Journal Muskulo
Journal Muskulo
Journal Muskulo
Background: Spasticity is an important complication after stroke, especially in the anti-gravity muscles, i.e. lower
limb extensors. However the contribution of hyperexcitable muscle spindle reflex loops to gait impairments after
stroke is often disputed. In this study a neuro-musculoskeletal model was developed to investigate the contribution
of an increased length and velocity feedback and altered reflex modulation patterns to hemiparetic gait deficits.
Methods: A musculoskeletal model was extended with a muscle spindle model providing real-time length and velocity
feedback of gastrocnemius, soleus, vasti and rectus femoris during a forward dynamic simulation (neural control model).
By using a healthy subject’s base muscle excitations, in combination with increased feedback gains and altered reflex
modulation patterns, the effect on kinematics was simulated. A foot-ground contact model was added to account for
the interaction effect between the changed kinematics and the ground. The qualitative effect i.e. the directional effect
and the specific gait phases where the effect is present, on the joint kinematics was then compared with hemiparetic
gait deviations reported in the literature.
Results: Our results show that increased feedback in combination with altered reflex modulation patterns of soleus, vasti
and rectus femoris muscle can contribute to excessive ankle plantarflexion/inadequate dorsiflexion, knee
hyperextension/inadequate flexion and increased hip extension/inadequate flexion during dedicated gait cycle phases.
Increased feedback of gastrocnemius can also contribute to excessive plantarflexion/inadequate dorsiflexion, however in
combination with excessive knee and hip flexion. Increased length/velocity feedback can therefore contribute to two
types of gait deviations, which are both in accordance with previously reported gait deviations in hemiparetic patients.
Furthermore altered modulation patterns, in particular the reduced suppression of the muscle spindle feedback during
swing, can contribute largely to an increased plantarflexion and knee extension during the swing phase and
consequently to hampered toe clearance.
Conclusions: Our results support the idea that hyperexcitability of length and velocity feedback pathways, especially in
combination with altered reflex modulation patterns, can contribute to deviations in hemiparetic gait. Surprisingly, our
results showed only subtle temporal differences between length and velocity feedback. Therefore, we cannot attribute
the effects seen in kinematics to one specific type of feedback.
Keywords: Spasticity, Forward simulation, Neuro-musculoskeletal model, Stroke, Gait
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Kinesiology, Human Movement Biomechanics Research
Group, KU Leuven, Tervuursevest 101 – box 1501, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2014 Jansen et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 2 of 15
generated by a complex interaction of supraspinal (central between mono-articular muscles soleus and vasti on
drive), spinal (central patterns generators) and afferent the one hand, and gastrocnemius and rectus femoris
feedback mechanisms. The afferent feedback mechanisms on the other hand.
consist of various type of feedback, originating from To develop the neural model component, H-reflex
muscle spindles (muscle length and velocity feedback), modulation patterns were recorded or derived from lit-
Golgi tendon organs (force feedback) and mechanore- erature to get both base line modulation patterns for the
ceptors in the joints and in the skin (cutaneous feedback). reference subject and altered reflex modulation patterns
It is generally accepted that the muscle spindle affer- after stroke Forward simulations using this extended neuro-
ents are especially involved in spasticity but it is still un- musculoskeletal model were then generated to investigate
clear whether the effects are primarily due to Ia fibers the qualitative effect of altered feedback, i.e. the directional
(signaling velocity) or group II afferents (signaling length). effect and the specific phases of the gait cycle where
Initially, the Ia fibers were thought to be the main respon- the effect is present.
sible fibers [21,22]. However, more recently it was sug- These results were compared with gait deviations dur-
gested that it is a combined effect of Ia and group II ing hemiparetic gait as reported in literature. More spe-
afferents. Nardone and Schieppati [23], Marque et al. [24] cifically, these simulations allow differentiating between
and Maupas et al. [25] therefore suggested that a combin- the effect of (1) length and velocity feedback, (2) normal
ation of increased excitability of the monosynaptic stretch and altered reflex modulation patterns and lastly (3)
reflex and polysynaptic length feedback underlies spasti- mono- and bi-articular muscles on gait kinematics. We
city. Furthermore, it was suggested that a disturbed reflex hypothesize that hyperexcitability of the reflex loops can
modulation pattern during gait additionally contributes to induce gait features characteristic of hemiparetic gait.
the observed gait impairments [26,27]. Furthermore, the presence of altered reflex modulation
Models of neurological feedback mechanisms exist is hypothesized to further emphasize these features.
