Advanced View Pic Microcontroller Projects List 1652 - PIC Microcontroller

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that it describes several microcontroller projects built around PIC microcontrollers and also discusses some development boards and programming languages used.

Some of the projects described include a PIC18F2520 SD MMC development board, a PIC16F877 experiment board, a USB development board using PIC16C765, and an all-in-one microcontroller experiment PCB.

Development boards mentioned include the PIC18F2520 SD MMC development board, a multi-functional PICmicro development board, a PIC24 development board, and an all-in-one microcontroller experiment PCB.

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Advanced View Pic Microcontroller Projects List

List of Projects using pic microcontroller with advance view:


There also try to feature a lot of cards prepared with eagle pcb, diagram in the drawing’s 2 × 16 LCD connection I2C,
PWM RS232 connectors, drive partitions and a lot more is found…. Electronics Projects,PIC18F452 , PIC16F877
Series Microcontroller Experiment Board “pic development board, pic16f877 projects, “…… Listed under:
Development Board – Kits Projects


quite an advanced picmicro trial, testing, project development cycle a lot of functions all resources shared also the
circuit for testing c language prepared test program at (pıc_board_test.c) had the most excellent on the…Electronics

Feedback / Suggestions
Projects, Multi-functional PICmicro Development Board (Breadboard Supported) “avr development board, pic
development board, “…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects


Try SD MMC card Pickit2 Clone pic18f2520 microcontroller based on the links in the section for the programmer’s
software exists in a source swordfish PIC18F2520 Development Board SD MMC Source: SD
MMC Development… Electronics Projects, PIC18F2520 SD MMC Development Board Circuit “pic development
board, pic18f2550 projects, ” Try…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects


A useful test development PIC16F877 circuit pcb printed circuit board design was quite nice small in size but has a lot
of features. Serial RS232 connection, sensors, servos, PWM, I2C connector and so on…. Electronics
Projects, PIC16F877 Experiment Board Circuit PIC Programming PIC Tutorial Book “pic development board,……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects


Try the card installed on board bred PIC16F874P test used in various robotics projects, etc. RS232 connection LCD
output. features are also RS232, motor, LCD testing in the Software (asm, hex) there. “PICboard”
module… Electronics Projects, PIC16F874P Project Development Test Circuit “pic development board, ” Try the card
installed…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects


Microcontrollers are not good with explanations will not do much about the circuit 🙂 but prepared for the project
with eagle pcb, diagrams, and Visual C + + asm prepared progrogra my PC (have… Electronics Projects, USB
Development Board PIC16C765 “pic development board, ” Microcontrollers are not good with…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects


A very well designed specifically for microcontroller projects useful test card can be used in many different kılıflarda
integrated standard input output ports that can be used for a long period of time, a… Electronics Projects, All-in-One
Microcontroller Experiment PCB “pic development board, ” A very well designed specifically…… Listed under:
Microcontroller Programmer Projects


development on the board64 pin pic24fj64ga006 pic24hj128gp506 the same leg connection with a PIC24 series
microcontrollers available on the circuit inputs and outputs for connection and Pickit2 Clone header for used FTDI
TTL 232R… Electronics Projects, PIC24 Development Board Breakout board “pic development board, ” development
on the board64…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects


One Arduino named hunting, ca based on the development project carried out was very popular a lot like made
additional modules say in every country a system used was Sebastien Lelong same job jalv2…Electronics
Projects, Open Source Project Development Platform Jaluino Jalv2 PIC18F4550 “avr development board, pic……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects


Microchip microcontroller users is quite a useful experiment to work you need a Pic18f452 development Board this
way, small-sized double-sided printed circuit board drawing a lot of property has been added … max232
rs232… Electronics Projects, Microchip Development Test Board PIC18F452 “pic development board, ” Microchip
microcontroller users is…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects


Microchip PIC microcontroller to program the tar socket Series programlaycı ICSP programmer great convenience, but
also do not have these facilities on a shared circuit DIP adapter between 8 …. 40 Pin PIC microcontroller… Electronics

Feedback / Suggestions
Projects, 8-40 Pin DIP Adapter for Microchip PIC Series “pic development board, ” Microchip…… Listed under: How
To – DIY – Projects


Design of multiple input charge controller is an efficient voltage conversion system for multiple inputs and combine
output. Objective is designing of a system to extract multiple resources without mixing them with each other. Firstly it
is Designed and Simulated in software like Proteus, MATLAB,…… Listed under: Battery Projects

13. GSM based home devices control system

In this modern world, Analog Electronics devices are becoming less popular and digital electronics components are
becoming more advanced and popular day by day. Home devices control system is also an example of modernized
digital world. People are using cellular mobile phone network to communicate…… Listed under: Phone Projects

14. HUMANOID robotic ARM using pic microcontroller

The purpose of the HUMANOID robotic ARM project is to implement the position control and vision control on the
robotic arm. The proficiency and precision of the robots in each field of work e.g. VLSI chip design and fabrication in
the industry, working at high temperature…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

15. Electronic lock using pic microcontroller

Electronic lock using pic microcontroller and keypad. In this article, you will learn how to design electronic lock using
pic16f877a microcontroller based embedded system? What are its applications? How to write its program? How to use
it in any project? It is very useful for…… Listed under: LCD Projects

16. Digital multimeter circuit using pic microcontroller

Digital multimeter circuit using pic microcontroller. Hi everyone, I was busy with my routine, therefore I was not able
to write anything from last three to four months. But from now I will writing technical articles on daily basis. today I
am going to share…… Listed under: LCD Projects

17. What is Led matrix? Types of Dot matrix display with working

What is LED matrix? Led matrix is a dot matrix of large display, low resolution value and is useful for both industrial
or commercial displays as well as for hobbyist human interface machines. In contains a 2-D diode matrix which have
the cathode joined in…… Listed under: LED Projects

18. Receive sms gsm module using pic microcontroller

Receive sms gsm module using pic microcontroller, In this article you will learn how to receive sms using gsm and pic
microcontroller. I have already posted many articles on gsm and gsm module interfacing with pic microcontoller. Many
users have asked me to post article…… Listed under: Phone Projects

19. contactless tachometer circuit with code

Contactless tachometer using pic microcontroller: Contactless digital tachometer project is designed to measure speed
of dc motor using PIC18F46K22 microcontroller. As we already posted an articles on how to control speed of dc motor
using pic microcontroller. But to measure speed of dc motor, we have…… Listed under: Motor Projects

20. password based circuit breaker using pic microcontroller

Password based circuit breaker project: Microcontrollers are an extremely versatile tool with thousands of applications,
many of which have helped meet our daily needs and save time, money and most importantly, labor or work power.
However, when we designed this project our aim was different…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
21. Bluetooth Controlled Robot using pic microcontroller

Bluetooth Controlled Robot: This project is used to control robot motion using Bluetooth and android application. User
send control commands from android app to Bluetooth which is connected with pic microcontroller. Microcontroller
receives commands from Bluetooth and take respective actions to drive two motor. These…… Listed under: Bluetooth

22. Tv remote controlled home automation system

Tv remote controlled home automation system using pic microcontroller. With the help of a TV remote, we would be
able to control different loads. Each button on the remote will have different functionality i.e. will turn ON/OFF
different loads .TV remote will send a unique/different…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

23. wireless electronics notice board using gsm with code

wireless electronics notice board using gsm with scrolling display is widely at public places for displaying the public
information. No doubt, electronic display is a common way to display notice but this is not a flexible option for
displaying messages or information instantly. Here we have…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

24. Vehicle Theft Intimation to the Owner on his Cell Phone by GSM with User Programmable Number of Features Using PIC

Vehicle theft intimation on owner cell phone is very particular information to the vehicle’s owners. In this developing
nation, the vehicle theft is increasing day by day so we should need to develop a system to overcome this problem.
Here we are introducing a new…… Listed under: Phone Projects

25. Load Control Energy Meter Reading System Using PIC Microcontroller

GSM Based Load Control Energy Meter Reading System Using PIC Microcontroller with Number of New Features: The GSM based energy
meter reading system is very advanced system, to the check the meter reading from remote areas. This system has implemented in advanced
countries, now there…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

26. Electric Energy Theft Intimation System Using PIC Microcontroller

Electric Energy Theft Intimation System Based on GSM Modem Using PIC Microcontroller: The electric energy theft
intimation system is very important in this is modern world, where the peoples are introducing a newly methods, for
theft the electric energy. With the passage of time, the demand…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

27. parking management system project using pic microcontroller

parking management system, we aim to create a smart parking system which will not only calculate the total capacity
for cars in the parking area but will also direct the cars to an empty spot where they can park their cars in an orderly
fashion.…… Listed under: LED Projects

28. IOT Based Load Control Over Standalone Wi-Fi using pic microcontroller

IOT Based Load Control Over Standalone Wi-Fi System first of all lets start with introduction to IOT Based Load
Control Over Standalone Wi-Fi System. The IOT (Internet of things) based load control over standalone system is very
advanced home automation system. In this modern world,…… Listed under: Wifi – WLan Projects

29. Three Phase Motor Drive Using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique

Three Phase Motor Drive Using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique (SVPWM): The space vector pulse
width modulation is a technique, which is used for driving the motor at different frequencies. In recent years, different
pulse width modulation techniques are used for driving the ac motors,…… Listed under: Motor Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
30. RFID based electronic lock using pic microcontroller

This project is about RFID based electronic lock using pic microcontroller. RFID tags are used to open and close
electronic lock. Only those users who have authentic RFID tag will be able to open lock by using their assigned RFID
tags or cards. In this…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Security – Safety Projects

31. Three phase voltage measurement using pic microcontroller

Three phase voltage measurement using pic microcontroller project: Hi everyone I hope you are fine and doing well. In
this tutorial you will learn about how to measure three phase voltage using pic microcontroller. Three phase voltage
measurement has many applications in power as well…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

32. Esp8266 based home automation system using wifi

Esp8266 based home automation system project is designed to control home devices using Wi-Fi through a website or
any android app which has internet connection. As you I have already posted a project on Bluetooth based home
automation system and gsm based home automation system.…… Listed under: Bluetooth Projects, Wifi – WLan

33. Vehicle Tracking System Through GPS-GSM Modules

Vehicle Tracking System Through GPS-GSM Modems:The vehicle tracking system is a system, that can be used for
tracking the bus, car or any other types of vehicle through global positioning system(GPS). Through this system, the
vehicle can be tracked all time through mobile phone or any other computer…… Listed under: Car Projects

34. accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Xbee

accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Xbee: This project is about controlling a robot
through accelerometer using Xbee and pic microcontroller. You must have listened about line follower robot, obstacle
avoidance robot, metal detector robot and tv remote controlled robot. All these robot works with some kind of……
Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

35. Efficient Energy Management System with Smart Grid

Efficient Energy Management System with Smart Grid: Efficient Energy Management System was inspired by
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). Efficient Energy Management System with Smart Grid basically
controls, monitors loads and power flow. It also provides protection to loads.We usually have some critical and……
Listed under: power – energy projects

36. IOT based temperature data logger using esp8266 and pic microcontroller

IOT based temperature data logger using esp8266 and pic microcontroller: Hi everyone I hope you are learning about
embedded systems and working on embedded systems based projects. Internet of things is a very popular topic now a
days among engineering students and professionals. Many Engineering…… Listed under: Temperature
Measurement Projects

37. Home security system using PIR sensor and GSM module

Home security system using PIR sensor and GSM module: Hi Everyone I am all of you are fine and doing well.
Today’s project is about Gsm based home security system using PIR sensor, SIM900A gsm module and pic
microcontroller. In this sms based home alarm…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

38. Three phase ac power measurement using pic microcontroller

Three phase ac power measurement: three phase watt meter using pic microcontroller is designed to measure three

Feedback / Suggestions
phase ac power of three phase transformer and three phase generator. It can be used to measure either three phase ac
power of transformer or three phase generator.…… Listed under: LCD Projects

39. GPS based clock using pic microcontroller

GPS based clock using pic microcontroller : This project is about how to design a GPS based clock using pic
microcontroller and how to make a universal clock using pic18f452 microcontroller. First of all we will see what is
GPS based universal digital clock and what…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

40. Display GPS Co-ordinates on LCD using pic microcontroller

GPS Co-ordinates on LCD: Global Positioning System. This project is about displaying GPS co-ordinates on LCD
using pic microcontroller. I have already posted a project on GPS based clock using pic microcontroller. GPS is
network of satellites used to send and receive accurate details about…… Listed under: LCD Projects

41. GPS based speedometer using pic microcontroller

GPS based speedometer using pic microcontroller: This project is about how to design speedometer using pic
microcontroller without using any speed measurement sensor. In this GPS based speedometer project, I have used
GPS module to measure the speed of any person, car, a vehicle with…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

42. gsm based dc motor speed control using pic microcontroller

GSM Based Speed Control of DC Motor Using PIC Microcontroller: In this project, an easy method has been proposed
in order to control the speed of the DC motor by simply sending an SMS from mobile. The purpose of designing this
system was to convince…… Listed under: Motor Projects

43. XBee Based Temperature and Gas Monitoring System Using Pic Microcontroller
Xbee based temperature and gas monitoring system using pic microcontroller is a system that could be used for
monitoring or controlling the temperature or gas automatically of any room, public place or storage place such as
vegetable storage or fruit storage place. If we analyze…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

44. DsPIC33F microcontroller based pure sine wave inverter

DsPIC33F microcontroller based pure sine wave inverter, Hi Everyone, I hope you are doing great power electronics
projects and learning about inverters by making innovative electrical and embedded systems projects. Today I have
designed a single phase pure sine wave inverter using dspic33fj12GP202 16 bit…… Listed under: Wifi – WLan

45. MPPT Based Charge Controller Using Pic Microcontroller

MPPT Based Charge Controller Using Pic Microcontroller; MPPT (maximum power point tracking) based charge
controller using pic microcontroller is a controller that could be used for charging the batteries after tracking maximum
power from solar panel. As we know, the demand of energy is increasing day…… Listed under: Phone Projects

46. Heart beat pulse sensor interfacing with pic microcontroller

Heart beat pulse sensor interfacing with pic microcontroller. Hi everyone I hope you are fine and doing well. In this
article, you will learn how to interface heart beat pulse sensor with pic microcontroller. How to measure heart beat
using inexpensive hear beat pulse sensor?…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

47. How to display 5×8 and 5×10 size font characters on 16×2 lcd with 8-bit microcontrollers

Character lcds can display character of font size 5×8 and 5×10. In 5xn, 5 represents number of coulombs and N
represents number of rows. Character lcd’s especially which are controlled by Hitachi HD44780 controller can display
5×8 and 5×10 size font character. Some lcd’s can…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
48. Interfacing Graphical LCD(GLCD-JHD12864E) with Microchip PIC16f877 Microcontroller

In this post/tutorial i am going to teach you how to interface graphical lcd jhd12864E with microchip pic16f877
microcontroller. I am going to display my website name “” and a special pattern that
displays thick lines on dotted graphical lcd display. In graphical lcd name “jhd12864” the…… Listed under: LCD

49. Real time clock & calendar with PIC18F4550 and DS3231

Interfacing PIC18F4550 with DS3231 RTC The DS3231 is a low cost , extremely accurate real time clock with a built-
in crystal oscillator. The characteristics of the DS3231 make it one of the best choices for real time clock chips. This
project shows how to build…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

50. Interfacing LM35 temperature sensor with PIC18F4550 microcontroller

Interfacing PIC18F4550 with LM35 This small topic shows the circuit diagram and CCS C code of the interfacing of
LM35 temperature sensor with PIC18F4550 microcontroller. The LM35 temperature sensor is three pin device (VCC,
OUT and GND) with an output voltage linearly related to Centigrade…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement

51. Wave player using PIC18F4550 microcontroller

Making an audio player (.wav files) using PIC microcontroller is not complicated especially when the MCU has a
PWM module. This topic shows how to build an audio player using PIC18F4550 microcontroller where the the file is
stored in an SD card with FAT16 or…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

52. Remote controlled USB mouse using PIC18F4550

Building a USB mouse using PIC18F4550 microcontroller and CCS C compiler is easy as shown in the link below:
USB Mouse using PIC18F4550 microcontroller Also, it is not hard to add an infrared remote control to the previous
USB project. This post shows how did…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

53. MMC/SD Card raw data read with PIC16F887 microcontroller

Interfacing MMC/SD card with PIC16F887 This small example shows how to read SD card raw data (bytes, sectors
…). SD card raw data means that there is no use of system files like FAT16 or FAT32. Serial monitor is used to display
the data after…… Listed under: Phone Projects

54. Read text files from FAT16 SD card with PIC16F887

Interfacing PIC16F887 with FAT16 SD card After reading raw data (bytes and sectors) from SD card, now I’m going
to use FAT16 file system to read and print text file located in 2 GB SD card. Read SD card raw data topic: MMC/SD
Card raw…… Listed under: Phone Projects

55. Real time clock and temperature monitor using PIC16F887 and DS3231

The last interfacing of the PIC16F887 microcontroller and DS3231 RTC is the building of a simple real time clock and
calendar with two buttons for setting time and date. Project link is the one below: Interfacing DS3231 with PIC16F887
microcontroller In this topic I’m going…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

56. Wave audio player using PIC16F887 microcontroller

This small project shows how to make a simple wave audio player using PIC16F887 microcontroller and SD card. The

Feedback / Suggestions
WAV audio file used in this project is 8000 Hz, 8-bit stereo (2 channels). Hardware Required: PIC16F887
microcontroller SD card (formatted with FAT16 or FAT32 file…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

57. DC motor control with PIC16F84A and L293D

Low power DC motors can be easily controlled with half H-bridge IC L293D. This IC is 16-pin IC which can control 2
motors in both directions. This topic shows how to control DC motor speed and direction with PIC16F84A and L293D
motor drive integrated circuit.…… Listed under: Motor Projects

58. PIC16F84A + DHT11 Proteus simulation

Interfacing PIC16F84A microcontroller with DHT11(RHT01) sensor This topic shows how to interface DHT11
(RHT01) digital relative humidity and temperature sensor with PIC16F84A microcontroller, and how to simulate this
interfacing using Proteus. Note that for the simulation Proteus version should be 8.1 or higher. With these…… Listed
under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

59. PIC16F84A + DHT22(AM2302, RHT03) sensor Proteus simulation

DHT22 Proteus simulation This topic shows how to interface DHT22 (AM2302, RHT03) digital relative humidity and
temperature sensor with PIC16F84A microcontroller, and how to simulate this interfacing using Proteus. Note that for
the simulation Proteus version should be 8.1 or higher. With these versions there…… Listed under: Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects

60. NEC Remote control decoder with PIC16F84A

The NEC protocol uses pulse distance encoding of the bits. Each pulse is a 562.5µs long with carrier frequency of
38KHz. Logic bits are transmitted as follows: Logic 0: 562.5µs pulse burst followed by a 562.5µs space, with a total
transmit time of 1125µs (562.5…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

61. Interfacing PIC16F84A with SD card

This topic shows a simple interfacing of 2 GB micro SD card with PIC16F84A microcontroller. I used the PIC16F84A
to read the SD card raw data which doesn’t require a microcontroller with high RAM or ROM. In this interfacing I
used software SPI because the…… Listed under: Phone Projects

62. DHT11 Interfacing with PIC12F1822 microcontroller

In this blog there are some topics talking about the DHT11 relative humidity and temperature sensor and how to
interface it with different types of PIC microcontrollers. The datasheet of the DHT11 sensor shows its characteristics
and how it works. Also the following topic shows…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

63. Getting Started With Proteus

Hello readers, today’s post is the first regular post on Proteus tutorial. In today’s tutorial, I am gonna share Getting
Started with Proteus. Today’s tutorial is for beginners who don’t have much knowledge of Proteus but wants to start
working with it. We don’t design…… Listed under: power – energy projects

64. IR Remote control transmitter and receiver using PIC12F1822 microcontroller

5-Channel IR remote control system using PIC microcontroller This topic shows how to make a simple infrared (IR)
remote control system using the microcontroller PIC12F1822. This IR system has two circuits as known: IR transmitter
circuit and IR receiver circuit. Both circuit based on the…… Listed under: Other Projects

65. Circuit Designing of LCD with PIC

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying good health. Today I am posting the next part of Proteus tutorial

Feedback / Suggestions
which is Interfacing of LCD with PIC Microcontroller. . In the previous post of this tutorial, we have seen the basics of
Proteus and…… Listed under: LCD Projects

66. PIC12F1822 ADC and PWM modules

This topic gives a short descriptions about PIC12F1822 microcontroller ADC and PWM module and how to use them
using CCS PIC C compiler. For more details go to PIC12F1822 datasheet. PIC12F1822 ADC Module: PIC12F1822
microcontroller has a 10-bit ADC (Analog-to Digital Converter) module. 4 Pins…… Listed under: Clock – Timer

67. Real Time Clock/Calendar with Remote Control

Remote Controlled Real Time Clock/Calendar with PIC12F1822, DS1307 It is good idea to build a simple and low
cost DIY remote controlled real time clock/calendar using simple components. This post show how to make a remote
controlled real time clock using PIC12F1822 microcontroller, DS1307 RTC…… Listed under: Clock – Timer

68. DC Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISIS

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying good health. In the previous posts, we have seen How to design a 5V
DC power supply in Proteus ISIS and after that we have also discussed How to design a variable DC Power supply
using…… Listed under: Motor Projects

69. RC5 IR Remote Control Decoder with PIC12F1822 Microcontroller

This topic shows an easy and effective way for decoding IR (Infra-Red) remote controls that use Philips RC-5
communication protocol, but first we’ve to understand how the RC5 protocol works. This Wikipedia links has good
infos about the RC5 protocol. The RC-5 protocol was developed…… Listed under: LCD Projects

70. Stepper Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISIS

Hello friends, hope you all are healthy, wealthy and wise. Today’s topic is about the control of stepper motor. In the last
post we have seen How to control DC motor in Proteus, and now we are gonna see How to design a Stepper
Motor…… Listed under: Motor Projects

71. Unipolar Stepper Motor Control Example with PIC12F1822 Microcontroller

This topic shows how to drive 5V unipolar stepper motor in 3 modes one-phase, two-phase and half step. The
microcontroller used in this project is Microchip PIC12F1822 and the motor drive circuit is ULN2003. Usually the
unipolar stepper motor has 5 wires one for motor…… Listed under: Motor Projects

72. PICMicro PWM TMR0 Calculators

Microchip PIC microcontroller series of Pwm Tmr0 Time Delay code calculations for programs PICMicro Pwm
Calculator Oscillator frequency settings when TMR2 PR2 identify values Actual values automatically gives frequency
resolation Bits PICMicro Tmr0 Time… Electronics Projects, PICMicro PWM TMR0 Calculators “electronics software
tools, ” Microchip…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

73. Digital Thermometer using PIC16F877A and LM35

This is a simple project showing you how to read LM35 analog temperature sensor using a PIC microcontroller and six
seven segment (common cathod).In this tutorial we will make a practical use of multiplexed seven segment displays.
We will use them to show current temperature…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
74. DS1307 Based Hand Clock with seven segment display using PIC16F877A

DS1307 Based Hand Clock with seven segment display using PIC16F877A (Code) //——Project by { ZAKI
}–“ / Zaki Semel”———-// //——Project { Clock Hand }—For Pic16f877a & 7 Segment 4, Anode
——-// //*****************************************************************************// char
second, minute, hour, day, date, month, year; char second_d1, second_d2, minute_d1, minute_d2, hour_d1,…… Listed
under: Clock – Timer Projects

75. Digital Voltmeter using PIC16F877a

This is a simple project showing you how to make a digital voltmeter of range 0-20V using microcontroller
PIC16F877A and a Liquid Crystal Display 16×4 HD44780 LCD in Proteus ISIS. The microcontroller PIC 16F877A
has 8 analog input channels for the in-built 10-bit ADC. In…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

76. Double sensor interface Indoor/OutdoorThermometer using PIC16F877A Microcontroller

This is a simple project showing you how to read LM35 analog temperature sensor using a PIC microcontroller and
LCD 4×20 in Proteus ISIS. In this tutorial we will make a practical use of the ADC. We will use them to show current
temperature using…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

77. Automatic traffic light using PIC16F877A Microcontroller

The objective of this project is to design a traffic light control system. This traffic light controller is used at the
intersection that consists of a main road and two side roads. A four way traffic light control system with count down
timers is to…… Listed under: LED Projects

The objective of this project is to design an automatic water level control system. It indicates the level of water in the
tank and automatically controls it by using PIC Microcontroller and water level sensors. Water Sensor [caption
id="attachment_15251" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Water Sensor[/caption] Water level…… Listed under:
Robotics – Automation Projects

79. How to make own serial LCD display for PIC12F683 Microcontroller

Alphanumeric LCD generally HD44780 model is very popular display . This LCD use 8 pins for data display and three
pin for control and AL together 16 pin . There will be problem on project if we have to connect numbers of
components in single…… Listed under: LCD Projects

80. Home Security Alarm System using PIC18F45K22 AND PIR Motion Sensor2

This project describes a home security alarm based on a Passive Infra-Red sensor module (HC-SR501) and
PIC18F45K22 . PIR sensor is used to detect motion in the environment and is commonly known as motion sensor.
When the microcontroller detects the PIR sensor is triggered, it…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

81. Multipulxing 7 Segment Display using PIC18F2550 Microcontroller

This tutorial describes how to implement decimal counter which will increment from 0000 to 9999 ; in multiplexed
seven segment display using PIC18F2550 in PROTEUS ISIS. Multiplexing is required when we want to interface 3 or
4 or even more such displays with MCU ssince…… Listed under: LCD Projects

82. Display temperature on Graphic Liquid Crystal Display using PIC16F877A Microcontroller

Hello everybody welcome back . Today I’m gonna tell how you can display temperature with bar graph on Graphic
LCD using PIC microcontroller . The project is very simple to understand if you have concept of Graphic LCD .The

Feedback / Suggestions
program in this project is written…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

83. Automatic Railway Gate Control System Using PIC16F877A microcontroller

Generally railway gates are closed or opened menually by gatekeeper to prevent collision between road traffic and train
. Time schedule and other information are sent from the main controller station menually in this tutorial we will try to
make a railway line which has…… Listed under: Other Projects


Abstract: This report represents the design and implementation of a skin temperature measurement system. The system
aims to measure the skin temperature from a sensor and send it to the PC using a USB cable to display on screen. The
data needs to be updated…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

85. Time-Controlled Switch Using PIC16F72

A time controlled switch is an automatic timer switch that turns an appliance ‘on’ for the desired time duration. After
the preset time duration, the timer automatically switches off, disconnecting the appliance from the power supply. The
time duration for which the appliance should be…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

86. Interfacing 7-segment display with PIC12F1822 using CCS PIC C compiler

The easiest way to interface 7-segment display with PIC12F1822 microcontroller is to add a serial-in parallel-out shift
register. The adding of the shift register minimizes the number of pins used by the 7-segment display. This topic shows
how to make a 3-digit digital counter with multiplexing and…… Listed under: LED Projects

87. Unipolar Stepper Motor Control From IR Remote Control Using PIC18F4550
This project shows how to control a 5V unipolar stepper motor from IR remote control uses NEC protocol with
PIC18F4550 microcontroller. This controller controls the stepper motor speed and direction of rotation. If you want to
see how to drive the unipolar stepper motor using…… Listed under: Motor Projects

88. CD-ROM BLDC motor controller using PIC18F4550 and L293D

In the following topic URL we’ve seen how to control BLDC motor speed and direction of rotation using PIC18F4550
microcontroller and 3-phase bridge circuit:CD-ROM Spindle motor (BLDC) control with PIC18F4550 microcontroller
This topic shows how to make the same controller using L293D motor driver instead…… Listed under: Motor

89. 433MHz RF remote control system based on PIC microcontroller

5-Channel RF (Radio Frequency) remote control transmitter/receiver using PIC18F4550 microcontroller Today RF
modules are widely used in many applications (wireless data transmission, quadcopter, car remote control….). This
project shows how to use low cost 433MHz RF transmitter/receiver modules to build a 5-channel wireless RF
remote…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

90. Interfacing PIC18F4550 with 1.8″ TFT display

This post shows how to connect ST7735S TFT display to PIC18F4550 microcontroller and display different things
(numbers, text, lines, circles …..). The compiler used is CCS PIC C. To interface PIC18F4550 with the ST7735 TFT
display we need a small library (driver) which can be…… Listed under: LCD Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
91. Real time clock with remote control and ST7735 TFT display

(Some knowledge about RC-5 protocol is required) This project shows how to build a remote controlled real time clock
with TFT display using PIC18F4550 microcontroller. In this project DS1307 RTC is used as a real time clock chip and
the remote control is an IR…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

92. Display BMP images from SD card on ST7735 TFT screen

This example shows how to display Bitmap (BMP) image files from SD card on ST7735 1.8″ (128×160) TFT screen
using PIC18F4550 microcontroller and CCS PIC C compiler. To build this project we need the ST7735 TFT driver, SD
card driver and FAT16 library. The three…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects

93. Interfacing PIC16F877A with DHT11 (RHT01) sensor Proteus simulation

PIC16F877A + DHT11 (RHT01) Proteus simulation This topic shows how to interface DHT11 (RHT01) digital
relative humidity and temperature sensor with PIC16F877A microcontroller, and how to simulate this interfacing using
Proteus. Note that for the simulation Proteus version should be 8.1 or higher. With these versions…… Listed under:
Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

94. Interfacing PIC16F877A with DHT22(AM2302-RHT03) sensor using CCS PIC C

Interfacing PIC16F877A with DHT22(AM2302-RHT03) digital humidity and temperature sensor This topic shows
how to interface PIC16F877A microcontroller with DHT22 sensor with hardware circuit. Related topic: The following
topic shows PIC16F877A microcontroller and DHT22 Proteus simulation and some details about this sensor.
PIC16F877A and DHT22(AM2302, RHT03)…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

95. Sensored brushless DC (BLDC) motor control with PIC16F877A microcontroller

Sensored BLDC motor control using PIC16F877A – CCS PIC C compiler This topic shows an easy way to drive a Cd-
Rom sensored brushless DC motor (BLDC motor) using PIC16F877A microcontroller with CCS PIC C code. This
motor is three phase motor, it has three stator…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects
96. 4-Digit 7-Segment display with 74HC595 shift register

There are many topics in this blog talking about the 7-segment display and how to interface it with different types of
PIC microcontrollers. One of these topics shows how to interface PIC16F877A with a multiplexed 4-digit 7-segment
display with the shift register 74HC164N. There are…… Listed under: LED Projects

97. 433MHz Radio Frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver using PIC12F1822

433MHz RF Remote control system with PIC microcontroller This project shows how to use low cost 433MHz RF
transmitter/receiver modules to build a 5-channel wireless RF remote control system using 2 x PIC12F1822
microcontrollers. The used RF modules in this project are cheap and easy…… Listed under: Radio Projects

98. Interfacing PIC12F1822 with ST7735 SPI TFT display

This post shows how to interface PIC12F1822 microcontroller with ST7735 SPI TFT display using CCS PIC C
compiler. For this interfacing we need a driver for the TFT display. Driver topic at the following link: ST7735 SPI TFT
Display Driver for CCS PIC C compiler…… Listed under: LCD Projects

99. Interfacing SD card with PIC12F1822 (Raw data read)

With the tiny microcontroller PIC12F1822 we can read raw data (sectors) stored in the SD card. The SD card can work
in SPI mode which makes our interfacing more better since the PIC12F1822 MCU has a built-in SPI module (MSSP
module). This post shows how…… Listed under: Other Projects

100. PIC12F1822 + DS3231 + Remote Control

PIC12F1822 is a small microcontroller has only 8 pins which is not enough for building a real time clock using
DS3231 with set buttons because the DS3231 needs 2 pins and the LCD screen needs 3 pins, therefore I’ve only 1 free
pin. I connected…… Listed under: Blog, Wireless Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
101. Real time clock with 2 alarms and temperature sensing using PIC18F4550 and DS3231

After the simple interfacing of the PIC18F4550 microcontroller with the DS3231 RTC, now let’s add the alarms
functionality and temperature monitor to our previous project. Interfacing PIC18F4550 with DS3231 project link: Real
time clock & calendar with PIC18F4550 and DS3231 As written in the datasheet…… Listed under: Clock – Timer

102. Interfacing PIC16F84 with DS3231 RTC

This post shows how to make a real time clock and calendar using PIC16F84 and DS3231 RTC. The DS3231 uses I2C
protocol to interface with the master device which is in this example the PIC16F84A MCU. In this project software
I2C is used because the…… Listed under: LCD Projects

103. Make a Wireless Thermometer with a PIC Microcontroller

ntroduction In this article, I’ll show you one way to make a wireless thermometer using two PIC microcontrollers. One
microcontroller, the PIC16F688, will measure voltage from an LM34, convert it to an ADC value, and transmit some
data. The receiver will receive the data, and display…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

104. PicKit2 Clone Designed and Manufactured at Home

PicKit2 is a programmer designed by Microchip to program its pic microcontrollers. PicKit2 supports many 8-bit pic
microcontroller series. PicKit2 supports almost all Pic-10/12/16/18/24 and dspic-30/33 flash series microcontroller’s.
Pickit 2 is an ICSP (In-circuit serial programmer) programmer. In icsp interface, microcontroller can be programmed
while…… Listed under: Other Projects

105. Display custom characters on 16×2 lcd using Microchip Pic16f877 Microcontroller
Here is a simple project on how to build/generate/make custom characters in 16×2 lcd and then print/display them on
lcd using microchip pic16f877 microcontroller. Character lcd contains a set of ascii characters and some Chinese
characters in their controllers. We invoke the ascii characters present…… Listed under: LCD Projects

106. Push Button as Input and Led as Output with Pic Microcontroller

This is a simple tutorial/project on how to interface a transistor (2n2222), led and push button with Pic microcontroller.
In the project i am going to switch on and off(blink) an led with the help of a push button. Since transistors are used at
outputs…… Listed under: Other Projects

107. Interfacing ESP8266 with PIC16F877A Microcontroller

Interfacing PIC16F877A Microcontroller with ESP8266 In this article, let us discuss how to interface WIFI module
ESP8266 with a PIC microcontroller. So far you might have been using the ESP8266 module as a standalone
microcontroller or might have been using it with the Arduino library. But,…… Listed under: Wifi – WLan Projects

108. IR Remote Controlled Home Automation using PIC Microcontroller

R Remote Controlled Home Automation using PIC Microcontroller In this project, we are going to use a PIC
microcontroller to remotely control few AC loads by just using an IR remote. A similar project IR remote controlled
Home automation has already been done with Arduino…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

109. How to Send E-mail using PIC Microcontroller and ESP8266

In this tutorial let us learn how to send E-mails from PIC Microcontroller using famous WiFi module the ESP8266.
This tutorial uses PIC16F877A IC and MPLABX and XC8 compiler for programming. At the end of this tutorial you
will be able to send E-mail from any…… Listed under: Wifi – WLan Projects

110. High/Low Voltage Detection and Protection Circuit using PIC Microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
High and Low Voltage Power Detector Circuit with Message Alert using PIC Microcontroller We often see voltage
fluctuations in electricity supply at our home, which may cause malfunction in our home AC appliances. Today we are
building a low cost High and Low Voltage Protection…… Listed under: power – energy projects

111. Digital Speedometer and Odometer Circuit using PIC Microcontroller

Digital Speedometer and Odometer Circuit using PIC Microcontroller Measuring the speed/rpm of a Vehicle or a motor
has always been a fascinating project for us to try. So, in this project we are going to build one using the Industrial
ready PIC microcontrollers. We will…… Listed under: LCD Projects

112. How to Save Data using EEPROM in PIC16F877A Microcontroller

Saving Data using EEPROM in PIC16F877A In this tutorial we will learn how easy it is to save data using the
EEPROM present in the PIC16F877A Microcontroller. In most real time projects we might have to save some data
which should not be erased even…… Listed under: LCD Projects

113. How to Use Interrupts in PIC16F877A Microcontroller

How to Use Interrupts in PIC16F877A Microcontroller In this tutorial we will learn how to use an External Interrupt in
PIC Microcontroller and why/where we will need them. This is a part of the sequence of PIC Tutorials in which we
started learning PIC Microcontrollers…… Listed under: LCD Projects

114. GSM module Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller – Make and Receive Calls

GSM Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A – Make and Receive Calls GSM modules are fascinating to
use especially when our project requires remote access. These modules could make all actions that our normal mobile
phone could do, like making/receiving a call, sending/receiving a SMS, connecting…… Listed under: Phone Projects

115. Obstacle Avoiding Robot using PIC Microcontroller

Obstacle Avoiding Robot using PIC Microcontroller Obstacle Avoider Robot is another famous robot which spices up embedded projects. For
those who are new Obstacle avoider robot, it is just a normal wheeled robot which could navigate its way without hitting on any obstacles. There
are…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

116. Line Follower Robot using PIC Microcontroller

A Line Follower Robot is a simple yet fascinating robot for most students/hobbyists to build. In this tutorial we will
learn How a Line Follower Robot Works and how we can build one using the PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A.
PIC16F877A is a 40-pin Multipurpose MCU from…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects


Our efforts in this project were to create a version of a Microchip mid-range PIC microcontroller in verilog to run on an
Altera DE2 board. It was primarily planned to create a machine that would follow a set of pre-determined instructions
and perform computation, interpretation,…… Listed under: LCD Projects

118. A PIC16F84A Alarm Clock

Here is a simple PIC16F84A alarm clock. This page summarizes this discussion (in french) in my forum, where Samir
(aka numerique1) requested for help to build a weekly alarm clock for his school. Many thanks to him for his tests and
patience. This clock counts…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
119. Programmer using PIC16F84 microcontroller

Build a low-cost and very simple serial programmer for a PIC16F84 Microchip Flash Microcontroller. Below picture is
my personal writer for F84 chip, it works very nice with Nigel WPicProg V1.20. Introduction I finally found a very
nice universal window based software designed to work…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects,

120. Garage car detector without a microcontroller

At the end of this instructable you will be able to detect your car as it approaches the wall inside your garage,
signalling you that the car is inside far enough so you can close the door. Most car sensors will use a microprocessor
to…… Listed under: Car Projects

121. Adapter for small size PIC/AVR chip programming

This is a homemade adapter I made for programming SOIC/QFN size microchips that I use in my micro airplanes
( I had trouble connecting the chips any other
way so I made my own universal adapter. This could also be used to do In-Circuit programming…… Listed under:
Microcontroller Programmer Projects

122. IR Tracking Turret with PIC and C

This is a good learning project that is fun to build – I got a lot out of making it. I think this has been done quite a bit
already, but I did not find a straightforward way of doing this with PICs. When I…… Listed under: Other Projects

123. Red Light for Astronomy Observing using PIC12F683

When doing astronomy observing at night preserving night vision is critical. This requires using the minimum amount of light that makes the sky
charts readable. What is this minimum level depends on how dark are your surroundings, how much time you have spent in darkness,…… Listed
under: Home Automation Projects, LED Projects, Projects
124. How to make a computer controlled Robot Project Using PIC16F877A? using pic microcontoller

After a short break, we’re back to the DIY robot projects series and I am sure you’ll love this one too. Before that I
suggest you to go through all our earlier simple robotics projects for engineering students as well. This time, major
difference is…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

125. Scalextric Sport Race Start Controller using PIC16F627A

Overview I developed this after my nephews got a Scalextric Sport slot car racing set for Christmas. The set included a
lap timer and counter but one thing that was missing was a way to start a race. Having someone say “3-2-1-Go” wasn’t
really doing…… Listed under: Car Projects, Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

126. Development system for PIC and AVR microcontrollers

After testing many systems development for PIC and AVR microcontrollers, none satisfy me. So I created this system
with breadboard that has satisfied me. Step 1: More space free In this development system, I put two protoboards
turned 180 degrees from each other. The space…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects,
Microcontroller Programmer Projects

127. Search Results for: Temperature Controlled Fan using 8051 Microcontroller …

Feedback / Suggestions
Temperature Controlled Fan Report – SlideShare – Temperature controlled fan regulator – electronic circuits, 33
thoughts on “ temperature controlled fan regulator ” siddhu march 12, 2015 at 7:00 am. i didn’t find 100k ptc,5k ptc
where are they available and does the. Android controlled…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

128. Breakout board for 18-pin PIC16F series microcontrollers

The 18-pin microcontrollers from PIC16F series have always been my favorite processors. They are small in size (so
occupies less area on the circuit board), and are very easy to use. Besides they are capable enough to do most projects
that don’t require a large…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

129. Skateboard with PIC microcontroller and LEDs

What do you get when an Electrical Engineer builds a Skateboard from scratch for a 13 year old’s Christmas present?
You get a skateboard with eight white LEDs (headlights), eight red LEDs (tailights) all controlled via PIC
microntroller! And I might add, one very happy…… Listed under: LED Projects

130. IR Digital Thermostat for FAN

Introduction This circuit measures temperature in Celsius scale and displays it on an alphanumeric LCD screen When
temperature rise to 40 C an alarm is activated and at the same time a relay is also activated which drives a fan to keep
the temperature at…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

131. Tutorial: Building cool projects with MCUs (Part 3)

Tutorial: Building cool projects with MCUs (Part 3) As we proceed onto the third portion of this microcontroller
tutorial, let’s first revisit what we have accomplished thus far. In Part 1, we defined what a microcontroller actually
was. I wanted to get everybody on-board (no pun intended)…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)

Introduction The problem was this…at Redeeming Grace Church we were meeting in a public school prior to moving
in to our permanent facility. Each Sunday morning we would bring in three large percolating coffee pots to brew
regular, decaf, and hot water for the mid-service…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Projects

133. Smart doorbell System

Introduction On request I have built a microcontroller-based doorbell system which is being used in an industrial
environment. This is the basic function: When you push the bell-button, a horn will sound for about 10 seconds. At the
same time a light, which keeps burning…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

134. Sonar range finder using PIC16F88 Microcontroller

The PIC sonar range finder works by transmitting a short pulse of sound at a frequency inaudible to the ear (ultrasonic
sound or ultrasound). Afterwards the microcontroller listens for an echo. The time from transmission to echo reception
lets you calculate the distance from the…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

135. Ponyprog Circuit for AVR & PIC16F84

Comments: All resistors are 1/4W.The circuit is powered by 9…15V DC or AC. When In Circuit Programming (ISP)
connectors are used, is possible the programmer to be powered from target’s power source. Diodes D2 and D6 protect
the regulator LM7805, when target’s power is used.…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
136. Microcontroller based Data Logger

Description: This project is a fine combination of analog and digital electronics. This project is designed so as to fulfill
the requirements of the industry applications, home applications. The project consists of parameters monitoring,
parameter storage. PC interface is one of the main features of…… Listed under: LCD Projects

137. Microcontroller Tutorial 4/5: Creating a Microcontroller Circuit Board

We are now in the fourth part of the microcontroller tutorial. We have a microcontroller circuit diagram ready. It’s time
to make a circuit board. I love this part. This is the “magical” step that takes the idea we started with and turns it
into…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

138. microcontroller based projects circuit free

Analogue electronics, digital circuits and microcontrollers simulation, all in one. Another free Espresso-based
minimisation tool. PLD and FPGA project flow Electronics circuit diagrams and projects based on microcontroller.
diagram of a speed checker on…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

139. PIC Microcontroller project – 24 hour clock and thermometer displayed via 16f690 microcontroller and LCD programmed in C

I got to thinking that an interest in hi-fi can be a bit geek ( in a good way ) so I thought one of my latest geek projects might be of interest to
some of you. You could build the project ‘as is’ without…… Listed under: LCD Projects

140. A Self-Contained Data Logging Anemometer

I love collecting and analyzing data. I also love building electronic gadgets. A year ago when I discovered the Arduino products, I immediately
thought, “I’d like to collect environmental data.” It was a windy day in Portland, OR, so I decided to capture wind data.…… Listed under: Motor

The giant (by radio control standards) servos above are shown adjacent to a Nokia 3310 mobile phone to give an idea
of the scale. The arms are 12cm long – perfect for lifting a bank of solar panels (wing). Our local Model Aerodrome in
Seaside…… Listed under: Phone Projects

142. Pimp My Rocket (Espresso Machine)

Combining Coffee and Electronics – An Idea for a Project Having played around with fixed function logic ICs, such as
the Johnson counter used in the Spindicator project, I was keen to move on and experiment with programmable
microcontrollers. I decided to obtain and play with some…… Listed under: LED Projects

143. Hard Drive Clock using PIC16F628

ave an old hard drive that no longer works? As long as it still spins up chances are you could build a clock out of your
old hard drive! You will need some electronic knowledge, some common electronic components and a bit of patience.
The…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

144. Knight Rider Light computer – version 2

This knight rider light computer is a successor of my first version of the Knight Rider. This version is much smaller

Feedback / Suggestions
and justifies the use of a microcontroller. The project is based on the PIC 12F629 microcontroller. The hardware part
Unlike my previous project this…… Listed under: LED Projects

145. RGB REMOTE (pinguino+web+linksys) using PIC18F2550 microcontroller

RGB REMOTE (pinguino+web+linksys) This project has several uses, it is basically a way to control an RGB LED
group (tricolor with common ground) via a web page to select which color we want to show. It may be a way to
harmonize a room, change…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

146. Cheap PIC Programmer

This programmer works only with PIC16F84 but it’s great because it never causes errors and works with almost all
computers,unlike some other homemade programmers. Step 1: Step one : Materials For this programmer you won’t
need many materials.In fact , you will find all you…… Listed under: LED Projects

147. Microcontroller controlled Home Entertainment System

This Instructable will take you on my journey to replace my old Netflix/Vudu Bluray player with a PC based
entertainment station for my LCD projector. I wanted to be able to access and control Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, Crackle,
NBC, ABC, and the Weather Channel using…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects
148. Easy Way to Design an Automatic Driverless Train

Every one in the metro cities like Kolkata, Delhi enjoying the luxuries of the metro train ever spared a thought about
the train? No, then let me give you a brief idea about the driverless automatic driven and controlled train. But before
that let us…… Listed under: LED Projects

149. A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor. Part 2 – Interface the sensor with a PIC microcontroller

In the first part of this discussion, the features of ACS712 device were briefly discussed. Now we will use that theory
to implement the ACS712 sensor to make a simple DC current meter. The analog output voltage from the sensor is
measured through an ADC…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects

150. PIC12F675 external interrupt code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the external interrupt code for PIC12F675 microcontroller (e-g when you need to control servo
motor which has position encoder, with your PIC microcontroller). As we know, PIC12F675 microcontroller has one
GP2/INT pin, which can be used to service external interrupts. This code is written…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

151. Video Clock Superimposer using PIC16C711

About the Project As a followup to my VCR Pong project, here is a gadget that is actually useful in the Real World! It
superimposes the time of day, in “HH MM SS” format, in the bottom right-hand corner of an existing video signal.
My…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

152. Interfacing16X2 LCD with PIC Microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
In this session we will see how to interface 16×2 LCD to PIC18F4550 microcontroller which is of family PIC18F. You
can get information of 16×2 LCD in the session How to Interface 16X2 LCD with 8051 Microcontroller Features of
PIC18F4550: PIC18F4550 belongs to the PIC18F family;…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)

153. How to take input with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

Any microcontroller based system typically has an input and a corresponding output. Taking simple output with a PIC
microcontroller has been explained in LED blinking with PIC18F4550. This article explains how to provide an input to
the controller and get a corresponding output using PIC18F4550. PIC18F4550…… Listed under: LED Projects,

154. Project Board using PIC18F2550 microcontroller

The new PIC18F2550 Project Board was designed as the development platform for student projects. The board features
MCU: PIC18F2550 with external xtal, ADC: one channel 0-2.5V sigma-delta converter, Linear Technology
LTC2400/LTC2420, 6-channal 10-bit ADC 0-5V, Display: Two connectors for text LCD or GLCD, USB: onchip……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

155. PIC microcontroller Beginner’s guide: Basic connection circuit

What is a pic microcontroller? The PIC microcontroller is a low cost ‘computers on a chip’ manufactured by Microchip. They allow
electronic designers and hobbyists impart intelligence and logic to a single chip for special purpose applications and products. The PIC
microcontroller programming is done using…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

156. Cooper Bills (csb88) and Anish Borkar (ab673)

Introduction The Handy Lab Buddy is a tool every ECE should have. The four features of this tool include a talking
voltmeter, logic probe, voltage averager, and frequency measurer. As a cheap and accurate device that outputs whatever
being measured through speakers, it’s one of…… Listed under: LED Projects
157. Voltage programmable simple logic device using PIC12F675

Description Here’s another daft yet interesting PIC12F675 idea I came up with. When I wanted to show someone how
logic gates worked I could only find a NAND gate which wasn’t very handy for demonstrating AND’s OR’s, NOR’s
and ExOR’s. I also wanted to have…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

158. VCR Pong using PIC16C711 Microcontroller

About the Project Here is a fascinating and nostalgic project that kept me up many, many nights last summer (creating
it, not playing the game!). I had long thought it would be exciting to try to generate video from a PIC, and with built-in
A/D…… Listed under: Projects, Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

159. Electronic Code locking system using PIC 16F877 Mircocontroller

Electronic code locking system is extremely useful in protecting our precious possessions and can be installed
anywhere with bit of engineering in it. We are widely familiar with the Password based e-locks and might have
installed in our house. But we are going for Electronic…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

160. Quozl’s Temperature Sensor Project using PIC12C509

Introduction Just a handful of components builds an 8-pin microcontroller based circuit for temperature logging via a
serial port; small, fast, and acceptably accurate. Features provides real-time data to your computer via serial port,
interfaces up to four DS1820 temperature sensors, absolute accuracy near 0.5…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

161. IO Controller with serial port CLI using PIC16F627A

This code runs on a PIC 16F627A or 628A (and A.F.A.I.K 627/628 parts). It uses the serial USART on the PIC to

Feedback / Suggestions
communicate with a PC. Through this a simple CLI (Command Line Interface) is implemented that allows commands
to be sent to the PIC…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

162. Basic PIC circuit is not working

I have just begun in the world of micro-controllers, and the first micro-controller. I chose to work with was the PIC
from Microchip. The PIC I am using is the PIC16F877A. I am using MPLAP IDE and HI-TECH C. I am trying to
make an…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

163. Lecture 45 : PIC Serial Communication using Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Objective To establish serial communication between two PIC16F877A microcontrollers Description In this
experiment, 8-bit digital input is applied at Port-B to one of the PIC16F877A microcontroller which acts as a master in
serial communication. The input value is transmitted by the master serially via Serial…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

164. Treslie – A 3-phase speaker system for Leslie emulation using PIC18F26K20

This post describes the design and construction of a 3-phase loudspeaker intended for Leslie Speaker emulation. The
unit is intended to be driven by a 3-channel audio amplifier The Brute, which in turn is controlled by LEMS, a micro-
controller based control system, the construction of…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

165. How to Program a PIC Microcontroller to Build a Project

The recent trends in the advanced technology are helpful in developing most advanced electronic gadgets. Most of
these electronic devices are developed using microcontrollers. The microcontroller is an electronic component, which
is programmed to perform various control operations. There are various kinds of microcontrollers available,……
Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

166. Interfacing with UART of PIC microcontroller

This post provides the solution for using the PIC controller UART interface (e-g to connect PIC controller with PC
using serial adapter). Complete code and simulation can be downloaded from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of
this post. The following figure shows the result…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects,

167. How to display text on 16×2 LCD using PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

Several automated and semi-automated devices require a message to be displayed in order to indicate their working
status. In continuation to LCD interfacing with PIC18F4550, this article explains how to display a message or string on
a 16×2 character LCD. Programming steps: · Configure the…… Listed under: LCD Projects

168. Microcontroller Based Password Verification System

Aim: – To simulate a circuit using microcontroller 8051 for verifying password. Theory: – The block diagram for
microcontroller based password verifying system is shown. The purpose of the circuit is to verify the password entered
by the user. An 8-bit password is the input…… Listed under: Other Projects

169. Learning Board for PIC12F683 Microchip

Introduction Electronics is my hobby. When I was in college I had some experience with microcontrollers; I did few
projects with Atmel’s AT89C51. Recently, I have grown interest on PIC microcontrollers, and I thought I should start

Feedback / Suggestions
with 8-pin microchips. I picked PIC12F683 microchip. This…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects,
Microcontroller Programmer Projects

170. PIC16F877A (with LCD) not working

I have designed a PIC18F877A micro controller project to read temperature from an LM35 using ADC, display it on an
LCD and transmit it to a serial port. When the program starts, sometimes it shows a startup message – sometimes it
doesn’t display anything. Also,…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

171. Ultrasonic Position System

The ultrasonic position system uses ultrasonic transmitters/receivers to triangulate position of the robots used in
GE423. Each of three transmitters uses a distinct frequencies: 23 kHz, 31 kHz, and 40 kHz. The 2812 DSP is used to
measure signal timing and calculate position based on…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

172. PIC12F microcontroller project board

The 12F series of PIC microcontrollers are handy little 8-pin devices designed for small embedded applications that do
not require too many I/O resources, and where small size is advantageous. These applications include a wide range of
everyday products such as hair dryers, electric toothbrushes,…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects,

173. Standalone BreadBoard Breakout for PIC Microcontrollers

I wanted to make a breadboard breakout for PIC microcontrollers after seeing this arduino breadboard breakout from
adafruit. This product is fully standalone and yet has very small footprint so that it can be conveniently plugged into
the breadboard. The most amazing part was that it still had…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

174. Microcontroller based Diode and Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) tester
Introduction Most of the digital multimeters these days have built-in features for testing diodes and sometimes
transistors. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate a simple way to construct a testing device for diodes and
bipolar junction transitors (BJTs) using a microcontroller. The testing…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits

175. Single-Tube nixie clock | Microcontroller Project

Here is the nixie clock ! PIC16F84A microcontroller Single-digit Nixie, sequential hours, minutes and seconds display
DCF-77 atomic clock, with automatic or manual time set-up high voltage power supply for Nixie with only 4
components 24 hours cycle programmable extinction time no MikroC compiler licence needed !…… Listed under:
Clock – Timer Projects

176. MTM Scientific, Inc… PIC Project for CATV Tuner

The CATV Tuner sold by MTM Scientific, Inc can be used for wideband audio and video reception, as described on
our other project pages such as the FM Wideband Receiver and Radio Telescope Project. A common requirement in all
these projects is the need to…… Listed under: Other Projects

177. IC-Based H-Bridge Tutorial

An alternative to using a transistorized H-Bridge circuit is the L298 Dual Full-Bridge Driver. It is very easy to control
and it doesn’t require any calculation. Simply knowing your motor’s required current and the IC’s current capacity is
enough. For a price though.In order to…… Listed under: Motor Projects

178. PIC 16F88 Digital Thermometer Light Meter and resistance ohm meter.

Feedback / Suggestions
PIC 16F88 Digital Thermometer Light Meter and resistance ohm meter. My original idea for this project was simply to
try and interface the WINTEK WD-C2401P lcd panel to the pic (see my previous post). I figured it would be fun to
add a couple of…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

179. TD-USB-02 interface with touchpad sensor board and WinAmp interface using PIC18F2550

TD-USB-02 interface with touchpad sensor board and WinAmp interface. This is an example USB project showing
how to interface a touchpad sensor (the AD7142ACPZ) with a standard XP/Vista computer. The TD-USB-02 board
with a PIC18F2550 communicates with: the PC: USB 2.0 through a mini-B connector.…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

180. New Microchip PIC32 Microcontrollers Run at 72MHz

CHANDLER, Ariz., Nov. 5, 2007 – Microchip Technology today announced the new Microchip PIC32 family of
MIPS 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs). The Microchip PIC32 is based upon the MIPS32 M4K Core, a high
performance core with 32 core registers that are each 32-bits. Microchip has extended…… Listed under:
Development Board – Kits Projects

181. Christmas card with inbuilt retro video game for under $10

Hello all and welcome to my second Christmas related project. Have you ever received a really boring Christmas card?
Have you ever sat there and thought to yourself “If only there were a little video game on this card that I could play…”
Well ponder…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

182. Kaossilator 2 hack: hands free (part 1/2)

This is my first instructable…. ever. So here it goes. I own a Kaossilator 2 (KO2). It’s fun little phrase synthesizer and
simple looper. But it has this awkward issue with mic button. When you want to record something from microphone
you have to hold…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector

183. d.i.y. Handheld Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) based on 16F877 PIC Microcontroller and LCD

Some time ago I was developing a medical instrument which required histogramming, which got me in the mood to
retake my own PIC MCA project( ). I used the variable RAM in
the microcontroller (16F877), so I limited the number of channels to 95 and let…… Listed under: LCD Projects

184. Chromation Systems RGB LED Tube Light

Built utilizing a 24 Channel High Current USB LED Controller to control 12 volt RGB LED Light Strip, in 8 separate
groups. Each group has individual 8-bit PWM which can create over 16 million colors. And is driven at full current for
maximum color saturation and accuracy. Using…… Listed under: LED Projects

185. Incredible DIY iPhone Macro

After taking apart dozens of disposable cameras over the years, I found myself with a lot of lenses of varying sizes and
nothing to use them for… until now! By making a simple carriage that would hold the lens and attach to my iPhone
via…… Listed under: Phone Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
186. Interfacing DS1307 to PIC Microcontroller with C code and Circuit Diagram

This tutorial will help you to interface DS1307 RTC with PIC16F877 Microcontroller. The project is compiled in CCS
Compiler and simulated with Proteus. The Real Time Clock is interfaced with PIC controller via I2C. I2C is a 2 wire
communication protocol. I2C is used for…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

187. PIC16F84A MemoSound Game

Game rules You will have to memorize a melody, made of up to 62 steps. A step is one of the four tones available in
the game system. In order to help you, each tone is associated to a color LED (yellow, green, orange, red)…… Listed
under: LED Projects

188. Dual 4-digit seven segment LED display with SPI interface using PIC12F

This project is an extension of my previous MAX7219 based SPI seven segment LED display module. The new
display features eight 7-segment displays arranged in two rows of four digits. The on-board MAX7219 driver enables
you to easily add eight 7-segment LED displays to your…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, LED Projects, Projects

189. TDA7000 FM Receiver / TV Tuner / Aircraft Receiver using pic microcontoller

Parts: 1x TDA7000 IC – FM Receiver 1x 3.5 Turns Variable Coil (L1) 1x MV2105 – Varicap Diode ANT – Telescopic
Antenna or a piece of wire 1x 100K Potentiometer 1x 100K Resistor 1 x 22K Resistor 3x 100nF Capacitor 1x 22nF
Capacitor 1x 10nF…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Sensor – Transducer –
Detector Projects

190. Mini PIC Dev Board using PIC18F452

For one reason or another I really like to use breadboards for building prototype designs. The breadboard offers superior flexibility in that you can
change a single electrical connection at any time, as long as you have a long enough wire. One of the draw…… Listed under: Development
Board – Kits Projects, Projects
191. Refregirator Temperature Controller Project (Save Your Electricity Bill)

In This Post we discuss about How to build a Refregirator Temperature Controller using Microcontroller. This Project
is Development of Thermo meter project. Suggested Page>> MIcrocontroller Based Thermo meter project Mainly we
use Mikro C Programming Language in this Project and ISIS Proteus Software use…… Listed under: Temperature
Measurement Projects

192. IR Remote Controlled Tracked Robot

Step 1: Assembling the Double Gearbox A basic hobby motor turning at 12,300 RPM is basically useless without a
good gearbox. Just touching the shaft will stall the motor. I obtained a Tamiya double gearbox kit for under $10, which
through a series of gears…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

193. Single microcontroller based 12v to 230v inverter with intelligent battery charging

Single microcontroller based 12v to 230v inverter with intelligent battery charging (Made by me) Here I describe the
circuit as: *single microcontroller/controller (ATMEGA16/32) *no op-amps, only chips are the micro, opto-couplers
and regulator (7805) *low-battery/overload/short-circuit protection *thyristor controlled battery charger, using the
MOSFET body diode…… Listed under: power – energy projects

194. 5 LED CUBE Controller for PIC16F688

Circuit Description The LED cube is made up from 125 LEDs arranged into 5 layers of 25 LEDs each. The display
itself is multiplexed so instead of requiring 125 connections it requires one to each of the five layers and 25 to each
LED in…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
195. Record Infrared Codes of Any Remote Control Unit for Usage with Linux Infrared Remote Control (LIRC) on Raspberry Pi

Introduction The remote controls that are orphaned when the device they control stopped working are reusable on your
Raspberry Pi. After completing this instructable, you may be interested in trying out the following instructables: Reuse
Unwanted Remote Control to Shutdown and Reboot Raspberry Pi Reuse…… Listed under: Other Projects

196. Compact PIC18F1320 Microcontroller Board

When I started building Microcontroller projects I built a lot of them using the same PIC microcontroller board. These
were based on the PIC18F1320 chip since I bought a lot of them. There are many other chips in the PIC family that
would be equally…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

197. Complete Intro To PIC’s – Make an LED Flash Video

As the title suggests, this guide is targeted for those who are new to the world of PIC microcontrollers. I cover the
basics from hardware to software along with programming the device and a few hints along the way. I do assume a
little bit…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

198. In-Circuit PIC Loader using PIC18F458 microcontroller

This loader connects the PC printer port and works with WinPic800. The loader gets DC supply from application board
and provides +12V for high voltage programming mode. We can use it for programming many PIC chips easily.
Hardware Schematic The In-circuit serial programming for PIC…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer
Projects, Projects

199. NU32: Introduction to the PIC32 using pic-microcontroller

The Microchip PIC32 is a family of complex and powerful microcontrollers that can be purchased for less than $10 in
quantities of one. This microcontroller offers many peripherals useful for mechatronics purposes, such as several
channels for analog-to-digital conversion, digital I/O, synchronous and asynchronous serial…… Listed under: Video –
Camera – Imaging Projects

200. USB Project :- USB Interface Board Using PIC18F4550

software ( 4.0 .net framework) PIC18F4550 Firmware – for 6 LED’s. TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNERS It’s a low cost
USB interface Board that provides cool interface to your computer and it can…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

201. Generating PWM with PIC Microcontroller using CCP Module

PWM is a technique used to generate analog output signal using digital signals. It is commonly used to control average
power delivered to a load, motor speed control, generating analog voltage levels and for generating analog waveforms.
CCP Modules are available with a number of…… Listed under: PWM Projects

202. How to use inbuilt EEPROM of PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

memory which can be used for storing data. The data storing and retrieving from any EEPROM memory is very simple
compared to other kind of memories. As the name suggest the memory is…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

203. Weather meter using PIC 16F877 Microcontroller

Weather monitoring systems are available in plenty and these are pretty handy gadgets we use in our daily life for
weather forecasting and other purposes. But these kinda gadgets might be expensive and may not be available for
customization to our specified purpose. To overcome…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
204. Remote Control Server

One of my friends asked me if I could design a circuit for him to be able to remotely power up a server. He has 2
servers and he didn’t want to keep them both on whilst he travelled. He wanted to be able to…… Listed under:
Wireless Projects

205. MIDI Chord Button Keyboard Using PIC18F4620 part 3

Connections The following table documents the connecting leads and molex pin-header numbers tying the various
interfaces together. Header Pin no. Signal/Function Direction Header Pin no. Signal/Function Chord Controller-SV1 1
RD7 ——> Matrix Decoder-SV4 1 Chord Sel. C Chord Controller-SV1 2 RD6 ——> Matrix Decoder-SV4 2……
Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

206. POV Christmas Tree using PIC12F689 microcontroller

POV Christmas Tree Still don’t have a tree for this holidays?, Don’t worry here you have a small, reusable, eye-
catching tree for your holiday needs. This project started as a SMD soldering tutorial for a course i’ve made in
electronics, so it’s meant to be…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

207. Serial Addressable RGB PWM LED Driver using PIC16F628A

Overview Ever since I made the serial controlled RGB LED PWM driver I’ve had many requests for an addressable
driver. Well I’ve finally got round to producing one. The code is now completed and tested and the prototype boards
are fully working. The design process…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

208. Easy Debugging Terminal using PIC16F84

Introduction This LCD terminal provide two modes of operation by selecting jumper J1. When J1 is open the terminal
operate as a normal ascii display terminal, when J1 is closed the terminal displays the input serial data in hexadecimal
format. This mode is useful for…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

209. World’s Smallest Low-speed USB Analyzer using pic16f877

[Any] idea is dead without a good application for it. So “California Dreamin’” USB virtual peripheral could be a very
nice sample of academic research, but hardly anybody is going to build a keyboard or mouse using it. I have been
thinking for a while…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

210. Arduino powered temperature sensing RGB LED nightlight using PICaxe

About a year ago I started on a project to make a temperature controlled nightlight. I was inspired by seeing these
lovely LED lamps styled as mushrooms growing out of pieces of wood. Those mushrooms were made out of glass,
which was somewhat beyond my…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, LED Projects, Projects,
Temperature Measurement Projects

211. Soundtrack using PIC16F688 Microcontroller

This project uses a microcontroller to drive a speaker and play one of two songs: Yakety Sax (the chase song from the
Benny Hill Show) and Entrance of the Gladiators (the clown juggling unicycle song). The tunes are stored as a series
of distinct notes.…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

212. The ‘One Chip Spinning RGB POV Display’ with conversion software using PIC18f4680

Feedback / Suggestions
The ‘One Chip Spinning RGB POV Display’ with conversion software. If you have been on the look out for a project
that combines, RGB LED’s, a motor, a microcontroller and a ridiculous amount of hot melt glue, then you have
certainly come to the right…… Listed under: Other Projects

213. Digital thermometer with auto saving log file in excel by Pic microcontroller

Digital thermometer with auto saving log file in excel by Pic microcontroller is vary advance, useful and realistic
project. The implementation filed of this project is wide. Now a day’s atmospheric prediction saves lots of life. And for
getting wright prediction we have to analysis…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

214. Serial Data Transfer to PC(Personal Computer) using PIC16f877 Microcontroller USART

Here is a simple project on How to transmit serial data to pc using built in usart(universal Syncronous-Asyncronous
receiver transmitter)of PIC 16f877 microcontroller. The data Transmitted by PIC microcontroller is received by
computer through its (Serial)DB-9 Port and is displayed on Hyperterminal window. Since microcontrollers…… Listed
under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

215. Underground locator generator for Radiodetection using PIC16F628

Introduction I obtained an early vintage Radiodetection® RD400 “LLTS” Precision Line Trace unit for a very low
price through eBay. The RD400 is the receiver portion of a transmitter/receiver pair that comprise an underground
cable locator system. Because the matching transmitter was not available (hence…… Listed under: Projects, Radio
Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

216. PIC12F675 ADC code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the ADC code using PIC12F675 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C
compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that you know how to interface
LCD…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects
217. PIC12F675 internal EEPROM code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the internal EEPROM reading and writing code for PIC12F675 microcontroller. As we know,
PIC12F675 microcontroller has 128 bytes of built in EEPROM data space with an address range of 0x00 to 0x7F. This
code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects,

218. Life Size Operation Game using PIC16F877 microcontroller

Life Size Operation Game As a child I loved the Milton Bradley Operation game, the buzzer always scared me when it
went off, but it was fun. The object of the Operation game is to remove a body part with out touching the tweezers
to…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

219. Major Electronic Peripherals Interfacing to Microcontroller 8051

Interfacing is one of the important concepts in microcontroller 8051 because the microcontroller is a CPU that can
perform some operation on a data and gives the output. However to perform the operation we need an input device to
enter the data and in turn…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
220. Record+play fast 1bit sound on a PIC!

