Functions of Blanching
Functions of Blanching
Functions of Blanching
Functions of blanching
For canned products, blanching removes gases, shrinks the food to correct fill weight in can and offers
preheating, which are very important to provide vacuum in can and proper sterilization.
Sometimes canning process may allow sufficient time for enzymatic activity and under blanching may
increase the enzymatic activity.
Fruits are not blanched. As a thumb rule, all those vegetables which cannot be eaten raw are blanched. E.g.
potatoes, greens green beans, carrots, okra, turnip and cabbage should always be blanched. On the other
hand, blanching is not needed for onions, leeks, tomatoes and sweet peppers.
Using sodium bicarbonate with blanching water preserves the green colour of vegetables by preventing the
conversion of chlorophyll into pheophytin, unattractive brownish-green colour compound.
Methods of blanching:
Blanching is a delicate processing step. It requires careful monitoring of time, temperature and the other
conditions. Effective blanching time necessary to inactivate enzymes is dependent on various factors viz.
type of food, method or type of heating, product size and temperature of heating medium etc. There are
mainly two typical methods of blanching based on type of heating medium viz. hot water blanching and
steam blanching use hot water and steam as heating medium, respectively. The former process involves
temperatures below 100°C whereas the latter is carried out at temperatures above 100°C. A third type of
blanching system exists which is a combination of hot water and steam blanching.
Blanching of green leafy vegetables especially spinach at boiling point causes loss of green colour but at
lower temperature (77°C), it retains the natural green colour, even when heated at higher temperature
(121°C) later duringsterilization. At lower temperature, the enzyme chlorophyllase remains active for
little time and converts chlorophyll to a phyllin, which retains green colour.
Steam blanching:
In case of steam blanching, the food product is directly exposed to steam,
which avoids the loss of food soluble solids (flavours, vitamins, acids, sugars
etc.) to blanching medium as well as solves the problem of disposing blanching
medium after processing. Steam blanching is advantageous as it results in less
loss of water-soluble constituents, less volume of waste, easy to clean and
sterilize. But it has some disadvantages such as higher capital costs, uneven
blanching, and low efficiency.
Efficacy of blanching:
There are various types of enzymes such as lipoxygenase, polyphenolase, polygalacturonase and
chlorophyllase, which cause loss of quality and therefore, must be inactivated. Normally, two heat resistant
plant enzymes such as catalase and peroxidase, are used to evaluate blanching efficacy, as appropriate time
and temperature is required to inactivate them.
Vegetable processors must appreciate the substantial differences that varieties of a given vegetable will
possess. In addition to variety and genetic strain differences with respect to weather, insect and disease
resistance, varieties of a given vegetable will differ in size, shape, time of maturity, and resistance to
physical damage.
Varietal differences then further extend into warehouse storage stability, and suitability for such
processing methods as canning, freezing, pickling or drying. A variety of peas that is suitable for canning
may be quite unsatisfactory for freezing and varieties of potatoes that are preferred for freezing may be
less satisfactory for drying or potato chip manufacture.
This should be expected since different varieties of a given vegetable will vary somewhat in chemical
composition, cellular structure and biological activity of their enzyme system.
When vegetables are maturing in the field they are changing from day to day. There is a time when the
vegetable will be at peak quality from the stand-point of colour, texture and flavour.
This peak quality is quick in passing and may last only a day. Harvesting and processing of several
vegetables, including tomatoes, corn and peas are rigidly scheduled to capture this peak quality.
After the vegetable is harvested it may quickly pass beyond the peak quality condition. This is
independent of microbiological spoilage; these main deteriorations are related to:
a) loss of sugars due to their consumption during respiration or their conversion to starch; losses are
slower under refrigeration but there is still a great change in vegetable sweetness and freshness of flavour
within 2 or 3 days;
b) production of heat when large stockpiles of vegetables are transported or held prior to processing.
At room temperature some vegetables will liberate heat at a rate of 127,000 kJ/ton/day; this is enough for
each ton of vegetables to melt 363 kg of ice per day. Since the heat further deteriorates the vegetables and
speeds micro-organisms growth, the harvested vegetables must be cooled if not processed immediately.
But cooling only slows down the rate of deterioration, it does not prevent it, and vegetables differ in their
resistance to cold storage. Each vegetable has its optimum cold storage temperature which may be
between about 0-100 C (32-500 F).
c) the continual loss of water by harvested vegetables due to transpiration, respiration and physical drying
of cut surfaces results in wilting of leafy vegetables, loss of plumpness of fleshy vegetables and loss of
weight of both.
Moisture loss cannot be completely and effectively prevented by hermetic packaging. This was tried with
plastic bags for fresh vegetables in supermarkets but the bags became moisture fogged, and deterioration
of certain vegetables was accelerated because of buildup of CO2 and decrease of oxygen in the package.
