Visit 2 Fatima Mohammed
Visit 2 Fatima Mohammed
Visit 2 Fatima Mohammed
Visit 3 Visit 4
Achievement Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that is Achievement that is
that clearly does narrowly fails to meet minimally meets the satisfactory meets significantly above the outstanding relative to
not meet requirements for course course requirements the course and GPA course and GPA the course and GPA
requirements for with normal grading but may not meet the requirements requirements requirements
course with mode. GPA requirement
normal grading
Commitment to Has not grasped Displays issues with Displays occasional Demonstrates Always demonstrates Prioritizes the needs of
the Profession the importance of attendance and issues with attendance consistent consistent attendance the school and students
attendance and punctuality and punctuality attendance and and punctuality over required working
punctuality punctuality hours
leading to
absences and/or
Fails to Has difficulties preparing Is generally prepared & Is prepared & ready Is well prepared & Consistently prepares
demonstrate a for lessons & being ready ready for each lesson, for each lesson, ready for each lesson high quality materials
willingness to on time but some materials and which are well organized
plan and prepare preparation is still
materials and needed
Does not Rarely participates in Occasionally Participates in school Actively participates in Has demonstrated
participate in school activities and participates in school activities outside the school activities outside initiative and
school activities displays some difficult activities outside the classroom and builds the classroom and commitment through
and has not developing relationships classroom and builds a positive relationships builds positive consistent involvement
developed relati across the school few positive within the school relationships with a in school based activities
onships across relationships within the through range of stakeholders resulting in a positive
the school, apart school collaboration with contribution to the
from the MST school
Teaching Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 7, 2018
others across the
Does not respect Challenges school based Generally accepts Accepts school based Accepts school based Accepts school based
school based authority structures and school based authority authority structures authority structures authority structures and
authority has difficulty accepting structures and has and responsibility for and responsibility for responsibility for
structures & does responsibility for work- some difficulties resolving work-based resolving work-based independently resolving
not accept based problems, even resolving work-based problems with some problems with a work-based problems
responsibility for with support problems without some support growing level of
work-based support independence
Planning for Does not Completes long term and Completes long term Completes long term Completes detailed Completes detailed and
Learning complete long unit plans for some units and unit plans for some and unit long term/weekly and effective long term and
term and unit covered in the units covered in the plans/weekly plans unit plans covered in unit/ weekly plans for all
plans for units placement but are placement for all units covered the placement units covered in the
covered in the ineffective and/or have in the placement that placement
placement numerous errors cover all the areas to
be addressed
Has consistently Has inconsistently Has completed poor Has completed Has completed solid Has completed
failed to completed lesson plans quality lesson plans appropriate lesson lesson plans which are outstanding lesson plans
complete which are not always plans which are printed and available which are consistently
adequate lesson available upon request available for for MST/MCT upon printed and available for
plans MST/MCT upon request MST/MCT upon request
Lesson plans lack Lesson plans lack Lesson plans have Lesson plans have Lesson plans are well Lesson plans are
detail and may detail and may not sufficient detail to sufficient detail to detailed to secure exceptional to secure
not include include adequate generally secure secure satisfactory effective delivery and successful delivery and
learning learning objectives and effective delivery and delivery and include include testable include testable learning
Teaching Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 7, 2018
objectives and assessments or these include learning testable learning learning objectives and objectives and a variety
assessments do not correlate, often objectives and some objectives and a variety of appropriate of appropriate
leading to leading to unsatisfactory assessments appropriate assessments and tasks assessments and tasks
unsatisfactory lesson delivery assessments
lesson delivery
Lesson plans are Lesson plans are Lesson plans show Lesson plans are Lesson plans are usually Lesson plans are
inconsistently inconsistently balanced some elements of generally balanced, balanced, engaging, consistently balanced,
balanced and and include limited balance but include engaging, effective effective and student- engaging, effective and
include no student-centred some student-centred and student-centred centred student-centred
student-centred activities activities
Comments: Lesson
Plan is detailed including pre and while reading activities. LOs are specific.
Ensure activities have one clear focus. (language)
Managing Does not use Attempts to use Uses appropriate Uses appropriate classroom Uses appropriate Uses a wide range of
Learning classroom classroom classroom management management strategies to classroom appropriate
management management strategies which generally secure a safe and effective management classroom
strategies strategies but these secure a safe and effective learning environment strategies to management
effectively, or do not generally learning environment consistently secure a strategies to
consistently, leading achieve a safe and/ safe and effective consistently secure a
to an ineffective or effective learning learning environment safe and effective
and/or unsafe environment learning
learning environment
There are no Classroom routines Some classroom routines Establishes and manages Establishes and A variety of
established and transitions are and transitions are classroom routines and consistently manages classroom routines
classroom routines inconsistently implemented transitions, with minor classroom routines and transitions are
and transitions implemented issues and transitions well established and
Comments: Transitions quick and organized. Using lights off to clean up as well as song.