with a range of complexity and physiological accuracy,
depending on the goal of the study (see reviews [28,29]). Methods
Some studies provided very detailed, physiologically realis- Reference simulation
tic models of muscle spindle behavior [30]. However, due We collected experimental data of a single, healthy sub-
to the complexity of these models, they are limited to ject (age 21 y, mass 54.4 kg) and consequently calculated
neural excitation modeling and they do not yet incorpor- muscle excitations underlying the experimental kinemat-
ate a musculoskeletal model. Other studies did integrate ics using the workflow described below.
less complex models of muscle spindles and other types of
neural feedback into a dynamic musculoskeletal model to Experimental data
perform simulations [31,32]. However, the main goal of We registered the three-dimensional trajectories of 34
these simulations was to generate a stable gait pattern markers (Krypton, Nikon Metrology NV, Belgium) and
[31-33] and they only evaluated the contribution of reflex ground reaction forces (GRF, see Additional file 1) dur-
feedback to the overall gait pattern. Paul et al. [32] evalu- ing walking at 1 km/h on an instrumented treadmill
ated the effect of increased reflex gains, but only on the (Forcelink, The Netherlands). The marker protocol con-
overall gait stability in terms of a stable limit cycle (joint sisted of six technical clusters and 16 anatomical markers
angles versus angular velocity) and not on specific joint [34]. Surface EMG data (Zero-wire EMG, Aurion, Italy)
kinematics. were recorded bilaterally at 1000 Hz from 7 muscles: tibi-
In this study a neuro-musculoskeletal model was de- alis anterior (TA), lateral gastrocnemius (LGAS), soleus
veloped to investigate the contribution of an increased (SOL), lateral vastus (LVAS), rectus femoris (RF), biceps
length or velocity feedback and altered reflex modula- femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST). The raw EMG sig-
tion patterns to the hemiparetic gait deficits after stroke. nal was band-pass filtered, root mean square (RMS) values
To this aim, the classic musculoskeletal model was ex- were calculated and the signal was normalized with re-
tended with a neural component that represented muscle spect to the maximal amplitude over the gait cycle.
spindle feedback pathways for ankle plantarflexors and Simultaneously, SOL H-reflexes were recorded during
knee extensors. Due to dynamic coupling, altered feed- different phases of the gait cycle, to obtain a reference
back and consequent changes in muscle force production modulation pattern of the muscle spindle feedback. The
of a mono-articular muscle can influence kinematics of H-reflex was evoked by a transcutaneous electrical stimula-
joints that the muscle does not span and segments it is tion of the posterior tibial nerve. The applied stimulus was
not attached to. For bi-articular muscles, the cause- a constant direct current in a rectangular pulse of 250 μsec
effect relationship between altered feedback, muscle from a Grass 988 type stimulator. A reference electrode
force and the resulting effect on joint kinematics is (7 cm by 12.7 cm, self-adhesive, of the Chattanooga group)
even more complicated. Therefore, we will differentiate was placed proximal of the patella. H-reflexes were
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 4 of 15
randomly evoked in one of the 16 phases (bins) of the ref
used to compute the muscle excitations uCMC;m that
gait cycle, every three steps and at least ten reflexes
were recorded at each bin. To enable a random distri- track the experimental kinematics of the healthy subject.
bution of the stimuli, an in-house developed Matlab After amplitude normalization, the patterns of the calcu-
routine was used which allowed for a specific timing of lated muscle excitations were qualitatively compared to the
the stimulus with respect to the beginning of the gait measured EMG to verify the validity of the simulations
cycle (i.e., right heel contact). Heel contact was detected (Additional file 3).
based on the vertical GRF using a threshold of 10% of
body weight. Definition of neural control and foot-ground contact
All procedures were approved by the local ethical model
committee, and the subject gave his informed consent The effect of an increased feedback and modified reflex
prior to data collection. modulations on kinematics was investigated using for-
ward simulations. Therefore, the classic musculoskeletal
Calculate muscle excitations model was extended by a neural control model and a
Muscle excitations underlying the experimentally measured foot-ground contact model (Figure 2).
kinematics were calculated using a standard workflow in
OpenSim [35]. In a first step a generic musculoskeletal Neural control model
model (27 degrees of freedom) [36] was scaled to fit the In our model, we focused on the contribution of muscle
subjects’ anthropometry. An in-house developed Kalman length and velocity feedback to gait kinematics. There-
smoothing algorithm implemented in the OpenSim frame- fore we only implemented a simplified model of the
work used the complete marker trajectories to calculate muscle spindle feedback pathways. We investigated the
joint kinematics (see Additional file 2) during walking [37]. effect of reflex hyperexcitability of four muscle groups:
A residual reduction algorithm resolved dynamic inconsist- (1) SOL, (2) medial and lateral GAS, (3) medial, inter-
encies between the model kinematics and the measured mediate and lateral vasti (VAS) and (4) rectus femoris
GRF [38]. Computed muscle control (CMC) [38] was then (RF).