BTc “Binary Time constant” algorithm. A system to record and/or play sound in a bitstream format using just one
digital output pin. This is a sound playback system for a PIC or any other microcontroller. It uses a clever encoding
system to mathematically model the…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

221. Multifunction RGB LED controller using PIC12F675

multifunction RGB LED controller using low cost PIC12F675 microcontroller. features: 1, 4+1 mode operation a
single potentiometer and single button switch used for multiple operation 2, EEPROM Memory option for mode
selection :- the last mode will be saved . 3, mode1 automatic hue saturation…… Listed under: LED Projects

222. One-chip 11×10 LED matrix. using pic microcontroller

This project is pretty cool for a few reasons, and driving a huge LED matrix with a single 8-bit controller is just one of
them. The idea was born when I bought 120 LEDs of the wrong type, and decided to do something with them.……
Listed under: LED Projects

223. How to Simulate PIC Microcontroller in Proteus Design Suite 8

This is our PIC Microcontroller tutorial series. We have already discussed basic beginners guide to PIC. Now let’s see
how to simulate the PIC microcontroller?PIC simulation is the important step that you should do before practical
implementation of any microcontroller projects. As Circuits Gallery covers…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

224. Making “The LCD Expansion Board” for PIC18F4520 using pic microcontoller

In this tutorial I you show you how to make a very useful expansion board for our PIC development board. It will be a Do It Your self (DIY)
LCD Expansion board. The expansion board can be plugged into the PIC development board to add…… Listed under: LCD Projects

225. Lecture 43 : Interfacing PIC16F877 Microcontroller with an LCD

Aim To interface LCD (Displaytech 162A) with PIC16F877microcontroller and to display “IITK” in the Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD). Components/Softwares MPLAB IDE (PIC microcontrollers simulator) PIC BURNER 3 with software
to load the code LCD (Displaytech 162A) Computer System with Windows operating system and RS 232…… Listed
under: LCD Projects

226. How to Program a PIC Microcontroller & Read an Encoder

Introduction: From electronic toys & games to microwave ovens, microcontrollers can be found just about anywhere
these days! But how can we make these small computers work for our own electronics projects? That’s where this
tutorial comes in – with detailed instructions showing you what to…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer

227. 10MHz DDS Sine/Square Function Generator based on the AD9835 using PIC16F628

An extremely simple and low cost Sine/Square wave generator based on the Analog Devices AD9835 Direct Digital
Synthesis (DDS) Generator chip. The frequency can be set for any frequency from 1Hz to 10MHz in 1Hz resolution
steps! All this with three push buttons and a…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

228. 24 Channel USB Connected LED Controller, upto 1A per Channel using PIC18F4550

24 Channel USB Connected LED Controller, upto 1A per Channel This device is designed to be a versatile high-
current LED controller, with the ability to sink or/and source currents up to 1A per channel with dissipation of up to
2.5w per channel. The various jumpers…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation
Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LED Projects, Projects

229. The VGA Test Box using pic18f452 Microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
The goal of this project is to create a device that is capable of outputing VGA signals to a CRT monitor inorder to
display figures, text and characters. Timing is a core essential in this project. If the signal is off by even 1 microsecond,
…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

230. Interfacing Relay to Microcontroller

Figure 1 shows the basic relay driver circuit. As you can see an NPN transistor BC547 is being used to control the
relay. The transistor is driven into saturation (turned ON) when a LOGIC 1 is written on the PORT PIN thus turning
ON the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

231. Programming a Picaxe 08m chip

After I got my Arduino I felt the urge to brush up on my general electronics knowledge. The last time I’d really played
with any circuits was back in about 1994 when I was studying my Technology GCSE – which now is quite a long……
Listed under: Projects

232. Simple USB to RS232 adapter on pic18f2455

Overview This adapter allows you to interface with your car’s OBD-II bus. It provides you a USB interface using the ELM327 command set
and supports all major OBD-II standards: SAE J1850 PWM SAE J1850 VPW ISO 9141-2 ISO 14230-4 ISO 15765-4 CAN Hardware You
do…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

233. PIC12F629 Lead-Acid Battery Desulfator

Hi everyone, After reading so many articles on Battery desulfator i’ve decided to come out with my version of Battery
desulfator using Microchip base micro-controller using PIC12F629 or PIC 12F675. “Please pardon my english” .I
don’t really have time to check for minor grammatical errors.…… Listed under: Battery Projects

234. Laser show for poor man using PIC18F1220 microcontroller

Laser show for poor man Here’s another useless but cool looking “must build” gadget for every romantic geek. Let me
introduce PIC microcontroller based three axis laser spirograph. Step 1 Gathering stuff Design is quite simple and
employs regular parts and components but you are…… Listed under: Medical – Health based Projects, Motor
Projects, PWM Projects

235. Simple 3 Resistor PIC Programmer

Micro-controllers play a very important role in electronics, as they are able to perform tasks in automation, control,
image processing, among others. Their usage is immense. There are various families of micro-controllers, one of those
is the Microchip’s PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller). PICs are very…… Listed under: Microcontroller
Programmer Projects

236. RF Modem Robotics Project using PIC16F84 microcontroller

RF is just way too cool not to use in your designs. But if you’re a newbie like me it is difficult to successfully build
solid RF transmitters and receivers. When I started out I didn’t realize that the larger breadboard I was working off……
Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

237. Serial Data Logger using PIC16F688

The data logger consists of a simple op-amp amplifier circuit that amplifies the signal and sends it to be digitized by a
PIC16F688 microcontroller, serialized, and sent to the computer’s serial port via a MAX232 serial driver: I guess you
are already wondering about some…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

238. Cheap PIC controlled Helmet Camera using Sony LANC (Good for Extreme Sports) using PIC16F690

Cheap PIC controlled Helmet Camera using Sony LANC (Good for Extreme Sports) This Instructable will show you
how to make a cheap Helmet Camera which can be controlled via a remote so your main camera can stay safely in your

Feedback / Suggestions
ruck sack. The controller can…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

239. Building A Robot: Motor Control

Since we now have a beautiful robotic chassis, we’re ready to continue our Building A Robot series, and get serious
with some motor control. This second part of building a robot is perhaps the most crucial as it will define what type of
control we…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

240. Stroop Game using PIC16F628 Microcontroller

This project has been adapted from an experiment by John Ridley Stroop, who published his work in 1935. Basically it
is a “trick.” It is a trick in that you are required to answer a question at a “second level of thinking.” In our test……
Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

241. Using the ChipKIT Basic I/O Shield With Analog RGB Strip LEDs

A few months ago I wrote a blog post about the chipKIT Basic I/O Shield and used Analog RBG Strips to demonstrate
the the open drain FETs. This post is to give details on how to wire up the strip LEDs to the I/O Shield.…… Listed
under: chipKIT Projects


Introduction This program is a simple combination lock that I designed for an old Sentry® fire safe that was given to
me without any lock electronics. I created a front panel with a keyboard and microprocessor with a six-digit
combination sequence. Details The LED flashes…… Listed under: Projects, Security – Safety Projects

243. Using LabVIEW LINX and ChipKIT WF32 to Control an LED Strip
This Instructable will go over the steps involved in controlling the WS2812 LED strip using LabVIEW, LabVIEW
MakerHub LINX, and chipKIT WF32. Note – This project can be done using the LabVIEW Physical Computing Kit
which contains both LabVIEW Home Bundle and chipKIT WF32 here.…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

244. The Weeder Frequency Counter using PIC16F84

This is a port by Peter Cousens to the PIC 16F84 of the 50Mhz Frequency counter kit {originally available} from
Weeder Technologies . Since it uses a base PIC that is easily programmable, and provides a usefull bit of bench test
equipment at very low…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

245. ChipKIT Parking Obstacle Sensor

I’ve always thought it would be nice to have a car with a parking sensor. I don’t want to spend that kind of money until
I pay off my student loans. However I do have the materials to make one myself thanks to a class…… Listed under:
chipKIT Projects

246. Uploading Firmware to Your ChipKIT Boards

There may come a time in your chipKIT explorations when you have to put some new firmware onto your board. Well,
fear not. This Instructable will go through how to load firmware onto your board. (We’re gonna be using the WF32) In
order for us…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

247. Closed-Caption Decoder using PIC16C84

This is a closed-caption decoder with serial output based on a Microchip PIC16F628A. The internal comparators of the
PIC16F628A are used to implement a peak detector and data slicer. The hardware was designed by Richard Ottosen,
and the firmware was written by Eric Smith. This…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
248. Addressable LEDs (WS2812) on ChipKIT

There has not been a simple addressable LED library for PIC32 microcontrollers until now! The PICxel library is an
MPIDE library that handles the timing required to use addressable LEDs (WS2812, WS2811) or more commonly
known as Adafruit Neopixels. Going through through a couple steps…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

249. Using PicBasic with the PIC16F84 PIC Microcontroller

This article shows how to use the PIC16F84 microcontroller with PicBasic to design a quick & effective, serially
controlled, I/O-Expander. Using PicBasic makes developing handy single-chip devices like this extremely simple. If
you’re spending all your time programming in assembler, you’ll appreciate how simple PicBasic…… Listed under:
Other Projects

250. Electronic Security System With RTC and User Define Pin Code

Hi Guys! This is a project that I made using pic microcontroller its an Electronic PIN Code Security System with real
time clock and user define pin code features, this page contains all the details to make one yourself. ITS WORKING
AND CONCEPT: Well by…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

251. Using WS2812 LEDs With ChipKIT Max32

With all LEDs you will need a power supply, some sort of way to send a signal (usually a microcontroller) and method
of connecting the LED to your system… Admittedly, that sort of explanation is all things pretty vague (as a
description), so instead it’s…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

252. PIC PAL Video Library using pic18f4620

If you are into PICs, you maybe tried one day or another to build a software video processor, either for fun or for a
project. If you tried to generate video signals, you surely know some of this web pages : Rickard Gunees PIC PONG
page…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

253. HDD Clock – Persistence of Vision

1. Quite a few POV clocks out there, why is this special? Well, mainly because it’s mine. There are quite a few POV
clocks out there on the web using all sorts of display mechanisms, chassis, controllers. The one I decided to build isn’t
exactly…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

254. IRK! Infrared Remote Controlled USB Keyboard Without Keys using PIC18F2550

IRK! Infrared Remote Controlled USB Keyboard Without Keys IRK! is a USB keyboard, without keys, that you can
operate just by using your LEARNINGinfrared remote control.I created it to allow me to control my MythTV home
theater PC with my LEARNING infrared remote control instead of…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 –
I2c -ISP) Projects, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

255. Setting Up LabVIEW to Interface With ChipKIT

This instructable is meant to be a quick tutorial on installing LabVIEW, and hooking it up to a chipKIT. Documentation
on how to do this already exists at LabVIEW This instructable links to the information presented in the
source, and puts it in instructable…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

256. Getting Started With the ChipKIT WF32 (LabVIEW)

This in-depth guide will go over the steps required to connect the chipKIT WF32 to LabVIEW using LabVIEW
MakerHub LINX. LINX is used to interact with common embedded platforms like Arduino, chipKIT and myRIO.
Digilent sells a bundle that includes the chipKIT WF32 and LabVIEW…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
257. Programming Your Chipkit Dp32 Using the Arduino IDE

chipKIT boards typically have far more memory and computing power than many Arduino boards, and as a result,
they are so much better at manipulating data. On the other side, the Arduino IDE is easy to use and understand. So
what if we could…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

258. How to Install ChipKIT Core

For those of you with a chipKIT board, I have good news! If you like using the Arduino IDE instead of MPIDE, your
dreams have become a reality with chipKIT-core (currently in beta). You can now program all of the chipKIT boards
directly from within…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

259. Ultrasonic Obstacle-avoiding Robot

This is my attempt at designing and building an obstacle avoiding robot! RekaBot (named after a fairy (: ) can detect
obstacles with an ultrasonic sensor that can move around with help from a servo. Based on the measurements she takes,
the tracks are driven…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

260. Starting a Project in MPLAB X for ChipKIT Products

This tutorial comes right after my Installing MPLAB X tutorial, so if you haven’t installed MPLAB X and the XC32
compiler, check that one out first. In Arduino, programming a board is as simple as selecting that board, and picking
the port it’s using. That’s…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects

261. Making of PIC18F452 Micro-Controller Development/Generic Board

Our instructable shows how to create a generic board of PIC18 micro-controller which is further used in advanced
embedded projects as there is a number of PIC micro-controller applications .e.g. microwave ovens, multimedia
devices, medical and health based equipment e.g. blood-pressure meter, UPS, Power…… Listed under: Development
Board – Kits Projects

262. How to create custom characters on 16×2 LCD using PIC18F4550

The 16×2 character LCD can also be used to display custom characters other than numerals, alphabets & special
characters. Refer LCD interfacing with PIC. Some special shapes like hearts, arrows, smileys etc. can easily be
displayed on the 5×8 pixel pattern of character LCD. These…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

263. Pinguino Project (a PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino #No Programmer Required)

Hey Guys i am Back after 2 months with Awesome Project,This is a Complete tutorial to make PIC Microcontroller
based Arduino ,which can run Arduino Programs on PIC18F4550 or PIC18F2550 Microcontroller , one advantage on
this microcontroller is ,it does’nt require any External Programmers, Since…… Listed under: Microcontroller
Programmer Projects

264. DHT22 (AM2302) Digital Humidity and Temperature Sensor Proteus Simulation

Like the DHT11, the DHT22 is a digital humidity and temperature sensor which has more benefits than DHT11 like:
High precision and range. If we want to understand this topic we have to read the DHT22 datasheet and see how this
device works and its…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

265. Interfacing LCD and Keypad with PIC16F877A Microcontroller

Interfacing LCD and Keypad are one of the important interfacing concepts of PIC microcontroller since both the input
and output element can form a complete embedded system design. This tutorial is about teaching you how to get input

Feedback / Suggestions
input values from keypad by polling method…… Listed under: LCD Projects

266. Temperature controlled fan using PIC 16F877A

You might have come across several applications where we need to control a specific device based on analog
parameter. This Embedded system works in a similar concept where we are about to control the speed of a DC motor
using based on the external temperature.…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

267. Transmitting and receiving data using UART protocol PIC Microcontroller

UART or serial communication is one of the important protocol used by the Microcontrollers to transmit and receive
data from the external devices. Almost every controller is equipped with this protocol to make transmission and
reception easier just using two pins. This tutorial will teach…… Listed under: LCD Projects

268. 4 Bit LCD interfacing and programming with PIC Microcontroller

LCD displays operate in two modes 4 bit and 8 bit mode. We all might have been familiar with 8 bit mode which is
used widely in several systems. But 4 bit mode is something which many of us is not aware of. This mode…… Listed
under: LCD Projects

269. Remote controlled LED lighting effects

LED’s have become most important component in lighting industry due to its miniature size and less power
consumption. Also LED lights are lot more attractive than the primitive lights used once. This project focused on
building an remote controlled LED with multiple lighting effects. Imagine…… Listed under: LED Projects

270. A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor using PIC16F1847 (Part 1)

Sensing and controlling current flow is a fundamental requirement in a wide variety of applications including, over-current protection circuits,
battery chargers, switching mode power supplies, digital watt meters, programmable current sources, etc. One of the simplest techniques of
sensing current is to place a small…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

271. Tiny Remote for iRobot Roomba using PIC12F629

Description The Tiny Remoteis a very compact infrared remote control with only two buttons to control an iRobot
Roomba. It produces three different infrared control signals that the robot interprets as Clean, Spot and Virtual
Wall/Lighthouse. The circuit is built mostly using SMD components to…… Listed under: Projects, Robotics –
Automation Projects

272. PICJazz 20PIN Learning and Development Board

The PICJazz 20PIN board from ermicro is designed to be used both as the Microchip PIC microcontroller learning and
development board. The PICJazz 20PIN board is stand alone microcontroller module equipped with the latest 8-bit
class Microchip midrange and high performance such as PIC16F690 or…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits

273. PIC16F84A software UART (bit banging) code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the software UART (Bit Banging) code for PIC16F84A microcontroller (e-g to connect PIC
controller with PC using serial adapter). As we know, PIC16F84A microcontroller doesn’t have built in UART module,
so we can create UART functionality in it’s software. This post provides the details of how…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

274. Programmable IR remote control using PIC16LF877

NEC-SIRCS-JAPAN-RC5-SAMSUNG compatible, multiprotocol infrared remote control. Replaces up to 6 existing

Feedback / Suggestions
remote controls into one. With manual learning function, LED display and/or LCD. 2V6-3V2, low power (sleep
function) More protocols will be added later if needed (DENON, DAEWOO, MOTOROLA, RECS80.) Components:
PIC16LF877-04/L (4Mhz PLCC Package),…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects,
Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

275. PIC Analog to Digital Converter C Programming

The PIC16F690 microcontroller is one of Microchip midrange 8-bit microcontroller that has a build in 10-bit resolution
of Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) peripheral. The ADC is one of the important features that enable us to digitize
our analog world. Usually we use the electronic…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

276. Lab 4: Interfacing a character LCD using PIC16F688

Description HD44780 based LCD displays are very popular among hobbyists because they are cheap and they can
display characters. Besides they are very easy to interface with microcontrollers and most of the present day high-level
compilers have in-built library routines for them. Today, we will…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

277. Introduction to the Microchip PIC C Programming

The PIC microcontroller is quite popular in industrial and hobbyist, some of the newest 8-bit midrange Microchip PIC
microcontroller with nanoWatt technology is PIC16F690, this 20 pin microcontroller has a build in peripherals such as
ADC, UART, PWM, I2C, analog comparator and with 7KBytes program…… Listed under: Microcontroller
Programmer Projects

278. PIC based wireless temperature and heartbeat read-out

Microcontroller based wireless temperature and heartbeat read out suitable for a operation in a small office/home
environment . This system is suitable to operate with Visual LCD. Many individuals or organisations may, for various
reasons,wish to use electronic surveillance technique at some time or another. This idea is to…… Listed under:
Wireless Projects

279. Powering Your Microcontroller’s Base Project

A good power supply is an essential subject to the microcontroller’s base project; it’s like a heart that gives a life to our microcontroller.
Sometimes we take it for granted the important of having an adequate power supply to our microcontroller project and this can…… Listed
under: power – energy projects

280. A DIY indoor thermometer plus hygrometer using PIC16F688

This project is about building a microcontroller-based digital room thermometer plus hygrometer that displays
temperature and relative humidity on 4 large (1 inch) seven segment LED displays which adjust their brightness level
according to the surrounding illumination. It consists of a closed loop system that…… Listed under: How To – DIY –
Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

281. Seven Segment Display Thermometer with PIC Microcontroller

The seven segment display is one of the most popular numeric displays used in many microcontroller applications
because it’s cheap, robust and reliable. The seven segments actually consists of 8 LED (Light Emitting Diode) and it’s
come with various sizes suitable for various numeric display…… Listed under: LCD Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
282. Large Dancing Robot using PIC16f877A microcontroller

Large Dancing Robot Build a large dancing robot. This was supposed to be a walking robot, but it more kinda
beebopped around. video on last step. Build a Prototype First, The _Prototype_: Before you make a large, high power
robot, it’s good to make a…… Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

283. How to make(build) a Calculator using Pic16f877 microcontroller

alculator with Pic 16f877 microcontroller is a comprehensive project. Comprehensive in the way that Code is lengthy
and logical. It covers all the aspects of programming and interfacing of 16×2 lcd and 4×4 keypad with pic
Microcontrollers. So you should be good in programming, if…… Listed under: Calculator Projects

284. Introduction to Microchip PIC Assembler Language – Part 1

Learning the assembler language is one of the essential skills that still required in the embedded system, although the major drawback using
the assembler language is; its required more learning curve time compared to the higher level language but once you acquainted with one
type…… Listed under: Phone Projects

285. Traffic Message Channel receiver using PIC18F8722

Main roads traffic status and incident report and display. Technical specifications: Dual display: colour road map (left)
and detailed text messages (right) both with LED backlight. Up to 120 TMC messages are stored in memory.
Auto/manual TMC message scrolling. GPS position locator/follower optional. Map navigation…… Listed under: Car
Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects, Projects, Security – Safety Projects

286. Building BRAM your first Autonomous Mobile Robot using Microchip PIC Microcontroller – Part 1

Have you ever thought that most of our perception about the robot is based on the Hollywood movie! The famous 3CPO and R2D2 from
Star Wars until the little cute garbage compacting robot named WALL-E; all of these machines are example of our dreams or…… Listed
under: Robotics – Automation Projects

287. LED flasher using PIC16C84 Microcontroller

This is my first simple PIC program. It will flash an LED continuously at approximately 1Hz. It is a very simple loop
that delays for 500 milliseconds (half a second) with the LED on, and then delays for 500ms with the LED off. Thus,
the…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

288. Behavior Based Artificial Intelligent Mobile Robot with Sharp GP2D120 Distance Measuring Sensor – BRAM Part 2

What is the intelligent anyway; could we categories how the bees building their tiny hexagonal compound nest, ants searching for their food
or birds migration using precision navigation over continental are the intelligent acts; or we as the human being with our cultures and
civilizations…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects


Introduction This project is for the hobbiest who wants to build a measurement and display unit for an Awana Grand
Prix® track (also known as a Pinewood Derby track.) The racetrack for which I designed this unit is a 4-car track. A
car is approximately…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

290. Introduction to the Embedded System with PICAXE Microcontroller

These days we are living and surrounding by many tiny computers called embedded products. Unlike the general
purpose desktop computer that we use for browsing or typing our email, this tiny computer is designed to do only a
limited specific task. We could easily found…… Listed under: Other Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
291. Servo Camera Switch using PIC12F675 microcontroller

This document describes the complete design for a camera switch that uses a servo to activate the shutter. This page
include links to the complete circuit diagram, the .HEX file required to program the 12F675, and complete construction
details. The switch consists of a PIC…… Listed under: Projects, Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

292. 2-wire LCD interface using PIC16CF84

Alphanumeric LCD displays have become very popular for microcontroller applications because they can add a lot to a
project in a variety of different ways. A text message giving the user instructions as well as feedback can make the
application seem much more “professional” and…… Listed under: LCD Projects

293. PIC18 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) DC Motor Speed Controller with the RPM Counter Project

Equipped with sophisticated Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP) peripheral the Microchip PIC18F14K50
microcontroller could produce up to four PWM channels output. The enhanced PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) mode
in ECCP peripheral is capable to drive the full bridge DC Motor circuit directly both in forward or reverse…… Listed
under: Motor Projects


Introduction This program is an experimental timed-discharge adapter for a Vericom control panel used with an Orenco
Systems AdvanTex® wastewater treatment system (sewage filtration system) marketed by Wastewater Technologies,
Inc. Although the Vericom firmware is capable of modification to provide timed-discharge capability by a
firmware…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

295. Build Your Own Simple and Easy PICAXE Microcontroller Based Photovore Robot

Building a simple and easy microcontroller based robot is always a fascinating topic to be discussed, especially for the robotics newbie enthusiast.
On this tutorial I will show you how to build your own microcontroller based robot which known as a photovore or you could…… Listed under:
Robotics – Automation Projects
296. An Arduino me-too-alike for PIC16F873A

We’ve all done it – looked sideways with not a little envy at a range of add-ons for a power tool, and wished that they
were available for the one we bought. There is no ’standard’ footprint for a PIC Micro-controller
development/experimental board. Vendors have…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

297. Building your own Simple Laser Projector using the Microchip PIC12F683 Microcontroller

The 8 pins PIC12F683 microcontroller is one of the smallest members of the Microchip 8-bit microcontroller families
but equipped with powerful peripherals such as ADC and PWM capabilities. This make this tiny microcontroller is
suitable for controlling the DC motor speed. In order to demonstrate…… Listed under: Motor Projects

298. PIC based WWVB clock

Introduction There are many DIY versions of WWVB clock designs available on the web. Commercial “atomic”
clocks are inexpensive and widely available, but I wanted to try my hand at designing one to gain insight into WWVB
reception and to learn a little about programming…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

299. Stepping Into the 16-bit World with the Microchip 16-bit PIC24F16KA102 Family Microcontroller

One of the commonly asked questions when we move to the bigger and powerful 16-bit microcontroller is do we really
need it? As the 8-bit microcontroller is already suite almost all of our needs from a simple blinking LED to more

Feedback / Suggestions
sophisticated embedded application such…… Listed under: Other Projects

300. PIC16F84A discolight effect with bass beat control

Introduction External circuit converts bass beat of music into pulses.The motor is controlled by them. If theres bass
beat recognised then the motor rotates one direction(in full stepping) for a predefined time then stops. If the second
beat comes in then it rotates again for…… Listed under: Motor Projects

301. The LM324 Quad Op-Amp Line Follower Robot with Pulse Width Modulation

Designing a simple and yet functional Line Follower Robot (LFR) is always a fascinating and challenging subject to be
learned, the LFR actually could be implemented in many ways start from a simple two transistors to a sophisticated
PID (Proportional, Integrate and Differential) which take…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

302. Bit-Banging Serial Interfaces for the Low-End and Mid-Range PICMicros using PIC16F84

When I designed the “YAP” for the “YAP” PICMicro programmer presented in “Programming and Customizing the
PIC Microcontroller”, I felt that the serial interface provided in “execution mode” of the programmer would be very
useful for people developing their own software. With this interface, the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232
– I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

303. How Seven Segment Display Multiplexing with PIC Microcontroller for Electronic Sign

Hi there, today I’m gonna to give you some PIC interfacing circuit. We have already seen how to connect LCD display
to PIC MCU which has a great role in electronic display board industry. By the way how do we interface 7 segment
displays to…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

304. The Line Follower Robot with Texas Instruments 16-Bit MSP430G2231 Microcontroller
When Texas Instruments (TI) introduced their new value line 16-bit microcontroller complete with the programmer and
development board named MSP430 Value Line LaunchPad in the mid of 2010 for only USD 4.30 include the shipping
cost, this make it as the cheapest programmer and development…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

305. Prototype: Openbench Logic Sniffer logic analyzer using pic microcontoller

Openbench Logic Sniffer is an open source logic analyzer. It’s designed to support the SUMP logic analyzer software
at the lowest possible cost. Download the source and design files from the Gadget Factory project page. This project
started in the comments on a post. Initial…… Listed under: Other Projects

306. Logic Probe Plus using PIC12F683

This project is based on a probe logic states, capable of measuring levels from TTL (5v) to state levels of PLC’s (24v).
For this we have employed the use of the PIC 12F683 microcontroller, which by its nature is capable of operating at
low voltages,…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

307. Interfacing the Microchip PIC18F Microcontroller Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) to various I2C Devices

The Inter-Integrated Circuit or I2C (read as I square C) bus has been introduced in 1980 by Philips, and has become a
de-facto world standard for data exchange between Microcontroller and various devices such as temperature sensor,
ADC (analog to digital converter), DAC (digital to…… Listed under: Other Projects

308. PIC Based Message wand

The project uses flashing LEDs to present shot message in the air by swinging a wand around above the head. A
perfboard is used to construct the circuit that is powered by 2 coin cells type CR2016. The power fluctuations from

Feedback / Suggestions
excessive load on the…… Listed under: LED Projects

309. H-Bridge Microchip PIC Microcontroller PWM Motor Controller

One of the advantages using the Microchip PIC microcontroller Pulse Width Modulation or PWM for short is; this
PWM peripheral circuit is designed to control the DC motor using the full bridge mode PWM feature. The PWM
peripheral works by supplying the correct signal to…… Listed under: PWM Projects

310. LEDactus using PIC18F1320 Microcontroller

The LEDactus is my version of a dry climate niche dweller like a cactus. LEDactus is immobile and attempts to
survive by creating a pleasant display. This is of course in the hopes that passersby will be so entranced that they will
build the LEDactus’…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

311. Controlling a Servo with a PICAXE and an IR Sensor

Learn how to combine a PICAXE, IR sensors, and a servo motor to create a device that responds to a moving stimulus.
Spoilers: I hook it up to eyeballs that can follow a finger. Related Information Servo Motor Control with an Arduino
Servo Control with…… Listed under: Motor Projects

312. Bootloader for 16F87x PIC Microcontrollers

A bootloader enables download of hex-files directly into the flash-memory of a PIC or other microcontroller. The
bootloader receives the user program via the PIC’s UART and writes it directly to the program memory (self
programming). This feature greatly speeds up the development process, because…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

313. DS18S20 interfacing with pic and avr microcontroller

In this article you will learn how to interface temperature sensor DS18S20 with PIC16F877A microcontroller and atmega88 avr microcontroller.
Complete interfacing circuit diagram and code for both PIC microcntroller and AVR microcontroller. DS18S20 interfacing with pic code is
written using Mikro C for pic. Code…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects
314. A Versatile PIC16F876A Based Robot

Design Summary: Our group designed and manufactured a miniature robotic vehicle that conquers various
terrains. The vehicle was designed with a track system which is powered by two DC motors. The motors
use a Quadruple half H ‐Driver in order to drive the motors in both directions. The track system incorporates a
four bar linkage for each tread.…… Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

315. Digital Ohmmeter circuit using pic microcontroller

Digial ohmmeter using pic microcontroller is designed in this project. Digital ohmmeter is used to measure resistance
of any resistance or any circuit. It can measure resistance between 0-1MΩ with precision of ±5 percent. PIC16F877A
microcontroller is used in this project to measure resistance by doing…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument


While I was writing some tips to solve problems about Spectrum’ keyboard, some guys asked me for the possibility of
using a PC-keyboard coupled by adapter. One market solution was launched by ‘Sintech’, but isn’t available the
scheme nor the program used by inner microcontroler.…… Listed under: RFID – NFC Projects

317. Auto intensity control of street lights using pic microcontroller

Auto intensity control of street lights using pic microcontroller, In this article you will learn how auto intensity control
system of street lights works? How to control auto intensity of street lights? What is the purpose of auto intensity

Feedback / Suggestions
control of street lights? How you…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

318. F1 Gantry Race Start Lights using PIC16F684

Description Featured in Electronics Weekly Gadget Freak (15/08/2008) The Control board for this project is now
available in kit form or fully assembled and tested. Please visit the Picprojects on-line shop for more details This
project provides an simple F1 motor racing style 5 light race…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

319. How to drive an rgb led using PIC16F877A

The RGB LED contains three LEDs encased in one shell: Red, Green and Blue (some contain an extra blue led – as
blue LEDs generate less output intensity (candela) per mA). It looks like a single white led except that it has four leads
-…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, LED Projects, Projects

320. Automatic control of street lights

Automatic control of street lights is deigned to turn on and turn of street lights automatically. This project check the
amount of light. If light is 80 percent available, it automatically turn off street lights. But if amount of light is less than
80 percent,…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

321. PlayPIC Tutorial Board for the PIC16F84A Microcontroller

This is a new design of a tutorial board based on the popular PIC16F84A microcontroller. It features eight single leds, a
7-segment display, an LCD display and five push buttons. It is an ideal solution for the beginner to take his/her first
programming steps in…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

322. PIC12F675 timer0 code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the timer0 code for PIC12F675 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler.
You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that you know how to blink an…… Listed
under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

323. Green house intelligent control system

Green house intelligent control system is designed to protect the plants from more cool and hot weather and additional
control system is included to save power by making fans and lights automatically turn on and off with the help of
intelligent control system. In this…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

324. PIC12F675 timer1 code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the timer1 code for PIC12F675 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB
with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. It is
assumed that you know how to blink an…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

325. Digital humidity sensor using PIC microcontroller

Digital humidity sensor with LCD display using PIC microcontroller Digital humidity sensor with LCD display is used
to measure relative percentage of water vapors in air. HS1101 capacitive humidity sensor is interfaced with
PIC16F877A microcontroller to measure humidity and LCD is used to display percentage…… Listed under: Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects

326. Make your own motion sensor alarm with SMS feature using PIC18F2550

MikroEleketronika demonstrates how to build a simple home alarm system that has the capability of sending SMS to a
predefined cell phone number when intrusion is detected. This project is based on StartUSB for PIC board, a small
development board for PIC18F2550, which is preprogrammed…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects,

Feedback / Suggestions
Phone Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

327. Temperature sensor using PIC16F877A microcontroller

OBJECTIVE: Temperature measurement Digital display of temperature used of microcontroller to measure

temperature used of microcontroller to Display temperature value on LCD (liquid crystal display) Components: There
are many temperature sensors available in market. But LM35 temperature sensor is used in this project. It is…… Listed
under: Temperature Measurement Projects

328. Photo film processor

On this page you will find the technical information for building the electronic control unit of my homemade film
processing machine. To see the rest of this film developing apparatus, look at the relevant article in the photography
section of this site. Developing a color…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

329. Digital frequency meter using pic microcontroller

Digital frequency meter with LCD display can be used to measure frequency of square wave. With little bit
modification in this embedded systems project you can also measure frequency of sine wave. I will also discuss it at
the end of this article.In this digital frequency…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

330. Interfacing 16×2 Lcd With 8051 Circuit Pin Diagrams

Microcontroller based electronic circuit diagrams, Electronic circuit diagrams / circuit schematics. if you would like general assistance with
a specific design question you may like to try the electrical engineering. Interfacing lcd modules pic microcontrollers., In this tutorial we
will learn how we can…… Listed under: LCD Projects

331. PIC16F84A internal EEPROM code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the internal EEPROM reading and writing code for PIC16F84A microcontroller. As we know[1], PIC16F84A microcontroller
has 64 bytes of built in EEPROM data space with an address range of 0x00 to 0x3F. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-
TECH C compiler.…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects, Projects
332. AC Voltage measurement using PIC16F877A microcontroller

AC voltage measurement using pic microcontroller and op-amp.You have came across many online tutorials on
various websites about voltage measurement using different microcontrollers. But all these tutorials are about
measurement of low DC voltage.In this project, you will learn how to measure high AC voltage using…… Listed
under: Metering – Instrument Projects

333. Transmit & Receive Infrared Signals With Your PC Serial Port using PIC12F508

We no longer manufacture or sell the original Air-Byte IR transceiver, so we’re releasing the code & circuit design here
for hobbyists and students looking to build a simple IR transceiver. Note that the parts used here are not critical. I.E.
the NPN darlington transistor…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Internet –
Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

334. PIC16F877 timer0 code and Proteus simulation

This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to use timer0 of PIC16F877 and how to handle
its interrupts? ” Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PIC timer0 code and change it according to your
needs. This code is written in C language…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

335. alternating current measurement using pic microcontroller

alternating current measurement using pic microcontroller. In this artcile I will discuss how to measure alternating
current using current transformer and pic microcontroller. After reading this, you will be able to design AC Ammeter
using PIC16F877A microcontroller. It is very important task in pic microcontroller projects.…… Listed under:
Metering – Instrument Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
336. Digital logic probe for troubleshooting TTL and CMOS circuits using PIC12F683

A logic probe is considered as a stethoscope for engineers and technicians for debugging digital logic circuits that
consists of logic gates, memories, registers, etc. A digital multimeter (DVM) can also be used for such analytical
purposes but it gives you the numeric value of…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects


Edition 5 of LHFSD [ISBN 978 606 92185 32] has been specifically designed to become an educational/pedagogical
manual for teachers, instructors, and also for ordinary citizens. Have no fear, dear readers: LHFSD is still addressed to
beginners, since EVERYTHING starts from a white page, and…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits

338. Using Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) with Microchip PIC18 Families Microcontroller

The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is one of the popular embedded serial communications widely supported by many
of today’s chip manufacture and it considered as one of the fastest serial data transfer interface for the embedded
system. Because of its special in/out register configuration, the…… Listed under: PWM Projects

339. Digital frequency meter by PIC microcontroller using timer 1 (0-9999 Hz)

Here you will see how easily we can make Digital frequency meter by PIC microcontroller using timer 1. To make this
project we need clear idea on timer 1 module of PIC16F877 microcontroller. We need to know how we can configure
timer 1 module to…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

340. Basic Servo Motor Controlling with Microchip PIC Microcontroller

The servo motor is widely used in model hobbyist such as airplane R/C model for moving the rudder, ailerons,
elevators and acceleration control or in the car R/C model for steering and acceleration control. In this tutorial we will
learn how to control the servo…… Listed under: Motor Projects
341. PIC LICK-1 using PIC16F84 Microcontroller

This module is so simple, I’m surprised it has not been thought of before. You can fit a PIC16F84A or PIC16F628 and
it becomes a “buffered PIC chip.” Look at the circuit diagram first to see what the module is doing. It’s buffering 5
of…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

342. PIC-based Digital Voltmeter (DVM)

Introduction This project will describe how to make a simple digital voltmeter (DVM) using a PIC16F688
microcontroller. The range of this DVM is 0-20V, but you can easily increase or decrease the range of input voltage as
your requirements after you understand the voltage scaling…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

343. How to work with inbuilt Analog Comparators of PIC18F4550

Analog comparator is an electronic device which compares the two voltage signals and provides TTL logic output to
indicate the larger signal. The analog comparator is used in various applications where two inputs signals need to be
compared. IR sensor is a very common example…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects, Tutorials

344. A Digital temperature meter using an LM35 temperature sensor

Introduction A digital thermometer is a good choice of project for beginners who just stepped in to the world of
microcontrollers because it provides an opportunity to learn using sensors to measure the real world signals that are
analog in nature. This article describes a…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

345. How to work with External (Hardware) Interrupts of PIC18F4550

Interrupts are special events that require immediate attention. They cause the processor to cease the running task to
serve a special task for which the interrupt event had occurred. After the special task is over, the processor resumes

Feedback / Suggestions
performing the original task. The processor can…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects, Tutorials

346. Programmable digital timer switch using a PIC Microcontroller

Digital timer switches are used to control the operation of electrical devices based on a programmed schedule. This
project describes a programmable digital timer based on the PIC16F628A microcontroller that can be programmed to
schedule the on and off operation of an electrical appliance. The…… Listed under: LED Projects

347. AquaCont – Aquarium Control using pic microcontroller

The AquaCont is an electronic system witch permits to manage and to monitor most of the parameters of all the
electrics devices that can be found in a aquarium. The PIC18F4520 used to realize it, combines a real time clock and a
temperature sensor in…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

348. How to interface 16×2 LCD in 4-bit mode with PIC18F4550

The 16×2 character LCD can work in two modes, namely, 8-bit and 4-bit. These modes basically correspond to the
number of data pins used in interfacing LCD. 8-bit mode uses all the data lines and has been explained in LCD
interfacing with PIC18F4550. In 4-bit…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

349. Heart rate measurement from fingertip

Heart rate measurement indicates the soundness of the human cardiovascular system. This project demonstrates a
technique to measure the heart rate by sensing the variation of the blood volume inside a finger artery, which is caused
by the pumping action of the heart. It consists of an…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

350. Pocket Programmer HOT! Tony Nixons Pocket Programmer. The Pocket Programmer is a stand alone serial
programmer that can program most of the PICmicro®MCU range of microprocessors. (12C6xx, 16Cxxx, 16Fxxx, 18Cxxx) It works from a
single 18VDC supply or with 2 X 9 volt batteries. Combine this…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer

351. Business Card PIC Programmer using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Business Card PIC Programmer This was my entry for the Hack A Day business card size circuit contest. I just zipped
up the files and put them on my website. I’m posting it here because all the other entries seem to be on a blog……
Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

352. A new multi-function power supply unit for my Embedded Lab

One important parameter in embedded system designing is power consumption. This parameter is directly related to
the battery lifetime, if the system is to be powered from a battery. In order to determine the power rating of your
designed system, you need to know how…… Listed under: LCD Projects

353. RC5 remote control using PIC12F629

All remote controlled projects from this site can be controlled with remote controls which use the RC5 protocol, like
the TV-remotes from Philips. When all buttons from such a remote are in use then you could make a remote control by
yourself. Your own build…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

354. How to use the EQ PIC Development Board Video


Feedback / Suggestions
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

355. A Beginner’s data logger project using PIC12F683 microcontroller

It is a very simple data logger project based on PIC12F683 microcontroller. The microcontroller reads temperature values from a
temperature sensor on a regular interval basis and stores them into its internal EEPROM memory. The recorded temperatures can be later
transferred to a PC through…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

356. Having fun with HC08 using pic microcontroller

Here is a nice little project for a rainy weekend, all this can be accomplished over a weekend and for under USD 15.
This page has gone through several rewrites, mainly to get rid of my ‘rant mode’ writing, but it seems I just need……
Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

357. PIC-Microcontroller C Tool flow Video

this video explain about Micro C software for PIC programming … Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer
Projects, Projects

358. How to make a contact-less digital tachometer using IR-light reflection technique

Tachometer is a device that measures the rotational speed of any shaft or disc. The unit of the measurement is usually
revolutions per minute or RPM. The traditional method of measuring RPM of a rotating shaft was based on velocity
feedback concept where a dc…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

359. PIC32 Multimedia Expansion Board Review Video

Review of the Multimedia Expansion Board for the PIC32 Start Kits from Microchip. In this review I’m going to show the board and it’s
periphirals, and then I will show a couple of demostration applications…. Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, LCD Projects,

360. Experimenter’s board for enhanced mid-range PIC microcontrollers (PIC16F1827 and PIC16F1847)

The PIC16F628A has always been my first choice for microcontroller-based projects. It is simple, inexpensive, and easily available. Due to
its compact size (18 pins) it occupies lesser space on the circuit board, and meanwhile, it is powerful enough to serve most of a
hobbyist’s…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

361. Build a PIC controlled DDS VFO, 0 to 6 MHz using pic microcontroller

Files contained in MINIDDS.ZIP: readme.txt Read this first! compplac.pdf Component placement in PDF format
schema.pdf Schematic diagram in PDF format PCB top copper layer in Postscript format PCB bottom
copper layer in Postscript format ad9832_4.asm PIC assembly source code Needed for assembly……
Listed under: LCD Projects

362. PIC 18F4550 Motor Controller Video Project

In this video, we cover how to breadboard and write the firmware for a motor controller (controlling a servo, 2 DC
motors, and a stepper) with the PIC 18F4550. A few notes on this video: -I recorded most of the video during the
evening of…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects

363. LM386 based stereo audio amplifier with digital volume control

Feedback / Suggestions
Due to its simplicity (requires minimum external components) and high availability, LM386 is very popular among
hobbyists for use in low-voltage audio amplification applications. Most of the time a potentiometer is used at the input
side of LM386 to provide a volume control in the…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

364. A video game with software generated video signal !

Introduction I have made the game pong using a pic 16F84 running @ 12MHz. The game Pong was the world’s first
video game in the early 70’s, this is a modern version of it, made with a little bit less hardware than the original
version.…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

365. Voltage monitor for car’s battery and its charging system

My 2010 Equinox has got every feature that a modern automobile should have. However, one thing that I personally find missing is the real-
time monitoring of voltage across the car’s battery terminals. This may not seem to be that important but one of the most…… Listed under:
Car Projects

366. Low cost temperature data logger using PIC and Processing

This project describes an easy and inexpensive way of adding a digital thermometer and data logging feature to a PC. It
involves a PIC microcontroller that gets the surrounding temperature information from the Microchip MCP9701
sensor, and sends it to a PC through an USB-UART…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

367. Simple RS232 to logic level converter for PIC microcontroller

The circuit shown will convert logic level voltages to and from RS232 serial voltages levels. For basic serial comms
between a Microchip PIC and a PC or other device you generally only need to connect the Gnd, Txd and Rxd lines.
This little circuit will…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

368. Revised version of LM35 based digital temperature meter

This is a revised version of my LM35 based digital thermometer project that I posted last year. Although it is one of the
simplest projects, it is very popular among newbies who are just starting to learn microcontrollers. There was a little
flaw in the original…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

369. RGB LED Mood Light Standalone PWM controller for RGB LEDs using PIC12F629

This project is an update to the original RGB LED PWM Driver. The new version allows the use of either 5mm LEDs
or the square bodied Superflux / Piranah style LEDs. The circuit now uses bipolar transistors rather than MOSFETs
which make it more suitable…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, LED Projects, Projects, PWM

370. New Earth Time (NET) digital clock in recycled retro-modern case using PIC16F627A

Ever get confused by GMT, or just wish you had a cooler way to keep track of time? Build a New Earth Time clock!
Using a PIC microcontroller, some code, and a couple discrete parts, you too can have a unique timekeeping device to
keep…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

371. 00 to 99 minute timer using PIC16F628A microcontroller

Last week I was browsing my old backup hard drive and I found a source code for a very simple PIC based digital
timer that I made a couple of years ago. The actual hardware of the project isn’t with me anymore. I might have……
Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

372. Universal High-Power LED Driver with 3D-printable Case using PIC16F1823

*** There’s a firmware update. Please check out! *** LEDs are taking over conventional lighting every day. High-
power LEDs over 1W are becoming more and more affordable, and I wanted to start using them to replace the lighting
fixtures around me. However I realize that…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
373. IKEA Mood-light Conversion using PIC12F683P

Introduction This little project was one of my first projects with microcontrollers. First, I made the circuit then, for
years, I was wondering what I could do with it, until one day I came across this IKEA plastic bag dispenser. I knew
immediately, it would…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Projects

374. Build a digital spirit level using a SCA610 accelerometer

A bubble or spirit level meter is a handy tool to find whether a surface is horizontal or vertical. It is often carried by
civil engineers, mechanical engineers, surveyors, carpenters, and many other professionals whose work involve precise
alignments of horizontal and vertical planes. Original spirit levels…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

375. LED Microcontroller Debug Module using PIC18F4420

When it comes to debugging a microcontroller circuit, there aren’t a lot of simple options. Since a microcontroller
circuit might have multiple things going on at the same time, measuring voltages with a DMM isn’t an option. Using
an computerized In-Circuit-Debugger solution is expensive and…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

376. Pingbot – Micro RC Rechargable Musical Robot Pal using PICAXE

Pingbot is a very small (38mm diameter), usb rechargeable, programmable, musical, remote control robot designed for
maximum fun and danceability. I’ve built a few experimental robots in the past and, to be honest, they all looked the
part. They were nothing more than circuit boards…… Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

377. TrH Meter: A DIY indoor thermometer plus hygrometer with adaptive brightness control implemented to 7-segment LED displays
This project is about building a microcontroller-based digital room thermometer plus hygrometer that displays
temperature and relative humidity on 4 large (1 inch) seven segment LED displays which adjust their brightness level
according to the surrounding illumination. It consists of a closed loop system that…… Listed under: Metering –
Instrument Projects

378. How-to: Bus Pirate v1, improved universal serial interface using PIC24FJ64GA002

We use the Bus Pirate to interface a new chip without writing code or designing a PCB. Based on your feedback, and
our experience using the original Bus Pirate to demonstrate various parts, we updated the design with new features and
cheaper components. There’s also…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

379. Making a digital capacitance meter using microcontroller

Capacitors are one of the most common passive electrical components that are extensively used in all kinds of
electronic circuits. In this project, we will discuss a technique of building a digital capacitance meter using a PIC
microcontroller. This project can measure capacitance values from…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument

380. How to drive a lot of LEDs using PIC12F microcontroller

How to drive a lot of LEDs from a few microcontroller pins. Using the fact that many microcontroller pins have three
states (+V, GND, or “high impedence”, you can drive N*(N-1) LEDs from N pins. So the little 8 pin microcontroller
like a PIC12Fxxx or…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

381. PIC RC Motor Controller (and example lego robot)

Step 1: Parts List General: RC transmitter/receiver set with at least 3 channels. As is this code only works with stacked
PWM signals. I can only say for sure that it will work with traxxas receivers. With modification it could work with any
PWM timing,…… Listed under: Motor Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
382. Digital logic probe for troubleshooting TTL and CMOS circuits

A logic probe is considered as a stethoscope for engineers and technicians for debugging digital logic circuits that
consists of logic gates, memories, registers, etc. A digital multimeter (DVM) can also be used for such analytical
purposes but it gives you the numeric value of…… Listed under: Other Projects

383. Message Pump using PIC16F687 microcontroller

Brief: The Message Pump A.K.A. the USB to LCD Backpack is a device that allows you to connect a LCD display
directly to your computer. It uses a PIC micro-controller, to drive the LCD and a FTDI USB to serial chip to connect to
your…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

384. Temperature and relative humidity display with adaptive brightness control

The objective of this project is to illustrate a technique of implementing adaptive brightness control to seven segment
LED displays. It consists of a closed loop system that continuously assesses ambient light condition using an
inexpensive light-dependent resistor (LDR) and uses that information to adjust…… Listed under: Temperature
Measurement Projects

385. LED Infinity Mirror Controller, 32 LEDs, Multiple Patterns using PIC12F675

LED Infinity Mirror Controller, 32 LEDs, Multiple Patterns UPDATE: This kit is discontinued please see the new
version, 8 Channel LED Controller v.3, the development files are still available to build this version. As simple a
circuit as can be. A 12F675 controls a high-power shift register,…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

386. Interfacing of PIC12F675 with (i2c based) 24LC64 EEPROM (code + Proteus simulation)

This post provides the code for interfacing 24LC64 EEPROM with PIC12F675 microcontroller. This 24LC64 EEPROM has i2c based interface
and PIC12F675 doesn’t have any built in i2c modules, so software i2c module is created in the code. This code is written in C language using
MPLAB with HI-TECH C…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Memory – Storage Projects, Projects
387. Making a simple clap switch

A clap switch is a fun project for beginners. It switches on and off electrical appliances with a sound of clapping hands.
Today we will discuss about making a simple clap switch that operates when it detects two clapping sounds in a row. It
uses…… Listed under: Other Projects

388. 2 Digit Counter using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

This article describes a 2-Digit Counter using a Microchip PIC12F629. It shows what can be done with an 8-pin chip
having just 5 output lines and one input line. The chip drives two7-segment displays and this would normally require 7
lines to drive the segments…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

389. Running LED dice

Tons of LED dice projects with different output forms have been published online. The most common output
configuration in those projects is a 3-1-3 setup (two rows of three LEDs and one LED at in the middle) of seven LEDs,
which simulates the actual patterns…… Listed under: LED Projects

390. PIC USB HID (Human Interface Device) Interfacing

For long time, UART is the only and best way to interface with PC. It is easy to adapt and handle. Though some
devices (like: GSM modem etc.) have UART on themselves, but for interfacing with PC, there is only one thing now

Feedback / Suggestions
and that…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

391. Line follower robot using microcontroller

It follow a black line automatically and it also turn it direction according to black line. Liner follower robot is very
famous project at university level among electrical, electronics, computer and software engineering students. There are
a lot of competitions held every year in engineering universities…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

392. Automatic Power Factor Controller using Microcontroller

The thirst for new sources of energy is unquenchable, but we seldom realize that we are wasting a part of the electrical
energy every day due to the lagging power factor in the inductive loads we use. Hence there is an urgent need to
avoid…… Listed under: power – energy projects

393. 8049 Spy using pic microcontroller

What do you do when you have to read the internal ROM contents of a 8048 or 8049 processor and you don’t own a
programmer for those devices? You simply build this 8049 spy of course! That is exactly what I did when I
wanted…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

394. Interfacing Relay with PIC Microcontroller

A relay is an electromagnetic switch which is used to switch High Voltage/Current using Low power circuits. Relay
isolates low power circuits from high power circuits. It is activated by energizing a coil wounded on a soft iron core.
For detailed working of relay please…… Listed under: Other Projects

395. Breadboard using dsPIC30F2012 microcontroller

Bernard introduces us to the dsPIC microcontroller. He shows us his Arduino like project board for a dsPIC and gives advice on software
development tools. This article was submitted by Bernard Klinc as part of the “Hobby parts for articles” program. Bernard received a
graphic…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects
396. How to use PIC18F4550 as a SPI Slave Transmitter

The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a high speed, synchronous, serial communication standard. This
communication protocol is basically a Master Slave implementation where the master device controls the clock based
on which the slave devices operates. The master can communicates with one or more slave in…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

397. Low Cost Solar Lighting Controller

Solar Lighting Controller based on PIC12F675 micro controller to be used with a Solar Panel, Battery and a LED 12V
Light, it has built with affordable materials and its ready to use, just plug your devices and its done, this controller will
function by itself…… Listed under: LED Projects

398. 28 Pin PIC Terminal Development Board

Replacement: None. We do not have a direct replacement for this board. This page is for reference only. Description: A
fun package full of potential projects! Development board for 28 pin PIC microcontrollers with power supply circuit,
crystal oscillator circuit, RS232 port, ICSP/ICD port, 16×2…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects,

399. PIC16F877A-Based Temperature Monitoring System

Temperature monitoring and control is important in industry environments. Sensors are widely used for measurement

Feedback / Suggestions
of temperature. Usually, a temperature sensor converts the temperature into an equivalent voltage output. IC LM35 is
such a sensor. Here we describe a simple temperature measurement and display system…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

400. Water Level Indicator and Controller using PIC Microcontroller

Here is a simple, versatile project which indicates the level of water and automatically controls it by using PIC
Microcontroller. The Water Level Sensing Section senses the level of water in the tank and sends it (wireless) to the
Receiver Section. Receiver Section is connected to the…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

401. PURPIC, the wearable PICkit2 clone using PIC12F508 programmer

PURPIC, the wearable PICkit2 clone PIC programmer based on a design by David Tait using through hole transistors
and resistors glued to a piece of cardboard. Oh, how times have changed. And as usual, I’m still 7* years behind those
changed times. My latest project…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

402. Digital Clock using PIC Microcontroller and DS1307 RTC

A Digital Clock can be made easily by using PIC Microcontroller, DS1307 and a 16×2 LCD. I have already posted
about Interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC Microcontroller. The DS1307 RTC can work either in 24-hour mode or 12-
hour mode with AM/PM indicator. It automatically adjusts…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

403. PICMAN prototyping board using PIC18LF4553

For a long time now I’ve been wanting to make my own microcontroller-based prototyping board. My original
motivation was the unjustified high costs for even the simplest boards (a basic Arduino for $30 – why???) and the
challenge of designing something that anyone can make…… Listed under: Blog, Development Board – Kits
Projects, Projects

404. Interfacing Ultrasonic Distance Sensor : ASCII Output with PIC Microcontroller
In some of our projects, we may want to measure the distance of an object from a point. Ultrasonic Distance Sensors
are the best sensor which provides stable, accurate, precise, non-contact distance measurements from 2cm to 4m.
Ultrasonic Sensors can be used to measure distance between moving…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer –
Detector Projects

405. Pic-Plot2 GPIB to USB converter

Pic-plot now goes to USB! A perfect low cost solution to quickly get screen plots of your GPIB instrument on your
laptop PC without complex software. It emulates the HP7470A operation on the GPIB side, and outputs the HP-GL
data at the USB port to…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

406. Turntable Photography Equipment using PIC16F84A

A friend asked me if I could build him a device that would allow him to take photos of his products in 360 degrees.
That kind of photo is actually an animation that consists of several photos of the same product but from different
angles.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects, Video – Camera – Imaging

407. Interfacing HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with PIC Microcontroller

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is a popular and low cost solution for non-contact distance measurement
function. It is able to measure distances from 2cm to 400cm with an accuracy of about 3mm. This module includes
ultrasonic transmitter, ultrasonic receiver and its control circuit. HC-SR04 module…… Listed under: Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects

