D&D Adventure Scarred For Life

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A Chaos Scar adventure for characters of 7th to 9th level

By Sterling Hershey
Illustration by Lorraine Schleter  t  Cartography by Mike Schley

“Scarblade” is an adventure for characters of 7th to Getting the

9th level. It takes place in the Chaos Scar or in any
densely forested area in your campaign setting.
Characters Involved
At some point during one of their explorations
In the adventure, characters discover the Prov-
into the Chaos Scar, or while discussing the lore of
ing Pit, a gladiatorial arena that is associated with
the Chaos Scar at Restwell Keep or at the Cross-
an enticing magical sword called the Scarblade. The
roads trading post, the adventurers learn of the
Proving Pit and the Scarblade are both self-aware to
dreaded and violent Proving Pit. It should be a fairly
a limited extent. Though they share a location and
well-known legend, although concrete, reliable infor-
methodology, they want separate things. Adventurers
mation will be hard to come by.
are drawn to the pit by fantastic tales or psychic lures.
Select one or more of the following adventure
Once there, they must battle local denizens and the
hooks and adapt it to your campaign.
pit’s champion, the ghost of Morrn Bladeclaw. If they
t The adventurers hear local tales of the Scarblade
are victorious, the characters can escape with the
from bards, discover the long-lost diary of a dead
Scarblade as their reward.
adventurer, or stumble onto the information
For a map of the Chaos Scar along with further
through their own research or scrying. Provide
details, read the Chaos Scar introduction online at
them with a general description of the sword
and the Proving Pit. The source might also relate
some of Morrn Bladeclaw’s history.

TM & © 2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved. A p r i l 2 011 | D u n g e o n 18 9

t The Scarblade wants to escape from the pit, t The Proving Pit is used by the denizens of the victory through combat. Most combatants do not real-
and it sometimes calls out psychically to an Chaos Scar to settle disputes between themselves ize they are being impelled by an outside force.
adventurer it believes is capable of freeing it and or to test themselves against other fighters of Morrn Bladeclaw was a barbarian known for his
wielding it, even if only temporarily. many kinds. A splinter of the meteorite that cruelty and ambition. His clan roamed the Nentir
t The Proving Pit psychically calls to one or more of created the Chaos Scar lies hundreds of feet Vale region long before the formation of the Chaos
the most powerful characters, making promises below the surface of the pit, giving the place itself Scar. Morrn advanced steadily in status among his
of power and glory for those who are victorious. a malevolent cunning. clan. He claimed the right to become the clan’s cham-
Characters might experience visions of themselves t No one who enters the pit has ever managed to pion and to wield the powerful Scarblade by defeating
defeating their companions, or of using the mighty leave it; either they die facing Morrn Bladeclaw, its previous owner. Driven by dreams of power, Morrn
Scarblade to defeat their longtime foes. or they kill him, take Scarblade, and instantly sought to prove himself worthy of the rank of chief.
t The adventurers enter the valley of the Proving assume Morrn’s curse. In fact, dozens of warriors Lured onward by a vague call to battle, Morrn was
Pit, either intentionally or because it happens to have held the blade over the years, but none have drawn to the pit. There he honed his skill, always with
be in their path, and find it difficult to escape. carried it out of the Proving Pit. the intent of returning to his home as the greatest
Once there, they encounter the Scarblade. t Morrn Bladeclaw came to the Proving Pit champion of all. Morrn soon dominated all contend-
t The adventurers become embroiled in a dispute intending to win Scarblade, and he did. Now, the ers at the pit, but in turn, he was dominated by the
with a local inhabitant who demands that they blade makes him invincible and immortal. He shard’s presence. The longer he stayed, the less he
go to the Proving Pit to resolve the situation. could leave anytime he wanted to, but he enjoys cared about leaving and the more he became part
This individual will almost certainly withhold the killing too much. of the place. His thoughts of clan leadership drained
some details about the pit, or will himself be t After capturing Scarblade from a frost giant, away. Morrn’s goal of becoming the greatest cham-
misinformed about its real nature. Morrn was assassinated by a wizard of great pion of all was realized, but not as he had planned.
power who sought the mighty weapon. With He was a slave of the Proving Pit, with no thoughts of
Rumors his final breath, Morrn Bladeclaw cursed the returning to his tribe.
Any of the following elements can be seeded into wizard to forever fight anyone who came to The pit, however, has no use for eternal champions.
rumors for the purpose of drawing the characters claim the blade. Morrn was mortally wounded by a wizard of great
toward the Proving Pit. Note that not all of this infor- t The Scarblade is encased in a translucent crystal power who coveted the Scarblade. The wizard was cut
mation is accurate. spire above a gladiatorial pit. Anyone who defeats down by Morrn’s dying blow, and both perished on
t Morrn Bladeclaw was a barbarian warrior known the pit’s champion can claim it. the bloodstained floor of the Proving Pit. Under the
for his cruelty and ambition. He steadily rose in influence of the pit, bystanders buried Morrn below
status in his clan until he claimed the right to Background the arena’s central dais. The Scarblade was encased
become its champion by defeating the wielder The Proving Pit is used by the denizens of the Chaos in translucent crystal and embedded along the pit’s
of a powerful artifact known as Scarblade. One Scar to settle disputes and to test themselves against north wall, where it can be seen by all who fight and
of Morrn’s tribal enemies eventually killed him the finest fighters in the area. A small shard of the die in the pit.
but was unable to wrest Scarblade from the dead meteorite that created the Chaos Scar lies hundreds Morrn’s ghost haunts the area. Though he cannot
man’s hands. Now the corpse of Morrn Bladeclaw of feet below the pit, imparting a mysterious power use his sword, he longs for the feel of it in his grasp
fights anyone who will face him, with Scarblade and personality to the location. Combatants are and still thrills to the roar of the crowd when an
as the prize for the victor. drawn to the area by a powerful urge to achieve opponent crumples to the dirt.