model Foot-ground
length FB CNS
velocity FB other FB
model , ,
, , fiber length
, , Muscle fiber
, ,
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the neuro-musculoskeletal model. Parameters gl,m and gv,m are the gains of the length and velocity feedback
of muscle m, τl,m and τv,m are the time constants and km is the reflex modulation factor of muscle m , which is a function of the gait cycle. ~l m
and v~m are the normalized muscle length and velocity. The α-motor neuron (α-MN) receives input from the muscle spindle feedback pathways
(length and velocity FB), the central nervous system (CNS) and other non-modeled feedback pathways (other FB).
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 5 of 15
The neural excitation ym of the muscle m was there- muscle length and velocity (Figure 3, top and middle pane).
fore modeled as follows: The velocity feedback uv,m is modeled by:
utot;m ¼ ub;m þ ul;m þ uv;m ð1Þ τ v;m u̇v;m ¼ −uv;m þ k m g v;m maxð0; ~v m Þ ð4Þ
utot;m 0 ≤ utot;m ≤ 1 where gv,m is the gain of the velocity feedback of muscle
ym ¼ ð2Þ
1 utot;m > 1 m and τv,m is the time constant. There is only length and
velocity feedback when the muscle is lengthening. Both
Where ul,m and uv,m are the length and velocity feed- gl,m and gv,m are modulated by a reflex modulation factor
back signals from muscle m and ub,m is the muscle base km (Figure 3, bottom pane) that is function of the gait
excitation originating from the central nervous system cycle.
and the non-modeled feedback pathways. The length
feedback ul,m is modeled by: Parameter definition of the neural control model for use
( in the reference simulation
−ul;m þ k m g l;m~l m ~v m > 0
τ l;m u_ l;m ¼ ð3Þ In the reference simulation, part of the previously calcu-
−ul;m ~v m ≤ 0 ref
lated muscle excitations uCMC;m (see 2.1.2.) was assumed
where gl,m is the gain of the length feedback of muscle m, to originate from the central nervous system and non-
τl,m is the time constant and ~l m and ~v m are the normalized
modeled feedback pathways ub;m , while the other part
1 Reference
0.8 Stroke
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
% Gait cycle % Gait cycle
Figure 3 Normalized fiber length/velocity curves and reflex modulation factors over the gait cycle. Normalized muscle fiber length (~l m ,
v m , middle pane) for the reference condition are shown as function of the gait cycle for soleus (SOL),
top pane) and muscle fiber velocity (~
gastrocnemius (GAS), vastus (VAS) and rectus femoris (RF). The left lower pane shows the plantarflexors reflex modulation factor (km) for reference
(black, experimentally measured) and stroke subjects (grey, according to Yang et al. 1991). The right lower pane shows the modulation curves for
the quadriceps muscle, for reference (black) and stroke (grey) subjects, both according to Faist et al., 1999. The most prominent difference
between stroke and control was the lack of suppression of plantarflexors H-reflexes and of quadriceps tendon jerk reflex in the swing phase.
Intervals indicated on the X-axis correspond to specific phases of the gait cycle: 0-5%: Initial Contact, 5-20% Loading Response, 20-35%: Mid
Stance, 35-50%: Terminal Stance, 50-70%: Pre-Swing, 70-80%: Initial Swing, 80-95%: Mid Swing, 95-100%: Terminal Swing.
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 6 of 15
results from length and velocity feedback excitations and velocity feedback were not explicitly reported, as
ref the qualitative effect of both remained the same.
ul;m þ uref
v;m . Reference length and velocity gain factors
( gl,m and gv,m ) were determined to generate length and ustroke
ref stroke stroke
tot;m ¼ ub;m þ ul;m þ uv;m ð7Þ
velocity feedback excitations, while constraining the total
sum of the base signal and the feedback signals utot;m The reflex modulation factor km of the quadriceps is
based on tendon jerk reflex measurements in hemiparetic
to equal the calculated muscle excitations uCMC;m . spastic patients reported by Faist et al. [26]. The reflex
modulation factor km for the PF is based on H-reflex
ref ref ref ref modulation patterns in spastic paretic subjects as reported
uCMC;m ¼ utot;m ¼ ub;m þ ul;m þ uref
v;m ð5Þcf:ð1Þ by Yang et al. [27]. Neural control parameters are listed in
Table 1.
