Cisco flexVPN Ikev2 Configuration radiUS Attributes

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Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

This chapter describes the RADIUS attributes supported by FlexVPN server.

• FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes, on page 1

FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

The following are the RADIUS attributes categories used by FlexVPN Server:
• Inbound and bidirectional IETF RADIUS attributes
• Outbound Local
• Outbound Remote

Note For inbound attributes sent by the FlexVPN server to RADIUS that are not listed below, the value is set by
the AAA system.

Attribute User-Name


Format String

Attribute ID 1

Description This attribute is sent by the FlexVPN server to Radius and is derived as follows:
• AAA based preshared keys—Peer IKEv2 identity
• EAP authentication—Peer EAP identity
• User or group authorization—Output of the name mangler or the string specified in the
IKEv2 profile authorization commands
• Accounting—Peer EAP identity or IKEv2 identity

This attribute may also be received from Radius in Access-Accept after successful EAP
authentication and specifies the authenticated peer EAP identity.

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Attribute User-Password


Format String

Attribute ID 2

Description This attribute is sent by the FlexVPN server to RADIUS and is derived as follows:
• AAA based preshared keys—“cisco”
• User/group authorization—“cisco”

Attribute Calling-Station-ID


Format String

Attribute ID 31

Description This attribute is sent by FlexVPN server to RADIUS and is derived as follows:
• AAA based pre-shared keys—IKEv2 initiator address
• EAP authentication—IKEv2 initiator address
• User/group authorization—IKEv2 initiator address

Attribute Service-Type


Format String

Attribute ID 6

Description This attribute is used by FlexVPN server for EAP authentication and the value of this attribute
is set to ‘Login’.

Attribute EAP-Message


Format String

Attribute ID 79

Description This attribute is used by FlexVPN server for EAP authentication to relay EAP packets between
EAP server and the Remote Access Client.

Attribute Message-Authenticator

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes


Format String

Attribute ID 80

Description This attribute is sent by FlexVPN server for EAP authentication. The value for this attribute
is set by AAA subsystem.

Attribute Framed-Pool


Format String

Attribute ID 88

Local config pool name

Radius config Framed-Pool=pool-name

Description Specifies the name of IPv4 address pool that is used by FlexVPN server to allocate the IPv4
address to assign to the client. The allocated address is pushed to client via IKEv2 standard
config attribute INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS.

Attribute ipsec:group-dhcp-server

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config dhcp server {ipddr | host}

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec: group-dhcp-server=ipaddr”

Description Specifies the IPv4 DHCP server that is used by FlexVPN server to lease IPv4 address to
assign to the client. The leased address is pushed to client via IKEv2 standard config attribute

Attribute ipsec:dhcp-giaddr

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format IPaddr

Local config dhcp giaddr ipaddr

Radius config cisco-avpair=“psec: dhcp-giaddr=ipaddr”

Description Specifies the IPv4 DHCP gateway IP address that is used by FlexVPN server to contact the
DCHP server.

Attribute ipsec:dhcp-timeout

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format Integer

Local config dhcp timeout seconds

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:dhcp-timeout=seconds”

Description Specifies the time to wait for response from IPv4 DHCP server that is used by FlexVPN
server to timeout response from the DHCP server.

Attribute ipsec:ipv6-addr-pool

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config ipv6 pool name

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:ipv6-addr-pool=pool-name”

Description Specifies the name of IPv6 address pool used by FlexVPN server to allocate the IPv6 address
to assign to the client. The allocated address is pushed to the client via IKEv2 standard config

Attribute ipsec:route-set=prefix

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config N/A

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:route-set=prefix prefix/length”

Example ipsec:route-set=prefix

Description Specifies a subnet protected by FlexVPN server. This is pushed to the client via IKEv2
standard configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP4_SUBNET.
Note This AV pair was introduced in Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.