408. Color Globe using PIC16F688 Microcontroller

This was a fun little project I put together in a few hours for a homemade-themed gift exchange this Christmas. I had

Feedback / Suggestions
on-hand a “Full Color LED” from Radio Shack (part 276-0028) which caught my eye on my last visit there. The LED
has a…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects, Projects

409. Using Multiplexed 7 Segment Displays – PIC Microcontroller Tutorial

A four digit seven segment display. The image above shows a four digit seven segment display. These type of displays are widely used to
present numerical data to users. Example includes clocks, panel meters, microwave ovens, refrigerators etc. As you can see in a four……
Listed under: LED Projects

410. AT Keyboard Interface V1.04 using PIC16F84

Introduction Sometimes you only need a simple and cheap RS232 terminal to get sufficient control over a PC or a
RS232 device. There is no need, no space or even no power to place a monitor, a computer case and a keyboard.
Maybe there exists…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

411. PIC Projects: Digital Temperature Controller

Digital temperature controller is an essential instrument in the field of electronics, instrumentation and control
automation for measuring and controlling temperatures. It can be used as much at homes as in industrial applications.
Different types of analogue and digital temperature controllers are readily available in…… Listed under: Temperature
Measurement Projects

412. Joy Stick Controller using PIC12F629

This project controls two servo motors – both clockwise and anticlockwise and has variable speed. You can use the Joy
Stick to “pan and tilt” a remote camera or provide “left-right-up-down” action for a crane or an animation on your
model layout. The project also…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

413. Displaying Scrolling(Moving) text on 16×2 lcd Using Pic16f877 and Pic18f452 Microcontroller
Displaying moving or scrolling text on lcd(16×2,8×1,16×4,8×2,16×1,20×1,20×2 etc) is very easy. You just need to
know how to efficiently use lcd commands.In this project i am using pic 16f877 microcontroller to display text and
then scroll it on the lcd. The lcd which i am…… Listed under: LCD Projects

414. Mars Clock using PIC16F877A microcontroller

What do you do if you have a spare LCD module with backlight, a weird 16 button keyboard, and a PIC16F877A
microcontroller gathering dust? A monster Martian Clock immediately springs to mind. You are probably thinking
“There are hundreds of PIC clocks on the Net…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

415. Toggle/Blink led on specific delay with pic microcontroller using timers: MPLABX and xc8 compiler

This is advance tutorial on blink/toggle led with pic microcontroller. In this tutorial i am going to teach you how to
toggle led on specific delay. This tutorial is not limited to only toggling led, it can be utilized at many other places.
Like generating…… Listed under: LED Projects

416. How to make(build) a Calculator using Pic16f877 microcontroller

Calculator with Pic 16f877 microcontroller is a comprehensive project. Comprehensive in the way that Code is lengthy
and logical. It covers all the aspects of programming and interfacing of 16×2 lcd and 4×4 keypad with pic
Microcontrollers. So you should be good in programming, if…… Listed under: Calculator Projects

417. LED Christmas Cards using PIC 10F200

This is an instructable on how to build an LED Christmas card using the PIC 10F200 microcontroller. As this PIC has
six pins and is the size of an SMD transistor, it is ideal for low profile applications and can easily be reprogrammed as
and…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
418. Interfacing Matrix Keypad with PIC Microcontroller

This tutorial explains ‘What is a Matrix Keypad ?’ and ‘How to Interface Matrix Keypad with PIC Microcontroller ?’.
Matrix Keypad Matrix Keypad is a very useful and userfriendly when we want to design certain applications like
Calculator, Telephone etc. Matrix Keypad is made by arranging push button…… Listed under: Calculator Projects

419. The simple Joule Thief

The Joule Thief is such an easy and simple device, but what it does is amazing. It can use a battery that is not usable in
any other electronic device and give it life again. It can even take a battery that won’t even power…… Listed under:
LED Projects

420. Interfacing Real Time Clock (RTC) DS1307 with PIC Microcontroller

DS1307 is a low power serial real time clock with full binary coded decimal (BCD) clock/calendar plus 56 bytes of NV
SRAM (Non Volatile Static Random Access Memory). Data and Address are transferred serially through
a bidirectional I2C bus. The RTC provides year, month, date, hour, minute and…… Listed under: Clock – Timer

421. Aurora 48 – 48 RGB LED Sequencer using PIC24FV16KA304

Aurora 48 is a compact and thin profile full-color LED sequencer. It’s built entirely with surface mount components, so
the profile is nice and clean. Features Capable of individually controlling 48 Full color LEDs. Each LED can be faded
in 7 bit per channel – 2,097,152…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

422. DC Motor Speed Control using PWM with PIC Microcontroller

I already posted about Interfacing DC Motor with PIC Microcontroller. In our robotics applications we may have to control the speed of the DC
Motor. In this tutorial we will see how to control the speed of a DC Motor using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).…… Listed under: Motor
423. Interfacing Stepper Motor with PIC Microcontroller

Introduction A Stepper Motor is a brushless, synchronous DC electric motor, which divides the full rotation into a
number of equal steps. It finds great application in field of microcontrollers such as robotics. Please refer the article
Stepper Motor or Step Motor for detailed information about working…… Listed under: Motor Projects

424. Voltmeter and Ammeter using PIC Microcontroller

Voltmeter and Ammeter can be easily made using PIC Microcontroller having ADC (Analog to Digital Converter). I
am using PIC16F877A and the result is displayed on an LCD Display. PIC16F877A is enough if you do this project
only for testing purposes. I suggest to use…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

425. HandySwipe portable magnetic card reader using PIC16F688

The HandySwipe provides a portable magnetic card reader interface and display. It collects card data from a “Type 2″
card reader (shown here), and displays the data on a small character LCD screen. Type 2 stripes are by far the most
common in use, such…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects, Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects

426. Interfacing LCD with PIC Microcontroller – MPLAB XC8

In this tutorial we will see How to Interface a 16×2 character LCD module with PIC 16F877A Microcontroller using MPLAB X IDE and

Feedback / Suggestions
MPLAB XC8 C Compiler. 16×2 Character LCD is a very basic and low cost LCD module which is commonly used in electronic……
Listed under: LCD Projects

427. LED message system on a Strida folding bicycle wheel using PIC12F675

LED message system on a Strida folding bicycle wheel After I’ve bought my strida folding bicycle, one of the first
things I’ve done was to check out for any strida related projects. And quite astonished to see that
there wasn’t any. So I’ve planned…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, LED Projects, Projects

428. Schematic PIC Data Logger with Delta-Sigma Converter

Labels: circuit >> data logger >> MICROCONTROLLER >> PIC >> Project >> schematic The aim of the project is to
build a lab-grade data logger with PIC18F45K20 microcontroller and a 20-bit delta-sigma converter. It’s named as G5
Data Logger. This new data converter technology using…… Listed under: Other Projects

429. Interfacing LCD with PIC Microcontroller – Hi Tech C

16×2 Character LCD is a very basic LCD module which is commonly used in electronics projects and products. It contains 2 rows that can
display 16 characters. Each character is displayed using 5×8 or 5×10 dot matrix. It can be easily interfaced with a microcontroller.……
Listed under: LCD Projects

430. 4 ALARM SOUNDS using PIC12F629

This project is a miniature 1-chip alarm. All you need is a tilt switch, battery and piezo to produce a complete alarm. If
you want a very high output, you can add a Darlington buffer transistor, piezo tweeter and a 10mH choke. The chip
does…… Listed under: Projects, Security – Safety Projects

431. Custom Characters on LCD using PIC – MPLAB XC8

I hope that you already go through our tutorial, Interfacing LCD with PIC Microcontroller – MPLAB XC8. HD44780 compatible
controllers used in these LCDs allows us to define 8 custom characters in addition to the standard pre-programmed characters. In this
tutorial we will learn, how…… Listed under: LCD Projects
432. Single Chip Temperature Data Logger

Introduction A data logger is a device that records measurements over time. The measurements could be any physical
variable like temperature, pressure, voltage, humidity, etc. This project describes how to build a mini logger that
records surrounding temperature values. It has following features: – Uses…… Listed under: Temperature
Measurement Projects

433. Interfacing Servo Motor with PIC Microcontroller – MPLAB XC8

Servo Motor is an ordinary geared dc motor equipped with closed loop servo mechanism which uses position feedback to control exact
angular position of the rotor. These are commonly used in robotic arms, legs etc. Servo Motors do not rotate continuously, their rotation is
limited…… Listed under: Motor Projects

434. Using Push Button Switch – MPLAB XC8

I hope that you already go through the first tutorial of MPLAB XC8, Getting Started with MPLAB XC8 – LED Blinking. In that tutorial we
learn how to use an output pin by driving an LED. In this we will learn how to read an…… Listed under: LED Projects

435. LED Strobe for PIC12F629

Description This project functions as a simple strobe for driving an LED. The use of an output transistor allows it to pulse the strobe LED
with a current up to 100mA. Four jumpers provide options for changing the pulse width, strobe repeat interval and single…… Listed under:
LED Projects, Projects

436. How to make a contact-less digital tachometer using IR-light reflection technique

Tachometer is a device that measures the rotational speed of any shaft or disc. The unit of the measurement is usually
revolutions per minute or RPM. The traditional method of measuring RPM of a rotating shaft was based on velocity
feedback concept where a dc…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
437. Digital Thermometer using PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor

Thermometer can be easily constructed using a PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor. LM35 series is a
low cost and precision Integrated Circuit Temperature Sensor whose output voltage is proportional to Centigrade
temperature scale. Thus LM35 has an advantage over other temperature sensors calibrated in Kelvin as the…… Listed
under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

438. Programmable relay switch using PIC MCU (revised version)

Programmable relays are key elements in numerous automation applications such as automatic street light control,
watering and pump control, HVAC, home automation, power plants automation in industries, etc. This article describes
a DIY programmable relay switch using PIC16F1847 (PIC16F628A can also be used) microcontroller. It is a……
Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

439. PICs in Space

Features Full colour Animated invaders High-resolution display High-quality stereo sound effects Non-volatile high
score table High-tech rolling score Mother ship with random score Progressively increasing speed and difficulty
Realistic shield damage Bonus lives Compatible with 625-line/50Hz televisions that have an RGB SCART input Uses
standard…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

440. Using Easy Pulse mikro with MPLAB Xpress board

Easy Pulse mikro is our new educational pulse sensor in a mikroBus form factor. Like our previous Easy Pulse sensors
(Easy Pulse and Easy Pulse Plugin), it is also based on the principle of transmittance photoplethysmography (PPG)
applied to a fingertip. The sensor consists of…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector

441. RDS/RBDS decoder with optional FM stereo receiver using PIC18F452

This project supports both RDS (Europe) and RBDS (USA) Tuner FM band 88..108 MhZ (Europe and USA.) You can
choose between a 4×20 character LCD or a smaller graphical LCD to display data. A simple RS232 interface can also
be used. A 4×20 character LCD…… Listed under: Projects, Radio Projects

442. Infra-Red Transmitter using PIC12F675 microcontroller

Description This project uses a MicrochipPIC microcontroller and an Infra-Red LED to act as a PC controlled cable
TV changer. Operation The purpose of this is so that my MythTVPersonal Video Recorder (PVR) can change channels
on the cable TV set-top box when making a…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects, Radio

443. Writing Your First Program with PIC Microcontroller and Setting up Configuration Bits

This is the second tutorial of our PIC Tutorial Series. In our previous tutorial Getting started with PIC Microcontroller:
Introduction to PIC and MPLABX, we learnt the basic stuff about our PIC microcontroller, we also installed the
required software and purchased a new PicKit 3…… Listed under: LED Projects

444. An LED Persistance Of Vision Name Badge using PIC16F88

An LED Persistance Of Vision Name Badge This Instructable shows a name badge that I have built for my daughter. I
have seen the Defcon badges, and thought they were cool. Why cant my kids have one as well – but specially built for
them?…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

445. LED Blinking with PIC Microcontroller

In our previous two tutorials we discussed How to Get Started with PIC using MPLABX and XC8 compiler, we have
also made our First LED Blinking Program with PIC and verified it by simulation. Now it’s time for us to get our
hands on to…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
446. LED Blinking Sequence using PIC Microcontroller

In our previous tutorial, we learnt about Blinking a LED using PIC microcontroller and built the same circuit on Perf
board. Then we used PICkit 3, ICSP and MPLAB IPE for dumping the program onto our Perf board. Now, in this
tutorial we will advance…… Listed under: LED Projects

447. Understanding Timers in PIC Microcontroller with LED Blinking Sequence

This will be the fifth tutorial in our PIC Tutorial Series, which will help you to learn and use Timers in PIC16F877A.
In our previous tutorials, we had started with Introduction to PIC and MPLABX IDE, then we wrote our first PIC
program to blink…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

448. PIC Based Car Battery Voltage Monitoring System

In this project we are going to make a PIC based Car Battery Monitoring system on PCB. Here we have designed a
PCB using EASYEDA online PCB simulator and designer. This Car Battery Monitoring Circuit is used to monitor the
power of Car Battery by…… Listed under: Car Projects

449. Basics of LED dot matrix display. Part 1. Theory using pic microcontoller

LED dot matrices are very popular means of displaying information as it allows both static and animated text and
images. Perhaps, you have encountered them at gas stations displaying the gas prices, or in the public places and
alongside highways, displaying advertisements on large dot…… Listed under: LED Projects

450. LCD Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller using MPLABX and XC8

This is our sixth tutorial in our PIC Tutorial Series, in this tutorial we learn Interfacing of 16×2 LCD with PIC
Microcontroller. In our previous tutorials we have learnt the basics of PIC using some LED blinking Programs and
have also learnt How to use Timers…… Listed under: LCD Projects
451. PIC16F88 Delorme Tripmate GPS Logger

This project focused on creating a simple serial data logger for the Delorme Tripmate (also known as the
GPSTripmate). The Tripmate is an older GPS receiver that can be purchased on eBay for <$20. I happen to have one
that my family used a couple…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects, Projects

452. Dspic-Servo Project using PIC30F4012 microcontroller

Project Description This project was developed as an inexpensive way to drive small dc brushed motors as positioning
servos for use on a desktop sized CNC machine. The board is interfaced to the PC through 2 pins of a parallel port. The
drive signal on…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

453. Display Custom Characters on 16×2 LCD using PIC Microcontroller and XC8

In our previous tutorial, we have learnt How to Interface a 16*2 LCD with PIC Microcontroller. We recommend you to
go through it before going any further, if you are beginner in PIC microcontroller. Previously we have also learnt the
basics of PIC using LED blinking…… Listed under: LCD Projects

454. LCD interface with Microcontroller PIC: Beginner’s guide using pic microcontoller

How to interface LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) display module to PIC microcontroller? LCD is a passive component, that is it does not
make any light but just modifies the light passing through it for alphanumeric displays. LCD is exclusively manufactured to be used with
microcontrollers,…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects

455. 7 Segment Display Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller

This is our 8th tutorial of Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. We have come up all the way from
installing MPLABX to using a LCD with PIC MCU. If you are new here, then look at previous tutorials where you can

Feedback / Suggestions
learn timers,…… Listed under: LCD Projects

456. LabVIEW motion controller using pic microcontroller

In Lab 6, we discussed about interfacing a seven segment LED display to a PIC microcontroller. The seven segments
were driven individually through separate I/O pins of the microcontroller. If we do just like that then for 4 seven
segment LED displays, 28 I/O pins…… Listed under: LED Projects

457. Using ADC Module of PIC Microcontroller with MPLAB and XC8

This is our 9th tutorial of Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. Till now, we have covered many
basic tutorial like getting started with MPLABX, LED blinking with PIC, Timers in PIC, interfacing LCD, interfacing
7-segment etc. If you are an absolute beginner, then please…… Listed under: LED Projects

458. DIY Microcontroller – Hand Dynamometer

Did this DIY Hand Dynamometer as a sensor for PICAXE micro-controller. It also can be use for Arduino or any
micro-controller too. List of the materials I used to make Hand Dynamometer : 1) Hand Exerciser from Amazon – 1 pc
2) Flex Sensor 2.2″…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects

459. Generating PWM using PIC Microcontroller with MPLAB and XC8

This is our 10th tutorial of Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. Till now, we have covered many
basic tutorials like LED blinking with PIC, Timers in PIC, interfacing LCD, interfacing 7-segment, ADC using
PIC etc. If you are an absolute beginner, then please visit the complete list of PIC tutorials…… Listed under: PWM


Introduction This circuit is a repeater for GPS data. It is intended to connect to Garmin-38 (and similar) hand held GPS
receivers that don’t have external antennas. The purpose for the repeater is to allow the GPS to be outside, exposed to
the satellite view,…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects, Projects
461. Interfacing Servo Motor with PIC Microcontroller using MPLAB and XC8

This is our 11th tutorial of Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. In this tutorial we will learn How to
control Servo Motor with PIC Microcontroller. If you have already worked with Servo motors you can skip the first
half of this tutorial but…… Listed under: Motor Projects

462. UART Communication using PIC Microcontroller

In this tutorial we learn to Enable UART communication with PIC Microcontroller and how to transfer data to and
from your Computer. So far, we have covered all basic modules like ADC, Timers, PWM and also have learnt how to
interface LCDs and 7-Segment displays. …… Listed under: Other Projects

463. 50 MHz frequency counter, voltage meter & SWR/PWR indicator using PIC16C71

Circuit schematic PCB HEX code, V1.11 (operates with 4,000 MHz quartz) Hex code, V1.12 (operates with 4,1943
MHz quartz) PIC config bits Photo – Top view Photo – Bottom view Photo – Latest PCB version with TO-92 style
78L05 housing – Top view (132…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Metering –
Instrument Projects, Projects

464. Interfacing Bluetooth Module HC-06 with PIC Microcontroller

In this tutorial we will learn How to make out PIC projects wireless by interfacing a Bluetooth Module (HC-06). In our
previous tutorial we have already learnt How to use USART module in our PIC Microcontroller and established
communication between PIC and Computer. If you…… Listed under: Other Projects

465. Digital Count Down Timer using PIC Microcontroller

In this article, our author Mithun has developed a 0 – 99 min counter using PIC microcontroller 16F628A. So basically

Feedback / Suggestions
this is a digital count down timer ideal for engineering and diploma students for their project requirements. We have
given complete circuit diagram of the…… Listed under: Other Projects

466. Humidity and temperature measurements with Sensirion’s SHT1x/SHT7x sensors using PIC18F2550 (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this tutorial, we discussed about Sensirion’s SHT1x and SHT7x series of humidity sensors, their interface
specifications, the communication protocol used for transferring data in and out of the sensor, and the equations to
convert their digital outputs to actual physical quantities.…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer –
Detector Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

467. Tiny PIC bootloader using PIC16F microcontroller

Tiny Bootloader This is a bootloader for the Microchip PIC microcontrollers. It is the smallest bootloader, taking less
than 100 words of program space; Supports families of PIC devices: 16F, 18F, dsPIC30 (those devices that support
self-programming) Does not support yet PIC24, dsPIC33, PIC18xxJyy Download…… Listed under: Projects, RTOS
– OS Projects

468. DIY Digital Clock with Temperature Display using PIC Controller

One of the most enjoyable part of being an electronics person is creating your own gadgets and using them in daily life.
In this article, we are building one of those with the help of SoloPCB design tools, a digital desk clock with
temperature display…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

469. motor controller for R/C models

Technical specification Supply voltage: 6 to 10 V Supply current: <5 mA Max. output current: 40 A Processor:
PIC16C84 Connection: 3-pin plug Application: model boat, car, plane Versions: unidirectional or bidirectional Motor
brake: internal with unidirectional version Thermal protection: at 120°C Radio-controlled (R/C) modelling seems……
Listed under: Motor Projects

470. LED Heart PWM Fading using PIC18F252

With my Grandma’s birthday fast approaching I wanted to put something together that was not too complicated but still
sweet enough to make for a cool widget gift. Since fading LEDs never seem to go out of style and grandmas always
love to see a…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

471. An AVR microcontroller based Ethernet device

Ethernet has traditionally been a quite complex interface. All Ethernet chips until today had 100 pins or more, where
difficult to find in small quantities and difficult to use from a small microcontroller with little memory. Microchip has
changed the world with their new ENC28J60…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

472. Temperature controlled fan using PIC 16F877A

You might have come across several applications where we need to control a specific device based on analog
parameter. This Embedded system works in a similar concept where we are about to control the speed of a DC motor
using based on the external temperature.…… Listed under: Other Projects

473. Making a simple clap switch using PIC12F683

A clap switch is a fun project for beginners. It switches on and off electrical appliances with a sound of clapping hands.
Today we will discuss about making a simple clap switch that operates when it detects two clapping sounds in a row. It
uses…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

474. Simple Power Guard – PIC12F683

This is a very simple and accurate power guard circuit. This circuit is useful to guard the electronic or electrical devices
from mains transients and spikes. Very high spikes can develop at power on due to sparking in the switch and more
serious effects occur…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

Feedback / Suggestions

475. Interfacing LCD and Keypad with PIC16F877A Microcontroller

Interfacing LCD and Keypad are one of the important interfacing concepts of PIC microcontroller since both the input
and output element can form a complete embedded system design. This tutorial is about teaching you how to get input
input values from keypad by polling method…… Listed under: LCD Projects

476. TD-USB-01 interface with mouse sensor board using PIC18F2550

This is an example USB project showing how to interface an optical mouse sensor (the ADNS-2620) with a standard
XP/Vista computer. The TD-USB-01 board with a PIC18F2550 communicates with: the PC: USB 2.0 through a mini-B
connector. the mouse sensor board: SPI over 4-wire flatcable.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

477. IR On/Off Switch Using Microcontroller

Turn ON or OFF electrical devices using remote control is not a new idea and you can find so many different devices
doing that very well. For realization of this type of device, you must make a receiver, a transmitter and understand their
way of…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects
478. Mädchen Machen Technik

The “Mädchen Machen Technik” workshop is designed to give high school students an introduction to microcontrollers. The students will
build a flashing light pattern and/or a counter-timer. In the process of building this project, the students will learn about microcontrollers and
digital electronics. Here is…… Listed under: Other Projects


USB AVR In-System-Programmer (ISP) – The AVR firmware was written by: Klaus Leidinger – The PCB was
designed by: Dimitris Porlidas – The schematic diagram was drawn by: Dimitris Porlidas – The AvrOspII software was
written by: Mike Henning – Small modifications in firmware and…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer

480. Leon’s Mini Random Number Generator

Sales Pitch Are you confused by choices? Who isn’t? There are just so many things to decide. White, rye, or wheat?
Pinstripes or polka dots? Feast or fast? Well, don’t worry because help is on the way! I’m introducing the world’s first,
portable, hand held,…… Listed under: Calculator Projects

481. The Magnetometer using PIC16F688

I found several different magnetometer designs on Internet, but I tend to be very picky. None of those was what I
needed – something that is sensitive enough to record the small magnetic field variations where I live (San Jose,
California), robust enough to work…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

482. PIC based Oscilliscope

Feedback / Suggestions
I have seen many examples of microcontroller oscilliscopes on the web and have had an itch to build one myself. In
order to accomplish this my initial thought is to sample an input (ADC) at consistant time increments and then display
the waveform on a…… Listed under: Other Projects

483. Digital clock ds1307 using PIC microcontroller

igital clock using ds1307 and pic16f877a microcontroller is designed in this project. Digital clock using ds1307
displays time and date on LCD. PIC16F877A microcontroller is used to design digital clock. I2C communication
protocol is used to read time and date from digital clock ds1307. PIC16F877A…… Listed under: Clock – Timer

484. pic-microcontroller

Home Alarm System PIC16F84A Alarm Clock Analog data recording and playback unit Animated LED Signboard
Capacitance measurement Capaciter meter Christmas Light Flasher Microcontroller PIC16F877A is one of the
PICMicro Family microcontroller which is popular at this moment, start from beginner until all professionals. Because
very…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects


ABSTRACT The heart rate is an important measure of health and physical fitness. Medical professionals rely heavily
on the rate as a measure of health status and use it to prescribe treatment to individuals. Athletes value the heart rate
highly as a tool for regulating…… Listed under: Medical – Health based Projects

486. Roll and Temperature sensor applications using PIC18F2550

This page will show you how to use the TD-CMP modules in a way which fits you most. Here are the technical specifications of the modules:
Compass: Resolution: 1° – Accuracy: 3° Tilt/Roll: (TD-CMP02 and TD-CMP03 only) Resolution: 2° – Accuracy: 5° Temperature: (TD-
CMP03…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects
487. An Introduction to Brushless DC Motor Control

The brushless DC (BLDC) motor is becoming increasingly popular in sectors such as automotive (particularly electric
vehicles (EV)), HVAC, white goods and industrial because it does away with the mechanical commutator used in
traditional motors, replacing it with an electronic device that improves the reliability…… Listed under: Motor

488. PIC-Programmer 2 for PIC16C84 etc.

This Programmer is powered by the RS-232 and it works with RS-232 levels at only < ±8.6V. It programs
PIC12C5XX, 12C67X, 24CXX, 16C55X, 16C61, 16C62X, 16C71, 16C71X, 16C8X, 16F8X and ISO-CARD’s with
ASF. Other serial programmable chips by adapter. The high Vpp is obtained by…… Listed under: Development
Board – Kits Projects


Construction Concepts and Goals Construct a vehicle powered only by a standard 9 Volt battery that can avoid
obstacles on the left and on the right. The vehicles will have two buttons mounted on the front (left and right). For
example, if the vehicle hits…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
490. 2-Wire Keypad Interface Using a 555 Timer using PIC16F628A

Keypads are a very commonly used input device in microcontroller-based systems. In a keypad, multiple switches are
arranged in rows and columns so that they could be interfaced to a microcontroller with a minimum number of I/O
pins. For example, a 12-key keypad is arranged…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects,

491. Matrix Keypad interfacing with PIC microcontroller.

Matrix keypads are very useful when designing certain systems which needs user input. These keypads are constructed
by arranging push button switches in rows and columns as shown in Fig.1. Scanning keypad to detect pressed keys
involves several steps and there are several methods to…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)

492. Spooky Led Lamp using PIC12F675 microcontroller

Spooky Led Lamp This is a hollowed out light bulb filled with fluorescent liquid and two UV leds plus one red led
immersed in the liquid. When turned on the light bulb flickers for a while then starts to pulsate randomly with the UV
leds…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

493. Driving LCD directly from PIC

This project is one another thermometer application that uses the TCN75A digital sensor from Microchip. The sensor
provides digital temp conversion in the range -40°C – 125°C (-40°F – 257°F) and has maximum resolution 0.0625°C.
However, the LCD that I used (2.5 digits model LCD-S2X1C50TR…… Listed under: LCD Projects

494. Wireless PICAXE-based water tank level sensor

Over the last few months I have prototyped and built a water tank level sensor for my 9000L rain water tank. The design is based entirely on
Silicon Chip’s PIC-Based Water-Tank Level Meter, but instead of programming PICs, I prototyped using an arduino, and built…… Listed under:
Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects, Wireless Projects
495. Electrical Subsystem

The goal of the electrical design was to streamline an automatic shift control while keeping manual user input in a fast,
user-friendly way. The electrical design was driven by the complexity required by the mechanical system. The system
takes in rider input in the form…… Listed under: Other Projects

496. pic18f2550 Microcontroller Project Board

The new PIC18F2550 Project Board was designed as the development platform for student projects. The board features
MCU: PIC18F2550 with external xtal, ADC: one channel 0-2.5V sigma-delta converter, Linear Technology
LTC2400/LTC2420, 6-channal 10-bit ADC 0-5V, Display: Two connectors for text LCD or GLCD, USB: onchip……
Listed under: LCD Projects

497. Worlds Most Useless Machine Rebuild

The Original Build Back in 2009 I build my first copy of a “worlds most useless machine” from a video I found on, it is no longer posted, which was a copy of the real original by Claude Shannon called the ultimate
machine. The…… Listed under: Battery Projects

498. Another DIY function generator using PIC16F628

Feedback / Suggestions
An extremely simple and low cost Sine/Square wave generator based on the Analog Devices AD9835 Direct Digital
Synthesis (DDS) Generator chip. The frequency can be set for any frequency from 1Hz to 10MHz in 1Hz resolution
steps! All this with three push buttons and a…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects

499. How to use a 74HC595 Shift Register with a AVR ATtiny13

Intro: How to use a 74HC595 Shift Register with a AVR ATtiny13 If you have been playing with microcontrollers and
electronics then you have likely seen LED dot matrix displays and other projects that use shift registers like 7-segment
displays and more. This instructable goes…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects,

500. RFM12 – Wireless Transceiver Module Demo using pic microcontoller

Description Hardware Software Running the RFM12 Demo Download Links Description This project shows how to do
wireless communication with the RFM12 tranceiver modue in combination with a PIC microcontroller. The RFM12 is
a low costing ISM band FSK transceiver module. There are different module variants…… Listed under: Wireless

501. LED Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller: Embedded C program with circuit using pic microcontoller

How to interface LED with Microchip’s PIC microcontroller? How to connect LEDs to a PIC microcontroller? LED
interfacing is the stepping stone for microcontroller development. This is a simple embedded program for PIC
16F877A to interface LEDs, suitable for beginners who wish to study basics…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LED Projects

502. Wireless 10 channel receiver using PIC16F630

This project can steer 10 different things wireless with the use of a normal TV-remote-control with the RC5 protocol,
from manufacters like Philips, Grundig and Marantz. If the Proton PIC Basic compiler is available, then you can
ofcourse change the number of channels. Use it…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
503. DS1820 Temperature regulator using PIC16F628

This simple project uses a Dallas DS1820 one wire temperature sensor and a pic 16f628 microprocessor. A simple
temperature regulator where a LED symbolizes the Fan. Data derived from the DS18s20 is a 9bit centigrade
temperature measurement. As mentioned the temperature sensor communicates over a one Wire…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects,
Temperature Measurement Projects

504. $15.00 BASIC Computer using PIC32MX1 microcontroller

$15.00 BASIC Computer? Imagine a microcontroller that you can connect a serial terminal up to to get an ok prompt?
What would happen if you changed one of the control registers can I see the effect straight away? Is it really possible to
download programs…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Other Projects, Projects,
RTOS – OS Projects

505. How to Wire a PIC Microcontroller?

I’m completely new to the world of PIC Microcontrollers and electrical engineering so please go easy Anyway, I
managed to program my PIC 16f627 to turn on three LEDs when push button (trigger button) is pressed and start a shut
down sequence (basically each LED…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

506. WEBSD using PIC24F microcontroller

WEBSD This is a development board for the PIC24F series of microchip, with: USB ( plug it to any computer)
Ethernet ( plug it to the internet) SD card ( save and read all data you will need) I developed this thing as a
learning platform,…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
507. Control AC load with microcontroller.

As per the title of this question i’m trying to control an ac resistive load. So far i had little success and i’m experiencing
“strange”, to me at least, behaviour from the triac(s) i tried. first of all i post a schematic of my test…… Listed under:
Other Projects

508. PIC12F675 LCD Interfacing Code and Proteus Simulation

This post provides the LCD[1] interfacing code using PIC12F675 microcontroller. This code is written in C language
using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of
this page. It is assumed that you know how to…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects,
LCD Projects, Projects

509. Versatile SOIC PIC Programming Header using PIC18F88

A small PCB allows for the out-of-circuit programming of 18 & 28 pin SOIC PIC Microcontrollers from either an
ICSP programmer or ZIF socket. A recent article in a popular electronics magazine presented a small printed circuit
board for programming 18-pin SOIC PICs from a…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects,

510. 10-minute sewable iPod remote using PIC10F222 microcontroller

10-minute sewable iPod remote There are a lot of really cool iPod remote control projects: some have simple buttons,
some react to heartbeat or body motion, and others are designed to interface directly with software running on a
computer. However, not one of them is truly…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

511. Execute Open-Source Code in a PIC Microcontroller Using the MPLAB IDE

The PIC32 single-board computer is a de facto standard tool for developing microcomputer applications within the
hobbyist and educational communities. It provides an open-source hardware (OSH) environment based on a simple
microcontroller board, as well as an open-source (OS) development environment for writing software for…… Listed
under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects
512. 3-Wire Serial LCD using a Shift Register

Introduction HD44780 based character LCDs require at least 6 I/O lines from microcontroller to display data.
Therefore, they are not suitable for low-pin microcontrollers like PIC12F series microchips. In this project, I am going
to show how to drive an HD44780 based LCD display with…… Listed under: LCD Projects

513. Simple Digital Current Meter (DCM) using PIC microcontroller (Schematic + code + Proteus simulation)

This post would provide a working example of how to make a simple Current Meter (DCM) using 16bit PIC
microcontroller and a series shunt resistance. We have very precise ammeter current measurement with a 10bit ADC
and with a tolerance of ±10mA. You may download…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

514. Interfacing Ultrasonic Distance Sensor : ASCII Output with PIC Microcontroller

In some of our projects, we may want to measure the distance of an object from a point. Ultrasonic Distance Sensors
are the best sensor which provides stable, accurate, precise, non-contact distance measurements from 2cm to 4m.
Ultrasonic Sensors can be used to measure distance between moving…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 –
I2c -ISP) Projects

515. j. ICSP Programmer for PIC32 microcontroller family

PIC32 ICSP Programmer v1.0 is based on a simple PIC32MX270F256B microcontroller basic circuit. It connects to a
PC via USB 2.0 port and therefore needs no external power supply. It may be used to program a PIC32 microcontroller
on a circuit via ICSP interface or…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
516. Digital watt meter using pic microcontroller

In this article, I will discuss how to design digital ac watt meter using pic microcontroller. Lets start with basic
introduction of watt meter. What is Watt meter? Watt meter is electrical device which is used to measure real power in
AC circuits and total…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

517. CITROEN Saxo Vehicle Touch Sensitive switches using PIC16F84A

Project Summary The CITROEN Saxo Vehicle Touch Sensitive switches For operating Hazards and two peripheral
devices If you want to change the look of your dash board inside a vehicle, maybe just fancy some of modern
electronics This could be the design for you Project…… Listed under: Car Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer
– Detector Projects

518. PIC16F690 Microcontroller Circuit- How to Drive an LED Display

In this article, we will show how to drive a 7 segment LED Display using a PIC16F690 microcontroller. This
PIC16F690 microcontroller chip is actually a part of the PIC2 Starter Kit, so we will actually be using this starter kit to
drive the LED Display.…… Listed under: LED Projects

519. PIC18F452 LED Blinking Code and Proteus Simulation

This post provides the LED blinking code (compiled in MPLAB + HI-TECH C) for PIC18F452. Complete project
code and the proteus simulation can be downloaded from the Downloads section at the bottom of this post. The
following diagram shows the required circuit. In this project a crystal of…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

520. Ultra-easy use of 64-pin TQFP PIC18F6620 using TQFP-to-DIP PCB from VOTI
A while ago I purchased a batch of 18F6620 TQFP PIC Microcontrollers at a ridiculously low price. The barrier to use
of TQFP packages is, of course mounting these SMD packages effectively alongside the ‘normal’ components
enthusiasts tend to use. At the time I set…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

521. A Minimal USB CDC ACM aka Virtual Serial Port

This page introduces a minimal firmware that implements a USB Virtual Serial Port for Microchip PIC18F4550
processor. The code has been optimized to use minimal amout of memory (both Flash and RAM) and tuned to work
well with the Free SDCC C-compiler. The code size…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)

522. pic12f675 Microcontroller 8-PIN PONG

This project is based on ideas from Rickard’s electronic projects page and David B. Thomas VCR Pong. However, I
have developed the simplicity even further, eliminating most of the external components. Using microcontrollers with
internal 4MHz clock generator there is no need for the xtal.…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

523. Using Microcontrollers ( Microchip PIC)

Many people using Arduino or some other development board in their projects, instead of making their own board with
microcontroller because they simply don’t know how to design PCB with microcontrollers. What microcontrollers
need in order to operate? This time I will be focusing on…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

524. Quick & Easy RGB-LED Tester using PIC16F627 microcontroller

Quick & Easy RGB-LED Tester Have you ever built a project with a lot of LEDs, and found out that one of the LEDs
was defective? Although it’s somewhat rare, there are some defective LEDs when you go through hundreds of them. I
found that…… Listed under: LED Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
525. MIDI Chord Button Keyboard Using PIC18F4620 part 2

How chords are formed Before discussing the processor board and software, it is worth mentioning how the chords are
composed. I have provided the table below which shows the installed chords together with the intervals/notes they are
constructed from, and examples of each in the…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

526. Embedded System for Automatic Washing Machine using Microchip PIC18F Series Microcontroller

The design uses the PIC18F series microcontroller. All the control functionalities of the system are built around this.
Upgradeability is the unique feature of this system. Control card hardware and software allows the manufacturer to add
or remove the features as per customer requirement and…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

527. Embedded System for Automatic Washing Machine using Microchip PIC18F Series Microcontroller

The design uses the PIC18F series microcontroller. All the control functionalities of the system are built around this.
Upgradeability is the unique feature of this system. Control card hardware and software allows the manufacturer to add
or remove the features as per customer requirement and…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

528. MIDI Chord Button Keyboard Using PIC18f4620 part 1

Every time I sit down to document one of my projects, I try to remember the occasions in the past when looking at the
finished web page, I might say ‘Well, I won’t do that again!’, because despite how many drafts I’ve gone through,
there…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

529. Isolated RS232C for PIC16F84

Another method that helps program development besides a dot LED as the output device is a serial bit. With a serial
transmission to a terminal emulator program, developer may then test program running easier than a dot LED. One of
my circuit uses PIC16F84 having…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects
530. Bluetooth-Controlled Guitar FX Amplifier

As part of our final project for ECE 4760: Digital Systems Design Using Microcontrollers, we built a guitar amplifier
with remote distortion and digital effects capabilities controlled from a smartphone via bluetooth. Musicians often need
to modify the configuration of their amplifiers when performing in…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

531. Small 3-wheel ROBOT with PIC16F84 brain & InfraRed eyes.

General description erberes is a small three wheel robot that avoids obstacles which it senses with its active infrared
sensors. Each rear wheel has its own motor, the single front wheel is not powered. The robot steers “like a tank” by
rotating the rear wheels…… Listed under: LED Projects

532. Miniature Real-Time Controller using PIC16F84

Introduction The F84 MRTC was my second design of a miniature real-time controller. This version uses PIC16F84
running with a low power X-tal 32,768Hz. The scheduler for 6-channel output was saved in EEPROM. No terminal for
serial downloading of the scheduler. It’s suitable for fixed…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

533. Using Transistor as a Switch

Most of microcontrollers work within 5 volt environment and the I/O port can only handle current up to 20mA;
therefore if we want to attach the microcontroller’s I/O port to different voltage level circuit or to drive devices with
more than 20mA; we need to…… Listed under: Other Projects

534. MultiKey – One Wire Keypad

Feedback / Suggestions
Introduction This is a simple and easy to make serial keypad. The microcontroller will output the number of the push button pressed. This
project can be used for many different purposes. Probably the most used application would be to interface to any electronic project that……
Listed under: Projects

535. 2 Digit 99 Seconds Timer

2 Digit Count Down Timer is a utility Count Down timer project for upto 99 seconds of countdown time. This project
can find many uses in your shack and home. The relay output remains on during the Count Down period, allowing you
to interface load…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

536. Extend PIC Microcontroller‘s RAM by without using EMI

Introduction Virtually all PIC microcontrollers have some banking mechanism to extend addressing to additional memory space. But this
external data memory is not directly addressable (except in some high versions of PIC18 devices, which include PIC18F8520, PIC18F6620,
etc.). In this post we describe easy to…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects

537. 100MHz frequency counter with PIC16F628A – LCD Display

This project shows how to build a very simple yet very useful tool that every DIY enthusiast should have in his lab: a 100MHz+ frequency
counter. The schematic is fairly simple and straightforward and uses a PIC16F628A microcontroller for measuring frequency and a high
speed comparator for…… Listed under: LCD Projects

538. DTMF Phone Dialer using PIC16F690

The company I work for recently upgraded their phone system. They got a new IP phone system that can supposedly
do everything – the new phones have big LCD screens with fancy menus, lots of different modes, PC connection for
remote control of the phone,…… Listed under: Phone Projects, Projects
539. Animatronic Robot Head

I’ve improved the old robot head project which can be found at the old articles link.. The head will be powered by
servomotors and will be built from sheet plastic, metal or plywood. The template which can be used for cutting sheet
material can be…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

540. 12 DIGIT RUNNING SIGN using PIC16F628

It’s 1970 and a 12 digit LED Display for pocket calculators has just been released. Nation Semiconductors are in the
forefront of designing miniature displays for calculators and have a range from 2-digit to 16-digit displays. The actual
7-segment displays are so small it takes…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, LED Projects,

541. 100MHz frequency counter with PIC16F628A – LED Display

Couple of weeks ago I purchased from eBay one of these amazingly cheap an useful modules with MAX7219 LED driver and 8 digit LED
display. It is ideal for frequency counter project. The problem was the absence of library for PIC microcontrolers. Luckily, I found……
Listed under: LED Projects

542. Mini GSM localizer without GPS using pic microcontoller

It’s no the first time that we present a localizer without GPS. We remake the old device with the cheaper SimCom
module SIM900. In the previous post we present the GSM section and now we can present the complete localizator.
Introduction This system allows for…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects

543. Basic circuit for PIC18F24J50 or PIC18F26J50 to work over USB

The basic circuit below will work with any PIC18F2xJ50 microcontroller. You just have to upload the appropriate firmware. Go to

Feedback / Suggestions
Downloads section to find firmware hex files for the microcontroller and the resonator you would like to use. PIC18F24J50 firmware v2.6.3
– all contain…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

544. Serial LCD Library using PIC16C84

Here is a library to interface your PIC code to an LCD that is controlled via a serial line. One such LCD is available
from Scott Edwards Electronics. There are many others, and the code shown here can easily be adpated to other LCD
displays…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

545. USB PIC Programmer

This page is dedicated to everybody needs to program a PIC (Microchip) device via USB port. Looking on the web for
ready-to-use projects, I found a good one called Open Programmer, coming with several schematics, PCBs and Open
Source code. The original link is What concerned…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

546. LCD Serial Terminal using PIC16F84

LCD Serial Terminal Introduction: In the 1980s a serial terminal was a big thing with a picture tube and keyboard. You
used it to communicate with a computer by RS-232 cable or with a modem. In this century, we still sometimes have
need for a…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

547. Boost converter using IR2110 and pic microcontroller

Boost converter using IR2110 and pic microcontroller, In this article I am going to post my design of boost converter ?
In this article you will learn what is boost converter ? How to design boost converter ? How to use MOSFET as a
switch…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

548. PIC Stroboscope using PIC12F675 microcontroller

PIC Stroboscope You have probably been to a party where there is a strobe and it delays everything. Today we are going to use this principle to
“slow” stuff (fans) down. Maybe you have seen one using 555 timers, the Arduino and maybe even the…… Listed under: Other Projects,

549. 18 PIN PIC Development Board

The PIC 18 PIN (DIP) Development / Evaluations Board demonstrates the capabilities of Microchip’s 8-bit
microcontrollers, specifically, 18 Pin PIC16F1847. It can be used as a standalone demonstration board with a
programmed part. With this board you can develop and prototype with all Microchip’s 18…… Listed under:
Development Board – Kits Projects

550. PIC 18F4550 Timer And Interrupt Example Video Project

Welcome back everybody! This video covers multitasking via timers and interrupts with the PIC 18F4550. A few notes
on this video: -To keep the pace of the video going I added fast forwarding more than in the previous videos. Please let
me know in the…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

551. An LDmicro Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will show you how to write a very simple program. I am assuming that you have written ladder logic
before, and that you have some basic familiarity with microcontrollers, but that you have never used LDmicro. If you
don’t know very…… Listed under: LED Projects

552. Homemade temperature LED display for PC using PIC16F876

Feedback / Suggestions
Since I started my watercooling prejoect, I have been verry interested in how well it perform, the only way is to
measure all temperatures before and after, The motherboard temperature sensors is useless unacurate, so I’m using
LM50B By using this LM50B sensor I get…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, LED Projects, Projects,
Temperature Measurement Projects

553. PIC 18F – 28 PIN PIC Development Board

Description This is a versatile, configurable, and cost effective Development Board designed for the 18F 28 pin series of Microcontroller
from Microchip. The board is simplest form with all the Port pins terminating in a header connector for easy connection to the outside
world.…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

554. Heavy duty portable charger for usb devices (phones, iPad, etc.) using PIC12F683

Heavy duty portable charger for usb devices (phones, iPad, etc.) Ever needed to charge your phone on the go? Can’t
find a wall socket to charge your iPod? Whenever I’m away from home for an extended period of time, I would charge
my phone and mp3…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Projects

555. FailureBot 5 – A Line Following Robot

Introduction The objectives of the FailureBot project originated simply as “build a line-following robot”. However, it
somehow evolved into a 3-year robotics experiment. My first attempt to build a robot was such a complete failure that I
jokingly called it “FailureBot”. The name seemed quite…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

556. PIC RGB Power Board using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Description Power Pic RGB is a circuit that generates random RGB colors using a powerful 3W RGB LED and fades
between them. The initial project goal was to develop the fading algorithm which was successfully achieved. This time
the idea was to drive a Prolight…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Projects
557. Open Source 3.2” TFT Smart Display

This project is an open source 3.2″ Smart TFT display board. The board is based on a PIC32 and a 3.2′ TFT with touchscreen (ILI9320
controller, using 16bits PMP). The software has two main parts. One that produces the 2D functions and a GUI with…… Listed under: LCD

558. PIC’ing the MAX3100: Adding USB to a PIC Microcontroller Using the MAX3100 UART using pic microcontroller

Abstract: USB has just become easy to implement. This application note eases equipment designers into USB by
allowing them to continue to transmit and receive data using the familiar UART frames of the MAX3100 UART. A
UART-to-USB converter IC and operating system driver will take care…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232
– I2c -ISP) Projects

559. Re-Doing my Design for a circuit to control an invention using a Microchip PIC microcontroller chips.

In a previous article I described how I designed the circuitry to control functions of the asparagus harvester. After
bread boarding up a test circuit and doing some initial programming I decided a re-do was in order. I found I had a lot
of unnecessary…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

560. Digital & Binary clock with thermometer & hygrometer

Here we have a clock. It’s not “another clock”. It has digital and binary output. It also has a thermometer and a
hygrometer. It’s not “another thermo-hygrometer”. It display’s absolutely humidity (gr/m3) also. Schematic MCU I
build it around Microchip PIC16F917, with internal Oscillator…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
561. USB:- DC Motor Controller using PIC18F4550 (keyboard)

USB:- DC Motor Controller using PIC18f4550 (keyboard) Hello friends, Requirements USB DEMO interface Board
L293D motor controller chip Schematic This a small project on controlling D.C motor with USB pic18f4550 interface
board with L293D motor Driver. A small application [C#] is controlling my pic18f4550 USB…… Listed under: Motor

562. Build your Own PCB Exposure Box with Fluorescent Lamps and Countdown System

Introduction Tired of spending hours and hours in wire soldering? Do your circuits look ugly and you are looking for a
way to produce professional-like PCBs? Then you had better try photoetching. And the first step to do that is to have
the right equipment…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

563. Use a PIC Microcontroller to Control a Hobby Servo

This instructable describes how to integrate hobby servos (the kind used in RC planes, cars, etc.) into your
microcontroller projects. Step 1: How Servos are Different from Regular Motors In a regular DC motor, the amount of
torque the motor exerts on the shaft is…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

564. Microcontroller Clapper Switch

Introduction I always thought the clapper so cool. For those who are lazy like me, turn on or off the bedroom light
without getting out of bed, simple clap your hands is amazing. Thinking about it I projected one for me. Several
projects of clappers…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

565. Using the MAX6955 LED Display Driver with a PIC Microcontroller to Scroll Messages

Abstract: A circuit and program listing for using the MAX6955 LED display driver with a PIC microcontroller and 14-segment displays. The
MAX6955 is an LED display driver with an I2C™-compatible, serial interface capable of supporting Fast Mode speeds up to 400kHz. It is
capable of driving…… Listed under: LED Projects
566. Ultra low cost solar-rechargeable persistence of vision display using PIC10F206

Ultra low cost solar-rechargeable persistence of vision display This device produces a bright and eye catching display
to write text and small images through the air. It uses under £2 (approx $3.20 US at the time of writing) of parts, and is
a nice little…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Projects

567. LED UV exposure box

Introduction I have been using the toner transfer method for about 9 years with great results. Occasionally I would need
a board with finer traces and I would use UV method. My exposure setup allowed only a single sided board to be made
and it…… Listed under: LED Projects

568. Smart Button using PIC10F microcontroller

Smart Button This is a button a little bit smarter. (Microcontrollers and coffee, who doesn’t like) I i’m using it to fill
my Coffeemaker with water. This way its a little bit more fun and i always get the same amount of water. Its a simple
project,…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

569. 8051 Microcontroller Overview & Hardware – Tutorial #1

Feedback / Suggestions
The intel 8051 series 8bit microcontroller, originally introduced in 1980, remains popular and has had perhaps the longest product life of all
such devices. It has become the industry standard for real-time and Boolean control applications. While some (who should know better)
have said that…… Listed under: LED Projects

570. OSCCAL Value Finder

Introduction When working with microcontrollers that require a factory calibrated osccal value stored in memory, it s
very normal that once in a while this setting could be lost during an upload of a new program or when accidentally
erasing the device. I m no exception and…… Listed under: Projects


Microcontroller was invented by Intel sometimes in the 80s ever since that invention other Electronics companies such
as Atmel, Microchip and Motorola etc have manufactured different brands of Microcontroller like AT89, PIC16F and
68H All microcontrollers performs specific task based on the set of instructions…… Listed under: Home Automation

572. PIC-based Digital Voltmeter (DVM)

Introduction This project will describe how to make a simple digital voltmeter (DVM) using a PIC16F688
microcontroller. The range of this DVM is 0-20V, but you can easily increase or decrease the range of input voltage as
your requirements after you understand the voltage scaling…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

573. Interfacing LCD Modules with PIC Microcontrollers.

A large number of embedded project require some type of user interface. This includes displaying numerical, textual
and graphical data to user. For very simple numerical display we can use 7 segment displays. If the requirement is little
more than that, like displaying some alphanumeric…… Listed under: LCD Projects
574. USB Low Pin Kit

Introduction USB is very common interface today. If you look around, many of devices today comes with a USB port.
Computers, printers, routers, usb keys, etc. All this devices have a USB controller inside. These devices can be divided
in two groups: USB Host (like…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

575. Solar Recorder using PIC18F458 microcontroller

The device used for measuring daily insolation has been developed. The device was built with a PIC18F458 and the
128MB Multimedia Memory Card, MMC. The solar radiation is measured by a calculator solar cell. The PIC chip
interfaces the MMC using SPI mode. The interval…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects, Metering –
Instrument Projects, Projects

576. Interfacing RTC with Microcontroller

Have you ever wondered how your PC and phones keep track of time even when the device is turned OFF? Well there
is a Real Time Clock (RTC) that is kept powered even is the device is turned OFF. Once the device is turned ON……
Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

577. PIC based WWVB clock

Introduction There are many DIY versions of WWVB clock designs available on the web. Commercial “atomic”
clocks are inexpensive and widely available, but I wanted to try my hand at designing one to gain insight into WWVB
reception and to learn a little about programming…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

578. Details of PIC ICSP and how to use it for pic microcontrollers.

PIC ICSP gives you a convenient way of programming PIC Micros without removing the chip from the development
or production board. Note: ICSP stands for In Circuit Serial Programming. All you need is a programmer that provides

Feedback / Suggestions
the ICSP connector (usually a six pin molex/dupont…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects

579. PicChess

This project is a micro controller chess game. The objective has to be able to play chess on a VGA monitor, including
an intelligent computer to play against. This all has been accomplished with a microcontroller. I started this as a project
for the college…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Microcontroller Programmer Projects

580. Solar power auto irrigation system using microcontroller

Solar power auto irrigation system using microcontroller, In this article you will learn about auto irrigation system.
Whats is irrigation system? What is auto irrigation system? How to make irrigation system automatic? How to use
microcontroller to make intelligent and automatic? Circuit diagram of solar…… Listed under: LCD Projects

581. 89Sxx Development Board

Introduction There are some 89Sxx development board, here is another one. I have designed this single side
development board to be used as a tool for learning MCS-51 Microcontrollers, and for easy microcontroller project
development. The 89Sxx development board features : 89Sxx 40-DIL based design,…… Listed under: Development
Board – Kits Projects

582. Voltage monitor for car’s battery and its charging system PIC16F1827

My 2010 Equinox has got every feature that a modern automobile should have. However, one thing that I personally
find missing is the real-time monitoring of voltage across the car’s battery terminals. This may not seem to be that
important but one of the most…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Car Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects,
583. How to generate video signals in real-time using a PIC16F84

Background During the Christmas holidays 1997-1998, I started on a small project, trying to generate a video signal
with a PIC16C84. I had seen some video clock generating video signals in software, and thought it was a quite
interesting idea, and wanted to take it…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

584. MCU controlled Bluetooth automation with infrared sensor

The microcontroller used is 0822 zilog encore! 8k series (soic,28pin) as shown on the figure. Is a programmable
microcontroller, the functions used are the GPIO and the UART of the chip. GPIO is used on led indicators, and the
UART is used for giving and…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

585. Serial LCDs you can make your own using PIC12F683

HD44780 based LCD displays are very popular for embedded projects because they are cheap, easy to interface, can
display characters, consume power lot less than seven-segment displays, and most of the present day compilers have
in-built library routines for them. However, the only disadvantage is…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

586. PIC18F452 to PC USB 2.0 interface with FT245BM

Here is an example of how to interface a PIC18F452 to a PC via the USB port. The windows-pc (98, Me, 2000, XP,
2003) runs a program (C# application, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003) to communicate with the USB interface,
which transfers data to and…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

587. Solar tracking system using pic microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
Solar tracking system using pic microcontroller, In this article you will learn what is solar tracking system? Why We
need of solar tracking system ? Which methods of solar tracking system being used now a days ? How to design Solar
tracking system ? circuit diagram…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

588. Low cost ICSP PIC-programmer using PIC16F648A

Galvanic from PC isolated PIC programmer The Wisp648 from is an In Circuit Serial Programmer to
program a flash PIC which mostly can stay in your circuit. No irritating doings like pulling the PIC out of the PCB,
place it in the programmer, programming…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects,
Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

589. Low cost LCD module interface with optional LED backlight using PIC18F452

Here are the technical specifications: LCD resolution: 128 x 64 pixels LCD manufacturer: DisplayTech. LCD model 1:
64128COG-FA-BC (no backlight) LCD model 2: 64128G-FC-BW-3 (white LED backlight) On-glass lcd controller
KS0713, with 30 pins connector. Very low power operation (less than 1mA @3V) Fast serial…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects, LED Projects, Projects

590. DS1820 Arbiter V2.00 Schematic / Parts List

RS232 Connection Notes See the RS232 reference to determine the wiring for either a 9-way or 25-way female D Type
“sub-miniature” connector. RTS and CTS are connected together. RXD is used to steal a negative supply. You may
have to connect DSR and DCD to DTR…… Listed under: Other Projects

591. MOTM Compatible Dual Channel Quantizer

Introduction: This describes my original design dual channel quantizer inspired by Chris List’s ARP Style CV Quantizer design. My new
implementation is an intelligent design that exploits the programmability of a Microchip PIC16F84. It will quantize voltages in 1/12 volt
(semitone) or 1 volt (octave)…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects
592. Build your Own PCB Exposure Box with Fluorescent Lamps and Countdown System

Introduction Tired of spending hours and hours in wire soldering? Do your circuits look ugly and you are looking for a
way to produce professional-like PCBs? Then you had better try photoetching. And the first step to do that is to have
the right equipment…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects

593. Single button code entry for a digital lock using PIC16F628A

The Button Code is a system that allows a single button to act as a keypad. The user enters a 4 digit code into the
system using button taps. The button can be placed where the public can access it since like a keypad there…… Listed
under: Projects, Security – Safety Projects

594. Voltmeter Ammeter Kit – Blue Backlight LCD

Voltmeter Ammeter is a great kit to measure voltage and current at the same time. It measures 0-70V or 0-500V
voltage with 100mV resolution and current from 0 to 10A. It’s a perfect addition to any power supply, battery chargers
and other electronic projects where…… Listed under: LCD Projects

595. PIC micro Timer Code

Feedback / Suggestions
Here’s the minimal code to make timer 1 (a 16 bit timer) work using PICBasic. General descriptions of PIC timer
variables used to control the timer: (you should be able to use these no matter what programming language you use):
T1CON.0 is the first bit…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

596. Long Period Astable Timer using PIC12F629

Description This software functions as a long period astable mutivibrator. The mark and space period can be set from
1 second up to a maximum 65535 seconds (18h12m15s). Using the internal 4Mhz RC oscillator delays with an
accuracy of 99% or better can be achieved …… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

597. Voltmeter Ammeter Kit

Voltmeter Ammeter is a great kit to measure voltage and current at the same time. It measures 0-70V or 0-500V
voltage with 100mV resolution and current from 0 to 10A. It’s a perfect addition to any power supply, battery chargers
and other electronic projects where…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

598. Digital Meter Adapter – DMAD

Adding a Digital Meter and Functions to Analog Geiger Counters The Digital Meter Adapter is a expansion module for
adding digital functions to Analog Geiger Counters that have a pulse output. If you’re geiger counter outputs a ttl pulse
for every radioactive particle it detects,…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

599. TinyWireMCP23008 – MCP23008 library for ATtiny85 microcontroller

If you want to know more… If you want to know more about ATtiny85 microcontroller and how to upload sketches to
it, you may have a look to ATtiny85 vs ATmega328. About TinyWireMCP23008 was tested (and works) with a 8 MHz
ATtiny85 and I2C standard…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects
600. Nokia 1100 LCD Interfacing with Microcontroller

Displaying content on a normal alphanumeric display is very limited ,we have to be limited with the font size and we
can’t draw any graphics also. but convention Graphics lcd are really very expensive so here is the solution, you can use
Nokia 1100 monochrome…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects

601. A PIC-Based Temperature Alarm using PIC16C84

Presented is a simple temperature alarm which uses a PIC16C84 microcontroller and a 2-line LCD display. The alarm
displays current temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees and features a 3-key keypad which allows the user
to set independent high and low termperature alarm points.…… Listed under: Projects, Security – Safety Projects

602. Serial to PIC Interface using PIC Microcontroller

One of the first things I like to do when creating a new project is to get the I/O working. This helps in debugging the
code as I write it. What about projects that do not have I/O? This device sneeks both input and output…… Listed
under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

603. DIY, Microcontroller-Based Battery Monitor for RC Aircraft

I’ve had good cause to be reading and perusing a few old Circuit Cellar articles every day for the past several weeks.
We’re preparing the upcoming 25th anniversary issue of Circuit Cellar, and part of the process is reviewing the
company’s archives back to the…… Listed under: Battery Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
604. Whistle Key Finder using PIC12F629

This project uses one of the smallest chips in the PIC microcontroller range, the PIC12F629 and you can learn to
program it and experience the thrill of making something yourself and see what goes into writing a program. Even a
program as simple as this…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

605. Telephone operated remote control using PIC16F84A microcontroller

This design controls up to 8 devices using a PIC microcontroller (PIC16F84A) connected to the phone line. The unique
feature here is that unlike other telephone line based remote control, this device does not need the call to be answered
at the remote end so…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

606. Serial communication with Matlab pic-microcontroller

Overview Matlab has a “serial” function that allows it to communicate through a serial port. This project is to establish
serial port connection with the PIC microcontroller and demonstrate bidirectional communication between the PIC and
a Matlab program. For demonstration purposes, the PIC will send…… Listed under: LED Projects

607. GPS to SD-Card Data Logger using PIC16F819 microcontroller

Description This project combines a GPS receiver module, a MicrochipPIC microcontroller and a Secure Digital
memory card to make a GPS data logger. With a large capacity and reasonably long battery life it is a very useful
device for logging GPS position for example for…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects, Memory – Storage
Projects, Projects

608. Interfacing HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with PIC Microcontroller

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is a popular and low cost solution for non-contact distance measurement function. It is able to measure
distances from 2cm to 400cm with an accuracy of about 3mm. This module includes ultrasonic transmitter, ultrasonic receiver and its control
circuit. HC-SR04 module has…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects
609. PIC12F675 software UART (bit banging) code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the software UART (Bit Banging) code for PIC12F675 microcontroller (e-g to connect PIC
controller with PC using serial adapter). As we know, PIC12F675 microcontroller doesn’t have built in UART module,
so we can create UART functionality in it’s software. This post provides the details…… Listed under: How To – DIY
– Projects, Projects

610. PIC-Bot II

On this page I hope to provide more details than I usually provide for those who wish to construct their own PIC-bot,
realising that people actually try to make this stuff. Traditionally, my ‘bot pages are for documenting the essentials, not
in the kind of…… Listed under: Other Projects