The reflex modulation factor km for SOL and GAS is
Foot-ground contact model
based on the experimental H-reflex measurements.
To account for the differences in interaction between
Peak-to-peak amplitudes of the H-reflex were calculated
the foot and the ground, due to the changes in kinemat-
and reflexes occurring in the same bin were averaged.
ics when feedback gains are altered, the foot-ground
Data were then normalized to obtain values between 0
contact was described by an elastic foundation contact
and 1, and a spline was used to convert the discrete
model [41]. The contact geometry is described by three
values into a continuous function. The reflex modulation
spheres attached to the calcaneus segment of both feet
of the quadriceps is based on tendon jerk reflex mea-
(one at the heel and two at the level of the metatarsal
surements reported by Faist et al. [26]. Time constants
arch) and by a contact plane which was attached to the
(τl,m,τv,m) were based on values from literature (PF, see
treadmill surface. In an optimization procedure the loca-
Reference [39], QUAD, see Reference [40]) (Table 1).
tions of the spheres (X-Y-Z coordinates) in the calca-
neus’ reference frames were optimized by minimizing
Parameter definition of the neural control model for use
the kinematic tracking error during a forward simulation
in the hemiparetic simulations
using muscle excitations calculated by CMC. Foot-
Signals from the central nervous system and non-
ground contact parameters are listed in Table 2.
modeled feedback pathways in stroke patients ustroke
were considered to be equivalent with the reference Forward simulations
ref Reference kinematic data were then generated through a for-
simulation ub;m and were calculated using formula (5):
ward simulation using the extended neuro-musculoskeletal
model with the reference gains and reflex modulation pat-
ref ref ref terns as parameters and the base reference excitations (ub,m
ustroke ref
b;m ¼ ub;m ¼ uCMC;m −ul;m −uv;m ð6Þ
(ref)) as input. The experimentally measured GRF were re-
placed by the force calculated using the foot-ground contact
model during the forward simulation (Figure 2). We gener-
Spasticity in stroke patients was simulated by multiply- ated forward simulations for intervals consisting of 5%
ing gain factors gv,m and/or gl,m with respectively 1.1, 1.2,
(~0.1 s) of the gait cycle. This time interval was chosen to
1.5, 3 and 6, resulting in an altered length ustroke
l;m and limit integration errors arising from round-off and trunca-
tion during the open-loop forward simulation. However this
velocity ustroke
v;m feedback signal. However, as all in- interval still allows kinematic changes induced by increased
creased feedback gains resulted in a similar directional feedback or altered modulation patterns. To evaluate the val-
effect on the kinematics we only report the effects of idity, the reference simulation was compared with the for-
one increased gain factor i.e. factor 6 (Table 1). Simi- ward simulations over the same time intervals using the
larly, the effects of the combination of increased length measured GRF and with the experimentally measured joint
kinematics (Figure 4). Only minor differences were found The mean differences between the simulated reference
between the two types of forward simulations and the ex- and stroke joint angles and muscle activations were cal-
perimentally measured kinematics. culated for each of the ten intervals.
To evaluate the effect of altered feedback on joint
kinematics and on total muscle excitations, the forward Results
simulation was repeated with the same base excitations, The results are shown in Figures 5, 6, 7, 8 and Table 3.
but with increased gain factors and altered reflex modu- The figures show the quantitative mean differences in
lation patterns. joint kinematics between the reference and stroke kine-
The initial kinematics for each interval were the refer- matics for increased length feedback (top panes) and
ence kinematics of the control subject at the corre- velocity feedback (middle panes), with normal or with
sponding time instant. The initial length and velocity altered modulation patterns. The bottom panes show
feedback excitation for each interval was the feedback the reference kinematics (calculated with CMC), and
excitation at the end of the previous time interval as this directional changes with increased length/velocity feed-
cannot be determined instantaneously. To compensate back are qualitatively indicated by arrows. Mean differ-
for the discontinuity this induces between the kinematics ences between reference and simulated stroke muscle
and the feedback excitations, we started the simulations excitations can be found in Additional file 4 (SOL + GAS)
slightly before the intended start time of the simulation and Additional file 5 (VAS + RF).