Attribute ipsec:route-set=interface

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config route set interface

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:route-set=interface”

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Description This attribute is used locally and enables sending of VPN interface IP address to the peer via
IKEv2 standard config attribute INTERNAL_IP4_SUBNET. This allows running routing
protocols such as BGP over VPN.
Note In Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T, this AV pair replaced the “ipsec:route-set-interface”
AV pair.

Attribute ipsec:route-accept

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config route accept any [tag tag-id] [distance distance]

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:route-accept=any [tag:tag] [distance:distance]”

Example ipsec:route-accept=any tag=100

Description This attribute is used locally and specifies the filter for the subnets received from the peer
via IKEv2 standard config attribute INTERNAL_IP4_SUBNET. The attribute also specifies
the tag and distance for the routes added by IKEv2 for the filtered subnets.
Note In Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T, the AV pair “ipsec:route-accept=any” replaced
“ipsec:route-accept=accept acl:any” and the AV pair “ipsec:route-accept=none”
replaced “ipsec:route-accept=deny”.

Attribute ipsec:ipsec-flow-limit

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format Integer

Local config ipsec flow-limit limit

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:ipsec-flow-limit=limit”

Description This attribute is used by FlexVPN server and specifies the maximum number of IPsec SAs
that an IPSec dVTI session can have. There is no limit by default. This parameter is similar
to the crypto ipsec profile and set security-policy limit commands.

Attribute ip:interface-config

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config aaa attribute list list

attribute type interface-config string

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ip:interface-config=interface cmd string”

Example ip:interface-config=ip vrf forwarding red

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Description This attribute is used locally and specifies an interface configuration mode command string
that is applied on the virtual access interface for the session. For local configuration, the
IKEv2 authorization policy points to an AAA attribute list that must have interface-config

Attribute Tunnel-Type


Format Integer

Attribute ID 64

Radius config Tunnel-Type=type

Description This attribute specifies the tunnel type (ESP, AH, GRE, etc.) and is received when FlexVPN
server fetches preshared key for the session from RADIUS server.

Attribute Tunnel-Medium-Type


Format Integer

Attribute ID 65,

Radius config Tunnel-Medium-Type=type

Description This attribute specifies the tunnel transport type (IPv4, IPv6, etc.) and is received when
FlexVPN server fetches preshared key for the session from the RADIUS server.

Attribute Tunnel-Password


Format String

Attribute ID 69

Radius config Tunnel-Password=string

Description This attribute specifies the symmetric preshared key and is received when FlexVPN server
fetches preshared key for the session from RADIUS server.

Attribute ipsec:ikev2-password-local

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:ikev2-password-local=string”

Description This attribute specifies the local preshared key and is received when FlexVPN server fetches
preshared key for the session from RADIUS server.

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Attribute ipsec:ikev2-password-remote

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:ikev2-password-remote=string”

Description This attribute specifies the remote preshared key and is received when FlexVPN server fetches
preshared key for the session from RADIUS server.

Attribute Framed-IP-Address


Format IPaddr

Attribute ID 8

Radius config Framed-IP-Address=ipaddr

Description Specifies IPv4 address assigned to the client. This is pushed to the client via IKEv2 standard
configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS.

Attribute Framed-IP-Netmask


Format IPaddr

Attribute ID 9

Local config netmask mask

Radius config Framed-IP-Netmask=mask

Description Specifies the subnet mask of the IPv4 address assigned to the client. This is pushed to client
via IKEv2 standard configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK.

Attribute ipsec:dns-servers

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config dns primary [secondary]

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:dns-servers=primary secondary”

Description Specifies the primary and secondary IPv4 DNS servers for the client. This is pushed to the
client via IKEv2 standard config attribute INTERNAL_IP4_DNS.

Attribute ipsec:wins-servers

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config wins primary [secondary]

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:wins-servers=primary secondary”

Description Specifies the primary and secondary IPv4 WINS servers for the client. This is pushed to the
client via IKEv2 standard configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP4_NBNS.