It therefore is common to perforate such bags to prevent these defects as well as to minimise high
humidity in the package which would encourage microbial growth.
Shippers of fresh vegetables and vegetable processors, whether they can, freeze, dehydrate, or
manufacture soups or ketchup, appreciate the instability and perishability of vegetables and so do
everything they can to minimise delays in processing of the fresh product. In many processing plants it is
common practice to process vegetables immediately as they are received from the field.
To ensure a steady supply of top quality produce during the harvesting period the large food processors
will employ trained field men; they will advise on growing practices and on spacing of plantings so that
vegetables will mature and can be harvested in rhythm with the processing plant capabilities. This
minimises stockpiling and need for storage.
Cooling of vegetables in the field is common practice in some areas. Liquid nitrogen-cooled trucks may
next provide transportation of fresh produce to the processing plant or directly to market.
Upon arrival of vegetables at the processing centre the usual operations of cleaning, grading, peeling,
cutting and the like are performed using a moderate amount of equipment but a good deal of hand labour
also still remains.
9.2.1 Reception.
This covers qualitative and quantitative control of delivered vegetables. The organoleptic control and the
evaluation of the sanitary state, even if they are very important steps in vegetables' characteristics
assessment, cannot establish their technological value.
On the other hand, laboratory controls do not precisely establish their technological properties because of
the difficulty in putting into showing some deterioration when using rapid control methods.
One correct method of vegetable quality appraisal is their overall evaluation based on the whole complex
of data that can be obtained by combining an extensive organoleptic evaluation with simple analysis that
can be performed rapidly in plant laboratory. These analysis can be:
This step should be as short as possible and better completely eliminated. Vegetables can be stored in:
Refrigerated storage is always preferable and in all cases a processing centre needs a cold room for this
purpose, adapted in volume I capacity to the types and quantities of vegetables (and fruits) that are
further processed.
9.2.3 Washing.
Washing is used not only to remove field soil and surface micro-organisms but also to remove
fungicides, insecticides and other pesticides, since there are laws specifying maximum levels of these
materials that may be retained on the vegetable; and in most cases the allowable residual level is virtually
zero. Washing water contains detergents or other sanitisers that can essentially completely remove these
The washing equipment, like all equipment subsequently used, will depend upon the size, shape and
fragility of the particular kind of vegetable:
9.2.4 Sorting.
a) removal of non-standard vegetables (and fruit) and possible foreign bodies remaining after washing;
b) quality grading based on variety, dimensional, organoleptical and maturity stage criterion.
Some vegetables require skin removal. This can be done in various ways.
a) Mechanical
This type of operation is performed with various types of equipment which depend upon the result
expected and the characteristics of the fruit and vegetables, for example:
i. a machine with abrasion device (potatoes, root vegetables);
ii. equipment with knives (apples, pears, potatoes, etc.);
iii. equipment with rotating sieve drums (root vegetables). Sometimes this operation is simultaneous
with washing (potatoes, carrots, etc.) or preceded by blanching (carrots).
b) Chemical
Skins can be softened from the underlying tissues by submerging vegetables in hot alkali solution. Lye
may be used at a concentration of about 0.5-3%, at about 93° C (2000 F) for a short time period (0.5-3
min). The vegetables with loosened skins are then conveyed under high velocity jets of water which wash
away the skins and residual lye.
In order to avoid enzymatic browning, this chemical peeling is followed by a short boiling in water or an
immersion in diluted citric acid solutions.
It is more difficult to peel potatoes with this method because it is necessary to dissolve the cutin and this
requires more concentrated lye solutions, up to 10%.
c) Thermal
Wet heat (steam). Other vegetables with thick skins such as beets, potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes
may be peeled with steam under pressure (about 10 at) as they pass through cylindrical vessels. This
softens the skin and the underlying tissue. When the pressure is suddenly released, steam under the skin
expands and causes the skin to puff and crack. The skins are then washed away with jets of water at high
pressure (up to 12 at).
Dry heat (flame). Other vegetables such as onions and peppers are best skinned by exposing them to
direct flame (about 1 min at 1000° C) or to hot gases in rotary tube flame peelers. Here too, heat causes
steam to develop under skins and puff them so that they can be washed away with water.
Manual peeling only use when the other methods are impossible or sometimes as a completion of the
other three ways. Average losses at this step are given in Table 9.2.1.
Peeling methods
Vegetables Manual Mechanical Chemical
Potatoes 15-19 18-28 -
Carrots 13-15 16-18 8-10
Beets 1416 13-15 9-10
This step is applied according to specific vegetable and processing technology requirements.