(i.e. the time instance starting from which we want to
present the kinematics of the simulation) and use an Soleus
overlap (1%) between the successive simulation intervals. With increased length feedback gain in the soleus muscle
This way, the feedback signals will have evolved to the and in the presence of normal reflex modulation, ankle
kinematics of the simulation interval of interest. dorsiflexion, knee flexion and hip flexion decreased during
A B Foot-ground
contact model
experimental experimental
Joint angles (°)
-20 Knee
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Figure 4 Comparison of forward simulations using ground reaction forces or the foot-ground contact model. A. Joint kinematics
generated by forward simulations using measured ground reaction forces (GRF) (black) compared with the experimentally measured joint
kinematics (grey) as function of the gait cycle. B. Joint kinematics generated by forward simulations using the foot-ground contact model (black)
compared with the experimentally measured joint kinematics (grey) as function of the gait cycle. Only minor differences in joint kinematics were
found between forward simulations using the ground reaction forces and the foot-ground contact model.
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 8 of 15
Hip Knee Ankle
Extension - Flexion Flexion - Extension Plantar - Dorsiflexion
(-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+)
normal modulation
stroke modulation
0.1 0.4
Δ joint angles (°)
length FB
0 -0.5
0 -1.5
-0.2 -0.1 -2
0.1 0.4
Δ joint angles (°)
velocity FB
0 -1.5
-0.2 -0.1 -2
40 0 15
joint angles (°)
20 -20 10
0 -40 5
-20 -60 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
% gait cycle % gait cycle % gait cycle
Figure 5 The effect of increased feedback and altered modulation patterns of soleus on joint kinematics. The mean differences are
shown between the reference and stroke kinematics for increased length and velocity feedback (FB), with normal modulation patterns (‘normal’,
black line) or with altered modulation patterns (‘stroke’, grey line), as function of the gait cycle. The bottom panes show the reference kinematics
(calculated with CMC), the black arrows indicate the direction of changes for increased length/velocity feedback. Grey arrows show the additional
effects of the altered modulation patterns. The grey vertical line indicates stance-to-swing transition.
Hip Knee Ankle
Extension - Flexion Flexion - Extension Plantar - Dorsiflexion
(-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+)
normal modulation
stroke modulation
0.2 0.1
Δ joint angles (°)
length FB
0.1 -0.2
-0.2 -0.4
-0.3 -0.6
0.2 0.1
Δ joint angles (°)
velocity FB
0.1 -0.2
-0.2 -0.4
-0.3 -0.6
40 0 15
joint angles (°)
20 -20 10
0 -40 5
-20 -60 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
% gait cycle % gait cycle % gait cycle
Figure 6 The effect of increased feedback and altered modulation patterns of gastrocnemius on joint kinematics as function of the
gait cycle. Please find the description in the caption of Figure 5.
Increased velocity feedback had a similar effect during swing. Hip flexion decreased during the same gait phases.
the swing phase on joint kinematics compared to in- Excessive hip extension was found during preswing. Ankle
creased length feedback. plantarflexion slightly increased during initial contact.
The altered modulation pattern emphasized the effect Dorsiflexion also decreased during pre- swing.
of increased length and velocity feedback during swing. The effect of increased velocity feedback on joint kine-
In combination with altered feedback patterns, max- matics was similar to increased length feedback.
imum effect of increased length feedback was reached The altered reflex modulation pattern slightly increased
during late mid swing, while with increased velocity the effect of length and velocity feedback on hip and knee
feedback, peak effect occurred at early mid swing, and kinematics. However for the ankle, increased feedback in
decreased already during late mid swing. the presence of an altered modulation pattern decreased
ankle plantarflexion during stance to swing transition.
With increased length feedback gain, knee flexion slightly Rectus femoris
decreased during initial contact and loading response. Increased length feedback gains decreased knee flexion
Likewise, knee flexion decreased during pre and initial during the majority of the gait cycle (i.e. from initial
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 10 of 15
Hip Knee Ankle
Extension - Flexion Flexion - Extension Plantar - Dorsiflexion
(-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+)
normal modulation
stroke modulation
Δ joint angles (°)
8 1.5
length FB
6 1
-2 4 0.5
-4 2
-6 -1
8 1.5
Δ joint angles (°)
velocity FB
-2 4 0.5
-4 2
-6 -1
40 0 15
joint angles (°)
20 -20 10
0 -40 5
-20 -60 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
% gait cycle % gait cycle % gait cycle
Figure 7 The effect of increased feedback and altered modulation patterns of vasti on joint kinematics as function of the gait cycle.
