Astm C920 02

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Designation: C 920 – 02

Standard Specification for

Elastomeric Joint Sealants1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 920; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope C 1193 Guide for Use of Joint Sealants2

1.1 This specification covers the properties of a cured C 1246 Test Method for Effects of Heat Aging on Weight
single- or multicomponent cold-applied elastomeric joint seal- Loss, Cracking and Chalking of Elastomeric Sealants After
ant for sealing, caulking, or glazing operations on buildings, Cure2
plazas, and decks for vehicular or pedestrian use, and types of C 1247 Test Method for Durability of Sealants Exposed to
construction other than highway and airfield pavements and Constant Immersion in Liquids2
bridges. 3. Terminology
1.2 A sealant meeting the requirements of this specification
shall be designated by the manufacturer to be one or more of 3.1 Definitions—Refer to Terminology C 717 for definitions
the types, classes, grades, and uses defined in Section 7. of the following terms used in this specification: adhesive
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the failure, caulking, chemically curing sealant, cohesive failure,
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information cure, cured, elastomeric, glazing, joint, primer, seal, sealant.
only. 4. Classification of Sealants
1.4 This standard is similar, but not identical, to ISO 11600.
4.1 A sealant qualifying under this specification shall be
2. Referenced Documents classified as to type, grade, class, and use as follows:
2.1 ASTM Standards: 4.1.1 Type S—A single-component sealant.
C 510 Test Method for Staining and Color Change of 4.1.2 Type M—A multicomponent sealant.
Single- or Multicomponent Joint Sealants2 4.1.3 Grade P—A pourable or selfleveling sealant that has
C 639 Test Method for Rheological (Flow) Properties of sufficient flow to form a smooth, level surface when applied in
Elastomeric Sealants2 a horizontal joint at 4.4°C (40°F).
C 661 Test Method for Indentation Hardness of 4.1.4 Grade NS—A nonsag or gunnable sealant that permits
Elastomeric-Type Sealants by Means of a Durometer2 application in joints on vertical surfaces without sagging or
C 679 Test Method for Tack-Free Time of Elastomeric slumping when applied at temperatures between 4.4 and 50°C
Sealants2 (40 and 122°F).
C 717 Terminology of Building Seals and Sealants2 4.1.5 Class 100/50—A sealant that when tested for adhesion
C 719 Test Method for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elasto- and cohesion under cyclic movement (8.8) shall withstand an
meric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (Hockman increase of at least 100 % and a decrease of at least 50 % of the
Cycle)2 joint width as measured at the time of application, and, in
C 793 Test Method for Effects of Accelerated Weathering addition, meet all the requirements of this specification.
on Elastomeric Joint Sealants2 4.1.6 Class 50—A sealant that when tested for adhesion and
C 794 Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of Elastomeric cohesion under cyclic movement (8.8) shall withstand an
Joint Sealants2 increase and decrease of at least 50 % of the joint width as
C 1183 Test Method for Extrusion Rate of Elastomeric measured at the time of application, and, in addition, meet all
Sealants2 the requirements of this specification.
4.1.7 Class 35—A sealant that when tested for adhesion and
cohesion under cyclic movement (8.8) shall withstand an
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C24 on increase and decrease of at least 35 % of the joint width as
Building Seals and Sealants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C24.10 measured at the time of application, and, in addition, meet all
on Specifications, Guides and Practices.
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 2002. Published March 2002. Originally
the requirements of this specification.
published as C 920 – 79. Last previous edition C 920 – 01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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C 920 – 02
4.1.8 Class 25—A sealant that when tested for adhesion and 6.3 The sealant shall be intended for use only on clean, dry
cohesion under cyclic movement (8.8) shall withstand an surfaces. Where a primer is recommended by a manufacturer
increase and decrease of at least 25 % of the joint width as for a specific surface, all tests on that surface shall include the
measured at the time of application, and, in addition, meet all primer.
the requirements of this specification. NOTE 1—The proper use of primers (or surface conditioners) in
4.1.9 Class 121⁄2 —A sealant that when tested for adhesion connection with the application of sealants is described in detail in Guide
and cohesion under cyclic movement (8.8) shall withstand an C 1193. This guide also describes proper methods for joint design,