9.2.7 Blanching.
The special heat treatment to inactivate enzymes is known as blanching. Blanching is not indiscriminate
heating. Too little is ineffective, and too much damages the vegetables by excessive cooking, especially
where the fresh character of the vegetable is subsequently to be preserved by processing.
This heat treatment is applied according to and depends upon the specificity of vegetables, the objectives
that are followed and the subsequent processing / preservation methods.
Two of the more heat resistant enzymes important in vegetables are catalase and peroxidase. If these are
destroyed then the other significant enzymes in vegetables also will have been inactivated. The heat
treatment to destroy catalase and peroxidase in different vegetables are known, and sensitive chemical
tests have been developed to detect the amounts of these enzymes that might survive a blanching
treatment. Catalase and peroxidase inactivation tests are presented in section 9.2.9.
Because various types of vegetables differ in size, shape, heat conductivity, and the natural levels of their
enzymes, blanching treatments have to be established on an experimental basis. As with sterilisation of
foods in cans, the larger the food item the longer it takes for heat to reach the centre. Small vegetables
may be adequately blanched in boiling water in a minute or two, large vegetables may require several
Blanching as a unit operation is a short time heating in water at temperatures of 100° C or below. Water
blanching may be performed in double bottom kettles, in special baths with conveyor belts or in modern
continuous blanching equipment.
In order to reduce losses of hydrosoluble substances (mineral salts, vitamins, sugars, etc.) occurring
during water blanching, several methods have been developed:
For drying, the vegetables are conveyed directly from steaming equipment to drying installations without
cooling. Vegetable steaming is carried out in continuous installations with conveyer belts made from
metallic sieves.
Cooling of vegetables after water blanching or steaming is performed in order to avoid excessive
softening of the tissues and has to follow immediately after these operations; one exception is the case of
vegetables for drying which can be transferred directly to drying equipment without cooling.
Natural cooling is not recommended because is too long and generates significant losses in vitamin C
content. Cooling in pre-cooled air (from special installations) is sometimes used for vegetables that will
be frozen
Cooling in water can be achieved by sprays or by immersion; in any case the vegetables have to reach a
temperature value under 37° C as soon as possible. Too long a cooling time generates supplementary
losses in valuable hydrosoluble substances; in order to avoid this, the temperature of the cooling water
has to be as low as possible.
9.2.8 Canning.
Large quantities of vegetable products are canned. A typical flow sheet for a vegetable canning operation
(which also applies to fruit for the most part) covers some food process unit operations performed in
sequence: harvesting; receiving; washing; grading; heat blanching; peeling and coring; can filling;
removal of air under vacuum; sealing/closing, retorting/heat treatment; cooling; labelling and packing.
The vegetable may be canned whole, diced, puréed, as juice and so on.
Peroxidase test
a) Solutions. In order to check the peroxidase activity two solutions have to be prepared:
1% guaiacol in alcohol solution (1 g guaiacol is dissolved in about 50 cm³ of 96% ethylic alcohol
and then this preparation is brought to 100 cm° with the same solvent);
peroxide solution 0.3% (1 cm³ perhydrol is brought to 100 cm³ with distilled water.
b) Sampling. From various parts of the material samples are taken (about 20-30 pieces, etc.); the material
is then crushed in a laboratory bowl in order to obtain an average sample.
c) Check. Prom the average sample, 10-20 g of material is taken in a medium capacity test tube; on this
sample are poured: 20 cm³ distilled water; 1 cm³ of 1% guaiacol solution; 1.6 cm³ of peroxide solution.
The contents of the test tube is shaken well. The gradual appearance of a weak pink colour indicates an
incomplete peroxidase inactivation - reaction slightly positive. If there are no tissue colour modifications
after 5 minutes, the reaction is negative and the enzymes have been inactivated.
As an orientative check it is also possible to simply pour a few drops of 1% guaiacol solution and 0.3%
peroxide solution directly on blanched and crushed vegetables. A rapid and intensive brown-reddish
tissue colouring indicates a high peroxidase activity (positive reaction).
Catalase test
In order to identify the catalase enzyme activity, 2 g of dehydrated vegetables are well crushed and mixed
with about 20 cm³ of distilled water. After 15 min softening, 0.5 cm³ of a 0.5% or 1% peroxide solution
is poured on prepared vegetables. In the presence of catalase, a strong oxygen generation is observed for
about 2-3 minutes.
These tests are of a paramount importance in order to determine the vegetable blanching treatments
(temperature and time); incomplete enzyme inactivation has a negative effect on finished product quality.
For cabbage catalase inactivation by blanching is sufficient; blanching further to peroxidase inactivation
would have negative effects on product quality and even complete browning.
For all other vegetables and for potatoes, both tests MUST be negative, for catalase and for peroxidase.