
History ofChemisorption Cooler Development
In 1971, the first chemisorption refrigerator was built at the Phillips
Research Laboratories in The Netherlandsl8,19. This chemisorption cooler
delivered approximately 1 W of refrigeration at 26 K using hydrogen as the
refrigerant and LaNi5 for the sorbent. Studies conducted by Lehrfeld and
Boser20 indicated that a flight worthy cooler, based on the then available
materials and design concepts, would require 2.5 kW to produce approximately
one watt ofrefrigeration at 26 K. In 1979, Steyert21 conducted a design study to
enhance compressor heat transfer.
Jones22 developed and demonstrated a hydrogen sorption refrigerator
with improved compressor heat transfer. By 1983 this refrigerator had
accumulated over 1000 hours of operation in the 14 to 29 K temperature range.
A similar cooler with improved kinetics was demonstrated by Karperos23.
Analysis showed that the performance of this machine was very close to
theoretical predictions.24
Matsubara et al25 demonstrated a very fast (0.5 Hz) LaNi5 compressor for
use in a Gifford-McMahon cycle cooler. Only compressor characterization has
been reported to date. This is the only sorption compressor developed for use
wi th an expander other than a J-T.
There were two problems with these LaNi5 hydride based coolers. First, a
long term dissociation ofthe lanthanum into an irreversible lanthanum hydride
occurred which would result in severe performance degradation over multiyear
missions. Second, the required inputpower was too high. Research conducted
by Bowman et al26 determined that vanadium had no such intrinsic
degradation and even higher capacity than LaNi5. Combining this vanadium
hydride with the aforementioned regenerative concepts results in a cooler which
should exhibithigh performance and long life.
Kumano, et al27 demonstrated a 16.5 K hydridecooler which incorporated
a three-stage compressor to operate over the complete pressure range.
In 1987, Jones28 proposed using hydrides to achieve cooling to 10 K. A
cooler which incorporated a two-stage hydride compressor to achieve the
required pressureswas studied by Rodriguez and Mills29. A proof-of-principle
hardware demonstration effort is currently underway.
A second type of chemisorption system is the oxygen/PCO cooler proposed
and developed by Bard and Jones30. It provides cooling as low as 72 K with a
specific power of 585 W/W at 80 K. This compressor has been undergoing life
tests for several years accumulating over 17,000 hours and 37,000 cycles to
date31. Studies indicate that, with aregenerative configuration, specific powers
as low as 50 W/W can be achieved at 65 K.
Other chemisorption systems have been examined, to date without
yielding significant benefit (e.g., Jones and Lund32).
Table 2. Sorbent!Sorbate Pairs With Characterized lsotherms
Saran Anderson Barneby- Bergbau-
AX-31 Cheney Forchung
Helium X X
Nitrogen X X X X
Methane X X
Ethane X
Carbon Monoxide X
Krypton X X
Xenon X X
have 25 year life flight qualified valves currently available. These valves will
be incorporated in the Aerojet advanced charcoal cooler.
Even if the refrigerator is built to exacting standards contamination
tolerant J-T valves are likely to be of great import. The phenomenology of J-T
plug formation has been studied at Harvey Mudd College38. Future work
appears likely to lead to improvements in contamination tolerance and the
development of quickly defrostable J-T valves. Work is currently underway
with General Pneumatics and APD Cryogenics to develop adjustable orifice J-T
valves with integral condensers and contamination tolerant heat exchangers
and nozzles.
The most important component which requires development is the helium
circulator used in the regenerative fluid loop design. Swift and Nutt have
analyzed circulator designs and concluded that existing technology designs
could meet flight requirements. These circulators typically operate at 600 psia,
pumping less than 0.33 g/s across a 6 psia head. There are no efforts currently
underway to demonstrate such a circulator.
Mixed gas refrigerators offer some potential for reducing system size and
mass. Jones et al39 is currently involved in the characterization ofthistype of
There appear to be no major roadblocks to the development and
demonstration of a flight worthy multistage sorption refrigerator. Three single
stage systems are successfully undergoing endurance testing. However, no
multistage tests have been conducted or are currently planned.
The first flight-like single stage regenerative refrigerator is currently
under development at Aerojet for demonstration in 1993. Some of its basic
performance specifications are as follows:
Capacity >1W
Temperature 130K
Refrigerant Krypton
Sorbent Saran Charcoal
Volume <1 CU ft
Mass <40lb
Power <40W/W
As described earlier it will use saran charcoal, flight qualified active valves, and
be fabricated using ultrahigh purity standards. Figure 3 shows the advanced
charcoal compressor design concept.
Al Johnson of the Aerospace Corp. pointed out the utility of sorption
coolers for periodic cooling requirements. Johnson and Jones40 developed
several conceptual designs for this type of application Fig. 4 shows a schematic
for a blow down sorption system. This system is suitable for cooling a load for a
relatively short time with a Ionger period for recuperation (e.g., 1 hour cooling
every 24-hour period). The advantage of this system is that it is simple. lt
eliminates the complexity added to the continuous Operationsorptiondesigns at
the cost of energy efficiency. However, since these systems can spread the
energy requirement over a period of hours the power requirement is quite low
compared to any other type ofrefrigerator.
Hybrid cooler designs are likely to be developed in the future. For systems
requiring very low temperatures combining a sorption cooler with a cold
loop lnlet
Check Valves
Refrigerant •'---:~-:.;;.
Liquid The-rmal
20K Passive SinkTo
Temp Copper Check Radiator
Strap To Valve (275K)
SOK Heat Sink
with oil as required by mechanical compressors. Since sorption coolers are
oilless, this seems like a natural marriage. While no sorption isotherms have
been made with the new refrigerants, it seems likely that the performance of a
regenerativesorptioncooler will rival that ofmechanical onesjust as it does in
the cryogenic region. Single-stage sorption coolers using xenon as the
refrigerant will reject heat at room temperature and provide cooling to 165K for
less than 5 W/W. Surely good refrigerants will do considerably better.
If high temperature superconducting electronics are to achieve
commercial success, they will need cheap and reliable cooling. The low
tolerance, low piece part design of sorption coolers should lead to very
inexpensive large-scale manufacturing.
At present three sorption stages are undergoing long term endurance
testing. JPL's PCO compressor has accumulated over 17,000 hours and their
saran compressor has accumulated over 7,000 hours. Testing of Aerojet's
Anderson charcoal refrigerator has been initiated, and it has accumulated
nearly 2,000 hours. The longevity of these prototype laboratory brassboard
coolers is highly encouraging.
The demonstration of the advanced charcoal cooler will be a major step in
the development offlight qualified sorption coolers. This refrigerator is the first
tobe built to flight standards.
With the exception of the circulator, component development is well
underway. Cantamination tolerant J-T valves have been developed and
continued improvement seems likely. Long-life valves have been tested
individually and system tests are currently underway. Compressor testing of
charcoal and PCO elements is currently underway at JPL and Aerojet is
currently testing hydride and charcoal compressor elements.
Considerable progress has been made in the past five years in the location
and characterization of high performance sorbent materials. Continued
research by NIST, JPL and Aerojet is likely to result in improved system
performance and the first viable flight cryocooler.
I gratefully acknowledge the assistance and ideas of S. Bard and J. Jones
on numerous conversations over the past five years.
1. J. M. Vickers, "Intermittent Type Silica Gel Adsorption Refrigerator,"
U.S. Patent #3,270,512 filed August 1963.
2. W. Hartwig, "Adsorption Pumping Cryogenic Refrigerator Studies", 47th
Monthly Progress Report, Contract No. NASA 9-14491, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center,
December 1, 1978- December 31, 1979.
3. W. H. Hartwig, "Cryogenic Refrigeration Concepts Utilizing Adsorption
Pumping in Zeolites", Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 23, p. 438,
Plenum Publishing Co., N. Y., 1978.
4. W. H. Hartwig, "Requirements for and Status of a 4.2K Adsorption
Refrigerator Using Zeolites", Proceedings of the Conference on
Refrigeration for Cryogenic Sensors and Electronic Systems, Boulder,
Colorado, 1980, NBS SP 607.
5. S. Bard, "Development of an 80-120K Charcoal-Nitrogen Adsorption
Cryocooler", Forth Biennial International Cryocooler Conference, Easton,
MD, September 1986.
6. C. K. Chan, Performance ofLong Life J-T Cryocooler, paper presented at
Interagency Meeting on Cryocoolers, Easton, Maryland, 1986.
7. S. Bard, "Improving Adsorption Cryocoolers by Multi-Stage Compression
and Reducing Void Volume", Cryogenics 26, 1986.
8. D. F. Quinn et al, "Solid Adsorbents for Storage of CMG for Automotive
Use-Saran Carbon", Alternate Energy Conference, Windsor, Ontario,
Canada, 1985.
9. H. R. Schember, "Development of an Adsorption Compressor for use in
Cryogenic Refrigeration", AIAA-89-0076, 27th Aerospace Seiences
Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 1989.
10. G. Mon et al, "Reliability and Life of Sorbent Materials for Sorption
Cryocoolers," in Proc. Sixth International Cryocooler Conference, October
25, 1990, Plymouth, Massachusetts.
11. L. A. Wade, "Parametric Performance Analysis of Sorption/Magnetic
Refrigerators, Final Report", Aerojet Electronic Systems Division Report
8936, Nov.1987.
12. S. Bard and J. A. Jones, "Regenerative Sorption Compressors for
Cryogenic Refrigeration", Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 35b, p.
1357, Plenum Press, N. Y. 1990.
13. P. Sywulka, patent application filed June 1990.
14. L. Wade, P. Sywulka, M. Hatter, and J. Alvarez, "High Efficiency Sorption
Refrigerator Design," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 35b, p. 1375,
Plenum Press, N.Y. 1990.
15. L. Wade, E. Ryba, C. Weston, and J. Alvarez, "Test Performance of an
Efficient 2W, 137K Sorption Refrigerator," submitted to Cryogenics 1991.
16. P. Roach and K. Gray, "Low-Cost, Compact Dilution Refrigerator:
Operation from 200 to 20 mK," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 33,
Plenum Press, N.Y.1988.
17. L. Duband, C. Alsop and A. Lange, "A Rocket-Borne Helium 3
Refrigerator," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 35b, p 1447, Plenum
Press, N.Y. 1990.
18. G. Prast, C.M. Hargreaves, A. Mijnheer, and H.H. Van Mal, "Proceedings
of the 13th International Congress on Refrigeration," Washington D.C.
19. H. H. Van Mal and A. Mijnheer, "Hydrogen Refrigerator for the 20K
Region with a LaNi5 Hydride Thermal Absorption Compressor for
Hydrogen," Proc ICEC 4, IPC Science & Technology Press, Guildforn, UK,
20. D. Lehrfeld and 0. Boser, "Absorption-Desorption Compressor for
Spaceborne/Airborne Cryogenic Refrigerators," Technical Report AFFDL-
TR-74-21, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB,
Ohio, March 1974.
21. W.A. Steyert, "New Heat Transfer Geometry for Hydride Heat Engines
and Heat Pumps," report LA-7822, Los Alamos Scientific Lab., New
Mexico, July 1979 .
. 22. J.A. Jones and P.M. Golben, "Design, Life Testing, and Future Designs of
Cryogenic Hydride Refrigeration Systems,"Cryogenics 25, p 212, April
23. K. Karperos, "Operating Characteristics of a Hydrogen sorption
Refrigerator, Part 1: Experiment Design and Results," Proceedings ofthe
Fourth International Cryocoolers Conference, Easton, Maryland,
September 1986.
24. L. A. Wade, "Operating Characteristics of a Hydrogen Sorption
refrigerator, Part II: A Comparison Between a Second Order Analysis and
Empirical Data." Proceedings of the Fourth International Cryocoolers
Conference, Easton Maryland, September 1986.
25. Y. Matsubara, M. Kaneko, J. Suzuki, and k. Hirosawa, "High Response
Hydride Compressor for Regenerative Cryocooler," Proceedings of the
Fourth International Cryocoolers Conference, Easton, Maryland,
September 1986.
26. R. Bowman, B. Freeman, and R. Phillips, "Application of Vanadium
Hydride Compressors for Joule-Thomson Cryocoolers," submitted to
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 1991.
27. T. Kumano, B. Tada, Y. Tsuchida, Y. Kuraoka, T. Ishige, and H. Baba,
"Development of High Pressure Metal Hydride for a Compressor," Metal-
Hydragen Conference, Stuttgart, W. Germany, September 1988.
28. J. A. Jones, Ten Kelvin Hydride Refrigerator, U.S. Patent No. 4 641 499,
February 1987.
29. J. Rodriguez and A. Mills, "Development of a Solid Hydrogen Sorption
Refrigerator Stage, Phase I, Final Report," JPL D-5070, February 1988,
JetPropulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
30. S. Bard andJ. Jones, "Developmentand Testingofan 80 K Oxide Sorption
Cryocooler," Proceedings of the 5th International Cryocooler Conference,
Monterey, California, August 1988.
31. S. Bard, C. Blue, and B. Bowlten, "Reliability and Physical Analysis of a
Life-Tested Sorption Compressor for Cryogenic Refrigeration," presented
at the CECIICMC Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, June 1991.
32. J. Jones and A. Lund, "Sorption J-T Refrigeration Utilizing Manganese
Nitride Chemisorption," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 35b, Plenum
Press, N.Y. 1990.
33. A. Yavrovrian, private communication, April1991.
34. R. Radebaugh, private communication, Jan. 1991.
35. D. Hope, et al., '1nstalling and Certifying Sematech's Bulk-Gas Delivery
Systems," Microcontamination, May 1990.
36. See Reference 15.
37. Futurecraft, City oflndustry, California.
38. L. A. Wade, C. Donnelly, E. Joham, K. Johnson, R. Phillips, E. Ryba, B.
Self, and R. Stanton, "An Investigation into the Mechanics of J-T Valve
Plug Formation," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 33, Plenum Press,
39. J. Jones, S. Petrick, and S. Bard, "Mixed Gas Sorption Joule-Thomson
Refrigerator," NASA Tech Briefs, May 1991.
40. A. Johnson and J. Jones, patent application filed 1991.
An extended corresponding states model for calculating the vapor-liquid
equilibrium (VLE) thermodynamic proferties for mixtures of nitrogen, argon, and
oxygen has been developed. The mode is based on four reference fluids: nitrogen,
argon, oxygen, and air as a pseudo-pure fluid. The use of air as one of the reference
fluids assures that mixture properties default to those for air when the mixture
composition is that of air. MIXture Helmholtz energies are predicted using a
Lagrangian interpolation method involvin~ the acentric factors of the component.
Modified van der Waals mixing rules conta1ning empirical, mole fraction dependent,
binary and ternary interaction parameters are used to determine the pseudo-critical
properties of the mixture.
Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) properties describe the thermodynamic
state of a mixture of fluids where both liquid and vapor phases are present.
Equilibrium states can be defined by various combinations of independent
thermodynamic properlies including pressure, temperature, liquid compositwn, and
vapor composition. A VLE model for air and air-like mixtures has been developed
in this work as a companion to a new wide-range equation of state for air by
Jacobsen et al,l The VLE model is based on the pure fluid equations of state for
three major constituents of air: nitrogen2, ar~on3, and oxygen4, as weil as the
equation of state for airt as a pseudo-pure flmd. The model was developed for
compositions near that of air, but it is theoretically valid for binary and ternary
mixtures of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.
The equations of state used in this work are explicit in Helmholtz energy with
independent variables of temperature and density,
where i, j, and t are exponents, and the Nk are the coefficients of the equation
determined by fitting experimental data. The coefficient, "'(, is zero when t 1s zero
and is one when t is not zero.
T 1 = T 11 = T, (4)
P 1
= P = P, and
fI : f II i : 1, 2, •••• m, (6)
i i'
where the superscripts 1 and 11 ffifer to the liquid and vapor phases, respectively. The
y are the fugacities of the i component. Fugacities can be calculated from a
rundamental equation of state explicit in Helmholtz energy,
The acentric factor indicates the degree to which a fluid diverges from the
reduced behavior of a monatomic fluid such as argon. The acentric factor was
defined by Pitzer et al.s as,
where Pur is the reduced vapor pressure of the fluid evaluated at a reduced
temperature of 0.7. Pitzer showed that the compressibility factor can be written as a
linear function of the acentric factor,
z = Z0 + wzr
where Z0 is the contribution from a simple fluid with zero acentric factor, and zr is
a function that takes into account the departure from spherical geometry of the
molecule. The compressibility factors are calculated at the same reduced
temperature and pressure.
Corresponding states theory can be extended to use several pure fluid
equations of state to predict properties of fluid mixtures. The corresponding states
equation of Lee and Kesler> is,
(w -wrl) (w -wr2)
+ zr3-:".,....---::-'l'--::>r-::>r (12)
(wr3 -wrl) (wr3 -wr2) ·
The basis for this work is a four-reference fluid model in which nitrogen,
oxygen, argon, and air (as a pseudo pure fluid) serve as the reference fluids. A
Lagrangian interpolation is used to determine the residual Helmholtz energy of the
mixture. The expression for the Helmholtz energy of the mixture, predicted from
the reference fluids is,
.im= L Li(w).i"i(T/Tcm• P/Pcm), where (13)
Li(w) = TT (wm -wj)
j=1 (Wi -Wj)
j +i
TClll• Pcm and Wm are mixture values determined using mixing rules. The
eqmvalent equation for density is derived by solving for the mixture specific volume,
and then inverting the express10n,
The use of this interpolation model is advantageous in this work because air
has been characterized by a pseudo-pure fluid equation of state. For this
composition, the predicted values default to the pseudo-pure fluid equation of state
for air when the air equation is included as a reference fluid equation.
The pseudo-critical temperature, density, pressure and the acentric factor for the
mixture were calculated using van der Waals mixing rules8• These rules are shown
in the following equations.
Wm =I Xi Wi (19)
VClJ.. -- 9 t: "(V
'OlJ Cl
.1/3 + VCJ.1/3)3/8 (20)
In Equations (20) and (21), r ij and ij are binary interaction parameters and 9 and u
are temary interaction parameters dtscussed in the next sectwn. The index, i, refers
to nitrogen, argon, and oxygen, respectively.
For a pure fluid, when the critical volume is given by Equation (22), the
mixing rules default to the critical point of that fluid. However, this is not true for
air. The pseudo-critical point for air must be calculated using the critical points of
nitrogen, argon, and oxygen. Furthermore, the properties at the maxcondentherm
are used as reducing parameters in the equation of state for air, rather than those at
the critical point. If the critical point determined by the mixing rules is not identical
to the maxcondentherm of the equation of state for air, the properties of air
mixtures calculated from the model do not agree with the values from the equation
of state for air. For this reason, the reducing parameters for air were reassigned the
values predicted from the mixing rules at the composition of air and the linear
coefficients, Nk, in Equation (3) for air, were adjusted.
Binary and temary interaction parameters can be used to adjust VLE models
to represent available experimental data by accounting for interactions between
molecules of different species. The interactions between similar molecules are
accounted for by the interaction parameters set to one. The interaction parameters
between unlike molecules account for the change in mixture properties from that of
an ideal mixture.
In this work, selected data from Wilson9 and the data of Hiza1o were used to
determine the interaction parameters. The data of Hizato were used to determine
the binary interaction parameters for the N2-02 and N~-Ar binary mixtures.
Selected data of Wilson9 were used to determine the temary mteraction parameters
for the temary mixture. Both data sets were used to determine the binary
interaction parameters for the Ar-Oz binary.
A non-linear, least s9.uares Marquardt algorithm11 was used to determine the
coefficients in the proposed mteraction parameter functions.
e13 = 1.0442663 - 0.0252890[xN:zl(xN2+xov1 (23)
r 13 = 1.0011516 - o.0016409[xN:zl(xN2+xov1 (24)
€12 = 1.0152796 - 0.0075723(xN:z/(xN2+xAr)) (25)
Ten1perature (K)
The model presented here provides accurate I?roperties for binary and
temary mixtures of nitrogen, argon and oxygen over a Wide range of temperatures,
pressures and compositions. Figure 1 compares selected experimental VLE data to
predictions from the model. The model can be used to predict equilibrium
pressures of nitrogen-oxygen binary mixtures to within 1% for temperatures above
90 K, and to within 3% for temperatures below 90 K. For both nitrogen-argon and
oxygen-argon binary mixtures, the model predicts equilibrium pressures within 2%
for temperatures above 100 K, and within 3% for temperatures below 100 K. The
model can be used to predict equilibrium pressures of temary nitro~en-argon
oxygen mixtures to withm 2% for temperatures above 90 K and withm 3% for
temperatures below 90 K.
1. Jacobsen, R. T, Penoncello, S. G., Beyerlein, S. W., Lemmon, E. W., and
Clarke, W. P., 'Thermophysical Properties of Air and Similar Mixtures of
Nitrogen, Argon and Oxygen from 65 K to 873 K at Pressures to 70 MPa,"
tobe submitted to1 Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, (1991).
Four new ancillary functions for the calculation of pressures and densities of
states at the bubble and dew points of air are presented. These functions were
developed using experimental data and calculated values. The experimental data
for the bubble and dew point pressures and densities of air are summarized and
evaluated. In the absence of experimental data at high-pressure phase equilibrium
states, a leung-Griffiths model modified for ternary mixtures was used to calculate
pseudo-data. This ternary mixture model was also used to calculate new values for
the critical point, maxcondenbar and maxcondentherm for air. The calculated
proeerties at the maxcondentherm were used as reducing parameters in the
ancrllary functions. Graphical comparisons of the ancillary equations to the
experimental data and pseudo-data are presented to justifv the estimated accuracies
of the new ancillary functions. The equations presented here have been used to
calculate dew and bubble point pressures and densities for the determination of the
phase boundary for a wide-range equation of state for air treated as a pseudo-pure
Since air is a mixture, conventional pure fluid characteristics cannot be used
in the development of the ancillary functions. Perhaps the most prominent
difference is in the critical region. The critical point is not the point of maximum
pressure and maximum temperature on the coemtence boundary as it is for a pure
fluid. As shown in Figure 1, the critical point of air lies approximately 0.1 K below
the point of l!laximum ~emperature (maxcondentherm) and approximately 0.01 MPa
below the pomt of maximum pressure (maxcondenbar).
The existing experimental data for the b1,1bble and dew point pressures and
densities of air are summarized in Table 1. The data of Blankef and Michels et al.4
were considered to be the most accurate representations of the phase boundaries
available. This conclusion is verified by several other investigators including
Rainwater and Jacobsen6, Sychev et al.7 and Blanke and Weisss. These
experimental data were used in this study to develop the ancillary functions for air.
The critical region for air was modeled using a scaling law approach for
mixtures known as the leung-Griffiths model. The model used in thts study was
based upon original work of leung and Griffiths9 and subsequently modified for
binary mixtures by Moldover, Rainwater and co-workerstO-t3. Thts method was
extended to ternary mixtures and applied to the nitrogen-argon-oxygen system by
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 37, Part B
Edited by R.W. Fast, Plenum Press, New YOik, 1992 111 5
~ 132.5
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Density (mol/dm1 )
Fig. 1. Critical region phase boundary for air
with fixed points determined from the
ternary Leung-Griffiths model.
Van Poolent4• Calculated "pseudo-data" generated from this temary modeland the
experimental data of Blanke1 and Michels et al.4 were used in the development of
the ancillary functions.
The basic idea of the Leung-Griffiths model is to transform the coexistence
boundary from "density-space" to "field-space". The field variables have equivalent
values for coexisting liquid and vapor phase, whereas the density variables have
different values. Conventional ancillary functions for bubble and dew point density
are a mixed representation of both field variables (P or T) and a density variable
(p ).
The Leung-Griffiths model is not constrained to a pre-determined critical
point, maxcondentherm or maxcondenbar. These points can be determined once
the model is optimized using experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data. In
this study, air is treated as a temary mixture with mole fractions o( nitrogen
(x=0.7812), argon (x=0.0092) and oxygen (x=0.2096). The critical pointlies on the
critical surface of this mixture. However, the maxcondentherm and maxcondenbar
are on the isopleth representing the composition of air, but removed from the
Table 1
Experimental Data for Air on the Phase Boundary
Temperature Number Data
Author Year Range (K) ofdata form*
Blanke1 1973 ~129 9 bpp
Blanket 1973 67-132.3 11 dpp
Furukawa and McCoskeyl 1953 ~85 8 dpp
Kuenen and Oark3 1917 123-132.5 14 bpp
Michels et a1.4 1954 118-131.9 3 bpp
Michels et al.4 1954 118-132.6 6 dpp
Walker et al.s 1966 ~64 5 bpp
Blanke1 1973 60-128 9 bpd
Blanket 1973 67-132.3 11 dpd
Kuenen and Clark3 1917 123-132.5 11 bpd
Kuenen and Clark3 1917 129-132.5 8 dpd
Michels et al.4 1954 118-131.9 13 bpd
Michels et al.4 1954 118-132.6 18 dpd
• bpp = bubble point pressure dpp = dew point pressure
bpd = bubble point density dpd = dew point density
Calculated Values of the Critical Point, Maxcondentherm
and Maxcondenbar for Air
Pressure Density Temperature
(MPa) (molfdm3 ) (K)
Critical Point 3.7860 11.8308 132.5168
Maxcondentherm 3.78502 10.447700 132.61738
Maxcondenbar 3.78909 11.094825 132.58970
The functional form for the bubble and dew point pressures is
Table 3
Coefficients for the Bubble and Dew Point
Pressures for Air- Equation (1)*
Bubble Point Pressure Dew Point Pressure
N1 = 0.2095592444 N1 = -0.1537763029
N2 = -6.654905539 N2 =-5.544542064
N4 = 22.13718815 N10 = 312.7182733
N5 =-84.14553609 N11 =-895.9553274
N6 = 135.9753732 N13 = 1834.176566
N7 =-83.66895082 N14 =-1321.892808
N12 = 17.97856602
*Coefficients not listed are zero.
111 7
Dew Point Pressure
1 point off ocale (Blanke) .
80 100 120
80 100 120
Ternperature (K)
Coefficients for the Bubble and Dew Point
Densities for Air-Equation (2)*
Bubble Point Density Dew Point Density
N2 = 19.04163405 N1 =-0.4260410355
N4 =-477.1948003 N2 =-9.794208888
N6 = 15083.59618 N3 = 23.87307954
N7 =-70795.97403 N6 =-1549372838
N8 = 152653.7408 N7 = 7459.189780
N9 = -169972.7900 N8 =-1462738944
N10 = 82260.28048 N9 = 11872.26681
N13 =-12399.98758 N11 =-4091.109590
N15 = 3657.873321 N15 = 1782.608401
N17 = -936.1183672
*Coefficients not listed are zero.
Table 5
Summary of Deviations of Calculated Properties
from Selected Experimental and Calculated Data
Form Michels et al.4 Blanket Van Poolent4
Bubble point pressure 0.077 -0.062 0.096 0.068 0.021 -0.007
Dew point pressure 0.427 0.427 0.275 -0.076 0.065 0.038
Bubble point density 3.380 -3.297 0.067 0.055 0.290 0.083
Dew point density 1.410 1.410 0.047 -0.035 0.001 0.000
Four new ancillary functions for the representation of the bubble and dew
point pressures and densities for air have been developed. These equations were
based on selected experimental data of Michels et al. 4 and Blanke1• In the critical
region, a modified temary Leung-Griffiths model was used to calculate pseudodata.
These pseudodata were mcluded with the experimental data where appropriate in
the development of the ancillary functions. The modified Leung-Griffiths model
was also used to determine new values for the critical point, maxcondentherm and
maxcondenbar. The calculated properties at the maxcondentherm are used as
reducing parameters in the ancillary functions. The accuracy of the ancillary
equations is estimated tobe ±0.10 percent in density or pressure along the bubble
point and dew point curves from 60 K to the maxcondentherm.
1. Blanke, W., Messung der thermischen Zustandgrossen von Luft im Zweipha-
sengebiet und seiner Umgebung, Ph.D. dissertation, Ruhr University,
Bochum, Fed. Rep. Germany (1973).
2. Furukawa, G. T. and McCoskey, R. E., 'The Condensation Line of Air and the
Heats of Vaporization of Oxygen and Nitrogen," Tech. Note, U.S. NACA
No. 2969, (1953).
3. Kuenen, J. P. and Clark, AL, "Critical Point, Critical Phenomena and a Few
Condensation Constants of Air," Commun. Phys. Lab. Univ. Leiden,
150:124, (1917).
4. Michels, A, Wassenaar, T., and Van Seventer, W., "Isotherms of Air Between
o· C and 75• C and at Pressures up to 2000 Atm," Appl Sei. Res., A4,
5. Walker, G., Christian, W. J., and Budenholzer, R.A, ''The Vapor Pressure of
Dry Air at Low Temperatures," Adv. Cryog. Engr., 11, (1966).
10. Moldover, M. R. and Gallagher, J. S., "Phase Equilibria in the Critical Region:
An Application of the Rectilinear Diameter and the 1/3 Power Laws to
Binary Mixtures," ACS Symposium Series, 60 (1977).
For real gases, Enskog suggested that the quantity bpx should be determined
from compressibility experiments, using the "thermal pressure":
bpx =V (ap) -I
R aT v
where R is the gas constant, P, V and T are the pressure, volume and
temperature, respectively. The quantity X is a function of density. lts value
approaches unity as P approaches zero. In this work, the modified volume-
translated Peng-Robinson equation of state 3 was used without any additional
term for the evaluation of bpx. The equation is of the following form
b' = 0.3112RTJ(2+u}Pc,
c =(2 + u}b'/4,
da(T) ]
bpx= V [ _R_ _ dT _I {7)
R V- b' V +(2b' - 4c)V + 2b' 2
2 - c2
bp = [b' - (da/dT)/RJN {9)
Following the presentation of Cohen and Sandler7 , we adopted the expression
(Approach I)
for correlation A. and treating the quantity D(= 4A.0 /15 kllo) substance and
temperature dependent. The quantities :\0 , k and llo are the low density thermal
conductivity, the Boltzmann constant and the dilute gas viscosity, respectively.
Another approach (Approach II) was also considered in this work. For
simplicity, it was assumed that the virial equation of state truncated to the
second virial coefficient could approximately describe the PVT behavior of the
gas, leading to
Many correlations are available in the Iiterature for A.0 • In this work, a
three-parameter polynomial correlation
( 12)
was adopted to describe thc temperature dependence. The obtained Aoi values
are reported in Table 2. The deviations in the calculated A.0 values over the
temperature range investigatcd in this work is generally around 0.2%. The D
values of equations 10 and 11 are further correlated as a linear function of
temperature. A typical result of the correlation is shown in Fig. 1 for
nitrogen. The coefficicnts obtained from the correlation for six arbitrarily
selected pure substances are prcsented in Table 3. The correlated A. values for
these substances are reported in Table 4. A comparison of the calculated and
Iiterature A. values for hydrogen at 280 K is depicted in Fig. 2.
a =I
I Xi Xj aij
Table 1 Values of s (for a) and u in the supercritical region determined
from PVT data9
EQuation 10 EQuation 11
Do D, Do D,
Table 4 (Continued)
2.25 r----- ------ --.
2 I
Fig. I. Correlation af parameter D
with temperatur e far ni trogen.
0, values from equatian I 0,
150 200 250 300 350
ß, values from equation II.
~ 220
s 210
g 200
u 190 Fig. 2. Camparisa n af experiment al
«l and calculated A, values far H2 at
s>.. 280 K. 0, data (ref. 9); - ,
1l 160
calculated with optimized D
(equation 10); ----- calculated
with D = 1.0 (equatian 10);
100 200 300 400
ca1culated with aptimized
Pressure BAR D (equation 11 ).
·:;: 40
"20 35
u Fig. 3. Camparisa n af experiment al and
«l calculated I. values far the binary
s>.. 30 system N2(1) - Ne(2) at 300 K.
Experiment al data (ref. 16): , V.
~ Y2 = 0.2190; +,Y2 = 0.4937; 0, Y2 =
0.7637; - - , calculated with
50 100 150 200 equatian 10; -----, calculated
Pressure Bar with D = 1.0.
Table 5 Comparison of predicted and Iiterature ). values for binary
cases. The treatment of paramcter D as temperature and substance dependent
reduces the deviations in the correlation of pure component Ä. values very
significantly as shown in Fig. 2. The predicted results indicate that the
volume-translated Peng-Robinson equation with the s and u values determine
from PVT data is suitable for calculating bpx values. The predicted Ä. values for
the five binary mixtures are generally acceptable without using any binary
interaction parameters in the mixing rules used in the determination of
mixture parameters.
1. R.C. Reid, J.M. Prausnitz and B.E. Poling, "The properties of gases and
liquids", 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York (1987).
2. W. Sheng and B.C.-Y. Lu, Calculation of shear viscosity of mixtures by
mean of equation of state, in "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering",
Vol. 35, Plenum Press, New York (1990), p. 1533.
3. W. Sheng and B.C.- Y. Lu, A modified volume-translated Peng-Robinson
equation with temperature dependent parameters, Fluid Phase
Equilib., 56: 71 (1990).
4. C. Chapman and T.C. Cowling, "The mathematical theory of non-uniform
gases", 3rd ed., chapter 16, Cambridge Univ. Press, London (1970).
5. Y. Adachi, H. Sugie and B.C.- Y. Lu, Temperature dependence of the
cohesion parameter for calculating binary VLE values for systems
containing helium and neon, in: "Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering". Vol. 33, Plenum Press, New York (1988), p. 1031.
6. G. Soave, Equilibrium constants from a modified Redlich-Kwong equation
of state, Chem. Eng. Sei., 27: 1197 (1972).
7. Y. Cohen and S.I. Sandler, Tbc viscosity and thermal conductivity of
simple dense gases, lnd. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 19: 186 (1980).
8. W. Sheng, G.J. Chen and H.C. Lu, Prediction of transport properties of
dense gases and liquids by the Peng-Robinson (PR) equation of state,
Int. J. Thermophys., 10: 133, (I 989).
9. N.B.. Vargaftik, "Tables on the thermophysical properlies of liquids and
gases", 2nd ed., Hcmispheres, Washington, DC (1975).
10. D.G. Friend, J.F. Ely and H. Ingham, Thermal physical properlies of
methane, I. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 18:583 (1989).
11. J. Millat, M.J. Ross and W.A. Wakeham, Thermal conductivity of nitrogen
in the tempcrature range 177 to 270K, Physica 159A:28 (1989).
12. U.V. Mardolcar, C.A. Nieto de Castro and W.A. Wakeham, Thermal
conductivity of argon in the tcmperature range 107 to 423 K, lnL.._l.
Thermophys. 7:259 (1986).
13. J.V. Sengers, W.T. Bolk and C.J. Stigter, The thermal conductivity of neon
between 25-75°C at pressure up to 2600 atm, Physica 30:1018 (1964).
14. K. Stephan and Heckenbcrger, "Thermal conductivity and viscosity data
of fluid mixturcs", Dcchema Chemistry Data Series, Vol. X., Part 1,
Frankfurt (1989).
15. M. Yorizane, S. Yoshimura, H. Masuoka and H. Yoshida, Thermal
Conductivity of binary gas mixtures at high pressures: N2-02, N2-Ar
C02-Ar and C02-CH4, lnd. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 22:458 (1983).
16. R.D. Fleeter, J. Kestin and R. Paul, The thermal conductivity of mixtures of
nitrogen with four noble gases at room temperature, Physica 108 A:
371 (1981)
Randall A. Wilcox
Trans-Bay Electronics, Inc.
Richmond, Califomia *
A newly constructed cryostat has been employed in order to establish the helium
adsorption characteristics of several commercially available activated carbons. So far, two
carbon samples have been studied. Considered are the steady-state adsorption-pressure-
temperature relations of 3He as weil as 4He (unmixed). Pressuresare measured with room-
temperature instrumentation. Applying thermo-molecular pressure difference corrections the
cold end pressures are obtained. The helium adsorption is derived from Straightforward mass
balance computations. The measurements span the range of temperatures between 2 K and
50 K for pressures between 1 Pa and 1 MPa. Interpolation allows presentation of the data
in the form of adsorption isotherms as weil as isobars (only adsorption isotherms are
presented here ).
Activated carbon is known for its potential to purify many a substance (e.g., gas
masks, water filters). This convenient quality is the result of the van der Waals interaction
between the solid and the individual molecules and an internallabyrinth providing a relatively
!arge surface area (= 1000 m2g-1). The amount of any given substance adsorbed is a
complex function of surface area, temperature, concentration/gas pressure and even carbon
morphology. Adsorptiongenerally becomes significant at temperatures on the order of the
normal boiling point and below. Not surprisingly, activated carbon is frequently applied in
cryogenics to assure a thermally isolating high vacuum. In this type of application the amount
Data on helium (4He) adsorption onto activated carbon have been published by
Vazquez et al. and others,4,5 however, these particular carbons are not readily available.
Variation in adsorption qualities of nonidentical carbons, difficulties in acquiring already tested
material and the scarcity of data published on 3He adsorption has Iead us to the present study.
The results tobe discussed here are on two samples of activated carbon: 1) Amoco * (Am),
2) Barnebey Cheney PE+ (BCh). Data6 we have published previously on Am are to be
considered erroneous due to the discovery after publication of inadequate thermal anchoring of
the thermometry. This problern has since been overcome. The data contained in the present
paper have all been recorded with improved thermometry. To our dismay the Am carbon is no
Ionger in production, although this situation is subject to change. Still, the Am data are
considered relevant because of the unusually high surface area (2000 m2fg) which suggests a
great potential for helium adsorption. The tests on BCh (,.. 1100 m2fg) have resulted in
adsorption data on a type of carbon which is indeed easily accessible, as has been the intent
from the start of this effort. As indicated above, adsorption has been determined both for 3He
and 4He (unmixed).
The cryostat has been discussed in detail in an earlier publication.6 Therefore, we will
merely recapitulate the Iayout using Fig. 1. The activated carbon test assembly (ACTA)
consists of an annular shell surrounded by an annular vacuum space. The shell/container has a
volume of 40 cm3 and a wall area of 90 cm2 to which the carbon is bonded with a thin
layer of Stycast 2850 FT (for BCh the area was increased twofold by means of a copper
screen). In tests with Am carbon 3.50 g has been used; the sample of BCh weighed
5.69 g. A manganin wire heater is epoxied to the shell as weil as an Allen Bradley carbon
resistance thermometer. The pressure inside the shell is measured through a 1.6 mm inner
diameter tube by an external room temperature gauge#. The pressure gauge is fitted with
either a 35 kPa (5 psi) or a 1.4 MPa (200 psi) pressure capsule. The gauge volume
including the space between valves equals 30 cm3. For data-acquisition, graphics and
computations Macintosh computers have been used.
The carbon is taken from a weighed container and glued to the shell after which the
container with the remaining carbon is weighed again. The shell is soft-soldered with
woodsmetal to its inner wall/coolfin. Then, after leaktesting, the cryostat is prepared for an
experiment by purging the shell at 60°C repeatedly with nitrogen gas and at a later stage with
helium gas. Each purge is followed by a thorough evacuation using a turbo pump. Once the
dewar is filled with liquid helium and the cryostat is cold, the activated carbon is given a first
charge of helium gas. The amount admitted is derived from the tank pressure measured before
and after passing gas through valve VO. The pressure gauge is pumped out (4He by the
turbo; 3He by the carbon sample) after which the helium from the sample is allowed to also
enter the pressure gauge.
Being charged with helium, the cryostat is ready for testing. The shell is heated up
while monitaring the progression in temperature and pressure readings. Data have been
recorded during slow continuous cooldowns and near steady-state stepwise warmups. No
significant differences in data values ( < 0.5% pressure) have been observed between both
modes of data collection. When the pressure and/or temperature range of interest has been
traversed, the helium is pumped out of the pressure gauge by the carbon sample. The
completion of one set of data at a particular charge of helium to the shell is succeeded by a
repetitive series of additional charges of helium to the system and more data collection.
The results gathered at various charges of helium to the system, corrected for thermo-
molecular pressure differences, are plotted in Figs. 2a-2d. Figures 2a and 2b show the data
,. ~~J·r·~.
i i i 0 i
!: !: !: 0 !:
i i i 0 i
: : : :
o 1o 1K 1 so 6o o.o1 100
for the Am sample for 3He and 4He respectively; the BCh data are contained in Figs. 2c
and 2d. The legend shows the total mass of helium in the system for each curve. The
measurements are presented as adsorption versus both the measured temperature and pressure
in order to be able to contain all information on a particular sample/gas without interpolation of
the data. Points on the pressure and tempemture traces are correlated through the ordinate
giving the adsorption.
0.1 + 252.7
0 127.2
)( 63.82
0 32.16
• 16.36
Ii: Cl)
o 8.34, an
~:s, • 4.111
6 2.12, 503
• 1.065
0 10 [ Kl 40 50 60 0.001 [ kPa 1 10 100
-;-.... ! !
":· ••!* ... ~ ...., ...
: :
+ 48.52
"~ A
......T. . . . . . .t............
A;t. A&+üAA+üAA4 AA
r·i-iHiiiiiij"'+'!!~r 24.55
0.01 ++-i+++-+t++++t+ + 0
! : : ! +++
o ooF o~ '1CXJootoo X 12.60·
.... . ...
Ou 1 xx >! xxxx*xxx 1 0 9.160
; c c;mccc:OQJ x*
~ -~.--,._-~.Q~x
! i :
., • • ·~ • • • • ;
0 I.o
·.: X
; X
; ; 'i ·• o:i C
! ! A~ • !•
• 2.37/191
...t·o· • ~·u-4..
•............ ~
,.............r··"·•·.-:·! . ·A '""?"''""'
! . . ••: ~
• •! A 1.45/97
: : •L :
A • 0.75/73
10' 5 +---~---4----t---;----r----r
:· l
0 [ K) 30 40 50 60 0.001 [ kPa I 10 100
X~ !*XX~XXX*+,X
. . . . . . _. . . .. +r:~
l xl
""""""rt::J~ -~ X 125.5/3
Z~ ; : ; ; [J 63.39/27
Ou ~0 ~oooob<>o !•
00~ ' • 32.00/6
+. . . . .
: : : :
CI: GI i
OJ: ~· . r· ..... ~. 0~ ......;......~
.........j.........--f-........ t-~...1-~o---
~~ ----------··r···-----·=··-~~~·A :··-~--0·-·····r········-- ~~AAA.joo.~~.llll/. ;
0 16.28
·I Mt·...-~.f\ L • 8.372
iA 0
i i •• ! • A 4.155
. . ~ A
: j : 6!
...........+ .............: ........................ "(''""''"'1''''"'''' .........,..........,. '"""t'"''""'1""""'-ll""''"'
• 1.963
.. i • i
0 1o [K1 40 so 60 1o· • [ kPa 1 100
0 1
l ~;:-~'t:.l
' e'l
., .. ,. ··•·········· t+················t ·~··t·~····j~
! 0 .
0 xj + 6 • i
+ 20K
: : b.
1 •
1.'. [] " . .'.
.. 30K
----------····--!-·· --------------r +' ' • ' '
X l
+· ·+ ·············t...i. ...... :~ ·····:··{}r···;;········i····· • 40K
~ •i []
b. 1 • ~ [] !• • 77K
..... ,
, ............... !.•..............~ , ..........•.••.. ,.................,.....
0.001 0.1 ( kPa ) 1 0 1000
The data in Figs. 2a-2d point out that at moderate temperatures (3K to 20K pending
the charge) the adsorption is nearly independent of temperature and pressure. meaning that
nearly all the gas admitted to the system is adsorbed by the carbon. This implies that a high
adsorption is attainable at low pressures. However, at a given temperature the pressure does
increase with the amount ofhelium admitted to the system. In order to attain a low pressure at
a high charge, the carbon needs to be at a low temperature (< 4.2K at the 503 mg 4He I Am
test). Ultimately, the saturation pressure is reached (877 mg 4He I Am trace at
P ... 24 kPa, T ... 3.0 K). In general, data taken above 100 kPa were found tobe troubled
by condensation in the (vacuum jacketed) connecting line to the Mensor. Most of the high
pressure data has therefore not been included in the graphs.
.. c 3K
+i .. • SK
0.01 .................... :........?S .......... ,. .......... ·········---~t.....................~---··················-~---·····
: 1 1 • i o 10K
+ ! 6 ., ; 0
d. X
[] + 20K
X ! l + l1
" 25K
······+······· ---------------~
..······-·······-·------~---··!······-········-~-----~---·········•·---4--~---- • 30K
• 40K
• [] '
: : a l • SOK
······················i ......................,........ -·---·········f······················4························t········
• !
0.01 [ kPa] 100
Comparing the 3He and 4He adsorption is appropriate only in terms of mole/gC, for
which one divides the adsorption by the respective molar masses. For instance the Am sample
at 1/8 mole charge (= 503 mg 4He; 372 mg 3He) gives at 100 kPa an adsorption of
0.073 g3He/gC and 0.101 g4He/gC, converting to molar adsorptions of 0.0242 and
0.0252 mole/gC respectively. In general, the difference in molar adsorption for the two
helium isotopes is observed to be Iess than 5%. This holds true for the Barnebey Cheney
sample as weil.
In order to facilitate comparison between the Am and BCh data, and to data
published elsewhere as weil, isotherms of adsorption have been generated by interpolation of
the data and have been plotted in Figs. 3a and 3b. For the combination of high pressures
(> 1 kPa) and low temperatures (< 25 K), the Am sample has the greater adsorption
capability, while in all other cases the helium adsorption ofthe BCh sample is roughly equal
to or exceeds the Am adsorption. Therefore, the BCh sample appears to be a better
candidate for compression as weil as for achieving a low vacuum. For the purpose of
affecting evaporative cooling at moderately high pressures the Am carbon appears more
suitable. lt is found that in comparison to the data published by Vazquez et al., the Am sample
has the greater adsorption when both high pressures and low temperatures prevail. The BCh
adsorption falls below the Vazquez data.
The experiments have demonstrated the capability of the apparatus to provide us the
desired data-base on various activated carbons. The Amoco carbon is found to be an excellent
adsorber of helium when at low temperatures under high pressures. Barnebey Cheney PE
appears more suitable for achieving low vacuum or even compression. The 3He and 4He
adsorption are found tobe nearly identical. Moretypes of carbon are yet tobe tested.
J. Seguinot, T. Ypsilantis
College de France, Paris
World Laboratory, Lausanne, Switzerland
Liquid argon calorimeters have found, during the last decade, several
applications in high energy physics. Apparatus, using several tons of argon,
have been constructed and successfully operated in various laboratories for
elementary particle physics. Even larger devices1 are being designed for the
next generation of experiments. All are of the sampling type with sand-
wiched ionization layers of argon and metallic plates (lead or uranium) of
very short radiation length.
Cryogenic System
No legas
rIet fl15 'n m
1 0 mn
200 mm
4 mm Liqu~
Fig. 2. The stainless
steel plate used as
diameter outlet condenser.
densed on the other side of the plate from the top of an identical tubing
After filling the cell with the desired quantity of liquid (evaluated from
the pressure drop in the storage gas volume), the gas supply valve is closed
and the system is operated automatically by adjusting the flow of the coolant
to the desired pressure of the cell (the controller is pneumatic and drives an
analog valve at nitrogen exhaust). A constant mass flow (typically 0.2 g/s) is
maintained by the biower during cooldown, filling and operation. During
operation only that fraction of the flow which is necessary for keeping the
pressure constant is liquefied. The excess gas is separated from the liquid at
the top cell entrance (the cell is fed from the top) and returns to the blower.
Satisfactory cell saturated bath pressure and, therefore temperature, was
achieved (typical oscillations ± 0.5 kPa with a period of a few minutes). A
membrane compressor9 was used for gas recovery in the storage cylinder.
via small leaks, impurities contained in the supply gas etc.). The best set of
purHier configuration utilized an Oxisorb10 followed by a mixture of silica
gel, 13 X and 4 A type molecular sieves all at room temperature. The choice
and the preparation of the second purHier were based on the experience of
other experimentersll. Other methods using activated charcoal and 4 A
molecular sieve on the liquid phase (after the condenser) were tested but did
not produce satisfactory results.
Test Cell
The pulsed electron beam (total energy 1 Mev to 100 GeV per pulse)
enters from the bottom of the cell ionizing the liquid and, at the same, time
producing UV scintillation light (Fig.3). The charge signal and the scintilla-
tion light are detected by a suitable arrangement of collecting grids and photo-
detectors. For light, detection various methods have been used: Csl
photocathodes, silicon strip photodiode (both immersed in the liquid) and a
photomultiplier with a MgF2 window and CsTe photocathode. The
photomultiplier was kept at room temperature and the light transmitted
through a CaF2 cold window (only this configuration is shown in the figure).
The individual energy of the electrons is in the range of 10 to 100 keV. The
electrons enter the cell via a 12 j.l.m Mylar window (diameter 1 cm) glued
internally to the bottom of the cell. This very thin window was capable of
withstanding a differential pressure of 100 kPa and avoided an excessive
electron energy loss at the cell entrance.
The cell is thermally insulated by means of vacuum and super-
insulation. Radiation shields are also mounted inside the neck. The
measured heat load, with the cell filled with xenon, is 5 W and can be scaled
for argon and krypton approximately as the temperature ratio. The main
source of the heat Ioad is of conductive origin (via the large diameter stainless
steel neck of the cryostat). Under this thermal Ioad all the liquid mass is
passed through the purifier about every two hours.
Liquid filling Gas outlet
98 mm
Scintillation Yield
We have observed that the number of the the detected photons was
dependent on the cryogenic control parameters. The number of photons
tends to increase when reducing the biower overflow. The maximum yield
Fig. 4a. Ionization sig-
nal Q(t) for liquid xenon
after filling the test
chamber. The Q(t) shape
indicates strong
200ns electron absorption by
I I impurities.
0- drift gap.
.2 Fig. 5. Ionization signal
Q(t) for liquid krypton a
SOOns few hours after filling
I I the test chamber.
10 8 ! '
1 ~y~it~;:-~--L
10 ' __
b' ii i Fig. 7. Dependence of
o [/~v i ! the collected charge on
~ 10 6 J : ! the on-line purification
§ 1~ D Xe from supplier time for liquid xenon.
z 6. Xe prepurified
The data refer to a beam
10 5 -!-l---t-+--+-+-H-+-l-+-i4--4-l
!IIIII!! energy of 5 GeV and a
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 field gradient of
Time (hours) 4kV/cm.
<ll 7000
c: +-++--1-+-
ö 6000 ...........
D aT (bottom- 2 cm Ievel)
0 aT (bottom-3 cm Ievel)
• aT (bottom-4 cm Ievel)
c 11 '1
0.5 1\
Cl0.4 \ Fig. 9. Varia-
~ ':::l 1\ 1' tion with
::J 1/ tJ 1\ I time of the
~ 0.3 ,-11\ I I 1\ I\ 1/1 I I~ 1\ temperature
lJ 1/ \\ I 1\ 1/ 1\ \ 1\ J /I\ 1\ ~~
a. gradient
E 0.2 \llJ \'PI&
J I ~ 1/ ~' l/, across the
I- 0.1
1"--i ~I >I ~~ 1\ C'
tY 4cm deep
~ volume of
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 \ 20 liquid
Time (minutes) xenon.
was obtained by stopping the circulation (slow boil-off from the cell without
refilling). This effect was minimized by placing a copper cylinder (diameter
int.4 cm, ext.4.2 cm, height 5 cm) in the liquid volume. On the other hand,
the increase in the heat load to the cell and, therefore, of the increased
turbulence did not affect the scintillation yield. The best results (obtained with
the copper cylinder) are shown in Fig. 8 where the number of detected
photons is plotted as a function of the deposited energy in the liquid xenon.
The data refer to two circulation mass flows. By stopping the flow, the
number of the detected photons increased from 357 to 460 photons/GeV.
Integrating over the solid angle and taking into account various corrections
(quantum efficiency of photomultiplier, window transmission), the
maximum measured photon scintillation yield for liquid xenonwas 26.3xlo6
photons/GeV (this value is in agreement with other measurements6).
Electron lifetimes of more than 200 llS were achieved for argon, krypton
and xenon using on-line purification and conventional (not ultrahigh
vacuum quality) technology but the purification of xenon required a much
Ionger time than originally expected. There are two possible explanations:
either xenon contains or the system generates electronegative impurities
which are inefficiently eliminated by the purifier. In the first case, it is
difficult to explain why the use of different sources of xenon did not produce
significantly different results. In the second case, the results with krypton and
argon are Contradietory since we used the same system as for xenon. The first
explanation is supported by the experimental observation that the increase of
the xenon quantity resulted in an equal increase in the purification time. The
lower operating temperature of the condenser and of the cell for krypton and
argon might also explain the observed effect (reduction of the outgassing
from the cold surface and/ or better cryogenic filtering capability of the
condenser). Further experimentation is planned to clarify this point.
large size devices but their effect should disappear if larger solid angles and/ or
reflecting walls are used for light collection.
This work was supported by the LAA project leaded by A. Zichichi. The
encouragement of M. Froissard, H. Wenninger and J. Schmid is gratefully
acknowledged. We thank D. Schinzel, A. Gonidee for helpful discussion and
suggestion. We have particularly appreciated the technical skill of
J.L. Escourrou in constructing the experimental apparatus.
W. Peschka
Carbon free fuels will be important in the future because they are environmentally safe.
Liquid hydrogen is the most promising carbon free fuel for internal combustion engines.
In addition to on board fuel storage and handling the availability of cryogenic high
pressure fuel conditioning and injection systems represent the most crucial requirement for
developing high performance hydrogen internal combustion engines. Primary pressurization
of supercritical hydrogen from 1.5 MPa at 35 K up to 20 MPa is carried out by a compact
three-cylinder high-speed cold compressor. Cryogenic high pressure injectors for direct
cylinder injection are still under test. Details of the cryogenic fuel injectors and of the cold
compressor are provided and its application in compact liquid nitrogen precooled small
refrigerators and liquefiers below 60 K are briefly discussed.
The primary argument for the use of hydrogen as fuel lies in obvious future
problems regarding the atrnospheric pollution with C02 as a result of continued unre-
strained use of fossil energy. While for the heat released hydrocarbons produce about the
same amount of C02 during combustion, no considerable improvement can be achieved by
selecting fuels with a higher hydrogen content (see Fig. I). Hydrogen is practically the
only carbon-free fuel which is technically feasible. Apart from lubricant combustion
products only nitric oxides are critical pollutants in I.C. engines. In this case, they can be
specifically reduced without causing any other side effects. Although this requires in-
creased technical complexity in the engine and the mixture formation.
The advantage of liquid hydrogen storage in a vehicle has been known for a long
time and dernonstrated 1·5•20•21 • There are various ways to use the advantage properties of
cryogenic hydrogen. Here it is assumed that for mixture forrnation hydrogen prirnarily can
be used either as a cold low pressure gas or supercritically near the critical temperature.
Because of the small mass flow rate and corresponding small evaporation enthalpy it is
hardly possible to deliver hydrogen in a liquid state into the combustion chamber of
automotive engines. It could be done in stationary !arge scale engines or ship engines.
Low pressure injection of cryogenic or liquid hydrogen directly into the intake
manifold causes a temperature drop in the fuelair mixture. According to Fig.2, for a
stoichiometric fuel-to-air ratio (<p = 1) a maximum temperature drop of about 80 C can be
achieved for homogeneous mixtures. The corresponding increase in mixture mass density
is equivalent to supercharging of the engine. Due to the considerably higher density of the
cryogenic hydrogen compared to ambient hydrogen, the fuel volume which has to be injec-
ted is also considerably smaller. As has been demonstrated for the first time by
Furuhama6•22 loss of power compared to conventional hydrocarbon fuel can be partly
compensated. The temperature drop of the mixture also results in the reduction of the
mixtures tendency toward uncontrolled preignition. Experience with individual continuous
and individual sequential timed intake port injection of cryogenic hydrogen with a 2-liter
four-cylinder. engine7 showed that for steady operation at around <p = 1 the design
properties for gasoline operation for brake mean effective torque (b.m.e.t.) and power were
achieved under steady operation conditions Fig. 3. However, considerable breaks in the
torque curve were obtained under partial Ioad and especially at lower speed. The test
engine described7 did not experience any problems with condensation of the humid air and
Torque (Nm)
120 1,2
Air. 298 K
Hyrlroqen: 80 K 0.2
0 0
0 1000 2000 8000 4000 6000 fJ()()()
Fig. 3. BMW-M20 engine, torque with
cryogenic hydrogen.
Ci7 • 107.18ilfl/m 1s Velocity of SOUnd (mls}
2000 2000
1000 ISO MAl 1000
1800 1800
100 100
1200 1200
10 10
the associated ice fonnation. Evidently, the cryogenic hydrogen-air mixture did not remain
in the cylinder intake ports of the air intake manifold much Ionger than the time required
for the fonnation of condensation nuclei and sublimation zones.
Interna! cryogenic mixture fonnation with injection start at the beginning of the
compression stroke (early injection) does not have any significant advantages compared to
ambient hydrogen. Above all, uncontrolled preignition and thus torque Iosses under partial
Ioad cannot be eliminated. On the other hand, from experience to date, intemal cryogenic
mixture formation with injection start close to top dead center (late injection, about 5°
b.t.d.c.) by means of mechanically or hydraulically actuated cryogenic hydrogen injectors
represents the most promising engine design. In terms of road performance this corres-
ponds to conventionally fueled Otto cycle engines and Diesel-engines, however, with
substantially lower amounts of hannful exhaust emissions8 •
Swirl channel
Fig. 7. View of the cryogenic hydrogen injector.
Due to the short period of time available (about 5 ms at 5,000 rpm.) in high-speed
engines, attempts should be made to attain minimum injection periods of about 0.3 ms to
0.5 ms and maximum injection periods up to 3 ms. This variation is equivalent to a ratio
of minimum to maximum fuel mass injected of about I :6 to I: I 0. In general the develop-
ment of these types of externally actuated gaseous fuel injectors is an essential problern in
the development of Hz engines with internal mixture formation 9· 13 • The very short periods
of time require an injection pressure ranging between 15 MPa to about 20 MPa. On one
hand it is necessary to provide a !arger initial density and thus !arger impulse to the Hz-jet
which exits the injector at the local speed of sound. On the other hand, it is necessary to
keep the gaseous volume which has to be injected as small as possible in order to enable
smaller injector orifices thus moving smaller amounts of mass. Figure 4 and figure 5 show
the critical mass flow density and the speed of sound of cryogenic hydrogen 14 • The
advantage of cryogenic hydrogen under high pressure is obvious. Figure 6 shows the
principle and figure 7 one of the cryogenic hydrogen injectors designed for 15 MPa. It
consists of the injector shaft, the injector nozzle and the hollow injector needle which is
guided in sleeves made from PTFE bronze. The spring loaded injector needle is pushed
into the nozzle seat via a titanium spring retainer and closes against the cylinder pressure.
The cryogenic hydrogen flows from the upper injector section into the hollow needle and
after passing three diagonal swirl slits into a small storage volume. From there it flows via
the open seat of the needle and the calibration pin by the nozzle into the combustion
The injector configuration was designed to transfer as little heat as possible to the
cryogenic hydrogen without using the double wall high-vacuum insulation which would be
extremely difficult to use in this case. This is accomplished through the insulation of the
hydrogen flowing in the hollow nozzle needle by the insulation gap which surrounds the
outside of the needle which contains gas approximately at rest. The maximum heat flow
rate to the cryogenic hydrogen measured was about 35W. The heat flow from the combus-
tion space (400 C) via the nozzle and needle seat (1 mm width) was about 2.5 W. This
small value was achieved because a considerable part of the heat flow took place in
the bypass via the exterior of the nozzle and the cylindrical injector shaft on the cylinder
o,s Ert. Orlflofl (mm'J
0,16 7000
0,16 0,7
~_.~~~~~~~~~~o 700~~~~--~--~--~~
0 0,1 o,2 o.s
0,4 0,6 0,8 0.7 0,8 0,9 7 0 60 700 160 200 260
V&t~ Q:lne Uft (nrn} T6fll'6f8trl8 (K}
Fig. 8. H2 mass flow rate of the cryo- Fig. 9. Mass flow rate of the
injector as a function of the cryoinjector for cryo-
injector needle stroke. genic hydrogen.
head (120 °C). At a H2 mass flow rate of about 0.8 g/s per cylinder (fuil Ioad}, hydrogen
is warmed up by about 10 K. Under partial Ioad this temperature span is correspondigly
increased in dependence from the decrease in the fuel mass flow rate.
Figure 8 shows the steady mass flow rate of ambient hydrogen as a function of
the needle stroke. Maximum mass flow rate is achieved at about a 0.8 mm stroke. The
shortest open period attained was 1 ms, where 0.4 ms is included in each for the opening
and closing procedure (needle motion). As figure 4 shows, the mass flow rate increases
considerably with cryogenic hydrogen. With an admission pressure of about 20 MPa, the
maximum values required by the M30 test engine already can be attained with a 0.25 mm
needle stroke and at a 3 ms opening period (see Fig.9). As a result of the shorter stroke
the opening and closing procedure decreased to about 0.15 ms each, so that the shortest
feasible reproducible opening period was about 0.5 ms. A comparison shows that with
hydrogen below 80 K and 20 MPa pressure, the maximum volume (q>= 1) which has tobe
injected amounts to about 0.57 cm3 compared to about 0.1 cm3 with gasoline or Diesel
fuels. Thus, high presure cryogenic internal mixture formation Ieads to an amount of fuel
tobe injected per stroke of nearly the same order of magnitude.
Injector Actuation
The lower limit of the opening period of actuation via hydraulic pressure pulses
with currently available in-line pumps is about 0.5 ms. The elasticity of the pressure lines
as weil as transientphenomena may have negative effects on the pulse shape. Another
desirable reduction of the pulse wich seems to be possible along with the development of
appropriate hydraulic systems like distributor pumps or pump elements which are directly
actuated by the camshaft of the engine, as weil as through the selection of other linear
drives. One method which has already been tested with ambient hydrogen is appropriately
designed, extremely fast acting electromagnetic linear drives 15•16•
Piezohydraulic Actuation
A potentiaily interesting procedure for achieving a fast acting linear drive is the
electrostriction of piezoceramic materials like Bariumtitanate, with which upper cutoff
frequencies up to about 100kHz can be achieved. The very smail attainable strokes of less
than 1/10 mm however must be increased to about 0.5 mm. In addition to purely me-
chanical devices, hydraulic transmissions are particularly weil suited for this.
Jet Geometry
As opposed to the Diesel engine or Otto cycle engine with direct cylinder injec-
tion, where evaporation of the fuel plays an important roJe, with cryogenic hydrogen a
cold gas is injected into the combustion chamber and accordingly must be rapidly distri-
buted. In addition to sufficient turbulence in the combustion chamber, a short mixing and
homogenization process requires maximum jet impulse. Also, in the interest of optimum
impulse exchange, the fuel density in the mixing zones should be as close as possible to
the density of air in the combustion chamber 17 •18 • At the same pressure and temperature,
air is about 14 times more dense than hydrogen. With Iiquids this corresponds to appro-
ximately the density ratio of water to mercury. By using cryogenic high pressurehydrogen
this situation is considerably improved with regard to density and jet impulse.
At about 0.4-0.5 MPa injection pressure a Iean cylinder eh arge (<p < 0.6) is ob-
tained with sequentially timed intake manifold injection of cryogenic hydrogen and ignited
at about 40° b.t.d.c. This lean mixture does not exhibit tendency toward uncontrolled
preignition or significant NO, emission. At about 5° b.t.d.c. cryogenic hydrogen at about
20 MPa is injected into the propagating flame front. As a result of flame turbulence and
flame front propagation, problems regarding rapid mixing and ignition of the late injected
fuel fraction are secondary. Figure 10 shows the low-pressure injectors arranged on the
newly developed air intake manifold as weil as the cryogenic high-pressure injectors which
are mounted directly on the cylinder head (see Figs.6, 7). The injectors are actuated by the
Diesel injection pump, serving as a pressure pump, which is located on the bottom right
side of the engine. In the foreground in the top right part of the figure the vacuumin-
sulated cryogenic hydrogen feed line can be seen. This hybrid mixture formation for
hydrogen enables stoichiometric combustion at very low NO, emissions.
Fig. 11. View of the small Cryomec LH2 pump.
With external mixture formation the pressure in the cryogenic fuel tank (0.3-0.4
MPa) is sufficient for fuel injection. Also it could be done by a reciprocating or membrane
pump which is integrated in the tank. For internal mixture formation with late injection
start more sophisticated systems are necessary which nevertheless can be designed as a
highly redundant device 8·18' 19 . Pressurization of the fuel fraction for internal mixture
formation up to the 20 MPa Ievel can either be made in one step via a LH 2-pump driven
by the engine or by a cold compressor which is supplied with supercritical hydrogen at
about 1.5 MPa and 35 K via a booster pump which is integrated in the fuel tank. Figure
11 shows a compact LH2 pump from Cryomec AG with a flow rate of 6 L/min at 450
strokes/min, tested at the DLR with LH2 up to a pressure of 25 MPa. Caused by Iosses in
the LH2 high pressure pump or also in the LH2 booster pump a small fraction of liquid
hydrogen becomes vaporized and has to be released into the air. With hybrid mixture
formation it can be used in the fuel fraction for external mixture formation . Figs.l2 and
13 show the principle and the front view of a fast speed three cylinder "cold compressor"
designed for supercritical hydrogen still under development. It is suitable for further
miniaturization, uses a stepped piston, whose upper slender part moves in the cylinder by
means of a gas film acting as a clearance seal. The cylinder contains a buffer space in its
midsection. Its volume is approximately the volume of the gas film of the slender piston
part in the cylinder. The part of the cylinder below the buffer space in the area of the
cylinder block can be warmed by the flow of a liquid medium at ambient temperature
(water for instance). Thus the average gas film temperature of approximately 200 K is
considerably higher than the upper part of the cylinder (35-50 K). Calculations as well as
experimental results revealed that through the increase of the gas film temperature via heat
input the gas leakage of a miniaturized cold compressor (bore 12 mm, stroke 30 mm,
speed 3000 rpm., pressure 20 MPa, mass flow rate per cylinder approximately 2-3 g/s) can
to about 5% of the mass flow rate by selecting a radial piston clearance in the cylinder of
about 5 . 10"3 mm. The total length of the cylinder is then only 70 mm. With a cold gas
film, for comparable gas leakage the total length of the cylinder would have to be more
than 700 mm. This is contrary to miniaturization and practically impossible from technical
reasons especially with regard to the narrow film gap.