Please find the description in the caption of Figure 5.
contact until initial swing). Hip flexion increased just was enhanced during initial stance, but decreased during
after loading response, but decreased compared to the the other phases of the gait cycle.
reference condition from halfway mid stance till halfway
terminal stance. Thereafter, excessive hip extension was Discussion
found and persisted as decreased hip flexion during ini- In the literature, it is generally accepted that muscle
tial swing. Increased plantarflexion was found at initial weakness contributes to post-stroke gait impairments.
contact and during loading response. During the remain- However, it is often disputed whether increased length
der of stance, ankle dorsiflexion deceased. or velocity feedback contribute to spasticity and the con-
With increased velocity feedback gains, the effect on sequent gait impairments [9,23,25,42].
kinematics was less pronounced compared to increased This study generated forward simulations using a neuro-
length feedback. musculoskeletal model, i.e. a musculoskeletal model ex-
Altered modulation patterns slightly amplified the effect tended with muscle spindle feedback, to investigate the
on knee and hip kinematics during initial contact and specific effect of increased length and/or velocity feedback
stance to swing transition. The effect on ankle kinematics on joint kinematics. We hypothesized that hyperexcitability
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 11 of 15
Hip Knee Ankle
Extension - Flexion Flexion - Extension Plantar - Dorsiflexion
(-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+)
normal modulation
stroke modulation
Δ joint angles (°)
0.5 4 0.5
length FB
0 3
-0.5 0
-1.5 -1 -0.5
0.5 4 0.5
Δ joint angles (°)
0 3
velocity FB
-0.5 0
-1.5 -1 -0.5
40 0 15
joint angles (°)
20 -20 10
0 -40 5
-20 -60 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
% gait cycle % gait cycle % gait cycle
Figure 8 The effect of increased feedback and altered modulation patterns of rectus femoris on joint kinematics as function of the
gait cycle. Please find the description in the caption of Figure 5.
of the muscle spindle reflex loops can induce the specific quadriceps weakness and PF weakness [18,44]. However,
gait characteristics often found in hemiparetic gait. Fur- our analysis now shows that gastrocnemius spasticity
thermore, presence of altered reflex modulation was hy- might also contribute to these gait deficits.
pothesized to further emphasize these features. Increased feedback from vasti resulted in a decreased
Our results show that both increased length and vel- hip and knee flexion and an increased PF during loading
ocity feedback of the targeted muscles can induce spe- response, therefore compromising shock absorption. This
cific gait impairments often reported in hemiparetic gait is in agreement with the impaired hemiparetic kinematics
and previously associated with hyperexcitability of the at foot strike described by Burdett et al. [43]. Furthermore,
reflex loop. the increased feedback inhibits an adequate pre- and ini-
With increased soleus feedback, ankle dorsiflexion de- tial swing knee and hip flexion, necessary for limb ad-
creased during mid-and terminal stance which is in vancement. The observed decrease in knee flexion also
agreement with previous observations of an inadequate supports the hypothesis that vastus spasticity contributes
dorsiflexion in hemiplegic patients ([18], type I group in to stiff knee gait, as suggested by Goldberg et al. [17]. The
[1], extended group in [5], [43]). It corresponds with a altered reflex modulation pattern even reinforces these ef-
decreased forward tibia rotation around the ankle (ankle fects. Additionally, in the presence of altered modulation,
rocker), which was suggested to thrust the knee into the effect of increased feedback on ankle kinematics
hyperextension, and secondary limit forward progression also reversed: now a decreased plantarflexion is ob-
[1,18,44]. In our results the decreased dorsiflexion served during stance to swing transition, consistent
caused by increased feedback in soleus was indeed ac- with the decreased plantarflexion at toe off found by
companied by a decreased flexion of the knee during Burdett et al. [43].
stance. Interestingly, the typical stroke features during Increased feedback of rectus femoris had a similar ef-
swing, i.e. an inadequate ankle dorsiflexion and knee fect on the kinematics as described for vasti. However,
flexion, were emphasized even more by introduction of its effect persists during the entire stance phase, whereas
the altered modulation pattern. These impairments in the effect of vasti feedback is limited to initial contact
kinematics are often observed in hemiplegic gait [5,43] and loading response. In contrast to the role of rectus
and also contribute to a hampered toe clearance during femoris in inducing hip flexion, the increased feedback
swing. In the literature, this observation is mainly related only induces an increased hip flexion just after initial
to pretibial muscle weakness and the potential role of contact. Surprisingly, it then induces increased hip ex-
hyperreflexia is not specifically considered [18,44]. How- tension during the remainder of stance phase. This is
ever, den Otter et al. [45] found a longer activation of conform with the results of a previous simulation study
TA during the swing phase, which might be necessary to indicating RF to be an indirect contributor to hip exten-
overcome an increased resistance, either originating sion [6]. Similar to vasti, spasticity of rectus femoris con-
from mechanical [46] or from neurological factors as hy- tributes to stiff knee gait, as suggested by the decreased
perexcitability of muscle spindle reflex loops (as indi- knee flexion during pre, initial and mid swing with in-
cated by our results). Contribution to inadequate knee creased feedback. Indeed, reduction of rectus femoris
flexion is in agreement with results from Little et al. spasticity by botulinum toxin injections improves knee
[47], who indicated that a dysfunction of hip-knee coup- flexion during swing [4,48]. It is also in agreement with
ling is responsible for the impaired paretic toe clearance, results from Reinbolt et al. [49], who also showed that
rather than an impaired dorsiflexion. pre-swing rectus femoris activity contributes to stiff-
With increased gastrocnemius length and velocity feed- knee gait.