Attribute ipsec:route-set=access-list

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config route set access-list {acl-name | acl-number}

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:route-set=access-list {acl-name | acl-number}”

Description Specifies the IPv4 subnets protected by FlexVPN server. This is pushed to the client via
IKEv2 standard configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP4_SUBNET.
Note In Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T, this AV pair replaced the “ipsec:inacl” AV pair.

Attribute ipsec:addrv6

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:addrv6=ipv6-addr”

Description Specifies the IPv6 address assigned to the client. This is pushed to client via IKEv2 standard
configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP6_ADDRESS in the first 16 bytes.

Attribute ipsec:prefix-len

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format Integer

Local config N/A

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:prefix-len=value”

Example ipsec:prefix-len=24

Description Specifies the prefix length of the IPv6 address assigned to the client. This is pushed to client
via IKEv2 standard configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP6_ADDRESS in the last (17th)

Attribute ipsec:ipv6-dns-servers-addr

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config ipv6 dns primary [secondary]

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec: ipv6-dns-servers-addr=ipaddr1 *ipaddr2”

Description Specifies the primary and secondary IPv6 DNS servers for the client. This is pushed to the
client via IKEv2 standard configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP6_DNS.

Attribute ipsec:route-set=access-list ipv6

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config route set access-list ipv6 acl-name

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:route-set=access-list ipv6 acl-name”

Description Specifies IPv6 subnets protected by the FlexVPN server. This is pushed to the client via
IKEv2 standard configuration attribute INTERNAL_IP6_SUBNET.
Note In Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T, this AV pair replaced the “ ipsec:ipv6-subnet-acl”
AV pair.

Attribute ipsec:banner

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config banner text

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:banner=text”

Description Specifies the banner text. This is pushed to the client via Cisco Unity attribute

Attribute ipsec:default-domain

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config def-domain name

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:default-domain=name”

Description Specifies the default domain. This is pushed to the client via Cisco Unity attribute

Attribute ipsec:split-dns

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config split-dns name

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:split-dns=name”

Description Specifies the split DNS name. This is pushed to the client via Cisco Unity attribute
MODECFG_SPLITDNS_NAME. You can configure up to 10 split DNS names.

Attribute ipsec:ipsec-backup-gateway

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config backup-gateway name

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:ipsec-backup-gateway=name”

Description Specifies the backup gateway. This is pushed to the client via Cisco Unity attribute
MODECFG_BACKUPSERVERS. You can configure up to 10 backup gateways.

Attribute ipsec:pfs

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format Integer

Local config pfs

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:pfs=value”

Description Specifies IPsec PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) enable/disable. This is pushed to the client
via Cisco Unity attribute MODECFG_PFS. The value must be 0 to disable and 1 to enable.

Attribute ipsec:include-local-lan

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format Integer

Local config include-local-lan

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:include-local-lan=value”

Description Enables or disables include local LAN. This is pushed to the client via Cisco Unity attribute
MODECFG_INCLUDE_LOCAL_LAN. The value must be 0 to disable and 1 to enable.

Attribute ipsec:smartcard-removal-disconnect

Type Cisco AV Pair

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Format Integer

Local config smartcard-removal-disconnect

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:smartcard-removal-disconnect =value”

Description Enables or disables smartcard removal disconnect. This is pushed to the client via Cisco
be 0 to disable and 1 to enable.

Attribute ipsec:configuration-url

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format String

Local config configuration url url

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:configuration-url=url”

Description Specifies the URL for configuration download. This is pushed to the client via Cisco FlexVPN

Attribute ipsec:configuration-version

Type Cisco AV Pair

Format Integer

Local config configuration version version

Radius config cisco-avpair=“ipsec:configuration-version=version”

Description Specifies the version of the configuration to download. This is pushed to the client via Cisco

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes
FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes

Appendix: FlexVPN RADIUS Attributes


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