However with the desired small totallength the heat input which has to be supplied
for the gasfilm in the area below the buffer space would be about 400 Wattper cylinder.
This would be difficult to achieve with respect to the heat transfer in this very compact
design. For this reason, the leakage of the piston-cylinder gap is further reduced by the
lower part of the piston (increased diameter) together with an appropriate expansion of the
lower cylinder section (gas film for piston sealing or piston sleeves with dry lubrication
as shown in Fig. 12). By the input of a small amount of warm hydrogen under admission
pressure (1.5 MPa) at bottom dead center (piston sleeve position below the intake slot) via
the one-way valve the lower cylinder section above the piston sleeve is filled up. There-
fore the lower piston section around the piston sleeve serves as a supereharger for the gas
film of the upper, slender piston section. Therefore during the compression stroke a gas
film flow is achieved in a direction towards the high-pressure section. In this manner,
through appropriate matehing of the buffer space and film volume, a gas film flow
directed from the cold high-pressure section towards the warm low pressure end during the
compression stroke is prevented and excessive cooling of the midsection of piston and
cylinder that it causes is eliminated even with a small total Iength of piston and cylinder.
Therefore, in order to maintain a piston/cylinder temperature of about 200-300 K
in the midsection only heat conduction Iosses of each cylinder of about 20-30 Watt have
to be offset in the piston, cylinder wall and cylinder block. This can be achieved by means
of a suitable liquid flow in the cylinder jacket. In this manner ambient temperature is
maintained in the crank case which is under admission pressure of the compressor of ap-
proximately 1.5 MPa so that a "cold drive" and its problems can be avoided.
Apart from use in vehicles this type of cold compressor can be used as a cycle
compressor in refrigeration or Iiquefaction processes such as for instance in the Linde-
Thomson process or Claude process. The advantage is a considerably smaller size, cor-
respondingly smaller shaft power demand and no oil or hydrocarbons in the compressed
gas since the cold compressor has to be designed to run with dry lubrication. As a heat
sink for the cold compressor a liquefied gas Iike liquid nitrogen for example can be used.
Thus this type of refrigeration equipment might be applicable where compact design is
required, that is small space and weight requirements, as weil as where only limited
electrical power is available and where affordable liquid nitrogen is available.
4 W. Peschka, Liquid Hydrogen for Automotive Vehicles, Status and Development in
Germany, in: "Cryog. Proc. and Equipment", ASME, Plenum Press, New York,
5 W. Peschka, Hydrogen Combustion in Tomorrow's Energy Technology., Int. J.
Hydrogen Energy, 12:481 (1987).
6 S. Furuhama, M.Hiruma, Y.Enemoto, Development of a Liquid Hydrogen Car, lnt. J.
Hydrogen Energy 3:61 (1978).
7 W. Peschka, W.Nieratschker, Experience and Special Aspects on Mixture Formation
of an Otto-Engine Converted for Hydrogen Operation, Int.J.Hydrogen Energy,
11 :653 (1986).
8 W. Peschka, Fluessiger Wasserstoff als Motorenkraftstoff der Zukunft, Maschinenwelt
und Elektrotechnik, 43: I (1988).
9 C. A.McCarley, W.D.Van Vorst, Electronic Fuel Injection Techniques for Hydrogen
Powered I.C. Engines, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 5: 179 (1980).
10 C. A.McCar1ey, Development of a High Speed Injection Valve for Electronic
Hydrogen Fuel Injection, in: (Proc., 3rd World Hydrogen Energy Conf.), Vol. 2,
Pergarnon Press, New York(1980), p.1119.
11 T. Krepec, T. Giannacopoulos, D. Miele, New Electronically Controlled Hydrogen-
Gas Injection Development and Testing, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 12:12 (1987).
12 K. S.Varde, G.M.Frame, A Study of Combustion and Engine Performance Using
Electronic Hydrogen Fuel Injection, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 9:327 (1984).
13 K. S.Varde, G.A.Frame, Development of a High-Pressure Hydrogen Injection for SI
Engine and Results of Engine Behaviour, lnt. J.Hydrogen Energy, 10:743 (1985).
14 R. D. McCarty, J.Hord, H.M.Roder, in:"Selected Properties of Hydrogen," NB S
Monograph 168 (1981).
15 A. H.Seilly, Colenoid Actuators- A New Concept in Extremely Fast Acting Solenoids.
SAE-paper 810 462, (1981)
16 T. Krepec, T.Giannacopoulos, D.Miele, New Electronically Controlled Hydrogen-Gas
Injector Development and Testing, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 12:855 (1987).
17 S. Furuhama, T.Fukuma, T.Kashima, Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Supply System for Hot
Surface lgnition Turbocharged Engine. in: "Cryogenic Proc. and Equipment",
ASME, Plenum Press, New York, (1984) p. 105.
18 W. Peschka, Liquid Hydrogen Reciprocating Pumps for Automotive Application, in:
"Adv. Cryog. Eng.," Vol. 35 B, Plenum Press, New York (1990) p.l783.
19 W. Peschka, Liquid Hydrogen Pumps for Automotive Application, Int.J.Hydrogen
Energy, 15:817, (1990).
20 W. Peschka, Liquid Hydrogen-Cryofue1 in Ground Transportation, in:"Adv. Cryog.
Eng.,"Vol.31, Plenum Press, New York (1986) p.1035.
21 W. Peschka, The Status of Handling and Storage Techniques for Liquid
Hydrogen in Motor Vehicles, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 12:753 (1987).
22 S. Furuhama, T.Fukuma, Liquid Hydrogen Fueled Diesel Automobile with Liquid
Hydrogen Pumps, in:"Adv. Cryog. Eng.", Vol. 31, Plenum Press, New York (1986)
R. S. Rudland
I. M. Kroenke
A. R. Urbach
The design, analysis, and test configuration for the mixing system is
described in this paper. The mixing system is used to eliminate large-scale
disturbances in the fluid produced by the large heat flux through the wall.
The mixer also provides off-bottom suspension of the solids to create a more
uniform slush mixture. The mixer design uses a pump to supply flow to an
array of jets that produce mixing throughout the tank. Density sensors will
be used in the test configuration to evaluate the mixing effectiveness.
The location and sizing of the jet array are determined by using CFD
analysis with a slush mixing algorithm developed to model solid settling
and agglomeration. Preliminary jet array selection is accomplished using a
two-dimensional code, followed by a more detailed analysis using the three-
dimensional code "FLOW-3D" which can model the slush and free surface
effects. This design and analysis will be verified by test at Ball's test facility.
The National Aerospace Plane (NASP) challenges the capabilities of
current vehicle design in the areas of structural design for lightweight,
thermal protection systems for control of high heating rates and tempera-
tures, and design of system components to withstand the high thermal envi-
ronments. The hypersonic speeds that the NASP will traverse to achieve or-
bit require active cooling of significant areas of the outer surface, where
heating rates and temperatures exceed uncooled material capabilities.
It allows free flow of the solids around the sensor, is lightweight (a few
pounds), is insensitive to vibration, and sensor location may be hundreds of
feet from supporl electronics without cable variations entering into the mea-
surement. The sensor's measurement volume is shown in Fig. 1.
The calibration equipment has been used to develop the density sen-
sor design with its attached electronics. This glass dewar was used to
demonstrate better than 0.4 percent error with slush hydrogen, as shown in
Fig. 2. The array/mixer system will use the calibration glass dewar with an
improved slush mixer to obtain sensor calibrations of better than 0.2 percent.
'fhe density sensor design has also been improved to simplify fabrication and
18 -r--------~~-·-~.----------------------------------------------------------------------------,
1!1 Calibralion Facility Danalty
+ Tamperatura'Seneor Derivad
17 - Dansity
1---f +I· 0.5% Error Bars
g 16 -
15 -
Denlllty (gms/cc)
installation in the test tank. It is anticipated that the array/mixer testing
will demonstrate that by properly mixing the slush solids in the tank, the av-
erage density of the slush can be determined to better than 0.5 percent accu-
A mixing system is essential for a hypersonic vehicle fueled by slush
hydrogen. Functional requirements for this system may be summarized as
keeping solids in suspension and maintaining the proper fluid Ievel in each
tank during flight and ground loading phases. The solid hydrogen particles
must be kept in suspension to ensure accurate density and solid mass de-
termination, and to avoid stratification of the liquid. Additional system re-
quirements include minimizing system weight and heat input to reduce fuel
Mixin~ Effectiveness
Sturlies at BECD and NBS (NIST) have determined that the primary
objective of a slush hydrogen mixing system for a space flight vehicle is to
provide complete, off-bottom suspension and mobility of the solid particles in
the slush during loading, ground hold, and transfer operations. This objec-
tive applies to one-g operations and requires the solids to be suspended and
moving up off the bottom of the tank. The term "mixing effectiveness" has
been chosen to quantify the mixing system objective.
Solids Population is the technique selected for measuring mixing ef-
fectiveness. This technique is based on the time rate of change of the solid
Predlct mlxer/sensor
arrey performance uslng
Oetermlne mlxlng system
candldates, develop
deslgn concepts
• Pump provides fluid pressure required by mixer
5.5 psia
0.6HP Scorpion rail is used 10 keep
pipe clear of solid buildup while
Typicel Jet Design
avoiding slosh
This data resulted in the selection of the jet tube configuration as the
baseline mixing system. The jet tube mixer is a multiple jet configuration
consisting of an electric, motor-driven pump feeding a perforated tube with
an end nozzle. A schematic diagram of the baseline mixing system is
shown in Fig. 4.
Jet Tube Mixer Desien and Analysis
The mixer design and analysis have been developed using a variety
of design and analysis tools. The jet tube flow rate and jet sizing have been
determined using a computer program developed to help select the jet diam-
eter, number of jets, jet location, jet velocity, jet flow, pressure drop, and
pump power required. This program is used interactively by the designer to
arrive at a basic jet tube design. At the same time, a preliminary flow field
study is performed using a PC-based two-dimensional computational fluid
dynamic code (CFD) such as microCOMPACT.2 The two-dimensional analy-
sis will show how multiple jets must be arranged to stir up the solids and
prevent settling. Typical results obtained from microCOMPACT for mixing
in a tank using a single jet are shown in Fig. 5. This figure shows how weil
heat enters the tank and melts slush where the mixing velocity is low, so
that slush mixing does not replace slush as fast as it is melted away.
Development Testin~
Ball has designed a test system to produce slush hydrogen and per-
form tests on jet tube mixer systems developed for use on NASP. The test
(cm, s, dyneslcm2, cm/S, KJ
(cm, s, dynostcm2. cm/s, KJ
<-= "1.:39E+00J VEUX:Il'V VECTORS
<-= 3.66Etlalal
121 V
- 121 \ \I I I
'- ............. A _..".... /
Wr t , '
I IYf I ' ' -61.11 61..a tea . ~ 3U'I.e
,l!!._..~ )(
tank is able to produce slush using the freeze-thaw method and uses cali-
brated density sensors to measure the mixing effectiveness by measuring
the variation in density throughout the tank. The test schematic is shown in
Fig. ·7. Pressurization can be performed with cold or warm hydrogen or he-
lium gas, as needed. The test tank is able to cool down, Ioad hydrogen, pro-
duce slush, top off, and prepare for testing in one 8-hour shift. This allows
many tests to be performed in sequence once slush is produced. Wali
heaters will be positioned in the tank to simulate environmental heating that
will tend to melt the slush solids. Two large windows are located at the top
of the tank to watch the slush mix and check the slush production and ag-
Array/Mixer System
1 163
Gag es
B l Tf::IF-1
_ ........... A.AO
Development of Experiments
In developing the Low Tamperature Research Facility
program, JPL first had to show that a need, based on science,
existed for such a facility. Once it was concluded that there
was a science need, the capabilities of the facility to meet
the science needs were to be determined.
JPL held its first workshop in 1989 in Oregon to address
the question of the need for the facility. This first
workshop was attended by some 40 scientists and engineers
specializing in a variety of low temperature disciplines. The
results of the workshop showed that there was a class of
superfluid helium and critical point experiments that could
use a common facility based on the Space Shuttle or Space
Station-based low temperature facility, where the expected
acceleration levels are of the order 10- 3 to 10-s g. However,
gravitation and relativity experiments, although sharing the
need for low temperatures in common with the above
experiments, have such stringent requirements on the residual
acceleration level (1o- 12 g) as to not make them feasible for a
shuttle or station-based facility. It was also identified in
this workshop that other supporting technologies, such as
SQUID technology, active refrigeration and magnetic shielding,
should be supported by a long range M-gravity program.
The final action of the workshop was the formation of a
Science Advisory Group (SAG) on low temperature research in
space. The group was chaired by Professor Russell Donnelly of
the University of Oregon and members included an international
collection of experimental and theoretical physicists.
In the year that followed the first JPL workshop, several
SAG meetings were held. These meetings were held to identify
and prioritize specific low temperature research areas for
near-term experiments. The SAG was also asked to review and
comment on an initial 10 year plan developed by JPL for the
Low Tamperature Research Facility (LTRF) program. The group
emphasized the need for microgravity, identifying the
measurement limitations due to hydrostatic, finite size and
surface effects. They further commented that a focus should
be placed on experiments which cannot be done in earth-based
laboratories. The SAG's main comment on the 10 year plan for
LTRF was the need to shorten the time between ground-based
feasibility and flight development such that an experiment
might be flown in a PhD student•s academic career (normally 5-
6 years). JPL responded with a program that included this
A secend workshop on low temperature research was held in
Washington o.c. in January, 1991. This workshop attendees not
only included low temperature scientists and technologists,
but also included JPL management and the management of the
funding agency, NASA Microgravity Science and Applications
Division (MSAD). The workshop served two purposes. It
identified to NASA directly that there was sufficient low
temperature science that required the low gravity environment
of space and that there was support within the science
community. The science community was shown clearly NASA's
commitment to the development of a low temperature research
facility in space. The workshop resulted in a clear
definition of "important" science from the scientist's
perspective and it helped in the definition of the LTRF
The initial portion of the program involves the release
of a NASA Research Announcement (NRA). This announcement
includes all of the fundamental sc1ence discipline and is due
for release semetime in the summer of 1991 (we cannot mention
exact dates due to legalities). Proposals selected from this
announcement will be funded to perform initial ground-based
definition studies and flight development work. This research
will also be used to define specific science requirements for
the Low Temperature Research Facility (LTRF-1). Currently
only general requirements have been specified in the
conceptual design phase of LTRF. The NRA will also be used to
help identify low temperature supporting technology
development which will significantly enhance the facility.
Once implemented, the LTRF-1 program is currently
expected to fly an experiment every other year on the Space
Shuttle for at least ten years. An average of 4 to 5 ground-
based experiments per year along with supporting technology
developments are expected to be funded by the program.
As shown in Fig. 2, annual werkshops will be an integral
part of the LTRF program. They are intended to inform
scientists of opportunities in low temperature research in
space, to exchange information about the science and
technology, and to develop advocacy or the program.
A nurober of experiments have been discussed in the
workshops. These are summarized in Table 1. Some of these
can be performed only in space, while others can be performed
in a one g, but with much lower resolution or accuracy.
Typical of the latter is the measurement of the lambda point,
which can be performed to a resolution of about 10- 6 K in the
laboratory, but to 10- 1 K in space, where the transition is
not broadened by the pressure dependence of the lambda
The first low temperature research facility (LTRF-I) is
now in the conceptual design stage. It is planned for flight
as early as 1996 to 1998. It is an improved version of the
cryostat flown on Spacelab 2 with the Superfluid Helium
Experiment and the Lambda Point Experiment.
If required by the experiment, LTRF-I will be mounted on
a vibration isolation system to reduce the vibrations seen by
the shuttle by a factor of 10 above 10 Hz. Its lifetime will
be increased from 10 to 20 days to achieve operation for the
full Shuttle flight time of 7 to 10 days even after a two day
launch delay. To achieve this, the liquid helium complement
will be doubled to 200 liters and the parasitic heat leaks
will be reduced by several means. A third vapor cooled shield
will be added. As shown in Fig. 3, the configuration of the
support straps will be changed to provide increased length to
area ratio while maintaining adequate stiffness and fatigue
Table 1. Candidate low gravity low temperature experiments
Transport Properties Static Properties
• Thermal conductivity • Specific heat
• Viscosity • Expansion
• Lambda transition in a heat current • Superfluid
• Low frequency sound attenuation • Order parameters
near T1 • Finite size and
• Non-linear sound near T1 surface effects
• Mutual friction
• Tri-critical point in 3He- 4 He
• Conversion of first sound to second
sound at interfaces
• Boundary free fluid flow
(Levitated helium drop)
• Static: expansion, superfluid density, specific heat
• Dynamic: thermal conductivity
• Boundary free fluid flow (levitated helium drop)
• Freezingfmelting dynamics
• Third sound - thick films, persistent currents
• Colloidal suspensions
(1 OF4) MVCS
51.3" CAVITY
command and data system interfaces. A Shuttle Acceleration
Measurement system is capable of measuring accelerations with
a sensitivity of 10- 5 g.
As shown in Table 2, drop towers operatin~ in vacuum
achieve excellent quality, of the order of 10- g, but are
limited in time to about 5 seconds. This time can be doubled
as in the NASA-Lewis drop tower by launehing the payload
vertically from the bottom towers, but in practice the
disturbances caused by launch are so large that the capability
is seldom used. Zero-g aircraft, such as the NASA Johnson
Space Center KC-135 can achieve 10- 3 g for up to 20 seconds,
but it is difficult to release the test package without
acceleration and drift which limit both the quality and
duration of the weightlessness
The shuttle static acceleration is in the range of 10-s
to 10- 6 g, but the dynamic accelerations are in the range of
10-2 to 10-3 g, mostly as a result of mechanisms such as
antennas and crew motions. Free fliers without drag
compensation are much better, perhaps as good as 10- 6 g, while
the ultimate of 10-10 to 10- 1 ~ g is obtained when a
proportional thrusting system is used to obtain a drag-free
The research described in this paper was carried out at
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, under contract to the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. The Low Temperature Research Facility
program is sponsored by the NASA Microgravity Science and
Applications Division.
1. P. v. Mason, o. Petrac, D. D. Elleman, T. Wang, H. w.
Jackson, o. J. Collins, P. Cowgill, and J. R. Gatewood,
"The Scientific Results of the Spacelab 2 Superfluid
Helium Experiment", Proceedings of the International
Cryogenic Engineering Conference, West Berlin, April 22-
25, 1986. Butterworth, Guilford, Surrey, 1986.
2. o. Petrac and P. Mason, "Cryogenic Performance of the
Spacelab 2 Superfluid Helium Cryostat," Proceedings of
the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, West
Berlin, April 22-25, 1986. Butterworth, Guilford,
Surrey, 1986.
3. J. A. Lipa, T. c. P. Chui, and D. Marek, "Lambda Point
Experiment in Zero Gravity", Aerospace Century 21
Advances in the Astronomical Seiences (1987), 64, 1245
4. D. Petrac, U. Israelsson, D. Otth, L. Simmons, J. Staats,
and A.Thompson, "Technical Challenges Involved in
Supporting the Lambda Point Experiment", Proceedings of
the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference,
Beijing, China, April 24-27, 1990, Butterworth, Guilford,
Surrey, 1986. c. s. Hong, Ed.
William J. Bailey
Martin Marietta Astronautics Group
Civil Space & Communications
Denver, Colorado 80201
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Subcritical cryogenic fluid management (CFM) has long been recognized as an
enabling technology for future space applications such as Space Transfer Vehicles (for near-
earth, lunar and interplanetary missions) and On-Orbit Cryogenic Fuel Depots. Space Station
Freedom may also derive benefits from an understanding of CFM. This CFM technology
contains many elements which are required to successfully support future system
development and mission goals associated with the cost of system operation and reuse.
Subcriticalliquid storage and supply, however, have never been demonstrated on-orbit In-
space demonstration of this technology using liquid nitrogen (LN2), with a few well defined
areas of focus, would provide the confidence level required to implement low-gravity
subcritical cryogen use and is a frrst step towards the more far reaching issue of cryogen
transfer and tankage resupply.
The Cryogenic Orbital Nitrogen Experiment (CONE) is a LN2 cryogenic storage and
supply system demonstration placed in orbit by the National Space Transportalion System
(NSTS) Orbiter and operated as an in-bay payload whose objective is to demoostrate needed
critical components and technologies. A conceptual approach has been developed by Martin
Marietta and an overview of the CONE program is described which includes the following:
(1) a defmition of the background and scope of the technology objectives being investigated,
(2) a description of the payload design and operation, major features and rationale for the
experiments being conducted, and (3) the justification for CONE relating to potential near-
term benefits and risk mitigation for future systems.
The CONE (shown in Figure 1) is an integrated experimental payload designed to
investigate specific subcritical cryogenic fluid management technologies in a low-gravity
space environment. Data and criteria will be provided to correlate in-space perfonnance with
analytical and numerical modeling of cryogenic fluid management systems, as well as
demonstration data for the mitigation of design risk. CONE results are tailored to provide
increased confidence for the use of subcritical cryogen Storage and supply for various
applications including Space Station Freedom growth options and space propellant storage.
Technical objectives of the CONE mission are highly focused and are divided into
priority experiments and demonstrations which are considered a secondary set of cryogenic
Existing cryogen storage and supply systems utilize well characterized supercritical
techniques that are outdated and weight intensive due to the high pressure required to assure
that a single phase is maintained in the tank. Substantial weight savings can be realized by
low pressure subcritical storage where two phase fluid is stored and liquid only is provided
to a user by a surface tension liquid acquisition device (LAD). CONE on-orbit testing in the
hat prlorlty ovar Relatecl
demoMlratlon. Tachnology
(SSF &Oihar
areas of liquid storage using both active and passive techniques to control tank pressure,
along with the assessment of supplying vapor-free LN2 from the tank by use of a LAD is the
frrst step towards the implementation of future in-space subcritical cryogen use.
Over the years, a three step approach to cryogenic fluid management technologies has
been defmed starring with individual component and hardware development, progressing to
subsystem element ground based testing and fmally to in-space experimentation. All result in
the establishment of a cryo data base and to the development of refined analytical models
which make use of the available data for validation and correlation purposes. CONE is the
first precursor experiment to implement a cost effect, subscale on-orbit test approach focused
on the near term needs of the space community.
The experimentation and demonstration test categories comprise the primary and
secondary technical mission objectives. Tests in each category include low-g fluid and
thermal process investigations, demonstrations of performance capabilities, as weil as
technology evaluations to achieve an overall test mix that provides for a maximized
technological return of data over the duration of the mission. Figure 2 shows these
objectives and the subelements of each. A brief listing of individual experiment objectives is
as follows:
Tank Active Pressure Control - Investigating the phenomena associated with the
control of cryogenic storage tank pressure using an axial jet induced mixer coupled with a
compact thermodynamic vent system (TVS) heat exchanger is the specific objective of this
test series. A parametric assessment will be conducted to investigate the effects of tank heat
flux, mixer flow rate, compact heat exchanger flow rate, tank liquid Ievel and the acceleration
environment on: 1) thermal stratification, 2) thermal destratification by mixing and, 3) tank
pressure reduction during heat exchanger operation. Results will be compared with analytical
predictions to provide partial verification of of the models which describe the physical
processes involved.
11 75
Cryoe;enic LiQJJid Storae;e - The capability of a passive TVS to maintain a nearly
constant tank pressure at various filllevels will be detennined by tests conducted at
background acceleration Ievels. The TVS will be either wall mounted or attached to the LAD.
Heat flux will be varied to simulate thermal performance typical for both vacuum jacketed and
foam/MLI insulated cryogen storage systems so that data results can be compared with
analytical predictions for these different heat flux cases.
Liquid Nitroe;en S!JPply - The specific objective of this test series is to demoostrate
the capability to supply subcooled vapor-free LN2 to a simulated user by expelling tank
liquid using a total communication capillary type fme mesh screen LAD. Expulsion will be
provided by gaseous nitrogen (GN2), stored in high pressure bottles, and regulated to 30
psia prior to introduction to the LN2 storage tank. Pressorant consumption rates will be
determined and compared to analytical predictions at a high and a low filllevel in the LN2
storage tank, for two values of liquid subcooling, and for two different expulsion rates.
Tank outflows will incorporate the assessment of advanced technology mass flow metering
Pressurant Boule Rechare;ine; - This demonstration will assess the capability to
resupply a depleted gaseous nitrogen pressurant bottle by injecting a metered quantity of
LN2. A depleted pressurant bottle will be evacuated to space and then chilled to a
predetermined target temperature. The chilidown charge will be evacuated to space and will
be followed by the injection of a metered quantity of LN2. This charge amount will be
allowed to self-pressurize using ambient environmental heating. Target temperature, charge
mass, and final bottle pressure will be determined and compared to analytical predictions.
LAD Performance - Investigations of the capability of the LN2 storage tank LAD to
provide vapor-free liquid to the point of breakdown will determine the expulsion efficiency
for the device and will provide a single data point on the LAD retention capability for
comparison to analytical models describing the LAD performance .
The CONE Experiment Subsystem is composed of the following three major
elements: liquid nitrogen storage and supply tank, LN2 storage tank valve module, and GN2
pressurization & LN2 bottle recharge module. Figure 3 shows a schematic of the inter-
relationship of the experiment subsystem elements.
Definition of Major Subsystem Elements
LN2 Storage Tank. This tank has a pressure vessel of 0.226 m3 ( 8 ft3) capable of
holding 171 kg (375lbs) ofLN2 at 95% full and is completely contained by a vacuumjacket
(VJ). To maintain a shape relationship to typical space based transfer vehicle tankage andin
order to provide for a stable fluid interface, a cylindrical tank shape was selected. The overall
tank VJ has a diameter of 68.6 cm (27 in) and a length of 121.9 cm (48 in) to provide the
largest size tank that could be mounted to the front face of the Hitchhiker-M carrier. The
pressure vessel (PV) has a diameter of 58.4 cm (23 in) and contains a total communication
LAD with an outlet at the top of the tank. A vent/pressurization penetration which feeds
directly into the tank via a diffuser is located at the top end so that contact with ullage is
maintained for both horizontal and vertical positions of the tank. Pressurant is introduced
into the tank by this line. An axial jet spray system is provided through which liquid can be
introduced from a mixerpump to provide mixing of the bulk fluid. Mixer pump fluid is
passed through a compact heat exchanger (CHX) where energy can be removed from the
tank to actively control or reduce tank pressure. An intemal thermodynamic vent system
(TVS) heat exchanger (HX) routed on the LAD is provided to cool the bulk fluid and
passively control tank pressure. Thermal control heaters uniformly cover the pressure vessel
and are used to vary the heat flux for pressure control and stratification experiments. A layer
of foam insulation covers the heater blanket to provide protection against a loss of annular
vacuum and Iimit the venting potential for this off-nominal case. Multi-layer insulation (MLO
is located over the foam insulation for nominal on-orbit control of tank heat leak. All
plumbing penetrations from the PV are routed intemal to the VJ and exit at the girth ring area
An outlet heat exchanger (OHX) mounted to the VJ girth allows for subcooling of the tank
Tank Wall Heaters Flow Control
1j; lurotDIIIk
, AtllefVatv•
I EleotrloV•tw
I .rr Expond«
<l AldOl Jot Naulo
Ea PUmpOut/RYPort
Jl Pr...n Regulator
~ llwluaiVIIH
D ,_"....
e w.nm.....
(!!)(!) "'"o/Tomp - - -
<9 Liquid L... l s.n-
I!!J Liquid Lev.l Probe
outflow. The PV connects to the VJ with a strap suspension system. Figure 4 shows the
details of the mixer/CHX and the tank outlet.
LN2 Storage Tank Valve Module. All components that interface with the back
pressure vent and provide LN2 storage tank pressure relief or isolation for TVS, CHX, OHX
flow rate control and tank venting/pressure introduction, as well as instrumentation for flow
monitoring are accommodated by this module. Redundant mechanical hurst disk/relief
assernblies provide overpressure protection for the tank at 345 kN/m 2 (50 psia).
GN2 Pressurization & LN2 Bottle Recharge Module. Components associated with
pressurant storage, ground servicing, regulation and distribution, as well as the LN2 storage
tank outflow line and the LN2 recharge bottle are assembled into a self contained module.
Pressurant storage is provided by two spherica135.6 cm (14 in) diameter 0.023 m3 ( 0.83
ft 3 ) tanks pressurized to 20670 kN/m2 (3000 psia) on the ground prior to flight. Each tank
Table 1. Experiment instrumentation summary
Temperature 54
Pressure 13
Flowrate 3
qguidLevel 6
Events 17
Aceeieration 3
Power 3
stores 5 kg (11 lbs) of GN2. Ground GN2 servicing interfaces and manual valving for
loading GN2 into the pressurant botdes are incorporated. The outflow line from the LN2
storagetank with flow control for 45, 227 and 682 kg/hr (100, 500 and 1500 lb/hr),
respectively is provided, as is the supply line to the LN2 recharge bottle. Interfaces to the
high flow in-space vents are accommodated by this module. A fixed regulator controls
delivered pressurant to 207 kNfm2 (30 psia) for introduction into the LN2 storage tank.
Instrumentation. Instrumentation required to monitor the experimental and
demonstration categories of test consists of temperature, pressure, flowrate, valve position,
liquid/vapor detection, and fluid quality discrimination measurements required to monitor
specific data collection needs. Table 1 provides a summary of these devices.
The support subsystems augment the experiment subsystem in the accomplishment of
the mission science and operational objectives. Together they comprise the payload flight
element of the CONE System. The following provides abrief description of the support
subsystems which are functionally depicted with the experiment subsystem in Figure 5.
Figure 6 views the CONE mounted to the HH-M carrier.
T ( SiHUlLL. }-
l r 1JfUlU, )
I _f
I -.1.....
IIOUiffliiO PLA1'E!I
Power Olstsilution Unll
Command & Data Handlin~ CC&DHl Subsystem. The C&DH provides for
formatting and transmission of housekeeping and experiment data and the capability for the
decoding and distribution of commands to operate the payload during the mission. The
C&DH also provides for the transmission of data downlink and the acceptance of ground
command uplink via standard Orbiter communication linksthat interface with the Iffi-M
avionics unit. Off-the shelf hardware is utilized and contains elements that accomplish
control and monitoring of the sensors, valves, and other components of the experiment
subsystem. Control of the experiment sequencing functions is handled by the on-board
computer (OBC). Communications between the C&DH and the other subsystems is via a
multiplex data bus.
Experiment Electronics Subsystem.This subsystem contains the experiment valve
electronics (EVE) unit which controls the application of power commands to heaters and
valves in the experiment subsystem. It provides the interface between the C&DH and the
components that have to be controlled in the experiment subsystem. Also all instrumentation
requiring unique electronics for signal conditioning or power regulation have these units
located in this subsystem.
Thermal Control Subsystem ITCSl. The TCS consists ofthermal coatings,
insulation, sensors, heaters and associated thermostats, and radiative surface configurations
required to control and monitor the thermal environment to within proper operaring ranges for
all payload hardware. This design approach provides passive thermal balance of the entire
payload using the above specified techniques, as appropriate.
Table 2. CONE characteristics
stratification tests desire periods of fluid quiescence and settling using Orbiterdrag to orlent
LN2 in the storage tank. These operations are best accomplished durlog crew sleep perlods
and do not require crew involvement. All LN2 and GN2 will be depleted and expelled to
space durlog a nominal mission; the system will return without concern for tank residuals.
CONE is intended to establish an adequate technology base and investigate the
systems and processes of subcritical cryogenic fluid storage, supply and pressure control in
the low-gravity space environment to enable the efficient and effective design and operation
of future systems. Methods of integrated storage, pressure control, liquid acquisition, liquid
outflow, depletion expulsion, and pressurant bottle recharge comprlse the primary
experlmental/demonstration objectives which will be accomplished by a series of on-orbit
liquid nitrogen process investigations. These processes, for the most part are highly focused
in nature and are tailored to provide essentiallow-gravity data to correlate in-space
performance with analytical predictions of subcritical cryogenic fluid management systems
for near term STV and SSF use.
This feasibility study was performed under Contract NAS3-25063 with the NASA
Lewis Research Center (LeRC), Cleveland, Ohio 44135 under the direction of this paper's
coauthor Hugh Arif- Project Manager. The NASA Principal Investigator was John C.
Aydelott and the Science Advisor was Naseern Saiyed.. Eugene P. Symons provides overall
program management and is the Chief of the Cryogenic Fluids Technology Office (CFTO) at
S.M. Volz, M.J. DiPirro, S.H. Castles, M.G. Ryschkewitsch
R. Hopkins
The cryogenic operation of NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) ended on
September 21, 1990, with the depletion of the liquid helium cryogen. The COBE had
successfully completed more than 10 months of dewar and instrument operation. We report
on the cryogenic performance of the COBE dewar and of the two cryogenic instruments
throughout the rnission lifetime. We discuss the steady state dewarperformance, and the
dewar and instrument response to a variety of transient thermal phenomena, including
extemal radiation (from the earth and the sun) and instrumentpower variation. We present
the effectiveness of using approximate mass gauging techniques in determining the liquid
helium content. Finally we discuss the dewar behavior during the depletion of the helium,
and the expected thermal performance of the dewar cryogen tank and the cryogenic
instruments as they approachfinal thermal equilibrium.
The first phase of the science mission of the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)
came to an end on Friday, September 21, 1990, after 306 days of cryogenic operations as the
last of the superfluid helium contained within the dewar was consumed. The final depletion
of the helium cryogen marked the successful end of scientific operations for one of the three
COBE instruments, the FarInfrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS), and for a portion
of a second instrument, the Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE). A
substantial portion of the DIRBE will continue to make useful and accurate Observations of
the sky. The third instrument, the Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR), is completely
unaffected by the depletion of the liquid cryogen and has successfully operated without
interruption throughout the full18 months that the spacecraft has been on orbit.
A schematic of the COBE dewar and instrument module is shown in Figure 1. The
helium is contained in a toroidal 664liter cryogen tank (CT). The FIRAS and DIRBE
instruments are assembled together as the Cryogenic Optical Assembly (COA). Primary
components of the FIRAS include the Mirror Transport Mechanism (MTM), located at the
base of the FIRAS, and the Extemal Calibrator (XCAL) situated at the top of the instrument
with a good view of deep space. The COA is structurally and thermally anchored to the
cryogen tank through a bolted interface at the COA Mounting Flange (COAMF), located at
the base of the CT. The COAMF serves as the primary thermal interface between the
instruments and the CT, carrying more than 95% of the total instrument generated heat to the
helium. Additional thermal contact is provided by two separate 99.999% pure copper straps
running from the top of the COA to the top of the CT (one strap is for DIRBE and one is for
the FIRAS XCAL). Gaseous helium is vented through a porous plug4 and past three vapor
cooled shields before exiting the dewar. Outside the dewar approximately 15 feet of
additional plumbing carries the helium to the final overboard vent. The exhaust vent is
located on the spacecraft aft end, along the spin axis of symmetry.
At launch the dewar cryogen tank contained 616 L helium at 1.67 K. The vent valves
opened as scheduled on ascent and over the next two weeks the dewar cooled to its
equilibrium on orbit operating temperaturel. At the same time as the dewar was approaching
thermal equilibrium the spacecraft and instruments underwent thorough check out and
performance testing. Of the several anomalies discovered2, two had a direct impact on the
performance and operation of the dewar. First, one of the three spacecraft gyros failed
shortly after launch. COBE has operated successfully on two gyros since that time, but the
loss of the one gyro meant that the spacecraft was more vulnerable to a temporary failure of
the attitude control system. As a safety measure the spacecraft roll angle (the angle between
the instrument aperture plane and the sun) was maintained at 4° or greater for most of the
rnission. The second anomaly concerned the FIRAS MTM, and a detailed description of the
Table 1: COA on-orbit operatingpower budget (all power in mW)
MET (days) COAMF FIRAS DIRBE Instrument Total
additional additional
20 25 10 3 38
133 25 7 3 35
150 27 7 3 37
180 30 10.5 5 45.5
250 27 8.5 3 38.5
failure and corrective actions initiated is given below in the discussion of instrument
performance and in reference 1.
By twenty days into the rnission anormal operaring procedure had been established
and the instruments had begun full time operations. During the on orbit checkout period
measurements were made of the themml conductance paths between the COA and the CT to
determine an instrument operating power budget for the normal operaring mode. The
resulting heat budget is shown in Table 1. The "COAMF" lists the heat passing through the
COA Mounting Flange at the base of the COA. This path includes most of the heat generated
by the instruments during every day operations. The "FIRAS" and "DIRBE additional" lists
extra heat produced by those instruments either dissipated through the Cu thermal straps at
the top of the cryogen tank or produced by transient instrument phenomena. The powers
listed in the Tables are time averaged over many orbits. The powerbudgetwas continuously
updated throughout the rnission Iifetime as the operatingmüdes changed and the dewar on-
orbit environment changed.
Shown in Figures 2 and 3 are plots of the temperatures of the dewar helium bath and
the three vapor cooled shields (VCS), respectively. The frrst feature that is clearly evident are
the temperature spikes in the helium bath and dips in the VCS occurring approximately every
30 days. These are the monthly FIRAS calibration measurements. During these events, for
a duration of one to three days the FIRAS instrument generated between 1 and 10 kJ,
sometimes doubling the overall heat load to the helium. In response the helium temperature
rose and the helium mass flow increased. The increased flow provided more cooling and so
the VCS cooled. This combination of events was a clear sign of an increase in internally
generated power.
At a Mission Elapsed Time of 155 days (MET 155) a dramatic change is apparent in
the temperature proftle of the dewar. Immediately following an XCAL operation on MET
155, the spacecraft was rolled to a new sun angle of 1.75° instead of the 4° maintained up to
that time. Over the next two weeks the helium bath temperature increased from 1.410 K to
~ 1.46
........ ········ ,.............. ! ·····
····t·· .. .........
- - - -. a
:l i
~ I# . . . ~~vr
~r v-- ~ (
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
Mission Elapsed Time (days)
: :
1- 30
0 T
........... . .,. . .......... . J,:::..::..: .: ~:i
r.........ivrs · '·,: : : : : ~.C: : : :. ,I., : : .: :· : i.· · '[,: : : : : ~,:
. . ..::::::::::::::.';:.::
. ....... .
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
Mission Elapsed Time (days)
1.427 K. At the sametime the VCS temperatures were also increasing. During this period
the instruments had not changed their operating mode, and in any case the temperature profile
was not indicative of an increase in intemally generated heat. It is suspected that sunlight
was being reflected onto the VCS primarily, and onto the COA secondarily. This heat
(amounting to approximately 150 mW spread among the three VCS and about 2 mW
additional to the COA) warmed the VCS. This increased the parasitic heat Ioad on the CT but
also warmed the vent line plumbing and hence the flow impedance. As the flow impedance
rose the helium bath back pressure increased and the tank temperature rose. While we were
never able to absolutely confirm the cause of the effect, this "sun glint" heating was present
for the remainder of the mission2.
Beginning around MET 180 the summer eclipse season began to affect the dewar and
instruments. Radiation from the sunlit north pole of the Earth added a significant amount of
heat directly into the instrument apertures and secondarily into the VCS. Symptomarie of an
increase in COA generated power, the VCS temperature remained relatively constant while
the bath temperature increased. The net increase in power dissipated to the helium bath
during this periodwas about 10 mW from the COA, and an unknown amount from increased
parasitics from the warmer VCS.
At the conclusion of the earth limb season we expected the tank temperature toreturn
to around 1.410 K, the value seen before the first appearance of sun glint radiation. The
spacecraft was again rolled 4° back from the sun and the instrumentswerein the same
operating mode as before MET 150. Instead, the VCS temperatures were again increasing
and the bath temperature stayed high. The sun glint effect was getting worse, and possibly in
addition the radiative cooling from the VCS apertureswas becoming less efficient2.
The primary requirements for the dewar, and the actual on-orbit performance are
shown below in Table 2. The low temperature and stability requirements were easily met for
the 10% power variations specified. As mentioned above, during the instrumentcheck out
period a major anomaly was discovered in the FIRAS instrument. Primarily during
spacecraft passages through the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) the FIRAS MTM was
malfunctioning and producing excess power of 400 mw2. To avoid this problem, beginning
on MET 20 the MTM was held stationary for the 20 minutes of each SAA passage. This
operating mode eliminated most of the excess heat, but reduced the FIRAS duty cycle to
S:90%. MTM malfunctions continued to occur randomly at other times in the COBE orbit.
Figure 4 shows examples of two such events. It is evident that the failures in the MTM
Table 2: Primary Dewar Perfonnance Requirements
Helium Lifetime Six month minimum, with a design 306 days total, 303 days after
goal of one year aperture cover ejection
Instrument thennal FIRAS and DIRBE heat sink FIRAS 1.520-1.528 K
sink temperature shall be less than 1.6 K
DIRBE 1.523 K
Thennal sink Heat sink temperature shall vary by For power variations of =4
stability less than ±0.05 K for transient mW, ~T ~ 0.00025 K
instrument power variations of less
than ±10% (~mW)
strongly affected the temperature stability of the DIRBE. Both the DIRBE and FIRAS
instruments are equipped with separate thennal rods connecting the detectors directly to the
base of the COA. They are, however, thennally linked to each other through the COA
Mounting Flange and then connected to the cryogen tank. As a result, as heat is generated in
the MTM it passes to the COAMF and then both into the cryogen tank and up into the DIRBE
detectors The much larger heat capacity of the helium absorbs the heat without any apparent
change in temperature. This was true even within days of the final depletion of liquid
Knowledge of the helium mass flow rate was essential to the COBE science team for
mission operations planning. Pre-launch estimates were based on limited ground tests and
on correlation of the dewar thennal math model. To permit accurate on orbit detennination of
the helium mass contained within the dewar, COBE was equipped with a calorimetric rnass
gauge system3. The systemwas ground tested, and was intended for use after one complete
sky survey was completed by all three instruments (after approximately six months observing
time). Once the COBE satellite was in the sky, the COBE Project rnanagement team made the
decision not to employ the heat pulse calorimeter unless its use was specifically required by
the project scientists and necessary to properly plan COBE Observatory activities.
Arguments for the use of the system based on engineering requirements, such as the desire to
know the helium rnass and flow rate precisely and to gauge the access the accuracy of the
thennal math model, and the need to test the mass gauge calorimeter for future missions and
for COBE, were not sufficient.
:~~~~~~-:r~J-:~~~ _:_LJ~~::LJ::~~J~~~~:
f 1.60
700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800
Elapsed Time (minutes)
Figure 4: Response of DIRBE and FIRAS base temperature and dewar to MTM malfunction.
Without the mass gauge system, alternative methods for gauging the helium flow rate
or mass of helium within the dewar were attempted. Our methods included; one, projections
of flow rate from the ground developed and tested thermal math model; two, measurements
of the spacecraft thrust produced by the vented helium; three, using the cryogen tank porous
plug as a flow meter, and four, the use of high power generating instrument (FIRAS)
activities as heat pulses for heat pulse mass gauge calorimetry. We will discuss the success
of each of these methods in turn.
At launch the COBE dewar contained 615 L (92.7% full) of liquid helium. The
helium boil offrate during the first few weeks was much !arger than during normal
operations, as the helium bath first pumped down to operaring temperature and as the
instruments went through initialcheck out tests. We estimate the helium loss during the
initial 30 days tobe 10-12% of the total dewar volume. With this initialloss, the time
averaged flow rate for the remainder of the mission would be about 3.25 mg/sec. The actual
helium flow rate was highly irregular, varying daily, weekly and seasonally as the instrument
and extemal heat load on the cryogen changed. During the frrst 30 days on orbit the dewar
was slowly approaching equilibrium conditions. Attempts to model the transient dewr
behavior during this periöd were unsuccessful. A fuller discussion of the transient model is
given in Reference 8. Between MET 30 and 150 the dewar appeared tobe operating in a
very consistent and reasonably well understood fashion. Only very minor, and physically
reasonable adjustrnents needed to be made to the steady state thermal math model to
reproduce the actual temperature profiles seen in the cryogen tank and the dewar VCS4.
Under these operating conditions the thermal model calculated a helium flow rate of 2.3
mg/sec. The model was less successful in modelling the dewar behavior for mission
operations after MET 150. With heat coming from sun glint radiation, earth limb heating,
and variable instrument Operations we were unable to adequately correlate the model with the
dewar performance for the remainder of the mission. The thermal model, by itself, was not
an adequate gauge of dewar performance.
Six days after launch, following the failure of one control gyro, COBE was
commanded to a negative pitch attitude as a safety measure. The resulting helium venting
force component in the direction of motion was significantly higher than anticipated. The
direct effecton the mission was a higher than predicted orbital decay rate. This increased
decay mte did not impact the mission science operations in any way. Once the cryogen was
totally depleted, the orbital behavior of COBE resembled that of a normal non-venting
spacecraft: The combined orbit and attitude behavior was analyzed by the Flight Dynamic
Facility at Goddard to monitor the total helium venting force. During the first 100 mission
days the flow rate calculated by this was 3.8 mg/sec. At the time this value of flow was
considered far in excess of what was possible, and the estimate was discounted. For the
entire missiontime the rate was estimated at 3.6 mg/sec. Because the early thermal math
model data strongly disagreed with these numbers, and because we were never able to place
an estimate on the accuracy of the vent thrust calculations, we discounted the early
predictions of high flow rates. In hindsight, with the exception of the XCAL mass gauge
technique (see below), the helium thrust flow rate estimates were more accurate than most of
the techniques we used.
The temperature drop across a porous plug phase separator is related to the flow rate
and temperature of the cryogen tank. There are three main regimes for the temperature drop
versus flow rate. For the lowest flow rates, the superfluid may be forced through the porous
plug to the downstream side by an excessive hydrostatic head. For higher flow rates, the
superfluid fills the pores but does not break through. For still higher flow rates, the
thermomechanical effect, which prevents the liquid from flowing out the porous plug, is
strong enough to overcome surface tension forces and push the liquid back upstream in the
plug6. For the first two regimes the temperature drop across the porous plug is low and is
proportional to flow rate for a given tank temperature. Forthelast regime, the temperature
difference, as weil as the pressure difference across the porous plug rises rapidly with
increasing flow7. The temperature difference as a function oftemperature where this "knee"
in the temperature drop occurs is calculable based on a simple theoryS. The flow at which
this "knee" occurs for a given temperature is also calculable6. The COBE porous plug, as
well as porous plug material of the same type, was tested in the laboratory. These data are
shown in Figure 5. Each set of data represents a different vent line impedance. As the flow
• 20
1.35 1 .40 1.45 1 .so 1.55 1.10 1.15 1.TO
II. §.50
• 0
! ;~LI+ i + 1·-
··················~········ECltlltlBßltJI\HtOW····~·-·············· ···"f····················j ···················"f·············-·····j···················
~ ~
Q ii: 4 0
:!::J ..::J
ii f
i . i f i i i
E o
··················T··················r·················r···········",···-r·····;·········r·········· ···
2 --r··~----·········r······-·--·····-
' "' ;fi? 0 ; ~ <ll!<i> ; : ;
·················-r·····d'······r ·····il·····~·····O··· 1
· .. Q ... g. ..... [J.r·[D]f}O-~···················r·················
rate increased, the cryogen tank temperature increased and the knee was reached. Also
shown in Figure 5 is the on orbit COBE data. One can see that all the on-orbit data show the
porous plug tobe in the regime where the mass flow is a very strong function of the porous
plug temperature gradient. Note that the lowest COBE data was so low that the downstream
side of the porous plug was slightly lower than 1.388 K, colder than the readable temperature
output of our one external porous plug GRT. From the progression to lower impedance seen
in Figure 5, one can also see that the actual COBE vent line impedance is lower than the test
impedances used in the Iab. From the equations in Reference 5 one can calculate that the
flow rate at the location of the knee, and for COBE's actual conditions (!!..T"'21 mK at a
cryogen tank temperature of 1.41 K), is 2.6 mg/sec. This would be a lower bound on the
COBE flow rate since the actual temperature drop is at least 22 mK.
To estimate the actual temperature drop across the porous plug, one may Iook at the
temperature drop as a function of tank temperature when the external porous plug temperature
is on scale. One may then extrapolate these data to lower tank temperatures. This method
yields a temperature drop of between 30 and 46 mK at a tank temperature of 1.41 K,
depending on whether the extrapolation is taken as being quadratic in pressure or linear in
pressure. This Ieads to an estimate of the flow rate, as computed from the slope of the lowest
impedance Iab data, ofbetween 0.4 and 1.1 mg/second above the flow computed above. We
thus have a worst case upper Iimit of 3.7 mg/sec.
The last mass gauge method employed the monthly calibration measurements of the
FIRAS. To perform the calibration the FIRAS External Calibrator (XCAL)was rotated from
a stowed position into the FIRAS skyhorn (see Figure 1). The motor to move the XCAL
generates a !arge heat input (between 1 and 3 W) for 56 seconds. This heat is partially
dissipated in the COA andin the cryogen tank, and partially radiated into space from the
COA. A sample ofthedewar response to two XCAL motions is shown in Figure 6. We
used this XCAL motor as a mass gauge heater. Under ideal circumstances, the heater applies
a quantity of heat QrQTAL directly to the· CT. This heat is adsorbed by the CT, the liquid and
gaseaus helium in the CT, the COA, and to a degree by the boil-off gas vented into space..
On the LHS of equation (1), QTQTAL = QHEA1ER*At, where At is the heater operating time.
The RHS of the equation (1) is dominated by QHE. The heat shows up in the helium in three
ways; an increase in enthalpy in the liquid, an increase in the enthalpy of the gas, and the
conversion of a small amount ofliquid to gas. The liquid and the gas are assumed tobe in
thermal equilibrium. The heat capacity of the CT and the COA are negligible compared to
that of the helium liquid and vapor, so QcoA and Qcr may be neglected. For the very short
heater time and the relatively low helium vent rate the amount of cooling from the vent gas is
also small compared to the tank heat capacity terms, and may be neglected. The helium mass
(or volume) can be determined by solving equation (2) for the helium fill fraction f.
Time (seconds)
~ 0.8
:::. 0.6
0.4 r~
!~ Figure 7: Predicted
COBE dewar liquid fill
Ievel versus time as
~ determined by the
XCAL mass gauge
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Mission Elapsed Time (days) calculations.
QxcAL. and the helium flll, f. To detennine a filllevel at a given time we needed to know
the ftll at a different time. To furnish the starring point we estimated the fill at the time of the
frrst FIRAS calibration, on day MET 31, to be 80%. Figure 7 shows the results of using the
XCAL "mass gauge." These data reflect the best estimates of the liquid Ievel versus time up
to the final XCAL Operation, perlormed on MET 303. Using the XCAL method the.
depletion of helium from the dewar was predicted forMET 299, seven days before the actual
event. In comparison, the thermal math model consistently estimated the helium flow rate
= 1/3 lower than the actual amount. The accuracy of the porous plug flow meter was
bindered by the Iack of the lowest on-orbit temperature data, and we had no confidence in the
predictions made by the helium vent thrust calculations.
The temperature and stability of the helium bath continued to meet all mission
requirements up untilless than five minutes of the final end of life (EOL) of the helium. As
our lifetime predictions could not predict the precise time of the EOL, the instruments were
performing normal observations up until the end. Figure 8 shows the temperatures of the
instruments and the helium bath at the EOL. As the last of the bulk helium within the dewar
evaporated, at t=3540 seconds, the COAMF and the instruments began to warm. Four
minutes later the heliumfilm within the CT has evaporated and the CT thermometer Started
wanning. The intemal porous plug thermometer was still cold as liquid was retained within
the plug and the wire wick leading to the plug. At six minutes into the warming the automatic
over temperature control protection circuit·sensed that the FIRAS and DIRBE temperatures
had exceeded 1.65 K and the FIRAS instrumentwas automatically powered off. After eight
minutes the GRT on the inside of the plug was uncovered, and began to warm. A large
temperature gradient then appeared across the plug. The porous plug dried completely after
eleven minutes. All of these events occcurred while the spacecraft was out of contact with
ground control. When the mission operations crew next contacted the spacecraft, 25 minutes
later, the dewar temperature was about 2 K and was warming at a rate of 0.5 K/hour.
Ten days later the helium tank had warmed to 32 kelvin. The FIRAS bolometers
became insensitive within the first days and the FIRAS was shut down. Figure 9 shows the
long term warming trend of the dewar and the DIRBE instrument. The thermal math model
ofthedewar predicted an equilibrium temperature of 80 K for the dewar , measured at the
cryogen tank. However the model did not adequately incorporate the radiative cooling provided
by the FIRAS and DIRBE instrument apertures and the COA aperture closeout. As shown in
Figure 9, the DIRBE instrument is running substantially colder than expected (the FIRAS
may also be much colder, but when the instrumentwas turned off the data from the GRTs
became unavailable). Six of ten of the DIRBE detectors continue to supply useful data,
! 1.70
i 1.60
3000 3300 3600 3900 4200 4500 4800
70 u u u u
0 c
60 h c:P
~ ~
,- Jl6
l.ö. .6. l.ö. .6. ll
fftt .......
Q; ~
~ 30
20 ~
300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 600
Mission Elapsed Time (days)
Figure 9: Long termwann up of dewar cryogen tank and DIRBE instrument. The data
plotted are (0) COA Mounting Flange PRT, (~) average of 10 DIRBE detector temperatures,
and (+) COA Mounting Flange GRT.
typical S/N ratios for these six are about 10/1 at 42 K, down from about 100/1 at 1.8 K.
There are expected to continue to provide valuable scientific data as long as they are less than
70 K. Current trends indicate they may not exceed 50 K at final equilibrium.
Susan R. Breon
The XRS is one of four focal plane instruments which will be launched with the
AXAF, shown in Figure 1. The AXAF scientific objectives are to (1) determine the nature
of celestial objects from normal stars to quasars, (2) understand the nature of physical
processes which take place in and between astronomical objects, and (3) understand the
history and evolution of the universel. In order to meet the scheduled launch in 1998, the
XRS will be delivered to the Marshall Space Flight Center for calibration in the spring of
1996. The elements described herein will be completed and ready for integration at the
Goddard Space Flight Center in early 1995.
X-ray-emitting plasmas produce spectrallines which are often very nearly the same
energy. The XRS detectors aresensitive over nearly the entire AXAF spectral bandwidth:
the detectorresolution is approximately 10 eV over the range 0.3- 10 keV. An energy
resolution of approximately 10 eV will allow XRS to distinguish between spectrallines that
are very close together. These lines are used as diagnostics for the source electron
temperature, ionization temperature, density, mass motion, and abundance ofvarious
elements. Depending on the model used to interpret the diagnostics, it may be possible to
infer the history of the plasma from its current state.
As is discussed below, a hybrid cryogenic system consisting of an adiabatic
demagnetization refrigerator (ADR) and a superfluid helium dewar is needed to allow the
detectors to meet the 10 eV resolution requirement. A second requirement--an on-orbit
lifetime of at least 4 years--is also a major factor determining the hybrid configuration. The
AXAF Observatory will be in orbit for 15 years. Approximately every 5 years AXAF will
be serviced: the primary servicing mode is to replace the focal plane instruments, although
on-orbit helium resupply is not precluded in the present design. In order to meet the
lifetime requirement within the constraints of weight and volume, mechanical coolers are
used to cool the outermost vapor-cooled shield of the superfluid helium dewar, thus
increasing the helium lifetime by a factor of 3. This paper describes the factors which were
considered and the interdependencies between the various XRS elements which were traded
against each other to arrive at the basic cryogenic system design.
The Detectors
The XRS uses a calorimetric measurement to determine the energy of incident ?C-
rays. There are a total of 32 detectors, each comprised of silicon implanted with a resistor
which is used as a thermometer, and backed by an absorbersuch as mercury telluride. The
full array of detectors covers an area approximately 3 mm square. When an x-ray strikes a
detector, the energy of the x-ray is deposited in the mercury telluride. This raises the
temperature of both the mercury telluride and the silicon to which it is bonded, thereby
causing the resistance of the thermometer to change. By measuring the change in
temperature and knowing the heat capacity of the detector, the energy of the x-ray can be
It is important to lower the temperature of the detectors below 0.1 K for two
reasons. First, lowering the temperature decreases the heat capacity of the detectors. The
smaller the heat capacity, the larger the temperature rise--and therefore signal--for a given x-
ray energy. Second, reducing the temperature of the detectors also lowers the phonon and
Johnson noise. To minimize the amount of infrared and ultraviolet radiation striking the
detectors, 5 thin filters made of aluminum and Lexan™ are placed in the dewar aperture2.
The detector signal is amplified as close to the detectors as possible using Junction
Field Effect Transistors (JFETs), which are trans-impedance amplifiers, as shown in
Figure 2. The JFETs operate at up to 120 K--to reduce noise--and are located within 5 cm
of the 0.1 K detectors. To intercept the heat, the JFETs are suspended inside a box which
is thermally connected to the innermost vapor-cooled shield at a temperature of
approximately 26 K. This box is suspended inside a second box which is mounted on a
1.5 K surface just outside the cryogen tank. The JFET temperature is maintained partially
by self-heating and partially by an additional heater which is controlled to maintain the
temperature stable to within ±1 K. All JFET wires, including those that run to connectors
on the warm dewar girth ring, are heat sunk at both the 26 K and the 1.5 K stations.
Although this results in more heat being deposited on the vapor-cooled shield and the
cryogen tank, it simplifies the wiring greatly. The wires running from the JFETs to the
detectors must be short and taut to minimize noise pick-up. A thermal analysis ofthe JFET
package indicates that all the requirements can be met, although a full-scale package has not
yet been built and tested.
The Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR)
For ground-based experiments a temperature ofO.l K can be achieved either with a
He3-He4 dilution refrigerator or with an ADR. Given the complexity of attempting to
operate a dilution refrigerator in zero gravity, the XRS Project decided to pursue the
development of a flight-worthy ADR. A detailed description of the XRS ADR is provided
by Serlemitsos et al},4
The major components of the ADR are the paramagnetic salt pill, the heat switch,
and the magnet, as shown in Figure 3. There are also support structure and a thermal bus
to connect the ADR to the detectors. The type of salt used depends on the desired operating
temperature range. Over the range of 0.065 to 0.100 K, a reasonable choice for the salt is
ferric ammonium alum (FeNlf4(S04)2(12H20)). Once the salt has been chosen, the
design of the ADR is developed based on the required hold time; i.e., the time the detectors
are maintained at the operating temperature; the weight; the efficiency; and the reliability.
As is true in most flight programs, attempts to minimize weight compete directly with
attempts to increase the hold time, the efficiency, and the reliability.
A long hold time is desirable to avoid frequent cycling of the ADR. As a practical
matter, the hold time should be at least as long as a few orbits--on the order of 250 to 300
minutes. The hold time of the ADR depends on a number of parameters. The most
important are the salt pill size, the magnetic field strength, the parasitic heat load, the helium
bath temperature, and the operaring temperature. Several of these parameters are imposed
by elements outside of the ADR. For example, the operating temperature is determined so
that the detector performance is optimized. As a result of the fabrication process, the
detectors will have an optimum operating temperature somewhere in the range of 0.065 to
0.100 K. The lower the temperature, the shorter the hold time. Another extemal parameter
is the bath temperature, which will be determined by the helium loss rate and the design and
fabrication of the dewar vent system. The lower the bath temperature, the Ionger the hold
time. In order to meet the required hold time, the bath temperature must be ~1.5 K.
The salt pill size and magnetic field strength are two factors which are under the
direct control of the ADR design. Actually, the two are heavily interrelated and have a
direct bearing on the weight of the system. The salt pill is located in the bore of the magnet,
a superconducting solenoid. A weight optimization study performed in 19865 showed that,
while the salt pill should fill the bore as much as possible radially, axially the center of the
salt should coincide with the center of the magnet, where the field is greatest, and the salt
should not extend beyond the point where the field drops below about 0.8 Tesla. Between
0.6 Tesla and 0.8 Tesla the salt provides negligible cooling. Below 0.6 Tesla the salt
would fail to reach the operaring temperature and would act as a parasitic heat load.
Therefore, for a given magnet the maximum salt pill volume is determined. In the present
design, the salt pill is 7 cm in diameter and 16 cm long. To increase the hold time, either
the magnetic field strength must be increased or both the salt pill and magnet size must be
increased. Both options increase the overall weight of the system.
The magnet is shielded by three superconducting coils, one located at each end of
the main magnet and one outside the main coil extending over its fulllength. The coils are
all wired in series, with the shield coils wound counter to the main coil. The purpose of the
shielding is to lower the stray magnetic field outside of the ADR. XRS may not produce a
field which interferes with the facility or with other instruments. The shielding, though
necessary, has two undesirable features: it adds weight and it decreases the field at the salt
pill. The field strength at the center of the shielded magnet is 1.9 Tesla.
Another factor within the control of the ADR design is the parasitic heat load. Heat
is conducted to the salt pill along two paths: through the supports and the heat switch. The
heat from the detectors is negligible. The ADR is supported by tensioned Kevlar™ fibers.
The fibers are pretensioned to keep them taut when the ADR is cooled down. The fibers
must be strong enough to withstand this pretensioning and the launch Ioads. The heat Ioad
through the Kevlar™ is <10 !J.W. The heat switch is designed tobe conductive when
closed. Even when the heat switch is open, however, some parasitic heat is conducted
through the Vespel™ tube supporting the two ends of the heat switch. Although the design
of the switch is still evolving the goal is to Iimit this heat load to <10 !J.W.
The operaring principle of the gas gap heat switch is relatively simple. When the
switch is open, helium gas is adsorbed on a cold zeolite getter. To close the switch, the
zeolite is heated and the helium flows into the gap between the two ends of the switch. One
end of the switch is connected to the salt pill, the other to the helium bath. The design of
the heat switch is made difficult by the numerous requirements imposed upon it. When
open, the conductance through the switch should be very small because any heat flowing
from the 1.5 K helium bath to the 0.1 K salt pill shortens the hold time. Since the heat is
conducted through the support tube, the tube should have low conductance but still be
strong enough to support 1.01 x 105 Nfm2 of intemal pressure, survive launch Ioads, and
be impermeable to helium at room temperature. When closed, the conductance should be
large to allow the energy which has been absorbed by the salt pill to be deposited in the
heliumbathin a relatively short amount of time while maintaining the temperature of the salt
to rise above about 2 K. Although a higher salt pill temperature allows the heat to be
conducted to the helium more rapidly, the ADR cycle becomes less efficient. As the
efficiency of the cycle drops, more total energy is deposited in the helium bath, thus
decreasing the mission lifetime. Finally, to take advantage of the occultation periods when
Fig. 4. The XRS dewar with the ADR and mechanical coolers.
the XRS would not be observing anyway, the total time to recycle the ADR should be less
than 20 to 30 minutes.
A mechanical heat switch has been considered as an alternative to the gas gap heat
switch. Although some very preliminary work has been done on a mechanical heat switch
for XRS, questions about the reliability of repeated operation during ground tests and over
a 5-year period on-orbit have kept this work at a low priority. It may also be difficult to
develop sufficient force in the closed position to allow the heat to be exhausted to the
helium bath in a short period of time. The main advantage of a mechanical heat switch
would be a significant reduction in the parasitic heat load, which would allow for a much
lighter system.
Two long-life superfluid helium dewars have flown to date. IRAS, launched in
1983, and COBE, launched in 1989, both achieved a lifetime of 10 months. The XRS
dewar, shown in Figure 4, is required to have a lifetime greater than or equal to 4 years
with a goal of 5 years. Since the lifetime is such an important issue and there may be some
confusion caused by different numbers appearing in different documents, a short
discussion is in order. Until very recently, the AXAF Project has not had a stated
requirement on the helium lifetime. All instruments, including the XRS, must be designed
for 5 years in orbit, consistent with the AXAF servicing interval. However, the helium
was specifically excluded from this requirement and the helium lifetime was not addressed
by AXAF. The XRS Project, in recognition of the tremendous technological advancement
required to meet a multi-year lifetime requirement, established 5 years as the helium lifetime
goal. Basedon the results of parallel studies conducted in 1987-88 by the Goddard Space
Flight Center, Ball Aerospace Systems Division (now Ball Electro-optics/Cryogenics
Division), and Lockheed Research and Development Division, the XRS Project concluded
that a lifetime of 4 years represented achallenging but achievable requirement. Within the
past month the AXAF Project has initiated a change which will establish a helium lifetime
requirement of 3 years and a goal of 5 years. This change notwithstanding, the XRS
Project is maintaining the requirement at 4 years with a goal of 5 years.
A detailed description of the XRS dewar is given by Nieczkoski et al. 6 The helium
lifetime is a function of the helium volume and the heat load on the cryogen tank. The
dewar main shell volume is constrained both by the size of the instrument compartment and
by the allowed mass of the XRS. Within the main shell, the shape and size of the cryogen
tank has been optimized at a volume of 483 L. During servicing on the launch pad, the
dewar will be filled with helium slightly above the lambda temperature and then pumped
superfluid. It is anticipated that by successively filling and pumping, the dewar will be
about 97 percent full, 469 L, at the completion of servicing. Once closed, the dewar is
required to maintain the helium temperature below the lambda point for a total of six days
after the final servicing: five days in ground hold and one day on orbit. In the baseline
design, the helium is not vented on ascent as was done on COBE and IRAS. The lifetime
predictions are based on a 3 percent loss of helium during on-orbit pumpdown to the
operating temperature.
The time-averaged heat load on the helium is 8.9 mW, about an order of magnitude
less than on COBE. Approximately 50 percent of the heat is conducted down the support
straps. Heat deposited directly in the helium by the ADR and conducted down the JFET
wires accounts foranother 25 percent. The remaining heat paths are radiation from the
inner vapor-cooled shield, conduction down the dewar wiring and plumbing, and radiation
down the dewar aperture.
In order to arrive at the present design, numerous lifetime trades have been
performed. Because the heat load is so much smaller than on COBE, heat paths which
were insignificant on COBE have takenon increased importance for XRS. For example, a
fourth vapor-cooled shield was added to intercept the radiation between the 45 K shield and
the cryogen tank, increasing the dewar weight. Another trade found that the thermal
connection between the support straps and the vapor-cooled shields has a significant impact
on lifetime. Thermally attaching the two innermost shields closer to the cryogen tank
resulted in a substantial improvement in lifetime. However, this complicates the mounting
of the vapor-cooled shields.