back, a similar effect as with increased soleus feedback As muscle length and muscle lengthening velocity are
was found at the ankle level. Moreover, with increased the prime determinants of the feedback signal originat-
gastrocnemius feedback excessive plantarflexion was ing from the neural control model, we expected a differ-
found just before initial contact which continued dur- ence in timing of both types of feedback due to timing
ing initial contact itself. This is in accordance with the differences in the maximal muscle length or lengthening
foot-flat or toe first landing often seen in hemiplegic velocity in the gait cycle. These timing differences could
gait [1,42,43]. In contrast with the effect of the uni- then potentially discriminate the dominance of either
articular soleus muscle, the effect of increased gastro- length or velocity feedback in certain phases of the gait
cnemius feedback resulted in an increased hip and cycle. Surprisingly, our results showed only subtle tem-
knee flexion during the stance phase and during swing. poral differences between length and velocity feedback;
This type of gait impairments corresponds with the i.e. the most prominent effects on kinematics occur in
‘flexed’ group as described by Mulroy et al. [5]. In the similar time intervals and only the time evolution be-
literature, an increased hip and knee flexion have been at- tween different bins is slightly different for length and
tributed to several factors including hamstrings spasticity, velocity feedback. Based on this observation, we cannot
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 13 of 15
attribute the effects seen in kinematics uniquely to a spe- modulation pattern during gait in healthy subjects. Ac-
cific type of feedback. cording to Faist and Berger (unpublished data), SOL
Interestingly, our simulation results suggest that the H-reflex and tendon-tap reflexes are modulated also
central reflex modulation has a key role in influencing similarly in hemiplegic subjects. Therefore no large dif-
the kinematic changes induced by the reflex activity: the ferences are expected between H-reflex and tendon tap
influence of both length and velocity feedback was either quadriceps reflex modulation in hemiplegic subjects.
suppressed or enhanced therefore affecting the specific The focus of our study was mainly the effect of in-
effects of that muscle on the gait kinematics. This lends creased muscle spindle feedback on gait impairments. It
support to the approach taken by some authors to investi- is recognized that other reflex pathways, e.g. Ib force
gate reflex modulation during gait to assess improvement feedback pathways or cutaneous feedback are also very
in gait following gait training for spastic patients [50]. important in the regulation of gait [56], and might there-
fore also be involved in the impaired gait pattern often
Limitations seen in hemiplegic patients. However the study of these
Neural control model contributions is left for further investigation.
In the literature, a large ambiguity exists on the contri- Base excitations and initial states are determined from
bution of length and velocity feedback to the total muscle a simulation of normal gait, which allows us to evaluate
excitations even in a normal gait pattern. Contributions of the unique effect of increasing feedback and altered re-
soleus velocity feedback range from no [51] or weak con- flex modulation patterns. This way, the effect of altered
tribution [39], to percentages of 30% to 60% [52]. Based feedback is isolated from other concomitant neural changes,
on an unloading experiment, Sinkjaer et al. [51] suggested like decreased central neural drive, which might also change
a major contribution (50%) of group II-length and/or Ib motor neuron activity. Using the same base excitations also
afferents to soleus activity during gait. However, a later implies that we do not take into account the interaction ef-
study [53] suggested that not length feedback, but only fect of a changed background activity on the reflex modula-
force feedback contributes to muscle activity in human tion patterns. It is generally known that modulation of
gait. Mazarro et al. showed that both group Ia [54] and reflexes during the gait cycle depends both on background
group II [55] afferents contribute to soleus activity during level and on a central modulation factor. Faist et al. [26]
normal gait. However no conclusions were made with re- assessed the influence of background EMG by comparing
gard to the absolute contribution of both. In patients with quadriceps reflexes during gait with reflexes elicited during
spastic stroke, hyperexcitability of both the monosynaptic standing with a similar EMG activity and knee angle. Inde-
stretch reflex and polysynaptic MLR [23,25] was de- pendent of background EMG, different modulation curves
scribed, implying an important role both for Ia and for were found in hemiplegic patients compared to healthy sub-
group II afferents. As no consensus exists, we made spe- jects. This suggests that the altered modulation pattern is
cific assumptions with respect to certain parameters in primarily due to altered central modulation during walking.
