Influence of Type of Farm Input Subsidies On Maize Production in Trans Nzoia West Sub County, Trans Nzoia County, Kenya

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Volume 1, Issue 6, October-2018: 57-66

International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research ISSN: 2636-6282

Influence of Type of Farm Input Subsidies on Maize

Production in Trans Nzoia West Sub County, Trans Nzoia
County, Kenya
Barasa Protus Wafula, Dr. Daniel Nyantika, Dr. Tom George
Ekisa and Dr. Mamboleo Denis Mabaya
Degree of Master of Arts in Geography Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences. Kisii University P. O Box 408-10200 Kisii

Abstract: Food security all over the world is the biggest challenge affecting humanity; the
problem is even more serious among the low-income and food shortage nations. In order to
achieve reasonably high food produce to deal with this situation, sustainable strategies are
required. One of such strategies is what this Study wished to address. Hence, the Study made
an endeavour to find out the challenges of farm inputs subsidies on maize production in Trans
Nzoia West Sub County, Trans- Nzoia County, Kenya. The study was of significance to
stakeholders in the Agriculture sector ranging from The National Ministry of Agriculture and
the County; agricultural staff implementing the project and the farmers. The study was based
on Social Protection Theory. A descriptive survey design was used since the study was both
qualitative and quantitative in nature. A sample of 160 was selected from a target population
of 1510 for data collection. Questionnaire and an interview schedule were used as tools of
primary data collection. Data instruments were pretested in Trans-Nzoia East Sub County to
test their reliability and viability. Data was collected, coded and analyzed using Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 findings showed that there was a significant
effect of subsidized seed given that majority of the farmers produced bags using certified
seed. It was recommended that the government should appoint distribution points where input
subsidies should be channeled through location Agriculture Officers‟ rather than the National
Cereals and Produce Board.
Keywords: Farm subsidies, free inputs, Incentives.

Citation: Barasa Protus Wafula, Daniel Nyantika, Tom George Ekisa and Mamboleo Denis
Mabaya. 2018. Influence of Type of Farm Input Subsidies on Maize Production in Trans
Nzoia West Sub County, Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. International Journal of Current
Innovations in Advanced Research, 1(6): 57-66.
Copyright: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Copyright©2018;
Barasa Protus Wafula, Daniel Nyantika, Tom George Ekisa and Mamboleo Denis Mabaya.

Many nations have made efforts to fight poverty through making radical changes in the
lifestyles and more importantly in agricultural sectors and recognizing the immense
variations needed to revamp farm production. The intensive use of farm subsidies has a long
history of use in the world. According to Duvauchelle (2012), majority of farm and
agricultural subsidy programmes started in the late 1960s and 1970s, even though some
countries invested in agricultural subsidies as early as in 20th century. a case in mind are
countries like United states of America who started subsidizing farm input subsidies as early 57
Volume 1, Issue 6, October-2018: 57-66
International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research ISSN: 2636-6282
as in 1933 through a program they dabbed as 'the Agricultural Adjustment Act' and the other
its successor, The U.S. Agricultural Act of 1949. Farm subsidies have been made popular,
and countries do favor them at times while dropping them at other times. For example,
Duvauchelle (2012) asserts that in New Zealand the government supported heavy farm
subsidies until 1984, when they were dropped. Modern intensive agriculture depends heavily
on timeliness of the farming operation for enhanced crop yields and profits (Khan, 2011).

According to Crawford et al., (2008), the all for subsidies is simply attractive on several
grounds. One is that many governments find it difficult to resist the call for subsidies from
the farmers due to political reasons, the subsidies seem easy to implement at both levels of
governments. To some, moreover, the sight of the government investing directly to beat the
market forces, often regarded with a pinch of salt to start with, is welcome. Moreover, in
parts of the emerging world novel advice to avoid subsidies is treated with contempt, since
they usually come from the developed world where farmers are heavily subsidized and hence
the subsidies are seen in the lenses of hypocrisy.

According to Walkenhorst (2007), „inefficiencies and provision of the amount of subsidies

frequently is undermined further by cost of production by most small scale farmers in
developing countries who grow majorly grow food crops for subsistence, they cultivate food
crops mainly for home use with a small number of the farmers growing of cash crops in small
quantities mainly to fill house hold household needs.‟ According to the World Bank Report
(2007) further states that 75 % of rural populations in the third world being generally poor
and threatened with food security, calling for a more hands-on approaches with more
appropriate and better strategies that can spare and encourage food sufficiency hence,
addressing incomes of the lower end populations. That is why the research was done to
ascertain the challenges of farm inputs subsidies on maize production in Trans Nzoia West
Sub County.