increase and decrease of at least 121⁄2 % of the joint width as back-up materials, surface preparation, tooling of sealant, and other
measured at the time of application, and, in addition, meet all important procedures in sealant application in buildings.
the requirements of this specification. 6.4 The same conditions of time, temperature, and humidity
4.1.10 Use T—A sealant designed for use in joints in shall be used for cure of test specimens for Test Methods
pedestrian and vehicular traffic areas such as walkways, plazas, C 661, C 719, C 794, and C 1247.
decks and parking garages.
4.1.11 Use NT—A sealant designed for use in joints in 7. Significance and Use
nontraffic areas. 7.1 This specification covers several classifications of seal-
4.1.12 Use I—A sealant designed for use in joints which are ants as described in Section 4 for various applications. It
submerged continuously in a liquid. should be recognized by the purchaser or design professional
4.1.13 Use M—A sealant that meets the requirements of this that not all sealants meeting this specification are suitable for
specification when tested on mortar specimens in accordance all applications and all substrates. It is essential, therefore, that
with 9.9 and 9.10. the applicable type, grade, class, and use be specified so that
4.1.14 Use G—A sealant that meets the requirements of this the proper classification of sealant is provided for the intended
specification when tested on glass specimens in accordance use. Test methods relate to special standard specimen sub-
with 9.9-9.11. strates of mortar, glass, and aluminum. If tests are required
4.1.15 Use A—A sealant that meets this specification when using substrates in addition to or other than the standard, they
tested on aluminum specimens in accordance with 9.9 and should be so specified for testing.
4.1.16 Use O—A sealant that meets this specification when 8. Physical Requirements
tested on substrates other than the standard substrates in 8.1 Rheological Properties:
accordance with 9.9 and 9.10. 8.1.1 Grade P (pourable or selfleveling) sealant shall have
flow characteristics such that when tested in accordance with
5. Materials and Manufacture Test Method C 639 it shall exhibit a smooth, level surface.
(Refer to Types I and III in the test.)
5.1 A single-component sealant shall be a uniform mixture
8.1.2 Grade NS (nonsag) or gunnable sealant shall have
of a consistency suitable for immediate application by hand or
flow characteristics such that when tested in accordance with
pressure caulking gun or by hand tool. The sealant when
Test Method C 639 it does not sag more than 4.8 mm (3⁄16 in.)
completely cured shall form an elastomeric solid capable of
in vertical displacement. Also the sealant shall show no
maintaining a seal.
deformation in horizontal displacement. (Refer to Types II and
5.2 A multicomponent chemically curing sealant shall be IV in the test.)
furnished in two or more components. The resulting mixture 8.2 Extrusion Rate:
shall be uniform and of a consistency suitable for immediate 8.2.1 Type S (single component), Grade P (pourable or
application by hand or pressure caulking gun, or by hand tool. selfleveling) sealant shall have an extrusion rate of not less than
The sealant when completely cured shall form an elastomeric 10mL/min when tested in accordance with Test Method
solid capable of maintaining a seal. C 1183.
8.2.2 Type S (single component), Grade NS (nonsag or
6. General Requirements gunnable sealant) shall have an extrusion rate of not less than
6.1 Stability: 10 mL/min when tested in accordance with Test Method
6.1.1 A single-component sealant, when stored in the origi- C 1183.
nal unopened container at temperatures of not more than 27°C 8.3 Application Life:
(80°F) shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this 8.3.1 Type M (multicomponent), Grade P (pourable or
specification for at least 6 months after date of delivery. selfleveling) sealant, when tested in accordance with Test
6.1.2 A multicomponent sealant, when stored in the original Method C 1183 shall be extrudable at a rate of not less than 10
unopened container at temperatures of not more than 27°C mL/min 3 h after mixing.
(80°F) shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this 8.4 Hardness:
specification for at least 6 months after date of delivery. 8.4.1 Use T (traffic) sealant shall have a hardness reading,
6.2 Color—The color of the sealant, after curing 14 days in after being properly cured, of not less than 25 or more than 50
a laboratory controlled at 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) and 50 6 when tested in accordance with Test Method C 661.
5 % relative humidity, shall be that color which has been NOTE 2—In applications of proper design, some sealants with less than
agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier. 25 hardness may be used in traffic-bearing areas if recommended for use