611. Original PICKIT-2 microcontroller programmer

These days I was thinking about a better PIC programmer that can work with MicrochipMPLAB IDE software so that I
can write my own programs or edit someone else’s programs. I found that there are numerous versions of the famous
Microchip PICkit 2 on the…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
612. PIC 16C84 VT-52 Emulator for Linux

Features Fits in one half height 5.25″ drive bay. Back light 16 x 2 lines LCD (Hitachi Compatible) display. 4 Selection
buttons, arranged so that it looks like an ATM machine. RS232 19,200 baud connection to PC with Hardware
handshaking (CTS). Uses a subset of…… Listed under: LCD Projects


Updated on 30.6.2015 The PIC16F876A’s ADC digitizes the sound and store it in the SD or SDHC card. The firmware
works for SD or SDHC cards only, for old SD (before 2009) use ver1 firmware. Do not use SDXC cards with this
project because some…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

614. Breadboard module for PIC16F628A

Here’s another breadboard module that carries a PIC16F628A microcontroller. The power supply pins and the I/O ports
of the PIC16F628A microcontroller are accessed through male headers. It can be easily plugged into a breadboard and
is very useful for quick prototyping. It frees up a…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

615. PIC programmers for parallel port

uni5_a.bmp – PCB of parallel programmer UNIPROG V-A uni5_as1.bmp – schematic diagram of G.Tait’s
programmer with 4066 uni5_ao1.bmp – layout of components of G.Tait’s programmer with 4066 List of components: 1
x slot for ISO card (eight pins are enough) 1 x female Centronix connector…… Listed under: Microcontroller
Programmer Projects

616. Fun with PCBs

Last year I bought this Etch-Set For Electronic Circuits from Jaycar with the intention of having a go at making my own printed circuit boards
(PCBs). I’d had lots of experience working with those experimenter’s Stripboards and Perfboards, which had been more than sufficient for……
Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects
617. One Chip Video Poker using PIC16F628 microcontroller

This is a simple video poker game for the PIC 16F628 and a 20×4 character LCD. It’s written in PIC assembly for
MPASM. I started the project in 2002. I originally intended it as a birthday present for my brother, who is an
enthusiastic if…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

618. 18 pin PIC Development Board using PIC16F62

18 pin PIC Development Board I have long been playing with Microchip PICs but have always made do without some
form of development board. To that end I have designed a basic board that I was hoping to get some input for. I haven’t
yet…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

619. PCB layouts using CAD

Now the PCB kit I used described how I could draw my circuit layouts directly unto the copper clad board using an
special pen with etch-resistant ink, however lacking the dexterity of an artist I chose to get myself some CAD software
for generating PCB…… Listed under: Other Projects

620. Almost No Parts’ 12/24hrs LED Clock using pic microcontroller

A 12hr/24hr LED Clock with display control, uses a microcontroller PIC 16F84A or 16F628A and a few parts. (August
25, 2009) This LED clock may not be the easiest to build but surely it is the one with fewer parts that you can find,

Feedback / Suggestions
for…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

621. DIY Bluetooth RC Car

Last year I started a project to convert my (then) four-year old’s busted Radio Controlled (RC) car into Bluetooth
controlled one which could be driven using a smart phone or tablet. The original car, modeled after a “Fast and
Furious” Nissan Silvia, was a pretty basic RC…… Listed under: Bluetooth Projects

622. How to Interface I2C External EEPROM 24LC64 to PIC Microcontroller

Microcontrollers are standalone chips since they have memory and processor embedded. The integrated memory of
microcontrollers store embedded code and other temporary variables for the execution of program. CircuitsGallery
published many microcontroller tutorials and PIC microcontroller projects. Sometimes we may use non-volatile
memories (i2c devices)…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

623. Capacitance Meter MkII using PIC12F629

This project is specially designed to measure surface mount capacitors in the range 1p to 920n and electrolytics in the
range 1u to 100u. The biggest problem with surface mount capacitors . . . they are not identified! And you cannot
determine their value by…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

624. SL4A Bluetooth Controller

Having had a bit of an unproductive Easter break I think it’s about time I got back to posting the concluding details of
how the transmitter for the Bluetooth RC was implemented. I built the PIC-based motor and servo controller before
acquiring the BlueSMiRF module…… Listed under: Bluetooth Projects

625. PIC PROGRAMMER MkV using PIC12F629

PIC Programmer MkV is designed to get you into PIC Programming for just a few dollars. It uses just 12 components. Most of them will be in
your “junk-box” and the PC board is a small piece of matrix board. It’s the cheapest way to…… Listed under: Blog, Microcontroller
Programmer Projects, Projects

626. GSM Modem Interface with PIC 18F4550 Microcontroller

GSM Modem Interface with PIC 18F4550 Micro controller: Description: In this project we use PIC 18F4550 Micro
controller in transmitter section keys are connected to PB0 to PB3. If we press the key PB0 the Pressed Key Value is
transmitted to the micro controller section…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

627. “Fluffy” – A Scenix (and PIC) Programmer

I was trying to think of a suitable name for this project, and after literally seconds of careful deliberation, I gave up and
decided to call it Fluffy. Sorry. Anyway, Fluffy is a SX programmer for people who havealready experimented with
PIC chips, and want…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

628. Build your own “2-Wire LCD Interface” using the PIC16C84 microcontroller

2-Wire LCD Interface for the PICMicro Alphanumeric LCD displays have become very popular for microcontroller
applications because they can add a lot to a project in a variety of different ways. A text message giving the user
instructions as well as feedback can make the…… Listed under: LCD Projects

629. 8 Channel PWM LED Chaser for 16F628A and 16F88

Feedback / Suggestions
Description This neat little circuit provides 8 LEDs directly driven from the PIC along with a single mode control
switch. The firmware elsewhere on this page drives the LEDs with a 5 bit PWM signal providing each of the 8 LED
channels with four levels…… Listed under: LED Projects

630. Rubidium Atomic Clock

Introduction In the 1970s I worked for a while for the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) at a site in Winfrith,
Dorset. Amongst a lot of other interesting work, I used a gamma ray density gauge that amounted to a caesium-137
source, in its castle…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

631. SMS Based Device Control using GSM Modem

It has been a while since we published electronic engineering projects here due to the busy schedule we had in the past
weeks, and this time we’re up with another interesting project. Before going through the details of this one, you may as
well check…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

632. 0-5V LCD volt meter using PIC16F877A

This PIC LCD volt meter project uses a PIC micro and an HD44870 LCD display. The analogue input is taken directly
to the analogue input pin of the microcontroller without any other processing. So the input range is from 0V to 5V –
the maximum…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

633. How to interface LEDs with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

It is necessary to understand basic I/O operations of PIC18F4550 before dealing with its complexities. This article
presents a way to take simple output from a PIC microcontroller. This learning would also help in interfacing of
external devices with the controller. Here the output from…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, LED Projects, Projects

634. Simple Digital GPS Speedometer Using PIC16F877A with LCD Display
Speedometer is a speed measuring gauge used to calculate the speed of motor vehicles. They are mainly of two types-
electronics and mechanical. Digital speedometer measures the speed and mileage in vehicles. Normally both types
work on the principle of electromagnetism, however they have a…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering –
Instrument Projects

635. Electronic Die using PIC16F84 microcontroller

Built using a PIC16F84, about 4 hours worth of code and a few bits on a breadboard. This was the first time I’ve
worked with PIC’s so it was a learning exercise. I started with the ‘Hello World’ microcontroller equivalent i.e.
Blinking LED, then tried…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, LED Projects, Projects

636. Servo Motor Control using Microcontroller PIC16F877A

Servo motors are widely used in robotics and industries for motion control. They can be controlled by PWM signals
where the required angle of rotation can be located by a particular PWM signal. So In this article we’ll see in detail on
PWM servo control…… Listed under: Motor Projects


This project is a dedicated device. It dials a single phone number when the handset is lifted. There are two different
modes of operation.. A slide-switch on the PC board allows the project to operate in automatic or manual mode. If the
switch is in…… Listed under: Phone Projects

638. How to interface Servo Motor with PIC18F4550

Servo systems use the error sensing negative feedback method to provide precise angular motion. Servo Motors are
used where precise control on angular motion is needed. Servo motors are widely used in the field of Robotics to

Feedback / Suggestions
design robotic arms, palms, legs and so on.…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Motor Projects, Projects,

639. Getting started with PIC Microcontroller Programming

What is a PIC Microcontroller? PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) is a microcontroller family developed by the
Microchip Technology. It plays important role in embedded systems.Low cost, serial programming capability,
reprogramming of the flash memory, availability of free developing tools, large user database, etc. are some…… Listed
under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

640. 3310 Nokia LCD & PIC12F683

Not long ago I saw this link for a 3310 temp probe. Now ive played with other LCD’s lots, but this one caught my
attention because of the low power requirements (It runs from a single CR2032 Motherboard battery). I built the Temp
probe as…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

641. Project Ryu Lagger – Guitar Effect

Do you remember BOSS Slow Gear pedal? If your a guitarist you most likely do or at least you’ve heard of it. It was a great pedal sold from
1979 to 1982 and it was made in Japan. The pedal would cut the attack of…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

642. Rev 4.2.2 schematic and PCB

A long while back I posted a version of the schematic for the electronics for my project to build a GPS-steered
parachute for rocket recovery. Since then I’ve tweaked the board a bit, to the point where the hardware design is clean
and bug-free (as…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

643. Enhanced 5/2-day Central Heating Programmer with serial computer interface using PIC16F628A
Overview This project has come about from my desire to control my home heating from work. As I have a VPN
between work and home a straightforward relay controlled from a PC would seem the easiest solution. However I also
wanted a control unit that…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

644. PIC10F200 based dice

This page describes a PIC10F200-based electronic dice. The reason I made this was that I got a small corner left over
when ordering a panel with a couple of other PCBs and thought I would rather use the corner for something fun than
leave it…… Listed under: LED Projects

645. Humidity and temperature measurements with Sensirion’s SHT1x/SHT7x sensors using PIC18F2550 (Part 1)

Temperature and relative humidity are two very important ambient parameters that are directly related to human comfort. Sometimes, you
may be able to bear higher temperatures, if there is a lower relative humidity, such as in hot and dry desert-like environment. However,
being in a…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

646. Solar Recorder

The device used for measuring daily insolation has been developed. The device was built with a PIC18F458 and the
128MB Multimedia Memory Card, MMC. The solar radiation is measured by a calculator solar cell. The PIC chip
interfaces the MMC using SPI mode. The interval…… Listed under: Other Projects

647. Mechanically scanned RS232 display (with dynamic speed)

Introduction After I made the clock, the pong and tetris games I thought that it also would be cool to connect the game
system to a standard rs232 port and scroll text comming from the port. When I thought about it, I found that there……
Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
648. How to choose a MicroController using PIC16C84 microcontroller

How to choose a MicroController It used to be that the number of different microcontroller chips available to the
hobbyist was pretty limited. You got to use whatever you could manage to buy from the mail-order chip dealer, and
that narrowed down the choice to…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

649. MikroElektronika’s “Ready for PIC” board talks to “Processing” using PIC16F887

“Ready for PIC“ is one of MikroElektronika‘s compact prototyping boards for 28 and 40 pin PIC microcontrollers. The
board comes with PIC16F887 microcontroller which is preprogrammed with an UART bootloader firmware and thus
eliminates the need of an external programmer. The on-board USB-UART module allows…… Listed under: Clock –
Timer Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects, Other Projects, Projects

650. Virtual Tetris

Introduction The idea to my mechanically scanned game system came from Bob Blick’s mechanically scanned clock,
so I thought that I also had to implement a clock on my virtual game system. The clock can simulate both a digital and
an analog clock. Due to…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

651. PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (using 3 pins only) + Proteus simulation

This post provides the LCD[1] interfacing code using only 3 pins of PIC16F84A microcontroller. This code is written
in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at
the bottom of this page. It is assumed that you…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects,
LCD Projects, Projects

652. Virtual Tetris

Introduction Tetris is a very simple, but elegant game. Blocks of four bricks each are falling down in a play field, and
the player can rotate and move the block sideways. When the block hits ground or another block below, it stays there.
If one…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

653. Virtual Pong.

Introduction The game Pong was the world’s first video game in the early 70’s, it is a tennis lookalike game where a
ball is played with two rackets, which are moved up and down by each player. The ball can bounce at the floor
and…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects


This is the lowest cost dialing alarm on the market and shows what can be done with an 8-pin microcontroller. The
complete circuit is shown below. You cannot see all the features of this project by looking at the circuit – most of them
are contained in…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

655. Embedded Linux Controller using pic microcontoller

An In-Circuit Debugger (ICD) is a very powerful and effective tool for real-time debugging of a microcontroller-based
system at hardware level. It allows you to run, halt and single step the program while the target microcontroller is
embedded in the actual circuit. Once halted, the program variables, Special Function Registers…… Listed under: LCD

656. Virtual Game System – A game console with a mechanically scanned display.

Introduction If you move a bright light fast by the eyes, it will leave a line behind because the human brain and eyes
are slow to interpret fast changes in light intensity, leaving an afterglow. If a row of LED’s is moved sideways while
the…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
657. PBUS – an RS485-like multi-drop bus with half duplex serial protocol

overview There are three PIC source versions: PB12 is for 12-bit slave devices without interrupt PBUS is for slave
devices with an interrupt, software UART implementation PB628 is for slave devices with an intterupt and a free
hardware UART PBUS assigns a unique device ID…… Listed under: Other Projects

658. Build yourself flashing message on PIC16F877A with assembler

Guys, in this step by step instruction, I wanna share my private experiment with PIC16F877A and assembly language,
I call it Build yourself flashing message on PIC16F877A with assembler Let’s prepare the parts Step 1: The parts
needed for this experiment 1. PIC 16F877A chip…… Listed under: Other Projects

659. Displaying text on LCD by interfaced with PIC16F877 microcontroller in 4 bit mode

Here I discuss on very good and simple project on displaying text on LCD by interfaced with PIC16F877
microcontroller in 4 bit start with this project you need some Knowledge on how to start project on PIC micro
controller I assumed you know that…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD

660. SX-Pong

After making the tetris game, it was very easy to make a Pong game. The game Pong was the world’s first video game
in the early 70’s; this is a modern version of it, made with a little bit less hardware than the original version.…… Listed
under: Game – Entertainment Projects

661. Leaving home light using PIC12F675 Microcontroller

Those days when I come home at night and strait into the darkness are finally over. This is a very practical device and I built it so that it is a
module to my Dual Channel IR Remote Control. Because of that I ended up…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Projects
662. SX-Tetris

The first game I made in color using SX-chips was Tetris. Tetris is an old Russian computer game where you should try
to fit in block into a play-field, quite simple but really fun. All blocks are built from four bricks (the name Tetris is……
Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

663. Microchip PIC Microcontrollers

Implementing ICSP requires connections to a minimum of 5 processor pins: VDD, VPP (also MCLR\), SCLK (on
RB6), SDAT (on RB7), and GND. VDD and GND are straightforward. In most applications, it is best to dedicate RB6
and RB& for SCLK and SDAT. This avoids…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

664. Revised version of LM35 based digital temperature meter using PIC16F688

This is a revised version of my LM35 based digital thermometer project that I posted last year. Although it is one of the
simplest projects, it is very popular among newbies who are just starting to learn microcontrollers. There was a little
flaw in the original…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects, Temperature Measurement

665. SX Game System

This page describes a SX28-based color video game system I made during year 2002. Now, beginning of 2007, almost
five years after I made the first design I’ve updated the layout of the PCB and added a version of the PCB that has

Feedback / Suggestions
built-in gamepads…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

666. Low cost temperature data logger using PIC and Processing using PIC12F1822

This project describes an easy and inexpensive way of adding a digital thermometer and data logging feature to a PC. It
involves a PIC microcontroller that gets the surrounding temperature information from the Microchip MCP9701
sensor, and sends it to a PC through an USB-UART…… Listed under: Projects, Temperature Measurement

667. PIC-Tetris

Introduction I have made the game Tetris using a PIC16F84 running @ 12MHz. Tetris is an old Russian computer
game where you should try to fit in block into a play-field, quite simple but really fun. All blocks are built from four
bricks (the name…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

668. Chronograph for Air Cannon using PIC16F628A microcontroller

Intro: Chronograph for Air Cannon This chronograph project consists of a sensor assembly and timer circuit box that
can be used to measure the muzzle velocity of a projectile fired from an air cannon. I originally built this setup for use
with a large air…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

669. Building the PIC16F84 based game system

This text describes how to build my PIC16F84 based game system, before you start you should read through the whole
text one time. Note that many components are sensitive to too much heat and will get damaged if you heat them too
much when soldering.…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

670. Interfacing the AT keyboard.

PC Keyboard Theory The IBM keyboard you most probably have sitting in front of you, sends scan codes to your
computer. The scan codes tell your Keyboard Bios, what keys you have pressed or released. Take for example the ‘A’
Key. The ‘A’ key has…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

671. Pulsing Hubby Detector using PIC12f683 microcontroller

Pulsing Hubby Detector This project uses an RF receiver module to trigger a pulsing LED Heart when the transmitter
comes within range. I made this for my fiance for Valentine’s Day this year. I have yet to fully test the range, as I
haven’t actually…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

672. PIC Game System

This page describes a PIC16F84-based video game system I made and first published back in the beginning of 1998.
Now, beginning of 2007, nine years later I’ve updated the layout of the PCB and also updated the source code to also
be able to run…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

673. Poor man’s counter using PIC16F84 microcontroller

Background Most multimeters can measure frequency, but they are not sensitive and the max frequency is not always
so high. The same problem can be found with older frequency counters. This project will describe a prescaler which
will work up to 2.5GHz and with very…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

674. How to make a ‘Propeller Display’ using PIC microcontroller

This is my first post Related to Projects and today i will describe ‘Propeller Display’ project. Me and my friend Rushi,
we both made ‘Propeller Display’ project during our under-graduation. Below is the photo of the project. Project uses
Microchip PIC16F84A Microcontroller. Below is the…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
675. Pic 16F676 ICSP programing socket for the PICkit 2 programer

I’m trying to build this dual DC motor module for my robot project And I did not have the space for placing an ICSP
pin header on the PCB. So i quickly mocked up this design. Step 1: Geting the parts Well to build the…… Listed
under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Microcontroller Programmer Projects

676. Max the Spider – powered by LEGO and PIC microcontroller

So Max the spider visited us in the lab today, and wanted to get into the halloween spirit. “I’d like to drop down on
people in the elevator,” he smirked, in a way only a spider could. “I’ve got just the thing,” I winked, and…… Listed
under: Game – Entertainment Projects

677. Open Source Framework for USB Generic HID devices based on the PIC18F and Windows

Introduction If you’ve dabbled with PIC18F microcontrollers and the USB Generic HID standard before (perhaps
you’ve even tried my Building a PIC18F USB device project) then you will have noticed that there is a lot of
complexity in supporting USB on both the PIC18F and the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

678. Mechanically scanned laser display using PIC17F877

Abstract This application is a very cheap solution for displaying text messages on a solid or semi-opaque surface by
using a laser beam. The main goal was to verify the possibility to build a simple and cheap display for displaying large
text. The basic idea…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

679. LED dot matrix scrolling message – 14×5 – source code

I have built various scrolling message badges for instance using the 16F57- 10×5 and 12×5. However, since these chips
only have a small FLASH, there is not much flexibility. I don’t really recommend these controllers for a scrolling
message. Recently I have started a new…… Listed under: LED Projects
680. 2meter (144MHz) amateur radio transceiver

I designed , built, tested and operated a 2m hamradio transceiver that includes all the necessary circuitry, in particular
the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) + phase-locked loop (PLL) for frequency synthesis, low noise amplifier (LNA)
for the receiver front-end, power amplifer (PA) for the radio frequency…… Listed under: Radio Projects

681. 9 Volt Battery Charger

9 Volt batteries extensively used in various electronics measurement equipment. Powering these devices with
rechargeable batteries can be a cost effective solution. In this post a simple Lithium-ion 9 Volt Battery Charger design
with overcharging protection will be presented. Charger is based on PIC16F876A microcontroller…… Listed under:
Battery Projects

682. Car battery charger with PIC12F683

This time I’m starting off with a device I already built, unfortunately there won’t be any photos from the actual build,
just a quick article on how I imagined it and how it works. A short story about how the whole thing started My
uncle…… Listed under: Battery Projects

683. Motion Activated Led Dice using PIC16F688

Introduction I’ve always wanted to build an electronic led dice, but something different from what we see on the
internet. Making it motion controlled… now that’s new! Many new cell phones that have accelerometers built in also
have dice games. These dice move…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

684. Microprocessors Garland

1. Presentation For some time now, I think the commercially available garlands, are too boring, too repetitive with their

Feedback / Suggestions
two or three alternations of colored bulbs. I wanted to create a truly personalized one without ruin me either. Two ideas
immediately came: – a microprocessor…… Listed under: LED Projects

685. PIC16F84 Fundamentals

The photo shows a PIC16F84 microprocessor board tethered, by ribbon cable, to a circuit having 8 LEDs and an 8-
position DIP switch. Learning a microprocessor’s capabilities often demands such a setup where LEDs turn on/off,
blink at desired rates and respond to switches. This tutorial…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Projects

686. internetworking with microchip microcontroller pic18f+enc28j60

Description The ENC28J60 is Microchip’s first incursion into the ethernet controller arena, this new device includes
all MAC & PHY IEEE 802.3 10BaseT functions, 8KB of dual access RAM packet buffer and a SPI serial interface, all
in a convenient 28-pin package (SPDIP, SOIC, SSOP…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

687. Building a PIC18F USB device

Introduction I get a number of emails every month asking about creating USB devices using the PIC18F
microcontroller. After looking at projects such as my Atari Joystick USB Adaptor and C64 VICE Front-End there
seems to be a demand for more information on how to…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 –
I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

688. PIC 16F917 Gyroscope interface

In this post we will study the ADC ( Analog-to-Digital ) Module of the Microcontroller PIC16F917 . We will study a
real circuit of PIC16F917 interfacing to a semiconductor Gyroscope. The Gyroscope is a motion sensor that senses tilt
in a certain direction . The…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

689. PIC12F1840 + I2C 24FC1025 EEPROM

The 24FC1025 is a serial I2C EEPROM memory fabricated by microchip, it has 1024Kbits (128KB) of memory space and it is divided in two
parts each one of 512Kbits (64KB); the first part goes from address 0x0000 to 0xFFFF and the second part goes from…… Listed under: Memory
– Storage Projects

690. Simplest Temperature Data Logger using PIC12F683

Introduction There are varieties of digital temperature logger projects available online based on different
microcontrollers. The one I am going to talk about is based on a Microchip’s 8-pin microcontroller, PIC12F683. It
reads temperature values from a DS1820 digital sensor and stores in its internal…… Listed under: Projects, Temperature Measurement

691. Quozl’s Alarm Clock using PIC16F877

Old Alarm Clock Problems wake’s Quozl’s wife, a side-effect, needs to be armed each evening, 12-hour clock, cannot
be armed more than 11.5 hours before alarm time, triggers at plus or minus ten minutes, depending on how it was
dropped, battery cover needs to be…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

692. USB Audio Streamer A Microchip PIC based USB sound card

INTRODUCTION The idea for creating a USB sound card based on a PIC came from discussions of other people
creating one on the Microchip USB forum. The hardware of the card is based on all Microchip products. The software
uses a modified version of the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

693. Using Digole 12864ZW LCD with PIC18F

Digole 12864ZW is a 128×64 pixels graphic LCD that can be found at attractive prices and this is why it started
appearing in projects across the web. It is based on ST7920 chip which is not so well known and to me it wasn’t
the…… Listed under: LCD Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
694. Cheap PIC Programmer using PIC16F84 microcontroller

Cheap PIC Programmer This programmer works only with PIC16F84 but it’s great because it never causes errors and
works with almost all computers,unlike some other homemade programmers. Step 1: Step one : Materials For this
programmer you won’t need many materials.In fact , you will…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

695. PIC microcontroller ATA library

This project started life a long time ago, with the intention to build an iPod clone, back when personal MP3 players
were an expensive luxury and long before you could buy them from China on ebay for less than a light bulb. The plan
for…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

696. Two-Channel PC Based Oscilloscope USB

Inroduction More and more experiments are now ‘PC-assisted.’ Also conventional acquisition systems are very
expensive. Since portable PCs are today common and a USB link is a better solutionhere we present an oscilloscope
using USB port of the PC that operates at up to 10 kHz with ±16V input voltage. It has…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects

697. 3-Channel IR Relay Controller with user programmable IR commands for PIC12F629

Description This project is a 3 channel infrared (IR) remote controlled relay driver. It works with 12-bit SIRC IR
signals as used by Sony remote controls. The controller also features the ability for the user to ‘program’ the
commands it will respond to using the…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, LED Projects, Projects

698. Hello World Project With PIC Microcontroller – Part II

Hello Friends, Welcome back. In the last tutorial we started working with MPLab and HI-TECH C Compiler and
written our first C program to blink LED. After compiling the program we got the HEX file. Now, in this tutorial we
will see how to transfer(burn) the…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

699. Balanced Line Attenuator

In a home recording environment equipment often doesn’t come in a large variety because of either limited budget or
limited space… or both. I am presenting here an balanced attenuator which comes in between fixed gain preamp and
recording device/soundcard. The purpose of this device…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

700. Alarm Clock using PIC16F74 microcontroller

The idea for this project came from my youngest son who asked me to make him an alarm clock. I put together a
simple PIC based design comprising of two interlinked vero-board cards. The design was created using New Wave
Concepts’ LiveWire which allows you…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

701. Ide To Usb Converter Circuit Diagram

How to Make Phonecall From GSM Module Using pic18f2550 … Mplab® ide – developer – wikidot, Mplab ® x
integrated development environment (ide) is a software program that runs on a pc (windows ®, mac os ®, linux ®) to
develop applications for microchip. Ee times |…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

702. The Talking Breathalyzer Mark II using PIC18F1220

The Talking Breathalyzer Mark II Hi Folks! Thanks for having a gander! This is my second Breathalyzer project. IT
TALKS TO YOU, and gives you an idea of how much you’ve had to drink! I made it specifically for for this contest. I
hope you…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

703. PIC 16F917 Microcontroller Programmer

In this instructable , I ‘ll show you how to build a PIC 16F917 Microcontroller programming circuit. This
Microcontroller is a very nice Microcontroller chip form the famous chip manufacturer Microchip. This
Microcontroller is easy to program and powerful to use. The photo above shows…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

704. 2-wire LCD interface using PIC16CF84

Feedback / Suggestions
Alphanumeric LCD displays have become very popular for microcontroller applications because they can add a lot to a
project in a variety of different ways. A text message giving the user instructions as well as feedback can make the
application seem much more “professional” and…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects

705. Building the Inchworm ICD2 PIC Programmer / Debugger

This instructable is an illustrated walk through building an ICD2 clone called the Inchworm. It’s a straight forward kit
that lets you build an MPLAB ICD2 compatible Programmer and Debugger. There are lots of Programmers out there
but very few include a debugger, (A debugger…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

706. PIC16F688 breadboard module for quick prototyping

This module is based upon the basic setup circuit for PIC16F688 that I have described in one of my PIC
lessons, Getting ready for the first lab. I thought of soldering this circuit on a general purpose ptototyping board and
use male headers to access the…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

707. How to Program a PIC Microcontroller & Read an Encoder

Introduction: From electronic toys & games to microwave ovens, microcontrollers can be found just about anywhere
these days! But how can we make these small computers work for our own electronics projects? That’s where this
tutorial comes in – with detailed instructions showing you what…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

708. Lab 3: Four bit binary counter using PIC16F688

Description Today’s lab session is about binary counting LEDs. The binary 1 and 0 will be represented by turning
LEDs on and off. You will make a 4-bit binary counter (using 4 LEDs) that counts from 0 to 15 (0000-1111 binary).
The four LEDs are…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

709. PIC Based Oscilloscope Clock

For those are not into electronics, you must know that an oscilloscope has basically only one timebase to move the spot
horizontally from left to right with the same intensity. The vertical deviation is function to the input voltage. You
understand immediately that you can’t…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

710. Rotating Sprocket Wheel Generator using PIC16F84

Background My friend Arthur, in his lifelong quest for circuits that don’t really do anything useful, but are really neat
nonetheless, built a really neat Lissajous pattern generator. This Lissajous pattern is not your traditional circle, oval, or
figure-8, it is a circle with varying…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

711. Fun with Voltage Regulators

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about op amps and comparators lately. One of the common uses of an op amp
is as a “unity gain” buffer, meaning that the output voltage is as close as possible to being the same as the…… Listed
under: Game – Entertainment Projects

712. Water Wave/Tide/Level Meter 2.0 using PIC16F88

Capacitance Probe A simple probe can be made using insulated wire. The insulation is then the dielectric of an
cylindrical capacitor with the inner conductor as one plate and the water as the other. The probe is not suitable for
distilled or very pure water…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

713. Mork Microchip PIC32MX ICSP

Mork is adaptation of Nanu nanu Microchip PIC ICSP for the STM32 based vcc-gnd or Maple mini. Both STM32
boards are inexpensive boards which don’t cost much more than the Nano 3.0 yet they are far more powerful. One
complication though for the vcc-gnd, is…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

714. Introducing the BOLT PIC18F2550 Microcontroller Board using pic microcontoller

The BOLT microcontroller board utilizes the Microchip 18F2550 with built in USB capabilities. Utilizing a 2k ‘boot

Feedback / Suggestions
loader’ this leaves a great deal of flash RAM for C programming using MPLAB and the C18 compiler. The BOLT
board comes in two versions. LITE which has…… Listed under: LCD Projects

715. lc meter capacimeter inductimeter circuit pic 16f84 auto range lcmeter

The good and high precision capacitor meter (Capacimeter) inductor meter (inductimeter) auto range lc meter for pic
16f84 or pic 16f628 and display lcd by phill rice Construction of an apparel that allows measure inductors
(Inductimeter) and capacitors (Capacimeter), knower like LC meter, using PIC…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

716. Picaxe Blending Nightlight using pic12f683

I had a few multicolor LEDs laying around and wanted to whip up a color-blending nightlight. I built 2 devices, each in
its own 20 pin DIP socket without soldering. A 3-pin header is included so I can reprogram the light on-the-fly if
desired. On…… Listed under: LED Projects

717. automatic power factor controller using microcontroller

The 230 V, 50 Hz is step downed using voltage transformer and current transformer is used to extract the waveforms of
current. The output of the voltage transformer is proportional to the voltage across the load and output of current
transformer is proportional to the…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

718. LED-Guided Piano Instruction using pic microcontoller

[Kay Choe] can’t play the piano. Rather, he couldn’t, until he converted his keyboard to include LED-guided
instruction. [Kay] is a microbial engineering graduate student, and the last thing a grad student can afford is private
music lessons. With $70 in components and a cell…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

719. PIC16C63 Midi controlled Light dimmer

This is Ver2.0 of a finished project. I usually do projects about the same way every time. Product definition (10 min),
Code outline (10 min), Schematic generation, Build prototype, Write code all at one sitting (This one took about 6
hours), Take a copy of…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Projects, Sound – Audio Projects
720. Peltier-Powered Drink Cooler!

desktop-sized can cooler From the “Something that Should be Made Department” comes this drink cooler. Ever since
seeing peltier devices for sale I have wanted to put one to a cool use, and this is it. 🙂 The heart of the device is of
course…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

721. A simple 50 MHz diy microwattmeter using PIC16C84

Summary. A design for a simple microwattmeter. Input range -75 dBm to + 5 dBm. Frequency range 2 to 50 MHz.
Level resolution is 0.1 dBm, frequency resolution is 10 kHz. Log-output about 0.5 – 3.5 Volt. Output for external
counter. The meter uses a…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

722. Bicycle Persistence of Vision Light Display — February 2007

In February of 2007 I spent a little while prototyping a board that turns any bicycle wheel into a moving display
billboard using a single string of LEDs. The idea was to do something that would be very visible, turn itself on and off
automatically,…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

723. PICADC – a free, PIC based “intelligent” A/D converter using PIC16F84

This is an old design. Some of the components may be difficult to buy. If you would like to build an even better and
cheaper A/D converter, take a look at the new PICADC3 design. The PICADC is a simple 12-bit, 8-channel analog to
digital…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

724. PIC18F4550 – LCD display jhd162a ( 2×16) Interface

Project : Display control on a LCD (jhd162a ) Requirements jhd162a LCD PIC18f4550 Here in this project the running
display of the screen is been controlled by a PIC18f4550 board which is interfaced to jdh162a lcd. jdh162a lcd is very
easily available in any electronic…… Listed under: LCD Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
725. C# Software and Firmware, USB INTERFACE BOARD

C# Software Application and Firmware for PIC18F4550 Board To continue further with this project you would need to
download my version of Firmware to control 6 LED’s and a Software application which is written in C# sharp, a
project file has been also enclosed with…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

726. Infrared Remote Control with Microcontroller

This little project will demonstrate how you can use NEC IR protocol based TV, DVD or VCR remote control to
control you home appliances like fan bulb or virtually anything. There are lots of projects out there to accomplish this
task but i have to…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

727. 3-Switch Mini IR Remote Control for PIC10F200

Description This project is a 3 button mini IR remote control which transmits 12-bit SIRC IR signals as used by Sony
remote controls. It has been designed to work with both the 2-channel relay driver board and 3-channel relay driver
board projects also on this…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

728. Temperature Recorder using PIC12F683 microcontroller

Description This project uses a MicrochipPIC microcontroller, a serial EEPROM and a thermistor to create a
temperature recorder. Performance The temperature is measured and stored at user programmable intervals; this can be
from 1 second to 256 seconds. The time interval is set by programming…… Listed under: Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects



MODE FOR BOOTLOADING Loading / updating new code into the USB INTERFACE BOARD can be done with a
Bootloader Software. While searching for good bootloader, I found some nice tutorial on…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

730. USocket – USB controlled Socket with PIC18F4550

Introduction The idea of this project is to control (switch off/on) two power sockets with a computer by using its USB
port. I’ve chosen USB in first place because I wanted to experiment with the PIC18F4550 microchip’s microcontroller,
and secondly because the power supplied by…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

731. In circuit serial programmer for PIC16F87X

Intro Here you can find all resources you need to build your own in-circuit serial PIC16F87X programmer. After
experimenting with the PIC16F84, time had come to move on to more powerful devices, such as the PIC16F871. These
devices offer a low voltage progamming (LVP) mode.…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

732. USB Interface Demo Board Using PIC18F4550

PIC18F4550 USB DEMO INTERFACE BOARD PROJECT This project / USB hardware is quiet easy to make at
home with few components, this piece of hardware will be detected by your computer like any other external device
once it’s completed. This is a Simple USB demo…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

733. Schaer+ Programmer using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Description Schaer is a generic programmer circuit capable of uploading and downloading firmware to/from several
electronic devices like microcontrollers and eeproms. This and other programmers came to my attention when I was
working in CAMBADA, the robotic soccer team from the University of Aveiro, and since all other…… Listed under: Microcontroller
Programmer Projects, Projects

734. Stepper Motor Driver using PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

Stepper Motor Tutorial In this tutorial we are going to drive a Single unipolar stepper motor using PIC18F4550
Microcontroller in various different stepping modes. The source code and Project files are free to download at the end
of this page. Stepper motor due its excellent…… Listed under: Motor Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
735. A modified version of the “Air diplay” adapted to be used in a bicycle using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Anthony from Cumaná, Venezuela, made his own “Persistence of vision” (POV) display, similar to my Air Display but
it can be mounted on any bicycle wheels and it displays fifteen messages in Spanish. Here is the PCB with each part of
the project. It uses…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

736. PIC18F4550 Tutorial: Blink LED – 2

Hi welcome to my 4th chapter of PIC18F4550 programming. Here we are going to learn another methodology or
technique for programming a pic18f microcontroller which would be helpful in future while dealing with complex
coding. We are going to define our own header file. We…… Listed under: LED Projects

737. PIC18F4550 Tutorial: Blinking an LED

TUTORIALS PIC18F4550 Programming Tutorial in Hardware C PIC Tutorial, Mplab IDE – C18 compiler toolsuite
PIC18F4550, Looking the data sheet | Ports PIC18F4550 Programming Blink led method 1 PIC18F4550 programming
Method 2 Blink led PIC18F4550 Blink LED 20MHZ Oscillator | XC8 Mplab X IDE and…… Listed under: LED Projects

738. Using Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) for A/D conversion in enhanced mid-range PIC microcontrollers

The reference voltage plays a very important role in any A/D conversion. It determines both the range and the
resolution (Volt/Count) of the A/D conversion. Besides, the accuracy of the conversion also depends upon how stable
the reference voltage is. Usually in PIC microcontrollers, the…… Listed under: LED Projects


ABSTRACT The heart rate is an important measure of health and physical fitness. Medical professionals rely heavily
on the rate as a measure of health status and use it to prescribe treatment to individuals. Athletes value the heart rate
highly as a tool for regulating…… Listed under: Medical – Health based Projects

740. 4 Channel DMX512 Driver for PIC16F688

Description This project is a 4 channel DMX512 driver board. It features four power MOSFETs that can be configured to operate in PWM mode
or as on/off outputs. The driver can be configured to use any four consecutive addresses across the full 512 channel address…… Listed under:
Development Board – Kits Projects

741. Frankenbear Synthamajig using PIC16F877 microcontroller

Frankenbear Synthamajig Have you ever wanted a teddy bear that looks like Frankenstein and makes sounds like
“bleep bleep bloooop de de bleep…. EHHHHHHHHHH…… dadadadadadadododododod bleep bleep bloop”? Look
no farther, you have found it! Now you can perform the nights away with your new…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects,

742. Daft Punk Table Replica Graphics Controller using PIC18f2550

Daft Punk Table Replica Graphics Controller This instructable presents a graphics controller card for something like
the Daft Punk Table Replica. This should be used in conjunction with a driver board (output expander) like this one,
which will drive the high loads presented by the…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

743. Interface single and Dual IR Infrared sensor with PIC18F4550 and LCD

In this another tutorial on sensors for beginners, we are going to interface single and multiple Infrared IR sensors with
Arduino Uno development board, working simultaneously and have the status displayed either on an ( 4X16 LCD )
LCD module (jhd162a) or an LED. We…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects, Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects

744. Very Accurate LC Meter based on PIC16F628A using pic microcontroller

Accurate LC Meter Part’s List: 1x 16×2 LCD Display with Green / Blue Backlight 1x PIC16F628A Programmed
Microcontroller 1x LM311 IC 1x Accurate LC Meter PCB with red solder mask 1x Enclosure 1x Gold Plated
Machined 18 DIP IC Socket 1x Gold Plated Machined 8…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
745. USB Interface Board Driver Installation PIC18F4550

USB Interface Board Driver Installation Connecting PIC18F4550 First Time This tutorial will try to explain how to
make your interface development board to work for the first time. Without a Demo hex code inside PIC18F4550’s flash
memory, it won’t respond even if we connect the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

746. PIC16F877 based controllable digital clock using LCD display (Code+Proteus simulation)

This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to implement a controllable digital clock using
PIC16F877 ? ” Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this digital clock code and change it according to your
needs. Using three push buttons (As shown in figure…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

747. Infrared (IR) Object Detection Module Circuit Using IR LED and Photodiode

How to make Infrared (IR) sensor Object Detection Module Circuit Using IR LED and Photodiode The IR Object
Detection sensor module is quiet easy to make. This sensor circuit below is a low cost – low range infrared object
detection module that you can easily…… Listed under: LED Projects

748. Experimenter’s board for enhanced mid-range PIC microcontrollers (PIC16F1827 and PIC16F1847)

The PIC16F628A has always been my first choice for microcontroller-based projects. It is simple, inexpensive, and
easily available. Due to its compact size (18 pins) it occupies lesser space on the circuit board, and meanwhile, it is
powerful enough to serve most of a hobbyist’s…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

749. PIC16C74 Embedded 10BaseT Ethernet CS8900

Embedded ethernet enables microcontroller based projects to send and receive packets over the network. The board
shown on the left is actual size and incorporates all the circuitry needed to enable 10BaseT communications. The board
is designed to minimize the pin count needed to interface…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

750. Introduction to the PIC32 using pic-microcontroller

The Microchip PIC32 is a family of complex and powerful microcontrollers that can be purchased for less than $10 in
quantities of one. This microcontroller offers many peripherals useful for mechatronics purposes, such as several
channels for analog-to-digital conversion, digital I/O, synchronous and asynchronous serial…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging

751. STEAM GENERATOR using PIC16F873

Introduction This program is a steam generator controller that is intended for use in a residential steam shower. It
controls water inlet and drain valves, power to the heating element, and various level and thermal sensors. Features
Push button automated control of the steam shower.…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Projects

752. Building the Mongoose Mechatronics Robot: Part 1 Chassis & Gearbox using PIC18F2525

Building the Mongoose Mechatronics Robot: Part 1 Chassis & Gearbox This is the first of a series of illustrated
instructions for assembling the Mongoose Robot kit available from blueroomelectronics Mongoose highlights:
Powerful PIC18F2525 microcontroller (32KHz to 32MHz) Hardware PWM controlled SN754410 H-Bridge with thermal shutdown…… Listed
under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

753. Open Automaton Project

The objective is to use readily available “off-the-shelf” low-cost consumer components where possible, and to design
electronic subsystems where such components are either not readily available or are too expensive. In terms of
affordability, the overall goal is to design a robot that can be…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

754. RGB LED PWM Driver for High Power 350mA LEDs V3 using PIC12F629

Description As featured in Electronics Weekly Gadget Freak (20/02/2008) The main reason I made this version is that I
wanted to fit it in to the base of an Ikea Mylonit lamp. This lamp is made entirely from glass and has a small recess
in…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
755. LED fireflies prototype using PIC12f683 microcontroller

LED fireflies prototype hello all, heres an attempt i made at something like an LED throwie..the problem (for me) with
led throwies is that they just consume their battery, and produce light.. but they could be better at doing both.. first you
have to accept…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

756. PIC’ing the MAX5581: Interfacing a PIC Microcontroller with the MAX5581 Fast-Settling DAC

MAX5581 Overview The MAX5581 is a 12-bit, fast-settling DAC featuring a 3-wire SPI™ serial interface. The
MAX5581’s interface can support SPI up to 20MHz with a maximum settling time of 3µs. This application note
presents an application circuit and all the firmware required to interface…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

757. IR(infrared) Remote Control Relay Board with PIC 12F675 Microcontroller

Introduction This little project will demonstrate how you can use your old NEC IR protocol based TV,DVD or VCR
remote control to control you home appliances like fan bulb or virtually anything. Consumer IR protocols There are a
number of consumer Infrared protocols out there and they have…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

758. Programmable watch with four character display using PIC16F628A microcontroller

Programmable watch with four character display You’ll be the talk of the town when you wear this obnoxious,
oversized, completely impractical wristwatch. Display your favourite foul language, song lyrics, prime numbers, etc.
Inspired by the Microreader kit, I decided to make a giant watch using…… Listed under: LED Projects, Microcontroller Programmer
Projects, Projects

759. Throbbing Apple Logo Sticker using PIC10F206 microcontroller

Throbbing Apple Logo Sticker This little gizmo adds the iconic “sleeping Mac throb” to an ordinary Apple logo decal.
The idea for this came about when passing by the Apple Store in Palo Alto, California late one night. After hours,
when the store is “asleep,”…… Listed under: Battery Projects, LED Projects, PWM Projects

760. Augustus’s Lab Notebook using pic microcontoller

Week 01 January 10, 2012 (1 hour): Met as a team after class to discuss preliminary project proposal. January 12, 2012
(2 hours): Met as a team after class to finish writing preliminary project proposal. WEEK 01 SUMMARY
Accomplishments: Submitted preliminary project proposal. Weekly Work…… Listed under: LCD Projects

761. Top 5 Wireless Ways to Communicate with your Controller

One of the strongest trend we have seen this year at CES2015 is, as you can imagine easily, the IoT (Internet of Things)
development. Consequently, the most important component needed is the “connection and communication” module
that enables the remote interaction between the device and…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

762. DCF77 clock-thermostat using PIC16F648A

Always at the right time your house on temperature This project make use of a PIC16F648(A) and a DCF77 receiver
from Conrad (Orderno. 64 11 38) With DCF77 runs the clock from the thermostat always on the right time.
Synchronizing isn’t necessary anymore. The temperaturesensor is a DS1820…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Home Automation
Projects, Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

763. Nike+iPod reverse engineering (protocol too) using pic microcontroller

UPDATE: code posted below Nike+iPod is a very interesting piece of hardware for all kinds of reasons, not the least of
which is that it as actually useful. It works by wirelessly transmitting data from a sensor (that is stored in your shoe) to
a…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

764. Misc Projects : High Power RGB LED Controller

This is an ongoing project to control a number (currently 5) of Lamina Atlas high power (350-500mA) LEDs. Current
progress includes: PCB artwork (in Eagle) with connections for 5 RGB LEDs. Firmware for a Microchip PIC16f887
microcontroller to interface between the FTDI 245R USB chip…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
765. Ways you can use the DDS Daughtercard

How many ways can you use a self-contained, high-precision signal source contained on a 1″ x 2″ plug-in circuit card?
How about as a stand-alone VFO, a signal generator for your bench, a replacement LO for your Sierra or NC40
transceiver, or perhaps as the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

766. A Word Clock using PIC16F877 microcontroller

A Word Clock ************************************************************************** Major

updates – A much better enclosure for this clock has been designed, and a better controller using an AtMega controller
now exists. check out
************************************************************************** This is a project to tell the time using words. I saw a
cool…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

767. DC motor control with Joystick and PIC16F877A

This is one project that i’m doing, now I’m going to show how to do it only for one motor, but i’m using and DEMUX
to in the future use 4 motor. The project is simple, it uses the pic to control the DEMUX and…… Listed under: Motor

768. Dialing Alarm using PIC16F628 Microcontroller

This is the lowest-cost dialing alarm on the market and shows what can be done with a PIC microcontroller. The
complete circuit is shown below. You cannot see all the features of this project by looking at the circuit – most of them
are contained in the…… Listed under: Projects, Security – Safety Projects

769. Whac-a-Veggie using PIC18F4550 microcontroller

Whac-a-Veggie For this year’s Trunk ‘O’ Treat game I wanted to make a something fun and exciting for kids to play so
I choose a Whac- a-Mole type game called Whac-a-Veggie using the Veggie Tales characters. The Whac-a-Veggie
game is played with a foam…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

770. LED Strobe for PIC12F629 / 675

Description This project functions as a simple strobe for driving an LED. The use of an output transistor allows it to
pulse the strobe LED with a current up to 100mA. Four jumpers provide options for changing the pulse width, strobe
repeat interval and single…… Listed under: LED Projects

771. IRMimic™ Trainable IR Remote Control Transmitter using pic microcontoller

IRMimic features: Simple to train – Can learn up to 16 IR commands, and each can be in a different format/protocol
Two different operating modes – Keypad or MCU interface LED indicator output – Indicates training is complete
Small size – 18 pin DIP IC…… Listed under: Other Projects

772. PIC16F84 Introduction

The 16F84 is deserves looking at because it is the GranDaddy of PIC Microcontrollers but you should not use it for
new designs (see Below)… The PIC16F84 is a the most well known and most well used of all the PIC microcontrollers
– it is used…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

773. USB Voltmeter using pic microcontoller

USB Voltmeter USB Voltmeter is a PC based dual channel voltmeter built around PIC18F2455 / PIC18F2550
microcontroller that measures voltage from 0.00V up to 500.00V with 10mV resolution. USB Voltmeter sends
measured data to PC via standard USB connection displaying data on a computer monitor.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects

774. Aurora 9 bar – The Essence of Aurora using PIC24F08KA101

Aurora 9 bar – The Essence of Aurora Since the introduction of Aurora 9×18, I received many requests for the kits and
PCBs. I’m still quite undecided about making those available for a few reasons. However I really want other LED
lovers (ok that might…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
775. Microcontroller with single LED Project in Proteus

This is a simulation project that shows how to write program in assembly language for PIC16F84A microcontroller
that turns on a single LED and use it in Proteus VSM to stimulate the working of the microcontroller controlled LED.
To do this start by creating a…… Listed under: LED Projects

776. Low cost OLED module interface using PIC18F452

Here are the technical specifications: OLED resolution: 96 x 64 pixels OLED manufacturer: OSRAM. OLED model:
Pictiva 1.1 inch OS096064PN11MY0B10 (San Diego.) On-board lcd controller SSD1303, with 31 pins connector, can
be soldered directly. Low power operation (less than 15-25mA @3V, depending on contrast/brightness setting)…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LED Projects, Projects

777. A remote controlled power RGB LED mood light using PIC16F627A

A remote controlled power RGB LED mood light. Control the colour of a powerful LED light beam with a remote
control, store the colours and recall them at will. With this thing I can control the colour of a bright light into many
different colours…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects, LED Projects, Projects

778. DIY plug-in modules to make microcontroller breadboarding easier

Breadboards are a great tool for prototyping and testing electronics circuits. Here I am sharing with you some plug-in
modules that I once made to make my breadboarding life easier. I have used these modules many times in the PIC
experiments described in this blog.…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

779. Mini F1 race track Grid Start Lights using PIC12F627A

(See big LED version here) My nephews got a Scalextric slot car racing circuit from Santa for Christmas. This was a
blast-from-the-past for my brother and me and we were soon showing the kids how to race. However it quickly became
apparent that “3-2-1-Go” wasn’t…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

780. True USB GQ-4X Programmer using pic microcontroller {ed: Tony moved on, the web site is closed, but all the files are
here: file containing all the files required to build the kit, install the Win32 application, setup the unit, and
program chips. Also includes source code. This will extract to…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

781. ISD2560 Voice Recording Playback Project PIC16F84 Controlled

ISD2560 to directly control the PIC16F84A, audio recordings and multiple block will be able to play. LSI can be
driven directly speakers also, in view of the lack of volume, only added to the amplifier IC. This volume 10 minutes to
drive the speakers. One…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

782. Aurora 48 – 48 RGB LED Sequencer

Aurora 48 is a compact and thin profile full-color LED sequencer. It’s built entirely with surface mount components, so
the profile is nice and clean. Step 1: Features Capable of individually controlling 48 Full color LEDs. Each LED can be
faded in 7 bit per channel – 2,097,152…… Listed under: LED Projects

783. PIC Industrial and Domestic Timer (Relay Controller)

Hi Friends, I hope everyone had a rocking New year I was suppose to give you all a New year gift uploading a new
project, but unfortunately it got delayed ‘coz I was busy with my *personal life* One of our site member, Jeswanth
kumar…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

784. Contactless Digital Tachometer using PIC Microcontroller

Hey friends, I should have posted this project last month itself but there was some problem with the circuit. [link],
author of this project did an exellent job. I have been watching him learning on this website. He came as a total noob
but now…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

785. Rotary dialer PIC interface using PIC16F877

Feedback / Suggestions
Rotary dialer PIC interface I have found myself with an abundance of rotary phones. In fact, they’re everywhere I look.
In hopes that I may someday see less of them, I’ve begun taking them apart and re-using the parts for other purposes.
For some reason…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Phone Projects, Projects

786. LED Sensors

Things are moving along … With my new understanding of I2C master/slave communications, I’ve started work on
larger arrays and finding the best way to manage the array and communicate the data to the host PC. Above is the latest
iteration of the project… and…… Listed under: LED Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

787. Iron in the Fire II

In my previous post, I write about an LED matrix for a marquee. The display itself is a two-board solution, the second
board or ‘daughterboard’ piggy-backs on some pin headers from the display board. This second PCB provides the
control interface and logic for handling…… Listed under: Battery Projects

788. How to interpret the direction of rotation from a digital rotary switch with a PIC using PIC16F877A

How to interpret the direction of rotation from a digital rotary switch with a PIC The objective for this Instructable is to
illustrate how to interface a digital (quadrature coded) rotary switch with a microcontroller. Don’t worry, I’ll explain
what quadrature coded means for us.…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

789. Water Filter Controller

As a fan of taking my dihydrogen monoxide in straight, uncut, uncorrupted liquid form, I purchased a six stage reverse
osmosis filter some years ago. My filter is a few years old now, and the super calcium enriched water we have in
Michigan has taken…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

790. Interfacing with The Energy Detective using pic microcontoller

I recently bought The Energy Detective (TED), a pretty inexpensive and friendly way to keep tabs on your whole
house’s electricity usage. It’s a lot like having a more featureful version of your utility company’s power meter, sitting
on your kitchen counter. It can estimate…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

791. PIC Controlled Relay Driver using pic microcontoller

We love to read emails from our visitors, Please let us know by clicking here if you find any kind of bug/error in our
site. We will fix it as soon as possible. PIC Controlled Relay Driver This circuit is a relay driver that is…… Listed
under: Other Projects

792. MintLite Part I

MintLite – The Luxeon Powered Mint Tin Flashlight! This idea has been rattling around in my head for more than a
month now, and I finally have thought it out enough to do some doodling in Eagle. The basic idea is built around a
six…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

793. GSM based Control System by pic microcontroller

GSM based Control System by pic microcontroller implements the emerging applications of the GSM Technology.
Using GSM networks, a control system has been proposed that will act as an embedded system which can monitor and
control appliances and other devices locally using built-in input and…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

794. Interfacing of PIC16F84A with (i2c based) 24LC64 EEPROM (Code + Proteus simulation)

This post provides the code for interfacing 24LC64 EEPROM with PIC16F84A microcontroller. This 24LC64
EEPROM has i2c based interface and PIC16F84A doesn’t have any built in i2c modules, so software i2c module is
created in the code. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Memory – Storage Projects, Projects

795. LED Matrix Backpack

Feedback / Suggestions
I had purchased some huge (2″) 5×7 matrix a while ago, as part of my led sensor research. They’ve basically been
banging around the lab since, getting pins bent and such. So this past weekend, I decided to put them to some other use.
Their…… Listed under: LED Projects

796. New Earth Time digital clock in recycled retro-modern case using PIC16F627A

New Earth Time (NET) digital clock in recycled retro-modern case Ever get confused by GMT, or just wish you had a
cooler way to keep track of time? Build a New Earth Time clock! Using a PIC microcontroller, some code, and a
couple discrete parts,…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

797. Reading Nintendo 64 controller with PIC microcontroller

I have a few old N64 controllers lying around and figured that it would be pretty cool to use them to control other
things. In this article I will describe in detail every step I took to achieve this. I’ve used a PIC microcontroller, but……
Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

798. PIC based WWVB clock

Introduction There are many DIY versions of WWVB clock designs available on the web. Commercial “atomic”
clocks are inexpensive and widely available, but I wanted to try my hand at designing one to gain insight into WWVB
reception and to learn a little about programming…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

799. Prometheus/Pandora’s Box using PIC12C508 microcontroller

Prometheus/Pandora’s Box Some of you monkeys out there think you can PWN me. You need to be Spanked. Here is
an obfuscated ultraminimalized Monolith for you. It is enlightening and harmless, except to the devil, who really hates
it, because I’m letting you have it…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects, Radio Projects

800. A Real Time Clock IC (DS1307) project using the PIC micro.

Making A Real Time Clock (RTC) is simple if you use a helper chip such as a DS1307 because you do not need to
keep track of the length of each month or account for leap years. It is all done for you, plus you…… Listed under:
Clock – Timer Projects
801. Interfacing 7 segment display with pic16f877 microcontroller

This post will describe that how easily we can do Interfacing 7 segment display with pic16f877 microcontroller. 7
segment display is a basically array of 7 leds with some proper arrangement. From this fig it can be seen that 7 leds
arranged with an array…… Listed under: LED Projects

802. Implementation USB into microcontroller: IgorPlug-USB (AVR) using pic microcontroller

Purpose of this article is to inform readers about implementation USB interface into singlechip microcontroller, which
this interface directly not supports. Simply: implementation USB interface on firmware level (similar as emulation of
RS232 interface in microcontrollers, which not have RS232 support). This project includes development…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

803. RS232 Communication with PIC Microcontroller

Description This article shows how to do a simple communication via a RS232 interface with a PIC microcontroller.
RS232 is a standard for a serial communication interface which allows to send and receive data via at least three wires.
With the RS232 interface it is…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

804. The Trickster – USB Computer Prank using PIC18F14K50

The Trickster – USB Computer Prank Plug The Trickster into your victim’s computer, and it will randomly move their
mouse while playing a game or using the desktop; Compatible with all operating systems Harmless fun: Acts as a
second mouse, and goes away when you…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Projects

805. Four way traffic light signal using PIC16F84A microcontroller:

Hi friends, today we are going to make a four way traffic light controller using a PIC16F84 microcontroller. In this

Feedback / Suggestions
project we will operate three LEDs (RED, YELLOW, and GREEN) according to the traffic rules. Illumination of the
green light allows traffic to proceed in…… Listed under: LED Projects

806. How to adapt a NES clone controller to bluetooth using PIC12F675

How to adapt a NES clone controller to bluetooth I bought a Wireless Bluetooth RS232 TTL Transceiver Module from
DX (SKU 80711) and wonder what i can do with it. So, I’m realy nostalgic and decided to build a NES clone crontoller
to bluetooth adapter,…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

807. PIC16F877 ISA Ethernet Web Server Project

The PIC16F877 microcontroller, prepared with activated an old ISA ethernet (3com eherl Link) Used guess PIC
internet connection with an application I’m not sure circuit aim could not understand the pic programming dealing with
people who can solve resource asebbely asm PCBs (eagle) control program…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

808. One PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board

One PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board Develop firmware using Microchip’s 8/16/32-bit PIC®
Microcontrollers all on one board! Each device comes preprogrammed with firmware to operate the LCD, LED and
capacitive touch pads. In addition to three PIC® Microcontrollers, this board also has a dedicated…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits

809. Keypad scanning and interfacing with PIC16f877 microcontroller

Here I give you very important and simple project on Keypad / keyboard scanning and interfacing with
PIC16f877microcontroller . To start big project you need to know small and necessary one first. So we start form basic
. In my previous post I write on Scrolling…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

810. “Mini-Beacon” miniature programmable LED Flasher that is based around a PIC12F629 microcontroller

This project, called “Mini-Beacon”, is a miniature programmable LED Flasher that is based around the PIC
microcontroller. This project grew out of an idea and recommendation posted on The Mini-Beacon
basically simulates the light emitted from a rotating light beacon such as those used in older…… Listed under: LED Projects
811. Teddy nightlight multicolor using PIC16F84A microcontroller

Teddy nightlight multicolor A nice night light multicolor, ideal for baby’s room. For the realization I used: – Out of a
pack of bubble bath for children in the shape of teddy bear – a nightlight with positive economic pressure – Complete
circuit with a…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects, LED Projects, Projects


A Digital Clock can be made easily by using PIC Microcontroller, DS1307 and a 16*2 LCD. I have already posted
about Interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC Microcontroller. The DS1307 RTC can work either in 24-hour mode or 12-
hour mode with AM/PM indicator. It automatically adjusts…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

813. Project on making calculator using PIC16F877 and Mikcro C Pro

Here I give you tutorial of Project on making calculator using PIC16F877 and Mikcro C Pro. After go through this
project and learn the technique you can implement in your project. In my previous post I show you how to interface
keypad 4 x 4 matrix’s …… Listed under: Calculator Projects

814. Interfacing of PIC16F84A with DS1307 (RTC) code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the code for interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC16F84A microcontroller. This DS1307 RTC has i2c
based interface and PIC16F84A doesn’t have any built in i2c modules, so software i2c module is created in the
code. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects, Projects

815. A discussion on the drive-current for the outputs of a PIC12C508A microcontroller

Each of the output lines of a ‘508A microcontroller can deliver a maximum of 25mA. What does this mean? It means

Feedback / Suggestions
any device connected to the line must take 25mA or less. If it takes more than 25mA a buffer transistor (also called an
amplifying…… Listed under: LED Projects

816. POV Toy

I recently had the urge to create some “eye candy”; Thinking along the lines of my LED Sign (it’s not dead, just
waiting on parts!), I chose to create a similar effect, using only a single line of leds, instead of a 5×7 array.
Persistence…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

817. Aurora 9×18 RGB LED art using PIC24F08KA101 microcontroller

Aurora 9×18 RGB LED art *** Check out my blog for updated version of this project and more! *** My obsession of
LEDs has led me to this. Aurora 9×18 is a thing of beauty (if I can say so myself) – has 162 RGB-LEDs…… Listed
under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

818. PIC16C54 dual dice electronic project circuit

An electronic dice project circuit can be designed in various modes , using logic circuit or using microcontrollers .
This electronic project is based on the PIC16C54 microcontroller , manufactured by Microchip . This project is a
simple dual dice electronic project , that use few external electronic parts…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

819. A pic programmer circuit based on AN589. using pic microcontoller

AN589 is microchip’s application note for a parallel port pic programmer circuit which I chose as I wanted something
reliable to get up and running quickly. It is really quite a simple circuit and its main objective is to provide ICSP
connections to your pic…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

820. How to use Timers in PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

Timers as the name suggests pertain to time-related operations. They are mostly used for exact delay generation.
Timers are also used in various other operations like PWM signal generation, auto-triggering of several other
peripherals etc. The working and configuration of PIC18F4550 Timers have been explained…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects,
821. High res cap meter with PIC 16F628