One significant change from COBE will be the XRS dewar wiring. The coaxial
cables used on COBE are being replaced by ribbon cables, which should be easier install in
the dewar. On COBE, in order to attach the fine wires in the cables to connectors, the ends
of the cables were cut open and the conductors were soldered to transition boards. Heavier
wires leading to the connectors were then soldered at the opposite end of the transition
boards. This was a very labor-intensive process. On XRS, connectors will be installed by
the cable manufacturer and the ribbon cables and shields will be left intact, which should
improve the electrical performance and will definitely simplify the installation of the cables.
It is very important that the ribbon cables be properly heat sunk: if the wires are poorly heat
sunk. or not heat sunk at all, the lifetime will be reduced by 20 to 50 percent. Even the
choice of conductor material is critical. Stainless steel wires provide a 7 percent lifetime
improvement over manganin, although the electrical performance of the stainless steel and
the ability to meet the electromagnetic interference requirements have not yet been analyzed.
Within the scope of the dewar design, only limited trades can be done on the major
sources of heat--the support straps and the ADR/JFET assembly. The support straps must
provide adequate stiffness and be strong enough to support the suspended mass, 170 kg,
during launch and landing. Although AXAF is presently baselined for a Space
Transportauon System (STS) launch, a switch to a Titan IV launch has been discussed.
The straps will be sized to accommodate either launch vehicle. When the AXAF focal plane
instruments are replaced on-orbit, they will be returned to earth in the Shuttle orbiter. On
landing, XRS may be placed in either of two orientations, one rotated 90° from the other
about the longitudinal axis. The straps will be sized to accommodate both landing
positions. The Straps will be made of fiberglass/epoxy. Alumina/epoxy was initially
considered, but as a result of an increase in the launch loads the fiberglass/epoxy was found
to have a lifetime advantage.
There are two important dewar parameters which affect the amount of heat
deposited in the helium by the ADR. The frrst is the temperature of the innermost vapor-
cooled shield, which serves as a heat sink to the JFET. As the shield temperature gets
higher, more heat is conducted down the detector wires, which are heat sunk at the cryogen
tank. The second parameter is the helium bath temperature. The ADR becomes less
efficient at higher bath temperatures, shortening the hold time and resulting in more energy
being dissipated in the helium bath. The bath temperature is required to be ~1.5 K;
currently the analytical model predicts a temperature of 1.3 K. The bath temperature is
deterrnined by the pressure drop in the dewar vent line, which in turn is a function of the
heliurn loss rate and the size and geometry of the vent line.
The second area of consideration is the expected reliability of the coolers. Life test
data on the coolers are extremely limited. Aprecursor to the British Aerospace cooler, built
at Oxford University, has been on a life test for nearly 3 years. No life test data have yet
been published on the design built by British Aerospace, which has been modified relative
to the Oxford cooler. Although the lifetime of the XRS dewar would greatly exceed the 5-
year goal if four coolers were operated continuously over the life of the mission, it is risky
to assume that the coolers will not fail in that period of time. If all coolers were operaring
and failed after 2.5 years, XRS may not even meet its 4-year lifetime requirement. Tobe
conservative the XRS Project has decided to operate only one pair of coolers for the first
two years in orbit. After 2 years, the second pair of coolers will be operated also. The
current model predicts that a singlepair of coolers operated continuously (or two pairs
operated sequentially, if one pair fails) will allow the XRS to meet the 5-year lifetime goal.
The third area that is presently being evaluated is the use of a heat switch to
disconnect inoperational coolers. A cooler that is either turned off or failed acts as a
parasitic heat load on the outer vapor-cooled shield. A heat switch which relies on
differential thermal contraction to make the thermal contact is under consideration.
Preliminary analysis shows that the lifetime benefit of a realistic switch design is relatively
small, although not negligible. However, work is proceeding to better define a suitable
switch design and to better analyze the thermal performance of the cooler interface with and
without a switch before a final decision is rnade.
The XRS cryogenic system design is driven by numerous requirements which are
often in conflict with each other. The overriding concern is to produce an instrument which
will perform the scientific Observations for which it is intended. Within this context,
options involving the performance of the ADR, the dewar, and the mechanical coolers must
be weighed within the constraints ofmass, volume, complexity, and cost. Although XRS
is still early in the preliminary design stage, the work that has been done to date provides
confidence that the requirements of the XRS cryogenic system can be met.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Richard Kelley for discussions of the XRS
detectors and science requirements. We also wish to acknowledge the assistance of Mr.
Marcelino SanSebastian in providing the ADR drawing.
L. De Sa, B. Collaudin
Cannes la Bocca
Special phenomena has been put into evidence such as the "chopped"
functioning of motors, or the two-time temperature rise after a
continuous functioning of the motors.
Model correlation with the test results has been led to an important
level which ensures a high degree of confidence in the model. ESATAN
software was the thermal modelling tool used here.
The first specification is valid at any point, even those that are
apparently hidden from the detectors (e.g. inside the motors, inside the
ball bearing assembly, etc ... ). The detector stability must be kept during
all the acquisition phase which can last for nearly 3000 seconds (both
short and long term stabilities are thus required) .. The average
dissipation requirement comes from the ISO satellite allowance to each of
the four experiments mounted aboard in order to comply to the design
lifetime of the spacecraft, i.e. 18 months.
g ....
i '
2.00 - 0.6
1.00 0.4
o.oo-· 1~. ~ 0.2 •
!-< 0.0
ii!:~liiJI~"'~ iil: ~~~"'
..l..l ~~~~
..l"'~"'~Cl..l"'"' ·~...;·~~rn~<~~<~ -"' 2 3 4 5
lll "'"'"'
"' IQ~~~üü
-of'I")OO ~~
11:111:1 ~~
T. . . . . .T. . . . . . r. . . . . . !. . . . . .
r. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ............
0 • • •
3.6 ········----~·h·········--~---··········-~·········-····1"""
I 0 0 0
r. . . . . .
: : :
: :
! ............. ! !... ......
g 3.4 ~ 0.2 ....... ~
. . . . . . t. . . . . . . t...
l! 3.2
. . . . . . t. . . . . .,. .,~::~),. . . .
""""j""""""""'t'""'"""' J 0.15
OSS); in method 2 the active heater was near a fixation and the detection
after the fixation on the OSS (after modelling to interprete the
temperature results). The base plate heating result at 2.6 K is shown in
fig. 3. Fig. 4 shows the translation into base plate to OSS conductance.
The thermal links are 5 screws ensuring a good dry aluminium-aluminium
contact of 154 mm2 each and two OFHC copper straps 28 mm length per 1 mm
thick. The thermal conductance is about 0 .1 (±0. 02) W/K at 2. 6 K and
between 0.19 and 0.26 W/K at 4.4 K.
The thermal conductivity between a wheel and the base plate had also
to be determined in order to conveniently model the camera and ensure
requirement verification with respect to the 10 K maximum temperature in
any point of the camera at nominal functioning. During test cooldown it
had been in fact noticed that these wheels had a high thermal inertia
thus determining the overall time constant of the camera. A heater had
been placed on a wheel aside a temperature sensor and another temperature
sensor at the base plate, near the closest wheel axis support. The
measured temperature gradient (with sensor correction) was used to
determine the thermal conducti vity. It would have been useful to
determine how a wheel would heat up after a continuous functioning but
sensor implementation was not compatible with this functioning mode. The
results of this measurement are shown in fig. 5. This thermal
conductivity between the wheel and the base plate is very largely driven
by the ball bearings that enable wheel axis rotation. It was tempting to
compare this single point measurement to a set of measurements on ball
bearings alone 2 . The result presented in this paper is in good agreement
with an extrapolation of the presented results2 (see fig. 6), in which
were used the same type of ball bearing : stainless steel, about 4 mm
. . . . . .l
1.7 to""' OoOooOOOoOOoOoOOfo ...... o.. o.... oTo ...... o.. oo .. oo- OoOoOoOOoOoOOO
0 0 0
1000 ISOCAitartpoinlj · :
. . . . . . l. . . . . . . r. . . . . 1. . . . . . . !. . . . . ..
l.C!i 10... .... o.. o.. ooOo .. o.......... oootoOO OoOOoOoOoOOr ........ o...... o ~
. ... o.......1········o····or··o·······o-1········ ····1········· 0
~ 600
u to""'
J oo··············r······· ·······r=~-~:;······· :ä
1.410""' . T. . . . . . . . 1"'..............l. . . . . . . . ~
200 ~~::r-~:=r~=:r=:r=~~-~
2 3 4
Tempersture (K) Ternpcntum drop (K)
Fig. 5: Wheel-vase plate Fig. 6: ISOCAM data compared
conductance to other papers
SW detector • base plate conduc:tance
4.2 ur'
············l·············l·············t············ ~-············
3.6 10..
J 3210..
3.0 10..
2.110.. u••n·~---····u••····r······ .. ······t··············l·············
: : : :
3.5 4 4.5 5.5
Fig. 7 SW detector-base plate conductance
One of the most critical thermal aspects of the camera are the
cryogenic stepper motors and their intrinsic functioning. These motors
are used to actuate the cogged wheels via a pinion connected to the rotor
of the motor. Tests showed that a two-step temperature rise could be
sensed at a motor stator (outer shelll when it was ON (see fig. 8). The
explanation of this phenomena is of utmost importance since it was
suspected that the heat generated by the functioning was spreaded between
the rotor and the stator of the motor (no access to the roter from
outside) and that two different time-constants were in fact being
displayed. The fit was meant to give a reasonable approach to the thermal
processes that took place anywhere that could be reached by a sensor
(motor shell included) in a medium time (long w.r.t. the nominal cycle
motor actuation but not yet the real thermal equilibrium of the motor) .
This adjustment to the test results can be seen in fig. 8.
1) Motor dissipation : 50 mW
2) Stator/rotor dissipation ratio :50%
3) Rotor to stator conductance : 1.5 10- 5 T in W/K until 20 K and
constant above (3 lo-4 W/K)
4) Rotor-stator radiative exchange : 7.8 10- 3 (roter surface)
Aside from the nominal functioning cycle for the camera, operational
circumstances could lead to a much more frequent use of the motors. As a
Theor Ex eriments
_._Selection motor - • .__ Selection molor slrap
---I..ens wheel LW • · a-· I..ens wheel LW
g 4.55
i 4.5
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Fig. 8: Fit of motor functioning
lang time-constant exists within the motor, the thermal inertia can
introduce a stepwise increase of the average camera temperature which
could at length become contradictory with the requiments. In order to
define the limited use of the motors, a theoretical motor functioning
period versus stator and rotor temperature was performed. The latent
periods between two motor fixed functioning time-length are 1000, 500,
Rotors of motors
Periods between functioning tops ~otor period 10
30 ~~~TTrrMrrn~~~rr~hrl
--G--Rotor period 50
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
50 ~--Mmllnwn oom~ I
~ 30
10 100 1000
Period (secs)
Fig. 10: Final equilibrium temperature at rotor periodic functioning
.. .....
I.§ 00
! ..
-..rATOili'IL"IBil lW
fiU ·r-
Fig. 12: Nominal cycle- SW side
Fig. 13 shows how the rotors behave during the nominal cycle as a
result of the previous analysis on motors. The 10 K maximum temperature
for parasitic light is verified during the whole cycle.
5.5 --«.Oiai.ENTRANCE
lf.. ~
- -ROiai.SELI!CI10N
s i\ ~\ -•-llOI'al. U!NS LW
t\ \ I"·\
,. .......Oiai.PD.11lllLW
I '•, ~~ '. , ••••R.ai'OR.U!NS SW
I ''.
I ''. •
~~ ·•• \ . . . -ROI'OR.PD.11lllSW
4 ~ \',.
~r\\ ~
\I ''.
' ,._·
R 3.5
II.I. "·~,.,
., II
"''".::.-~~ ..
' ---
- ·-·---
Fig. 13: ISOCAM nominal cycle- rotors
3.1 ....-----<.-----+--,~ ,.....
..., .
•',..,._B--------:~ ..... _
/. -a- ·- -- --o ----- -a- ' t
2.J . . fiiLWcr-. .... . t •
2.4 +--+--t--t--+--+--+-oooo1f--f-
2100 201 2900 29SI 3000 :JDJO 3100 ]IJO 3200
Fig. 14 :Transition LW to SW channel
The flight model has been delivered to ISO and there is a good
confidence in the thermal model so that fully representative thermal
schemes can be expected to conveniently support the ISOCAM project team
throughout the operational mission.
One of the primary goals of the NASA Mission to Planet Earth is to improve un-
derstanding of the ozone chemistry of the atmosphere over an extended period of time. The
Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere using Far Infrared Emission (SAFIRE) instrument is being
developed to conduct, for the first time, global measurements of the key ozone chemistry
constituents in both the mid- and far-infrared spectral regions. Such remote, long-term Ob-
servations are made possible by the recent development of compact, long-life, hybrid cryo-
genic dewars which are necessary to cool the sensitive detectors to the 3-4 K range. The suc-
cess of this hybrid concept is based on the use of long-life, Stirling cycle cryocoolers to inter-
cept parasitic heat from the internal radiation shields of the superfluid helium dewar.
Extensive system trade studies are required to optimize the mass, power, and lifetime of
these space-borne cryogenic systems. The SAFIRE Cryogenic Subsystem (CSS) is de-
scribed, including the thermal performance trades leading to the chosen system configura-
tion and the important dewar/cryocooler interface issues. SAFIRE is an international pro-
gram involving contributions from the United Kingdom, ltaly, and France, with the United
States responsible for overall instrument integration.
The NASA Mission to Planet Earth has been planned to understand both natural
and human induced global change effects over an extended 15-year period.l The Earth
Observing System (Eos) is one of the major initiatives in support of the global change pro-
gram. Eos consists of two series of sun-synchronous polar-orbiting platforms designed for
remote, global observations of the Earth's environment. SAFIRE uses, simultaneously, a
broadband radiometer in the mid-infrared (MIR) (6 to 17 Jlm) and a high resolution Fourier
transform spectrometer in the far-infrared (FIR) (25 to 125 Jlm) to measure ozone chemistry
parameters in the middle atmosphere. 2 SAFIRE has the capability to study diurnal varia-
tions in the atmosphere, ozone decline in the Antarctica region and local dynamic atmo-
spheric processes, wherever they may occur. These SAFIRE science objectives uniquely
address the important goals of the second Eos mission to conduct measurements of the global
distribution of the atmospheric chemicals, dynamic processes, and solar energy input that
control ozone concentrations.
The Eos platforms are planned to transport and support a selected group of syner-
gistic experiments into a sun-synchronous polar orbit for a mission length of five years.
The instruments will be attached to the platform in individual Earth-facing bays with ap-
The CODM requirernents are particularly severe due to the extended rnission life
and because of the envelope constraints and rnass and power lirnitations irnposed by the Eos
platform. The CODM consists of the CSS and the COS. Table 1 contains the system budgets
allocated to the CODM as weil as the perforrnance requirernents for the CSS. A vacuurn
shell temperature of 265 K is predicted for the CSS superfluid heliurn dewar. The efficiency
of the cryocooler is affected by the compressor and displacer case ternperature. The pre-
dicted cornpressor and displacer ternperature for SAFIRE is about 265 K Table 1 also shows
the COS center-of-rnass rnisalignrnent requirernent. Misalignment requirements for the
optical cornponents and focal plane assernblies within the COS will be deterrnined later.
The baseline configuration of the CODM is shown in Fig. 2. The 124-liter cylin-
drical heliurn tank is supported by ten dual-link straps frorn the alurninurn vacuurn shell.
Standard Interface Connector
Cold Radletor
and -++Htof·;.
~!l).oo._-_,;..-_ lnlr1red
The forward girth ring accommodates the mounting of the cryocoolers, electrical connec-
tors, and fluid management external manifold. The girth ring internal space shares a
common vacuum with the dewar except in areas where the cryocooler displacers are
mounted; each displacer cold finger is contained in a separate vacuum compartment.
Multitayer PumpouV Electrical
lnsulation Relief Ports
(60 Total Lay\s)
--.~~ L-M~c
Shields (3)
Main Aperture
Shell Fillers (3)
All Straps ( 4)
12 13
The forward end of the helium tank is supported by six straps in a zig-zag pattern
which are angled at 22.5' from the plane normal to the dewar axis. The aft end of the helium
tank is supported by four radial straps at 35'. The dual-link support straps are arranged in
an unsymmetrical pattern because the center of gravity is far forward of the center of the
tank. This arrangement allows all the straps to be loaded equally and therefore all can be
the same size to minimize cost. Each dual-link strap consists of an S-glass/epoxy strap
connected to a graphite/epoxy strap. The dual strap design permits lower conduction para-
sitic heat leak than the single S-glass/epoxy strap design flown on the Infrared
Astronomical Satellite (IRAS)3 and the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE).4 An all
S-glass/epoxy support strap approach degrades CODM lifetime by 25 percent.
Graphite/epoxy has greater strength and modulus of elasticity than S-glass/epoxy and at
temperatures below 30 K, thermal conductivity of graphite/epoxy is lower than
8-glass/epoxy. Therefore, it is advantageaus to use the graphite/epoxy strap on the inboard
section (helium tank end) of the dual-link strap assembly.
Four aiuminum radiation shields are supported by aluminum blocks bonded to the
S-glass/epoxy straps. An innermost radiation shield surrounding the helium tank is
cooled by the vented helium gas while three other radiation shields are cooled by three split
Stirling-cycle cryocoolers. A total of sixty layers of multilayer insulation (MLI) is placed
between the three actively-cooled shields. The forward domes of the vacuum shell and ra-
diation shields are removable to allow access to the COS during ground integration and
The COS, which includes the optics, focal plane assembly (FPA) and the detector
prcamplifiers, is mounted to the forward end of the helium tank by a graphite/epoxy tube
truss structure. The COS is cooled to about 30 K by a thermal strap attached to the inner ac-
tively-cooled shield (IACS). The preamplifiers and feedback resistors are cooled to about
80 K by a thermal strap connected to the middle actively-cooled shield (MACS). The FPA is
cooled by two thermal links. One is attached to the helium tank, and the other is attached to
the helium vent line. The enthalpy available from the vented helium gas absorbs about 80
percent ofthe heat Ioad from the FPA, while 20 percent ofthe heat Ioad is conducted to the
helium tank. If there is a cryocooler failure, the extra helium enthalpy generated from the
rise in helium boil-off can accommodate the increase in parasitic heat Ioad absorbed by the
FPA, thus maintaining the FPA temperature at about 3 K. The optical beam enters the COS
through the optical window on the vacuum shell and three thermal blocking filters mounted
on the removable end dome of the radiation shields. The thermal blocking aperture filters
have spectral characteristics that maximize signal throughput, but Iimit thermal
background radiation from the optical train. An aluminum tube which is cantilevered
from each radiation shield surrounds each of the aperture filters and acts as a con-
tamination barrier to minimize accumulation of contaminants outgassed from the MLI
The CODM dewar fluid management system is similar to IRAS and COBE. The
dewar has a fill line, vent line, and an emergency vent manifold. Three motor-operated
bellows valves are mounted on the forward dome of the helium tank, while three warm mo-
tor-operated bellows valves are mounted inside the vacuum shell forward girth ring.
Helium gas vented from the helium tank porous plug is routed in a vent line to five heat ex-
changer locations: 1) the FPA, 2) the six graphite/epoxy tubes ofthe COS support structure,
3) the forward set of six graphite/epoxy straps, 4) the JFET-to-FPA electrical wires, and
5) the IVCS. lt is very important that these heat Ioads are intercepted using the enthalpy
from the helium vapor since these elements contribute parasitic conduction heat Ioads
directly to the helium tank. Lifetime degrades by 45 percent if these elements are not vapor-
The compressors and displacers of the three cryocoolers are mounted on the for-
ward girth ring. A two-stage cryocooler cools the 30 K IACS. One single-stage cryocooler
cools the 80 K MACS while another single-stage cryocooler cools the 135 K outer actively-
cooled shield (OACS). The compressors and displacers of the two single-stage cryocoolers
are mounted as opposed pairs to attenuate cooler residual vibrations. The two compressors
of the two-stage cryocooler are configured as a "face-to-face" pair. However, the residual
force from the displacer of the two-stage cooler is not balanced. A resultant force and mo-
ment may be induced onto the CODM or transmitted to other SAFIRE modules. This is dis-
cussed in a later section.
For preliminary dynamic analysis, we have assumed that the CODM is attached
to the SAFIRE optical bench via a kinematic mount. A spherical bearing on the forward
girth ring restricts the translation of the CODM along three orthogonal directions, while an
aluminum tube tru!IS arrangement on the aft girth ring prevents rotation of the CODM about
the three orthogonal axes.
SAFIRE instrument success wi11 depend greatly on consistent and reliable per-
formance of the cryocoolers over the extended mission life of the instrument. The unprece-
dented requirement for Iong-life (>5 years) cooling capability is being addressed by the
cryocooler community. Recent work done at the Jet Propulsion Labaratory to characterize
the vibration performance, electromagnetic characteristics, and thermal perforrnance of
existing Stirling-cycle coolers has been published. 5
The SAFIRE team addressed the cryocooler issue very early in the instrument
conceptual phase and selected the Oxford-type, split Stirling-cycle coolers produced by
British Aerospace as our baseline. 6 Early system studies indicated that the single-stage
coolers alone, with cooling capacity in the 50 K and above temperature range, would not pro-
vide the thermal performance needed for the SAFIRE instrument. The Rutherford Appleton
Labaratory (RAL) in England, a SAFIRE team partner, developed a two-stage split Stirling-
cycle cooler to produce cooling in the 20 K and above ternperature range which rneets the
SAFIRE cooling requirements. Jt isafurther extension ofthe Oxford cooler heritage, using
two compressors in parallel driving a single two-stage displacer. 7 The two-stage cooler was
initially developed and tested at RAL, and a prototype rnodel has been built and is being
tested by British Aerospace in Bristol.
The dewar/cryocooler interface issues8 have been addressed in the SAFIRE CSS
design. Residual vibration induced by the cryocoolers can cause unacceptable microphon-
ics coupling in the detector readout or jitter in the optical system. The BAe split-Stirling
single-stage cryocoolers have been found to have a strong primary reaction at the operating
frequency and many secondary reactions (harmonics) at integral multiples of the operat-
ing frequency.5 The primary reaction acts only in the direction of the cooler axis and can
be compensated out to about the Ievel ofthe secondary reactions by mounting the cooler com-
pressors and displacers as back-to-back pairs and driving them in phase. The secondary
reactions, however, act in all three axes and cannot be compensated out. They can only be
minimized by improving the design and precision of the cooler mechanisms and by refin-
ing the drive electronics. Currently, for each pair of BAe single-stage cooler compressors or
displacers, we expect less than 0.44 N (O.llb) reactions in all three axes at each harmonic
from the operating frequency up to about 400 Hz. This result was obtained by Ross, et al. 5
using low-distortion laboratory drive electronics.
Since the operating frequencies will be accurately controlled, we assume that all
the harmonics will occur in very narrow frequency bands so that the vibration input to the
dewar is expected to be many very narrow spikes spread over the frequency range of the
harmonics. We also expect the dewar transmissability to exhibit many narrow spikes over
this frequency range because at low amplitudes, the dewar structure possesses Iow damping.
Thus, the analytical problern becomes one of trying to predict how many resonances will
occur between cooler harmonics and dewar modes. This cannot be handled by simply
driving a finite-element model with the assumed input since no model is accurate enough to
predict exact resonances at high frequencies. Instead, we have used probability theory to
predict the worst-case resonance conditions. Assuming that the resonances occur at the
worst modes, we find that the allowable COS center-of-mass displacement (0.2 mm) and
line-of-sight jitter (20 arcsec) correspond to allowable cooler reactions at all harmonics and
in each axis of 0.98 N (0.22 lb).
SAFIRE uses two single-stage coolers operating at 40 Hz and a two-stage cooler op-
erating at 35Hz. Using Ross's results5, the cornbined residual vibration force at 40Hz and
its harmonics from the two back-to-back mounted single-stage cooler compressors and dis-
placers is about 0.89 N (0.2 lbf). The RAL-developed two-stage cooler compressors have sim-
ilar construction as the single-stage cooler compressor, and they are configured as a
"momentum-compensated" pair. But the sole two-stage cooler displacer is unbalanced and
generates 5.3 N (1.2 lbf) residual vibration at 35Hz. However, since this large primary re-
action is weH below the dewar minimum resonance frequency of 40 Hz, the residual vibra-
tion force at 35 Hz and its harmonics from the two-stage cooler compressors and displacer is
also about 0.89 N (0.2 lbf). Based on the measured BAe cryocooler performance, the al-
lowable SAFIRE COS jitter and displacement requirements can be met but without margin.
lt should be noted, however, that the COS center-of-mass acceleration which corresponds to
the allowable line-of-sight jitter and displacement is about 1 g. This is currently being in-
vestigated from a detector microphonics point of view. Preliminary assessment shows that
the 35 Hz to 500 Hz disturbance generated by the cryocoolers may not cause any significant
microphonics problern for the CODM because the CODM science data readout frequency is
on the order of 1.3 kHz to 6kHz.
Aside from improving the cooler design itself, one can obtain some reduction in
vibration Ievels by changing the location and method of mounting the coolers. For this
study we assumed hard-mounted coolers and located them on the forward girth ring as close
to the main spherical bearing kinematic mount as possible. This reacts as much of the
cooler vibration as possible into the SAFIRE optical bench and was found to reduce optics vi-
bration about 20 percent versus other mounting locations on the dewar vacuum shell. 1t is
also possible to mount the compressors on vibration isolators which act as low-pass filters to
attenuate high-frequency residual vibrations. The displacers must be hard-mounted be-
cause of their delicate thermal interface to the dewar radiation shields. As the COS and
CODM designs become more mature, and the system requirements on optics and FPA jitter
become better defined, we will evaluate options to reduce mechanical coolers residual vibra-
tion to provide more performance margin, and to evaluate the effects of vibrations transmit-
ted to the SAFIRE optical bench.
The thermal link between the displacer cold tip and the dewar radiation shield is
designed to minimize the thermal gradient along this link. The baseline displacer cold
finger concept used for both the single-stage or the two-stage cryocoolers is shown in Fig. 3.
The cold finger consists of two sets ofthin copper foils attached to a copper rod. The two sets
of copper strips accommodate radial as well as axial displacement of the shields; the dewar
radiation shields deflect due to launch excitation and during cooldown from 300 K to its Op-
erating temperature. At the baseline operating condition, the overa11 thermal conductances
of the cold finger from the cold tip to the radiation shield are 470 mW/K, 190 mW/K, and
170 mW/K for the IACS, MACS, and OACS, respectively. The thermallink is designed to
transmit no more than about 0.5 N of side Ioad to the cold tip. An S-glass/epoxy truss config-
uration supports the cold finger for launch. This stiff S-glass/epoxy truss transmits most of
Constant Mass:
1.0 = =
(X Power, V Lifetime)
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
XIX (nominal)
Fig. 4. CODM system pe1formance tradeoffs; nominal values are: CODM mass = 115 kg,
Jifetime = 7.7 years, and cooler power= 160 W.
the cold finger disturbance load to the dewar vacuum shell rather than to the displacer cold
tip. Ahout 20 to 30 mW of parasitic heat is conducted from the vacuum shell to the displacer
cold tip. Parasitic heat load due to radiation from the girth ring and vacuum shell surfaces
is minimized by wrapping MLI around the displacer regenerator tube, cold tip, and cold fin-
ger/thermal link assembly.
The critical CODM system parameters (mass, lifetime, and cooler power) have
been analyzed to determine the performance tradeoffs. Results are shown in Fig. 4. As the
amount of helium is increased above the nominal value of 18 kg, the dewar size and mass
also increase. The helium tank support strap cross-sectional area has to increase in order
to meet the same structural design criteria as in the nominal case. This increases the
amount of parasitic heat leak to the helium tank. As a result, for constant cooler power,
lifetime does not increase significantly as the mass of CODM or helium is increased.
Likewise, for constant lifetime, the required cooler power does not decrease significantly as
the mass of CODM or helium is increased.
The baseline hybrid helium dewar/cryocooler approach provides ten times greater
lifetime than a passive stored helium approach within the mass and envelope constraints. lt
is imperative that the CODM cryocoolers operate reliably over the required mission lifetime
of 5 years. Figure 5 shows the CODM dewar lifetime as a function of hypothetical cooler
failures. The two-stage IACS cooler has to operate for 4.3 years in order to achieve a 5-year
CODM lifetime. lf either the MACS or the OACS cooler fails at launch, CODM lifetime of at
least 6 years is still achievable. Our current baseline design assumes that the MACS and
OACS BAe single-stage coolers operate as an opposed pair to minimize residual vibrations.
Depending on the nature of the failure, the induced vibration from the single-stage coolers
may not be balanced if either the MACS or OACS cooler fails. In the worst case, if both sin-
gle-stage coolers have to be turned off at the beginning of the mission, then the CODM life-
time decreases to 2.5 years. ReHability assessment and life-testing of the cryocoolers are
currently being performed by BAe.
Several alternative concepts have been evaluated to minimize the impact of the
two-stage cooler failure on the mission. These options can be grouped into four general
approaches: 1) increase helium mass, 2) use different radiation shield cooling schemes
with two-stage coolers, 3) include a redundant two-stage cooler, and 4) add solid hydrogen or
neon. There is no obvious favorable option because each option impacts systern mass,
volume, power, and lifetime. Performance ofthe CSS using a redundant two-stage cooler is
shown in Fig. 6. Note that if the original two-stage cooler does not fail during the rnission,
dewar lifetime compared with the baseline of 7.7 vears is shorter by 48 percent and 14 percent
for the cases without thermal switch and with thermal switch, respectively. In oruer to
achieve the baseline lifetime of 7. 7 years, both the original and redundant two-stage coolers
have to be operating simultaneously after 1. 75 years from launch or after 4. 75 years from
launch, respectively, for the cases without thermal switch or with thermal switch. As a
result, CODM mission average cooler power consurnption increases by 50 percent or 25
percent, correspondingly. More detailed risk assessment studies are planned as the
SAFIRE instrurnent design progresses.
The SAFIRE CODM hybrid cryogenic system combines proven superfluid heliurn
storage technology with split-Stirling single-stage and two-stage cryocoolers to achieve
Redundanltwcrslage cooler •
......... {wtth thormal swHch) •• • •
7 !.. . . . . . . . . . . ~ ..~.~.
~ 5 1-----------~ro:-------:f'.:....____;,;,
greater than 5 years on-orbit lifetime. Critical interface issues between the dewar and
cryocoolers have been addressed in the design. Preliminary analysis shows that the
allowable misalignment of optics and focal plane assernblies due to cryocooler residual
vibrations is achievable, but with no margin. There is ongoing effort on cryocoolers and the
SAFIRE system design to improve the performance margin. Premature failure of the two-
stage cryocooler poses the greatest risk in curtailing SAFIRE mission lifetime. Failure of
the two-stage cryocooler at launch would reduce mission lifetime to 1.5 years. Several
options, including implementation of a redundant two-stage cooler to alleviate this impact,
have been considered. But these options either increase system mass, volume, and power
consumption or decrease baseline lifetime. Future system trades will benefit from the
results of life-testing and reliability assessment of our baseline RAL-developed, two-stage
cryocooler currently being performed by British Aerospace.
The NASA Langley Research Center is funding development of the SAFIRE in-
strument at Ball Aerospace under contract NAS1-19129. The principal author expresses his
gratitude to R. Hopkins, C. Downey, and R. Reinker for their valuable suggestions and
comments made during the SAFIRE Cryogenic Subsystem Conceptual Design Study phase.
1. "Eos-A Mission to Planet Earth," Eos Program Office, NASA He'adquarters (Code
EE), Washington, DC 20546 (1990).
2. J. M. Russen 111, "An Overview of the Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere Using Far-in-
frared Emission Experiment (SAFIRE)," in Proc. International Symposium on
Optical Engineering and Photonies in Aerospace Sensing, SPIE meeting, April
1-5, 1991, Orlando, Florida.
3. A. R. Urbach and P. V. Mason, "IRAS Cryogenic System Flight Performance
Report," in Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 29, Plenum Press, New
York (1984).
4. S. M. Volz, et al., "Cryogenic On-orbit Performance of the NASA Cosmic Background
Explorer (COBE)," in Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 1340, (1990).
5. R. G. Ross, Jr., D. L. Johnson and R. S. Sugimura, "Characterization of Miniature
Stirling-cycle Cryocoolers for Space Application," in Proc. 6th lntl. Cryocooler
Conf., DTRC-91/002, David Taylor Research Center, (1991), p. 27.
6. G. Davey and A. H. Orlowska, "Miniature Stirling Cycle Cooler," Cryogenjcs, 27:645
7. A. H. Orlowska, T. W. Bradshaw, and J. Hieatt, "Closed Cycle Coolers for Tempera-
tures Below 30 K," Czyogenics, 30:246 (1990).
8. R. A. Hopkins, et al., "Long-lifetime Stored Cryogen Systems Using Refrigerators to
Reduce Parasitic Heat Input," in Proc. 6th lntl. Cryocooler Conf., DTRC-91/002,
David Taylor Research Center, (1991) p. 153.
Burt X. Zhang
The dependence of the spin-up system efficiency on each geometrical parameter of the spin-up
channel and the exhaust passage of the Gravity Probe-B (GPB) is individually investigated. The
spin-up model is coded into a computer program which simulates the spin-up process. Numerical
results reveal optimal combinations of the geometrical parameters for the ultimate spin-up perfor-
mance. Comparisons are also made between the numerical results and experimental data. The
experimentalleakage rate can only be reached when the gap between the channellip and the rotor
surface increases beyond physical Iimit. The computed rotating frequency is roughly twice as high
as the measured ones although the spin-up torques fairly match.
In a process of evaluating the gas spin-up system used on the gyroscope of the GPB, a com-
puterprogram simulating the performance of the gas spin-up process is developed. The dependencies
of the spin-up torque on the geometrical parameters of the spin-up channel, the rotor housing cavity,
as weil as the exhaust passage are investigated.
For the numerical modeling purpose, the gas spin-up system is simplified to avoid complexity
and is schematically shown in Figure 1. The gas leaked through the gap between the spin-up channel
lip and the rotor surface is represented by the flow through passage A. Passage B denotes the exhaust
holes and slots between the rotor housing cavity and the vacuum chamber. The Mach nurober at
the spin-up channel entrance is first calculated using the following isentropic relationship
where W, is the mass flow rate, A, is the cross-sectional area of the spin-up channel, k is the ratio
of the specific heats of helium gas, R is the gas constant, Po and T 0 are the stagnation pressure
and temperature respectively, and M,; is the entrance Mach number. The pressure drop across
the channel 'is then computed using the relationship between the entrance Mach number and the
stagnation pressure
k-1 0
2 (1 + l::l
2 M )
P,; =Po ( 1 +- 2)6 (3)
2 -M,;
In order to determine the pressure in the cavity, consider the relationship between the pressure drop
across a channel and the shea.r force acting on the channel wall
where 6.P is the pressure drop under discussion, A and C are the cross-sectional area and perimeter
length of the channel respectively, L is the length of the channel, p is the density of helium ga.s, V
is the local ga.s velocity, and f is the local coefficient of friction. For laminar flow,
J ~ ~ = 16Ajj (5)
where jj is the dynamic viscosity, Re is the Reynolds number, W is the ma.ss flow rate, D is the
hydraulic diameter of the channel.
An expression for the local average velocity can be obtained from the equation
V = Vr,-;;T
J k-1
fiT'M 1 + - - M 2
6.P AD p>; 1 (
M = k - 1 ')- t
- - - - 1+--M- (9)
SLCß T .Jkii 2
This equation ca.n be applied to pa.ssages A and B individua.lly resulting the expressions for the
entrance Mach numbers of these pa.ssages
where the subscripts a and b denote passages A and B respectively. Equations 10 and 11 can be
combined such that
1 + 9M~i Pbi- Pai A.D.Lbcbn
1 + k2l Ml; = P.- Pbi AbDbLaCaTa
Another expression for the quantity on the left-hand side of Equation 12 can be derived by applying
the continuity equation (Equation 6) to passages A and B. Such a procedure produces
Mai 1+ 9M;; Ab h
Mbi 1 + k2 1 M~ = Aa Pai (14 )
Equating Equations 12 and 14, an expression relating the pressure in the spin-up channel with the
pressures in the cavity and the vacuum chamber is obtained
This equation can be readily solved for Pbi which equals to the cavity pressure Pc. The Mach numbers
at the entrances of passages A and B can be consequently obtained by solving the following equation
where P; and P. denote pressures at the entrance and exit of the passage. Once these parameters
are determined, the leaking mass flow rate can be easily computed using Equation 6. Finally, the
local spin-up torque is given by
where r L is the local spin-up torque, r is the rotor radius. The tangential force acting on an
infinitesimal area of the rotor surface is given by
( 18)
where S, denotes the infinitesimal area of the rotor surface exposed to the spin-up channel. This
area spans the entire width of the spin-up channel and has a length of !:::.L in the flow direction
which is an arbitrarily small quantity. Mathematically, this area is defined as
S, = W, X !:::.L, (19)
r=--- (20)
Substituting Equation 19 for S, into Equation 17, the local spin-up torque becomes
rL = !:::.PA,W,r (21)
The total spin-up torque acting on the rotor can be obtained by integrating the local spin-up torque
over the entire spin-up channellength
3.00 3.91 4.82 5.73 6.64
+ 4.83
3.94 3.94
1.27 1.27
3.00 3.91 4.82 5.73 6.64
LIP WIDTH ( x l.OE+4 m )
Figure 2: Dependence of rotating frequency on channel lip width and gap between lip and rotor
where SL is the surface area of the channellip, 6 is the gap between the channellip and the rotor
surface, and Pc is the pressure in the cavity.
Numerical results indicate that when the stagnation pressure P. and the pressure in the
vacuum chamber Pv are kept constant, the rotating frequency of the gyro can be altered by changing
the geometry of passages A and B. Figures 2 and 3 show the dependence of the frequency on 6 and
w, which are the gap between the spin-up channellip and the rotor surface, and the width of the
lip respectively. It is seen that corresponding to each fixed value of w, there is a single value of 6
which offers the optimal system performance. For example, the maximum frequency for w .5 mm =
= =
is obtained at w 89.58 Hz by setting the gap value at 6 .01852 mm. It is also obvious that
within a certain range of 6 values, the frequency will increase as the lip width is reduced. However,
the frequency will drop sharply to a very low value when w is reduced to below .2 mm.
The geometrical characteristics of passage B is far more complicated. The passage consists holes
and slots of different sizes. In order to model the flow characteristics at passage B, a geometrical
parameter B is defined as
~ 80.0
z 70.0
0 60.0
u.. 50.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
PARAMETER 8 (X 1.0E+9 cu-m)
where A, C, and L are the cross-sectional area, the wetted perirneter, and the depth of each of the
holes and slots cornprising passage B individually, and n denotes the total nurober of holes and slots.
Figure 4 shows the rnaxirnurn achievable frequency at different values of pararneter B when the rnass
fiow rate is fixed at m 1.22 X 10- 9 kgfs. As depicted in this figure, the frequency increases rapidly
as the value of B increases at the lower end. When B is sufficiently !arge, the rotating frequency
will be rnuch less sensitive to any variation of B.
The numerical results are also compared with experimental data acquired by researchers at
Stanford. As shown in Figure 5, the computed frequencies at different gas flow rates are much higher
than those experimentally measured. The leakage rate in each case is found to be approximately 9%
of the total gas flow rate, which is much lower than the measured value (approx. 50% of the total
gas flow rate). In order to correlate the numerical results with the experimental data, the value of
6 is gradually increased until the computed leakage rate rnatches the measured leakage rate. This
process is completed when 6 reaches a value which is about 5 times greater than the upper Iimit of
the designed value (.254x 10- 4 m). The cornputed spin-up torques at different gas flow rates are then
cornpared to the experimentally measured ones (see Figure 6). The computed rotating frequencies
are also compared to the experirnentally measured frequencies. As depicted in Figure 7, they are
about twice as high as those experimentally measured. Apparently, a higher stagnation pressure
drives s !arger gas flow rate which in turn produces a !arger spin-up torque. Nevertheless, it is also
responsible for a !arger leakage rate resulting a higher background pressure Po which contributes to
the resistance to the spin-up process. Figure 8 shows this kind of resistance in terms of r fwma:r
which increases as the stagnation pressure is raised.
u 120.0
:::l 80.0
u.. 40.0
0 0 0 0
4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0
MASS FLOW RATE (X 1.OE+9 kg/s)
Figure 5: Cornparison between numerical results and experimental data
r-- 1.90
+ 1.70 0
w 1.10 0
0 0.90
0 0.70
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22
Figure 6: Comparison between computed and measured spin-up torques
,.... 40.00
zs ~
w 20.00 0
:J 0
0 0
w 0
0:: 10.00
0.08 0.1 0 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22
0.12 0
w 0.10 0
w 0.08 0
u... 0
'-.._ 0.06
0 0.04
0 0.02
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22
The efficiency of the spin-up system for the gyroscope of the GPB has been investigated. The
influence from each relevant geometrical parameter is individually analyzed. For a fixed width of
the spin-up channel lip, there is an optimum dimension for the gap between the lip and the rotor
surface, which corresponds to a highest achievable rotating frequency.
It is also concluded that besides the dependence of the rotating frequency on various geomet-
rical parameters, this frequency is primarily determined by Pv, which is the pressure in the vacuum
chamber, and the helium gas flow rate which in turn is a function of Pv and the stagnation pressure
The research was conducted at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and supported by
NASA/Marshal Space Flight Center under Contract # NASS-36955.
1. Liepmann, H.W. and Roshko, A. Elements of Gasdynamics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1957.
2. Shapiro, A.H. The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Garnpressihle Fluid Flow, Vol. 1, Ronald
Press, New York, 1953.
The Superfluid Helium On-Orbit Transfer (SHOOT) Flight Demonstration is a shuttle
attached payload designed to demonstrate the technology necessary to resupply liquid helium
dewars in space. Many SHOOT components will also have use in other aerospace cryogenic
systems. The frrst of two SHOOT dewar systems has been fabricated. The ground
perforrnance testing of this dewar is described The performance tests include measurements
ofheat leak, impedances of the two vent lines, heat pulse mass gauging accuracy, and
superfluid transferparameterssuch as flow rate and efficiency. A laboratory dewar was
substituted for the second flight dewar for the transfer tests. These tests enable a precise
analytical model of the transfer process to be verified. SHOOT performance is thus
quantified, except for components such as the liquid acquisition devices and a phase
separator which cannot be verified in one gravity.
The SHOOT flight program has two primary objectives. The frrst is to demonstrate the
technology to resupply superfluid helium in space and the second is to develop components
that will be useful for other superfluid helium or other cryogenic payloads as weil. SHOOT
is currently manifested for flight as a shuttle attached payload in January, 1993.
Aseries of component developments have taken place over the last few yearsl-4. The
components were integrated into the frrst of two flight dewars which was recently tested.
The performance of this dewar along with associated electronic boxes and software is
described in this paper. The objectives of this frrst performance test were to measure the
parasitic heat leak: into the dewar, the gas flow impedance of the vent lines, the impedance to
liquid flow of the transfer line, the efficiency of a transfer, and to evaluate the accuracy of the
flowmeters and mass gauging system. Due to the fact that the test was conducted in one
gravity, no information was expected on the performance of the liquid acquisition devices.
SHOOT has two dewars each consisting of a 207 liter liquid helium tank surrounded
by two vapor cooled shields (VCSs), all housed in a vacuum shell. The VCSs and liquid
tank are suspended from the vacuum shell by 6 fiberglass-epoxy strapsS. The low flow vent
line is anchored to the inner vapor cooled shield (IVCS) and the outer vapor cooled shield
(OVCS) to provide the vapor cooling. A high flow vent line, which is much straighter,
shorter and of larger diameter (1.80 cm inner diameter versus 1.17 cm for the low flow vent)
is weakly anchored to the VCSs through stainless steel brackets, provides a low impedance
vel)t path to be used during transfer operations. The transfer line which connects the two
dewars is also only weakly anchored to the VCSs to minimize heat input to the transferred
liquid while keeping the parasitic heat leak to an acceptable Ievel. Over 400 manganin and
fine copper wires enter the dewar main shell and terminate on or in the liquid helium tank.
The normal vent path out of the dewar during ground operation and standby between
transfers is through the low flow vent line. This stainless steelline is interrupted by two
copper sections which are anchored to the two VCSs. These relatively short sections provide
nearly perfect heat exchange at the low flow rates at equilibrium. The high flow vent is
valved off for heat leak tests.
A thermal model using the SINDA program was developed. This model predicted a
heat leak in the range of 126 mW with a main shell at room temperature (296 K). A
schematic is shown in Figure 1. The actual parasitic heat at 4.2 K measured by repeated
weighing of the dewar, by vented gas rate, and by superconducting level detector readings
was 152± 6 mW. Excellent agreementwas obtained between the calculated volumes
obtained from liquid level measurements and the weighed liquid and gas. Note that one must
make a substantial correction for the gas rernaining in the dewar after boiling when at a
temperature around 4.2 K. The saturated vapor has a density of .01649 g/cm3 compared to
0.1254 g/cm3 for the liquid. Thus as the liquid boils, 13% remains in the dewar, instead of
The frrst test of the flight dewar culminates in a qualification vibration. Low
temperature accelerometers are mounted on the cryogen tank to monitor this vibration and
verify the structural model. These accelerometers require special vacuum feedthroughs out
of the main vacuum shell. These feedthroughs were found to leak at a combined level of
l0-3 standard cubic centimeters per second (sccs). This leak, which will be eliminated when
the dewar is warmed after vibration, is a likely contributor to the higher than expected heat
load. While this much air directly condensed onto the liquidheliumtank only will release
0.7 mW, the air must pass through a nurober of layers of MLI on its way to the tank. This
results in a residual pressure especially between the OVCS and the cryogen tank main shell.
This pressure was measured to be 0.03 Pa by a cold cathode gauge just inside the main shell.
This extra heat load on the OVCS would result in a higher temperature, leading to a higher
heat load to the IVCS and ultimately to the cryogen tank. One other difference in the frrst
dewar test is the presence of atmospheric helium in the high flow vent line. Conduction in
the helium gas in this line could be as much as 10-20 mW. This line would normally be
valved off by Valve D in Figure 2 preventing direct communication with the liquid in the
dewar. This drawback is very significant when the dewar is placed on its side - the
configuration it will be in during all activities while integrated with the carrier up to a couple
weeks before launch. In the horizontal orientation, the low temperature end of the high flow
vent is higher than the warm end of the tube. This leads to a severe convection problem.
The heat leak in this orientation is about 2.2 W! This considerably lirnits the hold time in this
position. Once again, however, the flight configuration will have this line valved off and it
can even be evacuated to elirninate all convection.
VAP!-,;O:;::R--;:E:-;-;M::=;ER;;-:!Gt;::E!;;NC~Y;---fl>;:;OW;-;f--;f.*-;------,:;:;t.;=~--;W~I;;:;;REtcS:---.-ACNC~L.---";M~L';-1-~M:.;LihS::;:;TRAc;;:'r;PSci 1 4' 18 K
Figure 1. Thermal model schematic of a SHOOT flight dewar. VCSs are treated as two
nodes each. Heat flow, shown in mW, is negligible where not shown.
llll- Venturl
111111· TM Pump
(100 Iiters)
During transfers large amounts ofheat are dissipated in the supply dewar. To maintain
a low temperature during a transfer, a low impedance vent path is required. On SHOOT the
high flow vent serves this purpose. To predict the transfer performance on orbit it is
important to measure the impedance of this line. The primary reason that Valve D is not in
place in the high flow vent is to measure the impedance of the vent itself to gas flow. In
normal Operationinspace Valve D and the high flow phase separator in series with the high
flow vent line will be irnmersed in liquid. The main pressure drop will be in the gas venting
out the high flow vent. On the ground the liquid is below the valve and phase separator
mak:ing these components have a much higher pressure drop than the vent line.
The impedance was measured by flowing helium at a known rate through the vent
while measuring the pressure at the inlet (cryogen tank) and outlet. (Refer to Figure 2.) The
flow is achieved by heating the superfluid within the cryogen tank at a measured rate. The
boil off gas passes through either the low flow vent where it is measured, or out the high
flow vent. The flow rate out the high flow vent is therefore the boil offrate minus the flow
out the low flow vent. At constant heater power, the flow rate and temperature of the
superfluid in the dewar come to equilibrium and one data point is tak:en. Some of the data are
repeated with a heater on the outlet of the high flow vent line simulating the heat input from
the uninsulated globe valve at this point. Various powers are used to test the sensitivity of
the overall impedance to this parameter. The temperature of the exiting gas was measured
using a Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT) and Germanium Resistance Thermometer
Pressure and flow data were obtained for flows between 0.05 and 0.9 grams per
second. The data were fit with the following:
where P0 is the back pressure at the outlet of the vent and is controlled on the ground by the
pumping speed of the vacuum pump, Pt is the pressure in the cryogen tank, both in kPa, and
m is the flow rate in grams per second.
On orbit, the impedance in the high flow vent due to the finite pumping speed of the
vacuum pump will not be present. To correct for this the temperature of the exiting gas is
computed from the vent rate and expected parasitic heat input, and by assurning that in space
choked flow exists at the exit. In choked flow the gas velocity at the outlet is at the speed of
sound. The speed of sound depends on the temperature of the gas. The temperature of the
exiting gas decreases with increasing flow rate, thus changing the speed of sound. From our
data and the above analysis we may estimate the outlet pressures to be given by:
Po = 0.259ffi0.607 (2)
and using (1) we may calculate the tank pressure for orbital conditions.
Similarly, the impedance of the low flow vent line is measured to provide data for the
prediction of dewar performance in the pumpdown phase after launch as well as during
standby periods on orbit when the high flow vent is closed. SHOOT is launched with liquid
above the lambda point6-8. A low flow phase separator is used in the low flow vent line to
phase separate normal as well as superfluid helium from its vapor4,7. The proper phase
separation performance and a rapid pumpdown (less than 24 hours) depends on a relatively
low impedance vent line.
The low flow vent line impedance is determined by measuring the flow rate using a gas
flow meter and the pressure drop by using BaratronTM pressure transducers. The pressure
transducers' taps were located just inside and just outside Valve F on the warm end of the
low flow vent. The majority of the pressure drop in the line was expected to occur there. In
addition, another BaratronTM was reading the pressure in the high flow vent, which, when
there is no flow in this line, measures the pressure in the cryogen tank. At temperatures
below the lambda transition, the tank temperature is used to determine the saturated vapor
The majority of the pressure drop occurred across Valve F. Using data for pressures
below 7 kPa and flows above 30 mg/s the following relation was obtained for the pressure
across Valve F:
where Pi and P0 are the valve inlet and outlet pressures in kPa and is the mass flow rate in
grams per second. This will prove too high an impedance to obtain rapid pumpdown on
orbit7,8, and this valve will be replaced with one of negligible impedance in the
refurbishment of this dewar. For flows between 10 and 50 mg/sec. the remainder of the low
flow vent pressure drop is fit by
where Pt is the tank pressure. This impedance is very low compared to the pressure drop
expected across the low flow phase separator except at the lowest flow rates 7.
A laboratory dewar and engineering unit transfer line were combined with the flight
dewar to allow superfluid transfers tobe demonstrated. (See Figure 2). The transition
between the transfer line and the flight dewar was made using a vacuum insulated
connection. Both the transfer line and coupler used had a higher heat leak than that expected
in the flight transfer line and dewar couplers (lOW versus about 5 W) so transfers in this set
up had larger losses, particularly at low flow rates. Vacuum pumps were hooked up to the
laboratory dewar, the flight dewar low flow vent line and the high flow vent line. Transfers
could be made in either direction: from the flight to the lab dewar and vice versa. The
transfer line is vacuum jacketed from the thermomechanical pump in the flight dewar to the
venturi flow meter just above Valve K in the lab dewar. The transfer line is nominally 1.17
cm inner diameter and approximately 5 meters long. The center 2 meters of the line is made
of nominal 1.3 cm inner diameter bellows. The line is blanketed with varying numbers of
MLI layers. The transfer path from the flight dewar to the laboratory dewar starts at the TM
pump and extends up the line through the venturi flow meter and Valve B, through Valve J,
the extemal transfer line and into the lab dewar through Valve K. A transfer from the lab
dewar goes up from the TM pump through the extemal transfer line, and into the flight dewar
Ii 1 4
w~ 1 2
. - G-
- -G-
i ! :. . i
....10 1 0
u. 8
a:Cil 6
w 4
15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 3. Pressure drop in the transfer line as a function of flow rate. The two sets of data
for flows in opposite directions differ due to the increased impedance of Valve K.
The lines represent fits to the data based on fully turbulent flow.
through Valves J and C. During precool Valve Cis closed and the cold gas is routed through
Valve E and out the high flow vent. Even though the valves in the transfer line are the !arger,
lower irnpedance version, the majority of the impedance in the transfer line is calculated to be
in the valves.
The pressure drop in the transfer line was calculated from measurements of the TM
pump pressure, supply and receiver dewar pressures and hydrostatic head difference
between the two dewars (h in Figure 2). The results are shown in Figure 3. The dashed
lines are best fits to the function
The fits are very good, indicating that the flow is fully turbulent in these transfers.
There is a difference between the two directions of transfer mainly due to the extra valve in
line when transferring from the flight dewar to the Iab dewar. In this direction there are three
valves (B, J, and Kin Figure 2), as opposed to two valves (J and C) when transferring in
the other direction. In addition Valve K has a smaller orifice and higher impedance than the
other 3/4 inch valves. With this in mind, the measured pressure drop is within 25% of the
expected pressure drop in the transfer line and valves, calculated and extrapolated from room
temperature flow impedance measurements respectively.
The lab dewar experienced a high heat leak under certain conditions. In the temperature
range above 1.6 K heat leaks of up to 20 W were measured during pumpdown to operaring
temperatures. This problern was traced to a resonance (not a thermoacoustic oscillation) in
the lab cryostat driven by the roots pump through the gas in the vent line. Hence at low
pressures the effect is greatly diminished. This problern led to greatly reduced overall
efficiency in the transfer process. Still, the Overalllosses per transfer ranged from 5 to 10%
depending on flow rate and supply dewar temperature.
A very simple model of the transfer process appears to work very well, where the
transferrate is calculated from the heat input to the TM pump heater, the impedance of the
transfer line, and the pressures in the supply and receiver dewars. This model has also been
adapted to work in transient situations where the temperatures (and hence pressures) of the
supply and receiver dewars are allowed to vary over time due to heat inputs from the pump
and cooling through the vent lines. These changes in turn cause the flow rate to change
sirnilarly to that observed in these transfer tests. An example of the flow rates calculated in
this way is given in Figure 4. The calculation is performed for one of the flight dewar to lab
dewar transfers using equations (1), (3-5), and (8) and the initial conditions as measured.
The flow rate as determined by the TM pump flow meter (see next section) is also shown.
The calculated curve has no adjustable parameters.
w=> 920
c(l: 91 0
a::a:: 900
1/ll/l 890
<w 880
·50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 4. Transfer rate as a function of time for a typical flight dewar to Iab dewar transfer.
The solid line is calculated from a simple model of the transfer process using the
actual initial conditions. The data are flow rates calculated using equation (8) and
actual TM pump temperatures. The decreasing flow rate is due to the inability of the
laboratory vacuum pump to keep the temperature low. This did not occur for flow
rates of 600 Iiters per hour or less.
A problern involving GRT calibration shift was discovered during testing. The flight
dewar cryogen tank contains 8 GRTs immersed in the liquid that were read out often. All of
these GRTs were calibrated bothin a vacuum and immersed in superfluid. Seven of eight of
the GRT crystals were suspended in copper barreisthat were not sealed, but allowed the
liquid or vapor to come in intimate contact The other GRT was in the more traditional sealed
container with gaseous helium. Upon cooldown of the flight dewar it was noted that
disagreements of up to 7 rnK occurred between sensors even though they were all immersed
in an isothermal superfluid bath. A calibration check was performed by allowing the dewar
to drift through the Iambda point at 2.17 68 K. The only thermometer which read the correct
temperature was the sealed one. All others deviated by amounts ranging from 1 to 7 mK
both high and low. The readings were made both with a laboratory readout which uses a DC
technique and the flight electronics which uses an AC technique9. Both systems agreed to
within 0.1 mK and both accurately read out fixed resistors to better than 0.01 %. The
problern appears to be related to the crystal being exposed to air for a period of about one
year. The mechanism for this calibration shift, which was repeatable over the month long
testing at superfluid temperatures, is not known. This shift, which is very regular in
temperature, can either be calibrated out by in situ measurements, or the GRTs may be
replaced with the sealed variety.
The heat pulse mass gauging technique was used a few times in the Iab and flight
dewars. Typical heat pulse responses are given in Figure 5 (a) and (b). The accuracy is
better than 3%. The inaccuracy in measurements like 5 (b) is mostly due tothermal
stratification of the gas in the ullage. The correction due to this gas varies in magnitude with
temperature and filllevel; the higher the temperature and lower the fill, the larger the
correction. For the heat pulse shown in 5 (a), the correction term represents 2.4% of the
total. The liquid volume is given by:
where VL is the liquid volume, VT is the tank volume, Plis the liquid density, Pg is the gas
density, Q is the total heat applied, H1 is the liquid enthalpy, and Hg is the gas enthalpy. The
w 2.01
~ 2.00
~ 2.00
2 00
0 1 27 14--+---+-+-+--+-+
Figure 5. Typical mass gauging results. (a) Typical sharp equilibration time. (b) Typical
results when heater is not immersed in liquid.
subscripts i and f stand for before and after the heat pulse. While this equation Iooks
complex, it really only relies on a lookup table for liquid and gas density and enthalpy at
saturated conditions. Note that when a heater which was not immersed in the liquid was
used to provide the heat pulse, the heat soaked into the liquid over a few seconds and the
sharp step was not observed as in 5 (b ). This made the correction for temperature drift more
difficult. Such a problern was not observed in the COBE ground test due to use of the steady
state heat flow techniquelO. This problern should not be present in orbit since it is expected
that a thick heliumfilm will coat the walls where the heaters are placed.
Two types of flow meters aretobe used on SHOOT. A venturi will be used
immediately downstream of the pump. The venturi is designed and positioned so that the
potential for cavitation will be minimized. The venturi pressure drop is given by:
dP = ßv2 + Cv (7)
where C is the loss term which is negligible in our case. The venturi has a tapered portion
downstream of the throat to recover approximately 85-90% of the pressure drop. The
pressure drop measured across the two venturis followed equation (7) to within 2% which is
the accuracy of the flow measurement by other means.
where is the mass flow rate, T is the temperature on the warm side of the pump, S is the
entropy of superfluid at that temperature, and Q is the heater power applied to the TM pump.
The entropy is a well measured, tabulated quantity. GRTs accurate to one mK (except for
the previously noted problem) are used to measure the downstream temperature. The TM
pumps used in SHOOT have nearly ideal thermal behavior, thus equation (8) should hold.
The TM pump flowmeter results were integrated and compared with volume readings
obtained from the liquid/vapor discriminators and the superconducting Ievel detectors. The
volume readings are adjusted for the Iosses due to boil off during the transfer which is
typically a few Iiters per hour. The agreement of the TM pump flowmeter and the volume
measurements is within 1.5%, which is within the error in temperature and volume
The first SHOOT dewar has completed a series of performance tests. These tests
successfully demonstrated the operaring characteristics ofthe TM pump, the flowmeters,
valves, heaters and thermometers as a complete system along with the flight electronics and
ground software. Phase separators and liquid acquisition devices could not be tested at the
system level. The dewar will undergo a qualification vibration test It will then be warmed
and refurbished. Refurbishment includes replacement of failed temperature sensors,
installation of low and high flow phase separators, and a low impedance vent valve to replace
Valve F. Mter refurbishment, this dewar will be joined by a second flight dewar and tested
along with the flight transfer line. Among the tests to be performed will be a low pressure
topoff and stratification test4. This test will demonstrate ideas on how to get Ionger ground
hold times before launch without the use of vacuum pumps.
The authors wish to thank S. Sutherland and C. Mosier for developing the SINDA
thermal model of the SHOOT dewar. The authors are especially grateful to the group of
engineers and technicians who assembled the SHOOT dewar system with great care allowing
the frrst testtobe so successful. This work is supported by NASA's Office of Space Flight.
1. M.J. DiPirro, E.R. Quinn, and R.F. Boyle, Tests of a nearly ideal, high rate
thermomechanical pump, "Proc. ofiCEC 12", p. 646, Butterworths, Southampton,
UK (1988).
2. M.J. DiPirro and A.T. Serlemitsos, Discrete liquid/vapor detectors for use in liquid
helium, "Adv. Cryo. Eng." Vol. 35, (1990) p. 1617.
3. M.J. DiPirro, Liquid acquisition devices for superfluid helium transfer,
Cryogenics Vol. 30, (1990), p. 193.
4. M.J. DiPirro, et al., The SHOOT cryogenic components: testing and applicability to
other flight programs, "Proc. SPIE 1340 Cryogenic Optical Systems and
Instruments IV", 1990, p. 291.
5. M.J. DiPirro, et al., The SHOOT cryogenic system, "Superfluid Helium Heat
Transfer", J.P. Kelly and W.J. Schneider, eds., ASME HTD-Vol. 134, (1990), p.
6. M.J. DiPirro, D.C. McHugh, and J. Zahniser, Phaseseparators for normal and
superfluid helium, "Proc. ofiCEC 12", Butterworths, Southampton, UK, (1988), p.
7. P.J. Shirron and M.J. DiPirro, A liquid/gas phase separator for He I and He II", tobe
published in "Adv. Cryo. Eng." Vol. 37.
8. M.J. DiPirro and P.J. Shirron, The SHOOT orbital operations, tobe published in
9. C.E. Woodhouse, High precision, rapid readout of cryogenic temperature sensors in the
space shuttle environment, IEEE Trans. lnstr. and Meas. Vol. 39, (1990), p. 279.
10. S.M. Volz, M.J. DiPirro, and M.G. Ryschkewitsch, A calorimetric mass gauge
system for the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), "Adv. Cryo. Eng." Vol. 35,
(1990), p. 1703.
An analytical model has been developed to simulate the process of filling a non-vented
cryogenic tank. The analysis considered data gathered during no-vent fill testing with LH2
of a 538 L (19 ft3), 69 kg (152lbm), aluminum tank. The model consists of singleliquid
and vapor nodes and multiple wall, insulation, and penetration nodes and uses the initial tank
wall and fluid temperature distribution, the inlet fluid pressure and temperature, and the inlet
line flow resistance from test data. The model simulates several thermal and thermodynamic
interactions, including heat and mass transfer phenomena at the bulk liquid/vapor and
spray/vapor interfaces and boiling heat transfer on the tank wall. The model adequately
predicts the tank pressure, liquid filllevel, and inlet flow rate histories when loading through
the fill and drain line. When the axial spray system was activated, however, the model was
found to be deficient. Reasons for the deficiency are postulated. The paper summarizes the
significant portions of the model, compares simulation results with experiment data, and
presents an evaluation of uncertainties in several parameters. The sensitivity analysis
indicated that simulation results are quite sensitive to inlet fluid temperature.
The transfer of fluids between tanks is Straightforward in the presence of a settling
acceleration because vapor can be readily vented as a consequence of the known liquid
position. Back pressure relief is necessary to sustain the fluid transfer and is particularly
important when dealing with cryogens because the fluid transfer is typically accompanied by
rapid boiloff in the receiver tank which produces an increase in receiver tank pressure. In the
absence of a settling acceleration, as during an orbital fluid transfer operation, the fluid
transfer process is more complicated because surface forces may dominate body forces,
resulting in an uncertain liquid position and decreased probability of venting vapor. One
method to overcome this difficulty is to thermally condition the receiver tank to Iimit the back
pressure buildup and then simply fill the receiver tank while its vent is closed, assurning that
non-condensable vapors are not present. The essential part of the no-vent fill is condensation
of the vapor so that the receivertank pressure does not increase to a Ievel which would inhibit
the fluid transfer process. Several approaches using atomizing sprays and liquid positioning
jets have been proposed to promote vapor condensation, and numerous exferimental
investigations have evaluated the effectiveness of the no-vent fill procedures 1• •3 . Martin
Marietta Astronautics Group investigated the no-vent fill process under an Independent
Research and Development project to evaluate the sensitivity of fill Ievel to variations in
various pararneters4. This paper presents the results of an analysis of the Martin Marietta no-
vent fill experimentation using the integrated fluid and thermal cryogenic analysis program
The analysis was performed to reeonstruet test results and also to validate a generat
purpose no-vent fill model. Therefore, the analysis was performed with the intent of
minimizing the number of specifie eode modifieations required to mateh the test results. The
receivertank was modeled as a fluid and thermal network with several boundary and initial
eonditions as summarized in Figure 2. The prineipal initial eonditions were the thermal
lnjtjal Condjtjons
Tank Pressure
Boundary Condjtjons
lnlet Pressure & Tamperature
Tchamber Flow Resistanoe
Chamber Tamperature
Tank Charac!edstics
Tank Volume: 538 L (19 Ft3)
Tank Mass: 69 Kg (152 Lbm)
P, T. f(t) Tank Material: Aluminum
network temperatures, fluid masses, and tank pressure. The principal boundary conditions
were the pressure and temperature of the inlet liquid and the flow resistance of the fill & drain
and axial spray lines. Details ofthe significant models are described below.
Thennal Models
Interfacial heat and mass transfer is a significant parameter in modeling the no-vent fill
process because vapor condensation on the liquid surface is necessary to inhibit the buildup
of receiver tank back pressure. The interface was modeled as a massless control volume
separating the liquid and vapor portions of the tank. Conservation of energy at the interface
yields the following expression for interfacial mass transfer.
The relative magnitudes of heat transfer from the vapor to the surface, qgs. and surface
to liquid, qsl. determines if evaporation (drnefdt > 0) or condensation (drnJdt < 0) will occur.