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C 920 – 02
by the manufacturer and accepted by the purchaser. 8.12 Effects of Continuous Immersion for Use I Sealants:
8.4.2 Use NT (nontraffic) sealant shall have a hardness 8.12.1 Class 1—After 6 weeks exposure, the total loss in
reading, after being properly cured, of not less than 15 or more bond and cohesion areas among the specimens tested for each
than 50 when tested in accordance with Test Method C 661. substrate shall be no greater than 9.5 cm2(1.5 in.2) when tested
8.5 Effects of Heat Aging—The sealant shall not lose more according to Test Method C 1247 with standard glass, alumi-
than 7 % of its original weight or show any cracking or num, or any other substrate specified.
chalking when tested in accordance with Test Method C 1246. 8.12.2 Class 2—After 10 weeks exposure, the total loss in
8.6 Tack-Free Time—There shall be no transfer of the bond and cohesion areas among the specimens tested for each
sealant to the polyethylene film when tested at 72 h in substrate shall be no greater than 9.5 cm2(1.5 in.2) when tested
accordance with Test Method C 679. according to Test Method C 1247 with standard glass, alumi-
8.7 Stain and Color Change—The sealant shall not cause num, or any other substrate specified.
any visible stain on the top surface of a white cement mortar 9. Test Methods
base when tested in accordance with Test Method C 510.
9.1 Standard Conditions for Laboratory Tests—All tests
8.8 Adhesion and Cohesion Under Cyclic Movement—The
described in the following paragraphs shall be performed in a
total loss in bond and cohesion areas among the three speci-
laboratory controlled at 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) and 50 6
mens tested for each surface shall be no more than 9 cm2(11⁄2
5 % relative humidity. The sealant sample shall be conditioned
in.2) when tested in accordance with Test Method C 719 with
at this temperature and relative humidity for at least 24 h before
standard mortar, glass, and aluminum or any other specified
laboratory tests are made.
9.2 Rheological Properties—Test Method C 639.
8.9 Adhesion-in-Peel—The peel strength for each indi-
9.3 Extrusion Rate—Test Method C 1183.
vidual test shall not be less than 22.2 N (5 lbf) when tested in
9.4 Application Life—Test Method C 1183.
accordance with Test Method C 794 with standard mortar,
9.5 Hardness—Test Method C 661.
glass, and aluminum or any other specified substrate. In
9.6 Effects of Heat Aging—Test Method C 1246
addition, the sealant shall show no more than 25 % adhesive
9.7 Tack-Free Time—Test Method C 679.
bond loss for each individual test.
9.8 Stain and Color Change—Test Method C 510.
NOTE 3—Curing conditions are specified by all of the test methods 9.9 Adhesion and Cohesion After Cyclic Movement—Test
cited. The manufacturer may request other conditions than those specified Method C 719.
for the curing period provided they meet the following requirements: ( 1) 9.10 Adhesion-in-Peel—Test Method C 794.
the curing period shall extend for 21 days; ( 2) the temperature during the
curing period shall not exceed 50°C (122°F); and (3) the amended curing
9.11 Adhesion-in-Peel After Ultraviolet Exposure Through
conditions recommended by the manufacturer shall also be applied to the Glass—Test Method C 794.
durability, adhesion in peel, and ultraviolet radiation exposure tests. 9.12 Effects of Accelerated Weathering— Test Method
C 793.
8.10 Adhesion-in-Peel for Use G Exposed to Ultraviolet
9.13 Sealants Exposed to Continuous Immersion—Test
Exposure Through Glass—The peel strength for each indi-
Method C 1247.
vidual test shall not have less than 22.2 N (5 lbf) and the
compound shall be no more than 25 % adhesive bond loss for 10. Packaging and Marking
each individual test when tested in accordance with Test 10.1 Packaged materials that are certified by the manufac-
Method C 794. turer to be in compliance with this specification shall be labeled
8.11 Effects of Accelerated Weathering— The sealant shall as to type, class, grade, and use, in accordance with Section 7.
show no cracks greater than those shown in Example #2 of Fig. 10.2 All certification to this specification shall state time,
1 in Test Method C 793 after the specified ultraviolet exposure temperature, and humidity of cure used in the tests.
and shall show no cracks greater than those shown in Example
#2 of Fig. 2 in Test Method C 793 after exposure at cold 11. Keywords
temperature and the bend test when tested in accordance with 11.1 continuous immersion; elastomeric sealants; joint seal-
Test Method C 793. ants; sealants; specification

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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