How To Get The Yield Locus of An Adhesive Powder From A Single Numerical Experiment
How To Get The Yield Locus of An Adhesive Powder From A Single Numerical Experiment
How To Get The Yield Locus of An Adhesive Powder From A Single Numerical Experiment
ABSTRACT Granular materials in a split-bottom ring shear cell geometry show wide shear
bands under slow, quasi-static deformation. From discrete element simulations (DEM), several
continuum fields like the deformation gradient and stress are computed and evaluated with the
goal to formulate objective constitutive relations for the flow behavior.
From a single simulation only, by applying time- and (local) space-averaging, yield loci can
be obtained: linear for non-cohesive granular materials and non-linear with peculiar pressure
dependence for adhesive powders. While the contact model will possibly need additional effects
to be included in order to resemble realistic powders, the method how to obtain yield loci from
a single numerical test on one material appears very promising and waits for calibration and
Granular materials are a paradigm of complex systems, where phenomena like segregation, clus-
tering, shear-band formation and arching occur due to the collective behavior of many particles
interacting via contact forces. Discrete Element Models (DEM) allow the specification of particle
properties and interaction laws and then the numerical solution of Newton’s equations of motion
[1, 2]. For geotechnical applications and industrial design in mechanical engineering, one of the
main challenges is to obtain continuum constitutive relations and their relevant parameters from
experimental and numerical tests on representative samples.
DEM simulations of similar element tests provide advantages with respect to physical experi-
ments, as they provide more detailed information of forces and displacements at the grain scale.
Finding the connection between the micromechanical properties and the macroscopic behav-
ior involves the so-called micro-macro transition [3–8]. Extensive “microscopic” simulations of
many homogeneous small samples, i.e., so-called representative volume elements (RVE), have
been used to derive the macroscopic constitutive relations needed to describe the material within
the framework of a continuum theory [3, 5].
An alternative – as presented in this study – is to simulate an inhomogeneous geometry where
static packings co-exist with dynamic, flowing zones and, respectively, high density co-exists
with dilated zones. From adequate local averaging over equivalent volumes – inside which all
particles behave similarly – one can obtain from a single simulation already constitutive relations
in a certain parameter range, as was done systematically in two-dimensional (2D) Couette ring
shear cells [6, 9] and three-dimensional (3D) split-bottom ring shear cells [8, 10].
The special property of the split-bottom ring shear cell is the fact that the shear band is initiated
at the bottom gap between the moving, outer and fixed, inner part of the bottom-wall. The
velocity field is well approximated by an error-function [7, 8, 11, 12] with a width considerably
increasing from bottom to top (free surface). The data-analysis provides data-sets of different
pressures, shear-stresses and shear-rates – from a single simulation only. Previous simulations
with dry particles were validated by experimental data and quantitative agreement was found
with deviations as small as 10 per-cent [8, 10, 12].
Note that both time- and space-averaging are required to obtain a reasonable statistics. Fur-
thermore, we remark, that even though ring-symmetry and time-continuity are assumed for the
averaging, this is not true in general, since the granular material shows non-affine deformations
and intermittent behavior. Nevertheless, the time- and space-averages are performed as a first
step to obtain continuum quantities – leaving an analysis of their fluctuations to future studies.
The geometry of the sample is described in detail in Refs. [8, 10]. In brief: An assembly of
spherical particles is confined by gravity between two concentric cylinders, a split ring-shaped
bottom and a free surface at the top. The outer cylinder rotates around the symmetry-axis and
the outer part of the bottom is moving together with it. The split allows that the inner part of
the bottom remains at rest and the split initiates the shearband that propagates upwards and
becomes wider with increasing height, see Fig. 1.
The simulations run for more than 50 s with a rotation rate fo = 0.01 s−1 of the outer cylinder,
with angular velocity Ωo = 2πfo . For the average of the displacement, only larger times are
taken into account so that the systems quasi-steady state flow is examined – disregarding the
transient behavior at the onset of shear. Three realizations with the same filling height, i.e.,
N ≈ 37000 overall particles, are displayed in Fig. 1, both as top- and front-view without (kc = 0)
and with adhesion (kc /k2 = 2/5 and 1). The color code indicates the displacement and shows
that without cohesion the shear band is narrower than with cohesion. Furthermore, strong
cohesion makes the shearband move rapidly inwards close to the bottom (Right panel).
Since we assume translational invariance in the tangential φ-direction, averaging is performed
over toroidal volume elements and over many snapshots in time (typically 40 − 60 s), leading
to fields Q(r, z) as function of the radial and vertical positions. The averaging procedure was
detailed for 2D systems e.g. in Ref. [6], and applied to three dimensional systems [7, 8], so that
we do not discuss the details here.
Just examined from the top (like in the original experiments), one observes that the shearband
moves inwards with increasing filling height (data not shown) and also becomes wider. The
present data show a similar behavior for different contact adhesion: The shearband moves
inwards with increasing adhesion stiffness, i.e., with increasing adhesion strength. From the
front-view, the same information can be evidenced, see Fig. 1.
