Hired Swords - Imperial Assassin & Tilean Marksman (Show Me The Money)

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Show me the Money

The taverns in the settlements around Mordheim make good recruitment centres
for warriors to sell their services to the highest bidder. Here, Mark Havener describes
two more Hired Swords that can be recruited by your warband.

Imperial Assassin use a blackpowder weapon as such devices are far too
conspicuous in their use for someone in his profession.

40 gold crowns to hire + 20 gold crowns upkeep Poisoner: Assassins specialize in the use of poisons. The
Assassin starts each game with his weapons poisoned with
Politics is a dangerous game and not all dangers are found either Black Lotus or Dark Venom. The controlling player
on the battlefield. The Assassin specializes in removing decides which poison the Assassin is armed with before the
‘obstacles’ with discretion. He will hire himself out to the game starts, and this poison does not need to be traded for.
highest bidder and satisfaction is guaranteed. The Assassin And no, the Assassin cannot poison other warband members’
calmly dispatches his rather distasteful duties with weapons, nor will he loan his out!
fastidiousness and finesse. In between jobs, such a man will
often join a wandering warband in order to hone his skills; Skills: An Assassin may choose from Combat, Speed,
assassination is not a profession for the slow or dull-witted! Shooting skills or Unstoppable Charge from the Strength
skills list when he gains a new skill. He may also choose from
May Be Hired: Any warband except Witch Hunters, Sisters of the special Assassin skills below.
Sigmar, Orcs & Goblins or Skaven may hire the Assassin.
Rating: An Imperial Assassin increases the warband’s rating ASSASSIN SKILLS
by +22 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has. Backstabber: The Assassin specializes in attacking his targets
when their back is turned. The Assassin may charge an
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld opponent he cannot see (he knows you’re there!) as long as
Assassin 4 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 the target model is within his charge reach. If he does this, he
surprises his opponent and receives a +1 to hit him with all
Weapons/Armour: Sword, dagger, throwing daggers and a
attacks and any rolls on the Serious Injuries chart are at +1.
crossbow pistol.
This bonus lasts for the first round of combat only, as his
opponent will swiftly recover his wits if he survives the initial
Weapons Master: The Assassin is a master of weapons and
may use any weapon he finds. You may purchase weapons for Hide in Shadows: The Assassin can blend into the shadows
the Assassin just as you would for any other member of your so that his opponents will not see him. As long as he is within
warband. However, unlike other members of your warband, 1" of a wall or other linear obstacle (hedge, fence, well, etc),
any weapon you give an Assassin is his to keep – he will not opposing models must pass an Initiative test in order to
give it to another warband member later. In addition, charge or shoot at him.
although he knows how to use them, an Assassin will never

An Imperial Assassin hides in the shadows

ready to attack his next victim. We’ve used
one of the Duellists from Vespero’s Vendetta
to represent the Assassin, but you can
choose whichever model you like best!

Tilean Marksman A Tilean Marksman leads the Marienburger Archers
in an ambush on a Skaven warband. We’ve used
Maximilian Damark from the Marksmen of
30 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns upkeep Miragliano to represent the Marksman.
The Empire is not the only place that breeds mercenaries.
The constant warring among the city-states of Tilea provides
many opportunities for a man who knows how to use a
weapon. Still, sometimes the fighting dies down in Tilea and
many of these mercenaries are forced to seek employment in
other lands. Many of these temporarily unemployed
mercenaries have heard of the trouble brewing in Mordheim
and have come seeking a new patron.
May Be Hired: Any warband except Skaven, Orcs or Undead
may hire the Tilean Marksman.
Rating: A Tilean Marksman increases the warband’s rating by
+16 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Weapons/Armour: Light armour, sword, dagger and
Steady Hands: The Tilean Marksman’s aim never wavers. He
ignores ‘to hit’ modifiers for long range when shooting his
Dead Eye Shot: The Marksman has the eyes of an eagle and
can hit the smallest target. He ignores ‘to hit’ modifiers for
cover when shooting his crossbow.
Skills: A Tilean Marksman may choose from Shooting skills
when he gains a new skill.

“And I say we were here first; you’d better leave!” gentlemen want to force us to leave. Convince them that
we should stay.”
The argument had been going for a solid fifteen
minutes, with neither party budging from their position. “RONCH SMASH!” bellowed the Ogre. He threw the
Reinhold stooped to press his face close to his scarlet- remnants of the crossbow across the room and brought
faced adversary, the leader of the Dwarf warband. up his enormous sword preparing to cut the ex-
Dwarfs were infamous for their stubbornness, and this crossbowman in two. His poor victim was frozen in
individual seemed to be out to prove that his reputation shock, and could do nothing to stop his fate.
was well founded. Both warband leaders had warriors
scattered throughout the ruins of the big hall. Fortunately for him, he didn’t need to, for in the next
Crossbows were nocked and aimed on both sides, and instant the Ogre froze, a look of shock and horror fixed
the stress was showing on several of the human faces. to his face. The creature’s mouth moved slowly, but no
The Dwarfs seemed strangely calm. sound escaped. Then the hulking brute toppled forward
and fell face down into the dust that covered the floor.
Suddenly the door burst open, slamming one of the Out of his back protruded a dagger.
members of Reinhold’s band into the wall. Through the
doorway, barely able to enter the room because of his Standing in the doorway was a man, somewhat smaller
incredible bulk, strode an Ogre mercenary. The creature than average in height, with nondescript looks and the
stopped as soon as it was fully in the room. It was barest hint of a smile on his face. He would have looked
indeed a frightening sight, and the man to the Ogre’s like any nobleman’s foppish son, if it were not for the
left scarcely reacted when the monster grabbed the utilitarian look to his night-black clothing and the utter
crossbow from his hands and crushed it in a huge fist. lack of emotion in his eyes.

“Ah, there you are Ronch!” cried the Dwarf warband “Miss me?” asked Dirk, the assassin that Reinhold had
leader, a smile springing into his normally dour hired. The warband leader just smiled. It looked like
features, “I was wondering when you’d get here. These they would get to stay after all...


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