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Psychic Connections and stray thoughts are pervaded with visions of them- If it succeeds, the Scarblade will repeat the offer the
selves as great victors in a competitive arena. These next time the character’s attack misses by 1 or 2. If
Both the Proving Pit and the Scarblade call out to
visions are innocuous, at least at first; the arena is the saving throw fails, the Scarblade won’t repeat the
characters in the hope of luring them to the arena.
glorious, the competitions fair and nonlethal. When offer to that character.
Despite their seeming similarities, they are not a
the pit finds a receptive mind, however, these images Telling Them Apart: At first, psychic contact by
team. The sword and the pit have different methods
change quickly to become more violent and bloody. the sword and the pit will be easily confused, because
and different goals. In fact, the conflict between the
The range of the pit’s psychic effect is up to you; a both want to lure heroes to the Proving Pit. The clues
two is a principal element in the adventure, so it is
radius of a half-mile to two miles is recommended. that can help characters realize they’re dealing with
important to understand what they want and how
There’s no reason why a particularly susceptible char- two different entities are:
they go about pursuing their aims.
acter could not feel the pit’s lure from Restwell Keep, t The Proving Pit appeals to emotions such as
You are the best judge of how these psychic com-
Fallcrest, or even farther away, if that serves your anger, hate, and arrogance, while the Scarblade
munications should be handled. In groups with a
story­telling style. appeals to pride and ambition.
strong storytelling focus, all of this can be completely
The Scarblade: The sword has no connection to t The pit creates a vision of armed competition
open, so that everyone can enjoy the unfolding char-
the chaos shard. It is a magic weapon that predates that starts out clean but soon becomes vicious
acter conflicts while trusting that players will not act
the Empire of Nerath. Its range for making contact and bloody in a way that thrills the viewer. The
on information that their characters don’t have. In
with characters is about five miles. The sword spe- Scarblade creates a vision of personal triumph
groups that enjoy mysteries, intrigue, and some inter-
cifically targets characters who can wield it with occurring largely on the field of battle rather
nal conflict, you could handle the psychic overtures
some mastery, and it ignores all others. It speaks to a than in a competitive arena.
of the pit and the sword by passing secret notes to
character while that person is resting or calm, and it t The pit’s visions show the viewer as a more
chosen players; everyone at the table will know that
appeals directly to his or her martial spirit. powerful, idealized, yet subtly debased version
something is up, but only a few will have an inkling of
The blade wants to be released from its crystal of the character. The Scarblade’s visions also
what it is. In groups that focus on combat, it might be
prison and once again used in mortal combat by a show the character as powerful and idealized,
best to let everyone know that something or someone
brave warrior. It’s not an overtly evil weapon, but it but always as armed with an unfamiliar sword.
is trying to influence their thoughts. When they’re
shares the barbarians’ love for battle and sees nothing
good and mad about that, then turn them loose
wrong with killing in pursuit of glory. It no longer has
against the pit and Morrn Bladeclaw. Treasure Parcels
any particular attachment to Morrn Bladeclaw. Parcel 1: Magic Item, level 9 (on the body of a victim
The Proving Pit: The pit seeks to draw intelli-
The Scarblade will help a character who is fight- of the pit)
gent creatures to itself and to trap them in a cycle of
ing in the Proving Pit, if it considers that character to Parcel 2: Three 500 gp gems + 200 gp (on corpses
violence, combat, and killing. Psychic calls from the
be a promising candidate to become the sword’s new and packs scattered throughout the Proving Pit)
Proving Pit manifest themselves as strong emotions
owner. When one of the character’s attacks misses Parcel 3: Scarblade, a level 10 magic item (encased in
and instinctive urges. They build upon a character’s crystal in the Proving Pit)
by just 1 or 2, whisper to the player, “I can help.” Let
natural desire for victory, glory, and combat.
the player know this is the same entity that contacted
Because it is animated by the buried chaos shard,
him or her earlier. If the character assents to being
the pit has a degree of influence over the surrounding
helped, then give the character a +2 bonus on the
terrain. Once characters move into the range of the
attack roll that just missed, turning that miss into a
pit’s influence, they find that the way forward is much
hit. Then have the character make a saving throw.
easier than the way back. Their dreams, daydreams,