According to FAO (2015) the demand for food is raising every day and it is expected to grow
in an upward trajectory of by 20 per cent from the current by 2030. As this trend remains this
way, hunger continues to be detrimental to vast populations to a tune of about 795 million
people all over the world between the years 2014-2016 and that many of the people in these
bracket of hunger stricken populations are found in developing countries, representing 13 %
of those regions‟ populations. The United Nations in the new accelerated sustainable
development goals recognizes the urgency of eliminating hunger in the world by ensuring
that nations commit to and develop appropriate policies geared towards sustainable food
production. On this breathe therefore, this study aims at acting as a vehicle albeit as one of
the many approaches that can be adopted to ensure food security though maize production
sub sector in agriculture, by identifying the challenges that if addressed, can go a long way in
improving food production as we strive toward achieving vision 2030.

According to New York (2016) The UN Report titled 'World Economic Situation and
Prospects 2016,' notes that, 'many nations seek after approaches and techniques for
guaranteeing food security, which incorporate subsidies for stable food production.' The
report recognizes that some of these strategies may not be financially suitable or ideal as they
influence diversification and structural change, but does not rule out their use for strategic
and defined purposes. In this sense, the report calls for “fair and predictable international
agricultural markets”, which are necessary for food security, and which may include policy
driven subsidy schemes. Similarly, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations asserts that “Markets are central to the successful management of structural 58
Volume 1, Issue 6, October-2018: 57-66
International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research ISSN: 2636-6282
transformation, but the process of structural transformation has never been driven entirely by
market forces” (FAO, State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2015-2016).

According to Morris et al., (2007); Druilhe and Hurle (2012), says that before the
implementation of structural adjustment and stabilization programs in the early 1990s, that
were promoted by the world Bank and the International monetary Fund (IMF), most nations
found in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) enforced farm input subsidies, that were phased out so as
to conform with the agreements with the world Bank and IMF. However, according to
DANIDA, (2011); Druilhe and Hurle (2012); Gilbert et al., (2013) in recent years, many
countries in SSA have re-introduced these subsidies, including Malawi. The origin of farm
and agricultural subsidy programs in the World for either; developed, developing or under
developed country should be inclusive as suggested by Duvauchelle (2012), the government
should formulate policies that discourage subsidies that are funded by tax payers money in
the name of boosting farmers' production. In addition to the national government‟s NAAIAP
project the county government has set aside Ksh. 224 million for buying fertilizer and farm
machinery. This in reference to, a move to help local farmers practice conservation
agriculture to increase crop productivity and attain food security , in Trans Nzoia West Sub
County, the County pumped Kshs. 70 million into buying subsidized fertilizer up from Kshs.
30 million in 2014 (Daily Nation March, 30th, 2017).

Kenya set to embark on a National Accelerated Agricultural Input Programme (NAAIAP)

(2009) to boost food security, agricultural input use, input market development, and
agricultural productivity. at first the government planned to subsidize fertilizers and maize
seed for some Sub-Counties, it's was later enlarged to national coverage with plans to supply
at least 2.5 million farmers with maize seed and fertilizers for 0.4 ha each, with vouchers
issued to targeted farmers (disadvantaged households with land) and subsequent redemption
through private input sellers who qualifies for trade credit guarantees. According to studies
conducted by Sikobe (2008), Farmers will also benefit from linked extension, cereal banks,
warehouse receipts, and participation in farmer groups. This study endeavoured to find out
whether the provision of subsidies influenced an increase in maize production in Trans-
Nzoia West Sub County.

Food security is maybe the greatest problem confronting humanity in the world today. The
problem is even more serious in lower-income, food shortage nations. To accomplish
manageable increment in the production of food in developing countries requires strategies
that address four key measurements of economical horticulture and rural advancement
specifically individuals, organizations, knowledge and the environment (FAO, 2002). Kenya
joined the ranks of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries in implementing a targeted input
subsidy program for inorganic fertilizer and improved seed. To achieve this, The National
Accelerated Agricultural Inputs Access Program, “Kilimo Plus” initiative, was established in
2007. The implementation of the programme from the year 2007/08, aimed at providing 50
kg each of basal and top dressing fertilizer, and 10kg of improved maize seed to resource
poor smallholder farmers. The ultimate goal of these farm subsidies were to increase access
to inputs, raise yields and incomes, improving food security, and reducing poverty. However,
despite the implementation of the program in Trans-Nzoia County has witnessed food
insecurity which is still wide spread among smallholder farmers. Kenya Agricultural
Research Institute (KARI) (2005) attributes the declining maize production to continuous
cropping of maize, removal of field crop residue for feeding livestock, overgrazing, burning
of Stover to ease ploughing, resulting to the reduction of both the physical and chemical soil
elements. In Trans- Nzoia West Sub County, the shortage of maize production has been 59
Volume 1, Issue 6, October-2018: 57-66
International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research ISSN: 2636-6282
evident a situation that has led to marketers bringing in supplies to sell to local inhabitants at
high prices; something that never was the case before. This raises doubts about the
effectiveness and efficiency of the subsidy program. The study sought to find out the
challenges behind the intense subsidy programme meant for Trans- Nzoia County.