our neural model. Firstly, length and velocity feedback In our opinion, it allowed us to use the altered modulation
gains for the reference condition were arbitrarily chosen patterns in combination with the same base excitations to
to generate a feedback without changing the total muscle predict the effect on kinematics. However, by using the same
excitations of the reference simulations. Secondly, to base excitations our model does not allow predicting com-
simulate increased feedback, reference gain factors were pensatory strategies adopted by hemiparetic subjects or to
then multiplied with respectively 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 3 and 6. As evaluate the effect of a decreased central neural drive. Future
both types of gain factors are chosen arbitrarily, we cannot neuro-musculoskeletal models should therefore concentrate
make statements on the absolute effect of the increased on including both altered central neural drive and altered
feedback on joint kinematics, nor on the relative contribu- feedback to investigate their combined effect on gait
tion of length versus velocity feedback. kinematics.
The modulation curves we implemented are based on The neural control model in this study includes length
literature. These are only reported in a very limited num- and velocity feedback for muscles with a predominant func-
ber of patients [26,27]. Therefore, we cannot exclude that, tion in the sagittal plane, consequently the effect in medio-
just as there are different types of gait patterns in stroke lateral direction i.e. hip abd/adduction and exo/endorotation
patients [1,5], different modulation patterns exist in sub- was expected to be small. Therefore, although we generated
groups of patients. Furthermore, modulation curves of three-dimensional simulations, we chose to only report the
quadriceps are based on tendon tap reflexes, while the effect on sagittal plane joint kinematics.
curves for PF are based on H-reflex measurements, which
might have been a confounding factor. However, it was Foot-ground contact model
shown in previous studies that both H-reflexes [13] and A sensitivity analysis of the different parameters in the
tendon-tap reflexes [14] in quadriceps show a similar model showed that the position of the spheres within
Jansen et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:78 Page 14 of 15
the local coordinate frame of the foot were most import- shown between the reference and stroke excitation for increased length
ant to improve the kinematic tracking. We therefore FB and velocity FB, with normal modulation patterns (‘normal’, black line)
opted to optimize these locations in order to minimize or with altered modulation patterns (‘stroke’, grey line). The bottom
panes show the reference excitations (calculated with CMC). The grey
the kinematic tracking error. vertical line indicates stance-to-swing transition.
The other parameters of the elastic foundation contact
model were estimated. Our validation results showed
already good agreement (Figure 4) between forward simu- Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
lations using measured GRF and the foot-ground contact.
However, in future research, we consider optimization of
Authors’ contributions
stiffness, dissipation and friction parameters to further en- KJ performed the experimental data collection, contributed to the model
hance the validity of the foot-ground contact model. implementation, executed simulations, analyzed data and interpreted the
data. FDG implemented the simulation model, contributed to data analysis
and interpretation. IJ contributed to the model implementation, data analysis
Conclusions and interpretation. WA was involved in the implementation of the foot-ground
contact model. JDS, JD and IJ are senior authors who participated in the
The effects of increased length and velocity feedback in conception and design of research and helped to draft the manuscript.
combination with altered reflex modulation patterns on All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
joint kinematics are in accordance with previously re-
ported gait deviations in hemiparetic patients. Hence, in Acknowledgements
agreement with our hypothesis, the results support the This work was funded by a grant of the KU Leuven Research council (IDO/
07/012), the Research Foundation, Flanders (G.0395.09), the Flemish research
idea that hyperexcitability of length and velocity feed- council (KN and by the Hercules Foundation (HER/09/030).
back pathways underlie some of these reported gait devi-
ations. Furthermore the data show indeed that the Author details
Department of Kinesiology, Human Movement Biomechanics Research
altered modulation patterns play an important role, es- Group, KU Leuven, Tervuursevest 101 – box 1501, 3001 Leuven, Belgium.
pecially during the swing phase. In contrast, no con- 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
clusion could be drawn concerning the relative contribution Department of Kinesiology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. 4Department of
Research, Development & Education, St. Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, The
of length or velocity feedback. For the latter, more experi- Netherlands.
mental research is necessary in the future to provide reflex
modulation patterns of a more extended group of Received: 7 April 2013 Accepted: 14 April 2014
Published: 30 April 2014
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