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T hrough the Bear in mind that the purpose of the hazards is

not to kill or injure the characters. Careful and clever
Crumbling Trail
Level 5 Hazard
XP 200
Rugged Forest players can find ways to avoid or overcome any static Detect automatic
Immune attacks
Initiative —

The Proving Pit lies in a secluded valley that is sur- obstacle. The real purpose of the terrain hazards is to
Triggered Actions
rounded by low, steep hills. Only a few lightly used arouse the characters’ suspicion and curiosity about M Attack t At-Will
trails wind through the rugged woods, hills, and this place. When they get the idea that the land itself Trigger: A creature enters a square of crumbling trail while
ravines. The adventurers might learn of these trails is trying to prevent them from leaving, they’re bound moving uphill.
from a map or from residents of the region, they to wonder why. Attack (Free Action): Melee 0 (triggering creature); +8 vs.

might cross one of them by chance, or they might be The crumbling trail and the collapsing trail appear Reflex
not much different from any other places where the Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone and slides 1
led to one by the pit or the sword.
square downhill. If the target was already prone, it takes no
Through its connection to the chaos shard, the pit path is steep and gravelly.
damage and does not slide, but its turn ends immediately.
manipulates nearby terrain to make it as difficult as The flash flood area should show signs of severe
possible for anyone to leave the valley. The surround- runoff and erosion. It will still appear safe if there t Balance: Acrobatics DC 15. Success: The character can
ing hillsides are sprinkled with the remains of those hasn’t been much rain lately, but the pit can unleash move into a square of crumbling trail without triggering
who tried and failed. Nothing of value remains on the water from a pond into a gushing torrent. the trail’s attack.
any of the corpses, but at your discretion, characters The gusting wind is useful chiefly against flying
characters, but it can be turned against anyone with Collapsing Trail Level 6 Hazard
might find a letter or diary or some other indication Terrain XP 250
of what lies ahead. some effect.
Detect automatic Initiative —
The pit’s efforts to herd the characters to the valley Immune attacks
floor are subtle. As long as characters are moving gen- Triggered Actions
erally downhill and toward the pit, they don’t meet M Attack t At-Will
any significant obstacles to their progress. Should Trigger: A creature enters a square of collapsing trail while
moving uphill.
they turn back the way they came or begin moving
Attack (Free Action): Melee 0 (triggering creature); +9 vs.
uphill, the pit begins unleashing hazards in their
path. It is possible that the characters will descend Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and the target falls prone and slides 5
directly to the bottom and not trigger any hazards at squares downhill. It the target was already prone, it takes
this time. If they try to leave without defeating the pit, no damage and its turn ends immediately.
the hazards will be waiting for them. Miss: Half damage, and the target sides 2 squares downhill.
Four sample hazards are included below. These If the target was already prone, it takes no damage and its
can be encountered as you see fit, and you can add turn ends immediately.

other terrain obstacles of your own. The encounter Countermeasures

t Dodge: Acrobatics or Athletics DC 15. Success: The char-
map shows one possible arrangement of hazards and
acter can move into a square of collapsing trail without
corpses along a particularly dangerous section of trail. triggering the trail’s attack.
Rearrange them as needed to fit the situation.