Type of farm subsidy given and Sustainable Maize Production

Many of AID's input projects to provide biological technologies have been seed projects. One
of the five impact evaluations examined the Tanzania seed multiplication effort. Other seed
projects reviewed by AID included maize in Kenya, rice and peanuts in the Central African
Republic, vegetable seed in a number of Asian countries, wheat in Bolivia, corn and soybeans
in Peru, and a broad-based commercial feed operation in Thailand. Biological improvements
have been much more striking in wheat, maize, and rice than in sorghum and millet.
Droppelmann Klaus (2009) pointed out that in West Africa, for example, there have been
virtually no research improvements in drought-resistant varieties; this shortcoming has added
to the complications of food production projects predicated on the existence of improved
varieties. In most of these projects, the scientific, on-station seed development and
multiplication efforts have been more successful than the off station distribution and
utilization of the improved varieties (Droppelmann Klaus, 2009). In fact, projects are fairly
rare which demonstrate both a simultaneous success in the development and multiplication of
a well- adapted new variety and a successful farm-level use of that variety.

The Thailand seed project was notable for its success in (1) providing for a broad range of
improved seed needs and (2) doing so through close collaboration with private seed
companies (Solem Ray, 1985). According to Johnston and Kilby (1975), argue that
„Agricultural productivity and improvements have long been viewed as the foundation for
economic prosperity and social development. In this sense, Evenson and Golin (2003) adds
that Asia‟s Green Revolution which was initiated in the 1960s had a sole aim of developing
fertilizer which was responsive to rice and wheat production.

Denning et al, (2009) portends that „the national input subsidy programme should center
around the utilization of urea (46% nitrogen) in view of its lower unit cost of nitrogen than
the compound fertilizer known as 23-21-0 (which contains 23% nitrogen and 21%
phosphorus).' He supports his argument to the fact that urea fertilizer, which can provide,
more nitrogen to crops, is cheaper compared to phosphorus fertilizers. This is so on the
grounds that nitrogenous fertilizers are subsidized more than Potassic and Phosphatic
compost; the subsidy tends to profit increasingly the harvests and locales which require
higher utilization of nitrogenous fertilizer when contrasted with the yields and areas which
require higher use of P and K.

On account of fertilizer, the basic issue has been the unevenness in the utilization of NPK
achieved by contortions in value proportion for Nitrogenous fertilizer. It has just caused
across the board soil degradation and lower productivity which is becoming more intense
with time. Therefore, as it is, presently, there is a need to advance balanced utilization of
fertilizer which can be accomplished either by redistributing the available amount of fertilizer
subsidies over NPK or by expanding subsidies on P and K such that agriculturists are
instigated to utilize NPK in the correct extent.

This would not just check unpredictable utilization of one sort of fertilizer at the convenience
of the other, yet in addition decrease inter-regional and inter-crop disparities in fertilizer
utilization. Farmers barely give careful consideration to rising micronutrient inadequacies 60
Volume 1, Issue 6, October-2018: 57-66
International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research ISSN: 2636-6282
which are influencing profitability, quality and productivity of fertilizer utilization. Huge
endeavors are required for soil testing system to evaluate particular lacks at the provincial and
sub-regional level. There is a need to take measures–including expanding the supply of such
supplements and even subsidies – to rectify them (Evenson and Golin, 2003).

When drawing on experiences from Byerlee et al., (2006) and Hazell et al., (2007), it is
plainly demonstrated that there is expanded efficiency for various sorts of farming items in
nations with various attributes, and afterward the significant difficulties that should be routed
to accomplish expanded profitability. Refinements are made first between various kinds of
harvests and items (and certainly between various agro-environmental zones related with
these). Maize, rice (prominently NERICA) and perhaps wheat (however this is a substantially
less essential product in Africa) are grains with potential high reactions to critical interests in
inorganic (and natural) fertilizer application (Byerlee et al., 2006; Hazell et al., 2007).

