07 Poster Ingles Final
07 Poster Ingles Final
07 Poster Ingles Final
𝑆 +𝛻·𝒒=0
While the energy balance governing equation for a fluid
The study area is located in NE Spain and encompasses in the porous medium is:
a large part of Santa Coloma de Gramanet and ϕ𝜌𝑓𝑐𝑓 + 1 − ϕ 𝜌𝑠𝑐𝑠 𝑇 + 𝛻 · 𝜌𝑓𝑐𝑓𝑇𝒒 − 𝛻 · λ𝛻𝑇 = 0
Badalona cities, which border Barcelona city in its
Different steady-state numerical models of flow and
north-eastern sector (Figure 1). Geographically, it is
heat transport have been performed with constant
limited by the Sierra de la Marina at NE, by the
density to date. For the modelling of fracturing planes
Mediterranean Sea at SE, and by the River Besós at SW
2D discrete features have been used. In these critical
and NW bounds.
geometries, the mesh reaches a resolution of 10 m,
with 2,650,000 total elements.
FIGURE 4: Resulting temperatures of the 3D heat transport model.
The hydraulic heads resulting from the steady-state
SPAIN flow model (Figure 3) show an important control of the
topography in the groundwater flow, as a consequence
of a higher recharge in the mountains. In these areas, CONCLUSIONS
the flow is downwards while in the areas of lower
elevation the predominant flow is upwards. The • A numerical 3D model of flow has been performed
Mediterranean Sea, the River Besós and the streams, to understand the hydrogeological dynamic of the
are the main groundwater discharge areas. system at regional scale.
• The 3D heat transport model allows explaining the
Mediterranean origin of the geothermal anomaly found in the
Fondo station.
BARCELONA CITY • The initial situation has been established to focus
the next studies at a local level and to be able to
FIGURE 1: Geographical setting.
evaluate the energy potential of the resource and
From the geological point of view, this area is situated its effect on urban infrastructures.
above two different geological entities: (1) the coastal
mountain range, mainly formed by igneous and
metamorphic rocks and (2) the quaternary sediments,
represented by the alluvial of River Besós, some
colluviums that propagate from the mountains and by
- Vazquez-Suñe, E.; Marazuela, M.A.; Velasco, V.; Diviu, M.;
the sedimentary fill of the streams. Of special interest in
Perez-Estaun, A.; Alvarez-Marron, J. (2016): A geological model
this work are the fault planes with NW-SE orientation, for the management of subsurface data in the urban
and the NE-SW porphyry dikes that cross the basement environment of Barcelona and surrounding área. Solid Earth, 7,
and part of the cover deposits (Figure 2). 1317-1329.
FIGURE 3: Resulting hydraulic heads of the 3D groundwater flow model.