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Flash Flood Level 8 Hazard

Terrain XP 350
Detect Perception DC 16 or Nature DC 24 Initiative +8
Immune attacks
Triggered Actions
M Attack t At-Will
Trigger: A creature enters a square in the area affected by the flash flood.
Attack (Opportunity Action): Close burst 10 (creatures in the burst); +11 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage, and the targets falls prone and slides 8 squares downhill.
Miss: Half damage, and the target slides 4 squares downhill.
t Detect: Perception DC 16. Success: Characters who make successful Perception checks at the edge
of the flash flood area can add their Strength modifiers to their Fortitude defense against the attack
made by the flash flood.

Gusting Wind Level 7 Hazard

Terrain XP 300
Detect Perception DC 16 Initiative +8
Immune attacks
Triggered Actions
M Attack t At-Will
Trigger: A creature enters the area of the gusting wind.
Attack (Opportunity Action): Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, the target is pushed 2 squares downhill and toward the ground, and its move-
ment ends.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares downhill.
t Evade: Acrobatics DC 23. Success: The creature takes half damage and is pushed 1 square.

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T he P rov ing P it translucent crystal is a dark shape that suggests the

contours of a large sword.
crumbling trail or collapsing trail hazard. Char-
acters can retreat from the area if they so choose,
On reaching the valley floor, the characters emerge A humanoid apparition shimmers into view atop the but the pit will harry them with hazards during
from the trees and get their first look at the Proving low dais. It carries a spectral sword that resembles the the entire trek out of the valley, and it will fill their
Pit and the Scarblade. The area is abandoned at first. object in the crystal. It studies you for a few moments, then minds with visions of shame and defeat until they
Allow the characters a few minutes to poke around raises its hands and speaks, turning slowly in place as if get beyond its range.
and get their bearings but not enough time to really addressing an unseen audience. “Who yearns for justice? Morrn is the master and grand champion of the
explore the area. The buildings are mostly aban- Judgment? Fame? Who seeks glory through victory over all pit, and he does not fight in any preliminary matches.
doned, but there are signs of recent inhabitants. challengers?” Then it faces you and points the sword toward Before characters can challenge Morrn, each of them
After a few minutes, Morrn Bladeclaw appears. He you. “They do. They have come to confront their destiny in must win at least one preliminary match. Morrn
is followed by the pit’s denizens, both real and spec- the Proving Pit!” doesn’t mention this up front (he doesn’t expect the
tral; then challenges are issued to the characters. characters to survive that long). He will explain it if
The characters can converse with the spectral figure asked.
When characters reach the valley f loor, read: of Morrn Bladeclaw. His speech is harsh and aggres- Matches can be fought one-on-one or in teams. In
sive. He will describe the pit, its purpose, and even team matches, the opponents should include at least
The dense forest along the trail opens onto the floor of a his own history, but not at great length. He expects three pit shadows. Early matches will be against foes
small glen. A few well-worn dirt paths flanked by scrub the characters to compete. of the characters’ level, but as the characters accu-
bushes lead to a wide, irregularly shaped pit with an If someone asks about the sword, he replies that it mulate victories (assuming there is more than one
eroded and crumbling edge. The valley floor slopes gently is the ultimate prize for victory, and one worthy of the match), the opposition gets tougher.
toward the pit. Around it stand a few crumbling, decrepit greatest champion in the land—which is he. The first opponent Morrn pits against the new-
shacks and decaying wooden bleachers that provide an All of Morrn Bladeclaw’s conversation steers comers is Marok, a half-orc death mage and the pit’s
unobstructed view into the depression. The sky is overcast, toward getting the characters to prove their worth by current champion. You can substitute any appropri-
and light rain is beginning to fall. Through the gloom, a fighting. ate foe, dead or alive. If more than one character
pale glow shimmers wanly from the pit. If someone agrees, a ghostly horn appears in wants to fight Marok, he can be accompanied by
Morrn’s fist. He raises it to his lips and blows out a several pit shadows plus a suitable number of orc
When characters look into the pit, read: long, mournful note. As the note fades, other shapes rampagers, orc pummelers, and orc storm shamans
come into view in the surrounding stands. Phantom (Monster Vault).
Before you is a well-used gladiatorial arena, battle-scarred humanoids of every kind—pit shadows, spirits of One round after combat begins, Morrn activates
and bloodstained. It is 10 feet deep, and the walls of combatants long dead—have gathered to enjoy the the spiked chain pinwheel trap.
eroded stone and crumbling soil are nearly vertical. They spectacle. A few living combatants appear at the pit There are no rules, and all fights are to the death
are interspersed with dark, barred windows and narrow, doors. unless a character runs away. Someone who retreats
rusted doors. A dais dominates the center of the pit. Rain is If the characters do not agree but they are from a fight will be jeered cruelly by the spectators,
gathering into shallow puddles on the floor. already in the pit, Morrn blows the horn anyway. be pelted with rotten fruit or stones, and possi-
The scene is bathed in a pale blue light that emanates If the characters are not in the pit but are near bly pursued by enemies if other characters don’t
from a block of crystal on the south wall. Within the the edge, the ground buckles as if alive and the intervene.
edge crumbles to dump them into the pit; use the