Thus, the mass transfer at the interface is governed by the heat transfer rates from the ullage
to the surface and from the surface to the liquid. Free convection heat transfer was assumed
for both heat transfer rates at the interface. A model for a submerged jet impinging on the
liquid surface was not included because the fill and drain line points toward the bottom of the
tank. The following flat plate free convection heat transfer correlation was used to describe
the gas to surface and surface to liquid heat transfer processes6.
Nu= 0.27 Ra 0.25
Heat and mass transfer to spray droplets is another process to promote vapor
condensation by enhancing heat transfer from the vapor to the liquid. The spray system was
designed to produce 1.2 mm (0.0475") diameter droplets by ensuring that the stream velocity
exceeded the minimum value for liquid column atomization. The spray Reynolds number
was calculated from the dropletterminal velocity, which was generally less than 0.7 m/s. A
height volume table was included in the model so that the droplet residence time in the ullage
region based on droplet velocity and distance could be calculated. Spray heat and mass
Tab1e 1 Tank Thermal Network Characteristics
transfer was modeled by considering heat transfer from the ullage to the droplet surface and
from the droplet surface to the interior. The net condensation or evaporation rate at the
droplet surface was based on the average heat transfer rates during the droplet residence time
in the ullage. An analysis of transient spherical conduction by Brown7 was used to describe
heat transfer from the surface to the droplet interior. The following correlation was used to
describe heat transfer from the ullage to the dropletsS.
The receivertank volume was 538 L (19 ft3), weighed 69 kg (152 Ibm), and was
fabricated from aluminum. The receivertank wall was modeled with 7 nodes corresponding
to the 7 thermocouple locations on the test article plus 2 nodes for the top flange, resulting in
a total of 9 wall nodes. The wall nodes were thermally connected axially with each other and
radially to the tank contents and the 15layer multilayer insulation (MLI) blanket located on
the outside surface. The MLI blanket was radiatively connected to the vacuum chamber wall.
All fluid transfer lines, cabling, and support Straps were modeledas conductors between the
vacuum chamber and receiver tank walls. The conductors between the wall and fluid nodes
were automatically adjusted as the liquid level increased. The simulation immediately
covered the bottom dome of the tank with liquid after filling began because the test data
indicated a rapid quench of the bottarn dome, presumably as a consequence offlashing and
splattering of the incoming superheated flow stream. All other wall nodes were covered with
liquid when the liquid reached the appropriate Ievel. Tab1e 1 summarizes the conduction and
convection characteristics of the tank thermal network. The frrst two columns present the
node name and mass and the following four columns summarize the nodes and geometries
for the nodes connected to the entry in the first column.
50 'b • Run2
40 .ß. o Run4
~!J. •
tlld 30
•I • JJ o o~
0 0
• Run 6
-.- []
on ~
II• 0 Run9
• o o• w I • I • • I FUI & Drain..w/o Bleed
.. Run 10
10 -J---W-
0 -----:--~....c._._..lool:...
6_-t>-.._._...;(FUI & Drain w/ Bleed
• o• L> <> ..
~-------~if.I~~=----FUI & Drain and Axial Spray
group occurs when the fill and drain and axial spray systems were used simultaneously. The
change in flow resistance when the spray systemwas activated is understandable because an
additional flow path was added to the network. The change in flow resistances for the cases
with and without the bleed flow is more difficult to explain. Fill and drain line isolation was
accomplished with a manual valve, and the personnel conducting the experiment may have
opened the valve to different positions for different experiments. Also, thermal conditioning
by the bleed flow may have significantly changed the flow characteristics of the equipment
inside the the flow meter enclosure. Regardless of the cause, the change in flow resistance
was implemented in performing the analysis, so three resistances were used depending on the
simulation case.
The fluid transfer model also requires specifying the temperature of the transfer line
fluid so that the enthalpy of the incoming flow stream can be calculated. This parameter was
not measured accurately in the frrst test series, however, so the temperature of the fluid in the
transfer line was not known. To overcome this difficulty, it was assumed that data from the
second test series could be used to determine the temperatures from the frrst test series. The
transfer line temperature was accurately measured in the second test series, and the results
show that the fluid remained nearly saturated for low flows but became increasingly
subcooled at higher flow rates as shown in Figure 4. A linear regression of the subcooling
was incorporated into the model so that the transfer line temperature could be calculated from
flow rate and transfer line Saturation temperature. The temperature calculation in the model
also decreased the subcooling calculated by the linear regression by 0.8 K to account for
heating downstream of the transfer line temperature measurement.
• Data From Run 19, 2nd Test Series
Linear Regression
3 I I
lnllow •
0 2 3 4 5 6 7
Flow Rate (kg/min)
Loadin& lbrou&}l the Fill & Drain Line - Tank Initially Warm <Run n
The results for a fill and drain line loading case with an initially wann tank are shown in
Figures 5 and 6, which compare tank pressure and filllevel histories, respectively. The tank
pressures compare reasonably weil and the filllevels agree within 5%. The difference in fill
Ievels can be attributed to the extent of wall quenching permitted in the model. The test data
indicate that the wall quench may have included more of the tank than just the bottom dome,
and another simulation was run with an additional quenched wall node to evaluate the
sensitivity to this parameter. The pressure histories for the two wall quenching cases were
quite similar but the filllevel for the case with the additional quenched wall was much closer
to the test data.
Loadin& JbroudJ the Fill & Drain Line- Tank Initially Cold <Run 4)
The results for a fill and drain line loading case with an initially cold tank are shown in
Figures 7 and 8, which compare tank pressure and filllevel histories, respectively. The tank
pressures and filllevels compare quite weil. The computed tank pressure experienced an
inflection earlier than was observed in the test, and this may have resulted from the inlet fluid
temperature used in the simulation being slightly colder than actually occurred during the test.
Comparison with the previous case indicates the importance of thermally preconditioning the
tank prior to testing to achieve a high filllevel. If the tank wall is relatively warm, then the
back pressure will rapidly increase and the flow will stop. These filling simulations using the
fill and drain line indicate that the modeling approach without sprays works weil.
Loadin& Throu&h the Axial Spray Line - Tank Initially Warm (Run 3)
The tank pressure histories for a spray loading case with an initially wann tank are
shown in Figure 9. Filllevel is not shown because essentially no liquid accumulated during
400 20
l300 15
~ l
;200 ~ 10
I •
I~ TestDala
I i! 5 •
0 2 3 4 5 0 2 3 4 5
Time (Minutes) Time (MnU1es)
• TestDala • TestData
Simulation Simulation
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (Minutes) Time (MinU1es)
• TeatData
the fill. The tank pressures compare reasonably well, although the Simulation indicates
somewhat higher pressure increase at the end of the simulation.
Loadin~ Throu~h the Fill & Drain and Spray Lines - Tank Initially Cold (Run 1Q)
The results for a fill and drain line loading with axial spray case with an initially cold
tank are shown in Figures 10 and 11, which compare tank pressure and wall temperature
histories, respectively. The tank pressures compare quite weil until the axial spray was
activated at 3 minutes. After spray initiation, the predicted pressure initially stabilized as the
ullage was cooled but then increased rapidly. As a consequence of the increasing back
pressure, the fill rate decreased so that the final predicted filllevel was approximately 70%
whereas the test data indicated a final filllevel of 95%. The cause of the pressure increase
was not immediately apparent because the spray model exhibited adequate capacity to cool the
ullage and the tank wall as shown in Figure 11. The ullage temperature, which is not shown,
closely tracked the wall temperature. Thus, the spray model could not produce adequate
condensation to inhibit back pressure buildup even though it could reduce and maintain the
ullage temperature. Possible causes for inadequate condensation are discussed below.
mct=- RT
The maximum condensation rate to the spray was determined from a steady state energy
balance of the spray from the spray nozzle to the liquid/vapor interface, assuming no heat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 2 3456 78
Time (Minutes) Time (Minul88)
transfer from the ullage to the droplets. The adiabatic condition assured maximum
condensation to the spray and is reasonable because the test data show that the ullage was
chilled nearly to saturation following spray initiation. This approach yields the following
expression for maximum condensation rate to the spray as a function of spray flow rate,
subcooling, and fluid properties.
. _ . cP 1äT 1
mcs- ms h
These expressions were evaluated for the following conditions which occurred
following spray initiation:
Ullage Volume: 119 L (4.2 ft3)
Pressure: 224 kPa (32.5 psia)
Temperature: 25 K (45 R)
Volume Change Rate: -65l.Jmin (-2.3 ft3/min)
Pressure Change Rate: 10 kPa/min (1.45 psi/min)
Spray Flow Rate: 1.36 kg/min (3.0 lbm/min)
Spray Subcooling: 0.9 K (1.6 R)
The total required condensation rate was 0.130 kg!min (0.286 lbm/min) and the
maximum condensation rate to the spray was 0.028 kg/min (0.061 lbm/min). The simulation
indicated a maximum interface condensation rate of 0.021 kg/min (0.046 lbm/min), so the
spray and interface condensation rates comprised only 38% of the total required condensation
rate. Since no additional vapor could condense on the spray, the additional condensation
must have occurred on the liquid/vapor interface. In order to match the required
condensation rate, the interfacial rate would have bad to increase by at least a factor of 5,
probably as a consequence offorced convection due to surface agitation by the sprays. Heat
transfer to the spray droplets would diminish the condensation capacity of the spray,
however, so the interfacial condensation rate would have to be increased by more than a
factor of 5 to account for heat transfer to the spray droplets. It must be emphasized that the
necessity for increased mass transfer at the interface assumes the same filling rates and inlet
temperatures as used throughout the rest of the analysis. The interfacial mass transfer would
not have to be increased as much if the inlet temperature was colder or if the filling rate was
lower. A colder spray would have additional condensation capacity whereas a slower fill rate
would require a lower total condensation rate. Neither of these possibilities can be
disregarded as the source of the modeling discrepancy, but future experimentation may help
resolve the uncertainties.
~T------------------------. 100T------------------------.
a. 100
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (Minutes) Time (MinU1es)
~T-----------------------~ 100T------------------------.
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 10 12
Time (Minutes) Time (Minutes)
inferred from the liquid flow rate as determined in the 1991 tests described above. Two
cases were considered. The first case assumed no subcooling of the inlet liquid whereas the
second case shifted the linear regression in Figure 4 so that it passed through the origin,
reducing the inlet liquid temperature by 1.6 K. The results of this analysis are shown in
Figures 12 and 13, which illustrate the effect of inlet temperature uncertainty on tank pressure
and fill level. The tank pressure was quite sensitive to liquid inlet temperature, which is
consistent with the analytical and experimental results reported by Chato2,3. Theinlet
temperature sensitivity also affected the final filllevel because flow rate was proportional to
the square root of the pressure difference between the supply line and the receiver tank.
A second sensitivity analysis considered the effect of ±25% variations in transfer line
flow resistance. This was done because the assessment of the experiment results revealed an
uncertainty in transfer line flow characteristics as illustrated in Figure 3 The results of this
analysis are shown in Figures 14 and 15 which compare the pressure filllevel histories for
the three cases. The tank pressure was minimally affected and the filllevel was affected only
slightly more. Thus, the simulation results were not very sensitive to uncertainties in the
transfer line flow resistance.
Several other parameters were considered in the sensitivity analysis. These included
±11 K initial gas temperature variations, ±4 K initial wall temperature variations, and ± 1
order of magnitude variations in heat transfer from the vacuum chamber wall to the MLI
surface. In all cases, the variations were found to have an insignificant effect on simulation
results. Large variations in wall temperature, however, have a significant effect on the no-
vent fill process as illustrated in Figures 5-8.
This analysis demonstrates that the no-vent process can be adequately simulated with
relatively simple models if the tank is being filled with a fill and drain line pointing away
from the liquid vapor interface. In such a Situation, free convection at the liquid/vapor
interface is adequate to describe interfacial heat and mass transfer. If a spray system is used,
however, then the modeling becomes more difficult due to the interaction of the spray
droplets, ullage, and liquid/vapor interface. The complexity of the spray modeling was
identified in the axial spray simulations which demonstrated sufficient ullage and tank wall
temperature reduction capability but inadequate condensation capability. It was found that the
spray condensation capability in the model was limited by the degree of inlet spray
subcooling, so the deficiency in the total condensation rate was attributed to heat and mass
transfer at the liquid/vapor interface, which is the only other location in the system where
condensation can occur. The deficiency could also be explained by a greater degree of spray
subcooling or a lower filling rate, so the modeling difficulties with the spray system cannot
be resolved without further test data. The sensitivity analysis indicated that the dominant
parameter in performing a no-vent fill simulation is the temperature of the incoming liquid
which, in this analysis, was inferred from subsequent testing. Variations in transfer line
flow resistance, however, were found to have much less impact on simulation results.
Variation in other parameters, such as heat leak and gas temperature, were found to have
negligible effects on the simulations. Thus, future analyses can be simplified without loss of
simulation accuracy by de-emphasizing the insignificant parameters. It is recommended,
however, that future testing measure the temperature of the incoming liquid as accurately and
as close to the tank as possible, particularly if a spray system is used because spray
subcooling has a significant influence on the condensation capacity of the droplets.
Variable Description !lni1i
Cp1 droplet specific heat at constant pressure kJ/kg-K
f[/d transfer line flow resistance
hrg heat of vaporization kJ/kg
Illcs maximum condensation mass to the spray droplets kg
Illct total required condensation mass kg
IIle evaporation mass at the liquid/vapor interface kg
ms spray mass kg
Nu Nusselt number for heat transfer at the liquid/vapor interface
Nlld Nusselt number for heat transfer to the spray droplets
p ullage pressure kPa
Pr Prandtl number of the ullage gas
qgs heat transferrate from the ullage to the interface kJ/s
qsl heat transfer rate from the interface to the liquid kJ/s
R gas constant for hydrogen kJ/kg-K
Ra Rayleigh number at the liquid/vapor interface
RecJ Reynolds number of the spray droplet
T ullage temperature K
l\T1 spray subcooling K
V ullage volume m3
J.l- ullage gas viscosity, evaluated at bulk conditions kg/m-s
lls ullage gas viscosity, evaluated at droplet surface conditions kg/m-s
1) D. J. Chato, Thermodynamic Modeling of the No-Vent Fill Methodology for
Transferring Cryogens in Low Gravity, AIAA Paper 88-3403, (1988).
2) D. J. Chato et al, Initial Experimentalionon the Nonvented Fill of a 0.14 m3 (5 ft3)
Dewar With Nitrogen and Hydrogen, AIAA Paper 90-1681, (1990).
3) D. Vaughan and G. Schmidt, Analytical Modelling ofNo-Vent Fill Process, AIAA
Paper 90-2377, (1990).
4) J. E. Anderson et al, No-Vent Fill Testing ofLiquid Hydrogen, CEC Presentation,
5) R. T. Jacobsen et al, Thermophysical Properries of Nitrogen from the Fusion Line to
3500 R [1944 K] for Pressures to 150,000 psia [10342 x lOS N/m2], Nat. Bur.
Stand. (U. S.) Tech Note 648, (1973).
6) F. P. Iocropera and D. P. DeWitt, "Fundamentals of Heat Transfer", John Wiley &
Sons, New York, p 445, (1981).
7) G. Brown, Heat Transmission by Condensation of Steam on a Spray of Water
Drops", Inst. Mech. Engr. General Discussion on Heat Transfer, p. 49-52,
8) S. Whita.Rer, AIChE J., 18, p. 361, (1972).
John E. Anderson
Paul M. Czysz
Dale A. Fester
A receiver tank test system has been fabricated and tested with liquid hydrogen to
evaluate tank filling processes including chilidown and no-vent fill. The test system and the
approach employed in conducting the test program is described. Results are presented for a
series of chilidown and no-vent fill tests. The effectiveness of spray systems to promote
vapor condensation and tank filling was demonstrated. A comparison of the results with and
without spray system operation clearly showed the need for condensing hydrogen vapor
from the ullage to accomplish complete filling of the tank.
Future long duration space programs such as those dedicated to orbital operations and
deep space exploration will use cryogenic fluids in numerous applications including
propulsion, thermal control and life support. In addition to the requirement for long term
storage of these fluids, there will be a need to provide periodic replenishment of those fluids
consumed during normal operations. The resupply of these fluids will be accomplished in a
low gravity environment. Because of this low gravity field, the ullage gas volume will not
always be located in the vicinity of the tank vent. As a result, conventional methods of filling
a tank by continuously venting to eliminate pressure buildup cannot be used, since significant
loss of liquid could occur if the tank were vented during the filling process. A promising
method for preventing this loss and completing the liquid transfer in low-g is called the
no-vent fill process. In this process, the tank vent is closed while the liquid is transferred
into the tank. As the liquid volume in the tank increases, the ullage volume is compressed
tending to increase the tank pressure. If sufficient heat and mass transfer can be maintained
within the ullage and at the liquid-vapor interface to condense vapor that is being compressed
by the entering liquid, the tank pressure increase can be controlled so as to permit complete
filling of the tank. One method of enhancing the condensation process is to inject or spray
liquid droplets into the ullage region. The atomized spray provides an increased surface area
upon which the ullage vapor can condense and slow the rate of pressure rise in the tank. The
purpose of the testprogram reported in this paperwas to investigate the no-vent fill method
and determine the effectiveness and requirements of the spray system for controlling the tank
pressure rise during loading.
The first no-vent fill testing performed by Martin Marietta was in 1968 as part of a
company funded research and development program to investigate handling of fluorine
propellantsl. The primary objective of this program was to demoostrate the feasibility of the
no-vent loading concept when handling extremely toxic fluids such as fluorine based
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 37, Part B
Edited by R.W. Fast, Plenum Press, New York, 1992 1247
propellants. Satisfactory testing of the concept was accomplished first with liquid nitrogen
and then fluorine in 0.63 m3 (165 gallon) tanks. The next series of no-vent fill tests of a
cryogenic tank conducted at Martin Marietta was under an inhouse research and development
program in 1982. The test article employed was a small, 0.33 m (13-inch) diameter spherical
tank installed in a vacuum chamber and insulated with multilayer insulation (MLI). Testing
was conducted with both liquid nitrogen and liquid hydrogen. The results of this test
program indicated as in the previous vent free fluorine program that the test tank could be
completely filled with liquid nitrogen using the no-vent fill approach without
overpressurizing the tank. A method for condensing ullage vapors was not required to fill
the tank. However, the situation was entirely different when liquid hydrogen was used. The
maximum Ievel that could be obtained was only 60% of the fully loaded tank, indicating that
fluid characteristics and properties have a significant influence on the no-vent fill process. A
method for condensing the ullage vapor was not incorporated in the 0.33 m (13-inch) test
tank. The results of these tests together with analytical investigations of the no-vent fill
process indicated the need for increasing interface heat transfer between the vapor and the
incoming liquid and promoting condensation of the ullage vapor. One way to increase the
interface heat transfer is to induce mixing of the tank contents and causing forced convection
between the bulk liquid and the interface. A test program2 was conducted by Sam Dominick
at Martin Marietta to investigate condensation rates produced by using a liquid jet submerged
in the bulk liquid to promote forced convection at the liquid-vapor interface. The jet could be
rotated through an angle of 90 degrees so that the jet could be directed normal to or parallel to
the fluid interface The test fluid used was Freon 113. The results of this test program
indicated that the jet mixing was most effective when the jetwas directed at or normal to the
interface. As the direction of the jet was moved away from the normal to the interface, the
mixing created by the jet became less effective in producing the desired condensation.
Another test program to investigate no-vent filling in a small scale test facility and using
Freon 114 as the testfluid was conducted by Doctors Stephen Traugott and Henry Ohrernski
at Martin Marietta Laboratories in Baltimore. The test tank was a 0.33 m (13-inch)
plexiglass sphere in which two spray systems were employed to promote mixing and
condensation of the ullage vapor. The first of these systems employed nozzles which were
free to rotate as result of the reactive force of the spray. The second spray system employed
a base ring in the bottom of the tank and a vertical pipe extending upward into the tank. Both
the ring and the pipe had holes drilled to provide the spray. No-vent fill test with and without
spray operation were conducted. The best performance was observed with the ring and
vertical pipe system in which the tank could be filled to 95% of the total tank volume.
1t was the results of these tests that prompted an investigation in the possible use of
spray systems to control tank pressure. At Martin Marietta, Mr. John Gille conducted a
thorough analysis of fluid transfer in orbit3 A part of this analysis was devoted to an
evaluation of the effect of fluid properties in the heat transfer and condensation of ullage
vapor during no-vent filling. By combining heat transfer and condensation equations, he
established a fluid transfer parameter (FrP) based solely on fluid properties. This parameter
is defined as follows:
3/2 K112 cl/2
FrP P1 1 pl (d~~at)
hevap Pv
PI = liquid density
Pv = vapor density
K1 = liquid thermal conductivity
Cpi = liquid specific heat
hevap = heat of vaporization
Calculation of the FTP was made for various fluids. The results are presented in Table 1.
Comparison of the FrP values indicates a significant variation from the very cold cryogens,
helium and hydrogen, to the earth storable fluids such as water and hydrazine. This
variationis an indication of the difficulty in attempting to no-vent fill the fluid, with helium
and hydrogen being most difficult. Previous testing at Martin Marietta and NASA-LeRc4
both have indicated that no-vent filling with liquid nitrogen can be achieved withoutmuch
difficulty. Therefore, it would seem that any fluid in Table 1 with an FfP value greaterthan
liquid nitrogen would also be easy to fill by the no-vent fill technique. It also indicates that
liquid nitrogen would be a reasonable fluid for simulation of liquid oxygen no-vent filling
because of their proximity in the table. For liquid hydrogen, no other fluids other than
helium would be representative. Therefore,we concentrated our testprogram on the no-vent
filling of liquid hydrogen believing that the test results will provide better information for
design of tank filling techniques than would test results with referee fluids.
An aluminum receiver test tank was designed and fabricated for experimental
evaluation of the no-vent fill processes using liquid hydrogen as the test fluid. The testtank
was a 0.76 m (30-inch) cylinder with a 0.76 m (30-inch) barrel section and {2 elliptical
domes providing a total volume of 0.54 m3 (19.13 cubic feet). It was constructed of 6061
aluminum with a wall thickness of 0.64 cm (0.25 inch). This heavy wall construction was
employed as a safety precaution in providing a test bed tank for tank pressurization tests as
well as no-vent filling evaluations. It was recognized that the thick wall of the tank would
introduce problems in subsequent chilldown testing because of its high mass-to-volume ratio.
A bolted flange is located in the top dome to provide access for modifying or changing the
intemal test equipment and instrumentation. The tank is insulated with 10 layers of MLI.
The drawing and photograph, presented in Figure 1, show the details of the receivertank
design. Filling and draining of the tank is accomplished through a dip tube extending from
the top to the·bottom of the tank . This fill and drain line also serves as an instrumentation
support for temperature and liquid level sensors.
Two ullage spray systems were incorporated in the tank design. The first was an
axial spray system attached to the top flange of the tank. It was designed to direct the spray
into the ullage in a manner similar to a conventional shower nozzle. This spray nozzle was
attached to the fluid inlet line with conventional tube fittings to facilitate removal and
replacement for evaluating different configurations. The cone nozzle configuration currently
being tested is shown in Figure 2. The second ullage spray system was a tangential system
as identified in Figure 1. It consisted of two nozzles located 180 degrees apart on the inner
surface in the upper one-third of the tank. These nozzles were fabricated from 0.32 cm (1/8-
inch) diameter tubes bent 90 degrees so as to inject tangentially to the tank wall. The end of
the tube was flattened to produce a fan-shaped sprayparallel to the wall. These nozzles were
also attached to a manifold with mechanical fittings so that removal and replacement could be
easily accomplished. Both axial and tangential spray systems can be used for tank chilidown
prior to no-vent filling as well as for promoting condensation of the ullage vapor during no-
vent fill. The tank was also provided with a wall heat exchanger or cooling coil for tank
chilldown. This coil is a 0.64 cm (1/4-inch) intemal diameter tube that is welded directly to
the tank wall.
r Tangential
tJ Liquid Level
<I Thermocouplas
In addition to the chilidown and no-vent filling capabilities, the tank design also
incorporates features for pressurization system performance evaluation. Tank pressurization
may be accomplished by three methods. The first is by direct injection of the pressurant into
the ullage in a conventional manner. The second and third methods are concerned with
bubbling the pressurant through the bulk liquid into the ullage. The first of these methods
transports the pressurant from the top of the tank down to the bottom through a tube in which
the pressurant is cooled to the liquid temperature before bubbling up into the ullage. The
third method provides direct injection of ambient temperature pressurant into the bottom of
the tank. Pressurization studies are not presently being conducted.
The no-vent fill testing is being conducted in Martin Marietta's Liquid Hydrogen
Laboratory. The test system sehemarle is shown in Figure 3. The receivertank is installed in
a 1.83 x 3.05 meter (6 by 10 foot) vertical vacuum chamber capable of providing a vacuum
pressure of I0-6 Torr. Liquid hydrogen is transferred from a storage trailer through a series
of vacuum jacketed lines to the test chamber. Separate flow lines are provided for fill and
drain, axial spray, tangential spray, and the wall cooling coil. Venturi meters are used to
measure liquid flow rates in the fill and drain, axial spray, and tangential spray lines. Flow
rate for the cooling coil is measured by a gas orifice meter located at the exit line from the
vacuum chamber. In addition to the flow meters, instrumentation consists of silicon diodes
for measurement of fluid temperatures inside the receiver tank, carbon resistors for liquid
Ievel sensing within the receiver tank, and chromel-constantan thermocouples attached to the
receiver tank wall for tank cooldown measurement. A capacitance probe is also installed in
the receivertank to deterrnine liquid Ievel during the filling process. Pressure measurements
consist of flow meter inlet and differential pressures and the tank ullage pressure.
In conducting no-vent fill tests with liquid hydrogen, several preparatory steps are
required. The first is to pressurize the test tank and alllines with gaseous helium to check all
fittings and connections for leaks. The system is then evacuated with a vacuum system and
repressurized with helium to remove condensible gases that would freeze and block lines and
BASE 12.7 cm (5.0 ln)
TOP 2.54 cm (1.0 ln)
. .. ~·
. .. HEIGHT 2.858 cm (1.1251n)
DIAMETER 6.35 mm (0.025 ln)
~~ L:--- "---.
~ K~::::~
" ~
Final Liquid
\ \\ \\ \
E-< • Tf=23K
o Tf=24K
• Tf=25K
14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Liquid Inlet Temperature,K
fittings. This purge process is repeated several times. After purging of the system is
complete, cooldown of the transfer lines from the storage trailer to the vacuum test chamber
is initiated by opening bleed valves. When the transfer lines had been cooled so that liquid is
observed in the bleed lines, chilldown of the test tank is then initiated. Two methods are
available to accomplish this process. The first is to open the appropriate inlet valve to the
tank wall heat exchanger coil to initiate liquid hydrogen flow. As the flow through the coil
continues, the thermocouples on the wall are monitared until the desired wall temperature is
achieved. At that time, the no-vent fill process would be initiated. The second procedure for
cooling the tank walls is by the charge-vent cycle. In this procedure, the receiver tank was
initially evacuated with a vacuum system and a small quantity of liquid hydrogen is injected
into the tank. After the liquid is vaporized and the ullage and tank wall temperatures stabilize
or a maximum pressure is reached, the tank is again evacuated with the vacuum pump.
Another liquid charge is then injected into the tank and the vaporization and venting process
repeated. During the evacuation process with the vacuum pump, precaution must be taken to
assure that the tank pressure does not go below the triple point of the hydrogen in order to
prevent freezing of residual vapor. When the tank wall temperature reaches the desired
value, the no-vent fill process is then initiated.
Chilidown of the tank as discussed in the previous paragraph may not be necessary if
the receivertank is partially filkd with liquid hydrogen or is in a very cold state. If the tank
is warm, no-vent filling is more difficult because of the additional heat that must be absorbed
by the incoming liquid. However, it is not necessary to cool the tank down to the actual
incoming liquid temperature because the liquid can absorb some heat without an excessive
temperature rise. The allowable tank temperature at the start of the no-vent fill process has
been referred to as a "target" temperature5 and is determined from an energy balance on the
incoming liquid and the tank wall. The target temperatures for the receivertank described in
this paper are presented in Figure 4. This figure plots the desired tank wall temperature at the
start of fill (target temperature) as a function of the liquid inlet temperature. The pararneter
temperature on the plot is the final liquid and wall temperature at the end of fill. The
significance of the data presented in Figure 4 can best be illustrated by an example. If the
liquid supplied to the tank is 20K (36R) and the desired liquid loaded temperature is 24K
(43.2R), the tank temperature should be cooled to lOSK (189R) (target temperature) at the
start of the filling process. The 4K temperature rise in the liquid temperature corresponds to
the energy given up by the tank wall in cooling from lOSK to 24K. The maximumtank
pressure would be the saturation pressure at 24K. If the tank wall temperature were cooled
to approximately 84K for the same 20K liquid inlet temperature, the finalloaded liquid
temperature would be 22K.
After the tank wall is cooled to the desired temperature, no-vent filling is initiated.
Two approaches can be followed. The frrst is to introduce liquid into the evacuated tank
through the fill and drain line. Some flashing of the liquid will occur as it enters the tank. As
the liquid volume increases, compression of the ullage vapor will increase the tank pressure
until it is sufficient to terminate the liquid inflow at an accumulated liquid volume
significantly less than a full tank. This test forms a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of
the spray system. The next no-vent fill test is performed in a similar manner except that the
spray system is activated at some predetermined pressure level in the tank. The ability of the
spray system to promote condensation and control the filling process will be demonstrated by
the reduced pressure Ievel maintained during filling and the increased liquid accumulation in
the tank. The spray system flow rate may be varied to determine its effect on tank pressure
Testing to evaluate receivertank chilidown and no-vent filling with liquid hydrogen
was initiated at Martin Marietta in 1989 and is continuing into this year. The first problern to
be investigated during the test program was that of tank chilldown. Testing to evaluate
chilidown has been primarily concerned with the charge vent procedure in which small
quantities are injected into the tank and allowed to vaporize. Both the axial spray and the
tangential nozzles were evaluated. Because of the high mass-to volume ratio of the tank as
indicated above, difficulty was encountered in lowering the tank wall temperature to the
desired target temperature. Both nozzle systems were designed to provide spray for
condensing ullage vapor during no-vent fill and lacked the capacity required for tank
chilldown. Several hours were required to reach the desired value. One observation from
this test indicated that the tangential nozzles provided more uniform temperature distribution
of the tank wall during cooldown than the axial nozzle. This condition is attributed to the fact
that the tangential nozzles directed the injected flow along the wall so that the resulting forced
convection provided more efficient cooling. The axial spray nozzle flow depends more on
natural convection to cool the wall. Testing of the charge-vent process was discontinued in
order to proceed with no-vent filling. Tank chilidown for subsequent testswas accomplished
by filling the tank normally, allowing temperature stabilization, and then draining the tank
back to the supply trailer. The no-vent fill test was then initiated.
A total of 14 no-vent fill tests have been performed. The first series of tests
conducted was to determine how much liquid could be loaded through the normal fill and
drain line before the maximum ullage pressure of 345 KPa (50 psia) was reached. At this
pressure, the inlet flow rate would terminate. The maximum quantity of liquid hydrogen that
400,-----------------•100 5~~-----------------,
-o-- Pressure, KPa
--+-- Volume,%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Elapsed Time, Min Elapsed Time, Min
Figure 5 Tank Pressure and Liquid Figure 6 Main Fill Flow Rate for Run
Volume for Run 4 w/o 4 w/o Sprays
400 100 5 5
-()-- Fill,Kg/min
Spray, Kg/Min
80 ~ 4
&!300 .s .s
~ .;
~ E
§ 00
~ 6()0
s.. 3 .;
"' >
:g P:: P::
& ~
!-- 40 :.::l .
.s 2 2[;
::s .,>.
0 o_ 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Elapsed Time, Min Elapsed Time, Min
Figure 7 Tank Pressure And Liquid Figure 8 Main Fill and Axial Spray
Volume for Run 10 w/ Axial Rates for Run 10
could be loaded under these conditions varied from 65 to 75% of the fullload. Figure 5
presents a typical tank pressure history during a no-vent fill without a melhod for increasing
ullage condensation. At approximately seven minutes the ullage pressure was sufficient to
significantly reduce fluid transfer into the tank. At this time, the liquid volume was
approximately 65% of the fully loaded tank. Figure 6 shows the main fill flow rate during
lhis test. The next series of tests employed the axial spray system in parallel with the normal
fill and drain loading. Using this spray system, sufficient condensation of the ullage vapor
was provided so lhat lhe tank could be loaded to lhe 100% level. Figure 7 illustrates a typical
run using the axial sprays in conjunction with the main fill and drain. The tank filling was
initiated using the main fillline. When 207KPa (30 psia) was reached in the tank, the axial
spray system was activated At this time, the rate of rise of the tank pressure is seen to
decrease allowing lhe liquid volume to reach 100%. The pressure spike at the end of the run
is partly attributed to the liquid level reaching the spray nozzle so that part of the spray was
injected directly into the liquid rather than the ullage. Another factor influencing the
generation of the pressure spike is the rapidly reducing ullage volume in the top of the tank.
Figure 8 presents bolh the main fill flow and the injected spray flow. Prior to activating the
spray, the main fill flow is seentobe reducing at a rapid rate due to the fact that the ullage
pressure is rising and increasing the back pressure on the fill system. As soon as the spray is
activated, the reduction in ullage pressure rise rate permits a more uniform rate through the
main fillline.
No-vent fill ground testing wilh liquid hydrogen has indicated lhat receiver tanks can
be easily filled to volumes in excess of 90% provided sufficient condensation of the
ullagevapor occurs during the fill process. The testing reported in this paper used a small
spray nozzle to inject droplets into the ullage to promote mixing and condensation as the tank
was filled from the bottom. Another method that has been employed is to inject the entire
flow through a nozzle in the top of the tank. The liquid passes through the ullage region
providing the condensation surface as it setdes to the bottom of the tank due to gravity. In
either approach, lhe influence of gravity is significant. The low gravity environment present
in an orbital transfer system will provide a significant impact upon lhe operation of the no-
vent system primarily because of the uncertainty in the orientation and location of lhe ullage
volume. The ground tests that we have accomplished and are still performing are meaningful
to identify problems and establish operational criteria. However, an orbital transfer
experiment is an absolute necessity to provide final verification of the tank loading
Results of the charge-vent testing indicated that tank chilidown can best be
accomplished by injecting the coolant tangentially to the tank wall. The inherent forced
convection provides more efficient cooling.
1 Fester, D.A., Page, G.R., and Bingham, P.E.,"Liquid Fluorine No-Vent Loading
Studies," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 7, No. 2, February 1970, pp.
2 Dominick, S.M.,"Mixing Induced Condensation Inside Propellant Tanks," AIAA
Paper 84-0514, AIAA 22nd Aerospace Seiences Meeting, Reno, Nevada;January
3 Gille, J.P.,"Analysis and Modeling of No-Vent Transfer of Cryogens in Orbit,"
AIAA Paper 86-1252, AIANASME 4th Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June, 1986
4 Chato,D.J., Moran, M.E., and Nylapd,T.W.,"Initial Experimentation on the
Nonvented Fill of a 0.14m3 (5 ft3) Dewar with Nitrogen and Hydrogen," AIAA
Paper90-1681, AIANASME 5th Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
Conference, Seattle, Washington, June 1990
5 DeFelice, D.M., and Aydelott, J.C., "Thermodynamic Analysis and Subscale
Modeling of Space-Based Orbit Transfer Vehicle Cryogenic Propellant Resupply,"
AIAA Paper 87-1764, 23rd Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California,
June 1987
Experimental results of no-vent fill testing with liquid hydrogen in a 34 liter stainless
steel tank are presented. More than 40 tests were performed with various liquid inlet
temperatures, inlet flowrates, initial tank wall temperatures, and liquid injection techniques.
Maximum pressure within the receiver tank was limited to 0.207 MPa (30 psia), and fill
levels equal to or exceeding 90 percent by volume were achieved in 40 percent of the tests.
Three liquid injection techniques were employed; top spray, upward pipe discharge, and
bottom diffuser. Effects of each of the varied parameters on the tank pressure history and
final filllevel are evaluated. The final filllevel is found to be indirectly proportional to the
initial wall and inlet liquid temperatures and directly proportional to the inlet liquid
flowrate. Furthermore, the top spray is the most efficient no-vent fill method of the three
configurations examined. The success of this injection method is primarily due to
condensation of the ullage vapor onto the incoming liquid droplets. Ullage condensation
counteracts the tank pressure rise resulting from energy exchange between the fluid and the
warmer tank walls, and ullage compression.
The test series described in this paper is part of an ongoing effort to advance
cryogenic fluid handling technologies for space based applications. The ground test
program being conducted by the Cryogenic Fluids Technology Office of the NASA Lewis
Research Center (LeRC) is focused on verifying analytical models which simulate key
cryogenic fluid handling processes.
One of these key processes is the transfer of liquid hydrogen between tanks using the
no-vent fill technique. This technique involves chilling the receivertank to a predetermined
average wall temperature and then filling the tank without venting. The no-vent fill method
is well suited to microgravity cryogen handling since it eliminates the need for tank venting
during the fill process. Venting of a tank in a microgravity environment risks substantial
loss of cryogen due to the uncertain positioning of liquid and vapor within the tank.
No-vent fill testing with both nitrogen and hydrogen has been performed at the LeRC
Cryogenic Components Laboratory, Cell 7 (CCL-7). Preliminary results of earlier testing
with a 142 literreceivertank have been reported 1. This paper discusses a moreextensive
array of test runs recently completed with a smaller 34 liter receiver tank. These tests
incorporate three different liquid injection techniques; top spray, upward pipe discharge, and
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 37, Part B
Edited by R.W. Fast, Plenum Press, New York, 1992 1257
bottom diffuser. The fill technique used dictates the heat and mass transfer process which
takes place at the liquid-vapor interface. As a result, each of these configurations generates
a unique tank pressure profile during the fill process.
A simplified piping schematic of the test rig is shown in Fig. 1. The facility is
designed to accommodate both nitrogen and hydrogen testing. A detailed description of the
test rig and its operation has been documented previously1.
Fluid handling tests in the CCL-7 facility are performed with a supply dewar and two
interchangeable receiver dewars. The supply dewar is a vacuum jacketed stainless steel
tank that contains multi-Iayer insulation (MLI) within the vacuum annulus. The dewar is
cylindrical, with an internal height of 137 cm and an inside diameter of 56 cm. Interna]
volume of the supply tank is approximately 306 Iiters.
The receiver dewars are of similar construction as the supply dewar. The large
receiver, with an internal height of 71 cm and an inside diameter of 56 cm, has an internal
volume of approximately 1421iters. The small receiver has an internal height of 51 cm and
inside diameter of 32 cm, resulting in an internal volume of 34 Iiters. The Iids of both
receiver tanks are composed of a flat flange which supports a short cylindrical section with
an inverted dome bottom. The space between the flange and cylindrical section is
evacuated and insulated with MLI to minimize heat transmission through the dome from
the environment. With the Iid in place, the interior walls of the assembled receiver tanks
form a cylindrical storage volume with domed ends.
Heat transfer from the environment is a function of liquid filllevel for the supply and
receiver tanks. This is due to the disproportionate heat flux entering from the tank top as a
result of various Iid mounted penetrations and the coupling of the Iid walls to ambient
temperatures at the tank flange. The overall heat flux for all three tankswas experimentally
determined, and ranges from 3 to 32 W/m2 (1 to 10 Btu/hr·ft2) depending on the filllevel
and test fluid (nitrogen or hydrogen).
Top Spray Upward Pipe Discharge Bottom Diffuser
Fig. 2. Fill configurations used for no-vent fills at CCL-7.
Temperature sensors are positioned throughout the rig and on all tank walls, selected
lines, and components. Temperatures are measured with type T (copper-constantan)
thermocouples and silicon diodes, and thermistors are utilized to indicate the presence of
liquid or vapor. Tank wall sensors are located in the annular vacuum space of the supply
and receiver tanks, and are mounted to the inner tank wall. Within each tank is an
instrument tree with silicon diodes and thermistors attached at various heights. This tree is
in direct contact with the tank contents, whether liquid or vapor. Silicon diode sensors are
accurate to within ± 0.1 K, whereas, the thermocouples are accurate to within ± 1 K.
Performance of a no-vent fill test at CCL-7 involves five sequential steps. First, the
system is pressurized to 0.172 MPa (25 psia) with gaseous helium and checked for leaks.
The helium is then vented through the air ejectors. This purge cycle is repeated a total of
four times. Second, the supply dewar is filled from the roadable dewar with enough liquid
to perform the planned test. With the supply tank filled, the liquid is thermally conditioned
by controlling the tank pressure with the air ejector system. Third, with the cryogen
conditioned to the desired temperature, the supply tank is pressurized for liquid transfer.
The transfer line and associated components (e.g. valves, fittings, etc.) are then prechilled
with a low flowrate of liquid. In the fourth step, the receivertank pressure is reduced below
atmospheric with the air ejectors. A charge of liquid is then loaded into the receiver tank
with the vent valve closed. The vent remains closed while the liquid vaporizes, thus
removing heat from the tank walls. When the tank pressure reaches a predetermined
maximum or stabilizes, the vent valve is opened. Additional cooling is achieved as the tank
pressure is once again brought below one atmosphere using the air ejector system. The
resulting charge-hold-vent cycle is repeated until the tank wall temperature is reduced to the
desired starting condition. In the fifth and final step, the liquid cryogen is transferred from
the supply to the receiver tank until the receiver is filled to the desired Ievel or until the
pressure reaches a predetermined maximum value.
A total of 42 no-vent fills were performed with the small, 34 Iiter receiver tank: 19
top spray, 7 upward pipe discharge, and 16 bottomdiffuser tests. Figure 2 illustrates the
three fill configurations tested.
A typical pressure history plot for one of the top spray fills is shown in Fig. 3(a).
Three distinguishable pressure response regions are denoted by dashed lines. These regions
are consistent with the pressure histories documented with earlier tests using a top spray in
the !arge receiver tank1. In region 1, the incoming liquid flashes as it enters the low
pressure tank and impinges on the warm tank walls. This results in a rapid rise in the tank
pressure. As the walls cool down, and the Saturation pressure corresponding to the inlet
liquid temperature is approached, the pressure history curve transitions into region 2. In
region 2, vaporization of the liquid cryogen decreases, and the effect of ullage gas
condensation onto the incoming liquid droplets becomes more evident. The magnitude and
sign of the pressure curve slope in region 2 is dictated by the competing processes of
condensation and vaporization within the tank. Finally, in region 3, the pressure begins to
rise sharply as the spray nozzle starts to become submerged by the rising liquid. As the
nozzle is covered, condensation on the liquid droplets ceases and the ullage is compressed.
Interna! tank temperatures recorded by the instrument tree during the same no-vent
fill drop rapidly as the inlet spray fills the tank volume. This behavior is consistent with
previous no-vent fill tests performed with the large receiver tank using the top spray
configuration. On the tank wall, all temperature sensors except the top one remain at liquid
hydrogen temperatures throughout the run. The top sensor, which is not exposed to the
inlet liquid spray, cools gradually over most of the test run. Toward the latter portion of the
test, the top sensor rises in temperature as the remaining tank ullage is compressed and the
spray nozzle becomes submerged.
A pressure history plot for one of the upward pipe discharge no-vent fills is given in
Fig. 3(b). As with the top spray configuration, the pressure response curve displays three
distinguishable regions. In region 1, the pressure rises sharply as the liquid enters the low
pressuretank and flashes. However, this initial pressure rise is less dramatic for the upward
pipe discharge configuration. Region 2 is characterized by a gradual increase in tank
pressure as the liquid Ievel rises in the tank. Condensation at the liquid-vapor interface is
enhanced due to fluid circulation induced by the upward liquid motion. This circulation
reduces the thermal stratification within the bulk liquid, and brings the cooler fluid to the
interface. Lastly, an increase in the slope of the pressure curve is evident in region 3 as the
effect of ullage compression becomes more pronounced, and the liquid interface rises into
the upper dome region. Once again, the pressure rise in region 3 is less dramatic than for
the spray configuration since the condensation process is not altered significantly (i.e. as
compared to submergence of the spray nozzle for the spray fills).
Interna! tree temperatures for the same test show the two upper silicon diodes
dropping in temperature rapidly in the initial moments of the fill, whereas, the lower
sensors experience a sudden transitory peak in temperature and then drop to liquid
hydrogen temperatures. The rapid drop shown by the top sensors indicates that the liquid is
gushing to the upper portions of the tank early in the test before the pipe becomes
submerged in the liquid. The behavior of the lower silicon diodes is assumed to be caused
by circulation of the initially warm upper ullage vapor as the liquid is injected upward into
the tank at the start of the fill. Later in the test, the uppermost sensor slowly heats up as the
ullage is compressed and then cools as the interface approaches and eventually submerges
the sensor. Meanwhile, the tank wall sensors cool to liquid hydrogen temperatures within
the frrst few seconds of the test, indicating that the injected liquid fountain initially reaches
the top of the tank and impinges on the side walls. Approximately one third of the way into
the run the top wall sensorbegins torisein temperature rapidly and then tapers off while
continuing to rise during the remainder of the test due to ullage compression.
The pressure history of one of the tests using the bottom diffuser configuration is
shown in Fig. 3(c). No-vent fills using this injection technique do not exhibit the three
pressure response regions typical of the other two fill configurations. Pressure rise at the
start of this test is gradual, as the liquid is injected into the bottom of the small receiver tank
through a porous plug diffuser. A moderate tapering of the pressure rise in the tank is
evident in the middle portion of the run with a slight increase in the pressure curve slope
toward the end of the test. This fill configuration results in the smallest and most quiescent
liquid interface of the three configurations tested and, therefore, the lowest condensation
p.. 0.20
::J 0.15
~ 0.10
~ 2 3-l
2 3
TIME, min
p.. 0.20
~ 0.10
tll 0.05
~ 3 ___..
u 2 I
~ 0.00
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2
p.. 0.20
::J 0.15
8: 0.10
tll 0.05
~ 0.00
0 2 3
Fig. 3. Tankpressure as a function of time for hydrogen no-vent fill tests with (a) top
spray, (b) upward pipe discharge, and (c) bottomdiffuser fill configurations.
rate. In addition, energy from the tank wall is absorbed by the cryogen in a more gradual
manner as the liquid Ievel rises in the tank.
Thermal stratification of the vapor is present at the initiation of the test shown in Fig.
3(c) and remains throughout the run. All of the internal instrument tree sensors rise in
temperatures gradually until they are submerged by the liquid interface. The upper most
sensor is the only one to remain in the vapor space throughout the test. Response of the
internal temperatures for this configuration is markedly different than for the top spray and
upward pipe discharge configurations where the tree temperatures drop rapidly at the
initiation of the tests. As with the internal tree temperatures, the wall sensors indicate
thermal stratification in the tank at the start of the test. The stratification persists until the
liquid interface passes the individual sensor locations on the tank wall. Temperature
indicators in the vapor region of the tank wall continue to rise in temperature throughout the
test due to ullage compression.
Liquid inlet temperature is one of the primary parameters effecting the tank pressure
response. This temperature is measured at the venturi flowmeter located in the transfer line
between the supply and small receiver tanks. The actual temperature of the liquid as it
enters the receiver tank is not sensed, but it is presumed to be slightly higher than the
venturi flowmeter temperature due to environmental heat leak into the transfer line. Liquid
temperature rise in the transfer line from the supply tank to the venturi flowmeter was
found to range from less than 0.5 K to nearly 1.7 K for most of the tests.
The effect of liquid inlet temperature for the bottom diffuser configuration is
illustrated in Fig. 4(a). Pressure-versus-fill Ievel response for all three configurations
indicates a lower pressure rise in the tank as the inlet temperature is decreased. This trend
was also observed in initial no-vent fill tests performed with the large receiver tank1. The
test runs depicted in Fig. 4(a) were selected to match the inlet flowrate and equivalent initial
tank wall temperature as closely as possible, with the widest variance of inlet temperature.
Another primary parameter is the liquid flowrate into the receiver tank. For higher
flowrates, the tank pressure as a function of fill Ievel is reduced. The liquid flowrate
specified for the tests is an averaged value over the entire test run and is derived from the
tank filllevel data. Figure 4(b) illustrates this effect for the bottom diffuser.
The effect of initial equivalent wall temperature on the pressure response was more
difficult to isolate for this series of tests. Initial equivalent wall temperature is a weighted
average temperature that accounts for variable wall mass and the strong temperature
dependence of the specific heat of stainless steel at cryogenic temperatures. Generally,
most of the no-vent fill tests were initiated with large axial temperature gradients in the tank
wall. Figure 4(c) illustrates the variance in pressure response for two bottomdiffuser tests
with different equivalent initial wall temperatures and weil matched inlet temperature and
Other secondary test parameters also effect the pressure response during a no-vent fill
test. These test conditions include the tank wall temperature distribution, the inlet flow-
versus-time profile, and the sensible heat gain in the liquid as it flows through the transfer
line. Careful attention was paid to the secondary parameters when matehing test runs for
A key result of the testing performed is the demonstration of the no-vent fill technique
for hydrogen in a repeatable fashion under normal gravity conditions. With a maximum
allowable pressure of 0.207 MPa (30 psia) in the receiver tank, approximately 40 percent of
the hydrogen no-vent fill tests performed resulted in final filllevels equal to or greater than
90 percent by volume. Variabletestparameters and liquid injection configurations provide
some insight into the conditions necessary for a successful transfer of liquid hydrogen by
this method. Analytical work being conducted with this and other test data will further
quantify the no-vent fill process2,3,
&! 0.20
~ 0.15 .·
~ 0.10
~ (_ ....--~:···········
~ 0.05
~ 0.00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Ii! 0.20
f 0.10
Ii! 0.20
~ /
0.15 ~///
0.05 ,.··"' - - 73 K WALL, 20.3 K INLET. 0.6 KG/MIN
··•··· 48 K WALL, 20.3 K INLET, 0.7 KG/MIN
Fig. 4. Effect of (a) inlet liquid temperature, (b) inlet liquid flowrate, and (c) equivalent
initial wall temperature on the pressure response for the bottom diffuser configuration.
The effect of several test parameters is illustrated by the comparison of pressure
histories as a function of tank filllevel for carefully selected test runs. The magnitude of
the receiver tank pressure profile is found to be directly proportional to the inlet liquid
temperature and equivalent initial wall temperature and indirectly proportional to the inlet
liquid flowrate (i.e. higher liquid inlet and wall temperatures, and lower inlet flowrates,
produce higher receivertank pressures). Since the tank pressure is limited to a maximum
allowable value, the final filllevel is indirectly proportional to the tank pressure response.
Secondary test conditions, such as initial wall temperature distribution, flowrate history,
and sensible heat gain of the inlet liquid, also contribute to the tank pressure response.
Three different liquid injection techniques were employed, and each displayed unique
responses in the receiver tank during the no-vent fill process. The top spray configuration,
which promotes condensation of the ullage vapor onto the incoming liquid droplets, cools
the tank walls rapidly early in the test and results in a steep initial pressure rise in the tank.
The intemal tank temperatures also cool rapidly to near saturation temperature as the spray
enters the tank. As the no-vent fill process continues, the effect of ullage condensation
results in a decrease in the slope of the pressure curve during much of the remaining test.
This fill method yields the lowest tank pressure of the three tested configurations for
comparable test conditions.
Much like the top spray, the upward pipe discharge configuration initially cools most of the
tankwalland results in a similarly rapid pressure rise during the early moments of the fill.
The intemal tank temperatures also cool quickly. Soon after the start of the test, the outlet
of the discharge pipe becomes submerged by the rising liquid interface, and condensation of
the ullage vapor is limited to this surface. The bulk fluid motion induced by the pipe
discharge arrangement enhances condensation at the interface as cooler fluid is circulated
upward. This fill method results in a higher tank pressure than the top spray method due,
primarily, to the reduced surface area available for condensation. However, the upward
pipe discharge configuration produces lower tank pressure than the bottom diffuser
configuration for similar test parameters.
In contrast, the bottom diffuser injection technique cools only the lower portion of the tank
wall during the initial moments of a no vent fill and results in a rather gradual pressure rise
at the start of a test. Tank wall temperatures remain stratified near the starting conditions
while in contact with the vapor. Portions of the wall cool rapidly when in contact with
liquid hydrogen as the liquid Ievel increases in the tank. The intemal instrument tree
temperatures react in a similar manner, and both the wall and intemal temperatures increase
gradually while in the vapor due to vapor compression. As the fill progresses, the
submerged diffuser does not produce much bulk liquid motion, and the liquid near the
vapor interface remains close to saturated temperature at the tank pressure. This condition
results in much less condensation at the liquid-vapor interface as compared to the other two
configurations, and consequently, the tank pressure rise is greater.
All three configurations demonstrate the primary importance of controlling the mass and
heat transfer process at the liquid-vapor interface during a no-vent fill, and to a lesser
extent, the cooldown process of the tank wall.
The dominant heat transfer mechanism during the hold phase of a tank chilidown cycle in a
low-gravity environment is due to fluid motion persistence following the charge. As compared to
the single-charge per vent cycle case, pulsed injection maintains fluid motion, and the associated
high wall heat transfer coefficients, during the hold phase. As a result, the pulsed injection proce-
d ure appeared tobe an attractive method for reducing the time and liquid mass required to chili a
tank. However, for the representative conditions considered, no significant benefit can be real-
ized by using pulsed injection, as compared to the single-charge case.
A numerical model of the charge/hold/vent process was used to evaluate the pulsed injection
procedure for tank chilidown in microgravity. Pulsed injection results in higher average wall heat
transfer coefficients during the hold, as compared to the single-charge case. However, thesehigh
Ievels were not coincident with the maximum wall-to-fluid temperature differences, as in the
single-charge case. For representative conditions investigated, the charge/hold/vent process is
very efficient (i.e., little mass savings can be realized since the mass used to chill the tank is only
20% greater than the lower theoreticallimit, but more than a factor of three less than the theoreti-
cal upper Iimit). A slightly shorter chilidown time (10%) was realized by increasing the number of
pulses (from 1 to 7).
Long-term storage and fluid transfer in the microgravity environment of space gives rise to
many concerns, particularly for cryogens where thermal effects play a critical roJe. The technology
needed to successfully manage these cryogens has been studied under COLD-SAT (Cryogenic
On-Orbit Liquid Depot- Storage, Acquisition and Transfer Satellite) funded by the NASALe-
wis Research Center 1. COLD-SAT is a free-flying orbital experiment that would demonstrate
enabling technologies for the development of on-orbit systems and provide an engineering data
base to correlate analytical tools used for cryogenic system design and analyses.
Two of the chanenges of microgravity cryogenic fluid management are the efficient chilidown
and filling of receiver tanks. Charge/hold/vent chilidown to the target temperature followed by a
no-vent fili 2 is a desirable method of filling a tank in a microgravity environment since vapor can-
not be preferentially vented with liquid present. The chilidown consists of a series of charge/hold/
The GDNVF (General Dynamics No-Vent Fill) computer program3 models the tank chili-
down and no-vent fill processes in Iow-g environments. During the charge/hold/vent cycle the
dominant heat transfer regime changes: forced convection is used to model the relatively short
charge phase; during the hold phase the actual heat transfer coefficient is expected to be higher
than that predicted using free convection correlations due to fluid motion persistence from the
earlier charge phase; as fluid motion ceases, the heat transfer coefficient will approach a lower
Iimit, which can be no less than that provided by pure molecular conduction. The decay to this
lower Iimit continues into the vent phase.
This paper presents the results of a numerical investigation of using pulsed injection during
the charge phaseinan effort to maintain fluid motion and the associated high heat transfer Ievels
throughout the hold phase. Since the hold phase can account for as much as 90% of the predicted
chilidown time, model refinements for this phasewill have the greatest impact on reducing the
predicted chilidown time.
The characteristics of fluid motion persistence and the corresponding convective heat trans-
fer during the hold phase of a tank chilidown process depend on the manner in which fluid is
injected into the tank during the charge phase. Three different nozzle configurations were pro-
posed for the COLD-SAT study: tangential, axial, and radial. Tangential injection at the tank wall
will generate a swirling mean flow pattern that is expected to persist Ionger than flow established
with the other nozzle configurations. Radial injection towards the tank walls will generate the
least "organized" flow field in the tank. Large turbulent eddies are expected to be the dominant
f1ow structures in the tank following radial injecti.on. These eddies are expected to decay rapidly in
the absence of a significant mean shear layer.
In previous work4, a numerical analysis of a decaying swirling flow in a circular tank was used
to simulate f1uid motion persistence following tangential injection. A theoretical analysis of !arge
eddy decay was used to simulate fluid motion persistence following radial injection. These two
configurations represent limiting cases for f1uid motion persistence during the hold phase of a
tank chilidown cycle in low-g. Fluidmotion persistence models, based on these results, were im-
plemented into the GDNVF computer program.
Pulsed injection was expected to increase the efficiency oftank chilidown by maintaining fluid
motion and a corresponding high wall heat transfer coefficient during the hold phase. Previous
work4 indicated that the flow field following radial injection is chaotic, and the duration of fluid
motion during the hold is too short to result in significant convective heat transfer from the wall.
The flow field following tangential injection is more organized and the fluid motion decays more
slowly, making it the better candidate for pulsed injection. Only tangential injection results are
presented in the present paper.
The GDNVF computerprogram used to predict the results presented in this paper can model
a wide range of tank configurations. However, all results presented in this paper pertain to a
single representative case, the COLD-SAT 1.1-meter-diameter receiver tank. This tank is de-
signed of2219 aluminum and weighs 34 kg. lt is chilled, in a low-g environment (g/&: = 10·7), from 250
K to 55.6 K using liquid hydrogen at 20.3 K The maximum working pressure for the tank is 276 kPa.
The typical charge/hold/vent cycle for the single-charge (per vent cycle) case is apparent from
the tank pressure and wall temperature histories shown in Figure 1. During the charge the tank
pressure rapidly rises and the wall temperature rapidly drops as energy is transferred at a high
rate from the warm tank wall to the cool fluid. Following the charge, fluid motion within the tank
decays, as does the heat transferrate between the walland the fluid. As a result, the tank pressure
rise rate decreases and the wall temperature decreases less rapidly during the hold as compared
to the charge. Following the hold, the fluid is vented, causing a rapid drop in tank pressure. This
cycle is repeated until the tank is chilled to the target temperature.
Similar trends can be seen in the results for the pulsed case shown in Figure 2. However, the
effects of the multiple charges per vent cycle are also apparent. The tank pressure rises rapidly
during each short charge, followed by a less rapid pressure rise rate du ring each short hold period
-- . 250
200 200
!! 150
----.- .
- -.- - 150
a. 100 100
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100
Figure 1. Pressure and tank wall temperature for single-pulse injection.
300 ~~~~~~-,-,~-,-,-.~-,-.~~-.~~-.300
- - - :- - / ~- - - 250
50 50
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100
Figure 2. Pressure and tank walZ temperature for three-pulse injection.
between pulses. A potential drawback of the pulsed injection procedure is that each successive
charge (during a vent cycle) must be injected against increasingly higher tank pressures. For the
single-charge case, the entire charge is injected into the tank initiallywhen the pressure is lowest,
before all heat transfer between the wall and fluid has occurred.
The wall temperature history for the single-charge case decays in a stepwise manner (see Fig-
ure 1). As the number of pulses per vent cycle increase, the number of wall temperature "steps"
increase, and the size of the temperature "steps" decrease.
The last cycle may significantly decrease the efficiency of the chilidown process. Should the
target temperature be reached during the charge phase of the last cycle, a significant portion of
mass with substantial cooling capability would be lost, or the tank temperature would fall below
the target temperature ifthe last cycle were completed. For maximum efficiency, an integral num-
ber of complete vent cycles should be completed to chill the tank to the target temperature. How-
ever, the exact number of cycles cannot be determined a priori. Jt depends on a number of
interacting parameters and processes 5: charge mass, vent criterion, heat transfer rates, etc. For
the conditions imposed, nine vent cycles were required to reach the target temperature for both
the single-charge and pulsed cases, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. For both of these cases, the target
temperature was reached during the vent phase; consequently no significant cooling capacitywas
lost with the remaining mass in the tank.
The time required to reach the target temperature may also be affected by the last cycle. For
the single-charge case, the target temperature was reached almost at the end of a vent. The total
chilidown time was 2,030 seconds. For the pulsed case the target temperature was reached in the
middle of the vent, at a total elapsed time of 1,880 seconds. Comparing these two numbers indi-
cates that the pulsed chilidown was completed in 8% less time. However, it would takeadditional
time to complete the final vent with little additional cooling ofthe tank wall, but the resulting time
difference between the pulsed and single-charge cases would be less than 8%. The discrete nature
of the charge/hold/vent chilidown process makes it somewhat difficult to obtain an exact compar-
ison of different chilidown procedures. Interpretation of results must be donein light of the effect
of the last cycle, particularly in those cases where little difference exists between different chili-
down procedures.
The wall heat transfer coefficient histories for the single-charge case and the pulsed case
(three pulses per vent cycle) are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. The mass flowrate into and
out of the tank is shown at the top of each figure to indicate the different phases of the charge/
hold/vent cycle. Only the first 250 seconds are shown for clarity. The duration and average magni-
75 -20
I h I I I
50 ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - -: - - - - - - :- - - - - -40
25 - - - - -·- - - - - - ._ - - - - - _.- - - - -
Figure 3. Heat transfer coefficient and mass fiowrate for single-pulse injection.
• • -20
~50------/---~------:------------ -40 l
tude of the wall heat transfer coefficient during the charge for the single-charge case is not
significantly different from the total duration and average magnitude of all the smaller charges for
the pulsed case. For the pulsed case, the maximum wall heat transfer coefficient increases for
each successive pulse. This trend is due primarily to an increase in the fluid thermal conductivity
with temperature, and is also apparent in the results for the single-charge case.
The potential benefit of the pulsed chilidown procedure is that the wall heat transfer coeffi-
cient is maintained at a higher average Ievel during the total hold period by fluid motion persist-
ence following each pulse. As indicated by a comparison of Figures 3 and 4, the single
long-duration hold for the single-charge case results in a lower average wall heat transfer coeffi-
cient than the three shorter holds for the pulsed injection case. The wall heat transfer coefficient
remains low during the vent for both cases.
The heat transferrate from the wall to the fluid is not only dependent on the wall heat transfer
coefficient, but also on the wall-to-fluid temperature difference: q" = h (t:. T). These results are
shown in Figures 5 and 6 for the single-charge and . pulsed cases, respectively. For the
__ ___ ______:_____ :______
120 I I I I
- - - - - -I- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -1 - - - - - -~- ....... - - -20
~ 80
:_~: ~ -40 ':;
I I 1 Cl)
I I I I 2i]
Figure 5. Wall-to-jluid temperature difference and mass jlowrate for single-pulse injection.
g 120 I I 1 I
- - - - - -: ~ - - - - - ,- - - - - - -: - - - - - -'- - - - - - -20 ~
<1 A. T
/-----~------:--- --------
-40 ~
' ' ' u::
~ - - -60 :I!
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (s)
Figure 6. Wall-ta-fluid temperature difference and mass flowrate for three-pulse injection.
single-charge case, the highest temperature difference occurs nearly coincident with the highest
wall heat transfer coefficient (i.e., during the single-charge at the start of each cycle). This coinci-
dence results in the highest possible heat transfer rates.
For the pulsed case, the highest wall heat transfer coefficient is not coincident with the largest
temperature difference (see Figure 6). Each successive pulse occurs after one or morehold peri-
ods, during which time additional energy is transferred from the wall to the fluid. Consequently,
the wall-to-fluid temperature difference decreases for each successive pulse. The wall-to-fluid
temperature difference decreases slowly during each hold, but increases sharply during each
charge due to the addition of cold fluid into the tank.
For both the single-charge and pulsed cases, the wall-to-fluid temperature difference history
during the vent exhibits the same interesting trend. The temperature difference initially increases
as the fluid in the tank cools due to expansion. As the vent continues, the fluid mass in the tank
decreases until the expansion cooling becomes less significant than the wall heating. As a result,
the wall-to-fluid temperature difference decreases during the later portion of the vent.
A number of simulations were run with GDNVF for one, three, five, seven, and ten injection
pulses per cycle. The effects of the number of injection pulses on required mass of liquid and
chilldown time are shown in Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 7 shows that very little mass savings can be attained by increasing the number of
pulses. For all cases shown, the time required to chill the tank was the same ( -2,000 s). Also
shown are practical upper and lower bounds (9.7 and 2.1 kg, respectively) for the liquid mass
required. These results indicate that for the conditions investigated, the chilidown process is very
efficient (i.e., very little mass savings can be realized). The mass used to chill the tank is only 20%
greater than the theoreticallower Iimit, but more than a factor of three lower than the theoretical
upper bound.
The mass offluid required to chill the tank can be calculated from an energy balance, shown
below in differential form:
~ ~~~~~T~~~~~I~~~~ 1500
- - ~ - -
-0- -
- -
-0- - ~-
0 -
= Latent Heat Upper Bound ... - ..., ....... ,... .. ... .. ... ... ""' .. - .. '... .. ... r .. ..
~ 6 - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - :- - - - - - -
·:; ~
r:T Time = Constarit .... ..I"' "' .. ' . . . . "' .. "' ..' "' ... "'I ... "' ... I_ ... "'
:::; 1 I I I I 1
c 4
- - - - - - -, - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - Mass = Constant
~ .... -t .. "' .. I .. .... L ... .. ..1 .. ... .. I.. .. .. ~ ... ..
~ 2~------~-------~------
'11 0 0 300 .,. ...
.,.I "'
. . . . 1,. "' ...
;- ""
....., ... "'
... I"' .. "'
~ "' ..
4 7 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Pulses per Cycle Number of Pulses per Cycle
where M is mass, c is specific heat of the tank, T is temperature, and h is the enthalpy of the fluid.
The tank is assumed tobe evacuated prior to and following the chilidown (i.e., no initial or final
mass within the tank is considered in the energy balance). The heat leak from the surroundings
into the the tank are considered tobe negligible relative to the change in energy of the tank walls.