Teaching Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 7, 2018
Implementing Does not utilize the Utilizes the gradual Utilizes the gradual Utilizes the gradual Utilizes the gradual Utilizes the gradual
Learning gradual release release model with release model with some release model with minor release model with release model to
model limited effectiveness irregularities general effectiveness ensure students can
effectiveness complete the task
The pacing of The pacing of The pacing of lessons may Lessons are usually paced Lessons are Lessons are paced to
lessons may result lessons may result result in some students to ensure students are consistently paced to ensure students are
in a significant in some students sometimes being appropriately engaged ensure students are appropriately
proportion of the being disengaged, disengaged, overwhelmed and challenged appropriately engaged engaged and
class being overwhelmed &/or or off task and challenged challenged and the
disengaged, off task needs of individual
overwhelmed &/or students are met
off task
Material presented Material presented Material presented may Presents material which is Presents material which Consistently presents
frequently/ may sometimes lack occasionally lack accuracy generally accurate, is accurate, meaningful, material which is
significantly lacks accuracy and/or and/or meaningfulness. meaningful and accessible accessible and accurate,
accuracy and/or meaningfulness. Differentiation to support student differentiated to meaningful,
meaningfulness. Differentiation is is implemented but not engagement and learning. support student accessible and
rarely implemented necessarily effectively Sometimes includes engagement and differentiated to
differentiation with learning support student
growing effectiveness engagement and
You have used the MST well to support learning.
Now try to implement differentiation in activities.
Assessment Rarely develops and Rarely develops and Develops and implements Develops and implements Develops and Develops and
implements implements some formative formative assessment implements a range of implements a wide
formative formative assessment strategies strategies which are valid formative assessment range of formative
assessment assessment and reliable strategies which are assessment strategies
strategies strategies and is valid and reliable which are valid and
generally reliant on reliable
observations and
Teaching Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 7, 2018
Does not develop Develops a Develop a summative Develop a summative Develop a valid and Develop an
any summative summative assessment task for a unit assessment task for a unit reliable summative outstanding
assessment tasks assessment task for of work with some errors of work which is generally assessment task for a summative
a unit of work which and omissions. effective unit of work assessment task for a
has limited unit of work which is
effectiveness valid and relevant
Assessment supports the LO well. Actively assessing during the activity.
Reflection on Student fails to Little reflection on Inconsistent and vague Reflects on their own Consistently reflects on Consistently reflects
Practice understand the their own practice reflections on their own practice leading to their own practice on their own practice
importance of which leads to practice leading to little improvement with some leading to leading drawing
reflecting on own limited improvement of practice guidance and support improvements in a effectively in theory
practice and/or improvement of range of areas leading to habitual
display the ability to practice improvement
do so meaningfully
Fails to understand Little reflection on Some reflection on Reflects on student Reflects on student Consistently reflects
the importance of student learning student learning is learning learning in a meaningful on student learning in
reflecting on evident, but it is quite way a meaningful way
student learning vague and repetitive
Reflections are Reflections are Reflections are done Reflections are conducted Reflections are Outstanding
rarely conducted inconsistently inconsistently but are and recorded most of the conducted and reflections are
and/ or are not conducted, are accessible to the MST and time and are accessible to recorded consistently conducted which are
readily accessible to ineffective and/ or MCT the MST and MCT and are accessible to very organized,
the MST and MCT are not readily the MST and MCT consistently done and
accessible to the are accessible to the
Comments: x
Visit 2- Using behaviour management strategy lock mouths but immediately after you asked them to say good morning.
Using TPR to ask about the weather and when reading the story. Using facial expressions well to accompany this. Good intonation and
expression in voice when reading the story. Asking questions to reinforce vocabulary e.g. colour of tree, drum. Reinforcing size vocabulary when
doing this e.g. big drum.
Teaching Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 7, 2018
Try not to translate everything you say as they will wait for the translation and tune out of the English.
Lesson was well paced and activities explained during haleka. You might have had an example of each to explain where you were sitting as some
Ss it was difficult to see as standing behind them when explaining.
The LO is reinforced in activities around the classroom e.g. in the science area. Might extend this to the bricks as most boys went there so could
have further reinforced the concept here.
Your activity (guided) -Try to use a different example when asking which is bigger as they have been given the answer. When doing the activity
all together those not sure look at the others. Could have given them the independent activity too to see if they can do it unaided then you can
really check their understanding.
Spelling sit