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Portions of the pit’s rim that are noted as danger-
ous should be treated as crumbling trail hazards.
Morrn B ladeclaw When Morrn first becomes bloodied, the real Scar-
Characters can fight as many matches in the pit and the S carblade blade senses that his destruction is near. It triggers a
as they like. The spectators are against the newcom- crevasse as an immediate reaction, which shatters the
ers at first, but if they fight multiple matches and put When Morrn is ready to fight the characters, crystal and splits the ground from the block of crystal
on a good show, the crowd swings noticeably in their read: to the center of the pit. The sword psychically calls
favor. Characters can take a short rest after the first out to the character it deems best suited to wield it,
match. After that, Morrn tries to start a new match “Few dare face me, and fewer survive. I know the draw though anyone can pick it up from the shattered bits
immediately after the last one ends, so that a charac- of the Scarblade. I know the drive of the pit. Long have I of crystal, including Morrn Bladeclaw. If a character
ter who fights back-to-back matches has no chance heard their whispers. Perhaps you will join the shadowy grabs it, Morrn focuses all his attacks against that
to rest between them. If the party is 7th level, you spectators, if the pit deems you worthy. I salute your character.
can relax this a bit. If the party is 9th level, press courage now, before the match. Afterward, a salute would If Morrn is killed, the pit becomes dormant for 24
them hard. be too late for you.” hours. The spiked chain pinwheel grinds to a halt.
The pit shadows disappear, and any living combat-
Development Morrn Bladeclaw is willing to fight alone against ants slink away into the forest or into the rooms
Once each character has fought and won at least one or two characters, just as he did as a gladiator. adjoining the pit. Some of them might speak to the
once, either individually or as part of a group, the He won’t fight the whole party by himself, however. characters or even congratulate them. A few might
characters can challenge Morrn Bladeclaw. If the If everyone gangs up against him, he calls on the aid even immediately challenge them for the weapon.
players don’t think of this on their own, or don’t of past victims. They appear in the form of pit shad- For the next 24 hours, everyone is free to leave the
seem inclined to do it, the crowd begins to chant, ows, a blue arcanian, and dread guardians. The blue valley unhindered. If the Scarblade is removed from
“Bladeclaw! Bladeclaw!” arcanian represents the wizard who slew Morrn, the valley within that time, Morrn’s ghost is released
and was slain by him, in the bout that cost Morrn from the valley and never returns. A day later, the
his life. The pit shadows and dread guardians are Proving Pit reactivates and slowly begins calling new
nameless foes he vanquished over his career. Use combatants.
enough foes to make this a level + 2 encounter for
the characters. About the Author
Sterling Hershey somehow finds the time to be both an
No other competitors or spectators join in. Many of architect and freelance game designer. Over the years, he
them would love to see Morrn defeated, but they fear worked extensively in a galaxy far, far away, on the Star Wars
attacking him themselves. Roleplaying Game and Star Wars Miniatures game, as well as
contributing to Dungeons & Dragons® products. Sterling
At the start of this final bout, several massive stone lives in the Midwest with his wife, Mary.
blocks (shown on the map) slowly rise from the pit
floor to stand 10 feet high.