Both these assumptions arevalid for the chilidown of a well-insulated tank in space. However, the
heat leak term and the energy change of an initial and final mass within the tank could be easily
incorporated into Equation 1. After integrating and rearranging, Equation 1 can be expressed as:
C dT
(h _ h )
m out
A theoreticallower bound for the mass of fluid required to chill the tank can be obtained by
assuming the fluid is vented at the tank temperature, which decreases during the chilidown pro-
cess. This is analogaus to assuming an infinitely high heat transferrate or an infinitely long time
for heat transfer between the tank and t1uid. The integral in Equation 2 was evaluated using third-
order polynomial curve fits to specific heat data for 2219 aluminum and enthalpy of gaseaus hydro-
This analysis is similar tothat presented by Barron6 . However, Barron assumes that the fluid
is to be vented at the initial tank temperature. Although this assumption makes the integral in
Equation 2 easier to calculate (since haut is constant), it results in a physically unobtainable lower
A theoretical upper bound was calculated by assuming only the latent heat ofthe fluid is avail-
able to chill the tank (i.e., the t1uid is vented as saturated vapor). For this case the integral in
Equation 2 is simpler, since the exit enthalpy is constant, haut = hg.
Figure 8 indicates that the chilidown time can be reduced by increasing the number of pulses
per cycle while using the sameliquid mass to chill the tank. A time savings of more than 10% can
be obtained by increasing the number of pulses from one to seven. There are no simple theoretical
Iimits for the chilidown time since it depends on heat transfer rates.
A numerical model of the charge/hold/vent process was modified and used to evaluate the
possible benefit of pulsed injection for tank chilidown in microgravity. The pulsed injection pro-
cedure involves multiple charge/hold phases prior to each vent. Modelsbasedon numerical anal-
yses of decaying tangential flow in a tank were used to simulate the fluid motion persistence
following each pulse. For the conditions considered, no significant benefit can be realized by us-
ing pulsed injection as compared to the single-charge case.
• For pulsed injection, the wall heat transfer coefficient is maintained at a higher average Ievel
during the total hold period due to fluid motion persistence following each pulse, as
compared to the single-charge case.
• For the single-charge case, the maximum heat transfer coefficient occurs nearly coincident
with the maximum wall-to-fluid temperature difference, resulting in the maximum heat
transfer rate. For the pulsed case, the maximum heat transfer coefficient is not coincident
with the maximum wall-to-fluid temperature difference. The high heat transfer coefficient
associated with each successive pulse occurs in conjunction with a decreasing wall-to-fluid
temperature difference.
• The pulsed injection procedure results in very little fluid mass savings, as compared to the
single-charge case having equal chilidown time.
• A small time savings can be realized by using pulsed injection. The chilidown time decreases
by more than 10% as the number of pulses is increased from 1 to 7.
• Pulsed injection has the disadvantage of having to inject successive charges against
increasingly higher pressures. Pulsed injection would require pumps or higher supply tank
pressure, as compared to the single-charge case.
1. J.R. Schuster, E.J. Russ, and J.P. Wachter, "Cryogenic On-Orbit Liquid Depot Storage,
Acquisition, and Transfer Satellite (COLD-SAT)," Feasibility Study Final Report, NASA
CR-185249, July 1990.
2. F. Merino, M.H. Blatt, and N.C. Thies, "Filling of Orbital Fluid Management Systems,"
NASA CR-159404, CASD-NAS-78-010, General Dynamics Convair Division, July 1978.
3. S.C. Honkonen, F.O. Bennett, and H.K. Hepworth, ·~n Analytic Model for Low-Gravity Tank
Chilidown and No-Vent Fill: The General Dynamics No-Vent Fill Program (GDNVF),"
AIAA Paper 91-1380, June 1991.
4. J.R. Pietrzyk, S.C. Honkonen, and J.R. Schuster, "Fluid Motion Persistence in Microgravity
Receiver Tank Chilldown," International Astronautkai Federation Paper IAF-90-349,
October 1990.
5. S.C. Honkonen et al., ·~nalysis of Cryogenic Fluid Systems in Low-g," Report No.
GDSS-ERR-89-406, General Dynamics Space Systems Division, December 1989.
6. R.F. Barron, Cryogenic Systems, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, New York (1985),
pp 418-422.
Robert J. Stochl
Neil T. Van Dresar
Raymond F. Lacovic
Experimental results are reported for submerged injection pressurization and expulsion
tests of a 4.89 m3 liquid hydrogen tank. The pressurant injector was positioned near the
bottom of the test vessel to simulate liquid engulfment of the pressurant gas inlet; a condition
that may occur in low-gravity conditions. Results indicate a substantial reduction in
pressurization efficiency, with pressurant gas requirements approximately five times greater
than ideal amounts. Consequently, submerged vapor injection should be avoided as a low-
gravity autogenous pressurization method whenever possible. The work presented -herein
validates that pressurant requirements are accurately predicted by a homogeneous
thermodynamic model when the submerged injection technique is employed.
Future space flight will require the transfer of cryogenic liquids under low-gravity
(low-g) conditions for use in chemical and nuclear propulsion, life support, and thermal
control. Conventional pressurization of settled cryogenic tanks utilizes hardware that
diffuses the pressurant flow within the ullage in a manner which minimizes impingement of
the pressurant on the liquid-vapor interface or tank walls. In the low-g environment, the
distribution of liquid and vapor phases may not be weil defined and it becomes difficult to
ensure that the pressurant is injected directly into the tank ullage. It is possible that direct
injection of the pressurant into the bulk liquid will occur during liquid reorientation,
sloshing, or even static conditions. For all of these conditions, the pressurant-liquid
interaction may Iead to either evaporation of the liquid or condensation of the pressurant gas,
depending upon the complex heat and mass transfer processes involved.
GH2 Supply
!TI Temperature
[f] Pressure
~ Differential Pressure
IT1 Orifice
[2;1 Venturi
H Valve
• Internal lernperatme
+ External wall temperature
• Close-spaced temperature
sensors near liquid-vapor
The total length of the j-tube from the attachment point at the tank lid to the outlet is
approximately 2 m.
Figure 2 is a schematic diagram that indicates the location of the j-tube and various
temperature sensors. The j-tube exit is approximately 25 cm from the tank bottom. Liquid
filllevel in the tank is measured by a capacitance probe, and liquid-vapor temperatures are
measured by silicon diode transducers. The extemal wall temperature distribution is
measured by a number of wall-mounted silicon diode transducers. Tank pressure is
measured by pressure transducers in direct communication with the tank ullage. Liquid-
vapor temperature measurements inside the tank are accurate to ± 0.3 K, while wall
temperatures are accurate to ± 0.6 K. An in situ calibration increases the accuracy of liquid-
vapor temperature measurements to ± 0.1 K by adjusting the individual sensor readings to
known saturation conditions. Tankpressure measurements are accurate to ± 0.01 kPa.
Capachance probe readings are accurate to ± 1.9 cm, translating to a maximum error of ± 1.5
percent ftll at the 50 percent filllevel (by volume). Pressurant gas flow rate measurements
have an estimated accuracy of ± 0.18 and ± 0.40 kglhr for the large orifice using the low
and highrangedifferential pressure transducers, respectively. Liquid outflow could not be
properly measured due to cavitation in the venturi; instead it was determined from liquid level
change in the tank. Data is sampled by an automated data acquisition system at selected
intervals (15 to 60 sec) throughout the duration of the experiments.
The tank is prepared for a test by filling to the desired filllevel while the tank pressure
is maintained at least 15 kPa above atmospheric pressure. lf heated pressurant is used, the
tank bypass line is opened and the pressurant line is thermally conditioned until the
temperature transducer near the j-tube inlet indicates the desired gas temperature. Next the
tank is vented to the atmosphere to induce substantial bulk boiling of the tank liquid which
produces nearly isothermal conditions within the tank. A venting period of approximately 15
min is necessary to obtain saturated liquid temperatures throughout the tank. A test is
initiated by closing the vent line valves and opening the pressurant line valves. In the first
portion of a test, a preset tank pressure ramp rate is maintained by Controlling the pressurant
flow control valve with an automatic ramp generator. After the maximumtank pressure is
attained, a 2 min hold period follows during which control of the pressurant flow valve is
switched to an automatic pressure controller. The tank pressure is kept constant by addition
of pressurant during liquid expulsion. Liquid outflow is regulated by remote operation of
flow control valves in the outflow line. Expulsion is stopped at a nominal 5 percent fill
Ievel. Data is automatically recorded at regular intervals throughout the duration of the test.
Mass and energy balances are performed by dividing the tank interior volume and wall
into horizontal segments corresponding to the internal and wall-mounted temperature
sensors. At any given time, segment boundaries are adjusted as necessary to accommodate
the variable location of the liquid-vapor interface. The amount of vapor condensation or
liquid evaporation is determined from a mass balance performed on the ullage volume:
A positive value indicates net evaporation. Initial and final ullage masses are obtained by
numerical integration of the density profiles where p=f(T,P):
Mu,i = J~ .pdV =n=l
L Pn,i Vui ' n (2)
Mu,f= J~ fpdV =
L Pn,fYuf,n
A thermodynamic analysis was performed by applying the first law to the wall and the
liquid and vapor contents of the tank. No external work is performed and if kinetic and
potential energy terms are neglected, the tank energy balance is:
Energy added to the tank consists of energy input by the pressurant plus heat leak from the
environmentminus energy of the liquid outflow from the tank. The various integrals on the
right hand side were numerically calculated. The enthalpy of the pressurant was obtained
using the measured gas temperature at the tank inlet. Enthalpy of the liquid outflow was
based on average values of measured temperature near the tank outlet at the constant
expulsion pressure. An average heat leak rate of 28 W times the test duration gives the total
heat leak. The energy input results in thermal heating of the vapor, liquid, and tank wall:
L'1UT,i-> r = L'1Uu,i __. f + L'1UL.i-> f + L'1Uw,i-> f (5)
The quantities on the right hand side of Eq. 5 were calculated as follows:
Nr p Ni p
L'1Uu,i-> f =L Pu(hu--
n=l Pu
)Vuf - L Pu(hu-- )Yu.
,nPu n=l l,n
where p and h are functions of temperature and pressure and Cw is the specific heat of the
tank wall material. Dropping the i,f subscripts, Eq. 5 may be rearranged as:
Experimentally detennined pressurant requirements may be compared to two simple
analytical models. The first model gives the so called "worst case" pressurant requirement.
It assumes that the pressurant attains thermal equilibrium with the tank contents, i.e. a
homogeneous thermodynamic state. Under cryogenic conditions, the energy increase of the
tank wall may be neglected. Solutions for the thermal equilibrium prediction are obtained by
combining the mass and energy balances applied to the tank contents:
MtUr-MiUi +(Mi-Mr)hL
Mo = --=--=---...:.......:...--=--=---~ (10)
The second model assumes no energy or mass transfer occurs between the pressurant and
the tank or the initial tank contents. This model provides the so called "ideal" pressurant
requirements. It is formulated assuming that the initial ullage mass is isentropically
compressed during the ramp process. The remaining portion of the initial ullage volume plus
the volume vacated by the liquid during expulsion is assumed to be occupied by added
pressurant which undergoes an isentropic expansion from its supply condition. The ideal
mass requirement for specified initial and final filllevels is:
The tank pressure history for Test No. SR is shown in Fig. 3 which consisted of a
ramp pressurization process followed by a 2 min hold period and then a constant pressure
expulsion of the liquid. During the ramp process, the tank pressure was increased from 99
to 27S kPa. Next was the hold period, followed by liquid expulsion from the 84 to 7 percent
filllevel. The expulsion occurred at constant tank pressure except for a small pressure drop
(13 kPa) experienced when the liquid outflow valve is first opened. Pressure histories for
the other ramp and expulsion tests listed in Table 1 are similar to that shown in Fig. 3 except
for differences due to the parametric variation of the ramp and expulsion rates.
Representative intemal tank temperatures (measured near the vertical tank axis) are
shown in Fig. 4 for Test No. SR. Three of the measurement locations were initially below
~·· J' •••••••••••••
~ 250 l
~ ...
• .··
~ 150 ....
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
the liquid Ievel while the remaining location was at all times in the vapor region. All of the
liquid temperatures are in close agreement during the ramp process; increasing with time. At
the end of the ramp period the liquid temperatures are approximately 0.3 to 0.4 K less than
the saturation temperature of LH2 at 275 kPa. The uppermost temperature was slightly
above the saturation temperature during the initial portion of ramp process and then rapidly
increased thereafter except for a brief temperature drop attributed to the sudden pressure drop
at the start of the expulsion period. Within a few minutes after outflow began, the liquid
temperatures reached the Saturation temperature corresponding to the expulsion pressure.
Two of the temperature sensors became exposed to the ullage during the expulsion and
exhibited a steady temperature rise for the remainder of the test as the surrounding vapor
becomes superheated. In all of the tests, substantial liquid heating occurred due to the
submerged injection of the pressurant gas.
Ramp duration, ranging from 12 to 27 min, did not have a significant effect on the
pressurant energy input for the ramp pressurization tests. As shown in Table 1, for gas
temperatures of 275 K, the amount of injected pressurant was approximately 3 kg, while at
the hotter gas temperature of 330 K, the pressurant mass was 2.4 kg. Total energy input for
all ramp testswas 11,500 kJ ± 4 percent.
• Fill Level
r .
<> • <> 95%
• ••
<> • 80%
<> o<>
• •
• • 60%
~25 o<> • ••
~ <> ••••••••teeeeoooooo 0 1%
20 ~··
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 4. Interna! tank temperature histories for Test No. 5R. Ramp pressurization at
84 percent fill followed by expulsion to 7 percent fill.
Liquid expulsion time also did not have a significant effect on the pressurant energy
input. Results were obtained for expulsion durations of approximately 15 and 25 min. As
was the case with ramp pressurization, less pressurant mass was needed when the pressurant
temperature was increased, with the energy input remaining the same for the two gas
temperatures. Total energy input for the expulsion tests, including the ramp period, was
18,100 kJ ± 3 percent.
Mass balances on the vapor region indicate that 63 to 80 percent of the 275 K
pressurant gas and 54 percent of the 330 K pressurant gas condenses during ramp
pressurization. For the combined ramp and expulsion processes, the mass analysis indicates
that net evaporation of the liquid occurs, with the amount of evaporated mass being of the
same order as that of the injected pressurant.
Energy balances applied to the combined ramp and expulsion tests were found to
balance to within 3 percent. Less than 0.4 percent of the total energy input (~UT) was due to
the tank heat leak. Using the analysis described above, it was found that approximately 89
percent of the incoming energy went into liquid heating (~UJ~UT), 10 percent into vapor
heating (~Uui~UT), and 1 percentwas absorbed by the tank wall (~Uwi~UT)· This
distribution is in good agreement with thermal equilibrium calculations from the
homogeneous model. Energy balances applied to only the ramp process were found to be in
error by as much as 30 percent, with the calculated liquid heating exceeding the energy
supplied by the pressurant. It is theorized that the error is due to the existence of radial
temperature gradients in the liquid, with liquid heating away from the central vertical axis
lagging that near the axis where measurements were obtained. The radial temperature
gradients are thought to be most significant in the liquid region at the end of the ramp period.
The last two columns in Table 2 list the ideal pressurant requirements calculated from
Eq. 11. The measured total pressurant consumption (for combined ramp and expulsion)
exceeds the ideal amounts by a factor of approximately five. For other initial and/or final fill
levels, this factor will vary. For the ramp pressurization process only, the factor ranges
from 41 to 46. Actual values of this "collapse factor" for direct ullage pressurization
fluctuate according to diffuser design and numerous other conditions. Generally, well
designed direct ullage pressurization systems have collapse factors that are substantially less
than five.
Normal-g pressurization and expulsion tests from the 84 to 7 percent filllevel were
conducted to simulate tank pressurization in a low-g environment. Autogenaus
pressurization of LH2 by the submerged vapor injection technique produces substantial
liquid heating. For ramp durations less than 30 min, the liquid heating does not appear to be
radially uniform. After the expulsion process begins, liquid in the tank reaches the Saturation
temperature and approaches the homogeneaus thermal state. Measured pressurant
requirements for the combined ramp and expulsion processes were predicted by the thermal
equilibrium analysis (homogeneous model) to within seven percent. Pressurant gas
requirements exceed ideal requirements by a factor of approximately five. For spacecraft
design, submerged pressurant injection should be avoided whenever possible due to the
excessive amount of pressurant needed and the undesirable liquid heating. lf submerged
injection cannot be precluded, the thermal equilibrium model should be used to determine
pressurant requirements.
C specific heat
F filllevel (liquid volume/total volume)
h specific enthalpy
M mass
M mass flow rate
N number of segments
P pressure
Q heat leak rate
s specific entropy
T temperature
t time
U intemal energy
V volume
p density
f final
G gas (pressurant)
i initial
L liquid
n Summationindex
T total
transfer due to phase change
u ullage
w wall
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the many people who
participated in the K-Site Phase 1B testprogram at Plum Brook Station.
The dynamical behavior of fluids, in particular the effect of
surface tension on partially-filled rotatinng fluids (cryogenic
liquid helium and helium vapor) in a full scale Gravity Probe-B
Spacecraft propellant dewar tank imposed by various frequencies
of gravity jitters have been investigated. Fluid stress
distribution, caused by the excitation of slosh waves and their
associated large amplitude disturbances on the liquid-vapor
interface, exerted on the outer and inner walls of rotating dewar
containeralso have been investigated. Results show that fluid
stress distribution exerted on the outer and inner walls of
rotating dewar are closely related to the characteristics of
slosh waves excited on the liquid-vapor interface in the rotating
dewar tank.
The Gravity Probe-B (GP-B) Spacecraft is a relativity
gyroscope experiment to test two extraordinary, unverified
prediction of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity 1 ' 2 •
The requirement for an operational lifetime approaching one year
means that a large quantity of cryogenic liquid helium must be
used, and that it will be gradually depleted over the lifetime of
the experiment. This varying amount of liquid helium gives rise
to the possibility of several problems which can degrade the GP-B
experiment. The potential problems could be due to asymmetry in
the static liquid helium distribution or to perturbations in the
free surface.
The equilibrium shape of free surface is governed by a
balance of capillary, centrifugal and gravitational forces. In
contrasting the effects of surface tension to the effects of
gravitational forces on the free surface of liquid, it was found
that the surface tension force for most liquids is greater than
g- g~l + ~ sin(2•ft)]
where g 8 denotes the background gravity environment, and f(Hz)
stands for the frequency of gravity-jitters.
Crvogenl c Llauld HelllJll and Vapor
O• 1.00 X JO"~ o0 .t.)• O.l rm. f• 10.0 Hz
~ 8, t • 8.25 s
g= 10-q g0
W = 0.1 rpm f = 10.0 Hz
Background Gravity: 10- g0 Rotating Speed: w = 0.1 rpm
Frequency of Gravity Jitters: 10.0 Hz
Type of Wave Wave Wavelength Phase Propagation Ratio of
Mode Period Velocity Direction Maximum Wave
(Clockwise from Amplitude to
(sec) (cm) (cm/sec) Positive Axial Wavelength
(Deg) (A/ J.)
Longitudinal 3.60 22.0 6.1 147 2.5 X w-3
2.12 16.5 7.8 -63 3.8 X 10-3
Transverse 2.65 39.5 14.9 86 2.9 X 10-3
6.58 13.2 2.0 101 2.-32 X 10- 2
"' y
= u--+ aw) cos; • cos2;
az ar
+ [p
_ u(au
+ ::J sin2;] sin; (2)
(b) Bottom Wall (Dome) Section:
(ITax>cylindrical = (ITtlcylindrical
g= 10- 4 g 0 .~= 0.1 rpm, f= 10.0 Hz
Outer Wall Fluid Stress Distribution <Eastern Hemispherel
Directlon of Stress <• uowardl - downwardl
- Stress I <Axial Stressl 2 + <Radial Stress) 211' 2
~ t = 0 sec t = 2 sec t =12 sec t =24 sec t =28 sec
~ -90° 0 gcf -9cf 0 gcf -9cf 0 gcf -9cf 0 gcf -9cf 0 gcf
~ ......
...., 00
Q) -
:I: 0
0 r---, ,---, r---,
15900 16800 15900 16800 15900 16800 15900 16800 15900 16800
Stress <dyne/cm 2 J
inner walls of dewar tank. Fiqure 3 shows that the outer wall
contains three sections (top dome, cylindrical, and bottom dome):
while the inner wall is in a profile of cylinder.
Fiqure 4 showstime sequence distributions of fluid stresses
exerted on the outer wall while Fiqure 5 illustrates time
g= 10- 4 g0.GJ= 0.1 rpm. f= 10.0 Hz
Inner Wall Fluid Stress Distribution (Eastern Bemlspherel
Dlrectlon of Stress (• upward: - downwardl
- Stress I (Axial Stress> 2 • (Radial Stress> 21112
t = 0 sec t = 2 sec t =14 sec t =24 sec t =28 sec
~- -90° 0 gcf -9d' 0 gcf -9d' 0 gcf -9d' 0 gcf -9d' 0 gcf
~ o-1
.... 00
QJ 0 •
on the outer wall is much greater than that on the inner wall due to
the effect for the contribution of centrifugal force.
Time evolution of slosh wave induced fluid stress
distribution exerted on the outer and inner walls of rotating
dewar have been studied. Results show that fluid stress
distribution exerted on the outer wall is always greater than that
exerted on the inner wall. It also shows that there are time
dependent fluctuations of fluid stress distribution at top dome
and upper cylindrical sections of outer wall dependent upon the
location of liquid-vapor interface which excite large amplitude
slosh waves disturbing the entire flow field of rotatingdewar.
In this study, we have demonstrated that the computer
algorithm presented, through the execution of supercomputer CRAY
X-MP, can be used to simulate the fluid behavior in a microgravi ty
environment, in particular, the production of uneven
distribution in fluid stress exerted on the dewar walls. The
resul ts obtained will provide the information and suggestion to
be used in handling and managing the cryogenic liquid propellant,
and the attitude control and guidance of the GP-B Spacecraft
propulsion system.
The authors appreciate NASA Grants NAGS-035 and NAGS-129.
They would like to express their gratitude to Richard A. Potter of
NASAlMarshall Space Flight Center for the stimulating
discussions during the course for the present study.
Helium in Zero Gravity," Pröc. 7th Int. Cryoaenic Eng.
Conf. , Surrey, England, Science and Technology Press,
16. Hung, R. J., "Superfluid and Normal Fluid Helium II in a
Rotating Tank Under Low and Microgravity Environments",
Proc. ~. Sei. Council. Series .!Al., Vol. 14, (1990), p. 289.
17. Hung, R. J., Phan T., and smith, R. E., "Observation of
Gravi ty Waves During the Extreme Tornado Outbreak of April
3, 1974." J.. Atmos. Terres. ~., Vol. 40, (1978), p.831.
18. Hung, R. J., and Smith, R. E., "Ray Tracing of Gravity Waves
as a Possible Warning System for Tornadic Storms and
Hurricanes", J.. Alm· Meteor., Vol. 17, (1978), p. 3.
19. Hung, R. J., and Kuo, J. P., "Ionospheric Observation of
Gravity Waves Associated with Hurricane Eloise", J..
Geophys., Vol. 45, (1978), p. 67.
20. Hung, R. J., Phan, T. and Smith, R. E., "Coupling of
ionosphere and Troposphere During the Occurence of Isolated
Tornados of November 20, 1973", ;z,. Geophys. Res., Vol. 84,
(1979), p. 1261.
A. t •O .OO s 0 B. t = ~.l7 s 0
c. t•5.95 s D. t =9. 11 s
0 0
~ 5i ~ ~
0 0 0
l<i IQ l<i :<:
0 0 0
_8 ~§ _8 _8
IE- e e- "' e-
0 o . ~H::. o
0 -0
0 0 ~~~~~~i~.. 0 ,,,)ll :::
f-~ ~~ ···· .... ~~
(!) (!)
n: ~ ~Hf;~= 1 ..................
..... .......
Wo ;r:: . Wo
:r::· Ii! ;r::si
1 ·:,1 !!:::,! !' ,
!; >lllll'l,'!:l: li!
0 p,._ ; '.:; ;::
0 i' , ,1'1111 1'1 1
~ ~ :<i
; ...:::::; :;:::
0 0
~ I ' ' ' ;--;--. 4 I ,....-:;-:=1 I ci I I ' ' ;:--:--;... I .....--:=-:1 ' ' I
-60.0 -30.0 0 .0 30.0 60 . 0 - 60. 0 - 30.0 0.0 30. 0 110.0 -60.0 -30.0 0.0 30.0 60.0 -60.0 -30.0 0.0 30. 0 60 . 0
Figure 1 (A-D) Time sequence of slosh wave evolutions for
interface between liquid helium and helium vapor
computing the Navier-Stokes equations subjected to the initial
and the boundary conditions 4 1 6 - 11 • At the interface between the
liquid and the gaseaus fluids 1 both the kinematic surface
boundary condition, and the interface stress conditions for
components tangential and normal to the interface, were applied 6 -
11 The experiments carried out by Mason et al 1 2 showed that the
classical fluid mechanics theo:y is applicable for cryogenic
liquid helium in !arge containers 3 • In this study, temperature
of cryogenic helium is 1. BK. The following data were used in the
numerical simulation: liquid helium density = 0.1457 gjcm 3 ,
helium vapor density = 0.00147 gjcm 3 , fluid pressure = 1.6625 x
10 4 dynesjcm 2 , surface tension coefficient at the interface
between liquid helium and helium vapor = 0.353 dynejcm, liquid
helium viscosity coefficient = 9.609 x 10- 5 cm 2 js; and contact
angle= 5°.
The equilibrium confi~urations of the helium bubble in a
rotating dewar were studied 1 11 • In this study, time-dapendent
computation have been carried out to investigate the dynamical
behaviors of cryogenic liquid helium and helium vapor in the
geometry of full scale GP-B propellant container without probe
under a microgravity environment. In GP-B spacecraft, four
gyroscopes and a reference telescope are stored inside the probe
surrounded by the superfluid helium II. The purpese of this
study is not aimed at the simulation of the real operation
conditions of GP-B spacecraft. The computation extends to the
study of sloshing waves induced by the various frequencies of
gravity-j itter and Variations in different rotating speeds of GP-
B container and different background gravitational fields.
The present study examines time-dapendent fluid behavior,
in particular the dynamics of interface between cryogenic liquid
helium and helium vapor; and the excitation of slosh waves due to
gravity jitter. Time-dapendent axial symmetry mathematical
formulation is adopted 416 - 10 • Under microgravity environment,
gravi ty j i tter is produced by spacecraft atti tude motion,
machinery (turbine, pump, engine, etc.) vibrations, thruster
firing, thruster shutdown, etc. 6 - 8 • Vibration of the gravity
environment (gravity-jitter) is governed by the fo11owing
g= g,[ 1 + ; sin(2•ft) ]
Time Sequences of Fluctuations
g=5* 1 0**(-3) g,, <JJ=0.1 rpm, 1=0.1 Hz
3. r =44.38 cm
2. r =2.7.89 cm
:I: 1. r =2.5JJ cm
Figure 2 Time series of
59 wave amplitude
for the
55 interface
under the
condi tions of g
I I =5x10- 3 g 0 ,w
0 2 10 12 1" 16 = 0.1 rpm, f =
Time (sl 0.1 Hz.
Table 1 Characteristic~ of Major Slosh Waves Caused by Gravity Jitter
Background Gravity: g • 5 x to-3 g0 Rotating Speed: w • 0.1 rpa
Frequency of Gravity Jitters: fo • 0.1 Hz
3. r =44.38 cm
2. r =27.89 cm
Table 2 Characteristics of Major Slosh Waves Caused by Gravity Jitter
Background Gravity: g • 5 x lo-3 g0 Rotating Speed: w = 0.1 rpm
Frequency of Gravity Jitters: f 0 = l.O Hz
and low frequency (wave period of 9. 4 0 sec) modes resul ted from
this analysis. Propagation direction is measured clockwise from
positive direction of major rotating axis. The ratio of maximum
wave amplitude to wavelength [Max (A/~), where A stands the wave
amplitude; and ~, the wavelength of slosh wave) for each slosh
wave is calculated based on the following procedures: (a)
determine each wave mode based on the peaks of power intensity
shown in the power spectral density analysis in the Fourier domain
(see Figure 3); (b) apply proper window of filter to separate each
wave mode shown on the peaks of power intensity; (c) calculate
wavelength, phase veloci ty and propagation direction of each wave
mode from the cross-correlation analysis based on the separated
wave modes through filtering the time series in Fourier domain;
(d) reverse Fourier transform the separated wave mode through
filtering the time series in Fourier domain to time domain and
g--S.OO•Hl 'g,
Time Sequences of Fluctuations
g=5•10••(-3) g,, w=0.1 rpm, f=10.0Hz
3. r =44.38 cm
2. r =27.89 cm
2 73
.!:. 711
:I: 1. r =2.533 cm
Figure 6 Time series of
wave amplitude
57 fluctuations
55 for the
under the
condi tions of q
0 2 6 8 10 12 14 16
=5x1o- 3 q 0 ,w
= 0.1 rpm, f =
Time (sec) 10 Hz.
obtain the amplitude of each mode of slosh waves; and (e) compute
the ratio of maximum wave ampli tude to wavelenqth (Max (A/ l) ] for
each mode of slosh waves from items (c) and (d).
Fiqures 4 shows the time series of wave amplitudes for
liquid-vapor interface fluctuations at three locations, as that
shown in Figure 2: while Figure 5 shows a sample Fourier spectral
analysis of time series for slosh mode wave period analysis for
waves caused by a medium qravity-jitter frequency of 1.0 Hz under
a low rotatinq speed of 0.1 rpm and a high backqround qravity
environment of 5 x 10- 3 q 0 • Table 2 shows the characteristics of
major slosh waves induced by the restering force field of gravity
jitter applied to the case shown in Figure 4 and 5. Figure 6 shows
another set of the time series of wave amplitudes for liquid-vapor
interface fluctuations at three locations, as that shown in
Figure 2: while Figure 7 shows a sample Fourier Spectal analysis
Table 3 Characteristica of Majo~ Sloah Wavea Cauaed by Gravity Jitter
Background Gravity: g • 5 x 10- g0 Rotating Speed: w • 0.1 rpm
Frequency of Gravity Jitters: f 0 = 10.0 Hz
Table 4 Characteristics of Major Slosh Waves Caused by Gravity Jitter
Background Gravity: g = 5 x lo-3 g0 Rotating Speed: w= 1.0 rpm
Frequency of Gravity Jitters: f 0 = 0.1 Hz
of time series for slosh mode wave period analysis for waves
caused by high gravity-jitter frequency of 10 Hz under a low
rotating speed of 0. 1 rpm and high background gravi ty environment
of 5 x 10- g 0 • Table 3 shows the characteristics of major slosh
waves induced by the restering force field of gravity jitter
applied to the case shown in Figure 6 and 7,
Table 4 shows the characteristics of major slosh waves
caused by a low gravi ty j i tters frequency of 0. 1 Hz under a high
rotating speed of 1. 0 rpm and a high background gravity
environment of 5 x 10- 3 g 0 • Table 5 shows the example for the
characteristics of major slosh waves caused by a low gravity
j i tter frequency of 0. 1 Hz under a low rotating speed of 0. 1 rpm
and a low background gravity environment of 5 x 10- 4 g 0 • Table 6
shows the characteristics of major slosh waves caused by a low
Table 5 Characteristics of Major Slosb Wavea Caused by Gravity Jitter
Background Gravity: g • 5 x 10-4 g0 RotatJ.ng Speed: w• 0.1 rpm
Frequency of Gravity Jitters: f 0 = 0.1 Hz
Wave Wavelength Velocity
Phase Propagation
Ratio of
Maximum Wave
(Clockwise from Amplitude to
Location of
Major Driving
Force Field
(s) (cm) (cm/s) Positive Axial Wavelength
(Deg) (A/ )1.)
Table 7 Characteristics of Major Slosh Waves Caused by Gravity Jitter
Background Gravity: g • 5 x 10-4 g0 Rotating Speed: w • l.O rpm
Frequency of Gravity Jitters: f 0 = 1.0 Hz
found that the slosh wave wi th lowest wave frequency for each case
is always associated with the highest intensity and the highest
value of Max (A/l) ratio wave mode.
Wave Characteristics Based on the Frequencies of
Gravity-Jitter Imposed on the Propellant System
Wave characteristics of slosh wave excited by low, medium
and high frequencies of gravity-j itter imposed on the propellant
system have been investigated. It is shown that the value of Max
(A/l) ratio slosh waves excited by the low frequency (0.1 Hz)
gravity-jitter is always greater than that of slosh waves excited
by the medium frequency (1. 0 Hz) gravity-jitter which, in turn, is
greater than that of slosh waves excited by the high frequency (10
Hz) gravity jitter.
wave Characteristics Based Qn the Levels of
Background Gravity Environment
background gravity environment are always greater than that of
slosh waves associated with higher levels of background gravity
environment. In other words, higher levels of background
gravity environment has a tendency to suppress the excitation of
greater amplitude slosh waves. This also indicates that the
ex.citation of greater amplitude slosh waves is much easier under
the lower level reduced gravity environment than the higher level
reduced gravity environment.
The authors appreciate NASA Grant NAGS-129. They would
like to express their gratitude to Richard A. Potter of
NASAlMarshall Spacae Flight Center for the stimulating
discussions during the course for the present study.
The objective of the cryogenic fluid management of the
spacecraft propulsion system is to develop the technology
necessary for acquistion or positioning of liquid and vapor
within a tank in reduced gravity to enable liquid outflow or vapor
venting. In this study slosh wave excitation induced by the
resettling flow field activated by 1. 0 Hz medium frequency
impulsive reverse gravity acceleration during the course of
liquid fluid reorientation with the initiation of geyser for
liquid filled levels of 30, 50, and 80% have been studied.
Characteristics of slosh waves with various frequencies excited
are discussed.
A. Grld Point Distribution B. liquid Fllled Level~ 30% C. LJquJcl Fllled Level~ 501 D. JquJd Fllled Level~ 80%
~""' 0
>-- •
[g ~ J. , I:>,Ll.J.w.<o:J.,LLJJJ,L
~ r2 = 1.~3 cm
:c 1.5
1.0 Hz Medium Frequency Impulsive Thrus~ 2with Geyser Initiation
Reverse Gravity Acceleration • 5.5 x 10 g
Liquid Filled Level = 30% 0
r 2 • 1.43 cm
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Time tsecl
u.o 1.2
r 3 • 0.974 cm
r2 • 0.5 cm
r 1 • 0.1 cm
constant reverse qravity acceleration at the same backqround
thrust acceleration. Results show that 1. 0 Hz medium frequency
impulsvie reverse qravity acceleration is superior than constant
reverse qravity acceleration based on the following flow
parameters: (A) a hiqher maximum flow velocity, (B) a shorter
time period for flow to reach maximum velocity, (C) a shorter time
period for flow to reach tank bottom (tank outlet) for fluid
resettling, etc. Comparison between the performance of
impulsive thrust and that of the constant thrust, it shows that
impulsive thrust, reqardless of frequency range, is always
superior than the constant reverse thrust in terms of efficient
operation of fluid reorientation 16 • As to the impulsive thrust
in various frequency ranges from high to low frequencies, 1. 0 Hz
medium frequency impulsive qravity acceleration can perform
better than the other frequency ranges in terms of efficient
operation of fluid reorientation 16 •
Slosh wave excitation inducedby the resettlinq flow field
durinq the course of liquid fluid reorientation activated by 1. o
Hz medium frequency impulsive reverse qravity acceleration with
the initiation of qeyser for liquid filled levels of 30, 50, and
80% have been studied. Results show that there is a group of wave
trains with various frequencies and wavelenqths of slosh waves
qenerated by the resettling flow field activated by the 1.0 Hz
medium frequency impulsvie reverse qravity acceleration.
Following conclusions have been drawn from the present study:
(1) A series of longitudinal wave trains of slosh waves which
propaqate alonq the direction of thrust force that acti vate the
reorientation of cryogenic liquid fluid toward the outlet end of
tank~ (2) Slosh waves with lowest frequency are always associated
with the hiqhest values of Max (A/A) ratio wave modes~ (3) Slosh
waves with lowest frequency contain hiqhest wave intensity (see
Figures 3, 5, 7) which are equivalent to highest wave energy ~ ( 4)
Impulsivereverse qravity acceleration alonq the axial direction
is responsible for the excitation of slosh waves with various
frequencies~ (5) Amonq the impulsive reverse thrusts with various
frequency ranges from high to low frequencies, slosh waves
excited by 1.0 Hz medium frequency impulsive reverse thrust are
always associated with the lowest values of Max (A/ q ratio wave
modes~ (6) Impulsive reverse qravity acceleration required to
activate the liquid reorientation must increase their thrust
forces accordingly to maintain the momentum for the initiation of
geyser as the liquid filled levels increase ~ and (7) There is no
distinctive differences in wave characteristics for the slosh
waves excited with the various liquid filled levels of propellant
In this study, we have demonstrated that the computer
algorithm presented, through the execution of supercomputer
CRAY-MP, can be used to simulate the fluid behavior durinq the
course of liquid resettlinq and reorientation, in particular, the
excitation of slosh waves due to resettling flow field activated
by the impulsive reverse gravity acceleration.
1. Hunq, R. J., Lee, c. c., and Shyu, K. L., 11 Reorientation of
Rotatinq Fluid in Microqravity Environment with and
without Gravity Jitters," J... Spacecraft Rackets, Vol.
28, [1991), p. 71.
2. Leslie, F. W. , "Measurements of Rotatinq Bubble Shapes in a
Low Gravity .Environment," g_. Fluid Mech., Vol. 161, Dec.
(1985), p. 269.
3. Hunq, R. J. , and Leslie, F. W. , "Bubble Shape in a Liquid
Filled Rotatinq Container Under Low Gravity," g_.
Spacecraft and Rackets, Vol. 25, (1988), p. 70.
4. Hunq, R. J., Tsao·, Y.D., Honq, B. B., andLeslie, F. w., 11 Time
Dependent Dynamical Behavior of Surface Tension on
Rotatinq Fluids under Microqravity Environment, 11 Adv.
Space Res., Vol. 8, No. 12, (1988), p. 205.
5. Hunq, R. J., Tsao, Y. D., Honq, B. B., and Leslie, F. w.,
"Bubble Behaviors in a Slowly Rotatinq Helium Dewar in
Gravity Probe-B Spacecraft Experiment," J... Spacecraft
and Rackets, Vol. 26, (1989), p. 167.
6. Hung, R. J., Tsao, Y. D., Honq, B. B., and Leslie, F. w.,
"Dynamical Behavior of Surface Tension on Rotatinq
Fluids in Low and Microqravity Environments," Int. J...
Microgravity Res. APPl·r Vol. 11, (1989), p. 81.
7. Hunq, R. J., Tsao, Y. D., Honq, B. B., and Leslie F. w.,
"Axisymmetric Bubble Profiles in a Slowly Rotatinq
Helium Dewar Under Low and Microqravity
Environments, 11 Acta Astronautica, Vol. 19, (1989), p.
8. "Stanford Relativity Gyroscape Experiment (NASA Gravity
Probe-B), 11 Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instru. Eng., Vol.
619, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Enqineers, Bellingham, WA, (1986), p. 1.
9. Hung, R. J., and Shyu, K. L., 11 Cryogenic Hydrogen
Reorientation Activated by Constant Reverse Gravity
Acealeration of Geyser Initiation," AIAA Paper, No. 90-
3712, (1990) 1 P• 10.
10. Hung, R. J., Lee, C. C., and Leslie, F. w. "Effects of G-
Jitters on the Stability of Rotating Bubble Under
Microgravity Environment,"Acta Astronautica, Vol.
21, (1990), p. 309.
11. Hung, R. J., Lee, c. c., and Leslie, F. w., "Response of
Gravity Level Fluctuations on the Gravity Probe-B
Spacecraft Propellant System," J... Propulsion Power, Vol.
7, (1991), inpress.
12. Hung, R. J., Phan, T., and Smith, R. E., "Observation of
Gravity Waves During the Extreme Tornado Outbreak of
April3, 1974, 11 g_. Atmos. Terres. Phys., Vol. 40, (1978),
p. 831.
13. Hung, R. J., and Smith, R. E., "Ray Tracingof GravityWaves
as a Possible Warning System for Tornadic Storms and
Hurricanes," g_. APRJ.. ~., Vol. 17, (1978), p. 3.
14. Hung, R. J., and Kuo, J. P., "Ionospheric Observation of
Gravity Waves Associated with Hurricane Eloise," J...
Geophys., Vol. 45, (1978), p. 67.
15. Hung, R. J., Phan, T., and Smith, R. E., "Coupling of
Ionosphere and Troposphere During the Occurence of
Isolated Tornadoes of November 20, 1973, 11 J... Geophys.
Res., Vol. 84, (1979), p. 1261.
16. Hung, R. J., and Shyu, K. L., "Initiationof GeyserDuring
the Resettlement of Cryogenic Liquid Activated by the
Impulsive Reverse Gravity Aceeieration inMicrogravity
Environment," A.I.M ~, lf2L 91-0108, (1991), p. 11.
In spacecraft design, the requirements for a sett1ed
propellant are different for tank pressurization, engine
restart, venting, or propellant transfer. During the
prepressurization of a cryogenic propellant in microgravity,
significant heat and mass transfer will occur if the liquid
interface is disturbed. Interface disturbances may resul t from
(a) impingement of the gas on the liquid surface at a mass flow
rate sufficient to cause Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, (b)
globule formation from breaking waves caused by wave motion over
baffles or internal hardware, (c) globule and surface froth
formation resulting from movement of bubbles through the liquid
to the surface, and (d) surface froth formation because of gas
vf = ( 2g l oh) 1/ 2 ( 1)
tf = (2~ /2 (2)
TABLE 1 Seme Basic Geometries and Characteristics of Crycqenic
Liquid Hydrogen Reorientation
dl:;l±tJ[j;j:ij::l:jj:it::t;f::tjttt;:L. 0~--~-r~--+-~~r-~~r--
-2.0 -t.o o.o t.o 2.0
·2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
0-4.26720 CH, L-4.23672 Ctl
L~qu~d Hydrogen ond Vopor B. L~qu~d Hydrogen·and Vapor c. L~qu~d Hydrogen ond Vopor D. L~qu~d Hydrogen and Vapor
l• O.OOs LLquLd fLLLad-30% l• 3.00M10- 1 s LLquLd fLLLed-30% l• S.I3M!O~s LLquLd FLLLed-30% l• 9.93MI0-'a
LLquLd fLLLad•30%
9--5. SOH 10"' 9, 9--5. 50" 10- 1 g, 9-~5.50H10- 1 g,
9--5. SOH 10'' 9,
f- 1.00H10°Hz f- I .00H10'Hz
f- 1.00H10°Hz f- 1.00H10°Hz
~ ~
c 0 c
c _,..:
-~ 5..;
I: B
5'"' (J
..... .....
~~ ~~ rii~
w w w
w ::t: ::t:
::t: ::t:
~ ~
Q I . ."......--, I
c1 1 ,:---;...· 1 ·..,.....-=,,, ~11 1">.;.·
0~~~~-=~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ -2.0 -1.0 o.o 1.0 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 o.o 1.0 2.0
-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0
o.o 1.0 2.0
~ ~ .
. . ~
_,.; _,.; -~
ö 6 §" ö
~:3 ii~ ii~
~ i:i
:I: ~ i:i
~ ~ ~
0 Ii I:==-;... I ...,......-I I
al 1 ,:t=;.. 1 -oc==r=, 1 ~Ii ;-:":i:w-'';•·~1 I dli ~~· ·,· ·..;=:::, t
-l.O -1.0 0.0 !.0 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 l.O -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 l.O
A. LLquLd H~drrgen ond Vopor B. LLquLd H~drogen ond Vopor C. LLquLd H~drogen ond Vopor D. LLquLd H~drogen ond Vopor
LLquLd fLLLed-7DZ l• O.OOs LLquLd fLLLed-70Z l• !.80MI0.1 s LLquLd fi.Lled•70Z l• 3.20MI0. 1 a LLquLd F"Llled·70Z l• 8.00MI0. 1 s
g-_:7 .QQNIQ.'g, g-.:7 .OONIQ"'g, g--7 .OQNIO.'g,
g-_:7 .00NtQ"'g,
f- t.00MI0°Hz f• 1.00NI0°Hz f- 1.00MI0°Hz
r- t.OO"t0°Hz
~ ~ ~
. "! _..;
0 5" 0
I 0
~~ ~~ I 0
~~ i:i
w i:i
::c: :X:
:X: ~ I I I\,..,
I I I 1,
"! "! '
- '. "!
oll ~~I ?I I
d ::;
-2.0 -1.0 o.o 1.0 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 o.o 1.0 2". 0 -2.0 -1.0 o.o 1.0 2.0
-2.0 -1.0 o.o
Figure 4. Selected sequences of time evolution of fluid
reorientation with liquid filled level of 65% for
impulsive acceleration with frequency of 1.0 Hz.
A, LLquLd H~drogen end Vepor ß. LLquLd H~dregen end Vepor C. LLquLd H~drogen end Vepor D. LLquLd H~drogen end Vepor
Ltqutd ftlled-65/. l• O.OOs Ltqutd ftllad-65/. t• t.BOM!O"'a ltqutd ftlled-65/. l• 3.86MI0"'s Ltqutd ftllad-65/. l• 7 .16M 10"' a
g--6.60M!Q''g, g-_:6.6QM!Q"'g, g--6.60HIQ''g, g--ö.60HIQ''g,
f- I .00MI0°Hz f- ! .00MI0°Hz f- 1.00MI0°Hz f- 1.00MI0°Hz
~ ~ .
~ ~ ~
ii" §" §"
1i:l ~:l
~ ~ 'i!
~ ~
. ä....,_....,.-...,_..;:::;o--,.__"",::;'-r--......--.
ci I ~' · · · .;=:::
-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 o.o 1.0 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 o.o 1.0 -'2.0 ... ,'.o d.o 11.0 21.0
A. LLquLd H~drogen ond Vepor B. LLquLd H~drogen end Vepor C. LLquLd H~drogen end Vepor D. LLquLd H~drogen end VJpor
LLquLd fLLLed-80/. l · O.OOs LLquLd fLLLed-801. l• 1.80Ml0-1 s LLquLd fLLLed-801. l• 2.68M!0-' s LLquLd fLLLed-80/. l• 8.08MIO~s
g--8.20HI0. 1 g, g·-ß.2DH!Q"'g, g·-ß.2QHIQ-1 g, g--ß.2QHI0. 1 g,
r- 1.00Hl0°Hz f- 1.00HI0°Hz f- 1.00HI0°Hz f- l.OOH!O'Hz
"! "!
~ :! ~
~ ~ "! Q
=~~~~-=~~~ :J,r-~--_;~~~~~~~~-r--]2~.0~
-l.O 0.0 1.0
·2.0 -l.O 0.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 -z.u -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
Lm = Vmtm (4)
am = (5)
Following _dimensionless_ parameters are introduced: V11 /V,,
tR/tf, tm/t,, a 11 ja 9 , L11 /h and V11/V, 11 where a 9 stands for geyser
init~ation acceleration with a unit of cmjs 2 , corresponding to
geyser initiation gravity level with a unit of Earth gravity g 19 .
Impulsivereverse gravity acceleration, g 1 with frequency f Hz ~s
defined as follows:
0 C!- C!
2~----------------------------T g 111
"''0 CD
~ .E 0
~>, .;
u I>....
·--------------z---------------·------...______ _
• ..J
2> ...C!:::
!Bl ---·----.. :3: u
:3: t....
<I: oo 0 'o
-l' ·I: .,;
t....~ ~::l
6 6
• <I:
C! 0 C!
0 .,;- 0
25.0 :15.0 45.0 55.0 65.0 75.0 85.0-
Figure 7(A). Ratio of Vm/Vf
and its associated
f-l.Q Hz ()
"1'-------------------------------------r~o_: ...
·····-... ; - 181
-....... ····-..'··...·····•
···-...... ...•··-···-... I:
..J ....~ .....
t.... "! l5 C! .....-
0 N
----·---z-1---·--· ·; .
I.J• z u
t.... CRI t5
- C! +------.--~-.--~-.--~-.--~--r-~--+~3
25.0 JS.O 45.0 55.0 65.0 75.0 es.o Cö
f-J.Q Hz
~ ~~-------------------,-:; ~ ·"'
w -~
"' a:: Ql
., ...
q, .......
<I:N J
t.J ·--------------z··---------------------.... _ C!Ü
t- IBl ·----••• ....
-oCil C>
_q ~ ~
a:: C> +----.-.,--.----r-.....-"""T--.----r--.---.r---.--+C> C>
25.0 JS.O 45.0 55.0 65.0 75.0 e5.o
Figure 8(A). Ratio of tm/tf
and its associated
f-l.QHz 0
~g ~------------------T~
z' o lAI
t..lo .
......... ot
~ 0
zo •················ ............ ---····
a:: X
(() .
)-oC> +----.-.,------r-......----.-~---.-~-r-~-+C>
C! a:::
:c C!
t.J 25.0
t!) 35.0 45.0 55.0 65.0 75.0 85.0
Figure 8(B). Ratio of am/ag
and its associated
f·l.O Hz
0 0
~~~----------------------------------~ si~ 0
·- - -·~.L" /'
e () ...J
l...c:, "!
"--::-:-::- ·--
· ·. ..... /(81
...................... ....._·~· _.,..,...
I: '"'
ö :J e
... I: ()
~,.; ................. ö!..... .;] l...c:
0 "o• 0 Ii
................... ~J 2-1
.......... "! t; >-'
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.......... ...JC,J
a: o...Jt.J ~
t.J • . a: > U1
>- !:c.J
a: Vl
f·!.O Hz
regardless of frequency range, is always superior to the constant
reverse thrust in terms of efficient operation of fluid
1. Leslie, F. W. , Measurements of Rotating Bubble Shapes in a
Low Gravity Environment, J.. Fluid Mech., 161:269 (1985).
2. Hung, R. J., and Leslie, F. w., Bubble Shape in a Liquid
Filled Rotating Container Under Low Gravity, J..
Spacecraft and Rockets, 25:70 (1988).
3. Hung, R. J., Tsao, Y.D., Hong, B. B., and Leslie, F. W., Time
Dependent Dynamical Behavior of Surface Tension on
Rotating Fluids under Microgravity Environment, Adv.
Space Res., 8(12):205 (1988).
4. Hung, R. J., Tsao, Y. D., Hong, B. B., and Leslie, F. W.,
Bubble Behaviors in a Slowly Rotating Helium Dewar in
Gravity Probe-B Spacecraft Experiment, J.. Spacecraft and
Rackets, 26:167 (1989).
5. Hung, R. J., Tsao, Y. D., Hong, B. B., and Leslie, F. w.,
Dynamical Behavior of Surface Tension on Rotating Fluids
in Low and Microgravity Environments, Int. J.
Microgravity Res. ARRl·, 11:81 (1989).
6. Hung, R. J., Tsao, Y. D., Hong, B. B., and Leslie F. W.,
Axisymmetric Bubble Profiles in a Slowly Rotating Helium.
Dewar Under Low and Microgravity Environments, Acta
Astronautica, 19:411 (1989).
7. Hung, R. J., and Shyu, K. L., Constant Reverse Thrust
Activated Reorientation of Liquid Hydrogen with Geyser
Initiation, J. Spacecraft Rockets, 29:January (1992).
8. Hung, R. J., Lee, c. c., and Shyu, K. L., Reorientation of
Rotating Fluid in Microgravity Environment with and
without Gravity Jitters, J. Spacecraft and Rockets,
28:71 (1991).
9. Hung, R. J., Lee, c. c., and Leslie, F. W. Effects of G-
Jitters on the Stability of Rotating Bubble Under
Microgravi ty Environment, Acta Astronautica, 21: 3 09
10. Hung, R. J., Lee, c. c. and LeslieF. w., Response ofGravity
Level Fluctuations on the Gravity Probe-B Spacecraft
Propellant System, J. Propulsion and Power, 7:556
The Iso-satellite consists of a Service and a Payload Module, the lauer being essen-
tially made up of the Cryostat. The present paper describes the current qualification status
of this cryostat. The general structural and thermallayout, the He-flow schematic and
safety system and the general cover layout are described together with an overview on the
existing hardware. Some qualification test results are as well reported.
The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) project was officially set to Phase C/D by
the European Space Agency (ESA) on March 15, 1988. The satellite will be launched in
1993 by an Ariane IV launeher to a highly elliptical24 hours orbit of 1000 km perigee,
70572 km apogee and an inclination of 5.25 °. ISO carries 4 scientific instruments
(FPU 's) with overlapping wavelength ranges, a Camera (3 - 17 !J.m), an Imaging Photopo-
larimeter (3- 200 !J.m), a Short Wavelength Spectrometer (3- 45 !J.m) and a Long Wave-
length Spectrometer (45- 180 !J.m). The Ritchey-Chretien telescope has an effective aper-
ture of 60 cm, an overall f-ratio of 15 and a 20 arc rnin total field of view.
The ISO-satellite consists of a Service Module (SVM) and a Payload Module
(PLM) which is made up by the Cryostat (carrying the cold parts of the instruments), the
Cryostat Cover and the Optical Subsystem. This paper describes the ISO-cryostat design
and hardware status and reports results from the various tests meanwhile performed with
the Structural{fhermal Model (STM) of the PLM to qualify the design.
The ISO-Cryostat shall fulfill the following primary requirements that drive the
• Cryogenic Lifetime 18 months after start of
scientific operat. on orbit
• Hell-Bath Temperature on Orbit 1.8±0.1 K
• Launch Site Autonomy without ~ 72 hours
• Optical Support Structure Temperature 2.4- 3.4 K
(instruments mounting basis)
• Total Average Instruments Dissipation 23mW
• Maximum Main Baffle Temperature 7K
• PLM-Overall Structural Frequency
Axial ~46Hz
Lateral ~20Hz
Apart from lifetime and stiffness the cryostat design is driven by:
- thermalloads from the SVM and the Startrackers to the PLM, approximately 1100 inter-
nal cables supplying the Focal Plane Units (FPU's), a quadrant star sensor and the
housekeeping sensors as well as from external cabling and conducting fixtures between
the SVM and the PLM
- mechanicalloads from the sunshield, the sunshade, the Startrackers and a preamplifier
unit fixed to the cryostat vacuum vessel (CVV) as well as SVM/PLM-interface loads
- Minimization of thermoelastic deformation between CVV and Startrackers
'"~ 112
- ,
rF .
'ILLI. f'll1
1 I
'"' -
Utl 1441 UZI 1411 14U 1411
e) Thermal Design:
., ll_
0 0
( 4036)
( 4046)
~0 1111 NODE 40022 PLI.t 1ST SH CYLINOER ( 22)
~ --....,
V'\ ~
\ r----6
1---e.- f-- "
(\ 0"'--- - o ___......._ 1'-o_
0-' v--
i~. ~.
0 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Time [ days]
Fig. 3. Cryostat Vacuum Vessel and Heat Shields Temperature Evolution
during First 40 Mission Days
I ~
j "'~ 'u,
0 NOOE 40001 : l.tAIN TANK (1)
~ :--..
~ V
0 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Time [ days )
I \\
I 1\
I \
I '\.
., ~f....
I lf..---
0 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Time [ days )
Typical transient prediction results are shown by Figure 3 (cryostat heat shield
temperatures versus time), Figure 4 (Hell-bath temperature versus time) and Figure 5
(He-flowrate evolution versus time). The unsteady changes in the curve slopes are caused
by the closing of the extemal He-valves V504/505 to shut off the He-venting through the
larger vent nozzles 513/514 after the maximum He-flowrate during the early transient
phase was passed.
The He-vent rate varies between 33.9 mg/s during equilibrium ground operations
without phase separator and 4.85 mg/s during final orbital equilibrium conditions with
phase separator. Due to the phase separator and ventline impedance restrictions the maxi-
mum transient He-flowrate during early mission is appr. 28.3 mg/s. Essential temperatu-
res predicted for steady state ground and orbital conditions are listed in table 1.
Ground Orbit
Fig. 6. Fully Equipped Hell -Tank Head with Spatial Framework
Fig. 8. Lower Hell- Tank Side (with MLI), Mounted together with
Heat Shields into the CVV
Fig. 9. Top View to Cryostat Heat Shields with Lower Cover Cooling Contact Parts
Fig. 10. Completely Integrated Cryostat Cover (bottom view)
Figure 6 shows the fully equipped main Hell-tank head being already mounted to the
Spatfä1 Framework. Figure 7 shows one complete tank suspension strap with the strap pre-
tensioning device. Figure 8 shows the lower side ofthe main Hell-tank with its MLI, being
already mounted together with the heat shields into the CVV.
Figure 9 shows the top view of the cryostat heat shields with the lower cooling
contacts on them. Figure 10 shows a bottom view of the completely integrated Cryostat Cover.
Figure 11 shows the completely integrated and closed cryostat.
After the completion of the cryostat integration with experiment and telescope durr
mies (mechanical, thermal, mass) in it the insulation systemwas evacuated and the lowest
vacuum achieved prior to start of cooldown was 3 · 10·5 mbar.
b) Thermal Tests:
NormalLHe Hell
250 ~
~-~····-~ I
200 1\
I :~ ~-
Cryo•l•l Cover Shell A
100 Ä
/ \
TV-Ch•mber Shroud
0 10 20 30 40
time [days]
After the completion of the GLT-test the whole PLM was equipped with its external
MLI, the sunshade and the Startracker housing with thermal Startracker dummies. The
PLM was then topped up again with Hell and prepared for the thermal vacuum test in the
space simulation chamber of IABG at Ottobrunn. During the TV-test the space Simulation
chamber cold shroud was cooled to an average temperature of approximately 85 K to allow
the cryostat-CVV to cool to its expected orbital temperature.
The PLM was brought to a slightly tilted position ( approximately 15 ° from
vertical) to allow the Hell-phase separatortobe just immersed into the Hell-bath. The
tilting positionwas readjusted every day at the beginning of the TV-test and every 4th day
at its end to hold the phase separator immersed in the liquid. Figure 12 shows the cool
down of the cyostat vacuum vessel (CVV), the covershell and sunshield over the frrst 22
TV-test days with the cold shroud kept at appr. 85 K. Figure 13 shows the transient He-
flowrate evolution during the whole TV -test period. On the 19th test day the valve V505 in
the external ventline tothelarge vent nozzles 513/514 was closed in order to decrease the
"~ /~ ,,~~~ !
Ii____ 't- -~~-------!
_ _ n _ ,
20 -- ---t---1
~ 15
I0 \
.s I \,,1'1
10 -
01 ---------~~----------L_ _ _ _ _ _ _J __ _ _ _ _ _ ~
0 10 20 30 40
time [days]
Fig. 13. Transient TV-Test He-Flowrate
22 ,--,- - - - - - - , - , - - - - - - - - . , . - ,-------~---,------
i .i
21 1--- __g.:_----- ---t-- 1
--+---~----- ---·----1
I // ~- - F-J. I ['
2; / I ' "-~--------- --
, / \ 'Q
~ 1.9 ---~- - - - - , -- r----------+--------1
~ --~-"~~-'·,_n--f'==-G""7=~=--+-=--------1
:: ____
,, I ··~---+---" -------+---------1
0 10 20 30 40
time [days]
-Cl Tank .,.._ Phase Separator
Fig. 14. Transient TV-Test Hell-Bath and Phase Separator Exit Temperatures
flowrate. Figure 14 shows the evolution of the Heii-bath and phase separator exit tempera-
tures over the same period.
Upon ventline switching the He-flowrate is considerably decreased and therefore
the dp across the phase separator as well which causes an increase of the phase separator
exit temperature, as shown by Fig. 15. This exit temperature staying below the Hell-bath
temperature indicates that the phase separator worked correctly with its exit being dry.
During the TV-test period the following activities were also completed successfully:
- Direct Liquid Content Measurements (DLCM) Test with the "heat pulse" method
- Thermal testing of the scientific experiment thermal dummies
- Startracker housing thermal control to keep the Startrackers within their
- Sunshade heating during 72 h for decontamination (outgassing)
IJ--~--~ ~--8---
J i~--- //
He II Bath
sz 1.7 / V
I .
:; Phase S eparator Ex1t
Q) 1.65
- V
Ventline switching
02-Aug 02-Aug 03-Aug 03-Aug
Fig. 15. Tank and Phase Separator Temperatures during Ventline Switching
Table 3. Quasi-Equilibrium Conditions Achieved during TV -test
(* no heat from experiments)
The external thermalloads from units staying at nearly room temperature (SVM, sun-
shield, startrackers) were simulated by electrical heaters on the CVV during the TV -test.
At the end of the TV-test, which had a total duration of 37.25 days the "quasi-equilibrium"
conditions as listed in table 3 were obtained.
c) Structural Tests:
The ISO-PLM was up to now structurally tested in a low-level vibration testprogram
with the Hell-tank completely filled with normal LHe, as well as with the tank empty but
cold, and in a full (high) load vibration test program with the cryostat empty and warm.
It was demonstrated in all such tests that the PLM meets its global stiffness require-
ment in longitudinal and lateral direction. On the other hand it was detected that the Hell-tan
alone did not show sufficient stiffness in axial direction. The reason for this stiffness lack
was clearly identified and lead to a re-stiffening action for the actual flight model tank
which is currently being conducted.
As mentioned above the thermal mathematical ESATAN-model ofthe ISO-PLM
was correlated with the thermal test results and corrected accordingly. With this corrected
model the ground and orbital equilibrium consitions as well as the transient behaviour
from the end of the launch autonomy phase through the first 40 mission days were recalcu-
lated (typical result: Fig. 3-5).
From the Hell-content of 310.5 kg at launch, the total He-consumption during the first
40 mission days and the steady state orbital flowrate 4.85 mg/sec an operationallifetime of
650 days (22 months) is predicted, which appears to show sufficient margin over the re-
quirement of 548 days (18 months).
1. A. Seidel, M. Wanner, A. M. Davidson, "The Current ISO-Cryostat Design"
Proc. 12th Intern. Cryogenic Engineering Conf., July 12- 15, 1988
2. F. Fuchs, A. Seidel, "Directly Operated Valve for Space Cryostat," Cryogenics 27
page 15 (1987)
3. M. Wanner, "Direct Liquid Content Measurement Applicable for
Hell-Space Cryostat", Advances in Cryogenic Engineering,
Vol. 33, page 917
4. R. Schaellig, A. Seidel, "Very Low Force Cooling Contacts for the
ISO-Cryostat Cover", Cryogenics,
Vol. 30, March 1990
Wehave designed and built adewarthat surpasses the above requirements. Pumping
on the liquid helium bath with a 47liter per second pump, we have achieved temperatures
lower than 1.5 K with a hold time in excess of 72 hours. In addition, the dewar can be
operated without liquid nitrogen with a hold time of 36 hours. This feature was incorporated
in the design because boiling nitrogen may introduce microphonic noise to the detectors. To
further reduce the susceptibility to microphonic vibration a unique suspension system
utilizing Kevlar™ fibers was devised which provides both translational and rotational rigidity
to the detector mount. Finally, the dewar is very manageable and can be rotated by only one
The Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) is one of the "Great
Observatories" managed by the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). One of the
experiments on AXAF is the X-ray Spectrometer (XRS) which is being developed at the
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Within the cryogenic subsystem of XRS is an
Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR) used to cool the microcalorimeter detector
array. In order to facilitate extensive development testing of the ADR and the detector array, a
laboratory test dewar is required. To meet tight schedule and cost restrictions, the design,
fabrication and verification of this test dewar was completed in-house at the GSFC in less
than nine months.
The liquid helium test dewar utilizes liquid nitrogen as a secondary cryogen for
reducing the heat load to the helium tank. Performance requirements include a need for
continuous 24-hour operation at 1.5 K. The sensitivity of the detector array to microphonic
vibration requires the dewar have the ability to run without liquid nitrogen. The boiling of
liquid nitrogen introduces vibrations which may interfere with development testing. To
accommodate this requirement the test dewar is designed with a unique heat exchanger which
provides adequate hold time at 1.5 K both with and without liquid nitrogen. The heliumtank
The AXAF/XRS Test Dewar (Figure 1) consists of a cylindrical stainless steel55
literliquid helium tank surrounded by a toroidal aluminum 84 liter liquid nitrogen tank. Both
the detector array and the ADR are mounted at the bottom of the helium tank. This end of the
helium tank is suspended from the liquid nitrogen tank by a Kevlar™ fiber suspension
system. The other end is supported by a stainless steel plate. The stainless steel plate is
somewhat isolated from the two tanks by fiberglass washers. The nitrogen tank is suspended
within the vacuum shell with a similar Kevlar™ fiber suspension system at the bottom and
by four thin-walled stainless steel tubes at the top. Between the top of both cryogen tanks is
the heat exchanger which is hard mounted to both and suspended from the vacuum shell by
yet another Kevlar™ fiber suspension system. Both cryogen tanks and the heat exchanger
are thoroughly blanketed with multi-layer insulation to reduce radiant heat input.
The heat exchanger design (Figure 2) consists of an oxygen free high carbon
(OFHC) copperneck assembly bolted to the top of the heliumtank with an indium seal. It
serves as the vent for the outgoing helium vapor. Mounted to this neck is a deflector and
baffle system which directs the vapor through a circuitous route exposing it to the highly
conductive copper surface. The current design allows the test conductor to run both with and
without liquid nitrogen in the same mechanical configuration. A stainless steel support plate
1 + - - - - - - - - Helium Vent
Nitrogen Vent
Vacuurn Shell
1.37 m
1+--HI---HI--- Magnetic Shielding
Kevlar™ Suspension
Detector Mount
has been chosen as a compromise between thermally isolating the nitrogen tank when
running with liquid nitrogen and thermally anchoring it to the heat exchanger when running
with vapor cooling. Incoming radiant heat is intercepted at the bottom by two 1100 aluminum
shie1ds mounted on the base of the nitrogen and helium tanks. The walls of the empty
nitrogen tank intercept additional incoming radiant heat and conduct it to the outgoing vapor
through the ~tainless steel plate in the neck assembly. In the event that the boiling of the
liquid nitrogen interferes with development testing, the stainless steel compromise allows the
continuation of cold testing by removing the liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is transferred to
a storage dewar by inserting a vacuumjacketed transfer line into the vent and pressurizing the
fillline. This does not interrupt a particular test with the necessary warmup that a mechanical
change to the heat exchanger would require.