High resolution capacitance meter measures in 0.01pF digits. Total range 0pF to 50uF. – 27th Jun 2011, Updated 25th
may 2013. Another PIC based capacitance meter? Although there are a few PIC based “pico” capacitance meters on the
internet this design has some advantages over…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

822. Time Display unit for a GPS module using pic microcontroller

I decided to build a device to permanently display accurate time received from a cheap GPS module installed in my
workshop. Having obtained a PIC18F1320 microcontroller for experimentation, I wanted to learn about the new
features of the PIC18F range using only minimal hardware to…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, GPS Based Projects

823. Sine Triangle Square Saw Burst Sweep Noise – runs on a PIC16F870

After the recent demise of our multifunction signal generator, we decided to make one of our own. The circuit uses a
PIC16F870 (about $3), an R/2R resistor ladder network (for a real fast and cheap D/A), and a few other parts. You can
check out…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

824. Object Detecting Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth Robot Using PIC Microcontroller 16F877A

Last time we had a project on Arduino robots with Bluetooth and Android, and in that one our readers Mr. Paul asked
how he can make an obstacle avoidance robot. So today I came up with another engineering project for electronics and
communication students, Android and…… Listed under: Bluetooth Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

825. Computer controlled infrared transmitter based on PIC

description This is a programmable infrared (remote control) transmitter, which can be controlled from a computer
serial port. It is capable of sending many remote control formats, including the Philips RC-5 standard. Exact formats
with the timing parameter names are shown on the pictures: operation…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
826. 8×8 LED Array Multiplexed Infinity Mirror using PIC18F1320 microcontroller

8×8 LED Array Multiplexed Infinity Mirror A little bit different than your regular Infinity Mirror. Using a piece of
mirrored acrylic for the back mirror, 8 rows of 8 holes are drilled into in a grid pattern. A LED is then placed in each
hole…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

827. Ways to Select a Best Microcontroller for Microcontroller based Projects

Do you know how to select the best microcontroller for microcontroller based projects? Selecting the proper
microcontroller for a given application is one of the most critical decisions, which controls the success or failure of the
task. There are different types of microcontrollers available and…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects

828. Minidot 2 – The holoclock using PIC16F88 microcontroller

Minidot 2 – The holoclock Well maybe holoclock is a little bit inaccurate….it does use holographic dispersion film on
the front to give a bit of depth. Basicaly this instructable is an update to my previous Minidot located here: and re-using a lot of…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Game –
Entertainment Projects, Projects

829. embedded microchip

Microchip Technology Inc. is a Leading Provider of Microcontroller and . (Nasdaq: MCHP) Manufactures and markets
a variety of VLSI CMOS semiconductor components to support the embedded control –
143k – CachedMicroch Microchip Technology Inc. is a Leading Provider of Microcontroller and . (Nasdaq:…… Listed under: Other Projects

830. Robot 1: “Little Jimmy” based on PICAXE-18M2

Robot 1: “Little Jimmy” based on PICAXE-18M2 I wanted to build this little robot to give me a fun and flexible
platform for learning more about programming, RC (radio-control), drive trains (the mechanics that make it go) and the
newest PICAXE processor, the 18M2. Under…… Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects
831. USB PIC Programmer : PICKit2 using pic microcontoller

Microchip’s PICKit2 is much more comfortable,reliable and powerful than the other programmers that we can find all
over internet. It is a USB based ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) programmer. Since it is a first release, Microchip
published all the resources of PICKit2 public, which includes hardware…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

832. 8×8 LED Array Multiplexed Infinity Mirror using PIC18F1320

8×8 LED Array Multiplexed Infinity Mirror A little bit different than your regular Infinity Mirror. Using a piece of
mirrored acrylic for the back mirror, 8 rows of 8 holes are drilled into in a grid pattern. A LED is then placed in each
hole…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

833. picLink RS232 low cost development controller with ADC using PIC16F628A

PicLink RS232 low cost development controller with ADC PICLink RS232 Embedded Controller The PICLink RS232
controller module affords any microcontroller enthusiast an easy to construct mini-microcontroller module. This
embedded microcontroller is ICSP (in circuit serial) programmable and provides separate PORTA, PORTB, RS232 I/O ports, 4…… Listed under:
Other Projects, Projects

834. DC Motor Control using Temperature Sensor & 8051 Microcontroller

Microcontroller are widely used in electronics gadget and are one of the key element in developing any project and
thus this project used 8051 microcontroller and will help in teaching about interfacing of temperature sensor with
ATMEL microcontroller by means of ADC, to display the…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

835. Small Virtual Wall for iRobot Roomba using PIC12F629

The Virtual Wallis a circuit to mimic the behaviour of the iRobot Virtual Wall/Lighthouse, provided with the robot. It
produces the same infrared pattern and the robot sees it as another virtual wall, blocking its path, while vacuuming.
This circuit was built mostly using SMD…… Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
836. PIC Frequency Counter with Frequency Lock function

Table of Content: Frequency Reference Frequency Actual Subtraction and Comparator Digital Outputs Integrator
Transistors Q2…Q4 Connection to Oscillator How to tune? PIC SW in the frequency counter Final test RB2 Function
Is this worth to build it? Pictures are better readable locally with appropriate viewer,…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

837. How to use PIC16F84A pin as input (Code+Proteus simulation)

This post provides an example code to use PIC16F84A pins as inputs. After going through this example, you will
understand how to make PIC16F84A pins as inputs and how to read their value in the code. This code is written in C
language using MPLAB with…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

838. A Cheap Ultrasonic Range Finder

HOW DOES IT WORK & CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC Everybody knows the speed of the sound in the dry air is around
340 m/s. Send a short ultrasonic pulse at 40 Khz in the air, and try to listen to the echo. Of course you won’t hear
anything,…… Listed under: LCD Projects

839. A Programmable Optical Slave Flash Trigger for Digital Cameras with Processor PIC 12F675

The synchronizer ensures a contact-free, optical synchronization of external photographic flashguns. The triggering of
the external flash is derived from embedded flashes of a camera. It can be used for both digital and “analogous”
cameras or for a remote synchronization of the actual flash units.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Video –
Camera – Imaging Projects

840. How to interface LCD with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

The character LCDs are the most commonly used display modules. These LCDs are used to display text using
alphanumeric and special characters of font 5×7/5×10. For basic working and operations of a character LCD, refer
LCD interfacing with 8051. Here PIC18F4550 has been used to…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD
Projects, Projects
841. Car Anti theft System Project using Microcontroller PIC16f73

For a while we have been sharing many electronic projects for engineering students and then we found out there was a
huge demand for embedded projects, especially PIC microcontroller based projects. After a short break, here is another
outstanding one that is not only suitable…… Listed under: Car Projects, Security – Safety Projects

842. Car Anti theft System Project using Microcontroller PIC16f73

For a while we have been sharing many electronic projects for engineering students and then we found out there was a
huge demand for embedded projects, especially PIC microcontroller based projects. After a short break, here is another
outstanding one that is not only suitable…… Listed under: Car Projects

843. 1-Chip 4-Channel PIC16F886 Data Logger

This project has only a few modifications from the “Single Chip, Four Channel Datalogger” article by Dan Gravatt in
the 2008 January Issue of Nuts&Volts (page 42), so I won’t go into much detail. Below is the schematic. The changes
from Dan’s datalogger are that…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

844. Converting a Proxxon MF70 Milling Machine To CNC – 4 using PIC24FJ64GB002

At the start of this series of posts, I said I did not want a PC to control my Milling Operations, so some local delivery
method of supplying the gcode files is required. Having said that, the system is ‘open’, and a simple XON/XOFF
terminal…… Listed under: CNC Machines Projects, Projects

845. Aurora 9 bar – The Essence of Aurora using PIC24F08KA microcontroller

Aurora 9 bar – The Essence of Aurora Since the introduction of Aurora 9×18, I received many requests for the kits and
PCBs. I’m still quite undecided about making those available for a few reasons. However I really want other LED
lovers (ok that might…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, LED Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
846. Connect Flash Card with PIC18F4520

The Compact Flash Library provides routines for accessing data on Compact Flash card (abbr. CF further in text). CF
cards are widely used memory elements, commonly used with digital cameras. Great capacity and excellent access
time of only a few microseconds make them very attractive…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

847. PIC16F877 LCD code and Proteus simulation

This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial provides very detailed and comprehensive LCD[1] code. Using PIC16
simulator (Proteus) you can verify this LCD code and change it according to your needs. This code is written in C
language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

848. contruction of personal Radar System using PIC MIcrocontroller PIC18f452

Personal Radar System using PIC MIcrocontroller PIC18f452 is a microcontroller hobby project. The circuit diagram
of radar is attached here below seemed a little bit simple schematic but you need careful reading of PIC18f452 radar
circuit to avoid any damage. The project of personal Radar…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

849. 01/\/atch using PIC16F913 microcontroller

Intro: 01/\/atch The 01/\/atch, because… “there are 10 types of people in the world, those who read binary, and those
who don’t” – a slashdot tag line. The 01/\/atch is a binary wrist watch with an LED display. Additional features are
accessible through a scrolling…… Listed under: Projects

850. Aurora mini 18 using PIC24FV16KA302 microcontroller

Aurora mini 18 My obsession of this year is full-color LED. I have made Aurora 9×18 as a result. As much as I love
the scale of Aurora 9×18, I also wanted to have something smaller, perhaps something that can go on a costume?
Here’s…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

851. Connect to the PIC Microcontroller

A Simple Development Board Ok, so you have now got your programmer, and you have a PIC or two. It is all very
well knowing how to program the PIC in theory, but the real learning comes when you try your code on a PIC……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

852. SD Memory Card Interface using pic microcontroller

SD memory cards, especially the ones under 1GB are cheap, relatively easy to interface and provide vast amounts of
memory for imbedded control. This device lets you ‘talk’ to sd cards through your serial port. Communication is in
ASCII so you just need a terminal…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Memory – Storage Projects

853. PIC12F675 Microcontroller Based Security Alarm Circuit

Crime in general is still on the rise, and having a security alarm installed is no longer a perquisite of the wealthy! Here
is a simple and compact security alarm system to protect your home/shop and valuables. The circuit is built around a
tiny microcontroller…… Listed under: Security – Safety Projects

854. Tejas Kulkarni’s Lab Notebook using pic microcontoller

Week 01 August 15, 2010 (2 hours): Met as a team after class to finish writing preliminary project proposal. January
17, 2010 (2 hour): Brained stormed the possibilities of developing a multi-touch table. The Multi-touch table would
require an external camera as an interface for…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

855. DMM Piggyback (add RS-232) using PIC16F688 microcontroller

DMM Piggyback (add RS-232) There are mods that give a multimeter serial connectivity by soldering some pins but, it
only works if it already has RS-232 ability. So I decided rather than building a PIC multimeter from scratch, I would
Piggyback off a $4 DMM.…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

856. PICMicro Programmer with the “ElCheapo” using PIC16F84

Feedback / Suggestions
Since I first released this circuit for a serial PICMicro programmer, I have been getting lots of feedback from people
that have been building it as their first PICMicro programmer. It has been really nice to hear comments from people
about their experiences building the…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

857. Right-left scrolling LEDs

Project description: In this project, 8 LEDs are connected to PORT B of a PIC microcontroller. Also a push-button
switch is connected to bit 0 of PORT A using a pull-up resistor.. When the switch is pressed the LEDs scroll to the
right. Hardware: The…… Listed under: LED Projects

858. PC Interfacing a GameBoy Camera using PIC18F4620 microcontroller

PC Interfacing a GameBoy Camera Here’s another past project of mine from a couple of years ago. At that time I was
looking for a low-res camera for simple robotics image processing, and all I had experience with was PIC (12, 16, and
18) microcontrollers. So I didn’t…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects,
Projects, Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

859. Servomotor-based mobile robot control

Project description: Mobile robots are used in many industrial, commercial, research, and hobby applications. This
project is about the control of a mobile robot using servomotors. The robot used in this project is the base of a popular
mobile robot known as Boe Bot, developed…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

860. How-to: USB remote control receiver using pic microcontoller

ow that we listen to MP3s, and watch XVIDs or x264s, a computer is the entertainment center in at least one room of
most homes. Unless you have a special HTPC, though, you’re probably stuck using the keyboard to pause, change the
volume, and fast-forward…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

861. Door lock opener

description This circuit can be used to operate an electric strike or an electromagnetic lock on a door. It is not the door being opened/closed, but a
small electromagnetic strike which unlocks the door. The opener has the following features currently programmed in software: automatic……
Listed under: Home Automation Projects, LED Projects

862. PIC microcontroller development board using pic microcontroller

Development board backplane Plug-in part by wave soldering process , the board also neat reverse . The curved surface
of the pad foot , guaranteed not to scratch your desktop. The system uses a fully independent module design , DIY
leave enough space to the…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

863. Connect ADC with PIC16F877

ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module is available with a number of PIC MCU modules. ADC is an electronic
circuit that converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. ADC Library provides you a comfortable work
with the module. Library Routines ADC_Init ADC_Get_Sample ADC_Read ADC_Init Prototype…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument

864. Connect ADC with PIC16F877

ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module is available with a number of PIC MCU modules. ADC is an electronic
circuit that converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. ADC Library provides you a comfortable work
with the module. Library Routines ADC_Init ADC_Get_Sample ADC_Read ADC_Init Prototype…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument

865. Connect CAN Protocol with PIC

The mikroC PRO for PIC provides a library (driver) for working with the CAN module. The CAN is a very robust
protocol that has error detection and signalization, self–checking and fault confinement. Faulty CAN data and remote
frames are re-transmitted automatically, similar to the Ethernet.…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
866. Connect CAN-SPI with PIC Controller

The SPI module is available with a number of the PIC compliant MCUs. The mikroC PRO for PIC provides a library
(driver) for working with mikroElektronika’s CANSPI Add-on boards (with MCP2515 or MCP2510) via SPI interface.
The CAN is a very robust protocol that has…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

867. Real Time Clock Circuit using Mircocontroller

Here I am going to teach you a simple circuit of 24 hour digital clock display that can also be used in 12 hour format
by simply loading the corresponding clock program. You can download the hex files for both 12 hour format and
24…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

868. USB Stepper Motor Driver using pic microcontoller

USB Stepper Motor Driver In this project we are going to drive a unipolar Stepper motor (5 wire) using USB interface
from a PC Computer. This project is an application of the USB Interface Board PIC18F4550 which was published here
in the past. You can…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Motor Projects

869. C-52EVB Robot Controller

Use a C-52 EVB for simple robot experiments. Build a simple two wheels robot with L293D H-Bridge driver and IR
sensors. Write a C program controls robot tracked with black tape. Fun with Ving-Peaw Competition 2543, course
layout, day-by-day changed rule and scoring also included!…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

870. Building your own Simple Laser Projector using the Microchip PIC12F683 Microcontroller

The 8 pins PIC12F683 microcontroller is one of the smallest members of the Microchip 8-bit microcontroller families
but equipped with powerful peripherals such as ADC and PWM capabilities. This make this tiny microcontroller is
suitable for controlling the DC motor speed. In order to demonstrate…… Listed under: Other Projects

871. Night Light Saver V3.2 (PIC12C508)

A Microchip PIC12C508 8-pin CMOS Microcontroller turns a night light on and off with preset time everyday. Save
Energy, No EMI, No Battery, Built-in Lamp Fixture, and Peak Shaving Introduction It’s time for 8-pin microcontroller
Microchip PIC12C508, the SAVER V3.2, my latest design of a…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

872. Rainbow LED Chaser

I was bored this past sunday, and needed something to ease my racing brain … so I picked an easy project with lots of
flash. The parts list: Eight Tri-Color or RGB leds … each led package contains three LEDs Three 74HC595 Shift
Registers ……… Listed under: LED Projects

873. PIC based WWVB clock

Introduction There are many DIY versions of WWVB clock designs available on the web. Commercial “atomic”
clocks are inexpensive and widely available, but I wanted to try my hand at designing one to gain insight into WWVB
reception and to learn a little about programming…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

874. NJM2035 – HI-FI Stereo Encoder / Multiplexer using pic microcontoller

Part’s List: 2x 47K 1x 10K 1x 82K 1x 50K POT 1x 33uF 1x 10uF 3x 100nF (104) 1x 100pF (101) 1x 10pF (10) 1x
NJM2035 IC 1x 38 KHz Crystal Technical Specifications: Voltage Supply: 1.2V – 3.6V MAX Current Draw: >3mA
Channel Separation: <…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

875. Countdown Timer using PIC16F690 microcontroller

This is a simple countdown-timer-on-a-chip project – you program the PIC, attach some buttons and a pair of 2-
segment LEDs, and you are done. I used this timer for one of my projects, but I tried to make that timer as generic as
possible, so…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

876. Introducing PIC Microcontroller projects

Feedback / Suggestions
PIC Microcontroller Development Tools History PIC microcontroller Development Board (Completed on 2006-10-28)
The ultimate PIC Microcontroller development board. After years of programming PIC microcontroller, I have finally
design my super development board to program PIC microcontroller firmware. The automatic programming mode select and the 40…… Listed
under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

877. Build a digital spirit level using a SCA610 accelerometer using PIC16F684

A bubble or spirit level meter is a handy tool to find whether a surface is horizontal or vertical. It is often carried by
civil engineers, mechanical engineers, surveyors, carpenters, and many other professionals whose work involve precise
alignments of horizontal and vertical planes. Original spirit levels…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

878. Music player built on microcontroller AT91SAM7S256 with ARM core

1. The player allows: playback wav files in stereo format, 22,500Hz freqfency, and 8 bits of resolution, display the
song titles, display time of songs, the possibility of stopping (pause) and switch songs, the possibility of change volume
(+, -), read data from the MMC…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

879. Seven Segment Display Thermometer with PIC Microcontroller

The seven segment display is one of the most popular numeric displays used in many microcontroller applications
because it’s cheap, robust and reliable. The seven segments actually consists of 8 LED (Light Emitting Diode) and it’s
come with various sizes suitable for various numeric display…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

880. PIC16F84 Evaluation Board

Introduction When I set, some time ago, about working with a PIC 16×84, I had immediately to face the problem to
have a permanently and stably working circuit, without mounting the PIC on a prototype board every time. Searching
on the net, I didn’t find…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

881. Microcontroller Controlled Metal Detector Projects

Result of displays in the form of two scales, which are estimated to judge the material goal.In addition, the screen is small scale level of response
and the current supply voltage. PIC18F252 The program is intended for controller PIC18F252.The controller PIC16F873 (A) to this version……
Listed under: LCD Projects

882. Gen 3.2 PCS Board Design

Gen 3.2 General Microservers, Vexcel Microservers, Quick Reference, Data Acquisition, Middleware
Components GPS, SBC Configuration …… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

883. Q-matic Circuit Application of PIC16F877 Microcontroller

In this article I used in banks and hospitals will give information about the Q-matic s. I’ve done a routing circuit board
(main board) and consists of three separate teller. Routing PIC16F877 on board, if the teller did not use pic16f876 in
each. Teller as…… Listed under: LED Projects

884. The Ultra-QP An Ultrasound QSO Party Rig Fun & Educational!

Imagine veterans and potential radio licensees gathered in a classroom, seated side-by-side facing the front,
headphones on and a key at hand – both plugged into their QSO Party Rigs they each built the previous week –
exchanging code as directed by designated net control!…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

885. PIC16F628 4 RGB LED PWM Controller using pic microcontroller

I am a big fan of LEDs. Bright, colorful, flashing LEDs. So, given my affinity for LEDs, I decided to work on a
controller that me and a few of my friends could use as an art project/passive information display. I have posted videos
from…… Listed under: LED Projects

886. PIC18F2550 : Blink LED using XC8 Compiler

Feedback / Suggestions
Welcome to another chapter of PIC18F programming Tutorial. In this chapter we are going to program a simple 28 pin
PIC18F2550 microcontroller using mplabx IDE and XC8 Compiler. The concepts for programming a pic18f2550
microcontroller is still going to be almost same as previous tutorials…… Listed under: LED Projects

887. RC Servo Switcher using pic microcontoller

Introduction Some fellow members of The Abbenay Hackspace (an open hacker space based in Stockholm, Sweden)
are embarked on an ambitious project with the aim of being the first to build an autonomous sailing robot which is
capable of circumnavigating the Earth. The project is…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

888. USB Interface Board Tutorial Using PIC18F4550

USB Interface Development Board Tutorial -1 STAGE/PART-1 MAKING OF THE MAIN CIRCUIT BOARD
INTRODUCTION ( USB PROJECT) : STEP 1 This project demonstrates a computer control interface using a USB Board. (USB…… Listed
under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

889. Infrared IR Sensor Interface with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

IR Sensor Interface with PIC18F4550 In my previous project we have made a simple IR sensor Circuit. In this project,
as promised before – we are going to demonstrate a PIC18F4550 microcontroller interface to IR sensor circuit. We are
just going to glow few on…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

890. Stepper Motor Speed Control with PIC18F4550

Stepper Motor Drivers USB Stepper Motor Driver Stepper Motor Driver PIC18F4550 –Stepper Motor schematics
Stepper Motor Speed Controller Stepper Motor driver PIC18F2550 IR Interterface to Stepper Motor Stepper Motor
Speed controller using PIC18F4550 This tutorial is all about tuning the speed of a stepper motor…… Listed under: Motor Projects

891. A DDS Module based on the AD9835 using PIC16F84

Table of contents Purpose Disclaimer Schematics PCB Pictures of the finished module Notes & comments SSTV
Testgenerator Credits Purpose While working on a project I came across the DDS chips from Analog Devices.
Especially the AD9835was very atractive to me because of its super simple…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

892. How to interface MAXIM’s DS1868 digital potentiometer with a PIC microcontroller

Potentiometers find applications in many electrical devices. For example, a light dimmer uses a potentiometer to
control the brightness of lamps. In amplifiers, they are used to control the output volume of the music, or change the
bass level. In an adjustable power supply we…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

893. PIC16F84A Gas Detector using GH-312 sensor

Introduction This is a gas detecting circuit capable of sensing many different types of gases. The sensor used is the
GH-312 and from the datasheet it is capable of sensing gases like smoke, liquefied gas, butane and propane, Methane,
alcohol,hydrogen, etc. Schematic Parts List R1 …… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

894. Stepper Motor Driver using PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

Stepper Motor Tutorial In this tutorial we are going to drive a Single unipolar stepper motor using PIC18F4550
Microcontroller in various different stepping modes. The source code and Project files are free to download at the end
of this page. – Stepper motor due its…… Listed under: Motor Projects

895. Serial Data Logger with PIC microcontroller

The data logger consists of a simple op-amp amplifier circuit that amplifies the signal and sends it to be digitized by a
PIC16F688 microcontroller, serialized, and sent to the computer’s serial port via a MAX232 serial driver: I guess you
are already wondering about some…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

896. Building the Inchworm ICD2 PIC Programmer / Debugger using PIC16F877

Building the Inchworm ICD2 PIC Programmer / Debugger This instructable is an illustrated walk through building an

Feedback / Suggestions
ICD2 clone called the Inchworm. It’s a straight forward kit that lets you build an MPLAB ICD2 compatible
Programmer and Debugger. There are lots of Programmers out there…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

897. 8 Channel IR Remote Control

This IR remote control that you can use to control other devices or circuits up to 8 devices. The control codes are sent
in RC5 format modulated to about 38 kHz carrier frequency.The IR transmitter powered by the CR2016 which is a 3V
button Cells…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

898. How to configure EUSART in PIC18F4550

Both, Parallel and Serial modes of communication have certain advantages and disadvantages over one another. The
serial communication is a preferred option due to its ability of long distance communication with error detection
capability. The microcontrollers consist of an inbuilt hardware unit known as USART…… Listed under: How To –
DIY – Projects, Projects, Tutorials

899. Discolight effect with bass beat control using PIC16F84A

Short description of the operation: External circuit converts bass beat of music into pulses. The motor is controlled by
them. If theres bass beat recognised then the motor rotates one direction (in full stepping) for a predefined time then
stops. If the second beat comes…… Listed under: LED Projects

900. PIC18F2550 Project Board using pic microcontroller

The new PIC18F2550 Project Board was designed as the development platform for student projects. The board features
MCU: PIC18F2550 with external xtal, ADC: one channel 0-2.5V sigma-delta converter, Linear Technology
LTC2400/LTC2420, 6-channal 10-bit ADC 0-5V, Display: Two connectors for text LCD or GLCD, USB: onchip……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

901. LED Persistence of Vision Display

Electrical The main components of the electrical system were the timing system and the LED control system for 40
LEDs using a single PIC. A schematic of the system is shown below (click for larger view): timing In order to time the
display properly to…… Listed under: LED Projects

902. USB & GLCD expansion board for 8051SBC using pic microcontroller

Simple expansion board for 8051SBC provides easy USB port and graphic LCD interface. I am planing to design the
x86 board for some of my application that needs more computing capability. One of the feature that I need to add to the
x86 board is…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

903. Connect I²C with PIC

The I²C full master MSSP module is available with a number of PIC MCU models. mikroC PRO for PIC provides
library which supports the master I²C mode. Important : Some MCUs have multiple I²C modules. In order to use the
desired I²C library routine,…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

904. Digital DCF77 clock with LCD and gong using PIC16F628A

Always the right time and date with DCF77 This project make use of a PIC16F628(A) and a DCF77 receiver from
Conrad (Orderno. 64 11 38) Optional there is a possibility to connect an electronic gong on it. Click for information
about DCF77 on the link underneath: The working…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Home Automation Projects, LCD Projects,

905. The One Chip Spinning RGB POV Display with conversion software using PIC18f4680 microcontroller

The ‘One Chip Spinning RGB POV Display’ with conversion software. If you have been on the look out for a project
that combines, RGB LED’s, a motor, a microcontroller and a ridiculous amount of hot melt glue, then you have
certainly come to the right…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
906. Connect Matrix Keypad with PIC Controller Code

The mikroC PRO for PIC provides a library for working with 4×4 keypad. The library routines can also be used with
4×1, 4×2, or 4×3 keypad. For connections explanation see schematic at the bottom of this page. External dependencies
of Keypad Library The following variable…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

907. PIC Evaluation/Development Board Implementation using pic-microcontroller

Abstract The objective of this project is to produce a PIC evaluation/development board to be used by future ECPE
senior design project teams. Many project implementations call for some sort of microcontroller unit in the final
product, and this need can often be met by…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

908. USB Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer using PIC18F2550 microcontroller

USB Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer (or, ‘My first USB device’) This is a simple design that demonstrates the USB
peripheral on the PIC 18Fs. There are a bunch of examples for the 18F4550 40 pin chips online, this design
demonstrates the smaller 18F2550 28 pin version. The…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Temperature
Measurement Projects

909. Connect Memory Card using PIC18F4520 Code

The Multi Media Card (MMC) is a Flash memory card standard. MMC cards are currently available in sizes up to and
including 32 GB and are used in cellular phones, digital audio players, digital cameras and PDA’s. mikroC PRO for
PIC provides a library for…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects

910. Connect USB HID with PIC18F4450 Code

Universal Serial Bus (USB) provides a serial bus standard for connecting a wide variety of devices, including
computers, cell phones, game consoles, PDA’s, etc. USB Library contains HID routines that support HID class devices,
and also the generic routines that can be used with vendor…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

911. GSM Based Versatile Robotic Vehicle Using PIC Microcontroller

This project is designed to develop as a robotic vehicle that can be controlled by a cell phones. DTMF commands from
a phone send to another cell phone which is mounted on the robotic vehicle. These commands are fed to a PIC
microcontroller of 8-bit…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

912. TechBot line following robot using PIC16F84

Design Goal: The TechBot1 is a small line following robot designed for for the 1998 Embedded Systems conference in
San Jose California. It was built by Jerry Merrill and myself and was designed as a promotional robot that would
follow a black line drawn on…… Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

913. UART Communication using PIC Code

The UART hardware module is available with a number of PIC compliant MCUs. The mikroC PRO for PIC UART
Library provides comfortable work with the Asynchronous (full duplex) mode. You can easily communicate with other
devices via RS-232 protocol (for example with PC, see the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

914. Connect Ethernet controller with PIC Code

The ENC28J60 is a stand-alone Ethernet controller with an industry standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). It is
designed to serve as an Ethernet network interface for any controller equipped with SPI. The ENC28J60 meets all of
the IEEE 802.3 specifications. It incorporates a number of…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

915. Create Musical Tone using PIC Code

The mikroC PRO for PIC provides a Sound Library to supply users with routines necessary for sound signalization in
their applications. Sound generation needs additional hardware, such as piezo-speaker (example of piezo-speaker
interface is given on the schematic at the bottom of this page). Library…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

916. Project Ryu Lagger Guitar Pedal Take 3 using pic microcontoller

Feedback / Suggestions
It has been a quiet period but a very busy period, very active and very fruitful. I will be launching the
site soon with tons of free resources for the audio hobbyist. Getting back to the title of this post, i would like to……
Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

917. Extend I/O Ports using PIC Microcontroller

The mikroC PRO for PIC provides a library for communication with the Microchip’s Port Expander MCP23S17 via
SPI interface. Connections of the PIC compliant MCU and MCP23S17 is given on the schematic at the bottom of this
page. Important : The library uses the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

918. Thermometer with PIC Microcontroller

In the last tutorial we learn about the multiplexing technique used with seven segment displays. We learnt how it saves
i/o line by using persistence of vision. Only one digit is lit at a time, but to a human eye it is too fast to…… Listed
under: Metering – Instrument Projects

919. Multiple Servomotors

Using a modified version of the last program, we can control as many servomotors as we have I/O lines on port B. In
the next listing, we will control two servos in the same manner as we controlled a single servo in the previous program.
…… Listed under: Motor Projects

920. Intelligent Fan Controller. Part 1 – Schematic using pic microcontoller

he Intelligent Fan Controller is designed to control the noise generated by the fans inside your computer. It does this by
varying their speed based on temperatures measured inside the case. When it is cool the fans will run slowly and they
will only speed…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

921. Isolated RS232C for PIC16F84

Connect serial transmit bit of the transformerless supply PIC16F84 circuit with COM1 through the use of isolation
device. Protect your notebook from direct connected to power line. Another method that helps program development
besides a dot LED as the output device is a serial bit.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

922. 12F675 Tutorial 5 : A Temperature data logger using PIC EEPROM. using pic microcontroller

EEPROM is useful for storing long term data such as data logger information and this PIC microcontroller EEPROM
project saves the temperature from an LM35DZ IC to the PIC’s internal long term data storage area. The project
follows on from the last project using the…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

923. Rotary Encoders

Rotary encoders are very versatile input devices for microcontroller projects. They are like potentiometers expect of
digital nature and unlike analogue potentiometers they never wear down. Rotary encoders not only provide 360 degrees
of rotational freedom they also allow digital positioning information to be gained…… Listed under: LED Projects, Motor Projects

924. Universal Serial Infrared Receiver. using pic microcontoller

You can use this Universal Infrared Receiver (UIR) project to control your PC: Starting Windows programs, setting
the Windows volume control, even moving the mouse around the screen! All at the touch of a button – with your TV
remote control in fact! It uses a…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

925. Relay Timer with PIC16F628

Here is 0 to 99 minutes relay timer using PIC16F628 microcontroller and 16 character LCD display. The
microcontroller is PIC16F628A running at 4.0 MHz clock using an external crystal. An HD44780 based 16×2
character LCD is the main display unit of the project where you…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LCD Projects

926. Making a binary clock using a PIC Microcontroller

You can use a PIC microcontroller and an LED matrix to create a binary clock (or if you prefer you can wire up

Feedback / Suggestions
individual LEDs). This project uses an LED matrix block as it saves lots of wiring. So what is it ? Its an…… Listed
under: Clock – Timer Projects

927. Schematics and C code for a 0-5V PIC LCD Volt Meter. using pic microcontoller

This PIC LCD volt meter project uses a PIC micro and an HD44870 LCD display. The analogue input is taken directly
to the analogue input pin of the microcontroller without any other processing. Specification Voltage range 0V – 5V
Input signal level TTL Maximum input…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects

928. Night Light Saver V3.2 (PIC12C508)

Introduction It’s time for 8-pin microcontroller Microchip PIC12C508, the SAVER V3.2, my latest design of a device
that turns a night light on and off everyday. The circuit uses only a PIC12C508 8-pin CMOS micontroller and a small
triac, MAC97A6. The Saver V3.2 also demonstrates…… Listed under: LED Projects

929. How to drive an rgb led using three microcontroller pins. using pic microcontoller

The RGB LED contains three LEDs encased in one shell: Red, Green and Blue (some contain an extra blue led – as
blue LEDs generate less output intensity (candela) per mA). It looks like a single white led except that it has four leads
-…… Listed under: LED Projects

930. Wisp628 an in-circuit flash PICmicro Programmer

Features in-circuit programmer programs flash PICmicro’s supports a rapid cycle of code/program/test prototype
programmer takes power from the target circuit serial interface serial passthrough to the target Foremost Wisp628 is
an in-circuit programmer. The programmer is connected to a few pins of the target…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)

931. A simple spectrum analyzer using dsPIC30F4011

This is a project for viewing the frequency spectrum of input signal using dsPIC. The hardware uses the following: – 1.
dsPIC30F4011. 2. Opamp (any one, like LM358, TL084). 3. Power supply. Software includes the following: – 1. FFT
library code from Microchip 2. Graphic…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects
932. Hidden Radio Transmitter Controller

PicCon is a PIC microcontroller based radio controller designed for hidden transmitter hunting. When combined with a
radio transmitter, it will produce tone sequences and Morse code messages at user-programmed times. It is completely
field programmable via DTMF tones, utilizes EEPROM for all programmed options…… Listed under: Radio Projects

933. A PIC frequency counter operating up to about 50 MHz. usnig pic microcontoller

This PIC frequency counter project uses an LCD to display the frequency and PIC timer 1 to measure the input signal
and Timer0 to measure the timing period. It uses Timer 1 in 16 bit counter mode to count the input signal edges and
overflows…… Listed under: Calculator Projects

934. First Servomotor Control Program

In our first program , we will simply sweep the servomotor from CCW to CW and then sweep back. The program will
be kept simple as to demonstrate the priniciples of controlling a servo with a the PIC Basic language. The schematic
can be seen…… Listed under: Motor Projects

935. Localizer with SIM908 module using PIC18LF6722

The device is based on a GSM/GPRS module with included GPS. Its main function is to detect and communicate its
own geographical position using, on the choice, the cellular phone reference system or the GPS. Its small dimensions
are due to the use, for the…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects, Phone Projects, Projects

936. Led Display Boards InBulk using pic microcontoller

We covered how to interface seven segment LED displays to a PIC microcontroller in two sections: Lab 6 and Lab 11.
Today, we will move on to interfacing an LED dot matrix display. LED dot matrices are very popular means of
displaying information as it…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
937. A discussion on the drive-current for the outputs of a PIC12C508A microcontroller

Each of the output lines of a ‘508A microcontroller can deliver a maximum of 25mA. What does this mean? It means
any device connected to the line must take 25mA or less. If it takes more than 25mA a buffer transistor (also called an
amplifying transistor) must…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

938. The Saltwater etch process using PIC16F54 microcontroller

The Saltwater etch process This is a one-off process to produce one printed circuit board by removing unwanted copper
by electrolysis in a saltwater solution. I shall illustrate the process by etching and building a board for 18-pin PIC (for
the PC16F54, but any 18…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

939. DS18S20 Dual Temperature Meter using pic microcontroller

DS18S20 Dual Temperature Meter Component List: 1x 2×16 LCD with Backlight 1x 16×1 LCD Female Header
Connector 1x 16×1 LCD Male Header Connector 1x Programmed PIC16F628 2x DS18S20 1-Wire Digital
Temperature Sensor 1x 100nF Capacitor 1x 10K Pot (LCD Contrast) 1x 10K Resistor 2x 1K…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument
Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

940. Automatic door opener with PIC12C508 Circuit

Description This circuit can be used to operate an electric strike or an electromagnetic lock on a door. It is not the door
being opened/closed, but a small electromagnetic strike which unlocks the door. The opener has the following features
currently programmed in software: automatic…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

941. 10 tricks for interfacing to the PIC16C508

Most of the ideas in this chapter can be found on the pages of this website, but just in case you want to go over the
capabilities of the ‘508A, we have brought them together. Quite often when you are programming, the first thing
you…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LED Projects
942. EMDP1 — Extensible Multiple Device Programmer 1 (Rev. C) using pic microcontroller

Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction Schematics Printed Circuit Board Issues Introduction This is revision
C of the EMDP1 mother board. It differs from revision B in that a 40-pin ZIF (zero insertion force) socket and an 80-
pin `universal’ plug have been added. This…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

943. Very Accurate LC Meter based on PIC16F628A

About Accurate LC Meter This is one of the most accurate and simplest LC inductance / capacitance Meters that one
can find, yet one that you can easily build yourself. This LC Meter allows to measure incredibly small inductances
starting from 10nH to 1000nH, 1uH…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects

944. DIY MIDI controllers using PIC microcontrollers and Basic Stamps using pic microcontoller

Introduction By combining a PIC microcontroller or Basic Stamp II with a few passive components it is not difficult to
construct your own knob box, trigger box, or other MIDI input device. A knowledge of electronics may be required for
interfacing to some sensors. Both…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects

945. Talk:Wireless Affective Devices using pic microcontoller

Contents 1 Project aims 2 Previous work 3 Project the device 3.1 Re-definition of the complete work 3.2 Sensors
Design 3.3 Microcontroller 3.4 Wireless Connection 4 Prototype realization [WIP (Work in Progress)] 4.1 Main board
4.2 USB interface 4.3 BVP 4.4 GSR 4.5 Acceleration 4.6…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

946. Automatic door lock system using 8051(89c51,89c52) microcontroller

Automatic door locks are becoming popular in industry and many companies and industries are using automatic door
locks systems for the safety of their rooms. They are popular in banks. Banks use automatic lock systems to keep
security of their money stored in a single…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
947. Interfacing 16X2 LCD with PIC Microcontroller

In this session we will see how to interface 16×2 LCD to PIC18F4550 microcontroller which is of family PIC18F. You
can get information of 16×2 LCD in the session How to Interface 16X2 LCD with 8051 Microcontroller Features of
PIC18F4550: PIC18F4550 belongs to the PIC18F family;…… Listed under: LCD Projects

948. Obstacle Sensing Walking Stick for Visually Impaired Persons : Block Diagram

From the block diagram given above you can see that this project has four major parts. The Power Bank Finding a
good power source for this project was a challenge, the power supply should have to be mobile, so that we cannot use
power adapters.…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

949. GPS-based universal clock generator using PIC16F628

GPS satellites and GPS Ground Segment need extremely accurate timing to allow GPS users to know their own
position on the Earth. Rubidium and Cesium clock generators are extensively used and maintained to synchronize and
generate the signals that our inexpensive navigator gets from the…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, GPS Based Projects, Projects

950. Low cost temperature data logger using PIC and Processing

This project describes an easy and inexpensive way of adding a digital thermometer and data logging feature to a PC. It
involves a PIC microcontroller that gets the surrounding temperature information from the Microchip MCP9701
sensor, and sends it to a PC through an USB-UART…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

951. Self-made development board for the 32-bit PIC32MX220F032B Microcontroller

Few months ago Microchip introduced smallest, lowest-cost PIC32 microcontrollers – new PIC32”MX1” and
PIC32”MX2” families. PIC32 MX1 and MX2 MCUs include up to 32 KB of Flash and 8 KB of SRAM, two I2S
interfaces for audio processing, 10-bit 1 Msps ADC, an 8-bit Parallel…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

952. Microchip – Let my robot see! using pic microcontoller

I promised to post some of my past microcontroller vision projects. This one has a Microchip PIC directly sampling a
video signal. 8 pins well used. Collapsible Quadruped Robot with Computer Vision, Laser Ranging, and Servo Control
on a Single-Wire Network Photos and video capture…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

953. PIC – First Project

Programming in PIC microcontroller can be done by using assembly language or by using Embedded C because of the
ease of writing code.We have used done the programming through Embedded C language.For programming any
microcontroller we need a IDE or Intregrated Developement Enviroment. In case of…… Listed under: Other Projects

954. A simple programmer for PIC microcontrollers

Perhaps this circuit is the simplest programmer for PIC microcontrollers you can build. It is connected to serial port of
your PC and it has a very similar design with the SI-Prog programmer for the AVR microcontrollers. With the help of
adaptors you can extend…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

955. Automatic Temperature Control System using PIC Microcontroller – XC8

An automatic temperature control system has the ability to monitor and control the temperature of a specified space
without human intervention. The primary purpose is to manage the temperature of a given area based on settings by a
user of the system. This project uses…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

956. Electronic Distance Meter using pic microcontroller

Measure distance while riding bicycle. Direct display in meter unit. Battery operated with Nitron 68HC908QY4, 16-
pin MCU. Figure 1: Prototype of Distance Meter. This project demonstrates the use of 16×1 line LCD module to
interface with Nitron 16-pin MCU, 68HC908QY4. The original idea came from…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering – Instrument

Feedback / Suggestions
957. PIC Microcontroller Architecture and Applications

PIC microcontroller was developed in the year 1993 by microchip technology. The term PIC stands for Peripheral
Interface Controller. Initially this was developed for supporting PDP computers to control its peripheral devices, and
therefore, named as a peripheral interface device. These microcontrollers are very fast…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

958. – Electronic Projects

For a long time I needed a good programmer pussy, even if it is programming, so from time to time the application gets
where it is used. So I decided to build the programmer. I chose between a couple of projects from different authors,
but…… Listed under: LED Projects

959. In-Circuit debugger, created by E.E. Atanasios Melimopoulos using PIC16F628 microcontroller

This project was sent by Electrical Engineer Atanasios Melimopoulos (Copyright (c) June 15, 2007)
INTRODUCTION: In-Circuit-Debuggers, as you may already know, have become the PIC’s debugging standard tool
for many programmers because it’s easy use and handy interface to the target picplaced- board. They come…… Listed under: PWM Projects

960. – Electronic Projects

Rotary encoders are very versatile input devices for microcontroller projects. They are like potentiometers expect of
digital nature and unlike analogue potentiometers they never wear down. Rotary encoders not only provide 360 degrees
of rotational freedom they also allow digital positioning information to be gained…… Listed under: LED Projects

961. Electronic Quiz Buzzer Circuit Diagram using PIC Microcontroller

Usually high level quiz competitions are very much time-oriented as it becomes significant to determine who has
answered first. So here we’ll see how to make a buzzer system that helps to decide the winners. Actually I designed
this circuit of buzzer for quiz program…… Listed under: LED Projects

962. How to set up your B&W Zeppelin Air

With the B&W Zeppelin Air being such a popular iPod docking station as well as a fantastic AirPlay compatible device we thought it would be a
good idea to write a ‘how to’ on setting up your new Zeppelin Air. As of September 2012 newer…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

963. PIC16F877 Development Board v. 1.2

The Development Board v. 1.1 connected to an LCD display. It is well visible (read further, in the description) the row
of LEDs used to check the logic state of up to 8 I/O ports or external circuits’ pins. Of course, if you own an……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

964. Marantz CD63SE laser transport mechanism replacement

An elderly, but still sought after Marantz CD63SE was bought into the shop last week, with the fault reported that CD’s
would no longer play. After approximately 15 years of use, this is a common situation, as the laser power will gradually
reduce over time…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

965. eDrum – Trigger MIDI Converter using PIC16F877

Introduction This page is about electronic drums. Here you will find detailed information on how to build an electronic
Trigger to MIDI Converter module, based on PIC Microcontroller, and how to build the triggers. This project has been
developed for many years now, and it…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

966. Repair of Arcam CD73 laser mechanism

This 2004 vintage Arcam CD73 came into us with the reported fault that it would no longer play CD’s, or even read the
table of contents. Given that it is over eight years old and had plenty of use in that time, we were not…… Listed under:
Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

967. Alchemist Forseti APD15A RC Integrated amplifier

Feedback / Suggestions
We recently had a customer present this faulty Alchemist Forseti integrated amp for repair – I’d guess this dates from
the 1990’s and has been well looked after. It’s a bit of a bruiser as you can see from the extensive heatsinking!
Unfortunately it developed…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

968. PIC Microcontroller project – 24 hour clock and thermometer displayed via 16f690 microcontroller and LCD programmed in C

I got to thinking that an interest in hi-fi can be a bit geek ( in a good way ) so I thought one of my latest geek projects
might be of interest to some of you. You could build the project ‘as is’ without…… Listed under: LCD Projects

969. MRNet — Wired Cab Module (Revision A) using pic microcontroller

Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction Cab Design Goals Cab Electronics Power and Cable Interface
Microcontroller Seven Segment Display Buttons LED’s Cab Printed Circuit Board Cab Software Summary
Introduction {Introduction goes here.} Cab Design Goals The goals for the handheld cab are: Light weight.…… Listed under: LED Projects

970. Infra red remote control tester for Philips RC5 protocol

Philips invented the RC5 protocol for controlling electronic equipment such as CD players, VCR’s and audio
amplifiers way back in the 1980’s. The RC5 standard has been adopted and used with great success ever since, which
means it is probably the most common IR remote…… Listed under: LED Projects

971. LED Sign has a purpose! using pic microcontroller

The single character LED sign I had been playing with now has a purpose! Shortly after discarding several ideas of
having it as a serial display for PC/Server status, or hooking it up to the internet and a webcam, I came up with an
actual…… Listed under: LED Projects

972. Interfacing VFD with PIC Microcontroller

Vacuum fluorescent display can be a good alternative to a Liquid-crystal displays in some applications. They have a
number of advantages over LCD like extended temperature range and excellent contrast in high brightness
environment. The main disadvantage is higher power consumption making them less attractive in…… Listed under: LCD Projects
973. Interfacing VFD with PIC Microcontroller

Vacuum fluorescent display can be a good alternative to a Liquid-crystal displays in some applications. They have a
number of advantages over LCD like extended temperature range and excellent contrast in high brightness
environment. The main disadvantage is higher power consumption making them less attractive in…… Listed under: LCD Projects

974. Serial communication with Pic 16f877 using UART

Abstract of that project: Using UART port we can establish serial communication between any devices. Here in my
project Serial communication with Pic 16f877 using UART I will show you how easily we establish communication
between two devices. In my project we know the pin…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

975. Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) Controller Circuit B using pic-microcontrolleroard

The four channel PMT controller board is a PIC microcontroller based device that communicates with a PC by USB as
an HID device and with a PIC-based “hand unit” via PIC-to-PIC RS-232 protocol. These two external inputs (USB and
RS-232) send strings to the PMT…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

976. Low power temperature data logger using PIC18F27J53

Design Goals DIY Friendly – Something that the Make audience could easily build Improve the reference design –
Better measurement resolution, better timing, lower power, non-stop logging Minimal parts count – Lower cost and
shorter build time Powered by a single 1.5 volt cell (AA,…… Listed under: Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

977. Top Embedded Projects Ideas for Engineering Students

Embedded system An embedded system is designed to perform one function with real-time applications. Embedded
systems are found in simple devices like calculators, microwave & television remote controls and also in more
complicated devices such as a home security and neighborhood traffic control systems. Many…… Listed under: Other Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
978. FM RDS Tuner Module for mobile applications using PIC18F46k20

Stereo FM band receiver with RDS decoding for mobile applications. Continuous full RDS data output through RS232:
RDS PS, PI, TA/TP/TMC, CT, TMC. Full Radio Text supported: 2×64 characters. Raw TMC data output. Low power
operation with two AA (HR6) 1V2 Ni-Mh batteries or power…… Listed under: Phone Projects, Projects, Radio Projects

979. Wireless UART

Wireless Infrared UART prototype can be built by using two PIC16F876A controllers. One as IR receiver with
dedicated Infrared decoder like SFH505A, SFH506 or similar IR receiver IC and other microcontroller as a transmitter
via IR LEDs. This is relatively simple design and doesn’t require advance…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

980. Zeus: trigger your camera with lightning using pic microcontoller

Introduction I have always been fascinated by photographs about lightnings. While it is relatively easily to put a
lightning strike in any photograph using image editing techniques 🙂 I still prefer the real thing. Since photography is
a hobby of mine, I wanted to be…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

981. Solar Tracking System

This is a simple PIC microcontroller based Solar Tracking system, only basic electronics skills are required. It uses 2
unipolar stepper motors and 4 IR-850nm LEDs as sensors to follow the sun maximizing solar panel illumination. The
entire prototype frame was built from simple, cheap…… Listed under: LED Projects, Motor Projects

982. Universal Serial Infrared Receiver using PIC16F88

You can use this Universal Infrared Receiver (UIR) project to control your PC: Starting Windows programs, setting
the Windows volume control, even moving the mouse around the screen! All at the touch of a button – with your TV
remote control in fact! It uses a…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

983. martin lightjockey 2 free

The new Martin Light Jockey II Lighting Software Kit is a new way to control your. LightJockey Manager is a free-of-
charge software add-on for our LightJockey Page 2 the interface. In control panel, the USB interface is recognized as
USB. A: I did test the…… Listed under: LED Projects

984. pic microcontroller projects pdf

General.. Title: McGraw-Hill-PIC Microcontroller Project Book File size: 13. 4 MB Gene: E-Books Format: Pdf.
Uploader: RedDragon. Pages: 220 Pages Abstract: This project outlines the strategy adopted for establishing two kinds
of. The principle task of this project was to program the AVR microcontroller Commercial,…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer

985. PIC12F675 Comparator Code and Proteus Simulation

This post provides the comparator code for PIC12F675 microcontroller. As we know, PIC12F675 microcontroller has
one built in op-amp, which can be used as comparator. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-
TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Projects

986. Lab 2: Basic digital input and output

Description Today we will learn how to read digital inputs from a push button switch. A digital input has only two
values: 1 and 0. The configuration of the push button switch is same as that of the reset switch except it goes to a……
Listed under: LED Projects

987. A complete guide for LED Blinking

What is LED? A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source. LEDs have allowed new text, video
displays, and sensors to be developed, while their high switching rates are also useful in advanced communications
technology. What is LED Blinking? LED blinking is same as…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
988. The PIC Elmer 160 Project Board using PIC16F628

Description — What is the PIC-EL board and what can you do with it? Specification — What features are on the PIC-
EL project board? Schematic — Circuit diagram on this web page or in PDF format Builders’ Notes — Check here for
special tips or…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

989. Speed control of DC motor by PWM in Proteus simulation

Hello friends here is a proteus simulation of speed control of DC motor with the help of Pulse width modulation
(PWM) control, PWM signals are generated by 8051 microcontroller. As we have discussed earlier that proteus is a
really good simulation software for beginners and…… Listed under: Motor Projects

990. Microdot – wrist watch LED pattern timepiece using PIC16F8 microcontroller

Microdot – wrist watch LED pattern timepiece Another RGB Sunset Productions production! This project is a circuit
board for making a wrist watch size version of my minidot clock: with a few more functions more applicable to a portable device. A lot of help……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, LED Projects, Projects

991. Easy Debugging Terminal using pic microcontroller

Build a simple 9600 BAUD 8n1 LCD terminal for debugging and testing the projects having RS232C output.
Introduction This LCD terminal provide two modes of operation by selecting jumper J1. When J1 is open the terminal
operate as a normal ascii display terminal, when J1…… Listed under: LCD Projects

992. TTL to RS232 Signal Conversion

Methods: Use a TTL HI output for the RS232 GND: Steve Walz of says “Use a TTL HI output for the
RS232 *GROUND*!! Then you get +/-5VDC levels to fake out the RS232. When TTL-GND goes HI, then a TTL-
XMT LO looks like -5VDC…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

993. My New MIDI Merger uses 10 MIPS £1.00 PIC Microcontroller!

This unit provides 4 autonomous MIDI inputs and 1 MIDI output. Note this is a ‘proper’ MIDI Merger – all 4 MIDI
inputs can be used at the same time, unlike other ‘designs’. The unit also provides an indication of the channel number
being played,…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

994. The chipKIT™ UNO32™ and MAX32™ development boards for the Arduino™ Community

Microchip Technology Inc., a leading provider of microcontroller, analog and Flash-IP solutions, and Digilent, Inc.
announced expanded capabilities for the 32-bit PIC32 microcontroller-based chipKIT™ Development Platform for the
Arduino™ community. The chipKIT development platform is a 32-bit Arduino solution that enables hobbyists and academics to…… Listed
under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

995. A pic programmer circuit based on AN589

AN589 is microchip’s application note for a parallel port pic programmer circuit which I chose as I wanted something
reliable to get up and running quickly. It is really quite a simple circuit and its main objective is to provide ICSP
connections to your pic…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

996. Application of Microcontroller in Science and Technology

The rapid growth in science and technology offers several advantages of using integrated circuits, microprocessors,
microcontrollers, embedded chips, etc., in designing electrical and electronics projects and circuits by reducing their
size, cost, and complexity. Using these embedded chips and microcontrollers is increasing due to its…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation

997. PIC Projects using pic microcontroller

Some of the various PICs from Microchip, 16F84, 16F627, 16F628, 16F876 and a 16F877. So far, I have only played
around with the PIC16F84 PIC chip, with exception to using a PIC16F876 with the HamHUD. I have found the most
documentation is on the 16F84.…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
998. How to build a speed detector for a coilgun project

If you are building a coilgun (or gauss gun) or rail gun, a necessary part of your project will likely be some sort of
speed detector. Getting a coilgun to work is rewarding, but you can’t continue the project without a reliable, accurate
device to…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

999. 5 transistor PIC programmer *Schematic added to step 9!

Make your own PIC programmer for your computer’s parallel port. This is a variation of David Tait’s classic design. It
is very reliable and there is good programming software available for free. I like IC-Prog and PICpgm programmer.
Best of all, it uses just two…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1000. PlayPIC – A Tutorial Board for the PIC16F84A Microcontroller

This is a new design of a tutorial board based on the popular PIC16F84A microcontroller. It features eight single leds, a
7-segment display, an LCD display and five push buttons. It is an ideal solution for the beginner to take his/her first
programming steps in…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1001. PCF8573P I2C Real Time Clock

In this post I’m going to show you how to interface an I2C Real Time Clock – RTC with PIC microcontroller. Only a
basic hardware configuration and a communication protocol are presented here. I’m planning to extend it to a more
advanced design in a…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1002. F84-Programmer using pic microcontroller

Build a low-cost and very simple serial programmer for a PIC16F84 Microchip Flash Microcontroller. Below picture is
my personal writer for F84 chip, it works very nice with Nigel WPicProg V1.20. Introduction I finally found a very
nice universal window based software designed to work…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1003. PIC Microcontroller Projects for Final Year Engineering Students

The abbreviation of PIC is the “Peripheral Interface Controller”, and it is a family of the microcontroller. This
microcontroller is manufactured by various companies like the microchip, NXP etc. This microcontroller comprises
Analog to digital converters, memories, timers/counters, serial communication and interrupts assembled into a…… Listed under: Microcontroller
Programmer Projects

1004. Stepper Motor Interface PIC16F

Here is a simple example for PIC microcontroller interfacing Unipolar stepping motor with assembly code. Instead of
using a dedicated stepper motor driver IC like very popular L293D PIC16F with ULN2003A were used. Just 4 I/O
Pins are required to drive each coil of the motor. By…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1005. Single-Axis PIC Controlled Solar Tracker DIY Kit

Hi All I’m not going into as much depth with this instructable due to my current time constraints. That said, I fully
plan on updating this instructable as time progresses with new algorithms and programs for optimization. Intro: I was
messing around with some new…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1006. Serial LCD project using PIC16F877A Microcontroller

This project shows you how to create a serial LCD module that you can drive from any serial RS232 interface. It uses a
pure ASCII command set so you can control it easily from a terminal program such as Hyperterminal. There are no
‘odd’ command sequences…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1007. PIC Waveform Recorder

In this article I’ll show you how you can use PIC microcontroller to record and store waveform patterns in its
EEPROM memory and replay the sequence later. For this purpose we’ll need a signal/waveform generator to produce
the signal, PIC internal A/D converter to sample…… Listed under: LCD Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1008. LED FX using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

This project produces a number of effects on a set of three LEDs. You can also produce your own sequence and store it
by using the 3 buttons. You can build the project on Matrix Board or buy a complete kit with pre-programmed chip.
You…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1009. HC08 Fan Timer using pic microcontroller

Build a timer with Motorola Nitron MCU and using ICC08 to develop c program. Loader schematic also included.
New s-record for 8-pin 68HC908QT2! My son got his fan in the bedroom. The fan has mechanical timer for 0-
180mins. One day it broken. So I got…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1010. Top PIC Microcontroller Projects Ideas

When we are choosing PIC microcontrollers for projects on electronics or electrical, there are many options for us.
Ranging from eight bit to Thirty two bits, diverse micro-controllers are accessible to go well with projects and products
of different complications and cost restraints. But if…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

1011. PIC Microcontroller Basics and Applications for Engineeing Students

The microcontrollers plays an essential role in the embedded industry after the development of Intel 8051. The
research in the field of embedded industry gave high efficient, low power consumption microcontrollers. The Arm,
AVR and PIC microcontrollers are the prime examples. These microcontrollers are getting…… Listed under: LCD Projects, LED Projects

1012. Power MOSFET RGB LED PWM Driver for PIC12F683

Description Since I published the original RGB LED driver (photo right) I’ve had many enquiries from people asking
how they could make the original board work with more LEDs. I’d already made a couple of custom boards up for
myself, so I finally decided it…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

1013. PIC32MX: Interfacing to a Secure Digital (SD) Flash Card

Original Assignment Do not erase this section! Your assignment is to create code that will allow the PIC32 to read and write data to a FAT32 SD
card. The SD card should be able to be read by a PC after data has been written…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)

1014. Remote controlled LED lighting effects

LED’s have become most important component in lighting industry due to its miniature size and less power
consumption. Also LED lights are lot more attractive than the primitive lights used once. This project focused on
building an remote controlled LED with multiple lighting effects. Imagine…… Listed under: LED Projects

1015. Real Time Clock (RTC) Interfacing PIC18F

Introduction to RTC: Real time clock also referred as RTC is an important device or integrated circuit which will keep
the track of current time. RTC is mainly used in computers, mainframes servers and embedded applications (mobile
phone, tablets, organizers, PDA etc). The main function…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1016. Test For Presence of Internal Oscillator Calibration Word for PIC12F629

Description The PIC 12F629 and 12F675 devices have an internal 4Mhz oscillator that enables the devices to be used
without an external crystal or RC network. This frees up one or two pins for I/O use and allows the device to be built
into minimum…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1017. Green house intelligent control system

Green house intelligent control system is designed to protect the plants from more cool and hot weather and additional
control system is included to save power by making fans and lights automatically turn on and off with the help of
intelligent control system. In this…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

1018. My New MIDI Merger uses 10 MIPS £1.00 PIC Microcontroller using PIC18F4320

Feedback / Suggestions
This unit provides 4 autonomous MIDI inputs and 1 MIDI output. Note this is a ‘proper’ MIDI Merger – all 4 MIDI
inputs can be used at the same time, unlike other ‘designs’. The unit also provides an indication of the channel number
being played,…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1019. DS18S20 interfacing with pic and avr microcontroller

In this article you will learn how to interface temperature sensor DS18S20 with PIC16F877A microcontroller and
atmega88 avr microcontroller. Complete interfacing circuit diagram and code for both PIC microcntroller and AVR
microcontroller. DS18S20 interfacing with pic code is written using Mikro C for pic. Code…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects

1020. WLoader – a 16f877 application loader using pic microcontroller

If the piclist is an any indication the 16f877 seems to be the new favorite hobby microcontroller, a position that used to
be occupied by the 16f84/16c84. Compared to is older brethren the 16f877 has much more to offer at around twice the
price. As…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1021. Emergency Vehicle LED Light

Described here is a low-component count Emergency Vehicle LED Light circuit which can be used for capturing the
attention of (or warning) drivers and pedestrians. These type of lighting gadgets kindle an instant response that makes
people look up and pay attention -an important consideration…… Listed under: LED Projects

1022. digital thermometer using pic microcontroller and MCP9700

In this article you will learn, how to design digital thermometer using pic microcontroller and MCP9700? You will
learn how to interface MCP9700 with PIC16F877A microcontroller? How to measure temperature using MCP9700
low power voltage output temperature sensor. Before reading this article you should have idea of lcd…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1023. PIC microcontroller led flasher circuit using PIC16F627A

This is microcontroller led flasher circuit using PIC16F627A as first PIC microcontroller learning of mine son. it is basic for really beginner.
Important issue,we have to make The PIC micro controller is easier. Children 8 years old, he does not understand the computer language at……
Listed under: LED Projects

1024. F84 Miniature Real-Time Controller

Build a simple real-time controller with PIC16F84 running at low power X-tal 32,768Hz. Daily scheduler for 6-
channel resided in 64-byte EEPROM can easily be preprogrammed using Nigel PicProg. RTC2.C provides user
programmable set current time without the need of recompilation. Fixed bug on minute conversion!…… Listed under: LED Projects


Here is 0 to 99 minutes relay timer using PIC16F628 microcontroller and 16 character LCD display. The
microcontroller is PIC16F628A running at 4.0 MHz clock using an external crystal. An HD44780 based 16×2
character LCD is the main display unit of the project where…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1026. Generic Automotive Light Effect PIC/Arduino Modules

These are simple modules I made with a pic 12c508 microcontroller. I use them to create different effects. The Mosfets
are capable of some decent curernt with very little heating. I have used these for sequential turn signals, flashing brake
lights, alternating flashers, strobe effects…… Listed under: LED Projects

1027. C-52EVBRobot Controller

Usea C-52 EVB for simple robot experiments. Build a simple two wheels robotwith L293D H-Bridge driver and IR
sensors. Write a C program controls robottracked with black tape. Fun with Ving-Peaw Competition 2543, course
layout,day-by-day changed rule and scoring also included! Introduction One of…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1028. Making a 8×40 LED matrix marquee using shift registers

Feedback / Suggestions
LED matrix displays provide flexibility to display text, graphics, animations, and video, and therefore, they have
become a popular mean of displaying information these days. You can see them at gas stations displaying the gas
prices, or in the public places displaying information, and alongside…… Listed under: LED Projects

1029. JavaBot1……….. A line following robot

Design Goal: The JavaBot1 is a small line following robot designed to follow a black line drawn on a dry erase board.
It is designed to follow very tight curves. The software still has lot’s of room for improvement but works well as is.
…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1030. Temperature and relative humidity display with adaptive brightness control

The objective of this project is to illustrate a technique of implementing adaptive brightness control to seven segment
LED displays. It consists of a closed loop system that continuously assesses ambient light condition using an
inexpensive light-dependent resistor (LDR) and uses that information to adjust…… Listed under: LED Projects

1031. TrH Meter: A DIY indoor thermometer plus hygrometer with adaptive brightness control implemented to 7-segment LED displays

This project is about building a microcontroller-based digital room thermometer plus hygrometer that displays
temperature and relative humidity on 4 large (1 inch) seven segment LED displays which adjust their brightness level
according to the surrounding illumination. It consists of a closed loop system that…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1032. TrH Meter: A DIY indoor thermometer plus hygrometer with adaptive brightness control implemented to 7-segment LED displays

This project is about building a microcontroller-based digital room thermometer plus hygrometer that displays
temperature and relative humidity on 4 large (1 inch) seven segment LED displays which adjust their brightness level
according to the surrounding illumination. It consists of a closed loop system that…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1033. Emergency Excuse Generator using PIC16F690

This device is a must-have for any respected professional. Any time the need arises, you will have an original, freshly-
generated excuse ready in seconds. One press of the button can get you out of a tight spot ensuring smooth sailing
toward retirement and guaranteeing that…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1034. LED scrolling Christmas tree ornament with built in video game!