Comparing the cases with (Center, Right) and without (Left) adhesion in Fig. 1, the shearband
appears to depend strongly on adhesion. In order to allow for a more quantitative analysis of
the shear band, both on the top and as function of depth, fits with the universal shape function
0.01 (a) 0.01 (b)
150 0.02 150 0.02
0.04 0.04
0.06 0.06
0.08 0.08
0.16 0.16
|τ| (Pa)
|τ| (Pa)
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
p (Pa) p (Pa)
250 0.01 (d)
0.01 0.02
150 0.02 0.04
0.04 0.06
0.06 200 0.08
0.08 0.16
|τ| (Pa)
|τ| (Pa)
100 150
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
p (Pa) p (Pa)
Figure 2: Shear stress |τ | plotted against pressure p for three different adhesive parameters: kc /k2 = 0
(a), kc /k2 = 1/10 (b), kc /k2 = 1/5 (c) and kc /k2 = 2/5 (d). The magnitude of the strain rate, i.e., γ̇ ≥ γ̇i ,
with γ̇i are given in the inset in units of s−1 . The solid line represents the function τmax = µmacro p,
where µmacro = 0.15 was used here.
with the components of the contact forces fα and branch vectors lβ , which connects the center of
mass of the particle with the contact point. The sum extends over all contacts within or close to
the averaging volume, weighted according to their vicinity – a more detailed description of the
averaging procedure and the weighting will be published elsewhere. Note that we disregard the
(small) tangential forces here for the sake of simplicity.
q The shear stress is defined in analogy
to the shear strain as proposed in [16], so that: |τ | = σrφ 2 + σ2 .
Remarkably, for non-cohesive materials the macroscopic friction |τ |/p ≈ µmacro , is well defined
(data not shown, see Refs. [7, 8]), i.e. the slope of the shear stress–pressure curve is almost
constant for practically all averaging volumina with strain rates larger than some threshold
value. In other words, if the shear length lγ ≈ tav γ̇, with averaging time tav , clearly exceeds one
particle diameter, the shear deformation is fully established – resembling the concept of a critical
flow regime. Therefore, for the present data-set, we observe that γ̇ > γ̇c , with γ̇c ≈ 0.12 s−1 is a
reasonable shear-rate above which the shear-layers in the shear-band are fully established.
When contact adhesion is included in the model, a non-linear yield locus is obtained with a
peculiar pressure dependence. This non-linearity becomes apparent when we plot the shear
stress against pressure for different coefficients of adhesion, as shown in Fig. 2. The main effect
of contact adhesion is to increase the strength of the material under large confining stress.
For weak adhesion the strength is given by an almost linear relation between shear stress and
pressure, while the relation is highly non-linear for large adhesion.
The microscopic reason of this nonlinearity is the non-linearity of the contact model: The
contacts feel small adhesion forces for small experienced pressure (close to the free surface). Very
large adhesion forces are active for high pressures deep in the bulk of the material. Therefore
the micromechanical mechanisms involve not only plastic deformation of the contact zone, but
also sintering, fragmentation and re-bonding under large stress conditions.
3 Conclusions
Simulations of a split-bottom Couette ring shear cell with dry granular materials show perfect
qualitative and good quantitative agreement with experiments. The effect of friction was studied
recently, so that in this study the effect of contact adhesion was examined in some detail. The
yield locus, i.e., the maximal shear stress, |τ |, plotted against pressure – for those parts of the
system that have experienced considerable shear (displacement) – is almost linear in the absence
of adhesion, corresponding to a linear Mohr-Coulomb type yield locus with slope (macroscopic
friction) increasing with microscopic contact friction.
Strong non-linearity of the yield locus emerges as a consequence of the strong adhesive forces
that increase non-linearly with the confining pressure. Due to the non-linearity, the definition of
a macroscopic cohesion (as shear stress of the yield locus at zero-stress) becomes questionable.
All this interesting phenomenology is due to the history dependent contact model: Contacts
that experienced large stresses can provide much larger adhesive forces than others which have
not been compressed a lot. Therefore, at the top (free surface) the yield stress is much lower
then deep inside the sample.
The physical origin of this nonlinearity is the permanent deformation at the contact which leads
to a larger contact surface area and therefore to stronger van der Waals forces. As final remark,
we note that the model contains an unphysical simplification: The long range van der Waals
adhesion is neglected and only the short range contact adhesion is considered. Future studies
with the long range (non-contact) term will show whether this can lead to more linear and
cohesive yield locus. In real systems of dry, adhesive powders, the long range adhesion will
provide the bulk cohesion, since – as shown in this study – the contact adhesion alone is not
effective at small confining pressure.
Future research will also involve the yield locus of materials with different friction, rolling resis-
tance and torsion resistance as well as non-spherically shaped particles.
4 Acknowledgements
We acknowledge the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the
Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM), financially supported by the Neder-
landse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), the Australian Research Council,
the Australian Academy of Sciences, and the University of Queensland Early Carrier Research
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