She was a child of privilege, and took the mantle of power from her father Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto, the fiery and magnetic founder of the Pakistan People's Party, who himself would
become a martyr for democracy when he was executed in 1979 by the military dictatorship of
General Zia ul Haq. She inherited her bearing and physical presence from her mother Nusrat
Ispahan, from a distinguished Kurdish family from Iran. Educated at Radcliffe and Harvard,
she would also study law at Oxford. Her family and close Western friends knew her as
As a Muslim woman leader, Bhutto was almost an iconic figure in the West. But her actual
career in office was one of great populist spectacles and little governmental achievement. It
was a personna she parlayed. "I am not one of those leaders who sell lies and buy time," she
told TIME in the mid-1990s. "No leader, no dictator could do what I have done."
However, in the final analysis, her career was an almost tawdry cycle of exile, house arrest,
ascent into power and dismissal, much sound and fury and signifying little. Jailed and then
exiled after her father's fall, Bhutto returned to campaign for office in 1986 after Zia's military
government gave in to international pressure to slowly restore democracy. (Despite his
dictatorship, Zia was a key ally of the West, supporting the Mujaheddin against the Soviet
occupation of Afghanistan.) In a scene reminiscent of her second coming in October 2007,
she was greeted in April 1986 by hundreds of thousands of frenzied supporters, who
enveloped her motorcade and staged a daylong demonstration that was the largest display in
memory of discontent with Zia's government. "Zia is a dog," chanted the demonstrators again
and again. "We love Benazir."
Zia's death in a plane crash in August 1988 helped to further loosen the military strictures
around the country, and Bhutto became Prime Minister by December of that year. As a ruler,
Bhutto got few favorable reviews in Pakistan. Her government passed no legislation except a
budget during its first 14 months in power. Much of its energy was squandered feuding with
the opposition. Among the first acts of Bhutto's party after coming to power was a campaign
to bribe and threaten legislators in Punjab. The goal: to overthrow Bhutto's nemesis, Mian
Nawaz Sharif, Punjab's chief minister, a wealthy industrialist and a close associate of Zia's.
Worse yet, her Cabinet stank with corruption scandals, including allegations against her
husband Asif Ali Zardari and her father-in-law Hakim Ali Zardari, who was chairman of the
parliamentary public-accounts committee. With so much fractiousness and scandal, Bhutto's
first government lasted only until August 1990, dismissed by the country's President for
"horse-trading for personal gain." Soon after, in November 1990, Nawaz Sharif, campaigning
on an anti-corruption platform, became Prime Minister.
Bhutto returned to power in 1993, after Sharif was felled by his own corruption scandal.
"This is my victory. It is a clear and decisive victory," she declared after a bitter name-calling
campaign between herself and Sharif. But despite her claims, she did not have a working
majority in parliament and had to wobble through her next few years in office as head of a
fractious coalition, beholden to contentious blocs of power. At the same time, Pakistan owed
huge amounts to the International Monetary Fund as part of servicing its enormous $28.6
billion in foreign debts. Bhutto had raised taxes, which raised the level of discontent in the
country. But even so, her government did not collect enough revenue. In an effort to appease
the IMF, Bhutto gave up the finance portfolio she had held since retaking the government.
"The debt servicing is breaking our backs — debt that I didn't incur," she told TIME. "But as
Prime Minister, I have to pay it back." Rumors soon spread that her government would be
dismissed. "Rubbish," she said. But that is exactly what happened. Soon, Nawaz Sharif was
Prime Minister again.
And that is where Bhutto's final chapter picks up — as the popularity of the Musharraf regime
collapses and the world looks warily at the future of Pakistan and the threat of radicalism. In
exile once again and with corruption charges against her, Bhutto struck a deal with Musharraf,
who was under pressure to restore democracy. Washington smiled on it and Bhutto, now
anointed as the West's favorite to restore democratic credibility to a moderate Pakistani
government, returned to retake what she always believed was hers. Thousands showed up to
welcome her and more than 100 died when that welcome-back parade was attacked by still
unknown bombers. The last quarter of 2007 was filled with political maneuverings between
herself, Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif, who had also returned from exile. After one more stint
under house arrest while Musharraf imposed a brief emergency rule, she seemed set for
another triumph at the polls. But in the end, the violent cycle of Pakistani politics claimed
another victim. And once and for all, Benazir Bhutto will rally people to her cause without
being able to deliver on its promise.