Hello all and welcome to this Christmas tree decoration instructable. This ornament is designed to hang on your
Christmas tree just like any other decoration, but it’s just that little bit more eye catching! When you turn it on it will
scroll a “MERRY CHRISTMAS” message…… Listed under: LED Projects

1035. MIDI-Controlled Analog Music Synthesizer

For my electrical engineering senior design project, I decided on designing a analog music synthesizer with MIDI
control. I have to admit, this was what I wanted to do since high school and was my ultimate goal as a musician, artist,
DIY person, and engineer.…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1036. MIDI-Controlled Analog Music Synthesizer

For my electrical engineering senior design project, I decided on designing a analog music synthesizer with MIDI
control. I have to admit, this was what I wanted to do since high school and was my ultimate goal as a musician, artist,
DIY person, and engineer.…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1037. Making a mini LED Christmas tree

My two and a half year old son loves toys with flashing lights. For this Christmas I thought of making a mini LED
Christmas tree for him. This project uses 22 multi-color LEDs which are driven by a PIC12F683 microcontroller using
the Charlieplexing technique. The…… Listed under: LED Projects

1038. A PIC Serial LCD Project

This project shows you how to create a serial LCD module that you can drive from any serial RS232 interface. You

Feedback / Suggestions
may be asking yourself why is this project using RS232 when computers are no longer even produced with a serial port
as standard? There are…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1039. The Glowing Green Robot

Robots look cooler when they have a sinister green glow. Better yet, when that glow exists for a functional purpose it’s
even better! Here I show how to make a custom robot and use LED’s to not only enhance line following, but also make
it…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1040. Echo Mp3 DIY Audio player using PIC18F46K20

The EchoMp3 is a small DIY* Audio player. Mp3, Wav, Ogg-Vorbis, Wma and Mid formats are supported. 4, 8, 16
GB SDHC cards used as storage. FAT (FAT16) and FAT32 supported. Low power operation with two AA (HR6) 1V2
Ni-Mh batteries. Power input range is…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1041. A PIC Ultrasonic distance meter project using a Seven Segment display and a PIC micro.

The PIC Ultrasonic distance meter works by transmitting a short pulse of sound at a frequency inaudible to the ear
(ultrasonic sound or ultrasound). Afterwards the microcontroller listens for an echo. The time from transmission to
echo reception lets you calculate the distance from the…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1042. The Rock

This robot is controlled by a visual basic program (through the serial port), and can move in three different velocities
by a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal generated by a PIC microcontroller (16F877). The robot can be operated in
two modes, “normal control” and “light…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1043. Aurora 9×18 Kit

*** There’s an updated version of this kit available at *** Responding to many
requests, Aurora 9×18 Kit is now available, so this is the Instructable specific to building the kit. Please leave
comments, especially tips for successful assembly. Step 1: Identify the Parts First, identify…… Listed under: LED Projects
1044. Analog Experiments Anywhere

Two DIY micro-controller based USB connected electronic units which along with the Texas Instruments Analog
System Lab Starter kit and a laptop permit you to conduct analog experiments anywhere. It would be wonderful if
senior students and laboratory supervisors built these units so that they…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1045. Serial LCD Controller

I discovered a flaw in the current design that will only allow the controller to work with a connection to the computer
and not to a microcontroller. I’ve updated the schematic below and will fix the controller design. I’ve added a project
file below that…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1046. How to Create a Beer Bottle LED VU Meter

Create your own Beer Bottle LED Volume Unit Meter! This instructable will show you how to create a LED beer
bottle VU Meter. A volume unit meter is a device that is used to display a relative volume of audio signals. Basically,
sound gets converted…… Listed under: LED Projects

1047. Cheap and Easy Dial Controlled High Power RGB LED(s) Driver

There may be a lot of RGB LED Drivers out there, but this one is a bit different, its versatile, small, cheap, and is
simple to control. A potentiometer with built in switch is used for the controls. A quick press, switches between color
cycling and…… Listed under: LED Projects

1048. Microchip PIC16F877 Microcontrolle

Table of Contents Introduction 1.1 What is a Microcontroller? 1.2 Why are Microcontrollers used? 2 Getting
started 2.1 Parts list and vendors 2.2 Connecting the equipment 3 PIC16fF877 Microcontroller 3.1 Flash PIC
development board 3.2 CCS PIC-C compiler 3.3 In Circuit Debugger/Programmer (ICD-S) 3.4 Embedded…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1049. Pimp my Pong

I get wind of this Think Geek hacks contest, a week late, franticly, I hit looking for a easy kill, budget
and ideas both turn up empty. What about that pong kit I bought from them ~2 years ago? … hm when i first……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1050. TTPSU – Power supply for turntables with AC motors

The power supply descriped here, is for turntables with 2 phase AC motor, like Linn, Rega, AR, Heybrook, Goldring
and many, many more. The main features of the power supply are: X-tal controlled speed. The TTPSU can change
speed by the push of a button…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1051. Arduino solar charge controller + output control and data logging online with Xbee WiFi

A while back I started working on a solar charge controller, it was based on a PIC microcontroller, a 20×4 characters
display and the code was written in Assembly language. It did work well and was still working when I decided I
wanted to add…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1052. LED LYT Meter: LED, PIC Microcontroller, and Moving Average Code

Hello everyone, thank you for checking out my first Instructable. I have enjoyed seeing your creations over the years
and love what all of you are contributing. This project is a spin off of one that I recently saw here and I need to give a
shout out to…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1053. Vehicle security with GSM

The main aim of making GSM Based Vehicle Theft Alert System is to apply the electronic theories, modern security
methods, embedded system, and modem age of science and technology for many kinds of transport machine. Moreover
this GSM Based theft Alert System can reduce cost,…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1054. Leon’s Mini Random Number Generator (mRNG) using pic microcontroller
Sales Pitch Are you confused by choices? Who isn’t? There are just so many things to decide. White, rye, or wheat?
Pinstripes or polka dots? Feast or fast? Well, don’t worry because help is on the way! I’m introducing the world’s first,
portable, hand held,…… Listed under: LED Projects

1055. BlinkLED

A BlinkLED is a LED that has its own PIC microcontroller. Blink patterns and blink rates are programmable and
BlinkLEDs can be used individually (for LED Throwies) or in strings for holiday or special lighting. I made these
because I wanted to trim my Christmas tree…… Listed under: LED Projects

1056. RGB LED Color Cycling Circuit

How to re purpose a the RGB LED color cycling circuitry from a Glade LightShow air freshener. I was in the process
of creating a red, green , blue color cycling circuit based on a PIC microcontroller when I spotted the Glade LightShow
air freshener.…… Listed under: LED Projects

1057. Mirror “Tube” – LED Optical illusion

One day, looking for interesting schemes with light effects to construct, came across this wonderful effect. Quite liked
the idea but did not know how to accomplish is, until one day found the way. Subsequently construct my own mirror
that had to not only try…… Listed under: LED Projects

1058. One-chip sound player.

The purpose of this project was to create a sound player that can play high quality sound using nothing but a single
chip (plus an SD card for data storage). The chosen microcontroller was the PIC12F1840. It was chosen because of its
fast clock rate…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1059. Interactive LED Beer Pong Table 2.0 (BPT X5)

Feedback / Suggestions
The nice thing about building one of these tables from a kit is that the more difficult parts of the project have been
completed (Electronic Design, PCBs made, etc.) but more importantly, you can fully customize the table to your liking.
The photos that I…… Listed under: LED Projects

1060. An “Antique Radio” Christmas Present

I happen to be part of the 5% that have the elusive awesome mother-in-law. For Christmas I wanted to make her an
“antique radio” that is super simple to operate and that could play some “old time radio” type programming that she
listened to when…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1061. Remote Control mood light[/jar]

I wanted to play around with something IR remote-controlled, so I decided to make a remote-control mood light. There
were two parts to the project: making the remote and making the light. For the remote, I tore down a remote control for
a floor fan,…… Listed under: LED Projects

1062. How to Create an Eye Catching Display (LED Style)

This is not as much an instructable as a record of how I made a school project. While repeating exactly what I did will
probably not help y ou, this project can be modified to make almost any display more eye-catching. Step 1: Come
up…… Listed under: LED Projects

1063. Xbee Wireless Servo Control using PIC18LF4520

Searching for a reliable wireless solution for your project can be a real pain if you’re not familiar with current wireless
standards, data rates and reliability. The Xbee Modules that we will use in this article are widely available, use a very
reliable wireless transmission…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects

1064. Computer Controlled Star

In this instructable I am going to show you how to build a Star with 64 LEDs. The Star operates by itself but the
operation mode can be changed when connecting it to a computer via a serial (RS232) interface. After reconfiguring
the Star via…… Listed under: LED Projects

1065. Data logging with an EEPROM

Contents 1 Original Assignment 2 Overview 3 Circuit 4 Code 4.1 PIC Code 4.2 Matlab Code 5 Example Output 6
Further Reading Original Assignment Your task is to use the PIC to log data from an analog input on an EEPROM, and
after the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1066. Arduino controlled light dimmer

WARNING: Some people try to build this with an optocoupler with zerocrossing coz ‘that is better’ right? Some are
even told in electronics shops it is better to use such an optocoupler. WRONG. This will only work with a random fire
optocoupler: NOT igniting at…… Listed under: LED Projects

1067. Andy Robison’s Lab Notebook using pic microcontroller

Week 01 January 14 (2 hours): Met as a team after class to discuss preliminary project proposal. January 15, 2010 (1
hours): Met as a team to discuss design implementation and assign different components to research. WEEK 01
SUMMARY Accomplishments: Submitted preliminary project proposal. Weekly…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1068. Cheap Easy Solar Powered Robot

Make a very cheap, relatively easy to construct robot which will wake up any time you shine a desk lamp on it. There
are no sensors on it, although I suppose the solar panel can be called a sensor. I plan on adding solar panels…… Listed
under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1069. RC5/RC6 codes on a LCD using PIC16F648A

A simple project to test and display the transmitted codes from remote controls which work with the RC5 protocol, like

Feedback / Suggestions
the TV remotes from Philips, just aim the remote control at the TSOP1736 IR-receiver. If you only want to know the
code from a button…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1070. Towers of Hanoi Final report using pic-microcontroller

Abstract: We have developed a mechatronic system to solve the famous Tower of Hanoi problem as part of a Carnegie
Mellon University class. This class seeks solutions which solve the problem in under three minutes for the four disk
case, using only the number of…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1071. Aurora 9×18 RGB LED art

*** Check out my blog for updated version of this project and more! *** My obsession of LEDs has led me to this.
Aurora 9×18 is a thing of beauty (if I can say so myself) – has 162 RGB-LEDs in a circular configuration. The……
Listed under: LED Projects

1072. CS2200 Intro to Systems and Networks using pic-microcontroller,

Dowload the project by clicking here. The zip file contains all the following files: prj1.html – You’re reading it –
contains the project description Assembler assemble16-win32.exe – a Windows-compiled HEX assembler to convert
your assembly code to HEX for your RAM. assemble16-linux.c – source code…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

1073. eLab Hackerspace GSM Access Control System

In this Instructable we’ll show you hot to make a GSM Access Control System for your
hackerspace/garage/house/bedroom/dormroom/laboratory just like the one we built for eLab Hackerspace. We only
used some scavenged parts but they can be replaced with similar parts with minor changes. This system…… Listed under: Phone Projects

1074. PIC MCUs: Hardware and Connections using pic-microcontroller

Required Hardware In order to program and debug a PIC microcontroller, you will need a few pieces of hardware.
ICD-U40 The ICD-U40 is an In-Circuit-Debugger/Programmer that allows the user, through CCS C Windows IDE, to
program and interactively debug a PIC microcontroller. 5V DC Power…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects
1075. Lucid Dream/Dream Recall Machine using infrared.

This is my first instructable, so I hope everything is clear and hoping you find it interesting, and would appreciate any
feedback, so here I go. I am sill testing this device with other people, but personally I have found my dream recall has
improved dramatically,…… Listed under: LED Projects

1076. USB Keypad Demonstration – Crystal Free USB and mTouch™ Sensing Solutions using pic microcontoller

The USB keypad reference design demonstrates crystal free USB operation. Microchip has partnered with Lumvatech
to demonstrate a low-cost aesthetic design, with touch capability and LED lighting integrated. All features are driven
with a single PIC16F1459 MCU. USB is one of the most common serial…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1077. The ChromoDisk

When I saw the Aurora LED 9×18 Instructable, I was inspired. However, it’s built on the PIC microcontroller while I
am most familiar with the AVR microcontrollers. Plus, I already have the development and programming
environments for AVRs, so I set about a redesign as…… Listed under: LED Projects

1078. CSCI 255 Lab using pic-microcontroller

Preparation In addition to the power supply that you created on your breadboard in Lab 2, you will need the following
equipment/components to complete your PIC prototype board: (1) multimeter (1) PIC 24HJ32GP202 chip (2) alligator
clip leads (1) LED (1) 1K Ohm resistor (1)…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects

1079. Semi-Automatic NERF Longshot

The first question I often get about this creation is “Why?.” The answer is quite simple, I am an engineering student at
Stony Brook University. We play a game on campus called “Humans vs. Zombies.” That fact coupled with my over
competitiveness, and my drive…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1080. Joshua Marchi’s Lab Notebook using pic microcontoller

Week 01 January 11, 2012 (1 hour): Met with professor Talavage to discuss the basic functionality of the headset
sensor devices that will be used to collect data for this project. Discussed challenges of interfacing these devices to the
base station using the USB protocol…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1081. RFID Car immobiliser with PIC12629

Ok, so there are heaps of immobilisers out there but with most of them, if someone has your keys, they have you car.
What good is a car alarm with 3+ point immobilisation if someone manages to get the keys and of course the alarm
remote.…… Listed under: RFID – NFC Projects

1082. Humidity and temperature measurements with Sensirion’s SHT1x/SHT7x sensors (Part 1) using pic microcontoller

Temperature and relative humidity are two very important ambient parameters that are directly related to human
comfort. Sometimes, you may be able to bear higher temperatures, if there is a lower relative humidity, such as in hot
and dry desert-like environment. However, being in a…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

1083. Hacking the Xbox CONTROLLER

In this tutorial I show you step-by-step how I install a PIC microcontroller inside of an Xbox controller in order to
provide custom functions. Now that you have the methods, all you have to do is go write some code and program a
chip! Well,…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects

1084. NES Controller iPod Remote

By embedding a PIC microcontroller into an NES controller, it can be converted into a replacement for Apple’s iPod
remote. (Only 3rd and 4th Generation iPods have this, it is a the small oval port next to the headphone jack). Update
(8/26/2011): It’s been quite…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1085. 2-Wire Keypad Interface Using a 555 Timer using pic microcontoller
Keypads are a very commonly used input device in microcontroller-based systems. In a keypad, multiple switches are
arranged in rows and columns so that they could be interfaced to a microcontroller with a minimum number of I/O
pins. For example, a 12-key keypad is arranged…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1086. Crossed IR Beam Camera/Flash Trigger

This device will trigger a camera or flash unit to automatically take a picture when an object (target) enters a specific
location. It uses two, crossed infrared light beams to detect the presence of the target and close a relay that trips the
camera or…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

1087. GSM Voice Dialer with Automation Control using PIC18F46K20-I/PT

Connected to a burglar alarm or fire alarm in the event of making phone calls playing voice messages. Controlled via
DTMF actuators can operate on the spot. In recent years we have introduced several telecontrols based on the SIM900
GSM module. We released schematics and…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Phone Projects, Projects

1088. Nixie Tube Ornament

The Nixie Tube Ornament is a homage to the light-up&motion ornaments from the early 90’s. The ornament looks cool
on a tree and makes a great gift. Finally, a use for IN-12/15 top view tubes! I used an IN-15A symbol nixie in this
ornament. An…… Listed under: power – energy projects

1089. MikroElektronika’s “Ready for PIC” board talks to “Processing” using pic microcontoller

“Ready for PIC“ is one of MikroElektronika‘s compact prototyping boards for 28 and 40 pin PIC microcontrollers. The
board comes with PIC16F887 microcontroller which is preprogrammed with an UART bootloader firmware and thus
eliminates the need of an external programmer. The on-board USB-UART module allows…… Listed under: LED Projects

1090. Connecting multiple tact switches on a single input pin of a microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
Normally one tact switch requires one digital input pin of a microcontroller. Some designs implement keypad style
multiplexing to get multiple switches on fewer inputs. However, there exist other techniques that allow you to connect
many switches on a single input pin of a microcontroller.…… Listed under: LED Projects

1091. Multimeter Clock

The Multimeter Clock consists of three multimeters, the first meter displays hours, the second displays minutes and the
last displays seconds. A 16F628A PIC microcontroller keeps track of time and outputs a calculated current to each
meter to display the current time. Get your own…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1092. Expanding the number of I/O lines using Microchip MCP23008 using pic microcontoller

A microcontroller comes with a limited number of general purpose input and output (GPIO) ports. However, some
applications may require more ports than are available on the microcontroller. In such a case, GPIO expanders can be
used to increase the I/O capability of the microcontroller.…… Listed under: LED Projects

1093. Updated PIC 18F4550 USB Demo Board Video

In this video we step through a an updated version of the USB demo board. Changes include: -circuit board will only
contain bare minimum parts to demonstrate USB communication from host to device and device to host -for both
firmware and host software, we will…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Projects

1094. The Most Useless Machine EVER!

And yet everyone wants one!!!? AKA: The Ultimate Machine! Get Your Useless Machine: Purchase Useless Machine
Kits Here! Update Oct 31, 2012: “Weird Al” Yankovic Sez: “I never realized till now how much I needed one of
these.” AS SEEN ON TV! Make Magazine’s amiable…… Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

1095. How to interface GPS with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

Global Positioning System is based on satellite navigation technology. A GPS Receiver provides the accurate location of an object in terms of
latitude and longitude. Accurate time calculation with respect to GMT can also be done by using GPS. For more information on different
data…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects, How To – DIY – Projects, Projects, Tutorials

1096. SPI to 4 x UART Bridge (MULTIUART)

If your a fan of electronics then you like me will often find it annoying on the lack of hardware serial ports on modern
devices. Many modules like the Wifi ESP8266 and the Bluetooth HC-06 are available for peanuts but they each require
a UART…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

1097. About the Temperature Sensor using pic microcontoller

Temperature sensors are used in a wide range of electronic devices, including digital thermometers, home thermostats,
ovens, and refrigerators. Figure 1 shows two devices with temperature sensors. Figure 1. Devices with temperature
sensors. The temperature sensor provided in your kit is a precision analog sensor,…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector
Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

1098. Steam Turret Tank R/C PIC Servo Controller

A Microchip PIC based servo controller offering many of the capabilities of digital servos for under $9! The controllers
capture the r/c receiver output, optionally manipulate the samples, then regenerate new servo control signals. As such,
they greatly enhance what is possible with cheap servos.…… Listed under: Other Projects

1099. OSOMCOM POCSAG BTS using pic microcontoller

The BTS or Base Transmitter Station is the device that transmit the POCSAG messages to the pager. It is the radio
interface of the POCSAG network. THE HARDWARE The current version of the BTS hardware is a small board with
a pic 18F microcontroller with…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1100. Mini AV Test Box using pic microcontoller

The notion of building a monitor/speaker AV tester came up in the forums a few weeks ago. Someone requested to see
a project devoted to testing VGA displays and Speakers. The project I made many years ago: The VGA Test Box can
be used to…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1101. DIY Datalocker

How to turn and ordinary external harddrive into a datalocker using only a PIC microcontroller, a keypad and some
various other components. Step 1: Parts The parts you need: – 3.5″ SATA harddrive enclosure – 2.5″ SATA harddrive
NOTE: This will not work with a…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects

1102. USB digital GPIO I/O extender using pic microcontoller

description Add general purpose input/output lines to your computer based projects. This circuit is a 12 pin digital
GPIO interface using the Microchip PIC18f14k50 microcontroller which connects to an USB host port. The
microcontroller is available in through-hole DIP20 and SMD packages, too. Circuit diagram…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1103. Granular Flow Rotating Sphere using pic-microcontroller

Spring Quarter Update This zip file contains the documentation, MATLAB code/examples, PIC code and circuit
diagram. Contact Scott McLeod for further
questions. Team Members Brian Kephart – Electrical Engineering Class of 2009 Jonathan Shih – Mechanical
Engineering Class of 2009 Kristi Bond – Mechanical…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

1104. 7 Segment LED display with PIC controller and Flowcode V5

First of all, if you have any questions, feel free to comment! I’d be more than happy to answer your question as good as
possible!! Materials used : – PIC 18F452 Microcontroller ( any PIC microcontroller with enough pins will do ) – 7
Segment…… Listed under: LED Projects
1105. make your own wearable LED display using pic-microcontroller

jump to a section:supplies about LED arrays design construction customizing/programming washing and wearing
troubleshooting and FAQ **NOTE** As of Fall 2007, skip the ugly microcontroller programming (don’t buy the
STK500 or the AVR chip)… Get a LilyPad Arduino instead. It’s much easier to sew and…… Listed under: LED

1106. Oscilloscope clock

An eight pin Microchip PIC microcontroller is programmed to operate from a 32768 Hz watch crystal and output
waveforms which, when displayed on an oscilloscope, show the time in HH:MM:SS format. The screen capture shows
winscope showing 12:46: … Step 1: Design the character set…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1107. Circuit design and electronics using pic-microcontroller

I completed a 2-part assignment for this week. The first part was to build a sorta-random sound generator based on a
schematic that Joe Paradiso made available. The second part was to build a circuit that could transmit MIDI messages –
this will go towards…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1108. Wireless Sensor Motor Control using PIC18LF4520

Last week we took a look at how you can wirelessly connect together two unrealted microcontrollers; an Arduino UNO
and a PIC. The week before that we showed you how to build Motor Control via Distance Sensing. This week, let’s
combine the two project together…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1109. 00 to 99 minute timer using PIC16F628A microcontroller

Last week I was browsing my old backup hard drive and I found a source code for a very simple PIC based digital
timer that I made a couple of years ago. The actual hardware of the project isn’t with me anymore. I might have……
Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1110. 2-Channel IR Relay Controller for PIC10F200

Description This project is a 2 channel infrared (IR) remote controlled relay driver with power saving. It works with
12-bit SIRC IR signals as used by Sony remote controls. The controller also features a power save feature which
reduces the relay holding voltage to 50%…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1111. Gas Cooker & Water Purifier Using Free Energy

I originally wrote this for my final year project in 2005. I won’t provide a parts list as certain technology has moved on
such as the ease of Arduino for the electronics and solar cells are a lot better and readily available now. Also I……
Listed under: Other Projects

1112. Temperature and relative humidity display with adaptive brightness control using PIC12F683

The objective of this project is to illustrate a technique of implementing adaptive brightness control to seven segment
LED displays. It consists of a closed loop system that continuously assesses ambient light condition using an
inexpensive light-dependent resistor (LDR) and uses that information to adjust…… Listed under: Projects, Temperature Measurement

1113. Pinguino Egypt – PIC Based Arduino

It ‘s been eleven years since I first started learning and building my first Microchip PIC Microcontroller circuit. I really
like this Microcontroller family. Recently, I started reading and trying some Arduino. I really wished to build a similar
circuit based on the Microchip PIC.…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1114. Computer-Controlled Light-Up Water Fountain using pic-microcontroller

System Overview La Fontaine Du Campus Est (The Fountain of East Campus) is a computer-controlled, servo-
actuated, LED and halogen-lit, sump-pump powered water fountain. It features five streams of water that can each be
individually controlled (on/off) as well as pivoted (90 degrees of freedom). Each…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)

This is an Instructable showing you how to integrate Twitter in your embedded application. Watch this Instructable in
Action Working: A desktop application is created with ease for
grabbing the latest tweet from your twitter account. The application then forwards the tweet to the serial…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1116. USB Reprogrammable iButton door lock

iButtons are small button like casings that communicate with only 2 wires. They are incredibly robust and all have a
unique serial number which is hardware written into the device and never repeated. They are cheap (about 1 Pound /
1,50 Euro/ $2) This serial…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1117. Mädchen Machen Technik using pic-microcontroller

The “Mädchen Machen Technik” workshop is designed to give high school students an introduction to
microcontrollers. The students will build a flashing light pattern and/or a counter-timer. In the process of building this
project, the students will learn about microcontrollers and digital electronics. Here is…… Listed under: LED Projects

1118. Trippy RGB Color Mixing NightLight

Project is based on A Trippy Crystal Nightlight by Charles Platt in Make magazine volume 25, see URL below for
additional details. A fun and simple project to get started with PICAXE microcontrollers. In this version an inexpensive (> $2.50) AC USB charger…… Listed under: LED Projects

1119. Electronic Heart (Flashing LEDs) – Mother’s Day Project

Mother’s Day was approaching, and I am getting my 8 year old son started with electronics. So why not combine the
two? In the next few pages we’ll show you the project we did – a blinking heart with several effects, all driven by
a…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1120. Circuit design and electronics using pic-microcontroller

I completed a 2-part assignment for this week. The first part was to build a sorta-random sound generator based on a
schematic that Joe Paradiso made available. The second part was to build a circuit that could transmit MIDI messages –
this will go towards…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1121. The perfect Remote, Programmable, Controller for interactive LED strips

Since when white light emitting high brightness LED are available, the handover from traditional lighting bulbs to the
solid-state lighting has become irreversible: LEDs have an efficiency (expressed in lumens/watt) higher than that of
almost all the traditional lamps (except, at the moment, the large…… Listed under: LED Projects

1122. 3D Printed Microcontroller Dice Roller

This is a just-for-fun project I did in the Digilent MakerSpace. Usually whenever I play board games I use a dice-
rolling smartphone app since dice are so easy to lose. I thought I would try making my own hardware version though.
It turned out really…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, LED Projects

1123. Microcontroller’s based Password Locker

Hello Everybody , the goal of this instructables is to learn how to do a simple locker for your room, or anything which
need to be safe. I’ve made it on a non-soldering card but there is the PCB if you want to make it…… Listed under:
Calculator Projects

1124. Picaxe Projects #1: Making Fast Printed Circuit Modules

Experimental circuit board modules can be made quickly and fairly easily. They have the advantage of being more than
twice as fast to build than a custom circuit board. They are also easy to test in a breadboard. The modules detailed here
are ones I…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1125. Intel D945GCLF Small Front Panel using PIC12F629

Description This is a simple circuit with two buttons and two LEDs to control the D945GCLF Intel motherboard. Both
power and reset buttons are included as well as hard disc activity LED and power status LED. The special feature
included is the sleep effect of Apple…… Listed under: Projects, RTOS – OS Projects

1126. PIC18 Development Board with Ethernet and USB

In this instructable I’m going to show you how to make your own PIC18 development board that features both Ethernet
and Full Speed USB 2.0 at a low cost. Features: The development board is based on a PIC18LF4553 microcontroller.
The microcontroller features a Full Speed…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1127. How to display custom characters on LCD using PIC16F877

This post explains the idea of creating custom characters on any LCD ( e-g on 16×2 LCD ) which has HD44780U
controller in it. Almost all 16×2 or 20×2 LCDs have HD44780U controller in them[1]. This controller provides the
functionality of CGRAM ( Character Generator…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1128. Build this microcontroller controlled rainbow flying disc – and then throw it!

Hello all and welcome to this super simple and inexpensive instructable. If you like throwing frisbees AND you
like flashing lights AND you like night time – then this instructable is for you! Have you ever waved a light or torch
around and found that it ‘draws’ lines…… Listed under: LED Projects


Introduction This circuit is a battery characterizer that applies a fixed load to a charged NiCad or NiMH cell and
measures milliamp-hour capacity as it discharges. There is no single load that can be applied to a battery to measure
milliamp-hours. It depends on the…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Projects

1130. Determine capacitance by measuring the charging time using PIC16F688

Feedback / Suggestions
When TEST botton is pressed, RA3 pin is set to “1”. R2 and R3 are divide the voltage to 1/2 Vra3 which is connected
to RA2 pin to be a Vref for comparator. The C undertest is charging and the timer is start. When the…… Listed under:
Clock – Timer Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1131. PIC 12F675 Programmable 12V Battery Monitor

Being an active outdoor guy, I have a few different types of 12V lights and a variety of battery types. – For flying RC
planes and quadcopters at night, we use sealed lead acid batteries to power our club tables. – For fishing, I have……
Listed under: Battery Projects

1132. RGB LED PWM Driver for High Power 350mA LEDs using PIC12F629

Description This project combines a PIC and three constant current ‘buck’ converters to produce an RGB LED
controller that will operate with the the high power 350mA LEDs using PWM to control the LED brightness. By
driving the red, green and blue LEDs with varying pulse…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

1133. Voice Activated Power Sockets (Home Automation)

Yet another voice controlled home automation system! As shown in the picture, the system can control any electrical
appliance, by turning ON or OFF, that is connected into the electrical socket. The system does this using bespoke voice
commands. The system uses a micro-controller board…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

1134. A digital thermometer or talk I2C to your atmel microcontroller using pic microcontroller

Abstract: The Atmega8 microcontroller from Atmel has plenty of digital and analog input/output lines. It is the ideal
device to develop any kind of measurement equipment. In this article we see how to interconnect the microcontroller to
a linux PC over a physical RS232 interface…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1135. Bluetooth Wireless Voltage Meter using Wiimote + Pic Chip + AutoIt

In this tutorial I’m going to be showing you how you can send voltage values to your pc using a Pic chip, Wiimote, and
Autoit3 scripting language. The process works by wiring a pic chip to the button pads of a wiimote. Then using
the…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

1136. Programmable Stiffness Joint using pic-microcontroller

Team Members Amanda Care (Senior in Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University) Eric Nickel (Graduate
Student in Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, BS in Biomedical Engineering from the Milwaukee
School of Engineering) James Yeung (Junior in Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University) Overview The “Programmable Stiffness Joint”
is a device…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1137. PIC16F1787 Programmer Board (for Almost all 40 pin 16Fxxx)

Intro This is my first Instructable so I’m sorry for mistakes. Critics are always welcome 🙂 So in this project I made a
development board for PIC16F1787. Now most of you guys aren’t familiar with this particular model. Some might
even think why I chose…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1138. chipKIT Tutorial 7: Using Nokia 5110 LCD

In Tutorial 4, we learnt interfacing an HD44780-based LCD to a chipKIT board for displaying alphanumeric output.
Today, we will see how to connect a NOKIA 5110 graphical LCD (used in Nokia 5110 cell phones), which is a 84×48
pixel monochrome display of about 1.5″ diagonal in size. The display…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits

1139. chipKIT Project 5: Digital stopwatch on seven segment LED display

In this project, we will use the chipKIT Uno32 board to build a digital stopwatch capable of timing minutes, seconds,
and 1/10th of seconds, and with a basic start and stop control feature. A MAX7219-driven 8-digit seven segment LED
display is used to display the…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1140. chipKIT Project 4: Digital light meter

Feedback / Suggestions
A light meter is used to measure the intensity of illumination in a given area. It is widely used in schools, warehouses,
factories, hospitals, office buildings, museums, art-galleries, parking garages, stadiums, and many more, to measure
and maintain proper lighting levels. The intensity of illumination is usually expressed…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development
Board – Kits Projects

1141. Universal Driver & Dev Board using PIC16F

Description The simple 8 channel LED chaser has been a very popular project on Picprojects since it was first
published a couple of years ago. During that time there has been a demand for a board that could drive more LEDs so I
started designing…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1142. On-Board Satellite Controller using ARM Based Microcontroller

Satellite Subsystems Irrespective of the intended application, is it a communications satellite or a weather satellite or
even an Earth observation satellite, different subsystems comprising a typical satellite include the following:
Mechanical structure Propulsion Thermal control Power supply Tracking, telemetry and command Attitude and orbit…… Listed under:
Development Board – Kits Projects, Wireless Projects

1143. chipKIT Tutorial 1: Digital input and output

Our first chipKIT tutorial is about reading and writing digital data (0 or 1) from and to an I/O pin of the chipKIT board.
Digital inputs are useful to determine whether an incoming digital signal is logic HIGH or logic LOW. A simple
application of…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1144. chipKIT Tutorial 2: Serial communication with PC

The PIC32 processor on the chipKIT Uno32 board provides two hardware serial ports. One of these is used by the on-
board FTDI chip to create an USB-UART interface that allows the MPIDE tool running on the PC to communicate
with the Uno32 board through an…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1145. What is Chipkit Development Board?

In order to understand the chipKIT platform, it is important to talk about Arduino first. Arduino is an easy-to-use and
powerful open source environment for developing microcontroller based applications.Chipkit Development Board It
has gained huge amount of popularity in past few years, specially among hobbyists.…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board
– Kits Projects, Featured

1146. chipKIT Project 3: Easy Pulse Meter

This is a third project in our chipKIT tutorial series and today we are going to construct a simple pulse rate meter
using our Easy Pulse sensor with Digilent’s chipKIT Uno32 board. Digilent’s chipKIT Basic I/O shield is also used in
this project for displaying the pulse waveform…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1147. chipKIT Tutorial 6: Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) communication

I2C or IIC (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a simple bidirectional serial interface, which requires only 2 signal lines for data
transfer. It was originally developed by Philips in 1980′s to provide easy on-board communications between a CPU and
various peripheral chips in a TV set. Today,…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1148. chipKIT Tutorial 5: Pulse width modulation (PWM)

Pulse width modulation (PWM) is a technique of controlling the amount of power delivered to an electronic load using
an on-off digital signal. The key idea behind this technique is that the average DC value of the digital signal, and hence
the power delivered to…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1149. chipKIT Project 2: Temperature and relative humidity logger

This project is about building a PC-based temperature and relative humidity logger using the chipKIT Uno32 board
and the DHT11 sensor. The project setup requires no additional wires (other than the USB cable) and components; the
DHT11 sensor is directly plugged into four I/O pins…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1150. chipKIT Project 1: Digital thermometer using an LM34 sensor

In Tutorial 3, we learnt how to use chiKIT ADC channels to read an external analog voltage and convert it into a digital
number. We also discussed about interfacing a standard Hitachi 44780-based character LCD to the chipKIT Uno32
board in Tutorial 4. Now it’s…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1151. chipKIT Tutorial 4: Interfacing a character LCD

Liquid Crystal Displays(LCDs ) are a very popular output device for displaying graphical and alphanumeric data in
microcontroller based systems. They can also provide an interactive input interface to the users. The most common
type of LCD controller used by hobbyists is the Hitachi 44780,…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1152. chipKIT Tutorial 3: Analog-to-digital conversion

[caption id="attachment_12035" align="alignnone" width="570"] Analog-to-digital conversion[/caption] Theory

Many embedded applications deal with physical variables such as motion, temperature, pressure, relative humidity,
light intensity, and sound. A microcontroller cannot directly handle these entities because i) they are non-electrical signals, and, ii) they are analog
quantities,…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects

1153. Electrical Subsystem Schematics

The goal of the electrical design was to streamline an automatic shift control while keeping manual user input in a fast,
user-friendly way. The electrical design was driven by the complexity required by the mechanical system. The system
takes in rider input in the form…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1154. Frequency Counter by PIC16F628

In this project we are building a basic and low cost frequency counter circuit . It can measure from 16Hz to 100Hz
signals with a maximum amplitude of 15V. The sensitivity is high, the resolution is 0.01Hz. The input signal can be a
sine, a…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1155. Curiosity Development Kit Board

Satisfy Your Curiosity Your next embedded design idea has a new home. Curiosity is a cost-effective, fully integrated
8-bit development platform targeted at first-time users, Makers, and those seeking a feature-rich rapid prototyping
board. Designed from the ground-up to take full advantage of Microchip’s MPLAB…… Listed under: Development
Board – Kits Projects

1156. Keypad 4×5 for microcontrollers v. 1.1 using PIC16F877

What’s this? The circuit here described is a simple 4×5 keypad that can be used in particular with the PIC 16F877
microcontroller, for which it has been designed considering a supply of 5V, 16F877 I/O pins leakage current, the
voltage level recognized as a high…… Listed under: Projects, RTOS – OS Projects


PIC microcontrollers ( Programmable Interface Controllers), are electronic circuits that can be programmed to carry
out a vast range of tasks. They can be programmed to be timers or to control a production line and much more. They
are found in most electronic devices such…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1158. Infrared Remote Controlled (RC) Steerable Vibrobot Created by Naghi Sotoudeh

Vibrobots (and bristlebots) are simple robots that use a tiny pager / cellphone vibrator motor (with an eccentric weight)
to randomly bounce around — they are the subject of many Maker / DIY projects as well as some well-known
commercial toys (such as the $7.00…… Listed under: Featured, Robotics – Automation Projects

1159. Ultrasonic Range Finder Circuit AD605 PIC16F876

Ultrasonic distance measurement, detection circuit pic16f876 microcontroller and ad605 (Dual Low Noise Variable
Gain Amplifier singlesupply) integrated circuit diagrams used are C and asm software also Resimlerdede

Feedback / Suggestions
oscilloscope’s measurement. 40kHz ultra sonic transducers used as sensors. I2C Sonar Ultrasonic Range Finder In many embedded systems……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1160. Amicus18: Arduino-style platform for PIC fans using PIC18F25K20

Arduino needs no introduction; it is an easy-to-use yet powerful open source embedded system development platform
that has gained huge amount of popularity in past few years, specially among hobbyists. The standard hardware
consists of an 8-bit Atmel AVR processor with on-board headers providing access…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects,

1161. RS232 – Infra-Red Interface

Description This project is a Microchip PIC microcontroller with an RS232 serial interface on one side and an Infra-
Red receive and transmit interface on the other. Important – All mention of RS232 on this page actually refers to
RS232 waveforms operating at 5V TTL levels…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1162. Automotive Voltage Monitor using PIC12F683

Description Recently I got a new motorbike and on my second trip out, with only 50 miles on the clock the rectifier/regulator unit failed.
The battery on a bike is pretty small and with the head light permanently on and all the ECU, ignition and…… Listed under: Battery
Projects, Car Projects, Projects

1163. Audio CRO using PIC12F675 Microcontroller

This project is a miniature Audio CRO. For those not familiar with the abbreviation “CRO,” it means “Cathode Ray
Oscilloscope” and this is sometimes shortened to “SCOPE or O-Scope.” A “CRO” is a piece of test equipment with a
screen. It produces a visual indication…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1164. Build a musical EKG with the Freescale FRDM-KL05

Short Introduction: I have been following the Battle of the DreamBoards Championship with interest and I enjoyed the
variation of functionality features put together in each of the dreamboards. I especially had my attention attracted by
the combination of audio inputs and outputs, analog to…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects
1165. A new multi-function power supply unit for my Embedded Lab using PIC16F689

One important parameter in embedded system designing is power consumption. This parameter is directly related to
the battery lifetime, if the system is to be powered from a battery. In order to determine the power rating of your
designed system, you need to know how…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

1166. Top Microcontroller based Mini Projects for 3rd and 4th Year Engineering Students

Microcontroller is a small and self-contained computer on-chip which can be used to build several low-cost and less-
complex projects. As the microcontroller based mini projects are of low cost and can be implemented in less span of
time, most of the students prefer this controller…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1167. LED Scrolling Display Project Working With Circuit Diagram

We normally use a simple static LED display screen to convey a message. Earlier, when we want to display large data,
we used to change message for every few instances. Now scrolling displays are more preferred to static. By using a pre
programmed controller, we…… Listed under: LED Projects

1168. Serial Data Received from PC and Displayed on 16×2 Using USART of Pic16f877 Microcontroller

Here is a simple tutorial on how to receive serial data from PC(Personal Computer) Hyperterminal and display it on
16×2 lcd using PIC16f877 microcontroller. Its not much difficult you just need to know how to use USART(Universal
Syncronous-Asyncronous receiver transmitter) of PIC 16f877. Serial data…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1169. TIC TAC TOE game using PIC16F628

This project is not to introduce Tic Tac Toe. Everyone knows this game. It’s to introduce two features. Bi-coloured
LEDs, microcontrollers and the skill of writing an ALGORITHM. You can use the project to learn the skills of creating

Feedback / Suggestions
the Tic Tac Toe program or…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects


I know the general rule of world that “reading makes man ready,writing makes man everyday but practice makes man
perfect.” Only theoretical knowledge is not enough for an E.C (Electronics and communication engineering)student. A
project is one of the subjects in which we have to…… Listed under: Phone Projects

1171. Wireless controlled lightdimmer using PIC12F629

The meaning from this design is to build it in -i.e. a shaded lamp- and to switch this lamp on and off the normal way,
just like it was switched before the dimmer was build in, then you could by exception dimming the lamp more……
Listed under: Featured, Home Automation Projects, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

1172. Simple mass storage for your microcontroller project

Do you want gigabytes of storage for your microcontroller? Would you like a simple way to tranfer files from your PC
to your picaxe or arduino or other micro project? This little projects demonstrates the uDrive that can be set up as an
extra drive…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1173. RFID Based Attendance System – Circuit, Working, Source Code

Attendance in colleges is generally paper based which may sometimes cause errors. Taking attendance manually
consumes more time. So the proposed attendance system uses RFID technology to take attendance. In this system, each
student is issued an RFID tag. Controlling unit is in the institute.…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1174. Know the Procedure of GSM Modem Interfacing with 8051

The acronym of the GSM modem is Global System for Mobile Communications, it is a wireless communication
module, used to make a computer or any processor to communicate over a network. This modem uses a variation of
TDMA(Time Division Multiple Access) and is the most…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects
1175. IN-8 single nixie tube clock using PIC16F84

After receiving one IN-8 tube from a friend (thanks), I decided to build myself a clock. This clock is more an ornament
than a useful machine because it consists of just one digit (tube) so it displays current time every minute for three
times. It…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1176. Latest Microcontroller Based Electronic Project Circuits in 2014

A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated chip that is programmed to control the devices. Most of
the embedded-based projects require knowledge about programming the microcontroller. Once students get an idea
about the circuit, schematics and their operations, it becomes really easy…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1177. Interfacing DC Motor with 8051 Microcontroller

When we talk about controlling the robot, the first thing comes into the mind is controlling DC motors. Interfacing DC
motor to the microcontroller is very important concept in Robotic applications. By interfacing DC motor to the
microcontroller, we can do many things like controlling…… Listed under: Motor Projects


8051 Microcontroller based electronic locker system CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Security is a prime concern in our
day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible.The issue of security is very paramount at home doors
and safe. An access control for doors in a security…… Listed under: LED Projects

1179. PIC microcontroller power supply circuit by Chayapol

This is 5V portable power supply circuit for pic microcontroller experiments. or PIC microcontroller power supply
circuit. As The PIC16F627A microcontroller use 5 volts DC power supply. My son need to build it as 5V portable
power supply circuit, because of the need for safe…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1180. Chapter 1: PIC16F887 Microcontroller – Device Overview

The PIC16F887 is one of the latest products from Microchip. It features all the components which modern
microcontrollers normally have. For its low price, wide range of application, high quality and easy availability, it is an
ideal solution in applications such as: the control of…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects

1181. PIC16F84A timer0 code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the timer0 code for PIC16F84A microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB
with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. It is
assumed that you know how to blink an…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1182. How to work with inbuilt ADC Module of PIC18F4550

A microcontroller, a digital device, can read, execute and transmit only digital signals. On the contrary, the outputs of
the most of the transducers are analog in nature. Thus it is hard to interface these transducers directly with controllers.
Analog-to-digital convertor (ADC) ICs are one…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects, Tutorials

1183. Digital Temperature Sensor Circuit

Temperature sensors are widely used in electronic equipments to display the temperature. You can see the digital clock
displaying the room temperature value. It is due to the temperature sensor embedded in it. Generally, temperature value
is analog. It is converted to digital value and…… Listed under: LED Projects

1184. Air Sampler using PIC16F690 microcontroller

Do you ever wonder what is in the air you breathe? Or maybe you have hay fever and want to know what kind of
pollen makes you sneeze in spring? Questions like that prompted me to build a simple device for capturing airborne
particles so…… Listed under: Medical – Health based Projects, Projects

1185. Breadboard module for 18-pin PIC16F microcontrollers (PCB version)

Because of their compact size, ease of use and many built-in peripherals, the 18-pin PIC16F series processors
(PIC16F628A, PIC16F88, and now PIC16F1827/47) have always been my favorite microcontrollers. Many of my
projects and tutorials written in this blog also use PIC16F628A and PIC16F1827 microcontrollers. As…… Listed under: How To – DIY –
Projects, Projects

1186. Password Based Door Lock System using 8051 Microcontroller

Traditional lock systems using mechanical lock and key mechanism are being replaced by new advanced techniques of
locking system. These techniques are an integration of mechanical and electronic devices and highly intelligent. One of
the prominent features of these innovative lock systems is their simplicity…… Listed under: LED Projects

1187. IR-Sensor Circuit and Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller

An IR sensor is an electronic device, that produces in order to detect some parts of the environs. An infrared sensor can
measure the heat of an object as well as detects the motion. These sensors are used to measure only IR radiation, rather
than…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1188. Breathalyzer circuit using 8051

Last Updated on March 12, 2014 by admin in 8051 projects with 15 Comments Alcohol Breathalyzer circuit using
8051 microcontroller (AT89S51). This article is about a breathalyzer circuit using 8051 microcontroller which outputs
the blood alcohol content (BAC) from the breath. The BAC is…… Listed under: Other Projects

1189. Tiny AVR Microcontroller Runs on a Fruit Battery

Some of the fruit and vegetables we eat can be used to make electricity. The electrolytes in many fruit and vegetables,
together with electrodes made of various metals can be used to make primary cells. One of the most easily available
vegetable, the ubiquitous lemon…… Listed under: Battery Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1190. 30 volts Panel Volt Meter Using PIC MCU

This is a simple application of internal 10-bit ADC(analog to digital converter) of PIC16F676 can
use this circuit to measure up to 30 v dc. the possible applications are on bench top power supply or as a panel meter
in various system. Circuit description …… Listed under: LED Projects

1191. Interfacing DC Motor with PIC Microcontroller using L293D

DC Motor and L293D We can’t drive a DC Motor (depends) directly with a Microcontroller, as DC Motors requires
high current and high voltage than a Microcontroller can handle. Microcontrollers usually operates at +5 or +3.3V
supply and it I/O pin can provide only up…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1192. LED Character Moving English Font Display Project (8×16)

LED Character moving play Project is Very popullar and very valuable project in microcontroller field.In here we play
English Language font on 8×16 play.You can Expand this 16 colun to up to 32 column.We use 16 LED columns and 8
LED Rows in this play.We use…… Listed under: LED Projects

1193. PIC Development Board – Hello World Project

Hello friends, welcome to this exciting tutorial were we will begin our journey with latest PIC18F micros from
Microchip Technologies. This tutorial will give you information on what software/hardware you will require and basic
steps on how to get, install, configure and use them. After…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1194. Aurora 9×18 RGB LED art

My obsession of LEDs has led me to this. Aurora 9×18 is a thing of beauty (if I can say so myself) – has 162 RGB-
LEDs in a circular configuration. The color of each circle is controlled by a microcontroller using a twisted form
of…… Listed under: LED Projects

1195. Wave JT – Larson Scanner with Joule Thief

I love LED chasers. A bunch of LEDs neatly turning on and off on a precise timing – lights running one way, then the other way… It’s relaxing,
soothing, and hypnotic. There are so many LED chaser/scanner/sequencer circuits out there, some are made with discreet…… Listed under: LED

1196. DIY $1 PIC 12f675 JDM Programmer (Cheap and Easy)

Hi EveryBody i am Again Doing something. and it is with PIC’s! Almost Everybody do not want a Big Arduino in
their projects or to control a rgb led with Arduino uno? Enjoy Compressing your projects with PIC and Attiny too. but
in this wwe…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1197. Development board for Attiny84 Microcontroller

This is a development board for Attiny84 microcontroller. Tha Attiny84 chip has 11 pins addressable with the Arduino
IDE, 8k of flash memory for program storage, and 512 bytes of RAM available for the stack and program variables.
One feature of the Attiny84 that is…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1198. DIY Muscle Sensor / EMG Circuit for a Microcontroller

Measuring muscle activation via electric potential, referred to as electromyography (EMG) , has traditionally been used
for medical research and diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. However, with the advent of ever shrinking yet more
powerful microcontrollers and integrated circuits, EMG circuits and sensors have found their…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment
Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

1199. PIC MicroController Volume Adjuster Program(Proteus 8 Stimulation)

Hello everyone, The important aspect of every learning is to induce curiosity and doing something meaningful to
satisfy that.With the help of that curiosity, I’m here making a volume adjuster program which resembles the same in
most devices but not that much, Here the default…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1200. LEDs sync to music (with pics of my awesome computer case mod)

I’m finishing up my computer table i’ve been working on and one of the final touches is making LEDs sync to the
speakers. I have some pics of my computer too. This project took me about 15 minutes and was free because i had
the…… Listed under: LED Projects

1201. How to get started with PICAXE 08M microcontroller

This is instructable for how to get started with PICAXE 08M microcontroller. To get started, you need: – 08M
Protoboard or same kind of board (Can be homemade) – A LED – AXE027 USB Cable – 3V Power supply Step 1:
Connect the led to…… Listed under: Other Projects

1202. Easy 16F84 Microcontroller Programmer – JDM

In this instructable , I ‘ll show you how I built and tested this simple yet powerful circuit . The JDM Programmer is my
favorite Microcontroller programmer. It is a simple circuit and compatible with many software loaders. I ‘ve built this
circuit many years…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1203. PIC 16F917 Gyroscope interface

In this post we will study the ADC ( Analog-to-Digital ) Module of the Microcontroller PIC16F917 . We will study a
real circuit of PIC16F917 interfacing to a semiconductor Gyroscope. The Gyroscope is a motion sensor that senses tilt
in a certain direction . The…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1204. PIC 3x3x3 LED cube

Here´s my 3x3x3 LED cube, it’s controlled by a PIC16F628A microcontroller. This is my first microcontroller project
that finally works, so i suppose is not that difficult to make for beginners. I hope you’ll enjoy that instructable and even
make your own LED cube! Step…… Listed under: LED Projects

1205. Wireless Radio Frequency Module Using PIC Microcontroller

It’s a Microcontroller Based DIY Electronics Project. Named Wireless RF Module Using PIC Microcontroller. The RF module is a small
electronic circuit used to transmit, receive, or transceive radio waves on one of a number of carrier frequencies. RF modules are widely used in
consumer…… Listed under: Radio Projects

1206. Simple Button Keypad – Microcontroller

Simple method for creating a custom button keypad that doesn’t require separate hardware. Just your microcontroller
buttons a few resistors. What we have here is 9 buttons and 6 signal lines (3 inputs, 3 outputs). The basic setup is in a
grid pattern where the three input…… Listed under: Other Projects

1207. How to Interface LCD with PIC16F877A Slicker

PIC16F/18F Slicker Board The PIC16F/18F Slicker board is specifically designed to help students to master the
required skills in the area of embedded systems. The kit is designed in such way that all the possible features of the
microcontroller will be easily used by the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects

1208. PIC16F84A LED blinking code + Proteus simulation

This post provides the code to make an LED blink using PIC16F84A microcontroller. This code is written in C
language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. This code is intended to be the first step in learning how to use
PIC16F84A microcontroller in your projects.…… Listed under: LED Projects

1209. Interfacing Temperature Sensor with Microchip PIC16F876A

The tutorial aims at providing the necessary information for interfacing an analog type temperature sensor with a
Microchip PIC Microcontroller. PIC (Peripheral Interface Controllers) was introduced in 1985. The PIC16F876A has
8K of Flash Program Memory, 368 bytes of Data Memory (RAM) and many other…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector

Feedback / Suggestions
1210. Schematic design with the PIC16F84A microcontroller

Many circuits on the Internet are built with a CD4017 counter IC. I myself chose to use a microcontroller for this job:
the PIC16F84A. A microcontroller increases the complexity but it allows you to build a very flexible light computer.
The circuit can be kept…… Listed under: LED Projects

1211. Navigation Lights for Models for PIC12F629

Description This project was inspired from a post on the Picprojects forum where a member had adapted the RGB
Moodlight project for use as a strobe and beacon for a model aircraft. I thought this would be of interest to others so
I’ve put this…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1212. EnvStick USB Temperature Sensor using PIC12F683

The EnvStick is cheap, homemade temperature sensor that plugs into a USB port. It provides a simple way to collect a
room’s ambient temperature. I made it for fun. EnvStick Features: – Temp sensor (+/- .5 deg C) – USB 2.0 –
Windows/Linux software -…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector

1213. Fire Fighting Robotic Vehicle

We all are well aware of the major fire accidents that frequently take place in nuclear power plants, petroleum
refineries, gas tanks, chemical factories and other large scale industrial units and result in very serious consequences.
Thousands of people have lost their lives due to…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1214. Digital thermometer with PIC16F84 circuit

This electronic project is a very simple thermometer that is based on the PIC16F84A microcontroller, designed by
Microchip. Why to use a thermometer that is designed using a microcontroller and not a classic analog thermometer?
Because you can design a complex solution using few external…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1215. Text in the air with PIC16F84

Writing LEDs air Today, most electronic systems with complex functions, micro-controllers are designed using. Easily
programlanabilmeleri, prices to be cheaper and less due to external hardware requirements microcontrollers have an
important place in the field of electronics. For example, Series produced by the company Microchip…… Listed under: LED Projects

1216. Tens Electronic Muscle Stimulation Device Circuit with PIC16F84

Television for a period, Frequently electronic muscle stimulation device radio advertising saw the state of the
PIC16F84 microcontroller gerçekleştirilimiş I used to be very similar to the device onarmıştım had a microcontroller
pic16f series and the circuit is very simple example of a useful in…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1217. Unipolar Stepper Motor Control Circuit with PIC16F877

Hello friends, this article, unipolar stepper motor control circuit related work. The purpose of this circuit is connected
to unpolar stepper motor I designed buttons, select the number of steps we determined the direction, speed, and with it
a system that implements the step motor…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1218. DC Motor Speed Control using Microcontroller PIC-16F877A

Micro-controller is a very widely used electronic component and today we are showing your another example of it.
Today’s’ project topic is “DC motor speed control using Microcontroller PIC16F877A” and we are sharing full project
report of it. This is a very good project work…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1219. A Beginner’s data logger project using PIC12F683 microcontroller

It is a very simple data logger project based on PIC12F683 microcontroller. The microcontroller reads temperature
values from a temperature sensor on a regular interval basis and stores them into its internal EEPROM memory. The
recorded temperatures can be later transferred to a PC through…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1220. Single-Axis PIC Controlled Solar Tracker DIY Kit using PIC18F1220

Feedback / Suggestions
Single-Axis PIC Controlled Solar Tracker DIY Kit Hi All I’m not going into as much depth with this instructable due
to my current time constraints. That said, I fully plan on updating this instructable as time progresses with new
algorithms and programs for optimization. Intro:…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1221. Shrieker using PIC16F676 Microcontroller

Recently a cell phone ring tone was in the news – it’s 17,000 Hertz and meant to be heard by teenagers, but inaudible
to adults. Really got some people upset for some reason. It got me wondering – what frequencies can I hear? I
made…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1222. Temperature Indicator using PIC microcontroller

Hi friends, today we will see how to make temperature indicator using PIC microcontroller. The basic aim of this
project is make you familiar with PIC microcontroller. It also explains how LM35 and 7 segment displays can be
interfaced with PIC microcontroller. Components required: Following…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

1223. Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller.