Proper selection of fertilizer types by farmers is outstanding among other possible factors like
appropriate timing and method of application of fertilizers which would influence the
farmers' capacity to utilize fertilizers successfully and proficiently. This is probably going to
be especially the case with poorer farmers who don't access fertilizer for cash crop production
and who are additionally less ready to get to improved seeds and extension advice.

As Dorward et al., (2008) noted “Several challenges were noted from the Malawi fertilizer
programme among which was the need to enhance program information sharing to the
planned recipients and overall population; and deficiencies of fertilizers and befuddle of
coupons and fertilizer types in a few regions" (Dorward et al., 2008).

In one such case involving maize in Kenya, the (2017) Droppelmann report of 2009 indicates
uniqueness in achievement since in most important aspects; Kenya's experience with hybrid
maize seed is not replicable, at least in Africa. The initial boost given by large-scale
commercial farmers, the significant long-term presence of foreign advisers and the aggressive
private seed companies all mark Kenya's success as unique. To achieve high maize
productivity, the quality of inputs is paramount.

According to Nyoro, (2002), high quality farm inputs are a prerequisite for high maize
production. Among agricultural inputs, seed is perceived to have the best capacity of
increasing on farm productivity since seed determines the maximum upper limit of crop
yields and efficiency of all other farming inputs (MOA, 2004).

There has been considerable adoption of hybrid maize seed in the high maize potential.
According to Ayieko et al., (2005), and Tegemeo Household Survey 2004, certified maize
seed usage in Kenya‟s high maize potential areas is 61% whereas 39% use retained or
indigenous maize seed. There are cases of farmers using part of harvested grain, retained
maize seed from previous seasons and open pollinated varieties (OPVs). Farmers who recycle
grain are faced by risk of declined yields of between 5 percent for open pollinated varieties
(OPV) and 30percent for hybrids (Pixley and Banziger, 2001). According to Langyintuo
(2008), a study done to compare improved maize seeds sales volume showed a decline
between 1997 and 2007 in Eastern and Southern Africa Countries with Angola reducing by
7% Zimbabwe by 2% and Kenya by 1%.

Farmers have also been discouraged from adopting certified maize seed due to past
disappointments. Unscrupulous business people have infiltrated the maize seed market with 61
Volume 1, Issue 6, October-2018: 57-66
International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research ISSN: 2636-6282
sub-standard maize seed packed in branded bags of known companies duping farmers to buy
the products. As a result, germination has been poor leading to poor maize production. Due to
this, small scale farmers have continued to lose faith in hybrid maize seed brands and resorted
to uncertified seeds. As noted by Nyoro (2002), farmers who adopt this poor quality although
certified seeds have had poor germination and low yields of certified maize seeds.

Soils in the once fertile high potential zones have continued to lose fertility as a result of a
number of factors including mono cropping, burning of crop residue, inadequate fertilizer use
and erosion. The remedy to this challenge has been to push framers into full adoption of
fertilizer use which has seen an increase in usage especially in high potential zone (Sheahan,

To achieve optimal usage the government and other stakeholders have initiated programs
aimed at enhancing access and accelerating fertilizer usage. In Kenya, National Accelerated
Agricultural Inputs Access Program (NAAIAP) is one such program. The aim of the program
besides improving productivity is to increase soil fertility. Organic fertilizer usage has
however been low among small scale maize producers. According to Kherallah et al., (2002),
majority of small scale farmers cannot afford the cost of fertilizer. He also notes that
inadequate supply and high transportation cost due to far off distances from farms to supply
outlets also affect adoption and usage of organic fertilizer. Larson and Frisvold (1996) also
note that low usage of organic fertilizer is partly due to inadequate supply and lack of
affordable packaged fertilizer for farmers.

From the literature drawn above, it has been noted that there is a direct relationship between
the quality of seeds supplied to farmers and the produce. This is the reason governments
across the world have had heavy investments on research to produce quality seeds suitable for
different topographies and climates. This is part of the motivation why this research made
and endeavors to find out the correlation between the types of seed supplied to farmers under
the subsidy programme and maize production as compared to the production the same
farmers had before they were put under the programme.

This study adopted a descriptive research design with a targeted population of farmers and
Ministry of Agriculture officials being a total of 1510. The instrument for collecting data was
questionnaire. The pilot was done to determine the validity and reliability of the tools to be
used in data collection process. Prior to the commencement of data collection, the researcher
obtained all the necessary documents, including an introduction letter from the University
and a permit from the National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation
(NACOSTI. To analyze quantitative data, the data was first screened and arranged in a
systematic manner. Qualitative data analysis was used to summarize Information gathered
from interviews and secondary data into relevant themes according to the research questions.
Multiple regression analysis was applied to test the effect of one variable to the other.