Figure 3. KEVLARTM suspension network. The length of the fiber between the LHe tank and the LN2 tank is 8 cm
and the length of the fiber between the LN2 tank and the vacuum shell is 10 cm.
provide 51-69 pounds tension when compressed by the action of the fiber pulling the eyebolt
due tothermal contraction of the inner tank.5
A singlestrand of the 200 pound test Kevlar™ is a braid of 15 groups of 400 Denier
yam.(Denier is the weight in grams of 9000 meters.) 400 Denier yarn is made up of over 250
individual filaments of Kevlar™ 29 aramid fiber. To join each end of a single strand, a long
splice is used at the termination points utilizing the Chinesefinger grip principle.6 Pull tests
have been performed on a single strand which indicate that failure occurs at the splice when
the load surpasses approximately 171 pounds.7 To insure adequate safety margin, a single
strand is doubled up in this application so that the break strength is in excess of 340 pounds.
The intent of the tensile load in the suspension system is to stiffen the detector mount and
thereby increase the natural frequency to reduce susceptibility to microphonic vibration.
The test dewar design is thoroughly modular with a majority of the the interfaces
bolted with indium seals. The heliumtank has indium seals at both ends to provide access to
the detector mount and heat exchanger. The dewar is mounted in a support dolly that
provides 360° access and rotation as well as adjustments to the center of gravity. This makes
rotation easier during a variety of experiments.
Routine disassembly of the dewar is possible by one person and can be performed in
a single day. The versatility ofthismodular approach allows for the customization of various
components within the test dewar to accommodate a variety of applications. For example, the
material used for the Support plate in the heat exchanger can be changed from stainless steel
to fiberglass in order to better thermally isolate the helium tank and extend hold time if
In order to verify that the design would meet the minimum requirements prior to
integration, a simple thermalmodelwas constructed to simulate worst case conditions (as far
as the heat load is concerned.) this was run on a Macintosh™ personal computer using the
software Excel™ and TK solver™. The dewar thermalmodelwas simplified in order to
expedite analysis of the network. Uniform temperature profiles were assumed at the vacuum
shell, nitrogen tank, heat exchanger neck assembly and helium tank. The majority of the heat
load to the nitrogentank was assumed tobe through radiation. No multi-layer insulation was
included nor was there any thermal contact resistance addressed in the model. The thermal
network is schematically represented in Figures 4 & 5.
e----------1._-----{TJ 77K
.0375 3.904
-e----e-------{1'2 34.3K
.00026 .782
1 LHe
FIGURE 4. Thennal model for the XRS test dewar with liquid nitrogen.
3 59.1K
.0009 2.368
FIGURE 5. Thennal model for the XRS test dewar without liquid nitrogen.
An energy balance was performed on each temperature node. For example, the overall heat
flow into the helium tank from conduction and radiation was balanced by boiling the helium.
The individual equations used for each radiation and conduction term are summations of the
heat flow between two fixed temperature nodes over a simplified geometry of nested
cylinders, flat planes and discs. Formulae for these simple forms are available in current heat
transfer texts.8 Foreach temperature node the specific dewar geometry was simplified to
accommodate the these standard shapes. The energy balance yielded an equation for each
node. Material properties, such as emissivity, thermal conductivity, specific heat, and latent
heat of vaporization were input based on their accepted values as published in current
literature.9,10 The heat exchange of the vapor with the neck is characterized by an efficiency,
equal to the ratio of the actual heat transferrate to the maximum possible. The maximumrate
occurs if the vapor temperature rises to the temperature of the heat exchanger.ll An estimate
for one of the unknown temperatures was entered into an Excel™ spread sheet. The spread
sheet was customized to solve the various energy balance equations and deterrnine the
coefficients of the resulting quartic equation. TK solver™ was then used to solve the quartic
equation. With this solution the frrst temperature estimate could then be revised and the
process iterated until convergence. Repeating this process as a function of the heat exchanger
efficiency allowed a deterrnination of the efficiency necessary to meet the lifetime
Given a heat exchanger efficiency of 50% this conservative analysis shows a hold time at 1.5
K of 43 hours with liquid nitrogen and 15 hours when running without. In contrast, Figure 6
shows the temperature profi1e during an actual performance test at 1.52 K. After 26 hours of
running, the liquid nitrogen was removed. The liquid helium that was left lasted 36 hours
with vapor cooling. Independenttestsrun without removing the liquid nitrogen have lasted in
excess of 72 hours.
The AXAF/XRS test dewar is designed with a versatile approach to meeting several
diverse requirements. The heat exchanger is designed in order to run with adequate hold time
both with and without liquid nitrogen. The unique suspension system provides both thermal
isolation as well as structural stiffness to the detector mount. The modular design provides
160 .
150 .
----- Neck
Detector Mount
110 .Jl
e 9o I ......... 1\......,.
~ 80 LI"""' ~
~ 70
~ 60
40 I
30 I
20 J
o Time (Hours) 20 + 40
Liqui~ Nitrogen Removed
the test conductor with the flexibility of customizing the design to achieve a particular
Design, fabrication, assembly, and initial performance testing of the AXAF/XRS test
dewar was completed entirely in house at the GSFC in nine months. This accelerated
schedule has provided the project with a versatile test dewar capable of developing a
flightworthy ADR.
1. S.S. Holt, X-Ray Spectroscopy of AGN with the AXAF 'Microcalorimeter', in:
"Astrophysical Lettersand Communications," Vol. 26, No. 61, (1987).
2. R.L. Kelley et al., High Resolution X-Ray Spectoscopy Using Microcalorimeters, in:
"Proc." SPIE 219 (1988).
4. A.T. Serlemitsos et al., Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator for Space Use, in:
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 35, 1431, (1989).
6. Terminal Splicing Kit, Available from Ashaway Line & Twine MFG. Co., Ashaway, RI
8. J. P. Holman, "Heat Transfer," McGraw Hill, Inc., 1986, p.31, p.407, p. 408.
9. "Handbook on Materials for Superconducting Machinery," Batteile Columbus
Laboratories, Columbus, OH, 1977.
10. V. D. Arp and R. D. McCarty, "Thermophysica1 Properties ofHe1ium-4 From 0.8 to
1500K with Pressures to 2000MPa," NIST Technical Note 1334, Boulder, CO,
11. William C. Reynolds, "Engineering Thermodynamics," McGraw Hill, Inc., New York
1977, p.574.
The focal plane of the AXAF X-Ray Spectrometer requires an operating tempera-
ture of 0.1 K with a mission lifetime of 5 years. This demanding task is accomplished with
a hybrid cryogenic subsystem consisting of mechanical coolers, a superfluid helium dewar
and an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator. By using mechanical coolers to remove
heat from the dewar outer vapor-cooled shield, a 5-year lifetime is achievable with only a
483-liter tank. This approach takes advantage of flight-proven, high-performance dewar
technology and recent success in the development of split, Stirling-cycle mechanical cool-
ers. Although the dewar design principles are similar to those used previously, parasitic
heat flow is reduced to a new Ievel by an optimized tension strap support system and careful
attention to insulation system details. The benefit of the mechanical coolers is maximized
by dewar interface design features that minimize parasitic heating and thermal impedance
of the coupling. The dewar design and thermal performance analysis are discussed.
Helium lifetime sensitivities and the effects of mechanical cooler failures are predicted.
EVA Helium II
Coupling Internat
Externat Plumbing
-- Plumbing Manilold
Magnet Assembly
Use of the mechanical coolers raises many issues related to maximizing their
benefit to the helium lifetime, assuring a high Ievel of reliability through redundancy and
operational strategy, and providing compatibility with the instrument system.S The ther-
mal efficiency of the coupling between the coolers and the VCS4 is maximized within the
constraints of mechanical considerations. A redundant backup pair of coolers provides a
high probability that at least one pair will be operable throughout the mission. The electrical
power budget allows all four coolers to operate at once. The lifetime benefit of running one
pair is considerably greater than the additional benefit of running the second pair.
Therefore, although the predicted lifetime with all four coolers running is 6. 7 years, the
probability of achieving 5-year lifetime is improved by holding the second pair in reserve
until 2 years after launch.
The primary function of the dewar is to cool the ADR and provide an environment
for the detectors that is free from interfering disturbances such as contamination and back-
ground radiation. The ADR and the detectors are part of the removable cryogenic assembly
(RCA), which is bolted to the forward end of the cryogen tank in an arrangement that gives
the detectors a line of sight five degrees off the major dewar axis. The RCA is accessed
through the removable aperture assembly. The 483-liter cryogen tank provides the heat sink
for the RCA. Surrounding the cryogen tank are four aluminum vapor-cooled shields that
transfer heat to the helium boiloff in the vent line. VCS4 is also cooled by single-stage, split
Stirling-cycle mechanical coolers through a flexible cold finger attachment to the displacer
cold tips.
The mainshell provides the structural foundation of the dewar. lt supports the
cryogen tank and maintains the insulation subsystem in a vacuum environment. On or-
bit, the mainshell is cooled to an average temperature of 250 K Both the cryogen tank and
dewar mainshell are an all-welded construction from 5083 aluminum. The cryogen tank
is supported from the mainshell by nine fiberglasslepoxy tension straps that minimize con-
ducted heat while providing the required strength and stiffness. The support system archi-
tecture and the location ofthe VCS thermal attachments to the straps is thermally optimized.
[ (5 poid)
§l ::':.~ev~'
(5 pald)
80 )5 pold BURSTOJSC
... ···· ·· ········· ···· ······ ···
• .
Insulation System
Much work has been done on the performance of insulating materials commonly
used in space cryogenic subsystems. 6 •7,8 While the performance of these materials is weil
understood at warm boundary temperatures (i.e., 300-77 K), there is a limited data base and
less understanding of their performance in colder regions. Existing data and material
properties knowledge suggest that carefully-controlled bare surfaces outperform superinsu-
lations at very low temperatures. Therefore, we use no multilayer insulation inside of
VCS2. There are 71 total layers of double aluminized Mylar with Dacron net spacers dis-
tributed in three outer MLI blankets between VCS2 and the mainshell. The lifetime benefit
of vapor cooling alone is more than a factor of 20. A pair of coolers cooling VCS4 with a heat
Iift capacity of about 1.5 W at 80 K provides another factor of 2.5.
The fluid management system (Figure 2) consists of three lines that penetrate the
dewar and internal and external plumbing manifolds. The ground and on-orbit fill lines
provide a redundant capability for emergency venting through intemal and extemal hurst
discs. To provide adequate heat exchange between the VCSs and the helium effluent gas, a
12-in. length of vent line is attached to each shield.
Orbital venting commences with the opening of V1, then V7. This precludes liquid
helium from breaking through the porous plug before the vent is opened to space, which could
prevent the passive phase separation process from beginning.
There are seven dewar exit cables (DEC) consisting of miniature stainless-steel
conductors in a ribbon form that support the RCA and dewar valves and sensors. The RCA
cables are twisted pairs with an overall shield for noise rejection. The DECs are routed into
Fig. 3. Aperture design.
the dewar along support straps and bonded to the straps for connection to the VCSs. Power
and signal wires to the ADR rnagnet and sensors inside the cryogen tank are routed through
the vent line to avoid the risk of an electrical feedthrough into the cryogen tank frorn the
guard vacuurn. The ADR power wires are sized to rninirnize the cornbined irnpact of ohrnie
and conductive heating.
The dewar aperture (Fig. 3) contains very fragile band-pass filters housed within
a bellows assernbly. The bellows perform the crucial function of preventing water frorn the
rnultilayer insulation frorn reaching and condensing on the filters. Since the filters can
withstand only 1 torr of pressure differential, careful venting of the bellows cavities along
with vacuurn pump throttling are needed to avoid filter rupture during guard vacuurn acqui-
sition. Also, the venting scherne rnust not provide a flow path frorn the warm insulation
blanket to the filters. Parasitic heating into the aperture is minimized by 0.005-cm wall
stainless steel bellows and radiation baffies.
The Coolers and Their Interface
There are four split Stirling-cycle coolers, cornpressor and displacer, based on the
Oxford design, rnounted at the aft girth ring in opposing pairs for rnornenturn cornpensa-
tion. Each cooler pair shares a cornrnon cold finger attachrnent to VCS4. The displacers
have a hard rnechanical rnount to the dewar rnainshell to enclose the cold tip within vac-
uurn. The cornpressors require rnechanical isolation to rninirnize their vibration trans-
rnission to the dewar rnainshell. Heat is rejected frorn the coolers by radiation directly to
the AXAF cold shroud and conduction to the rnainshell.
Stlrllng-cycle Vapor
Mechanlcal Coolars Coollng
, vcs 4
( I I
vcs 3
\ V
\ I
vcs 2
I Preamp/~oad
I Clavis
I Pln
Hell um
- - . Conductlon • - • Radiation Tank
tube arrangement provides structural support ofthe cold fingerandthermal switch from the
mainshell with minimal heat input. A thermal spreader plate is bolted to VCS4 to minimize
the constrictive thermal resistance inherent with point-applied cooling.
The dewar design is optimized through sturlies carried out with the dewar ther-
mal/math model. The methodology and modeling techniques have been taken from the past
decade of experience at Ball with the flight-proven IRAS and COBE dewars.
Final dewar servicing will take place on the launch pad. Analysis supported by
COBE dewar experience predicts a 97 percent fill with a 1.3 K bath temperature when the vent
valves are closed for prelaunch lockup. Power is not normally available to operate the cool-
ers or valves after this servicing, 5 days prior to launch. Nominally, the vent is opened and
a pair of coolers are powered 1 day following launch. Survey lifetime, which is actually an
equal combination of observation and hold modes, begins when the bath temperature stabi-
lizes on orbit. Table 2 lists the boundary conditions assumed for thermal performance
Once in orbit, the helium bath must always remain superfluid if the porous plug
phase separator is to function properly. The lockup capability of the dewar is defined as the
Table 2. Performance Analysis Boundary Conditions
Superfluid Helium Launch Mass 67.9 kg
Average Orbital Main Shell Temperature 250K
Ground Hold Main Shell Temperature 300K
Dewar Lock-up Duration 6days
Average RCA Heat Load to CT 2.26 mW
Average JFET Heat Load to VCS1 5.7 mW
Coolers Cooling VCS4 2 (1 pair); type: BAe
Non-operating Coolers at VCS4 (isolated by active 2 (1 pair); type: BAe
thermal switch)
amount of time the vent can remain closed before the helium bath goes normal at a tempera-
ture of 2.18 K Thermal masses for each VCS were added to the dewar thermal model to pre-
dict transient behavior. Insulation mass was conservatively neglected. Figure 5 shows the
predicted lockup capability is 9.5 days without the coolers operating, which is weil beyond the
required 6 days. At the conclusion of 6 days, the bath temperature will have risen to about
1.8 K. Orbital pumpdown to the 1.3 K steady-state bath temperature will take about 2 weeks
and result in a 3 percent helium mass loss. The lockup capability could be extended to 22
days and the mass loss further minimized if power were available to operate a pair of cool-
ers during prelaunch lock-up.
The predicted orbitalliretime of the dewar depends on the chosen oparational strat-
egy for the mechanical coolers. Because this cooler technology is just emerging, long-term
reliability has yet tobe demonstrated. lfboth cooler pairs were operated without failure, he-
lium lifetime is predicted at 6.7 years. However, since the 5-year lifetime can be achieved
by operating just a single cooler pair, the highest probability for a successful mission is to
employ a redundant backup cooler-pair strategy. This would require a minimum 2.5-year
lifetime from each cooler. For nominal lifetime predictions we are assuming that only one
pair of coolers operates at a time over the mission duration. The active thermal switch iso-
lates the non-operating pair so dewar lifetime is not sensitive to whether the pair is in re-
serve or has failed. The predicted dewar lifetime is 5.2 years (0.40 mg/s helium boiloff
rate) and bath temperature is 1.3 K. Table 3 gives the breakdown ofheat Ioads to the cryogen
tank. The oparational pair of coolers removes a net of 1.5 W ofheat from VCS4, cooling it to
about 85 K. Additionally, there is between 40 and 50 mW ofvapor cooling at each VCS.
If the primary cooler pair does not experience a failure within 2 years on orbit, it
would be prudent to switch on the backup pair. With all four coolers running the dewar
2.3 r-------------------,
4 8 12 16 20 24
Lockup Duralion (Days)
Table 3. Cryogen Tank Heat Loads (with two coolers operating)
Forward Support Straps 2.43 27.3
Average Instrument Power 2.26 25.4
Aft Support Straps 1.94 21.8
VCS1 Radiation 1.13 12.7
Dewar Exit Cables 0.50 5.6
Fill Lines 0.50 5.6
Aperture Radiation 0.14 1.6
TOTAL 8.9 100.0
boiloff rate is reduced by 25 percent. Using this strategy, the dewar lifetime will be a maxi-
mum of 6.2 years if no coolers fail. If both cooler pairs were to become inoperable, the he-
lium boiloff rate would increase by a factor of 2.5, and any remaining lifetime would drop
accordingly. 1ftbis were to occur just after launch, the predicted lifetime is 2.1 years. Even
in this event the mission could be continued because the bath temperature would remain be-
low 1.5 K All cooler failures are assumed to result in loss of a pair of coolers because the
necessary momentum compensation would be lost with the operation of an odd nurober of
Table 4 lists the dewar Iifetime sensitivities to the major influencing parameters.
Excluding cooler operation, Iifetime is most sensitive to mainshell temperature, including
the effect of compressor mounting temperature on the heat life capacity of the coolers. When
the extreme uncertainties in mainshell temperature, RCA heat Ioad and preamp heat Ioad
are lumped together, the bath temperature changes by ±0.04 K, which is less than the
specified maximum allowable of ±0.05 K
This work was funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
under Contract No. NAS5-31251 from the Goddard Space Flight Center. The authors wish to
acknowledge the Ball team members who have contributed to the preliminary design effort.
Valve Close Valve Open
g Uft·off
~ 2.1 (cold launch)
~ 2.0
... -----------..,
:!: 1.9
/~ I
t- 1.8 ____ . . . . .,. . . . . l_ --------------·
) ( Launch Site ) ( Ascent ,
,.. Waiting ... J 1 , Observation
1::. 12 H y 30M ' ' 1W ' ' 2W
Final Filling &
Support Structure
Aperture Lid
··if/_j .
l. ..... :
PP : Porous Plug
qo : Seal-oll Valve
~ : Relief Valve
~ •••••••••••••.•••••••••••• --- ·--- •.•••••••••• --- ••••••••••.•••..•••.••.••••••• ----. j
g l(t
{!! 101
10° ...L.,...--..,..---,...----r--....,r---.,-
He Tank Forebaffle IVCS MVCS OVCS Outer Shell
Steady State Thermal Performance
This test was done in order to learn the basic performance of the
cryostat. The He tank was filled with Hell and pumping was continued
through the open vent until it reached the steady state. The results of
the tests and the predicted values are shown in Fig. 5. The results
showed that the temperature of the He was 1.8 K, forebaffle was 22.5 K,
and the volume of vaporized He gas was 0.93 L/min at 273 K 1 atm. They
were in rather good compliance with the analytical results. The required
temperatures 1.8 K for He and 30 K for forebaffle were fulfilled. Fur-
thermore, the temperature of the forebaffle may be decreased to 10 K,
which is the observational requirement for the proto-flight model (PFM),
by changing the material of the vent tube between the forebaffle and IVCS
from aluminum to stainless steel and increasing the thermal resistance.
This test was held after the "hold time test" in the preceding paragraph.
The purpese of the test was to certify that the porous plug was able to
decrease the temperature of helium to 1.8 K after the temperature had
risen. The temperature reached was 1.85 K and the time was 80 hours. The
temperature was higher than in the case of exhausting through open vent,
but in space there is no pressure drop in the piping from V5 to the vacuum
pump, the temperature in the He tank will be reduced to below 1.8 K, and
it can fulfill the requirement.
The purpese of the test was to estimate the stability of the tempera-
tures in the cryostat for aperture heat loads and FPI heat generation.
The aperture heat loads were simulated by supplying 820 mW x 5 min and 33
mW x 85 min per cycle to the forebaffle heater, and 10 mW was supplied
continuonsly to the FPI heater, simulating FPI heat generation. Tempera-
ture changes in the test are shown in Fig.6. The results showed: (1)The
forebaffle suffered maximum temperature change, and the further from the
forebaffle the more thermally stable. (2)The temperature change in He was
about 10 mK, and the temperature of the forebaffle which is most sensi-
tive, recovered to the steady state in 30 min after giving heat input;
thus this systemwas stable for external turbulence. The mission lifetime
which was estimated from the result appeared to be langer than 1 month.
- ... ~~~~-~"
lr :\ :\ :'.
a,i o o o d ~7~--o-~~ ~
g /\ r.. f\ :\ Aperture Lid
I!! 20 I \ Radiation Shield
:3 :\. :\ :\ :\
1ä :
_________ !
"' -----·-----~: ',. : '., .... _____ ..... ____ !I '.,
...____________ _
E l Forebaffle
~ -o_]
R~ ~~~-~-~.__:·--~-0
Time (hour)
Fig.7 Vibrationtest configuration
tests were heldunder the following two conditions. (1) The parau s plug
was set in the gas phase (simulating the pre-launch period). ( 2) The
paraus plug was set just under the liquid surface (simulat ing zero-gravi-
ty in space). Under both conditions, after keeping vent valve VS c losed
until the temperature of helium rase over 2.2 K, vent valve VS was operred
and exhaust was restarted. The results showed in the case of condition
(1) the temperature did not decrease, and in the case of condition (2) the
temperature decreased and the helium returned to superfluid state. This
means that the vaporized helium took its heat of vaporization from the
helium araund the paraus plug and converted to superfluid, thus the paraus
plug operated as a phase separator.
The IRTS cryostat experiences external loads duri ng launch and land-
ing; thus the structural i ntegrity for t he loads must be verified. Also
the effect of vibration on the thermal performance of the cryostat mus t be
evaluated. The me chanical performanc e tests for the above purposes were
completed successfully.
The static load test was conducted to verify the strength of the
cryostat agairrst t he acceleration loads during launch and landing. I t is
required for th e st ructure that no detrimental deformation occurs by
limit loads, and no st ructural failure occurs by ultimate load s . The
tests were conducted for the outer shell, the He tank, and the support
structure respectively. The loads were applied by hydraulic jack or
tension of the dummy strap. The r e sul ts were successful and the st rength
of the c ryo stat for the external loads was verified.
Vibration Test
Start of Vibration End of Vibration
::::::::::::::: ···············:···r··········:···············
............... :. -'l' .......... :
··········-······ ......... ··'·· ············
2.0 .....••.•......
l . . ..
-··········-··· ···············································
{!!. ··············· . .
............... , ............... , .............. .
. .
..... ·························'···············
.. . .
-100 0 100 200 300
Time (sec)
Fig.8 He temperature during vibration
to endure the vibration. The primary natural frequency was 29 Hz and the
response amplitude of the He tank was 10 times the added acceleration,
which is equal to a damping coefficient ratio of 5%.
After its strength was verified by the preceding vibration test, the
cryostat was cooled down to superfluid temperature, and the vibration test
was repeated. The purpese of the cooled vibration test is to evaluate the
effect of the vibration on the temperature of Hell. The He tank was
filled with 50 L of Hell, and the vent valve VS was closed to simulate the
launch condition. The sine vibration was given in X-direction, which is
the most critical direction, from 5 to 100 Hz and the maximum acceleration
level was 12 G zero to peak at the He tank. As shown in Fig.8, the tem-
perature of Hell rase about 0.13 K by the sine vibration , while no such
rises were observed during random vibration tests. The cause of the tem
perature increase is thought to be the kinetic energy and it should be
taken into account in the helium management plan.
t-----tT i H 1
shield plate
deta i I of A
vacuum vessel
LHe vessel
(2.,811 3 )
shield plate coo I i ng channe I
\ ij + \ i +lj Ll X
Qn and Q5 are calculated like Qe. The heat flow by radiation from
outer boundary Q0 , and into the inner boundary Q1 , can be expressed as
0 0
QO aij(Tij-Tij)ßXßY
QI a\j ( Tij -T 1 ij ) ßxß y
where a 0 and a 1 are the radiation heat transfer coefficients for
radiatiye heat flow from the outer boundary and to the inner boundary, and
T and T means the outer and inner boundary temperature respectively. The
heat flow into the helium gas coolant can be calculated from
The heat balance over the control volume leads to the following equation:
Heat transfer of the helium gas coolant
For the helium gas channel, the control volume shown in Fig. 3 is
introduced. The heat which is exchanged with the radiation shield plate is
given by Eq.(3), and the energy increase of the helium gas can be written
Here, the heat transfer coefficient between the shield plate and the
helium gas is given by:
for Re > 2300:
( 6)
I \
\ J
coo I i ng channe I
Fig.3 Control volume at cooling Fig.4 Model of thermal contacting
channel in computation part in dimpled MLI
for Re < 2300:
aHe = 4.66 x_He;D (7)
We can obtain the temperature profiles of the helium gas coolant from Eqs.
(3) and (5).
Heat transfer of the multi-layer insulation
Heat transfer of the Super Insulation consists of radiation between
the insulating films, contact conduction between films, and conduction in
the cross-section of the film. Now we consider the model as shown in Fig.
4, in which two films contact with each other. The radiation heat flow can
be expressed as
u ----(TH4-TL4)A (8)
2/ E L -1
Here, TH and TL are the hot and cold boundary temperatures. The emissivity
E L ~s estimated by using the cold boundary temperature, which is obtained
( 9)
here X. H and X L are the thermal conductivities of the cold and hot
boundaries respectively. If we assume the heat transfer area tobe
2ßrt (11)
(P/2) 2
then, the heat transfer in the cross section of the insulating film can be
written as
where THL and TL are the temperatures shown in Fig. 4. From Eqs. ( 11)
and (12), the total heat is transferred by conduction through the
insulating film is
Q c= (TH - T1 )A (13)
p ( X.H+>..L)t
16r X. Lt 2 AHX.L~
Equations (8) and (12) give the total MLI heat flow:
Table 1 Specification of support rod
material GFRP
outer diameter 6.0 mm
length 0. 5 m
total nurober of rods 16
u 1
---(Tl+TL2)(TH+TL) + - - - - - - - - - (15)
2/ E L -1 P ( A H+ A L) t
From Eq. (14), the total heat transfer coefficient of the MLI, which
contains n laminated layers, can be written as
1/a shield = ~ 1/a MLii (16)
Heat-in-leakage through the support rods
The other source of heat-in-leakage into liquid helium vessel is heat
conduction through support rods. The specification of the support rod is
shown in Table 1. If we assume the heat-in-leakage per rod to be 1.45 mW,
the total heat-in-leakage of all the support rods is
Qsupport = 23.2 mW
Therefore, heat flow of 23.2 mW leaks into the LHe vessel in addition to
the radiation heat transfer.
294 ......
290 Rl....
Contact Ratio -r I-
the MLI heat transfer calculation. The relation between the contact ratio
and the calculated heat-in-leakage for 40 layers of MLI is shown in 2 Fig.
5. On the other hand, previous experimental 2esults by the authors and
Shu et a1. 4 gave a heat-in-leakage of o57 W/m for 300-77 K. Therefore we
adopt a contact ratio value of 5.0X10-
The heat-in-leakage for four cases, as a function of nurober of
radiation shield plate, is shown in Fig. 7. In this calculation 40 layers
of MLI films are wrapped on every shield. The heat-in-leakage decreases
with an increasing nurober of shield plates, and we can ignore the heat-in-
leakage through the shield plates compared with heat conduction through
the support rods for more than 3 shield plates. Figure 7 also shows the
LHe life time. For 3 shield plates the consumption time is 7 years, and
the required condition is satisfied.
= 300 K ~
= 4.2 K
z~ 0.1
support rod ~
Number of MLI Layers Number of shield plate
Fig.6 Effect of MLI layers Fig.7 Effect of number of shield
on heat transfer plates on heat transfer
Table 2 Method of MLI wrapplng
100 I I I I
,...., TH = 300 K
• h = 4.2 K
,...., inner shie!d
Io-t - :0::
'--' 200
Rl • TH• = •300 K•
c:: .... 0
-:;; lQ-2 - - a
TL= 4.2 K
Cll t- 0 0 0
• • •
A B c D E A B c
MLI wrapping condition MLI wrapping condition
Fig.8 Effect of MLI wrapping Fig.9 Effect of MLI wrapping
method on heat transfer method on heat transfer
cool ing channel
A nwnerical model has been developed for simulating the unsteady behavior of a
dewar for heliwn storage. The model includes the dynamic behavior of the vapor cooled
shields, MLI insulation, and the effect of parallel conduction and radiation paths. An
implicit fmite difference program was developed to take into account the time dependent
variation of the gas flow through the heat exchanger of each shield, the heat capacity of the
shield material, the conductive heat transfer and radiative heat transfer in the system. Initial
conditions can be input to any of the shields, the outside temperature, or pwnping pressure.
The physical parameters representing a 250 L heliwn dewar are used to test the
model. The dewar is one for which considerable data exists on the temperatures of the
shields as a function of time. The data also includes flow rate and liquid Ievel information.
It was taken over a period of months on a continuous basis. During the tests the dewar was
pwnped down to superfluid temperatures and held in that state for long periods of time.
One of those tests is used to compare with the model results. The dynamic behavior of the
shield temperatures was observed to have time constants of the order days.
The system under study (Fig. 1) is comprised of a dewar and a transfer assembly
(TA). The dewar consists of an inner tank, temperature shields and multi-layer insulation
(MLI). The inner tank which contains the liquid helium is supported by a neck tube and
three support straps at the bottom of the tank. The tank is surrounded by three vapor
cooled shields with temperatures of Tz , T 3 and T 4 where Tz is the temperature of the
innermost shield. MLI is used to reduce heat transfer between the shields.
The helium vapor travels up the neck tube to the TA to be distributed. The TA
consists of an outer aluminum case and dome, three nested aluminum vessels, each having
a heat exchanger around its top circumference, and each bolting to one of the dewar shield
The computer program was prepared to simulate the performance of the cryogenic
system for a wide range of possible operating conditions. The program is based on an energy
balance of the heat transfer between the dewar's inner tank, the vapor cooled shields, and
other system components. The heat balance on a heat exchanger for an active shield is given
where p is the density, Vis the volume, is the helium mass flow rate, CP is the specific heat
with the s and v subscripts referring to solid and vapor, Cii represents the conduction heat
Table 1. Conduction Data
k A L C12
(W/m-K) (m') (m) (W/K)
transfer coefficient between the i and j heat stations, and Rii represents the radiation heat
transfer coefficient between the i and j heat stations 2•
The heat transfer due to conduction has four means of transfer. The fiberglass/epoxy
neck tube which supports the inner tank is one mode of conduction. The inner tank is also
restrained at the bottom by three fiberglass/epoxy tension straps. This produces a conduction
path through the shields and inner tank. The third conduction path is through the MLI
between the shields. There is also a small amount of heat transfer due to the residual gas
between the shields. The numerical values for the conduction factors are listed in Table 1.
Radiation between the shields was modelledas concentric spheres to simulate the heat
leak due to radiation into the inner tank. MLI, which consisted of aluminized mylar with
nylon netting, was used between the shields to block radiation. The impact of the MLI was
added to the simulation. The number of layers of MLI, the emissivities, and areas of the
shields are listed in Table 2. The values for radiation heat transfer coefficients arealso listed.
(m') (No) (W/K4 )
R12 1. 7264x1o- 10
R32 2.l973x1o- 10
R43 1.6117x1o- 10
R54 4. 4125x1o-ll
The heat balance for the dewar plus liquid is given by
where in. is the mass rate of evaporation, L is the latent heat of vaporization of liquid helium
at temperature ~ , and s+l refers to the solid plus liquid components.
dmv . .
--=m- m
dt e p
The evaporation rate is controlled by the vapor density in the dewar through the expression
Here Ais the surface area of the liquid in the dewar, p.,.1 is the saturated vapor density of
helium, p0 is the density of helium vapor in the dewar, and hm is the approximate mass
transfer coefficient. The ideal gas law is used to express the density differences between the
saturated vapor at the liquid surface and the vapor in the dewar which is not at saturated
The mass flow rate through the valve is modeled by the choked flow expression
m =CA*~
p {f;
where CA* represents the resistance of the pumping line, and PD is the dewar pressure.
Data is available for the case when the dewar was tested separate from the cryostat.
During the test used for model comparison, the dewar was fllled and immediately pumped
to superfluid. The thermal system was then allowed to stabilize. Within about 8 days, the
bath temperature was steady at 1.75K and the shields had reached temperatures of 36K,
lOOK, and 185K respectively. The mass flow rate stabilized at 8.4 mg/s reflecting a bath heat
Ioad of 195 mW. The measured decrease in liquid Ievel of 4.7liters per day corresponds to
8 mg/s and a dewar lifetime of 42.5 days 3 for a partial fill of 200 Iiters .
. Figures 2 through 7 show the results of the comparison of the numerical simulation
with the experimental data. The thermal conductivities of the MLI were adjusted so that the
steady state results would agree with the simulation. Notice that the transient results were
in general agreement with experiments except for the prediction of the subcooling of the
liquid and the lag of the simulated results with respect to the experimental result.
~ 4
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 2. Comparison of results for Tp the liquid volume.
~ 40
0 2 4 6 8 10
~ 80
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 4. Comparison of results for the intermediate vapor cooled shield.
...... v
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 5. Comparison of results for T4, the warmest vapor cooled shield.
:::::> 50
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 6. Comparison of results for the liquid volume.
< 10
.... 5
< 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
The Computer simulation of the time dependent behavior of the cryogenic system
correlates weil with the actual system. There were several factors which were included in the
simulation that bad contributing effects. For example, the effect of temperature dependence
on specific heat and thermal conductivity were included. The results show generat agreement
except for the unpredicted subcooling observed in the liquid. The evaporation model is
expected to be of major importance in determining the subcooling. Futureresearch will focus
on improved treatment of the evaporation model.
Rodney L. Oonk
Electro-Optics/Cryogenics Division
Ball Aerospace Systems Group
Boulder, Colorado
Long-life spacebome dewars have been developed and flown in support of orbiting
instruments for some time. Two examples are the dewars used in the Cosmic Background
Explorer' and the High Energy Astrophysics Observatories2• These dewars have achieved
lifetimes of about one year by using state-of-the-art insulation, tank support and low-
conductance cabling technology. The next generation spacebome cryogenically cooled
instrument systems are being developed with lifetime requirements of 4 to 5 years; one of
which is the Near-Infrared Camera Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS), a second-
generation instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Mass and envelope
constraints imposed by HST mandate the use of some sort of active cooling approach for
NICMOS, either in combination with stored cryogens or alone. However, the limited-power
and low-vibration requirements preclude the use of the mechanical refrigerators. A hybrid
cryogenic system approach, consisting of a high-performance, solid-nitrogen (SNz) dewar
combined with thermo-electric coolers has been baselined for NICMOS. The TECs extend
the predicted lifetime of the dewar by nearly a factor of two.
Table 1 summarizes the NICMOS performance requirements for the cryogenic
subsystem. Also shown is the predicted performance for the baselirre design.
The interface and constraint requirements for the NICMOS cryogenic subsystem are
derived from four sources: ( 1) the NICMOS instrument, including the other subsystems, (2)
the HST, (3) the Space Transportation System (STS, i.e., the shuttle), and (4) integration
and testing. Table 2 summarizes the requirements derived from the NICMOS instrument and
Detector temperature Cool camera and spectrometer detector 58 K
arrays to ~ 62 K
Detector temperature ~ 200 mK during 1000 second integration; Meets
stability ±2K over duration of mission
Cold Stop Temperature Cool cold stops to ~ 160 K 155 K
The interfaces and constraints set by the STS and integration and test activities cover
the areas of launch Ioads, safety, venting in the payload bay and ground operations.
NICMOS must be designed to withstand the same launch Ioads as were the frrst-generation
HST instruments. lt must meet the safety requirements imposed by the shuttle. STS
mission operations require that the cryogenic subsystem can be left unattended for at least
five days to cover the final days before launch through launch and deployment.
The driving system requirements for the NICMOS cryogenic subsystem are the
lifetime, mass, power and vibration.
A trade study was made to select the preferred cryogenic subsystem approach for
NICMOS. All possible approaches for the cryogenic subsystem were organized into a
design option (or trade) tree. The options were grouped so that approaches that could not
meet the performance, interface, or constraint requirements were identified at a high Ievel on
the option tree. This allowed rapid convergence on the feasible approaches.
A combination of TECs and radiators would be an ideal approach for NICMOS,
since they are low in weight and have virtually no vibration. However, TECs and radiators
cannot reach the 58 K detector operating temperature by themselves. TECs are attractive
however, since their solid-state construction and the absence of moving parts makes them
inherently reliable. Additionally, the use ofredundant cooling elements shows promise for
further improving TEC reliability3.
Figure 1 summarizes the results of the system trades. Pure open cycle cryogen
systems are too heavy and can only be used in a hybrid approach. Open cycle-TBC/radiator
hybrid approaches were therefore traded against closed cycle mechanically driven refrigerator
approaches. None of the mechanical refrigerator approaches were found to be viable for
NICMOS. Of the numerous mechanical refrigerators currently under development, only the
Mass 164 kg
Input power available 30 W during operation, 25 W during idle
Maximum vibration Cannot cause an HSTJlointiJ!g error >Q.lXJl)7 aresec
Thermal 270 ± 1 K main shell temperature
255 K HST radiative sink temperature during operation
232 K HST radiative sink tem~ature duril!_g_ idle
Ex ceeds power available, Too heavy I
vibration concerns I I
-• I
Less mass efficient
N2/C~ CH4/NH3
I STS integration,
ground handling problems
British Aerospace (BAe) cooler was considered mature enough. To meet the very stringent
induced vibration requirement for HST-bome instruments the BAe cooler would have tobe
run in an opposed pair configuration, and consequently require about 80 W of input power.
This far exceeds the modest (~30 W) amount of power available to the NICMOS cryogenic
Trades were made to select the best combination of cryogens to use for NICMOS. A
solid subliming approach was selected because it was more mass efficient than any
supercritical or liquid approach. A dual cryogen N2/C02 approach offered nearly the same
lifetime as did a CH4/NH3 approach and could be more readily operated at 58 K. It avoided
significant shuttle integration and ground handling problems associated with hazardous
cryogens, and was selected as the baseline approach for NICMOS. Recently an effort was
undertaken to reduce the scope and cost of the NICMOS instrument. Aspart of this effort,
the lifetime requirement for the dewar was also reduced from five to four years. This led to
selecting the simpler single cryogen N2 approach (over the dual cryogen N2/CÜ2 approach)
as the current baseline for NICMOS.
Figure 2 shows the baseline design ofthe NICMOS cryogenic subsystem. The 58 K
SN2 stage of 120 Iiters surrounds a detector chamber containing the three detector arrays.
The cryogen tank contains an aluminum foam matrix to retain the SN2. The high-
conductivity foam keeps the SN2 in good thermal contact with the detector chamber
providing a stable detector Operating temperature over the entire life of the mission.
Surrounding the SN2 stage is a vapor-cooled shield (VCS). The VCS serves the dual
purpose of reducing the parasitic heat leak to the SN2 and cooling the optical beam filter
wheels and cold stops. Surrounding the VCS are two additional shields, each cooled by a
pair of thermo-electric coolers (TECs). The four solid-state TECs use the Peltier effect to
produce cooling using the 25-30 W of power avai1able. The TECs aresoldered to radiators
located on the outboard panels of the NICMOS enclosure and connected to the shields via
permanently attached flexible cold fingers. They share a common vacuum with the dewar via
low-conductivity tubes which minimize heat flow between the radiators and the temperature-
controlled main shell. The main shell provides the vacuum close-out for the dewar and
mounts to the NICMOS main optical bench. The SNz stage is supported from the main shell
by six fiberglass/epoxy tension straps, three at each end. These tension straps also support
the VCS, TECI and TECO shields. Wiring for the detector arrays and dewar housekeeping
is routed along the support straps and exits the main shell via hermetic connectors on the
forward girth ring. A single fill/vent line is provided for SNz tank. Also provided is an
internal heat exchanger to permit freezing and periodic recooling of the Nz.
A total of 124 layers of double-aluminized mylar is used in the dewar, distributedas
follows: 40 layers between the SNz and VCS, 50 layers between the VCS and the TECI, and
17layers each between the TECI and TECO shields and the TECO shield and the main shell.
Optimizing the thermal design of the dewar resulted in placing most of the MLI in the colder
portion of the dewar. This somewhat unusual result is due to the relatively free cooling (in
terms of mass impact) available from the TECs.
A multi-purpose access port is provided on the forward dome of the dewar (the left
end of Figure 2). It allows access to the detector chamber containing the three detector
arrays. It also accomodates the three optical beams and their associated baffling, filter
wheels, and cold stops. Access to the detector chamber is obtained by successive removal of
the port plates, starting with the main shell plate, andremoval of the MLI blankets between
each port plate. The port plate at the TECI shield contains a sapphire window to reduce the
radiation heat leak into the colder stages. The VCS port plate contains the filter wheels and
cold stops. The filter wheels are driven by motors located on the main shell port plate (inside
the dewar vacuum space) via low-conductivity drive shafts. One of the filter positions for
each optical bearn contains a low-emissivity blank-off plate. Besides providing a means to
check the detector background noise, the blank-off plate serves as a thermal shutter. During
non-observing times (i.e., during idle and while slewing during operation) the blank-off
plates will be positioned in the optical beams, reducing the radiation onto the VCS and the
SNz stages from the warmer stages of the dewar.
Figure 3 shows the arrangement of TE cooling used in the NICMOS dewar. (For
clarity only one of each pair of inner and outer TBC/radiator combinations is shown.) The
TE-cooled shields substantially reduce the heat load on the VCS. Averaged over the
Filter Wheels
Detector Vent Valves
15.3 W (total) 12.2 w(total)
TECO Radiator,
Vacuum Shell,
270 K
TECO Shield,
TECI Shield,
193 K
Shleld, 152 K
Fig. 3 - Thermo-electric cooling arrangement.
operation and idle modes of NICMOS, the TECs extract a total of 1.85 W from the dewar.
This substantially reduces the parasitic heat Ioad on the VCS, and ultimately on the SN2.
Since the cooling capacity of the TECs is non-linear, the temperatures of the TE-cooled
shields are not very sensitive to variations in heat Ioads.
The TEC cold tips are connected to the dewar shields via flexible cold fingers. The
designs are nearly identical and consist of copper spindie discs soldered to the TEC cold tips
connected in-turn to a second set of discs by fine-wire flexible thermal links. These flexible
link assernblies are connected to copper tubes and bolted flanges connected the aluminum
shield mounting flanges. The conductive length of the wires soldered to each spindie of the
flexible thermallinks are 0.5 inch. However, the TEC cold fingers will be installed so that
the spindie to spindie distance is 0.4 inches, to allow relative motion between the shields and
TEC cold tips in all directions. The design of the flexible thermallink is based on a similar
design used for TECs on other Ball programs. Experience has shown this type of link
adequately protects the TEC cold tip from side and tensile Ioads, and can readily be built.
The NICMOS dewar lifetime was calculated using a 26--node thermal network model.
This model sizes the dewar to meet the 164 kg mass constraint and while maximizing the
lifetime in the process.
The radiative sink viewed by the TBC radiators is warmer during the on-orbit
operation than during the on-orbit idle times. This results in higher shield temperatures and a
higher N2 depletion rate during the operate mode. Table 3 shows the predicted on-orbit heat
leak to the nitrogen as a function of operating mode. Also shown is the sublimation rate, the
loaded SN2 mass and the on-orbit lifetime. The time-averaged shield temperatures are
shown in Figure 3.
A modified version of the dewar thermal model was used to determine the lifetime
attainable by adewar without TE-cooled shields. Holding the overall dewar mass at 164 kg,
the predicted lifetime is 2.7 years.
In the event of a TBC failure, Figure 4 shows the lifetime impact of single and
multiple TEC failures as a function of time after launch. The analysis assumed a failed TBC
Table 3. NICMOS Baseline Cryogenic Performance
provides no cooling and that input power to the remaining TECs is unchanged. The failure
scenario with the least lifetime impact is a failure of a single TEC on the outermost shield.
The failure of all four TECs at launch results in a lifetime reduction of 45 percent, from 4.9
years to 2.7 years. While this lifetime reduction is severe, many of the science objectives of
NICMOS could still be met.
Performance trades showed that for credible TEC failures thermally disconnecting the TEC
cold tip provided little performance benefit. For a failure of a single TEC on either shield,
the heat leak across the failed (but still connected) device is about 400 to 800 mW. Under
these conditions the shield temperature rises, but the non-linear cooling capacity of the
remaining TEC Iimits this temperature rise to between 10 and 20 K. If both TECs on either
shield fail, the lifetime impact of not disconnecting the failed TECs is greater but softened by
the TEC radiator temperatures being somewhat colder than the main shell. For a complete
failure of all four TECs, the lifetime impact of not disconnecting the TECs is less than 0.1
years, again because the radiator temperatures are colder than the main shell.
Development is proceeding on NICMOS, a long-life, hybrid cryogenic system for a
second-generation Hubble Space Telescope instrument. The hybrid cryogenic system
approach of a high-performance, SN2 dewar combined with thermo-electric coolers is used
to cool the NICMOS detector arrays, cold stops and optical filter elements. The TECs take
advantage of the power available to the cryogenic system to extend the predicted lifetime of
the dewar from 2.7 to 4.9 years. Redundancy is used in the intemal design of the TECs to
minimize the effects of junction failures on TEC performance. Also, redundant TECs are
used in the approach to minimize the lifetime impact of a totally failed TEC. A single failure
0 2 3 4 5
TIME OF FAlLURE (years after launch)
of one TEC at the start of the mission reduces lifetime by 0.6 years or less while a complete
failure of all four TECs at mission start reduces the dewar lifetime to essentially the same as
that of a dewar not employing any TECs.
This system discussed in this paper is under development at Ball Aerospace/Electro-
Optics and Cryogenics Division. The NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center is funding
development ofthe NICMOS instrument through the University of Arizona under contracts
NAS5-30008 and NAS5-31289.
1. R. A. Hopkins and S. H. Castles, Design of the Superfluid Helium Dewar for the
Cosmic Background Explorer, "Proceedings of SPIE," Vol. 509 (1984).
2. W. A. Mahony, J. C. Ling and A. S. Jacobson, The HEAO 3 Gamma-Ray
Spectrometer," Nuclear Instrumentsand Methods," Voll78 (1980).
3. D. A. Johnson, Improvements in ReHability of Thermoelectric Coolers through
Redundant Element Design, in: "Proceedings of SPIE," Vol. 1044 (1989).
ooolers. The ratto of aotual llfe to destgn llfe of the slx ooolers
launched are in the range of 0.8 to 0.8 1 • The difference between actual
and design llfe results from errors in the data base (primary thermal
conductivity) of multilayer insulation and from degradation of the MLI
by penetrating members such as support straps and flll and vent tubes.
This paper desoribes the design of a 2-year lifetime solid cryogen
cooler. the effeot of various parameters on cooler weight and the oonfigu-
ratlon of the oooler.The prlmary speolfloatlons of the cooler are detector
operating temperature-85K, detector heat loads-80 mi. heat Ioad of optical
elements at 151 K-100 mW. lifetime-2 years. outer shell temperature 293
K. total weight-85 kg• and orbital temperature stability ±2 K.
K 1•3x 104 mW I cm • K
K 2 •6X 104 mW /cm • K
4 s
lnsulation thickness of the primary cooler 81 (cm)
Table 1 Assumptions for Cooler Tradeoff Studies
Peak accelerations
axial oomponent lOg
lateral oompoonent lOg
Insolation type Doublesilk net/Double Aluminized Mylar
for primary stage
Polyester net/DAH for secondary stage
Lifetime contingency 80mW for primary stage
Instrument heat Ioads 100mW for secondary stage
In order to satisfy the design requirements. a comparison of the
temperature ranges. latent heats of sublimation• and densities of various
cryogens suggested a dual-stage cooler utilizing solid methane as the
primary cryogen and solid ammonia as the secondary cryogen. A schematic
of this cooler is shown in Fig 1. The primary cryogen provides the desired
sensor temperature and the secondary oryogen was used as a guard at 151 K
to intercept heat from the outer shell and to cool the optical elements.
life(year) I 2 3
~ 2. 10-4 4 • 10-4 6. 10-4 2. 10..... l4. 10-4 6. 10-4 2 • 10-4 4. 10-4 6 • 10-4
MLI thickness
on primary 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 4 3.5 4.5 5
cryogen tank(cm)
MLI thiokness
on secondary 2 3 3.5 3 4 5 3.5 5 6
cryogen tank(cm)
Total weight 39.80 44.61 49.01 71.67 82.73 104.46 122.53 138.76
2 yean
K2 =6XIO_.mW/cmO:K., I year
so ~-3.Scm
3 4
lnsulation thickness of the primary cooler, 8 1 (cm)
Figure 3. Effect of insulation on cooler weight for various
lifetimes. ~ is the insulation thickness on the secondary
Ci 95
0 93
1: 91
== 89 T•2yean
Secondary cryogen 250 270 290 310
temperature (K) External shell temperature (K)
Table 3. Predicted Heat Load Summary and Characterics of Cooler
The components of the cooler are the containers of solid methane and
solid ammonia• a cooled sbield grounded to the ammonia• vent gas cooled
shieJd, tension straps. multilayer insulation <MLI> around tbe containers
and straps. LN1 cooling coiJs, vent lines. outer shell and the sbrink-fit
assembly.The oontainers were supported by tension straps from the external
K 1•3X IO~W/cm• K
:K,•6X IO.,.mw/cm • K
:t 90
K1 •2x lO.,.mw/cm• K
K1 •4x lO.,.mW I cm • K
1 3
Operating lifetime (years)
vaouum shell and a oooled shield ground to the ammonia. Interna! heat
exohangers in the containers were used to aohieve solid cryogens during
fllls and to malntaln Isothermal condltlons durlng operatlon. The straps
were oriented in a zig-zag pattern at an angle of 35 degrees from the
plane normal to the cooler axls. The MLI insulated the methane tank from
the ammonia tank and its grounded shleld and insulated the ammonia tank
and shield from the outer sheii.A slitted MLI sleeve was used between the
strap and the HLI around the tanks. A trade-off study showed that a 3.5cm
MLI thiokness for methane tank and a 4cm MLI thickness for ammonia tank
were optimum. Vent lines were required to remove the sublimation gases
to space. In order to maintain the required temperature. the vent lines
must be quite large for ammonia tank. A convoluted Teflon vent line has
been used in thls cooler to reduoe heat leak associated wlth thls llne.
A vent gas cooied shield between the outer shell and ammonia tank was
installed to mlnimize heat leak to the ammonia tank. Two shrink-fit
assmblies connected the detector to the methanetank and the thermal guard
and the optics to the ammonia tank.
The support strap system is one of the key oomponents of the cooler.
Since the heat conducted through the support system is a major part of the
overall heat Ioad to the cryogen. Therefore• it is important to design the
support system so as to minimize heat flow lnto the cooler subjeot to
constraints on minimum allowable natural frequency of the cooler. maximum
allowable stress and no slacking of any strap during launch. Three types
of support structure of cooler are high strength fiberglass-epoxy tube.
tension strap sysem. and passive orbital disconnect struct. 2 ' 8 The former
is used for miniature coolers wbose weight is less than 30 kg.The last two
have been used for spaceborne dewar in recent years. Experience show that
cryogen loss rates are very similar for both systems. The PODS system is
more complex than straps and a flight worthy design does not yet exlst.
The performance of a flight system using straps is more predictable than
one using PODS. This cooler used a tension strap system made of fiberglass-
epoxy.Based on the test data• the mechanical properties are shown in Table
Table 4. Strap Mechanical Properties
The straps shown in Fig 7 zig-zag between the outer shell and the
ammonia shield and between the ammonia shield and the methane tank at an
anile of 35 deirees from the plane normal to the cooler axis. This angle
provides the same stiffness in both the axial and lateral direotions. The
strains of the methane tank straps and ammonia tank straps due to
differential thermal expansion upon filling with cryogen can be caloulated
aocording to the formulae:
300 K
Table 5. Support Strap Contigration and Characterlstlcs
Length of strap(cm) 18 18
in which
MI. lO,K
e •""'11 =~:-:-=----:-~--=-=--=--
12[(E 1 A 1 ) + 3T 1 ]sin')'
MI • lOg
e =-:-:c~.."---':........,:-=--:---
1••., •11 6(E I A I + 3 TI )cos')'
(M 1 +M 2 )10,K
e =~~~--~~~~
.,.,.n 12(E 2 A 2 + 3T 2 )sin')'
(M 1 +M 2 )10,K
e = 6(E + 3T 2 )cos')'
"''"•12 2A 2
C= 1.1-1.2
1 K +K K 1 K +K K K2 t
0)2 =-(--~-"---~ +~)-(-( b h -~)2 + b )2
uu.12 M2 MI 4 M2 MI M M
1° 2
1 Kl y + K2 y +--·-y)-(-(
KI 1 K ly + K 2y _Kl
_ Y) 2 + K 2ly )2I
1•••••1-2 M2 MI 4 M2 MI M 1° M 2
in which
The calculated results of support strap are given in Table 5 for the
zig-zag configration.
Efforts are under way to predict the lifetime of solid cryogen cooler
aoourately by two teohniques. One is to improve the predictability,
repeatablllty and wrap technlcs of MLI, another is to decrease the
penetration heat Ioad to the cooler from the twelve support straps. Irade
off studies of mimimum cooler weight showed that the optimum insulation
thickness for various lifetime and insulation conductivity is different.
however. the insulation conductivity significantiy affected the cooler
weight. The design of a 2-year lifetime solid cryogen cooler has been
performed and thermal performanoe prediotions of the support system using
flberglass-epoxy straps in zlg-zag pattern have been calculated. The
engineering model of cooler is being fabricated.
1. T.C.Nast. Status of solid cryogen coolers. in • Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering•, Vol. 31. Plenum. New Vork <1986), P. 835.
2. David Bushwell, Optimumdesign of dewar supports, J.Spacecraft. 22,432
3. R.A. Hopkins. D.A. Payne. Optimized support systems for spaceborne
dewars. Cryogenics., 27:209<1987>.
Liquid Helium Space cryostats like the Infrared Space
Observatory (ISO) require cryocomponents which have passed
qualification test~ being more severe than the actual
environmental condi tions expected du ring ground operations,
the launch and the mission. In order to perform such tests
with the ISO components as well as with the focal plane units
of the scientific instruments, a vibrational cryostat was
built and successfully operated at 4.2 K and at acceleration
levels of up to 22,5 g (sine). The specific design allows to
vibrate components with up to 12 kg in all three axes without
chang- ing their position with respect to the cryostat, i.e.
in a single cold cycle.
The cold mounting plate has a standard interface and is
mechanically decoupled from the rest of the cryostat struc-
ture. Vibration levels are controlled by cryogenic accelero-
meters mounted on the coldplate. The available cold volume
for the test object is 400 mm in diameter and has a height of
400 mm.
The basic design consists of a rigid cryostat with a
vacuum vessel, a LHe reservoi r, a LNz-reservoi r for shield
cooling and support elements which allow to transmit the
acceleration forces from the slip table to the cold test
Unlike specifically designed space cryostats normal
laboratory cryostat in general are not suitable for vibration
for various reasons:
The configuration of the vibration testing cryostat is
sketched in Fig. 1.
The basic structura1 element is the liquid helium cooled
coldplate which is rigidly bolted to the cryostat base plate
using glass-fibre reinforced distance rings as thermal bar-
riers. The 12 tension bolts from the coldplate to the base
plate extend through the vacuum vessel. Appropriate radial
seals allow to adjust the tension forces e.g. after cooldown
or prior to vibration from outside the cryostat without af-
fecting the insulation vacuum.
I f on the other hand the bolts are loosened additional
spring washers lift the coldplate from the distance rings and
reduce the mechanical and thermal coupling. Consequently a
significant reduction in LHe boiloff is achieved.
The coldplate is made from Al-alloy (Al 5083) and is ad-
ditionally weight optimized by pocket holes in the lower
side. Sufficient stiffness of the structural assembly formed
by the coldplate, the support rings and the base plate was
verified by FE modelling and was subsequently confirmed by a
vibration test of that assembly at ambient temperature prior
to cryostat manufacture.
rocliltiO!l shitld
GNz vont
1----""---r- - . -1-.-.
test votume
Fig. 2 View into the opened cryostat (vacuum dome at right)
Fill and vent lines for the helium and nitrogen supply
as well as optional process lines to the test object enter
the cryostat from the lower part which is made from stainless
steel. In this way 1 fluid lines do not have to be discon-
nected during integration of the cryostat and can be left
intact. Safety valves protect both tanks which are designed
for 513 bar max. working pressure. ·
The vacuum dome is also made from Al-alloy giving a
total mass of 260 kg for the whole cryostat. The overall
dimensions are approximately 1100 mm diameter and 800 mm
height as can be seen by Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 Overall view of the cryostat t oge ther with the house-
keeping control electronic
A typical integration and test sequence of a cryocompo-
nent consists of the following steps:
Integration and mechanical/electrical checkout of the
test object and of the cryostat.
Cooldown of the cryostat with LN2 and LHe within
4 hours.
Mechanical/electrical checkout/leak test of the test
object and the cryostat at 4.2 K
Functional tests with the test object
Transport of the cryostat from the laboratory to the
shaker facility.
Vibration tests including for each axis:
sine vibration at constant levels up to 22,5 g
(O - 200 Hz)
random vibrations at 6 g RMS (0 -2000Hz);
before and after each vibration test a resonance
search is performed in the range of 0 - 2000 Hz
to look for eigenfrequencies and to check for
degradations of the test object between vibration
runs which would show up in changes of the spec-
Functional tests of the component between vibration
Mechanical/electrical integrity checkout/leak test of
the test object and the cryostat at 4.2 K after
Transport of the cryostat back to laboratory
Warm-up and deintegration
After integration and preparation of the cryostat usu-
ally all vibration tests can be completed within one working
day. Liquid helium and liquid nitrogen refills are done only
between the major vibration runs.
The liquid helium hold time amounts to 8 h in standby
mode. This time reduces to 40 min. when the tension bolts are
tightened and reduces further to appr. 10 min du ring sine
vibration at maximum load. The measured eigenfrequency of the
coldplate is 160 Hz and hence is sufficiently above the
required 100 Hz.
To date this cryogenic vibration test facility has been
successfully in service for 16 complete qualification tests
of components and the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) of
the ISO cryostat thereby demonstrating the soundness of the
selected concept and the quality of manufacture.
This work was performed under ESA and MBB contract (MBB
contract no. R 3141/3411 R)
/1/ A. Seidel, Th. Paßvogel
The qualification status of ISO, Adv. Cryog. Eng. {1991)
121 Endevco Type 272 or 2272 A
A self contained heat switch with no moving parts, has been designed,
assembled and tested. The device utilizes concentric cylinders separated by a
small gap, filled or emptied of gas to achieve its switching action. The presence
or absence of gas is controlled by an adsorption pump containing activated
charcoal. During the development of the switch, different geometries were
studied - multiple and single gaps, and also different materials - copper,
aluminum. Prototypes were built and tested with different gases - helium,
nitrogen, argon, neon.
As a result of this study, two gas-gap heat switches with ratios of "ON" to
"OFF" conductances of about 600 were manufactured, .thermally tested and flight
qualified. They will be part of a cryogenic heat pipe experiment, to be conducted
in a future shuttle mission.
This paper describes the technical approach and, thermal and structural
analyses used in the design of the heat switch, as weil as, the results of the
thermal and environmental testing.
In low temperature experiments, it is frequently desirable to be able to
thermally decouple the instruments from the cryogenic cooler. Same of the
advantages are: 1) to reduce close-cycle refrigerator power usage during dormant
instruments periods, 2) periodic warm-up of instruments, 3) to reduce parasitic
heat Ioads, 4) to reduce cryogen consumption during "oft" periods allowing an
extended lifetime.
Various types and variations of cryogenic switches to perform this
decoupling have been designed in the past1•2• Same operate an the same gas-gap
principle as the switch described in this paper. The use of 4He exchange gas is
the oldest and simplest metbad known1, with the switching action resulting from
the presence or absence of the gas.
1. Description
Table 1. Primary Design Requirements
The final switch geometry yielded a switch weight of 2.3 Kgs and a
theoretical "OFF" conductance of 0.009 W/K.
I 111
10 II
Table 2. Switch/Getter Pump Characteristics
Given the lower bound of the switch temperature range and the material
intended to be used for gettering, it was decided to use Nz as the exchange gas.
A small getter pump containing the minimum required quantity of activated
charcoal needed to remove the nitrogen gas from the switch was designed. The
cryopump, with approximately 2.5 grs of charcoal was fabricated from copper and
connected to the "bot" side of the switch via a copper capillary tube. The
charcoal pump was maintained in weak thermal contact with the bath through an
appropriately sized thermal resistance. The heat switch was charged at room
temperature with 100 kPa (1 atm) of Nz gas and then permanently sealed. After
cool down, the switch will automatically go into the "OFF" position because its
charge of Nz gas will be adsorbed by the getter pump. To activate the switch to
its "ON" position, the charcoal pump is heated using the pump heater. The
primary characteristics of the switch/getter pump system are summarized in
Table 2.
~ IUPPI.Y 11&:
5 '\.
4 '\.
3 ,"-...._
analysis of the structure was performed. The model, consisting of 882 nodes and
384 elements was analyzed using Images 3D3 running in a 386 - 25 MHz
computer. Part of the switch design process included two "sensitivity" type
analyses. One of them, presented in Fig. 5, shows how sensitive is the switch
"ON" conductance to its gap width, while the other (Fig. 6) shows the relationship
between gas-gap length and the temperature difference across the switch.
From these analyses and considering the physical constraints given, a gap width of
0.005 cms was chosen for the new switches. The getter pump, containing about 1
gr of charcoal was connected, via a capillary tube and an indium seal, to the
switch. The final weight of the switch was 1. 75 Kg, while the cryopump weighed
67 gr. A finite element analysis of the switch indicated that under a static Ioad of
15 gs in any direction, the maximum stress would be found at the G-10 tube and
with a magnitude of 15.9 MPa. The maximum displacement of 0.00053 cm was
also found to be at the G-10 tube when the 15 gs static load was applied in the x-
2. Tests and Results
In order to satisfy flight qualification requirements, the switches were
subjected to radiographic exams, proof pressure tests, leak tests, structural tests
and thermal performance tests.
Structural Tests
Ta determine the ability of the switches to withstand the vibration test
conditions as specified, without evidence of darnage or deterioration, they were
attached to a fixture plate and then securely mounted to an MB/Ling C-150
electrodynamic vibration system. One accelerometer was located an the test
LEN;TH. a11 Q z 20 W. Tc = 78 K
50 \
40 \
30 \
20 !""...
10 -.... 1---
10 1
6. T, K
15 ,... V ..........
10 f..-""'
,....,... ."..
5 ...... ...........
0 I/
10 11 12
Th - Tc, K
Figure 7. Thennal perfonnance.
fixture while the response accelerometers were attached to the bot side of each
switch. The switches were subjected to sine vibration, random vibration, and sine
dwells in each of the three mutually perpendicular axes. Vibration was applied at
the following levels:
Random Vibration
Fligbt Level: Proto-Fligbt Level:
20 Hz @ 0.0125 g2/Hz 20 Hz @ 0.025 g2/Hz
50 to 600 Hz @ -.075 g21Hz 50 to 600 Hz @ 0.15 g2JHz
2000 Hz @ 0.0125 g2/Hz 2000 Hz @ 0.025 g2JHz
Total Grms: 9.1 Total Grms: 12.9
1 minute/axis 1 minute/axis
3 axes 3 axes
Sine Vibration
Sine Dweil
Fligbt Level: Proto-Flight Level:
20Hz@ 15 g's 20 Hz @ 18.75 g's
1 second 1 second
Th, K
160 ~ ~
\ L\
~ L 1\
't-.. - ./ ~ -
10 20 JO 40 50 60
Time, min
Proof Pressure Tests
Thermal Tests
With the silicon diades attached to the "hat" and "cold" ends of the switch,
as weil as, to the cryopump, the assembly was mounted in the vacuum fixture,
immersed in the liquid nitrogen bath and ailowed to stabilize. Testing began
when all sensors indicated less than 80 K. It consisted of applying power to the
heater instailed on the "hat" side of the switch, first with the device "OFF", then
"ON" and, measuring in each case the temperature difference across the switch
and therefore its conductance.
Additionaily, 3 cooldown tests were performed by warming the "hat" side of the
switch to approximately 160 K, with the switch in the "OFF" mode and 20 W of
power into the "hat" side, turning the switch "ON" and monitaring the cooldown
rate of the "hat" side versus time. The switch was turn "ON" by applying power
to the heater wrapped araund the cryopump, resulting in the charcoal desorbing
the nitrogen ~as and fill the switch gap, thus establishing the thermal contact
between the 'hat" and "cold" sides of the switch. The results of these tests are
presented in Figs. 7 and 8. The "OFF" conductance of the switches was
measured tobe 0.003 W/K.
A cryogenic self contained gas-gap heat switch, using nitrogen gas as the
exchange fluid has been developed, fabricated and tested. Stringent testing,
structural as weil as thermal demonstrated the adequacy of the design for space
flight and the correctness of our analysis. A thermal switching ratio of 600 was
attained with switching times of about 15 minutes.
1. Lounasma, "Experimental Principles & Methods below 1 K," Academic Press,
New York (1974).
2. T. Nast, G. Bell, and C. Barnes, Development of Gas Gap Cryogenic Thermal
Switch, in: "Advances in Cryogenic Enfineering," vol 27, Plenum Press, New
York (1982), p. 1117.