The are many cool sensors available now a days, ranging from IR distance sensor modules, accelerometers, humidity
sensors, temperature sensors and many many more(gas sensors, alcohol sensor, motion sensors, touch screens). Many
of these are analog in nature. That means they give a voltage output…… Listed under: Featured, Robotics – Automation Projects, Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects

1224. 2-Wire LCD Interface using PIC16C84

Alphanumeric LCD displays have become very popular for microcontroller applications because they can add a lot to a
project in a variety of different ways. A text message giving the user instructions as well as feedback can make the
application seem much more “professional” and…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1225. Voltage, Temperature & Frequency Meter With PIC Micro controller
Features… Voltage, Temperature and Frequency can switching to each others using push buttons. Voltage Meter can measure DC voltage between
0v to 50v. Frequency Meter can measure frequency up to 65KHz. Temperature Meter can use between 00C to 1500C. Every functions can paused
using push…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

1226. Digital Count Down Timer using PIC Microcontroller

In this article, our author Mithun has developed a 0 – 99 min counter using PIC microcontroller 16F628A. So basically
this is a digital count down timer ideal for engineering and diploma students for their project requirements. We have
given complete circuit diagram of the…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1227. Low Resource Microcontroller – 3 Phase BLDC Motor Speed Controller

This could form the basis where high performance is not required This article focuses on a minimal resource
microcontroller implementation for a 3 phase BLDC motor, closed loop speed motor controller application based on a
Microchip PIC12 device. It shows how minimisation techniques can reduce…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1228. PIC16F877A timer0 code + Proteus simulation

This PIC16F877A microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to use timer0 of PIC16F877A and how to
handle its interrupts? ” Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PIC timer0 code and change it according to
your needs. This code is written in C language…… Listed under: LED Projects

1229. Digital Clock using PIC Microcontroller Interrupt – XC8

A Real Time clock (Digital Clock) can be made easily by using Timer 1 of a PIC Microcontroller. The Timer1 module
exists in most of the series of PIC, this module can be used to easily implement a real-time clock. Instead of an external
real-time clock…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1230. Interfacing xbee with PIC microcontroller using MikroC

In this tutorial, I will show how to interface an xbee module with PIC microcontroller.Here MikroC Pro for PIC
compiler is used to write the code. Xbee modules communicates with host devices using serial communication.Most of
the PIC microcontroller have UART module to support serial…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects

1231. Getting started with PIC18F Microcontrollers

After writing quite a bit of experimental tutorials on PIC16F series of microcontrollers, I thought of moving forward to
the enhanced-range family of PIC microcontrollers, the PIC18F, which was introduced by Microchip in late 90s.
Although PIC16F series are excellent general purpose microcontrollers, certain limitations…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects

1232. PIC 12F675 Microcontroller Tutorial.

A tutorial on the 12F675 PIC microcontroller which shows you how to program and use it with a series of projects
starting out with a simple LED flasher and progressing on to more advanced projects.To use the tutorial files you need
to have a PIC…… Listed under: LED Projects

1233. Digital Barometer using PIC Microcontroller and MPX4115A Pressure Sensor – XC8

The Motorola MPX4115A is an atmospheric pressure sensor powered by 5V and delivers and output from ~0.25V to
~4.75V based on the pressure detected at room temperature (25°C). The device provides a linear output based on
pressure. As the pressure rises, the output voltage of…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector

1234. Metal detector robot using pic microcontroller

Metal detector robot using pic microcontroller,this robot is designed for metal detection in places where human being
can’t reach easily. Metal dectector robot detect metal through metal detector sensor. Its detect metals coming to it ways.
Wherever its go, it keep detecting metal. In case…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector

1235. Alarm Phone Dialer with MT8880 and PIC 16F84A

Just hook this Alarm Phone Dialer up to something you would like to monitor, for example, a high water alarm, low
temperature alarm, back window, garage door, etc. When the system is activated it will call a number of programmed
numbers to let you know…… Listed under: Phone Projects

1236. Fire Fighting Controlling Robots Used in Dangerous Situations

Robots can be used in many applications in industries, military, domestic. One of the major uses of Robots is an asset
to human beings. Whether it is any kind of hazardous situations like a fire breaking out or a place full of landmines,
Robots can…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1237. Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors In Industries using PIC Microcontroller

The aim of this project is synchronization of multiple motors using wireless technology. This project uses radio
frequency to synchronize motor speeds. This is applicable to many industries like textile mills, steel plants, and paper
plants wherein all the motors used on conveyor are desired…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1238. Mini project board for PIC12F series microcontrollers

The 12F series of PIC microcontrollers are handy little 8-pin devices designed for small embedded applications that do
not require too many I/O resources, and where small size is advantageous. These applications include a wide range of
everyday products such as hair dryers, electric toothbrushes,…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1239. Interfacing LCD with PIC Microcontroller – CCS C

Feedback / Suggestions
In this tutorial we will see How to interface a 16×2 character LCD Module with PIC 16F877A Microcontroller using
CCS C Compiler. 16×2 character LCD is a very commonly used LCD module in electronic projects and products. 16×2
means it can display 2 rows of…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1240. Up-Down counter on 16*2 LCD using 8051 microcontroller

DESCRIPTION In this circuit 16*2 lcd IS used to show the value of count using 8051 microcontroller. The maximum
value of count is 99 because. In this circuit we are using 8051-microcontroller, 16*2 lcd, 2 switches for up counting
button & down counting button. Data…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1241. Ionization Smoke-Detector With Programmable Calibration

Microchip Technology unveiled the RE46C180—the world’s first Ionization Smoke-Detector IC with programmable
calibration and programmable feature selection, and the first with horn synchronization and auto alarm locate. This
Ionization Smoke-Detector ASIC also has expanded options for implementing hush operation, and more options for interconnect operation—
including…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1242. IRMimic2™ Trainable IR Remote Control Transmitter with Macros

Features: Simple to train – Can learn up to 57 commands, and each can be in a different format/protocol Two different
operating modes – Keypad or MCU interface Supports up to 32 keys in keypad mode Any key can be a macro
(multiple command sequence)…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

1243. PIC Microcontroller Based Electronic Lock

Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. An access control
for doors forms a vital link in a security chain. The microcontroller based digital lock for Doors is an access control
system that allows…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1244. rtc microcontroller

Interfacing an SPI-Interface RTC with a PIC Microcontroller – Maxim Application note describing how to interface an
SPI-interface RTC with a PIC microcontroller. . PIC, real time clock, RTC, spi interface, pic microcontroller . -> Using
a D Interfacing an SPI-Interface RTC with a PIC…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1245. Complete Circuit Board Lab & POV Business Card using PIC12F508 microcontroller

Complete Circuit Board Lab & POV Business Card Introduction Though there are many Instructables on some aspect
of how to make circuit boards, this one is different. It’s an instructable on how to make the things you need to make
circuit boards, specifically, a flamboyant…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1246. Mouse interfacing and communication using PIC16F877

Introduction On this page a circuit is described, making it possible to interface a PIC and a PS/2 mouse. If you send me
a request (read further), it is possible to obtain for free also the assembler program to communicate with the PS/2
mouse. The…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1247. 0-9999 seconds count down timer using PIC12F683 microcontroller

The goal of this project is to construct a simple 0-9999 seconds count down timer with an alarm and a display. The time
is set through two tact switches and the count down seconds are displayed on a 4-digit seven segment LED display. The
project…… Listed under: LED Projects

1248. PIC16F877 i2c code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the i2c code (using the i2c module built in the hardware[1]) for PIC16F877 microcontroller. This
code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the
‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1249. PicoDetector : a PIC-based simple and cheap metal detector

A short video clip is sometimes better than a long explanation : The idea of this circuit is to hack PIC oscillator circuit,

Feedback / Suggestions
by replacing the crystal by a coil : the frequency of the oscillator then depends on presence of metal near the coil, just
like…… Listed under: LED Projects

1250. Wireless Home Appliance Controller Project

In this post we discuss about Microcontroller based Wireless Home Appliance Controller Project.You can Control Any
Home Appliance Like Tv ,Radio Fan,Bulbs Using This Project. Mainly we use Mikro C Programming Language in
this Project and ISIS Proteus Software use for testing Purposes. Mikro C…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Wireless Projects

1251. PIC16f628 DS18B20 Adjustable thermometer circuit

A friend of mine and I want to share with you what I did to set the thermostat circuit. As I used the circuit temperature
sensor Ds18B20. 3-digit, 7 shows the screen with dijit. Please note that the range of 0 to 99.9. When the…… Listed
under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1252. Rotary Encoder Interfacing with PIC Mirocontroller

i am currently working with some power supply design and i can say using conventional pots(potentiometer) and
rotary switch to adjust the voltage and other stuff is quite old school. so i have decided to go for a bit high tech
, actually bit digital. so here…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1253. PIC16F877A LED blink

The Microchip PIC16F877A has 40 pins 33 of them can be input or output. In this simple project I am going to
configure this microcontroller to blink a 33 LED each LED is connected to one I/O pin. The PIC16F877A has 8 analog
channels, so…… Listed under: LED Projects

1254. Big 7-segment Digital Clock

Using only 2 capacitors, 3 resistors, 4 BIG seven-segment Display, 1 xtal, 2 switches ,and 1 Microcontroller PIC, you
can build this Digital Led Clock main circuit. you can use common anode or common cathode display, just select the
display type. Here is the pinout…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects
1255. RC5 Protocol Remote Control Decoder

This project shows how to decode IR remote controls which uses Philips RC5 protocol with microchip PIC16F84A
microcontroller. You can find details about RC5 on Wikipedia Related topics: Philips RC5 & LG TV Remote Control
Decoder IR Remote Control Based On PIC Microcontroller The RC5 …… Listed under: Wireless Projects

1256. PIC16F877 timer1 code and Proteus simulation

This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to use timer1 of PIC16F877 and how to handle
its interrupts? ” Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PIC timer1 code and change it according to your
needs. This code is written in C language…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1257. Pic Projects With Schematics And Source Code – Electronic Projects, Electronic – Project list | pic microcontroller, »circuit digital clock using
pic16f628a microcontroller schematics » they act only ones – right then, when it´s really necessary » how to burn or
program pic. Electronics projects circuits, over 1050 top electronics…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1258. Solar energy measurement using pic microcontroller

Solar energy measurement: This project is designed to measured energy of solar panels. In this project you will get a
idea how to meausre solar energy using different sensors and pic microcontroller. Followings are the main parts used in
this project : Current sensor voltage…… Listed under: power – energy projects

1259. USB Human Interface Device Communication with PIC Microcontroller – MikroC

Figure 1: USB Communication Circuit Diagram The HID device class code is “0x03, this class is used for devices
operated by human, devices like keyboard, mouse, joystick and so forth. The advantage of HID devices is that, they
don’t require to install drivers, in most…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1260. Digital Ammeter circuit using pic microcontroller

Digital Ammeter circuit using pic microcontroller is designed to measure dc current. In this project, you will learn how
to measure dc current using pic microcontroller? how to convert current into voltage from using shunt resistor? how to
design low resistance shunt resistor using simple…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1261. Top PIC Microcontroller Projects with Embedded C Programming

Peripheral Interface controller (PIC) family is one of the most powerful advanced microcontroller which is developed
by the microchip technology with Harvard architecture, i.e., it has a minimum set of instructions. The PIC
microcontroller projects are programmed with the embedded C programming language. PIC devices…… Listed under: Microcontroller
Programmer Projects


The circuit diagram is quite simple. I have powered my circuit with 4 AA batteries that gives 6 V supply. A diode is
used in series to drop the voltage down to 5.4 V as the operating voltage for the PIC microcontroller should be
below…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1263. 1. Serial interfacing LCD with Pic Microcontroller

Parallel interfacing LCD with MCU at least need 6 I/O pins (4 bit mode) and maximun can up to 11 I/O pins (8 bit
mode). The I/O pin can be cut down to 3 pin by serial iterfacing using shift register. They were few shift…… Listed
under: LCD Projects

1264. Speed Control of DC Motor using Microcontroller by using PWM ECE Project

This is a good Electronic project report on Speed Control of DC Motor using Microcontroller by using PWM. In this
system, a micro controller is interfaced with a LCD, Keypad and DC motor driver. The Micro controller is used for
controlling the DC motor by…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1265. Password Based Circuit Breaker using PIC Microcontroller with C code
Here i am going to explain you a simple Password based circuit Breaker Project using PIC Microcontroller. This
project is much similar to my previous one, “Password Based Door Locking System”. Circuit breakers are
electromechanical devices used in the power system to connect or disconnect…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects

1266. Interfacing 7-Segment Display With PIC Microcontroller – MikroC

The 7-segment display is the earliest type of an electronic display that uses 7 LEDs bars arranged in a way that can be
used show the numbers 0 – 9. (actually 8 segments if you count the decimal point, but the generic name adopted is……
Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1267. HD44780 16×2 Char LCD Interfacing with microcontroller

Project Description:- In this project we are going to learn various things about this chip set and displaying text on this
LCD. The HD44780 16×2 char LCD screen Use 8bit and 4 bit parallel interface with backlight. This
Primary Objective in this project are:- 1. Displaying “Hello Word!!…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD

1268. Strobe Lights Project

Stroboscopic effects of lights for nightclubs are realized by bringing into play old white Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
swapping the ejection lanterns/lamps for superior effectiveness at minimal cost. This control is achievable by
instantaneously changing the Light Emitting Diodes on & off at elevated volts…… Listed under: LED Projects

1269. Home Security System with GSM Using 8051 Microcontroller

Security is a big challenge everywhere because thefts are increasing day by day owing to the unsafe and insecure
security systems in homes, commercial complexes and industries. Several conventional technologies are available to
keep home properties safe from intruders, but most common smart home security…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Security –
Safety Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1270. How to interface RFID with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification and Detection) is widely used everywhere from highly secured defense
laboratories to school attendance system. By employing RFID, much secured entry systems can be developed without
incurring huge costs. These are the reasons of excessive use of RFID technology. In this…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects,
RFID – NFC Projects, Tutorials

1271. Digital Clock Using Microcontroller 89C52/89S52

Are you a beginner in micro controller projects?and are you stuck where to start from?if yes,then this is one of the
simplest mini projects that you can start from . This mini project will give you a clear understanding of programming
your micro controller. we…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1272. Infrared IR Sensor Interface with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

In my previous project we have made a simple IR sensor Circuit. In this project, as promised before – we are going to
demonstrate a PIC18F4550 microcontroller interface to IR sensor circuit. We are just going to glow few on the
pic18f4550 as an example,…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Wireless Projects

1273. Line following Robotic Vehicle using Microcontroller

The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that follows a specific path. This project uses a microcontroller of
8051 family for its operation. A pair of photo sensors comprising IR transmitter and photo diode is interfaced to the
controller to detect the specified…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1274. PIC 16F88 Microcontroller PIC based Tengu

Tengu derives its name from a mythical Japanese creature known for getting into mischief. Our Tengu, however is
more earthly in nature. It responds to voice and sounds and takes on different facial features depending on the intensity
of the sound. If no sound is heard for some…… Listed under: LED Projects

1275. LM386 based stereo audio amplifier with digital volume control using PIC18F2550
Due to its simplicity (requires minimum external components) and high availability, LM386 is very popular among
hobbyists for use in low-voltage audio amplification applications. Most of the time a potentiometer is used at the input
side of LM386 to provide a volume control in the…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1276. Microchip PIC Serial Port Programmer

About the Programmer This is a Simple com port based Microchip PIC microcontroller Programmer,This Programmer
is based on JDM programmer.The entire programmer is built around commonly available components Features Does
not support the usb to serial converter. Works with most of PIC mcu. Works with 18F2550…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer

1277. How to Build your Own USB PIC Programmer?

This DIY PIC programmer is a continuation of our PIC programming basics tutorial. By using this USB PIC
programmer, you can program microchip PIC series of 10F, 12F, 16F, 18F, 24F, 30F. This is also an EEPROM
programmer as it supports 12Cxx EEPROM. The main…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1278. Serial Controlled RGB LED PWM Driver PIC12F629 based PWM controller for RGB LEDs

Description If you want to build your own multiple RGB LED display that you can control from either a PC or a
dedicated controller then this project will let you do just that. The project on this page came about when while I was
developing…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

1279. [Simple] Generating Pulse Width Modulation using PIC Microcontroller – Mikro C & Proteus Simulation

How to generate Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) using PIC microcontroller? This is going to be a continuation of our
microcontroller online tutorial series. This article covers the detailed explanation and simulation of PWM generation
using PIC16F877A microcontroller.What is a Pulse Width Modulator? A PWM has series of…… Listed under: PWM Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1280. PWM DC Motor Speed Controller Circuit Using PIC16F877A Microcontroller

In our last PIC online tutorial we have covered PWM generation using PIC Microcontroller. As I told earlier PWM has
wide application in electronics and robotics engineering.In this article I’m gonna show you one of the important
applications of PWM in Robotics, it is called…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1281. DC Motor Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller Using L293 Motor Driver IC

L293d is an H Bridge bidirectional motor driver IC used to interface DC motor and stepper motors to Microcontrollers. already discussed about the working principle of L293 IC with an example of bidirectional motor
driver circuit.It is very easy to make a DC motor…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1282. GSM Based Digital Wireless Notice Board Using PIC16F877A Microcontroller

Are you looking for Final year Electronics Engineering Project? Here CircuitsGallery presents GSM based electronics
and telecommunication engineering projects for students. You can submit this as your academic project. Our project is
nothing but a GSM based notice board using PIC that is capable of displaying…… Listed under: Wireless Projects

1283. Interfacing GPS Receiver with 8051 Microcontroller -AT89C52

How to interface GPS receiver with 8051 (AT89C52)? GPS receiver is an electronics device capable of receiving
Global Positioning System (GPS) signals to decide the device’s location on Earth. Today GPS receiver is popular in
vehicles and other navigation equipment. As we know that GPS…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1284. PIC16CXXX real time clock electronic project

A very simple real time clock electronic project can be designed using the PIC16CXXX microcontroller family ,
designed by Microchip Technology . This real time clock electronic project uses the Timer1 module, from a mid-range
PIC16CXXX microcontroller, to control a low-power real-time clock. Timer1 was…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1285. Home Automation and Security System using Microcontroller ATMEGA8 with Arduino Programming
Home automation and security systems have become very popular these days, today industrial automation techniques are widely adopted by
luxurious homes and apartments. Here I’m going to give a worthy home automation security and monitoring project for engineering students. On
the whole this microcontroller based…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

1286. Digital DC Power supply using PWM with PIC microcontroller

In our lab I saw many DC power supply which have a variable knob to regulate the output. I was dreaming to make
such a project where I can regulate the voltage using push button.As I am not an industrial level expert so this
project…… Listed under: PWM Projects

1287. Introducing Easy Pulse: A DIY photoplethysmographic sensor for measuring heart rate

When I first built the Heart rate measurement through fingertip project, the infrared LED and photodiode used for
finger photoplethysmography were actually from salvaged parts, and therefore, I could not provide specifications for
them in the article. As a result of that it takes quite a bit…… Listed under: Medical – Health based Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer
– Detector Projects

1288. Vehicle Theft Control System by Using GSM and GPS Systems

At the present time, the rate of crime is increasing rapidly because it is a kind of evident from the actual fact that thefts
became a matter of routine. Particularly these vehicles may incur huge losses on the part of the amount invested on
these…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects

1289. Tampered Energy Meter Monitoring Conveyed to Control Room by GSM with User Programmable Number Features

The main concept of this project is to reduce the power theft by using an integrated energy meter such that whenever an
energy meter is tampered, it sends an alert message to the concerned authorities through the GSM modem for
indicating power theft. Day by…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

Feedback / Suggestions

Introduction This program is a network power resetter. It controls a solid-state-relay that is in series with 110VAC that
supplies power to a satellite internet receiver, various routers, etc. Once every 24 hours it drops power for 10 seconds
to allow the receiver and routers…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

1291. Naked Clock using PIC16F877 Microcontroller

Why have an enclosure? The enclosure of a clock doesn’t tell you the time! So I built this PIC clock with no part that
doesn’t serve an electrical function. The hanger is the ground. The microcontroller is the 40-pin PIC 16F877. I set it
up,…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1292. Converting a Proxxon MF70 Milling Machine To CNC – 2 using PIC18F4620

My layout is shown below. It may not be as intuitive or informative as the layout on a PC display, but contains
everything I have found necessary for control of the Mill. (and previously the DRO’s on my other Milling Machine and
Lathe.) I should…… Listed under: CNC Machines Projects, Projects

1293. Digital stopwatch using microcontroller

How much time this event will take to finish?OK, Let’s countdown the time.So a stopwatch is the best solution.Just
press the start button to start countdown then stop when the event completed.Now every cellphone has this feature but i
was determined to make a digital…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1294. Bicycle Persistence of Vision Light Display using PIC16F84

In February of 2007 I spent a little while prototyping a board that turns any bicycle wheel into a moving display
billboard using a single string of LEDs. The idea was to do something that would be very visible, turn itself on and off
automatically,…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1295. Servo Motor Controller using PIC12F629

This project controls two servo motors – both clockwise and anticlockwise and has variable speed. You can use the Joy Stick to “pan and tilt” a
remote camera or provide “left-right-up-down” action for a crane or an animation on your model layout. The project also…… Listed under:
Motor Projects, Projects

1296. How to interface Seven Segment Display with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

The seven segments are used to display decimal and hexadecimal (0-9, A-F) values. A seven segment is cheapest
option for applications requiring numeric value display as output. Calculators, watches, lift’s floor indication panel etc.
are examples of such applications. The interfacing and operation of a…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1297. USB and PIC Microprocessors 16C745 and 18F2455

Introduction This page describes a project a colleague and I completed between September, 2000 and March, 2001 as
part of the Engineering Physics degree program at the University of British Columbia. In summary this project
involved building a USB device using the PIC 16C745 microprocessor…… Listed under: Featured, How To – DIY – Projects,
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1298. Using an LCD’s for Graphics Animation using PIC16C84

This project uses Myke’s 2-Wire LCD Interface from last week and will help teach you “Graphics Animation” using
LCD’s. Last week, I showed how the PICMicro could be connected up to a Hitachi 44780 LCD using only two wires.
This week, I wanted to use…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects


I wanted to build a clock as simple as possible : built around a little 18 pins PIC no 7 segment display, only LEDs no
decoder, no buffer, no driver for the LED display a cheap temperature sensor The solution of direct LED driving
comes…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1300. Making a binary clock using a PIC16F88

You can use a PIC microcontroller and an LED matrix to create a binary clock (or if you prefer you can wire up
individual LEDs). This project uses an LED matrix block as it saves lots of wiring. So what is it ? Its an…… Listed
under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1301. Buck converter using pic microcontroller and IR2110

Buck converter using pic microcontroller and IR2110 , In this article you will learn everything you need to design a
buck converter. you will learn following things in this article what is buck converter ? how to design buck converter ?
what are applications of…… Listed under: Other Projects

1302. dsPIC30F2012 breadboard

Bernard introduces us to the dsPIC microcontroller. He shows us his Arduino like project board for a dsPIC and gives
advice on software development tools. This article was submitted by Bernard Klinc as part of the “Hobby parts for
articles” program. Bernard received a graphic…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1303. FTS-8 subtone encoder

Many Yaesu transceivers from the 1990s and thereabouts could use an optional FTS-8 module, that provided subtone
generation for transmission, and subtone decoding for CTCSS reception. One of the radios that used this module was
the FT-736 multiband, multimode full-duplex VHF-UHF rig. I bought one…… Listed under: Home Automation

1304. Arduino to PIC Communication using PIC18LF4520

One very common thing in electronics is the need for two intelligent devices to communicate with each other. When
you first see a PIC and Arduino you might think that they are two differeny systems and don’t share much in common,
but you’d be wrong!…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1305. Voice controlled wheelchair

The Project aims at controlling a wheelchair for handicaps by means of human voice. The speech recognition system is
a useful way of implementation and is easy to use programmable speech recognition circuit. Programmable, in the
sense that user can train the words (or vocal…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1306. Two way Simple Very Small Telephone Exchange

This is a very small telephone exchange attached only two ordinary Tele phones. Fully bi-directional facility with an
intercom system. When a phone is in off hook condition , Exchange will detect it & send ringing pulse to other phone.
When it will be picked…… Listed under: Phone Projects

1307. How to interface keypad with PIC12F675

This post provides a simple method to interface any keypad (e-g 4×4 or 4×3 etc) with PIC12F675 microcontroller. The
code for PIC12F675 is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code
from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1308. How to implement free running counter in PIC16F84A using seven segment display

This post provides the implementation of free running counter ( using c language ) for PIC16F84A micro-controller.
This code is written in such a way that, the counter starts from a value of ‘0’ ( displayed on the seven segment ) and
then increments this…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1309. PIC16c71 four channel digital voltmeter

This electronic circuit project is a simple four channel digital voltmeter with display and keyboard . This four channel
digital voltmeter is based on PIC16C71 manufactured by Microchip Technology . The PIC16C71 device’s I/O ports
have an improved sink/source specification. Each I/O pin can sink…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1310. PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (In 4bit mode) and Proteus simulation

Feedback / Suggestions
This post provides the LCD[1] interfacing code in 4bit mode using PIC16F84A microcontroller. This code is written in
C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at
the bottom of this page. It is assumed that you know how to make an…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD
Projects, Projects

1311. How to display custom characters on LCD using PIC16F84A

This post explains the idea of creating custom characters on any LCD ( e-g on 16×2 LCD ) which has HD44780U
controller in it. Almost all 16×2 or 20×2 LCDs have HD44780U controller in them[1]. This controller provides the
functionality of CGRAM ( Character Generator…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1312. 15×7 Display using a PIC16F628 Microcontroller

This project is what you have been waiting for. Remember the scrolling signs you see in shops and on advertising
billboards? Now you can program your own moving sign with all the effects you can think of. We have provided a
blank canvas in the…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1313. DC motor and Fan speed control using pic 16f877 Microcontroller

Here is a simple project on how to control fan or dc motor speed uisng pic 16f877 microcontroller. There are numerous
ways to control the speed of motor(or fan). Varing current,voltage and resistance etc. But when it comes to controlling
the speed using microcontrollers. Then…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1314. PIC16F877 LED blinking code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the code to make an LED blink using PIC16F877 microcontroller. This code is written in C
language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. This code is intended to be the first step in learning how to use
PIC16F877 microcontroller in your projects. You can…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1315. A memory game using a PIC16F84A microcontroller

This article describes a game we all know. It is SIMON. It uses 4 switches, 4 colored lights and a speaker to produce a sequence of tones and
flashes that has to be repeated. After each correct sequence, the computer adds another tone with its…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment
Projects, Projects

1316. 20 LED BADGE using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

This project drives a number of LEDs via a very clever circuit. There are 3 ways to dive a LED from an output of a
micro. The simplest is called “dump.” This is where the LED is connected directly to the output via a resistor……
Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1317. Displaying Images on Graphical Lcd(JHD12864E) using Pic16f877 Microcontroller

Here in this post i am going to teach you how to display images on Graphical lcd using Pic Microcontroller(16F877). I
am using JHD12864E graphical LcD in my Project. JHD12864E is 128×64 dimension lcd. 128×64 means it has 128
coulombs and 64 rows. So total dots it…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1318. PIC18F252 Programming

1. Introduction This investigation was started after I ordered the free sample kit for the Circuit Cellar contest, called
Mad Dash for Flash Cash. There seems to be many ways to program the device. Here I have investigated two ways of
programming the PIC18F252. 2.…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1319. Getting Started with MPLAB XC8 Compiler – LED Blinking

In this tutorial we will learn How to Blink an LED with PIC Microcontroller using MPAB XC8 Compiler. Recently
Microchip released a series of development tools including MPLAB X IDE and MPAB XC Compilers. MPLAB X IDE
is a software that runs on a computer…… Listed under: LED Projects

1320. How to Glow an LED using PWM with PIC Microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique in which the width of a pulse is modulated keeping the time period of
the wave constant. One cycle has a fixed time period called ‘Period’ and a varying on time called ‘Duty cycle’. The
entire wave can…… Listed under: LED Projects

1321. 3 LED Bike Light for PIC10F200

Description This project is a multi-function LED bike (cycle) light using 3 LEDs. It is based on a PIC10F200 baseline
microcontroller, running from a supply voltage of 2 to 5 volts. In standby mode it consumes a current of less than 1µA
making it perfect…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1322. Online Monitoring of Temperature of Conductors Using Zigbee and GSM

Project Summary An on-line monitoring system of temperature of conductors and fittings based on GSM SMS and
Zigbee is produced in this project, by which the temperature of conductors and fittings can be monitored in real-time
and some accidents caused by the increased temperature can…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

1323. Android App Home Automation via Bluetooth Using PIC16F628A Microcontroller

We have been posting several latest and advanced PIC microcontroller based projects and here is another wonderful
wireless home automation project for Engineering/ Diploma students, Android Bluetooth Home Appliances Control
System. Android phones are very popular today due to their limitless possibilities, have you thought about…… Listed under: Bluetooth
Projects, Home Automation Projects

1324. Universal High-Power LED Driver – Firmware update using PIC16F1823

Here’s the updated firmware for my Universal High-Power LED Driver. This version has on-board current set up
function, so you can change the drive current without re-programming the PIC microcontroller. You can either
download the ZIP file containing the while project, or just the HEX file. After upgrading…… Listed under: LED
Projects, Projects

1325. Digital Voltmeter Using PIC Microcontroller 16F877A and Seven Segments Display (0-30V)
We are all aware of about voltmeters (voltage meter), which is nothing but a device used to measure voltage between
given two terminals. Apart from the basic usage digital voltmeters are also employed as panel meters for automation
systems and robotics. There are analog and…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1326. Digital Clock using PIC Microcontroller and DS1307 RTC

A Digital Clock can be made easily by using PIC Microcontroller, DS1307 and a 16×2 LCD. I have already posted
about Interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC Microcontroller. The DS1307 RTC can work either in 24-hour mode or 12-
hour mode with AM/PM indicator. It automatically adjusts…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1327. PIC and EEPROM Programmer

Project Summary In this project we are building a JDM programmer that can handle PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18 family
microcontrollers and some popular 24C family EEPROMs. The programmer also provides ICSP feature that allows In-
Circuit Serial Programming. So if you desire, you will not have…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects, Microcontroller Programmer
Projects, Projects

1328. PIC 16F877 / 16F874 Development Board

The Development Board v. 1.1 connected to an LCD display. It is well visible (read further, in the description) the row
of LEDs used to check the logic state of up to 8 I/O ports or external circuits’ pins. Of course, if you own an……
Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1329. Microchip PIC16F877 to FTDI USB interface

Introduction This is a simple design that interfaces a PIC 16F877 microcontroller to the USB bus using the FTDI
FT245 USB FIFO device. It has been designed using a simple single sided PCB with only one surface mount device,
the USB chip itself. All schematics,…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1330. Interfacing EM-18 RFID Module with PIC Microcontroller

EM-18 RFID Reader Module is the one the most commonly used module for Radio Frequency Identification Projects.
It features Low Cost, Small Size, Low Power Consumption and Easy to use. It can be directly interfaced with
microcontrollers using UART communication. Software UART can be used…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1331. The Super-Simple pocket size mp3 player using PIC16LF877A

It is based on the PIC 16LF877, with plenty of processor time to spare. There is a bare bones assembly version, and a
new C version with more features and stability. It uses compact flash cards up to over 100 gigabytes (once they exist)
including…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1332. Introducing the Science of Microchip PIC14

Engineers of my generation in the UK will remember the Science of Cambridge Mk14. Intended to be Sir Clive
Sinclair’s first home computer kit for the general public, it served to train a generation of electronics engineers in how
to program microprocessors. The Mk14 was…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1333. How to Implement SPI Using PIC18F4550

The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a high speed, synchronous, serial communication standard. This
communication protocol is basically a Master – Slave implementation where the master device controls the clock based
on which the slave devices operate. The master communicates with a slave or a…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects

1334. LCD Module Control over IR Link using PIC16F690

Recently I got my hands on a couple of HSDL-1100 based IR transceivers and a KS070B LCD display module. This
was a nice opportunity to experiment with three things: (1) controlling an LCD module, (2) serial communication
between two PIC microcontrollers, and (3) making this…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1335. How to Generate Sound using PWM with PIC Microcontroller

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique in which the width of a pulse is modulated keeping the time period of the wave constant. The ON
time and OFF time can have any different values in the wave cycles, but the sum of the ON…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1336. How To Use PIC Microcontroller For Voice Input And Output

Microcontrollers are purely digital devices which work on logic0 and logic1 voltages; still they are widely used for
analog signal processing. There are specialized signal processors chips available which are custom made for particular
applications; however a general purpose microcontroller is more than enough for…… Listed under: PWM Projects

1337. Alarm Clock Retrofit using PIC16F877

I had some beef with my (very) old alarm clock. It had a radio which was nice to wake up to, but two problems: 1) I
would be in bed and think “Wait, did I set the alarm?” I would have to get up, turn…… Listed under: Clock – Timer
Projects, Projects

1338. Generating PWM with PIC Microcontroller – MPLAB XC8

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is the one of the simple and most commonly used technique to produce analog
voltages from digital signals. It has a wide variety of applications such as Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), DC
Motor Speed Control, Sine Wave Inverters, Brightness control…… Listed under: PWM Projects

1339. Projects on Speed Checker To Detect Rash Driving On Highways

While driving on highways, drivers should not exceed the maximum speed limit permitted for their vehicle. However,
accidents keep on occurring due to speed violations as drivers follow their speedometers and control their speed
according to them, and reduce the speed if they find it to be…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1340. Digital Thermometer and Clock Project (Version 1.0)

Feedback / Suggestions
This device uses two digital sensors (DS1620 or DS1820), measures the ambient temperature with 0,1 °C (0,2 °F)
resolution and displays it on LCD 2×16 (LM016 etc.) screen. It have a clock, which is based on DS1302 timekeeping
chip. This chip stores current date and…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1341. Picaxe LED night light

This is a little night-light that comes on when it gets dark, to illuminate dark rooms or hallways. I’m sure you can buy
these cheaply ready made but it’s more fun to make your own, and this way it can be customised exactly how you……
Listed under: LED Projects

1342. Digital DC watt meter project using pic microcontroller

Digital dc watt meter using pic microcontroller is used to measure dc power of dc circuits. Voltage and current sensors
are used in this project. Voltage and current sensors are interfaced with microcontroller. Voltage sensor is used to
measure voltage across circuit or load. Current…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1343. Nokia 3315 / 3310 LCD interfacing with Microcontroller

Displaying content on a normal alphanumeric display is very limited ,we have to be limited with the font size and we
can’t draw any graphics also. but convention Graphics lcd are really very expensive so here is the solution, you can use
Nokia 3315 / 3310 monochrome LCD to display your…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Phone Projects

1344. Cell Phone Detector

Project Summary This is a mobile phone sniffer circuit that can detect the signals being used in the GSM (Global
System for Mobile Communication) band at about 900 MHz. Since the signals are digitally encoded, it can detect only
the signal activity, not the speech…… Listed under: Phone Projects

1345. PIC 16f877 microcontroller based RPM Meter

Summary: The speed of the motor is measured in Rotations per Minutes,RPM.The RPM Meter is to read the running
speed of Motor like DC MOTOR. Here the speed of the DC Motor is sensed with the help of a speed sensor and it is
signal…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects
1346. PC Based Digital Voltmeter Using PIC 16F877A

This is a simple voltmeter which measures 0-5V at a precision of 4.8 mV. This is a simple design using inbuilt ADC of
PIC 16F877A. PIC 16F877A have 8 channel 10bit ADC. This is a computer interfaced project. Measured voltage is
output in serial interface…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1347. Sending SMS Text Message using PIC Microcontroller – Flowcode

Figure 1: Controlling and Monitoring devices with a Cellphone A GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a
GSM wireless network. GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communications, this architecture is used for
mobile communication in most of the countries in the…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects

1348. AC power control with thyristor using pic microcontroller

AC power control with thyristor using pic microcontroller is designed to control AC power flow across load. This
project is designed using PIC16F877A microcontroller and Zero crossing detection circuit. Phase angle control method
is used for AC power control with thyristor. Thyristor is used as…… Listed under: Other Projects

1349. PIC Controlled Relay Driver using PIC16F84A

Project Summary This circuit is a relay driver that is based on a PIC16F84A microcontroller. The board includes four
relays so this lets us to control four distinct electrical devices. The controlled device may be a heater, a lamp, a
computer or a motor. To…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Home Automation Projects, Projects

1350. Design and Development of an Automated Home Control System Using Mobile Phone

Abstract This paper presents design and development of an Automated Home Control System (AHCS) using mobile
phone. A cell (mobile) phone acts as a modem for the control of electrical home appliances. This is achieved when the
mobile phone number is dialed and an appropriate…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Phone Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1351. Single Pic Micro single shot bi stable Relay

Project Summary Build yourself a single shot Pic Micro Controlled by stable Relay FEATURES 1. One touch activated
for on or off 2. Open connections for other sensors 3. 10 -12 volt operation 4. Led indicators for on off status 5. Can be
Rf controlled…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

1352. Microcontroller measures heart rate through fingertip

Step 1: Sensor assembly The sensor unit consists of an infrared light-emitting-diode (IR LED) and a photo diode,
placed side by side, and the fingertip is placed over the sensor assembly, as shown below. The IR LED transmits an
infrared light into the fingertip, a…… Listed under: Medical – Health based Projects

1353. Night Light Saver V3.2 using PIC12C508

Introduction It’s time for 8-pin microcontroller Microchip PIC12C508, the SAVER V3.2, my latest design of a device
that turns a night light on and off everyday. The circuit uses only a PIC12C508 8-pin CMOS micontroller and a small
triac, MAC97A6. The Saver V3.2 also demonstrates…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Projects

1354. Temperature controlled fan using PIC 16F877A

You might have come across several applications where we need to control a specific device based on analog
parameter. This Embedded system works in a similar concept where we are about to control the speed of a DC motor
using based on the external temperature.…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

1355. Autonomous Foosball Table

I was contacted by somebody who suggested I should enter our senior design project here. Seeing as how we found and
used the AX-12s from Trossen Robotics, I figured this would be a great place to post. This project was our senior
design, a semester…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1356. PIC16F84 Based Morse Code Reader

So you want to become a HAM, or you’ve got one of those no-code licences, but like me feel somewhat lacking,… not
having obtaining that age old badge of proficiency that differientiated the HAM from other radio operators. However,
like thousands and thousands of others,…… Listed under: Radio Projects

1357. Harmonic Distortion Meter using PIC18F2550

The 3rd harmonic distortion meter has been designed for measuring the quality of AC supply. The meter is built with a
PIC18F2550 project board and the full wave rectifier front-end circuit. The AC power line, 220VAC is measured
through the step down isolation transformer. The…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1358. Blink LED with XC8 compiler using external Oscillator

In the simple tutorial we are going to blink few simple led with PIC18F microcontroller, using an external 20MHz
crystal oscillator and the ‘__Delay ()’ function of XC8 Compiler. Most of the previous tutorials here dealt with internal
oscillator of pic18F4550 where mostly the delays…… Listed under: LED Projects

1359. Microcontroller Adc Project Circuit

The microcontroller projects resources., Pic microcontroller tutorials, resources and projects ranging from simple to
advanced designs with schematics and source code. free for non-commercial use.. Related Article Microcontroller Adc
Project Circuit : The best microcontroller projects and resources. Pic microcontroller tutorials, resources and projects ranging…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects


1. Introduction Microwaves are maybe, one of the greatest discovers of the 20’th century. With a vavelenght between
30 cm and 3 mm and a power between 1 mW and 500 KW are practically used in all fields from medicine to industry.
Microwave thermal and…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1361. Homemade Scope Clock DG7 tube and PIC16F876

Powersupply and CRT deflection and microcontroller test circuit. I was lucky to purcase two used but working DG7
tubes and a transformator cheap, one from Mullard and one from Phillips. Other CRT Cathode Ray Tube types can be
used, you can even rip one from…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Home Automation Projects, How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

1362. 100KHz Square Wave generator using PIC16C84

Following on from the LED flasher circuit, we can reduce the delay in the loop to 10uS (10 microseconds) and produce
a 100Khz square wave. Given a 4 Mhz PIC 16C84, the program below will generate a 100Khz square wave on PORTA
bit 0 (i.e.…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1363. Electronic door codelock with PIC

description This is my electronic codelock to use with an outdoor gate. The lock itself is implemented in software. It
operates a relay (for example to open a door) for a few seconds if someone enters the valid code. The secret code can
be changed…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1364. Dual programmable keypad code lock using PIC18F452

Open electrical doors with your secret code only! Here are the technical specifications: Up to two keypads may be
connected to drive both relay outputs. Professional, outdoor or other keypads may be used. Relay outputs are
configurable: output voltage +6 to +24VDC (from power input)…… Listed under: Projects, Security – Safety Projects

1365. Understanding ICSP for PIC Microcontrollers

Programming microcontrollers isn’t hard. Building a programmer makes a great first electronics project. The goal of
this instructable is to explain the simple ‘in circuit serial programming’ method used with Microchip PICs. Step 1:
Why ICSP? Programming a big DIP (through hole) chip is easy.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1366. Echo MP3 player using PIC18LF452

The EchoMp3 is a small DIY* MP3 player. It’s cheap and of excellent quality. 64, 128, 256, 512MB and 1, 2, 4 GB MMC and SD(HC) cards
used as storage. FAT (FAT16) and FAT32 supported. Low power operation with a single AAA (HR03) 1V2 Ni-Mh…… Listed under: How To –
DIY – Projects, Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1367. Touch Switch using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

You can add this circuit to all sorts of projects that require on-off control. Our design allows up to 4 touch sensors using
a PIC12F629. The output of each touch sensor is active LOW and this can be connected to an additional circuit to
control…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

1368. SOLAR TRACKER-1 using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

This project will improve the output of your solar panel by about 40%. It uses a motor and gearbox from a 3.6v power
screwdriver, however a number of different voltage motors can be used. The project has its own 6v power-supply made
from five 1.2v…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Motor Projects, Projects

1369. SKY WRITER using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

We have seen many projects using a set of LEDs to produce words “in the air,” but none have the clever feature we
have included. Most of the projects are “shaken in the air” and produce messages that are “all over the place.” But
if…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1370. MUSIC BOX using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

This project is an extension of a number of musical projects (Happy Birthday and It’s a Small World) and puts 11
melodies into a single design. It’s called EVOLUTION. From the previous projects we learnt a lot about producing a
tune. The first thing we…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

1371. Lift Counter using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
This project has been developed due to a request from Mr Moshweunyane ([email protected]). He asked
for a circuit that would count up when someone entered a lift and count down when someone exited, using two infra-
red sensors. All we had to do was take the…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1372. Audio spectrum analyzer using PIC18F4550

Introduction This project implements a real-time audio spectrum analyser using a PIC18F4550 8-bit microcontroller.
The spectrum frequency analysis is performed by a highly optimised 16-bit Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) routine
coded entirely in C. The output from the FFT is displayed using a 128×64 graphical…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1373. Seven Segment Multiplexing using PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

As explained earlier, a seven segment interfaced with PIC uses almost an entire port (minimum 7 pins) to display a
value. But a real time application, like watch, calculator etc., usually requires at least 3-4 seven segments. In such a
case it is not advisable…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1374. Precision Delay Timer for PIC16F628A

Description This project is a crystal controlled precision timer providing accurate delays from 1 second to 15 hours 45
minutes. The timer delay is set using a 10-way DIP switch. The timer is started by pressing a switch on the main PCB
or from an…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1375. Automatic Charger Sharing for Motorcycle Battery Charger using PIC16F628A

Description This project came about because I have three motorbikes and being a bit of a fair weather biker they don’t
get used much over the winter months. I have an OptiMate™ 4 charger that I connect to the bikes but this needs me
to…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Car Projects, Projects

1376. PIC Harmonic Distortion Meter

The 3rd harmonic distortion meter has been designed for measuring the quality of AC supply. The meter is built with a
PIC18F2550 project board and the full wave rectifier front-end circuit. The AC power line, 220VAC is measured
through the step down isolation transformer. The…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects

1377. Breakout board for PIC16F1847 microcontroller

This is an improved version of my 18-pin PIC16F series breadboard module that I have used in many of my PIC
tutorials and projects published in this website. The new version has got a +5V power supply regulator on-board and a
2.1mm female barrel jack…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1378. Interface a HD44780 Character LCD with a PIC Microcontroller

Introduction An HD44780 Character LCD is a liquid crystal display (LCD) display device designed for interfacing
with embedded systems. These screens come in a variety of configurations including 8×1, which is one row of eight
characters, 16×2, and 20×4. The most commonly manufactured configuration is…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1379. Revised version of the PIC12F microcontrollers breakout board

The 12F series of PIC microcontrollers are handy little 8-pin devices designed for small embedded applications that do
not require too many I/O resources, and where small size is advantageous. These applications include a wide range of
everyday products such as hair dryers, electric toothbrushes,…… Listed under: chipKIT Projects, Development Board – Kits Projects,

1380. Serial LCD Module using PIC16F88

Many times when I’m working with a small MCU such as 8 pins or 18 pins MCU. I found that I don’t have enough
MCU pins for parallel LCD display. So it’s good to have a one-pin-require LCD module for experiment. Acctually,
serial LCDs are…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1381. Build your own Wireless Network detector using PIC12F629

Feedback / Suggestions
What This Is This project is for a small electronic unit that allows the user to sense the presence and relative signal
strength of wireless hotspots. It can be worn as a pendant or carried in a pocket. It is “always on” and communicates
the…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1382. DIY remote control based on PIC16F628

Control up to 8 devices by this easy constructable remote control. It can work as a radio or infrared remote control,
depending on the components. Each device output can be configured to be momentary (turned on while you press the
button) or latched. Latched outputs…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

1383. Blink a LED with Assembly Language & a PIC

To state the blindingly obvious, there are many flavors of microcontroller in the world. There are innumerable
applications for them too. This Instructable will cover the steps necessary to blink a LED using a PIC microcontroller
and Microchip assembly language, showing you how to access…… Listed under: LED Projects

1384. The IR Widget Using pic12f629

Simple IR capture for multitasking operating systems The IR Widget captures the infrared signals used by remote
controls. It operates in a way that makes it compatible with modern multitasking operating systems. It is able to
determine the carrier frequency and demodulate the carrier in…… Listed under: RTOS – OS Projects

1385. PIC 16F84 Serial Programmer

The Microchip PIC 16C84 was one of the first serial in-system programmable microcontroller. I saw PIC serial
programmers published in Electronic magazines in 1993. Today, many PIC programmer circuits – for serial and
parallel PC ports – are published on the Internet. Despite its somewhat…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

1386. A DCF77 Clock with RS232 Interface using PIC16F84

Description: The clock is synchronised via the German time signal DCF77. It has a display with automatic brightness control and a RS232
computer interface. Design Overview: The clock is built around a PIC16F84 microcontroller from Microchip. I chose this microcontroller since
its FLASH memory is…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects
1387. Ir On-Off using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Turn ON or OFF electrical devices using remote control is not a new idea and you can find so many different devices
doing that very well. For realization of this type of device, you must make a receiver, a transmitter and understand their
way of…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1388. 1Hz Clock Generator using PIC12F675

Based on the idea from have created a 1Hz Clock Generator. I use
PIC12F675 as it’s available locally. Its price is just about US$1. The concept is using 32.768kHz crystal as a clock for
the PIC. Therefor, the internal instruction clock is 32768/4 =…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1389. Pic-Plot2 GPIB to USB converter using PIC16F628

Pic-plot now goes to USB! A perfect low cost solution to quickly get screen plots of your GPIB instrument on your
laptop PC without complex software. It emulates the HP7470A operation on the GPIB side, and outputs the HP-GL
data at the USB port to…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1390. How to build your own PIC-Programmer using PIC12C50x

Which types of PIC microcontrollers and EPROM’s are supported? You can use this PIC-Burner for PIC12C50x,
PIC12F62x, PIC16FFxx, PIC16F62x and EEPROM 24Cxx. This PIC-Programmer was tested with PIC12C508 (A),
PIC12C509 (A), PIC12F629, PIC12F675, PIC16F84A, PIC16F627, and PIC16F628. The PIC-programmer is easy to build and compact.……

Feedback / Suggestions
Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

1391. PIC16F628 4 RGB LED PWM Controller

I am a big fan of LEDs. Bright, colorful, flashing LEDs. So, given my affinity for LEDs, I decided to work on a
controller that me and a few of my friends could use as an art project/passive information display. I have posted videos
from…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

1392. An Easy to build & multifunctional counter with 7-Segment Led Display using PIC16F628 microcontroller

Just one PIC to use it as counter with multiple functions. Here is the pin information: PIN FUNCTIONS:
CLEAR/COUNT – GND to clear count, VSS to count. SAVE COUNT – GND start from zero on power up, VSS
continue last count. C CATHODE/C ANODE…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1393. Read analog values without an ADC using PIC12F675 microcontroller

Digital electronics and Analog electronics doesn’t mix easily. A Microcontroller can’t get analog values unless an
Analog-to-Digital converter is used, however, you may find a little complicated the use of an ADC and it need lots of
Input/Output ports. Some Microcontrollers, like the small…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1394. Pic RGB color generator using PIC12F629

Description PIC RGB is a circuit that generates random RGB colors using a RGB LED and fades between them. The
idea for this circuit came from the candle simulator [1] and another project called TinyRGB [2] . The challenge was to
create an algorithm that…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Projects

1395. Power Pic RGB with Infrared remote control using PIC12F675

Power Pic RGB with Infrared remote controlis a circuit that generates colors using a RGB LED and can be controlled
using any infrared remote controller capable compatible with the Sony® Sirc code. This circuit is the third evolution of
Pic RGB project [1] in which…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
1396. Cooking Timer using PIC16F819 microcontroller

Cooking Timer This is a school project but I thought it can be fun to all of you cooking people out there, that still use
old stoves without timers. The timer uses different formula for meat, chicken or egg, but also has a separate timer……
Listed under: Blog, Clock – Timer Projects, Home Automation Projects, Projects

1397. Minty JDM PIC Programmer using PIC18F4550 microcontroller

Minty JDM PIC Programmer This project details how to build a JDM style programmer to program PIC
Microcontrollers using Microchip’s ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) and freeware software (PICPgm). Total
project cost: less than $10. This device has been tested on both the PIC16F877 and…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects,

1398. An LED Dice using a PIC 16F84 (or 16F88)

An LED Dice using a PIC 16F84 (or 16F88) This is a re-print of a project that I made a number of years ago – I was
trawling the web, and discovered that others had been making it, so I decided to put the detail…… Listed under: LED
Projects, Projects

1399. Reverse Engineering to Emulate Ink Cartridges for a Epson Printer using PIC18F

Reverse Engineering to Emulate Ink Cartridges for a Epson Printer For the past two years, I’ve been planning to build
myself a 3D printer from some old Inkjet printers that I had collected over the years. But not until two weeks ago had I
actually…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1400. Analog to Digital Converter Using PIC16f877A Microcontroller – Beginners Guide using pic microcontoller

What is meant by Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)? An ADC converts analog signal to it’s corresponding digital
signal. How to convert analog signal to digital signal? has already posted ADC using LM324 IC,
in that ADC tutorial I had already explained Analog to Digital…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1401. JDM2 based PIC Programmer

JDM2 based PIC Programmer Schematic & layout for an updated JDM2 PIC Programmer. Includes clock & data filter,
Vpp voltage divider for modern PIC microcontrollers (eg USB PIC 18F2455/4455). Prior to reading sites like & I had worked only with the Amtel/AVR line…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer
Projects, Projects

1402. Traffic Light Controller using pic microcontoller

1.a History: The first single-chip microprocessor was the 4-bit Intel 4004 released in 1971. With the Intel 8008 and
more capable microprocessors available over the next several years. These however all required external chip(s) to
implement a working system, raising total system cost, and making…… Listed under: LED Projects

1403. Wooden LED clock using PIC16LF876A microcontroller

Wooden LED clock I really like concept. So many different types of wooden clock have been already built. I’ve seen
many of them but I still don’t have my own. What a shame. I’m going to fix it right now. Project is very simple
and…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1404. Bluetooth Wireless Voltage Meter using PIC12F683 microcontroller

Bluetooth Wireless Voltage Meter using Wiimote + Pic Chip + AutoIt In this tutorial I’m going to be showing you how
you can send voltage values to your pc using a Pic chip, Wiimote, and Autoit3 scripting language. The process works
by wiring a pic…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1405. Audio spectrum analyzer on PIC32 using pic microcontoller

This simple audio spectrum analyzer is based on PIC32 proto board on PIC32MX360F512L with 320×240px colour
LCD (LVC75Z779 Eval Board). The analyzer can be connected to unamplified audio source like PC’s sound card,
MP3 player and so on. SSD1928 Module Schematic diagram The reference voltage…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects
1406. What is PIC Microcontroller

comming up soon…… Listed under: Compilers, News & Updates, Programmers, Projects, Tutorials

1407. Usbpicprog – A free and open source USB Microchip PIC programmer (Software and Hardware) for Linux, Windows e MAC

Usbpicprog is an USB in circuit programmer for Microchip PIC processors family PIC10F, PIC12F, PIC16F, PIC18F,
PIC24F, PIC32F and I2C Eeprom 24xx. The hardware is as simple as possible, the current version only contains one
PIC18F2550, 4 mosfets, and besides the connectors a hand full…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1408. Computer-Controlled Light-Up Water Fountain

System Overview La Fontaine Du Campus Est (The Fountain of East Campus) is a computer-controlled, servo-
actuated, LED and halogen-lit, sump-pump powered water fountain. It features five streams of water that can each be
individually controlled (on/off) as well as pivoted (90 degrees of freedom). Each…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects


We have been wanting to design and build an open-design, relatively inexpensive but fully functioned charge regulator
for solar PV, wind, pedal and small hydro systems for a while now. The majority of off-grid renewable energy systems
are based upon lead acid batteries. Lead-acid batteries…… Listed under: power – energy projects

1410. Auto intensity control of street lights using pic microcontroller

Auto intensity control of street lights using pic microcontroller, In this article you will learn how auto intensity control
system of street lights works? How to control intensity of street lights? What is the purpose of automatic intensity
control of street lights? How you can…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

1411. Spectrum analyzer based PIC18F4550

Feedback / Suggestions
The project demonstrates the implementation of the sound spectrum analyzer for 8-bit microcontroller PIC18F4550
manufactured by Microchip . Spectrum analysis is performed using an optimized fast Fourier transform algorithm (Fast
Fourier Transformation, FFT), written entirely in C language. Data Visualization (spectrum) is carried out in…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1412. The Wooden Menace – a Mighty Robotic Arm Powered by Servos using pic microcontoller

Introduction When I first started in the field of robotics, electronics and sensors I had always wanted to make my own
robotic arm. The idea of being able to make such an advanced idea come to life out of simple parts found around the
house…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1413. Induction Heater with CKM005 Microcontroller

UPDATE 11/7/12 – More pics of device and full disassembly uploaded by Ad. Thanks!. A user nicknamed “Ad” has
taken some pictures of the inside of a new induction cooktop by Better China, see their original comments at this
article. This device is interesting because…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1414. Digital Alarm Clock Schematic using pic microcontoller

Electronics lesson: electronic parts, electronic components, electronic projects, circuit diagram and more Browse:
Home / Search results for “Digital Alarm Clock Schematic” Digital Alarm Clock Schematic You are browsing the
search results for “Digital Alarm Clock Schematic” Verilog & fpga project : digital clock alarm…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

1415. 2.4GHz WiFi & ISM Band Scanner. Part 1 – Description and Schematic using pic microcontoller

Have you ever wondered exactly what is going on in the 2.4GHz WiFi and ISM band around your house. What channel
is it best to set your wireless router to? Why are you getting such poor performance across your WiFi network? Is your
neighbour on…… Listed under: Wifi – WLan Projects

1416. Disco Lights Project using pic microcontoller

What does it do? The Disco Lights project is what you get when you combine the fantastic beat detection circuitry of my ever popular beat
triggered strobe light with coloured halogen lamps! In other words, four coloured lights flash in a variety of patterns in…… Listed under: LED

1417. Water Level Indicator and Controller using PIC Microcontroller

Here is a simple, versatile project which indicates the level of water and automatically controls it by using PIC
Microcontroller. The Water Level Sensing Section senses the level of water in the tank and sends it (wireless) to the
Receiver Section. Receiver Section is connected to the…… Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects

1418. How to Interface GSM Module SIM300 with PIC 16F628A Microcontroller for sending SMS and making Calls using pic microcontoller

We have seen many Electronics Engineering projects use GSM Modem. GSM modems are widely integrated with
GSM security system, GSM alarm to provide easy user interaction of user to the embedded project. What is a GSM
module? A GSM module lets you to make calls,…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1419. How to drive a Dot Matrix LED Display. using pic microcontroller

Driving a 64 LED dot matrix LED display is quite simple and just requiresONE TRICK! Here you can find out how to
drive an led dot matrix with 64 LEDs (8 rows by 8 columns – 8×8 display) or less e.g. 35 LEDs (7 rows by 5……
Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1420. 1Hz – 2MHz Function Generator with XR2206 using pic microcontoller

1Hz – 2MHz Function Generator with XR2206 Component List: XR2206 – Function Generator IC Function Generator
PCB RCA Gold Plated Connector SW1 – 4-DIP Switch SW2 – (Sine / Triangle) / Square Switch SW2 – Sine / Triangle
Switch 1x 3-PIN Gold Plated Male Header…… Listed under: Radio Projects

1421. USB 0-500MHz RF Power Meter with AD8307 using pic microcontoller

AD8307 USB 0-500MHz RF Power Meter Component List: 1x PIC18F2550 Programmed Microcontroller 1x AD8307
RF Power Meter IC 1x RF Power Meter Probe PCB 1x USB IO Board PCB 1x USB Type B Connector 1x 20MHz
Crystal Resonator 1x 470K Resistor (yellow purple yellow gold)…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c
-ISP) Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects

1422. USB IO Board PIC18F2455 / PIC18F2550 using pic microcontoller

USB IO Board Component List: 1x PIC18F2455 / PIC18F2550 Programmed Microcontroller (MCU) 1x USB Type B
Connector 1x 20MHz Crystal Resonator 2x 10K Resistor (brown black orange gold) 1x 470 Resistor (yellow purple
brown gold) 1x 470nF Ceramic Capacitor 1x 100nF Ceramic Capacitor Technical Specifications:…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1423. ESR Meter using pic microcontoller

The ESR meter is perfect for any electronics repair technicians, engineers or hobbyist. This handy meter measures
electrolytic capacitor equivalent series resistance (ESR) in the circuit. ESR is a very important characteristic of
capacitors greater than 1 microfarad. This meter makes measurements which are often…… Listed under: Metering –
Instrument Projects

1424. BA1404 HI-FI Stereo FM Transmitter 88 – 108 MHz usnig pic microcontoller
BA1404 Stereo FM Transmitter Components: BA1404 IC 38KHz Crystal L1 – 3.5 Turns Variable Coil 1x PCB 1x
38KHz Crystal Oscillator 1x DIP-18 IC Socket 1x 3.5T Variable Precision RF Coil 1x 10uH Inductor 4x 10uF/50V
Gold Audio Capacitors 4x 1nF Ceramic Capacitors 2x 1nF…… Listed under: Radio Projects, Wireless Projects

1425. Voltmeter Ammeter using pic microcontroller

Voltmeter Ammeter Component List: 1x PIC16F876A – Programmed microcontroller 1x 2×16 LCD with Green or
Blue Backlight 1x High quality PCB with red solder mask and plated through holes 1x 4MHz Resonator 1x LM7805
5V Voltage Regulator 1x 16×1 Gold Plated Female Header (PCB) 1x…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1426. 60MHz Frequency Meter / Counter using pic microcontroller

Component List: 1x 16×2 LCD Display with Green/Blue Backlight 1x PIC16F628A Pre-programmed MCU 1x PCB
1x 18-DIP IC Socket 1x 4.000MHz Crystal 1x LM7805 5V Voltage Regulator 1x 1×16 Gold Plated Female Header
(for PCB) 1x 1×16 Gold Plated Male Header (for LCD) 2x 1×2…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects

1427. Pickit 2 clone The Universal Microchip PIC Programmer /Debugger

The PICkit™ 2 Programmer/Debugger is a low-cost development tool with an easy to use interface for programming
and debugging Microchip’s Flash families of microcontrollers. The full featured Windows programming interface
supports baseline, mid-range, PIC18,8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microcontrollers, and many Microchip Serial EEPROM products. With Microchip’s
powerful MPLAB Integrated…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects

1428. Circuit Digital Clock Using PIC16f628a Microcontroller Schematics

Category : circuit » circuit Electronics » Electronic schematics » electronics » Electronics Board »

MICROCONTROLLER » schematics This is a very basic digital clock that can be done using a microcontroller. I
particularly used a PIC16f628a. You can also check my digital clock based…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1429. How to burn or program PIC Microcontroller?