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moss and weeds, so that a DC 16 Perception check is

needed to spot one.
Crystal Block: This glowing crystal provides
cover and holds the Scarblade. It is immune to all
damage but shatters when Morrn Bladeclaw is first

Pit Shadows Level 7 Minion Skirmisher

Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 75
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +8
AC 21, Fortitude 20, Reflex 20, Will 18 Perception +3
Speed fly 6 (hover); phasing
Immune disease, necrotic, poison
Standard Actions
m Pit Strike (necrotic) t At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 7 necrotic damage.
C Pit Wail (thunder) t At Will
B O Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +10 vs.
Hit: 7 thunder damage, and the target is pushed 1 square.
Skills Stealth +11
Str 4 (+0) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 10 (+3)
Con 17 (+6) Int 4 (+0) Cha 12 (+4)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

Features of the Pit Low Dais: The low stone dais includes Morrn
Illumination: During the day, bright illumination Bladeclaw’s horizontal headstone, which indicates
from an overcast sky. At night, dim illumination cast that he died 30 years ago. The dais is normal terrain.
by the crystal block that holds the Scarblade. Dim Pit: The pit is 3 squares (15 feet) deep.
illumination in the buildings and pit rooms. Walls: The walls are easy to grip but unstable. A
Blocks (red shaded areas): These are solid stone DC 20 Athletics check is required to climb.
blocks 10 feet high. They rise up from the floor only Pit Rooms: These small rooms are used to hold
for the final battle against Morrn Bladeclaw. combatants, willingly or unwillingly. Some have
Puddles: Puddles are difficult terrain. decaying ladders that lead to trapdoors (T) on the sur-
Rubble: Rubble and large rocks are difficult ter- face. From above, the trapdoors are overgrown with
rain and provide partial cover.

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Marok, Level 7 Elite Controller Morrn Bladeclaw (B) Level 10 Elite Soldier Blue Arcanian Level 10 Controller
Half-Orc Death Mage (O) Large natural humanoid (giant, undead) XP 1,000 Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 500
Medium natural humanoid, half-orc XP 600 HP 147; Bloodied 73 Initiative +12 HP 105; Bloodied 52 Initiative +5
HP 148; Bloodied 74 Initiative +8 AC 26, Fortitude 24, Reflex 20, Will 21 Perception +12 AC 24, Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 19 Perception +6
AC 21, Fortitude 20, Reflex 22, Will 21 Perception +11, Speed 0, fly 6 (hover); phasing Speed 5
low-light vision Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic Standard Actions
Speed 6 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 m Frost Staff (cold, weapon) t At-Will
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Traits Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. Fortitude
Standard Actions Double Actions Hit: 2d8 + 9 cold damage, and the arcanian pushes the target
m Rotting Touch (necrotic) t At-Will Morrn makes two initiative checks and takes a full turn on 2 squares. The target is immobilized until the end of the
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. Fortitude each initiative result. He can take two immediate actions per arcanian’s next turn.
Hit: 2d6 + 3 necrotic damage, and the target loses necrotic round but only one between one turn and the next. r Bolt of Frost (cold, implement) t At-Will
resistance or immunity and takes ongoing 5 necrotic Insubstantial Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +13 vs. Fortitude
damage (save ends both). Morrn takes half damage from all attacks, except those that Hit: 2d8 + 9 cold damage, and the target’s space and all
R Bolt of Putrescence (implement, necrotic) t Recharge 5 6 deal force damage. Whenever Morrn takes radiant damage, squares adjacent to it are difficult terrain until the end of
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. Reflex he loses this trait until the start of his next turn. the arcanian’s next turn.
Hit: 3d8 + 9 necrotic damage, and the target takes a -5 pen- Standard Actions A Swirling Blizzard (cold, implement) t Encounter
alty to all defenses until the end of Marok’s next turn. m Spectral Sword (necrotic) t At-Will Attack: Area burst 2 within 5 (creatures in the burst); +13 vs.
A Swarm of Flies (implement, zone) t Encounter Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Reflex
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); +10 vs. Hit: 1d12 + 7 damage, Morrn can push the target 1 square, Hit: 2d8 + 9 cold damage.
Fortitude and the target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save Miss: Half damage.
Hit: 3d6 + 12 damage, and the burst creates a zone of swarm- ends). Triggered Actions
ing flies that lasts until the end of the encounter. Each Effect: Morrn marks the target until the end of Morrn’s next Staff of Shielding t Encounter
creature that starts its turn in the zone takes 5 damage and turn. Trigger: An attack hits the arcanian.
does not have line of sight to squares more than 3 squares Triggered Actions Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The arcanian gains a +4 bonus to
away from it. As a minor action, Marok can move the zone M Gladiator’s Instinct t At-Will all defenses against the triggering attack.
2 squares. Trigger: An enemy enters a square where it flanks Morrn. Arcane Surge t Encounter
Triggered Actions Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (one creature flanking Trigger: The arcanian hits an enemy with an implement
Furious Assault t Encounter Morrn); +13 vs. Fortitude attack.
Trigger: Marok damages an enemy with an attack Hit: Morrn pushes the target up to 3 squares. Effect (Free Action): The attack deals maximum damage to the
Effect (Free Action): The triggering attack deals 1d10 extra Str 24 (+12) Dex 20 (+10) Wis 15 (+7) enemy.
damage. Con 17 (+8) Int 14 (+7) Cha 19 (+9) Skills Arcana +14
Death Mark (necrotic) t Encounter Alignment evil Languages Common Str 10 (+5) Dex 11 (+5) Wis 13 (+6)
Trigger: An enemy reduces Marok to 0 hit points. Con 17 (+8) Int 19 (+9) Cha 10 (+5)
Effect (No Action): The triggering enemy takes 2d10 + 5 Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
necrotic damage. Equipment staff
Skills Arcana +9, Intimidate +8, Religion +11
Str 15 (+5) Dex 20 (+8) Wis 17 (+6)
Con 10 (+3) Int 13 (+4) Cha 13 (+3)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Giant
Equipment robes, staff