3. Celestial Software Inc., Berkeley, CA
F. Kesting
Rembe GmbH
Brilon, Germany
All cryostats have to be equipped with relief devices to protect the
cryogenic system against hazardous overpressure. This is also valid for
space cryostats to avoid danger for the satellite, the launeher and the
personnel. The CRISTA experiment will be launched in 1994 by the Space
Shuttle for a 9 day mission. CRISTA will analyse dynamical processes as
waves and turbulence in the middle atmosphere by measuring the infrared
emission of atmospheric trace gases. 1 The main He tank of the CRISTA
cryostat contains 725 1 supercritical Helium at a nominal pressure of
3 bar. A secend He tank contains 55 1 liquid helium at an initial vapor
pressure of 0.1 bar. 2 Each He tank has a three stage safety system cor-
responding to the safety standards of NASA. A cryogenic rupture disc
mounted directly on the He tank will be the respective ultimate safety
component. The inner diameter of the rupture disc is determined by the
maximum vent gas rate due to the most critical failure mode, which is
the loss of insulation vacuum.
The safety standards of NASA require that relief devices shall be cer-
tified by test to operate at the required conditions of use. The main
The nominal set pressure of 4.5 bar ± 10% results from the operational
pressure of the main He tank and the pressure staging of the three stage
safety system. The tolerance band is based on manufacturers recommended
standard tolerance of ± 5% for ambient temperature discs. For the cryo-
genic discs the tolerance band was doubled to take into account low tem-
perature effects.
The CRISTA cryogenic rupture discs are of the reverse buckling type,
which is a highly reliable pressure relief device. This type provides
the best tolerance band and allows an operational pressure of up to 90%
of the set pressure as well as a high back pressure. The rupture disc
consists of a thin nickel membrane welded into a stainless steel housing
and a threefold knife made of stainless steel (see Fig. 1). The membrane
is prebuckled towards the pressure side. When the set pressure is reached
the membrane will flap against the knife, gets cut and the full cross
section is released.
A batch qualification bad to be performed because an operational test of
a rupture disc can only be done in a destructive way. The chosen size of
22 unils FM: flight units (2}
SM: spare unils (4}
QM: qualification units (16}
the batch takes into account that there is l.ittle experience with cryo-
genic rupture discs and that the qualification has to be performed at
cryogenic temperatures. The whole batch consisted of 22 units, 16 of them
were qualification units (QM), two are flight units (FM) and four are
spare units (SM).
The main steps of the test program (see Fig. 2) are pressure cycl.es
and burst tests at liquid helium temperature for QM's and a compressive
creep test for FM's and SM's. The QM tests shall demonstrate that the
rupture discs operate at service conditions within the specifications.
The tests of the FM's and SM's shall demonstrate their usability. Before
these tests all units undergo thermal cycling in order to age them with
respect to low temperature effects. Before and after each step of the
test program described above all units are leak tested at the correspon-
ding temperature to show integrity of the unit.
exhaust tube
[ - meta/ seals
· rupture disc
Cu-Be lamella
pressure housing
/ pressure chamber
h.'r---+-----<l.):A~~?!If'=---·- temperature sensor
·'====+=~~f_;~~L--- tube for pressure build up
_,., pressure gauge
,__, 10 mm
ure of the relief disc is reached, the gas is released through the ex-
haust tube. This tube is also used for the leak tests of the relief
discs. To improve the thermal contact to the temperature stages of the
refrigerator cryostat Cu-Be-lamella are screwed to the pressure housing.
The low temperature test facility achieves the following cool-down times:
The pressure build up for a hurst test was divided into two phases.
During the first 50 seconds the pressure increased up to 80% of the
nominal set pressure. Afterwards the pressure increased by 0.5% of the
nominal set pressure per second until bursting. The accuracy of pressure
reading including hurst pressure determination is ± 0.020 bar. The press-
ure cycle tests were performed automatically with 9 cycles per hour. The
temperature stability during the whole qualification program of one unit
is ± 0.1 K at 4.5 K.
- The average set pressure of the main batch is below the specifica-
tion by 0.27 bar. This does not pose a problem because of the small
tolerance band achieved (see Fig. 4).
- The tolerance band is only one half of the one required.
- The standard deviations at 4.5 K are comparable with those at room
- With respect to the average set pressure at room temperature the one
at 4.5 K increases by 36% for the main batch and 39% for the pre-
The test results demonstrata that the CRISTA cryogenic rupture discs
operate at the required conditions of use.
Psel = 4230 mbar
c: 3 16 units
Q) 2
G. L. Mills
The requirements for the Lambda point experiment sample chamber valve were
established as follows, for any temperature from 300 K to 2.1 K.
Several valve concepts were initially considered and were quickly narrowed
down to two concepts: pressure and torque actuated. The torque actuated
concept was based on a valve which had been successfully used in
laboratory experiments at Stanford University. The concept as modified by
Ball is shown in figure 2. A simple set screw plunger drives an indiurn
coated diaphragm against a sharp seat. A Belleville spring washer stack is
used to make the force more controllable and repeatable. When the set
screw is screwed out, the diaphragm is allowed to come off the seat,
opening the valve. A drive rod or tube is inserted in the plunger and
extends out the dewar through an 0-ring seal. It is inserted in the set
screw only when the valve is opened or closed to eliminate its thermal
effect on the calorimeter when data is being taken.
Thln Walted
Torque Tube
Low Pressure
Indium Wlre Tube
The decision as to which valve concept to develop into fl i ght design and
hardware was difficult. It was recognized that the sample chamber valve
represented one of the highest areas of cost and schedule r i sk to the
overall experiment program and had the potential to greatly increase
program costs by delaying the overa ll program. The tradeoff of these
concepts are presented in table 1. In general, it appeared that both
concepts could probably b e made to work and neither concept was clearly
superior .
f- increasing importance
No heating No thermal Mintmal
durln~ effect when No Internat Development effect on Smalt
exper ment valve closes leakage cost lnst. deslgn mass
Acluator 'Hot poker" Sealforce Testing Requlres Mass
pullad out effect of can be requlres free ':fcace is
thrOUQh actuator continously rest of the in mi die small
Torque fl~s 1n difficult increased instrument of entire
actuated shelds to eliminate until or a Instrument
during exp. leaktlght mock-up
Actuation Valve Constant Valve test Almost no Mass
line and closes by seat force; self- effect on Iarger
dlaphram reduclng any leak contalned. rast of than
Pressure evacuated actuation cannot Instrument torque
actuated during exp. pressure be reduced design actuated
container during valve opening or closing. This would make precise
adjustment of the sample chamber helium mass difficult. The torque tubes
would have to be heat sunk to the helium bath and various controlled
temperature stages. This would require the development of high performance
sliding thermal anchors.
The final, flight lambda point sample chamber valve design is shown in
figure 3. A photograph of the flight valve and sample chamber is shown in
figure 4 .
Actuatlon stem
Low Preuure
Figure 4: Flight valve and sample chamber
BECD experience with the COBE valve aided greatly in performing the
detailed design of the Lambda ~o~nt Experiment sample chamber valve.
Based on the COBE valve experience, it was decided to make the seat a 110
degree angle with an approximately 0.003 cm. radius on the edge and to
machine the seat from hardened beryllium copper. Also similar to the COBE
valve was the seal, which was made of vacuum annealed copper 101 (99.99%
pure) with a 0.0003 cm. thick gold coating.
There was experimental evidence from the testing of the COBE valve that if
the seal moved relative to the seat after the first sealing cycle, much
more additional force was required to cause the valve to seal again. For
this reason, the seal was soldered into a recess machined into the low
pressure diaphragm, so it would not move, but could be (and would have to
be) renewed every time the valve was put together. The lambda point valve
was designed so that the seal was pushed into the seat with a force of 45
kilograms. This was proportional to the sealing force used on the COBE
valve and was based on the relative seat diameters.
The seat diameter for the lambda point valve was chosen to be 0.25 cm.
since this was the smallest diameter that could be accurately machined
with conventional techniques. The seat diameter of the lambda point valve
needed to be large enough to provide a large flow conductance relative to
the rest of the system, but since the fill line had an inside diameter of
only 0.051 cm., the valve seat could be quite small and still not affect
the overall flow conduction. The valve stroke, or distance that the valve
seal comes off the seat when open, was set at 0.008 cm. to limit stress on
both diaphragms.
The actuation diaphragm was sized to open the valve with an actuation
pressure of 1.7 MPa. This actuation pressurewas chosentobe well below
that of the helium 4 solidification pressure of 2.6 MPa at 1.6 K.
Almost all of the valve parts were designed to be built out of beryllium
copper. The only parts that were not beryllium copper were the valve seal
(pure copper and gold), the titanium screws and the indium static seal.
Beryllium copper (copper alloy 172) was chosen because it is very strong
in the full hard condition, machines well, welds and solders well, is non-
magnetic and is compatible with cryogenic temperatures.
The lambda point valve was built using conventional machining and assembly
processes, but several operations required a large amount of skill and
attention to detail tobe performed successfully. One side of the
actuating diaphragm had very thin (0.015 cm.), curved walls which were
difficult to machine without tearing or bending.
The seal was conventionally machined and the sealing surface was polished
to a 0.2 micron finish using a fine abrasive. The gold coating was applied
using a thin film ion sputtering machine. The seal was then carefully
soldered into the low pressure diaphragm using tin-lead solder.
It was recognized that since the valve opened only 0.008 cm., that
particles in the helium flow approximately this size or larger would get
stuck between the seat and the seal, causing the valve to leak. This
created a requirement that the helium fluid system be cleaned so that it
had no particles in it larger than 1/10 of the valve stroke or 8 microns.
Fortunately, it was found that this stringent cleanliness level could be
achieved by carefully following established cleaning and clean room
procedures. The final cleaning and assembly of the sample chamber and low
pressure diaphragm were done on a class 10,000 flow bench in a class
100,000 clean room.
Three prototypes of the sample chamber valve were built and tested before
the final, flight valve was built. All of the valves were tested in the
same manner. The valve tobe tested was thermally and structurally
anchored to the outside of the inner tank of a small dewar. When the dewar
was assembled and the guard vacuum pumped, this put the valve in a high
vacuum as it would be in actual use. Small diameter copper-nickel tubes
were attached to the fill and sample chamber sides of the valve seat, and
to the high pressure diaphragm using indium sealed flanges. The three
tubes were run out to bulkhead fittings in the dewar outside wall. A
silicon diode and a germanium thermometer were thermally anchored to the
valve body.
The valve was tested for external leaks by attaching a mass spectrometer
helium leak detector to the dewar guard vacuum, and pressurizing the three
lines with helium. The closed valve was tested for leaks across the seat
by attaching the leak detector to the fill tube and pressurizing the
sample chamber tube with helium. In both cases, a stable leak detector
reading was taken when the tubes were evacuated and after the tubes were
pressurized. A leak was an increase from the first to the second reading.
These leak detection tests were done at room temperature, 77 K and 2.1 K
with the inner tank of the test dewar filled with liquid nitrogen or
helium II as required. If a particular valve assembly was found to leak at
77 K, time and effort was usually not spent cooling the valve to 2.1 K
since we have found that if an assembly leaks at 77 K it will be very
likely to leak at 2.1 K. Likewise, we have also found that if an assembly
is leaktight at 77 K, it is also leaktight below 2.1 K 6. However, tobe
safe, all leaktight assernblies were confirmed tobe leaktight by testing
at 2.1 K.
The gas flow rate was roughly determined by letting it bubble through
alcohol and counting the bubbles in a given time period.
The testing of the first and second prototype valves demonstrated the
overall feasibility of the valve design. The valve opened and closed, had
good conductance and was externally leaktight. The closed valve was
initially leaktight across the seat at room temperature and liquid
nitrogen temperature, but after being open and closed once, it developed a
lo-7 std. cubic cm.jsec leak. Additionalopen and close cycles did not
significantly affect this leak rate. The valve was disassembled and no
obvious cause for the leakage was found. Numerous modifications to the
valve seat, seal and assembly procedure were tried with essentially the
same results. A launch vibration test of the second prototype decreased
the amount of leakage across the seat significantly.
A third prototype valve was built which had tighter tolerances than the
first, especially with regard to the dimensions that control how well the
stem was centered over the seat. In addition, several modifications were
incorporated in the design to insure this centering. The valve housing had
extensions added to it to which fit closely on the valve base which
centered both the housing (which held the stem) and the low pressure
diaphragm to the valve base (see figure 3). A small hemisphere was
machined into the center of the low pressure diaphragm to insure that the
stem could only apply force on its exact center. On the previous valves,
this area had been flat.
This third prototype valve was then disassembled and then reassembled
with a new seal and tested. It was also leaktight to the same level.
Inspection of the seal from the disassembled valve showed the impression
left by the seat to vary in depth less than 6% (.0068 to .0064 cm.).
The flight valve has been assembled on the sample chamber and has been
tested for leakage and conductance at 2.1 K. It has a leak rate of less
than lo-9 std. cubic cm./sec. at 77 and 2.1 K after being opened and
closed repeatedly at those temperatures.
The conductance of all of the valves with the fill tube was 1-5 cubic
cm.jsec of helium at 77 K with 200 torr driving pressure. The conductance
of the fill tube alone was found to be approximately the same, therefore
the conductance of the valve was concluded to be large compared to the
fill line.
The third prototype valve assembly, which was not built into a sample
chamber, weighed 182 grams. The flight valve weight is probably very close
to this, but it could not be weighed separately from the sample chamber.
A pressure actuated valve has been built which meets all the requirements
of the lambda point experiment calorimeter. Several key features of the
design allowed the valve to repeatedly have less than lo-9 std. cubic
cm.jsec helium leakage across the valve seat at 77 K and 2.1 K. These
features include: a soft copper and gold seal forced into a hard metal
seat, the seal and seat arranged so that they always come together in
exactly same spot, and the force on the seal arranged so that it is very
uniform and repeatable.
The author wishes to acknowledge Robert Arentz, Dan Payne, and Jerry
Siebert - all of BECD - for their significant contributions to this work.
This work was supported by Stanford University contract PR4815 and by NASA
JPL contract 955057.
System Model. The observed system response matches well with a 2nd
order polynomial model with temperature/cooling capability dependent
damping ratio and natural frequency. The system is characterized as under
damped with a nearly constant time constant of 180 seconds over the entire
temperature range of 4.2 - 125 K. The system response is less damped for
reductions in heat input than it is for increases in heat input.
Control System
Temperature (K)
120.00 ~----~----~----~r---
Time (s)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50
filtering method is stable over small variations in period for systems of 4th
order or less.
Temperature (K)
I [\
iI !\
iI _\
30.00 \
20.00 l
10.00 .____, ~--··
Time (s)
0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00
Temperature (K)
70.00 i\
60.00 \
50.00 \\
30.00 '-....
Time (s)
0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00
Temperarure (K)
Time (s)
0.00 5.00 10.00
Temperature (K)
80.00 /
75.00 /
70.00 /
65.00 /
60.00 /
50.00 /
45.00 /
2.00 2.50
The automatic temperature control system provides accurate temperature
and temperature rate control of a commercial helium gas flow cryostat. The
broad range of the temperature and temperature rate control Ieads to the use
of this controller in cryostats for thermometer characterization as weil as
other possible uses. The 80386 PC implementation of the automatic
temperature control system provides a good base from which to implement a
variable temperature magnetometer with correlated data acquisition and
temperature control.
The basic design of the sensors is illustrated in Fig.l, where a thin wire
is wound with a constant pitch p around a cylindrical glass core of a
diameter of d. The relative increment of line resistance per unit length
Q(T,B) is assumed as shown by equation (1). 12
where Bi and B# are the components of the magnetic field perpendicular and
parallel to the wire element, respectively. Then the total resistance of the
sensor, R(T,B), can be readily calculated by integrating Eq.l along the wire
and the magneto-resistance is given as follows. In the calculation, Z-axis
is chosen to be parallel to the axis of the sensor core.
cos 2 0 cos 2 0p 2
Bx-y+sln20P Bz)
2 • 2
R(T,B) /R(T, 0) -l =e.~. ( ( 1 - - -
2-P l~-y+cos 0P Bz) +e1 (
2 (2)
:'§' 0.99
~ 0.98
'-., 0.97 - 19.8K
ero:l o.96 -+- 27.6K
~ 0.95
* 42.0K
·:;< o.93 -e- 49.5K
-I 0.92
o:l 0.91
o.9 '--~-~-~-~-~-~-~__j
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig.4 Field dependence of the ratio of the magneto-resistance
with the field perpendicular to the axis of the sensor against
that with the parallel field.
The experimental setup above includes two extreme conditions that the
fieldisparallel or perpendicular to the axis of the sensors. From Eq.(2)
the magneto-resistance under these conditions can be derived as follows.
R(T,B) /R(T, 0) -l=e.tcos 2 8P B2 +e1sin 2 8P B 2 B II Axis of the sensor (3)
As is clearly seen from Fig. 2, the pitch angle for the commercial new-
JIS PRT is very small and coseP is 0.9992. Then e_~_B 2 and eUB 2 at 42K can be
determined. This leads us to calculate the theoretical magneto-resistance for
a wide range of eP by use of Eqs.(3) and (4). Figure 5 compares these
theoretical lines with experimental results at 42.0K under 8T. The
theoretical lines give good fits at large ep but give only poor fits at
smaller eP. The reason for this disagreement is not clearly known yet.
1 o.o6 ,-----------~
c:: 0.05
N 0 Fig.S Pitch angle dependence of
..q< 0.04 ji! X
the relative resistance increase
::=::o 03 at 42K: solid line(calculation),
E-< o( experiment); the direction of
~-o.oz the field is parallel to the axis
N of the sensor dotted
~0.01 :-~~-~-~-~_j line(calculation), x(experiment);
P:: 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
cos2 Bp perpendicular to the axis
I o 05 ,----------J"'IS"z--=---,
60 70
I 0.04
-a z
h 0.03
Table 1 Typieal design parameters of the present sensors
The authors thank Hayashi Denko, Co. Japan for the produetion of the
sensors. They also thank Mr. M. Tamura for his useful adviee in the
determination of the piteh angle of the sensors.
D. L. Clark
Martin Marietta Astronautics Group
Denver, CO
By thermally-coupling the pressure transducer to the cryogenic
vessel or transfer line, the measurement uncertainty can be significantly
reduced as well as the heat leak associated with sensing lines extending
to ambient temperatures. Temperature compensation algorithms are
presented along with experimental results using piezoresistive pressure
transducers which are operated at the cryogen temperature.
Pressure measurements with accuracies better than 0.5% of full
scale can be obtained with piezoresistive transducers at any temperature
from 70 K up to 300 K using appropriate algorithms. The resulting
reduction in heat leak minimizes the effects of Thermo-Acoustic-
Oscillations (TAO) and reduces measurement uncertainty.
Data is presented from testing with liquid nitrogen and liquid
hydrogen as well as implementation considerations.
Cryogenic pressure measurements have always challenged the
system designer. Traditional methods of mounting the transducer in
the ambient environment generate heat leak through the sensing lines
and are subject to Thermo-Acoustic-Oscillations (TAO). These effects
can induce fluctuations that exceed the level of the measurement itself.
Previous testing 1•2 .4 has demonstrated the value of thermally-coupling
the pressure transducer to the cryogenic fluid. These methods
eliminate the large temperature differential across the sensing lines,
reducing the heat leak and the associated induced pressure fluctuations.
Typical systems installations attempt to reduce TAO by using
restrictions in the sensing lines or large damping volumes. These
methods reduce TAO but also eliminate any dynamic response in the
Pressure transducers which are constructed to operate at
cryogenic temperatures have recently been developed 3 • These
transducers can withstand extreme cold shock while providing
Two components of the temperature response must be
considered with the piezoresistive sensor. For purposes of this analysis,
we separate the zero-shift due to temperature from the sensitivity
effects. A differential pressure transducer with a range of 0 to 202 kPa
was use for this testing.
The test setup for determining the temperature characteristics
of the sensor used a calibrated reference transducer mounted in the
ambient environment with common sensor port Connections for the
thermally-coupled transducer. The test transducer was mounted in a
large thermal mass to reduce thermal transients. A type "E"
thermocouple mounted to the transducer body provided the reference
temperature. The test transducer was placed in a cryogenic container
and covered with liquid nitrogen. The test pressure was applied and the
transducer was allowed to slowly warm up after draining the liquid
The zero-shift results of the test transducer are shown in Figure
1 where the zero-pressure output is plotted versus the sensor
temperature. The figure includes the zero shift from two similar
> • Sensor 2
.§. Sensor 3
c.. 10
• • • • • • • •
• • • • •
...0G.l • • •
...G.l lll
1.1 lll
'0 0 "bb
111 lll
c mmm mm
...ns lll
1- mmmlll
0 1 00 200 300 400
Transducer Tempersture (Kelvin)
Figure 1 - Transducer Zero Output vs. Temperature
transducers for comparison. The zero-shift is modelled with the
following linear equation:
Z(t) = 4.21 - .0305Im (1)
1.8 - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t r - - - - - - ,
. ,#
- . ".
Ii 1.4 m
~ rP
>- m
=> 1.2 41:1
=c IP
m Test Sensor
(/) • Sensor2
1.0 • • • Sensor3
•• 1:1
0.8 +----.----,ro----...---.....------r--r------1
0 100 200 300 400
Transducer Tamperature (Kelvin)
u.. EI EI
~ EI
EI EI EI l1la
lil EI lillil
0.0 EI EI EI
ö EI
1!1 EI EI
111 -0.2- EI EI
-0.4 EI
1!1 EI
-0.6 I
applicatlons. Additlonally, the sensor Ieads must be brought out of the
vessel, requtring hermetlc feedthroughs. This method can be used _to
completely eliminate TAO effects and provide very accurate measure
measurements. Since there are no induced oscillatlons, the transducer
can track very small flow fluctuatlons. This method has been used to
measure pressure drop across capillary retentlon devices and provides
an indicatlon of screen breakdown when bubbles are ingested into the
device. Other applications include Ievel sensing4 and in-line vapor
bubble detection.
A method for measuring pressures-in flow lines mounts the
transdticer on the flow Une inside the vacuum jacket. A saddle between
the transducer and the line Insures good thermal contact. The sensing
lines are also thermally-coupled to the flow line to reduce vapor bubbles
in the sensing lines. The entlre sensing system is covered with MLI to
reduce heat leak and insure optlmum thermal transfer to the
An example of the flow measurement is shown in Figure 4
where the output of a thermally-coupled transducer is shown during a
liquid hydrogen no-vent fill test. The transducer is measuring the
pressure drop across a venturi meter in the primary fillline. The
measurement shows large fluctuations in the initlal flow due to two-
phase conditions as the line cools. The fluctuatlons then drop as the
sub-cooled liquid hydrogen enters the tank. The overall flow rate
decreases steadily as the pressure in the unvented tank increases with
the rising liquid level. Finally, the flow stops completely as the
maximum level is reached and the pressure fluctuations in the
flowmeter increase due to the gcneratlon of vapor bubbles in the
transfer line. This application used a pre-calibrated transducer since
the flow temperature was known. This method provided accurate data
for liquid hydrogen but was not valid for other temperatures. The
differential pressure scale in the figure is only approximate since a more
complicated algorithm is required to determine the true pressure.
The use of thermally-coupled pressure sensing techniques can
greatly improve certain measurements in cryogenic systems. By
eliminating the large temperature differential in the sensing lines, the
heat leak and induced oscillations are greatly reduced. Sensitive
measurements of low density fluids can be made. Actual flow
fluctuations can be measured including entrained vapor bubbles.
Figure 4 - Thermally-Coupled Flow Measurement
145 1
Piezoresistive cryogenic transducers can provide measurements
over the entire temperature range with accuracies approaching those of
conventional transducers. With the elimination of TAO, the uncertainty
is reduced for many applications. This paper investigated one particular
transducer as an example of the possible uses for thermally-coupled
sensing techniques. Data from the manufacturer is included for two
similar sensors for comparison. This particular approach was used to
provide a transducer for a wide operating temperature range. The
sensors can achieve much higher accuracies at a fiXed, known
temperature with appropriate calibrations.
l. P. L. Walstrom and J. R. Maddox, Use of Siemens KPY Pressure
Transducers at Liquid Helium Temperatures, Cryo~enics,
27:439 (1987).
2. A. Kashani, A. L. Spivak, R. A. Wilcox and C. E. Woodhouse,
Performance of Validyne Pressure Transducers in Liquid
Helium, Proc. 12th Int. Cryo. En~. Conf., Southhampton,
U.K. (1988)
3. C. Boyd, D. Juanarena and M. G. Rao, Cryogenic Pressure
Sensor Calibration Facility, in; Advances In Cryogenic
Engineering, Vol. 35, R. W. Fast,ed., Plenum Publishing Corp.,
New York (1990), pp 1573-1581
4. D. L. Clark, Thermally-Coupled Cryogenic Pressure Sensing, in;
Applications Of Cryogenic Technology, Vol. 10, J. Patrick
Kelley,ed.,Plenum Publishing Corp., New York (1991)
5. D. B. Juanarena, M. G. Rao, Integrated Cryogenic Sensors, in: "Proc.
37th lnt. Inst. Symp.,"San Diego, CA (1991), p.741-753
The rate of gas evolution in this particular problern is rapid, due to the flashing and
occurs over a rather long period, due to the film and pool boiling. Gas chromatography
for the determination of composition is not suited to this problern because it is too slow
and would miss the initial transient. Mass spectrometry is not practical for this problern
since mass spectrometers do not recognize very light gases like helium and hydrogen.
This was the motivation to develop a technique and sensor which could be used to
determine mixture composition in mixtures of hydrogen and nitrogen.
In this paper, we address the development of the acoustic composition sensor which
can be used to determine the composition of a binary gas mixture. Two sensors are
described, each having one quality that the other lacks. Results of transient heating and
cooling of nitrogen-helium gas mixtures are discussed.
Two types of acoustic sensors were used. The first is a tubular sensor made of a
stainless steel tube of internal diameter 1.27 cm and of length 116.1 cm to which a
28.8 I
'c' • '-;-' ~~
All dimensions in centimeters
Tape Recorder Spectrum Analyzer Plotter
transition piece of lucite was flxed at one end as shown in Fig. 1. A brass end fltting with
a valve closed the other end. This allowed the entry of chosen gases into the tube. At
the transition piece, a piezoelectric loud speaker (tweeter) was attached and driven by a
pulse generator to produce sonic pulses in the tubular sensor.
A microphone located 53.4 cm from the transition piece was used to sense the
acoustic wave motion in the tube. The sound pulses reflected by a ring located 28.8 cm
from the microphone and the reflections from the end wall, located 33.9 cm from the ring,
were used to determine the speed of sound in the region between the ring and the end wall
as shown in Fig. 1. A thermocouple measured the temperature at the mid point of this
region. Multiple reflections can also be used to improve time resolution, if necessary.
lf the region between the ring and end wall is made porous by drilling with many
holes of small size, the tubular sensor can be used to measure the speed of sound in the
same region for the case where the gases outside the tube diffuse or convect to the inside
of the tube. This time constant was too long in some cases of accidental spills of the
cryogenic liquids and was therefore not employed here.
0 20
f, kHz
Figure 3. Typical signal obtained from the tubluar sensor (above), spectrum analyzer
output showing spike at thermocouple carrier frequency (below).
was deliberately made to allow leaks at the lid so that it was possible to pour liquid
nitrogen through the port quickly. To prevent all the helium initially in the vessel from
being displaced immediately at the start of the experiment, a small flow of helium gas was
allowed and continued throughout the experiment.
Fig. 2 shows the signal processing system. A pulse generator produced pulses
repeated approximately once a second. These pulses were amplified and applied to a
transmitter. The signals received by the two microphones were amplified and added
together. Also added to these is the frequency modulated signal from the thermocouple.
This signalwas obtained by D.C. amplifying the thermocouple signaland using a voltage
to frequency converter. The combined signal shows a sine wave of low amplitude
representing the temperature as well as pulses associated with signals detected by one
microphone or two microphones, as the case may be. The composite signal was recorded
on tape and played back later. The original pulse was also recorded to aid in triggering
the signal analyzer. The output of the signal analyzer was plotted by using a digital plotter.
A typical signal from the tubular sensor is shown in the upper plot of Fig. 3. In
the Figure, A is the initial pulse sensed by the microphone, B is the signal due to reflection
> -2
se -4
0 180 ....:
u -6
1- 140
-8 100
0 2 3
0 during warm-up
350 6 during cool down
- calculated values
ü 250
50 100 150 200 250 300 350
T, K
from the ring and C is the reflection from the end wall. The sine wave occurring as a
small baseline has the frequency corresponding to the thermocouple signal. This frequency
is easily read from the strong peak in the spectrum shown in the lower part of Fig. 3. The
temperature scale is linear in frequency and varies from 15kHz at 296 K to 6.4 kHz at 81
K. The speed of sound in the test section is determined by dividing 33.9 cm by half of the
time interval from B to C which is 1.98 ms in Fig. 3.
The tubular sensor was plunged up to the location of the microphone into a dewar
containing liquid Nitrogen in a test to record the transient temperatures. The signal from
the thermocouple, shown in Fig. 4, decreases linearly for approximately 30 sec from A
toB and then decreases more rapidly along BC indicating morerapid heat transfer. It is
possible that a small amount of liquid nitrogen leaked in at the bottom through the valve
to cause this rapid cooling inside. The minimum temperature is reached at C rather
abruptly and remains almost constant along CD. Near D, the sensorwas pulled out and
was allowed to warm up in air. This warming process along DE is much slower.
Data were recorded on tape all through the test and were reduced by playing the
tape back. In Fig. 5 the measured values of the speed of sound, c, are plotted vs.
temperature, T, and compared with the known speed of sound of nitrogen. The speed of
sound measured corresponds to an average in the region between the end wall and the ring
whereas the calculated value corresponds to the speed of sound at the temperature
measured by the thermocouple.
During the transient period, cooling and warming, the temperature at the center of
the tube, measured by the thermocouple, differs from the average temperature of the gas.
Therefore, during cooling, the measured speeds of sound are lower than the values at the
thermocouple, as expected. Since heat transfer is more rapid during cooling than
warming, values of c measured during cooling are further from the values calculated using
the measured temperature than those during warming. From 80K to 180K they are
slightly higher indicating that the thermocouple is colder than the average which is to be
expected. But in the region from 180K to 300K, the thermocoupleis warmer than the
average which was not expected. This may be due to axial temperature gradients caused
by the large thermal mass (brass block) at the end of the test section. Errors due to these
axial gradients could be minimized by using more thermocouples located axially along the
sensor. During the cooling period it was not possible to get data between 180K and 80K
because the recorded signals were too noisy. It is possible that liquid nitrogenentered the
tube and caused a hissing noise due to boiling inside the tube.
~ 0.7
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Figure 6. . Comparison of known and acoustically measured volume fraction of hellum-
rutrogen mixtures at room temperature.
Tests were conducted by measuring the speed of sound of known mixtures of helium
and nitrogen at ambient temperature. A similar tubular sensor was employed and data were
acquired at two values of gage lengths between the ring and the wall at 30.9 cm and 78.6
cm. The detailed description of these sensors and results are reported elsewherel. A plot
of measured composition vs. the known composition is shown in Fig. 6. The measured
values of volume fraction of helium are lower than the known values by less than 2% for
YHc from 0.6 to 1.0. The differences are most likely due to air leaks into helium. The
speed of sound measurement is quite satisfactory to measure the composition.
To simulate the mixing of two cryogenic liquids, a vessel was filled with He gas,
and LN2 was poured into the vessel. For fast time response, the speed of sound was
measured using the two microphone sensor technique (Fig. 1). Figure 7 shows a typical
signal measured in air at room temperature which show multiple reflections from the
vessel wall in addition to the main pulses A and B which were detected by the two
microphones. When the vessel was filled with helium, the time scale was shortened to
approximately one third the values in Fig. 7. Only the peaks A and B were used to
determine the speeds of sound. The tape recorder signal contained a baseline sine wave
as in Fig. 3, which is not shown in Fig. 7.
•5 I
c E
~- " II" II 1\ 1\ti [1
\I V V
~ 1\1 lt II
V r-JV
0 3.125
t, ms
2 300
> 260
E )ol
... -2
220 ....:
e c
0 B 180
u -6 160
.8 0
.6 0
:r:: 0
>- .4
.2 1- 0
0 ,...
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t' s
In Fig. 8, the variation of temperature with time is shown in the experiment where
liquid N2 was poured into the vessel containing helium. The temperature dropped from
an initial temperature at A to B rapidly during which time liquid nitrogen was boiling at
the bottom below the microphone. The temperature trace was unsteady in this region.
From B to C the gas mixture warmed up slowly after all the liquid nitrogen had boiled
away. The minimum temperature reached in this experimentwas only 200 K.
In the lower plot of Fig. 8, values of the volume fraction of helium, YHe• calculated
from the measured speed of sound are plotted against time. It is seen that helium was
displaced by the nitrogen in 30 sec. For times greater than 30 sec., up to 210 sec. (the
duration of the test), the region near the microphones was pure nitrogen in spite of the fact
that helium was continuously flowed into the vessel.
The tubular sensor is less sensitive to extemal noise and if the phenomena is slow
enough, it is the better choice of sensors. The porous tubu1ar sensor had a time constant
of a minute or so. If the phenomena is more rapid, bare microphones must be used and
under noisy conditions some data will be unusable. The smallest separation distance for
the two microphone configuration depends upon the speed of sound in the gas mixture.
It is about 30 cm for the case of the speed of sound equal to 1000 m/s. Generally, long
separation distances are better for improved resolution.
The research carried out in this paper was carried out in the Applied Technologies Section
of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Califomia Institute of Techno1ogy, under contract to the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The work was intemally funded through
the Flight Projects Office as part of the RTG Safety Task.
1. T.S. Luchik et al, Cryogenic mixing with phase change in the simulation of LO/LH2
explosion hazards, in: "Proc. Ninth Intl. Heat Transfer Conf. ", Vol. 1.
Hemisphere Publishing Corp. (1990), p. 365.
2. S.P. Venkateshan et al, Acoustic temperature profile measurement technique for large
combustion chambers, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 111:461 (1989).
3. E.Y. Kwack, P. Shakkottai, and L.H. Back, Tubular acoustic sensor for measurement
of gas composition, Submitted to Rev. Sei. Inst.
A{liD B
c D
@. /
However, the use of a resonator instead of a multiplate capacitor5 allows
to obtain a higher accuracy of measurement and more information, since a
resonator tomographer has two information channels, one being different
pairs of rods, the other being different harmonics, while in the
capacitive device there are only different combinations of pairs of
I I I 1 2 3
However, there seems to be a more preferable way when the resonator is
replaced by an equivalent circuit with the concentrated parameters, which
allows a physically substantiated form of the function
f(c) = F (c, K, K, ... , K) with a set of experimentally determinate
phy 1 2 n
coefficients K , K , ... , K . The coefficients K are determined by the
1 2 n i
measurements of resonance frequencies f. while one fills the sensor with
media of known dielectric constants c. Compared with the previous ap-
proach, this one must ensure the prescribed accuracy at a much smaller
nurober of coefficients, which is proved by the experiments with helium
and nitrogen. In Fig. 4 there is the simplest equivalent circuit of an
annular sensor and the corresponding calibration curve f(cl=K /(c+K ) 0 "5
1 2
'"'"'rnl "'"""~}
- 211.00
Q) 209.00
Signal capacltance C( t) ...
0 207.00
2rr c:
f= f/1
)L(C(t)+C 51 ) 1 ...
1.00 1.02 1.04
permittivity, t
P=.1 00 kPa
.. 0.60
P=l 00 kPa
<'" o.•o Helium I
~ P=lOO kPa
Helium II
0.00 0.20 o.•o 0.60 0.80 1.00 P=40 kPa
Determination of flow-rate related guality
The two-phase flow rate can also be determined by the pressure dif-
ference at the orifice plate8 or by the nurober of turbine revolutions n. 7
In this case, however, the flow rate G is involved in sophisticated
relations G = G(~P. x, thermophysical properties) or G=G(n,x,thermo-
physical properties) and the RF sensor is to be used for estimation of x.
The correlation and tagging methods or their combination seem to be more
preferable for determination of the two-phase flow rate (see Fig. 9).
When we used these methods with RF sensors, the tags were heat pulses ap-
plied to the flow by a heater placed at a distance from the sensor and in
front of it. The device is based on the intelligent Controller with an
additional data processing algorithm. For the correlation measurements
of the flow rate two RF sensors are installed one after another in the
flow (they can be assembled as a single structural unit). Their
frequency signals are processed by one intelligent block, which computes
~lag ealer - A R F
L Tt ./
'-'-------'------ T
the mutual correlation function R
(~) = --1--
J~ (t)~ (t-~)dt.
Z 1
The flow
rate is calculated as G=ßpSL/~ , where ß is the correction coefficient, S
is the channel cross section, L is the distance between the sensors, ~
is the time for which R has the maximum value. A flowmeter of this
type on the basis of the independent controller described in the previous
section is also being developed now. For any pair (in the set of 4 sen-
sors) there is a possibility of calculating the mutual correlation fun-
ction and the mass flow rate. The preliminary experiments showed that
the accuracy of the two-phase h~lium flow rate measurement by the tagging
and correlation methods is noticeably higher as compared with the
calorimetric measurement 6 or measurement with a flowmeter based on an
orifice plate and a void fraction sensor.
Using intelligent radio frequency sensors, one can determine dif-
ferent parameters of cryogens: in the two-phase region they are the void
fraction ~. the quality x, and ~- and x-dependent mean-volume and mean-
flow-rate thermodynamic characteristics - enthalpy, density, entropy,
etc.; in the single-phase region they are the mean-volume thermodynamic
quantities- temperature, density, enthalpy, etc., andin two-/three-
component mixtures they are concentrations of components. Combining
these sensors with orifice plates, turbines, pulsed heat sources, or
using them in pairs, one can measure flow rates of both two-phase and
single-phase media.
Conventional pressure differential gauges have been used for the evaluation of
the mass quantity of cryogen contained in pressurized cryogenic vessels. The pressure
sensing ports of the gauge are connected to the top and the bottom of the inner vessel
of the container through two spool piping circuits (SP circuits) in the annular space
between the inner and the outer vessels of the container. Due to the gravitational
force, there exists a pressure variation through each SP circuit. This study investigates
the magnitude of the pressure variation through the SP circuits and its impact on
the correlation of mass quantity and gauge reading. The temperature and pressure
distributions along the SP circuits are numerically evaluated. The mass-gauge reading
correlation has to be calibrated for each combination of vessel geometry and operating
pressure. Calibration curves corresponding to saturation and supercritical states are
analyzed and compared to the ones excluding the SP circuits' pressure variation
effect. This pressure Variation effect manifests itself at higher operating pressure and
becomes significant as the pressure rises above the critical point of the contained
cryogen. The geometrical dependence of the mass quantity for a given Ievel interval
will then disappear, and the mass-PDG reading correlation appears tobe linear. For
helium, the error due to the omission of the pressure variation through the SP circuits
in terms of percentage of mass quantity is approximately 2% near the critical point.
In the supercritical state, the error can be as high as 11% at p = 791 kPa.
For a cryogenic vessel, it is highly desirable to be able to monitor the mass
quantity of the contained cryogen. Such requirement becomes more important when
a cryogenic vessel is used as a storage tank. In this case, the cryogen will be with-
drawn from time to time at required quantity. The quantity of the remaining cryogen
should be known at any time. This objective can be easily achieved, if the cryogen
is saturated, by detecting the liquid Ievel. Electronic devices have been developed
to detect the location of the liquidfvapor interface 1 • The liquid Ievel may be de-
termined using resistance or capacitance Ievel gauges. In recent years, several kinds
of Ievel probes have been developed using superconducting materials. These devices
work on the basis that liquid and vapor have different heat-dissipating capabilities.
Properly calibrated under specified pressure, these devices can offer a level accuracy
A: 101.3 kf'c 8:135.8 kPa C: 170.2 kPc
..... 1400
~ 1200
!f 1000
~ 800
~ 600
In this case, the pressure heads due to liquid and vapor have to be evaluated separately
and added together, and two integration processes will be involved to evaluate the
liquid and vapor mass quantities separately. The relative elevation of the liquid-vapor
interface with respect to a reference line will be deterrnined and the volumes occupied
by liquid and vapor can be obtained through numerical integration. The parameters
used to determine the thermodynamic state, and hence to obtain the densities will
be saturation and pressure. Finally, the total mass contained in the vessel can be
calculated by multiplying the liquid and vapor densities to the volumes they occupy
respectively, and adding them together to obtain
m = LPiVi (3)
Single Phase
saturation states bend on both ends, showing the geometrical dependence of the
mass quantity at different Ievels.
Apparently, this mass quantity evalua.tion scheme is straightforward. However,
two factors that will definitely ca.use errors have not been considered. First, the grav-
ity and the tempera.ture stratification effect dicta.te the existence of vertical pressure
and temperature gradients. Since the density is a. function of both pressure and tem-
perature, it will be a variable instead of a constant. The impact of this factor on
the accuracy of the mass evaluation and the method to resolve the problern will be
discussed later. Second, the PDG does not sense the pressuredifferential between the
top and the bottom of the vessel. The two sensing ports of the PDG are connected to
the nozzles of the upper and the lower SP circuits. The cryogen entrapped in each SP
circuit Ieads to an undesirable pressure variation across the circuit. Negligence of this
pressure variation causes an underestimate of the total mass in the container. The
objective of this work is to evaluate the magnitudes of the pressure variations through
the SP circuits, and compensate their effect on the mass evaluation accuracy. Such
effort is carried out in the calibration process for the mass-PDG rea.ding correlation.
In the process of generating a chart for the mass-PDG reading correlation, one
has to evaluate the pressure variations through the upper and the lower SP circuits.
First, the thermal boundary conditions for the SP circuits have to be identified, and
then, the temperature distribution along each of the SP circuits will be determined.
Once the temperature distribution is known, the pressure distribution along each SP
circuit can be computed through an iteration process. The SP circuits are devided
into elements at arbitrarily small intervals. From the nozzle end of each SP circuit,
the vessel pressure and the local temperature are used to determine the local fluid
density. Once the local fluid density value is obtained, Equation 1 can be applied to
calculate the local pressure at the next element. For each SP circuit, this process is
continued until the other end of the SP circuit, which connects to the sensing port of
the PDG, is reached. The sum of the absolute magnitudes of the pressure variations in
the upper and the lower SP circuits represents the deviation of the registered pressure
difference from the actual pressure differential between the top and the bottom of the
inner vessel.
Volume Computations
In the saturation state, at a certain liquid Ievel, the total volume occupied by
liquid is integrated as follows
Vz = Vh + Vs (5)
vh = foz BA" [R -
(R- Z) 2 ] dZ (6)
where A and B are the semiaxes b of the ellipsoidal heads, and R and Ls are the
R: tOt .:J kPc 8: t:J5.8 kPc C: t70.2 kPc
,... 1400
~ 1200
~ 1000
::r: 000
radius and the length of the inner shell. VI here denotes the liquid volume and Vh, V.
represent the head and the shell volumes respectively. The integrations are carried out
in the vertically upward direction and the axis variable Z is bounded by 0 ~ Z ~ 2R.
The vapor volume can be easily obtained by subtracting the liquid volume from the
total volume. Theoretically, the exact total volume is given by
V.t = rr R L. + 3rr ABC
where C is another semiaxis of the ellipsoidal heads and in this case we have C = A.
The first term in this equation denotes the shell volume, and the second term in this
equation represents the volume of both heads. Only one integration process (total
volume) is required if the contained fluid is in a single phase as the density does not
have an abrupt change in this situation.
The computed calibration curves for the 11,355 liter LHe portable customer
station are shown in Figure 3. These mass-PDG reading curves may be compared
with those presented in Figure 1 to show the the SP circuit pressure variation effect.
Evidently, the PFG reading differences between the two groups of calibration curves
due to the SP circuit pressure variation effect indicate errors in the evaluation of the
mass contained in the vessel under different situations. To demonstrate the error
due to the existence of the SP circuits, a set of curves representing the pressure
variations through the upper and the lower SP circuits is presented in Figure 4. The
magnitude of the pressure variation through each SP circuit depends on the cryogen
density distribution along the circuit. Since the temperature distribution along the
0.01 0.05
~ 0.00 0.04
z -0.01 0.04
0 0
~ -0.01 O.OJ
2 -0.02
~ O.OJ
~ -0.02
~ 0.02
-O.OJ ~
Ul -O.OJ ;:> 0.01
Ul Ul
~ -0.04 0.01
-0.04 p... 0.00
0.0 1.0 2.0 J.O 4.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 J.O 4.0
SP circuits does not vary much, the cryogen density is primarily controlled by the
pressure in the vessel. As illustrated in Figure 5, the magnitude of the pressure
variation through a SP circuit increases as the pressure in the vessel rises. This
behavior can be quantitatively explained by examination of the relationships among
the relevant thermodynamic properties of the contained cryogen. Because of the fixed
temperature boundary conditions, the temperature distribution along the majority
portion of each SP circuit reaches an equilibrium. The only portion of the SP circuit
along which the temperature distribution slightly varies in time is the one between
the nozzle and the first thermal anchor. This variation is dictated by the temperature
in the vessel, which however, does not vary much. Under this kind of circumstance,
the density of the cryogen entrapped in the SP circuits will be higher corresponding
to a higher vessel pressure, hence causing higher pressure variations through the SP
The numerical results clearly indicate that the omission of the SP circuits
pressure variation effect causes erroneous evaluation of the total mass of cryogen
contained in a vessel under different situations. The SP circuit pressure variation
CL 0.25
0 0.20
w 0.15
::J /
Vl 0.10
0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0
effect manifests itself at higher vessel pressures and becomes significant as the vessel
pressure rises above the critical pressure of the contained fluid. In the saturation
state, when the pressure approaches the critical point, the error due to the omission
of the SP circuit pressure variation in terms of percentage of mass is approximately
2% for a 11,355 Iiter container. In the supercritical state however, the error can be
as high as 11% at P = 791 kPa.
The result of this study is applicable to different pressurized vessels. Adjust-
ments have to be made for different configuration of the SP circuits and container
geometry. Future improvement of this mass quantity evaluation scheme could be the
inclusion of the temperature stratification effect which occurs under certain circum-
stances. Depending on the significance of such effect, it may impose a considerable
impact on the accuracy of the current mass quantity evaluation scheme. There is a
restriction for the application of this mass quantity evaluation scheme as far as the
contained cryogen is concerned. GASPAK only provides thermodynarnic properties
for fifteen (15) fiuids. This scheme cannot be applied to other fiuids until their ther-
modynamic properties are available and preferably in the form of computer program
1. M.J. DiPirro and A.T. Serlernitsos, Discrete Liquid/Vapor Detectors for Use in
Liquid Helium, Adv. Cryo. Eng. 33:1617 (1990).
2. V.D. Arp and R.D. McCarty, GASPAK user's guide, version 2.2, Cryodata, Niwot,
Colorado ( 1989).
The turbine-driven test pumps will deliver the cryogens in the 41368 kPa (6000
psi) to 55158 kPa (8000 psi) range. Three test cells, one for oxygen and two for
hydrogen turbopumps, each contain a gas generator, a turbine, and a pump .
Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) gas systems at 103420 kPa (15000 psi) will be used to
pressurize and move the cryogenic fluids to the test cells. While the fluids to the test
cells must flow at defined steady state conditions for the short duration of the test, the
delivery system is in a state of change throughout a test run. The challenge was to
provide one set of controls and equipment to handle the unsteady state fluids and deliver
steady state fluids to the test cell.
The turbopumps are a critical part of the ALS main and booster engines. The
pumps, with the exception of valves, contain the the only moving parts of the engine.
All of the propellant flow is provided by the pumps. Figure 1 is a simplified flow
scheme for an engine indicating the turbopump role. Liquid hydrogen is boosted in
pressure by the booster pump to ensure no cavitation will occur in the turbopump. The
turbopump provides sufficient fluid pressure to both drive the turbines and supply the
thrust required for the engine. A portion of the high pressure hydrogen is diverted to
channels in the thrust chamber walls to cool the chamber cone and prevent darnage from
the intense heat released by the thruster bumers. Part way up the chamber hydrogen is
withdrawn and combined with the remaining hydrogen turbopump effluent and used as
fuel to the bumers of the hydrogen and oxygen turbopumps. The fuel is combusted
with liquid oxygen and the generated hot gas drives the turbopump turbines. Near the
top of the chamber the remaining coolant hydrogen is withdrawn and used to drive the
liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen booster pump turbines. The hydrogen gas from the
boosterpump turbines is combined with the hot gas, still mostly hydrogen, from the
turbopumps turbine exhaust and used as the fuel in the thruster bumer (gas generator).
The hydrogen-rich fuel combusts with liquid oxygen in the gas generator giving a high
pressure hot gas which provides thrust to the engine. Liquid oxygen is boosted in
pressure in the booster pump to ensure no cavitation in the turbopump. The oxygen
turbopump provides sufficient fluid pressure to supply the oxidant to the hydrogen
turbopump, the oxygen turbopump, and the thruster bumer.
The CTF is comprised of five major areas (see Figure 2): test cells, a delivery
system, a fill system, a storage system, and a disposal system. Each of the three test
cells contains a facilities gas generator, and the test turbine and turbopump. Only one
turbopump will be tested at any time. The delivery system contains the necessary run
tanks and pressurant gas bottles to deliver the cryogenic fluids to the test cells,and will
be discussed in more detail below. Liquid hydrogen and oxygen to fill the run tanks are
pressure transferred from their respective liquid storage tanks. The fill system converts
liquids to high-pressure gases for charging the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and high-
pressure (HP) gas storage bottles between test runs, and includes a liquid hydrogen
pump, a liquid nitrogen pump, and vaporizers for each fluid. Liquid hydrogen and
nitrogen for the fill system are pressure transferred to their respective pumps and
pumped to 106300 kPa (15000 psi). The fluids are then vaporized and used to fill their
respective gas bottles. The storage system consists of liquid storage tanks for hydrogen,
nitrogen, and oxygen along with their appropriate loading stations to receive liquid from
trailers. The disposal system includes flares for pumped liquid hydrogen and turbine
exhaust, and a LOX catch tank and vent stack. It is designed to handle normal, upset,
and emergency conditions.
Figure 3 is a simplified PFD of this system. Note that the UHP gas bottles
provide pressurant gases to the HP run tanks; the HP gas bottles do the same for the
low-presure (LP) run tanks. The fuel and oxidant required for the gas generator are
pressure transferred from the HP run tanks by gas from the UHP gas bottles. The
hydrogen circuit is designed to deliver fuel as a gas, a liquid, or combinations of both.
As the cryogen being pumped is drawn from the low-pressure run tanks by the test
turbopump, gas from the HP gas bottle maintains a constant pressure to the turbopump
suction. Pressures for both HP and LP run tanks are sensed at the bottom of the run tank
to eliminate the variation in liquid static head as the tanks empty.
At the start of a test run, the ultra-high hydrogen gas bottleis at 93180 kPa
(13515 psia) and ambient temperature. If a liquid fuel is required, the gas from the
bottle is used to pressurize the high pressure liquid hydrogen run tank to 37230 kPa
(5400 psia) and then propel the liquid hydrogen at a rate of 16.3 kg!sec while holding
the pressure constant in the HP run tank. The liquid fuel is delivered to the test cell at
28640 kPa (4154 psia) and 36.11 K (65 R). If a gaseous fuel is used, the fuel is
supplied directly from the gas bottle at the same rate and pressure, but at slightly lower
than ambient temperature. For a combination requirement both liquid and gas are mixed
in a mixer to attain uniform temperature to the test cell. The hydrogen UHP gas bottle
provides two services: a source for propellant to drive the liquid and a direct source for
the fuel. The fuel is delivered at the same rate and pressure, with the blend ratio varied
to deliver the required test temperature.
The oxidant is delivered to the test cell as a liquid. The UHP nitrogen gas bottle
initially is at 93180 kPa (13515 psia) and ambient temperature. The gas from the bottle
is used to pressurize the high pressure liquid oxygen run tank to 37230 kPa (5400 psia)
and then propel the liquid oxygen at a rate of 11.8 Kg/sec while holding the pressure
constant in the run tank. The liquid oxidant is delivered to the test cell at 28640 kPa
(4154 psia) and 104 K (187.2 R).
The high pressure gas hydrogen botde starts at 41470 kPa (6015 psia) and
ambient temperature. The gas from the botde first pressurizes the low pressure liquid
hydrogen run tank to 1550 kPa (225 psia) and then displaces the liquid hydrogen to the
test cell at a rate of 93 kg/sec, again holding the run tank at constant pressure. The
liquid to the turbopump inlet is at 22 K (40 R).
The high pressure gas nitrogen bottle initially is at 31130 kPa (4515 psia) and
ambient temperature. The gas from the botde first pressurizes the low pressure liquid
oxygen run tank to 1900 kPa (275 psia) and then displaces the liquid oxygen to the test
cell turbopump suction at a rate of 527 kg/sec, again holding the run tank at constant
pressure. The turbopump feed to the test cell is at 93 K (167.4 R).
The total elapsed time for the test run is approximately 40 seconds. Some
controls must be pre-programmed because control loops may not react in time for
reliable control. Certain of the valves demanding fast response times and high power
require hydraulic actuators. The test procedure is to increase the flows to 20% of design
and hold those flows for 10 seconds, then ramp flows up to 100% of design and run for
25 seconds, then ramp the flows down to zero. Figure 4 indicates the transient nature of
the pressurant gas conditions in the gas bottle, and the pressurant flow to the run tank in
order to follow the desired flow profile of liquid to the test cell. This is typical for the
two UHP gas botdes serving the fuel and oxidant HP run tanks as weil as the lower
pressure systems of the HP gas botdes and the LP run tanks.
Gases from the bottles displace liquids from the run tanks at constant pressure as
the liquids flow to the test cell. As gas is withdrawn from the gas bottle the fluid is
isentropically expanded in the bottle, cooling the gas left in the bottle. The pressurant
gases entering the run tanks are constantly changing in temperature during the test run,
and consequendy the gas flow required to displace the liquid at constant flow is
constandy increasing. Two other design factors need to be considered - the collapse
Pressurant flow to the Run Tank
Fuel flow to the Test Cell
factor and rangeability of control valves. The gas entering the run tank will be cooled by
its cold environment, causing the gas introduced to the run tank to "collapse" or fall in
pressure. This "collapse" will be discussed in a later section. Flexibility was built into
the gas system. The test run usually will start with the ultra-hi?~ gasbotdes at 931~0
kPa (13515 psia) but the customer also wanted to know the mtmmum pressure reqmred
in the ultra-high pressure gas bottle in order to complete a test run. This meant the
gas flow had tobe controlled with the gas bottle pressure ranging from 93180 kPa
(13515 psia) to approximately 40000 kPa (5800 psia). The ultra-high pressure circuits
contain two control valves in parallel, a "big" and "little" valve. These valves control
the gas flow to hold the pressure of the run tank. The "little" valve opens to pressurize
the tank and maintain its pressure as the flow ramps up to 20% of design flow. The
"big" valve then comes in control to increase the gas flow to the run tank as liquid flow
ramps to 100% design flow and continues to open to maintain the run tank pressure as
the liquid leaves the run tank.
The liquid flow rates from the high pressure run tanks are measured with venturi
meters. The design of these meters is critical due to the high pressure fluids being
measured. In order to get reliable signals from the meters, constraints need to be
observed. The maximum allowable pressure drop was set at 20680 kPa (3000 psi), the
minimum allowable drop was set at 5% of the inlet pressure, and the throat diameter to
pipe diameter ratio was set at 0.3 minimum. Two control valves in parallel as described
above are used to control the fluid flow to the test cell.
The flow of ultra-high pressure gaseaus fuel to the test cell is also measured by a
venturi meter. Two parallel control valves control the flow rate required at the test cell.
The flow rate is constant, but the pressure and temperature to the valves from the gas
botdes change throughout the test run.
The high pressure gas flow from the HP gas bottle to the LP run tank is
controlled using two control valves in series. Critical pressure drop was taken across a
pressure regulator with the operating Cv set for the required flow rate. The second
control valve then was used to control the fluid pressure at the bottarn of the low
pressure run tank. The flow rates of liquids from the LP run tanks to the test
turbopump intakes are measured in mass (turbine type) flowmeters.
As mentioned above, the quantity of gas required to pressurize the HP run tank
and to displace "liquid" from it during the test run depends on how much it cools while
in the HP run tank during the test run. Heat transfer from the pressurizing gas to the
walls of the HP run tank and to the liquid, as weil as mixing of the pressurizing gas
with the liquid, reduce the pressurant gas temperature and tend to "collapse" (reduce) the
gas pressure, thereby requiring more pressurant gas for the test run. The collapse factor
is defined here as the ratio of the actual mass of UHP (or HP) gas used for
pressurization and liquid expulsion during the test run after accounting for heat and
mass transfer, relative to the mass of UHP (or HP) gas required for an adiabatic
displacement. The collapse factor is critical to the proper sizing of the volume of the
UHP or HP gas botdes to ensure sufficient pressurizing gas for the desired test duration,
and for proper sizing of lines and valves.
The quantity of gas required for adiabatic displacement neglects any heat transfer
to or from the pressurant gas and any mixing of it with the liquid in the run tank. The
UHP "H2 gas on H2 liquid" HP run tank is chosen as an example. The initial pressure
in the UHP botdes is 93,180 kPa (13,515 psia). To establish the minimum design
volume for the UHP gas botde, its pressure is assumed to drop from the maximum
starting pressure (set by the maximum allowable working pressure of the UHP gas bottle
as a pressure vessel) to the minimum final pressure, set by the required operating
pressure of the HP run tank plus the pressure drop allocated to the piping and control
valves from the UHP gas bottle to the HP run tank. Rangeability of the control valves
must be considered in selecting this pressure drop, considering the variation in flows
and gas bottle pressure. The HP run tank initially contains gas and liquid saturated at
108 kPa (15 psia), with the liquid occupying 80% of the tank volume. At the end of the
test run, the UHP bottle pressure has fallen to 39,090 kPa (5670 psia) and the run tank
is at 37,230 kPa (5400 psia). The finalliquid in the runtank at the end of the test run is
the initial liquid less the liquid withdrawn for the test run. Neither the initial vapor nor
pressurant gas added during the test leaves the HP run tank.
The gas rernaining in the UHP gas bottle at any moment during the test run has
expanded from its initial pressure and done work to expel the gas which has left it and
entered the HP run tank. Consequently the gas inside the UHP gas bottle decompresses
along an adiabatic and reversible (isentropic) path. As a result of this isentropic
expansion the gas leaving the UHP bottle drops in temperature as the bottle pressure
falls during the test run. The gas exiting the UHP gas bottle is throttled across a control
valve at constant enthalpy to the pressure of the HP run tank. Across that control valve
its temperature rises if conditions are outside the region bounded by its Joule-Thomson
inversion curve. This occurs during the entire test run for the hydrogen going to the
hydrogen HP run tank. (For nitrogen to the HP oxygen run tank, this occurs during most
of the test run, but by the end of it, the nitrogen conditions cross the inversion curve
and its temperature drops across the throttle valve.) As a net result of (1) the
temperature drop due to the isentropic expansion in the gas bottle and (2) the
temperature change across the throttle valve as the gas drops to the run tank pressure,
the temperature of the pressurant gas entering the HP run tank drops during the test run.
The low-pressure vapor and liquid originally in the HP run tank undergo isentropic
compression by the pressurant gas to the high pressure of the test run, and both their
volumes shrink during pressurization.
The heat transfer from the walls of the UHP gas bottle and the gas contained in
it occurs at a low rate by natural convection, and is neglected for calculations both with
and without heat transfer in the liquid run tank. This is slighty conservative, as any heat
transferred to the UHP gas from the UHP gas bottle wall will tend to reduce the
required quantity of UHP gas. High gas velocities occurring locally at the gas nozzles of
the UHP and HP gas bottles, together with the cold temperature of the gas due to the
isentropic expansion, can Iead to temperatures at the nozzles which are lower than
allowed by the vessel metallurgy. Stainless steel "sleeve" inserts extending into the UHP
vessel were recommended at these nozzles to essentially insulate the carbon steel vessel
wall near the nozzles from the cold gas.
The design volume of the HP run tank is determined by the quantity of liquid
withdrawn during the test run, and the volumes of the initial gas ullage and final "heel"
of liquid. To determine the minimum design volume of the UHP gas bottle needed to
provide sufficient pressurant gas to complete the desired test run duration, the average
density of the pressurant gas in the HP run tank at the end of the test run must first be
found. From the isentropic nature of the gas expansion in the UHP gas bottle and the
isenthalpic pressure drop across the control valve, the average temperature of the gas
entering the HP run tank can be determined. Assuming no heat transfer in the run tank,
this establishes the average temperature of the pressurant gas in the HP run tank and
hence its density at the given run tank pressure. The volumes occupied by the final HP
run tank liquid and the residual (initially low pressure saturated) vapor are determined
by their masses and their densities after isentropic compression by the pressurant gas.
These volumes subtracted from the entire volume of the HP run tank give the volume
occupied by the pressurant gas which, along with the previously determined average
density of the pressurant gas, establishes the mass of gas taken from the UHP gas bottle
into the run tank. The initial UHP gas bottle pressure and temperature, the final
pressure, and the isentropic expansion path of the gas in the UHP gas bottle determine
the initial and final densities of the UHP bottle gas. This change in density and the
required mass to be taken from the UHP gas bottle into the run tank determine the
minimum design volume of the UHP gas bottle, based on no heat transfer or mixing of
pressurant with liquid in the HP run tank (i.e., with a collapse factor of 1.0).
A computer program was developed to model the actual heat transfer from the
pressurant gas to the walls and liquid, and to calculate the collapse factor. The program
divides the run tank gas and liquid into control volumes, each of which is assumed to be
well mixed and of (different) uniform temperatures. Transient mass and energy balances
are written for each control volume including heat transfer between the gas and the HP
run tank wall. The heat transfer coefficient was calculated as the sum of a natural
convection coefficient plus a forced convective coefficient which decays with distance
from the run tank inlet gas distributor 1•2 • Due to the thick walls of the HP run tank and
the short test duration, only the inner portion of that vessel wall approaches the
pressurant gas temperature. The wall was modelled as slabs at uniform temperatures of
finite thickness equal to 70% of the thermal penetration thickness. The thermal
penetration thickness is the distance into a semi-infinite slab at which the temperature
change is less than 1% of a step change in temperature imposed on its surface; it is a
function of the wall's thermal diffusivity and the test run time. The 70% was chosen to
give heat transfer from the gas to the wall identical to it as to a semi-infinite slab 3.4.
The warm pressurant fluid element just above the interface and the cold "liquid"
element just below it also exchange heat. The heat transfer coefficient across the
interface included a component to account for mixing that occurs between the two
fluids. Even though the pressures in the HP run tanks are well above the critical
pressures of liquid oxygen and hydrogen it is assumed that an interface is identifiable,
or at least conceptually valid. Due to the low velocities of gas from the run tank gas
distributor, the gas penetration into the liquid is under one inch, and the pressurant is
assumed to turn and flow parallel to the "liquid" interface. This free jet entrains some
liquid which cools the pressurant. As a worst case, it is assumed that the jet velocity
along the surface is equal to the impingement velocity for the incoming gas, i.e. the
pressurant gas turns at the interface without loss of velocity. Classical free jet models
often express the entrainment as a velocity across the boundary surface of the je~ . The
entrainment velocity was taken at 8% of the jet velocity relative to the "liquid" velocity,
times the square root of the jet density relative to the entrained fliud density. This
pressurant cooling effect due to mixing was encorporated as a pseudo heat transfer
coefficient across the interface. Values of 0.42 and 0.295 watts/cm2-K (740 and 520
BTU/hr-ft2-F) were calculated for the hydrogen and oxygen HP run tanks respectively.
When added to the computer model, this effect increased the pressurant gas useage for
both HP run tanks by about 10%. The H2 on H2 collapse factor increased from 1.11 to
1.24 when the mixing effect was added to the heat transfer effect. These values neglect
any "hold" period after pressurization which would result in further cooling of the
pressurant gas. A minimum collapse factor of 1.4 was recommended, and was used to
calculate the required gas flows for sizing lines and control valves from the UHP and
HP gas botdesto their respective run tanks. Higher collapse factors (near 2.0) were used
to establish the final UHP botde volumes, giving an allownace for test "hold" periods
after pressurization before start of flow.
Several factors were important in the process design aspects of the CTF delivery
system. The transient nature of the process, the short run time, and the requirement for
the fuel to be liquid or gas, all place extreme demands on the rangeability of flow
meters and control valves, often requiring multiple valves to cover the range of flows
demanded by the test flow profile. The isentropic expansion of the gas in the UHP and
HP bottles leads to falling temperatures of the gas from those vessels as their pressures
fall during the test run. Insulating insert "sleeves" were required in the UHP gasbotdes
in the area of the nozzles to avoid excessively low temperature of the UHP vessel walls
near them. The pressurant gas experiences an isenthalpic pressure drop across the
control valve into the run tank, causing a temperature change which may be an increase
or decrease depending on the conditions relative to the pressurant gas's Joule-Thomson
inversion curve. Cooling of the pressurant gas by heat transfer to the run tank walls and
by mixing with the "liquid" leads to increased gas requirement relative to an adiabatic
case. To account for these cooling effects, a minimum collapse factor of 1.4 was
recommended for sizing lines and control valves.
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. wishes to thank the personnet of the Stennis
Space Center and Bechtel National, Inc. for their counsel and cooperation during design
of the C1F.
An equation is derived for the evaluation of the capacity requirements for pres-
sure relief devices on cryogenic containers. It comprises terms such as the heat transfer
rate into the container and the specific heat input corresponding to a given situation.
This equation can be used to calculate the capacity requirements of pressure relief
devices on cryogenic containers irrespective of the thermodynamic state of the cryo-
gen. This equation is developed on the premise that all the vapor generated by the
heat input need not be released to maintain a constant pressure inside the container.
The equation is then adapted for the prevalent cases such as liquid full-liquid dis-
charging, saturated liquid and vapor-vapor discharging, saturated liquid and vapor-
liquid discharging and supercritical fluid discharging.
Pressure relief devices are used to keep the pressure at or below a safe Iimit in all
process, transfer, transportation, and storage systems involving fluids subject to pres-
sure rises due to system energy increases from changes in process or system boundary
conditions. The pressure relief devices lintit the pressure increases by discharging the
fluids from the system.
The majority of the equations in use for determining the capacity requirements
of pressure relief devices are based on the basic requirement of discharging all the va-
por generated by the heat input from a fire or other emergency situations. While this
approach is conservative, it imposes a heavy financial burden when the set pressure
of a relief device is close to the critical pressure of the fluid.