This DIY PIC programmer is a continuation of our PIC programming basics tutorial. By using this USB PIC
programmer, you can program microchip PIC series of 10F, 12F, 16F, 18F, 24F, 30F. This is also an EEPROM
programmer as it supports 12Cxx EEPROM. The main…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1430. Interfacing Relay with PIC Microcontroller

A relay is an electromagnetic switch which is used to switch High Voltage/Current using Low power circuits. Relay
isolates low power circuits from high power circuits. It is activated by energizing a coil wounded on a soft iron core.
For detailed working of relay please…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1431. Digital Thermometer using PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor

A Digital Thermometer can be easily constructed using a PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor. LM35
series is a low cost and precision Integrated Circuit Temperature Sensor whose output voltage is proportional
to Centigrade temperature scale. Thus LM35 has an advantage over other temperature sensors calibrated in Kelvin…… Listed under: Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

1432. Blinking LED using PIC Microcontroller with Hi-Tech C

A lot of you may heard about microcontrollers and its applications. Well it is a bit difficult to start learning
microcontrollers. And the guides and tutorials also do not start from zero level which makes learning far more difficult
than anticipated. I have tried to…… Listed under: LED Projects

1433. Simple RS232C Level Converter using Transistors using pic microcontroller

There’re many, who built the Easy Programmer or C-52 EvaluationBoard, asking for the RS232C level converter chip,
DS275. Many have changedto MAX232 instead, because of not available in his home. Here is anothersimple and cheap
circuit using small signal transistor providing TTL toRS232C level converter.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
1434. The IDE Project

4 prototype boards arrived today. After going over them carefully, I found 4 lines that crossed each other. After some
quick surgery with a knife and some solder and wire, the IDE project is now semi portable. The power supply is still
out of a…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1435. PIC Light Chaser

This month I am continuing with the PIC projects that I started in August. To be able to build this circuit you must
build the August circuit which allows you the ability to program PIC’s. The circuit this month is a simple 8 light
chaser…… Listed under: LED Projects

1436. Interfacing DS1307 RTC Chip with AVR Microcontroller

Real Time Clocks, as the name suggests are clock modules. They are available as integrated circuits (ICs) and manages
timing like a clock. Some RTC ICs also manages date like a calendar. The main advantage is that they have a system of
battery backup which…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1437. CNC Controller Motion Schematics (Rev. D) using pic microcontrollers

Table of Contents Introduction Power Supply I/O Microcontroller RS422 and Limit Switches X, Y, Z, and Z Axes
Selenoid and Motor Control Printed Circuit Board Issues Introduction The parts list is kept in a separate file. Power
Supply The power supply is pretty mundane. The…… Listed under: CNC Machines Projects

1438. Remote-Control Light Dimmer using pic microcontroller

The lamp in my bedroom is a very cheap lamp from Wal-Mart. It stands in one corner of my room, opposite of the
door. This is where the problem is: If it is dark, I have to walk across the room, not trip on anything,…… Listed under:
LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1439. USB data logger project using pic-microcontroller

Introduction: In this project, PIC 18F4550 is programmed to perform the function of an oscilloscope. Communication
is set up between the computer and the PIC through USB, so that bulk data transfer mode is implemented. Analogue
circuits are carefully designed so the user can select…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1440. XBee radio communication between PICs using pic-microcontroller

Overview Typically, two pics communicate by RS-232, a wired transmission. However, it may be desirable to
communicate via a wireless link. This wiki page demonstrates using XBee radio modems which conform to the IEEE
802.15.4 protocol. These radios will allow for wireless communication between two…… Listed under: Radio Projects

1441. Line Follower Robot – Build it from scratch using pic microcontoller

Line Follower Robots are the most common type of robots that are built by hobbyist and student interested in robotics
and embedded systems. The reason for the popularity of the Line Follower robot is the fact that is simple to build and
easy to understand…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1442. Interfacing DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor with PIC16F877A using pic microcontoller

After interfacing the DHT11 with Arduino uno board at the following post: ARDUINO Humidity & Temperature
Measurement Using DHT11 Sensor Now we are going to see how to interface this sensor with microchip pic16f877a.
There are some descriptions of how this sensor work in the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects

1443. SD-Card with CCS C Compiler using pic microcontoller

Description This project shows how to use a SD-Card with FAT16 file system. It is based on the example MMC/SD-
Card driver (mmcsd.c) and FAT file system driver (fat.c) delivered with the CCS C compiler. Unfortunately, the
example didn’t work properly for me. So I searched…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1444. Driving a piezo speaker with a PIC using pic-microcontroller,

Overview A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output from a PIC microcontroller can be used to play tones on a piezo
speaker. With this, musical scales and simple songs can be played on the piezo speaker. Piezoelectric speakers operate
by the converse piezoelectric effect: when a…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1445. Heat Control System using pic-microcontroller

Introduction This project was the first stage of developing a controller for a radiant floor heat system. The
microcontroller will use inputs from thermostats, thermocouples, a flow meter, and pressure switches to control the
operation of the pumps and valves to achieve improved efficiency of…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1446. Interfacing with a Secure Digital (SD) card using pic-microcontroller

Overview Secure Digital Cards, or SD cards, are used to hold information in many common electronic devices from
digital cameras to mobile phones and come in sizes as small as 4 MB and as large as 8 GB. In this lab, we will establish
communication…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1447. Switch Relay using pic-microcontroller

INTRODUCTION: The Switch Relay was designed to give clients control over two different switch-activated devices
using only one switch. Pressing and releasing the switch will directly control the first device. However, when the client
presses the switch for a minimum duration of time, the device…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1448. Simple Project on LED blinking by PIC 16 Microcontroller using pic Microcontroller

Today I will show you how easily you can build your first project on blinking LED by using PIC 16 microcontroller. In
my previous post Step by step Project guide on PIC Microcontroller I was mansion that for start-up we need 1 Proteus
7 Professional (where we Make…… Listed under: LED Projects

1449. Scrolling Text on LCD by PIC Microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
Scrolling Text on LCD by PIC microcontroller is very simple but very important one. For moving forward we need
basic knowledge on how to display the text on LCD by pic Micro controller. For that please see my previous post on
that “Displaying text on…… Listed under: LCD Projects

1450. Lm35 interfacing with pic 16f877 through adc0808

Here I discus on very good project on digital thermometer. I made this project by Lm35 interfacing with pic 16f877
through adc0808. Pic16f877 microcontroller has inbuilt ADC (Analog to Digital Converter but I use external ADC IC
(adc0808) because of simplicity of project if I use…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1451. Automated Railway Gate Controlled by PIC16F877A

Here I give you my project on Automated Railway Gate Controlled by PIC16F877A . It is very good project and if it is
implemented by railway then they can save lots of money to paying salary for this purpose. For that project I use
PIC16F877A,…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

1452. Interfacing GLCD with PIC16F877A

Today I discuss on Interfacing GLCD with PIC16F877A. To overcome the limitation of LCD display we use GLCD
(Graphical LCD). By using GLCD now we can display image draw line and shapes page by page which are not
possible in normal LCD. So to know…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1453. Interfacing Proteus with Matlab

It is very important topic that how Interfacing Proteus with Matlab is done? And it is obious that after interfacing
Proteus with matlab lots of way is open for simulating microcontroller based project. We know that in Proteus there has
lack of sensor soif we…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1454. Servo motor control by Microcontroller PIC16f877 and MATLAB GUI

Here you see how a Servo motor controls by Microcontroller PIC16f877 and MATLAB GUI? It is well known to us
that now a day’s use of servo motor extended in the field of Robotics. Servo motor can rotate with definite angle and
we can easily…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1455. Interfacing GSM module with PIC Microcontroller

In connection with today’s advance technology and field of embedded electronics project, interfacing GSM module
with pic microcontroller is very important for remote and wireless communication. GSM stands for Global system of
mobile communication is widely used chip and reliable mobile network. If we done…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)

1456. Password controlled sliding door with SMS alert by pic Microcontroller

In today’s world implementation of any expert system with maximum data and networking security becomes a real
necessity in home, academic organizations as well as in industrial communities. To provide this security here I give my
project on “password controlled sliding door with SMS alert…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Phone Projects, Security –
Safety Projects

1457. Interfacing android with pic microcontroller via Bluetooth

To forward our first step in the field of wireless communication by interfacing android with pic microcontroller via
Bluetooth open lots of way to work on. Once we can send and receive data between a microcontroller and android
mobile then use of android mobile we…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

1458. PIC microcontroller based fastest finger press quiz buzzer project

The fastest finger press quiz buzzer is very popular in school, Collage, different T.V. show, different quiz competition.
Here in my pic microcontroller based fastest finger press quiz buzzer project you will find four tables with push button.
For any instant if four teams on…… Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects

1459. Interfacing Relay with PIC Microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
To control our high voltage device like home appliance by pic microcontroller, we have to have clear idea on
interfacing relay with pic microcontroller. Here I try to answer your very important question with simulation that how
to interface relay with pic microcontroller? To discuss…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1460. Automatic street light control by pic microcontroller

The main purpose of this project “automatic street light control by pic microcontroller” is to minimize the cost of
electricity and also cost of man power to manually on- off the street light. In the field of modern embedded world this
project “automatic street light…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects

1461. Interfacing Internal EEPROM with PIC Microcontroller

In this project “ Interfacing internal EEPROM with PIC Microcontroller ”, we will see how we can easily interface
EEPROM, send data from microcontroller, store data in EEPROM and read data from EEPROM. In many time we feel
that we need to store some data…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Memory – Storage Projects

1462. Interfacing external EEPROM with PIC Microcontroller

In this project “Interfacing external EEPROM with PIC Microcontroller”, we will see how we can easily interface
EEPROM via I2C Protocol. The need of external EEPROM as a permanent storage of data in any project is enhanced.
So now question how to interface external EEPROM…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Memory – Storage

1463. Interfacing DS1307 Real time clock with PIC16f877

In any advance project we need real time clock synchronize with our work and for this purpose the best option is
DS1307 (RTC Ic). Interfacing DS1307 Real time clock with PIC16f877 is done by I2C communication. To know I2C
protocol you may refer my previous…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1464. Digital Voltmeter (0-50v) using PIC Microcontroller

If we know how inbuilt ADC work then we can easily build Digital Voltmeter using PIC Microcontroller. In my previous post, we can see how
easily we build “Digital thermometer with auto saving log file in excel by Pic microcontroller”. Using the same principle here…… Listed under:
Metering – Instrument Projects

1465. MCP4921 12 bit DAC interfacing with PIC16F877 microcontroller via SPI Connectivity

In any real time project, MCP4921 12 bit DAC interfacing with PIC16F877 microcontroller via SPI Connectivity is
very essential. Because in real world most of the input sensors and output devices are analog. So if we want to work
with those we need to know…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1466. Interfacing Dot Matrix led Display with PIC Microcontroller

To know about Interfacing Dot Matrix led Display with PIC Microcontroller, we have to know about what is Dot
Matrix Display? And how it work? Dot Matrix Display is an array of LED situated in a form of Matrix. See the
architecture of a 7*5…… Listed under: LED Projects

1467. Interfacing Camera with PIC Microcontroller via Matlab GUI

For project on security systems, Interfacing Camera with PIC Microcontroller via Matlab GUI is mostly desirable. But
size internal ROM and RAM of PIC16F877 is very small. So it is very difficult or other word imposible to direct
Interfacing Camera with PIC16f877 Microcontroller . But we…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects, Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

1468. LED blinking using timer0 of pic16f877 microcontroller

Here I discuss very good knowledge based project LED blinking using timer0 of pic16f877 microcontroller. You can
see in my Earlier project “Simple Project on LED blinking by PIC 16 Microcontroller” where I have used delay
program for LED blinking. For LED blinking we have…… Listed under: LED Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1469. Electronic Voting Machine Using PIC Microcontroller

Here you see how easily we can make Electronic Voting Machine Using PIC Microcontroller. By using this machine
we can conduct any voting function like audience poll in school, college quiz competition or any small scale general
election. Project Description: To make our project “Electronic…… Listed under: CNC Machines Projects

1470. LDR Based Line follower Robot Car using PIC Microcontroller

Here I give you description of my project “LDR Based Line follower Robot Car using PIC Microcontroller”. This
project is very interesting and the concept implementing for making this project is also very interesting. Project
description: In this project “LDR Based Line follower Robot Car…… Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects

1471. FM radio using TEA5767 and PIC16F877A micro-controller

TEA5767 single-chip FM stereo radio. —————————————————————————- * High

sensitivity due to integrated low-noise RF input amplifier * FM mixer for conversion to IF of the US/Europe (87.5
MHz to 108 MHz) and Japanese (76 MHz to 91 MHz) FM band * Preset tuning to receive…… Listed under: Radio Projects

1472. Led matrix project using shift register and pic16f628a micro

This is aproject to move words on led matrix display we use 1-pic16f628a as microcontroller :cheap,program memory
2k,has internal oscillatror,two ports A,B and alot of things. 2-led matrix 8*8 rows common anode and columns
common cathode 3-shift register i use 74ls164 it is simple than…… Listed under: LED Projects

1473. Simple manual control of stepper motors without a PIC or PC

This instructable will show you how to control stepper motors (Unipolar OR Bipolar) manually with a knob, without
the use of a PIC or PC, so no programming is needed. The position of the knob determines the position of the motor
shaft, which will stay…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1474. Servo Motor Control by using Microcontroller PIC16F877A

PIC16F877A is an easy micro controller for the beginners Here in project: 1) How PIC switches servo motor forward
and back ward When we push one switch it goes to positive 90 degree , on second switch it moves backward to
negative 90 degree a.…… Listed under: Motor Projects

1475. Automatic School Bell

This project is an Automatic School bell system. Such a system triggers a bell (or operates any other load) at predifined
time. In this version some advanced features are introduced: – 16×2 LCD Display ( Displays current date, time and
day) – 4×4 Keypad for…… Listed under: Electronics News and Updates, Home Automation Projects

1476. DATA LOGGER measures and stores voltage using PIC16F876

Introduction This circuit is a data logger that records voltage samples at specific time intervals. I’ve used it to record
the voltage discharge curve on NiCad battery packs. The data file can be dropped into a spreadsheet and plotted. I’ve
also used it to record…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1477. WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL for Raymarine ST4000 Autopilot using PIC16F628

I had designed a remote unit for my ST4000+ autopilot. It did prove out the concept and I used it a lot, but it sported an
unsightly coil cord (and of course unsightly coil cords have no place on boats) so I decided to build…… Listed under:
Projects, Radio Projects

1478. Analog & Digital propeller clock using PIC16C84

An Analog & Digital propeller clock i made! It isnt Real its just because your so awfully slow!!! 😉 based on an
afterimage phenomenon, ie the reaction slowness of the retina, the illusion of reality our brains are “lying” Picture’s
made 12-12-1997 by Luberth Dijkman…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1479. PIC Countdown Timer using PIC16f84a

Feedback / Suggestions
Description : The purpose of this timer is to provide a countdown time from 1 second to 99 minutes & 59 seconds. I
use it to control the lighting for the Ultra-Violet exposure of photosensitive PCB material. The project provides also an
audible alarm at…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1480. Stepper Motor Controller using PIC16C84

For another project I started I needed to control the motion of a stepper motor. A stepper motor is used when precision
control of movement is needed. With each movement of the motor, the drive shaft steps a precise amount of distance
(usually a few…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects

1481. Digital Watt meter using PIC16F876

Updated 3. Sep. 2002. If you are from Denmark ! read the Danish version !! In the good old days I had some parts but
now This Wattmeter is in ELEKTOR MAGAZINE OKTOBER 2002, they will sell PIC and PCB The extra input B
is…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1482. PIC programmer using PIC16F84A Microcontroller

Essential when experimenting with PIC. Programs PIC16Fxxx and PIC18Fxxxx series (8, 18, 28 and 40 pins) 16F84A,
16F877A, 18F452 (DIL and PLCC) tested successfully with the IC-Prog software. 18F4550 (DIL) works fine with the
PICPgm programmer software. Also programs EEPROMs (8 pins) type 24LCxx with…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer
Projects, Projects

1483. Weather station using PIC18F452 Microcontroller

Weather station with pressure reading, relative humidity, indoor & remote outdoor temperature display. Both Celsius or
Fahrenheit & mbar/hPa or mm Hg supported. With calendar & clock. Easy 3-button user-menu. 42 hour-history
display (curve). Auto-memory & display of all high and low-values. PIC 18F452 running…… Listed under: CNC Machines Projects, Home
Automation Projects, Projects

1484. PIC based UPS Schematic / Firmware / PCB Layout

Microchip’s Digital Pure Sine Wave Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Reference Design is based on the dsPIC33F
“GS” series of digital-power Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs). This reference design demonstrates how digital-power
techniques when applied to UPS applications enable easy modifications through software, the use of smaller…… Listed under: Battery Projects,
Blog, Projects, PWM Projects

1485. Making a Digital Clock using PIC16F628A

Please check the update at === Digital Clock Updated Version === — Original Version — As I am a WIS so I built a
clock as my first microcontroller project. The clock is controlled by PIC16F628A from the PIC book . The idea was
making…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1486. A Simple Clock using DS1307 and PIC16F877A

Even I have posted about “DS1307 + PIC16F877A”, I didn’t have chance to make a real prototype of the clock. I have
done only on the simulation software. Today, I have received a comment about that post. ah_bear followed my code
and schematic on that…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1487. 6 Digits LED 7-Segment Multiplexing using PIC16F627A

In the post ‘LED 7-Segment Multiplexing’, I have explained about the concept and benefits of multiplexing.
Multiplexing implementation is very similar to driving Led Dot Matrix. I use Timer0 interrupt for switching through
each digit. Timer0 or TMR0 is an 8-bit timer which overflows every…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1488. Making your own Digital Clock using PIC16F887

Small LED dot matrix development board I was very busy for the past two months so this blog just didn’t move. As
you may know, the LED dot matrix display is my favorite device. I have designed a small development board for
testing my led…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1489. RGB LED Controller using PIC18F452

A very popular type of LED that has finally come about is the tri-color, RGB LED. The RGB stands for: red, green and
blue since the LED is capable of displaying all three colors, independently. This means that an RGB LED can display
any color…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1490. PICKit3 Programming With MPLABX

The PICKit3 is microchip’s newest official PIC programmer and while people argue about how good it is, this
programmer has never done me wrong. I upgraded away from the old ICD2 clone programmer that I had used for years
when I saw that microchip sells…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

1491. IR Proximity Motor Control using PIC18F4520

Infrared proximity sensors are very fun to play with. In the past we have used them to make Digital Theremins and
Control Robots, always using its proximity sensing (how far away an object is from the sensor) as the main feature.
Today, we’re going on…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects

1492. The Annoy – A Tiny Intelligent Buzzer using PIC10F202

A while back I made a blog post about a PIC10F200 Project: The Annoy. In this project they combined the simplicity
in design along with the creativeness that I always look for, into a project with no real use other than for fun. However,
the…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1493. How to drive an led display matrix using PIC16F88

Here you can find out how to drive an led matrix with 64 LEDs (8 rows by 8 columns – 8×8 display) or less e.g. 35
LEDs (7 rows by 5 columns – 5×7 dot matrix). It uses persistence of vision to let you drive the…… Listed under: How
To – DIY – Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1494. A Real Time Clock using PIC16F88 Microcontroller

This PIC project uses an I2C Real Time Clock IC (DS1307) and a four digit seven segment display to create a standard desk clock. Note: If you
typed DS1703 Real Time Clock to find this page you probably mis-spelled the chip type. Anyway you can find…… Listed under: Clock – Timer
Projects, Projects

1495. 50MHz 7 segment frequency counter using PIC16F877A

In the same way as the LCD project this frequency counter circuit uses TMR1 in 16 bit counter mode to count the input
signal edges. Counter overflows are accumulated to give the total count in multiples of 65536. Adding the current
value of the counter…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1496. Frequency Counter using PIC16F877A Microcontroller

This PIC frequency counter project uses an LCD to display the frequency and PIC timer 1 (TMR1) to measure the
input signal. It uses TMR1 in 16 bit counter mode to count the input signal edges and overflows of the counter are
accumulated to give…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1497. PIC18F452 UART code and Proteus Simulation

This post provides the UART code (compiled in MPLAB + HI-TECH C) for PIC18F452 (e-g to connect
PIC18F452 controller with PC using serial adapter). Complete project code and the proteus simulation can be
downloaded from the Downloads section at the bottom of this post. The following diagram shows the…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1498. PIC18F452 PWM Code and Proteus Simulation

This post provides the PWM code (using C language) and Proteus simulation for PIC18F452 micro-controller CCP1
and CCP2 modules ( written using MPLAB and HI-TECH C18 compiler ). There are many uses for PWM signals, e-g
you can control dc motor speed using PWM. CCP…… Listed under: Projects, PWM Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1499. PIC12F675 LED blinking code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the code to make an LED blink using PIC12F675 microcontroller. This code is written in C
language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. This code is intended to be the first step in learning how to use
PIC12F675 microcontroller in your projects.…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1500. Simple Digital Voltmeter (DVM) using PIC12F675 (Code+Proteus simulation)

This post provides a simple digital voltmeter circuit using PIC12F675 microcontroller. This code is written in C
language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the
bottom of this page. In this post, it is assumed that you…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1501. PIC12F675 PWM Code and Proteus Simulation

This post provides the PWM code for PIC12F675 microcontroller using timer0. There are many uses for PWM signal,
e-g you can control dc motor speed using PWM. Timer0 is initialized in the start of the main function and using timer0
interrupts, PWM is generated. This code is written…… Listed under: Projects, PWM Projects

1502. PIC12F675 based digital clock using LCD display (Code + Proteus simulation)

This post provides a simple digital clock implementation using PIC12F675 microcontroller and an LCD display. This
code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the
‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. In this article, it…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

1503. PIC12F675 based simple calculator ( Code + Proteus simulation )

This post provides a simple calculator project implementation for PIC12F675 microcontroller. This is a simple one
digit[1] calculator which implements only 4 functions addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(x) and division(/). The
code for PIC12F675 is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this……
Listed under: Calculator Projects, Projects

1504. How to use PIC12F675 GPIO pin as input (Code + Proteus simulation)
This post provides an example code to use PIC12F675 GPIO pins as inputs. After going through this example, you will
understand how to make PIC12F675 pins as inputs and how to read their value in the code. This code is written in C
language using…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1505. PIC16F84A LED blinking code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the code to make an LED blink using PIC16F84A microcontroller. This code is written in C
language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. This code is intended to be the first step in learning how to use
PIC16F84A microcontroller in your projects.…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, LED Projects,

1506. PIC16F84A PWM code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the PWM code for PIC16F84A microcontroller using timer0. There are many uses for PWM signal,
e-g you can control dc motor speed using PWM. Timer0 is initialized in the start of the main function and using timer0
interrupts, PWM is generated. This code is written in C…… Listed under: Projects, PWM Projects

1507. PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (In 8bit mode) + Proteus simulation

This post provides the LCD[1] interfacing code using PIC16F84A microcontroller. This code is written in C language
using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of
this page. It is assumed that you know how to make an…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects,

1508. PIC16F84A based digital clock using LCD display (Code+Proteus simulation)

This post provides a simple digital clock implementation using PIC16F84A microcontroller and an LCD display. This

Feedback / Suggestions
code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the
‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. In this article, it…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

1509. How to interface keypad with PIC16F84A

This post provides a simple method to interface any keypad (e-g 4×4 or 4×3 etc) with PIC16F84A microcontroller.
This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the
‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. In this…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1510. PIC16F84A based simple calculator (Code+Proteus simulation)

This post provides a simple calculator implementation for PIC16F84A microcontroller. This is a simple one
digit[1] calculator which implements only 4 functions addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(x) and division(/). The
code for PIC16F84A is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the…… Listed under:
Calculator Projects, Projects

1511. PIC16F84A interrupt based software UART code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the interrupt based software UART (Bit Banging) code for PIC16F84A microcontroller. As we
know, PIC16F84A microcontroller doesn’t have built in UART module, so we can create UART functionality in it’s
software. This post provides the details of how to program software UART functionality in PIC16F84A. This code…… Listed under:
Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1512. PIC16F84A i2c (bit banging) code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the i2c bit banging code for PIC16F84A microcontroller. As we
know[1], PIC16F84A microcontroller doesn’t have any built in i2c modules, so we have to create it in the software.
This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1513. PIC12F675 interrupt based software UART code and Proteus simulation
This post provides the interrupt based software UART (Bit Banging) code for PIC12F675 microcontroller. As we
know, PIC12F675 microcontroller doesn’t have built in UART module, so we can create UART functionality in it’s software. This post provides
the details of how to program software UART functionality in PIC12F675. This code is…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

1514. PIC12F675 i2c (bit banging) code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the i2c bit banging code for PIC12F675 microcontroller. As we
know[1], PIC12F675 microcontroller doesn’t have any built in i2c modules, so we have to create it in the software.
This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB –
RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1515. Interfacing of PIC12F675 with DS1307 (RTC) code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the code for interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC12F675 microcontroller. This DS1307 RTC has i2c
based interface and PIC12F675 doesn’t have any built in i2c modules, so software i2c module is created in the
code. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c
-ISP) Projects, Projects

1516. PIC16F877 PWM (2 channel) code and Proteus simulation

This post answers the question, “How to make a pulse width modulator using PIC16F877” ? Also, using PIC16
simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PWM code and change it according to your needs. You can download the
complete project code and Proteus simulation from the ‘Downloads’ section at…… Listed under: Projects, PWM Projects

1517. PIC16F877 external interrupt code and Proteus simulation

This post answers the question, “How to capture a pulse to generate an interrupt in PIC16F877” ? Also, using PIC16
simulator (Proteus) you can verify this external interrupt code and change it according to your needs. This code is
written in C language using MPLAB with…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1518. PIC16F877 UART code and Proteus simulation

This post answers the question, “How to use interrupt based UART in PIC16F877” ? Also, using PIC16 simulator
(Proteus) you can verify this UART code and change it according to your needs. This code is written in C language
using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1519. PIC16F877 LCD interfacing code (In 4bit mode) and Proteus simulation

This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, “How to interface LCD[1] in 4bit mode with
PIC16F877” ? Also, using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this LCD code and change it according to your
needs. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

1520. PIC16F877 based digital clock using LCD display (Code+Proteus simulation)

This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to implement a digital clock using PIC16F877 ?
” Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this digital clock code and change it according to your needs. This
code is written in C language using MPLAB with…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1521. How to interface keypad with PIC16F877

This PIC microcontroller tutorial provides a simple method to interface any keypad (e-g 4×4 or 4×3 etc) with
PIC16F877 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can
download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects,

1522. PIC16F877 internal EEPROM code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the internal EEPROM reading and writing code for PIC16F877 microcontroller. As we know[1],
PIC16F877 microcontroller has 256 x 8 bytes of built in EEPROM data space with an address range of 0x000 to
0x7FF. This code is written in C language using MPLAB…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects, Projects
1523. Interfacing of PIC16F877 with (i2c based) 24LC64 EEPROM (Code + Proteus simulation)

This post provides the code for interfacing 24LC64 EEPROM with PIC16F877 microcontroller. This 24LC64
EEPROM has i2c based interface. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You
can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page.…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Memory – Storage Projects, Projects

1524. Interfacing of PIC16F877 with DS1307 (RTC) code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the code for interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC16F877 microcontroller. This DS1307 RTC has i2c
based interface. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this
code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Projects

1525. PIC16F877 ADC code and Proteus simulation

This post provides the ADC code using PIC16F877 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB
with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of this page. It is
assumed that you know how to interface LCD…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1526. PIC16F877 stop watch code and Proteus simulation

This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to implement a stop watch using PIC16F877 ? ”
Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this stop watch code and change it according to your needs. Using
three push buttons (As shown in figure below)…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1527. PIC16F877 up down counter code and Proteus simulation

This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to implement a up down counter using
PIC16F877 ? ” Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this counter code and change it according to your

Feedback / Suggestions
needs. Using one push button (Labeled as Count, as shown in figure…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1528. PIC16f877 based simple calculator project

This PIC microcontroller tutorial provides a simple calculator implementation for PIC16F877 microcontroller. This is a
simple one digit[1] calculator which implements only 4 functions addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(x) and
division(/). The code for PIC16F877 is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download…… Listed under:
Calculator Projects, Projects

1529. How to interface GSM Module with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

The Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication is the Second Generation of mobile technology. Although the
world is moving towards Third and Fourth generation but GSM has been the most successful and widespread
technology in the communication sector. GSM technology paved a new way for…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Internet –
Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects, Tutorials

1530. How to display text on 16×2 LCD using PIC18F4550

Several automated and semi-automated devices require a message to be displayed in order to indicate their working
status. In continuation to LCD interfacing with PIC18F4550, this article explains how to display a message or string on
a 16×2 character LCD. In the previous article, a…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1531. PIC Microcontroller timer Video Project

PIC Microcontroller timer/counter by Dr. Tom Lombardo … Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1532. UFO round LED Chaser with speed control for PIC16F628A

Description This is an updated version of the UFO LED Chaser project, revised to use the PWM LED Chaser code
version 3.0.0 with support for variable chase speed. The basic LED chaser ‘engine’ firmware is the same as that used
with the 481/483 LED chaser…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects
1533. UFO round LED Chaser Kit for PIC16F628A

Description This page is has been written to support construction of the UFO LED Chaser Kit #432K. This neat little
circuit provides 8 LEDs directly driven from the PIC along with a single mode control switch. The firmware elsewhere
on this page drives the LEDs…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1534. 8 Channel PWM LED Chaser for PIC16F628A and PIC16F88

Description This neat little circuit provides 8 LEDs directly driven from the PIC along with a single mode control
switch. The firmware elsewhere on this page drives the LEDs with a 5 bit PWM signal providing each of the 8 LED
channels with four levels…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1535. 8 Channel PWM Power MOSFET LED Chaser for PIC16F628A

Description Update: Variable chase speed option kit now available (see here for details) This neat little circuit provides
8 LEDs directly driven from the PIC along with a single mode control switch. The firmware elsewhere on this page
drives the LEDs with a 5 bit…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

1536. 8 Channel PWM LED Chaser for PIC16F628A

Description Update: Variable chase speed option kit now available (see here for details) This neat little circuit provides
8 LEDs directly driven from the PIC along with a single mode control switch. The firmware elsewhere on this page
drives the LEDs with a 5 bit…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

1537. Binary/bcd to 7-segment decoder for PIC16F627A

Overview This is a building block project I developed to try out a few ideas. It decodes a 4-bit binary word to outputs
that will drive a 7-segment LED display. Functionality is similar to the 7447 BCD-to-seven-segment decoder/driver IC

Feedback / Suggestions
however, because it’s implemented using a…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1538. 4-digit Up/Down counter with preset, reset, hold and overflow output using PIC16F88

Overview A four digit decimal counter for the PIC 16F88 with the following features: Count up / down Reset Free
running or hold on count over/underflow User count preset Over/underflow output Description This is a 4 digit decimal
counter which can operate as a free…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1539. 4 Channel DMX512 Driver for PIC16F1823

The original DMX512 driver project #800 is now redesigned to incorporate the optional address configuration switch
on the main PCB. The no-switches in-band DMX configuration feature is still retained Double sided PCB has resulted
in a more compact board size. Firmware has been updated to run…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1540. RGB LED Strip Controller high-side LED drive for PIC12F629

Recently I acquired a 5M length of RGB LED strip using SMD5050 RGB LEDs. It has built in current limit resistors
designed for operation from a 12 volt supply. Having thought this would directly attach to the Picprojects MOSFET
RGB LED driver project I went…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1541. RGB LED PWM Driver Standalone PWM controller for RGB LEDs using PIC12F629

Want to build an RGB LED controller that you can program with your own custom sequences and effects? Then read
on. The RGB LED controller has proved to be very popular project and has been the most frequently downloaded code
on the site since it…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

1542. How to interface Stepper Motor with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

A Stepper Motor is a brushless, synchronous DC motor which divides a full rotation into a number of steps. For
detailed information on working, types and stepping modes, refer the article on Stepper Motors. Here the operation of a
unipolar Stepper motor with PIC18F4550 microcontroller has been…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Motor
Projects, Projects

1543. Pickit 2 Download & Develop Your own USB pickit ii programmer

PICkit 2 Introduction: There are many PIC programmer available, commercial and DIY devices. As Microchip
introduces the new microprocessors the programming software got to be updated accordingly playing catch-up with the
PIC manufacturer. That is the root of the problem with third-party PIC programmers.…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects,
Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Programmers, Projects

1544. OBD-II ELM327 compatible AllPro adapter using PIC18F2455

Overview This adapter allows you to interface with your car’s OBD-II bus. It provides you a USB interface using the
ELM327 command set and supports all major OBD-II standards: SAE J1850 PWM SAE J1850 VPW ISO 9141-2 ISO
14230-4 ISO 15765-4 CAN Hardware You do…… Listed under: Car Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1545. Function Generator using PIC16F870 microcontroller

Sine Triangle Square Saw Burst Sweep Noise – runs on a PIC16F870 After the recent demise of our multifunction
signal generator, we decided to make one of our own. The circuit uses a PIC16F870 (about $3), an R/2R resistor
ladder network (for a real fast…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1546. Tiny GSM alarm system using PIC16F84A

After GSM call alarm and GSM SMS alarm as two independent modules, I introduce the Tiny GSM alarm system. The
main characteristic of this new version is that this device can operate standalone or as a module for existing alarm
system. In previous versions we had only the “enable” pin…… Listed under: Phone Projects, Projects, Security – Safety Projects

1547. SMS Box project using PIC16F877A Microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
This device acts as interface between your microcontroller project and a GSM phone. It handles all modem data
communication between the GSM phone and your micro-project. The best thing is that it decodes PDU into TEXT on
the fly! You can easily SMS-enable your any…… Listed under: Phone Projects, Projects

1548. Home Automation and Safety via GSM Remote

Objectives: To test a level of understanding for my final year project. To present about programmable control home
safety via gsm modem; the performance or what have been achieved. To improve myself, in term of knowledge,
presentation and communication. Content / Procedure: Refer to FYP…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Projects

1549. LC meter using PIC16F628A Microcontroller

I needed a good LC meter for my one of my next projects so I went and built the famous LC meter by Phil Rice. This
LC meter design is pretty old but since it is a perfectly good device there was no need to…… Listed under: Metering –
Instrument Projects, Projects

1550. Build a digital clock with its digits levitating in the air using PIC16F84

Red digits on this photo appear to float in the air in front of the clock. This illusion is based on inertia of a human eye.
If LED-formed digits will periodically and frequently enough flash, they will appear solid and steady. And since the
matrix…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1551. Digital Oscilloscope using PIC16F688

Far and away my most ambitious project to date, this digital oscilloscope can sample up to four channels at a rate up to
100kHz. And the best part? It only cost me about $40 in components. The user interface is an application running on
a…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1552. Gear Clock using PIC16F676 Microcontroller

I can’t take credit for the design of this one. I bought the gear as a clock a few years ago. It was mounted on a frame
and had one of those cheap clock units running it. The gear is designed to be driven by…… Listed under: Clock –
Timer Projects, Projects

1553. Microchip pic16f877 to FTDI USB interface

Introduction This is a simple design that interfaces a PIC 16F877 microcontroller to the USB bus using the FTDI
FT245 USB FIFO device. It has been designed using a simple single sided PCB with only one surface mount device,
the USB chip itself. All schematics,…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

1554. Rs 232 Relay Control Board using PIC16F84A

Project Summary Computer Controlled, relay board designed to be either operated manually via switches on the board
or nine way Type Connector via PC or laptop. Provision has been made for USB serial adaptor. The Project utilises PIC
Micro technology with windows visual interface written…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1555. Make your own PIC Programmer using PIC12C508

ezPIC is low cost serial port programmer for PIC microcontroller and I2C EEPROM. The programmer does not need external power supply and
it takes all necessary power and signal from RS232 Serial Port. Features * No external power supply required * High quality 3M ZIF…… Listed
under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

1556. Electronic combination lock based on PIC16f84

description This is my electronic combination lock to use with an outdoor gate. The functionality is implemented in
software. It turns on a relay (usually to open a door) for a few seconds if someone enters the valid code. Alternatively,
it works as an ON/OFF…… Listed under: Projects, Security – Safety Projects

1557. Line following robot using PIC16F84

Design Goal: The JavaBot1 is a small line following robot designed to follow a black line drawn on a dry erase board.

Feedback / Suggestions
It is designed to follow very tight curves. The software still has lot’s of room for improvement but works well as is.
Motive…… Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

1558. Propeller Clock Mechanically Scanned LED Clock using PIC16C84

This is the first clock I ever built. I’ve built a few LED signs, but they get boring because I already know the message.
How this clock works: A motor spins the “propeller”, and a small microprocessor keeps track of time and changes the
pattern…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1559. Digital Thermometer Using PIC16F688 microcontroller

Digital thermometers are cool devices as they show temperatures in human readable formats. This digital thermometer
project is based on a PIC16F688 microcontroller and a DS1820 temperature sensor, and it displays temperature on a
character LCD screen in both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. I selected…… Listed under: Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

1560. Wireless MultiMeter using PIC18F452 Microcontroller

This project comes as a KIT. It includes these components: Low-cost DMM (digital multimeter) M830D TX
(transmitter) circuitand wireless module TX-433. These are mounted within the DMM housing. RX (receiving)
circuitwith a wireless module RX-433, LCD and piezo buzzer. The general idea is to read…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects,
Projects, Radio Projects

1561. Microcontroller based Diode and Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) tester using PIC16F688

Introduction Most of the digital multimeters these days have built-in features for testing diodes and sometimes
transistors. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate a simple way to construct a testing device for diodes and
bipolar junction transitors (BJTs) using a microcontroller. The testing…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1562. A Digital temperature meter using an LM35 temperature sensor using PIC16F688

Introduction A digital thermometer is a good choice of project for beginners who just stepped in to the world of
microcontrollers because it provides an opportunity to learn using sensors to measure the real world signals that are
analog in nature. This article describes a…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector
Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

1563. Experimenting with a thermistor using PIC16F1937

Recently i won a bid for a batch of 10K thermistors. The only thing that i knew when i got them in my hand, was that
those things are 10K thermistors. As far as i know, the 10K nominal resistance is at room temperature (25�C).……
Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

1564. VGA display using PIC18F452 microcontroller

For quite some time I’ve been wanting to create a device that outputs VGA signals. My main goal was of course to be
able to display whatever I wanted on the monitor I was currently using. After extensively researching to see if this
project had…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1565. 2 Digit up/down Counter using PIC16F628A

This project comes via two circuits on 2 boards. The first circuit is designed around a PIC16F628A. It has been
presented on an experimental PC board using surface-mount components and was built in less than 1 hour, with about 2
hours to write and finalise…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1566. Wifi robot vehicle controlled by PIC16F628A

Introduction Wifi Robot: A remote control car that can be driven over the internet or with a laptop wirelessly from up
to 500m away. It has a live-feed network camera so that it can be driven without line of sight and a horn so that……
Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects

1567. Motion detection alarm using a PIR sensor module with a PIC12F635

Feedback / Suggestions
Introduction This project describes a motion sensor alarm based on a Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensor module. There are
many vendors that manufacture the PIR sensor modules and almost all of them are pretty much the same in function.
They have a single output that goes…… Listed under: Projects, Security – Safety Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1568. HAPPY BIRTHDAY using PIC12F629 Microcontroller

Why spend $10.00 on a Happy Birthday musical card when you can produce the tune yourself. This project uses just 4
components and a small prototype PC board to produce a project that will teach you a lot about programming. The
circuit uses a piezo…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects, Projects


This is where you start with programming. Build the PIC Programmer MkV and build the World’s Simplest circuit on a
PC board for a PIC12F629 chip, LED and resistor. When the World’s Simplest Program is “burnt” into the chip, the
LED will flash. This is…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

1570. PIC-2 USB BURNER using PIC18F2550

This project is a clone of PICkit-2, (the most successful and cheapest PIC programmer on the market). But PICkit-2 is
being phased out and will not be available in the near future. The replacement is more expensive and has less features!
PICkit-2 is fully assembled…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1571. Programmable digital timer switch using a PIC16F628A

Digital timer switches are used to control the operation of electrical devices based on a programmed schedule. This
project describes a programmable digital timer based on a PIC16F628A microcontroller that can be programmed to
schedule the on and off operation of an electrical appliance. The…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1572. Digital alarm clock using PIC16F877 microcontroller

This is an alarm clock I built. It was very effective during the sort time I used it, because I programmed it to play a very annoying tune through a
speaker. I actually started to wake up before the alarm went of, so other people…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Home Automation
Projects, Projects
1573. Internal Oscillator Recalibration Utility for PIC12F629

Description The PIC 12F629 and 12F675 devices have an internal 4Mhz oscillator that enables the devices to be used
without an external crystal or RC network. This frees up one or two pins for I/O use and allows the device to be built
into minimum…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1574. IR Remote Control Repeater using PIC12F629

This circuit receives the signal from a IR remote control, like those used to control your TV or DVD player and allows
the signal to be repeated in another location. To get a 40Khz carrier requires an output to be toggled on and off
40,000…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

1575. PIC12F675 microcontroller as Flip Flop

Code to make a 12F675 operate as a D-type or JK-type flip flop Since I implemented a D type flip flop using the PIC
Logic Elements I thought I might go the other way and implement an entire D type flip flop in a single…… Listed
under: Other Projects, Projects

1576. Heart rate measurement from fingertip using PIC16F628A

Introduction Heart rate measurement indicates the soundness of the human cardiovascular system. This project
demonstrates a technique to measure the heart rate by sensing the change in blood volume in a finger artery while the

Feedback / Suggestions
heart is pumping the blood. It consists of an infrared…… Listed under: Medical – Health based Projects, Projects

1577. Build A Digital Tachometer/RPM Counter using PIC18F452

A tachometer is a tool that mechanics or engineers in general use very often. A normal tachometer will be able to tell
you how fast something is moving in a complete rotation. A good example is on cars, you will see a tachometer
counting the…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1578. A Beginner’s data logger project using PIC12F683 microcontroller

It is a very simple data logger project based on PIC12F683 microcontroller. The microcontroller reads temperature
values from a temperature sensor on a regular interval basis and stores them into its internal EEPROM memory. The
recorded temperatures can be later transferred to a PC through…… Listed under: Memory – Storage Projects, Projects, Temperature
Measurement Projects

1579. Radio Button Switch Control using PIC12F629

Overview The original purpose behind this circuit was to provide manual switching of three relays such that only one
relay was on at any time. It was also a requirement that there was a specific overlap (or make-before-break) period.
The code was then further developed…… Listed under: Projects, Radio Projects

1580. PWM DC Motor Controller for PIC12F683

Description There are lots of designs on the Internet for DC power controllers using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
to control the speed of a motor or power to a resistive load. Most of these use analogue methods to generate the PWM
signal which in turn…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

1581. LED Chaser for PIC16F84A and PIC16F628A

Description This simple circuit functions as a 12 LED chaser. A single illuminated LED ‘walks’ left and right in a
repeating sequence, similar to the effect seen on KITT, the car in the Knight Rider TV series. Fully commented source
code and programmer ready HEX…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects
1582. How to make a contact-less digital tachometer using IR-light reflection technique using PIC18F2550

Tachometer is a device that measures the rotational speed of any shaft or disc. The unit of the measurement is usually
revolutions per minute or RPM. The traditional method of measuring RPM of a rotating shaft was based on velocity
feedback concept where a dc…… Listed under: CNC Machines Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1583. Measurement of temperature and relative humidity using DHT11 sensor and PIC microcontroller using PIC16F628A

Measurement and control of temperature and relative humidity finds applications in numerous areas. These days
devices are available which have both temperature and humidity sensors with signal conditioning, ADC, calibration
and communication interface all built inside them. The use of such smart sensors greatly simplify…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

1584. A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor using PIC16F1847 (Part 2)

In the first part of this discussion, the features of ACS712 device were briefly discussed. Now we will use that theory
to implement the ACS712 sensor to make a simple DC current meter. The analog output voltage from the sensor is
measured through an ADC…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1585. Making a digital capacitance meter using PIC16F628A

Capacitors are one of the most common passive electrical components that are extensively used in all kinds of
electronic circuits. In this project, we will discuss a technique of building a digital capacitance meter using a PIC
microcontroller. This project can measure capacitance values from…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1586. 0-9999 seconds count down timer using PIC12F683 microcontroller

The goal of this project is to construct a simple 0-9999 seconds count down timer with an alarm and a display. The time
is set through two tact switches and the count down seconds are displayed on a 4-digit seven segment LED display. The

Feedback / Suggestions
project…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1587. Digital Voltmeter (DVM) using PIC16F688

Introduction This project will describe how to make a simple digital voltmeter (DVM) using a PIC16F688
microcontroller. The range of this DVM is 0-20V, but you can easily increase or decrease the range of input voltage as
your requirements after you understand the voltage scaling…… Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects

1588. PIC16F84A Temperature Controller

Ever needed to measure temperature and display it? This project details measuring temperature using a temperature
sensor ,an ADC and a Microcontroller PIC16f84a with schematics,codes and illustrations. You can also get the
following kit, although not based on the pic, which would make your life…… Listed under: Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

1589. pic12f683 Microcontroller based Programmable LED

Alex Weber over at Instructables built a great programmable LED based on the AVR chip. Since I am tooled for PIC, I
thought it would be fun to replicate what he has done. This simple project is fun and it provides a great building
block…… Listed under: LED Projects

1590. pic18f458 Microcontroller based Solar Recorder

The device used for measuring daily insolation has been developed. The device was built with a PIC18F458 and the
128MB Multimedia Memory Card, MMC. The solar radiation is measured by a calculator solar cell. The PIC chip
interfaces the MMC using SPI mode. The interval…… Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1591. PIC Based Speed Controller using PIC16C54

Introduction Real world applications often call for controlling small to medium sized DC motors from digital circuits.
For smaller motors it is usually economically infeasible to buy a commercial speed controller as the cost of the
controller will far outstrip the cost of the motor…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP)
Projects, Other Projects
1592. Stepper Motor Controller using pic16f628a

Since I finished my degree in April, I have been looking for work. The search has been slow but hopefully soon I will
be making the big bucks. To fill my spare time I decided to do something with the mounds of electronics and such……
Listed under: Motor Projects

1593. Make your own USB LCD controller using PIC18F2550

Hi everybody Ages and ages ago, I posted this and many people said they’d like a guide. So here it is! This is a guide
for making an LCD that connects to your computer using USB, primarily intended to be external. You can see
mine…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

1594. Intelligent NiCd/NiMH Battery Charger using PIC16C711

This cheap and easy to build NiCd/NiMH Battery Charger is suitable for automatically charging a wide range of
batteries for many applications. Proper chargers are usually expensive and cheap chargers supplied with the original
equipment often incorrectly charge the cells and dramatically shorten their life.…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Projects

1595. 2.5 GHz Frequency counter using PIC16F870

Background It is time to update the frequency counter again. A frequency counter is one of the most important
measuring tool we need as homebrewers of RF electronic. This frequency counter has very high performance and still
is very easy to build and to use.…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1596. Universal RC5/RC6 transceiver using PIC16F628

This project is an expansion from another project from this website. On the one side you can read the RC5, RC5X and
RC6 codes from remote controls on a LCD and on the other hand you can send all thinkable RC5, RC5X and RC6
codes…… Listed under: Projects, Radio Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1597. Universal Infrared Receiver using PIC16F84 and PIC12C508

The UIR is a device that enables you to control your PC with ANY remote controller you have (TV, VCR, CD or
Stereo). Original hardware & software was designed by Martinus & Ties Bos. You should check their site first. There it
was, now it…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects, Radio

1598. Darkroom Timer using PIC16F84 microcontroller

Source Code for PIC16F84 and CD4511 decoder Also, there is an updated version with NPN drivers replacing the
4511 and many new features by Brendon Archibald [websales] DARKROOM TIMER The purpose
of this project is to present a device that is useful and…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1599. IK3OIL 16F84 PIC Frequency Counter Files

Caption (copied from the NorCal meeting listed in the links below): IK3OIL Frequency counter built by Wayne
McFee. This is from IK3OIL’s web site, and the cost of the counter was about $2, minus the display, which was about
$7. Wayne got the source was…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

1600. Ir Light Dimmer v.1 adjusting lights with remote controller using PIC12F629

This is a device for adjusting lights in your home with any type of remote controller (tv, dvd, video,…). Today we are
using many devices in our homes to improve quality of our life and this is another example on how you can enhance
a…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Projects

1601. My GPS LCD Display Project using PIC16F84

This is a project that I started back late 2003 when I just starting to learn PIC programming. I wanted to building
something that actually did somthing useful. This project is based on a PIC16F84. I actually came up with this idea and
then after…… Listed under: GPS Based Projects, LCD Projects, Projects

1602. Simple RF/Microwave Frequency Counter using PIC16F876A

2. Counter The whole counter design is based on the PIC micro-controller 16F876A. The latter includes several
peripherals and just a few of them are used in this project. The most important in this project are two internal, hardware
counters/timers called TMR0 and TMR1. The…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector

1603. LCD Oscilloscope for Spectrum Analyzers using PIC16F876A

1. Spectrum-analyzer project 2007 update Since the development of the wide-band VCO almost 10 years ago, the
whole spectrum-analyzer project with all related accessories: tracking generator, harmonic converter, storage-
normalizer, marker counter and accessories developed by other experimenters (Darko S57UUD) have been published in many different……
Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1604. LM75 Temperature Sensor with 7 segment display output using PIC16F628

This is a test project built hastily on a solder less breadboard. It uses a LM75 to read the current temperature via I2C
and displays the result on three 7 segment displays. It uses a PIC16F628 with an internal 4 Mhz clock. The program
was…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects

1605. Medallion: Circle LED Animation PIC16F628A

This project uses the Simple LED Animation Kit (SLAK post or page) with the LEDs arranged in a circle around the
PIC16F628A. I decided to do this project after picking up some red SMD LEDs at HSC in Santa Clara, CA, last week.
Although the…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1606. DC motor speed control using PWM using PIC16F876

If you do not have EAGLE, you can download a full working version from CadSoftUSA
Here is a zip file with the EAGLE schematics and PCB layout. New !
Source code available C source code… requires CCS PCM compiler. PCM is available from…… Listed under: Motor
Projects, Projects, PWM Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1607. Caller Line Identification (CLI) using PIC16F628A

‘Caller Line Identification’ displays on a (2×16) LCD the phone number of the person who is ringing you, before you
even answer. When start up the first few seconds appears the version number in the display. Direct after programming
the PIC stays in TEST-mode. You…… Listed under: Phone Projects, Projects

1608. Serial Port Servo Controller using PIC16F84

Revision History 28 Jan, 2002 – Bug found in 8 Servo motor variant, refer to 8 servo code page for details. 28 Oct,
2001 – Serial Transfer Bug found. Dec, 2005 – This project is no longer supported. The information is here for you
to…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Motor Projects, Projects

1609. PIC Based Imaging Sonar using PIC16F84 microcontroller

I’ve wanted to build a sonar for a while now, and I was hoping to be able to do it with a design someone else had made,
but alas, I’ve never had much luck. I’ve done many searches of web pages, and all that ever…… Listed under:
Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects, Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

1610. Designing a PID Motor Controller using PIC16F876

Background From the first robot I ever made, I have always felt that when designing the motors, wheels and drive
train, it will almost always be important to know where you are – that is, to have some sort of encoder feedback. So the
first…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects

1611. Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) using PIC16F84 microcontroller

Background DDS stands for Direct-Digital Synthesis. This synthesizer is simply a circuit that can create a sine- wave
signal from a reference crystal and a programable frequency-register. All this circuit needs is a reference oscillator (crystal) and some filter. See
fig above: A crystal oscillator…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1612. DDS/PLL based VFO synthesizer using PIC16F876

DDS (Direct Digital Synthesized) VFO seems to be very popular among amateurs in last few years, mainly thanks to
cheap and easy available single-chip DDS synthesizers. There are plenty of different amateur designs, some of them
also available in a KIT form. They mostly use…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1613. Brushed Motor ESC using PIC12F675 microcontroller

Background There are a number of other projects that have been documented for brushed motor ESCs. The good
starting point for other ESCs is this rcgroups thread. The information in the Microchip AN847 is also very useful. Most
of these designs are very similar, the…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects

1614. GTP USB PIC PROGRAMMER (Open Source) using PIC18F252

GTP USB PIC PROGRAMMER (Open Source) This work includes, GTP USB (not plus or lite) . The schematic,
photos and PCB have been developed by PICMASTERS based on some valuable works done before. This programmer
supports pic10F, 12F, 16C, 16F, 18F,24Cxx Eeprom. Unfortunately, it works…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects,

1615. Countdown Timer using PIC16F84 microcontroller

It’s a kitchen timer. Use it to time spaghetti, or maybe an egg. It uses two PICs, one acts as a keyboard encoder, the
other drives the display and supports the timer functions. You key in the desired time and press ‘#’. It’s accurate to……
Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1616. Grid Powered Battery Charger – The Plans using PIC16F676

You get a really good feeling when you plug in some lights and appliances and power them with your own electricity
from the sun or wind. You get a really bad feeling when you run those items and the clouds come for days or
weeks…… Listed under: Battery Projects, Projects

1617. Infra/radio remote control transmitter/receiver with PIC16F630

description This is a general purpose remote control project with using programmable PIC microcontrollers.
Schematics are shown for using infrared (RF) or radio (RF) media. If you are not familiar with microcontroller
programming, you can use fixed encoder and decoder integrated circuits instead. Well-known such…… Listed under: Internet – Ethernet –
LAN Projects, Projects, Radio Projects

1618. NOPPP, the “No-Parts” PIC Programmer using PIC16F83

NOPPP is a simple programmer for PIC16C84, PIC16F83, and PIC16F84(A) microcontrollers. It attaches to the
parallel port of a PC. Plans were published in Electronics Now Magazine, September, 1998, and are included in shorter
form in the downloadable ZIP file. An article about this programmer…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

1619. Classic LED 7-Segment Displays using PIC16F887

Just recently I have been addicted to old LED displays as they are small and bright and I love the classic look. We can
see them in vintage calculators and vintage led watches. However these displays consume significant amount of power,
so they are not…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1620. PIC sound player (PCM to PWM converter) using PIC18F1320

Description This project makes a PIC microcontroller play audio PCM sounds using PWM modulation! Pulse-code
modulation (PCM) is a digital representation of an analog signal where the magnitude of the signal is sampled
regularly at uniform intervals, then quantized to a series of symbols in…… Listed under: Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1621. A 12hr/24hr LED Clock with display control using PIC16F628A microcontroller
This LED clock may not be the easiest to build but surely it is the one with fewer parts that you can find, for that
reason I call it “The ANP LED Clock”. (ANP stands for Almost No Parts.) Using the micro controller PIC
16F84A…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1622. A simple display that uses the POV to display messages in the air using PIC12F629 microcontroller

A simple rotating display. Just spin and enjoy. While the “Air display” is rotating, it writes the message on the air.
Because the “persistence of the vision”, you will be able to read the message. Here is the circuit: Download the HEX
file HEREProgram the…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1623. PicPOV – Persistence of Vision with a PIC18F1220

Description PicPOV is a project based on “persistence of vision”. A PIC microcontroller blinks 8 LEDs on and off so
that when waved through the air, a message appears to float in front of the viewer. Design and Implementation The
design goals were: be simple…… Listed under: LED Projects, Projects

1624. How to getting started with microcontrollers projects using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Microcontrollers are, basically, a computer in a single chip. It contains memory, processor, I/O ports (I/O =
Input/Output) and other periphericals. Can you believe a single chip does contain RAM, ROM, CPU, I/O Ports, timers
and other gadgets? It only needs a keyboard and display…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

1625. Candle Simulator using PIC12F675 microcontroller

Description The aim of this project is to create a credible simulation of the light of a candle. Candle light is usually
warm and waves slowly with random oscillations caused by the air flowing in the surrounding environment. Using a
random number generator to modulate…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects, Projects

1626. 7-Segment ASCII character Set A 127-character ASCII table for 7-segment LED or LCD displays using PIC16C84

Feedback / Suggestions
I started to develop what I call my “next generation of microcontroller projects” (I have to find a name for that), so I
needed a character set fully compatible with ASCII using only 7 segment displays. When I started to determine how
many characters and…… Listed under: LCD Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1627. Power Pic RGB with voltage control using PIC12F675

Power Pic RGB with voltage controlis a circuit that generates many colors using a RGB LED and those colors can be
changed using two independent voltages, supplied by some external device, in order to select the color (Hue) and its
intensity (Value)! The idea originally came…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1628. I2C keypad using PIC18F4550 microcontroller

I2C keypad This instructable explains how to interface with a 4×4 keypad over an I2C bus. I started this project
because I wanted some plug and play input and output modules for easy and fast prototyping of my electronics projects
(mostly with PIC microcontrollers). Of course you…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1629. LED Binary Clock using PIC16F628A microcontroller

LED Binary Clock This is the second revision of my PIC based LED binary clock. The original version was the first
PIC project I attempted, it used a PIC16F84A to do both the timekeeping and control the display matrix, unfortunately
it didn’t keep good enough…… Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1630. Parallel Port 3 Axis CNC Driver, Opto-Isolated, Unipolar Steppers using PIC16F876A microcontroller

Parallel Port 3 Axis CNC Driver, Opto-Isolated, Unipolar Steppers Controls 3 Unipolar Stepper Motors, for use with
CNC Machines. Simple driver with automatic coil shutdown, to ensure efficient operation. Opto-isolated for
protection of the P.C. Supports most parallel port based CNC software, such as KCAM.…… Listed under: Motor Projects, Projects

1631. Twitter Watcher, the #twatch using PIC18F67J60 microcontroller

The #twatch scrolls the latest trending topics from Twitter on an LCD screen. It’s a stand-alone network appliance that
stays updated without a PC. It was awesome to watch #iranelection, Michael Jackson, and other historic events scroll
by while we developed the #twatch. This Instructable…… Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects

1632. Frequency Detector using PIC 12F683 Processor

Frequency Detector using PIC 12F683 Processor This project describes hardware and software I have developed which
allows a small 8 bit PIC microprocessor to function as a single frequency detector or tone decoder. Such a circuit can
be used to detect the presence of a…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

1633. PWM Fan Controller using PIC12F675 microcontroller

PWM Fan Controller You can see the PWM Fan Controller project here. The heart of the PWM Fan Controller is a PIC
12F675 microcontroller. This microcontroller is reading the analog output of a LM35 temperature sensor using a ADC
(analog to digital converter) . The…… Listed under: Projects, PWM Projects

1634. Quick Key Adapter, 10 Button HID Keyboard using PIC18F14K50

Quick Key Adapter, 10 Button HID Keyboard This Instructable covers creating a USB connected Human Interface
Device Keyboard that has 10 button inputs which are mapped to key combinations in the firmware.
Key combinations can be quickly accessed without using the keyboard which may be inconvenient to use. Such as with
a…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1635. Augmenting a Microcontroller using PIC16F886

Augmenting a Microcontroller Microcontrollers (MCUs) are fantastic little ICs that give an extra element of versatility
to your electronics, robotics or other project. But they’re really not much use on their own. To function, all MCUs need
some sort of support components, and a board…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1636. Remote controlled led dice using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Feedback / Suggestions
Remote controlled led dice I’ve always wanted to build an electronic led dice, but something different from what we
see on the internet. Making it motion controlled… now that’s new! I make remote controlled led dice please share with
every one and like my projects…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects,
Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects

1637. ECG on your laptop using PIC16F876 microcontroller

ECG on your laptop! That’s right! This Instructable shows you how to build a device that enables you to do an
electrocardiogram on yourself, your family or your friends! All you need is intermediate-level knowledge on
electronics, access to Ye’ Ol’ Electronics Shoppe (or online…… Listed under: Medical – Health based Projects, Projects

1638. All pic programmer using 16F87X microcontroller

YOU Step 1: MICROCONTROLERS First something about microcontrolers: 1.Intro to microcontrolers 2 How…… Listed under:
Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

1639. PIC18F Based 6 Channel DMX Transmitter

PIC18F Based 6 Channel DMX Transmitter Based on AN1076 – “Using a PIC® Microcontroller for DMX512
Communication”. Modified and added to Microchip’s code to use 6 AdC Channels for 6 channels of DMX data and the
ability to offset its starting address via a 9-position DIP…… Listed under: Projects, Radio Projects

1640. 8×8 LED matrix using PIC16F690 microcontroller

8×8 LED matrix This instructable will show you how to make a 8×8 LED matrix in witch you can control evry single
LED and create your own patterns as long as they only need 64 pixels to show them in one color.Update 25.09.10 I’ve
added…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1641. MATLAB to PIC serial interface using PIC16F877 microcontroller

MATLAB to PIC serial interface some code to let MATLAB talk to a PIC16f877 via the serial port. This isn’t that hard
nor is it much code, but I spent a decent amount of time figuring it all out (starting from scratch), so I figured……
Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects

1642. 3x3x3 LED Cube using PIC16F690 microcontroller

3x3x3 LED Cube Here is my 3x3x3 LED Cube project. It runs using a PIC16F690. Along with the brief explanation of
how to make it, I have also included the .asm file for the PIC and a piece of software written in VB.NET that you……
Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1643. PIC development/testing board using PIC16F877 microcontroller

PIC development/testing board Here’s a PCB design for a bare bones PIC16F877 development board. All you need is a
4mhz crystal, two 22pf caps, one 4.7k resistor, and eight 470 ohm resistors, a 7805 regulator (not necessarily necessary,
read below), and some LEDs (you don’t…… Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects, Projects

1644. DTMF Touch Tone Decoder Using Microchip PIC Microprocessor using PIC12F683

DTMF Touch Tone Decoder Using Microchip PIC Microprocessor This project contains the details of using a
Microchip PIC12F683 8 bit microprocessor to detect DTMF tones. The completed program allows the processor to be
programmed with a string of DTMF tones to detect. If the programmed…… Listed under: Projects, Sensor –
Transducer – Detector Projects, Sound – Audio Projects

1645. Control a Hobby Servo using PIC18F2455 microcontroller

Use a PIC Microcontroller to Control a Hobby Servo This instructable describes how to integrate hobby servos (the
kind used in RC planes, cars, etc.) into your microcontroller projects. How Servos are Different from Regular Motors
In a regular DC motor, the amount of torque…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

Feedback / Suggestions
1646. How to make a Clap-Clap on / Clap-Clap Off switch circuit! using PIC10F222

How to make a Clap-Clap on / Clap-Clap Off switch circuit! Hi all! This instructable not only gives the reader the
information needed to create a clap-clap on/clap clap off switching circuit, but the logic used to make a hardware-only
clap-on, clap off circuit. More…… Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Projects

1647. DMX-512 RGB LED Wash Light Control Board using PIC16F688

DMX-512 RGB LED Wash Light Control Board A full featured driver board to control Red, Green, & Blue LEDs.
When paired with the correct output board, it can control any arrangement of LEDs. Common Cathode, Common
Anode, single color LEDs. From 1/8 watt LEDs to…… Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Home Automation Projects, Projects

1648. DC motor control with Joystick and PIC16F877A

DC motor control with Joystick and PIC16F877A This is one project that i’m doing, now I’m going to show how to do
it only for one motor, but i’m using and DEMUX to in the future use 4 motor. The project is simple, it uses…… Listed
under: Motor Projects, Projects

1649. Simple JDM PIC Programmer using PIC16f84A microcontroller

Simple JDM PIC Programmer I have built this project to burn my small PIC’s This is a serial programmer works on the
RS232 ( PC serial port ), known as JDM Programmer, thanks to the site which contains the
schematic and the programmer software.…… Listed under: Other Projects, Projects

1650. Mood vase using PIC12F683 microcontroller

Intro: Mood vase I’m a fan of LEDs, lots of LEDs. So here’s a slightly less crass way of using LEDs for decorative purposes. While this is by no
means a neat and polished solution, and probably not the first of its kind, however the…… Listed under: Home Automation Projects, LED
Projects, Projects
1651. 48 Channel Mono / 16 Channel RGB LED Controller using PIC18F2550 microcontroller

48 Channel Mono / 16 Channel RGB LED Controller The 48 Channel Mono/16 Channel RGB LED Controller by
Chromation Systems can be used to independantly control 48 groups/channels (up to 120ma per group) of mono-color
LEDs or 16 groups/channels of common anode RGB LEDs. It…… Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -
ISP) Projects, LED Projects, Projects

1652. Pic 16F676 ICSP programing socket for the PICkit 2 programer

Pic 16F676 ICSP programing socket for the PICkit 2 programer I’m trying to build this dual DC motor module for my
robot project And I did not have the space for placing an ICSP pin header on the PCB. So i quickly mocked up
this…… Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects

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