Effect of Fertilizer Subsidy on Maize Yield
Significance of Fertilizer Application on maize yields

The researcher wanted to find out the significance of fertilizer application on maize yields.
Table 1 shows the findings of the significance of fertilizer application on maize yields. 62
Volume 1, Issue 6, October-2018: 57-66
International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research ISSN: 2636-6282
Table 1. Significance of fertilizer application on maize yields
Type of fertilizer 5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 25 above
F % F % F % F % F %
Inorganic fertilizer 0 0 0 0 23 15.33 87 58 40 26.67
use after
Inorganic fertilizer 16 10.67 35 23.33 79 52.76 10 6.67 0 0
use before

From table 1 it was found that majority of the respondents 58% realized an improved harvest
of between 21-25 bags of maize with subsidized inorganic fertilizer; as compared to 52.76 of
the respondents who argued that they had harvested between 16-20 bags of maize while using
inorganic fertilizer before introduction of subsidy.

Net saving per year

The farmers were requested to indicate the amount of money they saved with the introduction
of subsidized inorganic fertilizer. Table 2 illustrates the responses of the farmers on the net
saving per year on subsidized inorganic fertilizer.

Table 2. Farmers’ net saving per year

Savings in Kshs Frequency Percentage
Below 30000 1 4.67
31000-40000 16 10.67
41000-50000 17 11.33
Above 50000 116 73.33
Total 150 95.33

As seen from table above, majority of the respondents 73.33% had a net saving of above
Kshs 50000 after using subsidized fertilizer. This was an indication that they were value
addition from subsidized fertilizer in comparison the fertilizer they were using before.
Channel of distribution.

When the farmers were prompted to give the appropriate channel of distribution they
preferred, they had the following preference in table 3.

Table 3. Fertilizer channel of distribution

Mode of distribution Frequency Percentage
Agriculture office 145 96.67
National Cereals and Produce Board 5 3.33
Total 150 100

Majority of the respondents 96.67% said they preferred agriculture office distribution as
opposed to National Cereals and Produce Board.

The agricultural officers were also asked to give their opinion on the adequacy of the amount
of farm subsidy that was being distributed by the government to the farmers and how it
influenced crop production in the area. All the farmers were in agreement that the amount of
farm subsidy distributed was not enough. One of them went on ahead to report that: The
amount of farm subsidies distributed by the government is not adequate. This is because less
than a half of the farmers in the region get access to the farm inputs. However, the small 63
Volume 1, Issue 6, October-2018: 57-66
International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research ISSN: 2636-6282
amount of farm subsidy provided by the government does influence positively the increase of
crop production in the region by 30% (Agricultural Officer I, 2012). In agreement, another
officer stated that: The farm subsidy provided is not enough and the government may not be
able to satisfy all the needs of farmers. This is because the farm subsidy distributed by the
government only acts as a demonstration kit to the farmers that using right amount of seeds
and fertilizers leads to high yields. Besides, most of the farm inputs supplied gives high
yields. Therefore farmers are encouraged to adapt to the inputs.

Conclusion and Recommendations

It was also concluded that several challenges affected the subsidy programme. The challenges
included but not limited to poor channel of distribution of subsidized, lack of regular soil pH
and nutrients testing and the small number of farmers under the programme. Based on the
challenge of limited number of the farmers who benefited from the subsidy programme, the
study recommends that the government should increase capitation for the programme to bring
more farmers into the programme to improve production of maize given that there is a
significant increase of production under the subsidy programme.

I am most humbled to express my feelings of thankfulness to a number of people of good will
both individually and collectively for their contribution towards this writing. I wish to thank
my dedicated supervisors Dr. Dan Nyantika (Ph.D.), Dr. Tom George Ekisa (Ph.D.) and Dr.
Mamboleo for their invaluable professional guidance, moral support, insightful criticisms.I
am particularly grateful to my lecturer Mr. Gilbert Nyakundi Okebiro for taking time to guide
me through during the lectures in Geography units. I wish to appreciate my respondents
including the farmers and Ministry of Agriculture staff for their commitment and time in
answering the questionnaires. I wish to thank my colleagues in the master‟s class, Mr. Moses
Berra Mwanga and Mr. Bernard Okiega Kebati for encouragement and motivation accorded
to me in this project. Finally, Bishop Crowley Secondary school-Lukesi staff, for their
commitment brought the whole work into the form in which it appears now. May God bless
you all in a special way.

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