Methods for Calculating the mass discharge requirements for fluid systems
with design pressures far lower than the critical pressures of the fluids concerned
are covered in publications of American Petroleum Institute (API) and Compressed
Gas Association (CGA). In such literature, the mass dischargerate rcquirements are
dcpendent on the rate of hcat transfer into the fluid or rate of energy generation
within the fluid, and the properties of the fluid. To keep the discussion simple and
general, mathematical expressions for the discharge requirements will be derived for
a case of heat transfer into the fluid. In the CGA and API expressions for mass
discharge rate requirements, the heat transfer into thc fluid system causes a certain
mass of fluid to change phase and this mass of fluid has to be discharged to keep the
pressure from rising. In this formulation, the density of vapor is considered negligible
compared to the density of liquid. This is true only when the prcssure of the fluid
is far lower than the critical pressure of the fluid which is generally the case for
mostfluid systems. Howcver, fluids like hclium and hydrogen have critical pressures
low enough to fall in the working pressure ranges of their cryogenic systems. The
expressions developed here are applicable to fluids involved in both single phase or
change of phase processes.
API-CGA Formula
The API-CGA mass discharge rate formula for equipment involved in a fire,
abnormal process heat input or breakdown of insulation, essentially has its basis in
the relation
. Q
m=- (1)
It is evident from thermal propcrty tables of fluids that the latent heat of vaporization
decreases as the pressure approaches its critical value, and goes to zero at pressures
equal to or greater than the critical pressure. This will give extremely large mass
discharge rates at sub-critical pressures near the critical pressure if the above basic
relation is used. It will also be convenient to have a gcneral expression that could be
simplified to suit the conditions at hand.
r--- I- - - 8W
Specific Heat Input
It is easy to see that the API-CGA basic formula requires all the vapor generated
by the heat flow into the fluid be discharged. When heat is added to a fluid system at
constant pressure, the fluid needs additional space to expand to maintain a constant
pressure. The mass of fluid in this additional space has to be vented to maintain the
pressure constant.
8Q = dU+8W (2)
sw = pdV (3)
H = U+pV (4)
dH = dU+ pdV + Vdp. (5)
For a constant pressure process,
dp =0 (6)
and therefore
dH=8Q (7)
For a heat input of 8Q to a fluid system at constant pressure, Iet the increase in
volume of the fluid be dV. A fluid system that has to be protected by a pressure
relief device almost always has a fixed volume. In a constant volume fluid system,
the relief devices should relieve the mass
m1 = V
= m-
to keep the pressure constant for a heat input of
8Q = mdh (9)
Thus the mass expulsion needed per unit of heat transfer to maintain constant pres-
sure 1s
m1 dv
8Q vmdh
= v (ah)
av p
as a constant pressure process was assumed. Values of the specific heat input
are given in tables of thermophysical properties of various fluids from National In-
stitute of Standards and Technologies {NIST). They can also be generated by using
computer programs5 .
Therefore, for a heat transfer rate of Q, the mass expulsion rate of fluid required
to maintain a constant pressure is given by
. Q
m=- (12)
In this case, any heat transfer into the fluid systcm at constant prcssure will result
in evaporation of the saturated liquid. The minimum mass discharge rate required
for this case will depend on whether the pressure relief devices are connected to the
vapor or liquid side. Generally, pressure relief devices are connected to the vapor side.
However, under accident conditions like overturned fluid transport tanks, connections
to the pressure relicf devices could end up covercd by liquid. These two cases have to
be considered separatcly. For an evaporation process, the differential quantity in the
specific heat input term v(8hj8v)p can be replaced by difference quantity to give
6.h L
v-=v--- (13)
6.v Vfg.
For the cases where heat addition to the vapor is not negligible or when the system
eventually becomes vapor-full, it shall be notcd that the minimum mass discharge
rate requirement shall be evaluated using Equation 17. Variations, if any, in heat
transfer rates to liquid and vapor phases may be included in these evaluations.
a. Vapor Discharge: If pressure relief devices are connected to the vapor side, the mass
discharge will be in vapor form and the minimum mass discharge rate requirement
expression for heat addition to the liquid phase only, will become
m=Q. ( v9 - L )- (14)
b. Liquid Discharge: In cases where relief device connections are covered by liquid
rcsulting in liquid discharge, the minimum mass discharge rate requirement equation
for hcat addition to the liquid phase only, at constant pressure becomes
m = Q. ( v1 - L ) -I
0.. 4.5c+005
~ 4.0e+005
I 3.5e+005
w 3.0e+005_
15.0 35.0 55.0
Figure 2: Specific heat input as a function of temperature for hydrogen at 1, 379 kPa.
Minimum mass discharge rate requirement for the heat added to the vapor phase can
be evaluated by the expression
where v is the specific volume of vapor at the temperature where Omin occurs for the
specified pressure and Qv is the heat addition rate to the vapor phase. Obviously,
this can yield a very high relief device capacity requirement compared to other cases
if the pressure in the system is far lower than the critical pressure. It may be less
expensive to eliminate the possibility of occurrence of this condition by altering the
design of the system rather than providing high capacity pressure relief devices.
For single phase, constant pressure systems, the specific heat input 0 is tempera-
ture dependent. Variation of 0 with respect to temperature for hydrogen at 1, 379 kPa
is shown in Figure 2. It is evident from the above curve that the specific heat input
for a fluid has its minimum value at a particular temperature for a specified pressure.
Thus, the mass discharge rate required to maintain pressure below a certain value is
given by
Q (17)
. D ( P )112 .
Fa= C RM m..fü (18)
where v is the specific volume of the supercritical fluid, vapor or gas at the inlet of the
relief device and D is a combination of the density and time conversion multipliers
dependent on units of measurements.
Locating the relief device away from the cryogenic container can raise the fluid
temperature at the inlet of the device. In such a case, the ratio of the square root of
the specific volume of the fluid at the temperature at the inlet of the relief device to
the specific heat input at the temperature of the fluid inside the container shall be
Realistic mass flow rate requirements are provided by the expressions developed
in this work for fluid systems frequently encou ntered in practice. In designing pres-
sure relief devices for fluid system, evaluation should be made of the probabilities of
occurrences of each of the cases discussed here or any special cases that may develop.
The minimum mass discharge rate requirements for each and every case and any
probable combinations of cases shall be computed and pressure relief devices capable
of meeting the highest flow requirement shall be provided.
C - constant for gas or vapor related to ratio of specific heats, given in ASME Code
F - volume flow rate
H- enthalpy
h - enthalpy of unit mass
L - latent heat of vaporization
M - molecular weight of fluid
m- mass discharge rate required
m- mass
p- pressure
q- quantity of heat absorbed by system
Q - heat transfer rate
R - particular gas constant
T- temperature
U - internal energy
u - internal energy of unit mass
V- volume
v - specific volume
W- work
B - specific heat input
a - air equivalent
f - liquid phase, saturated
g - vapor phase, saturated
f g - difference in saturation property between liquid and vapor
l - expulsion required
p - under constant pressure
v - vapor phase
The Fermilab 1990-1991 Fixed Target Program featured six experiments utilizing liquid
hydrogen or liquid deuterium targets as part of their apparatus. Bach design was optimized to
the criteria of the experiment, resulting in variations of material selection, methods of
refrigeration and secondary containment. Collectively, the targets were runforatotal of 14,184
hours with an average operational efficiency of 97 .6%. The safe and reliable Operation of these
targets was complemented by an increased degree of documentation and component testing.
This operation was also aided by several key upgrades. All the systems were designed and
fabricated under a set of written guidelines that blend analytical calculations and empirical
guidance drawn from over twenty years of target fabrication experience.
Fermilab, the world's highest energy accelerator, has been in Operation since 1974.
During that time, the accelerator has transformed from 400 GeV fixed target operation to 800
GeV ftxed target operation and finally to 900 GeV collider operation. It currently cycles
between the latter two modes. 1 Hydrogen targets have played a key role in the fixed target
program since its inception. In all, approximately 50 target systems have been installed, with
sizes ranging from 0.2 L to 300 Landdiameters up to 10 cm. Although the majority oftargets
have used hydrogen, deuterium targets have also shared the work Ioad. The physics objectives
have been quite varied, as witnessed by the experiment titles for the 1990 run (see Table 1);
however, the requirements for a tightly controlled, safe and reliable target system have been
very consistent.2
The general design criteria has been to provide a "clean" interaction region of either
hydrogen or deuterium with as little additional material surrounding the fluid as possible. This
translates to fabricating the cryogenic and vacuum vessels from low Z materials, such as Mylar,
beryllium or Rohacell, t a closedcell polymethacrylimide. Allsupport equipment including the
refrigeration system must be kept out of the particle trajectories to avoid unnecessary irradiation
*This work is sponsored by the Universities Research Association, under contract with the
U.S. Department ofEnergy.
tRegistered trademark of Rohm Tech, Inc., Maiden, Massachusetts.
and halo effects. Controlling the target density to a few tenths of a percent is essential for
experiments trying to measure their interaction cross sections.
A generalized schematic of the target system components is shown in Figure 1. The target
flask material chosen for a particular system varies with the expected amount of radiation
energy absorbed by the target from the beam. The flask is designed for a maximum allowable
working pressure of at least 172.3 kPa differential, while taking into account pressure, liquid
~-----------L-~ ~--~
==:;-l I IV /" II
Refrigeration I I
System --------1--------J
Vacuum Relief
(II Required)
Vacuum Jacket Hydrogen/Deuterium
Secondary Containment
L _j
Figure 1. General Target System Components
head and cooldown loadings. The flask, along with the rest of the hydrogen circuit, is protected
with a safety relief valve set at the maximum allowable working pressure.
A vacuum jacket surrounds the flask as weil as the refrigeration unit(s). The vacuum
volume is sized to contain the liquid hydrogen in the target flask as cold vapor at atmospheric
pressure. This reduces the chance of subsequently damaging the vacuumjacket in the case of
a target flask failure. The vacuum system is supplied with relief devices set to relieve slightly
above atmospheric pressure. The evacuation system consists of a roughing pump and a
diffusionpump which is in series with a fore pump. Cryostat vacuum pressure aftercooldown
of the target is approximately 7.0 x w-sPa. Continuous pumping of the vacuum space is
required due to the permeability of gases through Mylar. The roughing pump is used to
prepump the cryostat vacuum jacket and evacuate the hydrogen circuit during the pump and
purge cycles.
Refrigeration is supplied to a plate in contact with the hydrogen vapor space in the
condensing pot. Hydrogen circulates in the system using a thermal siphon effect. The liquid
from the condensing pot passes through the reservoir and into a tube connected to the bottom
of the flask. The hydrogen vaporizing in the flask, bubbles out the top of the flask through a
tube to the top of the condensing pot and then recondenses back into the reservoir. The rate at
which the liquid condenses is controlled by a heater to maintain a constant pressure in the
hydrogen circuit, such that the liquid hydrogen density varies less than 0.2%. The hydrogen
pressure, in most cases, is controlled at 103.4 kPa. Hydrogen is supplied during a target fill from
high pressure cylinders. In the event that a recovery system is installed for deuterium use, the
deuterium is supplied from recovery tanks rather than from cylinders. Refrigeration, when
supplied by a mechanical cryocooler incorporates an APD Cryogenics Inc. Gifford-McMahon
unit. Fermilab targets use both 10 W and 50 W models. Actual cooling capacity has been
measured for the "10 W" unitat 12 Wand for the "50 W" unitat 36 W for optimum conditions.
Multiple refrigeration units are used at some target locations to provide adequate cooling
capacity. In each case a heater is attached to the condensing plate which regulates the excess
The compressor used to supply high pressure helium to the 10 W APD refrigeration unit
is the APD model HC-8. The compressor discharge pressure is 2306 kPa and the suction
pressure is 514.8 kPa. The helium flowrate is approximately 3.2 gjsec foreach 10 W unit. The
50 W units are supplied with helium from a high pressure header maintained at 1962 kPa.
Suction pressure for this unit is at 108.2 kPa. The suction and discharge headers also service
other helium systems at Fermilab. The helium flow through a 50 W unit is approximately 11.1
The liquid hydrogen target systems each have some form of secondary hydrogen
containment. Its purpose is to contain and control the release of hydrogen gas from the
hydrogen target system in the event of a failure. In some cases this secondary containment is
in the form of a tent constructed with flame retardant materials. However, when the
experimental apparatus dictates a more compact design, a vacuum buffer volume is used. It is
sized to create a total vacuum volume large enough to contain the equivalent amount of gas
generated by the liquid at room temperature and subatmospheric pressure.
Design Parameters
The following paragraphs describe the design criteria and solutions for each of the liquid
hydrogen targets built for use in the 1990-1991 Fermilab Fixed Target Run. Six different
experiments requested liquid hydrogen targets for this run (see Table 2).
Table 2. Target Design Parameters
665 Hydrogen 8 10 100
Deuterium 8 10 100
683 Hydrogen or 2.2 7.62 50.8
687 Deuterium 7 5.08 340
Hvdroaen 8 Annular, 7.62 o.d., 5.08 i.d. 330.2
690 Hvdroaen 0.2 3.81 14.27
704 Hydrogen 2.9 6 100.1
706 Hydrogen 0.5 6.35 15.24
Experiment 665 - This experiment consists of one 8 L liquid hydrogen target and one 8 L
liquid deuterium target The two targets are independent so far as insulating vacuum and
refrigeration are concemed. Bach of these targets is cooled with a 50 W APD refrigerator. The
target flask is 10.0 cm in diameter and made with 0.254 mm thick Mylar. The target vacuum
shell is constructed of 2.54 cm thick Rohacell foam with a 0.127 mm thick layer of Mylar
covering it. The liquid hydrogen target insulating vacuum space is common with an evacuated
Mylar target adjacent to it, in order to provide experimenters with a method of running a
calibration with an "empty target". These targets, along with a solid target wheel capable of
holding seven types of solid targets, are supported on a moveable table. The table movement
is computer controlled so as to position a different target in the bearn for each spill, thus reducing
the systematic error of the experiment. All of these targets are included inside the secondary
containment volume. Secondary containment is provided in the form of a tent with dimensions
of 4.9 m height, 3.7 m width and 1.4 mdepth. The tentmaterial is Herculite,* an antistatic and
flame retardant material. It is used on all but one side of the tent. The fourth side of the tent
is covered with Lexan polycarbonate sheet. This is a transparent material which has been
included on the tent as a means to assure that no personnel are left inside the tent when
interlocking the radiation area. The top of the tent is a sheet metal hood which attaches to
ducting leading outdoors. In the case of a hydrogen release into the tent, a hydrogen detector
triggers an exhaust fan which vents hydrogen outdoors through the ducting. Intake air is
supplied at the base of the tent. The deuterium target includes a recovery system to minimize
losses. The 8 L ofliquid deuterium when warmed toroom temperature is contained in four3785
L tanks at a pressure below the primary deuterium circuit safetyreliefdevice setpressure. When
refilling the target, the deuterium is routed through the filtering system before it re-enters the
target for reliquefaction.
Experiment 683 - The target flask built for this experiment has a volume of 2.2 L. The
experimentwill run with liquid hydrogen in the target flask during some portions of the Fixed
Target Run and with liquid deuterium during the remaining periods. The flask is constructed
of 0.254 mm thick Mylar. The target vacuum shell is made from aluminum type 6061-T6 with
Mylar beam windows. The upstream beam window diameter is 8.26 cm and uses 0.178 mm
thick Mylar. The downstream window has a 22.9 cm diameter and uses 0.381 mm thick Mylar.
The target is cooled with two 10 W APD refrigerators which provide a shorter cooldown time
and redundancy during operation. It is supported on a moveable table which is again, computer
controlled. Asolidtarget wheel is directly adjacent to the hydrogen target which is capable of
holding eight types of solid targets. All of the targets are located inside of a tent having
dimensions of 4.3 m height, 3.4 m width and 1.4 m depth. The construction is similar to that
of the tent used at experiment 665.
Experiment 687 - This target is different in concept than any of the others built for the
current fixed target run. Beam travels through a flask containing approximately 7 L of
subcooled liquid deuterium. The flask containing the liquid deuterium is fabricated from
aluminum type 6061-T6 and has a diameter of 5.04 cm. The deuterium flask is surrounded by
8 L of liquid hydrogen in the annular space between the outer wall of the deuterium vessel and
another aluminum tube with a 7.62 cm diameter. The hydrogen is cooled by three 10 W APD
refrigerators. The liquid hydrogen in turn subcools the deuterium which has a higher Saturation
temperature at our chosen operating pressures. The deuterium pressure is maintained at 322.0
kPa, while the hydrogen pressure is maintained at 103.4 kPa. The system operating temperature
is 20.3 K resulting in 8.0 K of subcooling to the deuterium. A recovery system is used to
minimize deuterium losses. The liquid deuterium when warmed to room temperature is
contained in one 3785 L tank at a pressure below the primary deuterium circuit safety relief
device set pressure of 827 kPa. The vacuumjacket material used for this target is stainless steel
type 304 with aluminum type 6061-T6 beam windows of 0.762 mm thickness. Using stainless
steel and aluminum as target materials results in higher maximum allowable working pressures,
and thus, higher safety relief device set pressures for this target as compared to others built for
this fixed target run. The hydrogen circuit is relieved at 274 kPa while the vacuum circuit
relieves at 205 kPa. The target system uses no tent orvacuum buffervolume. lt is located inside
a ..beam enclosure and is very weil protected with concrete blocks positioned primarily for
radiation shielding purposes. The exhausts of all safety relief devices for each circuit
(deuterium, hydrogen and vacuum) are vented outdoors. A hydrogen detector is located in the
enclosure which triggers an exhaust fan in the case of a release of either the hydrogen or
deuterium. The gas is then safely vented outdoors. Special procedures are also in effect for
accessing the enclosure in which this target is located. The main reason for using a metallic
target flask isthat this system is located in a beam position which receives 4 x 1012 protons per
pulse at primary (800 GeV) energy. This results in a radiation exposure which prohibits the use
ofMylar material. The cooling method chosen assures a subcooled deuterium target even under
peak beam loading. Other target systems have solved this problern by utilizing a forced flow
concept coupled with direct heat exchange to the target fluid. 3
Experiment 690- The target flask in use at this experiment, holding on the order of 0.2 L
of liquid hydrogen, is the smallest flask built for any experiment at Fermilab. The flask material
is Mylar at a thickness of 0.127 mm. The beam enters the target insulating vacuum space
through a 0.178 mm thick Mylar window. The vacuum shell surrounding the target flask was
constructed with 5.1 mm Rohacell wrapped with 0.076 mm thick woven fiber glass cloth
saturated with epoxy, thus bonding it to the Rohacell vacuum jacket. The target is located inside
a helium purged gas chamber which is part of a series of helium and flammable gas chambers.
The hydrogen for this target is cooled with one 10 W APD refrigerator. The targetsupportstand
may be manually moved upstream of its operating position allowing experimenters to access
experimental apparatus otherwise difficult to reach. Secondary containment is in the form of
a vacuum buffervolume. Safety relief valves on both the hydrogen and the vacuumcircuits vent
through ducting to the outdoors.
Experiment 704 - The target flask has a 2.9 L volume. The flask has a 6.0 cm diameter
with a 100.1 cm length. It is fabricated with Mylar of thickness 0.178 mm. The target vacuum
shell is made with 1.91 cm Rohacell with 0.127 mm Mylar fixed on its outer surface. The
upstream vacuum window is a 0.127 mm Mylar window with a diameter of 6.99 cm. The target
is cooled with two 10 W APD refrigerators. The targetsupportstand may be moved manually
suchthat other fixed target experiments may be moved into the beamline. The target uses a
standard design tent as secondary containment. lts dimensions are 4.0 m in height, 1.6 m in
width and 1.1 m in depth.
Table 3. Major Causes of Down-Time
Experiment 706- This is a small target holding approximately 0.5 L of liquid hydrogen.
The flask is built of0.178 mm thick Mylar. lts diameteris 6.35 cm and its length is 15.24 cm.
The vacuum shell is made of stainless steel and is cylindrical in shape. The beam windows for
the vacuum jacket are made of beryllium plate and are secured using circular stainless steel
flanges. The upstream beryllium beam window is 6.35 cm in diameter and the downstream
window is 7.62 cm in diameter. Both windows are approximately 0.254 cm thick. The target
is supported inside a box as are silicon strip detectors positioned directly adjacent to the target
on both its upstream anddownstream ends. The box is locatedon a table which may be manually
moved out of the beam line. It is critical for this experiment that the silicon strip detectors sense
no vibrations; therefore, an alternative hydrogen refrigeration system was chosen. Helium is
transferred from commercialliquid helium dewars through a vacuum insulated transfer line to
a heat exchanger that cools the hydrogen. After the helium passes through the heat exchanger
a portion of the remaining cooling capacity is used to intercept the heat load by connecting the
tube to a radiation shield inside the vacuum can. The helium is then vented outdoors. The
secondary Containment and hydrogen venting system are similar to that used for experiment
Operational Data
The targets that were operated during the first portion of the 1990-1991 Fixed Target Run
totaled over 14,000 hours of running time. Operating efficiencies of these targets ranged from
93.6% to 99.96%. The static heat load of each targetwas measured and ranges from 3 W to 6
W. See Table 1 for individual target operating data. The major cause for downtime during the
first portion of this fixed target run was refrigerator related problems. In each case refrigerator
efficiency was sufficiently reduced, thereby failing to provide the cooling capacity required to
maintain a stable target. Approximately 220 hours of downtime were accumulated due to this
problem. This represents 1.6% of the total operating time for all the targets. See Table 3 for
other major causes of downtime during the first portion of this fixed target run.
The years of experience associated with the target systems operated at Fermilab has led
to some key component upgrades which have increased reliability and decreased the need for
operator intervention.
Refrigeration System
The compressors used with the 10 W refrigerators have been upgraded to APD model HC-
8, rotary type which has proven tobe much more reliable than the previously used reciprocating
machines. An interesting by-product of this compressor upgrade was that the new compression
system with associated filtration had an extremely low oil carryover. Thein takelexhaust valve
ofthe GiffordMcMahonrefrigeratorwas left with no lubrication and started tofail prematurely.
As a result, the graphite filled Teflon valve was replaced with a valve made from molybdenum
disulfide filled Vespel. This material is self lubricating and has a lifetime of over 2000 hours.
Instrumentation used in analyzing the performance of the refrigerator includes a Hastings mass
flowmeter on the helium circuit and a transducer made by PCB Piezotronics, Inc. installed on
the firststage of the refrigeration unit. The transducer allows monitoring of the pressure change
during a refrigeration cycle in the first stage of the refrigeration unit. The refrigerator may be
tuned to optimize its performance with the pressure curve of the refrigeration cycle as an
Target System
The hydrogen circuit of each target system includes two safety relief valves. The primary
safety relief has been upgraded to an Anderson Greenwood Series 80 valve. This valve is fully
open within 110% of set pressure and does not exhibit a problern with "sticking" as did the
previously used modulating valves. The safety relief device used on the cryostat vacuum space
has also been changed. A parallel plate relief device designed at Fermilab has replaced the
Kapton rupture disc.
Over the many years of fabrication and operation of hydrogen targets, several standard
practices have been developed. These have been compiled with some detailed rules for safety
analysis in a document entitled, "Guidelines for the Design, Fabrication, Testing, Installation
and Operation of LH2 Targets." These rules are intended to complement the official Fermilab
Safety Standardsand will eventually be incorporated into the Safety Manual. An abbreviated
table of contents is shown in Table 4.
The guidelines prohibit the use ofhydrogen batch filling of the target flask and require that
all targets be refrigerated either by mechanical cryocoolers or direct heat exchange with liquid
helium. Recommended materials for the target flask arepolyesterfilm (My lar), polyimidefilm
(Kapton) and metals, such as stainless steel type 304 or aluminum type 6061-T6. Alltarget
flasks are designed, tested and relieved for a maximum allowable working pressure of at least
172.3 kPa differential. Allowable stresses are set at 63% of yield strength for plastic films and
the lesser of 66% of yield or 25% of ultimate strength for metals. If available, the ASME code
allowable stresses are referenced. Because of concems with polyesterfilm degradation, strict
controls are placed on initial and periodic testing of material samples. A total radiation exposure
Iimit of 108 rads of absorbed energy is imposed for Mylar flasks. High radiation exposure
targets are fabricated with an acceptable metal.
I. Scope
II. Design Fabrication and Testing:
Refrigeration System
H2 Reservoir
Target Flask
Instrumentation and Control System
Vacuum Vessel
Secondary Containment
III. System Testing and Installation
IV. Safety Analysis and Review
V. Operation
VI. Target Safety Review Documentanon
The successful fabrication ofMylar target flasks has developed over time to a point where
both materials and techniques can be standardized. Alljoints are designed to place the epoxy
bond in shear when the flask is pressurized. Dimensions for joint overlaps, surface preparation,
the epoxy curing procedures and clean up are all carefully controlled. The recommended
adhesives areShell Epon 838 or 815 with a curing agent of V40 or V25. To decrease flask
distortion durlog cooldown, Ionger targets incorporate artificial seams to compensate for
material added due to joints. Connections to the hydrogen supply and vent tubes are made using
a Vespel ring, which also joins the two parts of the cylindrical flask. Plastic flasks are relieved
at 170.2 kPa by a dual relief system that is sized for the worst case air condensation heat flux.
The guidelines also set requirements for the secondary containment system that contains
and safely vents any release ofhydrogen gas from the target system due to failure. Controlling
the environment of the target has proven crucial for the safe operation of these systems. By
definition, these targets are part of an experimental apparatus, and are therefore in close
proximity to equipment requiring personnel access. Each target vacuum box is sized to allow
for the initial release of the entire liquid hydrogen volume. As the hydrogen warms, the gas is
vented to a position that will not endanger personnel or equipment.
Rigorous testing of target system components is required by the guidelines. In all cases
where applicable, the ASME code pressure testing procedures are referenced. Operating and
emergency procedures, valve lists and failure mode analyses are developed for each system.
The process of authorizing targetcooldown requires a written permit signed by the safety panel
chairperson and the respective division head.
Although the criteria for each experiment varied, we were successful in building target
systems that met the expectations of both the experimenters and the target guidelines. The
liquid hydrogen targets proved to be both safe and reliable durlog the first period of the 1990-
1991 Fixed Target Run.
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of J. R. Kilmer in the design and
upgrades of these systems. We would also like to acknowledge the mechanical and electrical
technicians led by J. A. Peifer for the construction and installation of each system.
1. J. C. Theilacker, Current operaring experience and upgrade plans of the Tevatron cryogenic
system, in: "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering," Vol. 35B, Plenum Press, New York
. (1990), p. 917.
2. R. Rubinstein, "1990 Fermilab Research Program Workbook," intemal publication (1990).
3. J. W. Mark, A 650 mm long liquid hydrogen target for use in a high intensity electron beam,
in: "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering," Vol. 29, Plenum Press, New York (1984), p.
Fig. 1. Schematic view of the target cell and associated hardware. The
cell and shields are copper, and the helium reservoir and
hydrogen feed lineare stainless steel. Not shown are the
heater wires, temperature sensors, nor the solid angle limiting
Fig. 2. The same as Fig. 1, but seen from the side to show the solid
angle limiting cones and the cell thickness.
able dewar. No liquid nitrogen is required, and only warm helium gas is
returned to the refrigerator. Operation with low pressure differentials
allow the use of thin beryllium windows which keeps the background to a
m1n1mum. Schematics of the target are shown in Fig. 1, which shows the
target from the beam direction, and Fig. 2 which shows a side view. The
target is cooled by conduction by a 6.35 mm copper rod extending from the
helium reservoir. The cell is also made from copper to insure that the
hydrogen remains at a constant temperature. The doub l e heat shield is
used to insure the maximum use of the enthalpy of the hel i um gas and to
reduce the radiant heat load on the cell. The entrance and ex i t cones,
shown in Fig. 2, also reduce the solid angle for 300 K radiation, while
providing sufficient space for the beam to enter and exit with a non-zero
scattering angle. Not shown in the figures are the temperature sensors
or the heater wires on the cell and on the stainless steel hydrogen feed
line. The heater on the feed line is needed to insure that hydrogen does
not freeze before entering the cell. The cell and the heat shields a re
supported by G10 links, which also a llow some adjustment of the tar'get
position when the target is moved to a different location. To facilitate
use in different locati ons the whole target assembl y is attached to a
standard 20 cm (8") Conflat flange. Target thickness can be changed by
simply attaching a new cell to the helium reservoir.
The target cell and attached helium reservoir are shown in Fig. 3.
The target areal density for this cell is 10 mg/cm 2 • Two thin beryllium
windows, each 0.00125 cm thick, close the cell. The windows are attached
to the cell with the two keeper plate s also shown in the figure. The
windows are also attached with GE 703 1 varnish to assure that they are
leak tight. The total areal dens i ty of the beryllium wi ndows is 4.7
Fig. 3. Photograph of the target cell and attached liquid helium reser-
voir. Also shown are the window keeper plates.
mg/cm 2 , less than halfthat of the hydrogen. It should be noted that ·the
number of hydrogen target atoms is twenty times the number of beryllium
atoms. We are presently trying to determine the minimum window thickness
that can be produced. lt is likely that an areal density of 1 mg/cm 2
will be possible, before porosity of the foils is encountered.
Additionally, beryllium is mono-isotopic, so contamination peaks will be
easier to interpret.
To use the target, the cell is first pumped out and the liquid
helium reservoir is filled. The heater on the hydrogen fill line is
turned on to keep the temperature in the line above 13 K, and a known
amount of hydrogen gas is admitted. After the cell has been filled, the
cell heater is used to raise the temperature to above the melting point
of hydrogen, to insure that the target is uniform upon refreezing.
Initial calibration of the temperature monitors and gas handling system
will be done before the system is installed. Additionally, transparent
windows will be used in testing to verify that the target is uniform.
During the experiment the background peaks can be observed by removing
the hydrogen and running only on the empty cell. The calculated hold
time with a 100 L helium supply dewar is two days, providing a convenient
time for background runs while the dewar is being refilled.
An inexpensive solid hydrogen target with thin windows has been
built and, because it requires only liquid helium from a portable dewar,
is readily transferable to any target location. The target is presently
being assembled for final testing. lt will be used when accelerator time
is available.
1. B. M. Sherrill et al, The NSCL radioactive beam facility, in: "Proc.
First Intl. Conf. on Radioactive Nuclear Beams", World Scientific
Singapore, (1990), p. 72.
2. R. B. Scott, Properties of cryogenic fluids, in: "Cryogenic
Engineering", Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ (1959), p. 268.
3. G. E. Childs, L. J. Ericks and R. L. Powell, "Thermal Conductivity
of Solids at Room Temperature and Below", NBS Monograph 131,
National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, CO (1973).
This report concems the field test results of a new type of peak-shaving LNG vaporizer
(VSV) whose heat source is vacuum steam. The VSV utilizes the condensation latent heat
of vacuum steam to vaporize and superheat LNG within heat transfer tubes. Prior to the
field test, water and liquified nitrogen (LN 2) were used as the medium for the heated fluid in
order to confirm the basic heat transfer characteristices of vacuum steam and the influence
of non-condensable gasses. In the field tests, the heat transfer performance, controlability
and a transient response were confirmed in a scaled-down model device using extemal
steam as the heat source.
As a result, it was confirmed that : (1) a high heat transfer coefficient is obtained on the
outer surfaces of the heat transfer tubes where the vacuum steam is condensing. (2) quick
Ioad change is possible and the outlet temperature drop rate is gradual when the heat source
is cut off. (3) non-condensable gasses on the outer tube surfaces which obstructs heat trans-
fer could be easily removed. These results indicate that this vaporizer responds flexibly
to Operating conditions and is suitable for a wide range of applications.
At present, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. is mainly using the Open Rack Vaporizer (ORV) for
base Ioad and the Submerged Combustion Vaporizer (SCV) for peak-shaving and emer-
gency applications. However, the new emphasis on energy saving and the intensifying
competition between energy sources has necessitated the development of a more reliable
and economical vaporizer for peak shaving. As a result, we, tokyo Gas Co.,Ltd. and
Sumitomo Precision Products Co.,Ltd. decided to jointly develop a new vaporizer, named
the Vacuum Steam Vaporizer (VSV), utilizing a vacuum boiler which produces steam
inside of a drum with sub-atmospheric pressure.
The VSV is a steam-intermediate fluid type vaporizer which takes advantage of the
high heat transfer coefficient of steam condensation. As shown in Fig. 1, the VSV is basi-
cally composed of a vacuum boiler and shell-and-tube-type LNG heat exchanger. The
condensation latent heat of vacuum steam, which is produced in the vacuum boiler, vapor-
izes and superheats LNG in the heat transfer tubes which are located in the heat exchanger.
The heating medium (vacuum steam) circulates from the drum to the heat exchanger and
back to the drum in cycles as water, vacuum steam, and water again. In contrast, the SCV
(see Fig. 2) is composed of heat transfer tubes in a water bath and a submerged combustion
device as shown in Fig. 2. The exhaust gas from the combustion device is emitted into the
water, stirring the wateras it rises and vaporizes LNG in the process. In this vaporizer, a
minimum exhaust gas flow rate must be maintained in order to sufficiently stir the water,
regardless of the combustion Ioad.
Gas Part
STEAM ; ~--t:'<l-~--=---+---------._
Fig. 3. Flow sheet of test equipment
As the first stage of development, basic experiments were conducted using water and
LN2 as the heated fluid in order to confirm the basic heat transfer characteristics of vacuum
steam and the influence of non-condensable gasses. Following these experiments, field
tests, where the vacuum steam was produced by external steam, were carried out at the
Tokyo Gas Negishi Works using three kinds of heat exchangers in order to confirm heat
transfer performance, controlability and transite response. The results of both the basic
experiments and field tests are described under RESULT AND EVALUATION.
Fig. 3 and 4 show the flow sheet and configuration for the field tests and equipment,
respectively. The upper portion of Fig. 4 is an LNG heat exchanger while the lower portion
is a vacuum boiler producing vacuum steam. The three types of heat exchangers (type I, II,
and III) shown in Table 1 were used in the field tests in order to estimate the heat flow and
steam flow in an industrial-size plant. Heat transfer tubes for actual use were distributed in
type I, while tubes with a diameter half the size were used in type II and III. The perfor-
mance of type II and III were analyzed and compared to evaluate the effect of tube bundles.
The LNG was heated as it flowed through the heat transfer tubes where it was finally
vaporized and superheated. A subsidiary heat exchanger was installed for the purpose of
removing non-condensable gasses from the surface of heat transfer tubes in the heat ex-
changer. A condenser using industrial water as a cooling source was used as a subsidiary
5, 500mm
Table I. Heat exchanger specifications
heat exchanger. A vacuum pump was installed in order to initially decompress the drum and
to periodically discharge non-condensable gasses.
External steam was used as the heat source in the field tests. In order to keep the drum
temperature at test conditions, the inlet steam flow rate was controlled according to the LNG
flow rate (feed forward factor) and the drum water temperature (feed back factor).
As shown in Fig. 3, the flow rate, temperature and pressure of both inlet LNG and
outletnatural gas (NG), the flow rate of heat source steam, the temperature and pressure of
steam within the vacuum boiler, and the pressure loss in the steam drum and the tubes of the
LNG heat exchanger were measured as conditions of operation. In addition, the temperature
of the fluid in the heat transfer tubes as weil as the temperature of the outer surfaces were
measured using thermo couples and recorded with a high-speed data logger.
The flow rate of LNG and drum water temperature were changed as shown in Table 2.
In the initial basic experiment with wateras the fluid medium, The heat transfer coeffi-
cient of condensation on the outer surface of the tubes was calculated by the difference in
1- 12,000
!:!:!sz <>
1f 'E 11 ,ooo <><>
LL. 3:
(.) 10,000
LL. ~
(/) 9,000
z<( zw
a: 0
1- z
0 8,000
!:i: (.) <>
::r:: 0
LL. <>
300 310 320 330 340 350
water temperature at inlet and outlet. Fig. 5 shows the results plotted in relation to mean
vacuum steam temperature. The heat transfer coefficient was 8,000 to 9,000 W/m 2 K and
tended to increase as the steam temperature decreased. This tendency is consistent with the
Nusselt formula concerning filmwise condensation on a horizontal tube.
The heat transfer coefficient of the tube interior (ai) was calculated using Equation (1).
Next the outer tube surface condensation heat transfer coefficient (ao) was derived using
Equation (2)
1/ao = 1/K- do/(di · ai)- 0.5 · do/A.m · ln(do/di) (2)
Gm= mass flow rate per unit cross sectional area (kg/m2 s)
jw = Colburn's j factor of inside water (experimental value) (-)
Cpw = specific heat at constant pressure of inside water (J/kg K)
Pr= Prandtl number (-)
K = mean overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2 K)
do = outer diameter of a tube (m)
di =inner diameter of a tube (m)
A.m =thermal conductivity oftube meta! (W/m K)
Fig. 6 shows the measured temperature of outlet gas according to LNG Ioad using the
drum water temperature as a parameter. We can see that when the drum water temperature is
353K (80°C) the VSV has 3 times the vaporization rate of the SCV, where the vaporization
rate is defined as the ratio of the LNG flow rate to unit heat transfer surface area. We can
also see that when the drum water temperature is kept constant, the temperature of outlet gas
increases remarkably as the LNG Ioad is reduced. For energy saving purposes, the drum
water temperature was controlled according to LNG Ioad so as to avoid the excess increase
of NG temperature. Type II results have clarified the fact that a bundle with a !arger tube
number decreases the heat transfer coefficient on the outer surfaces due to non-condensable
gasses. The test results show that the heat transfer coefficient in type II is 10 % less than that
of type III.
g 400 ,------.,---,-------,----.----,
• 362K o 333K
~ 380
" 353 K • 323 K ~5
o 343 K • 313 K li:ig_ 0
a: 360
LU ~LU 4
~ 340 0::::>
1- LL!;;: 3
320 0
~ LU~
(!) 300 ~~1- 2
g 280
QCJ) 0
2so~~-~-~~-~ o~~-~~-~~
0 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
LNG FLOW RATE (x10 3 kg/hr) LNG FLOW RATE (X 10 3 kg/hr)
Fig. 6. Outlet gas temperature Fig. 7. Drop rate of outlet gas temperature
according to LNG Ioad in the case that heat source is cut off
In cases with both a constant and changing Ioad (maximum change in speed of 30%/
min), there was little change in the outflow rate of gas which implies stable vaporization. In
order to clarify the transient response when the heat source is cut off, the heat-source steam
was quickly turned off and the drop rate of outlet gas temperature was measured, under the
condition of keeping the LNG Ioad constant. Fig. 7 shows the drop rate of outlet gas tem-
perature relative to LNG Ioad. Heat is conserved in the drum water which continues to
supply heat to the LNG tubes, thereby giving the VSV leeway time before final shutdown in
cases where the heat source is suddenly cut off. This provides an opportunity to restart the
heat source and is a useful feature for increasing reliability.
When non-condensable gasses such as leak air enter the vacuum steam drum, heat
transfer performance is significantly decreased. In cases such as LNG vaporization where
the fluid medium has an extremely low temperature, an ice layer may form on the outer tube
surfaces. In the field test equipment, the subsidiary heat exchanger was installed as a steam
condenser in the return pipe in the boiler in order to remove non-condensable gasses from
the outer tube surfaces. This setup caused the non-condensable gasses to remain in the
subsidiary heat exchanger.
The amount of non-condensable gasses increased with time and finally ice formed
around bends in the heat transfer tubes where non-condensable gasses concentrate most. The
ice was melted immediately each time non-condensable gasses were discharged by the
vacuum pump operation. During long-run tests the vacuum pump was activated on a cycle
of once every several hours. The heat loss attributed to the subsidiary heat exchanger was
less than 1%.
3. The leeway time before final shutdown in cases where heat source is cut off is approxi-
mately 4 times that of SCV
4. Non-condensable gasses can be easily removed from the heat transfer surfaces by install-
ing a subsidiary heat exchanger.
5. Because external waste heat can easily be incorporated into the system as a heat source,
additional heat sources such as gas turbine exhaust gas can be used to economize opera-
The authors would like to thank Prof. T. Fujii and Prof. H. Honda of Kyushu University
for their sophisticated technical advice on the development of the prototype.
I. T. Fujii et al, "Heat transfer and flow resistance of low pressure steam flowing through
tube banks," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 15, p. 247(1972).
suspenslon (6x )
electrical insulation
The suspension
The magnet suspension system consists of six race track shaped belts
and two thin walled stainless steel tubes. The former is present for
counterbalancing the radial forces and the latter for the axial forces.
The belts are 115 mm long and they have at the end a radius of curvature
of 4.5 mm. They contain windings of aramid fiber and they are impregnated
with epoxy in a mould. The tensile strength of this belt is 780 N while
the fracture appeared in the mid section at 25 mm from the end of the
belt. The heat leak through one belt is 1.5 mW from 300 K to the magnet.
The belts are fitted between these temperature levels and are not
thermally anchored to the first stage. The connection with the outer wall
of the cryostat is made via spiral springs for centering purposes and for
compensating the thermal contraction of the magnet.
The current leads consist of three parts. The first part is made of
copper wire and thermally anchored to R.T. and the radiation shield. The
second part is a nicke! wire of 99.999% purity and it is connected to the
first and second stage. The connection between the second stage and the
magnet terminals is a 5 mm x SO jlm Nb 3Sn tape conductor wi th a copper
stabilizer. The leads are optimized for a current of 100 A following the
standard current lead theory [7), while the heat produced is removed from
the system by thermal conduction. A brief outline of the construction is
given in Fig. 2. The thermal anchoring is a stack of two copper strips
wi th a 0. 6 mm Al 2 0 3 strip in between. Indium foil between each layer
improves the thermal conductivity of the stack. The calculated heat loads
on the system at 100 A are: 0. 78 W at the second stage and 9.2 W at the
first stage.
Table 1. Test coil data
coil nurober 1 2 3
VAr:fJ Vacuumschmelze
ECN• the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation
TWCA+ Teledyne Wah Chang Albany
Model coils
Before starting to wind the large magnet, three small test coils were
made to learn about our winding and impregnating techniques. The coil and
wire dimensions and the quench current measurements are summarized in
Table 1. The first coil is wet wound using prereacted wire. This is a very
risky process because the wire can easily be damaged and this was just
what happened at every attempt to wind with the thin wire. This has
resulted in relatively low quench currents.
The second and third coil are wound on a stainless.steel coil form
and then reacted and vacuum impregnated. In the second coil the lead
temperature was 2 K higher than the coil temperature. An improved heat
drain construction for the leads in coil 3 gave a measured lead/coil
temperature difference of 1.1 K.
--1st stage coldheod
---rodiotion shield
--·-·2nd stoge coldheod
- steel dummy
0 o~----~,o----~20~--~30~--~~~
20 -----2ndstogecoldheod
- steel dummy
/..> ,. -
18 botiom reor ,' ....-
...... oluminium ring ,' . /
top front
,' .. ··
, ..... ··
," ..·
1- ,~~::~···
20 10 . ::::·:-··
00 60 120 180 240 80 5 10 15 20 25 30
heads are installed and working correctly i t can be expected that the
cooldown time will be reduced to less than 25 hours. The warm up curves
are measured after switching off the compressors of the cold heads. They
are shown in Fig. 4. It is shown that cryocooler failure during a short
time will not directly cause an important temperature raise of the magnet.
Temperature distribution
The cool ing down process has been observed using numerous GaAlAs
temperature sensors. The stationary temperature distribution after the
system was cold is shown partly in Fig. 1 in the case of the second stage
temperatures and in Fig. 5 for the first stage temperatures. The maximum
temperature gradients during the cool down of the system are shown in
Fig. 3 where it is noticed that less than 15 % of the gradient is over the
dummy. The indicated temperatures are of the cold head and of the bottom
rear of the dummy.
In the stationary situation the maximum gradient measured over the
dummy magnet is 1.2 K. This value can be reduced to 0.5 K when Al 1100
instead of Al 6063 is used as material for the heat collecting ring. The
connection between the cold heads and the ring is a copper braid with a
measured heat conduction coefficient of 1740 W/m/K at 10 K. When the cold
heads are placed at a !arger distance from the magnet, which results in
less vibration and noise in the vicinity of the magnet, the required
quantity of copper braid increases rapidly. A possibility to reduce this
quantity is to decrease the temperature of the second stage cold head.
This can be achieved by decreasing the reciprocating frequency of the
displacer and by replacing the regenerator material Pb by Er 3 Ni as was
shown in ref. [8]. In this way the minimum cold head temperature can be
lowered from 8 K to a value below 4 K.
Thermal impedances
Fester, D. A. 1247 Hirabayashi, M. 1359
Feuling, L. J. 875,1433 Hiyama,E. 845
Filippov, Yu. P. 47, 189, 1461 Hiyama, T. 827
Fontus,R. 1503 Hoenig, M. 0. 345
Frederking, T. H. K. 209,213,225 Hofmann,A. 139
Freeman, B. D. 973 Honkonen, S. C. 1265
Fuerst, J. D. 171,795 Hopkins, R. A. 1183, 1193, 1349
Fujii, G. 1359 Horlitz,G. 653
Fujima, K. 739,747 Horvath, I. 559
Fujioka,K. 631 Hosford, G. S. 233
Fukase, K. 623 Hosoyama, K. 683
Hsieh,H. 425
Gagliani, J. 293 Hu,B. 181
Ganetis, G. 431 Huang,X. 299, 387, 511
Garber,M. 431 Huang,Z. 181
Gary,J. 1083 Hull,J. R. 369
Ge,S. 1079 Hung, R. J. 1281, 1291, 1303, 1313
Ghosh,A. 431
Gibson, J. H. 567 Iannello, V. 779,809
Gifford, P. 1011 Iisaka, H. 771
Gilbert, W. S. 445 Ikeda, Y. 1509
Giomataris, Y. 1137 Ino,N. 739,771,817,835
Godshalk, K. M. 615,955 Inone, H. 401
Goodzeit, C. 431 Inoue, A. 623
Grandin, A. W. 361 Inoue,M. 505
Green,G. 727, 1003, 1011 Ishida, H. 827,845
Green,M.A. 445,567,637 Isono, T. 315
Green, M. I. 445 Israelsson, U. 1165
Greene,A. 431 Iwata, A. 463
Gruszczynski, M. J. 293
Gu,Y. 265 Jacobsen, R. T. 1107, 1115
Gupta, R. 431 James, E. 1063
Janda, D.J. 891
Hanamure, M. 1509 Jeffs, R. L. 285
Hanft, R. 431 Jiang, Z. 155
Hanyu, T. 123 Jimmerson, L. 1377
Hara, K. 683 Johnson, D. L. 1019, 1037, 1045
Harris, W. S. 587 Johnson, J. W. 891,931
Haruyama, T. 133,401 Jones, H. 931
Hashimoto, H. 817,835
Hashimoto, 0. 691 Kabe,A. 667,675,683
Hashimoto, T. 859,996 Kahn,S. 431
Hasou,S. 623 Kaji, K. 551
Hata,H. 37 Kakimi, Y. 631
Hata, K. 25 Kalsi, S. 425
Hatfield, D. R. 543 Kamioka, Y. 623
Hayashi,A. 859 Kamiyauchi, Y. 827,845
Hazelton, D. W. 361 Karasik, V. R. 409
Heese, R. 425 Karner, J. F. 379
Heim, W.J. 293 Karr,G.R. 55,203,1221,1377
Heine, D. L. 567 Kashani,A. 915, 1129
Helvensteijn, B. P. M. 915, 923, 1129 Kashihara, S. 755
Heng,S. 597 Kashy, D. 577
Henning, T. A. 883 Kato, D. 747,787
Herrera,J. 431 Kato,H. 1441
Hershberg, E. L. 605,615 Kato, T. 345, 827, 845
Herzog,H. 653 Kawagoe,E. 827,845
Hilal, M. A. 499 Kawamura, S. 667,675,683
Hili, D. D. 931 Kawano,K. 827,845
Hiller, M. W. 535 Kawashima, I. 827
Keilin, V. E. 339 Lokken, 0. D. 155
Keitel, T. A. 1433 Long, Y. 1079
Kelly,E. 431 Loren, K. R. 1029
Kenney, W. J. 473 Lorenzen, H. W. 147,379
Kesting,F. 1419 Lu,B.C.-Y. 1121
Kim,G. 225 Lubell, M. S. 473
Kimura,N. 133,401 Luchik, T. S. 1165,1453
Kinard,A. 891 Luck,H. 249
Kinard, G. E. 1479 Ludeman, E. M. 883,989,1433
Kiriya, I. V. 339 Lue,J. W. 473
Kishi, T. 771 Luna,}. 225
Kita, H. 463 Luo,H.Y. 1393
Kitami, T. 691 Luton,J.N. 473
Kittel, P. 241 Lysenko, V. V. 339
Kleshnina, 0. A. 409
Knopf, U. 653 Machida,A. 817,835
Kojima, Y. 683 Maddocks, J. R. 89
Kondo, Y. 691 Madura,D. 425
Konjukhov, A. A. 409 Maguire,J. 1411
Kopylov, S. I. 395 Makida, Y. 401,691
Kotani,S. 623 Makino,M. 859
Kotsubo, V. 1019, 1037 Malginov, V. A. 409
Kozlowski, G. 481 Mamedov, I. S. 1461
Kral,S.F. 891,931 Mantsch,P. 431
Krivikh, A. V. 339 Marechalj, J.-C. 939
Kroenke, I. M. 1157 Markiewicz, W. D. 361
Kubota,M. 845 Martin , T. A. 1237
Kuchnir,M. 431 Mason,P. V. 1165
Kudo,M. 771 Matokhin, V. V. 409
Kujirai,H. 1509 Matsuki,M. 835
Kunes,E.S. 899, 1341 Matsumoto, K. 667,683,996
Kunzelman, R. J. 275 Matsumoto, T. 1359
Kuraoka, Y. 631 Mazur,P.O. 431
Kuriyama, T. 996 Mclntosh, G. E. 155
Kuzminski, J. 431 Meade,A. 431
Kwack,E. Y. 1453 Miller, P. 1063
Kyoya,M. 1359 Mills,G. L. 1425
Mito, T. 755
Laatsch, J. F. 875 Miyachi, T. 691
Lacovic, R. F. 1273 Miyagawa, F. 623
Lange,R. 653 Miyata, Y. 1509
Laumer,H. 417,1503 Moran,M.E. 1257
Lebedev, N. I. 1461 Mord,A.J. 81
Lee, c. c. 1281, 1291, 1303 Morgan,G. 431
Lee,J.H. 1211 Morita, Y. 551,667,675
Leese,R.E. 481 Murakami, H. 1359
Lemmon, E. W. 1107,1115 Murakami, M. 97, 123, 133, 1359
Leombruno, R. L. 489 Muratore, J. 431
Leslie, F. W. 1281, 1291 Murdock,B. 605,615
Leung, E. M. W. 425 Murphy,J. 425
Levin,M.V. 573
Levin,S. 567 Nagae, T. 691
Li,R. 859 Nakagome, H. 996
Li,S. 181, 1079 Nakai,H. 133
Lieb,B. W. 453,535 Nakajima, H. 345
Lieb,J. C. 453 Nakano,A. 97
Lierl,H. 653 Nakayama, Y. 827
Limon,M. 567 Nandakumar, V. 615
Lin,J. 1079 Nara,K. 1441
Logachev, S. N. 573 Nast, T.C. 1029
Neuner,J. W. 489 Radebaugh, R. 947,1083
Neusser,C. 1419 Radusewicz, P. 431
Nickels, L. E. 155 Ravikumar, K.V. 213
Nicol, T.H. 525 Rawlins, W. 947
Nicoletti, A. 763 Reddy,P. 543
Nieczkoski, S. J. 1193,1349 Rehak,M. 431
Nishigaki, K. 505 Reshatoff, Jr., P.J. 1029
Nissen, J.A. 115 Restivo,J. 931
Nitsche,A. 379 Reusch,M. 425
Nixon, T. 1411 Ridder,S. 1003
Nolen,J. A. 417 Roach,P.R. 923
Norris, B. L. 171 Rode,C. 577
Norris, M. G. 801 Rohrer, E. P. 431
Nyland, T. W. 1257 Roman,J.M. 203
Romanov, S. V. 1461
O'Connor, L. 1003 Ross, Jr., R. G. 1019, 1037, 1045
Oberly, C. E. 307,481 Roth,E. W. 197
Offermann, D. 1419 Rowe,J.R. 875
Ogawa,M. 859 Royet, J. 431
Ogawa,S. 505 Rudland, R. S. 1157
Ogitsu, T. 431,683 Ruschman, M. K. 275
Ohmori, T. 1367 Ryschkewitsch, M. G. 1183
Ohtake, K. I. 755
Ohuchi,N. 551,667,675 Saitou,S. 401
Ohya,H. 747,787 Saji,N. 787,845
Okaji,M. 1441 Saji, Y. 463,505
Okuda,H. 1359 Sakamoto, Y. 683
Okuno,K. 345 Sakurai,A. 25,37
Oonk,R. L. 1385 Salerno, L. J. 241
Orris, D. 431 Sampson, W. 431
Orsini, R. 1069 Sanger,P. 431
Owen,W. 1165 Sano, T. 623
SanSebastian, M. 899,1341
Painter, T. A. 345 Sato,M. 463
Palmer, D. N. 369 Sato, S. 827
Pan,H. 1079 Sato, Y. 1509
Parker, K. M. 355 Scanlan, R. N. 431,445
Passardi, G. 1137 SchaUer, J. 147
Passvogel, Th. 1327 Schein, M. E. 1229
Payne, D.A. 1211 Schermer, R. 431
Pei,H. S. 597 Schiesser, W. E. 699,709
Peifer, J. A. 1495 Schoenung, S. M. 369
Penoncello, S. G. 1115 Schoo, C. J. 275
Peschka,W. 1147 Schulze, R. M. 559
Peterson, T. 431 Schuster, J. R. 1265
Petrac, D. 1165 Schwall, R. E. 587
Petrinec, J. N. 453 Schweiger, R. 147
Pfotenhauer, J. M. 155 Schwenterly, S. W. 473
Pfund,P. A. 535 Scurlock, R. G. 1
Phillips, J. R. 973 Seguinot, J. 1137
Pietrzyk, J. R. 1265 Seidel, A. 1327
Pjerov,S. 425 Seifers, H. 1403
Portugalski, V. R. 339 Sekimoto, M. 691
Prenger, C. 853 Semura, J. S. 197
Prentice, J. W. 963 Sergeyev, I. A. 47
Prodell,A. 431 Serlemitsos, A. T. 899,907, 1341
Puglisi,M. 431 Seshake,H. 996
Purohit, G. P. 209 Severson, M. C. 883
Shakkottai, P. S 1453
Quack,H. 645 Shamichev, A. N. 573
Shao,H. 1079 Taylor, C. E. 431,445
Shanna,S. 425 ten Kate, H.H.J. 1517
Shen,S.S. 361 Terashima, A. 551
Sheng, W. 1121 Thompson, P. 431
Sherrill, B. 1503 Thorp, V. L. 293
Shibayama, M. 519 Timmerhaus, K. D. 265,947
Shinkai,K. 755 Tischhauser, J. 1137
Shintomi, T. 691 Tomoya,S. 1359
Shiotsu,M. 25,37 Tompkins, J. 431
Shirron, P. J. 105, 907, 1229 Trajkovic, D. 559
Shohtani, H. 1509 Trant, R. 1419
Shu,Q.S. 543 Trekell, R. 543
Shutt,R. 431 Trepp,Ch. 249
Shyu,K. L. 1303, 1313 Trueblood, J. R. 875
Sidorov, M. V. 409 Tsai, Y-C. 1377
Simanjuntak, H. 225 Tsavalas, Y. P. 355
Sixsmith, H. 779,809 Tsuchiya, K. 551, 667, 675
Slack, D.S. 361,719 Tsugawa,K. 817,835
Slifka, A. J. 285 Tsuji,H. 345,827,845
Smith,Jr.,J. L. 801 Tsukamoto, 0. 323,331
Smoot,G.F. 567 Tumer,J. 431
Snyder, H. A. 81
Sondericker, J.H. 763 Urbach, A. R. 1157
Sopher,J. 445
Soyars, W. M. 217,661 van de Klundert, L.J.M. 1517
Sparr, L. 1063 van der Laan, M.T.G. 1517
Spigo,G. 431 Van Dresar, N. T. 1273
Spitzmesser, J. B. 233 VanSciver,S. W. 89,115,163,299
Spivak, A. L. 241,915 Varghese, A. R. 1471, 1487
Spradley, I. E. 257,1055 Vogel,M. 559
Spyker, R. L. 481 Volz,S.M. 1183,1229
St. Lorant, S. J. 637 Vysotsky, V. S. 409
Stacy, W. D. 779
Stanek, R. P. 1495 Wade,L.A. 1095
Steeves, M. M. 345 Waldron, W. 931
Stewart, S. H. 489 Walker,G. 963
Stewart, W. 853 Walters, J. D. 727
Stier,M. T. 489 Wanderer, P. 431
Stochl, R. J. 1273 Wang,A.A. 875
Strait, J. 431 Wanner,M. 1403
Strayer, D. 1165 Wamer,B.A. 907
Sugahara, R. 667 Waynert, J. A. 453,535
Sugimoto, M. 827,845 Weber,E.M. 535
Sugioka, T. 505 Weintz, K. F. 1341
Suzuki,H. 623 Wilcox, R. A. 915, 1129
Swanson, N. J. 293 Willen, E. 431
Swanson,R. 417 Wilson,J. 577
Witebsky,C. 567
Tada,E. 755,827 Witt, R. J. 63,73
Takahasi, Y. 315 Wolf,J. 1403
Takahata , R. 519 Wolf,Z. 431
Takahata, K. 755 Wu,C.Z. 1393
Takamatsu, M. 755 Wu,K.C. 763
Takao, T. 331
Takayasu, M. 345 Yabana, T. 739
Takenouchi, T. 623 Yaguchi,H. 739
Tanaka,K. 401 Yamada,S. 755
Taneda,M. 755 Yamaguchi, M. 1367
Tao,B. 155 Yamamoto, A. 133,401,1367
Tax,R. B. 1517 Yamamoto, J. 755
Yamamura, H. 755 Yücel, A. 699
Yamaoka,H. 401
Yanagi,H. 739 Zahniser, J. L. 105
Yanagi,N. 755 Zantopp,D. 763
Yasuda,A. 739,747,817,835 Zeller, A. F. 417,1503
Yoshida,J. 827,845 Zhang, B.X. 55,1221,1471,1487
Yoshida,K. 315 Zhang, J. 181
Yoshida,S. 623 Zhao,B. 1079
Yoshida, Y. 331 Zheng,H. 431
Yoshitake, M. 505 Zichy,J. A. 559
Yotsuya, T. 519 Ziegler, B. 645
Ypsilantis, T. 1137 Zimm,C. B. 883,989
Yu,D. 155 Zinchenko, S. I. 573
Yu,Y. 431 Zylstra, S. G. 963
Yuan,S. W. K. 257,1055
Exergy: 209, 217, 646, 661 Instrumentation-see also Control systems,
Expansion cycles-see Refrigerator cycles power supplies, quench protection
Expansion engines, system, strain gauges, temperature
recriprocating: 801 sensor, thermometry: 556
turbine: 687, 817, 827, 835 Insulation: 275,285,293
IRTS: 1359,1377
Filling cryogenic tanks: 1237, 1247, 1247, ISO: 1201, 1327, 1403
1257, 1265, 1273
Film, superconducting: 505 J-T expander/valve: 963
How, two-phase: 171, 181, 197
How meters, Kapitza conductance--see Heat transfer to
cryofluid: 1461 Hell: 39
helium: 147, 172, 1234 Krypton, properties of: 1124
hydrogen: 181
Fluid motion in space--see also Slosh Level gauges: 1471
waves: 1265, 1281, 1291, 1303, 1313 Liquefiers,
Fountain effect pumps: 105, 115, 123, 133, air: 10,13
139 hydrogen: 891
Fusion applications-see Magnets, fusion LNG: 15
oxygen: 14
GGG-see Refrigerators, magnetic Liquid Ievel, measurement of: 1471
Gas compression-see Compressors Magnetic refrigerators: 875,883,891
Gravity-B experiment: 1221, 1281, 1291 Magnetic regenerators: 853, 859, 867, 875,
883, 1079
Heat capacity-see also Regenerators: Magnetic shielding: 556, 585, 907
1004, 1015, 1086 Magnets, superconducting,
Heat engine: 249 accelerators; 425, 653
Heat exchangers, cryogenic: 209,213, 217, costof: 637
225, 233, 720 energy storage: 369, 379, 387
Heat Ioad measurements/calculations, fusion: 315,345
for magnets: 280, 429, 555, 573, 658, HERA: 653
670,732 high energy physics: 401,417
for cryocoolers: 1038 high field (> 10T): 361
for space systems: 1230, 1345, 1354, high Tc: 375, 387
1368,1378 indirecUy cooled: 383, 1517
for transfer lines: 583 MRI: 21,355
Heat switch: 900, 915, 923, 1411 NMR: 361, 1517
Heat transfer, quench protection of: 161, 339, 709
boiling: 197 sectioning of: 395
to He I-see also Stability: 218 ship propulsion: 463, 729
to He li-see also Stability: 25, 37, 47, solenoid: 401, 409
55,63,73,81,89,97 space-bome: 401
to nitrogen: 189, 197 SSC: 431, 445, 453
to oxygen: 203 Tevatron: 19
transient: 25, 37, 47 UNK: 573
Helium, venting of: 709
properties of: 149 Magnet supports: 529, 536, 555, 730
recover of: 23 Mass flow: 63, 73, 81, 89, 97, 105, 163, 230
Helium li-see Superfluid Mass flow meter: 147
Helmholtz oscillation: 97 Motors, superconducting: 473
High Tc superconductors, applications of: MHD ship propulsion: 463, 727
20,375,387,481,519 Multilayer insulation: 275, 285, 527, 1352,
History of cryogenics: 1 1370,1395
as fuel-see also Slush hydrogen: 1145, National Aerospace Plane: 16, 285, 1157
1157 Neon, in mixtures: 1124
in mixtures: 1124 Nitrogen,
slush-see Slush hydrogen in mixtures: 1107, 1124
targets for physics: 1495, 1503 space experiment (CONE): 1173
Persistent current switch: 467 Refrigerators-see also Cryocoolers
Phase separators, He II-see also Porous adiabatic demagnetizqtion: 899, 907,
plug and Active phase separator: 91S, 1193
10S, 11S, 123, 133 dilution:: 923
Porous Plugs-see also Refrigerators, space Regenerators: 8S3, 8S9, 947,981,989, 99S,
and Helium II in space: 89, 10S, 1003, 1014, 1079, 108S
11S, 123, 133, 1354, 1363 Relief devices: 1419, 1487
Power Ieads-see Current Ieads
SAFIRE: 1211
Power supplies for superconducting SHIELDING--see Magnetic shielding
systems: 156
Shif propulsion: 463, 727
Pressure drop: 163, 1231
SHOOT: 105, 11S, 1229
Pressure rise, quench: 709
Silicon diodes-see Temperature sensor
Pressure transducers: 1447
SIRTF: 489
PVT data-see VLE data
Slosh waves: 1281, 1291, 1303
Pulsetube refrigerators: 251, 931, 939, 947,
Slush hydrogen: 11S7
SMES-see Superconducting magnetic
energy storage
fountain effect: 10S, 117, 123, 133, 139
Solid cryogen coolers: 1385, 1393
liquid helium: 84S, 8S3
Space applications: 116S
liquid hydrogen and oxygen: 1479
Specific heat,
of magnetic materials: 1004, 1015, 1086
gas: 739
of rare-earth materials: 12S3, 1262,
noble liquid: 1137
1273, 129S
SSC-see Superconducting Supercollider
Quality, fluid: 171, 181
Stability margin: 31S, 331
Quench behavior,
Stability, superconducting coil,
disturbance energy: 323
general: 299, 323
magnet: 323,331,404,414, 6S8, 709
high Tc: 307, 390
minimum propagating zone: 299
LHe I: 331
normal zone propagation velocity: 31S,
LHe II: 63, 73, 160
Stratification, thermal: 107,1 17
of high Tc conductors: 307 Stirling cycle coolers: 1019, 1029, 1037,
stability margin: 31S
104S, 1063, 1069, 13S3
Quench protection: 161,339,391
Subcooler: 763
Superconducting electronics: 60S, 615,623,
Recovery current-see Stability, supercon-
ducting coil
Superconducting magnetic energy storage:
Refrigeration of electronics: 189, 197, S87,
Superconducting magnets-see Magnets,
Refrigeration system,
CEBAF: 577
Sueprconducting motors/ generators: 473
cost of: 637 747 '
efficiency of: 645
Superconducting Supercollider,
Fermilab: 171,661, 79S
cryostats for: 525, 535, 543
magnets for: 431,445,453,709
ITER: 837
refrigerators for: 699
KEK: 667, 675, 683, 693
Superconducting reactor: 481
LCT: 139
SSC: 699
cable-in-conduit: 163, 346
for fusion devices: 147
film: SOS
for generators: 147, 747, 787, 83S
high Tc: 308
for MRI magnets: 559
NB3Sn: 62S
for NMR magnets: 719
Superfluid-see also Heat transfer to He II
for rf cavities: 683
cooling applications of: 139 '
for shipboard use: 727
dewars: 1341, 1349, 13S9
for SMES magnets: 390
heat exchangers: 1S8, 720
for testing facilities: 755, 763
heat switch: 915
heat transfer to: 25, 37, 47, 55, 63, 81
control systems: 631, 67S, 695, 72S, 7S9
1029 ' mass flow: 63, 73, 81, 89, 97, 105
properties of: 1169
cycles---see also Liquefiers and rcfrig-
pumps-see also Fountain effect
eration systems: 250, 646
pumps: 105, 115, 123, 133, 139
Superfluid-see also Heat transfer to He li Training-see Quench behavior
(continued) Transfer lines: 577, 671, 692
refrigerators: 719 Transfer of ~ogenic fluids: 1232, 1240,
test facilities: 155, 1165 1247,1257,1273,1479
transfer-see SHOOT Turboexpanders-see Expansion engines,
valves: 1425 turbine
Switch, thermal/heat: 900,915, 923, 1411 Two-fluid model-see Heat transfer to Hell