Magino Project Environmental Impact Statement Technical Support Document 20-5 Waste Management Plan
Magino Project Environmental Impact Statement Technical Support Document 20-5 Waste Management Plan
Magino Project Environmental Impact Statement Technical Support Document 20-5 Waste Management Plan
Magino Project
Environmental Impact Statement
Table of Contents
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Waste Management Plan
EIS Technical Support Document 20-5
January 2017
The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance to Prodigy personnel and Contractors on
management of miscellaneous non-hazardous waste generated on the Magino Site during the
Life of the Project.
Prodigy’s waste management approach focuses on the implementation of the three “R”s
(Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) as defined by the Ministry of Environment.
The basic legislative framework for waste management is defined in the Environmental Protection
Act Part V and the regulatory requirements for the design and operation of waste disposal sites
are included in Regulation 347. For new or expanding landfilling sites, these regulatory
requirements are superseded by Regulation 232/98.
Regulation 347 provides definitions of waste management terms, defines different classes of
waste, and provides standards for the design and operation of landfilling sites (other than new or
expanding landfilling sites now covered by Regulation 232/98) and other waste management
The landfill standards contained in Regulation 232/98 include requirements for design, operation,
closure, post-closure care and financial assurance. The standards apply to all new (i.e.
non-hazardous) waste landfilling sites larger than 40,000 cubic metres. The standards cover
issues such as:
• design specifications for groundwater protection including a site specific design option
and two generic design options;
• the assessment of groundwater and surface water conditions;
• design requirements for buffer areas, final cover design, surface water and landfill gas
control, and the preparation of a site design report;
• operation and monitoring requirements for site preparation, groundwater and surface
water monitoring, daily cover, record keeping and reporting, requirements for a leachate
contingency plan;
• site closure and post-closure care provisions; and
• financial assurance requirements for private sector landfills.
Regulation 232/98 requires that a design report be prepared for a landfilling site. This report will
be provided once approvals for the Magino Project are obtained.
The burning of municipal waste at a landfilling site is prohibited except for the controlled burning of
small quantities of clean wood and brush at some sites. Guidance on burning is provided in
Ministry Guideline C-7 “Burning at Landfill Sites”.
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Waste Management Plan
EIS Technical Support Document 20-5
January 2017
Waste Segregation: Segregation of all waste streams by type or category will avoid potentially
undesirable combined effects and will facilitate the reuse, recycling, recovery and/or disposal of
the various wastes. All waste categories will be evaluated and the principle of the following four
R’s applied:
• Reduction Initiatives: Reducing the raw material consumption is the first step to reduce
waste generation. To practice this principle all processes and material used will be
evaluated on the basis of possible reduction in raw material usage;
• Reuse Initiatives: Reuse of the material in other applications and /or by other parties is
routinely examined by using the waste materials exchange;
• Recycling Initiatives: Recycling is the next option considered for the successful
management of the waste streams;
• Recovery Initiatives: Recovery of usable material or energy as a by-product is a part of
the four R’s of the waste minimization process. For example, redistributing waste heat
from generators to heat buildings is a process of recovery of energy from waste; and
• Disposal: Disposal is the final option when the four R’s are no longer applicable or
To the extent practicable, sorting will take place at the source and the sorted waste will be stored
at the site’s waste transit station.
Contractors at the site are required to manage the waste generated from their activities in a
manner compatible with Prodigy’s waste management plan. Instructions on waste management
are provided to Contractors in the Construction Environmental Protection Plan (TSD 20-6).
Recyclable waste consists mostly of metal containers, glass products, scrap metal, used
equipment and machinery. Quantities of these materials shipped off site for recycling will be
recorded. Handling of recycled waste will include:
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Waste Management Plan
EIS Technical Support Document 20-5
January 2017
Only clean wood waste and stumps from grubbing and clearing will be disposed of at the burn
A control burn, under the supervision of Prodigy’s environmental coordinator will be made
whenever sufficient combustible waste is accumulated and weather conditions are favorable.
Prodigy will operate its own landfill site in accordance with the requirements of O.Reg 232/98. The
landfill operation manual will be prepared once Project approval is obtained.
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