A p r i l 2 011 | D u n g e o n 18 9

Dread Guardian Level 7 Soldier Spiked Chain Pinwheel (P) Level 6 Trap Scarblade Level 10 Rare
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 300 Object XP 250 The Scarblade is a dark and rugged bastard sword forged
HP 79; Bloodied 39 Initiative +6 Detect automatic Initiative +7 from a chaos shard. It resonates with greater power when it is
AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 17, Will 18 Perception +5 HP 60 within the Chaos Scar.
Speed 5 Low-light vision AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will — Lvl 10 +2 5,000 gp
Traits Resist 5 all; Immune necrotic, poison, psychic, all conditions, Weapon: Heavy blade
O Shield of Undeath t Aura 1 ongoing damage Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
While the dread guardian’s master is within the guardian’s Traits Critical: +2d10 damage, or +3d10 when within the Chaos
aura, the master takes half damage from all attacks. Scar.
Property: Once per turn, when you hit with an attack using this
Eyes of Undeath The pinwheel rotates one-quarter turn each round. Two weapon, the creature you hit takes 1d6 extra fire damage.
The dread guardian’s master can see or hear anything the chains sweep out in opposite directions, and each chain can Property: Wounds created by the Scarblade leave ragged,
guardian can see or hear. The master can also speak through attack. On the round it is activated, the pinwheel attacks with ashen scars even when healed by magic. The weapon emits
the guardian. one blast toward the northwest corner of the pit and another red sparks and leaves a black scorch mark when it hits.
Standard Actions toward the southeast corner of the pit. On the second round, Power (Daily): Standard Action. Striking the ground with the
m Longsword (weapon) t At-Will it attacks toward the northeast and southwest corners. sword creates a crevasse 1square wide, 5 squares long, and
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC up to 2 squares deep beginning in the square you strike and
Attacks alternate in this way until the pinwheel is bloodied,
extending in a straight line away from you. Any creature
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage. when it is reduced to just one attack per round. that is entirely in the affected area must save or fall into the
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guardian’s Standard Actions crevasse.
next turn. M Attack t At-Will
r Longbow (weapon) t At-Will Attack: Close burst 4 (creatures in the burst); +9 vs. Reflex
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +12 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone and is immobi-
Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage. lized (escape DC 15).
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guardian’s Countermeasures
next turn. t Jam: Thievery DC 23. Success: The pinwheel is disabled and
Triggered Actions stops attacking. Failure: The pinwheel attacks the character
M Iron Rebuke (weapon) t At-Will as an opportunity action.
Trigger: An enemy marked by the guardian attacks the guard- t Snag: Thievery DC 15. Success: The pinwheel’s attack
ian’s master. becomes +6 vs. Reflex. Failure: The pinwheel attacks the
Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +14 character as an opportunity action.
vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage.
Str 16 (+6) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 15 (+5) Int 4 (+0) Cha 9 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages understands Common
Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, longsword, longbow,
20 arrows

A p r i l 2 011 | D u n g e o n 18 9

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